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02806: [DANCE]. [CONCANEN, Edward, et al] - Read's Characteristic National Dances;
05478: ACKERMANN, Rudolph; COMBE, William; PUGIN, Augustus; ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Microcosm of London; or, London in Miniature, the
05471: ACKERMANN, Rudolph; PUGIN, Augustus Charles, artist; COMBE, William - History of the Colleges of Winchester, Eton, and Westminster, the
03949: ACKERMANN, Rudolph - Characters in the Grand Fancy Ball Given by the British Ambassador Sir Henry Wellesley, at Vienna, at the Conclusion of the Carnival 1826;
03945: ACKERMANN, Rudolph - Characters in the Grand Fancy Ball Given by the British Ambassador Sir Henry Wellesley, at Vienna, at the Conclusion of the Carnival 1826;
05391: ADAM, Victor; BECQUET FRERES, lithographers - La Foire Aux Idées
05380: ADAM, Victor; MOREL-FATIO, Antoine Léon, illustrator; MIDY, Th[omas] - Les Frères D'Armes
05396: ADAM, Victor - Panidochème Ou Toutes Sortes de Voitures
05980: ADAM, Victor - Fetes Des Environs de Paris
05978: ADAM, Victor - Un an de la Vie D Un Jeune Homme
04374: ADAM, Albert; ROSTAING, Jules - Jardin Des Plantes En Estampes, le
05390: ADAM, Victor - La Foire Aux Idées
05535: ADAM, Victor - Un an de la Vie D'Un Jeune Homme
05998: ADAM, Victor - Scènes Militaires
04860: ADAM, Albert - Tribulations Parisiennes Et Campagnardes
05698: ADAM, Victor; VILLEGAS, José - Album Militar
05603: ADAM, Victor - Collection Des Costumes Militaires, Armée Francaise 1832
05952: ADAM, Victor - Album de Sainte-Pélagie, Prison de la Dette
05515: PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM; ALTEMUS & CO - Photographic Album, the
02535: ALDRIDGE, Alan - Sir Maximus Mouse
05458: ALEXANDER, William - Costume of the Russian Empire, the
03460: ALEXANDER, William - Costume of the Russian Empire, the
04958: ALEXANDER, William; MOLEVILLE, Bertrande de - Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Austrians
05805: ALFRED, Henry J. - Views on the Thames. .
05103: ALKEN, Henry - Set of Six Plates on Fox Hunting, A.
05806: ALKEN, Henry - Beauties & Defects in the Figure of the Horse: , the
05896: ALKEN, Henry - Grand Leicestershire Steeple Chase
02701: ALKEN, Henry; TALLY-HO, Ben - Military Discoveries
04600: ALKEN, Henry - Sporting Notions
05809: ALKEN, Henry - Coursing
05888: ALKEN, Henry - Qualified Horses and Unqualified Riders
05113: ALKEN, Henry; SUTHERLAND, T. - [Shooting]
03351: ALKEN, Henry - Fox Hunting
05599: ALKEN, Henry - Sporting Discoveries, or the Miseries of Shooting in a Series of Seven Plates
05913: ALKEN, Henry - Touch at the Fine Arts, A.
05892: ALKEN, Henry - Specimens of Riding Near London
02543: ALKEN, Henry; NIMROD; APPERLEY, Charles J. - Life of a Sportsman, the
03363: ALKEN, Henry - National Sports of Great Britain, the
05108: ALKEN, Henry; HULLMANDEL, Charles Joseph, lithogr - [the Right Sort, Six Coloured Plates Drawn by Henry Alken, Printed by C. Hullmandel]
05128: ALKEN, Henry - Ackermann's Sporting Scraps
05810: ALKEN, Henry - Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man
05137: ALKEN, Henry; ARMSTRONG, William Henry; ACKERMANN, Rudolph, publisher - Gretna-Green Bolt-a, the
02263: ALKEN, Henry - Scraps from the Sketch-Book of Henry Alken
01689: ALKEN, Henry - Specimens of Riding Near London
05688: ALKEN, Henry; SURTEES, Robert S. - Analysis of the Hunting Field, the
05695: ALKEN, Henry - Alken's New Sketch Book
05811: ALKEN, Henry - Hunting Recollections
05670: ALKEN, Henry; EGERTON, Daniel Thomas - Melange of Humour, the
05889: ALKEN, Henry; SUTHERLAND, Thomas - Set of Seven Plates on Fox Hunting, A.
05814: ALKEN, Henry - [Thoughts While Fox Hunting]
05816: ALKEN, Henry - Fores's Hunting Sketches
05815: ALKEN, Henry - Fores's Hunting Accomplishments
02541: ALKEN, Henry, illustrator -- [APPERLEY, Charles James] NIMROD; APPERLEY, C.J. - Memoirs of the Life of the Late John Mytton, Esq
02537: ALKEN, Henry - Tutor's Assistant
04095: ALKEN, Henry - British Proverbs
01902: ALKEN, Henry - Scraps from the Sketch-Book of Henry Alken
05808: ALKEN, Henry - Illustrations to Popular Songs
02859: ALKEN, Henry, illustrator -- [APPERLEY, Charles James]; NIMROD; APPERLEY, C.J. - Memoirs of the Life of the Late John Mytton, Esq. Of Halston, Shropshire
05898: ALKEN, Henry; APPERLEY, C.J. - Memoirs of the Life of the Late John Mytton, Esq
05624: ALKEN, Henry - Fashion & Folly, or the Buck's Pilgrimage
03001: ALKEN, Henry - Illustrations to Popular Songs
05600: ALKEN, Henry - Ideas, Accidental and Incidental to Hunting and Other Sports;
02540: ALKEN, Henry, illustrator -- [APPERLEY, Charles James]; NIMROD; APPERLEY, C.J. - Memoirs of the Life of the Late John Mytton, Esq. Of Halston, Shropshire
03265: ALKEN, Henry - Moments of Fancy and Whim by Henry Alken
02542: [ALKEN, Henry, illustrator]; NIMROD; APPERLEY, Charles J. - Chace, the Turf, and the Road, the
05106: ALKEN, Henry - National Sports of Great Britain, the
05097: ALKEN, Henry; NIMROD; APPERLEY, Charles J. - Life of a Sportsman, the
02590: ALKEN, Henry; EGAN, Pierce, imitation of; HEATH, William, illustrator - Real Life in Ireland;
04814: ALKEN, Henry - Hunting Recollections
05893: ALKEN, Henry - Moments of Fancy and Whim by Henry Alken
05781: ALLEN, Harvey - Anthony Adverse
04213: ANDREWS, James; TWAMLEY, Louisa Anne - Flora's Gems: Or, the Treasures of the Parterre
04947: ANGAS, George French - Kafirs Illustrated, the
05875: ARLEN, Harold; JABLONSKI, Edward - Harold Arlen. Happy with the Blues
01948: [DECORATIVE ARTS] - [in Japanese]. Setsu Kushi Hinagata [Patterns of Miniature Combs]
05733: ASPIN, Jehoshaphat - Naval and Military Exploits Which Have Distinguished the Reign of George the Third, the
05767: ATHENAEUS - Athenaei Dipnosophistarum Sive Coenae Sapientum Libri XV
05671: ATKINSON, John Augustus - Sixteen Scenes Taken from the Miseries of Human Life. By One of the Wretched
05604: ATKINSON, John Augustus; WALKER, James - Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the Russians, A.
05381: AUBRY, Charles; CHAZAL; BELLANGÉ; PIGAL - Album Comique de Pathologie Pittoresque
02310: AUBRY, Charles; BOILLY, Louis Leopold; [SCHEFFER, Jean-Gabriel] J.S. - Les Jeux de L'Enfance [with] Recueil de Cinquante Scenes de Grisetes [with] Recueil Des Scènes Familiéres, Et de Société de Paris [with] Les Sept Péchés Capital [with] Miscellaneous Prints
02129: [AUTOMATON] - ["the Tailor and His Two Apprentices"]
05045: BALLANTYNE, Robert Michael - Coral Island, the: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean. .
05337: BARIC, [Jules Jean Antoine] - Les Autrichiens En Italie
04967: BARIC, Jules Jean Antoine - Ou Diable L'Esprit Va-T-IL Se Nicher
05422: NUMA (pseudonym of Pierre-Numa BASSAGET); BASSAGET, Pierre-Numa - Le Tohu-Bohu Plaisant
05429: NUMA (pseudonym of Pierre-Numa BASSAGET); BASSAGET, Pierre-Numa - La Guirlande Choix de Danses a Caractère de Tous Les Pays
05763: BATEMAN, Thomas - A Practical Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases
05819: BAUM, Vicki; HERSHOLT, Jean - Grand Hotel
00088: BAWDEN, Edward; Bliss, Douglas Percy; [PENDOMER PRESS] - Edward Bawden
05732: BAYNTUN, binders; EGAN, Pierce (imitation); ALKEN Henry - Real Life in London;
04619: BEAUMONT, Charles-Édouard de - Au Bal Masqué
05309: BEAUMONT, Charles-Édouard de - Les Vésuviennes [and] Quartier de la Boule Rouge [and] la Guerre Des Femmes [and] Fariboles [and] Au Bal Masqué [and] Les Jolies Femmes de Paris
05256: BEAUMONT, Charles-Édouard de - Les Vésuviennes
05459: VENETIAN BINDING; BOOK OF HOURS - Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis S. Pii V. Pontificis Maximi
03272: BLAGDON, Francis Wiliam; MORLAND, George - Authentic Memoirs of the Late George Morland
05843: BOBBIN, Timothy (pseudonym of John Collier); COLLIER, John - The Passions Humourously Delineated
04773: BOILLY, Louis-Léopold - Boilly's Humorous Designs
02545: BOILLY, Louis-Léopold - Boilly's Humorous Designs
05453: BOILLY, Louis-Léopold - Recueil de Sujets Moraux
05461: BOILLY, Louis-Léopold - Recueil de Grimaces
05849: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE - Carnet D'Un Voyageur
04830: BOUCHOT, Frédéric - Ce Que Parler Veut Dire
05530: BOUCHOT, Frédéric - Tribulations de la Garde Nationale
05273: BOUCHOT, Frédéric; MONNIER, Henri - Recueil de Caricatures
04775: BOYS, Thomas Shotter - Picturesque Architecture in Paris, Ghent, Antwerp, Rouen &C
03972: BRES, Jean Pierre - Simples Histoires Trouvees Dans Un Pot Au Lait
05900: BRETON, William Henry - Scandinavian Sketches, or a Tour in Norway. .
00184: [SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS]; Brontë, Charlotte; Brontë, Emily; Brontë, Anne - Shakespeare Head Brontë, the
05818: [BROWNE, H.K.]; PHIZ - Run with the Stag-Hounds by Phiz, A.
05817: [BROWNE, H.K.]; PHIZ - How Pippins Enjoyed the Day with Fox-Hounds
05433: BRUNTON, Violet, illustrator; WILSON, Romer - Silver Magic
03527: BULL, René, illustrator; Mérimée, Prosper; Johnson, A.E. - Carmen
02549: BUNBURY, Henry; GAMBADO, Geoffrey - Annals of Horsemanship
00852: BUNYAN, John; Bayntun - Pilgrim's Progress, the
05446: BURCKHARDT, Caspar - [Six Fine Hand Colored Aqautint Plates of Neuchatel, Switzerland]
05673: BURNEY, Fanny; HEATH, William, illustrator - Evelina: Or Female Life in London
03346: BURY, T[homas T[albot] - Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway
05842: [BUSBY, Thomas Lord, illustrator] - The Fishing Costume and Local Scenery of Hartlepool
04157: LE CAIN, Errol; BRICUSSE, Leslie - An Original Pen, Ink and Monotone Drawing from "Christmas 1993 or Santa's Last Ride.
04153: LE CAIN, Errol; BRICUSSE, Leslie - An Original Pen, Ink and Monotone Drawing from "Christmas 1993 or Santa's Last Ride.
04156: LE CAIN, Errol; BRICUSSE, Leslie - An Unused/Unpublished Original Pen, Ink and Monotone Drawing from "Christmas 1993 or Santa's Last Ride.
04154: LE CAIN, Errol; BRICUSSE, Leslie - An Original Pen, Ink and Monotone Drawing from "Christmas 1993 or Santa's Last Ride.
04152: LE CAIN, Errol; BRICUSSE, Leslie - An Original Watercolor Painting from "Christmas 1993 or Santa's Last Ride.
04155: LE CAIN, Errol; BRICUSSE, Leslie - An Original Black and White Silhouette Drawing from "Christmas 1993 or Santa's Last Ride.
04908: LE CAIN, Errol; BRICUSSE, Leslie - An Original Black and White Silhouette Drawing from "Christmas 1993 or Santa's Last Ride.
05572: COMPTE-CALIX, Francois Claudius - Keepsake de Costumes, le
05858: CANIFF, Milton - Terry and the Pirates
05838: CAPRA, Frank; SCHERLE, Victor LEVY, William T. - Films of Frank Capra, the
02297: CARELESS, John [pseudonym]; RIVIÉRE & SON; [CHATTO, William Andrew] - Old English 'Squire, the
02557: CARELESS, John [pseudonym].; [CHATTO, William Andrew] - Old English 'Squire, the
05027: CARLONI, Marco; SMUGLIEWICZ, Franciszek BRENNA, Vincenzo - Domus Aureus. Plate # 9
05028: CARLONI, Marco; SMUGLIEWICZ, Franciszek BRENNA, Vincenzo - Domus Aureus. Plate # 41
05030: CARLONI, Marco; SMUGLIEWICZ, Franciszek BRENNA, Vincenzo - Domus Aureus. Plate # 15
05029: CARLONI, Marco; SMUGLIEWICZ, Franciszek BRENNA, Vincenzo - Domus Aureus. Plate # 16
05901: CENNI, Quinto - L'Esercito D'Oltre Mare
02555: CHALON, J[ohn] J[ames] - Twenty Four Subjects Exhibiting the Costume of Paris
05607: CHALON, J[ohn] J[ames] - Twenty Four Subjects Exhibiting the Costume of Paris
02459: [GOGMAGOG PRESS]; CHAMBERS, David; FRANKLIN, Colin; TUCKER, Alan - Gogmagog
05610: CHARPENTIER, (H[enri Désiré]) - Recueil Des Costumes de la Bretagne & Des Autres Contrées de la France
05881: CHASE, Mary; HAYES, Helen - Mrs. Mcthing, a Play. .
05902: CHATAIGNIER, Alexis - Neuestes Costüme Der Staatsbeamten Der Republik Frankreich Nach Dem Befehl Des Ersten Consuls Bonaparte
01362: [CHATTERTON, Thomas] - Poems
05173: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; CLARKE, Joseph Clayton; GOLDSMITH, Oliver; COLLINS, William - Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. , the
05945: SPACE EXPLORATION; CLARKE, Arthur C. - First on the Moon
03474: CLOUGH, Arthur Hugh - Poems
02494: [LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB] - Quarto-Millenary
05285: COMBA, Pierre-Paul - Le Bout de L'Oreille
02669: COMBE, William, after; RIVIÈRE & SON - Adventures of Doctor Comicus or the Frolicks of Fortune
05885: COWARD, Noël; LAMB, Max - Present Indicative
03680: CRANE, Hart; LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB; BENSON, Richard, photographer; COWLEY, Malcolm, introduction - Bridge, the
04350: CRANE, Walter, illustrator - Triplets: Comprising the Baby's Opera, the Baby's Bouquet, and the Baby's Own ÆSop
00827: CROFT, Peter John - Autograph Poetry in the English Language
05625: CRUIKSHANK, George, illustrator; CRUIKSHANK, I.R., illustrator; LANE, Theodore, illustrator - Attorney-General's Charges Against the Late Queen, the
02756: CRUIKSHANK, Robert, illustrator; MATHEWS, Charles - Sketches of Mr. Mathews's Celebrated Trip to Paris
05578: CRUIKSHANK, George - History of the Manners and Customs of the Cossacks, the
05580: CRUIKSHANK, George - Jubilee of 1809, the
05731: CRUIKSHANK, George - Comic Almanack, the, for 1835[-1853]
05583: CRUIKSHANK, George - Improved Art of Riding, the
04098: CRUIKSHANK, George - Humourist, the
04316: CRUIKSHANK, George; BLANCHARD, Laman; BIRDSALL, binder - George Cruikshank's Omnibus
04441: CRUIKSHANK, George; BEDFORD, Francis, binder - George Cruikshank's Fairy Library
05634: CRUIKSHANK, George - Glass and the New Crystal Palace, the
05556: CRUIKSHANK, George; PITMAN, Ambrose - Miseries of Musick-Master, the
05632: CRUIKSHANK, George; FISHER, J.B. - Poetical Rhapsodies
05636: CRUIKSHANK, Robert; WESTMACOTT, Charles - Points of Misery; or Fables for Mankind
05654: CRUIKSHANK, George - British Regalities. The Coronation Reporter;
05554: CRUIKSHANK, George; MERLE, William Henry - Odds and Ends. In Prose and Verse
02573: CRUIKSHANK, George; LAMOTTE-FOUQUÉ (Friederich H.C. Baron de - Peter Schlemihl
05649: CRUIKSHANK, Robert; TAYLOR, John - Monsieur Tonson
05655: CRUIKSHANK, George - Comic Blackstone, the
05659: CRUIKSHANK, George; SMOLLETT, Tobias - Adventures of Sir Lancelot Greaves, the
05661: CRUIKSHANK, George - The Cruikshankian Momus. 'Let Momus Rule the Day'
05569: CRUIKSHANK, George; AINSWORTH, William Harrison - Windsor Castle [&] St. James's, or the Court of Queen Anne
05646: CRUIKSHANK, George; MERLE, William Henry - Odds and Ends in Prose and Verse
06009: CRUIKSHANK, George, illustrator; KOSEWITZ, W.F. von (pseud.) - Eccentric Tales
04690: CRUIKSHANK, George, artist - [Cruikshank's Fairy Library]
03846: CRUIKSHANK, George, illustrator; ROSCOE, Thomas - Tales of Humour, Gallantry, & Romance
05642: CRUIKSHANK, George; CERVANTES, Miguel de - Illustrations of Don Quixote
05575: CRUIKSHANK, George; MAYHEW, Henry; MAYHEW, Augustus - Whom to Marry and How to Get Married!
05588: CRUIKSHANK, George; HARCOURT, John - Original Jests
05637: CRUIKSHANK, George; GLASCOCK, William Nugent - Land Sharks and Sea Gulls
05589: CRUIKSHANK, George; THACKERAY, (William Makepeace) - An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank
05508: CRUIKSHANK, George; ZAEHNSDORF, binder - George Cruikshank's Fairy Library. Cinderella and the Glass Slipper. Edited and Illustrated with Ten Subjects, Designed and Etched on Steel, by George Cruikshank
05574: CRUIKSHANK, George; MOGRIDGE, George - Sergeant Bell, and His Raree-Show
05674: CRUIKSHANK, Robert; [ROWLANDSON, Thomas, illustrator]; BLACKMANTLE, Bernard; WESTMACOTT, Charles Molloy - English Spy, the
02579: CRUIKSHANK, Robert - Cruikshank's Trip to Greenwich Fair
04315: CRUIKSHANK, George; JERROLD, Blanchard - Life of George Cruikshank in Two Epochs, the
04524: CRUIKSHANK, George; CRUIKSHANK, Robert - Lovers' Panorama, the
04311: CRUIKSHANK, George, illustrator; CAREY, David - Life in Paris
05647: CRUIKSHANK, George; CRUIKSHANK, Robert - Poetical Effusions, from Celebrated Authors
05558: CRUIKSHANK, George - Humourist, the
05639: CRUIKSHANK, George; CHAMEROVZOW, Louis Alexis - Yule Log, the
05644: CRUIKSHANK, George; MAXWELL, William Hamilton - History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798;
02338: [CRUIKSHANKIANA] - Four Original Watercolors in the Manner of George Cruikshank
00394: ROYAL BINDING; Cunningham, J.W. - Velvet Cushion, the
02586: DAGLEY, Richard - Takings; or, the Life of a Collegian
02287: DAGLEY, Richard; GASPEY, Thomas - Takings; or, the Life of a Collegian
05723: DAHL, Roald - Kiss Kiss
05724: DAHL, Roald - Someone Like You
05999: DAMOURETTE, Ed - Les Chattes Parisiennes
05904: DANNHEIMER, Tobias - Malerische Länderschau in Bildlichen Darstellungen Deutscher & Schweizerischer Städte & Landschaften
03677: DARWIN, Charles; LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB; KREDEL, Fritz, illustrator; MONTAGU, Ashley (preface) - Descent of Man, the
05492: DAUMIER, Honoré; PHILIPON, Charles - Robert Macaire, Les
05505: DAUMIER, Honoré - Pastorales
05957: DAUMIER, Honoré; PHILIPON, Charles - Cent Et Un Robert-Macaire, Les
05269: DAUMIER, Honoré; CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé); VERNIER, Charles - Album Des Charges Du Jour [and] Les Cosaques Pour Rire
05939: DAUMIER, Honoré - Les Geuex de Bourgeois
05441: DAUMIER, Honoré; PHILIPON, Charles - Robert Macaire, Les
04953: DAUMIER, Honoré - Variétés Drolatiques [Bound with] Histoire Ancienne
04829: DAUMIER, Honoré; GAVARNI; BOUCHOT; Philipon, Charles - Musée Pour Rire, le
05141: DAUMIER, Honoré - Album Des Charges Du Jour
05943: DAUMIER, Honoré - Bohemiens de Paris
06001: DAUMIER, Honoré; BEAUMONT, Édouard de; BOUCHOT, Frederic; CHAM. & Vernier, Charles - Croquis Du Jour
05542: DAUMIER, Honoré; CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé); BEAUMONT, Charles-Édouard de; QUILLENBOIS pseudonym of Charles Marie de Sarcus - Paris Comique, Revue Amusante
05423: DAUMIER, Honoré - Croquis Variés
04761: DAUMIER, Honoré - Album Des Charges Du Jour
02253: DAUMIER, Honoré; Gavarni; Alhoy, Maurice; Philipon, Charles - Musée Pour Rire, le
05538: DAUMIER, Honoré; GAVARNI, Paul; CUJAS - La Galerie Physionomique [&] Au Boit Aux Lettres [&] Les Coulisses [&] Cours de Droit
05702: DAUMIER, Honoré; VERNIER, Charles CHAM - Actualités. .
05703: DAUMIER, Honoré - CéLébrités de la Caricature
04944: DAUMIER, Honoré; PHILIPON, Charles - Cent Et Un Robert-Macaire, Les
05905: DAVIS, Richard Barrett - Hunter's Annual
05545: MOVABLE BOOK; DELCOURT, Pierre - Les Amis de Polichinelle
05844: DIBDIN, Thomas Colman; VIVIAN, Edward - Scenery of Torquay and Babbicombe
05929: DICKENS, Charles - Mystery of Edwin Drood, the [and] John Jasper's Secret
03743: DICKENS, Charles; CRUIKSHANK, George, illustrator - Oliver Twist
05874: DIETZ, Howard - Dancing in the Dark
05626: DIGHTON, Richard - Characters at the West End of the Town. Drawn and Etched by Richard Dighton
05699: DIGHTON, Richard - A London Nuisance
05527: DIGHTON, Robert - [Collection of Forty Caricature Portraits of Public Characters - 1801-1812]
05676: DISTON, Alfred - Costumes of the Canary Islands
04224: DODWELL, Edward; THOUVENIN JÉUNE, binder - Views in Greece
02698: [PAPER DOLL] - La Coquette
05700: [PAPER DOLLS]; Librarie Enfantine Illustrée - La Maison Des Poupées
03768: DORÉ, Gustave - Les Différents Publics de Paris
05958: DORÉ, Gustave - La Ménagerie Parisienne
04996: DOYLE, Arthur Conan; WYETH, N.C. illustrator; ROUNTREE, Harry, illustrator - Last Galley, the
04997: DOYLE, Arthur Conan; CASTAIGNE, A, illustrator - Round the Fire Stories
05003: DOYLE, Arthur Conan - Three of Them
05799: DOYLE, John - Political Sketches &C... By H.B.
05019: DOYLE, Arthur Conan; STEPHENS, Alice Barber, illustrator - Stark Munro Letters, the
04998: DOYLE, Arthur Conan; WOLLEN, William Barnes, illustrator - Adventures of Gerard
05526: [DOYLE, Richard, illustrator] - The Christening Procession of Prince Taffy
05012: DOYLE, Arthur Conan - Our American Adventure [&] Our Second American Adventure. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. , [1923 & 1924]
05015: DOYLE, Arthur Conan - Land of Mist, the
05018: DOYLE, Arthur Conan; SAUBER, Robert, illustrator - Uncle Bernac
05008: DOYLE, Arthur Conan; PAGET, Sidney, illustrator - Rodney Stone
04995: DOYLE, Arthur Conan; ROUNTREE, Harry, illustrator - Poison Belt, the
05845: DUBUISSON, E. - Sketches of Character, by E.D. The Mufflechop Family
01079: DUHAYON, Henri; ROMAINS, Jules; BOFA, Gus [RAYON d'OR/LIBRAIRIE GALLIMARD] - Les Coupains
02221: DULAC, Edmund, illustrator; KHAYYAM, Omar; FITZGERALD, Edward - Quartine, le
03651: DULAC, Edmund; KHAYYAM, Omar; FITZGERALD, Edward (trans.) - Rubáiyát of Omar KhayyáM
03575: DULAC, Edmund; HOUSMAN, Laurence; ARABIAN NIGHTS - Stories from the Arabian Nights
02891: DULAC, Edmund, Illustrator; SCHAUWERS, Franz, binder - Princesse Badourah, la
02808: DULAC, Edmund, Illustrator - Belle Au Bois Dormant, la [the Sleeping Beauty]
03185: DULAC, Edmund; ANDERSEN, Hans Christian - Reine Des Neiges, la
05968: PANORAMA; PROVOST-DUMARCHAIS, Adrien - Panorama de Champs-Elysées de Paris
05677: DURA, Gaetano - Napoli E Contorni Album
05540: LEFEBVRE-DURUFLÉ, N[oël Jacques] - Ports Et Cotes de France de Dunkerque Au Havre
04005: DYER, Jane, artist - Goodnight Sheep
03288: EDWARDS, Lionel - My Hunting Sketch Book [and] My Hunting Sketch Book Volume Two
03780: EGAN, Pierce; LANE, Theodore, illustrator - Life of an Actor, the
05679: EGAN, Pierce; [LANE, Theodore, illustrator] - Pierce Egan's Anecdotes (Original and Selected)
05680: EGERTON, Daniel Thomas - Country Versus Town. Designed and Etched by D.T. Egerton
05694: EGERTON, Michael, illustrator - Here and There over the Water
01212: EGERTON, Michael - A Day's Journal of a Sponge
02595: EGERTON, Michael - A Day's Journal of a Sponge
05907: ELZHOLZ, Ludwig, editor; RECHLIN, Carl, editor; SCHULZ, Julius Carl, editors - Das Preussische Heer Herausgegeben
04269: BIBLE IN ENGLISH; BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER - The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church
00811: L'ESTRANGE, Roger - Observator, in Dialogue, the
05936: SPACE EXPLORATION - Apollo 11: Life Magazine. Special Edition. To the Moon and Back
05832: FELLINI, Federico - Fellini's Films
03443: FELLOWES, W.D. - Visit to the Monastery of la Trappe, in 1817: A.
05068: FERRARI, Filippo; LENGHI, Giacomo - [Italian Trades and Costumes]
03178: FINDEN, William; FINDEN, Edward; MITFORD, Mary Russell, Editor; PERRING, W., Painter - Findens' Tableaux of the Affections; [with: ] Finden's Tableaux
05170: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; Horatius Flaccus, Quintus; DOUBLE-LINE PAINTER; HORACE - Carmina
05933: FLEMING, Ian; BARRY, John (composer); BRICUSSE, Leslie (Lyricist); CONNERY, Sean (James Bond); BASSEY, Shirley (Singer) - Diamonds Are Forever
05934: FLEMING, Ian; BRICUSSE, Leslie (Lyricist); MOORE, Roger (James Bond); HAMILTON, Guy (Director) - Live and Let Die
06000: FLEMING, Ian; BRICUSSE, Leslie; CONNERY, Sean; MOORE, Roger - Complete Set of the James Bond Series, A.
05133: FONTALLARD, Henri-Gérard, illustrator; DUCARME, lithographer - Histoire D'Une épingle Par Elle Mème
05908: FRANCESCINI, Geralamo; GERASCH, August - Italien Und Seine Bewohner
02598: FRANKLAND, Sir Robert; COPLOW, Billesdon - Indispensable Accomplishments
05233: FRANKLAND, Sir Robert, Illustrator - Eight Representations of Shooting
05847: FRANKLAND, Sir Robert - The Southern Hounds
05681: FRANKLAND, Sir Robert - Delights of Fishing
04945: GALSWORTHY, John - Swan Song
04338: [FRENCH BOARD GAME] - Le Jeu Du Portier, [the Doorman's Game]
05970: GATINE, George Jacques; LANTE, Louis Marie - Collection de Travestissemens de Toutes Nations
05959: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier]; [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Paris le Matin [Bound with] la Boite Aux Lettres
05356: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Manteau D'Arlequin, le
05386: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Les Débardeurs
05405: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Clichy
05982: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Les Enfans Terribles
05940: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier]; DAUMIER, Honoré; VERNIER, Charles; TRAVIES, Charles Joseph - A Fine Album of Thirty-Three Superb Hand Colored Lithograph Plates, Heightened with Gum Arabic
05942: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Les Débardeurs [&] le Carnaval [&] le Carnaval a Paris
05960: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier]; [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Souvenirs Du Bal Chicard
05611: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Souvenirs de Carnaval
05549: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Oeuvres Choisies de Gavarni
05550: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Les Débardeurs
05232: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier]; [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Les Débardeurs
05490: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Les Artistes
06002: GAVARNI, Paul [pseudonym of Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier] - Les Enfans Terribles
05177: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; GAY, John; COLLINS, William - Fables
05447: BON GENRE, LE - Observations Sur Les Modes Et Les Usages de Paris
04314: CRUIKSHANK, George and Robert; EGAN, Pierce - Diorama Anglais
04820: GERNING, J.J. [Johann Isaac] von - Picturesque Tour Along the Rhine, from Mentz to Cologne... , A.
04831: GERNING, J.J. [Johann Isaac] von - Picturesque Tour Along the Rhine, from Mentz to Cologne... , A.
05862: GERSHWIN, George; JABLONSKI, Edward - Gershwin
04004: GILBERT, Anne Yvonne, artist - Little Son, Hush-a-Bye
05693: GILLRAY, James - Life of Cobbett, the
05848: GILLRAY, James; NORTH, Brownlow - Hunting
04975: GILLRAY, James - Cockney-Sportsmen
02603: GILLRAY, James - Habits of New French Legislators
03500: GILLRAY, James - Buonaparté Leaving Egypt
05909: GIMÉNEZ, artist (fl. 1850-1862) - Album de la Cavalerie de L'Armee Espagnole
05971: GODEFROY, Adrien - Armée Des Souverains Alliés Année 1815. [Army of the Allied Sovereigns]
00120: GOLDSMITH, Oliver; Cunningham, Peter; Forster, John - Works of Oliver Goldsmith, the
05707: GRANDVILLE, J.J.; Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard - Types Modernes
05519: GRANDVILLE, J.J. (pseud. of Jean-Ignace-Isidore Gerard); DELORD, Taxile - Les Fleurs Animées
04848: GRANDVILLE, J.J. (pseud. of Jean-Ignace-Isidore Gerard) - Les Métamorphoses Du Jour
00126: GREENAWAY, Kate - Kate Greenaway Pictures
01728: GREENAWAY, Kate; HARTE, Bret - Queen of the Pirate Isle, the
01402: GREENAWAY, Kate - Painting Book, A.
01404: GREENAWAY, Kate; Foster, Myles B.; Evans, Edmund - Day in a Child's Life, A.
05237: GREENAWAY, Kate - Calendar for 1884 by Kate Greenaway
03989: [GREENAWAY, Kate], (In the style of) - Happiness" and "Dismay
05238: GREENAWAY, Kate - Calendar of the Seasons 1881
05426: GREEVEN, Hendrik - Collection Des Costumes Des Provinces Septentrionales Du Royaume Des Pays-Bas
04949: GRISET, Ernest - Original Pen, Ink and Wash Drawing of Two Bears Climbing Up a Pole and Being Watched by a Crowd. .
04720: GRISET, Ernest - Three Original Pen, Ink and Watercolor Drawings of a Mother Bear and Her Four Cubs Playing on a See-Saw
04719: GRISET, Ernest - Four Original Pen, Ink and Watercolor Drawings of an Elephant at the Great Royal Hotel
04721: GRISET, Ernest - Two Mice Beside a Piggy-Bank
05911: GROVE, M.; LUBBOCK, Basil (previous owner) - Spithead and Portsmouth
05865: GUINESS, Alec - Blessings in Disguise
05520: HAMILTON, Anthony; GRAMMONT, Count - [Memoirs of Count Grammont. ]
05841: HARLOW, Jean; CONWAY, Michael; RICCI, Mark - Films of Jean Harlow, the
05857: HARRISON, George - Songs by George Harrison
05864: HART, Moss; CUKOR, George - Act One, an Autobiography
00638: HASSELL, John - Picturesque Rides and Walks
00637: HASSELL, John - Tour of the Grand Junction
05912: HAVELL, Robert - French Costume
05899: HAVELL, Robert; BRAYLEY, Edward Wedlake - Topographical Sketches of Brighthelmston and Its Neighbourhood
05160: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; HAYWOOD, Helen, artist; JOHNSON, Samuel - Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: , the
05161: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; HAYWOOD, Helen, artist; BURNS, Robert - Poetical Works of Robert Burns; the
02606: HEATH, William - Studies from the Stage
02607: HEATH, William - Life of a Soldier, the
03416: HEATH, William, (after) - The Bear the Bull Dog and the Monkey
05682: HEATH, Henry - Heath's Oddities
05627: HEATH, William - Theatrical Characters
04750: HEATH, Henry - Omnium Gatherum
05525: HEATH, Henry, illustrator - My Lord Mayor's Album or Cockney Sports 1835
05891: HEATH, William; [ALKEN, Henry] - Military Duties, Occurances & &C
05206: HEIDELOFF, Nikolaus Wilhelm von - Gallery of Fashion, the
05722: HEMINGWAY, Ernest - Across the River and Into the Trees
05914: HENDRICKX, Henri Francois Joseph - Uniformes de L'Armee Belge
02415: HERING, G[eorge].E. - Mountains and the Lakes, the
03267: HERRING, John Frederick - Portraits of the Winning Horses of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster
05915: HESS, Carl Adolf Heinrich - Reitschule Oder Darstellung Des Natürlichen Und Künstlichen Ganges Des Campagnepferdes. Mit Kupfern Und Kurzen Erklärungen
04507: HESS, H[ieronymus] - Galerie Musicale
05169: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; TAYLOR & HESSEY, binders; COWPER, William - Poems by William Cowper
00735: HOFLAND, Mrs - Czarina, the
00041: HOLLAND, John; [Privately Printed] - Song of a Boy
06014: HOLLYWOOD; PHOTOGRAPHY - Collection of Twenty-Eight Original 'Hollywood' Photographs, A.
03093: HORT, Sir John J. - Horse Guards, the
05916: HOWITT, Samuel - [Fox Hunting]
05630: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé); HUART, Louis; CHAMPS, Victor, binder - Punch à Paris
03170: HUGO, Victor; LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB; OFFICINA BODONI; MARANGONI, Tranquillo - Toilers of the Sea, the
05683: HULLEY, Thomas - Six Views of Cheltenham
02662: IRELAND, Samuel - Picturesque Views on the River Medway, from the Nore to the Vicinity of Its Source in Sussex
05962: ISABEY, Jean-Baptiste - Caricatures de J.J. 1818. à Paris
03990: IVORY, Lesley Anne, artist - Mau-Mau on Paisley
05973: GRIMM, [Jacob and Wilhelm]; CRUIKSHANK, George, illustrator - German Popular Stories
03340: JENKINS, James; HEATH, William, artist - Martial Achievements of Great Britain and Her Allies; from 1799 to 1815, the
04313: JENKINS, James - Naval Achievements of Great Britain from the Year 1793 to 1817, the
05917: JOHNSON, John; HARDING, J.D. - Costumes of the French Pyrenees, the
00872: JOHNSON, Samuel; Fitzgerald, Percy; Hill, G. Birkbeck - Critical Examination of Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill's "Johnsonian" Editions Issued by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, A.
00873: JOHNSON, Samuel; Fitzgerald, Percy; Hill, G. Birkbeck - Critical Examination of Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill's "Johnsonian" Editions Issued by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, A.
00874: JOHNSON, Samuel; Fitzgerald, Percy; Hill, G. Birkbeck - Critical Examination of Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill's "Johnsonian" Editions Issued by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, A.
05770: JOHNSON, Samuel - Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; the
05608: JOLY, Adrien Jean-Baptiste (Muffat) - Les Petits Acteurs Du Grand Theatre
06005: BURNE-JONES, [Sir] Edward - The Flower Book
04940: KÆMPFER, Engelbertus; SCHEUCHZER, J.G., translator - The History of Japan: Giving an Account of the Antient and Present State and Government of That Empire;
04605: KIEFFER, René, binder; BALZAC, Honoré de - Le Peau de Chagrin. études Sociales
00136: KIPLING, Rudyard; German, Edward - Just So Song Book, the
05517: KIRCHER, Athanasius - China Monumentis
04296: KIRCHER, Athanasius - Magnes Sive de Arte Magnetica Opus Tripartitum
04867: KIRCHER, Athanasius; BONNANI, Filippo - Musaeum Kircherianum
05919: KRANSPERGER, Johann - Abbildung Der Alterthümlichen Trachten Des Schützenauszuges Gehalten Bei Anwesenheit Ihrer Majestäten Des Königs Und Der Königin Am 17. Oktober 1830 Zu Regensburg
02865: LALLIER, Monique - A Superlative Blank Album Binding in Creased and Chased Pewter and Morocco Leather
05985: LAMI, Eugéne - Six Quartiers de Paris
05284: LAMI, Eugène - Vie de Château, la
04688: LAMI, Eugène; MONNIER, Henry - Voyage En Angleterre
05987: LAMI, Eugéne - Panorama Du Bois de Boulogne 1828 [Bound with] Six Quartiers de Paris
05193: LAMI, Eugène - Souvenirs de Londres
05289: LAMI, Eugène - Souvenirs Du Camp de Luneville
05314: LAMI, Eugéne - Les Contretems En Caricatures
05342: LAMI, Eugéne - Les Contretems En Caricatures
05984: LAMI, Eugéne - Les Contretems En Caricatures
05349: LAMI, Eugène; MONNIER, Henry - Voyage En Angleterre
05504: LANE, T[heodore] - Theatrical Pleasures
04827: LANTÉ, Louis Marie; GATINE, Georges Jacques - Cent Cinq Costumes Des Départemens de la Seine Inférieure, Du Calvados, de la Manche Et de L'Orne
05350: LANTÉ, Louis Marie; GATINE, Georges-Jacques; LA MÉSANGÈRE, Pierre - Costumes Des Femmes de Hambourg, Du Tyrol, de la Hollande
04838: LANTÉ, Louis Marie; GATINE, Georges-Jacques; La Mésangère - Galerie Francaise de Femmes CéLèbres Par Leurs Talens, Leur Rang Ou Leur Beautè
05202: LAVATER, John Caspar; HOLLOWAY, Thomas; HUNTER, Henry, translator - Essays on Physiognomy
00871: [NONESUCH PRESS]; Laver, James - Stitch in Time; or Pride Prevents a Fall, A.
02952: LEAR, Edward; GLASS, Dudley - Nonsense Songs
05470: LECOMPTE, Hippolyte; SCHARF, George, artist; HULLMANDEL, Charles, printer; BAYNTUN, binder - Costumes Francais, de 1200 à 1715
02306: LEE, Laurie; WARD, John - Cider with Rosie
02377: LEECH, John - Mr. Briggs & His Doings
05824: LEECH, John; SMITH, Albert - Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole at Home and Abroad, the
05340: LEPRINCE, Xavier - Inconvéniens D'Un Voyage En Diligence
05385: LEPRINCE, Xavier - Inconvéniens D'Un Voyage En Diligence
02252: [LEPRINCE, Xavier] - Métamorphoses D'Arlequin
05570: LEWIS, W., publisher - Naval Victories of Great Britain, from the Commencement of the War in the Year 1803 to 1816;
05920: LIEDER, Friedrich; JÜGEL, Johann Friedrich - Darstellung Der Königl. Preussischen Infanterie in 36 Figuren
04399: LIÈVRE, Édouard; HOLLOWAY, binder - Works of Art in the Collections of England
05684: LISLE, Joseph - Joe Lisle's Play Upon Words
05850: LISLE, Joseph - Joe Lisle's Play Upon Words
02690: LOUTHERBOURG, Philipp Jakob de - Romantic and Picturesque Scenery of England and Wales, the
05685: LUND, F[rederik] C[hristian]; KITTENDORFF, Johann Adolf - Danske Nationaldragter
03678: BULWER-LYTTON, Edward; LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB; MARDERSTEIG, Giovanni, printer; CRAEMER, Kurt, illustrator - Last Days of Pompeii, the
05473: MADOU, Jean-Baptiste; HAMELRYCK, Jean-Louis Van - Costumes Belgiques, Civils, Militaires, Religieux, Anciens Et Modernes
04876: MALO, Charles - Voyage Pittorèsque de Paris Au Havre
05921: MALO, Charles; DEVÉRIA, Achille; LASALLE, Louis - Brises D'Orient Ou Dix Perles D'Asie
05884: MAMOULIAN, Rouben; ROGERS, Richard; HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar 2nd - Oklahoma!
05615: MANSION, André Léon Larue - National Ball Costumes
05616: MANSION, André Léon Larue - Fancy Ball Dress
05534: MANUSCRIPT; AUNTIE EDIE - Nursery Rhymes for "Jim" at Bed-Time
05073: SERGENT-MARCEAU, Antoine-François - Portraits Des Grands Hommes, Femmes Illustres, Et Sujets Mémorables de France
05840: MARCH, Fredric; QUIRK, Lawrence J. - Films of Fredric March, the
05882: MARTIN, Mary; RODGERS, Richard HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar - South Pacific. A Musical Play
05883: MARTIN, Mary; RODGERS, Richard HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar - South Pacific. A Musical Play
04002: McCLINTOCK, Barbara, artist - If No One Ever Marries Me
04372: POP-UP; MEGGENDORFER, Lothar - Das Puppenhaus
04961: MOVABLE BOOK; MEGGENDORFER, Lothar - Schau Mich an! [Look at Me!]
05947: MILNE, A.A. - [a Complete Set of the Pooh Books]. Winnie the Pooh. Now We Are Six. When We Were Very Young. The House at Pooh Corner
05836: MINELLI, Liza; SPADA, James - Judy and Liza
05922: MOLLO, T. - Abbildung Der Verschiedenen Corps Des Oesterreichischen Allgemeinen Aufgebothes
04859: MONNIER, Henri; DEVÈRIA, Achille; BÉRANGER, Pierre-Jean de - Chansons de P.J. Béranger Anciennes, Nouvelles Et inédites
05325: MONNIER, Henri - Moeurs Parisiennes
05312: MONNIER, Henri - [Modes Et Ridicules] & [Séries Anglaise]
04846: MONNIER, Henri; DEVÈRIA, Achille; BÉRANGER, Pierre-Jean de; RAPARLIER, Paul-Romain, binder - Chansons de P.J. Béranger Anciennes, Nouvelles Et inédites
05198: MONNIER, Henri - Galerie Théâtrale
05079: MONNIER, Henri; DEVÈRIA, Achille; BÉRANGER, Pierre-Jean de - Chansons de P.J. Béranger Anciennes, Nouvelles Et inédites
05253: MONNIER, Henri - Esquisses Parisiennes [Parisian Sketches]
04494: MONNIER, Henri - Moeurs Administratives
04509: MONNIER, Henri - [Modes Et Ridicules]
04490: MONNIER, Henri - Jadis Et Aujourd'Hui
01858: MONNIER, Henri - Six Quartiers de Paris
01864: MONNIER, Henri; LAMI, Eugene - Six Quartiers de Paris
05494: MONNIER, Henry - Les Grisettes Leurs Moeurs
04489: MONNIER, Henry - Galerie Théâtrale
04492: MONNIER, Henri - Les Petites Félicités Et Les Petites Misères Humaines
04510: MONNIER, Henry - Galerie Théâtrale
04777: MONNIER, Henri; CRUIKSHANK, George - Distractions
01866: MONNIER, Henry - Jadis Et Aujourd'Hui
04817: MONNIER, Henri - Boutades
04871: MONNIER, Henri; DEVÈRIA, Achille; BÉRANGER, Pierre-Jean de - Chansons de P.J. Béranger Anciennes, Nouvelles Et inédites
04508: MONNIER, Henry - Moeurs Parisiennes
04920: MONNIER, Henri - Modes Et Ridicules & Exploitation Generale Des Modes Et Ridicules de Paris Et Londres
03012: MONRO, George; FRY, Joseph - Extracts, Doctrinal, Practical, and Devotional
05834: MONROE, Marilyn; MAILER, Norman; SCHILLER, Lawrence - Marilyn
02896: MONTAUT, Henri de - Vertus & Qualités
02108: MOORE, George - Aphrodite in Aulis
05392: MORAINE, Louis-Pierre-René de - Album Militaire de L'Armée Francaise En Action
04779: MORIN, Edmond, illustrator - Bons Parisienes, Ces
04913: MÖRNER, Carl Gustav Hjalmar - Stockholmska Scener Tecknade Och Lithografierade. [Caricature Scenes of Stockholm in Lithograph]
06004: [KELMSCOTT PRESS]; MORRIS, William; BURNE-JONES, Sir Edward - Love Is Enough
05352: PANORAMA; MOTTE, Charles Étienne Pierre, lithographer - A Paris. Promenades Sur Les Quais
05555: MUDFORD, William; CRUIKSHANK, George - Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands, in 1815, an
05617: NAYLER, George - Coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty King George the Fourth, the
00153: O'NEILL, Eugene - Days without End
02688: NEWHOUSE, C[harles].B.; ALKEN, Henry - Roadsters' Album, the
00151: NIELSEN, Kay; Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor - Bookman [Special] Christmas Number 1925, the
05543: NIXON, John Colley - Medley of Characters, A.
05993: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Turlupinades Contrariétés Et Autres Amusemens Négatifs
05994: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - L'Art de Réussir Dans le Monde
05373: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Souvenirs de Garnison Et Des Plaisirs Attachés a la Chose
05954: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé); Noé, Amédée de - Må“Urs Britanniques
05327: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Nos Gentils Hommes a Gout
04620: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - à la Guerre Comme à la Guerre
05311: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Må“Urs Britanniques
03321: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Nos Gentils Hommes a Gout
05955: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé); Noé, Amédée de - Zouaves, Les
05541: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Turlupinades Contrariétés Et Autres Amusemens Négatifs
05354: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Ah Quel Plaisir de Voyager!
04875: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - L'Art D'Engraisser Et de Maigrir a Volonté [&] Mr. Papillon [&] Pincez-Moi à la Campagne!!
05330: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Turlupinades Contrariétés Et Autres Amusemens Négatifs
05953: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Madeleines, Les
05024: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - à la Guerre Comme à la Guerre
04607: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Les Tâtonnements de Jean Bidoux
04212: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Les Toqués Du Jour
05552: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Ah Quel Plaisir de Voyager!
05286: CHAM (pseudonym of Amédée de Noé) - Folies de la Commune, Les
03342: ORME, Edward - Historic, Military, and Naval Anecdotes
02231: ORME, Edward - Historic, Military, and Naval Anecdotes
05039: OSTERMANN, Franz, binder; OSTERMANN, Franz, binder; PRÉVOST, L'Abbé; LELOIR, Maurice, illustrator - Histoire de Manon Lescaut
05488: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; The "DOVER PAINTER", artist; PALEY, William - Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, the
05172: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; The "DOVER PAINTER", artist; ALLESTREE, Richard - The New Whole Duty of Man
05176: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; The "DOVER PAINTER", artist; HAYDAY, binder; COLLINS, William - Poetical Works of William Collins, the
05835: [GOLF]. PALMER, Arnold Jack Nicklaus - Masters, the
03172: PAPWORTH, John Buonarotti - Rural Residences
05886: PASTERNAK, Boris - Doctor Zhivago
05353: PAUQUET, Jean Louis Charles, illustrator - Jardin Des Plantes: La Ménagerie Et la Vallée Suisse
05851: PEAKE, Richard Brinsley - The Characteristic Costume of France
04943: PHILIPON, Charles, illustrator; WATTIER, Émile - Les Compensations
04512: PHILIPON, Charles, illustrator; WATTIER, Émile - Les Compensations
05965: PHILIPON, Charles, illustrator; CHEYÈRE, Alexandre, lithographer - Souvenir D'Amourette
06007: PAINTED BINDING; PHILLIPS, Stephen - Poems
05399: PIGAL, Edme-Jean; ARAGO, Joseph Honoré; PAJOU, Augustin - Proverbes Et Bons Mots Mis En Action, D'Après Les Moeurs Populaires;
05234: PIGAL, Edmé-Jean - Moeurs Parisiennes Par Pigal
05966: PIGAL, Edmé-Jean - [Vie D'Un Gamin, En 12 Chapitres]
05275: PIGAL, Edmé-Jean; ARAGO, Joseph Honoré; PAJOU, Augustin - Proverbes Et Bons Mots Mis En Action, D'Après Les Moeurs Populaires;
05255: PIGAL, Edmé-Jean - Recueil de Scenes Populaires
05991: PIGAL, Edmé-Jean - Médailles Ou Contrastes
04393: PINEL, Honoré - ABC Du Sportsman
05686: PINELLI, Bartolomeo; HULLMANDEL, C. - Roman Costumes
05969: PINGRET, Edouard - Collection Des Costumes Du Grand Duché de Bade
05489: PLATIER, Jules - Les Lions
04400: POGANY, Willy; WAGNER, Richard - Tannhäuser Calendar for 1914
02833: LE POITEVIN, [Eugène] - Les Diables de Lithographies
04580: POLLARD, James - [Coaching Subjects]
00163: POTTER, Beatrix; Glass, Dudley - Songs of Peter Rabbit, the
04000: PRICEMAN, Marjorie, artist - [Figures on a Boat]
02961: PYLE, Howard, illustrator; SEITZ, Don C. - Buccaneers Rough Verse, the
05503: PYNE, William Henry - Social Club, the
05077: QUILLENBOIS, pseudonym of Charles Marie de Sarcus - Plaisirs Et Occupations de la Vie de Chateau
04794: QUILLENBOIS, pseudonym of Charles Marie de Sarcus; SARCUS, Charles Marie de - Conservatoire de la Danse Moderne, le
00170: RACKHAM, Bernard - Ancient Glass of Canterbury Cathedral, the
04595: RACKHAM, Arthur; SHAKESPEARE, William - Songe D'Une Nuit D'Ete, le
03838: RACKHAM, Arthur, artist - Arriving by Boat
03532: RACKHAM, Arthur; INGOLDSBY, Thomas (pseud. of Richard Harris Barham) - Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth & Marvels, the
03940: RACKHAM, Arthur; Ford, Julia Ellsworth; Ford, Lauren - Imagina
02727: RACKHAM, Arthur; SHAKESPEARE, William - Midsummer-Night's Dream, A.
03537: RACKHAM, Arthur; PHILLPOTTS, Eden - Dish of Apples, A.
05235: [RACKHAM, ARTHUR], (In the style of); G. GUGGENHEIM -
03883: RACKHAM, Arthur; STARKIE, Walter - Spanish Raggle-Taggle
03655: RACKHAM, Arthur - Some British Ballads
04911: RACKHAM, Arthur; FORD, Julia Ellsworth BYNNER, Witter - Snickerty Nick
05056: RACKHAM, Arthur, illustrator; BARRIE, J.M. - The Fairies Sit Round on Mushrooms, and at First They Are Well Behaved
00865: RACKHAM, Arthur; Ruskin, John - King of the Golden River, the
03637: RACKHAM, Arthur; GOLDSMITH, Oliver - Vicar of Wakefield, the
05053: RACKHAM, Arthur, illustrator; BARRIE, J.M. - Peter Screamed out, 'Do It Again!' and with Great Good-Nature They Did It Several Times
05831: RACKHAM, Arthur; DICKENS, Charles - A Christmas Carol
03839: RACKHAM, Arthur, artist - Saas Fee" [Switzerland]
02512: RACKHAM, Arthur; IRVING, Washington - Rip Van Winkle
03885: RACKHAM, Arthur; BIANCO, Margery Williams - Poor Cecco
04596: RACKHAM, Arthur; PERRAULT, Charles - Cendrillon
03646: RACKHAM, Arthur; IRVING, Washington - Rip Van Winkle
03648: RACKHAM, Arthur; SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles; GOSSE, Edmund - Springtide of Life, the
03837: RACKHAM, Arthur, artist - Woman Running
02761: RACKHAM, Arthur; Walton, Izaak - Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, the
03533: RACKHAM, Arthur; MILTON, John - Comus
02075: RACKHAM, Arthur; Ruskin, John - King of the Golden River, the
04065: RACKHAM, Arthur; Ruskin, John - King of the Golden River, the
03589: RACKHAM, Arthur; SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles - Springtide of Life, the
03906: RACKHAM, Arthur; Ruskin, John - King of the Golden River, the
04912: RACKHAM, Arthur; FORD, Julia Ellsworth BYNNER, Witter RIDGWAY, Arthur (Music) - Snickerty Nick
05072: RACKHAM, Arthur; HUDSON, Derek - Arthur Rackham. His Life and Work
05444: RAFFET, [Denis August Marie] - Croquis Pour L'Amusement Des Enfans
05704: RALFE, James - Naval Chronology of Great Britain, the
02614: RAYE, Charles - Picturesque Tour Through the Isle of Wight, A.
03222: REDI, Francesco; KIRCHER, Athanasius - Esperienze Intorno
03777: REPTON, Humphry - Odd Whims; and Miscellanies
05547: MOVABLE BOOK; REYNAUD, Adeline - Grand Album D'Animaux Comiques (Big Book of Funny Animals)
05358: MOVABLE BOOK; REYNAUD, Adeline - Allo! Allo! Bostock
05924: RHEINWALD, Johann Ludwig Christian; NEUREUTHER, Ludwig, artist - Baierische Volkstrachten
01915: RICHARDSON, Samuel - Paméla;
05454: RICHTER, Johann Salomo - Leipziger National Trachten
05852: ROBERTS, Peter; HAVELL, John, engraver - Cambrian Popular Antiquities, the
01828: ROBINSON, W. Heath, illustrator - Railway Ribaldry
05833: ROMBERG, Sigmund; SCHWAB, Laurence; MANDEL, Laurence; HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar - New Moon, the
05725: ROOSEVELT, Theodore - Wilderness Hunter, the
05869: ROTH, Philip - Portnoy's Complaint
00046: ROUSSEAU, Jean Baptiste; [DEROME, Nicholas Denis aka Le Jeune, binder. Attributed to] - Oeuvres de Rousseau
02630: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; ENGELBACH, Lewis - Naples and the Campagna Felice
02632: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - World in Miniature, the
04413: [ROWLANDSON, Thomas, illustrator]; [WOLCOT, John, aka Peter Pindar] - Petticoat Loose
03290: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Loyal Volunteers of London & Environs
04601: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Miseries of Human Life
05069: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; M'CRINGER, Joel aka T.B. WILLYAMS - Compendious Treatise on Modern Education, A.
02296: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - World in Miniature, the
03283: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Comforts of Bath, the
03284: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; BUNBURY, Henry; GAMBADO, Geoffrey - Academy for Grown Horsemen, an
03171: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; PAPWORTH, John Buonarotti; Wrangham, Francis; Combe, William - Poetical Sketches of Scarborough
05292: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Pretty Little Games for Young Ladies & Gentleman
02652: [ROWLANDSON, Thomas, in the style of].; [COMBE, William, imitation of] - Adventures of Doctor Comicus, the
05366: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; COMBE, William - English Dance of Death, the
02372: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; [COMBE, William] - History of Johnny Quae Genus, the
05601: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; COMBE, William - [Three Tours of Doctor Syntax, the]
02627: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; QUIZEM, Caleb; WOODWARD, George Moutard; BUNBURY, Henry - Annals of Sporting, the
02628: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; [COMBE, William] - History of Johnny Quae Genus, the
04841: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Miseries of Human Life
04780: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; ROBERTS, Lt. Col. David - Military Adventures of Johnny Newcome, the
00740: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; Oppé, A.P. - Thomas Rowlandson. His Drawings and Water-Colours
02894: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; MALTON, James - Inn Yard on Fire
05903: [ROWLANDSON, Thomas, illustrator, attributed to]; CHIVALRY - Tournament, the;
03338: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; PAPWORTH, John Buonarotti - Poetical Sketches of Scarborough
04852: ROWLANDSON, Thomas; ROBERTS, Lt. Col. David - Military Adventures of Johnny Newcome, the
05687: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Twelfth Night Characters
05977: SALINGER, J.D. - Catcher in the Rye, the
03429: SAMS, William - Tour Through Paris, A.
02694: SAMS, William - Tour Through Paris, A.
00303: SAND, George - Piccinino, le
05270: SANGORSKI, Alberto, calligrapher; COSWAY-STYLE BINDING; TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord - The Lady Godiva and Other Poems
05728: SAROYAN, William - Human Comedy, the
03367: SAUVAN, Jean-Baptiste-Balthazar - Picturesque Tour of the Seine from Paris to the Sea
05925: SCHAMER, Ludwig; BONITAS-BAUER, lithographers - Rückerinnerung an Das Extrapostreisen
05404: [SCHEFFER, Jean-Gabriel] J.S-; PIGAL, Edmé-Jean; &c - Recueil Des Scènes Familiéres, Et de Société de Paris
05539: SCHEFFER, Jean-Gabriel J.S -.; J.S. - Le Diable Boiteux a Paris
05252: SCHEFFER, Jean-Gabriel J.S - - Ce Qu'on Dit Et Ce Qu'on Pense [What One Says and What One Thinks]
05491: SCHEFFER, Jean-Gabriel J.S - - Recueil de Cinquante Scènes de Grisettes
02835: [SCHEFFER, Jean-Gabriel] J.S-; PIGAL; &c - Recueil Des Scènes Familiéres, Et de Société de Paris
05384: [SCHEFFER, Jean-Gabriel] J.S- - Ce Qu'on Dit Et Ce Qu'on Pense [What One Says and What One Thinks]
04082: [SCHEFFER, Jean-Gabriel] J.S- - Ce Qu'on Dit Et Ce Qu'on Pense [What One Says and What One Thinks]
04956: SCHMIED, Francois-Louis, illustrator; Gaius Seutonius Tranquillus; SEUTONIUS - Les Douze Césars
03165: SCHREINER, Olive; [HOGARTH, Paul, Illustrator]; [DINESEN, Isak, Introduction]; [LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB] - Story of an African Farm, the
05926: SCHUBAUER, Friedrich Leopold; TRENTSENSKY, Joseph - Darstellung Der Königlich Sächsischen Nach Ihren Verschiedenen Waffengattungen. .
05887: SCHULBERG, Budd - Waterfront
05918: SCHÜTZERCRANTZ, Adolph Uric; WETTERLING, Alexander Clemens SJÖHOLM, Johan Henric; MULLER, C. - Svenska Arméens Uniformer. Utgifne Ar 1825
05168: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; SCOTT, Sir Walter - Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field. .
03149: SCOTT, Sir Walter - Woodstock; or, the Cavalier
04572: SCOTT, Edmund - Proceedings of the Sussex Agricultural Society, from Its Institution, to 1798, Inclusive
04889: FORE-EDGE PAINTING; SCOTT, Sir Walter - The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
04674: SEARLE, Ronald; MUGGERIDGE, Malcolm - The Female Approach
04675: SEARLE, Ronald; GILBERT & SULLIVAN - Dick Deadeye
04673: SEARLE, Ronald; BEERBOHM, Max - Female Approach, the
04660: SEARLE, Ronald; BOCK, Henning; DEHAYE, Pierre - Ronald Searle
02853: [GOON SHOW]; SELLERS, Peter; MILLIGAN, Spike; SECOMBE, Harry - Goon Show One Night Special Reunion, the
05853: SEMPLE, Miss - Costume of the Netherlands, the
00185: SHAW, Byam; Sidgwick, Frank - Ballads and Lyrics of Love
00188: SHAW, George Bernard - Works of Bernard Shaw, the
01938: SHEPARD, Ernest H. - Boccherini's Minuet and the Caliph of Baghdad
05672: LONDON; SHEPHERD, Thomas Hosmer, illus.; ACKERMAN, Rudolph, publisher; MANDEVILLE, H., publishers - Architecturales de Londres, Les
05711: COSWAY BINDING; RIVIÈRE & SON, binders; MISS C.B. CURRIE, artist; ANONYMOUS - The Book of Costume: Or, Annals of Fashion
03144: RIVIÈRE & SON, binders; DULAC, Edmund, illustrator - Contes Et Légendes Des Nations Alliées
04464: ROOT & SON, binders; HARRISON, Frederick - Choice of Books and Other Literary Pieces, the
01191: COSWAY BINDING; RIVIÈRE & SON, binders; CURRIE, Miss C.B., artist; MANSON, James A. - Sir Edwin Landseer R.A.
05208: COSWAY BINDING; RIVIÈRE & SON, binders; [MISS C.B. CURRIE], miniaturist; COURTNEY, William Prideaux & SMITH, David Nichol - Bibliography of Samuel Johnson, A.
05209: COSWAY BINDING; RIVIÈRE & SON, binders; [MISS C.B. CURRIE], miniaturist; WATSON, Francis - Life and Times of Catherine de' Medici, the
05878: SONDHEIM, Stephen; LAPINE, James - Sunday in the Park with George
05469: SPILSBURY, Francis B. - Picturesque Scenery in the Holy Land and Syria
05854: STOCKDALE, Frederick Wilton Litchfield - Etchings from Original Drawings of Antiquities in the County of Kent
05873: STOPPARD, Tom; NORMAN, Marc - Shakespeare in Love. A Screenplay
04145: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Walt Disney's Disney Time Comic #8 March 19th 1977
04138: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Double Spread Cover for Walt Disney's Disneyland Comic Series No. 47. January 15th [1972]. [Hiawatha Racing Casey Junior to the Railroad Station]
05236: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Original Walt Disney Production Celluloid with Background Featuring Thomas O'Malley and Duchess from the Aristocats
04139: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Double Spread Cover for Walt Disney's Disneyland Comic Series No. 17 January 1st [1972]. [the True Blues and the Dirty Yellows Playing Silly Soccer]
04143: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Walt Disney's Disney Time Comic #2 February 5th 1977
04144: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Walt Disney's Disney Time Comic #4 February 19th 1977
05033: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Original Walt Disney Production Celluloid with Background Featuring Thomas O'Malley and Uncle Waldo from the Aristocats
04146: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Christmas Gifts Being Carried by Choo Choo Train in the Snow
04151: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS - Chip and Dale
02032: STYRON, William - This Quiet Dust
02033: STYRON, William - Confessions of Nat Turner, the
02034: STYRON, William - Sophie's Choice
02029: STYRON, William - Lie Down in Darkness
05605: SUHR, Christoffer; SUHR, Cornelius - Sammlung Verschiedener Spanischer National-Trachten and Uniformen
05180: SUMMERS, W., illustrator; HUNT, G., engraver - Lewis & Co's Selection of Their Comic Black Jokes from the Designs of the Most Eminent Artists
05951: SURTEES, Robert Smith; LEECH, John, illustrator - Plain or Ringlets
05855: SURTEES, Robert Smith; LEECH, John, illustrator - Ask Mamma;" or, the Richest Commoner in England
05949: SURTEES, Robert Smith; LEECH, John, illustrator - Handley Cross. Or Jorrock's Hunt
05950: SURTEES, Robert Smith; LEECH, John, illustrator - Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
05948: SURTEES, Robert Smith; LEECH, John, illustrator; BROWN, Hablot K., illustrator - Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds
05532: SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE, binders; BURNEY, Frances; THOMSON, Hugh, illustrator - Evelina
05927: SVEDMAN, Carl Wilhelm - Costume of Sweden
05500: SZYK, Arthur; Roth, Cecil - Haggadah, the
04671: SZYK, Arthur, illustrator - Story of Joseph and His Brothers, the
05689: TEUPKEN, J.F. - Beschrijving Hoedanig de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Troepen En Alle in Militaire Betrekking Staande Personen Gekleed, Geëquipeerd En Gewapend Zijn
00197: THACKERAY, William Makepeace; Doyle, Richard - Newcomes, the
02984: THOMSON, Hugh, illustrator; BARRIE, J.M. - Quality Street
05928: TÖNSBERG, Nils Christian - Norske Nationaldragter Tegnede Af Forskjellige Norske Kunstnere Og Ledsaede Med OplÿSende
05690: TOVAR, Bartolomé - La Fiesta Espanola
05317: SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE, binders; RUBÁIYÁT OF OMAR KHAYYÁM; VEDDER, Elihu, illustrator; FITZGERALD, Edward, Translator and Editor - Rubáiyát of Omar KhayyáM
05083: TRONSENS, Charles; GRIPP, Carlo [&] SATHANIEL - Les Enfans D'Aujourd'Hui
05856: TURNER, F.C. - Set of Fox-Huntings, Descriptive of the Poem of Billesdon Coplow, A.
01050: TWAIN, Mark; UNDERHILL, Irving S. - Mark Twain's a Dog's Tale
05870: ULLMANN, Liv - Changing
04129: POP-UP - Panoramic Pictures at the Zoo
05992: VALMONT, Auguste de, illustrator - Histoire D'Un Comédien, En 12 Planches Par Auguste de Valmont
05398: VERNET, Carle - Cris de Paris Dessinés D'Après Nature
05481: PANORAMA; [VICTORIA, Queen of England, 1819-1901] - Fores' Correct Representation of the State Procession on the Occasion of the August Ceremony of Her Majesty's Coronation, June 28th, 1838
02645: VIDAL, Emeric Essex - Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video
00080: ALASTAIR; VOIGHT, Hans Henning; Pater, Walter - Sebastian Van Storck
05347: ABC BOOK; VOLTZ, Johann Michael - Bilder-Alphabet Zur Erweekung Des Scharfsinns
05846: EBEN, Adolphus Christian Frederick, Baron von and Nicolaus Heideloff - Swedish Army, the
04805: WAIN, Louis; GALE, Norman (text) - Frolics in Catland
05401: PASSÉ-BOULES GAME; [WAIN, Louis, in the style of] - Les Trois Chats
04946: WALPOLE, Hugh; PRIESTLEY, J.B. - Farthing Hall
05536: WATTIER, Émile - Un an de la Vie D'Une Jeune Fille
05967: WATTIER, Émile-Charles; VILLAIN, Jean-Francois; ENGELMANN, Godefroy - Le Progres de Seduction
05529: WATTIER, Édouard; WATTIER, Émile - La Journée D'Une Actrice, Ou Douze Scènes de Jour Et de Nuit
05837: WELLES, Orson - Citizen Kane Book, the
05910: WELLINGTON, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of - Great Wellington's Funeral Obsequies
05737: WHITE, E.B.; CASWELL, Edward C., illustrator - Here Is New York
02609: [WILLIAMS, Charles, illustrator]; MITFORD, John - Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy
05032: WILLIAMS, Richard James - [Two Gnomes]
04312: WILLIAMSON, Captain Thomas; HOWITT, Samuel - Oriental Field Sports;
00848: WOLCOT, John; Pindar, Peter - Expostulatory Odes to a Great Duke, and a Little Lord
05863: WOOD, Natalie; WOOD, Lana - Natalie. A Memoir by Her Sister Lana Wood
03008: WOOD, Rev. J.G. - Strange Dwellings
03014: WOOD, Rev. J.G. - Natural History Rambles: Lane and Field
04086: WOODWARD, George Moutard; SANSON, Francis, printmaker - Symptoms of the Shop
04274: WOODWARD, George Moutard; CRUIKSHANK, Isaac - Eccentric Excursions
05621: WOODWARD, George Moutard; ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Country Characters
05622: WOODWARD, George Moutard; ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Horse Accomplishments
05696: WOODWARD, George Moutard (designer); SANSON, Francis (engraver) - Every Body out of Town Exemplified in Six Characteristic Prints and Illustrative Labels [with] Every Body in Town Exemplified in Six Characteristic Prints and Illustrative Labels
04268: WOODWARD, George Moutard, illustrator; BRIDGES, Thomas - Burlesque Translation of Homer, A.
02805: WOODWARD, George Moutard - Attempts at Humour, Poetical and Physiognomical
04685: WOODWARD, George Moutard - Gradation from a Greenhorn to a Blood
03270: ZAEHNSDORF, binders; SYMONDS, John Addington - Wine, Women, and Song
05480: ZANGWILL, Israel - Without Prejudice
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