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74254: JEFFERS, ROBINSON - Give Your Heart to the Hawks
57509: JEFFERS, ROBINSON - Be Angry at the Sun
76231: JEFFERS, Robinson - Dear Judas
76062: JEFFERS, Robinson - Hungerfield
81794: JEFFERS, ROBINSON - Medea
48155: JEFFERS, Robinson - Such Counsels You Gave to Me
83031: JEFFERSON, Joseph - The Autobiography of Joseph Jefferson W/ Autograph Letter Tipped in
78121: JEFFERSON,JOSEPH - Autograph Note Signed
71742: JEFFREY, William - Eagle of Coruisk
79824: JEKYLL, Gertrude - Old English Household Life: Some Account of Cottage Objects and
76049: JENNESS, John Scribner - Isles of Shoals
76558: JENS, JOANNES - Purae Et Impurae Latinitatis Collectanea
65699: JERNEGAN, Marcus W. - Educational Development of the Southern Colonies
86888: JERNEGAN, Marcus W. - Colonial Education and Slavery, a Bound Collection of Eight Offprints
75359: JERROLD, Douglas, et al. - Heads of the People
59144: JESSE, John Heneage - Memoirs of the Court of England
60581: JESSOP, Ernest Maurice, illus - Ye Jackdaw of Rheims
49537: JEWELRY - Magnificent Predious-Stone Jewelry
77631: JEWETT, SARAH ORNE - Life of Nancy
77626: JEWETT, Sarah Orne - Tory Lover
77630: JEWETT, Sarah Orne - Queen's Twin and Other Stories
70661: JEWETT, Sarah Orne - Marsh Island
81458: JEWETT, SARAH ORNE - Tory Lover
42362: JEWETT, SARAH ORNE - Country Byways
77623: JEWETT, SARAH ORNE - Life of Nancy
52318: JEWETT, SARAH ORNE - Best Stories of Sarah Orne Jewett
83781: JEWETT, Sarah O[rne] - Deephaven
70617: JEWETT, Sarah Orne - Tory Lover
89316: [MIMEOGRAPH/STENCIL ART] Wakayama Yaso^ji, artist - Bo^Chu^ Kanpon Sono Ni Esashi No Shigejiro^, Ani
88373: [MIMEOGRAPH/STENCIL ART] Wakayama Yaso^ji, artist - Tensai No Matsuri
88276: [MIMEOGRAPH/STENCIL ART] Wakayama Yaso^ji, artist - Kaenai Kimono
87769: [DESIGN] NAITO^ Ryo^ji - So^Shoku Katto Gashu^
89317: [MIMEOGRAPH/STENCIL ART] Wakayama Yaso^ji, artist - Bo^Chu^ Kanpon Sono Ichi Gin No Shima Chizu Hensenki
68130: JIMENEZ, Juan Ramon - Platero and I.
89215: [DESIGN] Azuma Do^jin - Koutashirabe Azuma Koromo
38487: Jippensha, Ikku - Hizakurige
88743: [CUSTOMS] HIRADE Ko^jiro^, author - To^Kyo^ Fu^Zoku-Shi 3 Vols
88309: [AGRICULTURE] Miyazaki Ryu^jo^ - Ko^Eki Noko^ Zensho 5 Vols
77606: JOERISSEN, Gertrude Laughlin - Lost Flute and Other Chinese Lyrics
29523: JOHNES, RAYMOND - Japanese Art
44284: JOHNSON, Samuel - Life of Samuel Johnson, L.L. D.
80818: JOHNSON, Merle - American First Editions
60653: JOHNSON, Samuel - Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.
77240: JOHNSON, Samuel - Exhibit of Books and Manuscripts from the Johnsonian Collection
76764: JOHNSON, Samuel - Johnsoniana
76075: JOHNSON, John Edgar - Monks Before Christ
75668: JOHNSON, W. Fletcher - Life of Sherman
61408: JOHNSON, Rogers Bruce - Ancestors of Rogers Bruce Johnson from Immigration to the Present
66028: JOHNSON, Rogers Bruce - Ancestors of Rogers Bruce Johnson from Immigration to the Present
80490: JOHNSON, Crockett - Barnaby
79500: JOHNSON, Virginia W. - Travels of an American Owl: A Satire
78105: JOHNSTON, General Joseph E., CSA - Autograph, Signed Letters
81456: JOHNSTON, MARY - Audrey
81457: JOHNSTON, MARY - Cease Firing
80212: JOHNSTON, Mary - The Long Roll
75459: JOHNSTON, Joseph E. - Narrative of Military Operations
84908: JOLY, Henri L. - Japanese Sword-Mounts Collection of J.C. Hawkshaw (Tsuba 鍔)
56227: JONES, Howard Mumford - Survival
65756: JONES, Howard Mumford - Scholar As American
76057: JONES, J. William - Army of Northern Virginia
71645: JONES, Howard M. - They Say the Forties
86741: JONSON, Ben - Epicoene; or, the Silent Woman
71814: JORDY, William - Henry Adams and Francis Parkman
61597: JORROCKS, John - Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities
64922: CONRAD, Joseph and F.M. Hueffer - Romance
89475: MACQUER [Pierre Joseph] - Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, Translated from the
31428: CONRAD, JOSEPH AND HUEFFER, FORD MADOX - Nature of the Crime
90186: JOSEPH, J.(Jacques) - Nasenplastik Und Sonstige Gesichtsplastik Nebst Einem Anhang Uber
59741: JOSSELLYN, John - New England's Rarities
53206: TAKAGI [Josui?, Yukimizu?] , author - Kantei Hiketsu to^Ki Ruishu^ Jo^, Chu^, Ge
71052: JOUBERT, Carl - Fall of Tsardom
58075: JOURNAL - Folia Anatomica Japonica
58142: [SCIENCE JOURNAL] - Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo
79410: JOYCE, Robert Dwyer - Ballads of Irish Chivalry
83386: HALE JR., Richard Walden - Tercentenary History of the Roxbury Latin School 1645-1945
83602: HOWELL JR., Roger - Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and the Puritan Revolution: A Study of the CIVIL
75100: FISHER Jr., Frank B. - Facts, Fables and Fiction of Hokkaido Japan
84515: JUAN, George - Voyage Historique de L'Amerique Meridionale Fait Par Ordre Du Roi
68137: JUDELL, Maxson Foxhall - Fun Shop
39871: BURLING, Judith and Arthur Hart - Chinese Art
44925: GREEN Julien - Visionnaire
55483: JUNG, Rabbi Leo - Jewish Way to Married Happiness
82458: SEKINO Junichiro - Nihon No Kaido^ Japanese Streets
82423: TANIZAKI JUNICHIRO^ - Fu^Ten Ro^Jin Nikki [Diary of a Mad Old Man]
84826: JUNIUS, Franciscus - Etymologicum Anglicanum
76307: JUNIUS - Junius, Including Letters by the Same Writer Under Other Signatures
48111: JUVENELIA - My Indian Library
88830: [KYO^KABON] - Kyo^Ka Tani No Tsuki
61822: KABUKI - Kabuki
90417: KAFKA, Franz - Trial
54463: KAGAN, Solomon R. - Contributions of the Early Jews to American Medicine
74751: KAHNWEILER, Daniel-Henry, Theodore Reff, et al.. - Picasso in Retrospect
88713: [CHILDREN'S BOOK] Nihon Kyo^iku Ongaku Kyo^kai - Ehon Sho^Ka Natsu No Maki
85165: [JAPANESE MAGAZINE] To^yo^ Bunka Kyo^kai, publishe - Gaho^ Yakushin No Nippon the Advance in Japan
85164: [JAPANESE MAGAZINE] To^yo^ Bunka Kyo^kai, publishe - Gaho^ Yakushin No Nippon the Advance in Japan
89775: [PHOTOGRAPHY] To^kyo^ Shashin Kenkyu^kai - Kenten Gashu^ Dai Ni-Ju^-Hasshu^
88061: [SIBERIAN EXPEDITION] Teikoku Gunjin Kyo^iku-kai - Shiberi Jihen Kinen Shashin-Cho^
80585: NIPPON SHOKO KAIGISHO - Trade Directory of Japan 1934-5
87334: [OCEAN LINERS] OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA - Umi Vol. 10, #10
87326: [OCEAN LINERS] OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA - Umi Vol. 11, #12
87325: [OCEAN LINERS] OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA - Umi Vol. 12, #11
84728: [JAPANESE PAPER] RAKUHO^ SHIGYO^ KABUSHIKI KAISHA - Rakuho^ Hekishi R.H. S Wallpapers 2
84157: KALA, Satish Chandra - Bharhut Vedika
82254: Iwasaki Kan-en's 岩崎Oeoe (also Iwasaki Tsunemasa 岩崎常正) - Honz Zufu Oe草図Oe [Also Hons Zufu] 3 Vols 27-29
86171: [PHOTOGRAPHY - JAPANESE] KANAI, Moroi - Monochrome Deja Vu Frozen Scenery: Holland with Cd
82565: KANE, ELISHA KENT - Arctic Explorations
72817: KANE, ELISHA KENT - U.S. Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin
54479: KANOKOGI, K. - Shintoism and Its Significance
65560: KAPP, EDMOND X. - Minims
87695: [SKETCHTOUR GENRE] O^tani Sonyu^ & Iguchi Kashu^ - Tokaido^ Goju^San-Tsugi Emaki
79355: KASS, Edward H. - A History of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
91122: [EHON] Mikuma Katen, artist - Kinsei Kijin-Den
88453: KITASONO Katue, poet - Garasu No Kuchihige Poeme Interieur
88413: KITASONO Katue, poet - Katai Tamago
88412: KITASONO Katue, poet SUEMATSU, Matsuki, artist - Mahiru No Remon
88410: KITASONO Katue, poet - Fu^Do
88409: KITASONO Katue, poet SUEMATSU, Matsuki, artist - Mahiru No Remon
88454: KITASONO Katue, translator - Les Joues En Feu Hi No Hoho
85772: KATZ, Menke - Land of Manna
79693: KAUFFMAN, Henry J. - The Pennsylvania-Kentucky Rifle
79958: KAUFFMAN, C. H. - Dictionary of Merchandise, and Nomenclature in All Languages; for the
79660: KAUFFMAN, Henry J. - Early American Gunsmiths 1650-1850
26448: KAWABATA, Y. - Lake
80621: [ONCHI] KAWAJI, Ryu^ko^, poet ONCHI Koshiro, artis - Mui No Sekkei, Shishu^
89297: [CREATIVE PRINT MOVEMENT] SARASHINA Genzo^ & Kawak - Kappa-Do^
87151: KAWAKITA, MICHIAKI - Contemporary Japanese Prints
38023: KAWAURA, KEN-ICHI - Album of Old Japanese Prints of the Ukiyo-Ye School
34730: WATANABE-KAZAN - On Watanabe-Kazan As a Painter
89402: NAKAGAWA Kazumasa, artist - Nakagawa Kazumasa Gashu^
89605: HASEGAWA Kazumi, editor - Dai Niju^Ni-Kai Nikashu^
84158: KEATE, George - An Account of the Pelew Islands
80624: KEATE, George - An Account of the Pelew Islands
80623: KEATE, George - An Account of the Pelew Islands
85244: M'KECHNIE, William Sharp - The State and the Individual: An Introduction to Political Science
70966: KEEZER, Dexter Merriam - Making Capitalism Work
89193: [JAPANESE ATLAS] Ichikawa To^kei - Kokugun Zenzu 2 Volumes
91103: [BIRDS & FLOWERS] Imao KEINEN - Keinen Kach Gafu
86827: KEIRSTEAD, Thomas - Geography of Power in Medieval Japan
89321: SERIZAWA Keisuke, artist - Katazome Rinbyo^, 2 Vols
89267: [STENCIL PRINTING] SERIZAWA Keisuke; YOSHIDA Kogor - Kirishitan Monogatari
89241: SERIZAWA Keisuke, artist. SHIKIBA Ryu^zaburo^, au - Mingei to Seikatsu
89211: SERISAWA Keisuke, artist - Katazome Sho^Hinshu^ 1
87023: KAWABATA Keisuke, editor - Indo Bijutsu Taikan 2 Vols
86322: [PAPERMAKING] SERIZAWA Keisuke - Kami Wo Tsukuru Hitotachi
80831: KEITH, Thomas - Contributions to the Surgical Treatment of Tumours of the Abdomen II
73738: KEITH, Alyn Yates - Hilltop Summer
56920: KELEMEN, PAL - Baroque and Rococo in Latin America
76372: KELLER, Gottfried - People of Seldwyla and Seven Legends
36595: KELLER, HELEN - Carbon Copy of Letter
83121: KELLOGG, J. H. - Constipation How to Fight It
73861: KELLY, Walt - Pogo Stepmother Goose
83236: THOMSON BARON KELVIN, William - Mathematical and Physical Papers Vol. IV: Hydrodynamics and General
85610: KELYNACK, T. N. - A Contribution to the Pathology of the Vermiform Appendix
75216: KENDALL, George W. - Narrative of an Expedition Across the Great South-Western Prairies
86667: KENDRICK, JOHN B. - History of Wallingford Disater
83639: UKIYOE KENKYUKAI - Hihan Kiyonaga
58123: KENNAN, GEORGE - The Japanese in the San Francisco Schools [the Outlook, Periodical]
76451: KENNEDY, X.J. - Instructor's Manual
53549: KENNEDY, Sparock Hall - Why Leave Home
62676: KENNEDY, Raymond - Bibliography of Indonesian Peoples and Cultures
43882: KENNEDY, William - Quinn's Book
77394: KENNETT, Basil - Romae Antiquae Notitia
81355: KENNEY, John Tarrant - Hitchcock Chair
83396: O^E Kenzaburo - Sakebigoe
82482: O^E Kenzaburo - Collection of Twenty-One First Editions, Including Four Signed Titles
79622: KERFOOT, J. B. - American Pewter
78047: KERNAHAN, Coulson - Captain Shannon
59755: KERR, Walter S. - Acadian Proscript
85208: KERTESZ, A. - The Diamine Colours of the Aniline Colour Works of Leopold Cassella
84203: KETCHUM, Milo S. - The Design of Steel MILL Buildings and the Calculation of Stresses in
49742: KETTELL, Russell - Pine Furniture of Early New England
41256: KEYES, ROGER S. - Theatrical World of Osaka Prints
85643: KEYES, E. L. - The Tonic Treatment of Syphilis
70149: KEYNES, Geoffrey - John Evelyn: A Study in Bibliophily
65566: KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD - Economic Consequences of the Peace
50802: KHAYYEM, Omar - Rubaiyat
88638: KHAYYEM, Omar - Rubaiyat
67982: KHAYYEM, Omar - Rubaiyat
89328: [SSAKU HANGA] OKAMURA Kichiemon, artist - Iyomante Kuma Matsuri Ainu
42410: KIDDER, J. Edward, Jr. - Birth of Japanese Art
76290: KIDDER, D.P. - Idumaea
77670: KIDDER, Glen M. - Railway to the Moon
50538: KIDDER, J. Edward, Jr. - Birth of Japanese Art
89999: KIER, Kathleen E. - Melville Encyclopedia: The Novels
36171: [EHON] Kawamura Kiho^, artist - Kiho^ Gafu
89901: [EHON] Kawamura KIH, artist - Kafuku Nimpitsu
82849: KIKUCHI, Sadao - Ukiyo-E Prints
13023: KIKUCHI, SADAO - Treasury of Japanese Woodblock Prints
66704: KILVERT, Francis - Collected Verse of the Reverend Francis Kilvert
66844: KILVERT - Looking Backwards. . a Kilvert Miscellanea
84117: KIM, Chewon - Arts of Korea
78939: KIMBALL, Richard B. - In the Tropics
45239: KIMBALL, Fiske - Domestic Architecture of the American Colonies
75555: KIMBER, Sidney A. - Cambridge Press Title Pages
38429: KINCAID, ZOE - Kabuki
82432: KING, Frank - Skeezix and Pal
74204: KING, Captain Charles - Campaigning with Crook and Stories of Army Life
49764: KING, Constance Eileen - Encyclopedia of Toys
89489: [PHOTOGRAPHY] Imada KINGO, editor - Hanzai Kagaku Vol. 3 #7
83607: KINGSLEY, Charles - The Hermits
55192: KINGSLEY, Charles - Two Years Ago
58017: 425KINGSLEY, CHARLES - Charles Kingsley, His Letters and Memories of His Life
33403: KINGSLEY, CHARLES - Hypatia
79136: KINGSTON, W. H. G. - My First Voyage to Southern Seas
85637: KINGZETT, C. T. - Nature's Hygiene: A Series of Essays on Popular Scientific Subjects
79873: KINGZETT, C. T. - Nature's Hygiene: A Series of Essays on Popular Scientific Subjects
64163: KINSBURY, Alice - Ho for Elf Land
86753: KIPLING, Rudyard - Out of India
87268: KIPLING, Rudyard - Absent-Minded Beggar
75529: KIPLING, Rudyard - Life's Handicap, Being Stories of Mine Own People
72287: KIPLING, Rudyard - Abaft the Funnel
4646: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Abaft the Funnel
46624: KIPLING, Rudyard - Around the World with Kipling
50881: KIPLING, Rudyard - Just So Song Book
19307: KIPLING, RUDYARD - 'They'
72416: KIPLING, Rudyard - Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads
73004: KIRKLAND, Frazar - Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes
85967: KIRKWOOD, K.P. - Mountaineering in Japan
49822: KIRSTEIN, Lincoln - Low Ceiling
80874: KITAO, Harumichi - Formation of Bamboo
88411: KITASONO Katue, et al. - Ama No Mayu
89152: OKUMURA Kitchibei, artist - Mutsugami Zanbo^Roku: Wasure Nokosareshi Mutsugami No Hanashi
75647: KITTO, John - History of Palestine
28774: KIZAKI, SATOKO - Phoenix Tree
79687: KLEIN, Theodore B. - Early History and Growth of Carlisle (with) Early Footprints
83500: KLIENEBERGER, H. R. - Bibliography of Oceanic Linguistics
73562: KLOPSTOCK, Friedrich - The Messiah
56169: KLOSE, Charles Louis - Memoirs of Prince Charles Stuart
82534: KNAPP, Samuel Lorenzo - Letters of Shahcoolen, a Hindu Philosopher, Residing in Philadelphia
54688: KNAPP, ARTHUR MAY - Feudal and Modern Japan
78492: KNIGGE, Baron Adolf - Practical Philosophy of Social Life
80291: KNIGHT, Marian Vera - Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences Vol IV 1915
84683: KNOOP, Johann Hermann - Fructologia, of Beschryving Der Vrugtbomen En Vrugten
65478: KNOPF, Alfred A. - Reception and Dinner to Commemorate the Publication of the First Borzo
81204: KNOX, Vicesimus - Elegant Extracts, or Useful and Entertaining Passages, from the Best
87489: [DESIGN] Goto^ Ryu^ko^ - Hana No Nishiki #3
85893: [LIVRE D'ARTISTE] MORIMOTO Kiyo^ko, artist - Sanju^-San Butsu
74279: KOBAYASHI, Hidetoshi - Shear Localization and Fracture in Torsion of Metals
69143: Koch, Gerd - Materielle Kultur Der Gilbert-Inseln
91118: [EHON] UEDA KOCHO - Sui-Un Ryakuga
87155: KOEHN,ALFRED - Art of Japanese Flower Arrangement (Ikebana)
80829: KOELER, Georg. Ludov - Experimenta Circa Regenerationem Ossium
79821: KOENIG, Wilhelm - Uber Gesichtsfeld-Ermudung Und Deren Beziehung Zur Concentrischen
75562: KOESTLER, ARTHUR - Dialogue with Death
87930: OZAKI Kohachi, author. Onchi Kōshirō 恩oe孝四郎, artist - Komakusa こまくさ
90891: FURUKAWA Khei, artist - Shinkankaku Moy 新感覚模様
80599: KOHLRAUSCH, Frederick - A History of Germany; from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
83694: KOJIMA, Cho^sui, editor - San-Sei Utagawa Toyokuni O^Kubi Yakusha Kaishu^
79152: KOLODNY, Anatole - Bone Sarcoma: The Primary Malignant Tumors of Bone
25255: KONDO - Kondo Seizai (Morishige)
85459: [PREWAR ADVERTISING] Matsubara Korenori, designer - Tokei Kinzoku Megane-Ten Ko^Koku Zuan-Shu^
88515: [PREWAR ADVERTISING] Matsubara Korenori, designer - Tokei Kinzoku Megane-Ten Ko^Koku Zuan-Shu^
43767: KORN, MARIAN - Prints of Marian Korn
87024: NOMA Koshin, editor - Kinsei Bungei So^Kan, 14 Vols
89274: ONCHI Koshiro^, editor - A Run of the Magazine Issues. Shoso^ Magazine
85462: ONCHI Koshiro, artist; Inoue Yasufumi, poet - Shishu^ Ume
77363: KOSINSKI, JERZY - Future Is Ours, Comrade
46604: KOSINSKI, Jerzy - Painted Bird
83032: KOUNS, Nathan G. - Arius the Libyan: An Idyl of the Primitive Church
78805: KOZIK, Francis - The Great Debureau
84120: KRAIRIKSH, Piriya - Art in Peninsular Thailand Prior to the Fourteenth Century A.D.
79859: KRAMER, W. - The Aural Surgery of the Present Day
39689: KRASA, Miloslav - Temples of Angkor
53238: KRAUSS, Friederich S. - Geschlechtleben in Glauben, Sitte, Brauch Und Gewohnheitrecht Der Japa
38506: KRAUSS, Dr. Friedrich S. - Geschlechtleben in Glauben, Sitte, Brauch Und Gewohnheitrecht Der Japa
55472: KROEBER, A. L. - Basketry Designs of the Mission Indians
75417: KRONENBERGER, Louis - Grand Manner
87350: [KODOMO NO KUNI] - Sho^Gaku Kagaku Ehon Dai Rokkan Ifuku
76999: KUNITZ, Stanley - Intellectual Things
82967: KUNO, Takeshi - A Guide to Japanese Sculpture
89329: [JAPANESE CINEMA] To^kyo^ Bebi-shinema Kurabu - Baby Cinema Bebi-Shinema Vol. 3 [12 Issues] 1930
85655: KURELLA, H. - Naturgeschichte Des Verbrechers. Grundzuge Der Criminellen
83171: KURTH, Julius - Die Geschichte Des Japanischen Holzschnitts, 3 Volumes
86021: KURTH, Julius - Utamaro
39925: KURTH, Julius - Suzuki Harunobu
87973: [MAGAZINE] TEIKOKU HATSUMEI KYOKAI - Hatsumei the Invention 40 Issues
87792: TAKAHAMA Kyoshi, editor - Sashie
77746: KYRISS, Ernst - Festschrift Ernst Kyriss
88714: [CHILDREN'S BOOK] KINDAABUKKU Dai-yonkan Dai-kyu^- - Tsubame No Ouchi
85217: L. B. FORTNER COMPANY L. - Dye Sample Book (Sulphur and Sulphenol)
58747: KELLOGG, Vernon L. and Shinkai I. Kuwana - Papers from the Hopkins Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899
79778: LAACHE, S. - Harn-Analyse Fur Practische Artze
78980: LABAUME, Eugene - A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia
63794: LANGLEY AUERODYNAMICAL LABORATORY - Advisory Committee on the Langley Aerodynamical Laboratory
81113: LABREE, BEN - Press Reference Book of Prominent Kentuckians
83020: LACROIX, Col. Irenee Amelot de - Military and Political Hints
60952: LACROIX, Paul - Arts Au Moyen Age Et a L'Epoque de la Renaissance
60953: LACROIX, Paul - Moeurs, Usages Et Costumes Au Moyen Age Et a L'Epoque de la Renaissan
60965: LACROIX, Paul - Xviiime Siecle; Lettres, Sciences Et Arts
60960: LACROIX, Paul - Xviime Siecle; Institutions, Usages Et Costumes
60962: LACROIX, Paul - Xviiime Siecle; Institutions, Usages Et Costumes
50947: LACROIX, Paul - Eighteenth Century
85333: LAGRANGE, J. L. - Oeuvres de Lagrange, Tome Neuvieme: Theorie Des Fonctions Analytiques
62758: LAJTHA, Edgar - March of Japan
74127: LAMB, Charles - Life, Letters and Writings of Charles Lamb
71629: LAMB, Charles - Essays of Elia (the Last Essays of Elia)
64693: LAMB, Charles - The Works of Charles Lamb
84768: LAMSON, D. F. - History of the Town of Manchester, Essex County, Massachusetts 1645 -
71730: LAMSON, Daniel - History of the Town of Weston
84259: LAMSON, D. F. - History of the Town of Manchester Essex County, Massachusetts 1645-
74602: LANDOR, Walter Savage - Works of Walter Savage Landor
86696: LEHNERT & LANDROCK - Nordafrika Tripolis Tunis Algier Marokko
74704: REGISTER BOOK OF THE LANDS AND HOUSES IN THE "NEW - Register Book of the Lands and Houses in the "New Towne
86026: LANE, Richard - Monumenta Nipponica Vol XIV Nos. 1-2: Saikaku's Prose Works: A.
86027: LANE, Richard - Monumenta Nipponica Vol XIV Nos 3-4: Saikaku's Contemporaries and
86028: LANE, Richard - Monumenta Nipponica Vol XVIII Nos 1-4: On Monographs and Kuniyoshi
86025: LANE, Richard - Monumenta Nipponica Vol XIV Nos. 1-2: Saikaku's Prose Works: A.
82893: Lane, Richard - Images from the Floating World, the Japanese Print
67959: Lane, Richard - Images from the Floating World, the Japanese Print
47953: LANG, Andrew - Library
72509: LANGDON, WILLIAM CHAUNCY - The Game of English Blood Royal
78142: LANGENBECK, Conrad Johann Martin - Neue Bibliothek Fur Die Chirugie Und Opthamologie
55495: LANGLAND, William - Vision of William Concerning Piers Plowman
83373: LANGLEY, S. P. - Experiments in Aerodynamics
77400: LANGLOIS, CH.V. - Introduction to the Study of History
43109: [JAPANESE LANGUAGE] - Thesaurus of Every Day English
43887: [JAPANESE LANGUAGE] - Thesaurus of Every Day English
82222: LANSDELL, Henry - Russian Central Asia Including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv, 2 Vols
49972: LARCOM, Lucy - Wheaton Seminary
31393: LARDNER, RING - Lose with a Smile
79731: LARKIN, James - The Practical Brass and Iron Founder's Guide: A Concise Treatise
42529: MCMURTRY, Larry and Diana Ossana - Pretty Boy Floyd
57569: LATHEM, EDWARD CONNERY - Daniel Webster the Noblest Effort of His Career
76911: LATIN - Dictionarium Universale Latino-Gallicum
37009: Laufer, Berthold - Tobacco and Its Use in Asia
82240: LAUFER, Berthold - Klu Bum Bsdus Pai Snin Po Klu Bum Bsdus Pai Snin Po
33435: LAUFER, BERTHOLD - Oriental Theatricals
75314: LAUGEL, Auguste - Les Etats-Unis
79621: LAUGHLIN, Ledlie Irwin - Pewter in America: Its Makers and Their Marks, 2 Volumes in One
79618: LAUGHLIN, Ledlie Irwin - Pewter in America: Its Makers and Their Marks, 2 Volumes
46281: BINYON, LAURENCE AND SEXTON, J.J. O'BRIEN - Japanese Colour Prints
72691: TOULOUSE-LAUTREC,H - One Hundred Ten Unpublished Drawings
74039: TOULOUSE-LAUTREC - Loan Exhibition of Tousouse-Lautrec
80788: LAW - The Trial of Lawrence Earl Ferrers, for the Murder of John Johnson
83917: LAWRENCE, Abbott - Will of Abbott Lawrence
84171: LAWRENCE, William R. - Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the Late Amos Lawrence;
84037: LAWRENCE, William R. - Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the Late Amos Lawrence;
86010: LAWRENCE, William R. - Extracts from the Diary and Correspondence of the Late Amos Lawrence;
84258: LAWRENCE, John - The Genealogy of the Family of John Lawrence, of Wisset, in Suffolk
82141: LAWRENCE, D. H. - The Letters of D.H. Lawrence
45060: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Sons and Lovers
46209: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Collected Poems
15473: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Touch and Go
83742: LAWRENCE, William - Life of Amos A. Lawrence with Extracts from His Diary and
51261: LAWRENCE, T. E. - Secret Despatches from Arabia
74996: LAWS, B.G. - Two Move Chess Problem
84143: LAWSON, Robert - Mr. Revere and I (Limited Edition)
72930: [NEW HAMPSHIRE ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE] - New Hampshire Issue
38986: LEAN, Vincent Stuckey - Lean's Collectanea
82788: LEAR, Edward - Calico Pie; a Facsimile of the Original Manuscript with Pen Drawings
69149: Lechtman, Heather - Seven Matched Hollow Gold Jaguars from Peru's Early Horizon
83528: LECLERCQ, Jean - Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture
64879: LEDERER, William J. - Christmas Card
82988: LEDOUX, Louis V. - Descriptive Catalogue of an Exhibition of Japanese Figure Prints from
82989: LEDOUX, Louis V. - Descriptive Catalogue of an Exhibition of Japanese Landscape, Bird
85385: LEDOUX, LOUIS - Japanese Landscape, Bird, and Flower Prints
33434: LEDOUX, LOUIS V. - Japanese Prints
65657: LEE, Joseph - James Jackson Storrow, '85
69458: LEE, James W. - Studies in the Novel, Winter 1970
79157: LEE, Mary - A History of the Chestnut Hill Chapel
83376: LEE, Eliza Buckminster - Sketches of a New-England Village, in the Last Century
82275: LEE, Harriet, & Sophia Lee - Canterbury Tales, Vols. 1 & 2 (of 5) Only
87073: LEE, EDWIN - Observations on the Principal Medical Institutions and Practice
57358: LEE, MARY - History of the Chestnut Hill Chapel
67983: LEECH, John - Pictures of Life and Character from the Collection of Mr. Punch
70512: LEFRANC, Marie - How to Make Wax Flowers
68528: LEGOFF, Marcel - Anatole France at Home
82294: LEGRAND, Emile - Bibliographie Ionienne
86115: LEGRAND, J. G., and C. P. Landon - Description de Paris Et de Ses Edifices
83581: LEHMANN, Phyllis Williams - The Pedimental Sculptures of the Hieron in Samothrace
80128: LEHMANN, Rosamond - A Note in Music
34358: LEIBOWITZ, ADOLPHE - Japanese Prints and Their Creators
79292: LEIGHTON, John - Paris Under the Commune or, the Seventy-Three Days of the Second Siege
83991: LEITH, Charles Kenneth - The Mesabi Iron-Bearing District of Minnesota
88506: LELAND, Charles Godfrey - Hans Breitmann's Party. With Other Ballads
88478: LELAND, Charles G. - Hans Breitmann in Germany, Tyrol
43276: VAN LELYVELD, Th. B. - La Danse Dans le Theatre Javanais
87036: LEMERY, Nicolas - Dictionaire Ou Traite Universel Des Drogues Simples
86983: LEMERY, Nicolas - Pharmacopoeia Lemeriana Contracta: Lemery's Universal Pharmacopoeia Ab
78899: LENIN, Nikolai - Die Proletarische Revolution Und Der Renegat Kautsky
65486: RICHARDS, Lenore and Nola Treat - Quantity Cookery
71986: LENOTRE, G. - Legendes de Noel
75088: LENSEN, George Alexander - Report from Hokkaido: The Remains of Russian Culture in Northern Japan
83638: LENSKI, Lois - The Easter Rabbit's Parade
84304: LENTZ, Harold - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
49346: M'LEOD, JOHN - Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Alceste
71397: BAUMGARTNER, Leona and John F. Fulton - Bibliography of the Poem Syphilis Sive Morbus Gallicus
85955: LEPSIUS, Richard - Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai
55257: LEROUX, Gaston - Nomads of the Night
80098: LEROUX, Gaston - The Bride of the Sun
56185: LESLIE, Amy - Some Players
72062: LEUBA, Walter - Poems out of a Hat
89672: LEURET,Francois - Fragmens Psychologiques Sur la Folie
83399: LEVENSON, Randal - In Search of the Monkey Girl
63134: LEVER, Charles - Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly
75735: LEVER, Charles - Dodd Family Abroad
63146: LEVER, Charles - Tony Butler
63149: LEVER, Charles - Sir Brook Fossbrooke
63142: LEVER, Charles - Confessions of Con Cregan
63144: LEVER, Charles - Fortunes of Glencore
75348: LEVINGER, Elma Ehrlich - Benjamin's Book About His Family
75426: LEVY, S. Leon - Nassau W. Senior
75351: LEVY, S. Leon - Nassau W. Senior: The Prophet of Modern Capitalism
87083: LEWIS,WILLIAM - Experimental History of the Materia Medica or the Natural and Artifici
88917: LEWIS, Thomas - Waltham, Past and Present; and Its Industries. With an Historical
86999: LEWIS, William - A Course of Practical Chemistry
70431: LEWIS, Donald - Rail Cananda
81750: LEWIS, C. DAY - Room
78971: LEWIS, W. - The New Dispensatory
76626: LEWIS, Wyndham - One-Way Song
84752: LEWIS, Alonzo - The History of Lynn, Including Nahant
63094: LEWIS, Oscar - First 75 Years
80715: LEWIS, W. S. - Le Triomphe de L'Amitie Ou L'Histoire de Jacqueline Et de Jeanneton
26960: LEWIS, WYNDHAM - Filibusters in Barbary
54849: LEWIS, Wyndham - The Wild Body
88052: Li Shizhen 李時珍原; translated by Shirai Kōtarō 白井-太郎, Suzuki Masaumi 鈴oeoe海監, et al. - (Shinch KTei) Kokuyaku Honz KMoku (新註校定) oe譯Oe草綱目 (Also Hons KMoku), 15 Vols
71620: [STOUGHTON PUBLIC LIBRARY] - Stoughton Houses, 100 Years
66802: BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY - Boston and the Bay Colony
83870: HOLTON LIBRARY - Catalogue of the Holton Library of Brighton
66257: CHAPIN LIBRARY - Chapin Library Acquisitions, 1957-1977 (Two Volumes)
45115: LICHTENSTEIN, Roy - Lichtenstein
80601: LIMBECK, Rud. R. von - Grundriss Einer Klinischen Pathologie Des Blutes Fur Arzte Und
59121: ATTI DELLA R. ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI - Atti Della R. Accademia Dei Lincei
59122: ATTI DELLA R. ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI - Atti Della R. Accademia Dei Lincei
59123: ATTI DELLA R. ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI - Atti Della R. Accademia Dei Lincei
85427: LINCOLN, Abraham - Abraham Lincoln the Story of His Life
86326: LINCOLN, Abraham - Emancipations Proklamation
85131: LINCOLN, Abraham - Order of Services for the Meeting of the People of Concord, at the
83475: PRESIDENTS - LINCOLN - Boston Evening Courier May 8, 1865: Lincoln Assassination Investigatio
85130: LINCOLN, Abraham - Uncommon Carte-de-Visite Photograph of Abraham Lincoln Ca. 1865
87138: LINCOLN, JOSEPH C. - Cape Cod Ballads
54462: LINDBERGH, Charles A. - Lindburgh's Own Story of Epochal Flight
79607: LINDSAY, J. Seymour - Iron and Brass Implements of the English House
55793: LIPPI, C. Sallustii - De Catilinae Conjuratione de Bello Jugurthino
41742: JAPANESE LITERATURE - Bibliographie de la Litterature Japonaise Contemporaine
41748: JAPANESE LITERATURE - Introduction to Japanese Literature
45095: 645FRENCH LITERATURE - Livre de Demain
43719: JAPANESE LITERATURE - Introduction to Contemporary Japanese Literature
50535: JAPANESE LITERATURE - Introduction to Contemporary Japanese Literature
43720: JAPANESE LITERATURE - Introduction to Classic Japanese Literature
47849: JAPANESE LITERATURE - Introduction to Contemporary Japanese Literature
63022: LITTLEJOHN, David - Black on White
78096: LITTLETON, Adam - Linguae Latinae Liber Dictionarius Quadripartitus
69285: LLOYD-TAYLOR, A., et al. - Sherlock Holmes: Catalogue of the Collection
85753: LLOYD, L. - Scandinavian Adventures During a Residence of Upwards of Twenty Years
78793: LLOYD, Roger B. - The Stricken Lute
76686: LOCKE, John - An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
84858: LOCKE, John - An Abridgement of Mr. Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding
43253: Lockwood, Isabel Ingersoll - Oriental Brasses and Other Objects for Temple and Household Use
87725: LODGE, George C. - Revolutions in Latin America
38054: LOEWNESTEIN, FRITZ E. - Handzeichnungen Der Japanischen Holzschnittmeister
78876: RATHER, Lois and Clif - Strictly Amateur: A Personal Manual of Bookbinding
84052: LOMAX, Leila - Physiognomy
51936: LINNEAN Society of London - Titlepage, Contents, and Index
48790: LONDON, JOHN - Abysmal Brute
88752: LONDON, Jack - Love of Life
37415: LONDON, JACK - When God Laughs
83091: LONDON, Jack - The Call of the Wild
76276: LONDON, Charmian Kittredge - Our Hawaii
29010: LONDON, JACK - Smoke Bellew
29022: LONDON, JACK - Adventure
21946: LONDON, JACK - Burning Daylight
69998: LONDON, Jack - London's Essays of Revolt
34430: LONDON, JACK - Adventure
21945: LONDON, JACK - Sea Wolf
42949: LONDON, Jack - Game
42950: LONDON, Jack - Faith of Men
60900: LONDON, Hannah R. - Portraits of Jews
44432: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Saggi de Novellieiri Italiani D'Ogni Secolo
69382: LONGFELLOW, H.W. - Prose Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
48827: LONGFELLOW, Samuel - Essays and Sermons
80537: LONGUS - Amours Pastorales de Daphnis Et Chloe
80364: LONGWORTH, Maria - Saint Augustine, Florida. Sketches of Its History, Objects of Interest
54699: BOGEN & LOOMIS - Tobacco Tar
77968: LORD,ELEAZAR - Lempriere's Universal Biography
40674: LORIMER, George Horace - Old Gorgon Graham
61159: LOTHROP, S.K.; FOSHAG, W.F.; MAHLER, JOY - Robert Woods Bliss Collection Pre-Columbian Art
85580: DEVERE, Louis and James H. Chappell, eds - Gentleman's Monthly Magazine of Fashion, and Costumes de Paris
85819: DELASIAUVE [Louis] - Traite de L'Epilepsie Histoire - Traitement - Medecine Legale
74707: LOUVRE - Inventaire General Des Dessins: Des Ecoles Du Nord
82084: LOUYS, Pierre - Les Chansons de Bilitis
43608: LOVETT, Richard - James Gilmour and His Boys
44775: LOWDEN, Frank O. - Lowden of Illinois
35846: LOWE, John - Japanese Crafts
20679: LOWELL, ROBERT - Life Studies
86573: LOWELL, James Russell - Fireside Travels
83955: [LOWELL, Percival] MACCAULEY, Clay - Percival Lowell: A Memorial
85381: LOWELL, D. R. - Photograph and Signed Manuscript Note Fragment, Matted and Framed
44119: LOWELL, James Russell - Biglow Papers
86571: LOWELL, James Russell - Demcracy and Other Addresses
86570: LOWELL, James Russell - My Study Windows
86569: LOWELL, James Russell - Under the Willows and Other Poems
48454: LOWELL, James Russell - Fable for Critics
83605: [LOWELL, Amy] - Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan
86214: LOWELL, Robert - On the Right Hand of God
84140: LOWELL, Amy - Letters of John Keats to His Family and Friends
40602: LOWELL, Robert - For Lizzie and Harriet
83958: [Lowell, Percival] AGASSIZ, G. R. - Percival Lowell (1855-1916)
83957: LOWELL, Percival - Augustus Lowell
83748: LOWELL, A. Lawrence - Public Opinion and Popular Government
84335: LOWELL, A. Lawrence - Public Opinion and Popular Government
83956: LOWELL, Percival - Oration by Percival Lowell, on the Fourth of July, 1901, at Flagstaff
50120: LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL - Autograph Note Signed
71022: LOWELL, Robert - Lord Weary's Castle
56256: LOWRY, Carolyn - First One Hundred Noted Men and Women of the Screen
52866: LOWRY, Robert - Party of Dreamers
85365: LOY, W. D. - How to Use the Chinese Abacus
53415: LUBBOCK, Basil - Adventures by Sea from Art of Old Time
48379: LUBBOCK, Basil - Colonial Clippers
53279: LUCIAN - True History
83795: LUDLOW, Edmund - Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow Lieutenant-General of the Horse in the Army
62882: LUFFMAN, C. Bogue - Harvest of Japan
80151: LUST, Adelina Cohnfeldt - A Tent of Grace
84996: LYMAN, Asa - The American Reader: Containing Elegant Selections in Prose and Poetry
84995: LYMAN, Theodore - Meade's Headquarters 1863-1865
77071: LYNCH, Jeremiah - Three Years in the Klondike
85119: LYONS, Israel, the elder - Hebrew Grammar
84357: LYONS, Kenneth M. - Program of Experimental Hypnosis
83731: LYTLE, Horace - Sandy: The Story of an Airedale
44874: BULWER-LYTTON, Edward George - Last Days of Pompeii
37854: BULWER LYTTON, Edward - Ernest Maltravers
73921: HUNTER M.D., James M. ... et al. - Tendon Surgery in the Hand
66630: KEYNES, J.M. and D.H. MacGregor - Economic History
75517: MACAULEY, Sheila Hubbard - Macauley Mcauley Mcgauley Family
81241: MACDONALD, George - Princess and the Goblin
81098: MACDONALD, Thomas L. - Scenes of Flagstaff and Dead River
66916: MacDONALD, George - Mary Marston
66566: MACFALL, Haldane - French Pastellists of the Eighteenth Century
75022: MACHEN, Arthur - Dr. Stiggins: His Views and Principles
34544: MACHEN, ARTHUR - Chronicle of Clemendy
72832: MACHEN, Arthur - Dreads and Drolls
75767: MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo - Mandragola
55659: MACKAYE, Percy - Tall Tales of the Kentucky Mountians
86184: MACKENZIE, WILLIAM - Pratical Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye
80602: MACKENZIE, William - The Physiology of Vision
89919: MACKENZIE, COLIN - One Thousand Experiments in Chemistry; with Illustrations of Natural
51490: MACKENZIE, Jean - Friends of Africa
44824: MACLEISH, ARCHIBALD - Pot of Earth
65723: MacLEISH, Archibald - Libraries in the Contemporary Crisis
76583: MACLEISH, Archibald - The Love of This Land
63967: MACLEISH, Archibald - Typed Letter, Signed
62852: MacLeish, Archibald - Tower of Ivory
75858: MacLEISH, Archibald - America Was Promises
80300: MACLEOD, Jessie, illus - Tears
71882: MACMAHON, Henry - Ten Commandments
48680: MACSWIGGAN, Amelia - Fairy Lamps: Evening's Glow of Yesteryear
80215: MADAN, Falconer - Books in Manuscript
60570: MAETERLINCK, L. - Genre Satirique Dans la Peinture Flamande
61862: MAETERLINCK, Maurice - Mountain Paths
87225: [DESIGN MAGAZINE] - Teikoku Ko^Gei Vol. 11, #12
82229: BOSTON WEEKLY MAGAZINE - Boston Weekly Magazine
87102: [MAGAZINE] - Floral World and Garden Guide
63107: PETERSON'S MAGAZINE - Peterson's Magazine, 1874
89674: MAGENDIE, M. - Formulary for the Preparation and Employment of Several New Remedies
82249: MAGENS, Nicolas - Essay on Insurances... Vol. 1 Only
85715: MAILER, Norman - Harlot's Ghost
58963: MAILER, Norman - Realist No. 60
86202: MAILER, NORMAN - Naked and the Dead
33226: MAILER, NORMAN - Existential Errands
55445: MAILER, NORMAN - Deaths for the Ladies
74722: MAILLARD, Elisa - Old French Furniture
49750: MAJOLICA - Oud-Nederlandsche Majolica En Delftsch Aardwerk
68002: MALAKHOV, Nikolai - Fedoskino
86471: O'MALLEY, L. S. S. - Darjeeling
69539: MALVERN, Gladys & Corinne - Land of Surprise!
84214: MANGAN, Sherry - Salutation to Valediction
48468: MANKOWITZ, Wolf - Wedgwood
49738: MANKOWITZ, Wolf - Wedgwood
85573: MANLEY, Roger - History of the Rebellions in England, Scotland and Ireland
77141: MANN, Thomas - Lubeck Als Geistige Lebensform
81465: MANN, THOMAS - Transposed Heads
77225: Mann, Mary Peabody - Moral Culture of Infancy, and Kindergarten Guide, with Music for the
61423: MANN, Thomas - The Coming Victory of Democracy
61667: MANN, Thomas - Joseph and His Brothers (Introduction)
43686: MANN, HORACE CALVERT, Albert F. - Baccalaureate Discovery of Australia
61111: MANN, Thomas - The Black Swan
61387: MANOS, Constantine - Bostonians
78203: MANSFIELD, KATHERINE - Scrapbook of Katherine Mansfield
78202: MANSFIELD, Katherine - Something Childish
90223: Rai Kyōhei 頼京平 [aka Shunsō or Manshiro], artist - [Kakemono 掛け物 - Hanging Scroll] [Landscape]
91158: [SINO-JAPANESE PAINTING MANUAL] - Zue [Tokai] Sou-I, 7 Vols in One
86395: [HOKKAIDO^] Manuscript - Nanburyo^ Gunson Ryakki
33224: [EHON MANUSCRIPT] - Kakinuma Kohei Kaicho^
53918: [KIMONO DESIGN - MANUSCRIPT] - An Album of Designs
86693: [MAP] - Kherson, Mer D'Azon
60354: MAP - Motor Road Map of Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto and Surrounding Districts
60355: MAP - Motor Road Map of Tokyo, Yokohama and Surrounding Districts
66784: MAPLE, H.L., Compiler - Proceedings of the British Academy
79979: MAPS - Maps for the Jewish School Portfolio 1
42458: MAPS - Bird's Eye View of Nara
54016: (MAPS) - Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation
84731: MARANGONI, Giovanni - Delle Cose Gentileschi E Profane
85307: DE VITI DE MARCO, Antonio - Principi Di Economia Finanziaria
73191: MARCUSON, Alan - Kilims: The Traditional Tapestries of Turkey
60923: DE LA MARE, Walter - Rupert Brooke and the Intellectual Imagination
40994: WIES, Margaret and HICKMAN, Tracy - Seventh Gate
63263: MAEGHT, Marguerite and Aime - Fondation Marguerite Et Aime Maeght
66761: MARIACHER, Giovanni - Italian Blown Glass
76560: MARIANUS, P. - Lexicon Poetic-Rhetorico-Historicum
76894: MARIN, Pieter - Compleet Nederduitsch En Fransch Woordenboek
72499: MARKHAM, GEORGE - Pteryplegia: Or, the Art of Shooting-Flying
48665: MARLOWE, Christopher - Hero and Leander
63665: MARMION, Shakerley - Cupid and Psyche
33319: MARQUIS, DON - Dreams & Dust
54430: MARRYAT, Captain - Poor Jack
51758: MARRYAT, Captain - Children of the New Forest
81125: MARTEAU, Pierre, publ - Moyens Surs & Honestes Pour la Conversion de Tous Les Heretiques
81318: DE ST. MARTHE, Scevole - Paedotrophia; or, the Art of Nursing and Rearing Children. A Poem
73992: MARTIN, Robert Bernard - Charles Kingsley's American Notes: Letters from a Lecture Tour, 1874
73751: MARTIN, Henri - History of France
72404: MARTIN, Stuart - Hangman's Guests
65677: MARTIN, Thomas P. - Cotton and Wheat in Anglo-American Trade and Politics, 1846-1852
85024: MARTINI, Matthias - Idea Methodica Et Brevis Encyclopaediae Seu Adumbratio Universitatis
87046: MARTYN, Thomas - Thirty-Eight Plates with Explanations
85964: MARUKI, Iri - Auschwitz
85833: Marx, K. F. H. - Ausspruche Eines Heilkundigen Uber Vergangenes, Gegenwartiges Und
49222: MARXISM - Die Internationale
82336: [PHOTOGRAPHY - JAPANESE] SANAI Masafumi - Ikite Iru
89208: [PROLETARIAN LITERATURE] Yanase Masamu, Murayama T. - Senki 6 Issues
87676: [EHON] Keisai Masayoshi, artist - So^Ka Ryakuga-Shiki
81730: MASEFIELD, JOHN - Lollingdon Downs
68132: MASEFIELD, John - Conway
72534: MASEFIELD, John - Odtaa, a Novel
71359: MASEFIELD, John - Bird of Dawning
51945: MASLEN, Arthur John - Structure of Lepidostrobus
56742: MASON, VAN WYCK - Spider House
76013: MASON, George C. - Newport Illustrated
64856: MASON, Roger Burford - Roy Vernon Sowers: A Life in Rare Books
59606: MASONRY - Washington As a Freemason
86829: MASS, Jeffrey P. - Development of Kamakura Rule 1180-1250
59391: REGISTER OF THE COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF MASS - Register of the Commandery of the State of Massachusetts
40047: [MASSACHUSETS, History of] - Wenham in World War II
78108: HUMANE SOCIETY of the Commonwealth of Massachusett - Methods of Treatment to Be Used with Persons Apparently Dead
75427: The Military Historical Society of Massachusetts - CIVIL War and Miscellaneous Papers
76695: MASSACHUSETTS - First Parish at Salem Village
76899: MASSACHUSETTS, Constitution of - Constitution, or Frame of Government, for the Commonwealth of Massachu
74174: COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS - Sibley's Heir. A Volume in Memory of Clifford Kenyon Shipton
74146: COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS - Transactions, 1927-1930
74142: COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS - Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusets. Volumes 4-66
55360: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MASSACHUSETTS - Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts 1754-1755
54706: MASSACHUSSETS - Lectures Delivered in a Course Before the Lowell Institute, in Boston
89829: MASSACUSETTS - List of Persons Whose Names Have Been Changed in Massachusetts 1780-18
79593: MASSE, H. J. L. J. - Pewter Plate: A Historical and Descriptive Handbook
50323: MASSE, H.J.L.J. - Pewter Plate
62426: MASSINGER, Philip - The Plays of Philip Massinger
41988: MASSINGER, Philip - Plays
64190: MASSON, David - Drummond of Hawthornden
81705: MASTERS, EDGAR LEE - Great Valley
57606: MASTERS, EDGAR LEE - Golden Fleece of California
88881: EPHEMERA - Matchbox and Matchbook Covers (rinpyō 燐票) - Collection of over 950 Japanese Matchbox and Matchbook Covers (Rinpy 燐票)
51453: [EHON] O^ishi MATORA - Shinji Ando^
25252: MATSUBATA - Matsubata Masayoshi Kanbei Bunsho
75682: MATTHEWS, Washington - Night Chant
51274: MATTHEWS, Washington - Night Chant
72108: MATTHIESSEN, PETER - Tree Where Man Was Born
86967: MATTSON, Morris - American Vegetable Practice
57533: MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET - Choice of Kipling's Prose
73047: MAUGHAM, William Somerset - Explorer
72283: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - Six Stories Written in the First Person Singular
64331: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - Christmas Holiday
88786: MAUGHAM, William Somerset - Moon and Sixpence
88862: MAUPASSANT, Guy de - Rosier de Madame Husson
35231: SENDAK, Maurice and GRAVES, Robert - Big Green Book
46928: SCHNEPS, Maurice and Alvin D. Coox - Japanese Image
52501: DU MAURIER, George - Trilby
78027: DU MAURIER, GEORGE - Harper's
65745: MAURY, J. - Fouilles de M.J. -A. Le Bel
79785: MAUTHNER, Ludwig - Lehrbuch Der Ophthalmoscopie
43601: MAWSON, Sir Douglas - Home of the Blizzard
83057: MAXIM, Hiram S. - Artificial and Natural Flight
86013: MAY, FREDERIC - Catalogue: Japanese Color Prints
70696: MAYO, Elizabeth - Lessons on Shells
41221: MAYUYAMA, JUNKICHI - Japanese Art in the West
71721: MAZIERE, Francis - Parana, Der Kliene Indianer
58738: McBAIN, James W. - Experimental Data of the Quantitative Measurements of Electrolytic
77871: MCCALL, George A. - Letters from the Frontiers
76243: MCCARTHY, Carlton - Detailed Minutiae of Soldier Life
64909: MCCLELLAN, George B., Maj.-Gen - West Point Battle Monument
75564: MCCLELLAN, Gen. George B. - Report on the Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac
81369: McCLURE, S.S. - My Autobiography
57784: McCONNELL, Mickey - Inside Baseball
77901: MCCORD, David - Twelve Verses from XXII Night
48698: MCCORD, David - About Boston
55309: MCCORD, David - New England Revisited
48608: MCCORD, David - Twelve Verses from XXII Night
63604: McCORD, DAVID - Oxford Nearly Visited
70899: McCord, David - Homage to New England
55407: MCCORD, David - Oxford Nearly Visited
53327: MCCORD, David - About Boston
76579: MCCORD, David - Signs of the Zodiac
65731: McCORD, David - Sonnets to Baedeker
55349: MCCORD, David - H.T. P.
55259: MCCORD, David - As Built with Second Thoughts
57469: MCCORD, DAVID - Crows, Poems
70452: MCCORD, David - Floodgate
48902: McCOURT, Frank - Angela's Ashes
41268: MCCULLERS, CARSON - Ballad of the Sad Cafe
78707: MCCULLERS, CARSON - Clock without Hands
78711: McCULLERS, CARSON - Clock without Hands
65698: McCULLOCH, Samuel Clyde - Plea for Further Missionary Activity in Colonial America
52586: McCUTCHEON, George Barr - Black Is White
88346: MCCUTCHEON,GEORGE BARR - Daughter of Anderson Crow
46393: MCCUTCHEON, George Barr - Purple Parasol
65832: McCUTCHEON, Roger P., editor - Present Day Relevance of Eighteenth Century Thought
85944: MCFEE, WILLIAM - Command
85945: MCFEE, WILLIAM - North of Suez
85943: MCFEE, WILLIAM - Harbourmaster
85941: MCFEE, WILLIAM - Race
85936: MCFEE, WILLIAM - Born to Be Hanged
85938: MCFEE, WILLIAM - Sunlight in New Granada
85931: MCFEE, WILLIAM - Aliens
85933: MCFEE, WILLIAM - North of Suez
82147: MCFEE, William - Born to Be Hanged
59504: MCGINLEY, Phyllis - Stones from a Glass
52319: McGINLEy, Phyllis - Province of the Heart
84137: MCGLASHAN, Norman - Autumn Gold
64442: McGOWAN, Patrick F. - Journal of the American Irish Historical Society, Vol. X.
71720: MCGRATH, Thomas - To Walk a Crooked Mile
75469: MCGUIRE, Judith W. - Diary of a Southern Refugee
75031: MCINTIRE, Robert Harry - Ancestry of Robert Harry Mcintire and of Helen Annette Mcintire
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42531: MCMURTRY, Larry - Streets of Laredo
42241: MCMURTRY, Larry - Texasville
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64455: McNEIL, Barbara, editor - Abridged Biography and Genealogy Master Index
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32345: MEISSNER, KURT - Japanese Woodblock Prints in Miniature
85649: MEITZEN, August - History, Theory, and Technique of Statistics
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82872: MICHENER, JAMES A. - Japanese Prints
79817: MIGEOD, Frederick William Hugh - A View of Sierra Leone
34836: MIGEON, GASTON - In Japan
38025: MIGEON, GASTON - Japanese Colour Print
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25305: MONTALEMBERT, COMTE DE - Moines D'Occident
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82411: MONTORGUEIL, G. - France, Son Histoire
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61628: MOORE, Merrill - Doctor's Books of Hours
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61635: MOORE, Merrill - Experimental Sonnets
61636: MOORE, Merrill - Hill of Venus
61638: MOORE, Merrill - Case Record from a Sonnetorium
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61640: MOORE, Merrill - Verse Diary of a Psychiatrist
84546: DAMRELL & MOORE - Boston Almanac for the Year 1858. Number XXIII
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84544: DAMRELL & MOORE - Boston Almanac for the Year 1861. Number XXVI
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71020: Moore, Merrill - A Miscellany, First Series I-X
27879: MOORE, MERRILL - Noise That Time Makes
75309: MOORE, Frank - Women of the War
51925: LE MARCHANT MOORE, SPENCER - Phanerogamic Botany of the Matto Grosso Expedition, 1891-92/the
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84552: DAMRELL & MOORE - Boston Almanac for the Year 1851. Number 16
81725: MOORE, MERRILL - Moi Et Autres Poemes Fugitifs
41008: MOORE, MARIANNE - Collected Poems
61631: MOORE, Merrill - Fugitive Sonnets
61634: MOORE, Merrill - Some Poems for New Zealand
64672: MOORE, William V. - Indians Wars of the United States
88082: DAMRELL & MOORE - Boston Almanac for the Year 1857. Number XXII
60999: MOORE, Marianne - The Arctic Ox
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79294: DE MORGAN, Augustus - Arithmetical Books from the Invention of Printing to the Present Time
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65761: MORGAN, William Thomas - South Sea Company and the Canadian Expedition in the Reign
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65649: MORISON, Samuel Eliot - Ropemakers of Plymouth
80205: MORISON, Samuel Eliot - Harvard in the Seventeenth Century, 2 Volumes
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42738: MORLEY, Christopher - I Know a Secret
83508: MORLEY, Edward W. - On the Densities of Oxygen and Hydrogen, and on the Ratio of Their
42740: MORLEY, Christopher - Human Being
42746: MORLEY, Christopher - Arrow
74677: MORRELL, Thomas - Abridgment of Ainsworth's Dictionary
65461: MORRILL, L. M. - Speech of Hon. L.M. Morrill, of Maine. On the Confiscation of Proper
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80363: MORRISON, Toni - Sula
78873: MORRISON, Arthur - Martin Hewitt Investigator
78518: MORRISON, Theodore - His Copies of Three Titles by and About Geoffrey Chaucer
55364: MORRISON, Hyman - Ottmar Rosenbach
57432: MORRISON, Theodore - Addresses... At the Dedication of a Marker Honoring Robert Frost
45151: MORRISON, Arthur - Painters of Japan
82857: MORRISON, Arthur - Painters of Japan
77301: MORRISON, Arthur - Painters of Japan
79486: MORRISON, Arthur - Short Stories of to-Day and Yesterday
54700: MORRISON, Hyman - Isaac Judaeus and His Times
75069: MORRISON, Arthur - Painters of Japan
54491: MORSE, John T. - Oepipus Tyrannus of Sophocles
65694: MORSE, John T. - Massachusetts Historical Society Record, Nov. , Dec, 1917
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87755: 695MORSE, Edward S. - Japan Day by Day
41568: MORSE, Edward Sylvester - Reviews from the New York Nation... Of the Work of James L. Bowes
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70559: MORSE, Edward S. - First Book of Zoology
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39672: MOSORIAK, Roy - Curious History of Music Boxes
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83247: MULLER, Elisabeth - Plaisir Et Savoir Huit Jours Au Musee de Versailles
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75971: MUNSON, John W. - Reminiscences of a Mosby Guerilla
32603: MUNSTERBERG, HUGO - Art of the Far East
90575: MURAYAMA, Tomoyoshi ed - Kokusai Bunka 国際文oe la Inter-Kulto Year 1, Issue # 2 (Kokusai Bunka KenkyJo Kikanshi 国際文oe研究所機関Oe)
55761: MURCK, Alfreda - Chinese Garden Court
71424: MURDOCH, Iris - Sartre: Romantic Rationalist
53976: MURISON, E. L. - Soul of an Artist
51943: MURRAY, George - New Peridiniaceae from the Atlantic
51924: MURRAY, George - New Species of Caulerpa, with Observations on the Position of the
89751: MURRAY, Lindley - English Reader, or Pieces in Prose and Poetry, Selected from the Best
67513: MUSCARELLA, Oscar White, ed - Ancient Art
78313: SAINT LOUIS ART MUSEUM - Okyo and the Maruyama-Shijo School of Japanese Painting
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69956: BRITISH MUSEUM - List of Pictorial Postcards
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49623: DE MUSSET, Alfred - Fantasio
75752: MYERS, Thomas - Compendious System of Modern Geography, Historical, Physical, Politi
83771: MYERSON, Joel - Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Descriptive Bibliography
69418: MYLONAS, Paulos M. - Athos: Formes Dans Un Lieu Sacre
73845: NA - Empress Odyssey: A History of the Canadian Pacific Service. .
86918: [ADVERTISING] SUZUKI Nagai, editor - Shiro^to Ni Mo Kantan Ni Mo Dekiro Kakushu Kanban So^Shoku No Tkurikat
29344: NAGARE, MASAYUKI - Recent Sculpture
73194: NAGEL, Dr. Fritz - 256. Auktion, Stuttgart
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38085: NAMES - Japanese Personal Names
85435: NAMIOT, Rebecca M. - Solution of Present-Day Problems
81093: NAPIER, Charles James - Defects, CIVIL and Military, of the Indian Government
82848: NARAZAKI, MUNESHIGE - Japanese Print
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79573: NASH, OGDEN - Four Prominent So and So's
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83711: NATHAN, GEORGE JEAN - Bottoms Up
83345: NATHAN, George Jean - The Morning After the First Night
83336: NATHAN, George Jean - Bottoms Up: An Application of the Slapstick to Satire
70694: SOCIETY OF NATURALISTS - Records of the Society of Naturalists, E.U. S.
63234: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 1
63235: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 2
63254: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 19
63255: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Volume 1
63250: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 15
63253: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 18
63232: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. V, Fasc. 3
63231: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. V, Fasc. 2
63233: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. V, Fasc. 4
63222: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. II, Fasc. 14
63236: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 3
63237: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 4
63238: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 5
63239: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 6
63240: MEMOIRES DU MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE - Resultats Scientifiques... Vol. III, Fasc. 7
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