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10215: Pasternak, Boris. - Selected Poems.
6236: Paston, George. - Old Coloured Books.
16436: Dornbush; C. E.; Paszek, Lawrence J.; compilers. - Unit Histories of the United States Air Forces (Including Privately Printed Personal Narratives) / Compiled by C.E. Dornbusch and United States Air Force History (a Guide to Documentary Sources) / Compiled by Lawrence J. Paszek.
33753: Patchen, Kenneth. - Before the Brave.
97739: (Patchett, Ann). Moser, Barry. - One Hundred Portraits Engraved by Barry Moser. With a Foreword by Ann Patchett and an Afterword by the Artist. [Signed by Barry Moser].
35720: King, Lester, M.D. (d. 2002). Pathologist and senior editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association. - Typed Letter to Psychiatrist Arthur N. Foxe Signed by Pathologist and Senior Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Journal Lester S. King, M.D.
98708: Patmore, Coventry. - The Unknown Eros.
24098: Paton, Alan. - Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful.
32736: Paton, Alan - Tales from a Troubled Land
26706: Patrick, Robert Y. - Judas: A Play in Three Acts.
7168: (Sourget, Patrick et Elisabeth). - Deux Cents Livres Precieux de 1467 a 1959. (Catalogue).
34184: (van Patten, Norman). - A Memorial Library of Music at Stanford University.
33712: Patterson, James W., A.M. - An Address Delivered Before the Grafton County Agriculture Society, at Their Annual Fair Held at Haverhill New-Hampshire, October 1 & 2, 1857. Published by Request.
16112: Patterson, George. - Pandora in the Never Never: A Drama by George Patterson,
95108: Pattison, Angela; and Cawthorne, Nigel. - A Century of Shoes: Icons of Style in the 20th Century.
32330: Patton, J. H. - The History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent to the Close of the First Session of the Thirty-Fifth Congress.
28345: Paul, Greg. - '60s Flashback: Music Collectibles from the Age of Change.
27179: Sartre. Jean-Paul. - Loser Wins (Les Sequestres D'Altona): A Play in Five Acts.
98722: Paul, King of Greece; and Frederica of Hanover. - Autographs: Christmas Card with Signed Photographs of Paul, King of Greece and Frederica of Hanover, Queen of Greece.
1068: (Paull, Grace). Bianco, Margery. - The Good Friends.
17457: Pauly, A. - Bibliographie Des Sciences Medicales. Bibliographie - Histoire - Epidemies - Endemies - Histoire Des Ecoles Et Des Hă´Pitaux - Litterature Medicale - Histoire Professionelle.
23897: (Atget, Eugene; Brassai; Kertesz, Andre; Ray, Man; Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo; et al). Paviot, Alain. - Vignt Ans Apres (1977-1997): Quarante Images Pour Une Tres Personelle Histoire de Photographies.
21260: (Pavlik, Michael). (Glowen, Ron). - Michael Pavlik: New Work 94. February 3-26. Habatat Gallery, Boca Raton Gallery Center... . (Catalog).
13744: Pawlowski, Tadeusz. - Happening.
13836: (Peabody, Rev. Andrew P.; Chairman, Membership Committee). - Rolls of Membership of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society 1844-1891.
13972: [Peard, Frances Mary]. - Thorpe Regis: A Novel. By the Author of "the Rose-Garden" and "Unawares.
307: (Pearlstein, Philip). - Philip Pearlstein. (Catalogue).
9440: Pearson, Edmund. - Queer Books.
32141: Peat, Fern Bisel. - Little Housekeepers.
29846: Pechey, John; compiler. - The English Herbal of Physical Plants: Containing Such Herbs, Shrubs and Trees, As Are Used in Physic and Surgery... .
3560: (Peck, Clara). Sterling, Sara Hawks. - Shake-Speares Sweetheart.
96153: (Peck, H. C. & Bliss, Theo.). - The Little Esop.
35591: Peck, Kathryn. - Out of the Silence.
97653: (Peck, Harry Thurston). Petronius Arbiter, Gaius. - Trimalchio's Dinner by Petronius Arbiter. Translated from the Original Latin with an Introduction and Bibliographical Appendix by Harry Thurston Peck.
6484: (Peck, Glenn C.). - America in Print 1796-1941. An Exhibition Inaugurating the Gallery's Department of American Prints, Organized for the Benefit of Lenox Hill Hospital. (Catalogue). April 2-25, 1981.
20811: (Peck, George). Zimmer, William. - George Peck: Paintings. August 19 to September 25, 1990. Image Gallery / Main Street, Stockbridge, Mass. 01262. With an Autograph Note Signed from the Artist.
23083: Peck, Herbert. - The Book of Rookwood Pottery.
4358: (Peckinpah, Sam). Prince, Stephen. - Savage Cinema: Sam Peckinpah and the Rise of Ultraviolent Movies.
28890: Pedersen, Alwin. - Der Scoresbysund: Drei Jahre Forschungsreisen an Der Ostkuste Gronlands.
10984: (Pederson, Vilhelm). Andersen, Hans Christian. - Six Fairy Tales by the Danish Writer Hans Christain Andersen. Published on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of His Birth.
98251: (Da Vinci, Leonardo). Pedretti, Carlo; and Clark, Kenneth. - Leonardo: Studies for the Last Supper from the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. Catalogue by Carlo Pedretti. Introduction by Kenneth Clark.
31945: (Almodovar Pedro). - Carne Tremula [Live Flesh].
94952: Agar, James, 1st Viscount Clifden (1734-1789). Irish peer and politician who held office as one of the joint Postmasters General of Ireland. - Fragment of an Autograph Letter Signed by the Irish Politician James Agar, 1st Viscount Clifden Addressed to Brigadier General Clarke.
6356: (Toothpaste Press). Peich, Michael. - The Toothpaste Press: A Checklist. Reprinted from Books at Iowa, Number 36, April 1982.
12953: Peixotto, Ernest. - Pacific Shores from Panama.
96714: (Meech-Pekarik, Julia; Kenney, James T.). Utamaro, Kitagawa. - Utamaro: A Chorus of Birds.
31582: Pell, Herbert Claiborne. (1984-1961). New York Congressman, Minister to Hungary. An important figure in the UN War Crimes Commission. - Typed Letter Signed by New York Congressman and Minister to Hungary Herbert Pell.
30729: (Pels, Winslow). Beattie, Ann. - Spectacles.
21417: (Penck, A. R.). Teloeken, Isa. - Berlin Suite.
33711: Pendley, W. B. - A Leap in the Dark. Also News on the 1933 Chicago World's Fair. (Cover Title).
5983: Pendray, G. Edward; editor. - The Guggenheim Medalists / Architects of the Age of Flight.
30090: Penkala, Maria. - European Porcelain: A Handbook for the Collector.
14182: (Penn, Arthur). Wood, Robin. - Arthur Penn.
22427: (Pennell, Joseph). Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. - The Life and Letters of Joseph Pennell. 2 Volumes.
30601: (Pennell, Joseph). James, Henry. - English Hours.
98800: [Republican Party of Pennsylvania]. - Democratic Frauds. How the Democrats Carried Pennsylvania in 1867. [Together with the German Edition]: Demokratische Betrugereien: Wie Die Demokraten IM Herbst 1867 Den Wahlsieg in Pennsylvanien Davontrugen. (John K. Robinson, Republican, Vs Samuel T. Shugart, Copperhead).
12679: (Penraat, Jaap). Lehmann, Louis Th. - Schrijlings Op Den Horizon: Gedichten Door L. Th. Lehmann. Helikon: Tijdschrift Voor Poezie No. 10, December 1941.
27507: Pepper, Beverly. - Beverly Pepper. A Two-Phase Exhibition: Altars and Sentinels and a Survey of Public Sculpture.
26860: (Pepper, Beverly). Ratcliff, Carter. - Beverly Pepper: Tell Wall Reliefs / Sentinels and Columns.
26849: (Pepper, Beverly). Rose, Barbara. - Beverly Pepper: Three Site-Specific Sculptures.
24936: Pepper, Claude D.; Maritain, Jacques; Flanner, Janet; Lord Lytton; Lazarev, Nikolai; Dupont, Pierre; et al. - Free World: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Democracy and World Affairs. Volume VI, No. 2. August 1943.
6833: (Percy, Walker). Hobson, Linda Whitney. - Walker Percy: A Comprehensive Descriptive Bibliography. Introduction by Walker Percy.
16018: (MacKaye, Percy and Marion Morse). - So Blossom, Living Book! an Editorial. Reprinted from the Fitchburg (Mass. ) Sentinel October 14, 1944.
16796: Perelman, S. J. - Chicken Inspector No. 23.
94804: Perelman, S. J. - Keep It Crisp.
33534: Perelman, S. J. - The ILL-Tempered Clavichord.
12391: Perelman, S. J. - Chicken Inspector No. 23.
29284: Perk, Abner. - Merry Maple Leaves / or a Summer in the Country.
17748: Perkins, Lucy Fitch. - The Mexican Twins.
2166: Perlman, John. - Eyes a Light.
4678: (Elizabeth Press). Perlman, John. - Three Years Rings.
4321: Perlman, John - Swath
29965: Walker, Admiral Sir Baldwin Wake (1802-1876). First Lieutenant of the bomb vessel Aetna at the attack on Morea Castle. He served in the Turkish navy under special permission and later became Surveyor of the [Birtish] Navy. - Autograph Note Signed in the Text by Admiral Sir Baldwin Wake Walker Accepting a Dinner Engagement.
11715: (Pernis, Anna Marongiu; 1907-1941). Crespellani, Maria; Rogier, Luigi; editors. - Anna Marongiu Pernis: Tavole Per "I Promessi Sposi".
20281: Perrin, Jim. - Spirits of Place: Travels, Encounters and Adventures in and from Wales.
226: Perronne, Daniele; and Granier, Pierre. - Daniele Perronne.
31305: Perry, Barbara; editor. - American Ceramics: The Collection of Everson Museum of Art.
33075: (Walker, Alice). (Jones, Quincy). Perry, Gail; and Perry, Jill; editors. - Crossing: Quotations for Living, Dying & Letting Go.
25577: Pershing, George. - A Wonderful Vintage 1929 News Photograph Depicting Communist Party Leader and Union Organizer George Pershing, a Cousin to General John Pershing Who Commanded American Forces in the First World War.
36157: Persky, Stan; Wheeler, Dennis; editors. - Writing 5: Featuring Colin Stuart.
6302: Pescarzoli, Antonio; editor. - Libri Di Viaggio E le Guide Della Raccolta Luigi Vittorio Fossati Bellani: Catalogo Descrittivo. 3 Volumes.
98703: Peschel, Manfred; and Mende, Werner. - The Predator-Prey Model. Do We Live in a Volterra World?
98300: Michals, Duane; Van Sant, Gus; Holzer, Jenny; Byrne, David; Clemente, Francesto; Kane, A.R.; Sato, Osamu; Astrom, Peter and Rossi, Aldo. - Map: [Das Papier] Zurich-New York: The Redefinition of Culture No. 4 Summer 1993: The Summer of Love.
13123: Peter, Gustav. - Vom Materialismus Durch Die Relativitaetstheorie Zum Positivismus.
32669: Peternel, Joan; Editor-in-Chief. - Whelks Walk Review. Volume I, Number 1 (February 1998).
98292: (Cocteau, Jean). Peters, Arthur King; Steegmuller, Francis; Shattuck, Roger; Ashton, Dore; Silver, Kenneth; Chanel, Pierre; Oxenhandler, Neal; Rorem, Ned; Harvey, Stephen; and Delvaille, Bernard. - Jean Cocteau and the French Scene.
24920: Peters, Robert. - Gold & Silver Do Not Spoil.
6701: Petersen, Carl. - On the Track of the Dixie Limited. Further Notes of a Faulkner Collector.
29286: (af Petersens, Lennart; Hedstrom, Ake). Svenbro, Jesper. - Ljuset Och Rummet: Rom 1949.
95177: Peterson, Roger T. - The Barn Owl.
9030: Peterson, W. Wesley. - Error-Correcting Codes.
95329: Peterson, Roger T. - The Red-Shouldered Hawk.
95181: Peterson, Roger T. - The Sparrow Hawk.
95182: Peterson, Roger T. - The Burrowing Owl.
95206: Peterson, Roger T. - Red-Tailed Hawk.
95367: Peterson, Roger T. - The Screech Owl.
5829: Le Petit, Jules. - Bibliographie Des Principales Editions Orginales D'Ecrivains Frană‡Ais Du Xve Au Xviiie Siecles.
98767: Petrie, W.M. Flinders. - Roman Portraits and Memphis (IV). British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account Seventeenth Year, 1911.
98648: Petrie, W.M. Flinders. - Gizeh and Rifeh.
7461: Petrie, W. M. Flinders. - Egyptian Decorative Art: A Course of Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution.
22959: (Pettee, J. M.). - Fun with Grandpa Skootie.
24368: Peverill, Sue. - The Fabric Decorator: Painting, Printing and Dyeing Fabrics for the Home.
98554: Pevernagio, Andrea; Lydius, Johannes, (1577-1643). - Velitatio Epistolica Ioannis Lydii Ministri Ecclesia Veteraquinensi, Cum Andrea Pevernagio Qui Se Dicit Societatis Jesu Sacerdotem Gandaui.
97944: (Grunewald). Pevsner, Nikolaus; and Meier, Michael. - Grunewald.
95814: de Peyster, Frederic, LL.D. - [Representative Men of the English Revolution: ] an Address Delivered Before the New York Historical Society, at the Celebration of Its Seventy-Second Anniversary, Tuesday, December 19, 1876. By Frederic de Peyser, LL. D. , President of the Society. (Cover Title).
98355: De Peyster, John Watts. - Personal Military History of Philip Kearny, Major-General United States Volunteers.
17747: [Pfore, Anton von]. - Das Buch Der Weiszhalt Der Alten Weisen.
14290: Phelps, Robert; editor. - Twentieth Century Culture: The Breaking Up.
32950: Phelps, William Lyon. - Happiness.
7794: Phenice, T. W. - Hominid Fossils: An Illustrated Key.
36570: Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orleans (1810-1842). - A Substantial Fragment from an Autograph Letter or Journal Penned by Prince Ferdinand Philippe of Orleans from Mostagenem, Algeria During the Period of France's African Campaign and Conquest of Algeria.
97984: (Bruegel, Pieter). Roberts-Jones, Philippe and Francoise. - Pieter Bruegel.
1566: Philippe, Charles-Louis. - Bubu of Montparnasse. Introduction by Alan Ross.
36572: Ferdinand-Philippe, Duc d'Orleans. - Campagnes de L'Armee D'Afrique, 1835-1839.
94909: Philipson, Morris. - Somebody Else's Life.
30112: (Phillips, Grace). Stockton, H. - Busy Bunnies. (Cover Title).
26111: Phillips, Louis. - Skeleton's Progress.
25712: Phillips, Michael Joseph. - Selected Love Poems.
2421: (Fassbinder, Rainer Werner; Herzog, Werner; Syerberg, Hans-Jurgen; et al). Phillips, Klaus; editor. - New German Filmmakers from Oberhausen Through the 1970s.
23984: (Phillips, Sampson & Co.). - Karl Kiegler; or, the Fortunes of a Foundling.
10670: Phillips, George S. - The American Republic and Human Liberty Foreshadowed in Scripture. By Rev. George S. Philiips, A.M.
30449: (Ensor, James; Munch, Edvard; Nolde, Emil). Phillips, Carol A; Edebau, Frank Patrick; et al. - James Ensor, Edvard Munch, Emil Nolde.
11041: Phillips, Michael Joseph. - Superbeuts.
11042: Phillips, Michael Joseph. - 22 Concrete Poems Written While at Harvard.
22083: (Phillips). - Sale No. 270, Eskimo Works of Art, Property of Various Owners. Auction Saturday, February 16, 1980... . (Phillips Auction Catalog).
11037: Phillips, Michael Joseph. - Visual Poems.
36997: Griggs, Edward Howard. (1868-1951). Lecturer, critic, philosopher and radio broadcaster. - Typed Letter About Lecturing in Amsterdam, New York Signed by Influential American Lecturer, Critic and Philosopher Edward Howard Griggs.
16255: Phipson, Cecil Balfour. - The Science of Civilisation / or the Principles of Agricultural, Industrial, and Commercial Prosperity.
97809: (Browne "Phiz", Hablot K.; Buss, R.W.; Seymour, Robert). Dickens, Charles. - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club by Charles Dickens. With Forty-Three Illustrations by R. Seymour and Phiz.
98475: Dugmore, Arthur Radclyffe (1870-1952). Big game photographer and author of "The Romance of the Newfoundland Caribou" among other titles. - Autograph Letter by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore, 3-Pages Addressed to American Lecture Manager James Pond Concerning a Visit to the Fronts of the American and British Forces in France During World War 1.
94768: International Center of Photography. - Weegee's World: Vol. I --No. 1. Special Icp New York City Edition. "All Action - No Sports". (Brochure in Newspaper Format for a 1997-98 Weegee Event).
31603: (Phyfe, Hal). Wells, Carveth. - An Original Hal Phyfe Photograph of the Explorer and Author Carveth Wells.
35212: Kronhausen, Drs. Phyllis and Eberhard; compilers. - Erotic Art: A Survey of Erotic Fact and Fancy in the Fine Arts.
6455: Kronhausen, Phyllis and Eberhard; editors. - Erotic Bookplates.
23227: (A Scottish Physician). - Affecting Scenes; Being Passages from the Diary of a Physician. Harper's Stereotype Edition.
11823: Physick, John. - Designs for English Sculpture 1680-1860. Victoria and Albert Museum.
97540: Ganz, Rudolph (1877-1972). Swiss-born American pianist and composer of "O Beautiful Month of May". - Autograph Musical Quotation Penned on Photographic Paper Signed & Dated by the Composer Rudolph Ganz.
27754: Liszt, Franz (1811-1886). Great pianist and composer. - Real Photo Postcard.
96471: Hatton, John Liptrot (1809-1886). English composer, conductor, pianist and singer. - Autograph Letter Signed by the English Composer, Conductor & Pianist John Liptrot Hatton Mentioning His, As Yet Unnamed, Composition "Rose, or Love's Ransom".
97208: Friml, Rudolf (1879-1972). Pianist and composer of Operettas, well-known for "The Firefly". - Form Letter Signed by Rudolf Friml Pleading for Changes in the Copyright Laws.
34776: Powell, John. (1882-1963). American composer, pianist and ethnomusicologist. - Magazine Portrait Inscribed and Signed by Pianist, Composer and Ethnomusicologist John Powell.
34670: Joseffy, Rafael. (1852-1915). Hungarian pianist and composer. - Signature on a Card of Hungarian Pianist and Composer Rafael Joseffy.
98408: (Picasso, Pablo). Fairweather, Sally. - Picasso's Concrete Sculptures.
28092: (Picasso, Pablo). Mailer, Norman. - Portrait of Picasso As a Young Man.
24375: (Picasso, Pablo). Otero, Roberto. - Forever Picasso: An Intimate Look at His Last Years.
95697: (Picasso, Pablo; Braque, Georges; Matisse, Henri; Malraux, Andre). Flanner, Janet. - Men and Monuments.
98913: (Picasso, Pablo). Lieberman, William S.; McVinney, L. Donald. - Picasso Linoleum Cuts. The Mr. And Mrs. Charles Kramer Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Introduction by William S. Lieberman. Catalogue Entries by L. Donald Mcvinney.
1199: (Picasso, Pablo). Barr, Alfred H., Jr. - Picasso: Fifty Years of His Art.
16144: (Picasso, Pablo). Penrose, Roland. - Picasso. The Arts Council of Great Britain 1960. (at the Tate Gallery - 6 July to 18 September). (Catalog).
98407: (Picasso, Pablo). Penrose, Roland. - The Sculpture of Picasso.
98243: (Picasso, Pablo). Schiff, Gert. - Picasso at Work at Home. Selections from the Marina Picasso Collection with Additions from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Organized and Catalogued by Gert Schiff.
16280: Picasso, Pablo. - Picasso: Sixty Years of Graphic Arts / Commemorating His 85th Birthday. (London Arts - Macy's Gallery / 20th October - 19th November, 1966).
20674: (Picasso, Pablo). Gallego, Julian. - Picasso: Suite Vollard.
5686: Picker, Fred. - Fred Picker.
15235: Pickett, L. L. - My Gatling Gun / or /Some Straight Shots at the Whiskey Devil. Being the Report of an Address Before the Inter-National Purity Congress at Battle Creek, Mich. , November 6, 1907, with Some Added Chapters. By Rev. L.L. Pickett.
3686: Pickwell, Gayle. - Birds.
96913: Pidgeon, Walter (1897-1984); Massey, Ilona (1910-1974); Powell, Jane (born 19129); McDowell, Roddy (1928-1998); Iturbi, Jose (1895-1980); and Cugat, Xavier (1900-1990). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph for Mgm's "Holiday in Mexico" Portraying Hollywood Stars & Actors Walter Pidgeon, Ilona Massey, Jane Powell, Roddy Mcdowall, Jose Iturbi & Xavier Cugat.
96908: Pidgeon, Walter (1897-1984); and Segal, Vivienne (1897-1992). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of Hollywood Movie Actress Vivienne Segal in "Bride of the Regiment" with Walter Pidgeon.
25730: (Pieck, Anton). Steen, Marguerite. - De Zon Is Mijn Noodlot. II: Goudkust. Geautoriseerde Vertaling Van W.H. C. Boellaard. Derde Druck.
26874: Pierce, Donald L., Jr. - 1oo Texas Posters.
17524: Pierce, Ross Edwards. - Poems.
17128: Pierpont, John. - On Substitutes for Religion. Printed for the American Unitarian Association.
28324: (Rosenquist, James). Pierre, Jose; et al. - Rosenquist.
94790: Pierrepont, Henry Evelyn. (1808-1888). Called "the first citizen of Brooklyn", he is considered one of America's first city planners. - Autograph Letter About a Centennial Celebration in New Haven Signed by Brooklyn City Planner Henry Evelyn Pierrepont.
23454: Pieruccini, Cinzia; Boccali, Giuliano; et al. - L'Ideale Umano E Divino Nella Scultura Indiana.
20228: Mondrian Piet. - Mondrian. (Cover Title). (First American Exhibition Exclusively of Loans from the Gemeentemuseum, the Hague, the Netherlands of Paintings and Drawings by Mondrian / Opening Monday, January 4 from 4 to 7 Pm Through February 13, 1988 at Sidney Janis Gallery 110 W 57 Ny). (Catalog).
36652: Pijper, Willem. - Zes Symphonische Epigrammen / Voor Orkest. (Miniature Orchestral Score).
15964: Pike, Kenneth L. (1912-2000). - Language As Particle, Wave, and Field.
22737: (Beecham's Pills). - Beecham's Help to Scholars, Containing Arithmetical Tables and Signs, Weights and Measures, Geographical and Drawing Definitions, and Other Useful Information Arranged Progressively. Published by the Proprietor of "Beecham's Pills" with the View of Rendering Some Assistance to the Youth of the Country. The Publication of Beecham's Help to Scholars Commenced in July, 1890, Since When 27,000,000 Copies Have Been Given Away. --January 1909. (Cover Title).
37428: Eielson, Carl Ben (1897-1929). American aviator, bush pilot and explorer after whom Alaska's Eielson Air Force base is named. - A Vintage Magazine Photographic Illustration of the American Aviator Carl Ben Eielson, in Whose Honor Alaska's Eielson Air Force Base Is Named, Pictured with the Polar Explorer George Hubert Wilkins.
30972: Piltz, Georg. - Rusland Wird Rot: Satirische Plakate 1918-1922.
33648: Pina, Leslie. - Pottery: Modern Wares 1920-1960.
5519: (Nonesuch Press). Pindar. - Pythian Odes. Translated by H.T. Wade-Gery and C.M. Bowra.
18313: Pinter, Harold. - Landscape.
32800: Pinter, Harold. - Old Times.
25238: Pinter, Harold. - The French Lieutenant's Woman: A Screenplay.
98117: Pinter, Harold. - The Birthday Party. A Play in Three Acts by Harold Pinter.
13591: Pinter, Harold. - A Night out / Night School / Revue Sketches: Early Plays by Harold Pinter.
27715: (United States Pipe and Foundry Company). - Cast Iron Pipe / in All Regular Sizes, 2-Inch to 84-Inch / Bell and Spigot, Flange, Flexible Joint, Plain End, and Threaded; Special Castings and Fittings; Loam Castings. Standard Specifications, Dimensions and Weights.
26141: Piper, Myfanwy. - Death in Venice: An Opera in Two Acts.
1319: Pirenne, Jacques. - Civilisations Antiques: La Societe HebraăŹQue D'Apres la Bible.
98239: (Pissarro, Camille). Pissarro, Joachim; and Rachum, Stephanie. - Camille Pissarro Impressionist Innovator.
24831: (Pissarro, Camille; Walton, Cecile; Poortenaar, Jan). Holme, Charles; editor. - The International Studio. (Vol. LXX No. 279). June, 1920.
98050: (Pissarro, Camille). Thorold, Anne. - Artists, Writers, Politics: Camille Pissarro and His Friends. An Archival Exhibition Held at the Ashmolean Museum from 1 November 1980 to 4 January 1981.
16123: Pitney, Henry C.; et al. - Responses to Toasts at a Dinner Given by the Bench and Bar of New Jersey at the Waldorf-Astoria, January 19, 1907 to Vice Chancellor Pitney on His Eightieth Birthday.
25763: Pitseolak. - Pitseolak: Pictures out of My Life.
27175: (Kent, Rockwell; Ward, Lynd; Kauffer, E. McKnight; Chappell, Warren; Thurber, James; et al). Pitz, Henry C. - A Treasury of American Book Illustration.
24543: Pitz, Henry C. - Illustrating Children's Books: History - Technique - Production.
22126: Pivano, Fernanda. - Altri Amici, Altri Scrittori.
11965: (Planck, Willy). Carl, Emma. - Vom Kleinen Hahnchen Gernegross / Seine Abenteuer Und Erlebnisse Von Emma Carl Mit 6 Bildern Von Willy Planck.
23145: (Historic Urban Plans). - Historic City Plans and Views. (Catalogue No. 14).
23169: (Historic Urban Plans). - Historic City Plans and Views. Catalogue 31.
23766: Plass, Margaret. - African Tribal Sculpture.
95927: Roland. [Jean-Marie Roland de la Platiere, (1734-1793)]. - Lettre Ecrite Au Roi, Par le Ministre de L'Interieur. Le 10 Juin 1792. L'an Quatrieme de la Liberte.
909: Roland de la Platiere, Jean-Marie. - Correspondance Du Ministre de L'Interieur, Roland, Avec le General Lafayette.
1437: Plato. - Plato's Symposium or Supper. Newly Translated by Francis Birrell and Leslie Shane.
34958: Platt, Ward. - The Frontier.
14955: Platt, Raye R.; Editor-in-Chief. - India: A Compendium by Raye R. Platt Editor-in-Chief / with the Assistance of Robert C. Kingsbury, James L. Mcpherson, David E. Sopher and Others. (for Limited Distribution Only).
16674: Platt, Raye R.; editor. - Finland and Its Geography. An American Geographical Society Handbook.
35363: Platte, Hans. - Gustav Schiefler. Aus Den Erinnerungen Von Luise Schiefler.
35718: Hook, Theodore. (1788-1841). Georgian author, composer, playboy and practical joker. - Autograph Letter Signed by Georgian Author, Composer, Playboy and Practical Joker Theodore Hook.
33941: James, Harry. (1916-1983). Great trumpet player and big-band leader. - Signature of Great Trumpet Player and Big-Band Leader Harry James on a Detroit "Eastwood Gardens" Publicity Card.
34068: Osborne, Will. (1905-1981). American bandleader, trombone player and vocalist. - Photograph Inscribed to Harry Wilkinson's Hollywood Museum and Signed by American Bandleader, Trombone Player and Vocalist Will Osborne.
34046: Nomellini, Leo. (1924-2000). Hall of Fame football player with the San Francisco 49ers. - Postcard Inscribed and Signed by Hall of Fame Football Player Leo Nomellini.
36669: Kummer, Frederic Arnold. (1873-1943. American author, playwright and screenwriter. - Signature on a Sheet of Note Paper of American Author, Playwright and Screenwriter Frederic Arnold Kummer.
94932: Morgan, Charles Langbridge (1894-1958). British playwright and novelist. - Autograph: Signature & Date Penned on a Card by the British Playwright & Novelist Charles Morgan.
95580: Anspacher, Louis K. (1878-1947. American poet, playwright and screenwriter. - Card Inscribed and Signed by American Poet, Playwright and Screenwriter Louis K. Anspacher.
34821: Sutro, Alfred. (1863-1933). English playwright and translator of Maeterlinck. - Autograph Note Signed by English Playwright Alfred Sutro.
15921: Plensa, Jaume. - Jaume Plensa. (Galleria D'Arte Moderna E Contemporanea Palazzo Forti, 10 Luglio-13 Settembre, 1998). (Catalog).
19998: (Guare, John; Simon, Neil; Lopez, Barry; Strand, Mark; et al). Plimpton, George; Hall, Donald; et al; editors. - The Paris Review. Vol. 34, No. 125, Winter 1992.
37590: Plomer, Henry R. - A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers Who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725. By Henry R. Plomer. With the Help of H.G. Aldis, E.R. MCC. Dix, G.J. Gray, and R.B. Mckerrow. Edited by Arundell Esdaile.
6375: Plomer, Henry R.. - A Short History of English Printing 1476-1900.
1760: (Plous, Phyllis; Klein, Michael R.). - Figuration. Exhibition Organized by Phyllis Plous. University Art Museum, Santa Barbara. 6 January-7 February 1982.
22580: (Plume, Ilse). Afansyev, A.; Langton, Jane. - Salt.
7190: Plummer, John; compiler. - The Glazier Collection of Illuminated Manuscripts.
97124: Poe, Edgar Allan. - A Tale of the Ragged Mountains" by Edgar Allan Poe: The First Appearance of Poe's Story, Combining Elements of Mesmerism and Reincarnation, in the April 1844 Issue of Godey's Lady's Book.
97122: Poe, Edgar Allan. - Thou Art the Man!" by Edgar Allan Poe: The First Appearance of Poe's Story, Sometimes Referred to As the First Comic Detective Story, in the November 1844 Issue of Godey's Lady's Book. [3 Issues from October Through December 1844 Bound in One].
13987: (Poe, Edgar Allan). Mankowitz, Wolf. - The Extraordinary Mr. Poe: A Biography of Edgar Allan Poe.
94983: Lewis, H.H. [Harold Harwell] (1901-1985); editor. Communist American Poet and farmhand. - The Outlander. Natal Number, Autumn, '26.
36965: Drinkwater, John. (1882-1937). English poet and dramatist. - A Slip of Paper Signed by English Poet and Dramatist John Drinkwater.
34765: Vinal, Harold. (1891-1965). Maine poet and publisher of the poetry magazine "Voices". - Typed Letter Signed by Poet and "Voices" Publisher Harold Vinal, Rejecting Poems by John Hyde Preston.
95231: Widdemer, Margaret. (1884-1978). Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and novelist. - Signature on a Half-Sheet of Letterhead of American Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet and Novelist Margaret Widdemer.
95232: Scollard, Clinton. (1860-1932). American poet and writer of fiction. Professor of English at Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. - Close of a Letter Signed by American Poet and Fiction Writer Clinton Scollard.
97584: Reinhart, Hans (1880-1963), Swiss poet and devotee of Hans Christian Andersen. - Typed Letter Signed by Hans Reinhart to Renowned Collector of Hans Christian Andersen Dr. Richard Klein, Regarding 2 of His Andersen Related Creations.
34137: Tilton, Theodore. (1835-1907). American newspaper editor, poet and abolitionist. Filed charges of adultery against Henry Ward Beecher. - Card Signed by Theodore Tilton.
36977: Green, Anna Katharine. (1846-1935). American poet and novelist, one of the first writers of detective fiction in America. - Signature on a Slip of Paper of Anna Katharine Green, American Poet and Novelist, Called "the Mother of the Detective Novel".
94814: Vinal, Harold. (1891-1965). Maine poet and publisher of the poetry magazine "Voices". - Typed Letter Signed by Poet and "Voices" Publisher Harold Vinal Welcoming John Hyde Preston's Request to Review a Book for the Magazine.
30299: MacLeish, Archibald. (1892-1982). American poet and Librarian of Congress (1939-1944). - Document Signed: A Fine Association Acknowledging Receipt of Scores from American Composer Henry Cowell.
23197: (League of Canadian Poets). - Catalogue of Members.
26524: Pogany, Willy. - Yvonne". A Beautiful Bright Color Wall Hanging by the Well-Known Illustrator Willy Pogany.
15729: Poggendorff, J. C. - Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch Zur Geschichte Der Exacten Wissenschaften... . 4 Volumes in 6.
1806: Pogrebin, Letty Cottin. - Stories for Free Children. Edited and with an Introduction by Letty Cottin Pogrebin.
5746: Muller-Pohle, Andreas; editor. - European Photography 8. Volume 2 - Issue 4 / October/November/December 1981.
2392: Polanski, Roman. - What?
29432: Poldauf, Ivan; compiler. - Czech English Dictionary / Cesko Anglicky Slovnik.
35436: Polikarpova, Galina A.; Kiblickii, Jozef. - 100 Let Russkogo Muzeja V Fotografijach 1898-1998. (Titled in Cyrillic).
34078: Mahon,Viscount [Stanhope, Philip, 5th Earl Stanhope]. (1805-1875). British politician and historian. - Free Frank Signed by Viscount Mahon. Dated and Addressed in His Hand to Travel Writer Richard Ford.
36592: Soule, Pierre. (1801-1870). French-American attorney, politician and diplomat who served as a United States Senator from Louisiana and as U.S. Minister to Spain. - Free Frank Signature of U.S. Senator Pierre Soule on a Slip of Paper Cut from an Envelope.
95468: Murray, Andrew, 1st Viscount Dunedin. (1849-1942). Scottish politician and judge. - Autograph Letter to a Collector Signed by Scottish Politician and Judge Andrew Murray, 1st Viscount Dunedin.
35874: Campbell, George, 8th Duke of Argyll. (1823-1900). Scottish Liberal politician and writer on science, religion and 19th-century politics. - Autograph Note Signed by Scottish Liberal Politician and Author George Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll.
95545: Baker, Howard H., Jr. (1925-2014). American politician and diplomat who served as United States Senator from Tennessee from 1967 to 1985. - Typed Letter to Vice President-Elect Spiro T. Agnew Signed by Senator Howard Baker Recommending Air Force Colonel Clarence T. May for Service As Agnew's Personal Pilot.
36569: Smylie, Robert E. (1914-2004). American Republican politician and attorney from Idaho. He served as the 24th Governor of Idaho from 1955 to 1967. - Typed Letter Signed by Robert E. Smylie, 24th Governor of Idaho, Sending Congressman Seymour Halpern a Signed Photograph.
98929: Hazard, Rowland G. (1801-1888). American industrialist, politician and social reformer - Autograph of the American Industrialist Rowland G. Hazard Penned on a Slip of Paper with the Printed Date of His Birthday.
36348: Fess, Simeon D. (1861-1936). Republican politician and educator from Ohio. - Letter from a Young Autograph Collector Inscribed and Signed on the Recto by American Politician and Educator Simeon D. Fess.
13929: Pollard, Edward A. - Southern History of the War: The Third Year of the War. By Edward a, Pollard, Author of "First and Second Years of the War".
97033: Pollehn, Herbert K.; and Balcerak, Ray; chairs/editors. - Producibility of II-VI Materials and Devices, 6-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida. Proceedings: Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering. Volume 2228.
98074: (Pollet, Elizabeth). Schwartz, Delmore. - Portrait of Delmore: Journals and Notes of Delmore Schwartz 1939-1959. Edited and Introduced by Elizabeth Pollet.
4362: Polley, Robert L; General Editor. - America's Folk Art: Treasures of American Folk Arts and Crafts in Distinguished Museums and Collections. Introduction by James A.H. Conrad.
98505: (Pollock, Jackson; Krasner, Lee). Engelmann, Ines Janet. - Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner.
98364: (Pollock, Jackson). Rose, Bernice. - Jackson Pollock: Drawing Into Painting.
95649: Hiroshige [Tokutaro Ando]; (Polster, Edythe). - Hiroshige. The Albuquerque Museum. September 25 - November 27, 1983. (Catalog).
20933: Pomodoro, Arnaldo. - Arnaldo Pomodoro at the Belvedere Fort. July 7 - October 28, 1984. Photographs by Carlo Orsi. Texts by Giulio Carlo Argan and Italo Mussa.
94683: (Pond, James B.); North, Escott. - James B. Pond Presents Escott North F.R. G.S. In His Fascinating Motion-Picture Lectures Depicting the American Cowboy and the Romance of the Golden West. A Promotional Brochure Advertising a Series of Lectures Offered by North Under the Aegis of the Pond Bureau.
30663: Ponge, Francis. - Proemes.
30370: Ponti, Carlo. - Palazzo Vendramin (Dess. De Berry)". An Original Albumen Photograph by the Italian Photographer Carlo Ponti of the Palazzo Vendramin Calergi, the Venice Home of the Duchesse de Berry.
30371: Ponti, Carlo. - San Giorgio". An Original Albumen Print Photograph by the Italian Photographer Carlo Ponti of the Island Off the Coast of Venice.
29824: Pontifex, Bryan. - The City of London Livery Companies.
1597: (Ponting, Herbert). Arnold, H. J. P. - Herbert Ponting / Another World: Photographs in the United States, Asia, Europe & Antarctica 1900-1912.
30127: (Knapp John; Poole, Frazer G.). - Papermaking: Art and Craft. An Account Derived from the Exhibition Presented in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. And Opened on April 21, 1968.
29922: Pooler, Marie. - A Listening Guide to Major Orchestral Literature.
30270: Pooler, C. T. - Manual of the School Laws of the State of New York / Containing All the Essential Points Pertaining to Citizens, Teachers, and School Officers, to Jan. 1887.
98962: Poore, Charles (d. 1971). New York Times book critic. - Typed Letter Signed by New York Times Book Critic Charles Poore to the Author John Hyde Preston, Regarding Peter Fleming's Book "Operation Sea Lion".
95534: (Baron of Lobkowicz). Popel, Christoph (1549-1609). Chief Steward of Bohemia under Emperor Rudolf II. - Original Holograph Document Signed by the Chief Steward of Bohemia Christoph Popel of Lobkowicz.
98485: (Popova, Liubov). Dabrowski, Magdalena. - Liubov Popova.
95266: Porten, H. - The Miracle on the Wall: A Revelation of Life After Death.
4000: Porter, Katherine Anne. - Flowering Judas.
4232: Porter, Charles W. - State of Vermont. Joint Rules, Rules and Orders of the Senate and House of Representatives and of the State Library, and Legislative Directory: Biennial Session, 1884. Prepared, Pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly, by Charles W. Porter, Secretary of State.
97308: (Porter, Bern). Schevill, James. - Where to Go : What to Do : When You Are Bern Porter: A Personal Biography.
23248: (Porter, Eliot). Levi, Peter. - The Greek World.
31746: Porter, Fairfield. - Fairfield Porter: The Collected Poems with Selected Drawings.
34453: Porter, Edna. Poet, activist & actress who was a close friend of Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan. - Original Photograph Inscribed to Cartoonist Art Young & Signed by Helen Keller's Close Friend, the Poet, Activist & Actress Edna Porter.
30192: Porter, Eliot. - Monuments of Egypt.
4764: Pospisil, Leopold. - The Kapauku Papuans of West New Guinea.
98167: Acheimastou-Potamianou, Dr. Myrtali (editor). - Holy Image, Holy Space: Icons and Frescoes from Greece. Greek Ministry of Culture, Byzantine Museum of Athens. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland. The Trust for Museum Exhibitions, Washington Dc.
96485: Potofsky, Jacob (1894-1979). Ukranian-American trade unionist who served as the second president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union of America. - Typed Letter Signed by the President of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Jacob Potofsky.
29862: (Potter, Beatrix). Taylor, Judy. - Beatrix Potter (1866-1943). A Collection of Autograph Letters, Printed Books, an Original Copy Manuscript, an Orginal Watercolour, Two Movable Toys and a Doll. Tuesday, 28th June 1994 at 11. 00 A.M.
22828: (Potter, Beatrix). Durwood, Peter. - Beatrix Potter: Creator of Peter Rabbit. Foreword by Susan Stickney-Bailey.
35004: Pound, Ezra. - Section: Rock-Drill 85-95 de Los Cantares.
35005: Pound, Ezra. - Section: Rock-Drill 85-95 de Los Cantares.
8327: Pound, Ezra. - Personae: The Collected Poems of Ezra Pound.
30633: (Pound, Ezra). Ruthven, K. K. - A Guide to Ezra Pound's Personae (1926).
33313: Pound, Ezra. - Thrones 96-109 de Los Cantares.
35440: Pover, Bonnie L.; Epstein, Gene. - An Inner Journey: Paintings by Michael J. Ryan.
5532: Powell, Jerry A. - A Systematic Monograph of New World Ethmiid Moths (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea).
29212: Powell, Padgett. - A Woman Named Drown.
96568: Powell, Dick (1904-1963). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of Hollywood Movie Star Dick Powell.
3646: Powell, Shirley. - Other Rooms: The Poetry of Shirley Powell.
16795: Powell, Shirley. - Villages and Towns.
25760: [Power, Philip Bennett]. - Stamp-on-It John.
98359: Power, Philip Bennett (1822-1899). - The Little Knitter / by Rev. P.B. Power, Worthing, Eng.
34446: (Powers, Mrs. H. L. Palmer). - Heirlooms: Early American Furniture Paintings & Decorations. Property of Mrs. H.L. Palmer Powers... . Public Sale by Auction October 7 & 8 at 2 P.M. Sale Number 4403.
3565: Powers, James T. - Twinkle Little Star: Sparkling Memories of Seventy Years. With a Foreword by Charles Hanson Towne.
6749: (Powys, John Cowper). Thomas, Dante. - A Bibliography of the Writings of John Cowper Powys: 1872-1963. Foreword by G. Wilson Knight.
98715: Pozzi, Giovanni; and Frank, Johann Peter. - Sistema Compiuto Di Polizia Medica Del Signor G.P. Frank Traduzione Dal Tedesco. Prima Edizione Napolitana Conforme Alla Seconda Milanese. Ed Arricchita Di Moltissime Note Compilate Per Cura Degli Editori. [Together with]: Polizia Degli Spedali Scritta Dal Dottor Giovanni Pozzi. (9 Volumes & 2 Supplements Bound in 10 Books).
98463: Prall, William, PhD., S.T.D. - The Huguenot Settlements in America. A Study by William Prall, Phd. , S.T. D. Read at a Meeting of the Huguenot Society of America, January 16, 1928.
6233: (Prang, Louis). McClinton, Katharine M. - The Chromolithographs of Louis Prang.
23715: (Riopelle, Jean-Paul; b. 1923). Prat, Jean-Louis; Vigneault, Gilles; et al. - Jean-Paul Riopelle; D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'Hui.
12408: Pratley, Harry. (1905-1987). - Harry Pratley: A Bookseller Remembers.
2468: Pratt, Waldo Selden. - The History of Music: A Handbook and Guide for Students.
97795: (Pratt, Inga; Pratt, Fletcher). Ciardi, John. - From Time to Time. [Inscribed by John Ciardi to Inga and Fletcher Pratt].
31266: Pratt, Ambrose. - The Lore of the Lyre Bird. With a Foreword by the Late Sir Colin Mackenzie.
11214: Prawy, Marcel. - The Vienna Opera.
96492: Bourne, Frederick William (1830-1905). English preacher and author. - Autograph Note Signed by the English Preacher and Author Frederick William Bourne.
20315: (Prendergast, Maurice Brazil; 1859-1924). (Adelson, Warren). - The Unknown Pastels: Maurice Brazil Prendergast. November 4th to December 5th, 1987. Coe Kerr Gallery, 49 East 82nd Street, New York. (Catalog).
96637: Prescott, William Hickling (1796-1859). American Historian. - An Original Photograph of the American Historian William Hickling Prescott, Author of "the History of the Conquest of Mexico".
18238: Prescott, William H. - History of the Conquest of Peru, / with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. In Two Volumes.
31168: (Presley, Elvis; Monroe, Marilyn). - Elvis + Marilyn: 2 X Immortal. Edited by Geri Depaoli. Conceptual Organization: Geri Depaoli, Wendy Mcdaris.
11324: (Presley, Elvis). Zmijewsky, Steven; Zmijewsky, Boris. - Elvis: The Films and Career of Elvis Presley.
36271: The Nonesuch Press. - Prelude to Plenty: Nonesuch Press Limited Editions Winter 1937-8. (Cover Title).
98130: (Lakeside Press). - You and Your Friends Are Cordially Invited to See an Exhibition on Five Centuries of the Printed Bible. The Lakeside Press Galleries.
17609: (The Mermaid Press). - The Wonder of Wonders / Being / a Strange and Wonderful Relation of a Mermaid, That Was Seen and Spoke with, on the Black Rock Nigh Liverpool, by John Robinson Mariner... .
17610: (The Mermaid Press). - Some Typographical Epitaphs / Culled from Various Sources.
6988: (Grabhorn Press). - Catalogue of Some Five Hundred Examples of the Printing of Edwin & Robert Grabhorn 1917 - 1960: Two Gentlemen from Indiana Now Resident in California. Offered for Sale at the Book Shop of David Magee.
6326: (Cambridge University Press). - Cambridge University Press: Notes on Its History & Development.
6416: (Colt Press). - A Checklist of Colt Press Books.
6274: (Katydid Press). - The Katydid Press: A Check-List.
6275: (Grabhorn Press). - Fine Press Books: The Grabhorn Press and Other California Examples / Modern American Literature / French XVIII Century Illustration. Mrs. Robert M. Strong, Jr. New York / Kenneth Meyer Hagerstown, Maryland / and from Other Owners. Public Auction Tuesday, March 17... (Catalogue).
14900: (The Colt Press). - The Colt. No. 1. August, 1941.
23294: (Bird & Bull Press). - Proceedings at a Meeting of the Vat Paper Makers Held at the Bell Hotel, Maidstone on Tuesday 8th March 1853.
5380: (Oxford University Press). - Educational Exhibit / Paris, 1900. Group I, Classes 1 & 3, First Floor. / I. Educational Books Printed at the Oxford University Press, and Published for the University by Henry Frowde. II. Oxford Historical Society's Publications. III. English Dialect Society's Publications. IV. Pali Text Society's Publications. (Catalog).
95085: Pressley, Robert J,; editor. - Handbook of Lasers. With Selected Data on Optical Technology.
21587: Preston, Lyman. - Preston's Treatise on Book-Keeping: Or, Arbitrary Rules Made Plain: In Two Parts. Adapted to the Use of Academies and Common Schools, with Varied Examples; Accompanied with Detailed Explanations: The First Part Being Designed for the Use of Mechanics of All Classes; the Second, Attanged More Particularly for the Instruction of Young Men Who Contemplate the Pursuit of Mercantile Business. Showing the Method of Keeping Accounts by Double Entry: Embracing a Variety of Useful Instruction Relative to Different Kinds of Business. By Lyman Preston, Author of 'Interest Tables," &C.
27446: Pretzell, Rainer; and Milch, Thomas; editors. - Zwanzig Jahre Rainer Verlag: Eine Anthologie Mit Beitragen Der Autoren Und Freunde Des Verlages.
24487: (Previn, Andre). Greenfield, Edward. - Andre Previn. With a Foreword by the Rt. Hon. Edward Heath, Mbe, Mp.
24586: Getz-Preziosi, Pat. - Early Cycladic Art in North American Collections.
96883: (Price, S. Goodale). - [Smoke Signals over the Dakotas]. Smoke Signals: A Visual History of Dakota - Past - Present - Future. Exploration, Pioneer Life, Military, Mining, Indian Warfare, Outdoor Life. Over the Dakotas.
97937: (Klimt, Gustav). Price, Renee, et al. - Gustav Klimt: The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collections.
33060: Price, Gilbert; and Hawkins, Ira. - In-Person Autographs. Signed by Two of the Stars of the Broadway Production of "Timbuktu!", Ira Hawkins & Gilbert Price.
19838: Price, Margaret Evans. - The Angora Twinnies. Drawings by Margaret Evans Price.
25870: Price, Reynolds. - Things Themselves: Essays and Scenes.
98527: Price, Renee; Kort, Pamela; and Topp, Leslie (editors). - New Worlds: German and Austrian Art 1890-1940.
30295: Prideaux, S. T. - French Binders of to-Day. (in Scribner's Magazine Vol. XIX No. 3, March 1896).
96465: Champneys, William Weldon (1807-1875). Anglican priest and author who served as Dean of Lichfield. - Autograph Letter Signed by the Anglican Priest and Author William Champneys Who Served As Dean of Lichfield from 1868.
781: Priestley, J. B. - Theatre Outlook.
34278: Priestley, Joseph; Maclean, John. - Considerations of the Doctrine of Phlogiston, and the Decomposition of Water by Joseph Priestley and Two Lectures on Combustion and an Examination of Doctor Priestley's Consideration on the Doctrine of Philogiston by John Maclean.
36063: Priestley, Joseph; Scheele, Carl Wilhelm. - The Discovery of Oxygen: Part I: Experiments by Joseph Priestley 1775. Part II: Experiments by Carl Wilhelm Scheele 1777. (2 Volumes).
97867: (Priestley, J.B.; King, Alexander). Fielding, Henry. - Tom Jones the History of a Foundling. With Illustrations by Alexander King and an Introduction by J.B. Priestley. [Limited Edition Signed by Alexander King].
32179: Primer, Ben; Weinheimer, James; Rodgers, Daniel T.; et al. - Princeton University Library Chronicle. Volume LVIII. Number 1. Autumn 1996.
95281: Prince, Walter Franklin; Smith, Nellie M. - Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research. Vol. XVII.
33170: Prince, Russ Alan; Harris, Richard L. - Advanced Planning with the Ultra-Affluent: A Framework for Professional Advisers.
95772: Wickey, Harry (1892-1968). American painter, illustrator, printmaker and sculptor. - 3 Autograph Letters Signed by the American Painter & Illustrator Harry Wickey, Including 2 Addressed to Fridolf Johnson Regarding the Storm King Art Center's "Animals in Art" Exhibition.
29800: Pritchard, James B. - Sarepta: A Preliminary Report on the Iron Age. Excavations of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, 1970-72.
14084: Pritchett, V. S. - The Living Novel.
22230: Pritzel, G. A.; editor. - Thesaurus Literaturae Botanicae. Omnium Gentium Inde a Rerum Botanicarum Initiis Ad Nostra Usque Tempora. Quindecim Millia Operum Recensens. Editionem Novam Reformatam.
27739: Procter, Adelaide Anne. (1825-1864). - A Legend of Bregenz.
7085: Proctor, Robert. - An Index of German Books 1501-1520 in the British Museum.
94948: Stevens, Roger L. (1910-1998). American theatre producer and arts administrator. Founding chairman of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the NEA. - Typed Letter Signed by the American Theater Producer Roger L. Stevens, As Chairman of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Responding to Jean Dalrymple's Request for His Thoughts on a Book She Is Compiling.
96514: Stevens, Roger L. (1910-1998). American theatre producer and arts administrator. Founding chairman of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the NEA. - An Apologetic Typed Letter Signed by the American Theater Producer Roger L. Stevens, As Chairman of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Apologizing to Jean Dalrymple Who Was Apparently Upset About Being Left out of the Loop in the Production of a Revival.
33092: Spooner, Cecil. (1874-1953). Stage actress, theatre producer and feminist. - Autograph Note Signed by Stage Actress, Theatrical Producer and Feminist Cecil Spooner.
35897: Stark, Ray (1915-2004). Highly successful independent Hollywood producer and agent. - Five Typed Letters Signed by the Hollywood Producer & Agent Ray Stark to the Novelist & Screenwriter Ben Hecht & His Wife, Regarding Film Productions of Hecht's "Miracle in the Rain" & "Iron Petticoat".
17222: (Prokofiev, Sergei). Seroff, Victor. - Sergei Prokofiev: A Soviet Tragedy. The Case of Sergei Prokofiev, His Life & Work, His Critics, and His Executioners.
23743: (Prosek, Josef). Rezac, Jan. - Josef Prosek.
96426: [Protheroe, Ernest]. - Original Autograph Manuscripts by Ernest Protheroe for the "Iron Jelloids" Editions of "Budge and Betty" Booklets "All Aboard the Sunbeam" and "a Fairy Voyage", Together with Original Pen & Ink Art Work and Proofs of the Illustrations for These Books.
14067: Proudhon, P.-J. - Manuel Du Speculateur a la Bourse. Cinquieme Edition.
96838: Proulx, E. Annie. - Heart Songs and Other Stories.
16338: Proulx, E. Annie. - Accordion Crimes.
11256: (Proust, Marcel). Souday, Paul. - Marcel Proust.
96734: (Provensen, Alice & Martin). Willard, Nancy. - The Voyage of the Ludgate Hill: Travels with Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by Alice and Martin Provensen.
36078: Pruess, James B., editor. - The That Phanom Chronicle: A Shrine History and Its Interpretation. Edited and Translated by James B. Pruess. Data Paper : Number 104. Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University.
97031: Prunieres, Henry. - A New History of Music. The Middle Ages to Mozart.
34725: Pruyn, John V. L. (1811-1877). President of the Albany Institute from 1857. Democratic U.S. Representative from New York from 1863 to 1865. - Autograph Letter Signed by Congressman and President of the Albany Institute John V.L. Pruyn.
35857: Prynne, J. H.; Dubourg, B. - Marzipan / Massepain.
28351: Przybyszewski, Stanislaw. - Das Gericht.
28899: (Przybyszewski, Stanislas). Herman, Maxime. - Stanislas Przybyszewski (de 1868 a 1900).
28257: (Presbyterian Board of Publications). - Short Miscellanies for Young People.
23182: (Vente aux Encheres Publiques). - Collection J.D. : Manuscrits Et Livres Precieux Du Quinzieme Au Vingtieme Siecle / Autographes Historiques Et Litteraires / Lettres de Peintres / Reliures. Vente Aux Encheres Publiques a Paris Les 6 Et 7 Decembre 1961. (Catalogue).
27882: Novello, Joseph Alfred. (1810-1896). Composer, organist, music publisher and friend of Mendelssohn. - Autograph Letter Signed by Joseph Alfred Novello, Composer, Organist, Music Publisher and Friend of Mendelssohn.
95052: Pedersen, B. Martin; publisher and editor. - Graphis T-Shirt I: An International Compilation of the Best in T-Shirt Design / Eine Internationale Zusammenstellung Des Besten T-Shirt-Designs.
37322: (H.P. Hanaford Publisher). - The Cast. New York, Saturday, June 24, 1922. Vol. 84, No. 833.
22096: [Alexander Publishing]. - Tiny Tot's Travels. (Cover Title).
22115: (Jay Publishing). - 75th Anniversary of the National League.
35513: Puccini, Giacomo. - Letters of Giacomo Puccini Mainly Connected with the Composition and Production of His Operas. Edited by Giuseppe Adami. Translated from the Italian and Edited for the English Edition by Ena Makin.
96477: Davis, James J. (1873-1947). Known as "Iron Puddler" and "Puddler Jim", he served as U.S. Secretary of Labor under Presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover and subsequently as U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. - Autograph. U.S. Secretary of Labor & Senator from Pennsylvania "Iron Puddler" James J. Davis Signature on an Index Card.
96353: Punshon, William Morley. (1824-1881). English Nonconformist minister. - Slip of Paper Signed by English Nonconformist Minister William Morley Punshon.
339: Pupin, Michael. - The New Reformation: From Physical to Spiritual Realities.
3301: Purdy, James; and Albee, Edward. - Malcolm. Adapted by Edward Albee from the Novel by James Purdy.
2942: Purdy, Ken - 1904 Handbook of Gasoline Automobiles. Introduction by Ken Purdy
405: Purdy, James. - Color of Darkness: Eleven Stories and a Novella.
98501: Purdy, James. - Mourners Below.
26368: de Pury, Simon; Bonami, Francesco; Sozzani, Franca; Gamper, Martino; et al. Wright, Karen; editor. - Italia.
15138: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich. - Dubrovsky / Dubrovskii. Adapted and Edited by Ludwig Kruhe.
97363: Du Puynode, Gustave. - Etudes Sur Les Principaux Economistes: Turgot - Adam Smith - Ricardo - Malthus - J.B. Say - Rossi.
6125: (Pyle, Howard). (Elzea, Rowland). - Howard Pyle: Works in the Collection of the Delaware Art Museum... .
21208: (Pyle, Howard). Morse, Willard R.; Brinckle, Gertrude; compilers. - Howard Pyle: A Record of His Illustrations and Writings.
95812: (Pyle, Howard). Holmes, Oliver Wendell. - The One-Hoss Shay. With Its Companion Poems.
34907: Zhu Qizhan. - Enduring As the Heavens: Paintings by Zhu Qizhan. Eleventh Annual Exhibition / October 8, 1996.
34106: (Quaritch, Bernard). Wrentmore, Charlotte Quaritch. - A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts Issued to Commemorate the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Firm of Bernard Quaritch 1847-1947. With a Portrait-Study of the Founder by His Daughter Charlotte Quaritch Wrentmore. (Catalogue).
6345: Quayle, Eric. - The Collector's Book of Books.
6071: Quayle, Eric. - The Collector's Book of Children's Books.
6092: Queen, Ellery. - The Detective Short Story: A Bibliography.
31990: Queneau, Raymond. - The Blue Flowers.
2371: Quigley, Martin, Jr.; and Gertner, Richard. - Films in America 1929-1969.
5305: Quimby, Myron J. - The Devil's Emissaries.
27047: Quincy, Josiah Phillips. - Dreams As Factors in History.
15020: Quincy, Josiah. - Speech of the Hon. Josiah Quincy in the House of Representatives of the United States / Delivered the 5th January, 1813, on the Bill in Addition to the Act Entitled "an Act to Raise an Additional Military Force," and for Other Purposes.
6836: Quinnam, Barbara; compiler. - Fables from Icunabula to Modern Picture Books: A Selective Bibliography.
35726: Quintero, Jose A. (Babby). - Quien Es Quien: Un Directorio Biografico Y de Referencias de Y Para la Comunidad de Habla Espanola de Nueva York. 1964.
35727: Quintero, Jose A. (Babby). - Quien Es Quien: Un Directorio Biografico Y de Referencias de Y Para la Comunidad de Habla Espanola de Nueva York. 1964.
20736: (Quirk, Susan). (Soos, Jack). - America the Beautiful.
12473: (Central Statistical Board of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R.). - Women in the U.S. S.R. : Brief Statistics.
33955: van Raay, Jan; Niggl, Thomas. - Coping and Hoping: Against Terrorism But No Real Solution Ye... .
36908: Wise, Stephen Samuel (1874-1949). American Progressive Era, Reform rabbi and Zionist leader who started the "Free Synagogue" movement, served as president of the American Jewish Congress and co-founded the NAACP. - Typed Letter Signed by the Progressive Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise, an Early Supporter of Zionism Who Started the "Free Synagogue" Movement, in Reply to James B. Pond's Invitation to Join His Reception Committee for Maeterlinck's First American Lecture.
7143: Rabenalt, Arthur Maria. - Voluptas Ludens: Erotisches Geheimtheater / Siebzehntes, Achtzehntes Und Neunzehntes Jahrhundert.
25065: (Rabinowitch, David). Davis, Whitney. - The Gravitational Vehicles 1965.
34918: Sailer, Toni. (1935-2009). Great Austrian alpine ski racer and winner of three gold medals at the 1956 Winter Olympics. - First Day Cover Signed by Austrian Alpine Ski Racer and Gold Medal-Winner Toni Sailer.
14862: Rachmaninov, Serge. - Aleko: Opera in One Act. Piano Score and Text.
24217: (Rackham, Arthur). Pollard, Alfred W. - The Romance of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. Abridged from Malory's Morte D'Arthur by Alfred W. Pollard.
35508: Racusen, David. - A Pocket Guide to Bio-Organic Structures.
26928: Rader, Dotson. - Blood Dues.
36586: Bright, John. (1811-1889). British Radical and Liberal statesman, one of the greatest orators of his generation and a promoter of free trade. - An Original Photograph of British Radical and Liberal Statesman John Bright with His Autograph.
95710: Radovanovic, Vladan. - Story of "O" / Vocovisual.
33326: (Private Presses). Rae, Thomas; and Handley-Taylor, Geoffrey; compilers. - The Book of the Private Press: A Check-List. With a Foreword by John Ryder.
37389: Raffe, W. G.; - Dictionary of the Dance.
96129: Ragan, David. - Who's Who in Hollywood 1900-1976.
36037: Ragozin, Zenaide A. - A History of the World: Early Egypt.
25561: (South African Railways and Harbours). - South Africa: Land of the Outdoor Life.
26086: Rainer, Arnulf. (b. 1929). - Arnulf Rainer. 1.
22715: Rainer, Dachine. - The Uncomfortable Inn.
29628: (Darby, Abraham; et al). Raistrick, Arthur. - Dynasty of Ironfounders: The Darbys and Coalbrookdale.
15198: Rajaure, Drone. - The Tharu Women of Sukhrwar. The Status of Women in Nepal. Volume II: Field Studies Part 3.
95756: Rajawat, Daulat Singh. - Astronomical Observatory of Jaipur.
27700: Raleigh, Walter. - Style.
1632: Ralph, Julian. - Towards Pretoria: A Record of the War between Briton and Boer to the Relief of Kimberley. By Julian Ralph, Special War Correspondent to the "Daily Mail". With a Summary of Subsequent Events to the Hoisting of the British Flag at Bloemfontein. With Historical Foreword, Appendices and Map.
23081: Kovel, Ralph and Terry. - The Kovels' Collector's Guide to American Art Pottery.
13132: Ramer, Lucas - Medizinische Beobachtungen Bei Der Eisenbahnkatastrophe Bellinzona-Arbedo Vom 23. April 1924 / Mit Spezieller Berucks. Der Gefahren Brennbare Gase Mitfuhrender Wagen. Inaugural-Dissertation Zur Erlangung Der Doktorwurde Der Hohen Medizinischen Fakultat Der Universitat Zurich. Vorgelegt Von Lucas Ramer Med. Praft. Von Wallwnstadt. Genehmigt Auf Anfrag Von Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Zangger
28245: Ramsay, Joan. - Horns in Velvet.
94613: (Rancitelli, Bill). Ronan, Richard. - Kindred.
35176: Randall, David A. - An Exhibition of Books Relating to Medicine and Surgery from the Collection Formed by J.K. Lilly.
6519: Randel, Don Michael; compiler. - Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music.
19308: (Randolph, John). Adams, Henry. - John Randolph.
31035: Ranke, Hermann. - Masterpieces of Egyptian Art.
98673: Ransford, Oliver. - The Rulers of Rhodesia. From Earliest Times to the Referendum.
96269: Rao, K. Ramakrishna; editor. - Charles Honorton and the Impoverished State of Skepticism: Essays on a Parapsychological Pioneer.
26144: Urroz-Rapold, Patricia. - Seasonal Living in the Catskill's Windham High Peak and Trails: Art, Essay, and Poetry by Patricia Urroz-Rapold.
23616: (Rapoport, Nathan). Yaffe, Richard. - Nathan Rapoport Sculptures and Monuments.
37403: Raskin, A. H. - Sidney Hillman 1887-1946.
16917: (Raskin, S.). Hershkowitz, Abe; editor. - Convention Stitches. Issued by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Don't Worry Gang. Vol. Xyz, No. 606. New York, May 20,1940. Hotel New Yorker. Entered As First Class Mail with the Permission of Jim Farley.
29402: (Pollock, Jackson; et al). Ratcliff, Carter. - The Fate of a Gesture: Jackson Pollock and Postwar American Art.
37026: Rathbone, Perry T. - Henry Preston Rossiter. (Boston Museum Bulletin. Volume LXV. 1967. Number 341).
98450: (Van Gogh, Vincent). Rathbone, Eliza E.; Robinson, William H.; Steele, Elizabeth; and Steele, Marcia. - Van Gogh Repetitions.
36901: Adler, Felix (1851-1933). German-American professor of political & social ethics, rationalist and lecturer on euthanasia who founded the Ethical Culture movement. - Typed Letter Signed by the Influential German-American Philosopher Felix Adler in Reply to an Invitation by James B. Pond to Join His Reception Committee for Maeterlinck's First American Lecture.
924: Ratner, Rochelle. - Bobby's Girl.
34323: Rattigan, Terence Merryn. - French without Tears: A Comedy in Three Acts.
21080: Rattigan, Terence; Hoffman, Theodore; Schwartz, Arthur; Cowan, Lester; Parker, Tyler; Gassner, John; Hotchner, A. E.; et al. - Theatre Arts. Special Issue: Main Street to Broadway. July 1953. Volume XXXVII, No. 7.
30911: Rattner, Abraham. - Abraham Rattner.
34371: Rau, Johann. - Vollstandig Mit Den Betreffenden Gesetzzen Erlautertes, Und in Alphabetische Ordnung Gebrachtes Stempelpatent Vom 30. Janer 1788. [---] Der Justizgesezsammlung 776. Mit Einigen Anmerkungen Von Johann Rau.
98526: (Rauschenberg, Robert). Kotz, Mary Lynn. - Rauschenberg / Art and Life. New Edition.
19271: Ravid, Joyce. - Here and There: Photographs / Joyce Ravid.
18131: Rawlinson, George. - The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy; or, the Geography, History and Antiquities of Parthia. Collected and Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Sources.
5034: Rawlinson, George. - The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy / or the Geography, History, and Antiquities of the Sassanian or New Persan Empire / Collected and Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Sources by George Rawlinson.
29632: (Ray, John). Seward, A. C. - John Ray: A Biographical Sketch Written for the Centenary of the Cambridge Ray Club and Read, in Part, at the Dinner in the Hall of Trinity College on 16 March 1937. [Together with]: The Menu and Two Copies of the Seating Chart
6181: Ray, Gordon N.; and Barret, C. Waller. - The American Writer in England: An Exhibition Arranged in Honor of the Sesquicentennial of the University of Virginia. With a Foreword by Gordon N. Ray and an Introduction by C. Waller Barret.
2342: Ray, Nicholas. - The John Player Lecture Series: Nicholas Ray--Writer, Director.
1409: Ray, Robin; compiler. - Words on Music.
7038: Ray, Gordon N.; Weber, Carl J.; and Carter, John. - Nineteenth-Century English Books: Some Problems in Bibliography. (Third Annual Windsor Lectures in Librarianship).
21396: Ray, Milton S. - The Farallones, the Painted World, and Other Poems of California. With Fifty-Three Illustrations and with a Supplementary History and Description of the Farallones, Including Notes on Their Plant, Bird, and Animal Life. (2 Volumes).
31187: Ray, David. - Dragging the Main and Other Poems.
33574: Raymond, Thomas L. - Stephen Crane.
24404: (Raymonds). - Raymond's Pectoral Plaster: A Modern Preperation for Whooping Cough, Croup, Tight Cough, Hoarseness, Bronchitis and Spasmodic Asthma, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia and Rheumatic Pains.
21931: Sesma, Raymundo and Calderon, Eligio. - Sesma: Epiphaneia Video-Installation. Aphorismen Eligio Calderon April-Juni 1994 (Catalog).
95864: Razumovskaia, Sofia Vasilevna. - [Titled in Cyrillic]: S.V. Gerasimov.
323: (Reuterswärd, Carl Fredrik). - Carl Fredrik Reuterswă„Rd: Making Faces.
26819: Read, Herbert. - Art and Industry: The Principles of Industrial Design.
25026: Read, Herbert; Baker, John. - English Stained Glass.
98680: Read, David. - Barefoot over the Serengeti.
19609: Read, Herbert. - The Innocent Eye. With an Autograph Letter Signed from Herbert Read.
98577: Rebecca. - Tramps in New York.
33494: Carpenter, Alfred F.B. (1881-1955). British Vice-Admiral who served during the Boxer Rebellion and who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his service in the Raid on Zeebrugge. - An Original Underwood & Underwood Photograph Signed by Captain Alfred F.B. Carpenter, Who Was Awarded the Victoria Cross for His Actions in the Raid on Zeebrugge.
94673: Carpenter, Alfred F.B. (1881-1955). British Vice-Admiral who served during the Boxer Rebellion and who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his service in the Raid on Zeebrugge. - Souvenir Program America's Tribute to Capt. Alfred F.B. Carpenter, V.C. Of H.M. S. "Vindictive". In Command of the Naval Raid on Zeebrugge, April 22-23, 1918. Containing an Illustrated Account of the Raid on Zeebrugge.
25397: (Architectural Record). - The Architectural Record. Vol. 56, No 2. August, 1924. Serial 311.
5072: (Victor Records). - The Victrola Book of the Opera: Stories of the Operas with Illustrations and Descriptions of Victor Opera Records.
699: Redding, J. Saunders. - Stranger and Alone: A Novel.
96906: Redgrave, Michael (1908-1985). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of British Stage & Screen Actor and Director Michael Redgrave Who Is Starring in His First Hollywood Film, Fritz Lang's "Secret Beyond the Door".
733: Redstone, Louis G. - Louis G. Redstone: From Israeli Pioneer to American Architect.
23180: (Redwells). - The American Frontier from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Volume II: From Lewis and Clark Through the Mexican War. (Catalog).
5537: Reed, Carl; Towne, Burt. - Sculpture from Found Objects.
3320: Reed, Mark. - Yes, My Darling Daughter: A Comedy in Three Acts.
95214: Reed, L. L.; Wressell, H. B.; Hammond, G. H.; et al. - Seventy-Eighth Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1947. (Cover Title).
1873: Reed, Ishmael. - The Last Days of Louisiana Red.
98869: (Degas, Edgar). Reed, Sue Welsh; Shapiro, Barbara Stern, et al. - Edgar Degas: The Painter As Printmaker. Sue Welsh Reed and Barbara Stern Shapiro with Contributions by Clifford S. Ackley and Roy L. Perkinson. Essays by Douglas Druick and Peter Zegers.
7520: Reed, Ishmael. - Airing Dirty Laundry.
98542: Reeder, Ellen D. (editor). - Scythian Gold: Treasures from Ancient Ukraine.
5063: Reese, Gustave. - Music in the Middle Ages. With an Introduction on the Music of Ancient Times.
6514: Reese, William L. - Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion: Eastern and Western Thought.
96330: Reeser, Dr. Eduard. - A Bird's-Eye History of Music.
35997: Reeve, F. D. - On Some Scientific Concepts in Russian Poetry at the Turn of the Century. Monday Evening Papers: Number 6. (Cover Title).
96369: Potter, Henry C. (1835-1908). Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. Notable for his interest in social reform and politics. - Autograph Letter Regarding Dividends on an Insurance Policy Signed by Henry C. Potter Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New York Known for His Interest in Social Reform and Politics.
27866: Burdett, Sir Francis (1770-1844). British reformer and anti-establishment politician. - Autograph Letter Signed by Sir Francis Burdett, on the Verso of the Correspondent's Letter, Regarding George Mainwaring's Petition Accusing Burdett of Voter Fraud.
31902: Refregier, Anton. (1905-1979). - Brief Autograph Note to the Editor of American Artist Signed by Anton Refregier.
490: Rehor, John A. - The Nickel Plate Story.
98073: (Reich, Wilhelm). Sharaf, Myron. - Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich.
98464: (Reich, Wilhelm); Greenfield, Jerome. - Wilhelm Reich Vs. The U.S. A. [a Confrontation between a Revolutionary Scientific Idea and the Beliefs and Laws of Our Society. ]
97558: Reich, Wilhelm. - Contact with Space. Oranur Second Report, 1951-1956. Orop Desert Ea, 1954-1955.
7215: (Herbert Reichner). - The Renaissance / from Petrarch to Shakespeare. Parts One, Two and Three. (3 Catalogues).
98054: Reid, Sir Norman; Smith, David. - Julio Gonzalez. The Tate Gallery. 10 September - 11 October 1970.
16167: (Reif, Kay). - The Reif Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles. Monday, October 18, 1993... . (Auction Catalog).
32216: Reik, Theodor. - The Haunting Melody: Psychoanalytic Experiences in Life and Music.
805: Reilingh, Dr. D. de Vries. - Techniek En Kliniek Der Bloedsdrukmeting: Eeen Leidraad Voor Artsen En Studenten in de Geneeskunst.
27801: Reinbold, P. - Des Resultats Lointains Des Blessures de Guerre: Leur Signification Au Point de Vue Economique Et Social.
30849: (Reiner, Fritz). Dorsey, Paul. - Advertising Mock-Up Illustrated with an Original Photograph of the Great Conductor Fritz Reiner, Signed by the Photographer Paul Dorsey.
25352: (Reiner, Fritz). Muray, Nickolas. - A Superb Sepia Toned Photograph Portrait of the Great Classical Conductor Fritz Reiner by Nickolas Muray, Dated and Signed by the Photographer.
20964: (Reinhardt, Ad). (McConathy, Dale). - Ad Reinhardt: A Selection from 1937 to 1952. March 2-23, 1974. Marlborough Gallery... . (Catalog).
96977: Reinhart, C.S.; and Fox, Stanley. - Baseball - the Match between the "Red Stockings" and the "Atlantics. " - Sketched by C.S. Reinhart: [an Original Wood Engraving from the July 2, 1870 Issue of Harper's Weekly].
36372: Reinkendorff, Emil. Regimental Band Leader. - Fragment of an Autograph Letter Signed by Erich Reinkendorff, Director of the Grand Army Republic Band of Canton, Ohio.
1618: O'Rell, Max. - A Frenchman in America: Recollections of Men and Things.
32639: (Herge. [Remi, Georges]). Peeters, Benoit. - Tintin and the World of Herge: An Illustrated History.
31282: (Remington, Frederic). McCracken, Harold. - Frederic Remington: Artist of the Old West.
25226: Renan, Ernest. - Vie de Jesus. Par Ernest Renan, Membre de L'Institut.
24516: Rendell, Ruth. - An Unkindness of Ravens.
9694: (Rendells, Inc.). - Renaissance Europe 1450-1600. Autograph Letters, Manuscripts, Documents, Rare Books, Bindings, Maps and Prints. Catalogue 149.
32418: Rennert, Jack; et al. - Sterling Posters Auction: Sunday, November 9, 1997. (Sale No. 25).
32419: Rennert, Jack. - Elegant Posters. Auction: Sunday, May 20, 1990. (Sale No. 10).
25993: Rennert, Jack. - Poster Jubilee: Auction Sunday, November 10, 1991. (Sale No. XIII).
95824: Rennie, James. - Natural History of Birds: Their Architecture, Habits, and Faculties. With Numerous Engravings.
98682: Renoir, Jean. - Renoir. [French Edition].
27765: (Haskins, Samuel; Dalain, Yvan; Honegger, Cornelia; Benazzi, Raffael; et al). Renoir, Jean; et al. - Du: Kulturelle Monatsschrit. 27. Jahrgang. September 1967.
98099: (Renoir, Pierre-Auguste). White, Barbara Ehrlich. - Renoir: His Life, Art, and Letters.
2328: Renoir, Jean. - Renoir Par Jean Renoir.
2330: Renoir, Jean. - Rules of the Game: A Film by Jean Renoir Translated from the French by John Mcgrath and Maureen Teitelbaum.
16874: (Van Rensselaer, Stephen). Barnard, Daniel D. - A Discourse on the Life, Services and Character of Stephen Van Rensselaer; Delivered Before the Albany Institute, April 15, 1839. With an Historical Sketch of the Colony and Manor of Rensselaerwyck in an Appendix.
16070: (Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Cornelia). Vermilye, Dr. Thomas E. - A Funeral Discourse: Occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Cornelia Van Rensselaer, (Relict of Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer) Delivered in the North Dutch Church, Albany, on Sabbath, the 1st Sept. 1844 by Thomas E. Vermilye, Pastor in the Collegiate Church, New-York.
22369: (Committee for Social Research) - Alkohol Situationen I Vestgronland
2345: (Resnais, Alain). Kreidl, John Francis. - Alain Resnais.
97898: Porter, Charles Burnham (1840-1909). Highly respected and much sought after surgeon. - Autograph: The Signature of the Surgeon Charles Burnham Porter on a Slip Clipped from a Birthday Book.
20203: (Stern. Bernard). Restany, Pierre. - Bernard Stern.
20632: Restrepo, Jose Alejandro. - Psychogeographies and Transhistories.
36815: Rethberg, Elisabeth; Pinza, Ezio. - Joint Recital by Elizabeth Rethberg Soprano and Ezio Pinza Basso. Unity Concert Course of Unity Institute. (Cover Title).
7257: Reulens, Charles. - Proposal in 1855 for a Typographic Council to Meet in Brussels to Determine the Facts Regarding the Invention of Printing.
22483: Reverdin, Olivier. - Crete and Its Treasures. Text by Professor Olivier Reverdin. Preface by Dr. N. Platon.
96712: (Balthus). Rewald, Sabine. - Balthus.
98440: Rewald, John. - Drawings by Balthus. November 26 - December 21, 1963. (Catalog).
23101: Reynaud, Francoise. - Eugene Atget.
26268: Reyneau, P. O.; and Seelye, H. P. - Economics of Electrical Distribution.
6750: (Reynolds, Price). Roberts, Ray A. - Reynolds Price: A Bibliographical Checklist. (in American Book Collector, Volume 2, Number 3, New Series, July/August 1981).
8467: Reynolds, James. - Fabulous Spain.
6151: Reynolds, Cuyler. - Albany Authors / a List of Books Written by Albanians Contained in the Collection of the Albany Institute and Historical and Art Society. With Biographical Data.
33038: (W. J. Reynolds). - The Book of the Seasons, a Gift for the Young. Summer. [Bound Together with: ] the Book of the Seasons, a Gift for the Young. Winter. (2 Volumes in 1 As Issued).
11054: Reynolds, Liggett. - Sweet and Low: A Smashing Indictment of the Younger Generation.
33448: Reynolds, Quentin. - The Fiction Factory or from Pulp Row to Quality Street. The Story of 100 Years of Publishing at Street & Smith.
94823: Reynolds, David. - Rich Relations: The American Occupation of Britain, 1942-1945.
16148: (Rhead, Louis). Hillis, Newell Dwight - David: The Poet and King
97028: Rheims, Maurice. - L'Art 1900, Ou le Style Jules Verne.
92: Rheinsberg, Raffael. - Transit. Introduction by LILLI Engel.
98982: Rhodes, John Jacob Jr. (1916-2003). U.S. Congressman from Arizona. - Typed Letter Signed by the U.S. Congressman from Arizona John Jacob Rhodes, Jr.
10459: Ribeiro, Leonidio; editor. - Arquivos de Medicina Legal E Identificacao. Volume Especialmente Dedicado Aos Centenarios de Portugal. Ano X -- N. 18 Maio -- 1940.
11137: Ribman, Ronald. - The Rug Merchants of Chaos / and Other Plays.
17160: (Ricardo, David; Carey, Henry Charles). Adler, Abraham. - Ricardo Und Carey in Ihren Ansichten Uber Die Grundrente. Von Dr. A. Adler.
9712: Ricardo, David. - The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo. Edited by Piero Sraffa with the Collaboration of M.H. Dobb. Volume IX: Letters July 1821-1823.
17175: (Ricardo, David; 1772-1823). Stephinger, Ludwig. - Der Grundgedanke Der Volkswirtschaftslehre Und Die Rententheorie Ricardos.
95941: Ricci, Regolo. - Original Poster Advertising the Publication of Cary Fagan's Book "Gogol's Coat" Illustrated by Regolo Ricci.
6184: De Ricci, Seymour. - The Book Collector's Guide / a Practical Handbook of British and American Bibliography.
7180: (Marquess of Lothian). (de Ricci, Seymour). - Illuminated Manuscripts Incunabula and Americana from the Famous Libraries of the Most Hon. The Marquess of Lothian, C.H. Sold by His Order. Removed from Buckling Hall, Norfolk and Newbattle Abbey, Midlothian. Unrestricted Public Sale January 27 and 28, 1932... . Sale Number 3945. (Catalogue).
95504: Rice, Alice Hegan. (1870-1942). American novelist. - Card Signed by American Novelist Alice Hegan Rice.
21455: Rice, Anne. - Vittorio, the Vampire: New Tales of the Vampires.
28862: Rice, Anne. - Memnoch the Devil. The Vampire Chronicles.
24507: Rice, Anne. - Pandora: New Tales of the Vampires.
21454: Rice, Anne. - Memnoch the Devil. The Vampire Chronicles.
33907: Rice, Anne. - Servant of the Bones.
16610: Rice, Anne. - The Tale of the Body Thief. The Vampire Chronicles.
8752: Rice, Alice Hegan. - Lovey Mary.
11128: Richards, Rosalind. - A Northern Countryside.
22655: (Richards, William). - The Falls of Niagara. Depicted by Pen and Camera.
5595: (Richards, George). Lindsay, Vachel. - Johnny Appleseed and Other Poems.
98655: Richards, Sir Edward Trenton; Williams, J. Randolf. - Peaceful Warrior. [Signed by Sir Edward Trenton Richards and by the Author].
1361: Richards, Eva Alvey. - Arctic Mood: A Narrative of Arctic Adventures.
94707: Richardson, Hubert N. B. - A Dictionary of Napoleon and His Times.
27660: Richardson, Terry; Lagerfeld, Karl; Hadid, Zaha; et al. - Hong Kong Chanel Mobile Art Issue #1.
97591: Richardson, John Peter III (1831-1899). Governor of South Carolina who served on the staff of Confederate Brigadier General James Cantey during the Civil War. - Autograph. A Card Signed & Dated by John Peter Richardson III, As Governor of South Carolina.
2315: (Richardson, Tony). Southern, Terry. - The Journal of the Loved One: The Production Log of a Motion Picture.
94497: Richie, Donald. - The Films of Akira Kurosawa.
27664: Richler, Mordecai. - St. Urbain's Horseman.
21254: Richler, Mordecai. - Stick Your Neck out.
97498: Richmond, The Rev. Legh (1772-1827). - Little Jane, the Young Cottager.
25871: (Ricketts, Charles). Calloway, Stephen. - Charles Ricketts: Subtle and Fantastic Decorator.
20565: Ricketts, H. T.; Dick, George F. - Infection, Immunity and Serum Therapy / in Relation to the Infectious Diseases of Man. By H.T. Ricketts, M.D. Late Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Chicago. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged by the Author and by Geo. F. Dick, M.D. , Instructor in Pathology, University of Chicago, with Preface by Ludwig Hektoen, M.D.
98429: Ricord, Philippe (1800-1889). - A Practical Treatise on Venereal Diseases; or, Critical and Experimental Researches on Inoculation, Applied to the Study of These Affections, with a Therapeutical Summary and Special Formulary... . a New Translation from the French.
23786: (de Ricques, Francois). - Arts Primitifs: Vente Aux Encheres Publiques.
14833: Rider, Fremont. - The Organization of Microcard Production.
98978: Ridgeway, Frank. - Mr. Abernathy": Setting Off the Smoke Alarms. Original Daily Comic Strip Art by Frank Ridgeway Signed by the Cartoonist.
98977: Ridgeway, Frank. - Mr. Abernathy": "Hottest Poker Night". Original Daily Comic Strip Art by Frank Ridgeway Signed by the Cartoonist.
98970: Ridgeway, Frank. - Mr. Abernathy": Original Daily Comic Strip Art by Frank Ridgeway Signed by the Cartoonist.
96212: (Ridley, James; Morell, Sir Charles). (Robinet, Jean-Baptiste-Rene). - Les Contes Des Genies, Ou Les Charmantes Lecons D'Horam, Fils D'Asmar, Ouvrage Traduit Du Persan En Anglois, Par Sir Charles Morell, CI-Devant Ambassadeur Des Etablissements Anglois Dans L'Inde, a la Cour Du Grand Mongol, Et En Francois Sur la Traduction Angloise. (the First 2 Volumes Only of 3).
24057: Riessbeck, Gerhard. - Einundvierzig Tage in Gronlandsee. Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum, Bremerhaven. Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven.
31308: Riffenburgh, Dr. Beau; editor. - Polar Record: A Journal of Arctic and Antarctic Research. Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. Volume 41, Number 217, April 2005.
28827: Riffenburgh, Dr. Beau; editor. - Polar Record: Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. Volume 30, Number 174, July 1994.
31194: Riffenburgh, Dr. Beau; editor. - Polar Record: Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. (Volume 38 , Number 204, January 2002).
31195: Riffenburgh, Dr. Beau; editor. - Polar Record: Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. (Volume 38 , Number 205, April 2002).
31310: Riffenburgh, Dr. Beau; editor. - Polar Record: A Journal of Arctic and Antarctic Research. Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. Volume 41, Number 219, October 2005.
31043: Riffenburgh, Dr. Beau; editor. - Polar Record: Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. (Volume 37, Number 203, October 2001).
31044: Riffenburgh, Dr. Beau; editor. - Polar Record: Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. (Volume 37, Number 201, April 2001).
31374: Riffenburgh, Dr. Beau; editor. - Polar Record: Journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. (Volume 36, Number 196, January 2000).
34424: Righter, Charles B. - The Musical Comma.
97396: Van Rijn, J. Constant. Dutch-American engineer who founded the Rotron Manufacturing Company in Woodstock, NY. - Typed Letter Signed by the Dutch Engineer and Refugee J. Constant Van Rijn Who Settled in Woodstock, Ny During Wwii and Went on to Found Rotron.
1933: Riker, Charles. - The Eastman School of Music: Its First Quarter Century 1921-1946.
10172: Riley, J. H. - Birds from Siam and the Malay Peninsula in the United States National Museum Collected by Drs. Hugh M. Smith and William L. Abbott.
28709: Riley, James Whitcomb. - Riley: Songs O'Cheer.
94486: Rillo. - Wolf's Clothing.
12524: Rillo. - Finders Keepers.
94832: Rinehart, Mary Roberts (1876-1958). American author of mystery fiction, often called the American Agatha Christie. - Mary Roberts Rinehart's Autograph on a Card.
5877: Rink, Evald. - Printing in Delaware 1761-1800: A Checklist.
34448: Rintala, Marvin. - Two Compromises: Victorian and Bismarckian. (Cover Title).
95640: Rischbieter, Henning; editor. - Buhne Und Bildende Kunst IM XX. Jahrhundert: Maler Und Bildhauer Arbeiten Fur Das Theater / Herausgegeben Von Henning Rischbieter / Dokumentiert Von Wolfgang Storch.
98321: (Gaugin, Paul; Cezanne, Paul; and Matisse, Henri). Rishel, Joseph J. (editor). - Gaugin : Cezanne : Matisse : Visions of Arcadia. Edited by Joseph J. Rishel with Essays by Stephanie D'Alessandro, Charles Dempsey, Tanja Pirsig-Marshall, Joseph J. Rishel, and George T.M. Shackelford.
8646: Rislakki, Ensio; Kivijarvi, Kai; Rintakoski, Kauno; editors. - This Is Finland / Detta Ar Finland / Kuvia Suomesta.
98058: Ritchie, Andrew Carnduff; Gonzalez, Julio. - Julio Gonzalez. Introduction by Andrew Carnduff Ritchie with Statements by the Artist. (Cover Title).
30080: Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. - Chapters from Some Unwritten Memoirs.
26644: (Ritt, Martin). - Cross Creek. Press Information from Universal an Mca Company. (Press Kit).
34498: Ritter, Lawrence S.; Fleming, G. H.; Williams, Frank J.; et al. Thorn, John; editor. - The National Pastime: A Review of Baseball History. Vol. 1, No. 1. (Cover Title).
22065: (Rittershaus, Monika). Wagner, Wolfgang; Barenboim, Daniel; Haedler, Manfred. - A Portrait of the Staatskapelle Berlin.
11958: Debray-Ritzen, Pierre. - L'Artiste Et Son Oeuvre Ou Nos Dejeuners Sur L'Herbe Par le Pr. Pierre Debray-Ritzen, Correspondent de L'Institut. Communication Faire a la Seance Du Mercredi 24 Janvier 1990. Institut de France / Academie Des Beaux Arts.
16718: Debray-Ritzen, Pierre. - Psychologie de la Creation / Par M. Le Professeur Pierre Debray-Ritzen. Communication Faite a la Seance Du Mercredi 17 Juin 1981. Institut de France / Academie Des Beaux-Arts.
22914: Rivas, Humberto. - Los Enigmas de la Mirada.
98111: (Rivera, Diego). Favela, Ramon; curator. - Diego Rivera: The Cubist Years. Guest Curator Ramon Favela. Organized by James K. Ballinger, Phoenix Art Museum.
98106: (Rivera, Diego). de Larrea, Irene Herner. - Diego Rivera's Mural at the Rockefeller Center.
19792: Rivers, Larry. - Larry Rivers: The Continuing Interest in Abstract Art. March-April,1982. Studio Marconi, Via Tadino 15, 20124 Milano, Italy. (Catalog).
28193: Rivers, Larry; O'Hara, Frank; Hunter, Sam. - Larry Rivers.
19596: Rivers, Larry. - Larry Rivers / 1970-1973. March 24-April 14, 1973. Marlborough Gallery, Inc. (Catalog).
28475: Rives, George Lockhart; Russell, Charles Howland; compilers. - The New York Public Library / Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations: Book of Charters, Wills, Deeds and Other Official Documents.
14423: Robacker, Earl F. - Pennsylvania Dutch Stuff: A Guide to Country Antiques.
26772: (Worth, Robert and Edith). Prior, Anneke. - A Picture Is What You Are. Robert and Edith Worth: A Retrospective.
6753: Roberts, Ray A. - Jean Rhys: A Bibliographical Checklist. (in American Book Collector, Volume 3, Number 6, New Series, November/December 1982).
35849: Roberts, Mrs. Margaret Wade. - Rose and Emily; or, Sketches of Youth. By Mrs. Roberts, Author of "Moral Views; or, the Telescope for Children".
24136: Roberts, Helen H.; and Jenness, D. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1918. Southern Party--1913-1916. Volume XIV: Eskimo Songs.
34444: Roberts, Brian. - The Arctic Ocean: Report of a Conference at Ditchley Park 14-17 May 1971.
293: Roberts, Louis A. - High Art: Pictures from the Poets from the Brush of Louis A. Roberts, and Sport in Brief Chapters from the Quill of Ikabod Izax.
15958: Roberts, Steve; and Roberts, Cokie. - From This Day Forward.
30248: Roberts, Helen H.; and Jenness, D. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18. Southern Party--1913-16. Volume XIV: Eskimo Songs. Songs of the Copper Eskimos.
2008: Robertson, R. B. - Of Whales and Men.
32470: Robertson, Patrick. - The Book of Firsts.
95997: Robertson, H. Alex.; Gray, H. E.; Felt, E. P.; et al. - Fifty-Fourth Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1923.
15037: Robertson, J. M. - German Truth and a Matter of Fact. By the Right Honourable J.M. Robertson, M.P.
24151: Robins, F. W. - A Book of Verse.
3779: Robins, Edward. - Twelve Great Actors.
36316: Robins, Edward. - Twelve Great Actresses.
6083: Robinson, William H., Jr. - Early Black American Poets: Selections with Biographical and Critical Introductions.
5541: Robinson, Michael H.; and Olazarri, Jose. - Units of Behavior and Complex Sequences in the Predatory Behavior of Argiope Argentata (Fabricius): â·Araneae: Araneidae).
23577: Robinson, Gordon. - Snow-Drop. Pictured by Gordon Robinson. (Cover Title).
4214: Robinson, Paul. - Stokowski. Discography by Bruce Surtees.
27512: (Arman). Robinson, Jeffrey. - Arman: Works from 1955 - 1989.
94852: Robinson,. Lucius (1810-1891). New York State Comptroller from 1862 to 1865. Subsequently elected as Governor of New York State in 1877. - Payment of Bounties to Volunteers: A Partially Printed CIVIL War Document Consisting of a Bond Financing Payment of Bounties to Soldiers Who Volunteered to Fight in the CIVIL War, Signed by Lucius Robinson As New York State Comptroller.
95557: Robinson, Francis. (1910-1980. Longtime assistant manager of the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. He was nicknamed "Mr. Met". - Typed Letter About Carl Van Vechten Signed by Francis Robinson, Longtime Assistant Manager of the Metropolitan Opera.
22890: (Robinson, Gordon; Burley, R. A.) - Tom Thumb. (No. 430).
16339: Robinson, Henry Crabb. - Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson, Barrister-at-Law, F.S. A. Selected and Edited by Thomas Sadler. Two Volumes in One.
9807: (Robinson, W. Heath). de la Mare, Walter. - Peacock Pie: A Book of Rhymes by Walter de la Mare.
98684: Robinson, Edwin Arlington. - The Collected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson. 2 Volumes Bound As One. [Signed Limited Edition].
28701: Robinson, Joan; et al. - Collected Economic Papers.
26775: (Robinson, Charles). de Freitas, Leo. - Charles Robinson.
32158: Robinson, Edward Arlington. - Tilbury Town: Selected Poems.
21332: (The Rolling Stones; Presley, Elvis; Morrison, Jim; Joplin, Janis; Shakur, Tupac; Cobain, Kurt; Smith, Patti; et al). Robinson, Lisa. - Icons of Rock: Fifty Years of Rock 'n' Roll. A Photo Portfolio. Text by Lisa Robinson. (Supplement to Vanity Fair, December 1999). (Cover Title).
94763: Robinson, Edwin Arlington. - Cavender's House.
98007: (Robinson, T.H.). Thackeray, William Makepeace. - The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Queen Anne. Written by Himself. With Illustrations by T.H. Robinson.
4286: Robinson, Anthony. - Home Again Home Again.
36057: Robinson, Elizabeth. - Nearings: Two Poems.
98666: Robinson, Edwin Arlington. - The Town Down the River.
3749: Robson, E. W. & M. M. - The Film Answers Back: An Historical Appreciation of the Cinema.
37325: (Robson, May). - Henry Duffy Players Present May Robson in "Her Night out" a Farce-Comedy in Three Acts by May Robson and Charles T. Dazey. Staged and Directed by Irving Pichel. Fulton Theatre. (Program).
24918: Roche, Maurice. - Circus: Roman(S).
36980: Roche, Arthur Somers (1883-1935). American author of mystery thrillers. - A Slip of Paper Inscribed and Signed by Mystery Thriller Writer Arthur Somers Roche.
36591: Rockefeller, Nelson A. - Typed Letter Signed by Governor of New York State Nelson A. Rockefeller to City Center Producer Jean Dalrymple.
26499: Rockwell, Norman. - Norman Rockwell Engagement Book & Calendar 1981.
35683: (Rockwell, Norman). Nyerges, Alexander Lee; Goffman, Judy; McKinnon, Liliclaire C. - Norman Rockwell: The Great American Storyteller.
98754: Rockwell, Norman; Loewy, Raymond; Sarra, Valentino; Howard, William; Busse, P.P.; Smith, Lou; Cleeton, Glen U.; Lockwood, David. - Best National Advertising of the Year. Volume 1. 1948 - 1949.
28728: (Rodchenko, Aleksandr; Stepanova, Varvara). Muratore, Giorgio; editor. - Rodcenko E Stepanova: Alle Origini Del Costruttivismo.
98548: (Rodin, Auguste). Tancock, John L. - The Sculpture of Auguste Rodin: The Collection of the Rodin Museum, Philadelphia. [by] John L. Tancock. Special Photography: Murray Weiss.
27955: Rodman, Selden. - The Peru Traveller: A Concise History and Guide.
26280: Rodman, Selden. - Lawrence: The Last Crusade. A Dramatic-Narrative Poem.
4778: Rodman, Selden. - Artists in Tune with Their World: Masters of Popular Art in the Americas & Their Relation to the Folk Tradition.
19322: Rodman, O. H. P. - A Handbook of Salt-Water Fishing.
23413: (Rodtchenko, Alexandre). Karginov, German. - Rodtchenko.
34037: Roessler, Charles [Charles-Gustave]. - Jeanne D'Arc, Heroine and Healer. Documentary Evidences.
35210: Roethel, Hans K. - Kandinsky.
8987: Roff, Renee; compiler. - Directory of American Book Workers: A Comprehensive Listing of Hand Workers in the Book Arts Within the United States and Canada.
37476: Rogers, Bruce. - An Exhibition of the Work of Bruce Rogers in the Lakeside Press Galleries.
2521: Rogers, Howard; and Lee, Sherman E. - Masterworks of Ming and Qing Paintings from the Forbidden City.
24939: Rogers, Will; et al. - Samarkand (a Comic Opera in Two Acts) / Presented by / the Princeton University Triangle Club / 38th Annual Production / Season 1926-1927. (Souvenir Program).
96932: Rogers, Ginger (1911-1995); Aumont, Jean-Pierre (1911-2001). - A Vintage Continuity Layout Photograph Depicting Ginger Rogers Dancing with Jean-Pierre Aumont at the Glamorous Embassy Ball in a Scene from "Heartbeat".
96930: Rogers, Ginger (1911-1995). - A Vintage Publicity Photograph of the Glamorous Hollywood Movie Star Ginger Rogers Who Starred in Rko's "Heartbeat".
96931: Rogers, Ginger (1911-1995); Ciannelli, Eduardo (1888-1969). - A Vintage Continuity Layout Photograph Depicting Ginger Rogers and Eduardo Cianelli in a Scene from "Heartbeat".
96925: Rogers, Ginger (1911-1995); Aumont, Jean-Pierre (1911-2001). - A Vintage Continuity Layout Photograph Depicting Ginger Rogers and Jean-Pierre Aumont at the Train Station in a Scene from "Heartbeat".
96926: Rogers, Ginger (1911-1995); Aumont, Jean-Pierre (1911-2001). - A Vintage Continuity Layout Photograph Depicting Ginger Rogers Speaking with Jean-Pierre Aumont As He's Reclining on His Hotel Bed in a Scene from "Heartbeat".
96923: Rogers, Ginger (1911-1995); Menjou, Adolphe (1890-1963). - A Vintage Continuity Layout Photograph Depicting Ginger Roger and Adolphe Menjou in a Scene from "Heartbeat".
96920: Rogers, Ginger (1911-1995); and Rathbone, Basil (1892-1967). - A Vintage Continuity Layout Photograph Depicting Basil Rathbone Instructing Ginger Rogers at His School for Pickpockets in a Scene from "Heartbeat".
96631: Rogers, Rev. E. - A Handy Guide to Jewish Coins.
98470: (Committee of Visitors); Rogers, Edward Coulton (Medical Superintendent). - The Forty-Sixth Annual Report of the Committee of Visitors of the Cambridgeshire, Isle of Ely, and Borough of Cambridge Pauper Lunatic Asylum for the Year Ending the Thirty-First Day of December, 1903.
3156: Rogers, Bruce; Bennett, Paul A. - Bruce Rogers of Indiana: An Interview by Paul A. Bennett.
15530: Rogers, Reginald A. P. - An Old Problem in Logic.
15508: Rogers, Roy; editor. - Nautical Research Journal. Volume 11, No. 1. Spring, 1960. (Cover Title).
6272: (Rogers, Bruce). Stark, Lewis M.; compiler. - Books Designed by Bruce Rogers. Exhibited in Honor of His Eighty-Fifth Birthday.
34641: Rogers, Bruce. - The Centaur Type by Bruce Rogers: Being the Design of Which the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York Enjoyed for Many Years the Exclusive Use, and Which More Recently Has Been Employed for the Monumental Bible Designed by Bruce Rogers and Printed at the Oxford University Press, England. (Prospectus).
4221: Rogers, Robert William. - A History of Babylonia and Assyria. Second Edition. 2 Volumes.
96133: Rohdie, Sam. - The Passion of Pier Paolo Pasolini.
14592: Rohmer, Sax. - The Green Eyes of Bast.
18873: (Rojankovsky, Feodor). Lida. - Scaf, le Phoque. Albums Du Pere Castor. Texte de Lida. Images de Rojan.
33678: Rokitansky, Carl, [1804–1878]. - Lehrbuch Der Pathologischen Anatomie. (2 Volumes).
10017: (Balthus). de Rola, Stanislas Klossowski. - Balthus.
22329: Rolfe, Edwin. - Permit Me Refuge.
36985: (Asaldi). Rolland, Romain. - Colas Breugnon. Illustre Par Asaldi. (2 Volumes).
746: Rolland, Romain. - Essays on Music.
7933: (Roller, Gottfried Gunther; editor). - Almanach Der Parodieen Und Travestien. Zweyter Almanach.
30207: Roller, Duane. - The Terminology of Physical Science.
22247: Rollins, Tim; (Wallace, Michele; Danto, Arthur C.; Wright, Charles; Garrels, Gary). - Amerika: Tim Rollins + K.O. S.
29069: (Rollins, Carl Purington; Koopman, Harry). - Specimens of Type in the Office of E.L. Hildreth & Co. / Incorporated / at Brattleboro Vermont.
97452: Romaine, William (1714-1795). - A Treatise Upon the Life of Faith. By W. Romaine, M.A. Rector of St. Andrew, Wardrobe, and St. Ann's Black-Friars, and Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, London.
10079: Romero, Javier. - Mutilaciones Dentarias: Prehispanicas de Mexico Y America En General.
7010: (Binny & Ronaldson). - A Specimen of Metal Ornaments Cast at the Letter Foundry of Binny & Ronaldson. [Facsimile].
28842: Ronan, Richard. - Narratives of America.
97115: Ronciere, Emile de La; Benoit, Frederic; Hugo, Victor; Cauchois-Lemaire, Louis; and Chaix d'Est-Ange, (Gustave) [1800-1876]. - [4 Rare Pamphlets Regarding 4 Sensational French Trials]. Plaidoyer Et Ră©Plique de Me Chaix-D'Est-Ange Dans le Procă¨S D'ă‰Mile de la Ronciă¨Re, Pră©Că©Dă©S D'Une Note de M. Le Lieutenant-Gă©Nă©Ral CLă©Ment de la Ronciă¨Re, D'Esquisse Pră©Liminaire de M. Eugă¨Ne Roch, Et D'Une Lettre de M. ă‰Mile de la Ronciă¨Re, Adressă©E ă "L'Observateur Des Tribunaux". (with Facsimiles). Together with: Plaidoyer de Me Chaix-D'Est-Ange Pour M. Le Ministre Du Commerce Et Des Travaux Publics Intervenant, Contre M. Victor Hugo. Together with: Plaidoyer de M. Chaix D'Est-Ange Pour le Sieur Auguste Labauve, Et Les Sieur Et Dame Formage, Plaignans Et Parties Civiles, Contre Fră©Dă©Ric Benoă®T, Accusă©. Together with: Procă¨S Fait ă la Lettre Adressă©E Au Duc D'Orlă©Ans Par Cauchois-Lemaire.
12109: Ronfani, Ugo; editor. - IL Teatro Del Cielo: Cinquant'Anni Di Storia Dell'Istituto Del Dramma Populare Di San Miniato. Interventi Di Odoardo Bertani E Edoardo Sanguineti.
28754: de Ronsard, Pierre. - Les Amours.
6062: Roorbach, Orville A.; compiler. - Supplement to the Biblioteca Americana, a Catalogue of American Publications, from October, 1852, to May, 1855. (1 Volume Containing Volumes 2, 3 and 4).
23208: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Address of the President of the United States / Delivered Before a Joint Session of the Two Houses of Congress January 4, 1935. First Session of the Seventy-Fourth Congress / 1935. (Cover Title).
32131: Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. - F.D. R. Gettysburg Speech. Delivered May 30, 1934 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
25691: Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945), President of the United States. - A Vintage News Photograph Depicting President Roosevelt Reviewing Troops Stationed in Casablanca, Morocco in 1943 During World War II, with a Roosevelt Memorial Postage Stamp Affixed to the Bottom of the Photo.
25382: (Roosevelt, Franklin Delano). Shoumatoff, Elizabeth. - Color Collotype Print of the Sitting President Franklin Delano Roosevelt After the Painting by Elizabeth Shoumatoff.
14671: (Roosevelt, Franklin D.). Cancino, Francisco Cuevas. - Roosevelt Y la Buena Vecindad.
95320: Roosevelt, J. West; editor. - In Sickness and Health: A Manual of Domestic Medicine and Surgery, Hygiene, Dietetics, and Nursing, Dealing in a Practical Way with the Problems Relating to the Maintenance of Health, the Prevention and Treatment of Disease, and the Most Effective Aid in Emergencies.
95176: (Roosevelt, Eleanor). Myers, R. David; Morrison, Margaret L.; Bloxom, Marguerite D. - First Lady: A Bibliography of Selected Material by and About Eleanor Roosevelt.
17339: (Roosevelt, Franklin Delano). - Wages and Hours / Message from the President of the United States Transmitting a Recommendation That the Congress Enact Legislation "Further to Help Those Who Toil in Factory and on Farm" / May 24, 1937. -- Referred to the Committee on Labor and Ordered to Be Printed. [75th Congress, 1st Session / House of Representatives / Document No. 255].
98141: (Roosevelt, Franklin Delano). McAvoy, Thomas D. - Original Photograph of President Franklin D. Roosevelt with Connecticut Governor Raymond Baldwin Surrounded by Reporters After a Tour of the Electric Boat Company Which Supplied Ships for the War Effort.
30605: (Roosevelt, Franklin D.). - First (Only?) Separate Printing of Ny Times Editorial on the Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. With Tls from Times Editor Giving Permission for Its Publication.
29973: (Roosevelt, Theodore). Hagedorn, Hermann. - Theodore Roosevelt: A Biographical Sketch.
13810: (Roosevelt, Franklin D.). Charriez, J. Villaronga. - Politica Exterior Del Presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt.
98338: (Roosevelt, Franklin D.). Dows, Olin. - Franklin Roosevelt at Hyde Park. Documented Drawings and Text by Olin Dows. [Inscribed by Olin Dows to the President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art].
29039: Roosevelt, Franklin D. - The Railroads: Republican Mistakes and Democratic Remedies. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt's Speech Delivered at Salt Lake City, Utah Sept. 17, 1932.
34520: (Roosevelt, Franklin D.). - The Old Navy * 1776-1860. A Catalog of an Exhibit of Prints and Watercfolors from the Naval Collection of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
24493: Roper, Robert. - Royo County.
10399: Rorem, Ned. - Music and People.
15073: Rorem, Ned. - Music and People.
32349: Rosa, Salvator; Salvini, Anton Maria. - Satire Di Salvator Rosa Con le Note D'Anton Maria Salvini Ed Altri.
24037: (Rosai, Ottone). Cavallo, Luigi. - Ottone Rosai.
6119: Roscoe, S.; and Brimmell, R. A. - James Lumsden & Son of Glasgow: Their Juvenile Books and Chapbooks.
96417: (Rose, Stanley H.; Brady, Cyrus Townsend Jr.). - Circumnavigating Puerto Rico" by Stanley Rose; and "National Character and the Nobel Prizes" by Cyrus Townsend Brady, Jr. , [Published in]: The Log of the Circumnavigators Club, Vol. 26, No. 4, Fall, 1938.
7356: Rose, Will. - The Vanishing Village.
37103: Roseberry, C. R. - From Niagara to Montauk: The Scenic Pleasures of New York State.
26947: (Rosenberg, Jack). Slivka, Rose C. S. - Jack Rosenberg: Lustres.
26319: Rosenberg, Harold. - Artworks and Packages.
23232: Rosenblatt, Joe. - Greenbaum.
98401: (Friedrich, Caspar David). Rosenblum, Robert; and Asvarishch, Boris I. - The Romantic Vision of Caspar David Friedrich: Paintings and Drawings from the U.S. S.R. Essays by Robert Rosenblum and Boris I. Asvarishch. Edited by Sabine Rewald.
97649: (Munch, Edvard). Rosenblum, Robert; et al. - Edvard Munch: Symbols & Images.
18486: Rosenfeld, Isaac. - Alpha and Omega: Stories by Isaac Rosenfeld.
98664: (Rosenman, Samuel I.; MacVeagh, Lincoln). Roosevelt, Franklin D. - The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, with a Special Introduction and Explanatory Notes by President Roosevelt. (5 Volumes). [First Editions from the Library of Roosevelt's Ambassador and Advisor Lincoln Macveagh, Signed by Macveagh].
25190: (Rosenquist, James). Goldman, Judith. - James Rosenquist: The Early Pictures 1961-1964.
31327: Rosenthal, Randall. - Halt the Highway: Original Poster Illustrated with Randall Rosenthal's "Any Weekend" and Signed by Rosenthal.
17062: (Monty Python's Flying Circus; Altman, Robert; et al). Rosi, Francesco; Volonte, Gian Maria; et al; Crowdus, Gary; editor. - Cineaste / Vol. VII, No. 1. Fall 1975.
35361: Rosing, Kale. - Aliortut: Saelsomme Historier Fra Gronland.
30709: Rosner, Charles. - Printer's Progress: A Comparative Survey of the Craft of Printing 1851-1951.
96116: Ross, Alan. - A Calcutta Grandmother. [an Original Broadside Poem Signed by the Poet].
3233: Rossell, Leonard. - Tracks and Trails.
2326: (Rossellini, Roberto). Guarner, Jose Luis. - Roberto Rossellini. Translated by Elisabeth Cameron.
31971: (Rossetti, Christina). Thomas, Eleanor Walter. - Christina Georgina Rossetti.
19417: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel; Henderson, Marina. - D.G. Rossetti / Marina Henderson / Introduction by Susan Miller.
98567: Rossi, Bruno B.; and Staub, Hans H. - Ionization Chambers and Counters. Experimental Techniques.
37411: Rostand, Edmond. - L'Aiglon: A Drama in Six Acts in Verse. Translated by Basil Davenport.
32696: Rostand, Edmond. - L'Aiglon: A Play in Six Acts.
3877: Rosten, Norman. - The Big Road. A Narrative Poem.
12159: Rostenberg, Leona. - Robert Scott, Restoration Stationer and Importer. (Cover Title).
14516: Roth, George L. - Casting Gold Inlays / by George L. Roth, Editor, the Ney Technician.
37047: Roth, Henry H. - In Empty Rooms: Tales of Love.
33167: Roth, Philip. - American Pastoral.
2282: Rotha, Paul. - The Film Till Now: A Survey of World Cinema. With an Additional Section by Richard Griffith.
13291: (Der Blaue Reiter). (Rothel, Hans Konrad). - Der Blaue Reiter. Sammlungskatalog 1. (Catalog).
24022: (Rothel, Hans Konrad). - Der Blaue Reiter in Der Stadtischen Galerie IM Lenbachhaus Munchen.
10186: Rothenberg, Jerome. - Conversations.
27389: Rothenberg, Ellen. - Ellen Rothenberg.
1595: Rothenberg, Jerome. - Altar Pieces. Hunger / Toltec Visions / Midnight Velada / the Little Saint of Huaulta.
98264: (Rothko, Mark). Chave, Anna. - Mark Rothko Subjects. October 15 - February 26.
98331: (Rouault, Georges). Courthion, Pierre. - Georges Rouault: Including a Catalogue of Works Prepared with the Collaboration of Isabelle Rouault.
22335: Rouault, Georges. - Rouault. Le Point: Revue Artistique Et Litteraire Paraissant Tous Les Deux Mois. XXVI-XXVII. Aout - Octobre 1943. Cinquieme Annee.
13137: (Rouault, Georges). Soby, James Thrall. - Georges Rouault: Paintings and Prints.
32603: Roueche, Berton. - The Neutral Spirit: A Portrait of Alcohol.
35122: Rouir, Eugene. - 150 Jaar Belgische Prentkunst.
98301: Rousseau, Francois. - Locker Room Nudes / Dievx Dv Stade: The Rugby Players of Stade Francais Paris and Their Guests. Photographed by Francois Rousseau. Art Director Susanna Cucco.
96035: Rousseau, Jean Jacques. - The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau.
4261: Rouverol, Aurania [Aurania Ellerbeck Rouveyrol]. - The Great American Family: A Comedy. Adapted from the Novel by Lee Shippey.
35102: Rowland, Henry C. (1874-1933). American author. - Typed Letter Signed by American Author Henry C. Rowland.
7744: (Rowlandson, Thomas). [Combe, William]. - The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of Consolation: A Poem.
36386: Rowley, Hazel. - Tete-a-Tete: Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre.
3916: (Tagore). Roy, Basanta Koomar. - Rabindranath Tagore: The Man and His Poetry. With an Introduction by Hamilton W. Mabie.
35991: Roy, Claude; editor. - Tresor de la Poesie Populaire Francaise.
257: Roy, Miki; Editor. - West Coast Line: A Journal of Contemporary Writing and Criticism. Number Two, Fall 1990.
32182: Roylance, Dale; Levy, Brooks. - Princeton University Library Chronicle. Volume LXI. Number 1. Autumn 1999.
27249: Roylance, Dale. - American Graphic Arts: A Chronology to 1900 in Books, Prints and Drawings.
6936: Rubenstein, Daryl R.; Fern, Alan M. - The Avant-Garde in Theatre and Art: French Playbills of the 1890s. Essay by Daryl R. Rubenstein. Introduction by Alan M. Fern. An Exhibition Circulated by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. (Catalogue).
98866: Rubin, William (editor). - Primitivism" in 20th Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern. (2 Volumes).
36528: Rudel, Julius (1921-2014). Director of the New York City Opera. - Original Photograph of New York City Opera's Director Julius Rudel at the Helm Inscribed to His Friend Manhattan City Center Producer & Director Jean Dalrymple, Signed by Rudel.
98908: Rudenstine, Angelica Zander; Starr, S. Frederick; Costakis, George; Rakitin, Vasilii; and Bowlt, John E. - The George Costakis Collection: Russian Avant-Garde Art.
1153: Rudolph, Willi. - Nahrung Und Rohstoffe Aus Dem Meer.
97314: (Rugg, Harold). Brown, Harry A. Superintendent of Schools, Needham, Mass. - Typed Letter to Harold Rugg of Columbia University's Teachers College Signed by Harry A. Brown, Superintendent of Schools, Needham, Mass.
31483: (Ruggles, Carl; Ives, Charles; Cowell, Henry; Roldan, Amadeo; Caturla, Alejandro).Slonimsky, Nicolas. - 2 Conciertos de Camara Dirigidos Por Nicolas Slonimsky. / Sociedad de Musica Contemporanea: Seccion Cubana de la "International Society for Contemporary Music". / la Habana. Salon Del Hotel Ambassador... . Miercoles 18 Y Sabado 21 de Marzo de 1931. (Program).
30283: Rukeyser, Muriel. - Muriel Rukeyser: Dikter.
37043: Rulli, Angelo; editor. - Musical Boxes and Other Musical Marvels -- a Decade of Enjoyment.
6515: Runes, Dagobert D.; and Schrickel, Harry G.; editors. - Encyclopedia of the Arts.
25099: Ruskin, John. - The Crown of Wild Olive: Three Lectures on Work, Traffic and War.
29332: (Ruskin, John). [Whistler, James McNeill]. - The Gentle Art of Making Enemies / As Pleasingly Exemplified in Many Instances, Wherein the Serious Ones of This Earth, Carefully Exasperated, Have Been Prettily Spurred on to Unseemliness and Indiscretion, While Overcome by an Undue Sense of Right.
13802: (Ruskin, John). Hobson, J. A. - John Ruskin / Social Reformer.
19267: Ruskin, John. - The Ethics of the Dust. Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crystallisation.
34607: Russell, Sol Smith. (1848-1902). Nineteenth-century American comedic actor. - Cut Signature of Nineteenth-Century American Comedic Actor Sol Smith Russell.
32244: Russell, Bertrand. - Bolshevism: Practice and Theory.
14789: (Russell, Sydney King; Quick, Dorothy; editors). - The Poetry Chap-Book. Volume V. Number 11. Winter 1946-1947.
26768: Russell, Bertrand. - Education and the Good Life.
1974: Russell, Diane Haddock, Ph.D.; and Durie, Brian G. M., M.D. - Polyamines As Biochemical Markers of Normal and Malignant Growth.
15135: Russell, John. - The Meanings of Modern Art.
2316: (Russell, Ken). Bland, Alexander. - The Nureyev Valentino: Portrait of a Film.
35408: Russoli, Franco. - Masters of Modern Italian Art from the Collection of Gianni Mattioli.
97798: (Rutherford, Rudy; Mitchell, Grover; Miles, Butch; Lewis, Jimmy; Preston, Eddie; Wess, Frank; Tate, Buddy; Foster, Frank; Green, Freddie; Hughes, Bill; Durham, Eddie; Powell, Benny; Perry, Ermet "E.V."). Murray, Albert; Basie, Count. - Good Morning Blues: The Autobiography of Count Basie. As Told to Albert Murray. [Inscribed & Signed by Albert Murray and Signed by 13 Jazz Greats Who Worked with Count Basie].
544: Ryan, Thomas. - Recollections of an Old Musician.
25067: Ryan, Roderick T.; editor. - Smpte Journal. 60th Anniversary Issue. Volume 85 Number 7. July 1976.
24000: Ryan, Joe. - The Wild Landscape of Australia.
98681: (Ryan, Bill; Downey, Sydney). Cullen, Anthony. - Downey's Africa. [Association Copy Inscribed by Syd Downey to Bill Ryan].
98652: (Ryan, Bill). Herne, Brian. - Tanzania Safaris. [Signed Limited Edition. Inscribed by the Author to the Popular Professional Hunter Bill Ryan].
98651: (Ryan, Bill). Herne, Brian. - Tanzania Safaris. [Signed Limited Edition. Together with a Bill Ryan Scrapbook].
98668: (Ryan, Bill). Ker, Donald I. - Through Forest and Veldt. [Inscribed by the Author to Professional Hunter Bill Ryan].
98683: (Ryan, Bill; Kuhn, Bob). Dyer, Anthony. - The East African Hunters. The History of the East African Professional Hunters' Association. [from the Library of Bill Ryan and with the Signatures of More Than 20 Members of the Eapha].
7285: Ryan, Emily Dethloff. - A Bibliographical Check-List of the Library of Cooper K. Ragan.
98195: (Ryder, Albert Pinkham). Brown, Elizabeth. - Albert Pinkham Ryder.
33567: Rypson, Piotr. - Andrzej Dluzniewski.
35368: Ryskamp, Charles. - Of Cabbages and Kings: Recollections of Collectors and Collecting.
6420: Ryskamp, Charles; editor. - Seventeenth Report to the Fellows of the Perpont Morgan Library 1972-1974.
2763: (Ryskamp, Charles). - The Pierpont Morgan Library: Gifts in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary. An Exhibition 1 September-3 November 1974. (Catalog).
6072: (Ryskamp, Charles; Gottleib, Gerald; Plumb, J. H.). - Early Children's Books and Their Illustration.
31230: (Sotheby's). - Islamic Works of Art and Indian, Himalayan and South-East Asian Art. (Auction): Thursday 25th April, 1996... New Bond Street, London. Sale Ln6249.
31304: (Sotheby's). - The Indian Sale. Auction: London Tuesday May 23 2006 at 10: 30 A.M.
95376: (Christie's). - Important Tribal Art. Property from the Collections of the Late Ambassador William A.M. Burden [Et Al]... . Auction Friday, May 5, 1995... . Sale 8176.
30952: (Christie's). - Art D'Asie. Mercredi 19 Decembre 2012. (Cover Title).
14267: (Gilbert, W.S. and Sullivan, Arthur). - The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company / Gilbert and Sullivan Operas / Souvenir and Libretto: H.M. S. Pinafore.
31919: Christie's. - Art D'Asie. Vente Aux Encheres: Mardi 7 Juin 2011. Paris. (Sale 1008).
22871: (Sotheby's). - European and Oriental Rugs and Carpets. Sale Ln5251. Day of Sale: Wednesday, 26th April, 1995 at 10: 30 Am / in the Main Galleries / 34-35 New Bond Street, London W1... . (Auction Catalog).
31215: (Christie's). - Asian Art. Auction: Tuesday 31 October 2006... Amsterdam.
95215: (Christie's). - Fine Chinese Painting. Wednesday, June 1, 1994... . (Sale No. 7908
95344: (Christie's). - Contemporary Prints and Multiples. The Properties of Mr. And Mrs; Ralph F. Colin [Et Al]. Auction Tuesday 30 April 1996. Sale 8394... .
24248: (Christie's). - 150 Years of Photography.
95422: (Sotheby's). - Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures... . Day of Sale: Wednesday, 19th October, 1994... . Sale Ln4627.
95216: (Christie's). - Important Tribal Art, Including Property from the Estate of Vincent Price, Property from the Collection of the Estate of Richard an Dorothy Rodgers the Properties of the Estate of Morgan Sanford and from Various Sources. Thursday, May 5, 1994... . (Sale No. 7876.
95155: (Christie's). - Fine Oriental Rugs and Carpets: The Properties of the Estate of Isabella Da Costa Sage... . [Et Al]. Saruday, Februry 6, 1993,
35637: (Sotheby's). - Important American Voyages and Explorations. Property from a Private Collection. Auction Thursday, October 31, 1985... (Catalogue).
95321: (Christie's). - Fine Chinese Paintings, Calligraphy and Rubbings. Auction Tuesday 19 September 1995. Sale 8252.
32769: Sotheby's, - Indian Art Including Miniatures and Modern Paintings. New York Tuesday, September 19, 2006. (Sale Number N08222).
97400: (Stowe, Harriet Beecher; Kirk, Eleanor; Dyer, Oliver et al); Packard, Silas S. and Wells, Samuel R. (editors). - Packard's Monthly (Volume 3, Nos. 1-3: January-March, 1870). Together with: The Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated (Volume 50, Nos. 4-5; April-May 1870). Together with: The Phrenological Journal (Volume 50, No. 6; June 1870). Together with: The Phrenological Journal and Packard's Monthly (Volume 51, Nos. 1-6; July-December 1870). (12 Issues Bound in One Volume).
94618: Christie's. - Photobooks. Auction Thursday 31 May 2007.
95190: (Christie's). - Fine Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy. Wednesday, November 30th, 1994.
96161: (Christie's). - Fine European and Oriental Carpets: The Properties of a Family Collection, the Collection of Mr. And Mrs. George W. Scott,, Jr. ,the Estate of Beatrice Lagrave Maltby, the Estate of John F. Uihlein and from Various Sources. Wednesday. April 20, 1994.
31707: (Christie's). - Catalogue of English and Continental Clocks, Watches and Mathematical Instruments Various Properties Which Will Be Sold at Auction by Christie, Manson & Woods... . on Tuesday, July 28, 1970... . (Catalogue).
22734: (Christie's) - Oriental Ceramics and Works of Art. Thursday, 13 June 1996 at 10. 30 A.M. And 2. 00 P.M... . (Auction Catalog)
32263: Sotheby's. - African, Oceanic & Northwest Coast Art. Auction: New York Friday, November 16, 2001 (Sale 7731).
31696: (Christie's). - Asian Ceramics and Works of Art. Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 May 2006. (Sale 2701).
19692: (Sotheby's). - 19th and 20th Century Photographs. Property of Various Owners... . Public Auction / Friday, May 20, 1977 at 10: 15 A.M. And 2 P.M. Sale Number 3993. (Auction Catalog).
32571: Sotheby's. - Arts D'Asie: Vente a Paris Jeudi 12 Juin 2008... . (Sale Pf8010).
32023: Christie's. - Old Master, American and Modern Prints and Illustrated Books. The Properties of Walter J. Johnson [Et Al]. Auction: Tuesday, 13 May 1997. (Sale 8652).
32024: Sotheby's. - Indian Contemporary Art. New York September 22, 2006. (Sale 8290).
98696: (Birch, B.J.; Atiyah, M.F.; Wall, C.T.C.; Gruenberg, K.; Serre, J-P.; Tate, J.T.; Heilbronn, H.; Roquette, Peter; Kneser, M.; Hasse, Helmut; Swinnerton,-Dyer, H.P.F.; Hoechsmann, K.) Cassels, J.W.S. and Frohlich, A., editors. - Algebraic Number Theory. Proceedings of an Instructional Conference Organized by the London Mathematical Society (a Nato Advanced Study Institute) with the Support of the International Mathematical Union.
33638: Sotheby's. - 20th Century Asian Art. Auction: London 14 July 2005 Sale L05213.
32097: Sotheby's. - The World of Movie Posters: Celebrating 100 Years of Motion Pictures / Including Property from the Collection of Bronson Pinchot, California. Sale 6794. Auction: Thursday, December 7, 1995.
6906: (Sotheby's). - Modern Illustrated Books. Auction Thursday, November 14, 1985 at 2 P.M... . (Catalogue).
21901: Saalman, Howard. - Medieval Cities.
21908: Saalman, Howard. - Medieval Architecture: European Architecture 600-1200.
23435: Sabarsky, Serge. - Druckgraphik Des Deutschen Expressionismus.
37056: Sablosky, Irving L. - American Music.
37363: Sachs, Maurice. - Andre Gide.
8358: Sadat, Jehan. - A Woman of Egypt.
34125: Sadleir, Michael. - Authors and Publishers: A Study in Mutual Esteem.
16433: Sadleir, Anna T. - The Pilkington Heir.
15624: The Committee of Safety. - Facts Concerning Slaughter-Houses, Rendering Establishments, and Other Nuisances; Pestilence and the Depreciation of Property. Collected and Published for the Citizens of New York, by Order of the Committee of Safety. (Cover Title).
35416: Saffis-Nahely, Andre; and Stannard, Julian; editors. - The Palm Beach Effect: Reflections on Michael Hofmann.
17463: Safford, Truman Henry. - On the Right Ascension of the Pole Star, As Determined from Observation. By Truman Henry Safford, Assistant at the Observatory of Harvard College. [from the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. VI. ] Printed from the Sturgis Fund, for the Observatory of Harvard College.
6680: (Hughes, Ted). Sagar, Keith; and Tabor, Stephen. - Ted Hughes, a Bibliography 1946-1980.
95235: Sage, John Hall; Bishop, Louis Bennett. - The Birds of Connecticut.
5848: Sagendorph, Robb. - America and Her Almanacs: Wit, Wisdom & Weather 1639-1970.
35687: Saint-Cyr, Agnes de Gouvion; Lemagny, Jean-Claude; and Sayag, Alain. - Art or Nature: 20th Century French Photography.
25191: Saitz, Joshua. - Negative Capability. Issue #1.
27150: (Saivo, Pirkka; editor) - Finland and the Finns
14292: Sakakeeny, Kaleel. - The Actor's Search.
19170: Sakata, Eiichiro. - Talking Faces.
13381: Sala, George Augustus. - Mrs. Mellor's Diamonds.
94863: Sale, Kirkpatrick. - Human Scale.
6755: (Salinger, J. D.). Bixby, George. - J.D. Salinger: A Bibliographical Checklist. (in American Book Collector, Volume 2, Number 3, New Series, May/June 1981).
96956: Salinger, J. D. - Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour / an Introduction.
16310: Salisbury, William; editor. - Prints. Vol. 1, No. 1. November, 1930. (Cover Title).
22790: (Salle, David). Tuten, Frederic. - David Salle: Recent Paintings. 5 March to 2 April 1988. Mary Boone / Michael Werner / Gallery 417 West Braodway New York. (Catalog).
16738: (Salloch, William). Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph. - Quellenkunde Der Deutschen Geschichte, Nach Folge Der Begebenheiten Fur Eigene Vortrage Der Deutschen Geschichte Geordnet / Von F.C. Dahlmann.
6757: Saltus, Edgar. - Uplands of Dream. Edited with an Introduction & a Bibliography by Charles Honce.
28906: Salvini, Roberto. - Moderne Italienische Skulpturen.
34233: Salvini, Tommaso. (1829-1915). Italian actor. - Close of a Letter Signed by the Italian Actor Tommaso Salvini.
29763: Salzman, L. F. - English Trade in the Middle Ages.
96293: Samaras, Lucas. - Lucas Samaras "Pastels - Plasters - Boxes - Etcetera" : December 5-23... . [an Original Poster for the 1961 Green Gallery Exhibition in Nyc].
20301: Samaras, Lucas. - Lucas Samaras: Figures / Still Lifes. October 27-Novembeer 26, 1988. (Catalog).
21005: (Samaras, Lucas). Glimcher, Milly. - Lucas Samaras: Pastels. February 20-March 20, 1993. The Pace Gallery... . (Catalog).
21013: (Samaras, Lucas). (Ratcliff, Carter). - Lucas Samaras: Sittings 1979-1980. December 5, 1980-January 10, 1981. The Pace Gallery 32 East 57 St. New York. (Introductory Essay by Carter Ratcliff). (Catalog).
2331: (Samperi, Salvatore). Marinucci, Vinicio. - Italian Directors: Salvatore Samperi. Filmography by Franco Mariotti.
33754: Sanborn, Edwin D. - An Oration Delivered Before the Alumni of Gilmanton Academy, August 4, 1859 by Edwin D. Sanborn, Professor of Classical Literature and History in Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.
33784: Sanborn, E. D.; et al. - An Address, in Commemoration of the Completion of the First Free Bridge Across Connecticut River. Together with a Report of the Proceedings and Remarks of Dr. Bournes, Dr. Crosby, Prof. Patterson, and Wm. H. Duncan, Esq. July 1st, 1859.
27118: Sanchez, Thomas. - Rabbit Boss.
98305: Sanchez, Ricardo B.; Ramon, Jose Luis; and Olivares, Rosa. - Passes: The Art of the Bullfight: Seduction, Deception, Illusion and Truth. Photographs by Ricardo B. Sanchez. Essays by Jose Luis Ramon and Rosa Olivares.
31040: Sanday, John. - La Vallee de Kathmandu: Monuments Historiques Nepalais a Restaurer. (French Edition).
98041: (Sandburg, Carl). Luce, Henry R. (editor). - Fortune. January 1934. Volume IX, Number 1. [Magazine].
7380: Sandburg, Carl. - Slabs of the Sunburnt West.
23411: (Sander, August). Conrath-Scholl, Gabriele; Hochleitner, Martin; Lange, Suzanne. - August Sander: Linzer Jahre 1901-1909.
18165: Sanders, Ed; editor. - Woodstock Journal. Vol. 2 No. 7 Through Vol. 2 No. 9. (April 5 Through May 3, 1996). (3 Issues).
6285: (Cobden-Sanderson, T. J.). Adams, Frederick B., Jr.; compiler. - Bookbindings by T.J. Cobden-Sanderson: An Exhibition at the Pierpont Morgan Library September 3-November 4, 1968. (Catalogue).
21777: Sandoz, Paul. - Legend.
2070: (Shaw & Sanford). - Sanshaw: Participation Ownership.
27269: (Sanford, Elise Mitchell; Niro, Shelley; Young K.; Szabo, Joe). Dawson, Fielding; Hesse, Gary. - Contact Sheet 83.
94967: (Pinter, Harold; Boyars, Arthur; and Inman, Philip; et al.). Sankey, John; editor. - The Window. No. 2.
12450: Sankhala, Kailash. - Tiger! the Story of the Indian Tiger.
1060: Sann, Paul. - Fads, Follies and Delusions of the American People (a Pictorial Story of Madnesses, Crazes and Crowd Phenomena).
97384: (Hemmings, David; Hunnicutt, Gayle; Robson, Flora; Hyde-White, Wilfrid; et al). Sarafian, Richard C. (director). - 19 Original Movie Stills for Richard C. Sarafian's 1970 British Thriller Fragment of Fear Starring David Hemmings and Gayle Hunnicutt.
95057: Sarenco; and de Vree, Paul (editors). - IL Libro 1968-1971.
25906: (Sarg, Tony). Cobb, Irvin S. - To Be Taken Before Sailing.
97332: [Sargant, Jane Alice]. - Robert Wiles; or, Too Fast at First.
94935: Sargeant, Winthrop (1903-1986). American music critic, violinist & writer. - Typed Letter Signed by the American Music Critic & Violinist Winthrop Sargeant on New Yorker Stationery, Caustically Referencing His Review of the Modern Opera "Lizzie Borden".
25109: (Sargent, Margaret; 1892-1978). Nochlin, Linda. - Margarett Sargent.
14378: Sari. - Ten Little Servants: A Story of a Little Prince.
94481: Sarnstedt, Bo; editor. - Edvard Munch 1863 - 1944.
27429: Saroyan, William. - The Adventures of Wesley Jackson.
24524: Saroyan, William. - Dear Baby.
330: Saroyan, William. - Look at Us/Let's See/Here We Are/Look Hard, Speak Soft/ I See, You See, We All See/ Stop, Look, Listen/ Beholder's Eye/Don't Look Now, But Isn't That You? (Us? U.S. ?).
13404: Saroyan, William. - Short Drive, Sweet Chariot.
98968: Sarton, George. - Aristotle and Phyllis. Reprinted from Isis No. 43, (Vol. XIV, 1) May 1930.
30391: Sartre, Jean-Paul; Drot, Jean-Marie; Sicard, Michel. - Sartre E L'Arte: Omaggio a Jean-Paul Sartre 1987.
9846: Sartre, Jean-Paul. - Les Communistes Ont Peur de la Revolution.
35338: Sartre, Jean-Paul; Blau, Herbert; Clurman, Harold; Carnovsky, Morris; Gorelik, Mordecai; Vicente, Gil; et al. - The Tulane Drama Review. Vol. 5 , No. 3. March, 1961.
24239: Sativa, Mary. - The Lovers' Crusade.
27819: Satterfield, Archie. - Home Front. An Oral History of the War Years in America 1941-45.
35789: Sattler, Carl Christian. - Handbuch Des Eosterreichischen Ehe-Rechts Nach Den Dareuber Erlassenen Gesetzen Und Verordnungen, Und Mit Bemerkung Der Abweichungen Des Beurgerlichen Gesetzbuchs Feur Westgalizien. 2 Volumes in 1.
32184: (Hoffmann, Heinrich). Sauer, Walter; et al. - Princeton University Library Chronicle. Volume LXII, Number 1, Autumn 2000. [Struwwelpeter Issue].
97274: Saunders, William L. (1835-1891). - Catalogues of the University of North Carolina and Addresses Delivered Before the Two Societies During the Collegiate Term of the Class of 1854. [Handwritten Title Accomplished and Signed by William L. Saunders]. [10 Pamphlets Bound in One Volume].
320: (Sauter, R. H.). Galsworthy, John. - Awakening.
9617: Savage, George. - 18th-Century English Porcelain.
15115: Savishinsky, Joel S.; and Frimmer, Susan B. - The Middle Ground: Social Change in an Arctic Community, 1967-1971. Mercury Series. Ethnology Division Paper No. 7.
20639: (Savitt, Paul). Kuspit, Donald. - Paul Savitt: The Beginning. April 4 to May 19, 1990. Essay by Donald Kuspit. (Catalog).
96414: (Sawders, Major James C.). - Lands to the South of Us. [an Original Promotional Brochure for a Series of Lectures by Major Sawders Under the Aegis of the Pond Bureau]. Together with: The Original Contract between Pond and the Geographic Society of Chicago, Engaging the Services of Major James C. Sawders.
34986: (Sawders, Major James C.). - An American Correspondent Views Our Southern Neighbors. (Promotional Brochure).
35096: Sayler, Oliver M. - Oliver M. Sayler's Lamplight Volume I, No. 1. A Weekly Literary Review. Broadcast Mondays... . over Station Wgbs, New York City, Under the Auspices of American Book Bindery--Stratford Press, Inc. Together with a Pond Bureau Brochure Promoting a Sayler Lecture.
26394: Sayles, John. - Los Gusanos.
98205: (Dodge & Sayre). - Thomas and James, a Dialogue. [Caption Title].
8133: Le Scal, Yves. - The Great Days of the Cape Horners. Translated by Len Ortzen.
612: (Scepi, Franco). Dorfles, Gillo; Di Forti, Massimo. - Franco Scepi: Images from Italy.
22201: (Schacter, Susan). Shewey, Don. - Caught in the Act: New York Actors Face to Face. Photographs by Susan Schacter. Interviews by Don Shewey.
24149: (Schad, Christian). Testori, Giovanni. - Christian Schad.
14843: (Schad, Robert O.). - Fine Books: An Exhibition of Written and Printed Books Selected for Excellence of Design, Craftsmanship and Materials. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. (Catalog).
96012: Schade, Otto H., - Image Gradation, Graininess and Sharpness in Television and Motion-Picture Systems. Part III: The Grain Structure of Television Images. (in Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Journal, Vol. 61, No. 2, August 1953.
2502: Schaeffer, Henry. - The Social Legislation of the Primitive Semites.
24240: Schaeffer, Albrecht. - Parzival: Ein Versroman in Drei Kreisen.
35286: von Schaewen, Deidi. - Walls.
34611: Schafer, Wilhelm; and Wette, Adelheid (Hunperdinck). - Fur Unsere Kleinen. Bilder Von Wilhelm Schafer. Reime Von Adelheid Wette. Titelzeichnung Von Meta Voigt.
23162: (Jorg Schafer). - A Select Choice of Fine Sixteenth Century Books. Catalogue One.
34617: Schalk, Franz; Kiurina, Berta; Mayr, Richard; Kittel, Hermine; and Gallos, Hermann. - Original Program for the December 19, 1920 Vienna Philharmonic Performance of Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis", Signed by the Conductor Franz Schalk and the Singers Berta Kiurina, Richard Mayr, Hermine Kittel and Hermann Gallos.
9717: Scharf, Aaron. - Pioneers of Photography: An Album of Pictures and Words Written and Compiled by Aaron Scharf.
5893: (Schatzki, Walter). - Children's Books Old and Rare: Catalogue Number One.
12955: (Schechner, Richard; editor). - The Drama Review. Volume 12, Number 2 (T-38) Winter 1968.
17118: (Jodorowsky, Alexandro; et al). Schechner, Richard; Toshio, Ueda; Takuji, Ote; Sinclair, John; et al. - Shantih: A Quarterly of International Writings. Summer 1971. Vol. 1, No. 2.
35531: Scheele, Carl Wilhelm; et al. - The Early History of Chlorine.
13634: Scheinfeld, Amram. - Women and Men.
96526: (Schellbach, Karl Heinrich); Poinsot, Louis (1777-1859). - Neue Theorie Der Drehung Der Korper. Von Poinsot. Ubersetzt Von K.H. Schellbach.
36125: Schelling, Andrew; Waldman, Anne. - Caterina and the Countess of Dia.
98592: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van de Rotterdamse Poort. // Vue de la Port Nommă©E de Rotterdamse Poort. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Rotterdam Gate in Delft.
98579: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van Het Latynsche School. // Vue de L'Ecole Latine. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Latin School in Delft.
98594: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van Het Stadt-Huys. // Vue de la Maison de Ville. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Town Hall in Delft.
98586: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van Het Frater Huys En Biblioteek. // Vue de la Maison Des Freres, Et de la Bibliotheque. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the City Library and the Brother's House in Delft.
98593: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van de Stads Waag. // Vue Du Poids de la Ville. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Weighing House in Delft.
98587: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Vue de la Maison Nommee Meermans Burg. // Gesigt Van Meermans Burg. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Meermansburg Court in Leiden.
98588: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van Het Raadt-Huys. Vue de la Maison de Ville. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Town Hall in Alkmaar.
98590: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van Het Gemeen-Lands-Huys Van Delfland. // Vue de la Maison Ou S' Assemblent Les Directeurs Des Digues Du Delfland. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Headquarters of the Waterboard of Delft.
98583: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - De Oude Befaamde Huysen, Genaamt de Kamerette. // Les Anciennes Fameuses Maisons Nommă©E de Kamerette. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing a Landmark House in Delft.
98580: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van de Stads Doelen En Stads Anatomie. // Vue Du Doule de la Ville Et Du Thă©Atre D'Anatomie. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Anatomical Theatre in Delft.
98591: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van Het Oost-Indies Pakhuys. // Vue Du Magasin Des Indes Orientales. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the East India Warehouse in Delft Containing Spices, Tea, and Silk from Asia and Porcelain from China.
98582: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van de Vleesch-Hal, En Vis-Markt. // Vue de la Boucherie, Et de la Poissonnerie. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Boucherie and Fish Market in Delft.
98585: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van Het St. Lucas Gilde-Huys. // Vue de la Maison de S. Luc. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Guildhall of Saint Luke in Delft.
98584: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van Het Meysjes Huys //Vue de la Maison Des Filles. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Girls House in Delft.
98589: Schenk, Leonardus; Rademaker, Abraham. - Gesigt Van 't Hollands Artelery Huys. // Vue Du Magasin D'Artillerie de Hollande. Original Hand-Colored Print Picturing the Ammunition Storehouse in Delft.
96032: (Schermann, Rafael). - James B. Pond Presents Rafael Schermann, the Man to Whom There Are No Secrets! Who Will Tell of His Most Noted Cases in Psycho-Graphology. (Brochure)
31408: Scheufler, Pavel. - Praha 1848-1914. : Cteni Nad Dobovymi Fotografiemi.
35585: Schick, Phiippine. - Deutsch-Englische Ubersetzungsubungen. 3 Volumes. Volumes I and II: (Mit Stilistisch-Syntaktischem Kommentar). Volume III: (Mit Sprachlich Erklarendem Kommentar).
22689: (Schiele, Egon). Landau, Felix. - Egon Schiele 1890-1918.
10350: (Schiele, Egon). Fischer, Wolfgang. - Egon Schiele: Oils, Watercolours, Drawings and Graphic Work. The Third London Exhibition Organized and Introduced by Wolfgang Fischer. November/December 1972.
35678: Schiff, Dorothy. (1903-1989). Publisher of the New York Post, New York's first female newspaper publisher. - Typed Letter to City Center Producer Jean Dalrymple Signed by New York Post Publisher Dorothy Schiff, New York's First Female Newspaper Publisher.
6864: (Schiller, Justin G.). - Illustrated Art and Children's Books: Drawings and Related Manuscripts. Catalog 39.
30591: Schiller, Friedrich. - Friedrich Schiller: Gesammelte Werke in Funf Banden. Zweiter Band: Dramatische Dichtungen II.
30546: Schiller, Friedrich. - William Tell.
7222: (Schimmel, Stuart B.). - The Stuart B. Schimmel Collection of the Book Arts Comprising Private Press Books, Fine Bindings, Autograph Letters and Calligraphy. Friday, May 17, 1991 at 10: 00 A.M. (Catalogue).
98082: Schjeldahl, Peter; et al. - Legacy of Light: (205 Polaroid Photographs by 58 Distinguished American Photographers). Edited by Constance Sullivan / Introduction by Peter Schjeldahl / Essays by Gretel Ehrlich, Richard Howard, Diane Johnson and Robert Stone.
33799: Schjeldahl, Peter; Aurbach, Michael; Storr, Robert; Zellen, Jody; Kingsley, Mark; et al. Harper, Glenn; editor. - Art Papers. Artists' Pages Issue: Black and White. March & April 1994. Volume 18 Number 2.
28706: (Mykle Agnar; Harald Grieg). Schjodt, Annaeus, Jr. - Saken Om Den Rode Rubin: En Hvitbok Redigert Av Hoyesterrsadvokat Annaeus Schjodt Jr.
4181: Schlegel, Dorothy M. - Gem Stones of the United States. Contributions to Economic Geology. Geological Survey Bulletin 1042-G.
94824: Schliemann, Heinrich. - Troja: Results of the Latest Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Homer's Troy, 1882.
34330: Schlik, Franz. (1789-1862). General in the Austrian Empire's army known for his successes in the 1848 Hungarian Revolution. - Autograph Letter to "le Comte de Greneville" Signed by Austrian General Franz Schlik with a Beautiful Example of His Seal.
22693: (Remscheider Schlittschuhindustrie). - Wie Werde Ich Ein Guter Schlittschuh-Laufer?
22255: Schlomoff, Jerome. - Jerome Schlomoff: Portraits.
5545: (Dencker, Klaus Peter; et al). Schlosser, Manfred; editor. - Kunstpreis Berlin.
35376: Schmalenbach, Fritz. - Oskar Kokoschka.
23459: Schmalenbach, Werner. - Plastik Der Sudsee.
27225: (Rautert, Timm; Baldessari, John; Schweizer, Helmut; Erben, Josef; Kuppel, Edmund; Tremlett, David). Schmalriede, Manfred; et al. - Aq 15.
5137: Schmid, Adolf. - The Language of the Baton. Book One.
35826: Schmidt, Siegfried J. - Sechs & Schatten (1981 / 82).
5467: Schmidt, Siegfried J. - Visuelle Poesie: Thesen - Textzyklus "Wahr".
11117: Schmidt, Hanspeter. - Menu Designs.
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