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74673: MARCHANT JAMES, Ruth. - Cork to Capricorn: A History of The Presentation Sisters in Western Australia 1891-1991.
75345: MARCHANT, Leslie R. - The Papal Line of Demarcation and Its Impact in the Eastern Hemisphere on the Political Division of Australia 1479-1829.
70182: MARCHESI, Blanche. - The Singer's Catechism and Creed.
74167: MARCHET, Jean-Francois & COLTRIN, Peter. - Lamborghini Countach: LP500, LP400, Countach & S; V12 mid-engine.
65282: MARCHI, Giulia. - Guida Alla Corretta Alimentazione Giornaliera: Dalla Livello Scientifico Alla Utilizzazione Practica.
70655: MARCUS, Millicent. - Filmmaking By the Book: Italian Cinema and Literary Adaptation.
57772: MARCUS, Fred H. - Film and Literature: Contrasts in Media.
49043: MARCUS, Maeva. - Truman and the Steel Seizure Case: The Limits of Presidential Power.
47985: MARCUS, Marvin. - Paragons of the Ordinary. The Biographical Literature of Mori Ogai.
57347: MARCUSE, Ludwig. - Nachruf auf Ludwig Marcuse.
65795: MARCZEWSKI, Jean. - Introduction a L'Histoire Quantitative.
63764: MARDER, Stephen R., DAVIS, John M. & JANICAK, Philip G. eds. - Clinical Use of Neuroleptic Plasma Levels.
54113: MARGO, Robert A. - Race and Schooling in the South, 1880 - 1950. An Economic History.
74725: MARGULES, C.R. & AUSTIN, M.P. eds. - Nature Conservation: Cost Effective Biological Surveys and Data Analysis.
69354: LEYLAND MARINA. - Leyland Marina 1500cc, 1750cc Australian Production with Specifications, Repair and Maintenance Data. Scientific Publications' Workshop Manual Series No 03.
67201: LEYLAND MARINA. - Leyland Marina 1500cc, 1750cc Australian Production with Specifications, Repair and Maintenance Data. Scientific Publications' Workshop Manual Series No 03.
67829: MARITZ, J.S. - Distribution-Free Statistical Methods.
65321: MARIVAUX. JAMIESON, Ruth Kirby. - Marivaux: A Study in Sensibility.
72572: MARJORIBANKS, Timothy. - News Corporation, Technology and the Workplace: Global Strategies, Local Change.
71954: MARJORIBANKS, Kevin. - Families and Their Learning Environments: An Empirical Analysis.
71686: MARJORIBANKS, Timothy. - News Corporation, Technology and the Workplace: Global Strategies, Local Change.
62752: MARJORIBANKS, Kevin. - Families and Their Learning Environments: An Empirical Analysis.
56716: MARJORIBANKS, Kevin. - Families and Their Learning Environments: An Empirical Analysis.
55436: MARJORIBANKS, Kevin. - Ethnic Families and Children's Achievements.
70568: MARKIDES, Kyriakos S. & COOPER, Cary L. eds. - Retirement in Industialized Societies: Social, Psychological and Health Factors.
65359: MARKL, Hubert. - Natur als Kultur-aufgabe: Uber die Beziehung des Menschen zur lebendigen Natur.
55469: MARKOVIC, Mihailo. - From Affluence to Praxis: Philosophy and Social Criticism.
72561: MARKOVICH, Nicholas C., PREISER, Wolfgang F.E. & STURM, Fred G. eds. - Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture.
67918: MARKOVITS, Andrei S. - The Politics of the West German Trade Unions: Strategies of Class and Interest Representation in Growth and Crisis.
53256: MARKOVITZ, Irving Leonard. - Power and Class in Africa. An Introduction to Change and Conflict in African Politics.
56778: MARKS, Stuart A. - Large Mammals and a Brave People: Subsistence Hunters in Zambia.
48821: MARKS, Lucille. - Abroad With My Impossible Cousin.
56442: MARKSON, Leona E. & NASH, David B. eds. - Accountability and Quality in Health Care: The New Responsibility.
70109: VAN MARLE, J.G. & VOOUS, Karel H. - The Birds of Sumatra: An Annotated Check-List. BOU Check-List No. 10.
52967: MARLOWE. JUMP, John ed. - Marlowe: Doctor Faustus. A Casebook.
69932: MARNOCH, Gordon. - Doctors and Management in the National Health Service.
57093: MAROIS, Maurice ed. - Documents Pour L'Histoire. Tome I: L'Aventure. Tome II: Les Grandes Conferences Internationales: Problemes de Vie. Tome III: Les Grandes Conferences Internationales: L'Homme et la Planete. Tome IV: L'Illustration et la Valeur D'Exemple.
72021: MARROCCO, W. Thomas & GLEASON, Harold eds. - Music in America. An Anthology from the Landing of the Pilgrims to the Close of the Civil War, 1620-1865.
65465: MARRYAT, Frank. - Mountains and Molehills or Recollections of a Burnt Journal.
73111: MARSDEN, John. - Herb Lack and Family.
63018: MARSDEN, David & OAKLEY, Peter eds. - Evaluating Social Development Projects.
54741: MARSDEN, Peter. - The Wreck of the Amsterdam.
73916: MARSH, Robert H., BRAITHWAITE, William C. et al. - London Yearly Meeting 1668-1918 During 250 Years.
71212: MARSH, Colin J. - Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum.
69850: MARSH, Ian. - Beyond the Two Party System: Political Representation, Economic Competitiveness and Australian Politics.
66932: MARSH, Colin J. - Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum.
62832: MARSH, Norman S., CONACHER, R.D. et al. - Proceedings and Papers of the Fifth Commonwealth Law Conference. [Held at] Edinburgh Scotland, 24th-29th July, 1977.
59279: MARSH, Henry. - Documents of Liberty from Earliest Times to Universal Suffrage.
55523: MARSH, Ian. - Beyond the Two Party System: Political Representation, Economic Competitiveness and Australian Politics.
53922: MARSH, Robert M. & MANNARI, Hiroshi. - Modernization and the Japanese Factory.
51481: MARSH, Margaret & RONNER, Wanda. - The Empty Cradle. Infertility in America from Colonial Times to the Present.
48961: MARSH, Ngaio. - Clutch of Constables.
47914: MARSH, Ngaio. - Hand in Glove.
70266: MARSHALL, K.C. - Interfaces in Microbial Ecology.
63548: MARSHALL, Edward M. - Tranforming the Way We Work: The Power of the Collaborative Workplace.
61420: MARSHALL, P.J., ROBERTSON, John et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Sixth Series. Volume X1 [ 11 ].
61418: MARSHALL, P.J., GREEN, E.H.H. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Sixth Series. Volume IX [ 9 ].
61417: MARSHALL, P.J., FLINT, Valerie I.J. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Sixth Series. Volume VIII [ 8 ].
57355: MARSHALL. BEVERIDGE, Albert J. - The Life of John Marshall. Volume I: Frontiersman, Soldier, Lawmaker, 1755-1788. Volume II: Politician, Diplomatist, Statesman, 1789-1801. Volume III: Conflict and Construction, 1800-1815. Volume IV: The Building of the Nation, 1815-1835.
57307: MARSHALL, Neil & WALSH, Cliff eds. - Federalism and Public Policy: The Governance and Funding of Australian Higher Education.
75006: MARSHALL, Jonathan. - To Have and Have Not: Southeast Asian Raw Materials and the Origins of the Pacific War.
76118: MARSHALL, Ian. - Flying Boats: The J-Class Yachts of Aviation.
75748: MARSHALL, Virginia. - Overturning Aqua Nullius: Securing Aboriginal Water Rights.
53813: MARSLAND, Stephen E. - The Birth of the Japanese Labor Movement: Takano Fusataro and the Rodo Kumiai Kiseikai.
71564: MARSZALEK, John F. - Assault at West Point: The Court-Martial of Johnson Whittaker.
54500: MARTEAU. WEISS, Gunther. - Mitteilungen des Hauses Marteau in Lichtenberg/Ofr. Band II: Gedenjahr 1984 110. Geburstag - 50. Todestag.
70390: MARTELLO, S., LAPORTE, G., MINOUX, M. & RIBEIRO, C. eds. - Surveys in Combinatorial Optimization.
56790: MARTI, Jose. FONER, Philip S. ed. - Inside the Monster: Writings on the United States and American Imperialism.
73422: MARTIN, John Rupert. - Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard. Part XVI - The Decorations for the Pompa Introitus Ferdinandi.
72776: MARTIN, Wallace ed. - Orage as Critic.
72303: MARTIN, Robert D. - Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity.
72220: MARTIN, Marie Alexandrine. MCLEOD, Mark W. trans. - Cambodia: A Shattered Society.
70134: MARTIN, Roderick & WALLACE, Judith. - Working Women in Recession: Employment, Redundancy, and Unemployment.
69188: MARTIN, Lee R. - A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature Volume 3: Economics of Welfare, Rural Development, and Natural Resources in Agriculture, 1940s to 1970s.
69012: MARTIN, Ben R. & IRVINE, John. - Research Foresight: Priority-Setting in Science.
68820: MARTIN, Calvin. - An Ethnography of the Huron Indians, 1615- 1649.
64695: MARTIN, Roderick. - Bargaining Power.
64267: MARTIN, Ross M. - TUC: The Growth of a Pressure Group, 1868-1976.
63939: MARTIN, Ross M. - TUC: The Growth of a Pressure Group, 1868-1976.
62176: MARTIN, Edwin M. - The United States and the Developing Countries.
58612: MARTIN, David. - The Dilemmas Of Contemporary Religion.
56659: MARTIN, Lionel. - The Early Fidel: Roots of Castro's Communism.
54805: MARTIN, Jean. ENCEL, S. ed. - The Ethnic Dimension: Papers on Ethnicity and Pluralism by Jean Martin.
54069: MARTIN, Captain Henry Byam. - The Polynesian Journal of Captain Henry Byam Martin, R.N. In Command of H.M.S. Grampus - 50 guns, at Hawaii and on station in Tahiti and the Society Islands, 1846-1847.
52937: MARTIN, Will & WINTERS, L. Alan ed. - The Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries.
76188: MARTIN, C.H. ed. - Australasian Coal Mining Practice.
76352: MARTIN, Adrian R. & STEPHENSON, Larry W. - Operation PLUM: The Ill-fated 27th Bombardment Group and the Fight for the Western Pacific.
48391: MARTIN, Wallace ed. - Orage as Critic.
47972: MARTIN, Jane Roland. - The Schoolhome. Rethinking Schools for Changing Families.
75794: MARTIN, Craig. - Renaissance Meteorology: Pomponazzi to Descartes.
68700: MARTINEZ, Larry. - Communication Satellites: Power Politics in Space.
54188: MARTINEZ, Orlando. - Panama Canal.
73877: MARTINKUS, John. - Indonesia's Secret War in Aceh.
73905: MARTIS, Nicolaos K. SMITH, John Philip trans. - The Falsification of Macedonian History.
59282: MARTON, Kati. - The Polk Conspiracy: Murder and Cover-up in the Case of CBS News Correspondent George Polk.
74509: MARTORELLI, Luigi. - Memorie Historiche dell'Antichissima e Nobile Citta D'Osimo.
72370: MARTY, Martin E. - Modern American Religion, Volume 1: The Irony of It All, 1893-1919.
65331: MARTZ, Louis L. - The Paradise Within: Studies in Vaughan, Traherne, and Milton.
67506: MARVELL. LEGOUIS, Pierre. - Andrew Marvell: Poet, Puritan, Patriot.
54549: MARVELL. LEISHMAN, J.B. - The Art of Marvell's Poetry.
53743: MARVELL. LEISHMAN, J.B. - The Art of Marvell's Poetry.
52247: MARVELL. FRIEDMAN, Donald M. - Marvell's Pastoral Art.
74700: MARX, Karl. ENGELS, Frederick. MILLIGAN, Martin (Translated by) - Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto.
70892: MARX, Karl & ENGELS, Friedrich. - Articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung 1848-49.
68080: MARX. SEIGEL, Jerrold. - Marx's Fate: The Shape of a Life.
67487: MARX. LINDSAY, Jack. - The Crisis in Marxism.
56840: MARX. WALTON, Paul & GAMBLE, Andrew. - From Alienation to Surplus Value.
75703: MARX. KAYE, Harvey J. - The Education of Desire: Marxists and the Writing of History.
75399: MARYNIAK, Benedict R. & BRINSFIELD, John Wesley Jr. eds - The Spirit Divided: Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains. The Union.
60860: MARZUKI, Yazir & HERATY, Toeti. - Borobudur.
74304: MASAKAZU, Shimada. NARUM, Paul trans. - The Entrepreneur Who Built Modern Japan: Shibusawa Eiichi.
65626: MASAO, Fukushima. - On the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
57383: MASCITELLI, L.O., BIDDLE, Dr. R.R., VALOIS, Dr. A.A. et al. - The Terrigal Congress Australia. World Congress on Meat and Poulty Inspection: Better Meat and Poultry Inspection Systems for the New Millenium. Proceedings.
66522: MASEFIELD, G.B. - A History of the Colonial Agricultural Service.
52781: MASEFIELD. BUCHAN, William ed. - John Masefield: Letters to Reyna.
52617: MASEFIELD. SMITH, Constance Babington. - John Masefield. A Life.
64205: MASI, Edoarda. FOULKE, Adrienne trans. - China Winter: Workers, Mandarins, and the Purge of the Gang of Four.
48760: MASI, Dale A. - AIDS Issues in the Workplace. A Response Model for Human Resource Management.
51673: MASLENIKOV, Oleg. - The Frenzied Poets. Andrey Biely and the Russian Symbolists.
76088: MASLIN, B.R. ed. - Nuytsia. Volume 3 Number 3 1981,
66164: MASON, Lowell ed. - The Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Church Music, Being a Selection of the Most Approved Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Together with Many Beautiful Extracts from the works of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Other Eminent Modern Composers.
56217: MASON, H.A. - Humanism and Poetry in the Early Tudor Period. An Essay.
47875: MASON, Frances ed. - The Great Design. Order and Progress in Nature.
62630: MASSAM, Brayn H. - Spatial Search: Applications to Planning Problems in the Public Sector.
68364: MASSARO, Dominic W. ed. - Understanding Language: an Information-Processing Analysis of Speech Perception, Reading, and Psycholinguistics.
68010: MASSARO, D.W., TAYLOR, G.A., VENEZKY, R.L., JASTRZEMBSKI, J.E. & LUCAS, P.A. - Letter and Word Perception: Orthographic Structure and Visual Processing in Reading.
59105: MASSELOS, Jim ed. - India: Creating a Modern Nation.
48754: MASSELOS, Jim ed. - Struggling and Ruling. The Indian National Congress 1885 - 1985.
58760: MASSER, Ian. - Analytical Models for Urban and Regional Planning.
76230: MASSEY, Cyril. - History of Sandbach and District.
68274: MASSION, J., PAILLARD, J., SCHULTZ, W. & WIESENDANGER, M. eds. - Neural Coding of Motor Performance.
72767: MASTERMAN, J.C. - The Double-Cross System in the War of 1939 to 1945.
70171: MASTERS, Brian. - Thunder in the Air: Great Actors in Great Roles.
60880: MASTNY, Vojtech. - Russia's Road to the Cold War.
59209: MASUDA, Yoneji. - Managing in the Information Society: Releasing Energy Japanese Style.
66783: MASWOOD, S. Javed. - Japanese Defence: The Search for Political Power.
63402: MASWOOD, S. Javed. - Japanese Defence: The Search for Political Power.
74707: MATHER, Daryl. - The Maintenance Scorecard: Creating Strategic Advantage.
61051: MATHER, Cotton. - Diary of Cotton Mather. Volume 1: 1681-1709. Volume II: 1709-1724.
60695: MATHER, F.C. - After the Canal Duke: A Study of the Industrial Estates Administered by the Trustees of the Third Duke of Bridgewater in the Age of Railway Building 1825-1872.
64430: MATHEW, David. - The Social Structure in Caroline England. The Ford Lectures. Delivered in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas Term 1945.
76386: MATHEWS, Daniel Koat. - The Struggle for the Liberation of South Sudan: The Memoirs of a Veteran Participant.
72417: MATHEWS, R.L. - Urban Federalism: Urban Studies in a Federal Context.
72171: MATHEWS, Russell & GREWAL, Bhajan. - The Public Sector in Jeopardy: Australian Fiscal Federalism from Whitlam to Keating.
71965: MATHEWS, R.L. - Recent Developments in Budgeting.
71882: MATHEWS, M. Cash. - Strategic Intervention in Organizations: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas.
71873: MATHEWS, R.L. - Federal Balance and Economic Stability.
70780: MATHEWS, R.L. ed. - State Taxation in Theory and Practice.
69916: MATHEWS, R.L. ed. - Responsibility Sharing in a Federal System.
69280: MATHEWS, R.L. ed. - Public Policies in Two Federal Countries: Canada and Australia.
66971: MATHEWS, R.L. (ed.). - Fiscal Federalism: Retrospect and Prospect.
66950: MATHEWS, Russell. - Australian Federalism 1979.
63590: MATHEWS, R.L. ed. - Federalism in Australia and the Federal Republic of Germany: A Comparative Study.
62846: MATHEWS, R.L. ed. - State and Local Taxation.
62420: MATHEWS, R.L. ed. - Regional Disparities and Economic Development.
58593: MATHEWS, Anthony. - Freedom, State Security and the Rule of Law: Dilemmas of the Apartheid Society.
57310: MATHEWS, Russell ed. - Making Federalism Work: Towards a More Efficient, Equitable and Responsive Federal System.
56704: MATHEWS, R.L. ed. - Public Policies in Two Federal Countries: Canada and Australia.
54209: MATHEWS, Russell et al. - Australian Federalism: 1980.
53102: MATHEWS, R.L. ed. - Federalism in Australia and the Federal Republic of Germany: A Comparative Study.
58603: MATHIAS, Peter. - The Transformation of England: Essays in the Economic and Social History of England in the Eighteenth Century.
71709: MATHUR, Kuldeep & BJORKMAN, J.W. - Top Policy Makers in India Cabinet Ministers and their Civil Service Advisors.
67523: MATHUR, Gautam. - Planning for Steady Growth.
60018: MATHUR, L.P. - Lord Ripon's Administration in India (1880-84 A.D.).
61073: MATILE, Philippe. - The Lytic Compartment of Plant Cells.
76436: MATSUI, John H. - The First Republican Army: The Army of Virginia and the Radicalization of the Civil War.
74709: MATSUMOTO, Yoshihiro & OHNO, Yutaka eds. - Japanese Perspecties in Software Engineering.
55134: MATSUOKA, Mikihiro & ROSE, Brian. - The DIR Guide to Japanese Economic Statistics.
72380: MATTHEE, Monica. - Neither the Colour Nor the Gender.
68971: MATTHEWS, Ruth H. ed. - Legumes: Chemistry, Technology, and Human Nutrition.
64375: MATTHEWS, William H., SMITH, Frederick E. & GOLDBERG, Edward D. eds. - Man's Impact on Terrestrial and Oceanic Ecosystems.
63181: MATTHEWS, David. - The Cyprus Tapes.
62736: MATTHEWS, Mervyn. - Privilege in The Soviet Union: A Study Of Elite Life-Styles Under Communism.
62275: MATTHEWS, William H., KELLOGG, William W & ROBINSON, G.D. eds. - Man's Impact on the Climate.
59737: MATTHEWS, P.D. - British Cars: 1886-1914.
57643: MATTHEWS, Herbert L. ed. - The United States and Latin America. Background Papers and the Final Report of the Sixteenth American Assembly, Arden House, Harriman Campus of Columbia University, Harriman, New York, October 15-18, 1959.
56296: MATTHEWS, Mervyn. - Patterns of Deprivation in the Soviet Union Under Brezhnev and Gorbachev.
56295: MATTHEWS, Mervyn. - Patterns of Deprivation in the Soviet Union Under Brezhnev and Gorbachev.
48781: MATTHEWS, J. - The Violin Music of Beethoven.
60426: MATTHEY, R., SAUVY, A., FANCONI, G. et al. - Humanity and Subsistence: Symposium.
55932: MATZNER, Egon & STREECK, Wolfgang ed. - Beyond Keynesianism: The Socio-Economics of Production and Full Employment.
56905: MAU, H. & KRAUSNICK, H. - German History: 1933-45. An Assessment by German Historians.
52965: MAU, H. & KRAUSNICK, H. - German History, 1933-45. An Assessment by German Historians.
54477: MAUGHAM. MANDER, Raymond & MITCHENSON, Joe. - Theatrical Companion to Maugham: A Pictorial Record of the First Performances of the Plays of W. Somerset Maugham.
59693: MAUNDER, Allen & RENBORG, Ulf ed. - Agriculture in a Turbulent World Economy. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference of Agriculturalist Economists - Spain, Malaga, 26 August to 4 September, 1985.
52036: MAUNDER, Allen & RENBORG, Ulf ed. - Agriculture in a Turbulent World Economy. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference of Agriculturalist Economists - Spain, Malaga, 26 August to 4 September, 1985.
73922: MAURO. CAZORT, mimi. - Mauro in America: An Italian Artist Visits the New World.
74442: MAURY, V. & FOURMAINTRAUX, D. eds. - Rock at Great Depth. Rock Mechanics and Rock Physics at Great Depth. Volume 2.
64646: MAURY, Claude, LEFORT, Marc-F. et al. - Transferts de Formation: La Mise a Niveau Linguistique et Scientifique de Cadres Etrangers.
71796: MAUTHNER, Fritz. - Vom armen Franischko. Erzählungen und Prosaminiaturen.
57138: MAUZY, Diane K. ed. - Politics in the ASEAN States.
59196: MAW, W.H. & RAWORTH, B. Alfred eds. - Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal. Vol. CIV [104] - From July to December, 1917.
59194: MAW, W.H. & RAWORTH, B. Alfred eds. - Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal. Vol. CII [102] - From July to December, 1916.
59195: MAW, W.H. & RAWORTH, B. Alfred eds. - Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal. Vol. CIII [103] - From January to June, 1917.
59193: MAW, W.H. & RAWORTH, B. Alfred eds. - Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal. Vol. CI [101] - From January to June, 1916.
75760: MAWER, Granville Allen. - South by Northwest: The Magnetic Crusade and the Contest for Antarctica.
70510: MAXTED, Nigel. - An Ecogeographical Study of Vicia subgenus Vicia.
58494: MAXTED, Nigel. - An Ecogeographical Study of Vicia subgenus Vicia.
72404: MAXWELL, Fowden G. & HARRIS, F.A. eds. - Proceedings of the Summer Institute of Biological Control of Plant Insects and Diseases.
59386: MAXWELL, James. - Assignment Africa.
52706: MAXWELL, Arthur E. ed. - The Sea: Ideas and Observations on Progress in the Study of the Seas. Volume 4: New Concepts of Sea Floor Evolution, Part II: Regional Observations/ Concepts.
75824: MAY, Christopher. - The Information Society: A Sceptical View.
74844: MAY, Dawn. - Arctic Regions in a Torrid Zone: The Ross River Meatworks, 1892 - 1992.
74256: MAY, R.J. ed. - Change and Movement: Readings on Internal Migration in Papua New Guinea.
74168: MAY, T.E. - Wit of the Golden Age
69201: MAY, Peter J., BURBY, Raymond J., ERICKSEN, Neil J., HANDMER, John W., DIXON, Jennifer E., MICHAELS, Sarah & SMITH, D. Ingle. - Environmental Management and Governance: Intergovernmental Approaches to Hazards and Sustainability.
68985: MAY, Rollo ed. - Symbolism in Religion and Literature.
68210: MAY, R.J. ed. - Micronationalist Movements in Papua New Guinea.
63863: MAY, R.J. ed. - Change and Movement: Readings on Internal Migration in Papua New Guinea.
63812: MAY, R.J. ed. - Change and Movement: Readings on Internal Migration in Papua New Guinea.
61335: MAY, Annabelle & ROWAN, Kathryn eds. - Inside Information: British Government and the Media.
60830: MAY, R.J. - Financing the Small States in Australian Federalism
58369: MAY, R.J. - Financing the Small States in Australian Federalism
57705: MAY, Ernest R. - Anxiety and Affluence, 1945-1965. Volume 8: A Documentary History of American Life.
54017: MAY, R.J. ed. - Micronationalist Movements in Papua New Guinea.
76147: O'MAY, Harry compiler. - Wrecks in Tasmanian Waters 1797 - 1950.
52480: MAY, R.J. ed. - Micronationalist Movements in Papua New Guinea.
75166: MAY, Bernhard. - Kosten und Nutzen der deutschen EG-Mitgliedschaft.
47913: MAY, Derwent ed. - Good Talk. An Anthology From BBC Radio.
72755: MAYER, Margit J. & GRUNDBACHER, Francois text. - Object Carpet Fantasy: Bilder Mit Teppichboden.
72059: MAYER, Adrian C. - Peasants in the Pacific: A Study of Fiji Indian Rural Society.
69462: MAYER, Henry. GOOT, Murray. - Henry Mayer's Immortal Works: Scholarly, Semi-Scholarly and Not Very Scholarly at All.
58959: MAYER, Egon. - Love and Tradition: Marriage Between Jews and Christians.
56699: MAYER, Robert, MORONEY, Robert, & MORRIS, Robert et al. - Centrally Planned Change: A Reexamination of Theory and Experience.
53052: MAYER, Jane & MCMANUS, Doyle. - Landslide. The Unmaking of the President, 1984 - 1988.
73986: MAYEUX, Richard & ROSEN, Wilma G. eds. - The Dementias. Advances in Neurology, Volume 38.
68043: MAYHEW, Henry. - The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor: The Metropolitan Districts. Volume I.
72495: MAYNARD, John Arthur. - Venice West: The Beat Generation in Southern California.
66001: MAYNARD, Herman Bryant Jr., and MEHRTENS, Susan E. - The Fourth Wave: Business in the 21st Century.
76459: MAYNE, Tom ed. - Aborigines and the Issues: Information and Resource Catalogue on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues Past and Present with Particular Emphasis on the Need for a Christian Response.
72871: DE MAYO, P. - The Higher Terpenoids (The Chemistry of Natural Products, Volume III).
66747: MAYS, Vickie M., ALBEE, George W., and SCHNEIDER, Stanley F. - Primary Prevention of AIDS: Psychological Approaches.
55067: MAYS, Wolfe & BROWN, S.C. ed. - Linguistic Analysis and Phenomenology.
70917: MAZARR, Michael J. - Missile Defences and Asian-Pacific Security.
65950: MAZLIAK, P., BENVENISTE, P., COSTES, C. & DOUCE R. eds. - Biogensis and Function of Plant Lipids.
59874: MAZOUR, Anatole G. - The Writing of History in the Soviet Union.
53134: MAZRUI, Ali A. - The Africans: A Triple Heritage.
51597: MAZZEO, Joseph Anthony. - Renaissance and Seventeenth-Century Studies.
74219: MCADAM, Jane ed. - Climate Change and Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.
52032: MCALISTER, John T., Jr. - Southeast Asia. The Politics of National Integration.
59083: MCALLISTER, Donald M. - Evaluation in Environmental Planning: Assessing Environmental, Social, Economic and Political Tradeoffs.
72431: MCANALLY, Patrick. - The Economics of the Distributive Trades.
64011: MCARDLE, Frank. - Altopascio: A Study of Tuscan Rural Society, 1587-1784.
74606: MCARTHUR, W.M. JOHNSTON, D.A.W. & SNELL, L.J. eds. - Reference Soils of South-Western Australia.
74504: MCARTHUR, W.M. - Reference Soils of South-Western Australia.
75153: MCARTHUR, Tom. - Worlds of Reference: Lexicography, Learning and Language from the Clay Tablet to the Computer.
48615: McARTHUR, Edwin. - Flagstad. A Personal Memoir.
59834: MCAULEY, Mary. - Labour Disputes in Soviet Russia, 1957-1965.
54792: MCAULEY, Alastair. - Women's Work and Wages in the Soviet Union.
73352: MCAVOY, Martin. - The Profession of Ignorance: With Constant Reference to Socrates.
54700: MCBARRON, E.J. & SEERS, Fred. - The Soldiers' Settlement - (Poultry) Campbelltown, N.S.W. 1918 - 1960. with Memories of South Western Campbelltown, N.S.W. 1931-38.
75922: MCBETH, Sue ed. - Information for People Leaving Great Britain 1854.
62482: MCBRIAR, A.M. - Fabian Socialism and English Politics: 1884-1918.
63196: MCBRIDE, Theresa M. - The Domestic Revolution: The Modernisation of Household Service in England and France, 1820-1920.
58974: MCCAFFERTY, G., COMAN, W. & CARROLL, R. eds. - XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Sydney '97. Sydney (Australia), March 2-7, 1997.
63354: MCCAFFRIE, Jack ed. - Managing and Protecting the Offshore Estate.
71496: MCCALL, Malcolm & RAMSBOTTOM, Oliver eds. - Just Deterrence: Morality and Deterrance Into the Twenty-First Century.
60166: MCCALL, Daniel F., BENNETT, Norman R. & BUTLER, Jeffrey eds. - Western African History.
74923: MCCANLES, Michael. - Dialectical Criticism and Renaissance Literature.
68705: MCCANN, P. ed. - Popular Education and Socialization in the Nineteenth Century.
70277: MCCARNEY, Joe. - The Real World of Ideology.
75598: MCCARTHY, Mike ed. - Iron Ships and Steam Shipwrecks: Papers from the First Australian Seminar on the Management of Iron Vessels and Steam Shipwrecks.
73523: MCCARTHY, Angela ed. - Ireland in the World: Comparative, Transnational, and Personal Perspectives.
64689: MCCARTHY, Desmond A. & MACEY, Marion G. eds. - Cytometric Analysis of Cell Phenotype and Function.
58207: MCCARTHY, Edwin. - Wool Disposals 1945-52: The Joint Organization.
76323: MCCARTHY, Greg, SUN, Youzhong & SONG, Xianlin eds. - Transcultural Connections: Australian and China.
61662: MCCLEARY, G.F. - The Malthusian Population Theory.
61351: MCCLELLAN. WEBB, Alexander. - The Peninsula: McClellan's Campaign of 1862.
60638: MCCLELLAND, James L., RUMELHART, David E. & the PDP RESEARCH GROUP. - Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition. Volume 2: Psychological and Biological Models.
60966: MCCLURE, Alexander J. - Colonel Alexander K. McClure's Recollections of Half a Century.
58396: MCCOLL, G.D. - The Economics of Electricity Supply in Australia.
61798: MCCONNELL-GINET, Sally, BORKER, Ruth & FURMAN, Nelly. - Women and Language in Literature and Society.
61674: MCCONNELL, Charles R. - The Health Care Supervisor's Casebook.
55899: MCCONWAY, Kevin ed. - Studying Health and Disease.
60951: MCCORD, Norman. - The Anti-Corn Law Leage: 1838-1846.
47542: MCCORD, John H. - With All Deliberate Speed. Civil Rights Theory and Reality.
73304: MCCORMACK, John. SCARRY, John ed. Transcribed by KEY, Pierre V.R - John McCormack. His Own Life Story.
72024: MCCORMACK, Gavan & GITTINGS, John eds. - Crisis in Korea.
75173: MCCORMICK, Robert R. - How We Acquired our National Territory.
72198: MCCORMICK, Donald. - Spy Fiction: A Connoisseur's Guide.
63790: MCCORMICK, Donald B. ed. - Annual Review of Nutrition. Volume 15, 1995.
63786: MCCORMICK, Donald B. ed. - Annual Review of Nutrition. Volume 19, 1999.
63787: MCCORMICK, Donald B. ed. - Annual Review of Nutrition. Volume 18, 1998.
63627: MCCORMICK, Richard P. - The Second American Party System: Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era.
60967: MCCOWN, Ada C. - The Congressional Conference Committee.
69637: MCCOY, Albert W. & DE JESUS, C. ed. - Philippine Social History: Global Trade and Local Transformations.
57308: MCCOY, Donal R. - The National Archives: America's Ministry of Documents, 1934-1968.
61853: MCCRACKEN, D.J. - Thinking and Valuing: An Introduction, Partly Historical, to the Study of the Philosophy of Value.
75065: MCCRARY, William C. & MADRIGAL, Jose A. - Studies in Honor of Everett W. Hesse.
53921: MCCRAW, Thomas K. ed. - Regulation in Perspective: Historical Essays.
52035: MCCRIE, George. - The Religion of Our Literature. Essays Upon Thomas Carlyle, Robert Browning, Alfred Tennyson etc. Including Criticisms Upon the Theology of George Eliot, George MacDonald, and Robertson of Brighton.
61743: MCCRONE, Gavin. - Regional Policy in Britain.
52458: MCCRONE, Gavin. - Scotland's Economic Progress, 1951 - 1960. A Study in Regional Accounting.
62000: MCCUEN, Gary E. - The Apartheid Reader.
57971: MCCUEN, Gary E. - Children Having Children: Global Perspectives on Teenage Pregnancy.
52531: MCCULLOCH, Samuel Clyde ed. - British Humanitarianism. Essays Honoring Frank J. Klingberg by His Former Doctoral Students at the University of California.
58950: MCCULLOUGH, Sandra ed. - Older Residents Legal Rights: Supported Accomodation in New South Wales.
76337: MCCURRY, Stephanie. - Confederate Reckoning: Power and Politics in the Civil War South.
62774: MCCUSKER, Brian. - The Quest for Quarks.
64004: MCDERMOTT, Philip & TAYLOR, Michael. - Industrial Organisation and Location.
69511: MCDIARMID, A. ed. - Diseases in Free-Living Wild Animals: The Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Zoological Society of London on 9 and 10 May, 1968.
74853: MCDONALD, Malcolm. - FEDFA: A Victorian Branch History, 1907-2005.
72903: MCDONALD, Dr G.K. & BELLOTTI, Dr W.D. eds. - Proceedings of the 7th [ Seventh ] Australian Agronomy Conference. Farming - From Paddock to Plate.
62270: MCDONALD, Angus W. Jr. - The Urban Origins of Rural Revolution: Elites and the Masses in Hunan Province, China, 1911-1927.
59710: MCDONALD, E.X. - Crisis at St. Kevin's Cardiff.
52875: MCDONALD, David, WALKER, John, HOWLETT, Christine et al. - Implementation of Commonwealth Government Responses to the Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. First Annual Report. Volume 1 & 2.
68528: MCDONELL, Jennifer & DEVES, Michael eds. - Land and Identity: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference Association for the Study of Australian Literature. 1997.
66316: MCDOUGALL, Derek. - The International Politics of the New Asia Pacific.
63740: MCDOWELL, Elizabeth M. & BEALS, Theodore F. - Biopsy Pathology of the Bronchi.
70158: MCELMURRY, Beverly J., NORR, Kathleen F. & PARKER, Randy Spreen eds. - Women's Health and Development: A Global Challenge.
67586: MCELROY, John. - The Struggle for Missouri.
74835: MCEVOY, D., GOMEZ, E., MCCARROL, A., SEVIL, J. - Potential for Establishing an Olive Industry in Australia. A Report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
74834: MCEVOY, D.G., GOMEZ, E.E. - The Olive Industry: A Marketing Study. A Report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
74832: MCEVOY, D.G., GOMEZ, E.E. - The Olive Industry: A Marketing Study. A Report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
69633: MCEWEN, William J. - Changing Rural Bolivia: A Study of Social and Political Organisation and the Potential for Development in Six Contrasting Communities.
73920: MCFARLAND, Elaine. - Protestants First: Orangeism in 19th Cnetury Scotland.
68362: MCFARLAND, D.J. - Feedback Mechanisms in Animal Behaviour.
63098: MCFARLANE, Brian & MAYER, Geoff. - New Australian Cinema: Sources and Parallels in British and American Film.
67938: MCGANN, Jerome J. - Towards a Literature of Knowledge.
75819: MCGANN, Jerome. - Radiant Textuality: Literature After the World Wide Web.
68709: MCGAVIN, P.A. - Wages and Whitlam: The Wages Policy of the Whitlam Government.
64707: MCGAVIN, P.A. - Wages and Whitlam: The Wages Policy of the Whitlam Government.
55853: MCGAVIN, P.A. - Wages and Whitlam: The Wages Policy of the Whitlam Government.
60874: MCGAW, Dickinson & WATSON, George. - Political and Social Inquiry.
71159: MCGEE, R. harley. - Getting It Right: Regional Development in Canada.
62943: MCGEE, Terry G., FUCHS, Roalnd J., MEYER, David R. et al. - Conference on Urban Growth and Economic Development in the Pacific Region. (II).
73573: MCGILLY, Kate ed. - Classroom Lessons: Integrating Cognitive Therapy.
65290: McGINNIES, William G., and GOLDMAN, Bram J. (eds.). - Arid Lands in Perspective.
71811: MCGOVERN, Francis ed. - Law and Contemporary Problems. Volume 64 Spring / Summer 2001 Nos. 2 & #. Complex Litigation at the Millenium.
71812: MCGOVERN, Francis ed. - Law and Contemporary Problems. Volume 64 Spring / Summer 2001 Nos. 2 & #. Complex Litigation at the Millenium.
71450: MCGOWAN, William. - Coloring the News: How Political Correctness Has Corrupted American Journalism.
49025: MCGOWAN, Kate ed. - The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. Volume 4: 1994.
75390: MCGRAIL, Sean. - Early Ships and Seafaring: Water Transport Beyond Europe.
55111: MCGREEVEY, William Paul. - An Economic History of Colombia, 1845-1930.
66946: MCGREGOR, Craig. - Soundtrack for the Eighties. Pop Culture, Australia, Politics, Suburbia, Art and Other Essays.
65199: McGREGOR, F.A. - The Rise and Fall of MacKenzie King: 1911-1919.
60385: MCGREGOR, Graham ed. - Language for Hearers.
48764: MCGREGOR, Craig. - Soundtrack for the Eighties. Pop Culture, Australia, Politics, Suburbia, Art and Other Essays.
70954: MCGUIRE, Greg. - Barriers to Trade in Indian Ocean Rim Countries.
70883: MCGUIRE, Machael T. ed. - Human Nature and the New Europe.
69099: MCGUIRE, John, BORTHWICK, Meredith & LAL, Brij V. eds. - Problems And Methods Of Enquiry In South Asian History.
47778: MCGUIRE, Diane Kostial ed. - American Garden Design. An Anthology of Ideas That Shaped Our Landscape.
63765: MCGUIRK, B.J. ed. - Merino Improvement Programs in Australia: Proceedings of a National Symposium, Leura, New South Wales, 1987.
48330: MCHOUL, A.W. - Telling How Texts Talk. Essays on Reading and Ethnomethodology.
70295: MCHUGH, Paul R. & MCKUISK, Victor A. eds. - Genes, Brain and Behavior.
61824: McINTYRE, Angus ed. - Aging And Political Leadership.
59613: McINTYRE, Angus ed. - Aging And Political Leadership.
54323: McINTYRE, Angus ed. - Aging And Political Leadership.
66974: MCKAY, Keith. - Mel Gibson.
58875: MCKAY, David H. & COX, Andrew W. - The Politics of Urban Change.
52944: MCKAY, Sandra Lee. - Agendas for Second Language Literacy.
51662: MCKAY, Jim. - Managing Gender: Affirmative Action and Organizational Power in Australian, Canadian, and New Zealand Sport.
74696: MCKECHNIE, Stuart. - The 4 Dimensions of Total Customer Service: The Customer Service Hallmark.
72586: MCKEE, Christopher. - Treaty Talks in British Columbia: Negotiating a Mutually Beneficial Future.
52317: MCKEE, David L. & TISDELL, Clem. - Developmental Issues in Small Island Economies.
75111: MCKELVEY, Robert S. - A Gift of Barbed Wire: America's Allies Abandoned in South Vietnam.
58699: MCKENNA, Shawn. - The Complete Guide To Regional Marketing.
74426: MCKENZIE, D.F. ed. - Stationers' Company Apprentices: 1701-1800.
68467: MCKENZIE, Fiona. - Regional Population Decline in Australia: Impacts and Policy Implications.
65072: MCKENZIE, Kermit E. - Comintern and World Revolution, 1928-1943: The Shaping of Doctrine.
56794: MCKENZIE, Colin & STUTCHBURY, Michael. - Japanese Financial Markets and the Role of the Yen.
75283: MCKENZIE, N.L. & ROBINSON, A.C. eds. - A Biological Survey of the Nullarbor Region South and Western Australia in 1984.
75590: MCKENZIE, N.L., HALL, N.J., ROLFE, J.K., KEIGHERY, G.J., NEWBEY, K.R. and YOUNGSON, W.K. MCKENZIE, N.L. & HALL, N.J. eds. - The Biological Survey of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Part 9: Balladonia Study Area.
53710: MCKERCHER, B.J.C. - The Second Baldwin Government and the United States, 1924 - 1929. Attitudes and Diplomacy.
53559: MCKERN, Bruce & KOOMSUP, Praipol ed. - Minerals Processing in the Industrialisation of ASEAN and Australia.
65906: MCKERNAN, Michael ed. - The Makers of Australia's Sporting Traditions.
69891: MCKERNS, Kenneth W. ed. - Regulation of Gene Expression by Hormones.
76423: MCKERROW, W.S. & SCOTESE, C.R. eds. - Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography.
72717: MCKINLAY, Robert D. - Third World Military Expenditure: Determinants and Implications.
68695: MCKINLAY, Peter. - Corporatisation: The Solution for State Owned Enterprise?
57232: MCKINLAY, Peter. - Corporatisation: The Solution for State Owned Enterprise?
75866: MCKINLAY, Brian. - A Documentary History of the Australian Labor Movement: 1850-1975.
74503: MCKINNELL, F.H., HOPKINS, E.R. & FOX, J.E.D. eds. - Forest Management in Australia.
76327: MCKINNON, Katherine. - Development Professionals in Northern Thailand: Hope, Politics and Practice.
67833: MCKISACK, May. - Medieval History in the Tudor Age.
63945: MCKNIGHT, Jim. - Straight Science? Homosexuality, Evolution and Adaptation.
70708: MCLACHLAN, Sandy. - The National Freight Buy-out. The Inside Story: How 10,000 people bought Britain's biggest freight transport from the government.
52653: MCLAREN, Ian A. - Education in a Small Democracy: New Zealand.
71970: MCLARTY, R.A. - Current Issues in Canadian Fiscal Federalism.
69736: MCLEAN, Sheila & MAHER, Gerry. - Medicine, Morals and the Law.
66967: MCLEAN. - The World Book of Mcleans.
59436: MCLEAN, Iain. - Rational Choice and British Politics: An Analysis of Rhetoric and Manipulation from Peel to Blair.
56937: MCLEAN, Stuart K. ed. - The European Bond Markets: An Overview and Analysis for Money Managers and Traders.
76041: MCLEAN, Steven. - The Spitfire in South African Air Force Service.
75795: MCLEAN, Ian W. - Why Australia Prospered: The Shifting Sources of Economic Growth.
63085: MCLEISH, Robert. - The Technique of Radio Production: A Manual for Local Broadcasters.
57562: MCLEISH, Robert. - The Technique of Radio Production: A Manual for Local Broadcasters.
59566: MCLEOD, A.L. ed. - A Garland for Rex Warner: Essays in Honour of His Eightieth Birthday.
76213: MCLEOD, Marian B. ed. - Tradition, Change and Revolution in the Caribbean. Abstracs of Selected Papers, Fourth Annual Conference, havana, Cuba, 13-16 July 1982.
59325: MCLOUGHLIN, John. SAMPSON, William R. ed. - John McLoughlin's Business Correspondence, 1847-48.
73117: MCMANAWAY, James G., SCHOECK, R.J. eds et al. - Shakespeare Quarterly. A Run of 58 Issues from Spring 1960 No. 2 to Summer 1974 No. 3.
47951: MCMENAMIN, Mark & Dianna. - Hypersea. Life on Land.
67760: MCMICHAEL, A.J., HAINES, A., SLOOFF, R. & KOVATS, S. eds. - Climate Change and Human Health: an Assessment Prepared By a Task Group on Behalf of the World Health Organization, the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme.
61140: MCMICHAEL, Prof. A.J., BASTIAN, Hilda et al. - The Effectiveness of Water Fluoridation.
60505: MCMILLAN, James H. ed. - The Social Psychology of School Learning.
48924: MCMILLAN, James H. ed. - The Social Psychology of School Learning.
68920: MCMULLAN, Gordon ed. - Renaissance Configurations: Voices, Bodies, Spaces, 1580 to 1690.
75892: MCMURRIN, Sterling M. ed. BREWSTER, Kingman; SCHELLING, Thomas C.; DYSON, Freeman; LEWONTIN, R.C.; STONE, Alan A.; KOLAKOWSKI, Leszek. - The Tanner Lectures on Human Values. Volume IV. 1983.
59469: MCNAB, Andy. - Immediate Action.
57658: MCNAB, Andy. - Immediate Action.
74352: MCNAIRN, Colin H.H. - Governmental and Intergovernmental Immunity in Australia and Canada.
47979: McNALL, Scott G. ed. - Political Economy. A Critique of American Society.
62666: MCNALLY, David. - Even Eagles Need a Push: Learning to Soar in a Changing World.
73868: MCNAMARA, Ernest, WARD, Robin, BALL, Desmond, LANGTRY, Jo & AGNEW, Richard Q. - Australia's Defence Resources: A Compendium of Data.
69466: MCNAMARA, Dr Kenneth J. & HARVEY, Dr Mark S. eds. - Records of the West Australian Museum. Volume 17 Part 4 1996.
69464: MCNAMARA, Dr Kenneth J. & HARVEY, Dr Mark S. eds. - Records of the West Australian Museum. Volume 18 Part 4 1998.
60190: MCNAMARA, Brooks. - The American Playhouse in The Eighteenth Century.
62452: MCNASPY, C. J. - Conquistador Without Sword: The Life of Roque Gonzalez, SJ.
72525: MCNICOLL, Andre ed. - Application of Soil Microorganisms in Planting Stock Production.
70407: MCPHAIL, Thomas L. - Electronic Colonialism: The Future of International Broadcasting and Communication.
65908: MCPHAIL, Thomas L. - Electronic Colonialism: The Future of International Broadcasting and Communication.
70592: MCPHEDRAN, Ross C., BOTTEN, Lindsay C. & NICOROVICI, Nicolae A. eds. - IUTAM Symposium on Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves in Structured Media.
71736: MCPHEE, Robert D. & TOMPKINS, Phillip K. eds. - Organizational Communication: Traditional Themes and New Directions.
48950: MCPHERSON, Kenneth. - The Muslims of Calcutta, 1918 to 1935. A Study of the Society and Politics of an Urban Minority Group in India.
63347: MCROBERTS, Kenneth & MONAHAN, Patrick J. eds. - The Charlottetown Accord, The Referendum, And The Future Of Canada.
57518: MCROBERTS, Kenneth ed. - International Journal of Canadian Studies/ Revue Internationale d'Etudes Canadiennes: The Charter, Federalism and the Constitution/ La Charte, le federalisme et la Constitution. Spring-Fall/ Printemps-automne 1993, 7-8.
73505: MCSHANE, Lois A. & CRIPPS, Allan W. - Airborne Pollen Studies in the Hunter Region, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga Districts of NSW.
69361: MCVEAN, D.N. & LOCKIE, J.D. - Ecology and Land Use in Upland Scotland.
74620: MCVEIGH, Brian J, - Life in a Japanese Women's College: Learning to be Ladylike.
58212: MEACHER, Michael. - Taken for a Ride. Special Residential Homes for Confused Old People: A Study of Separatism in Social Policy.
71356: MEAD. FREEMAN, Derek. - Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth.
70279: MEADE, J.E. - The Theory of International Economic Policy - Volume One: The Balance of Payments.
56664: MEADE, J.E. - The Theory of International Economic Policy - Volume Two: Trade and Welfare.
70827: MEAKINS, Rovin H. & AL-MOHANNA, Salim Y. - Sea Turtles of Kuwait.
74578: MEALEY, Linda. - Sex Differences: Developmental and Evolutionary Strategies.
72939: MEANEY, Neville ed. - Studies on the American Revolution.
54411: MEANEY, Neville ed. - Studies on the American Revolution.
52103: MEANEY, Neville ed. - Studies on the American Revolution.
60496: MEANS, Barbara ed. - Technology and Education Reform: The Reality Behind the Promise.
66150: O'MEARA, Tim. - Samoan Planters: Tradition and Economic Development in Polynesia.
71790: SUBCOMMITTEE ON UNFAIR TRADE POLICIES AND MEASURES. - 2001 Report on the WTO Consistency of Trade Policies by Major Trading Partners.
68087: MECHANIC, David. - Politics, Medicine, and Social Science.
73549: MECHANICAL. - Mechanical World Year Book 1937.
73038: MECKLENBURG, Frank & STASSEN, Manfred eds. MARX, ENGELS, BEBEL et al. - German Essays on Socialism in the Nineteenth Century: Theory, History, and Political Organization, 1844-1914.
74497: MEDDING, Peter Y. - The Founding of Israeli Democracy, 1948-1967.
61825: MEDDING, Peter Y. - Mapai in Israel: Political Organisation and Government in a New Society.
63155: MEDIANSKY, F.A. ed. - The Soviet Union in Southeast Asia.
62933: MEDIANSKY, F.A. ed. - Strategic Cooperation and Competition in the Pacific Islands.
62932: MEDIANSKY, F.A. ed. - Strategic Cooperation and Competition in the Pacific Islands.
65152: DE'MEDICI. STURM, Sara. - Lorenzo De'Medici.
59845: MEDICK, Hans & SABEAN, David Warren eds. - Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship.
61803: MEDIN, Douglas L., ROBERTS, William A. & DAVIS, Roger T. eds. - Processes of Animal Memory.
72207: MEDINA, John J. - The Clock of Ages : Why We Age, How We Age, Winding Back the Clock.
71762: MEDVEDEV, Roy. - China and the Superpowers.
71411: MEDVEDEV, Roy A. DE KADT, Ellen trans. - On Stalin and Stalinism.
68391: MEDVEDEV, Roy A. DE KADT, Ellen trans & ed. - On Socialist Democracy.
65071: MEDVEDEV. COATES, Ken (ed.). - Detente and Socialist Democracy: A Discussion With Roy Medvedev.
56013: MEDVEDEV, Zhores A. - Soviet Medicine.
69738: MEEk, Margaret & MILLS, Colin eds. - Language and Literacy in the Primary School.
68685: VAN DER MEER, P.J. - Canopy Dynamics of a Tropical Rain Forest in French Guiana.
49092: MEER, Fatima. - Race and Suicide in South Africa.
63458: MEGGETT, Joan M. - Music Periodical Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of Indexes and Bibliographies.
74292: MEGGITT, M.J. - The Lineage System of the Mae-Enga of New Guinea.
54950: MEGGITT, M.J. - The Lineage System of the Mae-Enga of New Guinea.
64843: MEHLINGER, Howard D. and John M. THOMPSON. - Count White and the Tsarist Government in the 1905 Revolution.
62403: MEHMET, Ozay. - Economic Planning and Social Justice in Developing Countries.
71899: MEHNERT, Klaus. - Peking and the New Left: At Home and Abroad.
63993: MEHNERT, Klaus. FISCHER, Helmut & WILSON, Luther. - Moscow and the New Left.
61911: MEHR, Robert I. & NEUMANN, Seev. - Inflation, Technology, and Growth: Possible Long-Range Implications for Insurance.
52037: MEHRAIN, Fattaneh. - Emergence of Capitalist Authoritarian States in Periphery Formations: A Case Study of Iran.
66870: MEHRING, Franz. - Karl Marx: Geschichte Seines Lebens.
66869: MEHRING, Franz. - Zur Geschichte der Philosophie.
62699: MEHROTRA, S.R. - India and the Commonwealth: 1885-1929.
68399: MEHTA, P.D. - The Heart of Religion.
58296: MEHTA, Ghanshyam. - The Structure of the Keynesian Revolution.
63527: MEIER, Gerald M. - Problems of a World Monetary Order.
56474: MEIER, Robert J., OTTEN, Charlotte M., & ABDEL-HAMEED, F. eds. - Evolutionary Models and Studies in Human Diversity.
69644: MEIJER, Reinder P. - Literature of the Low Countries: A Short History of Dutch Literature in the Netherlands and Belgium.
64042: MEILLET, A. - Introduction a l'Etude Comparative des Langues Indo-Europeennes.
65666: MEINIG, D.W. - Imperial Texas: An Interpretive Essay in Cultural Geography.
65088: MEINIG, D.W. - The Great Columbia Plain: A Historical Geography, 1805-1910.
71723: MEIR. MCAULEY, Karen. - Golda Meir.
71485: MEISELMAN, Herbert L. - Dimensions of the Meal: The Science, Culture, Business, and Art of Eating.
58447: MEISTER, V.E., WECK, N. & WENDLAND, W.L. eds. - Function Theoretic Methods for Partial Equations: Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Darmstadt, Germany, April 12-15, 1976.
67988: MELCHIORI, Giovan-Battista. - Vocabolario Bresciano-Italiano.
67776: MELCHIORI, Giovan-Battista. - Vocabolario Bresciano-Italiano.
72364: MELENTEV, Yury. - The Old, the New, the Eternal: Reflections on Art.
60494: MELGUNOV, S.P. PUSHKAREV, Sergei G. ed. BEAVER, James S. trans. - The Bolshevik Seizure of Power.
48378: MELHAM, T.F. - Higher Order Logic and Hardware Verification.
76013: MELIS, Giorgio ed. - Martino Martini. Geografi, Cartografo, Storico, Teologo. Trento 1614. Hangzhou 1661. Atti del Convegno Internazionale. Edizione bilingue italiano-inglese. Italian-English Edition.
54118: MELLER, Norman with MELLER, Terza. - The Congress of Micronesia: Development of the Legislative Process in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
69380: MELLERS, Wilfrid. - Man and His Music. The Story of Musical Experience in the West. Part Three: The Sonata Principle.
73425: MELLOR, Roy E.H. - Nation, State, and Territory: A Political Geography.
70305: MELLOR, John W. & DESAI, Gunvant M. eds. - Agricultural Change And Rural Poverty: Variations On A Theme By Dharm Narain.
65146: MELLOR, John W. - The Economics of Agricultural Development.
61632: MELLOR, John W., WEAVER, Thomas F., LELE, Uma J. & SIMON, Sheldon R. - Developing Rural India: Plan and Practice.
64835: MELLOWN, Elgin W. - Bibliography of the Writings of Edwin Muir.
70587: MELTON, Gordon J. - Encyclopedic Handbook of Cults in America.
65536: MELTZER, Milton. - Freedom Comes to Mississippi: The Story of Reconstruction.
70507: MELZER, Yehuda. - Concepts of Just War.
52712: MENANDER. MURRAY, Gilbert trans. - The Rape of the Locks: The Perikeiromene of Menander. The Fragments Translated and the Gaps Conjecturally Filled in.
74420: MENANT, Delphine. MANGO, Anthony D. trans. - The Parsis. Vol. III.
74542: MENCH, Paul. - The Role of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
70653: MENCIUS. DOBSON, W.A.C.H. - Mencius: A New Translation Arranged and Annotated for the General Reader.
73031: MENCKEN. HOBSON, Fred C. Jr. - Serpent In Eden: H. L. Mencken And The South.
60630: MENDELSOHN, Ronald ed. - Finance of Old Age.
60629: MENDELSOHN, Ronald ed. - Finance of Old Age.
73775: MENDELSON, Oliver, and BAXI, Upendra eds. - The Rights of Subordinated Peoples.
62359: MENDELSON, Wallace B., GILLIN, J. Christian & WYATT, Richard Jed. - Human Sleep and Its Disorders.
74579: MENDILOW, A.A. ed. - Scripta Hierosolymitana, Vol. XXV: Further Studies in English Language and Literature.
72354: MENESES, Victoria Palomino. - Estudio Sistematico-Descriptivo de las Gramineas de los Alrededores de Ayacucho.
68035: MENG, Xin. - Labour Market Reform in China.
63192: MENG, Tan Teck, MENG, Low Aik, WILLIAMS, John J. & CALINGO, Luis Ma. R. - Business Opportunities in Philippines.
75601: MENNINGER, Edwin A. - Edible Nuts of the World.
74667: MENNIS, Mary R. - Lakatoi and the Hiri Dalana.
73492: MENOTTI, Gian Carlo. - The Medium. Tragedy in Two Acts.
76048: MENOTTI, Gian-Carlo. - The Consul. Musical Drama in Three Acts.
74216: DE MENTE, Boye. - Some Prefer Geisha: The Lively Art of Mistress-Keeping in Japan.
64485: MENZIES, Brian & GRAY, Peter. - Technological Change: Salinity and Irrigation Systems. The Response of Fruit Growers in the South Australian Riverland.
48087: MENZIES, Sir Robert. - Afternoon Light. Some Memories of Men & Events.
72756: MEPHAM, Ben ed. - Food Ethics.
75980: MERCEDES BENZ. BALL, Kenneth. - Mercedes-Benz 220/ 8 1968-72 Autobook. Workshop Manual.
62478: MERCER, David & HAMILTON-SMITH, Elery eds. - Recreation Planning and Social Change in Urban Australia.
58696: MERCER, David. - The Sales Professional: Strategies and Techniques for Managing the High-Level Sale.
57352: MERCER, David. - A Question of Balance: Natural Resources Conflict Issues in Australia.
55581: MERCER, David ed. - Managing the External Environment: A Strategic Perspective.
55872: MERCHANT, Bob ed. - Trolley Wire. Journal of Australian Tramway Museums. Issue No. 235. Ballarat and Melbourne.
55870: MERCHANT, Bob ed. - Trolley Wire. Journal of Australian Tramway Museums. Issue No. 231. Country Horse Tramways in South Australia.
67200: FORD METEOR / MERCURY. - Ford and Meteor Cars, Ford & Mercury Trucks: 1956-57 Automatic Shop Manual.
74255: MEREDITH, Joseph C. - A Handful of Emeralds: On Patrol with the Hanna in the Postwar Pacific.
73565: MEREDITH, R. - Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Sheffield City Libraries.
60845: MEREDITH, Geroge. - One of Our Conquerors.
57693: MEREDITH. WILLIAMS, David. - George Meredith: His Life and Lost Love.
52759: MEREDITH. LINDSAY, Jack. - George Meredith: His Life and Work.
52467: MEREDITH. WRIGHT, Walter F. - Art and Substance in George Meredith. A Study in Narrative.
76049: MEREDITH, Rosamond. - Farms and Families of Hathersage Outseats from the 13th to the 19th Century. Part I. Nether Hirst, North Lees, Brookfield. Green's House and Cowclose Farm.
49121: MEREDITH. LINDSAY, Jack. - George Meredith: His Life and Work.
67260: MERELMAN, Richard M. - Making Something of Ourselves: On Culture and Politics in the United States.
57190: MERELMAN, Richard M. - Partial Visions: Culture and Politics in Britain, Canada, and the United States.
48941: MERINO-RODRIGUEZ, Manuel. - Elsevier's Lexicon of Plant Pests and Diseases. Latin, English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.
46957: MERK, Frederick with MERK, Lois Bannister. - Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History. A Reinterpretation.
42553: MERK, Frederick. - The Oregon Question. Essays in Anglo-American Diplomacy & Politics.
70624: MERKL, Peter H. ed. - Political Violence and Terror: Motifs and Motivations.
74346: MERLAN, Francesca & RUMSEY, Alan. - Ku Waru: Language and Segmentary Politics on the Western Nebilyer Valley, Papua New Guinea.
64049: MERLIN, Sidney D. - The Theory of Fluctuations in Contemporary Economic Thought.
60141: MERRIAM, Alan P. - A Bibliography of Jazz.
52303: MERRIAM, Alan P. - An African World. The Basongye Village of Lupupa Ngye.
72818: MERRILL, Bob. / BRODSZKY, Nicholas music. CAHN, Sammy lyrics. GOLD, Harry arr. - A Sweet Old Fashioned Girl (Skoo-el-ee Doo-bee-dum) / The Gal with the Yaller Shoes. Sheet Music.
72817: MERRILL, Bob. WEIRICK, Paul arr. - Butterflies / ('Cause I Love Ya) That's A-Why. Sheet Music.
72813: MERRILL, Bob / BART, Lionel, PRATT, Michael & STEELE, Tommy. BOWSHER, Stan arr. - Honeycomb / Water, Water. Sheet Music.
75377: MERRILL, Ronald T. & MCELHINNY, Michael W. - The Eath's Magnetic Field: Its History, Origin and Planetary Perspective.
73883: MERRIMAN. LAURENCE, Sir Perceval. - The Life of John Xavier Merriman.
70269: MERRIMAN, Michael W. ed. - The Baptismal Mystery and the Catechumenate.
60400: MERRIMAN, Roger Bigelow. - The Rise of The Spanish Empire In The Old World And In The New. Volume I: The Middle Ages. Volume II: The Catholic Kings. Volume III: The Emperor. Volume IV: Philip the Prudent.
61665: MERRY, Donald H. ed. - Australia 1974-75: A Survey of Business and Economic Trends.
75160: MERRY, Sally Engle & BRENNEIS, Donald eds. - Law and Empire in the Pacific: Fiji and Hawai'i.
59081: MERTON, Thomas. - The Climate of Monastic Prayer.
42397: MERTZ, Paul E. - New Deal Policy and Southern Rural Poverty.
68470: MESERVE, Walter J. and Ruth I. ed. - Modern Literature from China.
52180: MESERVE, Walter J. and Ruth I. ed. - Modern Literature from China.
69214: MESQUITA, Bruce Bueno de & ROOT, Hilton L. eds. - Governing for Prosperity.
75495: MESSIAEN. JOHNSON, Robert Sherlaw. - Messiaen.
75595: MESSIAEN. SAMUEL, Claude. - Conversations with Olivier Messiaen.
75913: MESSIAEN, Olivier. - Quatuor Pour La Fin Du Temps.
70493: METCALF, Keyes D. - Planning Academic and Research Library Buildings.
75623: METCALF, Thomas R. - An Imperial Vision: Indian Architecture nd Britain's Raj.
71012: METCALFE, John. - Book Production and Reproduction. Notes for Students of Librarianship.
58784: METH, Dr. Paul - Theorie der Planetenbewegung.
70933: METHVEN, Philip. - The Five Power Defence Arrangements and Military Cooperation Among the Asean States. Incompatible Models for Security in Southeast Asia?
74550: METUSSIN, Pg Hjh Rosidah Pg Hj, MOMIN, Ph Jjh Masliati PSJ Pg Hj Abd et al. - Durian Quality Management Manual. AAECP - Phase III: Quality Assurance Systems for ASEAN Fruits Project (QASAF) - Fresh and Minimally Processed.
68114: METZ, Bert, DAVIDSON, Ogunlade R. et al. eds. - Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer.
72582: METZGER, Arnold. MANHEIM, Ralph trans. - Freedom and Death.
58787: METZLER, Lloyd A. - Collected Papers.
59486: MEULEN-NULLE, L.W. Van Der. - Lace.
42538: MEULEN, V. ter, SIDDELL, S., & WEGE, H. ed. - Biochemistry and Biology of Coronaviruses. Advances in Expermental Medicine and Biology Volume 142.
55658: MEUNIER-Thouret, Marc. XIMENEZ DE SANDOVAL, Felipe trans. - Vivaldi.
73837: MEURS, Paul. - Characterisation of Microphenomena in Transversely Loaded Composite Materials.
73329: MEYAN, P. - Le Nord dans L'Ouest par Le Midi. Souvenirs du Voyage Presidentiel a La Rochelle 1890.
74401: MEYER, Henry O.A. & LEONARDOS, Othon H. eds. - Proceedings of the Fifth International Kimberlite Conference. Araxa, Brazil 1991. Volume 1: Kimberlites, Related Rocks and Mantle Xenoliths.
73912: MEYER, Moe ed. - The Politics and Poetics of Camp.
72790: MEYER, Geo. W. music. BRYAN, Al lyrics. OSBORNE, Tony arr. - Brown Eyes, Why Are You Blue? Sheet Music.
67080: MEYER, Jean-Arcady, BERTHOZ, Alain, FLOREANO, Dario, ROITBLAT, Herbert, and WILSON, Stewart (eds). - From Animals to Animats 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior.
66884: MEYER, Christopher. - Relentless Growth: How Silicone Valley Innovation Strategies Can Work in Your Business.
61574: MEYER, F.V. - Britain, the Sterling Area and Europe.
61573: MEYER, F.V. - The Functions of Sterling.
61408: MEYER, David R. - Spatial Variation of Black Urban Households.
54169: MEYER, Conrad Ferdinand. - Samtliche Werke. In vier Banden.
52884: MEYER, Philip. - The Newspaper Survival Book. An Editor's Guide to Marketing Research.
68248: MEYERS, Vera Kolb ed. - Teratogens: Chemicals Which Cause Birth Defects.
64862: MEYERS, Jeffrey. - Homosexuality and Literature 1890-1930.
75506: MG. ALLISON, Mike. - MG: The Magic of the Marque.
75507: MG. THORNEY, John W. - Maintaining the Breed: The Saga of MG Racing Cars.
76033: MG. - MG Safety Fast! in action.
74405: MGB. PORTER, Lindsay. - MGB Purchase and Restoration Guide.
63566: MICAUD, Charles A. - Tunisia: The Politics of Modernization.
51663: MICHAEL, Magali Cornier. - Feminism and the Postmodern Impulse. Post-World War II Fiction.
47748: MICHAEL, Franz. - Mao and the Perpetual Revolution.
74717: MICHAELS, Paula A. - Lamaze: An International History.
67758: MICHALEWICZ, Marek T. ed. - Humans to Proteins. Advances in Computational Life Sciences Volume 2.
62822: MICHALSKI, Wolfgang ed. - The Future of Industrial Societies: Problems, Prospects, Solutions.
67112: MICHAUD, Nelson & NOSSAL, Kim Richard eds. - Diplomatic Departures: The Conservative Era in Canadian Foreign Policy, 1984-1993.
65515: MICHAUD, Guy. - L'oeuvre et ses Techniques.
70777: MICHELENA, Jose A. Silva. - The Politics of Change in Venezuela, Volume 3: The Illusion of Democracy in Dependent Nations
67972: MICHELSON, William. - Environmental Choice, Human Behavior, and Residential Satisfaction.
75091: MICHENER. GROBEL, Lawrence. - Talking with Michener.
47830: MICHENER, James A. - The Bridge at Andau.
48445: MICHIE, R.C. - Money, Mania and Markets. Investment, Company Formation and the Stock Exchange in Nineteenth-Century Scotland.
61685: MICHURIN, Ivan Vladimirovich. - Selected Works.
74549: MICKE, Warren. - Almond Production Manual.
64972: MICKLIN, Michael & POSTON, Dudley L. Jr. - Continuities in Sociological Human Ecology.
57467: MIDDENDORP, C.P. - Progressiveness and Conservatism. The Fundamental Dimensions of Ideological Controversy and Their Relationship to Social Class.
52840: MIDDENDORP, C.P. - Progressiveness and Conservatism. The Fundamental Dimensions of Ideological Controversy and Their Relationship to Social Class.
67379: MIDDLECOFF, Cary. - The Golf Swing.
73169: MIDDLEHURST, Robin. - Leading Academics.
76369: MIDDLETON, Townsend. - The Demands of Recognition: State Anthropology and Ethnopolitics in Darjeeling.
73065: MIDDLETON, Margaret R. & FRANCIS, Sarah H. - Yuendumu and its Children: Life and Health on an Aboriginal Settlement.
66790: MIDDLETON, Margaret R. & FRANCIS, Sarah H. - Yuendumu and its Children: Life and Health on an Aboriginal Settlement.
55481: MIDDLETON, Margaret R. & FRANCIS, Sarah H. - Yuendumu and its Children: Life and Health on an Aboriginal Settlement.
54669: MIDDLETON. FARR, Dorothy M. - Thomas Middleton and the Drama of Realism. A Study of Some Representative Plays.
52771: SPRITE. MIDGET. - Workshop Manual: Sprite (Marks II, III, and IV). MIDGET (Marks I, II, and III).
52772: SPRITE. MIDGET. - Workshop Manual for Sprite (Marks II, III, and IV) and Midget (Marks I, II, and III). Factory Edited Manual from 1961.
75547: MIDGLEY, Gerald. - Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice (Contemporary Systems Thinking).
76385: LE MIERE, Christian & MAZO, Jeffrey. - Arctic Opening: Insecurity and Opportunity.
69292: MIGLIORINI, Bruno. - La Lingua Italiana Nel Novecento: Con Un Saggio Introduttivo Di Ghino Ghinassi.
74446: MIHAILOVIC. - The Trial of Dragoljub-Draza Mihailovic. Stenographic Record and Documents from the Trial of Dragoljub-Draza Mihailovic.
70575: MIKHAILOV, L.G. FRIEDMAN, M.D. trans. - A New Class of Singular Integral Equations and Its Application to Differential Equations With Singular Coefficients.
54475: MIKHAILOV, B.Y., MOSTOVETS, N.V. & SEVOSTYANOV, G.N. eds. - Recent History of the Labor Movement in the United States, 1918 - 1965.
58727: MIKHLIN, S.G. ANDERSSEN, Dr. R.S. trans. - The Numerical Performance of Variational Methods.
68753: MILBORROW, B.V. ed. - Biosynthesis and Its Control in Plants. Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society No. 9.
66091: MILBORROW, B.V. ed. - Biosynthesis and Its Control in Plants. Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society No. 9.
66952: MILES, Rosalind. - Love, Sex, Death, and the Making of the Male.
62102: MILES, Simon R. - Metropolitan Problems: International Perspectives. A Search for Comprehensive Solutions.
60258: MILES, Roger. - Forestry in the English Landscape: A Study of the Cultivation of Trees and their Relationship to Natural Amenity and Plantation Design.
57115: MILES, Rufus E. Jr. - Awakening From the American Dream: The Social and Political Limits to Growth.
54224: MILES, Rosalind. - The Fiction of Sex. Themes and Functions of Sex Difference in the Modern Novel.
48597: MILES, Rosalind. - The Fiction of Sex. Themes and Functions of Sex Difference in the Modern Novel.
75588: MILEWSKI, A.V., HOW, R.A., KEIGHERY, G.J. and DELL, J. - The Biological Survey of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Part 5: Edjudina-Menzies Study Area.
75589: MILEWSKI, A.V., MCKENZIE, N.L., HALL, N.J., ROLFE, J.K., KEIGHERY, G.J., HNATIUK, R.J. and YOUNGSON, W.K. MCKENZIE, N.L. & HALL, N.J. eds. - The Biological Survey of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Part 8: Kurnalpi-Kalgoorlie Study Area.
48769: MILGRAM, Stanley & SHOTLAND, R. Lance. - Television and Antisocial Behaviour. Field Experiments.
48860: MILIVOJEVIC, Marko, ALLCOCK, John B., & MAURER, Pierre ed. - Yugoslavia's Security Dilemmas. Armed Forces, National Defence and Foreign Policy.
58134: MILJAN, Toivo. - The Reluctant Europeans: The Attitudes of the Nordic Countries towards European Integration.
73556: MILKMAN, Ruth, BLOOM, Joshua, and NARRO, Victor eds. - Working for Justice: The L.A. Model of Organizing and Advocacy.
60685: MILL. SCHWARTZ, Pedro. - The New Political Economy of J.S. Mill.
54241: MILL. SCHWARTZ, Pedro. - The New Political Economy of J.S. Mill.
69915: MILLAR, T.B. (ed.). - Britain's Withdrawal From Asia: Its Implications For Australia.
63533: MILLAR, T.B. ed. - Australian-New Zealand Defence Co-operation.
55527: MILLAR, Prof. F.G.B. ed. - The Journal of Roman Studies. Volume LXVII 1977.
51627: MILLAR, T.B. ed. - International Security in the Southeast Asian and Southwest Pacific Region.
73944: MILLER, Richard F. - Fighting Words: Persuasive Strategies for War and Politics.
72768: MILLER, A. Gordon; ILLING, Robert et al. - The Organ. A Quarterly Review for its Makers, its Players & its Lovers. No. 147: Vol. XXXVII. January, 1958.
71761: MILLER, R.F. & FEHER, F. ed. - Khruschchev and the Communist World.
71334: MILLER, Robert Moats. - American Protestantism and Social Issues, 1919-1939.
69239: MILLER, Margaret & WALKER, Rae eds. - Health Promotion: The Community Health Approach. Papers from the 2nd National COnference on the Australian Community Health Association.
68324: MILLER, Frank. - The Voice: Its Production, Care and Preservation.
67262: MILLER, Randall M. ed. - Dear Master: Letters of a Slave Family.
66740: MILLER, Rex. - Fundamentals of Industrial Robots and Robotics.
65722: MILLER, Morton W., and KUEHNERT, Charles C. (eds.). - The Dynamics of Meristem Cell Populations.
64647: MILLER, Joel S. & EPSTEIN, Athrur J. eds. - Synthesis and Properties of Low-Dimensional Materials.
61738: MILLER, J.D.B. & RIGBY, T.H. eds. - The Disintegrating Monolith: Pluralist Trends in the Communist World.
61144: MILLER, Perry. CROWELL, John & SEARL, Stanford J. eds. - The Responsibility of Mind in a Civilization of Machines.
61085: MILLER, Neal E. - Neal E. Miller: Selected Papers.
60800: MILLER, M. Clinton ed. - Mainland's Notes on Biometry in Medical Research.
60052: MILLER, Frank O. - Minobe Tatsukichi: Interpreter of Constitutionalism in Japan.
58500: MILLER, Nancy K. ed. - The Poetics of Gender.
58090: MILLER, D.B. ed. - Peasants and Politics: Grass Roots Reaction to Change in Asia.
55462: MILLER, Margaret. - People of the Plains: 200 Years of History of the Knight, Jowles, Veale and Hunt Families of Lake Bolac, Victoria and Taranaki, New Zealand.
55185: MILLER, George A. & JOHNSON-LAIRD, Philip N. - Language and Perception.
54049: MILLER, Edward. - Portrait of a College: A History of the College of Saint John the Evangelist in Cambridge.
53746: MILLER, Steven E. & LYNN-JONES, Sean M. ed. - Conventional Forces and American Defense Policy.
52326: MILLER, R.F. & FEHER, F. ed. - Khruschchev and the Communist World.
76269: MILLER, Chalres. - Lobbying: Understanding and Influencing the Corridors of Powers.
47813: MILLER, Francis Trevelyan. - General Douglas Macrthur. Fighter for Freedom.
47571: MILLER, Casey & SWIFT, Kate. - Words and Women: New Language in New Times.
61328: MILLERSON, Gerald. - The Technique of Television Production.
63382: MILLIS, Nancy F. & PITTARD, A. James. - Microbial Physiology and Genetics of Industrial Processes.
58138: MILLIS, Walter with MANSFIELD, Harvey C. & STEIN, Harold. - Arms and the State: Civil-Military Elements in National Policy.
75397: MILLMAN, Richard. - British Foreign Policy and the Coming of the Franco-Prussian War.
66771: MILLS, Daniel Quinn. - Government, Labor and Inflation: Wage Stabilization in the United States.
63165: MILLS, J. Saxon. - The Press and Communications of the Empire.
61934: MILLS, Frederick C. - Price-Quantity Interactions in Business Cycles.
61359: MILLS, Carol M. - A Bibliography of the Northern Territory: Monographs. Part 1: Sciences, Primary Industry and Recreation.
61358: MILLS, Carol M. - A Bibliography of the Northern Territory: Monographs. Part 2: General, Travels, History, Humanities and Religion.
60626: MILLS, Edwin S. - Studies in the Structure of the Urban Economy.
55023: MILLS, Carol M. - A Bibliography of the Northern Territory: Monographs. Part 3 - The Social Sciences (Excluding Material Relating to Aborigines).
55022: MILLS, Carol M. - A Bibliography of the Northern Territory: Monographs. To December, 1981. Part 4 - The Aborigines; plus Supplementary Entires to Parts 1-3, to 1981, and Consoloidated Index to the Complete Bibliography. Volume 1 - Supplementary Parts 1-3 Sections A-AJ and Part 4, Sections AK-AT.
54121: MILLS, Carol M. - A Bibliography of the Northern Territory: Monographs. Part 2: General, Travels, History, Humanities and Religion.
76178: MILLS, Nicolaus & BRUNNER, Kira eds. - The New Killing Fields: Massacre and the Politics of Intervention.
52986: MILLS. LISCOMBE, Rhodri Windsor. - Altogether American. Robert Mills: Architect and Engineer.
48598: MILLS, Osmington. - Ghost of a Clue.
69268: MILNE, J.S. - Clinical Effects of Ageing: A Longitudinal Study.
52350: MILNE. SWANN, Thomas Burnett. - A.A. Milne.
70558: MILNER, Anthony ed. - Australia in Asia: Comparing Cultures.
68359: MILNER, Gerald. - Drugs and Driving: A Survey of the Relationship of Adverse Drug Reactions, and Drug-Alcohol Interaction, to Driving Safety.
52724: MILNER, Ian F.G. - New Zealand's Interests and Policies in the Far East.
76260: MILNER, Andrew & WORTH, Chris eds. - Discourse and Difference: Post-structuralism, Feminism and the Moment of History.
65601: MILOVIDOV, A.S., and KOZLOV, V.G. (eds.). - The Philosophical Heritage of V.I. Lenin and Problems of Contemporary War (A Soviet View).
74191: MILTON. MARTZ, Louis L. - Poet of Exile: A Study of Milton's Poetry.
73443: MILTON, John. - Paradise Regained / Samson Agonistes 1671. [ Paradise Regained. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes.]
73426: MILTON. WILLIAMSON, Dr. - The Portraits, Prints, and Writings of John Milton.
73393: MILTON. WILDING, Michael. - Milton's Paradise Lost.
72566: MILTON. TAYLOR, George Coffin. - Milton's Use of Du Bartas.
68783: MILTON. WILDING, Michael. - Milton's Paradise Lost.
68564: MILTON. WITTREICH, Joseph Anthony Jr. ed. - The Romantics on Milton: Formal Essays and Critical Asides.
65082: MILTON. WHITING, George Wesley. - Milton and This Pendant World.
61322: MILTON. WILDING, Michael. - Milton's Paradise Lost.
58951: MILTON. RAJAN, Balachandra. - The Lofty Rhyme: A Study of Milton's Major Poetry.
58828: MILTON, Roy C. - Rank Order Probabilities: Two-Sample Normal Shift Alternatives.
55521: MILTON. LOVELOCK, Julian ed. - Milton: Comus and Samson Agonistes. A Casebook.
54626: MILTON. WILDING, Michael. - Milton's Paradise Lost.
52689: MILTON. KERMODE, Frank ed. - The Living Milton. Essays by Various Hands.
52685: MILTON. SUMMERS, Joseph H. ed. - The Lyric and Dramatic Milton.
75215: MILTON. WALDOCK, A.J.A. - 'Paradise Lost' & Its Critics.
69795: MILUNSKY, Aubrey & ANNAS, George J. eds. - Genetics and the Law III.
52635: MILWARD, A. & SAUL, S.B. - The Economic Development of Continental Europe. 1780 - 1870.
55198: MINAMI, Ryoshin. - The Economic Development of Japan: A Quantitative Study.
54038: MINCHINTON, W.E. ed. - Essays in Agrarian History. Volume 1.
57121: MINDA, Gary. - Postmodern Legal Movements: Law and Jurisprudence at Century's End.
55602: MINDEN, Michael. - The German Bildungsroman: Incest and Inheritance.
70942: MINEAR, Larry & GUILLOT, Philippe. - Soldiers to the Rescue: Humanitarian Lessons from Rwanda.
67070: MINEAR, Larry, and WEISS, Thomas G. - Humanitarian Action in Times of War: A Handbook for Practitioners.
54685: MINELLI. HARVEY, Stephen. - Directed by Vincente Minnelli.
73417: MINER, E.N. ed. - The Typewriter and Phonographic World. Vol. XXXI. January to June, 1908, inclusive.
52688: MINER, Earl ed. - English Criticism in Japan. Essays by Younger Japanese Scholars on English and American Literature.
65864: MINERS, Norman. - The Government and Politics of Hong Kong.
64614: MINES, Mattison. - Muslim Merchants: The Economic Behaviour of an Indian Muslim Community.
63689: MINIFIE, Fred D., HIXON, Thomas J. & WILLIAMS, Frederick eds. - Normal Aspects of Speech, Hearing, and Language.
63594: Central Statistical Board of the USSR Council of Ministers. - Forty Years of Soviet Power in Facts and Figures.
76390: MINNICH, Richard A. - California's Fading Wildflowers: Lost Legacy and Biological Invasions.
60760: MINNS, Richard. - Pension Funds and British Capitalism: The Ownership and Control of Shareholdings.
55402: MORRIS MINOR. - The Morris Minor (Series MM) Operation Manual.
53403: MORRIS MINOR. - The Morris Minor 1000 Operations Manual.
60960: MINTO. WASTI, Syed Razi. - Lord Minto and the Indian Nationalist Movement: 1905 to 1910.
71205: MINTZ, Jeanne S. - Mohammed, Marx And Marhaen: The Roots Of Indonesian Socialism.
52946: MINTZ, Steven. - Moralists & Modernizers. America's Pre-Civil War Reformers.
51790: MINTZ, Jerome R. - The Anarchists of Casas Viejas.
54753: MINZHU, Han. - Cries for Democracy. Writings and Speeches From the 1989 Chinese Democracy Movement.
71547: MIRRA, Dave. - Mirra Images: The Story of My Life.
59546: MIRSKY, Jonathan, HOLLINGWORTH, Clare, JACOBS, G. et al. - China in Crisis. The Role of the Military.
53856: MIRSKY, Jonathan, HOLLINGWORTH, Clare, JACOBS, G. et al. - China in Crisis. The Role of the Military.
69625: MISCHEL, Theodore ed. - The Self: Psychological and Philosophical Issues.
70574: VON MISES, R. & FRIEDRICHS, K.O. - Fluid Dynamics.
61873: MISHAN, E.J. - The Costs of Economic Growth.
65713: MISHRA, Ramesh. - Society and Social Policy: Theoretical Perspectives on Welfare.
72383: MISKA, John P. - Solonetz Soils of the World: A Bibliography.
71258: MISMAIL, Budiono. - The Simulation of Induction Generators for Microhydro Systems with Application to Developing Countries.
53953: MISRA, B.B. - The Indian Political Parties: An Historical Analysis of Political Behaviour Up to 1947.
73844: MITCHELL, Brian. - A Guide to Irish Parish Registers.
71569: MITCHELL, Kenneth R., KERRIDGE, Ian H. & LOVAT, Terence J. - Bioethics and Clinical Ethics for Health Care Professionals.
62999: MITCHELL, Austin. - The Whigs in Opposition: 1815-1830.
62372: MITCHELL, Mark. - Agriculture and Policy: Methodology for the Analysis of Developing Country Agricultural Sectors.
61919: MITCHELL, Ralph. - Water Pollution Microbiology.
59542: MITCHELL, Donald & KELLER, Hans eds. - Music Survey. New Series: 1949-1952.
42503: MITCHELL, Daniel J.B. - Unions, Wages, and Inflation.
67397: MITFORD. HILL, Constance. - Mary Russell Mitford And Her Surroundings.
65725: MITRAKOS, K. & SHROPSHIRE, W. Jr. eds. - Phytochrome. Proceedings of a Symposium held at Eretria, Greece, September 1971.
64506: MITRAKOS, K. & SHROPSHIRE, W. Jr. eds. - Phytochrome. Proceedings of a Symposium held at Eretria, Greece, September 1971.
68747: MITSUBISHI. - Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd. 1981 Service Bulletins.
55636: MITTELSTRASS, Jurgen. - Der Flug der Eule: Von der Vernunft der Wissenschaft und der Aufgabe der Philosophie.
48298: MITTER, Swasti & ROWBOTHAM, Sheila ed. - Women Encounter Technology. Changing Patterns of Employment in the Third World.
55882: MITTLER, Peter ed. - The Psychological Assessment of Mental and Physical Handicaps.
66601: MIYAKAWA, M. & LUCKEY, T.D. eds. - Advances in Germfree Research and Gnotobiology.
48791: MIYAZAKI, Isamu. - The Japanese Economy. What Makes It Tick.
54488: MIYOSHI, Masao. - The Divided Self: A Perspective on the Literature of the Victorians.
52292: MIZRUCHI, Ephraim H. - Regulating Society. Marginality and Social Control in Historical Perspective.
56467: MO, Jongryn & MYERS, Ramon H. eds. - Shaping a New Economic Relationship: The Republic of Korea and the United States.
75262: MOBBS, Michael. - Sustainable House: Living For Our Future.
52300: MOCHIZUKI, Mike M. ed. - Toward a True Alliance. Restructuring U.S.-Japan Security Relations.
52673: MOCQUEREAU, Dom Andre. - Le Nombre Musical Gregorien ou Rythmique Gregorienne. Theorie et Pratique. Tome 1.
64827: MODDIE, A.D. - The Brahmanical Culture and Modernity.
66008: MODIGLIANI. LIPCHITZ, Jacques. - Amedeo Modigliani.
68408: MODOOD, Tariq & WERBNER, Pnina eds. - The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe: Racism, Identity and Community.
54058: MODY, Ashoka ed. - Infrastructure Strategies in East Asia: The Untold Story.
67050: MOELLER, Charles. QUINN, Charles Underhill (trans.). - Man and Salvation in Literature.
66082: MOEN, Elizabeth, BOULDING, Elise, LILLYDAHL, Jane & PALM, Risa. - Women and the Social Costs of Economic Development : Two Colorado Case Studies.
68894: MOERK, Ernst L. - Pragmatic and Semantic Aspects of Early Language Development.
59789: MOERK, Ernst L. - Pragmatic and Semantic Aspects of Early Language Development.
59932: MOERMAN, Michael & NOMURA, Masaichi eds. - Culture Embodied.
64414: MOERTOPO, Ali. - Some Basic Thoughts on the Acceleration and Modernization of 25 Years Development.
70194: MOFFAT, D.B. - The Mammalian Kidney.
65751: MOFFATT, Ann (compiler). - Australian Publications In Byzantine and Related Fields to 1990.
70776: MOIR, Peter & EIJKMAN, Henk eds. - Policing Australia: Old Issues, New Perspectives.
74887: MOISSEEFF, Marika in collaboration with HOUSEMAN, Michael & MCKENZIE, Alwyn. - An Aboriginal Village in South Australia: A Snapshot of Davenport.
61088: VAN DER MOLEN, H.J., KLOPPER, A., LUNENFELD, B. et al. eds. - Hormonal Factors in Fertility, Infertility and Contraception.
75720: MOLENBERGHS, Geert & KENWARD, Michael G. - Missing Data in Clinical Studies.
52244: MOLIERE. HOWARTH, W.D. - Moliere. A Playwright and His Audience.
59265: MOLINA, E.C. - Poisson's Exponential Binomial Limit: Table I - Individual Terms. Table II - Cumulated Terms.
51575: MOLIQUE, Bernhard. - Abraham. An Oratorio. Op. 65.
66513: MOLLER, Andreas. - Pan-African Granulites and Early Proterozoic Eclogites in the Precambrian Basement of Eastern Tanzania: P-T-t History and Crustal Evolution of the Complex Mozambique Belt.
67230: MOLM, Linda D. - Coercive Power in Social Exchange.
72711: MOLYNEAUX, Gerry. - John Sayles: An Unauthorized Biography of the Pioneer Indy Filmmaker.
54436: MONAHAN, Edward C. & MACNIOCAILL, Gearoid eds. - Oceanic Whitecaps and Their Role in Air-Sea Exchange Processes.
42419: MONAHAN, Doris. - Destination: Denver City. The South Platte Trail.
66943: MONIGHAN-NOUROT, Patricia, SCALES, Barbara, VAN HOORN, Judith, and ALMY, Millie. - Looking At Children's Play: A Bridge Between Theory and Practice.
53017: MONKEES. - The Monkees Annual.
63212: MONRO, D.H. - Empiricism and Ethics.
59805: MONROE, Stuart A. - Disability, Salary Continuation and the Corporation Buy-Sell Agreement.
76083: MONTAGU. GRUNDY, Isobel ed. - Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Romance Writings.
75348: MONTAGU, Ashley. - Coming into Being Among the Australian Aborigines: A Study of the Procreative Beliefs of the Australian Aborigines.
57909: MONTAGUE. KERSNOWSKI, Frank. - John Montague.
76052: MONTAIGNE.DE GOURNAY, Marie le Jars. HILLMAN, Richard & QUESNEL, Colette trans. - Preface to the Essays of Michel de Monaigne by his Adoptive Daughter, Marie le Jars de Gournay.
63892: MONTEFIORE, Alan ed. - Neutrality and Impartiality: The University and Political Commitment.
60767: MONTEFIORE, Alan ed. - Neutrality and Impartiality: The University and Political Commitment.
74942: MONTEGO. MEAD, John S. - Montego Owners Workshop Manual. Models covered: Austin Montego 1.3 Saloon; 1275cc, Austin Montego Mayfair Saloon; 1598cc, Austin Montego 1.6, 1.6L & 1.6HL Saloon and Estate 1598cc.
54947: MONTEITH, J.L. & MOUNT, L.E. ed. - Heat Loss From Animals and Man.
67115: MONTGOEMRY, Diane. - Educating the Able.
71202: MONTGOMERY, Michael. - Imperialist Japan: The Yen to Dominate.
64155: MONTUORI, Alfonso A. - Evolutionary Competence: Creating the Future.
58256: MOODIE, A.E. - The Italo-Yugoslav Boundary: A Study In Political Geography.
56750: MOODIE, Graeme C. & STUDDERT-Kennedy, Gerald. - Opinions, Publics and Pressure Groups: An Essay on Vox Populi and Representative Government.
76054: MOODIE, P.M. & PEDERSON, E.B. - The Health of Australian Aborigines: An Annotated Bibliography.
52127: MOODIE, P.M. & PEDERSON, E.B. - The Health of Australian Aborigines: An Annotated Bibliography.
72070: MOODY, Peter R. - Opposition and Dissent in Contemporary China.
68680: MOODY, Roger ed. - The Indigenous Voice. Visions and Realities Volume 2.
48967: MOODY, Patricia E. - Leading Manufacturing Excellence. A Guide to State-of-the-Art Manufacturing.
48163: MOODY, Richard ed. - Dramas From the American Theatre. 1762 - 1909.
73992: MOOKERJI, Radhakumud. - The Gupta Empire
69905: MOOLENAAR, A.A. - A 141Pr Mossbauer Study of Praseodymium Compounds.
69204: MOON, Bob & MAYES, Ann Shelton eds. - Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School.
63940: MOON, Marilyn & SMOLENSKY, Eugene eds. - Improving Measures of Economic Well-Being.
62611: MOON, Eric ed. - Book Selection and Censorship in the Sixties.
52513: MOON, Eric ed. - Book Selection and Censorship in the Sixties.
73895: MOONEY, Gavin. - Challenging Health Economics.
65513: MOONEY, Gavin. - Economics, Medicine and Health Care.
61138: MOONEY, Gavin. - Economics, Medicine and Health Care.
75230: MOORE, Ramon E. ed. - Reliability in Computing: The Role of Interval Methods in Scientific Computing.
74032: MOORE, Mike. - Saving Globalisation: Why Globalization and Democracy Offer the Best Hope for Progress, Peace and Development.
73759: MOORE, Raymond. C. - Treatise on Invertibrate Paleontology. Two Volumes. Part R Arthropoda 4. Volumes 1 and 2.
73694: MOORE, Des. - Developments in Commonwealth-State Financial Relations.
73631: MOORE, John Norton ed. - The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Volume I: Readings, Volume 2: Readings, Volume 3: Documents.
73528: MOORE, R.J. - Sir Charles Wood's Indian Policy 1853-66.
73389: MOORE, George. - The Brook Kerith: A Syrian Story.
73378: MOORE, Judith. - A Zeal for Responsibility: The Struggle for Professional Nursing in Victorian England, 1868-1883.
72427: MOORE, David J. - Recruiting and Hiring the Computer Professional.
72237: MOORE, Susan & ROSENTHAL, Doreen. - Sexuality in Adolescence.
72062: MOORE, Gwendolyn B., REY, David A. & ROLLINS, John D. - Prescription for the Future: How the Technology Revolution Is Changing the Pulse of Global Health Care.
70941: MOORE, John Norton ed. - The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Volume IV: The Difficult Search for Peace (1975-1988): Part Two.
66730: MOORE, D.B. - The Poetry of Louis MacNeice.
64360: MOORE-GILBERT, Bart & SEED, John eds. - Cultural Revolution? The Challenge of the Arts in the 1960s.
63673: MOORE-EDE, Martin. - Canalert '95. Alertness Assurance in the Canadian Railways. Phase II Report, May 1996.
53863: MOORE, Terence & CARLING, Christine. - Understanding Language: Towards a Post Chomskyan Linguistics.
75707: MOORE, Jillian M. ed. - "Nurse, Please..." The story of the Royal Perth Hospital School of Nursing Group 5/56.
66544: MOOS, Rudolf H. ed. - Human Adaptation: Coping with Life Crises.
66318: MOOS, Rudolf H. ed. - Human Adaptation: Coping with Life Crises.
56515: MOR, Vincent with MASTERSON-ALLEN, Susan. - Hospice Care Systems: Structure, Process, Costs, and Outcome.
74492: MORAN, Emilio. - Human Adaptability: An Introduction to Ecological Adaptability.
66536: MORAN, Richard. - Knowing Right from Wrong: The Insanity Defense of Daniel McNaughton.
54341: MORAN, Theodore H. - Multinational Corporations and the Politics of Dependence: Copper in Chile.
71745: MORAUTA, Louise. - Beyond the Village: Local Politics in Madang, Papua New Guinea.
59621: MORAUTA, Louise. - Beyond the Village: Local Politics in Madang, Papua New Guinea.
54056: MORAUTA, Louise. - Beyond the Village: Local Politics in Madang, Papua New Guinea.
56416: MORAWETZ, Thomas ed. - Justice.
53061: MORAZE, Charles. - The Triumph of the Middle Classes. A Study of European Values in the Nineteenth Century.
67045: MORDELL, Albert. - The Erotic Motive in Literature.
74760: MORE, Charles. - Skill and the English Working Class, 1870-1914.
75473: MORE. MONTI, James. - The King's Good Servant But God's First: The Life and Writings of St. Thomas More.
70591: MOREAU, Francois. - Un Aspect de L'Imagination Creatrice Chez Rabelais: L'Emploi des Images.
42541: MORELAND, Robert S. - Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contraction. Advances in Expermental Medicine and Biology Volume 304.
57299: MORENO, Francisco Jose & MITRANI, Barbara eds. - Conflict and Violence in Latin American Politics: A Book of Readings.
48079: MOREUX, Serge. - Bela Bartok.
74927: MORGAN. CLARKE, R.M. - Morgan Three-Wheeler Gold Portfolio, 1910-1952.
74430: MORGAN, Roger. - Palynostratigraphy of the Australian Early and Middle Cretaceous.
72736: MORGAN, David. - The Flacks of Washington: Government Information and the Public Agenda.
71374: MORGAN, Thais E. ed. - Victorian Sages and Cultural Discourse: Renegotiating Gender and Power.
70492: MORGAN, John P. - Phenylpropanolamine: A Critical Analysis of Reported Adverse Reactions and Overdosage.
66426: MORGAN, James P. ed. - Deltaic Sedimentation: Modern and Ancient.
65097: MORGAN, Scott, and COLSEN, Elizabeth (eds.). - People in Upheaval.
65042: MORGAN, Bayard Quincy. - A Critical Bibliography of German Literature in English Translation. Supplement Embracing the Years 1928-1955.
64998: MORGAN, Thomas R. - Foundations of Wave Theory for Seismic Exploration.
62910: MORGAN, Brian. - Monetarists and Keynesians: Their Contribution to Monetary Theory.
60445: MORGAN, David. - Suffragists and Liberals: The Politics of Woman Suffrage in Britain.
55261: MORGAN, David Hoseason. - Harvesters and Harvesting 1840-1900. A Study of the Rural Proletariat.
48180: MORGAN, W. Ingram. - Colossal Corcoran In the Caribbean.
65329: MORGANN, Maurice. - Shakespearian Criticism.
68804: MORGENSTERN, E. Kristian. - Geographic Variation in Forest Trees: Genetic Basis and Application of Knowledge in Silviculture.
55769: MORGENSTERN, Dan. - Jazz People.
71024: MORGNER. LEWIS, Alison. - Subverting Patriarchy: Feminism and Fantasy in the Works of Irmtraud Morgner.
68437: MORIN, William J. - Silent Sabotage: Rescuing Our Careers, Our Companies and Our Lives From the Creeping Paralysis of Anger and Bitterness.
67067: MORISHIMA, Michio. - Why Has Japan Succeeded?: Western Technology and the Japanese Ethos.
56044: MORISHIMA, Michio. - Walras' Economics: A Pure Theory of Capital and Money.
68178: MORISSON, Alan S. - Screening in Chronic Disease.
74779: MORITZ, Craig. KIKKAWA, Jiro. (Ed). - Conservation Biology in Australia and Oceania.
64920: MORITZ, Charles & GRAHAM, Judith eds. - Current Biography Yearbook.
64919: MORITZ, Charles ed. - Current Biography Yearbook: 1980 - 1989.
64918: MORITZ, Charles ed. - Current Biography Yearbook: 1970 - 1979.
64917: MORITZ, Charles ed. - Current Biography Yearbook: 1961 - 1969.
73098: MORLEY, Patricia A. - The Mystery of Unity. Theme and Technique in the Novels of Patrick White.
63306: MORLEY, Patricia A. - The Mystery of Unity. Theme and Technique in the Novels of Patrick White.
62486: MORLEY, David, PROUDFOOT, Stuart & BURNS, Thomas eds. - Making Cities Work: The Dynamics of Urban Innovation.
60488: MORLEY, John. - British Agricultural Cooperatives.
60188: MORLEY. KOSS, Stephen E. - John Morley at the India Office, 1905-1910.
58817: MORLEY, David, ROHDE, Jon & WILLIAMS, Glen. - Practising Health For All.
58499: MORLEY, Louise & WALSH, Val eds. - Feminist Academics: Creative Agents for Change.
52129: MORLEY, Sheridan. - The Great Stage Stars. Distinguished Theatrical Careers of the Past and Present.
76449: MORLEY, Thomas. - A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke. London 1597.
42528: MORLSEY, Clifford. - News From the English Countryside. 1750 - 1850.
74643: MORRELL, W.P. - British Colonial Policy in the Age of Peel and Russell.
47606: MORRIBSY, Ted. - The Golden Spike.
74881: MORRIS, Wesley. - Friday's Footprint: Structuralism and the Articulated Text.
69168: MORRIS, Christopher. - Becoming Southern: The Evolution of a Way of Life, Warren County and Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1770-1860.
68370: MORRIS, Brian. - The Power of Animals: An Ethnography.
67682: MORRIS, Anne & NOTT, Susan. - All My Worldly Goods: A Feminist Perspective on the Legal Regulation of Wealth.
65765: MORRIS, Ian. - An Introduction To The Algae.
64517: MORRIS, Meaghan & DE BARY, Brett eds. - Race, Panic and the Memory of Migration.
61681: MORRIS, Terence. - The Criminal Area: A Study in Social Ecology.
58902: MORRIS, John Ll. ed. - Conference on Applications of Numerical Analysis. Held in Dundee/Scotland, March 23-26, 1971.
58045: MORRIS, Ben. - Objectives and Perspectives in Education: Studies in Educational Theory (1955-1970).
57350: MORRIS, Michael H. & MORRIS, Gene. - Market Oriented Pricing: Strategies for Management.
54988: MORRIS, Morris, David. - Measuring the Condition of the World's Poor: The Physical Quality of Life Index.
53892: MORRIS, Llyn E. - The Country Garage.
53692: MORRIS, Nancy J. and DEAN, Love ed. - World Bibliographic Series: Hawai'i. Volume 146
53287: MORRIS, Lewis. - The Works of Lewis Morris.
51742: MORRIS, Janet. - Dream Dancer.
51661: MORRIS, Richard. - Sinners, Lovers, and Heroes. An Essay on Memorializing in Three American Cultures.
74247: MORRISON, Kathleen D. & JUNKER, Laura L. eds. - Forager-Traders in South and Southeast Asia: Long Term Histories.
73949: MORRISON, John. - The Social License: How to Keep Your Organisation Legitimate.
73437: MORRISON, Elaine and VERMEULEN, Sonja eds. - Making the Most of Market Chains: Challenges for Small-scale Farmers and Traders in Upland Vietnam.
71007: MORRISON. SUMANA, K. - The Novels of Toni Morrison: A Study in Race, Gender and Class.
68840: MORRISON, Adrian R. & STRICK, Peter L. eds. - Changing Concepts of the Nervous System: Proceedings of the First Institute of Neurological Sciences Symposium in Neurobiology.
64178: MORRISON, David R. - The Politics of Yukon Territory, 1898-1909.
66414: MORRISSEY, Oliver, SMITH, Brian & HORESH, Edward. - British Aid and International Trade. Aid Policy-Making: 1979-89.
66460: MORRISSON, Clovis C. Jr. - The Dynamics of Development in the European Human Rights Convention System.
64591: MORROW, Ralph E. - Northern Methodism and Reconstruction.
74713: MORSE, Bradford W. - Aboriginal Self-Government in Australia and Canada.
72037: MORSE, Ronald A. ed. - The Limits of Reform in China.
60636: MORSE, Jerome G. ed. - Nuclear Methods in Mineral Exploration and Production.
57286: MORSE, Alan. - Funding Local Government: The Third Tier.
65691: MORTIMER, James E., and ELLIS, Valerie A. - A Professional Union: The Evolution of the Institution of Professional Civil Servants.
48701: MORTIMER, John. - Like Men Betrayed.
56629: MORTIMORE, Arthur D. - Index to Characters in Children's Literature.
70414: MORTON. RICE, Nathan P. - Trials Of a Public Benefactor, as Illustrated in the Discovery of Etherization.
62016: MORTON, Kathryn & TULLOCH, Peter. - Trade and Developing Countries.
61926: MOSCHYTZ, George S. - Linear Integrated Networks: Design.
65772: MOSELEY, Malcolm J. - Accessibility: The Rural Challenge.
70905: MOSER, Michael J. ed. - Foreign Trade, Investment and the Law in the People's Republic of China.
51419: MOSES, John A. - Trade Unionism in Germany from Bismarck to Hitler. Volume Two, 1919 - 1933.
66189: MOSKOP, John C. & KOPELMAN, Loretta eds. - Ethics and Critical Care Medicine.
48315: MOSSMAN, Carol A. - Politics and Narratives of Birth. Gynocolonization from Rousseau to Zola.
76111: MOTHERSSON, Keith. - From Hiroshima to the Hague: A Guide to the World Court Project.
48379: MOTLEY, Annette. - The Sins of the Lion.
59767: STAFF of THE MOTOR. - The Motor Manual. A Practical Handbook for the Motorist (Civilian or Service).
59745: STAFF of THE MOTOR. - The Motor Manual.
59744: Staff of The Motor. - The Motor Repair Manual.
54347: THE MOTOR. JENNINGS, Christopher ed. - The Motor. The National Motor Journal.
54348: THE MOTOR. JENNINGS, Christopher ed. - The Motor. The National Motor Journal.
54087: THE MOTOR. ARMSTRONG, A.C. ed. - The Motor. The National Motor Journal.
53386: STAFF of THE MOTOR. - The Motor Manual.
53387: STAFF of THE MOTOR. - The Motor Manual.
75617: DE LA MOTTE, Diether and PRATER, Jeffrey L. - The Study of Harmony: An Historical Perspective.
66270: MOTYL, Alexander J. - Will the Non-Russians Rebel? State, Ethnicity, and Stability in the USSR.
54370: MOTYL, Alexander J. - Sovietology, Rationality, Nationality: Coming to Grips with Nationalism in the USSR.
74810: MOTZ, Lloyd and WEAVER, Jefferson Hane. - The Concepts of Science: From Newton to Einstein.
61357: MOULE, G.R. ed. - Field Investigations with Sheep: A Manual of Techniques.
64334: MOULIK, T.K. - Bougainville in Transition.
60241: MOULTON, Edward C. - Lord Northbrook's Indian Administration, 1872-1876.
55600: MOUND, Michael. - Arenaceous Foraminiferida and Zonation of the Silurian Rocks of Northern Indiana. Bulletin 38.
55530: MOUNT, Ellis. - Creative Planning of Special Library Facilities.
70093: MOUROT, Jean. - Le Genie d'un Style: Chateaubriand, Rythme et Sonorite dans les Memoires d'Outre-Tombe.
53978: MOUTON, M.W. - The Continental Shelf.
70691: MOYAL, Ann Mozley (ed.). - Scientists in Nineteenth Century Australia: A Documentary History.
65238: MOYAL, Ann Mozley (ed.). - Scientists in Nineteenth Century Australia: A Documentary History.
61790: MOYAL, M.F. ed. - Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Dietetics. Volume 1: Dietetics in the 90s - Role of the Dietician / Nutritionist [ La Dietetique dans les Annees 90 - Quelle place pur le dieteticien nutritionniste]. Volume 2: Diet and Life Style - New Technology [ Alimentation et Societies - Nouvelles Technologies].
75637: MOYLE, Peter B., MANFREE, Amber D. & FIEDLER, Peggy L. eds. - Suisun Marsh: Ecological History and Possible Futures.
54560: MOYNAHAN, Brian. - The Claws of the Bear: A History of the Soviet Armed Forces from 1917 to the Present.
76325: MOYSAN, Alain. - La Restauration des Pianos Anciens. des origines à 1850.
73442: MOZART. FORMAN, Denis. - Mozart's Concerto Form: The First Movements of the Piano Concertos.
73339: MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. - Cosi Fan Tutte. The School for Lovers. K. 588.
72492: MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. - String Quartet in D Major. K. 499.
66682: MOZART, Wolfgang. ROHM, Wilhelm ed. - Six Austrian Country Dances for Two Violins and Double-Bass (Violoncello). Sechs Landlerische Tanze fur Zewi Violinen und Bass (Violoncello). K.V. 606.
66683: MOZART, Wolfgang. ROHM, Wilhelm ed. - Seven Minuets with Trios for Two Violins and Double Bass. Sieben Menuette Mit Trio fur Zewi Violinen und Bass (Violoncello). K.V. 65a
66684: MOZART, Wolfgang. ROHM, Wilhelm ed. - Duet for Violin and Viola. Duo fur Violine und Viola K.V. 424.
66680: MOZART, Wolfgang. - String Quartet in E flat Major. K. 428.
66681: MOZART, Wolfgang. - String Quartet in A Major. K. 464.
68060: MOZINGO, David. - Chinese Policy toward Indonesia, 1949-1967.
58924: MOZZOCHI, Charles J. - On the Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series.
73951: MUASHER, Marwan. - The Second Arab Awakening: And the battle for Pluralism.
67022: MUCHNIC, Helen. - Dostoevsky's English Reputation (1881-1936).
71225: MUDD, Stuart ed. - Conflict Resolution and World Education.
75361: VON MUELLER, Baron Ferd. - Select Extra-Tropical Plants Readily Eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation, with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Uses.
58079: MUELLER, Kenneth A. - Teaching Total Percussion.
75580: MUIR, B.G. LOVELL, A.F. ed. - Biological Survey of the Western Australian Wheatbelt. Part 2: Vegetation and Habitat of Bendering Reserve.
74277: MUIR, Peter. - Blue Peaks and Red Ridges: The 1965-66 Campfire Field Notes of Desert Exploration in Western Australia.
75797: MUIR, Edward. - Ritual in Early Modern Europe.
62382: MUJEEB-KAZI, A. & SITCH, L.A. eds. - Review of Advances in Plant Biotechnology, 1985-88. Second International Symposium on Genetic Manipulation in Crops.
61643: MUKHERJEA, A.R. - Parliamentary Procedure in India.
64228: MUKHERJEE, Satyanshu K. - Crime Trends in Twentieth-Century Australia.
68065: MUKHOPADHYAY, Swapna & LIM, Chee Peng eds. - The Rural Non-Farm Sector in Asia.
70344: DAS, Mukunda .P. eds. - Physics of Novel Materials: Proceedings of the Tenth Physics Summer School.
76307: MULDER, Niels. - Inside Indonesian Society: Cultural Change in Java.
74015: MULLAN, David George ed. - Religious Controversy in Scotland, 1625 - 1639.
70230: MULLER, Edward N. - Aggressive Political Participation.
69928: MULLER, Hj., & WEBER, W. eds. - Familial Cancer.
69858: MULLER, Hj., SCOTT, R.J. & WEBER, W. eds. - Hereditary Cancer: Second International Research Conference on Familial Cancer, Basel, September 11-15, 1995.
74822: MULLIN, Michael (Editor). - American Negro Slavery: A Documentary History.
51872: MULLIN, Arthur. - Spy. America's First Double Agent, Dr. Edward Bancroft.
74036: MULLINER, Mary Rees. - Mechano-Therapy: A Text-book for Students.
53104: MULLINS, Edwin. - The Lands of the Sea.
60050: MULVANEY, John & STEELE, Colin eds. - Changes in Scholarly Communication Patterns: Australia and the Electronic Library.
55520: MUMFORD, Alan ed. - Handbook of Management Development.
62985: MUNDEL, Marvin E. - Measuring and Enhancing the Productivity of Service and Government Organizations.
66045: MUNDLAK, Yair & SINGER, S. Fred eds. - Arid Zone Development: Potentialities and Problems. The Proceedings of a Symposium Cosponsored by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, October, 1975.
74301: MUNEMITSU. HISAHIKO, Okazaki. MAKITO, Noda trans. - Mutsu Munemitsu and His Time.
62618: MUNN, R.E. ed. - Environmental Impact Assessment. Scope 5: Principles and Procedures.
73623: MUNRO, R.D. - Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: Legal Principles and Recommendations.
69678: MUNRO, John M. - The Decadent Poetry of the Eighteen-Nineties.
67146: MUNRO. BEAGLEHOLE, T.H. - Thomas Munro And the Development of Administraive Policy in Madras: 1792-1818. The Origins of 'The Munroe System'.
76347: MUNRO, Craig & SHEHAN-BRIGHT, Robyn eds. - Paper Empires: A History of the Book in Australia, 1846-2005.
48775: MUNRO, H.N. ed. - The Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Protein Metabolism. A Symposium Organized by The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences Established Under the Joint Auspices of UNESCo & WHO.
59970: MUNSHI, Dr. K.M. ed. - British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance. Part I.
51862: MUNSON, Kenneth. - Fighters and Bombers of World War II. 1939 - 1945.
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