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63721: KRONENWETTER, Michael. - Capitalism vs. Socialism: Economic Policies Of The USA And The USSR.
64600: DE KROON, Marijn & LIENHARD, Marc eds. - Horizons Europeens de la Reforme en Alsace. Das Elsass und die Reformation im Europa des XVI. Jahrhunderts.
56431: KROTKI, Karol ed. - Developments in Dual System Estimation of Populations Size and Growth.
67927: KRUEGER, Anne O., SCHIFF, Maurice & VALDES, Alberto eds. - The Political Economy of Agricultural Pricing Policy. Volume 1: Latin America.
63850: KRUEGER, Anne O. - Economic Policies at Cross-Purposes: The United States and Developing Countries.
52889: KRUGER, James E. & LABERGE, Donald E. ed. - Third International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals.
70633: KRUGMAN, Paul ed. - Strategic Trade Policy and the New International Economics.
57226: KRUGMAN, Paul. - Peddling Prosperity: Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Diminished Expectations.
52854: KRUIJER, Gerald J. POMERANS, Arnold trans. - Development Through Liberation. Third World Problems and Solutions.
63914: KRULAK, Victor H. - Organization for National Security: A Study.
67120: KRUSE, Gordon, EGGERS, Douglas M., MARASCO, Richard J., PAUTZKE, Clarence & QUINN, Terrance J. eds. - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management Strategies for Exploited Fish Populations: Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium.
60667: KUBALKOVA, V. & CRUICKSHANK, A.A. - Marxism-Leninism and Theory of International Relations.
73503: KUBICEK, C.P., EVELEIGH, D.E., ESTERBAUER, H., STEINER, W. and KUBICEK-PRANZ, E.M. eds. - Trichoderma Reesei Cellulases: Biochemistry, Genetics, Physiology and Application.
74516: KUBITZKI, K. ed. - The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Volume IV. Flowering Plants, Monocotyledons - Alismatanae and Commelinanae (except Gramineae).
56297: KUBOTA, Akira. - Higher Civil Servants in Postwar Japan: Their Social Origins, Educational Backgrounds, and Career Patterns.
55351: KUCHHAL, S.C. - The Industrial Economy of India.
65778: KUCZYNSKI, Jurgen. - A Short History of Labour Conditions Under Industrial Capitalism, Volume 2: The United States of America, 1789-1946.
76012: KUGLER, Georg and BIHL, Wolfdieter. - Die Lipizzaner der Spanischen Hofreitschule.
59104: KUH, Richard H. - Foolish Figleaves? Pornography In-and Out Of-Court.
62182: KUHLMAN, James A. ed. - The Foreign Policies Of Eastern Europe: Domestic And International Determinants.
70147: KUHLMANN, Wolf D. - Immuno Enzyme Techniques in Cytochemistry.
72664: KUHN, Annette & WOLPE, AnnMarie eds. - Feminism and Materialism: Women and Modes of Production.
66333: KUHN, James W. & SHRIVER, Donald W. Jr. - Beyond Success: Corporations and Their Critics in the 1990s.
60459: KUHN, H.W. & TUCKER, A.W. eds. - Contributions to the Theory Games. Volumes I, II, III and IV.
48877: KUHN, Anna K. & WRIGHT, Barabara D. ed. - Playing for Stakes. German-Language Drama in Social Context: Essays in Honor of Herbert Lederer.
46913: KUHN, Arthur J. - GM Passes Ford, 1918 - 1938. Designing the General Motors Performance-Control System.
68232: KUHNHARDT, Ludger. - Die Universalitat der Menschen-rechte: Studie zur Ideengeschichtlichen Bestimmung eines Politischen Schlusselbegriffes.
75527: KUHNHARDT, Ludger. - The Global Society and Its Enemies: Liberal Order Beyond the Third World War.
70825: KUIK, Onno & VERBRUGGEN, Harmen eds. - In Search of Indicators of Sustainable Development.
54834: KUKLINSKI, Antoni ed. - Baltic Europe in the Perspective of Global Change. In Memoriam of Jean Christophe Oberg.
75732: KULKARNI, V.G. - Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Control of Stochastic Systems.
69528: KUMAR, Ajit ed. - Eukaryotic Gene Expression.
67922: KUMAR, Bal K.C. ed. - Population Dynamics in Nepal and Related Issues of Sustainable Development. Volume 2.
67246: KUMAR, Krishna ed. - Women and Civil War: Impact, Organizations, and Action.
62698: KUMAR, Ravinder. - Western India in the Nineteenth Century.
52862: KUMAR, Krishna ed. - Bonds Without Bondage. Explorations in Transcultural Interactions.
52218: KUMAR, Ravinder. - Western India in the Nineteenth Century.
74164: DE KUN, H. - Mineral Economics of Africa.
66062: KUNCZIK, Michael. - Communication and Social Change: A Summary of Theories, Policies and Experiences for Media Practitioners in the Third World.
61380: KUNREUTHER, Howard C. & LEY, Eryl V. - The Risk Analysis Controversy: An Institutional Perspective. Proceedings of a Summer Study on Decision Processes and Institutional Aspects of Risk held at IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, 22-26 June, 1981.
60817: KUNREUTHER, Howard. - Disaster Insurance Protection: Public Policy Lessons.
63027: KUNTSEVICH, I.M., OLEKHNOVICH, & SHELEG, A.U. - Tables of Trigonometric Functions for the Numerical Computation of Electron Density in Crystals.
70765: KUO-CHUN, Chao. - Agrarian Policy of the Chinese Communist Party, 1921-1959.
69405: KUO, Jan-Tai & LIN, Gwo-Fong eds. - Stochastic Hydraulics '92.
69023: KUO, Leslie T.C. - Technical Transformation of Agriculture in Communist China.
66379: KUPCHAN, Charles A. - The Persian Gulf and the West: The Dilemmas of Security.
56695: KUPER, Leo & SMITH, M.G. eds. - Pluralism in Africa.
70692: KUPPERMAN, Robert & TRENT, Darrell. - Terrorism: Threat, Reality, Response.
56779: KUPPERMAN, Joel J. - Ethical Knowledge.
65870: KURATA, Washio. - Racial Segregation in New York City. Part 2.
63733: KURATH, Hans. - Studies in Area Linguistics.
55909: KURIAN, George Thomas ed. - World Press Encyclopedia.
58607: KURIBAYASHI, Tadao - The Basic Structure of Australian Air Law.
63265: KURIHARA, Kenneth K. - Essays in Macrodynamic Economics.
61290: KURIHARA, Kenneth K. - National Income and Economic Growth.
74585: KURKI, Allan W. - Operation Moonlight Sonata: The German Raid on Coventry.
59967: KURLAND, Philip B. - Mr Justice Frankfurter and the Constitution.
60901: KURODA, Yasumasa. - Reed Town, Japan : A Study in Community Power Structure and Political Change.
55645: KURODA, Kani'ichi. - Gorbachev's Nightmare. [ Japanese Title: Gorubachofu no Hatsuyume; Gorubachofu no Akumu ].
59502: KURSANOV, G. - Problemas Fundamentales del Materialismo Dialectico.
73500: KURY, Helmut & SHEA, Evelyn eds. - Punitivity International Developments. Volume 3: Punitiveness and Punishment.
73499: KURY, Helmut & SHEA, Evelyn eds. - Punitivity International Developments. Volume 1: Punitiveness - a global Phenomenon?
74033: KURZ, Anat. ed. - Contemporary Trends in World Terrorism.
48181: KUSTOW, Michael. - One in Four. A Year in the Life of a Channel Four Commissioning Editor.
66822: KUZNETS, Simon. - Postwar Economic Growth: Four Lectures.
42505: KUZNETS, Simon. - Capital in the American Economy. Its Formation and Financing.
68683: KVAMME, E. & PIHL, A. eds. - Regulation of Enzyme Activity and Allosteric Interactions.
64962: KWAK, Tae-Hwan. - In Search of Peace and Unification On the Korean Peninsula.
48892: KWASNIEWSKI, Jerzy. WATSON, Margaret trans. - Society and Deviance in Communist Poland. Attitudes Towards Social Control.
74327: KWEE, Lim Tong & CHONG, Lhoo Khay. - Guava in Malaysia: Production, Pests and Diseases.
72439: KYD, Thomas. CAIRNCROSS, Andrew S. ed. - The First Part of Hieronimo and The Spanish Tragedy.
54647: KYLE, Duncan. - Green River High.
63228: KYNSATON, David. - LIFFE: A Market and its Makers.
53994: KYOGOKU, Jun-ichi. IKE, Nobutka trans. - The Political Dynamics of Japan.
56419: LAADE, Wolfgang. - Neue Musik in Afrika, Asien und Ozeanien, Diskographie und historisch-stilistischer Uberblick.
69702: LABANA, Santokh S. ed. - Ultraviolet Light Induced Reactions in Polymers.
54288: LABRIE, Roger P. - SALT Hand Book: Key Documents and Issues, 1972 - 1979.
72152: LACEY, Richard W. - Hard to Swallow: A Brief History of Food.
66933: DE LACEY, Philip, and MOENS, Gabriel. - The Decline of the University.
57384: DE LACEY, Philip R. & POOLE, Millicent E. eds. - Mosaic or Melting Pot: Cultural Evolution in Australia.
75767: LACEY, Kate. - Listening Publics: The Politics and Experience of Listening in the Media Age.
64203: LACH, Donald F. & WEHRLE, Edmund S. - International Politics in East Asia Since World War II.
68476: LACHICA, Eduardo. - The Huks: Philippine Agrarian Society in Revolt.
54273: LADD, H.S. ed. - Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology. Volume 2: Paleoecology.
71433: LADER, Lawrence. - A Private Matter: Ru 486 and the Abortion Crisis.
69287: LADERMAN, Carol. - Wives and Midwives: Childbirth and Nutrition in Rural Malaysia.
74461: LADI, Stella. - Globalisation, Policy Transfer and Policy Research Institutes.
56202: LADNER, Benjamin ed. - The Humanities in Precollegiate Education: The Eighty-Third Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Part II.
55556: LAFOLLETTE, Marcel C. & STINE, Jeffrey K. ed. - Technology and Choice: Readings from Technology and Culture.
60617: LAHEY, Benjamin B. ed. - The Modification of Language Behaviour.
67995: LAHLOU, B. ed. - Epithelial Transport in the Lower Vertebrates
74317: LAHR, Marta Mirazon. - The Evolution of Modern Human Diversity: A Study of Cranial Variation.
55712: LAHUE, Kalton C. - World of Laughter: The Motion Picture Comedy Short, 1910-1930.
63723: LAI, Wei & SAIBEL, Edward. - Elements of Mechanics of Elastic Solids.
51550: EN-LAI, Chou. - Premier Chou En-Lai's Letter to the Leaders of Asian and African Countries on the Sino-Indian Boundary Question. (November 15, 1962).
51882: LAIDI, Zaki ed. - Power and Purpose after the Cold War.
63203: LAIDLER, D. & PURDY, D.L. ed. - Inflation and Labour Markets.
55708: LAIDLER, David. - Taking Money Seriously.
55284: LAIDLER, D. & PURDY, D.L. ed. - Inflation and Labour Markets.
72208: LAING. BURSTON, Daniel. - The Wing of Madness: The Life and Work of R.D. Laing.
53266: LAIRD, Robbin F. ed. - West European Arms Control Policy.
74163: LAKE, P.S. & SOKOL, A. - Ecology of the Yabby Cherax Destructor Clark (Crustacea: Decapoda: Parastacidae) and Its Potential as a Sentinel Animal for Mercury and Lead Pollution.
75346: LAKE, Amelia A., TOWNSHEND, Tim G, and ALVANIDES, Seraphim eds. - Obesogenic Environments: Complexities, Perceptions and Objective Measures.
56468: LAKIN, Martin. - Ethical Issues in the Psychotherapies.
73172: LAL, Kanwar. - The Cult of Desire: An Interpretation of Erotic Sculpture of India.
70854: LAL, Brij V. - A Vision for Change: AD Patel and the Politics of Fiji.
76181: LAL, Chaman. - Secrets of Japan: Through Indian Eyes.
71191: LAM, Willy Wo-Lap. - China after Deng Xiaoping: The Power Struggle in Beijing Since Tiananmen.
68205: LAM, Dominic Man-Kit & GILBERT, Charles D. eds. - Neural Mechanisms of Visual Perception: Proceedings of the Second Retina Research Foundation Symposium, Volume Two, 14 & 15 April 1989, The Woodlands, Texas.
76126: LAMB, A.F.A. ed. - Fast Growing Timber Trees of the Lowland Tropics, No. 2: Cedrela Odorata.
68579: LAMB, Alastair. - The Sino-Indian Border in Ladakh.
67535: LAMB, Curt. - Political Power in Poor Neighborhoods.
65890: LAMB, Malcolm Leslie. - The Structure and Leading Personnel of the Chinese State Council Since the Cultural Revolution, 1968-1973.
69579: LAMBERT, J.D. - Computational Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations.
60791: LAMBERT, Michel with SORIANO, Jose M. - Vegetable Cultivation in the South Pacific.
52433: LAMBERT, John R. - Crime, Police, and Race Relations. A Study in Birmingham.
52102: LAMBERT, Mark. - Malory: Style and Vision in Le Morte Darthur.
75529: LAMBERT, Patricia Dewey & WILLIAMS, Robyn. - Performing Arts Center Management.
58986: LAMBERTON, D.M. - The Theory of Profit.
69533: LAMERS, Henny J.G.L.M. & CASSINELLI, Joseph. - Introduction to Stellar Winds.
73594: LAMOINE, Georges ed. - Charges to the Grand Jury, 1689-1803. Camden Fourth Series. Volume 43.
61433: LAMOINE, Georges ed. - Charges to the Grand Jury, 1689-1803. Camden Fourth Series. Volume 43.
74869: LAMONT, Michele & THEVENOT, Laurent eds. - Rethinking Comparative Cultural Sociology: Repertoires of Evaluation in France and the United States.
75114: LAMONT. MURCHISON, Thomas M. ed. - Prose Writings of Donald Lamont, 1874-1958.
52206: LAMPORT, F.J. - German Classical Drama.
66852: LAMPTON, David M. - The Politics of Medicine in China: The Policy Process, 1949 - 1977.
56100: LAMPTON, David M. & KEYSER, Catherine H. ed. - China's Global Presence: Economics, Politics, and Security.
56034: LAMPTON, David M. & KEYSER, Catherine H. ed. - China's Global Presence: Economics, Politics, and Security.
76324: LANCASTER, Geoffrey. - Culliford, Rolfe and Barrow: A Tale of Ten Pianos.
57625: LAND, Stephen K. - From Signs to Propositions: The Concept of Form in Eighteenth-Century Semantic Theory.
48868: LANDAIS-STAMP, Paul & ROGERS, Paul. - Rocking the Boat. New Zealand, the United States and the Nuclear-free Zone Controversy in the 1980s.
61132: LANDERS, Daniel M. ed. - Social Problems in Athletics: Essays in the Sociology of Sport.
61131: LANDERS, Daniel M. ed. - Social Problems in Athletics: Essays in the Sociology of Sport.
60735: LANDERS, Daniel M. ed. - The 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress Proceedings. Volume 3: Sport and Elite Performers.
58085: LANDERS, Daniel M. ed. - Social Problems in Athletics: Essays in the Sociology of Sport.
57051: LANDERS, Daniel M. ed. - Social Problems in Athletics: Essays in the Sociology of Sport.
75940: LANDROVER. - Owner's Instruction Manual Land-Rover Series II 88 and 109 Petrol Models.
70869: LANE, Christel. - Management and Labour in Europe: The Industrial Enterprise in Germany, Britain, and France
64429: LANE, David & KOLANKIEWICZ, George eds. - Social Groups in Polish Society.
57337: LANE, Jan-Erik & ERSSON, Svante O. - Politics and Society in Western Europe.
54918: LANG, Kurt. - Military Institutions and the Sociology of War: A Review of the Literature with Annotated Bibliography.
51956: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51954: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51953: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51951: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51946: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51950: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51944: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51945: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51943: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51942: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51941: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51940: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51939: LANG, Paul Henry ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
75001: LANGAN, Thomas. - Tradition and Authenticity in the Search for Ecumenic Wisdom.
58219: LANGDON, Glen G. Jr. - Computer Design.
62757: LANGER, S.Z., BRUNELLO, N., RACAGNI, G. & MENDLEWICZ, J. eds. - Critical Issues in the Treatment of Affective Disorders. International Academy for Biomedical and Drug Research Vol. 9.
61588: LANGER, Susanne K. - Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling. Volume I.
54301: LANGER, Paul F. & ZASLOFF, Joseph J. - North Vietnam and the Pathet Lao: Partners in the Struggle for Laos.
52093: LANGER, Paul F. - Communism in Japan. A Case of Political Naturalization.
59363: DE LANGLADE, Vincent. - Esoterisme, Mediums et Spirites du Pere-Lachaise.
64546: LANGLAND, RYAN, William M. - William Langland.
52207: LANGLAND, William. SKEAT, Rev. Walter W. ed. - The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, Together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet et Dobest, Secundum Mit et Resoun. In Four Parts - Part III: The Whitaker Text; or Text C.
48654: LANGLEY, Noel. - The Inconstant Moon.
70532: LANGLOIS, Arthur C. - Supplement to Palms of the World.
75084: LANGMORE, Diane. - Missionary Lives: Papua, 1874-1914.
63920: LANGMORE, John & PEETZ, David ed. - Wealth, Poverty and Survival: Australia in the World.
59539: LANGMORE, John & PEETZ, David ed. - Wealth, Poverty and Survival: Australia in the World.
54167: LANGMORE, John & PEETZ, David ed. - Wealth, Poverty and Survival: Australia in the World.
48057: LANGSTAFF, John Brett. - New Jersey Generations. Macculloch Hall, Morristown.
64033: LANGTON, Stuart ed. - Citizen Participation in America.
70659: LANGTRY, J.O. & BALL, Desmond eds. - The Northern Territory in the Defence of Australia: Strategic and Operational Considerations.
74811: LANIER, Jaron. - Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now.
75791: LANKESTER. ENGLISH, Mary P. - Victorian Values: the Life and Times of Dr Edwin Lankester, M.D., F.R.S.
63478: LANSBURY, Russell D. & DAVIS, Edward M. eds. - Technology, Work and Industrial Relations.
55852: LAPALOMBARA, Joseph. [ LA PALOMBARA]. - Democracy Italian Style.
72080: LAPHAM, Lewis H. - Hotel America: Scenes in the Lobby of the Fin-De-Siecle.
72649: LAPORTE, Marcel. - Les Phenomenes Elementaires de la Decharge Electrique dans les Gaz. Recueil des Conferences-Rapports de Documentation sur la Physique, Vol. 22.
72823: LARA, Maria Teresa. LOCO, Joe arr. - My Rival (Mi Rival). Cha-Cha-Cha-Mambo. Sheet Music.
69348: LARDY, Nicholas R. - Foreign Trade and Economic Reform in China: 1978-1990.
74407: LARKIN, David. - Working Wagons: A Pictorial Review of Freight Stock on the B.R. System. Volume 4 1985-1992.
58643: LARKIN, Bruce D. - China and Africa, 1949-1970: The Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China.
65157: LARSEN, Clark Spencer. - Bioarchaeology of the Late Prehistoric Guale: South End Mound I, St. Catherines Island, Georgia.
58845: LARSEN, Ronald. - The Multiplier Problem.
57831: LARSEN, Leonard, MANSON, Vincent, & PRINZ, Martin eds. - Igneous and Metamorphic Geology: A Volume in Honor of Arie Poldervaart.
57675: LARSEN, Egon. - A Flame in Barbed Wire: The Story of Amnesty International.
73825: LARSON, Ann & BRADLEY, Rhonda. - Aboriginal Maternal and Child Project Strengths and Needs Analysis.
69917: LARSON, Thomas G. ed. - Coyote Papers. Working Papers in Linguistics from A-Z. Studies on Arabic, Basque, English, Japanese, Navajo and Papago. Volume 3. 1982.
63405: LARSON, Joyce E. ed. - New Foundations for Asian and Pacific Security. Based on the Addresses, Papers, Reports, and Discussion Sessions of an International Conference Held at Pattaya, Thailand, December 12-16, 1979 .
69352: LARSSON, Gerhard. - Studies on Forest Road Planning.
61295: LARSSON, Robert Dustin. - Equalities and Approximations With Fortran Programming.
75409: LARUE, C. Steven ed. - International Dictionary of Opera. Volume 1: A-K. Volume 2: L-Z/Indexes.
61913: LARWOOD, Laurie & WOOD, Marion M. - Women in Management.
70405: LASAGNA, Louis. - Phenylpropanolamine: A Review.
56563: LASAGNA, Louis ed. - Patient Compliance.
73963: LASATER, Alice E. - Spain to England: A Comparative Study of Arabic, European, and English Literature of the Middle Ages.
62728: LASKY, Melvin J. - Utopia and Revolution: On the Origins of a Metaphor or Some Illustrations of Political Temperament and Intellectual Climate and How Ideas, Ideals and Ideologies Have Been Historically Related.
62472: LASLETT, Peter & RUNCIMAN, W.G. eds. - Philosophy, Politics and Society. Third Series.
62471: LASLETT, Peter & RUNCIMAN, W.G. eds. - Philosophy, Politics and Society. Second Series.
58791: LASLETT, Peter & RUNCIMAN, W.G. eds. - Philosophy, Politics and Society. Third Series.
58660: LASLETT, Peter & FISHKIN, James eds. - Philosophy, Politics and Society. Fifth Series.
63216: LASSERRE, Philippe & SCHUTTE, Hellmut. - Strategies for Asia Pacific.
69275: LASSONDE, Louise. GRAYSTON, Graham trans. - Coping with Population Challenges.
61194: LASSONDE, Louise. GRAYSTON, Graham trans. - Coping with Population Challenges.
52291: LAST, R.W. ed. - Affinities. Essays in German and English Literature - Dedicated to the memory of Oswald Wolff.
56104: LASTER, James. - A Discography of Treble Recordings.
62850: LASZLO, Ervin & WILBUR, James B. eds. - Human Values and Natural Science. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Value Inquiry, State University New York, College at Genesco.
63913: LATEY, William. - The Tide of Divorce.
72588: LATREILLE, Anne, LATREILLE, Peter & LOVELL, Peter. - New Uses for Old Buildings in Australia.
61473: LATREILLE, Anne, LATREILLE, Peter & LOVELL, Peter. - New Uses for Old Buildings in Australia.
70628: LATSIS, Spiro J. ed. - Method and Appraisal in Economics.
58819: LATTES, R. & LIONS, J.-L. - The Method of Quasi-Revesibility: Applications to Partial Differential Equations.
48054: LATTEY, Cuthbert. - Back to the Bible. Some Vital Issues.
75335: LATZ, Peter. - Bushfires and Bushtucker: Aboriginal Plant Use in Central Australia.
71211: LAUNITZ-SCHURER, Leopold S. Jr. - Loyal Whigs and Revolutionaries: The Making of the Revolution in New York, 1765-1776.
68933: LAURIE, Dennis. - From Battlefield to Boardroom: Winning Management Strategies for Today's Global Business.
71255: LAURIN, Nicole, JUTEAU, Danielle & DUCHESNE, Lorraine. - A La Recherche D'Un Monde Oublie: Les Communautes Religieuses de Femmes au Quebec de 1900 a 1970.
66994: LAUT, P., HEYLIGERS, P.C. et al. - Environments of South Australia. Province 5: Eastern Pastoral, and Province 6: Flinders Ranges.
66989: LAUT, P., FIRTH, D., and PAINE, T.A. - Provisional Environmental Regions of Australia: A Working Document Towards a Framework for Australian Environmental Statistics. Volume 2: Attributes of Local Government Areas.
61887: LAUT, P., HEYLIGERS, P.C. et al. - Environments of South Australia. Province 1: South East. Province 2: Murray Mallee. Province 3: Mt. Lofty Block. Province 4: Eyre and York Peninsulas. Province 5: Eastern Pastoral. Province 6: Flinders Ranges. Province 7: Western Pastoral.
62086: LAVE, Lester B. - Technological Change: Its Conception and Measurement.
66882: LAVENDER, Abraham D. - Ethnic Women and Feminist Values: Toward a "New" Value System.
75110: LAVENDER, Emreson & SHEFFE, Norman. - The Evaders: True Stories of Downed Canadian Airmen and Their Helpers in World War II.
42345: LAVIA, Lynn A. ed. - Cellular Signals Controlling Uterine Function.
67437: LAVIELLE, Gail - Carmen: The Seduction of the Century.
42384: LAWLIS, Merritt E. - The Novels of Thomas Deloney.
74043: LAWN, George, R. - Music in State Clothing: The Story of the Kettledrummers, Trumpeters and Band of the Life Guards.
75174: LAWRENCE, Christopher. - Hymns of the Forefathers.
74879: LAWRENCE. BALBERT, Peter & MARCUS, Phillip L. eds. - D.H. Lawrence: A Centenary Consideration.
65210: LAWRENCE. DRAPER, Ronald P. - D.H. Lawrence.
62473: LAWRENCE. SPILKA, Mark. - The Love Ethic of D.H. Lawrence.
61878: LAWRENCE. CLARKE, Colin ed. - D.H. Lawrence: The Rainbow and Women in Love. A Casebook.
61737: LAWRENCE, R.J. - The Government of Northern Ireland: Public Finance and Public Services, 1921-1964.
59685: LAWRENCE, Peter. - Road Belong Cargo: A Study Of The Cargo Movement In The Southern Madang District New Guinea.
59227: LAWRENCE. DRAPER, Ronald P. - D.H. Lawrence: The Critical Heritage.
59128: LAWRENCE. TEDLOCK, E.W. ed. - D.H. Lawrence and Sons and Lovers: Sources and Criticism.
58532: LAWRENCE, Geoffrey, ANCLAY, Frank & FURZE, Brian eds. - Agriculture, Environment and Society: Contemporary Issues for Australia.
58204: LAWRENCE, Dennis. - The Third Way: The Promise of Industrial Democracy.
54505: LAWRENCE. ROBERTS, Warren. - A Bibliography of D.H. Lawrence.
54286: LAWRENCE, A.W. - Fortified Trade-Posts: The English in West Africa, 1645 - 1822.
52958: LAWRENCE, Peter. - The Garia. An Ethnography of a Traditional Cosmic System in Papua New Guinea.
52374: LAWRENCE. DRAPER, Ronald P. - D.H. Lawrence.
73035: LAWSON, Thomas A. - Justice on the Edge: Crime and Punishment in Western Australia.
63250: LAWSON, Michael J. & LINKE, Russell eds. - Inquiry and Action in Education: Papers Presented at the 1981 AARE Annual Conference.
57146: LAWSON, Annette R.L. - The Recognition of Mental Illness in London: A Study of the Social Processes Determining Compulsory Admission to an Observation Unit in a London Hospital.
51623: LAWSON, L.E. - Offset Lithography.
48086: LAWSON, Bill. - Bush Verses.
56138: LAWTON, Denis. - The Politics of the School Curriculum.
51889: LAWTON, Richard. - A World of Movies. 70 Years of Film History.
58821: LAX, Peter, BURSTEIN, Samuel & LAX, Anneli. - Calculas with Applications and Computing: Volume I.
75727: LAXON, W.A. & PERRY, F.W. - B.I.: The British India Steam Navigation Company Limited.
56740: LAZARE, Bernard. - Juifs & Antisemites.
56229: LAZARE, Lucien. - La Resistance Juive en France.
63334: LAZERE, Donald ed. - American Media and Mass Culture: Left Perspectives.
73009: LEACH, Edmund & MUKHERJEE, S.N. eds. - Elites in South Asia.
64110: LEACH, E.R. ed. - Dialectic in Practical Religion.
54277: LEACH, Richard H. - Perceptions of Federalism by Canadian and Australian Public Servants: A Comparative Analysis.
51400: LEACH, Edmund ed. - The Structural Study of Myth and Totemism.
64535: LEAF, Murray J. - Information and Behavior in a Sikh Village: Social Organization Reconsidered.
51591: LEAF, Paul. - Comrades.
57475: BRITISH DRAMA LEAGUE. - First Supplement to The Player's Library: The Catalogue of the Library of the British Drama League.
59538: O'LEARY, Greg. - The Shaping of Chinese Foreign Policy.
54547: O'LEARY, Greg. - The Shaping of Chinese Foreign Policy.
67149: LEATHARD, Audrey. - Health Care Provision: Past, Present and into the 21st Century.
70934: LEAVER, Richard & RICHARDSON, James L. eds. - The Post-Cold War Order: Diagnoses And Prognoses.
64726: LEAVER, C.J. ed. - Genome Organization and Expression in Plants.
62877: LEBLANC, Hugues. - Techniques of Deductive Inference.
55746: LEBLANC, Lauraine. - Pretty in Punk: Girls' Gender Resistance in a Boys' Subculture.
74158: LEBRA, Joyce C. - Okuma Shigenobu : Statesman of Meiji Japan.
74046: LEBRA, Joyce C. - Okuma Shigenobu : Statesman of Meiji Japan.
76167: LECORNU, M. Leon. - Memorial des Sciences Mathematiques. Fascicule XXXV. Theorie mathematique de l'esticite.
72286: LEDBETTER, James. - Made Possible By... The Death of Public Broadcasting in The United States.
61111: LEDOUX, Lucien ed. - Genetic Manipulations with Plant Material.
73217: LEE, Kenneth & MILLS, Anne eds. - The Economics of Health in Developing Countries.
71659: LEE, Sul H. - Emerging Patterns of Collection Development in Expanding Resource Sharing, Electronic Information and Network Environment.
70709: LEE, Sang-Oak & PARK, Duk-Soo eds. - Perspectives on Korea.
69908: LEE. WHYTE, Douglas H.K. - A Global Scientist: Douglas H.K. Lee.
69594: LEE. WHYTE, Douglas H.K. - A Global Scientist: Douglas H.K. Lee.
69571: LEE. WHYTE, Douglas H.K. - A Global Scientist: Douglas H.K. Lee.
69170: LEE. BUSH, Gregory W. - Lord of Attention: Gerald Stanley Lee and the Crowd Metaphor in Industrializing America.
68429: LEE, Paul. - Finance and Financial Policy in Defence Contingencies.
68086: LEE, Gloria L. - Who Gets to the Top? A Sociological Study of Business Executives.
67838: LEE, Kenneth & MILLS, Anne eds. - The Economics of Health in Developing Countries.
67577: LEE, William. MANN, Mary Lee ed. - A Yankee Jeffersonian: Selections from the Diary and Letters of William Lee of Massachusetts, Written from 1796 to 1840.
67259: LEE, James R. - Exploring the Gaps: Vital Links Between Trade, Environment and Culture.
66177: LEE, Anthony K. - The Action Plan for Australian Rodents.
63645: LEE, Charles ed. BOPP, Karl R., STANTON, Frank, MCGRATH, Earl J., KATZ, Milton & TAYLOR, George W. - The State of the Nation: Retrospect and Prospect.
63292: LEE, S.Y. & JAO, Y.C. - Financial Structures and Monetary Policies in Southeast Asia.
63163: LEE, Ngok. - China's Defence Modernisation and Military Leadership.
62292: LEE, Richard Borshay. - The !Kung San: Men, Women, and Work in a Foraging Society.
62022: LEE, W.R. ed. - European Demography and Economic Growth.
60527: LEE, Sung-nyong ed. - Korean Studies Today: Development and State of the Field.
58226: LEE, Sang M. & SCHWENDIMAN, Gary eds. - Japanese Management: Cultural and Environmental Considerations.
57267: LEE, Soo Ann. - Economic Growth and the Public Sector in Malaya and Singapore: 1948-1960.
56543: LEE, J.M. & WOOD, Bruce, SOLOMON, Barbara W. & WALTERS, Peter. - The Scope of Local Initiative: A Study of Cheshire County Council, 1961-1974.
56123: LEE, Gun Young & KIM, Yong Woong ed. - Globalization and Regional Development in Southeast Asia and Pacific Rim.
55548: LEE, Robert. - The Social Sources of Church Unity: An Interpretation of Unitive Movements in American Protestantism.
52347: LEE. ARMISTEAD, J.M. - Nathaniel Lee.
48611: LEE, Albert. - England's Sea Story. A Popular Record of the Doings of the English Navy From the Earliest Days.
75749: LEE, Steven P. - Morality, Prudence, and Nuclear Weapons.
48190: LEECH, Geoffrey N. - A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry.
52818: LEELA, Dr. S.V. - Indian Music Series. Books I-III.
68099: DE LEENHEER, Andre P. - Quantitative Mass Spectrometry in Life Sciences.
63488: LEES, John D. - The Committee System of the United States Congress.
57998: LEFANU. BEGNAL, Michael H. - Joseph Sheridan LeFanu.
62854: LEFEVER, Ernest W. & HUNT, E. Stephen eds. - The Apocalyptic Premise: Nuclear Arms Debated. Thirty-one Essays by Statesmen, Scholars, Religious Leaders, and Journalists.
59059: LEFEVER, Ernest W. - Spear and Scepter: Army, Police, and Politics in Tropical Africa.
60154: LEFF, Nathaniel H. - The Brazilian Capital Goods Industry, 1929-1964.
66252: LEFLEY, Harriet P. & JOHNSON, Dale L. eds. - Families as Allies in Treatment of the Mentally Ill: New Directions for Mental Health Professionals.
66339: LEFLON, Jean. FLANAGAN, Francis D. - Eugene de Mazenod. Bishop of Marseilles, Founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1782 - 1861. Volume I: The Steps of a Vocation, 1782 - 1814. Volume II: Missions of Provence, Restoration of the Diocese of Marseilles, 1814 - 1837.
49060: LEFLON, Jean. FLANAGAN, Francis D. - Eugene de Mazenod. Bishop of Marseilles, Founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1782 - 1861. Volume I: The Steps of a Vocation, 1782 - 1814. Volume II: Missions of Provence, Restoration of the Diocese of Marseilles, 1814 - 1837. Volume III: Pastoral and Missionary Work, Adaptation and Extension, 1838 - 1861, Part One. Volume IV: Pastoral and Missionary Work, Adaptation and Extension, 1838 - 1861, Part Two.
75592: LEFROY, Ted, CURTIS, Allan, JAKEMAN, Anthony & MCKEE, James eds. - Landscape Logic: Integrating Science for Landscape Management.
76329: LEFROY, E.C., HOBBS, R.J., OÇONNOR, M.H., nd PATE, J.S. eds. - Agriculture as a Mimic of Natural Ecosystems.
60465: LEFSCHETZ, S. ed. - Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations. Volume II.
60466: LEFSCHETZ, S. ed. - Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations. Volume III.
75169: LEGAULT, Albert & LINDSEY, George. - Dynamik des nuklearen Gleichgewichts.
63807: LEGG, N.J. ed. - Neurotransmitter Systems and their Clinical Disorders.
72610: LEGOY, Marie-Dominique & THOMAS, Daniel. - Enzyme Engineering XII. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 750.
68932: LEHMAN,Edward W. - Political Society: A Macrosociology of Politics.
60071: LEHMAN, F.K., DOWNS, Richard, & YONEYAMA, Toshinao. STEWARD, Julian H. ed. - Contemporary Change in Traditional Societies. Volume II: Asian Rural Societies.
72732: LEHMANN, Jean-Pierre. - The Image of Japan: From Feudal Isolation to World Power 1850-1905.
53971: LEHRER. BOGDAN, Radu J. ed. - Keith Lehrer.
58906: LEHTO, Olli, LOUHIVAARA, I.S. & NEVANLINNA, Rolf eds. - Topics in Analysis. Colloquium on Mathematical Analysis, Jyvaskyla 1970.
60191: LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm. - Leibniz: Logical Papers. A Selection.
66442: LEIDER, Frida. OSBORNE, Charles trans. - Playing My Part.
59420: LEIDERMAN, P. Herbert, TULKIN, Steven R. & ROSENFELD, Anne eds. - Culture and Infancy: Variations in the Human Experience.
74798: LEIGH, Andrew. - Effective Change: Twenty Ways to Make it Happen.
55716: LEITCH, Vincent B. - Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction.
65610: LEITES, K. - Recent Economic Developments in Russia.
42501: LEITH, C.K. & HARDER, E.C. - United States Geological Survey No. 338. The Iron Ores of the Iron Springs District: Southern Utah.
70517: LEJEUNE, Yves. - Le Statut International des Collectivités Fédérées a la Lumière de l'Expérience Suisse.
65921: LEJEUNE, Robert (ed.). - Class and Conflict in American Society.
54413: LEMAITRE, Solange. MARKMANN, Charles Lam trans. - Ramakrishna and the Vitality of Hinduism.
53198: LEMAN, Christopher. - The Collapse of Welfare Reform: Political Institutions, Policy, and the Poor in Canada and the United States.
69914: LENCZOWSKI, George ed. - Political Elites in the Middle East.
69065: LENCZOWSKI, George ed. - Political Elites in the Middle East.
61305: LENDT, David L. - Demise of the Democracy: The Copperhead Press in Iowa, 1856-1870.
52640: LENERO-OTERO, Luis ed. - Beyond the Nuclear Family Model. Cross-Cultural Perspectives.
58782: LENG, Lee Yong. - Population and Settlement in Sarawak.
70889: LENIN, V.I. & STALIN, J.V. - Selections From V.I. Lenin and J.V. Stalin on National Colonial Question.
65098: LENIN, V.I. - Speeches at Party Congresses (1918-1922).
59896: LENK, John D. - Complete Guide to Modern VCR Troubleshooting and Repair.
62660: LENSKI, R.C.H. - The Epistle Selections of the Ancient Church: An Exegetical-Homiletical Teatment.
54156: LENT, John A. ed. - The Asian Newspapers' Reluctant Revolution.
73777: LENTA, Margaret and LE CORDEUR, Basil eds. - The Cape Diares of Lady Anne Barnard 1799-1800: Vol. 1.
58970: LEON, R.P. St. - Kafka's The Metamorphosis: A Myth of Jewry.
72873: LEONARD, Eddie. SCHOEN, Vic arr. - Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider. Sheet Music.
68007: LEONARD, J.M. - Statistics: the Arithmetic of Decision-Making.
67786: LEONARD, Rosemary. - The Interpretation of English Sequences on the Computer.
48606: LEONARD, W. & O'BRIEN, Eris M. - Twenty Ninth International Eucharistic Congress.
57668: LEONARDI, Piero & BROGLIO, Alberto. - La Paleolithique de la Venetie.
69390: LEONE, Bruno ed. et al. - Soviet-American Debate. Volume 1: 1-100.
48787: LEONG, Tan Cheng & LIM, Terence T.S. - China. Business and Investment Opportunities.
76435: LEONG, Sam ed. - Musicianship in the 21st Century: Issues, Trends and Possibilities.
66219: LEQUERRE, Eric ed. - Bulletin de la Societe d'Etudes Oceaniennes (Polynesie Orientale) No. 248 Tome XXI-1 / Septembre 1989. Choix de Textes No. 1 - Mars 1917. No. 10 - Juillet 1925.
74587: LERDAHL, Fred. - Tonal Pitch Space.
70379: LERNER, Gerda. - The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy.
57487: LERNER, Laurence. - Love and Marriage: Literature and its Social Context.
56458: LERNER, Richard M. - Final Solutions: Biology, Prejudice, and Genocide.
52495: LERNER, Ralph. - The Thinking Revolutionary. Principle and Practice in the New Republic.
74500: LEROY, John. - Fabricated World: An Interpretation of Kewa Tales.
56558: LESLIE, Donald & DAVIDSON, Jeremy. - Catalogues of Chinese Local Gazetteers.
75816: LESLIE, David S. - Notes on Hutton Parish. To Mark Hutton CHurch Centenary, 1st July, 1934.
68745: LESSEM, Ronnie with PALSULE, Sudhanshu. - From Management Education to Civic Reconstruction: The Emerging Ecology of Organisations.
58700: LESSEM, Ronnie. - Developmental Management: Principles of Holistic Business.
56017: LESSING, Doris. - Canopus in Argos: Archives. The Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire.
51972: LESSING, Doris. - The Good Terrorist.
71422: LESSOF, M.H. ed. - Clinical Reactions to Food.
69232: LESTER, Robert C. - Thereava Buddhism in Southeast Asia.
68988: LETHBRIDGE, H.J. - Hard Graft in Hong Kong: Scandal, Corruption and the ICAC.
56773: LETWIN, William. - Law and Economic Policy in America: The Evolution of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
64343: LEUCHTENBURG, William E. - In the Shadow of FDR: From Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan.
62075: LEUNG, Benjamin K.P. ed. - Social Issues in Hong Kong.
62147: LEUTZ, Walter N., CAPITMAN, John A. et al. - Care for Frail Elders: Developing Community Solutions.
72068: LEVENSON, Joseph R. & SCHURMANN, Franz. - China: An Interpretive History from the Beginnings to the Fall of Han.
61852: LEVENSON, Joseph R. - Confucian China and Its Modern Fate. Volume Two: The Problem of Monarchical Decay.
64016: LEVENSTEIN, Harvey A. - Revolution At The Table: The Transformation of the American Diet.
64963: LEVEY, Marie Therese R.S.J. - The Music Of the Mass. A brief history of the music of the Mass from the time of Christ to the present day.
68199: LEVI-MONTALCINI, Rita ed. - Nerve Cells, Transmitters and Behavior.
75073: LEVIN, Michael D. ed. - Ethnicity and Aboriginality: Case Studies in Ethnonationalism.
70773: LEVIN, Harvey J. - Fact and Fancy in Television Regulation: An Economic Study of Policy Alternatives.
64733: LEVIN, Enid, SINCLAIR, Ian & GORBACH, Peter. - Families, Services and Confusion in Old Age.
56221: LEVIN, P.H. - Government and the Planning Process: An Analysis and Appraisal of Government Decision-Making Processes with Special Reference to the Launching of New Towns and Town Development Schemes.
71437: LEVINE, David P. - Economic Studies: Contributions to the Critique of Economic Theory.
70521: LEVINE, Andrew. - Rethinking Liberal Equality: From a "Utopian" Point of View.
63128: LEVINE, A.L. - Industrial Retardation in Britain: 1880-1914.
62104: LEVINE, Joseph M. - Dr. Woodward's Shield. History, Science, and Satire in Augustan England.
57187: LEVINE, Charles H. ed. - Managing Fiscal Stress: The Crisis in the Public Sector.
56274: LEVINE, Charles H. & RUBIN, Irene ed. - Fiscal Stress and Public Policy.
55586: LEVINE, Robert M. - The Vargas Regime: The Critical years, 1934-1938.
52853: LEVINE, Herbert M. & OWEN, Dolores B. - An American Guide to British Social Science Resources.
49112: LEVINE, George & MADDEN, William ed. - The Art of Victorian Prose.
46922: LEVINE, Joseph M. - Dr. Woodward's Shield. History, Science, and Satire in Augustan England.
73737: LEVINSON, A.A. ed. - Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, Houston Texas, January 5-8, 1970. . Three volume Set. Volume. 1: Mineralogy and Petrology. Vol. 2. Chemical and Isotope Analyses. Vol. 3. Physical Properties.
69002: LEVINSON, A.A. ed. - Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Conference. Three volume Set. Volume. 1: Mineralogy and Petrology. Vol. 2. Chemical and Isotope Analyses/ Organic Chemistry. Vol. 3. Physical Properties / Surveyor III. Supplement 2 Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta. Journal of the Geochemcial Society and The Meteoritical Society.
61491: LEVINSON, Norman. - Gap and Density Theorems.
74323: LEVISON, Michael, WARD, R. Gerard, & WEBB, John W. - The Settlement of Polynesia: A Computer Simulation.
63597: LEVITAN, Sar A. ed. - Blue-collar Workers. A Symposium On Middle America.
76372: LEVITT, Peggy. - Artifacts and Allegiances: How Museums Put the Nation and the World on Display.
56190: LEVITT, Ruth. - Implementing Public Policy.
67795: LEVITZKI, Alexander. - Quantitative Aspects of Allosteric Mechanisms.
70097: LEVY, Wayne, CUTTS, Graeme & STOCKBRIDGE, Sally eds. - The Second Australian History and Film Conference Papers 1984. Historical Film and Television: Research and Representation.
68337: LEVY, Marion J., Jr. - Modernization: Latecomers and Survivors.
62511: LEVY, Robert I. - Tahitians: Mind and Experience in the Society Islands.
58772: LEVY-MARCHAL, E. & CZERNICHOW, P. eds. - Epidemiology and Etiology of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes in the Young.
54880: LEVY, Leonard W. - Origins of the Fifth Amendemnt. The Right Against Self-Incrimination.
46962: LEWARNE, Charles Pierce. - Utopias On Puget Sound 1885 - 1915.
52361: LEWES. HIRSHBERG, Edgar W. - George Henry Lewes.
55195: LEWIN-EPSTEIN, Noah & SEMYONOV, Moshe. - Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water: Noncitizen Arabs in the Israeli Labor Market.
76342: LEWIN, Louis. - Phantastica: A Classic Study on the Use and Abuse of Mind-Altering Plants.
74684: LEWIS, Laura A. - Chocolate and Corn Flour: History, Race, and Place in the Making of "Black" Mexico.
68525: LEWIS, Ian. - The Student Experience of Higher Education.
67414: LEWIS, H. Spencer. - Rosicrucian Questions and Answers With Complete History of the Rosicrucian Order.
67271: LEWIS. MENUGE, Angus L.J. ed. - C. S. Lewis: Lightbearer in the Shadowlands. The Evangelistic Vision of C.S. Lewis.
63834: LEWIS, Vicky. - Development and Handicap.
61640: LEWIS, John Wilson ed. - Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China.
58983: LEWIS, D. & FINCHAM, J.R.S. Organizers. - From Mendel's Factors to the Genetic Code: A Symposium, jointly sponsored by the Royal Society and the Genetical Society of Great Britain, to celebrate the centenary of the reading in February and March 1865 of the papers on experiments in the plant hybridization by Gregory Mendel.
56591: LEWIS, John Wilson ed. - The City in Communist China.
54230: LEWIS, Stephen R. jr. - Pakistan: Industrialization and Trade Policies.
53988: LEWIS, I.M. ed. - Nationalism and Self Determination in the Horn of Africa.
52345: LEWIS. IRWIN, Joseph J. - M.G. "Monk" Lewis.
75983: LEWIS, Russell. - Master Eurocrat: The Making of Jacques Delors. Occasional Paper 13.
75112: LEWIS, Miles. - Don John of Balaclava.
51594: LEWIS. KILBY, Clyde S. - Images of Salvation in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis.
42454: LEWIS, Jane ed. - Women and Social Policies in Europe. Work, Family and the State.
76252: LEWIS, Miles. - An Industrial Seed-Bed. Volume 2 of the South Bank Architectural and Historical Study.
64599: LEYGUES. RAPHAEL-LEYGUES, Jacques. - Georges Leygues: Le Pere de la Marine (Ses carnets secrets de 1914-1920).
74962: TRIUMPH. BRITISH LEYLAND. - Triumph Spitfire 1500 (1975) Parts Catalogue.
47989: LEYLAND, Eric. - Wings Over the Outback.
64346: LEYS, Colin ed. - Politics and Change in Developing Countries: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Development.
73300: LI, Lin-ts'an editor in chief. - The National Palace Museum Quarterly. Volume XI, Number 3, Spring 1977.
71572: LI, C.K., WEST, D.J. & WOODHOUSE, T.P. - Children's Sexual Encounters With Adults: A Scientific Study.
62174: LI, Victor H. ed. - Law and Politics in China's Foreign Trade.
63248: LIAN, Pang Cheng. - Singapores' People's Action Party: Its History, Organization and Leadership.
69252: LIBBY, Ronald T. - Hawke's Law: The Politics of Mining and Aboriginal Land Rights.
63460: LIBEN, Lynn S. ed. - Deaf Children: Developmental Perspectives.
64377: LIBERMAN, Serge. GALLOU, Laura ed. - A Bibliography of Australian Judaica.
75725: LIBERMAN, Kenneth. - Understanding Interaction in Central Australia: An Ethnomethodological Study of Australian Aboriginal People.
42300: SELECT COMMITTEE on PUBLIC LIBRARIES. - Report from the Select Committee on Public Libraries; Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix.
42252: LICHTENSTEIN, Nelson. - Labor's War at Home. The CIO in World War II.
47734: LICHTENWANGER, William ed. - Oscar Sonneck and American Music.
58509: LICHTHEIM, George. - From Marx to Hegel and Other Essays.
59428: LICUANAN, Victoria S. - Women Entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia.
75082: LIDDINGTON, Jill. - The Road to Greenham Common: Feminims and Anti-Militarism in Britain since 1820.
74310: LIDICKER, William Z. Jr. ed. - Landscape Approaches in Mammalian Ecology and Conservation.
65484: LIDSTONE, George J., HUNTER, Arthur, CLAY, H.P. et al. - Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine. Volume LXIII.
65483: LIDSTONE, George J., ACKLAND, Thomas G., FOOT, Herbert et al. - Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine. Volume XXXVIII.
58269: LIEBAERS, Herman. - Mostly in the Line of Duty: Thirty Years with Books.
70566: LIEBERMAN, Sima. - Labor Movements and Labor Thought: Spain, France, Germany and the United States
57551: LIEBERMAN, Philip. - Intonation, Perception, and Language.
54816: LIEBERMAN, Sima. - The Contemporary Spanish Economy: A Historical Perspective.
53247: LIEBERMAN, Philip. - Intonation, Perception, and Language.
48945: LIEBERMAN, A. & LATASTE, X. ed. - Parkinson's Disease. The Role of Dopamine Agonists.
64619: LIEBERT, Robert M., NEALE, John M., & DAVIDSON, Emily S. - The Early Window: Effects of Television on Children and Youth.
58016: LIEBERT, Robert M., NEALE, John M., & DAVIDSON, Emily S. - The Early Window: Effects of Television on Children and Youth.
56650: LIEBERT, Robert M., NEALE, John M., & DAVIDSON, Emily S. - The Early Window: Effects of Television on Children and Youth.
69879: LIEBMAN, Joel F. & GREENBERG, Arthur eds. - Mechanistic Principles of Enzyme Activity.
67782: LIEBMAN, Joel F. & GREENBERG, Arthur eds. - Environmental Influences and Recognition in Enzyme Chemistry.
76096: LIEBURG, M.J. Van. - Depression and Music: Prelude to a Historical Theme.
61818: LIEGEOIS, Alain. - Performance and Computer-Aided Design.
65554: LIENHARD, Marc. - Martin Luther: Un Temps, Une Vie, Un Message.
61614: LIEW, K.S. - Struggle for Democracy. Sung Chiao-Jen and the 1911 Chinese Revolution.
52318: LIEW, K.S. - Struggle for Democracy. Sung Chiao-Jen and the 1911 Chinese Revolution.
70522: LIGHT, Paul C. - The Tides of Reform: Making Government Work, 1945-1995.
62396: LIGHT, Enid, NIEDEREHE, George, & LEBOWITZ, Barry D. eds. - Stress Effects on Family Caregivers of Alzheimer's Patients.
56150: LIGHT, Paul & LITTLETON, Karen. - Social Processes in Children's Learning.
61075: LILEYKO, Jerzy. - A Companion Guide to the Royal Castle in Warsaw.
63529: LILIENTHAL, David E. - The Journals of David E. Lilienthal. Volume I: The TVA Years, 1939-1945, Including a Selection of Journal Entries from the 1917-1939 Period. Volume II: The Atomic Energy Years, 1945-1950. Volume III: Venturesome Years, 1950-1955.
60399: LILIENTHAL, David E. - The Journals of David E. Lilienthal. Volume I: The TVA Years, 1939-1945, Including a Selection of Journal Entries from the 1917-1939 Period. Volume II: The Atomic Energy Years, 1945-1950. Volume III: Venturesome Years, 1950-1955.
74274: LILLEY, Ian ed. - Archaeology of Oceania: Australia and the Pacific Islands.
74930: LIM, Lin Leau ed. - The Sex Sector: The Economic and Social Bases of Prostitution in Southeast Asia.
71154: LIM, David. - Economic Growth and Development in West Malaysia, 1947-1970.
62748: LIM, Gill-Chin ed. - Urban Planning and Spatial Strategies in Rapidly Changing Societies. Part One: Urbanization, Regional Development, and Spatial Strategies. Part Two: Spatial and Sectoral Policies: Korean Case Studies.
76409: LIM. RUTHERFORD-JOHNSON, Tim. - The Music of Liza Lim.
61336: LIMAYE, Madhu. - Contemporary Indian Politics.
75668: LIMB, Peter. - The ANC and Black Workers in South Africa, 1912-1992: An Annotated Bibliography.
60253: LIMBACHER, James L. ed. - Film Music: From Violins to Video.
56272: LIMBACHER, James L. - Keeping Score: Film Music, 1972-1979.
68590: LIMLINGAN, Victor S. - The Visible Hand and the Developing Economy.
68796: LIN, George C.S. - Red Capitalism in South China: Growth and Development of the Pearl River Delta.
53220: LIN, Chong-Pin ed. - PRC Tomorrow: Development Under the Ninth Five-Year Plan.
61126: LINCOLN, Abraham. BASLER, Roy P. ed. - The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln.
54712: LINCOLN, L.H. ed. - Constitution of the United States and of the State of California and Other Documents. 1957.
76274: LINCOLN. SPARKS, Edwin Erle. - Collections Of The Illinois State Historical Library. Volume III. Lincoln Series, Volume I The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858.
71011: LINDAHL, Carl ed. - Perspectives on the Jack Tales: And Other North American Marchen.
66088: LINDAHL, Erik; HENDERSON, R.F. et al. - The Economic Record. Volume 30, November, 1954. No. 59.
69495: LINDO, Algernon H. - Pedalling in Pianoforte Music.
61076: LINDOP, Patricia J. & SACHER, G.A. eds. - Radiation and Aging. Proceedings of a Colloquium held in Semmering, Austria, June 23-24 1966.
47852: LINDRUM, Horace. - Snooker, Billiards & Pool.
74669: LINDSAY, Neville. - Loyalty and Service: The Officer Cadet School, Portsea.
75393: LINDSAY, James M. & O'HANLON, Michael. - Defending America: The Case for Limited National Missile Defense.
52679: LINDSAY, Maurice. - History of Scottish Literature.
76312: LINDSAY, H.A., ROBINSON, Capt. Bruce J., FRENCH, Cpl A.; SLESSOR, R. et al. - SALT. Authorised Education Journal of the Australian Army. 6th July, 1942. Volume 4, Number 1. [Through to] Volume 7 Number 9.
72835: LINDSEY, Lawrence B. - Economic Puppetmasters: Lessons From the Halls of Power.
55982: LINEBACK, Richard H. ed. - The Philosopher's Index: An International Index to Philosophical Periodicals and Books. Volume Twenty-Seven, Number One (Spring 1993) to Number Three (Fall 1993).
55914: LINEBACK, Richard H. ed. - The Philosopher's Index: An International Index to Philosophical Periodicals and Books. 1990 Cumulative Edition: Volume XXIV.
55912: LINEBACK, Richard H. ed. - The Philosopher's Index: An International Index to Philosophical Periodicals and Books. 1991 Cumulative Edition: Volume 25. 25th Anniversary Volume.
55913: LINEBACK, Richard H. ed. - The Philosopher's Index: An International Index to Philosophical Periodicals and Books. 1992 Cumulative Edition: Volume 26.
71890: LINEBERRY, Robert L. & MASOTTI, Louis H. - Urban Problems and Public Policy.
62762: LINEBERRY, Robert L. & MASOTTI, Louis H. - Urban Problems and Public Policy.
53957: LINENTHAL, Edward Tabor. - Symbolic Defense: The Cultural Significance of the Strategic Defense Initiative.
74922: LINES-KELLY, Rebecca ed. - Coffee Growing in Australia: A Machine-harvesting Perspective.
61936: LINGE, G.J.R. ed. - Restructuring Employment Opportunities in Australia.
58961: LINGE, G.J.R. & RIMMER, P.J. eds. - Government Influence and the Location of Economic Activity.
54147: LINGE, G.J.R. & FORBES, D.K. ed. - China's Spatial Economy: Recent Developments and Reforms.
76376: LINGEL, Jessa. - An Internet for the People: The Politics and Ptomise of Craigslist.
67150: LINGLE, Christopher. - The Rise and Decline of the Asian Century: False Starts on the Path to the Global Millennium.
60489: LINK, Robert G. - English Theories of Economic Fluctuations, 1815-1848.
48902: LINK, Werner. - The East-West Conflict. The Organisation of International Relations in the 20th Century.
74794: LINKNER, Josh. - The Road to Reinvention: How to Drive Disruption and Accelerate Transformation.
66892: LINN, Rob. - Power, Progress and Profit: A History of the Australian Accounting Profession.
65846: LINOWES, R. Robert, and ALLENSWORTH, Don T. - The Politics of Land Use: Planning, Zoning, and the Private Developer.
72598: LINSTONE, Harold A. with MITROFF, Ian I. - The Challenge of the 21st Century: Managing Technology and Ourselves in a Shrinking World.
57517: LINTEAU, Paul-Andre ed. - International Journal of Canadian Studies/ Revue Internationale d'Etudes Canadiennes: European Contacts with Canada/ Les Contacts entre L'Europe et le Canada. Spring/ Printemps 1992, 5.
75820: LINTNER, Dr S., KELLEHER, G.G., GODDEN, Dr L. et al. - Water - The Australian Dilemma. Proceedings of the 2003 Invitation Symposium.
55189: LINTON. SMITH, F.B. - Radical Artisan: William James Linton, 1812-97.
57578: LIPINSKI. POWROZNIAK, Jozef. LEWICKA, Maria trans. - Lipinksi.
65065: LIPMAN, Matthew. - Philosophy Goes to School.
53279: LIPMAN, Ira A. ed. - The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. The Private Security Industry: Issues and Trends.
63612: LIPNACK, Jessica & STAMPS, Jeffrey. - The TeamNet Factor: Bringing the Power of Boundary-Crossing Teams into the Heart of Your Business.
74788: LIPPMAN, Edward A. - The Philosophy and Aesthetics of Music.
61011: LIPPMANN, Walter. - The United States in World Affairs. An Account of American Foreign Relations 1931.
61010: LIPPMANN, Walter. - The United States in World Affairs. An Account of American Foreign Relations 1932.
61694: LIPSEY, Robert E. & TICE, Helen Stone eds. - The Measurement of Saving, Investment and Wealth.
51780: LIPSEY, Richard G. ed. - Zero Inflation. The Goal of Price Stability.
72349: LIPSON, Juliene G. & STEIGER, Nancy J. - Self-Care Nursing in A Multicultural Context.
58881: LISKE, Craig, LOEHR, William & MCCAMANT, John. - Comparative Public Policy: Issues, Theories, and Methods.
52395: LISOLA, Baron Francois P. de. - The Buckler of State and Justice Against the Design manifestly discovered of the Universal Monarchy, Under the vain Pretext of the Queen of France Her Pretensions.
69119: LISZT, Franz. - Dante-Symphony / Symphonie zu Dantes Divina Commedia fur Frauenchor und Orchester. [ Dante Symphony].
69105: LISZT, Franz. - Eine Faust-Symphony (nach Goethe) in drei Charakterbildern fur grosses Orchester, Tenor-Solo und Mannerchor. [ A Faust Symphony].
60510: LITTLE, I.M.D. & RAYNER, A.C. - Higgledy Piggledy Growth Again: An Investigation of the Predictability of Company Earnings and Dividends in the U. K. 1951-1961.
59816: LITTLE, Anthony J. - Deceleration in the Eighteenth-Century British Economy.
59727: LITTLEJOHN, Catherine I. ed. - The Journal of Indigenous Studies. Summer 1991, Vol. 2, no. 2.
74533: LITTLEWOOD, R.A. - Physical Anthropology of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea.
69719: LITTLEWOOD, R.A. - Physical Anthropology of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea.
73802: LITVIN, Daniel. - Empires of Profit: Commerce, Conquest and Corporate Responsibility.
62488: LITWAK, Eugene & MEYER, Henry J. - School, Family, and Neighborhood: The Theory and Practice of School-Community Relations.
73958: LIU, William T. & KENDIG, Hal. - Who Should Care For the Elderly? An East-West Divide.
72016: LIU, Cho-Teng ed. - Ocean Color and Remote Sensing Workshop 1998.
74085: Livingston, William S. & Louis, Wm. Roger. eds. - Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands since the First World War.
61921: LIVINGSTON, William S. & LOUIS, Wm. Roger eds. - Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands since the First World War.
56459: LIVINGSTON, William S. & LOUIS, Wm. Roger eds. - Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands since the First World War.
48966: LIVINGSTON, Nancy. - Unwillingly to Vegas.
58563: LJUSTERNIK, L.A. - The Topology of the Calculas of Variations in the Large.
75937: LLOBET, D. Lluis. - L'Eivissa Antiga En Fotos. Seccio Fotografica de L'Arxiu Historic Municipal D'Eivissa.
73463: LLOPES, Elaine, O'DONOGHUE, Tom & O'NEILL, Marnie. - The Education of Children in Geographically Remote Regions Through Distance Education: Perspectives and Lessons from Australia.
73085: LLOYD, peter. - The 'Young Towns' of Lima: Aspects of Urbanization in Peru.
71079: LLOYD, Peter J. - International Trade Problems of Small Nations.
70524: LLOYD, Clem, SMITH, Philippa, EVATT, Elizabeth et al. - The Senate and Good Government and Other Lectures in the Senate Occasional Lecture Series, 1998.
70309: LLOYD, P.J. - Non-Tariff Distortions of Australian Trade.
69089: LLOYD, P.J. - Non-Tariff Distortions of Australian Trade.
67318: LLOYD, Cynthia B., ANDREWS, Emily & GILROY, Curtis L. eds. - Women in the Labor Market.
64992: LLOYD, P.J. - Non-Tariff Distortions of Australian Trade.
62627: LLOYD, D.I. ed. - Philosophy and the Teacher.
60161: LLOYD, P.J. - Non-Tariff Distortions of Australian Trade.
57665: LLOYD, C.J.and TROY, P.N. - Innovation and Reaction: The Life and Death of the Federal Government of Urban and Regional Development.
56016: LLOYD, P.C. ed. - The New Elites of Tropical Africa. Studies Presented at the Sixth International African Seminar at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, July 1964.
76275: LLOYD, Cynthia B. ed. - Sex, Discrimination, and the Division of Labor.
73187: LO, Winston W. - An Introduction to the Civil Service of Sung China: With Emphasis on Its Personnel Administration.
70884: LO BOANCO, Joseph ed. - Voices from Phnom Penh. Development & Language: Global Influences & Local Effects.
70762: LO CASCIO, Vincenzo ed. - L'Italiano in America Latina.
64494: LO, Fu-Chen & SALIH, Kamal eds. - Growth Pole Strategy and Regional Development Policy: Asian Experience and Alternative Approaches.
54633: LO, Clarence Y.H. & SCHWARTZ, Michael ed. - Social Policy and the Conservative Agenda.
54774: LOADER, Ian. - Youth, Policing and Democracy.
66796: LOB, Ladislaus. - From Lessing to Hauptmann: Studies in German Drama.
76159: LOBRY DE BRUYN, L.A. with HULAJKO, D. - Draft Coastal Management Plan Shire of Coorow. Bulletin 237.
76101: LOCK, Margaret. - Encounters with Aging: Mythologies of Menopause in Japan and North America.
73562: LOCKE, Matthew. TILMOUTH, Michael transcribed and edited. - Musica Britannica. A National Collection of Music. Volume LI. Matthew Locke. Dramatic Music. With the Music by Humfrey, Banister, Reggio and Hart for 'The Tempest'.
54531: LOCKHART, James & OTTE, Enrique ed. - Letters and People of the Spanish Indies. Sixteenth Century.
74871: LOCKSPEISER, Edward. - Debussy: His Life and Mind: Volume I, 1862-1902.
59838: LOCKWOOD, William W. ed. - The State and Economic Enterprise in Japan.
62243: LODEWYCKS, K.A. - The Belgians in Australia.
61069: LOEHLIN, John C., LINDZEY, Gardner, SPUHLER, J.N. - Race Differences in Intelligence.
58977: LOERTSCHER, David V. - Taxonomies of the School Library Media Program.
75834: LOESER, Harrison T. - Fundamentals of Ship Acoustics: Acoustical Phenomena In and Around Ship Hulls.
73191: LOEWE, Michael. - Everday Life in Early Imperial China During the Han Period 202 BC-AD 220.
72807: LOEWE, Frederick music. LERNER, Alan Jay. WEIRICK, Paul dance arrangement. - Come to Me - Bend to Me (Waltz) / There But For You Go I (Foxtrot). Sheet Music.
67484: LOEWENSTEIN, Julius I. DROST, Harry trans. - Marx Against Marxism.
68523: LOFSTEDT, Jan-Ingvar. - Chinese Educational Policy: Changes and Contradictions,1949-79.
71135: LOGIE, Gordon. - Glossary of Population and Housing. International Planning Glossaries 1.
74921: LOH-LIM, Lin Lee. - The Blue Mansion: The Story of Mandarin Splendour Reborn.
69970: LOHISSE, Jean. - La Communication De la Transmission a la Relation.
75943: LOHMANN, Larry. - Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privitisation and Power.
74797: LOHRER, Axel. - Basics - Designing with Water.
74559: LOMBORG, Bjorn ed. - Prioritizing Development: A Cost Benefit Analysis of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
67955: LONBAY, Julian. - Enhancing the Legal Position of the European Consumer.
75109: LONERGAN, BERNARD. LAWRENCE, FrederickG., BYRNE, Patrick H. & HEFLING, Charles C. eds. - Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan. Volume 15: Macoreconomic Dynamics: An Essay in Circulation Analysis.
74588: LONG, J.L. - Introduced Birds and Mammals in Western Australia.
62076: LONG, John D. - Ethics, Morality and Insurance: A Long-Range Outlook.
56818: LONG, Huey B. et al. - Self-Directed Learning: Consensus and Conflict.
75724: LONG, Kathleen P. ed. - Gender and Scientific Discourse in Early Modern Culture.
47619: LONG, William Stuart. - The Colonists. Vol. VI of The Australians.
74011: LONGMATE, Norman. - The Breadstealers: The Fight Against the Corm Laws, 1838 - 1846.
63276: LONGMATE, Norman. - The Workhouse.
47635: LONGRIGG, Roger. - The History of Horse Racing.
59781: LONGSTRETH, Bevis & ROSENBLOOM, H. David. - Corporate Social Responsibility and the Institutional Investor. A Report to the Ford Foundation.
70595: LONGWORTH, John W. ed. - China's Rural Development Miracle with International Comparisons.
70078: LONGWORTH, John W. ed. - China's Rural Development Miracle with International Comparisons.
57936: LONGWORTH, John W. ed. - China's Rural Development Miracle with International Comparisons.
66322: LOOFS, H.H.E. - Elements of the Megalithic Complex in Southeast Asia: An Annotated Bibliography.
64056: LOOFS-WISSOWA, H.H.E. ed. - The Diffusion of Material Culture.
59252: LOOSJES, Th. P. DICKSON, A.J. trans. - On Documentation of Scientific Literature.
42571: LOOSLELEY, David L. - The Politics of Fun. Cultural Policy and Debate in Contemporary France.
73893: LOOTS, Philip & CHARRETT, Donald. - Practical Guide to Engineering and Construction Contracts.
55662: LOPEZ-PALACIOS, Santiago. - Flora de Venezuela: Verbenaceae.
55257: LOPEZ, Dr Alan ed. - Tobacco or Health: A Global Status Report.
54695: LOPREATO, Joseph & HAZELRIGG, Lawrence E. - Class, Conflict, and Mobility: Theories and Studies of Class Structure.
75550: LORCA. NADAL, Rafael Martinez. - Federico Garcia Lorca and The Public: A Study of an Unfinished Play and of Love and Death in Lorca's Work.
74282: LORD, Richard, GOLDBERG, Silke, RAJMANI, Lavanya & BRUNNEE, Jutta eds. - Climate Change Liability: Transnational Law and Practice.
70846: LORD, Robert & CHENG, Helen N.L. eds. - Language Education in Hong Kong.
55639: LORENZER, Alfred. - Sprachzerstorung und Rekonstruktion: Vorarbeiten zu einer Metatheorie der Psychoanalyse.
55767: LOSARDO, Mary M. & ROSSI, Norma M. - At the Service Quality Frontier: A Handbook for Managers, Consultants, and Other Pioneers.
67975: LOSKANDL, H. - Australia and Her Neighbours: Ethnic Relations and the Nation State.
74476: LOSSING, Benson J. - Vassar College and Its Founder.
57339: LOTTI, Giorgio & RADICE, Raul. - La Scala: From Backstage to Performance - The Life of the Most Famous Opera House in the World.
75651: LOTUS. CLARKE, R.M. ed. - Lotus Elan Collection No. 1: 1962-1974.
75652: LOTUS. CLARKE, R.M. ed. - Lotus Europa: 1966 - 1975.
75653: LOTUS. CLARKE, R.M. ed. - Lotus Europa Collection No. 1: 1966 - 1974.
58404: LOTVEIT, Trygve. - Chinese Communism: Experience in Civil Government.
71769: LOUGH, John. - The Encyclopedie in Eighteenth Century England and Other Studies.
10622: O'LOUGHLIN, Michael. - The Garlands of Repose: The Literary Celebration of Civic and Retired Leisure. The Traditions of Homer and Vergil, Horace and Montaigne.
59610: LOUIS, L.J. - Trade Unions and the Depression: A Study of Victoria, 1930-1932.
48121: LOUIS, Margot K. - Swinburne and His Gods. The Roots and Growth of an Agnostic Poetry.
73900: LOUVIERE, Jordan J., HENSHER, David A. & SWAIT, Joffre D. - Stated Choice Methods: Analysis and Applications.
65613: LOUX, Michael J. (ed.). - The Possible and the Actual: Readings in the Metaphysics of Modality.
73608: LOVATELLI, Alessandro. - Advances in Sea Cucumber Aquaculture and Management.
57505: LOVEDAY, Peter & MCNAB, Peter eds. - Australia's Seventh State.
71902: LOVELACE, Daniel D. - China and "People's War" in Thailand, 1964-1969.
59398: LOVEMAN, Brian. - Chile: The Legacy of Hispanic Capitalism.
55249: LOVEMAN, Brian & DAVIES, Thomas M. Jr. ed. - The Politics of Antipolitics: The Military in Latin America.
57374: LOVENDUSKI, Joni & HILLS, Jill eds. - The Politics of the Second Electorate: Women and Public Participation.
59290: LOVETT, William A., ECKES, Alfred E. Jr. & BRINKMAN, Richard L. - U. S. Trade Policy: History, Theory and the WTO.
73747: LOVI, Michelle ed. - The Australian Army Journal for the Profession of Arms. Volume VI, Number 1. Autumn 2009.
72415: LOW, Morris, NAKAYAMA, Shigeru & YOSHIOKA, Hitoshi. - Science, Technology and Society in Contemporary Japan.
68016: LOW, D.A. - Britain and Indian Nationalism: The Imprint of Ambiguity 1929-1942.
53047: LOW, D.A. ed. - Soundings in Modern South Asian History,
75194: LOW, D.A. - Lion Rampant: Essays in the Study of British Imperialism.
75248: LOW, Bobbi S. - Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior.
72890: LOWDER, Hughston E. - Silent Service: U.S. Submarines in World War II.
74298: LOWE-MCCONNELL, R.H. ed. - Speciation in Tropical Environments.
69973: LOWE, C.H. - Notable Books on Chinese Studies: An Updated, Annotated, and Topical Bibliographic Guide of Use to All Interested in Chinese Affairs. Second and Enlarged edition.
63988: LOWE, Eugene Y. Jr. - Promise and Dilemma: Perspectives on Racial Diversity and Higher Education.
63293: LOWE, Donald M. - The Function Of "China" In Marx, Lenin, And Mao.
60417: LOWE, Alfonso. - The Catalan Vengeance.
56484: LOWELL. MAZZARO, Jerome. - The Poetic Themes of Robert Lowell.
52241: LOWELL. SMITH, Vivian. - The Poetry of Robert Lowell.
55888: LOWENTHAL, David. - West Indian Societies.
46968: LOWITT, Richard. - George W. Norris. Volume 1: The Persistence of a Progressive 1913 - 1933. Volume 2: The Triumph of a Progressive 1934 - 1944.
69457: LOWNDES, A. ed. - South Pacific Enterprise: The Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited.
64213: LOWNDES, William Thomas. BOHN, Henry G. (new edition, revised, corrected and enlarged). - The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature Containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain And Ireland, From The Invention of Printing; With bibliographical and critical notices, collations of the rarer articles, and the prices at which they have been sold. With an Essay on William T. Lowndes by Francesco Cordasco and an Appreciation by Lowell Kerr.
62600: LOWNDES, A. ed. - South Pacific Enterprise: The Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited.
67153: LOWRY. SMITH, Anne ed. - The Art of Malcolm Lowry.
62509: LOWRY. COSTA, Richard Hauer. - Malcolm Lowry.
52520: LOWRY. BRADBROOK, M.C. - Malcolm Lowry. His Art & Early Life.
52450: LOWRY. SMITH, Anne ed. - The Art of Malcolm Lowry.
76067: LOYE, J.E. & ZUK, M. eds. - Bird-Parasite Interactions: Ecology, Evolution, and Behaviour.
55222: LOYOLA. MARCUSE, Ludwig. - Ignatius von Loyola.
74203: INSTITUTE OF METALS AND MATERIALS AUSTRALASIA LTD. - Materials Forum - Volume 20, 1996: Material Processing.
58655: RANK XEROX LTD. - Marketing to the Public Sector and Industry.
75122: Geo. HATTERSLEY & SONS Ltd. - Winding, Warping and Weaving Machinery. 1915 Edition.
58689: LU, Yung-Chen. - Singularity Theory and an Introduction to Catastrophe Theory.
54965: LU, Yung-Chen. - Singularity Theory and an Introduction to Catastrophe Theory.
73615: LUBBERS, Eveline. - Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark: Corporate and Police Spying on Activists.
63605: LUBOVE, Roy. - Pittsburgh.
54117: LUBOVE, Roy ed. - Social Welfare in Transition: Selected English Documents, 1834 - 1909.
64224: LUCAS, David, MCDONALD, Peter, YOUNG, Elspeth & YOUNG, Christabel. - Beginning Population Studies.
74939: LUCE, Sally & SWIMMER, Gene. - Worker Attitudes About Health and Safety in Three Asbestos Brake Manufacturing Plants.
74278: LUCK, Gary W., RACE, Digby and BLACK, Rosemary eds. - Demographic Change in Australia's Rural Landscapes: Implications for Society and the Environment.
75680: LUCKE, Hans. - Grossherzog Carl Alexander von Sachsen-Weimar: Ein deutscher furst zwischen Goethe und Wilhelm II. Biographie.
56390: LUCKHAM, Robin. - The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Analysis of Authority and Revolt, 1960-67.
53067: LUCKHARDT, Ken & WALL, Brenda. - Organize... or Starve! The History of the South African Congress of Trade Unions.
75308: LUDBROOK, Juliet. - Schoolship Kids of the Blue Funnel Line.
65328: LUDINGTON, Townsend. - John Dos Passos: A Twentieth Century Odyssey.
63494: LUDOWYKE, Jeremy, CAMERON, Susan, KENWAY, Jane et al. - Proceedings of the Promoting Gender Equity Conference.
74506: LUDTKE, K.H. - Process Centrifugal Compressors: Basics, Function, Operation, Design, Application.
74583: LUDWIG, Fulco, KABAT, Pavel, VAN SCHAIK, Henk & VAN DER WALK, Michael eds. - Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector.
42437: LUDWIG, Emil. - Genie und Charakter. Zwanzig Mannliche Bildnisse.
61259: LUDZ, Peter C. - The Changing Party Elite in East Germany.
70267: LUECK, Erich. [ LUCK ]. - Antomicrobial Food Additives: Characteristics, Uses, Effects.
74082: LUFF, Alan. - Welsh Hymns and their Tunes: Their Background and Place in Welsh History and Culture.
74618: LUIZARD, Pierre-Jean. - La formation de l'Irak contemporain: Le role politique des ulemas chiites a la fin de la domination ottomane et au moment de la construction de l'Etat irakien.
55212: LUKACS, Georg. - Beitrage Zur Geschichte der Aesthetik.
55209: LUKACS, Georg. - Probleme des Realismus.
55208: LUKACS, Georg. - Der Russische Realismus in der Weltliteratur.
55207: LUKACS, Georg. - Schicksalawende.
55205: LUKACS, Georg. - Der Historische Roman.
55206: LUKACS, Georg. - Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts.
75184: LUKACS, Yehuda ed. - Documents on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1967-1983.
73885: LUKINS, Jocelyn. - Doulton Kingsware Whisky Flasks. A Collecter's List.
70811: LULL, James ed. - Culture in the Communication Age.
64328: LULL, James. - China Turned On: Television, Reform and Resistance.
76430: LULLY. HEYER, John Hajdu ed. - Jean-Baptiste Lully and the Music of he French Baroque: Essays in Honor of James R. Anthony.
47625: LUMLEY, Robert. - Italian Journalism. A Critical Anthology.
56271: LUMSDEN, Keith G. ed. - Efficiency in Universities: The La Paz Papers.
61114: LUND, John W., WILSON, James E. et al. - Asphalt Paving Technology 1984: Proceedings Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists Technical Sessions. Volume 53. Scottsdale, Arizona, April 9, 10 and 11, 1984.
71299: LUNDBERG, George D., YOUNG, Roxanne K. et al. - Violence: A Compendium from JAMA, American Medical News, and the Specialty Journals of the American Medical Association.
61597: LUNDBERG, Erik. - Instability and Economic Growth.
56114: LUNDQVIST, Lennart. - The Hare and the Tortoise: Clean Air Policies in the United States and Sweden.
61110: LUNNEBORG, Patricia W. - Women Changing Work.
72859: LUNNEY, Daniel, HAND, Suzanne, REED, Philip & BUTCHER, David eds. - Future of the Fauna of Western New South Wales. Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
72854: LUNNEY, Daniel, DAWSON, Lyndal & LAW, Bradley eds. - Australian Zoologist Volume 31 (1) June, 1999: The Business of Biodiversity: Framing the Debate.
69340: LUNNEY, Daniel, DAWSON, Terry & DICKMAN, C.R. eds. - Ethics, Money and Politics: Moral Dilemmas for Zoology and Is the Biodeversity Tail Wagging the Zoological Dog? Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
69337: LUNNEY, Daniel, HAND, Suzanne, REED, Philip & BUTCHER, David eds. - Future of the Fauna of Western New South Wales. Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
64504: LUNNEY, Daniel, URQUHART, Chris Ann & REED, Philip eds. - Koala Summit: Managing Koalas in New South Wales. Proceedings of the Koala Summit held at the University of Sydney 7-8 November 1988.
75315: LUNNEY, Daniel, EBY, Peggy, HUTCHINGS, Pat and BURGIN, Shelley eds. - Pest or Guest: The Zoology of Overabundance.
75316: LUNNEY, Daniel & HUTCHINGS, Pat eds. - Conserving Marine Environments: Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
71136: LUONGO, Kenneth N. & WANDER, W. Thomas eds. - The Search for Security in Space.
55326: LUPTON, Tom & TANNER, Ian. - Achieving Change: A Systematic Approach.
70669: LURKER, Manfred. - Bibliographie zur Symbolkunde. Unter Mitarbeit von F. Herrmann, E. Unger, E. Burgstaller und weiteren Fachgelehrten.
66638: LUSCHER, Thomas F. ed. - The Endothelium in Cardiovascular Disease: Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentation, and Pharmacology.
66597: LUSCHER, Thomas F. ed. - The Endothelium in Cardiovascular Disease: Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentation, and Pharmacology.
58753: LUSHINGTON, Nolan & KUSACK, James M. - The Design and Evaluation of Public Library Buildings.
65045: LUTTRELL, Claude. - The Creation of the First Arthurian Romance: A Quest.
61753: LUTZ, Vera. - Italy: A Study in Economic Development.
61271: LUTZ, H. - Invertebrate Organ Cultures. Colloquium on Experimental Embryology, Clermont-Ferrand, April, 1968.
58339: LUTZ, Friedrich A. & MINTZ, Lloyd W. eds. - Readings in Monetary Theory: Selected by a Committee of the American Economic Accociation.
48730: LUTZ, Helma, PHOENIX, Ann, & YUVAL-DAVIS, Nira ed. - Crossfires. Nationalism, Racism and Gender in Europe.
47879: LUTZ, John. - Lightning. A Henry Holt Mystery.
65323: LUYBEN, Helen L. - James Bridie: Clown and Philosopher.
51500: LVOV-ANOKHIN, B. - Galina Ulanova.
70056: LYDALL, H.F. - British Incomes and Savings.
60733: LYDALL, Harold. - The Structure of Earnings.
76381: LYDON, Jane. - Anti-Slavery and Australia: No Slavery in a Free Land?
53737: LYNCH, Allen. - The Soviet Study of International Relations.
53254: LYNCH, Frances & BURGESS, Colin ed. - Prehistoric Man in Wales and the West. Essays in Honour of Lily F. Chitty.
75183: LYNCH, Andrew & SCOTT, Anne M. eds. - Renaissance Poetry and Drama in Context: Essays for Christopher Wortham.
53916: LYNN-JONES, Sean M., MILLER, Steven E., & VAN EVERA, Stephen ed. - Soviet Military Policy.
53772: LYNN-JONES, Sean M., MILLER, Steven E., & VAN EVERA, Stephen ed. - Soviet Military Policy.
61039: LYON. ADAMSON, Hans Christian. - Rebellion in Missouri: 1861 Nathaniel Lion and His Army of the West.
54085: LYON, Peter & MANOR, James ed. - Transfer and Transformation: Political Institutions in the New Commonwealth.
73039: LYONS, T.J. & SCOTT, W.D. - Principles of Air Pollution Meteorology.
66242: LYONS, John. - Language and Linguistics: An Introduction.
52590: LYONS, Paul L. ed. - Geophysical Case Histories. Volume II - 1956.
76256: LYSTRA, Karen. - Searching the Heart: Women, Men, and Romantic Love in Nineteenth-Century America.
48362: LYTH, Peter J. - Inflation and the Merchant Economy: The Hamburg Mittelstand, 1914 - 1924.
72444: LYTTON, Edward Bulwer [ Lord Lytton ]. - Devereux.
65531: LYTTON, Hugh. - Parent-Child Interaction: The Socialization Process Observed in Twin and Singleton Families.
61477: LYUSTERNIK, L.A. - Ten-Decimal Tables of the Logarithms of Complex Numbers.
54052: MA'OZ, Moshe. - Palestinian Leadership on the West Bank: The Changing Role of Mayors Under Jordan and Israel.
58568: MAAK, W. - Fastperiodische Funktionen.
58322: MABINI, Apolinario. GUERRERE, Leon Ma. trans. - The Philippine Revolution.
72516: MABOGUNJE, Akin L. - Regional Mobility and Resource Development in West Africa.
54804: MABRO, Robert & RADWAN, Samir. - The Industrialization of Egypt: 1939-1973. Policy and Performance.
75673: MACALEER, A.J. - The Shire of Lilydale and Its Military Heritage. Volume Three. The Second World War. The War In Europe and the Middle East.
71688: MACARTHUR, Henry. - Realism and Romance and Other Essays.
67570: MACARTNEY, Clarence Edward. - Mr. Lincoln's Admirals.
61619: MACARTNEY, C.A. - The Habsburg and Hohenzollern Dynasties in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
67283: MACBEATH, John. - Schools Must Speak for Themselves: The Case for School Self-Evaluation.
62667: MACCOBY, Eleanor E. ed. - The Development of Sex Differences.
76029: MACCULLUM, Mungo, ENCEL, S. et al. - Nation. Number 166. April 3, 1965. The Martin Report.
73633: AUSTEN. MACDONAGH - Jane Austen: Real and Imagine Worlds.
72660: MACDONALD, Charles B. - The Last Offensive: WWII. United States Army in World War II. The European Theater of Operations.
71198: MACDONALD, Stuart, LAMBERTON, D. McL. & MANDEVILLE, T.D. eds. - The Trouble With Technology: Explorations in the Process of Technological Change.
71006: MACDONALD, Scott B. - Mountain High, White Avalanche: Cocaine and Power in the Andean States and Panama.
69679: MACDONALD, Donald Stone. - U.S.-Korean Relations from Liberation to Self-Reliance: The Twenty-Year Record.
65696: MACDONALD, Barry (compiler). - Essays From the Journal of Pacific History.
65177: MACDONALD, R. Ross, and SOENJONO, Darjowidjojo. - Indonesian Reference Grammar of Modern Formal Indonesian.
59250: MACDONALD, Eleanor Kay. - A Window into History: Family Memory in Children's Literature.
55567: MACDONALD, John & PIGGOTT, John. - Global Quality: The New Management Culture.
54885: MACDONALD, Sir John A. JOHNSON, J.K. ed. - The Papers of the Prime Ministers. Volume I: The Letters of Sir John A. Macdonald, 1836-1857. Volume II: The Letters of Sir John A. Macdonald, 1858-1861.
75197: MACDONALD, Alan R. & VERSCHUUR, Mary eds. - Records of the Convention of Royal Burghs, 1555; 1631-1648.
51798: MACDONALD, Ross. - The Blue Hammer. A Lew Archer Novel.
42328: MACDONALD, Scott & ROMAN, Paul ed. - Drug Testing in the Workplace. Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems. Volume 11.
72091: MACE, Angela. - The Royal Institute of British Architects: A Guide to Its Archive and History.
62719: MACE, Nancy L. ed. - Dementia Care: Patient, Family and Community.
54559: MACEOIN, Gary and the Committee for the Responsible Election of the Pope. - The Inner Elite: Dossiers of Papal Candidates.
51856: MACEWAN, Martin. - Tackling Racism in Europe. An Examination of Anti-Discrimination Law in Practice.
75671: MACFARLANE, Ian ed. - Historical Records of Victoria. Foundation Series. Volume Three. The Early Development of Melbourne.
74875: MACFARLANE, Alan. - Marriage and Love in England, 1300-1840.
65232: MACFARLANE, Alan. - Reconstructing Historical Communities.
61907: MACFARLANE, L.J. - The British Communist Party: Its Origin and Development Until 1929.
75548: MACFAUL, Tom. - Poetry and Paternity in Renaissance England: Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, Donne and Jonson.
52378: MACHEN. SWEETSER, Wesley D. - Arthur Machen.
68942: MACHIAVELLI. GILMORE, Myron P. ed. - Studies on Machiavelli.
62436: MACHIN, G.I.T. - The Catholic Question in English Politics: 1820 to 1830.
62163: MACHIN, G.I.T. - The Catholic Question in English Politics: 1820 to 1830.
72106: MACHLUP, Fritz. - Plans for Reform of the International Monetary System.
66835: MACINATE, Joseph A. - Seismic Mountings for Vibration Isolation.
48954: MACINNES, Helen. - Cloak of Darkness.
57003: MACINNIS, Donald E. - Religious Policy and Practice in Communist China: A Documentary Study.
72841: MACINTYRE, Angus D. - The Liberator: Daniel O'Connell and the Irish Party 1830-1847.
68882: MACINTYRE, Andrew J. & JAYASURIYA, Kanishka ed. - The Dynamics of Economic Policy Reform in South-East Asia and the South-West Pacific.
54202: MACINTYRE, Andrew J. & JAYASURIYA, Kanishka ed. - The Dynamics of Economic Policy Reform in South-East Asia and the South-West Pacific.
51730: MACINTYRE, Captain Donald. - U-Boat Killer.
74392: MACK, Maynard. - The Garden and The City: Retirement and Politics in the Later Poetry of Pope 1731-1743.
73858: MACK, A. & KEAL, P. ed. - Security and Arms Control in the North Pacific.
72372: MACK, A. & KEAL, P. ed. - Security and Arms Control in the North Pacific.
70559: MACK, Andrew. - Asian Flashpoint: Security and the Korean Peninsula.
59608: MACK, A. & KEAL, P. ed. - Security and Arms Control in the North Pacific.
55529: MACK, Andrew, PLANT, David, DOYLE, Ursula. - Imperialism, Intervention and Development.
53725: MACK, A. & KEAL, P. ed. - Security and Arms Control in the North Pacific.
63691: MACKANESS, George. - Fourteen Journeys Over the Blue Mountains of New South Wales 1813-1841. In Three Parts. Part III. - 1835-1841. The Journals of Backhouse, Darwin, Mrs Louisa, Anne Meredith and Mrs Sophia Stranger. Australia Historical Monographs. Volume XXIV (New Series).
71655: MACKAY, George Leslie. MACDONALD, Rev. J.A. ed. - From Far Formosa: The Island, Its People and Missions.
58411: MACKEN, Jim. - Australia's Unions: A Death or a Difficult Birth?
76229: MACKENZIE, Ann L. and SEVERIN, Dorothy S. eds. - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. Special Homage Volume (1992). Hispanic Studies in Honour of Geoffrey Ribbans.
66632: MACKENZIE, Samuel L. & TAYLOR, David C. eds. - Seed Oils for the Future.
62172: MACKENZIE, W.S. & ZUSSMAN, J. eds. - The Feldspars: Papers on the proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Feldspars held in Manchester 11-21 July, 1972.
61459: MACKENZIE, W.J.M. & GROVE, J.W. - Central Administration in Britain.
76228: MACKENZIE, Ann L. ed. - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. Volume LXX Number 1. The Comedia in the Age of Calderon: Studies in Honour of Albert Sloman.
52336: MACKENZIE. BARKER, Gerard A. - Henry Mackenzie.
73812: MACKERRAS, Colin. - The Uighur Empire: According to the T'ang Dynastic Histories. A Study in Sino-Uighur Relations 744-840.
62528: MACKERRAS, Malcolm. - New South Wales Elections.
61638: MACKERRAS, Colin & YORKE, Amanda. - The Cambridge Handbook of Contemporary China.
75000: MACKERRAS, Colin. - Western Images of China.
52605: MACKERRAS, Colin. - The Chinese Theatre in Modern Times. From 1840 to the Present Day.
67315: MACKEY, Wade C. - Fathering Behaviors: The Dynamics of the Man-Child Bond.
74638: MACKIE, Euan W. - Science and Society in Prehistoric Britain.
72547: MACKIE, Fiona. - Structure, Culture and Religion in the Welfare of Muslim Families: A Study of Immigrant Turkish and Lebanese Men and Women and Their Families Living in Melbourne.
64808: MACKIE, J.A.C. ed. - Australia in the New World Order: Foreign Policy in the 1970s.
61622: MACKIE, Robert R. ed. - Vigilance: Theory, Operational Performance, and Physiological Correlates.
72167: MACKINNON, Alison. - Love and Freedom: Professional Women and the Reshaping of Personal Life.
69944: MACKINNON, Alison. - Love and Freedom: Professional Women and the Reshaping of Personal Life.
69408: MACKINNON, James. - The Constitutional History of Scotland from Early Times to the Reformation.
63977: MACKINNON, Alison. - Love and Freedom: Professional Women and the Reshaping of Personal Life.
59912: MACKINTOSH, J.M. - Strategy and Tactics of Soviet Foreign Policy.
74566: MACKLIN, Robert. - Rearming the ANZACS.
60884: MACKRELL, J.Q.C. - The Attack of Feudalism in Eighteenth-Century France.
51656: MACLAREN, Alexander. - The Gospel According to St. Matthew. Chapters I to VIII.
61371: MACLAURIN, E.C.B. - The Hebrew Theocracy in the Tenth to the Sixth Centuries B.C.: An Analysis of the Books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings.
61370: MACLAURIN, E.C.B. - The Hebrew Theocracy in the Tenth to the Sixth Centuries B.C.: An Analysis of the Books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings.
61369: MACLAURIN, E.C.B. - The Hebrew Theocracy in the Tenth to the Sixth Centuries B.C.: An Analysis of the Books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings.
56334: MACLAURIN, E.C.B. - The Hebrew Theocracy in the Tenth to the Sixth Centuries B.C.: An Analysis of the Books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings.
56333: MACLAURIN, E.C.B. - The Hebrew Theocracy in the Tenth to the Sixth Centuries B.C.: An Analysis of the Books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings.
75101: MACLEAN, Stephen. - Peter Allen. The Boy From Oz.
48247: MACLEAN, Alistair. - Caravan to Vaccares.
68969: MACLEOD, Roy ed. - The Commonwealth of Science. ANZAAS and the Scientific Enterprise in Australasia 1888 - 1988.
67660: MACLEOD, Roy ed. - The Commonwealth of Science. ANZAAS and the Scientific Enterprise in Australasia 1888 - 1988.
66879: MACLEOD, Roy ed. - The Commonwealth of Science. ANZAAS and the Scientific Enterprise in Australasia 1888 - 1988.
59639: MACLEOD, Roy ed. - The Commonwealth of Science. ANZAAS and the Scientific Enterprise in Australasia 1888 - 1988.
47612: MACLEOD, Roy ed. - The Commonwealth of Science. ANZAAS and the Scientific Enterprise in Australasia 1888 - 1988.
69276: MACLURE, Millar & WATT, F.W. eds. - Essays in English Literature from the Renaissance to the Victorian Age. Presented to A.S.P. Woodhouse.
73865: MACMILLAN, Major D. MacL. - Equitation and Horsemastership. Instructional Notes on Riding, Schooling, Care and Management of Horses.
64879: MACNEICE, Louis. HEUSER, Alan (ed.). - Selected Prose of Louis MacNeice.
53276: MACNEICE. SMITH, Elton Edward. - Louis MacNeice.
51807: MACNEILL, Alistair. - Damage Control.
72463: MACPHERSON, Stewart. - Five Hundred Million Children: Child Welfare in the Third World.
66127: MACPHERSON, Jay. - The Spirit of Solitude: Conventions and Continuities in Late Romance.
58666: MACPHERSON, J. Hope & GABIREL, C.J. - Marine Molluscs of Victoria.
60094: MACPIKE, L. - Dostoevsky's Dickens: A study of Literary Influence.
75144: MACQUEEN, John ed. - Humanism in Renaissance Scotland.
57488: MACRAE, Duncan Jr. & WILDE, James A. - Policy Analyis for Public Decisions.
60707: MACROSTY, Henry W. - The Trust Movement in British Industry: A Study of Business Organisation.
76414: MACWILLIAM, Scott. - Securing Village Life: Development in Late Colonial Papua New Guines.
57278: MADDEN, A.F. & MORRIS-JONES, W.H. - Australia and Britain: Studies in a Changing Relationship.
62233: MADDISON, Angus. - Class Structure and Economic Growth: India and Pakistan Since the Moghuls.
61625: MADDISON, Angus. - Class Structure and Economic Growth: India and Pakistan Since the Moghuls.
54122: MADDISON, Angus. - Class Structure and Economic Growth: India and Pakistan Since the Moghuls.
60349: MADDOCK, James W., NEUBECK, Gerhard & SUSSMAN, Marvin B. eds. - Human Sexuality and the Family.
74464: MADELUNG, Wilferd. - The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate.
59023: MADGE, John. - The Origins of Scientific Sociology.
56023: MADGE, John. - The Origins of Scientific Sociology.
55524: MADKOUR, M. Monir with KUDWAH, Aida J. - Saudi Medical Bibliography, 1887-1980.
71134: MADONNA. CLERK, Carol. - Madonnastyle.
73255: MADOX, Richard. DONNO, Elizabeth Story ed. - An Elizabethan in 1582: The Diary of Richard Madox, Fellow of All Souls.
72057: MADSEN, Harold S. - Techniques in Testing.
48946: MADSEN, A.W. - The State as Manufacturer and Trader. An Examination of Government Tobacco Monopolies.
68271: MAGARO, Peter A. ed. - The Construction of Madness: Emerging Conceptions and Interventions into the Psychotic Process.
71344: MAGENTA, Natale. - Dizionario del Dialetto di Novi Ligure.
56485: MAGILL, Robert S. - Community Decision Making for Social Welfare: Federalism, City Government, and the Poor.
76141: MITSUBISHI MAGNA. - Magna TM Series 1985 - February 1987. Gregory's Service and Repair Manual No. 235.
76143: MITSUBISHI MAGNA. - Magna V6, Verada 1991 - 1996. Gregory's Service and Repair Manual No. 606.
42547: MAGNANI, Mauro & DE FLORA, Antonio ed. - Red Blood Cell Aging. Advances in Expermental Medicine and Biology Volume 307.
65386: MAGNIEN, Victor. - Grammaire Comparee Du Grec et Du Latin: Morphologie, Verbe, mots Invariables.
74289: MAGNUSSON, Magnus. - The Clacken and the Slate: The Story of thw Edinburgh Academy, 1824-1974.
51731: MAGNUSSON, Magnus, MOULTON, Matthew J., MUNRO, William R., STALKER, Philip A., TERRIS, David, WARREN, Robert A., & WATSON, William. - The Glorious Privilege. The History of "The Scotsman".
68960: MAGOON, Orville, T., CONVERSE, Hugh, MINER, Dallas, TOBIN, L. Thomas, CLARK, Delores, and DOMURAT, George (eds.). - Coastal Zone '87: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management. Volume 2.
65895: MAGOON, Orville, T., CONVERSE, Hugh, MINER, Dallas, TOBIN, L. Thomas, CLARK, Delores, and DOMURAT, George (eds.). - Coastal Zone '87: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management. Volume 4.
65894: MAGOON, Orville, T., CONVERSE, Hugh, MINER, Dallas, TOBIN, L. Thomas, CLARK, Delores, and DOMURAT, George (eds.). - Coastal Zone '87: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management. Volume 1.
73996: MAGOWAN, Fiona. - Melodies of Mourning: Music and Emotion in Northern Australia.
52880: MAGRILL, Rose Mary & HICKEY, Doralyn J. - Acquisitions Management and Collection Development in Libraries.
59115: MAGUIRE, Carmel, WILSON, Connie, & HOOD, William eds. - Image-Based Information and the Future of Academic and Research Libraries.
70146: MAHAJAN, Sanjeev K. - Performance of Public Undertakings in India: A Case Study.
61801: MAHAJAN, Gurpreet. - Democracy, Difference and Social Justice.
60368: MAHALINGAM, T.V. - Administration and Social Life Under Vijayanagar. Part II: Social Life.
76344: MAHAN, A.T. - The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence.
73487: MAHLER, Gustav. - Lieder Eines Fahrenden Gesellen / Songs of a Wayfarer / Chants d'un Grcon Errant.
73486: MAHLER, Gustav. - Das Klagende Lied.
73485: MAHLER, Gustav. - Symphony No. 1.
72989: MAHLER, Gustav. - Das Lied von der Erde. The Song of the Earth.
72986: MAHLER. BLAUKOPF, Kurt. GOODWIN, Inge trans. - Gustav Mahler.
71197: MAHLER, Gustav. - Symphony No. 4.
69115: MAHLER, Gustav. - Sieben Lieder nach Gedichten aus "Des Knaben Wunderhorn" und von Friedrich Ruckert / Seven Songs from the "Youth's Magic Horn" and Poems by Friedrich Ruckert / Sept Chansons tirees de "Cor magique" e textes de Friedrich Ruckert.
69114: MAHLER, Gustav. - Symphony No. 7.
66530: MAHLER. BLAUKOPF, Kurt and HErta. - Mahler: His Life, Work and World.
63256: MAHLER, Margaret S., PINE, Fred & BERGAMN, Anni. - Psychological Birth of the Human Infant: Symbiosis and Individuation.
75965: MAHLER, Gustav. - Symphony No. 4.
75963: MAHLER, Gustav. - Symphony 9.
75966: MAHLER, Gustav. - Symphony No. 8.
75964: MAHLER, Gustav. - Symphony No. 1.
75675: MAHLER, Gustav. - Symphony No. 7 / Symphonie Nr. 7 in funf Satzen fur grosses Orchester. Parititur.
56511: MAHMUD, Prof. Khalid. - Indian Political Scene, 1989: Main Contenders for Power.
76204: MAHNCKE, Dieter. - Nukleare Mitwirkung: Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der altalntischen Allianz, 1954-1970.
76215: MAHNCKE, Dieter & SCHWARZ, Hans-Peter eds. - Seemacht und Aussenpolitik.
62314: MAHTAB, Dr. Harekrushna. - The History of Orissa. Volume I (Up to 1568).
60003: MAHTAB, Dr. Harekrushna. - The History of Orissa. Volume II (Up to 1960).
62615: MAIBACH, Howard & ALY, Raza eds. - Skin Microbiology: Relevance to Clinical Infection.
63887: MAIER, Charles S. - Recasting Bourgeois Europe: Stabilization in France, Germany and Italy in the Decade after World War I.
71250: MAILER. SOLOTAROFF, Robert. - Down Mailer's Way.
58002: MAIN, Jackson Turner. - The Social Structure of Revolutionary America.
46995: MAIN, Jackson Turner. - Political Parties Before the Constitution.
70601: MAINOLDI, Pietro. - Vocabolario del Dialetto Bolognese.
60202: MAINUSCH, Herbert. - Romantische Asthetik: Untersuchungen zur enlgischen Kunstlehre des spaten 18. und fruhen 19. Jahrhunderts.
57026: MAIR, Lucy. - Studies in Applied Anthropology.
67650: MAITLAND. BELL, H.E. - Maitland: A Critical Examination and Assessment.
66353: MAIZELS, Alfred. - Exports and Economic Growth of Developing Countries: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Relationships Between Exports and Economic Growth, with Illustrative Projections for10 1975 for the Main Overseas Sterling Countries.
75803: MAJER, J.D. ed. - Animals in Primary Succession: The Role of Fauna in Reclaimed Lands.
61860: MAJONICA, Ernst. - East-West Relations: A German View.
65163: MAJOR, Kathleen (compiler). - A Handlist of the Records of the Bishop of Lincoln and of the Archdeacons of Lincoln and Stow.
58632: MAJUMDAR, R.C. - Glimpses of Bengal in the Nineteenth Century.
76461: MAJUMDAR, Boria & MANGAN, J.A. eds. - The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 21, June-September 2004, Numbers 3/4. Special Issue: Sport in South Asian Society; Past and Present.
69723: MAJUMDER, Partha P. ed. - Human Population Genetics: A Centennial Tribute of J.B.S. Haldane.
72742: MAKDISI, Samir A. - Financial Policy and Economic Growth: The Lebanese Experience.
66549: MAKEPEACE, R.W. - Marxist Ideology and Soviet Criminal Law.
49107: MAKEPEACE, Joanna. - The Chosen of the Gods.
55516: MAKIN, Peter, COOPER, Cary, & COX, Charles. - Managing People at Work.
60782: MAL'CEV, A.I., KULIKOV, L. Ya. et al. - American Mathematical Society Translations. Series 2. Volume 2.
71368: MALCOLM, L.A. - Growth and Development in New Guinea: A Study of the Bundi People of the Madang District.
74994: MALCOLM, Joyce Lee ed. - The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts. Volume 2.
47724: MALCOMSON, R.M. - Daisy Ashford. Her Life.
55359: MALEK, Mohammes H. ed. - Contemporary Issues in European Development Aid.
71419: MALESKEY, Gale, KITTEL, Mary et al. - The Hormone Connection: Revolutionary Discoveries Linking Hormones and Women's Health Problems.
73783: MALIK, Mohan. J. - The Gulf War: Australia's Role and Asian-Pacific Responses
70413: MALIK, J. Mohan. - The Future Battlefield.
69659: MALIK, K.N. - India and the United Kingdom: Change and Continuity in the 1980s.
75754: MALIK, J. Mohan. - The Future Battlefield.
70928: MALIK, J. Mohan. - The Future Battlefield.
51506: MALIK, J. Mohan. - The Future Battlefield.
53782: MALIM, F.B. - Almae Matres. Recollections of Some Schools at Home and Abroad.
61078: MALINOWSKI, Edmund R. & HOWERY, Darryl G. - Factor Analysis in Chemistry.
66169: MALINVAUD, Edmond, MILLERON, Jean-Claude, NABLI, Mustapha K. et al. - Development Strategy and Management of Market Economy: Volume 1.
56701: MALINVAUD, Edmond. - Mass Unemployment.
67931: MALLA, Dr. S.B. et al eds. - Flora of Langtang and Cross Section Vegetation Survey (Central Zone).
62113: EL MALLAKH, Ragaei, KADHIM, Mihssen, POULSON, Barry et al. - Capital Investment in the Middle East: The Use of Surplus Funds for Regional Development.
68850: O'MALLEY, Michael N. - Creating Commitment: How to Attract and Retain Talented Employees by Building Relationships That Last.
62216: O'MALLEY, Bert W. & MEANS, Anthony R. eds. - Receptors for Reproductive Hormones.
56999: O'MALLEY, Penelope Grenoble. - Takeoffs are Optional Landings are Mandatory: Airline Pilots Talk About Deregulation, Safety, and the Future of Commercial Aviation.
56934: MALLOCH, Peter. - Killer's Blade.
61703: MALLOCK, W.H. - Property and Progress: or, A Brief Enquiry into Contemporary Social Agitation in England.
61327: MALLY, Gerhard. - The European Community in Perspective: The New Europe, the United States, and the World.
75014: MALMGREEN, Gail ed. - Religion in the Lives of English Women, 1760-1930.
60139: MALONE, Joseph L. - The Science of Linguistics in the Art of Translation: Some Tools from Linguistics for the Analysis and Practice of Translation.
60014: MALONE, Joseph J. - The Arab Lands of Western Asia.
47004: MALONE, Michael P. & ROEDER, Richard B. - Montana: A History of Two Centuries.
55800: MALONEY, Michael P. & WARD, Michael P. - Mental Retardation and Modern Society.
75986: MALOUF. NETTELBECK, Amanda ed. - Provisional Maps: Critical Essays on David Malouf.
65867: MALRAUX, Andre. - Antimemoires.
53204: MALRAUX. GOLDMANN, Lucien. SHERIDAN, Alan trans. - Towards a Sociology of the Novel.
61425: MALTBY, Judith D. ed. - The Short Parliament (1640) Diary of Sir Thomas Aston. Camden Fourth Series. Volume 35.
75205: MALTONI, Cesare & SELIKOFF, Irving J. eds. - Scientific Issues of the Next Century: Convocation of World Academies.
56254: MAMAK, Alexander. - Colour, Culture and Conflict: A Study of Pluralism in Fiji.
56096: MAMAK, Alexander & MCCALL, Grant ed. - Paradise Postponed. Essays on Research and Development in the South Pacific.
54155: MAMAK, Alex & ALI, Ahmed. - Race, Class and Rebellion in the South Pacific.
55700: DE MAN. GASCHE, Rodolphe. - The Wild Card of Reading: On Paul de Man.
46996: MANCALL, Peter C. - Valley of Opportunity. Economic Culture along the Upper Susquehanna, 1700 - 1800.
74842: MANCHAM, Sir James R. - Seychelles: The Saga of a Small Nation Navigating the Cross-Currents of a Big World.
75412: MANCHESTER, Steven R. - The Fossil Hisotry of the Juglandaceae.
65994: MANCINI, R.E., and MARTINI, L. (eds.). - Male Fertility and Sterility. Proceedings of the Serono Symposia, Volume 5.
67268: MANCIOLI. MARGOZZI, Mariastella. - Dossier Ottorino Mancioli: Reportage figurativo nella Roma anni '30.
71245: MANDEl, Ernest. FAGAN, Gus trans. - Beyond Perestroika: The Future of Gorbachev's USSR.
71623: MANDELA, Nelson. HAMILTON, Carolyn et al. - A Prisoner in the Garden: Opening Nelson Mandela's Prison Archive.
71210: MANDELBAUM, Maurice. - Purpose and Necessity in Social Theory.
61143: MANDELBAUM, David G. - Human Fertility in India: Social Components and Policy Perspectives.
51649: MANDELBAUM, David G. - Society in India. Volume One: Continuity and Change.
46914: MANDER, John. - Static Society: The Paradox of Latin America.
60323: MANDERSON, Lenore. - Sickness and the State: Health and Illness in Colonial Malaya.
70701: MANDL, H. & LESGOLD, Alan eds. - Learning Issues for Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
64961: MANE, Robert. - Henry Adams On the Road to Chartres.
64701: MANGALAM, J.J. with MORGAN, Cornelia. - Human Migration: A Guide to Migration Literature in English, 1955-1962.
63778: MANGEOT, Andre. - Violin Technique: Notes for Players and Teachers.
75569: MANHEIM, Michael. - The Weak King Dilemma in the Shakespearean History Play.
74204: MANICH, M.L. - History of Laos (including the History of Lannathai, Chiengmai).
60237: MANKEKAR, D.R. - The Red Riddle of Kerala.
72245: MANLEY, Will. - The Manley Art of Librarianship.
76268: MANLEY, Lawrence. - Convention: 1500-1700.
67366: MANLOVE, Colin. - Scottish Fantasy Literature: A Critical Survey.
65318: MANN. JONAS, Klaus W., and JONAS, Ilsedore B. - Thomas Mann Studies, Volume 2: A Bibliography of Criticism.
48679: MANN, Thomas. - Der Erwahlte Roman.
67174: MANNERS, Ian & WHITMAN, Richard G. eds. - The Foreign Policies of European Union Member States.
69218: MANNING, Willard G., KEELER, Emmett B., NEWHOUSE, Joseph P., SLOSS, Elizabeth M. & WASSERMAN, Jeffrey. - The Costs of Poor Health Habits.
56257: MANOGARAN, Chelvadurai. - Ethnic Conflict and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka.
65344: MANSER, W.A.P. - The Financial Role of Multinational Enterprises.
72528: MANSERGH, Nicholas ed. - Documents and Speeches on British Commonwealth Affairs, 1931-1952. Volume II.
72527: MANSERGH, Nicholas ed. - Documents and Speeches on British Commonwealth Affairs, 1931-1952. Volume I.
68103: MANSFIELD, Edwin. - The Economics of Technological Change.
60999: MANSFIELD, E.D. - Personal Memoirs: Social, Political, And Literary with Sketches of Many Noted People, 1803-1843.
60358: MANSFIELD, Edwin. - The Economics of Technological Change.
66987: MANSOURI, Lotfi. LAYTON, Aviva. - Lotfi Mansouri: An Operatic Life.
73729: JAGUAR. WORKSHOP MANUAL. - Jaguar 3.8 E Type Grand Touring Models Service Manual. [with] Supplement for Jaguar 4.2 Litre and 2+2 'E' Type.
72995: MANUEL, D.L. - Men and Machines: The Brambles Story.
64537: MANUEL, Frank E. - The Broken Staff: Judaism Through Christian Eyes.
67800: MANWARING, Randle. - From Controversy to Co-Existence: Evangelicals in the Church of England, 1914-1980.
54319: MANZER, Ronald. - Public Policies and Political Development in Canada.
59441: MAPES, Roy ed. - Prescribing Practice and Drug Usage.
55450: MARABLE, Manning. - Speaking Truth to Power: Essays on Race, Resistance, and Radicalism.
75071: MARANA, Giovanni P. WEITZMAN, Arthur J. ed. - Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy.
65317: MARAVALL, Jose Antonio. - Estudios de Historia del Pensamiento Espanol.
65762: MARCELLE, R., CLIJSTERS, H., and VAN POUCKE, M. (eds.). - Photosynthesis and Plant Development. Proceedings of a conference held at the Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 23-29 July 1978.
67310: MARCELLO, Benedetto. - Il Teatro alla Moda.
68088: MARCH, Frederic, DLOTT, Edward H. et al. - Wind Power for the Electric-Utility Industry: Policy Incentives for Fuel Conservation.

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