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61680: DUNKERLEY, David. - The Foreman: Aspects of Task and Structure.
63498: DUNLEAVY, Patrick, GAMBLE, Andrew, HOLLIDAY, Ian & PEELE, Gillian eds. - Developments in British Politics 5.
74217: DUNLOP, Sir John. - The Pleasant Town of Sevenoaks: A History.
71517: DUNLOP, E.E. - The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop. Java and the Burma-Thailand Railway, 1942 - 1945.
71131: DUNLOP, Sarah. - All That Rama Rama Mob: Aboriginal Disturbed Behaviour in Central Australia. Volume I & II.
64812: DUNLOP. GEDDES, Margaret. - Remembering Weary. Sir Edward Dunlop - as recalled by those lives he touched.
58399: DUNLOP, John T. & GALENSON, Walter eds. - Labor in the Twentieth Century.
73278: DUNMORE, John ed. - The Expedition of the St Jean-Baptiste to the Pacific 1769 - 1770: From Journals of Jean de Surville and Guillaume Labe.
75125: DUNMORE, John. - Who's Who In Pacific Navigation.
73918: DUNN, Stephen P. ed. - Sociology in the USSR: A Collection of Readings from Soviet Sources.
75050: DUNN, Peter N. - The Spanish Picaresque Novel.
48447: DUNN, T.A. - Philip Massinger. The Man and the Playwright.
65040: DUNNE, Michael. - The United States and the World Court, 1920-1935.
62969: DUNNING, John H. ed. - Economic Analysis and the Multinational Enterprise.
64626: DUNPHY, Dexter & GRIFFITHS, Andrew. - The Sustainable Corporation: Organisational Renewal in Australia.
62980: DUNSDORFS, Edgars. - The Baltic Dilemma: The Case of the De Jure Recognition of the Incorporation of the Baltic States into the Soviet Union.
74763: DUPEYRAT, Andre. DE MAUNY, Erik trans. - Festive Papua.
60444: DURANT-WHYTE, Hugh, BROOKS, Rodney, THORPE, Chuck et al. - FSR '97: Proceedings of the International Conference on Field and Service Robotics.
59429: DURANT, John R. ed. - Human Origins.
55048: DURAS. SELOUS, Trista. - The Other Woman: Feminism and Femininity in the Work of Marguerite Duras.
66637: DURBIN, Paul T. ed. - A Guide to the Culture of Science, Technology and Medicine.
58874: DURBIN, Elizabeth. - New Jerusalems: The Labour Party and the Economics of Democratic Socialism.
75523: DURIG, James R. ed. - Equilibrium Structural Parameters.
62860: DURKHEIM, Emile. - Suicide: A Study in Sociology.
56142: DURR, Alfred. - Johann Sebastian Bach. Neue Ausgabe Samtlicher Werke. Serie V. Band 6.1: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier I.
52373: DURRELL. WEIGEL, John A. - Lawrence Durrell.
47666: DURRELL, Gerald. - Rosy Is My Relative.
52951: DURYEA, E.D., FISK, Robert S. and Associates. - Faculty Unions and Collective Bargaining.
68176: DUSTIN, Porter. - Microtubules.
72162: DUSTON, Thomas E. - Recycling Solid Waste: The First Choice for Private and Public Sector Management.
74767: DUTHIE, Enid L. - The Foreign Vision of Charlotte Bronte.
68440: DUTKA, Alan. - Competitive Intelligence for the Competitive Edge.
48968: DUTOURD, Jean. CHANCELLOR, Robin trans. - The Man of Sensibility.
71438: DUTTON, Michael. - Streetlife China.
66362: DUTTON, Diana B. - Worse than the Disease: Pitfalls of Medical Progress.
54790: DUTTON, T.E. - A Checklist of Languages and Present-Day Villages of Central and South-East Mainland Papua.
75186: DUTTON, Geoffrey. - Antipodes in Shoes.
52662: DUVIGNEAUD, P. ed. - Productivity of Forest Ecosystems. Proceedings of the Brussels symposium organized by Unesco and the International Biological Programme.
56161: DUXBURY, Janell R. - Rockin' the Classics and Classicizin' the Rock: A Selectively Annotated Discography.
66668: DVORAK, Antonin. - Piano Quintet. Op. 81.
61245: DWIGHT, Timothy. - Travels in New England and New York.
58750: DWYER, D.J. ed. - The City as a Centre of Change in Asia.
56630: DWYER, D.J. ed. - The City in the Third World.
65283: DYASON, Robert, and LOVE, Ashley (eds.). - Bitou Bush and Boneseed: A National Conference on Chrysanthemoides Monilifers.
57648: DYE, Thomas R. - American Public Policy: Documents and Essays.
75030: DYER, C.F.W. - Emulation: A Ritual to Remember. Notes on the Men and Times in the One Hundred and Fifty Years' History of Emulation Lodge of Improvement 1823-1973.
73831: DYER, Gwynne. - War: The Lethal Custom.
65829: DYER, Oliver. - Great Senators of the United States Forty Years Ago, 1848 and 1849. With Personal Recollections and Dilineations of Calhoun, Benton, Clay, Webster, General Houston, Jefferson Davis, and Other Distinguished Statesmen of that Period.
76284: DYER, James. - Rhubarb & Custard: Luton Modern School & Luton Grammar School for Boys. Volume One.
65938: VAN DYKE, Paul. - George Washington: The Son of His Country, 1732-1775.
75717: VAN DYKE, Milton; VINCENTI, Walter G., & WEHAUSEN, J.W. eds. - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Volume 7, 1975.
75718: VAN DYKE, Milton; LUMLEY, J.V. & WEHAUSEN, J.W. eds. - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Volume 9, 1977.
75719: VAN DYKE, Milton; LUMLEY, J.V. & WEHAUSEN, J.W. eds. - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Volume 15, 1983.
75715: VAN DYKE, Milton; WEHAUSEN, J.V. & LUMLEY, John L. eds. - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Volume 10, 1978.
75716: VAN DYKE, Milton; REED, Helen L. & LUMLEY, John L. eds. - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Volume 19, 1987.
75713: VAN DYKE, Milton; WEHAUSEN, J.V. & LUMLEY, John L. eds. - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Volume 14, 1982.
75714: VAN DYKE, Milton; REED, Helen L. & LUMLEY, John L. eds. - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Volume 20, 1988.
49089: DYSON, Kenneth ed. - European Detente. Case Studies of the Politics of East-West Relations.
65537: EADE, J.C. - Bibliographical Essay On Studies in Eighteenth-Century European Culture in Australia Since 1958.
69962: EAGLESON, Robert D., WHITE, Robert, & BENTLEY, Christopher ed. - Language and Literature in the Formation of National and Cultural Communities. [ Languages and Literatures]. Proceedings of the XIII Congress of the Federation Internationales des Langues et Litteratures Modernes and the XVII Congress of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
66561: EAGLESON, Robert D., WHITE, Robert, & BENTLEY, Christopher ed. - Language and Literature in the Formation of National and Cultural Communities. [ Languages and Literatures]. Proceedings of the XIII Congress of the Federation Internationales des Langues et Litteratures Modernes and the XVII Congress of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
64152: EAGLESON, Robert D., WHITE, Robert, & BENTLEY, Christopher ed. - Language and Literature in the Formation of National and Cultural Communities. Proceedings of the XIII Congress of the Federation Internationales des Langues et Litteratures Modernes and the XVII Congress of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
62207: EAGLESON, Robert D., WHITE, Robert, & BENTLEY, Christopher ed. - Language and Literature in the Formation of National and Cultural Communities. Proceedings of the XIII Congress of the Federation Internationales des Langues et Litteratures Modernes and the XVII Congress of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
52288: EAGLESON, Robert D., WHITE, Robert, & BENTLEY, Christopher ed. - Language and Literature in the Formation of National and Cultural Communities. Proceedings of the XIII Congress of the Federation Internationales des Langues et Litteratures Modernes and the XVII Congress of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
56275: EAGON, Angelo. - Catalog of Published Concert Music by American Composers.
51450: EAKIN, Paul John. - The New England Girl. Cultural Ideals in Hawthorne, Stowe, Howells and James.
66335: EALNE, Peter ed. - Dictionary of Archival Terminology. Dictionnaire de terminologie archivistique. English and French with Equivalents in Dutch, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
55696: EARMAN, John ed. - Inference, Explanation, and Other Frustrations: Essays in the Philosophy of Science.
69323: EAST, Stuart. - Systems Integration: A Management Guide For Manufacturing Engineers.
71463: EASTEAL, Patricia Weiser & MCKILLOP, Sandra eds. - Women and the Law. Proceedings of a Conference held 24-26 September 1991.
66156: EASTMAN, Lloyd E. - Family, Fields, and Ancestors: Constancy and Change in China's Social and Economic History, 1550-1949.
66155: EASTMAN, Lloyd E. - Family, Fields, and Ancestors: Constancy and Change in China's Social and Economic History, 1550-1949.
74060: EASTON, Carol. - Jacqueline du Pre: A Biography.
74050: EASTON, Carol. - Jacqueline du Pre: A Biography.
68867: EATON, Joseph W. with CHEN, Michael. - Influencing The Youth Culture: A Study of Youth Organizations in Israel.
62091: EATON. RODD, Francis Rennell. - General William Eaton: The Failure of an Idea.
48953: EATON, Evelyn. - The Sea is So Wide.
61521: EAYRS, James ed. - The Commonwealth and Suez: A Documentary Study.
62864: EBELING, Nancy B. ed. - Child Abuse: Intervention and Treatment.
72219: EBERHARDT, isabelle. BANGERT, Sharon trans. & ed. - In the Shadow of Islam.
76303: EBERSOLE, Gary L. - Ritual Poetry and the Politics of Death in Early Japan.
74058: EBURY, Sue & DUNLOP, E.E. - Weary: The Life of Sir Edward Dunlop & The War Diaries of Weary Dunlop.
68138: ECCLES, Audrey. - Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Tudor and Stuart England.
56128: ECCLESTON, Bernard. - State and Society in Post-War Japan.
66715: ECKENRODE, John ed. - The Social Context of Coping.
58473: ECKHAUS, Wiktor ed. - New Developments in Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Second Scheveningen Conference on Differential Equations, the Netherlands, August 25-29, 1975.
65690: ECKSTEIN, Alexander (ed.). - Comparison of Economic Systems: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches.
58800: ECKSTEIN, Alexander ed. - Quantitative Measures of China's Economic Output.
62017: BUREAU OF INDUSTRY ECONOMICS. - North East Asia and Australia: Economic Relations.
57262: BUREAU OF INDUSTRY ECONOMICS. - Multinationals and Governments: Issues and Implications for Australia.
56590: BUREAU OF INDUSTRY ECONOMICS. - North East Asia and Australia: Economic Relations.
59275: EDDISON, Tony. - Local Government: Management and Corporate Planning.
56745: EDDISON, Tony. - Local Government: Management and Corporate Planning.
52239: EDDY, J.J. - Britain and the Australian Colonies: 1818 - 1831. The Technique of Government.
70253: EDEL, Matthew, SCLAR, Elliott D. & LURIA, Daniel. - Shaky Palaces: Homeownership and Social Mobility in Boston's Suburbanization.
58719: EDELEN, Dominic G.B. - Nonlocal Variations and Local Invariance of Fields.
75517: EDGAR, Bill. - Lags: A History of the Western Australian Convict Phenomena.
75830: EDGAR, W.J. - Veldt to Vietnam: Haleians at War.
75634: EDGERTON, Robert B. - Warrior Women: The Amazons of Dahomey and the Nature of War.
68446: EDINGTON, Gordon. - Property Management: A Customer Focused Approach.
68521: EDMAN, Marion. - A Self-Image of Primary School Teachers: A Cross Cultural Study of Their Role and Status in Twelve Cities.
72414: EDMONDS, Jennifer M. - Herbarium Survey of African Corchorus L. Species.
71923: EDMONDS, Jennifer M. - The Distribution of Hibiscus L. Section Furcaria in Tropical East Africa.
64061: EDMONDS, Martin ed. - Central Organizations of Defense.
58117: EDMUNDS, Leland N. Jr. ed. - Cell Cycle Clocks.
67108: EDMUNDSON, Wade C., SUKHATMER, P.V., & EDMUNDSON, Stella A. - Diet, Disease and Development.
51501: EDMUNDSON, Wade C., SUKHATMER, P.V., & EDMUNDSON, Stella A. - Diet, Disease and Development.
75158: EDSON, Jean Slater. - Organ Preludes: An Index to Compositions on Hymn Tunes, Chorales, Plainsong Melodies, Gregorian Tunes and Carols. Volume I - Composer Index. Volume II - Tune Namer Index.
63246: Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education. - Three Thousand Futures: The Next Twenty Years for Higher Education.
59278: EDWARDES, Michael. - The Last Years of British India.
53039: EDWARDES, Lieut.-Col. Sir herbert B., LANDELS, Rev. William, PEARSON, Rev. Theophilus et al. - Lectures Delivered Before the Young Men's Christian Association, in Exeter Hall, From November, 1860, to February, 1861.
74591: EDWARDS, Robert & STEWART, Jenny eds. - Preserving Indigenous Cultures: A New Role For Museums. Papers from a regional seminar Adelaide Festival Centre 10-15 September 1978.
73040: EDWARDS, Griffith, ARIF, Awni & JAFFE, Jerome eds. - Drug Use and Misuse: Cultural Perspectives: Based on a Collaborative Study By the World Health Organization.
72329: EDWARDS, Franklin R., ROMER, Christina D. et al. - Changing Capital Markets: Implications for Monetary Policy.
71918: EDWARDS, Anne & MAGAREY, Susan eds. - Women in a Restructuring Australia: Work and Welfare.
71094: EDWARDS, Griffith, STRANG, John & JAFFE, Jerome H. - Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco: Making the Science and Policy Connections.
63262: EDWARDS, George C. III. - At the Margins: Presidential Leadership of Congress.
62817: EDWARDS, Franklin R. ed. - Regulatory Reform of Stock and Futures Markets: A Special Issue of the Journal of Financial Services Research.
62023: EDWARDS, Robert G. - Conception in the Human Female.
61582: EDWARDS, K. David G. ed. - Progress in Biochemical Pharmacology. Volume 9: Drugs and the Kidney.
61161: EDWARDS, K. David G. ed. - Drugs Affecting Kidney Function and Metabolism.
61066: EDWARDS, George C. III with GALLUP, Alec M. - Presidential Approval: A Sourcebook.
56047: EDWARDS, John and BATLEY, Richard. - The Politics of Positive Discrimination: An Evaluation of the Urban Programme 1967-77.
55192: EDWARDS, C.T. - Public Finances in Malaya and Singapore.
52927: EDWARDS, F.C., MCCALLUM, R.I., & TAYLOR, P.J. ed. - Fitness for Work. The Medical Aspects.
74252: EELENS, F., SCHAMPERS, T. * SPECKMANN, J.D. eds. - Labour Migration to the Middle East: From Sri Lanka to the Gulf.
58672: EFRON, Benjamin ed. - Currents and Trends in Contemporary Jewish Thought.
67224: EGAN, Bryan. - Ways of a Hospital: St. Vincent's Melbourne 1890s-1990s.
66205: EGGENSTEIN, Kurt. - Der Prophet Jakob Lorber.: Verkndet bevorstehende Katastrophen und das wahre Christentum.
76212: EGGINGTON, Robert. - Nyoongah Corroboree. Perth 1991-1993. In Unity and Strength.
54960: EGGINS, Heather ed. - Restructuring Higher Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference 1987.
75432: EHMANN, Sven & BORGES, Sofia ed. - Our House in the City: New Urban Homes and Architecture.
68837: EHRENBERG, Ronald G. - Labor Markets and Integrating National Economies.
55377: EHRENBERG, Ronald G. ed. - Do Compensation Policies Matter?
55549: EHRMANN, Henry W. ed. - Interest Groups on Four Continents.
65080: EHRSAM, Theodore G., DEILY, Robert, and SMITH, Robert M. - Bibliographies of Twelve Victorian Authors.
64437: EICHELBERGER, Clayton L. ed. - A Guide To Critical Reviews Of United States Fiction, 1870-1910.
48046: EICHENGREEN, Barry. - International Monetary Arrangements for the 21st Century.
60887: EICHER, Carl K. & WITT, Lawrence W. eds. - Agriculture in Economic Development.
54920: EICHNER, Alfred S. - The Emergence of Oligopoly: Sugar Refining as a Case Study.
68155: EIMEREN, W. Van & HORISBERGER, B. eds. - Socioeconomic Evaluation of Drug Therapy.
66523: EIROLA, Martti. - The Ovambogefahr: The Ovamboland Reservation in the Making. Political Responses of the Kingdom of Ondonga to the German Colonial Power 1884-1910.
69610: EISEMAN, Seymour ed. - Focus on Alcohol.
66572: EISEN, Roland & SLOAN, Frank A. eds. - Long-Term Care: Economic Issues and Policy Solutions.
75064: EISENBERG, Daniel. - Romances of Chivalry in the Spanish Golden Age.
75124: EISENBICHLER, Konrad. - The Boys of the Archangel Raphael: A Youth Confraternity in Florence, 1411 - 1785.
73830: EISENHOWER. WEIGLEY, Russell F. - Eisenhower's Lieutenants: The Campaigns of France and Germany, 1944-1945.
72700: EISENMAN, Robert & WISE, Michael. - The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered. The First Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Withheld for Over 35 Years.
53757: EISINGER, Peter K. - Toward an End to Hunger in America.
75029: EISNER, Elliot W., and VALLANCE, Elizabeth (eds). - Conflicting Conceptions of Curriculum.
67054: EISNER, Elliot W., and VALLANCE, Elizabeth (eds). - Conflicting Conceptions of Curriculum.
63030: EISSLER, K.R. - Searchlights on Delinquency: New Psychoanalytic Studies. Dedicated to Professor August Aichhorn, on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, July 27, 1948.
42243: EKIRCH, A. Roger. - Poor Carolina. Politics and Society in Colonial North Carolina, 1729-1776.
57530: EKLOF, Ben. - Russian Peasant Schools: Officialdom, Village Culture, and Popular Pedagogy, 1861-1914.
70250: EKSTROM, Dr.-Techn. John-Erik. - Studien uber Dunne Schalen von Rotations-Symmetrischer Form und Belastung mit Konstanter oder Veranderlicher Wandstarke.
54789: ELBERT, S.H. - Three Legends of Puluwat and a Bit of Talk.
73434: ELDER, H.Y. & TRUEMAN, E.R. eds. - Aspects of Animal Movement.
67780: ELDER, H.Y. & TRUEMAN, E.R. eds. - Aspects of Animal Movement.
74331: ELDREDGE, Niles & CRACRAFT, Joel. - Phylogenetic Patterns and the Evolutionary Process: Method and Theory in Comparative Biology.
73341: ELDRIDGE, Ken, DAVIDSON, John, HARWOOD, Christopher and VAN WYK, Gerrit. - Eucalypt Domestication and Breeding.
73293: ELDRIDGE, Phillip J. - Non-Government Organizations and Democratic Participation in Indonesia
63157: ELDRIDGE, P. J. - The Politics of Foreign Aid in India.
59224: ELDRIDGE, Philip J. - Indonesia and Australia: The Politics of Aid and Development Since 1966.
58348: ELDRIDGE, Philip J. - Indonesia and Australia: The Politics of Aid and Development Since 1966.
58056: ELDRIDGE, Philip J. - Indonesia and Australia: The Politics of Aid and Development Since 1966.
54806: ELDRIDGE, Philip, FORBES, Dean, & PORTER, Doug ed. - Australian Overseas Aid: Future Directions.
48260: ELDRIDGE, J.E.T. - Industrial Disputes. Essays in the Sociology of Industrial Relations.
75497: ELGAR. MONK, Raymond ed. - Elgar Studies.
75426: ELGAR, Edward. - Symphony Number 1.
75353: ELGAR. MOORE, Jerrold Northrop. - Elgar on Record: The Composer and the Gramophone.
60943: ELGEY, Georgette. - Histoire de la IVe Republique. La Republique des Contradictions 1945-1951.
60942: ELGEY, Georgette. - Histoire de la IVe Republique. La Republique des Illusions 1945-1951.
58706: ELGOOD, Chris. - Handbook of Management Games.
67416: ELIAS, Rabbi Joseph. - The Haggadah. Passover Haggadah. With translation and a new commentary based on Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic Sources.
75674: ELIAS, Norbert & DUNNING, Eric. - Quest for Excitement: Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process.
73924: ELIOT. BONAPARTE, Felicia. - The Triptych and the Cross: The Central Myths of George Eliot's Poetic Imagination.
65355: ELIOT. MARTIN, Mildred. - A Half-Century of Eliot Criticism: An Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles in English, 1916-1965.
64568: ELIOT. AUSTER, Henry. - Local Habitations: Regionalism In The Novels Of George Eliot.
55465: ELIOT. MATTHIESSEN, F.O. - The Achievement of T.S. Eliot: An Essay on the Nature of Poetry.
52834: ELIOT. JONES, Genesius. - Approach to the Purpose. A Study of the Poetry of T.S. Eliot.
75121: ELIOT. MILWARD, Peter. - A Commentary on T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets.
51799: ELIOT, Marc. - Rockonomics. The Money Behind the Music.
49005: ELIZABETH, Mother. - Into the Deep. The Story of the Confraternity of the Divine Love and the Order of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
68775: ELKELES, R.S. & TAVILL, A.S. eds. - Biochemical Aspects of Human Disease.
64104: ELKIN, A. P. ed. - Collected Papers: In Memoriam - N.W.G. Macintosh
62845: ELKIN, Milton. - Radiology of the Urinary System.
54989: ELKIN, A.P. - The Diocese of Newcastle: A History of the Diocese of Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia.
74656: ELKINGTON, John. - The Zeronauts: Breaking the Sustainability Barrier.
72601: ELLACOTT, S.E. - A History of Everyday Things in England. Volume V: 1914-1968.
71666: ELLACOTT, S.E. - The Seaman. Book 1.
53044: ELLACOTT, S.E. - The Seaman. Book 1.
60958: ELLANNA, Linda, LOVEDAY, Peter, STANLEY, Owen, & YOUNG, Elspeth A. with WHITE, Ian. - Economic Enterprises in Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory.
58384: ELLEM, Bradon. - In Women's Hands? A History of Clothing Trades Unionism in Australia.
74074: ELLERMAN, A. Denny. & CONVERY, Frank J. & DE PERTHUIS, Christian. - Pricing Carbon: The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme.
75672: ELLICOTT, Guy. - The Little Circuit That Could: A History of the Hume Weir Circuit.
47863: ELLIN, Stanley. - Star Light, Star Bright.
72783: ELLINGTON, Duke. HUDSON, Will arr. - The Sergeant Was Shy / Jig Walk / Sherman Shuffle.
68842: ELLINGTON, Dr. Willis R. - Wechsler Scales: Index of New Information and Guide-Book for Consumers, Reference and Research.
64648: ELLINGTON, Henry, ADDINALL, Eric & PERCIVAL, Fred. - Games and Simulations in Science Education.
72137: ELLIOT-SCOTT, W. - The Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria.
72254: ELLIOTT, Paul. - Assassin! The Bloody History of Political Murder.
70471: ELLIOTT, Charles. - Patterns of Poverty in the Third World: A Study of Social and Economic Stratification.
64029: ELLIOTT, Delbert S., HAMBURG, Beatrix A. & WILLIAMS, Kirk A. eds. - Violence in American Schools: A New Perspective.
58101: ELLIOTT, Kit. - An African School: A Record of Experience.
56789: ELLIOTT, Katherine, O'CONNOR, Maeve, & WHELAN, Julie eds. - Adhesion and Microorganism Pathogenicity. Ciba Foundation Symposium 80.
52222: ELLIOTT, J.H. - Europe Divided. 1559 - 1598.
73328: ELLIS, Maudie - The Squire of Bentley (Mrs Cheape): Memory's Milestones in the Life of a Great Sportswoman.
72857: ELLIS, L. Ethan. - Republican Foreign Policy, 1921 - 1933.
72680: ELLIS, Harold A. - Boulainvilliers and the French Monarchy: Aristocratic Politics in Early 18th Century France.
71213: ELLIS, Rod. - SLA Research & Language Teaching.
68708: ELLIS, R. - Understanding Second Language Acquisition.
63349: ELLIS. GROSSKURTH, Phyllis. - Havelock Ellis: A Biography.
54704: ELLIS, M.H., THOMAS, Ivor G. etc. - Reprint of the Journal and Proceedings. Volume 1, Numbers I, II, III.
47883: ELLIS, Edward S. - The Boy Hunters of Kentucky.
61041: ELLISON, Mary. - Support for Secession: Lancashire and the American Civil War.
49069: ELLISON. MCSWEENEY, Kerry. - Invisible Man. Race and Identity.
66332: ELMAGHARY, Yehia & KAEKKAINEN, Seppo eds. - Energy Storage Systems in Developing Countries.
54381: ELSE-MITCHELL, R. - The Rise and Demise of Coercive Federalism.
58972: ELSNER, Gary H. & SMARDON, Richard C. eds. - Proceedings of Our National Landscape: A Conference on Applied Technqiues for Analysis and Management of the Visual Resource. April 23-25, 1979, Incline Village, Nebraska.
69245: ELSOM, Derek. - Smog Alert: Managing Urban Air Quality.
72055: ELSON, Benjamin F. ed. - Language in Global Perspective: Papers in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1935-1985.
64908: ELSON, Benjamin F. ed. - Language in Global Perspective: Papers in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1935-1985.
55378: ELTON, G.R. - Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government. Papers and Reviews 1946-1972. Volume I: Tudor Politics/ Tudor Government. Volume II: Parliament/ Political Thought.
55317: EMDEN, Cecil S. - Poets In Their Letters.
73686: EMERSON. SPILLER, Robert E. & WILLIAMS, Wallace E. eds. - The Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Volume III 1822-1826.
69603: EMERSON, Robert L. - The New Economics of Fast Food.
55246: EMERSON. THURIN, Erik Ingvar. - Emerson as Priest of Pan: A Study in the Metaphysics of Sex.
51983: EMERSON, Everett H. - John Cotton.
71227: EMERY, Merrelyn ed. - Participative Design for Participative Democracy.
60027: EMERY, Robert F. - The Financial Institutions of Southeast Asia: A Country-by-Country Study.
68515: EMMERIJ, Louis. - Can the School Build a New Social Order?
54355: EMMET, Dorothy & MACINTYRE, Alasdair ed. - Sociological Theory and Philosphical Analysis.
75999: EMMET, Cdr. H. ed. - The Journal of the Cricket Society. Winter 1969. Volume 4, Number 3.
75950: EMMET, Cdr. H. ed. - The Journal of the Cricket Society. Winter 1968-69. Volume 4, Number 1.
75951: EMMET, Cdr. H. ed. - The Journal of the Cricket Society. Winter 1969. Volume 4, Number 2.
60396: EMMISON, F.G. - Elizabethan Life: Disorder.
70041: EMMONS, Willis. - The Evolving Bargain: Strategic Implications of Deregulation and Privatization.
55552: EMMOTT, Bill. - Japan's Global Reach: The Influences, Strategies and Weaknesses of Japan's Multinational Companies.
56010: VAN EMON, Jeanette M. & MUMMA, Ralph O. ed. - Immunochemical Methods for Environmental Analysis.
75198: EMORY. KRAUSS, Bob. - Keneti: South Seas Adventures of Kenneth Emory.
65435: EMSLEY, J.W., FEENEY, J., and SUTCLIFFE, L.H. (eds.). - Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Volume 8.
65436: EMSLEY, J.W., FEENEY, J., and SUTCLIFFE, L.H. (eds.). - Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Volume 6.
68234: ENDRENYI, Laszlo ed. - Kinetic Data Analysis: Design and Analysis of Enzyme and Pharmacokinetic Experiments.
76400: ENDRES, Kirsten W. - Market Frictions: Trade and Urbanization at the Vietnam-China Border.
48017: ENDRES, Al. - Improving R&D Performance the Juran Way.
60571: ENGEL, Andrew G. ed. - Myasthenia Gravis and Myasthenic Disorders.
51934: ENGEL, Carl ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51933: ENGEL, Carl ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51930: ENGEL, Carl ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51925: ENGEL, Carl ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
51926: ENGEL, Carl ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
62410: ENGELBRECHT, Willia, E. & GRAYSON, Donald K. eds. - Essays in Northeastern Anthropology in Memory of Marian E. White.
73353: ENGELHARDT, H. Tristram Jr. - Bioethics and Secular Humanism: The Search for a Common Morality.
68177: ENGELHARDT, H. Tristram Jr., SPICKER, Stuart F. & TOWERS, Bernard eds. - Clinical Judgment: A Critical Appraisal. Proceedings of the Fifth Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine Held at Los Angeles, California, April 14-16, 1977.
68142: ENGELHARDT, Heinz. - High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Chemical Laboratory Practice.
56155: ENGELHARDT, H. Tristram Jr. & SPICKER, Stuart F. ed. - Mental Health: Philosophical Perspectives. Proceedings of the Fourth Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine Held at Galveston Texas, May 16-18, 1976.
54785: ENGELHARDT, H. Tristram Jr. & SPICKER, Stuart F. ed. - Evaluation and Explanation in the Biomedical Sciences. Proceedings of the First Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine held at Galveston, May 9-11, 1974.
59493: ENGELS, Frederick. BURNS, Emile trans. - Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in Science ( Anti-Duhring).
67464: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 102, 1994.
67463: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 102, 1994.
67461: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 100, 1992.
67460: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 98, 1990.
67457: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 93, 1985.
67456: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 92, 1984.
67454: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 90, 1982.
67452: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 85, 1977.
67453: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 89, 1981.
67451: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 84, 1976.
67450: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 83, 1975.
67449: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 82, 1974.
67448: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 81, 1973.
67447: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 80, 1972.
67446: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 79, 1971.
67444: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 77, 1969.
67445: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 78, 1970.
67443: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 76, 1968.
67442: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 75, 1967.
67441: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 74, 1966.
67440: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 73, 1965.
67439: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. - Transactions of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Volume 72, 1964.
63207: ENGLISH, John, MADIGAN, Ruth & NORMAN, Peter. - Slum Clearance: The Social and Administrative Context in England and Wales.
75433: ENGLISH, Tony. - Tug of War: The Tension Concept and the Art of Internatonal Negotiation.
48108: ENGLISH, Douglas. - Friends of Mankind.
71750: ENGLISH, John, MADIGAN, Ruth & NORMAN, Peter. - Slum Clearance: The Social and Administrative Context in England and Wales.
75972: THE ENGLISH, SCOTTISH AND AUSTRALIAN BANK LIMITED. - The Gothic Bank of Collins Street, Melbourne.
70385: ENGWALL, Lars. - Newspapers as Organizations.
55319: ENKE, Stephen ed. - Defense Management.
73068: ENNIS, John. - The Story of the Federation Dentaire Internationale 1900-1962.
59616: ENRIGHT, D.J. - Fields of Vision: Essays on Literature, Language and Television.
55584: ENRIGHT, D.J. - Fields of Vision: Essays on Literature, Language and Television.
55547: ENRIQUEZ, laura J. - Harvesting Change: Labor and Agrarian Reform in Nicaragua, 1979-1990.
65338: ENSER, A.G.S. - A Subject Bibliography of the First World War: Books in English, 1914-1978.
64841: ENSOR, Allison. - Mark Twain and The Bible.
75660: DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION & ENVIRONMENT. - Conservation Reserves for Western Australia as recommended by the Environmental Protection Authority - 1983. The Darling System - System 6. Part II: Recommendations for Specific Localities.
75327: DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION & ENVIRONMENT. - The Darling System: Western Australia. Proposals for Parks and Reserves. The System 6 Study Report to the Environment Protection Authority. Report No. 8 April 1981.
64876: ENZENSBERGER, Hans Magnus. GRIMM, Reinhold, and ARMSTRONG, Bruce (eds.). - Critical Essays.
51580: ENZENSBERGER, Hans Magnus. CHALMERS, Martin trans. - Mediocrity and Delusion. Collected Diversions.
69290: EPSTEIN, David G. ed. - Human Nature: A Sourcebook in Anthropology.
67010: EPSTEIN, A.L., PARKER, R.S., & REAY, Marie eds. - The Politics of Dependence: Papua New Guinea, 1968.
63783: EPSTEIN, William. - Varieties of Perceptual Learning.
58381: EPSTEIN, A.L. - Matupit: Land, Politics, And Change Among The Tolai Of New Britain.
58318: EPSTEIN, Leon D. - British Politics in the Suez Crisis
55596: EPSTEIN, Cynthia Fuchs. - Deceptive Distinctions: Sex, Gender, and the Social Order.
55499: EPSTEIN, T.S. - Economic Development and Social Change in South India.
48146: EPSTEIN, T. Scarlett. - Capitalism, Primitive and Modern. Some Aspects of Tolai Economic Growth.
64115: EQUIANO. COSTANZO, Angelo. - Surprizing Narrative: Olaudah Equiano and the Beginnings of Black Autobiography.
68329: ERDOS, Ervin G. ed. - Bradykinin, Kallidin and Kallikrein.
55948: ERENS, Patricia ed. - Issues in Feminist Film Criticism.
71296: ERICKSON, Patricia G., ADLAF, Edward M., MURRAY, Glenn F. & SMART, Reginald G. - The Steel Drug: Cocaine in Perspective.
63997: ERICKSON, Charlotte. - British Industrialists: Steel and Hosiery, 1850-1950.
59009: ERICKSON, Charlotte. - Invisible Immigrants: The Adaptation of English and Scottish Immigrants in 19th Century America.
56670: ERICKSON, Charlotte. - Invisible Immigrants: The Adaptation of English and Scottish Immigrants in 19th Century America.
75609: ERICKSON, Robert. - Sound Structure in Music.
65501: ERICSON, Dr. Richard F. - Improving the Human Condition: Quality and Stability in Social Systems. Proceedings of the Silver Anniversary International Meeting, London, England, August 20-24, 1979.
64659: ERICSON, Jonathon E. - Exchange and Production Systems in Californian Prehistory: The Results of Hydration Dating and Chemical Characterization of Obsidian Sources.
59447: ERICSON, Richard V. - Criminal Reactions: The Labelling Perspective.
73967: ERNETTI, Pellegrino M., FRANCA, Padre Umberto, MIGLIAVACCA, Mons. Luciano et al. - Congresso Internazionale di Canto Gregoriana.
66750: ERNST, John. - Whose Utility? The Social Impact of Public Utility, Privatization and Regulation in Britain.
59393: ERNST, Christian J. ed. - Management Expert Systems.
56844: ERNST, Christian J. ed. - Management Expert Systems.
67974: ERRINGTON, Frederick K. - Manners and Meaning in West Sumatra: The Social Context of Consciousness.
48444: ERRINGTON, J. Joseph. - Structure and Style in Javanese. A Semiotic View of Linguistic Etiquette.
68270: ERTEL, Paul Y. & ALDRIDGE, M. Gene eds. - Medical Peer Review: Theory and Practice.
55509: VAN DER ERVE, Marc. - The Power of Tomorrow's Management: Using the Vision-Culture Balance in Organizations.
74829: ERWIN, J, MAPLE, Terry L, MITCHELL, G. (Eds) - Captivity and Behavior: Primates in Breeding Colonies, Laboratories and Zoos.
75385: ESAU, Mike. - Steam into Wessex.
76055: ESCOBEDO, J.L., GRANADOS, L.F., MELENDEZ, B., PIGNATELLI, R., REY, R. and WAGNER, R.H. editorial committee. - Dixieme Congres International De Stratigraphie Et De Geologie Du Carbonifere: Madrid: Compte Rendu: Vol. 1 and 2.
71999: FORD ESCORT. - Ford Escort 1600 OHV - 2000 OHC 1977-1981. Gregory's Service and Repair Manual No. 125.
67644: ESCOTT, Paul D. - Slavery Remembered: A Record of Twentieth-Century Slave Narratives.
56617: ESENINE. DE GRAAFF, Francisca. - Serge Esenine (1895-1925): Sa Vie et Son Oeuvre.
62438: ESMAN, Milton J. ed. - Ethnic Conflict in the Western World.
75382: ESMOND, Fr. Ian ed. - New Norcia Studies. Letters, Chronicles and Diaries. Number 19. 2011.
72888: ESPEY, John. - Minor Heresies, Major Departures: China Mission Boyhood.
65922: ESSLINGER, Dean R. - Immigrants and the City: Ethnicity and Mobility in a Nineteenth-Century Midwestern Community.
51569: ESTBERGS, Elizabeth. - Special Collection of Northern Australia, 1980.
55485: ESTHUS, Raymond A. - From Enmity to Alliance: U.S.-Australian Relations, 1931-1941.
71119: ETHIEL, Nancy ed. - The Military and the Media: Public Perceptions.
63350: ETHRIDGE, James M. & KOPALA, Barbara eds. - Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works. Volumes 1-4, First Revision Series.
76293: ETKIND, Efim. - Notes of a Non-conspirator.
65311: ETZIONI-HALEVY, Eva. - Political Manipulation and Administrative Power. A Comparative Study.
62994: ETZIONI-HALEVY, Eva. - Bureaucracy and Democracy: A Political Dilemma.
61983: ETZIONI, Amitai. - Demonstration Democracy.
55350: ETZIONI-HALEVY, Eva. - National Broadcasting Under Siege: A Comparative Study of Australia, Britain, Israel and West Germany.
63515: EUDIN, Xenia Joukoff & SLUSSER, Robert M. - Soviet Foreign Policy 1928-1934: Documents & Materials. Volume I.
73574: EURIPIDES. CROPP, Martin, LEE, Kevin & SANSONE, David eds. - Euripides and Tragic Theatre in the Late Fifth Century.
67742: COUNCIL OF EUROPE. - Population Decline in Europe: Implications of a Declining Or Stationary Population.
76156: EVANS, Grant. - The Politics of Ritual and Remembrance: Laos Since 1975.
71956: EVANS, Dr Michael & RYAN Dr Alan eds. - The Australian Army Journal for the Profession of Arms. Volume I, Number 1. June 2003.
71377: EVANS, Rod L. & BERENT, Irwin M. eds. - Drug Legalization: For and Against.
71222: EVANS, Dr Michael & RYAN Dr Alan eds. - The Australian Army Journal for the Profession of Arms. Volume I, Number 2. December 2003.
71221: EVANS, Dr Michael & PARKIN, Dr Russell eds. - The Australian Army Journal for the Profession of Arms. Volume II, Number 2. Autumn 2005.
71220: EVANS, Dr Michael & PARKIN, Dr Russell eds. - The Australian Army Journal for the Profession of Arms. Volume II, Number 1. Winter 2004.
70381: EVANS, J.G., SIMPSON, D.D.A., GREW, Francis et al. - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Volume CIX [ 109 ].
70036: EVANS, Michael ed. - Changing the Army: The Roles of Doctrine, Development and Training.
69756: EVANS, Michael & JACK, R. Ian eds. - Sources of English Legal and Constitutional History.
69690: EVANS, Dr Michael & PARKIN, Dr Russell eds. - The Australian Army Journal for the Profession of Arms. Volume II, Number 1. Winter 2004.
68822: EVANS, L.T. - Feeding the Ten Billion: Plants and Population Growth.
67998: EVANS, E.F. & WILSON, J.P. eds. - Psychophysics and Physiology of Hearing.
67992: EVANS, Thomas Anders & MAIDMENT, David R. - A Spatial and Statistical Assessment of the Vulnerability of Texas Groundwater to Nitrate Contamination.
66179: EVANS, David T. - Sexual Citizenship: The Material Construction of Sexualities.
66157: EVANS, Terry & NATION, Daryl eds. - Opening Education: Policies and Practices from Open and Distance Education.
65983: EVANS, Mervyn (ed.). - The New Zealand Rose Annual for 1968.
58018: EVANS, John W. - The Kennedy Round in American Trade Policy: The Twilight of the GATT?
57929: EVANS-PRITCHARD, E.E. - Kinship and Marriage Among the Nuer.
57750: EVANS, Rachel. - Home Scenes: or Tavistock and Its Vicinity.
57541: EVANS, L.T. & MILLER, J.D.B. eds. - Policy and Practice: Essays in Honour of Sir John Crawford.
76454: EVANS, I.S., DIKAU, R., TOKUNAGA, E., OHMORI, H. & HIRANO, M. eds. - Concepts and Modelling in Geomorphology: International Perspectives.
75011: EVANS, Martha Noel. - Fits and Starts: A Genealogy of Hysteria in Modern France.
75752: EVANS, Michael. - The Tyranny of Dissonance: Australia's Strategic Culture and Way of War, 1901-2005.
76354: EVANS, Gareth, OGILVIE-WHITE, Tanya & THAKUR, Ramesh. - Nuclear Weapons: The State of Play 2015.
48584: EVANS, Alan. - Audacity.
47926: EVANS, Len. - Complete Book of Australian Wine.
76154: EVANS, Carla. - The Cost of Courage.
76286: EVENARI, Michael, SHANAN, Leslie & TADMOR, Naphtali. - The Negev: The Challenge of a Desert.
70061: EVERED, David & WHELAN, Julie eds. - Research and the Ageing Population.
69937: EVERED, David & MARSH, Joan eds. - Cellular Basis of Morphogenesis.
54635: EVERETT, Craig A. ed. - The Stepfamily Puzzle: Intergenerational Influences.
49120: EVERETT-GREEN, Evelyn. - Two Bright Shillings.
47864: EVERETT, Peter. - A Death In Ireland.
58923: EVERITT, W.N. ed. - Spectral Theory and Differential Equations. Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Dundee, Scotland, 1-19 July, 1974.
58905: EVERITT, W.N. & SLEEMAN, B.D. eds. - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference Held at Dundee, Scotland, March 30-April 2, 1976.
64680: EVERS, Adalbert, NOWOTNY, HELGA & WINTERSBERGER, Helmut ed. - The Changing Face of Welfare.
64538: EVERS, Adalbert, NOWOTNY, HELGA & WINTERSBERGER, Helmut ed. - The Changing Face of Welfare.
55589: EVERS, Adalbert, NOWOTNY, HELGA & WINTERSBERGER, Helmut ed. - The Changing Face of Welfare.
61054: EVERSLEY, D.E.C. - Social Theories of Fertility and the Malthusian Debate.
74091: EVRON, Yair. - The Middle East: Nations, Super-Powers and Wars. [International relations series, Vol. 5.].
75526: EWANS, Michael. - Opera from the Greek: Studies in the Poetics of Appropriation.
76315: EWANS, Michael. - Opera from the Greek: Studies in the Poetics of Appropriation.
63328: EWER, Peter ed. - State of Siege. Renewal or Privatisation for Australian State Public Services?
61364: EWER, Peter ed. - State of Siege. Renewal or Privatisation for Australian State Public Services?
61279: EWER, peter, HIGGINS, Winton & STEVENS, Annette. - Unions and the Future of Australian Manufacturing.
59215: EWER, Peter ed. - State of Siege. Renewal or Privatisation for Australian State Public Services?
56213: EWER, Peter ed. - State of Siege. Renewal or Privatisation for Australian State Public Services?
52420: EWER, Peter ed. - State of Siege. Renewal or Privatisation for Australian State Public Services?
61845: EWING, Gifford C. ed. - Oceanography from Space. Proceedings of Conference on The Feasibility of Conducting Oceanographic Explorations from Aircraft, Manned Orbital and Lunar Laboratories, held at Woods Hole, MA,24-28 A ugust 1964. Sponsored by NASA.
65341: EXON, F.C.A. - Survey of Australian Inter-Library Lending.
65055: EXTON-SMITH, A.N. and EVANS, J. Grimley (eds.). - Care of the Elderly: Meeting the Challenge of Dependency.
74780: EYKHOLT, Edward M. and FIRESMITH, Donald G. - Dictionary of Object Technology: The Definitive Desk Reference.
56589: EYLES, A.G. CAMERON, D.G. HACKER, J.B. ed. - Pasture Research in Northern Australia: Its History, Achievements and Future Emphasis. Research Report No. 4.
57012: EZELL, Paul H. SPICER, Edward H. ed. - American Anthropologist. The Hispanic Acculturation of the Gila River Pimas. Vol. 63, No. 5, Part 2, October 1961.
65093: FAALAND, Just, and PARKINSON, J.R. - Bangladesh: The Test Case For Development.
68150: FABB, W.E. & MARSHALL, J.R. - The Assessment of Clinical Competence in General Family Practice.
53255: FABER, Richard. - Beaconsfield and Bolingbroke.
65748: FABRE, J. (ed.). - Afrique de L'Ouest: Introduction Geologique et Stratigraphiques / West Africa: Geological Introduction and Stratigraphic Terms.
61562: FABRIS, G.F. Menchini, PASINI, W. & MARTINI, L. eds. - Therapy in Andrology: Pharmacological, Surgical and Psychological Aspects.
66893: FAGERLIND, Ingemar, and SAHA, Lawrence J. - Education and National Development: A Comparative Perspective.
72822: FAIN, Sammy. WEBSTER, Paul Francis lyric. WARRINGTON, Johnny arr. / AARONSON, Irving music. WEBSTER, Paul Francis. WEIRICK, Paul arr. - The Gift of Love / The Loveliest Night of the Year. Sheet Music.
63775: FAINSOD, Merle. - Smolensk Under Soviet Rule.
62891: FAIR, Ray C. - A Model of Macroeconomic Activity: Volume I: The Theoretical Model.
63534: FAIRBAIRN, Te'o Ian, FALLON, John et al. - The Papua New Guinea Economy: Prospects for Sectoral Development & Broad Based Growth.
62315: FAIRBAIRN, Te'o I. J. - Island Economies: Studies from the South Pacific.
60215: FAIRBAIRN, Ian J. - The National Income of Western Samoa.
52232: FAIRBAIRN, Anne. - Shadows of Our Dreaming. A Celebration of Early Australia.
74437: FAIRBANK, John King, COOLIDGE, Martha Henderson & SMITH, Richard J. - H.B. Morse: Customs Commissioner and Historian of China.
54746: FAIRBANK, John King. - China Perceived: Images and Policies in Chinese-American Relations.
54430: FAIRBANK, John King. - China Watch.
64413: FAIRCHILDS, Cissie C. - Poverty and Charity in Aix-En-Provence, 1640-1789.
76455: FAIRHEAD, James & LEACH, Melissa. - Misreading the African Landscape: Society and Ecology in a Forest-savanna Mosaic.
76421: FAIRLEY, Andrew. - Flutes, Flautists & Makers (Active or Born Before 1900).
63976: FAKTOR, M.M. & GARRETT, I. - Growth of Crystals from the Vapour.
72912: FALCH, Oskar. - Selbst-Unterrichts-Briefe. Methode Rustin. Kontrapunktslehre.
52194: FALCO, Raphael. - Conceived Presences. Literary Genealogy in Renaissance England.
57762: FALCOFF, Mark & ROYAL, Robert eds. - The Continuing Crisis: U.S. Policy in Central America and the Caribbean. Thirty Essays by Statesmen, Scholars, Religious Leaders, and Journalists.
74671: FALK, Barbara. - Caught in a Snare: Hitler's Refugee Academics 1933-1949.
70387: FALK, Richard A. ed. - The International Law of Civil War.
60026: FALK, Richard A. ed. - The Vietnam War and International Law. Volumes 1 & 2.
56941: FALL, S.M. & LYNDEN-BELL, D. eds. - The Structure and Evolution of Normal Galaxies.
64354: FALLDING, Harold. - The Social Process Revisited: Achieving Human Interests Through Alliance.
68510: FALLON, John, KING, Tim et al. - Papua New Guinea: The Role of Government in Economic Devlopment.
63531: FALLON, B.J., PFISTER, H.P., & BREBNER, J. eds. - Advances in Industrial Organizational Psychology.
63215: FALLON, Nicholas. - Middle East Oil Money and its Future Expenditure.
58076: FALLON, Nicholas. - Middle East Oil Money and its Future Expenditure.
54133: FALLON, John, SUGDEN, Craig, & COOK, Alan. - Papua New Guinea: Coping with Shocks and Achieving Broad-Based Economic Development.
74006: FALLOWS, David. - The Master Musicians: Dufay
56450: FALMAGNE, Rachel Joffe ed. - Reasoning: Representation and Process in Children and Adults.
55439: FALS-BORDA, Orlando. - Peasant Society in the Colombian Andes: A Sociological Study of Saucio.
58822: FAN, Liang-Tseng & WANG, Chiu-Sen. - The Discrete Maximum Principle: A Study of Multistage Systems Optimization.
58292: FANG, I.E. - Television News: Writing, Editing, Filming, Broadcasting.
71132: FANKHAUSER, B. & BIRD, J. Roger eds. - Archaeometry: Current Australasian Research.
62413: FANKHAUSER, B. & BIRD, J. Roger eds. - Archaeometry: Current Australasian Research.
69599: FANNING, F. Dominic & FATCHEN, Timothy J. - The Upper Wog Wog River Catchment of Coolangubra and Nalbaugh State Forest, (Mines Road Area) New South Wales: A Fauna and Flora Survey.
69598: FANNING, F. Dominic & MILLS, Kevin. - The Stockyard Creek Catchment of Coolangubra State Forest, New South Wales: A Fauna and Flora Survey.
68190: FANNING, Connell & MAHONY, David O. - The General Theory of Profit Equilibrium: Keynes and the Entrepreneur Economy.
68159: FANNING, Connell & MAHONY, David O. - The General Theory of Profit Equilibrium: Keynes and the Entrepreneur Economy.
56627: FANON. HANSEN, Emmanuel. - Frantz Fanon: Social and Political Thought.
53859: PROGRAMME. FANTASIA. - Walt Disney Presents Fantasia.
47970: FARA, Patricia, GATHERCOLE, Peter, & LASKEY, Ronald ed. - The Changing World.
66161: FARDON, Richard. - Raiders and Refugees: Trends in Chamba Political Development, 1750 to 1950.
10600: FARELY, Alison. - King Wolf.
74703: LA FARGE, Annik. - On the High Line - Exploring New York's Most Original Urban Park.
60095: FARMER, B.H. - Agricultural Colonization in India Since Independence.
59528: FARMER, Paul. - Music in the Comprehensive School.
75736: FARMER, Sharon ed. - Approaches to Poverty in Medieval Europe: Complexities, Contradictions, Transformations, c.1100-1500.
65496: FARQUHAR, Francis P. - History of the Sierra Nevada.
58626: FARQUHAR, J.N. - Modern Religious Movements in India.
52354: FARQUHAR. ROTHSTEIN, Eric. - George Farquhar.
51587: FARQUHARSON, John E. - The Western Allies and the Politics of Food. Agrarian Management in Postwar Germany.
72376: FARR, James R. & CONTRENI, John J. eds. - French Historical Studies. Volume 21, Number 2, Spring 1998.
69414: FARRAR, John. - Corporate Governance in Australia and New Zealand.
68237: FARRAR, Thomas C. & BECKER, Edwin D. - Pulse and Fourier Transform NMR: Introduction to Theory and Methods.
66903: FARRAR, Adam, and INGLIS, Jane (eds). - Keeping It Together: State and Civil Society in Australia.
57726: FARRAR-HOCKLEY, Anthony. - Opening Rounds: Lessons of Military History, 1918-1988.
71121: FARRELL, William Regis. - The US Government Response to Terrorism. in Search of an Effective Strategy.
68756: FARRELL, David J. ed. - Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia 1989.
52645: FARRINGTON, John & BEBBINGTON, Anthony with WELLARD, Kate & LEWIS, David J. - Reluctant Partners? Non-Governmental Organizations, the State and Sustainable Agricultural Development.
71497: FARROW, Charles W. ed. CROSBY, Jackie, SPELMAN, Diana, COLE, Pamela, EDMONDS, Jennifer, SMITH, Caroline & THOMAS, Dawn transcribed. - The Parish Registers of DISS 1551-1837.
71085: FARROW, Robin F.C., DIENY, Bernard, DONATH, Markus, FERT, Alvert & HERMSMEIER, B.D. eds. - Magnetism and Structure in Systems of Reduced Dimension.
64796: AL-FARSY, Fouad. - Modernity and Tradition: The Saudi Equation.
57642: AL-FARSY, Fouad. - Modernity and Tradition: The Saudi Equation.
69857: FARZANEH, F. & COOPER, D.N. ed. - Functional Analysis of the Human Genome.
71883: FASCELL, Dante B. ed. - International News: Freedom Under Attack.
74093: FASMAN, Mark, J. - Brass Bibliography: Sources on the History Literature, Pedagogy, Performance and Acoustics of Brass Instruments.
69728: FASMAN, Gerald D. ed. - Prediction of Protein Structure and the Principles of Protein Conformation.
64532: FASSMANN, Heinz & MUNZ, Rainer eds. - European Migration in the Late Twentieth Century: Historical Patterns, Actual Trends, and Social Implications.
71515: FAST, Howard. - Peerskill: USA. A Personal Experience.
57418: FASULO, Linda M. - Representing America: Experiences of U.S. Diplomats at the U.N.
76280: FAULK, Odie B. - Too Far North... Too Far South.
71751: FAULKNER. BLOTNER, Joseph. - William Faulkner: A Biography. Volume Two.
71246: FAULKNER. BRYLOWSKI, Walter. - Faulkner's Olympian Laugh: Myth in the Novels.
59334: FAULKNER. FOWLER, Doreen & ABADIE, Ann J. eds. - Faulkner and Popular Culture. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1988.
54218: FAULKNER. BECK, Warren. - Faulkner: Essays.
52983: FAULKNER. IRWIN, John T. - Doubling and Incest/ Repetition and Revenge. A Speculative Reading of Faulkner.
74141: FAURE, Gabriel. - 20 Melodies Pour Piano et Chant. 2eme Vol. Soprano [Piano Vocal Score].
72440: FAURE, Gabriel. - Ballade Pour Piano avec Accompagnement d'Orchestre. Op. 19.
52563: FAURE. PAUVERT, Jean-Jacques ed. - Oeuvres Completes D'Elie Faure. Tome III: Oeuvres Diverses.
62996: FAUROT, Jean H. - The Philosopher and the State: From Hooker to Popper.
62848: FAUROT, Jean H. - The Philosopher and the State: From Hooker to Popper.
54097: FAUSER, Alois. - Kulturgeschichte des Globus.
74866: FAWCETT, Richard. - The Architectural History of Scotland: Scottish Architecture from the Accession of the Stewarts to the Reformation, 1371-1560.
72639: FAY. WILEY, Bell Irvin ed. - This Infernal War: The Confederate Letters of Sgt. Edwin H Fay.
70152: FAYLE, Pamela, LAFFAN, Judith, MILES, Glenn et al. - Subsistence to Supermarket: Food and Agricultural Transformation in South-East Asia.
58766: FEACHEM, Richard, MCGARRY, Michael & MARA, Duncan eds. - Water, Wastes and Health in Hot Climates.
71397: FEARS, J. Wayne. - The CVA Muzzleloading Hunter's Handbook.
72785: FEATHER, Leonard. HUDSON, Will scores. - Esquire Blues. Sheet Music.
70159: FECTEAU, Jean-Marie, BRETON, Gilles & LETOURNEAU, Jocelyn. - La Condition Quebecoise: Enjeux Et Horizons D'Une Societe En Devenir.
65669: FEEHAN, H.V. - Bond and Link: Pharmacy Organisations and Education in Victoria, Australia, 1857-1977.
71051: FEELEY, Kathryn J. - Return the Parthenon Marbles.
72702: FEENEY, Robert E. - Polar Journeys: The Role of Food and Nutrition in Early Exploration.
72468: FEFFER, John. - Shock Waves: Eastern Europe After the Revolutions.
60458: FEHER, Ferenc, HELLER, Agnes & MARKUS, Gyorgy. - Dictatorship Over Needs.
70121: FEHR, Beverley. - Friendship Processes.
66521: FEHRENBACH, R.J. ed. - Private Libraries In Renaissance England: A Collection and Catalogue of Tudor and Early Stuart Book-Lists. Volume IV PLRE 87-112.
76304: FEIGIN, Leo ed. - Russian Jazz New Identity.
71534: FEIGLIN, Moshe. - Where There are No Men, Zo Artzeinu's Struggle Against Post-Zionism Collapse.
73455: FEIN, Helen. - Imperial Crime and Punishment: The Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh and British Judgment, 1919-1920.
56546: FEINBERG, Renee. - The Equal Rights Amendment: An Annotated Bibliography of the Issues, 1976-1985.
57704: FEINSTEIN, Sascha & KOMUNYAKAA, Yusef eds. - The Jazz Poetry Anthology.
53054: FEINTUCH, Burt ed. - The Conservation of Culture. Folklorists and the Public Sector.
70419: FEJES, Fred. - Imperialism, Media and the Good Neighbor: New Deal Foreign Policy and United States Shortwave Broadcasting to Latin America.
56371: FEJOS, Paul. - Ethnography of the Yagua.
72984: FEL, Edit & HOFER, Tamas. - Proper Peasants: Traditional Life in a Hungarian Village.
62189: FELD, Werner J. - The Foreign Policies of West European Socialist Parties.
72740: FELDMAN, Herbert. - Karachi Through a Hundred Years. The Centenary History of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry 1860-1960.
60588: FELDMAN, Herbert. - Revolution in Pakistan: A Study of the Martial Law Administration.
63234: FELDMANN, Jules. - Gadsden: The First 100 Years.
69892: FELDSTEIN, Martin S. & INMAN, Robert P. eds. - The Economies of Public Services.
62687: FELKER, Jere. - Soviet Economic Controversies: The Emerging Marketing Concept and Changes in Planning, 1960-1965.
57798: FELLOWES, Edmund H. Revised by WESTRUP, J.A. - English Cathedral Music.
52379: FELLTHAM. PEBWORTH, Ted-Larry. - Owen Felltham.
66818: FELS, Alan. - The British Prices and Incomes Board: University of Cambridge Department of Applied Economics Occasional Paper 29.
74099: FENLON, Iain. ed. - Early Music History: Volume 1. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music.
68220: FENNELL, Mary L. & WARNECKE, Richard B. - The Diffusion of Medical Innovations: An Applied Network Analysis.
72529: FENNER, Frank ed. - History of Microbiology In Australia.
71619: FENNER, Theodore. - Leigh Hunt and Opera Criticism: The Examiner Years, 1808-1821.
67699: FENNER, Frank ed. - History of Microbiology In Australia.
67384: FENSHAM, Peter, POWER, Colin, TRIPP, David & KEMMIS, Stephen. - Alienation from Schooling.
67814: FENSTAD, J.E. & HINMAN, P.G. eds. - Generalized Recursion Theory: Proceedings of the 1972 Oslo Symposium.
58816: FENSTAD, J.E. & HINMAN, P.G. eds. - Generalized Recursion Theory: Proceedings of the 1972 Oslo Symposium.
61544: FERBER, Robert. - The Reliability of Consumer Reports of Financial Assets and Debts.
54942: FERBER, Robert & HIRSCH, Werner Z. - Social Experimentation and Economic Policy.
74009: FERGUSON, Margaret W. - Trials of Desire: Renaissance Defenses of Poetry.
72471: FERGUSON, R. Brian & FARRAGHER, Leslie E. - The Anthropology of War: A Bibliography.
72299: FERGUSON, Gregor. - Coup d'Etat: A Practical Manual.
67490: FERGUSON, Barbara & BROWNE, Elspeth eds. - Health Care and Immigrants: A Guide for the Helping Professions.
65949: FERGUSON, Charles W. - Organizing to Beat the Devil. Methodists and the Making of America.
65164: FERGUSON, Eugene S. - Bibliography of the History of Technology.
48699: FERGUSON, John. - Death Comes to Perigord.
75237: FERGUSON, Ian S. - Sustainable Forest Management.
76371: FERNANDEZ-MORENO, C. ed. - Cultures. Volume VII No. 1. Profiles of Spanish Culture. 1980.
57034: FERNANDEZ, Carmen & ALVEAR, Daza. - El Senorio de Burguillos en la Baja Edad Media Extremena.
74198: FERNANDO, Raymond H. & SUNG, Li-Pin eds. - Nanotechnology Applications in Coatings.
54023: FERRAR, Pamela J. - Bibliography of Australian Native Plants. Part I: Photosynthetic Responses (Annotated). Part II: Water Relations (Annotated).
48281: FERRARA, Lidia ed. - Superpen. The Cartoons and Caricatures of Edward Sorel.
73730: FERRARI. CLARKE, R.M. ed. - Ferrari 328, 348, Mondial Gold Portfolio: 1986-1994.
53675: FERRARI. EATON, Godfrey. - Great Marques: Ferrari.
75698: FERRARI. WYSS, Wallace A. - The Complete Guide to the Ferrari 308, 328, Mondial.
69923: FERREIROS, C., CRIADO, M.T. & VAZQUEZ, J. eds. - Emerging Strategies in the Fight Against Meningitis: Molecular and Cellular Aspects.
69722: FERREIROS, C., CRIADO, M.T. & VAZQUEZ, J. eds. - Emerging Strategies in the Fight Against Meningitis: Molecular and Cellular Aspects.
68303: FERRENDELLI, James A. ed. - Society for Neuroscience Symposia Volume III: Aspects of Behavioral Neurobiology.
73929: FERRIS, Lesley ed. - Crossing the Stage: Controversies on Cross-Dressing.
64347: FERRO, Gaetano & CARACI, Ilaria Luzzana eds. - The Italian Contribution to the Knowledge of the Fifth Continent: L.M. E E.A. D'Albertis/ Il Contributo Italiano alla Conoscena del Quinto Continente L.M. e E.A. D'Albertis.
61213: FERRY. POWER, Thomas Francis. - Jules Ferry and the Renaissance of French Imperialism.
76299: FESHARAKI, Fereidun & DORIAN, James P. eds. - Energy Developments in the 1990s: Challenges Facing Global/Pacific Markets. Proceedings. Fourteenth Annual International Conference International Association for Energy Economics, Honolulu, July 8-10, 1991. Volume I and II.
72060: FEUCHTWANG, Stephan & HUSSAIN, Athar ed. - The Chinese Economic Reforms.
52063: FEUCHTWANG, Stephan & HUSSAIN, Athar ed. - The Chinese Economic Reforms.
71325: FEUER, Lewis S. - Ideology and the Ideologists.
63015: FEUER, Lewis S. - Ideology and the Ideologists.
71567: FEUERSTEIN, Gunther. - New Directions in German Architecture.
48603: LE FEUVRE, Amy. - Harebell's Friend.
74736: FEY, Martin. - Soils of South Africa. Their distribution, properties, classification, genesis, use and environmental significance.
74406: FIAT 850. KERR, Ian. - Workshop Manual for Fiat 850 Saloon, Spider, Coupe, Sport from 1964.
63651: FIAT 125. KERR, Ian. - Workshop Manual for Fiat 125 / Fiat 125S from 1967.
53514: FIAT. CLARKE, R.M. ed. - Fiat X1/9. 1972 - 1980.
53474: FIAT 126. HAYNES, J.H. & STRASMAN, P.G. - Fiat 126 Owners Workshop Manual. Covers the Standard, L and Sunroof Models Fitted with the 594cc Engine, 1973 - 1977.
66784: FICHERA, G. GRAFFI, Sandro (trans). - Numerical and Quantitative Analysis.
73962: FICINO, Marsilio. - The Letters of Marsilio Ficino. Volume 2 being a translation of Liber III.
52449: FIDELL, Estelle A. ed. - Play Index. 1961 - 1967; 1968 - 1972; 1973 - 1977.
73345: FIDLON, Paul G. and RYAN, R.J. eds. - The Journal and Letters of Lt. Ralph Clark 1787-1792.
57038: FIEGEHEN, G.C., LANSLEY, P.S. & SMITH, A.D. with GARGANAS, N.C. - Poverty and Progress in Britain, 1953-73. A Statistical Study of Low Income Households: Their Numbers, Types and Expenditure Patterns.
62008: FIELD, Arthur J. ed. - City and Country in the Third World: Issues in the Modernization of Latin America.
74199: FIELDHOUSE, Richard ed. - Security at Sea: Naval Forces and Arms Control.
71348: FIELDING. HASSALL, Anthony J. - Henry Fielding's Tom Jones.
71342: FIELDING. HASSALL, Anthony J. - Henry Fielding's Tom Jones.
54812: FIELDING, A.J. & CAVANAGH, D.M. ed. - Curriculum Priorities in Australian Higher Education. An Examination of Curriculum Issues and Practices in Australian Higher Education with Proposals for Curriculum Reform in Teacher Education.
53687: FIELDING. SACKS, Sheldon. - Fiction and the Shape of Belief. A Study of Henry Fielding with Glances at Swift, Johnson, and Richardson.
52788: FIELDING. BATTESTIN, Martin C. - The Moral basis of Fielding's Art: A Study of Joseph Andrews.
52615: FIELDING, Henry. BATTESTIN, Martin C. ed. - Joseph Andrews & Shamela.
52503: FIELDING. SACKS, Sheldon. - Fiction and the Shape of Belief. A Study of Henry Fielding with Glances at Swift, Johnson, and Richardson.
64985: T-W-FIENNES, Richard N. - Zoonoses and the Origins and Ecology of Human Disease.
62043: FIGLIUOLO, Bruno. - Il Terremoto del 1456. I.
76092: FILDES, R.D. - The Ships That Serve Australia and New Zealand. Volume One - Australian and New Zealand Flag Ships. Second Edition.
53064: FILSON, Floyd V. - A Commentary on The Gospel According to St. Matthew.
75411: FILSON, Rex B. - Index to Type Specimens of Australian Lichens: 1800-1984.
66208: FINCH, Robert. - The Sixth Sense: Individualism in French Poetry, 1686-1760.
52570: FINCH, John Wellington, BATEMAN, Allan M., BUTLER, B.S. et. al. ed. - Ore Deposits of the Western States.
47733: FINCK, Henry T. - Songs & Song Writers.
61606: FINCKH, E.S. - The Effects of Environment on Cells and Tissues. Proceedings of the IX World Congress of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Sydney, 13-17 October, 1975.
69732: FINDEISEN, Raoul D. & GASSMANN, Robert H. eds. - Autumn Floods: Essays in Honour of Marian Galik.
57696: FINDLATER. MACKENZIE, Eileen. - The Findlater Sisters: Literature and Friendship.
72490: FINDLAY, Christopher & GARNAUT, Ross ed. - The Political Economy of Manufacturing Protection Experiences of ASEAN and Australia.
72481: FINDLAY, Allan M. - The Arab World.
70707: FINDLAY, Christopher. - Challenges of Economic Reform and Industrial Growth: China's Wool War.
62617: FINDLAY, Trevor. - Peace Through Chemistry: The New Chemical Weapons Convention.
62518: FINDLAY, Christopher & GARNAUT, Ross ed. - The Political Economy of Manufacturing Protection Experiences of ASEAN and Australia.
62231: FINDLAY, J.D., SHERWOOD, D.E., HAGENAAR, J. et al. - Building on Marginal and Derelict Land. Proceedings of a Conference Organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and Held in Glasgow on 7-9 May 1986.
55934: FINDLAY, Mark, EGGER, Sandra J., & SUTTON, Jeff ed. - Issues in Criminal Justice Administration.
53810: FINDLAY, Christopher & GARNAUT, Ross ed. - The Political Economy of Manufacturing Protection Experiences of ASEAN and Australia.
69806: FINDLEY, David F. ed. - Applied Time Series Analysis.
68375: FINEAN, J.B. & MICHELL, R.H. eds. - Membrane Structure.
72565: FINEMAN, Martha Albertson & THOMADSEN, Nancy Sweet eds. - At the Boundaries of Law: Feminism and Legal Theory.
57147: FINGARETTE, Herbert & FINGARETTE HASSE, Ann. - Mental Disabilities and Criminal Responsibility.
73806: FINK, Seymour. - Mastering Piano Tenchnique: A Guide for Students, Teachers, and Performers.
73404: FINKELSTEIN, David B. & BALL, Christopher eds. - Biotechnology of Filamentous Fungi: Technology and Products.
69335: FINKELSTEIN, Lawrence S. ed. - The United States and International Organization: The Changing Setting.
64523: FINLEY, John W. & SCHWASS, Daniel E. eds. - Xenobiotics in Foods and Feeds: Based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agricutural and Food Chemistry at the 184th meeting of the American Chemical Society Kansas City Missouri September 12-17 1982.
62051: FINN, C.A. ed. - Oxford Reviews of Reproductive Biology. Volume 1: 1979.
75711: FINN, Dallas. - Meiji Revisited: The Sites of Victorian Japan.
61692: FINNEY, C.M. - To Sail Beyond the Sunset: Natural History in Australia, 1699-1829.
65717: FINTER, N.B. (ed.). - Interferons.
67269: FINUCCI, Valeria & SCHWARTZ, Regina eds. - Desire in the Renaissance: Psychoanalysis and Literature.
59361: FIRBANK. MERRITT, James Douglas. - Ronald Firbank.
58354: FIRESTONE, John M. - Federal Receipts and Expenditures During Business Cycles, 1879-1958.
74986: FIRTH, Raymond. - Rank and Religion in Tikopia: A Study in Polynesian Paganism and Conversion to Christianity.
63846: FIRTH, Raymond & YAMEY, B.S. eds. - Capital, Saving and Credit in Peasant Societies: Studies from Asia, Oceania, The Caribbean and Middle America.
61741: FIRTH, Frank E. ed. - The Encyclopedia of Marine Resources.
60621: FIRTH, Raymond & YAMEY, B.S. eds. - Capital, Saving and Credit in Peasant Societies: Studies from Asia, Oceania, The Caribbean and Middle America.
59318: FIRTH, Raymond ed. - Themes in Economic Anthropology.
52122: FIRTH, Raymond. - The Work of the Gods in Tikopia.
51401: FIRTH, Raymond ed. - Themes in Economic Anthropology.
47545: FIRTH, Raymond. - Malay Fishermen. Their Peasant Economy.
72416: FISCHER, Friedrich. - Die Schichtstufenlandschaft als strukturbedingter und klimabeeinflusster Formenkomplex.
62880: FISCHER, M.M., NIJKAMP, P. & PAPAGEORGIOU, Y.Y. eds. - Spatial Choices and Processes.
60419: FISCHER-GALATI, Stephen ed. - Eastern Europe in the 1980s.
54497: FISCHER, E.K. - Das Horspiel: Form und Funktion.
48706: FISCHER, Ernst Peter. - Wissenschaft fur den Markt. Die Geschichte des forschenden Unternehmens Boehringer Mannheim.
64894: FISHBEIN, Lawrence. - Chromatography of Environmental Hazards. Volume II: Metals, Gaseous and Industrial Pollutants.
58055: FISHEL, Jeff ed. - Parties and Elections in an Anti-Party Age: American Politics and the Crisis of Confidence.
75271: FISHER, Myles & COOK, Simon eds. - Water, Food and Poverty in River Basins: Defining the Limits.
74699: FISHER, Marshall. RAMAN, Ananth. - The New Science of Retailing: How analytics are transforminng the supply chain and improving performance.
73273: FISHER, Raymond H. - The Voyage of Semen Dezhnez in 1648. Bering's Precursor with Selected Documents.
70157: FISHER, Peter S. - Fantasy and Politics: Visions of the Future in the Weimar Republic.
69810: FISHER, Lloyd & MCDONALD, John. - Fixed Effects Analysis of Variance.
67466: FISHER, Allan G.B. - International Implications of Full Employment in Great Britain.
66659: FISHER, N.H. ed. - Metallogenic Provinces and Mineral Deposits in the Southwestern Pacific. A Symposium held at the 12th pacific Science Congress, Canberra, August 1971.
66236: FISHER, Herbert A.L. - Studies in Napoleonic Statesmanship: Germany.
63553: FISHER, Desmond. - Broadcasting in Ireland.
59806: FISHER, F.J. ed. - Essays in the Economic & Social History of Tudor & Stuart England in Honour of R.H. Tawney.
58917: FISHER, Stephen D. & JEROME, Joseph W. - Minimum Norm Extremals in Function Spaces: With Applications to Classical and Modern Analysis.
58604: FISHER, Malcolm R. - The Economic Analysis of Labour.
57702: FISHER, Margery. - Matters of Fact. Aspects of Non-Fiction for Children.
57701: FISHER, Margery. - Intent Upon Reading. A Critical Appraisal of Modern Fiction for Children.
56733: FISHER, N.H. ed. - Metallogenic Provinces and Mineral Deposits in the Southwestern Pacific. A Symposium held at the 12th pacific Science Congress, Canberra, August 1971.
56036: FISHER, E.A. - Anglo-Saxon Towers: An Architectural and Historical Study.
54111: FISHER, F.J. ed. - Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England in Honour of R.H. Tawney.
48193: FISHER, Margery. - Intent Upon Reading. A Critical Appraisal of Modern Fiction for Children.
48128: FISHER, Margery. - Matters of Fact. Aspects of Non-Fiction for Children.
75856: FISHER, Peter. - Victorian Signalling, By Accident or Design: An Illustrated Historic Narrative on Semaphore Signalling with Special Reference to Victoria Australia.
51599: FISHKIN, James S. - The Limits of Obligation.
56852: FISHMAN, Daniel B. & CHERNISS, Cary eds. - The Human Side of Corporate Competitiveness.
55079: FISHMAN, Joshua A. DIL, Anwar S. ed. - Language in Sociocultural Change. Essays by Joshua A. Fishman.
54802: FISHMAN, Joshua A. DIL, Anwar S. ed. - Language in Sociocultural Change. Essays by Joshua A. Fishman.
65886: FISIAK, Jacek (ed.). - The Polish-English Contrastive Project. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics. Volume 21.
65885: FISIAK, Jacek (ed.). - The Polish-English Contrastive Project. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics. Volume 19.
65884: FISIAK, Jacek (ed.). - The Polish-English Contrastive Project. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics. Volume 18.
65731: FISIAK, Jacek (ed.). - The Polish-English Contrastive Project. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics. Volume 15.
54809: FISIAK, Jacek ed. - Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science. IV. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, Volume 12. Theoretical Issues in Contrastive Linguistics.
69381: FISK, E.K. - The Aboriginal Economy in Town and Country.
63481: FISK, E.K. - The Aboriginal Economy in Town and Country.
57935: FISK, E.K. - The Political Economy of Independent Fiji.
72977: FISKE, John. - Television Culture.
72978: FISKE, John. - Television Culture.
71263: FISKE. WINSTON, George P. - John Fiske.
65551: FISLAK, Jacek (ed.). - Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics. Volume 14.
54455: FITE, Gilbert C. - American Farmers: The New Minority.
76216: FITE, Emerson David. - The Presidential Campaign of 1860.
74389: FITT,William K. ed. - Biology and Mariculture of Giant Clams: A workshop held in conjunction with the 7th International Coral Reef Symposium, 21-26 June 1992, Guam, USA.
53069: FITZ-ADAM, Adam. [Pseudonym for MOORE, Edward]. - The World. A New Edition.
71866: FITZGERALD, C.P. - The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People: Southern Fields and Southern Ocean.
71836: FITZGERALD, Stephen ed. - The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs Issue Number 2.
68909: FITZGERALD, Mike, HALMOS, Paul, MUNCIE, John & ZELDIN, David eds. - Welfare in Action.
67469: FITZGERALD, C.P. - The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People.
64785: FITZGERALD, C.P. - The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People: Southern Fields and Southern Ocean.
63193: FITZGERALD, C.P. - The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People: Southern Fields and Southern Ocean.
61536: FITZGERALD, Desmond. - The Memoirs of Desmond Fitzgerald: 1913-1916.
59995: FITZGERALD, C.P. - The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People: Southern Fields and Southern Ocean.
58467: FITZGERALD, Stephen. - China and the Overseas Chinese: A Study of Peking's Changing Policy, 1949-1970.
57914: FITZGERALD. CALLAHAN, John F. - The Illusions of a Nation: Myth and History in the Novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
57142: FITZGERALD, Patrick ed. - Crime, Justice and Codification: Essais a la memoire de Jacques Fortin/ Essays in Commemmoration of Jacques Fortin.
56735: FITZGERALD, Ross ed. - Human Needs and Politics.
56568: FITZGERALD, Stephen & HEWITT, Pamela eds. - China in the Seventies: Australian Perspectives.
52496: FITZGERALD. DAY, A. Grove. - Robert D. Fitzgerald.
51545: FITZGERALD, C.P. - The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People.
75187: FITZGERALD, Criena. - Kissing Can Be Dangerous: The Public Health Campaigns to Prevent and Control Tubercolosis in Western Australia, 1900-1960.
73873: FITZPATRICK, Mark. - The Iranian Nuclear Crisis: Avoiding Worst-Case Outcomes.
59623: O'FLAHERTY. O'BRIEN, James H. - Liam O'Flaherty.
57723: FLAHERTY, David H. - Privacy and Government Data Banks: An International Perspective.
52647: O'FLAHERTY. O'BRIEN, James H. - Liam O'Flaherty.
69274: FLANAGAN, Owen. - Consciousness Reconsidered.
68072: FLANDRIN, Jean-Louis. SOUTHERN, Richard trans. - Families in Former Times: Kinship, Household and Sexuality.
53205: FLAUBERT. CORTLAND, Peter. - The Sentimental Adventure: An Examination of Flaubert's Education Sentimentale.
53273: FLECKER. MUNRO, John M. - James Elroy Flecker.
74433: LE FLEMING, H.M. & PRICE< J.H. - Russian Steam Locomotives.
61474: FLEMING, Walter L. - Documentary History of Reconstruction: Political, Military, Social, Religious, Educational and Industrial, 1865 to 1906. Volume 1 and 2.
75542: FLEMING, W.A. - Butterflies of West Malaysia and Singapore Volume One and Two.
72845: LA FLESCHE. CRARY, Margaret. - Susette LA Flesche: Voice of the Omaha Indians.
74482: FLETCHER, Christopher. - Richard II. Manhood, Youth, and Politics, 1377-99.
73773: FLETCHER, Neville. H. and ROSSING, Thomas. D. - The Physics of Musical Instruments. Second Edition.
68153: FLETCHER, Colin. - Beneath the Surface: An Account of Three Styles of Sociological Research.
62572: FLETCHER, Andrew (of Saltoun). DAICHES, David ed. - Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun. Selected Political Writings and Speeches.
61977: FLETCHER, G.A. - The Discount Houses in London: Principles, Operations and Change.
60081: FLETCHER, William C. - Religion and Soviet Foreign Policy: 1945-1970.
59085: FLETCHER, Colin. - Beneath the Surface: An Account of Three Styles of Sociological Research.
58283: FLETCHER, Percy. - Cairo. A Mosaic in Music and Time.
57258: FLETCHER, Christine & WALSH, Cliff eds. - The Impact of Federalism on Metropolitan Strategies in Australia.
55363: FLETCHER. LEECH, Clifford. - The John Fletcher Plays.
53893: FLETCHER, David. - Staff Cars.
76180: FLETCHER, H.O. - Catalogue of Type Specimens of Fossils in the Australian Museum Sydney.
57133: FLICK, Carlos. - The Birmingham Political Union and the Movements for Reform in Britain: 1830-1839.
55919: FLICK, Ernest W. - Construction and Structural Adhesives and Sealants: An Industrial Guide.
70900: FLIKKEMA, Wiert, FRERKS, Georg, KLIEST, Ted et al. - Humanitarian Aid to Somalia - Evaluation Report 1994.
74706: FLIN, Rhona & SLAVEN, Georgina. - Managing the Offshore Installation Workforce.
62556: FLINK, Salomon J. - Israel: Chaos and Challenge. Politics vs. Economics.
74552: FLINT, Mary Louise. - Integrated Pest Management for Almonds.
65999: FLINT, Michael. - International Film Financing: Transcript of an Interview with Michael Flint.
72735: FLITNER, David Jr. - The Politics of Presidential Commissions: A Public Policy Perspective.
59390: FLOREN, Lee. - High Border Riders.
62421: FLORENCE, P. Sargant. - The Logic of British and American Industry: A Realistic Analysis of Economic Structure and Government.
66657: FLORKIN, Marcel & STOTZ, Elmer H. eds. - Comprehensive Biochemistry. Volume 10: Sterols, Bile Acids and Steroids.
76233: FLOWER-SMITH, Malcolm & YORKE, Edmund. - Mafeking! The Story of a Siege.
73147: FLOWER, William. NORCLIFFE, Charles Best ed. - The Visitation of Yorkshire in the Years 1563 and 1564, Made by William Flower, Esquire. Norroy King of Arms.
66428: FLOWER, J.E. - Literature and the Left in France: Society, Politics and the Novel since the Late Nineteenth Century.
53626: FLOWER, Raymond & WYNN JONES, Michael. - One Hundred Years of Motoring. An RAC Social History of the Car.
51868: FLOWER, Raymond. - Motor Sports. A Pictorial History.
69522: FLOYD, R.B. & HAUXWELL, C. ed. - Hypsipyla Shoot Borers in Meliaceae. Proceedings of an International Conference held at Kandy, Sri Lanka 20-23 August 1996.
62649: FLOYD, Robert H., GRAY, Clive S. & SHORT, R.P. - Public Enterprise in Mixed Economies: Some Macroeconomic Aspects.
56356: FLOYD, R.B. & HAUXWELL, C. ed. - Hypsipyla Shoot Borers in Meliaceae. Proceedings of an International Conference held at Kandy, Sri Lanka 20-23 August 1996.
62738: FLUCK, Ekkehard. - Die Kernmagnetische Resonanz und Ihre Anwendung in der Anorganischen Chemie.
55371: FLUHARTY, Vernon L. - Dance of the Millions: Military Rule and the Social Revolution in Columbia, 1930-1956.
61686: THE AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEE ON FLUROIDE. - Review of Fluoride: Benefits and Risks. Report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Fluoride of the Committee to Coordinate Environmental Health and Related Programs, Public Health Service.
74864: FLYNT, Wayne & BERKLEY, Gerald W. - Taking Christianity to China: Alabama Missionaries in the Middle Kingdom, 1850-1950.
74826: FOALE, M.A. - Coconut Germplasm in the South Pacific Islands: ACIAR Technical Reports 4.
61959: FOGARTY, Michael et al. - Women in Top Jobs: Four Studies in Achievement.
64367: FOGAZZARO. HALL, Robert A. Jr. - Antonio Fogazzaro.
75012: DE FOIGNY, Gabriel. FAUSETT, David trans and ed. - The Southern Land, Known.
75146: FOLCHER, Gustae. - Marching to Captivity: The War Diaries of a French Peasant, 1939-45.
49017: FOLDES, Yolanda. - Make You a Fine Wife.
74511: FOLEY, William A. - The Papuan Languages of New Guinea.
67839: FOLEY, Henry A. - Community Mental Health Legislation: The Formative Process.
75808: FOLEY, William A. - The Yimas Language of New Guinea.
54914: FOLLIOT, Denise ed. - Documents on International Affairs: 1953.
75960: FOLLOWS, Denis, RAMSEY, Alf, WILSON, Ray, CHARLTON, Bobby, DOCHERTY, Tommy et al. - The FA Book for Boys No. 17.
60383: FOLTZ, William J. - From French West Africa to the Mali Federation.
65888: FONDATION NATIONALE DES SCIENCES POLITIQUES, TAVERNIER, Yves, GERVAIS, Michel, and SERVOLIN, Claude. - L'Univers Politique des Paysans dans La France Contemporaine.
56693: FONER, Philip S. ed. - First Facts of American Labor: A Comprehensive Collection of Labor Firsts in the United States Arranged by Subject.
51396: FONER, Nancy. - Jamaica Farewell. Jamaican Migrants in London.
68361: LA FONTAINE, J.S. ed. - Sex and Age as Principles of Social Differentiation.
53071: FONTAINE, Andre. - Essai sur le Principe et les Lois de la Critique D'Art. These pour le Doctorat, Presentee a la Faculte des Lettres de Paris.
64872: FONTANE, Theodor. DEMETZ, Peter (ed.). - Short Novels and Other Writings.
57214: FONTENELLE, Bernard Le Bovier de. - Philosophische Neuigkeiten fur Leute von Welt und fur Gelehrte. Ausgewalhte Schriften.
75952: FONTENELLE. NIDERST, Alain et al. - Fontenelle: Actes Du Colloque Tenu Rouen Du 6 Au 10 Octobre 1987.
47828: FONTEYN, Margot. - The Magic of Dance.
61516: FOORD, Archibald S. - His Majesty's Opposition: 1714-1830.
53260: FOOT, Rosemary. - A Substitute for Victory. The Politics of Peacemaking at the Korean Armistice Talks.
52260: FOOTE. CHATTEN, Elizabeth N. - Samuel Foote.
51483: FOOTE, Joe S. - Live From the Trenches. The Changing Role of the Television News Correspondent.
52140: FOOTITT, Hilary & SIMMONDS, John. - France 1943 - 1945.
66981: FORAN, Barney, and WALKER, Bruce. - Science and Technology for Aboriginal Development.
71107: FORBES, Andrew ed. - The Strategic Importance of Seaborne Trade and Shipping: A Common Interest of Asia Pacific.
60956: FORBES, Dean K., HULL, Terence H., MARR, David G. & BROGAN, Brian eds. - Doi Moi: Vietnam's Renovation Policy and Performance.
56833: FORBES, Duncan. - Hythe Haven: The Story of the Town and Cinque Port of Hythe.
70528: THE FORCE PLANNING FACULTY, NAVAL WAR COLLEGE eds. - Fundamentals of Force Planning. Volume II: Defense Planning Cases.
75023: FORD, Andrew. - Illegal Harmonies: Music in the 20th Century.
75024: FORD, Andrew. - Illegal Harmonies: Music in the 20th Century.
74950: FORD / MAZDA. WARREN, Larry & HAYNES, John H. - Ford Telstar & TX5, Mazda 626 Automotive Repair Manual.
74948: FORD CAPRI. HAYNES, J.H. & HALL, J.R.S. - Ford Capri 1300 & 1600 ohv Owners Workshop Manual. Models covered: Capri 1300, January 1969 to February 1974; Capri 1600, January 1969 to September 1972; Covers Standard, L, XL, GT XL, and GT XLR Models; manual and automatic transmission.
74944: FORD TRANSIT. HAYNES, J.H. & LEGG, A.K. - Ford Transit Owners Workshop Manual. 1965 to February 1978. Models covered: All petrol engined models. 1664 cc and 1996 cc V4 engines and 1598 cc in-line ohv engine.
72932: FORD. MEIXNER, John A. - Ford Madox Ford's Novels: A Critical Study.
69318: FORD, L.R. Jr. & FULKERSON, D.R. - Flows in Networks.
67936: FORD, J.L. - Economic Choice under Uncertainty: A Perspective Theory Approach.
61217: FORD, Paul Leicester ed. - Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, Published During Its Discussion by the People, 1787-1788.
60991: FORD, W. Scott. - Interracial Public Housing in Border City: A Situational Analysis of the Contact Hypothesis.
60777: FORD, Boris ed. - The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain. Volume 3: Sixteenth-Century Britain.
60771: FORD, Boris ed. - The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain. Volume 9: Modern Britain.
60775: FORD, Boris ed. - The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain. Volume 5: Eighteenth-Century Britain.
58409: FORD, Bill & PLOWMAN, David. - Australian Unions: An Industrial Relations Perspective.
57210: FORD. MACSHANE, Frank ed. - Ford Madox Ford: The Critical Heritage.
56944: FORD. PACKER, C.E. - Popular Mechanics Manual for Ford Owners.
54557: FORD. GREENE, John Robert. - The Presidency of Gerald R. Ford.
53419: FORD. ELLISON, Hawks. - The Cassell Book of the Ford New Anglia from 1953.
53353: FORD. JELLEY, Harold & HARRISON, J. - The V-8 Ford Handbook. A Fully Illustrated Maintenance and Overhauling Manual.
76276: FORD. CASSERLY, John J. - The Ford White House: The Diary of Speechwriter.
75607: FORD, Herbert. - Pitcairn: Port of Call.
75709: FORD. BALL, Kenneth. - Ford Corsair 1969-70 Autobook. V4 2000.
71170: FORMAN, Henry Chandlee. - Tidewater Maryland Architecture and Gardens: A Sequel to Early Manor and Plantation Houses of Maryland.
47557: FORMAN, Joan. - Haunted Royal Homes.
75167: FORNDRAN, Erhard. - Probleme der Internationalen Abrustung: Die internationalen Bemuhungen um Abrustung und kooperative Rustungddteuerung, 1962-1968.
70278: FORRESTER, Viviane. - The Economic Horror.
60162: FORRESTER, Nathan B. - The Life Cycle of Economic Development.
73579: FORSTER, Colin. - Industrial Development in Australia: 1920-1930.
67500: FORSTER. CREWS, Fredrick, C. - E.M. Forster: The Perils of Humanism.
61618: FORSTER. REID, T. Wemyss. - Life of the Right Honourable William Edward Forster.
61469: FORSTER, Colin. - Industrial Development in Australia: 1920-1930.
57023: FORSTER, Colin & TUCKER, G.S.L. - Economic Opportunity and White American Fertility Ratios: 1800-1860.
52721: FORSTER. BRADBURY, Malcolm ed. - Forster. A Collection of Critical Essays.
75806: FORSTER. JACKSON, Patrick. - Education Act Forster: A Political Biography of W.E. Forster (1818-1886).
65485: FORSYTH, Elliott. - La Tragedie Francaise De Jodelle a Corneille (1553-1640). La Theme de la Vengeance.
52078: FORSYTH, David J.C. - Technology Policy for Small Developing Countries.
60624: FORTES, M. & DIETERLEN, G. - African Systems of Thought: Studies Presented and Discussed at the Third International African Seminar in Salisbury, December 1960.
48605: FORTESCUE, N. & McCALLUM, D. ed. - The Record. The Magazine of the Sydney High School.
70763: FOSCOLO, Ugo. LIMENTANI, Uberto ed. - Scritti Vari di Critica Storica e Letteraria (1817-1827).
53786: FOSCOLO. MAY, Frederick. - The J.C. Translations of Poems by Ugo Foscolo.
59499: FOSS, Christopher F. ed. - An Ilustrated Guide to World War II Tanks and Fighting Vehicles.
73872: FOSTER, Kevin. - What Are We Doing in Afghanistan? The Military and the Media at War.
73142: FOSTER, C.W. ed. - The Parish Registers of the City of Lincoln. Marriages A.D. 1538-1754.
73141: FOSTER, C.W. ed. - The Parish Registers of Bourne in the County of Lincoln. Volume I 1562-1650.
73140: FOSTER, C.W. ed. - The Parish Registers of Grantham in the County of Lincoln. Volume I 1562-1632.
64165: FOSTER, Stephen. HITCHCOCK, H. Wiley ed. - Household Songs.
56368: FOSTER, George M. - Culture and Conquest: America's Spanish Heritage.
56267: FOSTER, C.D., JACKMAN, R. & PERLMAN, M. with LYNCH, B. - Local Government Finance in a Unitary State.
62776: FOTHERGILL, Richard & BUTCHART, Ian. - Non-book Materials in Libraries: A Practical Guide.
55391: FOTHERGILL, Richard. - Implications of New Technology for the School Curriculum.
76119: FOTHERINGHAM, Richard. - Sport in Australian Drama.
67239: FOTHERINGHAM, Richard. - Sport in Australian Drama.
76300: FOWLER, Roger. - Literature As Social Discourse: The Practice of Linguistic Criticism.
74567: FOWLER, Alastair. - Kinds of Literature: An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes.
72568: FOWLER, herbert E. - A History of New Britain.
68563: FOWLER, David C. - A Literary History of the Popular Ballad.
58595: FOWLER, Roger. - The Languages of Literature: Some Linguistic Contributions to Criticism.
51867: FOWLER, William M. Jr. - Jack Tars and Commodores. The American Navy 1783 - 1815.
49116: FOWLER, David C. - A Literary History of the Popular Ballad.
76281: FOWLER, Verlie. - A Stroll through St Peter's Churchyard Campbelltown N.S.W.
74941: FOX, Levi. - A Country Grammar School: A History of Ashby-de-la-Zouch Grammar School through four centuries, 1597 to 1967.
71739: FOX, W. - A Technical Conference on Tin. London, 1967.
71715: FOX, W. - A Second Technical Conference on Tin.
70581: FOX, J.J., GARNAUT, R.G., MCCAWLEY, P.T. & MACKIE, J.A.C. eds. - Indonesia: Australian Perspectives.
69604: FOX, J. Ronald. - Arming America: How The U.S. Buys Weapons.
65743: FOX, J. Ronald. - The Defense Management Challenge: Weapons Acquisition.
63713: FOX, Loren. - Enron: The Rise and Fall.
61886: FOX. VIPONT, Elfrida. - George Fox and the Valiant Sixty.
60231: FOX, William T.R. & SCHILLING, Warner R. - European Security and the Atlantic System.
59648: FOX, Charles. - Jazz in Perspective.
57123: FOX, Sir Cyril. - Life and Death in the Bronze Age: An Archaeologist's Field-Work.
57032: FOX, Stephen. - The American Conservation Movement: John Muir and His Legacy.
56968: FOX, Michael Allen. - The Case for Animal Experimentation: An Evolutionary and Ethical Perspective.
54632: FOX, Daniel M. & RAPHAEL, Carol ed. - Home-Based Care for a New Century.
51616: FOX, Charles. - The Great Racing Cars and Drivers.
48991: FOX, Roy. - Making Quality Happen. Six Steps to Total Quality Management.
76173: FRAEIJS de VEUBEKE, B. - Glexion et Extension des Plaques D'Epaisseur Moderee.
69137: FRAISSE, Roland. - Course of Mathematical Logic. Volume 2: Model Theory.
64089: FRAKE, Charles O. DIL, Anwar S. ed. - Language and Cultural Description: Essays by Charles O. Frake
73760: FRAKER, Alan. G. HEISE, Karinne. T. Heise, Thomas. A ed. - The Deerfield Reader.
66977: FRALEY, Ruth A., and ANDERSON, Carol Lee. - Library Space Planning. A How-To-Do-It Manual for Assessing, Allocating and Reorganizing Collections, Resources and Facilities.
75045: FRAME, Tom. - The Cruel Legacy: The HMAS Voyager Tragedy.
51866: FRAME, Tom. - Pacific Partners. A History of Australian-American Naval Relations.
65936: FRANCE, Anatole. MAY, J. Lewis (trans.). - Prefaces, Introductions and Other Uncollected Papers.
54777: FRANCE. BRESKY, Dushan. - The Art of Anatole France.
66722: DE FRANCESCHI, Bruno & MONDINI, Pier Fernando. - Ebe Stignani: Una Voce e Il Suo Mondo.
54498: DE FRANCESCO, Antonio. - Il Sogno della Repubblica: Il Mondo del Lavoro dall'Ancien Regime al 1848.
62428: FRANCHIMONT, P. & BUGER, H. - Human Growth Hormone and Gonadotrophins in Health and Disease.
71371: FRANCIA, Luis H. ed. - Brown River, White Ocean: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Philippine Literature in English.
74377: FRANCIS, Eric T.B. - The Anatomy of the Salamander.
63634: FRANCIS, Wayne L. - Legislative Issues in the Fifty States: A Comparative Analysis.
76266: FRANCIS. BEST, Barbara J. - George William Francis: First Director of the Adelaide Botanic Garden.
52358: FRANCIS. MCCRACKEN, David. - Junius and Philip Francis.
52007: FRANCIS, Dick. - Hot Money.
52008: FRANCIS, Dick. - The Edge.
52009: FRANCIS, Dick. - Break In.
64522: FRANCISCO, Ronald A. & LAIRD, Betty A. & Roy D. eds. - Agricultural Policies in the U. S. S. R. and Eastern Europe.
66667: FRANCK, Cesar. - Piano Quintet in F Minor.
62635: FRANCK, Thomas M. ed. - Why Federations Fail: An Inquiry Into the Requisites for Successful Federalism.
62155: FRANCK, Thomas M. & WEISBAND, Edward. - Foreign Policy by Congress.
54840: FRANCK, Thomas M. - East African Unity Through Law.
70740: FRANK, Armin Paul, MAASS, Kurt-Jurgen, PAUL, Fritz & TURK, Horst eds. - Übersetzen, verstehen, Brücken bauen. Geisteswissenschaftliches u. literarisches Übersetzen im internationalen Kulturaustausch. Band 8, Teil 1.
64583: FRANK-KAMENETSKII, D.A. - Physical Processes in Stellar Interiors.
64270: FRANK, Lawrence K. - Society as the Patient.
63149: FRANK, Charles R. Jr. - Production Theory and Indivisible Commodities.
59070: FRANK. BITTNER, William. - The Novels of Waldo Frank.
42525: FRANK, Michael. - A Florentine Commission.
71857: FRANKEL, Boris. - The Post-Industrial Utopians.
70114: FRANKEL, O.H. & HAWKES, J.G. eds. - Crop Genetic Resources for Today and Tomorrow.
67263: FRANKEL, O.H., DIETRICHSEN, Jon, LINES, Roger et al. - Third World Consultation on Forest Tree Breeding / Troisieme Consultation Mondiale sur L'Amelioration des Arbres Forestiers / Tercera Consulta Mondial Sobre Mejora de Arboles Forestales. Canberra, Australia, 21-26 March, 1977.
66821: FRANKEL, S. Herbert. - The Economic Impact on Under-Developed Societies: Essays on International Investment and Social Change.
66170: FRANKEL, Boris. - Beyond the State? Dominant Theories and Socialist Strategies.
60627: FRANKEL, S. Herbert. - The Economic Impact on Under-Developed Societies: Essays on International Investment and Social Change.
75405: FRANKLIN, David. - Basso Cantante: An Autobiography.
72781: FRANKLIN, Eric. - Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance.
72318: FRANKLIN, Sir John. - Journey to the Polar Sea.
70880: FRANKLIN, Mark N. - The Decline of Class Voting in Britain: Changes to the Basis of Electoral Choice, 1964-1983.
57784: FRANKLIN, Joe. - Classics of the Silent Screen: A Pictorial Treasury.
70910: FRANKS, Norman & ZIMMERMAN, Eric. - U-Boat Versus Aircraft: The Dramatic Story Behind U-boat Claims in Gun Action with Aircraft in World War II.
51379: FRANSEN, Piet F. Collected by H.E. Mertens & F. De GRAEVE - Hermeneutics of the Councils and Other Studies.
75667: VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. - Muhammad ibn Umail's Hall As-Rumuz ('Clearing of Enigmas'): Historical Introduction and Psychological Comment.
73441: FRASCA, Richard Armando. - The Theater of the Mahabharata: Terukkuttu Performances in South India.
69675: FRASER, Andrew, PENG-YOKE, Ho, TANAKA, Kyoko et al. MACKERRAS, Dr Colin ed. - Papers on Far Eastern History 9. March 1974.
69674: FRASER, Andrew, CHAN, Adrian, TANAKA, Kyoko et al. - Papers on Far Eastern History 8. September 1973.
64291: FRASER, Donald G. ed. - Thermodynamics in Geology: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Oxford, England, September 17-27, 1976.
64084: FRASER, Donald G. ed. - Thermodynamics in Geology: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Oxford, England, September 17-27, 1976.
62707: FRASER, Corille & FEAD, Margaret. - With Abundant Pride: Twenty-Five Years of Canberra Repertory's Old Time Music Hall.
60705: FRASER, D.A.S. - The Structure of Inference.
53989: FRASER, T.G. - The USA and the Middle East Since Wold War 2.
52315: FRASER, W. Hamish. - Trade Unions and Society. The Struggle for Acceptance, 1850 - 1880.
51774: FRASER, Rob ed. - Paying the Banker. Facing Australia's Foreign Debt Problem.
61333: FRASER, L.M. - Economic Thought and Language: A Critique of Some Fundamental Economic Concepts.
47848: FRASER, Anthea. - Symbols At Your Door.
56936: FRAUSE, Bob & COLEHOUR, Julie A. - The Environmental Marketing Imperative: Strategies for Transforming Environmental Commitment into a Competitive Advantage.
74580: FRAWLEY, William ed. - Linguistics and Literacy.
70511: FRAZER, Tim. - Monopoly, Competition and the Law: The Regulation of Business Activity in Britain, Europe and America.
64671: FRAZER. BESTERMAN, Theodore ed. - A Bibliography Of Sir James George Frazer.
63539: FREARS, J.R. - Political Parties and Elections in the French Fifth Republic.
59032: FRECCERO, John, MOORE, Florence et al. eds. - Yale Italian Studies. Volume 1. Number 1. Winter 1977.
72039: FRECKELTON, Ian & SELBY, Hugh eds. - Police in Our Society.
71043: FREDERICK, Howard H. - Cuban-American Radio Wars: Ideology in International Telecommunications.
67910: FREDERICK, John T. - The Darkened Sky: Nineteenth-Century American Novelists and Religion.
47873: FREEBORN, Richard. - Russian Roulette.
64180: FREED, Stanley A. & Ruth S. - Green Revolution: Agriculture and Social Change in a North Indian Village.
61428: FREEDEN, Michael ed. - Minutes of the Rainbow Circle, 1894-1924. Camden Fourth Series. Volume 38.
74244: FREEDMAN, Robert O. ed. - The Middle East after Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait.
64074: FREEDMAN, Craig ed. - Japanese Economic Policy Reconsidered.
59256: FREEDMAN, Maurice ed. - Social Organization: Essays Presented to Raymond Firth.
74611: FREEMAN, Roger & SHAW, Jon eds. - All Change: British Railway Privatisation
74137: FREEMAN, Martin A. trans. - The Compossicion Booke of Conought.
73784: FREEMAN. E. A, BURY. J. B. - Historical Geography of Europe
70356: FREEMAN, C. & SOETE, L. eds. - New Explorations in the Economics of Technical Change.
69317: FREEMAN, Herbert ed. - Machine Vision for Inspection and Measurement.
54729: FREEMAN, Michael. - The 35MM Handbook. A Complete Course from Basic Techniques to Professional Applications.
51928: FREEMASONRY. ENGEL, Carl ed. - The Musical Quarterly.
47695: FREER, Dawson. - The Teaching of Interpretation in Song. A Guide for Teachers & Students.
57191: FREETH, Zahra. - A New Look at Kuwait.
74400: FREIJEIRO, Antonio Blanco & ROTHENBERG, Beno. - Exploracion Arqueometalurgica de Huelva (EAH).
67123: FREJKA, Tomas. - The Future of Population Growth: Alternative Paths to Equilibrium.
55895: FREJKA, Tomas. - The Future of Population Growth: Alternative Paths to Equilibrium.
59356: FREMLIN, Celia. - A Lovely Day to Die and Other Stories.
74965: FRENCH, Maurice. - Conflict on the Condamine: Aborigines and the European Invasion.
73384: FRENCH, Edgar. - The Miracle at Scott's Shed: A History of the Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron 1952-82.
51789: FRENCH, C. - A Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria, With Notes on the Methods to be Adopted to Check and Extirpate Them. Part II.
65750: FRERE-COOK, Gervis (ed.). - The Decorative Arts of the Mariner.
55343: FRERE, Prof. S.S. - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume 8, 1977.
70392: FREUD, Geza. - Orthogonale Polynome.
57756: FREUD, Sigmund. - Civilization and Its Discontents.
57755: FREUD, Sigmund. - The Future of an Illusion.
51884: FREVERT, Ute. MCKINNON-EVANS, Stuart with BOND, Terry & NORDEN, Barbara trans. - Women in German History. From Bourgeois Emancipation to Sexual Liberation.
74162: FREYRE, Gilberto. - Portuguese Integration in the Tropics:
73424: FREYSSENET, Michel, MAIR, Andrew, Shimizu, Koichi and VOLPATO, Giuseppe eds. - One Best Way? Trajectories and Industrial Models of the World's Automobile Producers.
68280: FRICKE, R. & HARTMANN, F. eds. - Connective Tissues: Biochemistry and Pathophysiology.
59606: FRIDAY, Laurie & LASKEY, Ronald ed. - The Fragile Environment: The Darwin College Lectures.
54696: FRIDAY, Laurie & LASKEY, Ronald ed. - The Fragile Environment: The Darwin College Lectures.
76377: FRIDLUND, Alan J. - Human Facial Expression: An Evolutionary View.
67098: FRIED, Jonathan L., GETTLEMAN, MNarvin E., LEVENSON, Deborah T., and PECKENHAM, Nancy. - Guatemala in Rebellion: Unfinished History.
63569: FRIEDAN, Betty. - The Fountain of Age.
48986: FRIEDEN, Bernard J. - The Future of Old Neighbourhoods. Rebuilding For a Changing Population.
61654: FRIEDGUT, Theodore H. - Political Participation in the USSR.
57538: FRIEDGUT, Theodore H. - Iuzovka and Revolution. Volume I: Life and Work in Russia's Donbass, 1869-1924.
75484: FRIEDMAN, Ellen G. & FUCHS, Miriam eds. - Breaking the Sequence: Women's Experimental Fiction.
74403: FRIEDMAN, Gerald M. ed. - Depositional Environments in Carbonate Rocks.
73928: FRIEDMAN, Ellen G. & FUCHS, Miriam eds. - Breaking the Sequence: Women's Experimental Fiction.
72944: FRIEDMAN, Monroe. - Consumer Boycotts: Effecting Change Through the Marketplace and Media.
66629: FRIEDMAN, Arnold M. - Actinides in the Environment. A Symposium sponsored by the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology at the centennial meeting of the American Chemical Scociety, New York, NY, April 9, 1976.
62011: FRIEDMAN, Andrew L. - Industry and Labour: Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism.
61651: FRIEDMAN, Jeffrey ed. - Proceedings: The SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference. Unveiling New Technologies and Applications.
59768: FRIEDMAN, Norman. - Desert Victory: The War for Kuwait.
54945: FRIEDMAN. BUTLER, Eamon. - Milton Friedman: A Guide to His Economic Thought.
52488: FRIEDMAN, Alan. - The Turn of the Novel.
42336: FRIEDMAN, Herman, KLEIN, Thomas W., & SPECTER, Steven ed. - Drugs of Abuse, Immunity, and AIDS. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Volume 335.
76397: FRIEDMANN, John. - Empowerment: The Politics of Alternative Development.
69882: FRIEDRICH, Peter. - Supramolecular Enzyme Organization: Quaternary Structure and Beyond.
72401: FRIEDRICHS, K.O. - Pseudo-Differential Operators: An Introduction.
70247: FRIEDRICHS, Kurt O. - Pertubation of Spectra in Hilbert Space.
74062: FRIEDWALD, Will. - Sinatra! The Song Is You: A Singer's Art.
55444: FRIEDWALD, Will. - Jazz Singing: America's Great Voices From Bessie Smith to Bepop and Beyond.
72811: FRIEND, Cliff & DONALDSON, Walter. WAYGOOD, Charles arr. - Chili Bom Bom. Sheet Music.
57380: FRIEND, J.K., POWER, J.M. & YEWLETT, C.J.L. - Public Planning: The Inter-Corporate Dimension.
72578: FRIESEN, John W. - When Cultures Clash: Case Studies in Multiculturalism.
68297: FRIESEN, Stanley R. - CLIO: Classic Discoveries of Neuroendocrine Syndromes of the Pancreas and Gut.
62440: FRIESEN, Connie M. - The Political Economy of East-West Trade.
54429: FRIMAN, H. Richard. - Patchwork Protectionism: Textile Trade Policy in the United States, Japan, and West Germany.
65216: FRISCH, Max. - Germany.
62685: FRISCH, B. & BARTL, R. eds. - Bone Marrow Biopsies Updated: New Prospects for Clinical Diagnostics (Bibliotheca Haematologica, No 50).
60266: FRISCH, Michael H. - Town Into City: Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Meaning of Community, 1840-1880.
56472: FRISCH, John Ernest. - Trends in the Evolution of the Hominoid Dentition.
47889: FRISCH, Max. - Three Plays. The Fire Raisers, Count Oederland, and Andorra.
69298: FRISONI, Gaetano. - Dizionario Moderno Genovese-Italiano e Italiano-Genovese Arricchito di una Racolta di Mille Provebi Liguri e seguito da un Rimario Dialettale compilato dal P. Ang. Federico Gazzo.
71052: FRITH. NOAKES, Aubrey. - William Frith: Extraordinary Victorian Painter. A Biographical & Critical Essay.
48904: FRITSCH-BOURNAZEL, Renata. - Europe and German Unification.
48354: FRITSCH-BOURNAZEL, Renata. - Europe and German Unification.
67226: FRITZ, Paul S. - The English Ministers and Jacobitism Between the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745.
56000: FROEBEL. LAWRENCE, Evelyn ed. - Friedrich Froebel and English Education.
65052: FROHOCK, W.M. - Style and Temper: Studies in French Fiction, 1925-1960.
51382: FRONDIZI, Peron to. - The Army and Politics in Argentina, 1945 - 1962. Peron to Frondizi.
73066: FROST, Mary M. - St. Peter's Collegiate Girls' School 1894-1968: A History of the Sisters' School in Adelaide during 74 years.
65001: FROST, Walter & MOULDEN, Trevor H. eds. - Handbook of Turbulence. Volume 1: Fundamentals and Applications.
68273: FROTSCHER, M. & MISGELD, U. eds. - Central Cholinergic Synaptic Transmission.
58239: FRY, Henry. - The History of North Atlantic Steam Navigation, With Some Account of Early Ships and Shipowners.
75440: FRY, Dr John. - Medicine in Three Societies: A Comparison of Medical Care in the USSR, USA and UK.
76374: FRYDL, Kathleen J. - The Drug Wards in America, 1940-1973.
52639: FRYE, Northrop, MERCIER, Vivian, TILLOTSON, Geoffrey, FOGLE, Stephen F. et al. - Some British Romantics. A Collection of Essays.
51725: FRYE, Northrop. - The Stubborn Structure. Essays on Criticism and Society.
48397: FRYKENBERG, Robert Eric. - Land Control and Social Structure in Indian History.
66003: FUCHS, Lawrence H. - John F. Kennedy and the American Catholicism.
64575: FUCHS, Lawrence H. - The American Kaleidoscope: Race, Ethnicity, and the Civic Culture.
61228: FUCHS, Victor R. ed. - Production and Productivity in the Service Industries.
58926: FUCIK, Svatopluk, NECAS, Jindrich, SOUCEK, Jiri, & SOUCEK, Vladimir. - Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Operators.
62254: FUDENBERG, H. Hugh & MELNICK, Vijaya L. eds. - Biomedical Scientists and Public Policy.
54569: FUERST, J.S. ed. - Public Housing in Europe and America.
73397: FUGATE, Francis L. and Roberta B. - Roadside History of New Mexico.
70306: FUJII, Setsuro, MORIYA, Hiroshi & SUZUKI, Tomoji eds. - KININS-II: Systemic Proteases and Cellular Function.
69929: FUJII, T. ed. - Rock Mechanics: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Tokyo, Japan, 1995.
56435: FUJINO, Shozaburo. - A Neo-Keynesian Theory of Income, Prices and Economic Growth.
62221: FUKASAKU, Kiichiro ed. - Regional Co-operation and Integration in Asia.
64244: FUKS, B.A. - Special Chapters in the Theory of Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables.
63711: FUKUI, Haruhiro. - Party in Power: The Japanese Liberal-Democrats and Policy-making.

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