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32696: VISSER 'T HOOFT, W.A. - Rembrandt and the Gospel.
11935: VIVEKANANDA. (EDITED BY ANN MYREN. & DOROTHY MADISON). - Living at the Source. Yoga Teachings of Vivekananda.
23726: BON VIVEUR. - An A.B.C. of Wine Drinking.
18068: VIVEUR, BON . - Holiday In Denmark
16396: BON VIVEUR. - Modest but Delicious. A Cook book for today.
47337: VIZINCZEY, STEPHEN. - An Innocent Millionaire. (signed).
11090: VOGEL, HEINRICH. - Consider Your Calling. Translated by John Penney Smith.
50111: VOILIER, CLAUDE. - The Famous Five Go On Television.
10600: VOILLAUME, RENE. - Follow Me. The Call to the Religious Life Today.
6334: VOILLAUME, RENE. - The Living God.
29594: VOILLAUME, RENE. - Concerning Religious Life. Retreat at Beni-Abbes. (Translated by Alan Neame.)
25300: VOLERY, REV. GILBERT. - Directives for Mutual Relations Between Bishops and Religious in the Church. (Mutuae Relationes).
48755: VOLF, MIROSLAV. - After Our Likeness. The Church as the Image of the Trinity.
21976: VOLIN, MICHAEL AND PHELAN, NANCY. - Yoga over forty.
9955: VOLIN, MICHAEL & PHELAN, NANCY. - Yoga Over Forty.
48786: VOLLAND, MICHAEL. - The Minister as Entrepreneur. Leading and Growing the Church in an Age of Rapid Change.
2100: ALCUIN CLUB - ALCUIN LEAFLETS: VOLUME I . - Liturgy in the Parish.
22295: VORONOFF, DR SERGE. - Love and Thought in Animals and Men.
49910: VOSS-BARK, CONRAD. - Sealed Entrance. A Novel.
49374: VOYNICH, E. L. ( ETHEL LILLIAN VOYNICH 1864-1960 ) . - Jack Raymond By E. L. Voynich .
24915: VRIEZEN, TH. C. - The Religion of Ancient Israel.
8980: VRIEZEN, TH.C. - An Outline of Old Testament Theology.
15466: WAAL, ESTHER DE. - A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton.
20083: WAAL, ESTHER DE. - A World Made Whole. Rediscovering the Celtic Tradition.
16385: WAAL, ESTHER DE. - God under my Roof. Celtic Songs and Blessings.
43761: WAAL, ESTHER DE. - Lost in Wonder: Rediscovering the Spiritual Art of Attentiveness.
4309: DE WAAL, ESTHER. (FOREWORD BY THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY). - Seeking God. The Way of St. Benedict.
44516: WACE, THE VERY REVEREND HENRY. - Principles of the Reformation. Practical and Historical.
3243: WADDAMS, HERBERT M. - Believing.
27353: WADDAMS, HERBERT. - The Church and Man's Struggle for Unity.
14976: WADDAMS, HERBERT. - The Life of the Spirit.
20896: WADDAMS, HERBERT. - Meeting the Orthodox Churches.
9466: WADDAMS, HERBERT. - A New Introduction to Moral Theology.(Revised edition).
38366: WADDELL, W.G. - The Lighter Side of the Greek Papyri.
40561: WADE, DONALD W. - The Way of the West.
48882: WADE, ROLAND JOHN . - A Brief History of the Mark Province of Kent . By Roland John Wade .
50158: WADE MARTINS, SUSANNA AND WILLIAMSON, TOM. - The Countryside of East Anglia. Changing Landscapes, 1870-1950.
43459: WADHAM, LIEUT.COLONEL W.F.A. AND CROSSLEY, CAPTAIN J. - The Fourth Battalion The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) and the Great War.
36678: WADMAN, THEOPHILUS G. (EDITOR) . - The Masonic Monthly. Vol. VII. - March, 1870. - No. 75. Two Dollars a year .
30851: WADSWORTH, KENNETH. - Talkin' Brooad. Dialect Poems. (Cragg Poets 13).
32030: WAESBERGHE, JOS. SMITS VAN [ TRANSLATED FROM THE DUTCH BY W.A.G. DOYLE-DAVIDSON ]. - Gregorian Chant And Its Place In The Catholic Liturgy By Jos. Smits Van Waesberghe Professor Of Music In The Philosophical Faculty Of The Society of Jesus At Nijmegen.
50822: WAGBI. - Know Your Rough Shooting.
25029: WAGEMAKER, HERBERT. - Parents and Discipline. (Christian Care No. 12).
2217: WAGGETT, P.N. - The Holy Eucharist. With other occasional papers.
41221: WAGGETT, GREG. - In My Blood: A Man in Trouble Lured to the Middle East and Africa by Cash and Soldiering.
46249: WAGNER, MARTIN L. - Freemasonry Interpreted.
35330: WAILES, REX. - The English Windmill. (With drawings by Vincent Lines).
6168: WAINWRIGHT, ARTHUR. - Beyond Biblical Criticism. Encountering Jesus in Scripture.
11802: WAITE, TERRY. - Footfalls in Memory. Reflections from Solitude.
50231: WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD. - Emblematic Freemasonry. And the Evolution of its Deeper Issues.
50564: WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD. - The Pictorial Key to the Tarot. Being Fragments of a Secret Tradition under the Veil of Divination.
30263: WAKEFIELD, GORDON S. - The Liturgy of St. John.
26861: WAKEFIELD, GORDON S. - The Life of the Spirit Today. Report of the Working Party set up by the British Council of Churches.
5789: WAKEFIELD, GORDON S. - On the Edge of the Mystery. Meditations on Passages from the Communion Service.
11398: WAKEFIELD, GORDON S. - The Life of the Spirit in the World of Today. An examination of the practices of prayer and worship in our present intellectual and cultural climate.
13394: WAKEFIELD, GORDON S. - Kindly Light. Meditations on Newman's Poem.
39200: WAKEFIELD CITY POLICE/YELLOLY, R. (CHIEF CONSTABLE). - Standing Orders (Part 1) and General Order Explanatory of the Police Box System (Part 2).
30841: WAKINSHAW, WILLIAM. - John Wesley.
7873: WALBER, EVE. - Book Story.
50198: WALBROOK, H.M. - Nights at the Play.
44417: WALCOTT, DEREK. - Collected Poems 1948-1984. (Signed).
41075: WALDHEIM, KURT. (SIGNED). - The Austrian Example. (Translated by Ewald Osers).
32423: WALDIE, GEORGE. - A History of the Town and Palace of Linlithgow with Notices, Historical and Antiquarian of Places of Interest in the Neighbourhood.
43372: WALDRON, MARY. - Jane Austen and the Fiction of her Time.
48644: WALDSMITH, JOHN. - Stereo Views. An Illustrated History and Price Guide.
49110: WALES, TONY. - Eastbourne in Old Picture Postcards.
12621: ACC-8: WALES. - Mission in a Broken World. Report of ACC-8. Wales. 1990.
27851: CHURCH IN WALES. - A Guide to the Parish Eucharist.
36495: GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF ENGLAND AND WALES... - Calendar. Thirty-Ninth Year Of Issue. 1924 . Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Dominions and Dependencies of the British Crown .
46085: WALEY, ARTHUR. - The Life and Times of Po Chü-i 772-846 A.D.
49400: WALEY, ARTHUR. (TRANSLATOR). - A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems.
8742: WALEY, ARTHUR. - The No Plays of Japan. With Letters by Oswald Sickert.
27610: WALFORD, G.F. - Arabian Locust Hunter.
36774: WALKER, G. E. [ GEORGE ELLIOT WALKER 1906 - 1977 ] . [FOREWORD BY W.BRO. T. O. HAUNCH] . - Prestonian Lecture 1979 - 250 Years Of Masonry In India: A Study In Resolved Discords by G. E. Walker, O.B.E. P.A.G.Reg., P.Prov.S.G.W. (Surrey) .
37876: WALKER, ANDREW. - Different Gospels: Christian Orthodoxy and Modern Theologies.
24916: WALKER, RONNIE. - Solar Blue. The Reality of the Environmental Challenge.
23973: WALKER, JOHN BAPTIST. - New Theology for Plain Christians.
22813: WALKER, TOM. - Parish Leadership and Shared Responsibility (Grove Ministry and Worship No.57).
30440: WALKER, GEORGE GRAHAM. - Churches of the Banbury Area.
48846: WALKER, JENNIFER. - Elizabeth of the German Garden. A Literary Journey. A Biography of Elizabeth von Arnim
17706: WALKER, J.D. - Mechanical Engineering Science. Volume 1. Mechanics and Heat.
12395: WALKER, MICHAEL. - From Glory to Glory. Biblical Reflections from Advent to the Feast of Christ the King.
16545: WALKER, THOMAS. - Hebrew Religion Between the Testaments. An Exposition of the Judaism of the Home of Jesus.
30888: WALKER, ALEXANDER. - Vivien: The Life of Vivien Leigh.
1639: WALKER, REV. THOMAS. - Jewish Views of Jesus. An introduction & an appreciation.
16100: WALKER, SAXON. - Sheila. A Healing through Dying.
50007: WALKER, JOHN. - The English Medieval Roof. Crownpost to Kingpost.
40011: WALKER, CHARLES. (EDITOR). - The Ritual Reason Why.
7765: WALKER, MICHAEL. - Hear Me, Lord. Prayers from Life.
34917: WALKER, ROY. - The Time is Out of Joint: A Study of Hamlet.
31114: WALKER, MICHELE. - The Passionate Quilter.
29760: WALKER, STEPHEN. - Shockwave: The Countdown to Hiroshima.
40012: WALKER, CHARLES. (EDITOR). - The Ritual Reason Why.
36781: WALKER, MICHAEL W. - Freemasonry in Society Today and Tomorrow. Some Personal Musings. By R.W.Bro. Michael W. Walker Grand Secretary, The Grand Lodge of Ireland.
32774: WALKHAM, WALTER. (PSEUD). - Pollack & Carnival: Cornish Short Stories.
39577: WALKLATE, SANDRA. - Understanding Criminology. Current Theoretical Debates.
38757: WALL, BARRY L. - Sudbury Through The Ages. A Guide to its Buildings and Streets. (Signed).
32035: WALL, BARRY L. - Long Melford Through the Ages. A Guide to the Buildings and Streets.
32093: WALL, BARRY. - Sudbury: History & Guide.
17652: WALLACE, EDGAR . - Sandi, The King-Maker .
20546: WALLACE, RONALD S. - Isaac & Jacob. The Family. Genesis 24 - 36.
24158: WALLACE, RONALD S. - Abraham. Genesis 12-23. (The Bible for Every Day Series).
25534: WALLACE, RONALD S. - The Lord is King. The Message of Daniel.
23498: WALLACE, JAMIE. - A Month of Sundays. Thirty-one Prayers for each of five movements in Christian Worship.
23499: WALLACE, RONALD. - The Living Fountain. The Christian, the Cross and Renewall.
16442: WALLACE, JAMIE. - There's a Time and a Place. Prayers for the Christian Year.
24555: WALLACE, HOWARD. - The Practice of Prayer. Psalms (Selected).
1642: WALLACE, LEW. - Ben-Hur. A Tale of the Christ.
38617: WALLACE, MARIAN L. - The Story of the Parish of All Saints Falmouth 1924-1949.
22391: WALLACE, RONALD S. - Many Things in Parables. Expository Studies.
35390: WALLACE, MARTIN. - The Celtic Connection.
15467: WALLE, ANTON VAN DER. - From Darkness to the Dawn.
12223: WALLER, ROBERT JAMES. - The Bridges of Madison County.
46847: WALLER, EDMUND (1606-1687) . - The Works of Edmund Waller, Esq; In Verse And Prose. Published By Mr. Fenton.
46076: SET OF 4 MINIATURE BOOKS IN LEATHER WALLET - Midget Dictionaries: English-German; English-Spanish; English-Italian; English-French.
29761: WALLINGTON, DAVID. - Bible Smuggler: The Story of Brother Andrew.
32938: WALLIS, JIM. - Waging Peace: A Handbook for the Struggle to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.
49649: WALLIS, PETER. (EDITOR). - Innovation and Discover : Bath and the Rise of Science.
15991: WALLIS, J.H. - Sexual Harmony in Marriage.
50119: WALLIS, ANDY T. - Ipswich to Felixstowe Branch Through Time.
49192: WALLWORK, JANET. - The Return of the Saints: Their Journey Back to Gorton.
3089: WALPOLE, REV.G.H.S. - The Mission of the Holy Ghost.
20612: WALPOLE, JOSEPHINE. - Roses in a Suffolk garden.
51105: WALROND, SALLIE. - Encyclopaedia of Driving.
35828: WALSBY, MICHAEL. - Unmentionable Subjects: A Plain Man's Guide to the Strange World of Reality.
26568: WALSH, WILLIAM. - The Use of Imagination: Educational Thought and the Literary Mind.
3563: WALSH, MICHAEL. - Roots of Christianity.
13615: WALSH, MICHAEL. - The Universe Book of Saints.
11091: WALSH, MICHAEL. - An Illustrated History of The Popes: Saint Peter to John Paul II.
15218: WALSH, MICHAEL. - Dictionary of Christian Biography.
27354: WALSH, L.A. - My Hand in His.
24159: WALSH, JOHN. - Evangelization and Justice. New Insights for Christian Ministry.
24840: WALSH, JOHN J. AND DIGIACOMO, JAMES J. - So You Want to Do Ministry? (2nd ed).
24841: WALSH, SHEILA. - God Put a Fighter in Me.
7525: WALSH, MICHAEL. - John Paul II. A Biography.
43828: WALSH, KILIAN J. - Women Who Keep God's Vigil. The Glencairn Story.
48400: WALSHAM, ALEXANDRA. - Providence in Early Modern England.
32094: WALTERS, ADRIAN. - An Appreciation of Sudbury's Ancient Common Lands.
48347: WALTON, THOMAS. - Present-Day Shipbuilding.
22274: WALTON, ROBERT C. - Talking About the Bible.
16951: WALTON, IZAAK, & COTTON, CHARLES. (EDITED BY RICHARD LE GALLIENNE.) - The Compleat Angler. (Illustrated by Edmund H. New.)
13964: WALTON, CHRIS. - Christmas Thoughts.
7767: WALTON, ROBERT C. - The Roots of Experience.
12768: WALTON, MARY. - A History of The Diocese of Sheffield. 1914-1979.
11019: WALTON, ROBERT C. - A Basic Introduction to the New Testament.
49839: WALTON, IZAAK AND COTTON, CHARLES. - The Complete Angler, Or The Contemplative Mans Recreation... Instructions How To Angle For A Trout Or Grayling In A Clear Stream By Charles Cotton Memoirs And Notes By Sir Harris Nicolas... Sixty Illustrations from Designs by Stothard and Inshipp .
8927: WALTON, ROBERT, C. - A Gospel for Martyrs. St. Mark's Gospel.
3100: WAND, J.W.C. - The Authority of the Scriptures.
20787: WAND, J.W.C. - The Temptation of Jesus.
16546: WAND, J.W.C. - The Spirit of Church History.
16548: WAND, J.W.C. - The Greek Doctors.
16550: WAND. J.W.C. - The Latin Doctors.
15282: WAND, JOHN WILLIAM CHARLES (BISHOP OF LONDON). - Our Day of Opportunity.
15115: WAND, J.W.C. - The Road to Happiness.
20899: WAND, J.W.C. - The Four Great Heresies.
11399: WAND, J.W.C. (BISHOP OF LONDON). - The Second Reform.
2915: WAND, J.W.C. - A History of the Modern Church. From 1500 to the Present Day.
30605: WAND, J. W. C. - The Development of Sacramentalism.
8726: WAND, WILLIAM. - Letters on Preaching.
9340: WAND,J.W.C. - Anglicanism in History and Today.
9698: WAND, J.W.C. - The Church Today.
22545: WANG, MARY. - God's School in Red China.
32562: WANGERIN, WALTER. - The Book of God: The Bible as a Novel.
25535: WANSBROUGH, HENRY. - Luke. The People's Bible Commentary.
10896: WANSEY, CHRISTOPHER. - A New Testament Word Finder.
7101: WANSEY, CHRISTOPHER. - The Clockwork Church.
6825: WARBURG, JAMES P. - How to Co-Exist. Without Playing the Kremlin's Game.
26536: WARBURTON, MABEL C. - To Whom Paul Wrote.
15121: WARBURTON, OLIVIA. - Wisdom for the Ages. A Treasury of Inspiration from the Life of Jesus.
8928: WARBURTON, MARGUERITE. - I Would Rather be.....
3713: WARD, HANNAH AND WILD, JENNIFER.(COMPILERS). - The Lion Christian Quotation Collection.
16709: WARD, TERRY. - Working the System. 12 Ways for women to achieve career breakthroughs.
22814: WARD, KEITH. - Holding Fast to God. A Reply to Don Cupitt.
25109: WARD, R.A. - Royal Sacrament: The Preacher and his Message.
6866: WARD, J. NEVILLE. - The Following Plough.
11936: WARD, A.C. - Enjoying Paintings.
18688: WARD, SIR A.W., & WALLER, A.R. (EDITORS.) - The Cambridge History of English History. Volume 1: From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
18689: WARD, SIR A.W., & WALLER, A.R. (EDITORS.) - The Cambridge History of English Literature. Volume II: The End of the Middle Ages.
12342: WARD, SHIRLEY. - Ten Masses for Teenagers.
5387: WARD, J. NEVILLE. - Friday Afternoon.
1756: WARD, SIR ADOLPHUS WILLIAM. - The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. (Edited with notes and introductory memoir).
2685: WARD, BARBARA. - Faith and Freedom. A Study of Western Society.
10073: WARD, J. NEVILLE. - Beyond Tomorrow.
6063: WARD, J.NEVILLE. - Five for Sorrow Ten for Joy. A Consideration of the Rosary.
19434: WARD, MARCUS. - Protestant Christian Churches.
48173: WARD, W.E.F. - A History of Mercers' School.
5388: WARD, J. NEVILLE. - The Use of Praying.
4416: WARD, KEITH. - The Turn of the Tide. Christian Belief in Britain today.
44506: WARD, BENEDICTA. - A True Easter. The Synod of Whitby 664 AD.
30264: WARD, PETE. - Worship and Youth Culture; A Guide to Alternative Worship.
44611: WARD, BENEDICTA. - Pilgrimage of the Heart.
44614: WARD, BENEDICTA. (EDITOR). - The Influence of Saint Bernard. Anglican Essays with an Introduction by Jean Leclercq.
41622: WARD, MICHAEL. - Planet Narnia. The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S.Lewis.
44091: WARD, REV.W.G. - The Ideal of a Christian Church Considered in Comparison with Existing Practice, Containing a Defence of Certain Articles in the British Critic in Reply to Remarks on them in Mr Palmer's 'Narrative'.
47074: WARD, ANTHONY. - Walter Pater: The Idea in Nature.
3824: WARD, KEITH. - The Promise.
51083: WARD, COLIN. (EDITOR). - Vandalism.
40124: WARD, JAMES M. - Thus Says The Lord. The Message of the Prophets.
44530: WARD, HANNAH AND WILD, JENNIFER. - The Monastic Way. Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Living. A Book of Daily Readings.
44576: WARD, BENEDICTA. (TRANSLATOR). - The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers.
8292: WARD, R. SOMERSET. - To Jerusalem. Devotional Studies in Mystical Religion.
8429: WARD, KEITH. - The Christian Way.
9319: WARD-PERKINS, & CLARIDGE, AMANDA. - Pompeii AD 79.
6171: WARDE , MARGARET. - Take My Home.
20585: WARDELL, ROBERT J. - Studies in Homiletics.
27971: WARDMAN, JOHN. - Sudbury Common Lands. The Meadows, the Freeman and the Borough.
50800: WARDMAN, JOHN. - Wardman's Words.
9368: WARDMAN, ALAN. - Religion and Statecraft among the Romans.
51119: MAUCHLINE WARE. - Vintage Mauchline Ware, Sycamore wood card box: Royal Exchange; Buckingham Palace; Westminster Abbey.
20790: WAREHAM, JAMES. - Know Thyself. An Aid to Self-Examination.
8017: WAREHAM, JAMES. - The Conducting of Retreats.
17350: WARFIELD, B.B. - The Saviour of the World.
47174: VICTORIAN BRANDY WARMER - Brandy Warmer
2867: WARNER, HUGH C.(COMPILER). - Daily Readings from William Temple.
26864: WARNER, HUGH C. - The Christian View of Sex.
20900: WARNER, ROB. - The Me Problem. (Growing with Jesus Bible Guides).
27292: WARNER, NANCY LE P. - Can You Answer This?
27293: WARNER, NANCY LE P. - How Can I Answer That? Questions Children Ask.
50090: WARNER, PETER. - The Origins of Suffolk.
44235: WARNER, WILLIAM. - Albions England. (1612).
8727: WARNER, ROB. - Rediscovering the Spirit. Foreword by Michael Cassidy.
7104: WARNOCK, MARY. - Universities: Knowing Our Minds. What the Govt. should do about Higher Education.
15468: WARREN, MAX. - The Master of Time - An experience of the Lordship of Christ.
25788: WARREN, MAX. - Challenge and Response. Six Studies in Missionary Opportunity.
13617: WARREN, MAX. - Tell in the Wilderness.
14366: WARREN, MAX. - Letters on Purpose.
23218: WARREN, MAX. - Simeon. An Essay on the Rev. Charles Simeon M.A. 1759-1836.
39611: WARREN, FRANZ Z AND FISCHMAN, WALTER IAN. - Sexual Acupuncture and Acupressure.
18939: WARREN, MAX. - Interpreting the Cross.
12263: WARREN, MAX. - Together with God. A Programme for Prayer.
1650: WARREN, MAX. - Interpreting the Cross.
27972: WARREN, MAX. - The Sevenfold Secret. (Simeon Booklets).
19435: WARREN, LAETITIA DE. - The Happy European. A Survival Guide to the EC.
17417: WARREN, MAX. - The Day of the Preacher.
13878: WARREN, ROBERT. - In the Crucible. The Testing and Growth of a Local Church.
24391: WARREN, ANN. (ED). - Facing Bereavement.
22276: WARREN, M.A.C. - Caesar The Beloved Enemy. Three Studies in the relation of Church and State.
27294: WARREN, MORTIMER. - The Church Commissioners. A Guide for the Staff.
21841: WARREN, ROBERT. - Signs of Life. How goes the Decade of Evangelism?
31748: WARREN, F.E. - The Liturgy and Ritual of the Ante-Nicene Church.
3102: WARREN,MAX. - The Truth of Vision. A study in the nature of the Christian Hope.
41843: WARREN, NORMAN. - Responsorial Psalms from The Liturgical Psalter as used in The Alternative Service Book 1980.
29597: WARREN, ANN. - Living with Unemployment.
51024: WARREN, SHEELAGH. - Spotlight on Uganda. (People & Places).
50960: WARREN, SHEELAGH. - Come Back at Two. A Description of Life in Uganda Between 1957 and 1990.
8431: WARREN, MAX. - A Conversation about the Holy Communion.
8485: WARREN, MAX. - I Believe in the Great Commission.
8929: WARREN, MAX. - I Believe in the Great Commission.
9921: WARREN, GILLIAN. - Who is Jesus? Stories from John's Gospel. A Resource for Teachers.
37198: WARRINGTON, HENRY BOOTH, EARL OF, 1652-1694. - The Late Lord Russel's Case with Observations upon it. Written by the Right Honourable Henry Lord De la Mere.
46633: WARTON, THOMAS 1728-1790 / BENTHAM, JAMES 1708-1794 / GROSE, FRANCIS 1731?-1791 / MILNER, JOHN 1752-1826. - Essays On Gothic Architecture, By The Rev. T. Wharton, Rev. J. Bentham, Captain Grose, And The Rev. J. Milner. (With A Letter To The Publisher.) Illustrated With Twelve Plates of ornaments, &c. Selected From Buildings...
38598: PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF WARWICKSHIRE. - By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire.
38593: PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF WARWICKSHIRE. - By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire.
10665: WASON, RIGBY. - Some Volunteer Verse.
42015: WASZ-HOCKERT, O / LIND,J / VUORENKOSKI, V / PARTANEN, T / AND VALANNE, E. - The Infant Cry. A Spectrographic and Auditory Analysis. (Clinics in Developmental Medicine No.29).
15111: WATER, MARK. - The Big Book of Bible People. (Illustrated by Graham Round).
8863: WATERFIELD, ROBIN. - Prophet. The Life and Times of Kahlil Gibran.
14636: WATERHOUSE, PHILIP. - Flexible Learning. An Outline.
15766: WATERHOUSE, M.V. - The Power Behind the Mind. Training the Mind through Yoga.
47932: WATERHOUSE, KEITH. - Billy Liar.
14635: WATERHOUSE, PHILIP. - Tutoring.
3103: WATERHOUSE, E.S. - What is Salvation?
42668: WATERHOUSE, MICHAEL. - The Strange Death of British Birdsong.
9352: WATERS, DEREK. - A Book of Celebrations.
14865: WATKINS, RONALD, & LEMMON, JEREMY. - In Shakespeare's Playhouse. Hamlet.
28433: WATKINS, PETER. - The Soul of Wit. Eccentricity, Absurdity and Other Ecclesiastical Treasures.
48663: B. B. - WATKINS-PITCHFORD, D. J. (DENYS JAMES WATKINS-PITCHFORD 1905-1990 ) . - Tide's Ending by 'B,B,' Illustrated by D. J. Watkins-Pitchford .
38970: WATKINS, ELEANOR. - A Kid From The City.
29963: WATKINS, G.G. - Coastwise Navigation. Notes for Yachtsmen.
51079: WATNEY, MARYLIAN AND KENWARD, WILLIAM. - Show Driving Explained. A Horseman's Handbook.
29122: WATSON, DAVID. - I Believe in Evangelism.
32316: WATSON, JOHN. - All These Died in Faith. Twenty-Seven Short Plays for Worship and Study.
27612: WATSON, FREDERICK. (EDITED BY C.B. DRAKE.) PREFACE BY THE LORD BISHOP OF ELY. - The Seven Words from the Cross. A Course of Meditations.
14484: WATSON, DAVID C.K. - My God is real.
18999: WATSON, TONY J. - Sociology, Work and Industry.
22815: WATSON, DAVID. - Is Anyone There?
23219: WATSON, DAVID. - Live a New Life.
16891: WATSON, THOMAS J., & PETRE PETER. - Father Son & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond.
16650: WATSON, BRENDA. - Priorities in Religious Education. A Model for the 1990's and Beyond.
10697: WATSON, NIGEL . - Striking Home. Interpreting and Proclaiming the New Testament.
15086: WATSON, CAROL. - My Little Christmas Story Box.
17023: WATSON, DAVID. - Study Guide. I Believe in the Church.
47837: WATSON, J. YELLOLY . - The Tendring Hundred in the Olden Time: A Series of Sketches. J. P. Essex, Tendring Hundred Division .
21528: WATSON, DAVID. - Caring for Strangers. An Introduction to Practical Philosophy for Students of Social Administration.
10830: WATSON, PETER. - Crusade.
5390: WATSON, DAVID. - I Believe in Evangelism.
36258: WATSON, S. F. - A History of British Union Lodge No. 114, Ipswich 1762 - 1962 By Bro. S. F. Watson, P.M.
34031: WATSON, NIGEL. - Arnold Ziff: The Making of a Great Yorkshireman.
27295: WATSON, D.C.K. - Learning to Lead Group Bible Study.
49709: WATSON, THOMAS. - The Ten Commandments.
50661: WATSON, THOMAS (SIR THOMAS WATSON 1792-1882 ) / CONDIE, D. FRANCIS (DAVID FRANCIS CONDIE 1796-1875) . - Lectures On The Principles And Practice Of Physic; Delivered At King's College, London By Thomas Watson., M.D. Revised With Additions By D, Francis Condie, M.D.
44532: WATSON, J. YELLOLY. - Sketches of Ancient Colchester.
35481: WATSON, MRS S. - Eighteen Years After: Sequel to "A Village Maiden's Career".
29765: WATSON, DAVID C.C. - The Great Brain Robbery: Studies in Evolution.
7365: WATSON, FRANCIS. - A Guide to the New Testament.
41183: WATSON, RUTH. - Fat Girl Slim. (Signed).
45788: WATSON, W.BRO. S. F. - Two Hundred Years of Masonic Jurisdiction in Suffolk. 1771-1971. Some notes compiled by W.Bro.S.F.Watson, P.G.St.B., P.P.G.W., P.M., British Union Ldge, No.114.
8055: WATSON, DAVID. - One in the Spirit.
8728: WATSON, DAVID & JENKINS, SIMON. - Jesus Then and Now.
49280: WATSON, ALFRED E.T. - Sketches in the Hunting Field. ((wth ilustrationss by John Sturgess)
40955: WATT, ALEXANDER. - The Art of Soap-Making. A Practical Handbook of the Manufacture of Hard and Soft Soaps, Toilet Soaps, etc.
51290: WATT, FRANCIS. - The Book of Edinburgh Anecdote.
41847: WATT, IAN A. - A History of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary 1839-1966.
24392: WATTERS, JOAN. - Creative Wool Embroidery.
13703: WATTS, MURRAY. - Rolling in the Aisles.
25790: WATTS, MICHAEL. - Through a Glass Darkly: A Crisis Considered.
13618: WATTS, MURRAY. - Hot under the Collar.
13010: WATTS, MURRAY. - Bats in the Belfry.
18419: WATTS, FREDERICK. (EDITOR). - The Rationalist Annual for the Year 1946.
10008: WATTS, A.J. - Ask Me Another. 2-Believing.
11652: WATTS, ISAAC. (ESCOTT, HARRY, EDITOR). - Isaac Watts's A Guide to Prayer. (Abridged and edited).
23505: WATTS, ALAN. - UFO Quest. In Search of the Mystery Machines.
30116: WATTS, MABEL / MAYER, MERCER (ILLUSTRATOR). - While The Horses Galloped To London.
49729: WATTS, VICTOR. (TRANSLATOR). - Pearl. A Modernised Version of the Middle English Poem.
26708: WATWOOD, WARREN. - Lady Loverley's Chatter.
22392: WAUGH, R.M.L. - Living Words.
24836: TWO PRESBYTERS OF THE ANGLICAN WAY. - The Way, The Truth and The Life. The Anglican Walk with Jesus Christ.
1616: TWO WAYFARERS. - The Christ of the English Road.
39778: WAYRE, PHILIP. - Wind in the Reeds.
27120: WCC. - Intergroup Relations. The Church amid Racial and Ethnic Tensions. An Ecumenical survey prepared under the auspices of the World Council of Churches.
12468: WCC. - Come Holy Spirit. Renew the Whole Creation.
37827: WEALE, W.H.J & J.C. - Memlinc. (Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour).
50169: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - Key Next Door and Other City Temple Sermons.
7117: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - Psychology, Religion and Healing. A critical study of all the non-physcal methods of healing, with an examination of the principles underlying them and the techniques employed to express them, together with some conclusions regarding further ....
50291: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - His Life and Ours. The Significance for us of the Life of Jesus.
11576: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - Salute to a Sufferer.
14063: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - The Resurrection of Christ. In the Light of Modern Science and Psychical Research.
50167: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - The Eternal Voice.
10547: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - The Eternal Voice.
10548: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - That Immortal Sea.
50302: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - It Happened in Palestine.
50165: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - Personalities of the Passion. A Devotional study of some of the characters who played a part in the drama of Christ's Passion and Resurrection.
50284: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - Thinking Aloud in War Time. (signed).
50286: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - This is the Victory.
50192: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - After Death.
50193: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - The Inescapable God.
50194: WEATHERHEAD, LESLIE D. - The Case for Reincarnation.
33534: WEBB, SIDNEY. - The Restoration of Trade Union Conditions.
22108: WEBB, PAULINE M. - Women of Our Time.
32693: WEBB, JOHN. (EDITOR). - The Town Finances of Elizabethan Ipswich. Select Treasurers and Chamberlains Accounts.
23220: WEBB, E.J. - On Guard! and other talks to children and young people.
24842: WEBB, BRIAN. - Minds in Touch. The Rehabilitation of the Mentally Disordered.
5391: WEBB, PAULINE. - Candles for Advent.
45146: WEBB, MRS SIDNEY, HUTCHINS, MISS B.L. AND THE FABIAN SOCIETY. - Socialism and National Minimum. (The Fabian Socialist Series, No.6).
6172: WEBB, JOY. - And This is Joy.
29208: WEBB, PHILIP G.L. - Poems.
36945: WEBB, CLEMENT J. - A Century of Anglican Theology and Other Lectures.
51224: WEBB, MARY./ HEPPLE, NORMAN. (ILLUSTRATOR). - The Spring of Joy. (Illustrated edition).
48159: WEBB, JOHN. - Great Tooley of Ipswich. Portrait of an Early Tudor Merchant.
36537: WEBB, JOHN. - Horatio Admiral Lord Nelson: Was he ...a Mason?
9468: WEBB, PAULINE. - Salvation Today.
25307: WEBER, HANS-RUEDI. - The Way of the Lamb. Christ in the Apocalypse. Lenten Meditations.
26777: WEBER, OTTO. - Ground Plan of the Bible. (Translated by Dr. Harold Knight.)
26776: WEBER, HANS-RUEDI. - The Cross. Tradition and Interpretation. (Translated by Elke Jessett.)
44128: WEBER, ALICE. - When I'm a Man or Little Saint Christopher. (Illustrated by W.H.C.Groome).
34150: WEBER, HANS-RUEDI. - On a Friday Noon: Meditations Under the Cross.
9469: WEBER, GERARD P. - The Mass. Finding Its Meaning for You - And Getting More Out of It.
5458: WEBSTER, DOUGLAS. - Local Church and World Mission.
22816: WEBSTER, DOUGLAS. - Pentecostalism and Speaking with Tongues.
14244: WEBSTER, DOUGLAS. - The Healing Christ. 4 Bible Studies.
26280: WEBSTER, DOUGLAS. - Truly Called: Four Studies of the Training of Men for the Ministry in the Church Overseas.
14747: WEBSTER, MARGARET. - The Same Only Different. Five Generations of a Great Theatre Family.
31369: WEBSTER, JOHN. - The White Devil. (With Commentary and Notes).
5878: WEBSTER, DOUGLAS. - Unchanging Mission. Biblical and Contemporary.
7876: WEBSTER, DOUGLAS. - Not Ashamed. Studies in mission and ministry.
42314: WEBSTER SMITH, B. - Pioneers of Mountaineering.
41259: WEBSTER, DEREK. - Troubled Joy. Lincolnshire Psalms.
10512: WEBSTER, ALAN. - Broken Bones May Joy. Studies in Reconciliation and Resurrection.
35585: WEBSTER, ALAN. - Reaching for Reality. Sketches from the Life of the Church.
29601: WEBSTER, DOUGLAS. - The Continuing Missionary Task. (Simeon Booklets.)
31126: WEBSTER, CHRISTOPHER. (EDITOR). - 'Temples...Worthy of His Presence': The Early Publications of the Cambridge Camden Society.
47517: WECHSBERG, JOSEPH. - Looking for a Bluebird. (Penguin 673).
15553: WECTER, DIXON. - Sam Clemens of Hannibal. The Formative Years of America's Great Indigenous Writer.
6173: WEDDERSPOON, ALEXANDER. (EDITOR). - Grow or Die. Essays on Church Growth. Foreword by Robert Runcie.
3108: WEDEL, THEODORE O. - The Christianity of Main Street.
11938: WEDGWOOD, C.V. - Civil War Battlefields. 1642-6.
25791: WEEKES, A.R. - Shelley: Adonais. An Elegy on the Death of John Keats Author or Endymion, Hyperion, etc.
16748: WEEKLEY, ERNEST. - Saxo Grammaticus. First Aid for the Best-Seller.
3109: WEGER, KARL-HEINZ. - Karl Rahner. An Introduction to his Theology.
29180: WEIDMAN, JEROME. - Last Respects.
26130: WEIGHTMAN, J.G. - French Writing on English Soil. A choice of French writing published in London between November 1940 and June 1944.
31329: WEIGHTMAN, GAVIN. - London River: The Thames Story.
5879: WEIL, LOUIS. - Sacraments & Liturgy. The Outward Signs. Foreword by Bishop Ramsey.
14078: WEILL, ALAIN. - The Poster: A Worldwide Survey and History.
39719: WEINBERG, ROBERT A. - One Renegade Cell: How Cancer Begins.
49852: WEINSTEIN, MICHAEL. - Precious and Semi-Precious Stones.
14748: WEINTRAUB, STANLEY. - The London Yankees. Portraits of American Writers & Artists in England, 1894-1914.
39900: WEIR, AMY AND DOUGLAS, ANTHONY. - Child Protection & Adult Mental Health. Conflict of Interest?
51124: WEIR, JOHN F. (JOHN FERGUSON WEIR, 1841-1926) . - An Address By John F. Weir On The Occasion Of The Dedcation Of A Memorial Window To Professor George Park Fisher, D.D., LL.D., In The Library Of Yale University.
45073: WEIS, FREDERICK LEWIS. - The Magna Charta Sureties 1215.
17707: WEIZMANN, CHAIM, EDITORS WEISGAL, MEYER, & CARMICHAEL, JOEL. - Chaim Weizmann. A Biography by several hands. Preface by David Ben-Gurion.
5392: WELBOURN, DAVID. - God - Dimensional Man.
18045: WELCH, MARGARET. - Church and Hospital.
11224: WELCH, MARY. - Hands of Prayer.
23506: WELCH, MARGARET. - Tree of Glory.
22277: WELCH, MARGARET. - Then I am Strong.
27296: WELCH, ADAM C. - The Book of Jeremiah. Translated into Colloquial English.
39443: WELCH, ANN & DENES, GABOR. - Go Gliding.
43636: WELCH, CHARLES (1848-1924) . - Numismata Londinensia . Medals struck by the Corporation of London to commemorate important municipal events, 1831 to 1893. With descriptive notices by Charles Welch., F.S.A., Librarian to the Corporation of London.
8490: WELCH, A.C. - Prophet and Priest in Old Israel.
17420: WELDON, FAY. - Little Sisters.
37418: WELDON, FAY. - Wolf the Mechanical Dog. (Illustrations by Pat Leyshun).
16551: WELLAND, DENNIS. - Mark Twain in England.
7768: WELLARD, THE REV. T. , B.D. - The Gospels of the Christian Year. Volume 1.
18942: WELLER, SHANE.(EDITOR). - The Book of Psalms. (Unabridged).
30842: WELLMAN, SAM. - John Wesley: The Great Methodist.
1671: WELLS, H.G. - A Quartette of Comedies.
24226: WELLS, JOHN. - The House of Lords. From Saxon Wargods to a Modern Senate. An Anecdotal History.
13011: WELLS, BRYAN. - Better Safe...A resource for teachers and leaders to help children to protect themselves.
47917: WELLS, H.G. - The First Men in the Moon.
22546: WELLS, TOM. - Come to Me. An Urgent Invitation to Turn to Christ.
23508: WELLS, TOM. - A Price for a People. The Meaning of Christ's Death.
23509: WELLS, TOM. - A Vision for Missions.
16102: WELLS, PHIL & JETTER, MANDY. - The Global Consumer. Best Buys to Help the Third World.
22278: WELLS, TOM. - Come Home for Ever. Finding the goal of life.
36826: WELLS, ROY A. - Royal Arch Matters.
32328: WELLS, H.G. - The Complete Science Fiction Treasury of H.G.Wells.
46099: WELLS, H.G. / WELLS, G.P. (EDITOR). - The Last Books of H.G.Wells. The Happy Turning and Mind at the End of its Tether.
36749: WELLS, ROY A.. - Prestonian Lecture 1977 - ' The Tyler or Outer Guard ' by Roy A. Wells, P.A.G.St.B.
46173: WELLS, ROY A. - The Rise and Development of Organised Freemasonry.
31258: WELSBY, PAUL A. - The Bond of Church and State.
27121: WELSBY, PAUL A. - A Modern Catechism.
8731: WELSBY, PAUL A. (EDITOR). - Sermons and Society. An Anglican Anthology.
16413: WELSH, MARY. - A Country Journal.
17431: WELSHMAN, MALCOLM. - Love Your Kitten.
38953: WENDELL HOLMES, OLIVER. - The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes.
19298: WENDT, HERBERT. - Before the Deluge.
4566: GODFREY WENDY (EDITED BY). - Down to Earth. Stories of church based community work.
14488: WENGER, E. LESLIE. - They looked at the Cross.
3558: WENHAM, J.W. - The Elements of New Testament Greek. Based on the earlier work of H.P.V.Nunn.
40002: WENNBERG, ROBERT N. - Terminal Choices: Euthanasia, Suicide, and the Right to Die.
30329: WENSBY-SCOTT, CAROL. - Lion Invincible.
35674: WENTER, JOSEF. - Saul. (Translated by R.& E.A.Howe).
19377: WENTWORTH DAY, J. - Norwich and the Broads.
48299: WESLEY, ELIZA. (EDITOR). - Samuel Wesley's Famous Bach Letters. (1808-1816).
2698: WESLEY, REV. JOHN. - Sermons on Several Occasions. First Series. Consisting of fourty-four discourses, published in four volumes, in the years 1746,1748, 1750 and 1760(Fourth ed, 1787)...
22612: WESLEY, JOHN. (ABRIDGED BY NEHEMIAH CURNOCK). - John Wesley's Journal. (Abridged edition.)
19193: WESSELS, ANTON. - Understanding the Qur'an.
10239: WEST, D.J. - Homosexuality.
26281: WEST, MICHAEL AND NOBLE, GRAHAM. - Images of Glory. A Resource for Small Groups.
11535: WEST, H. MILLS. - East Anglian Tales.
17916: WEST, H. MILLS. - Suffolk Tales.
15019: WEST, NATHANAEL. - Miss Lonely Hearts. (With an Introduction by Alan Ross).
46270: WEST, DAVID. - Managing the Future of Freemasonry. A Book of Optimism.
44969: WEST, TESSA. - The Other Vikings.
30985: WEST, H. MILLS. - Colourful Characters From East Anglia.
44598: WEST, GERALD. (EDITOR). - In the Beginning Was the Word. Group Bible Studies on the Gospel of John.
50430: WEST, S.E. AND MCLAUGHLIN, A. - Towards a Landscape History of Walsham Le Willows, Suffolk. (EAA 85).
46884: WEST, CHARLES 1816-1898. - Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. By Charles West.
45745: WEST, JOHN E. - Cathedral Organists Past and Present A Record of the Succession of Organists of the Cathedrals Chapels Royal and Principal Collegiate Churches of the United Kingdom from About the Period of the Reformation Until the Present Day...
16726: WESTCOTT,BROOKE FOSS. - Some Lessons of the Revised Version of the New Testament.
28687: WESTCOTT, BROOKE FOSS. - The Historic Faith: Short Lectures on The Apostles Creed.
1682: WESTCOTT, BROOKE FOSS. - The Revelation of the Risen Lord.
38013: WESTCOTT, WILLIAM WYNN . - An Introduction to the Study of the Kabalah With Eight Diagrams .
9237: WESTCOTT, BROOKE FOSS. - Lessons from Work.
49438: WESTELL, W. PERCIVAL. - Let's Go For A Walk. (signed).
28579: WESTERMANN, CLAUS. - Isaiah 40-66. A Commentary.
13493: WESTERMANN, CLAUS. - Handbook to the Old Testament. (Translated & Edited by Robert H. Boyd).
3715: WESTERMANN, CLAUS.(EDITOR). - Essays on Old Testament Interpretation. (English translation ed. by James Luther Mays).
46881: WESTERMARCK, EDWARD. - A Short History of Marriage.
15886: WESTLAND, PETER. - Teach Yourself Public Speaking.
44602: WESTMAN, HABBAKUK O. (PSEUDONYM) OF; EWBANK, THOMAS 1792-1870. - The Spoon: With Upwards Of One Hundred Illustrations, Primitive, Egyptian, Roman, Mediaeval, And Modern. By Habbakuk O. Westman... Being A Part Of The Society Of Literary And Scientific Chiffoniers, Illustrating The Primitive Arts In Domestic Life.
26865: WESTON, WILFRED. - The Vauxhall Project. Christian Community in the Inner City.
29008: WESTON, WILLIAM. - The Dimensions of The Love of Christ
18944: WESTON, NEIL. - Taking on Faith in the Countryside - some comments on the pastoral aspects of the report of the Archbishops' Commission on Rural Areas. (Grove Pastoral Series No. 45).
28435: WESTON, PAUL. - X-Ray. The Gospel of John. Insight from Outside.
29125: WESTON, WILLIAM. - The Creeds of the Church. (Drawings by Penny Lyras).
29767: WESTON, WILLIAM. - Confirm Your Faith.
46845: WESTON, FRANK. - In His Will. Retreat Addresses.
29603: WESTON, WILLIAM. - The Ordination Promises. The Meaning of the Promises for Clergy and Lay people.
5880: WESTOW, THEO. - Introducing Contemporary Catholicism.
50061: C. WESTROPP. - Original Victorian Envelope bearing 1d imperf from Sudbury to Melford - letter enclosed.
45427: WETTON, J.L. - Seventeenth Century Tradesmens' Tokens.
27613: WEVERS, JOHN W. (EDITOR.) - Ezekiel. (New Century Bible.)
26917: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE. - Feasts and Fasts Volume 1. (Little Gidding Books.)
12164: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE. - A Celtic Resurrection. The Diary of a Split from the Church.
15820: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE AND SAUNDERS, PAT. - I Step, I Mount. The Vision of John Henry Newman.
6608: DE WEYER, ROBERT VAN. - The Country Church. A Guide for the renewal of Rural Christianity.
5384: VAN DE WEYER, ROBERT. & SAUNDERS, PAT. (COMPILED BY.) - The Easter Spirit. An Anthology.
18945: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE. - Celtic Fire. An Anthology of Celtic Christian Literature.
13301: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE. - Wickwyn. A Vision of the Future.
33630: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE. - Celtic Praise. A Book of Celtic Devotion, Daily Prayers and Blessings.
37031: WEYER, THE REV. ROBERT VAN DE. - Utopias in the Modern World. (Pamphlet Library No.18).
31878: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE AND SAUNDERS, PAT. - Lament and Love: The Vision of George Herbert.
37302: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE. - Against Usury. Resolving the Economic, Ecological and Welfare Crisis.
8294: WEYER, ROBERT VAN DE. - Celtic Parables. Stories, Poems and Prayers.
41696: WEYLLAND, JOHN MATTHIAS. - The Man with the Book; or The Bible Among the People.
22109: WHALE, J.S. - Victor and Victim. The Christian Doctrine of Redemption.
36534: WHALEN, WILLIAM J. - Christianity and American Freemasonry.
28437: WHARTON, EDITH. - Madame De Treymes. (Penguin 60s series).
47432: WHARTON, EDITH. - The Age of Innocence.
50212: WHATMAN, SUSANNAH / BALSTON, THOMAS. (INTRODUCTION). SIGNED COPY . - Susannah Whatman. Her housekeeping book. Introduced by Thomas Balston. Decorated by Lawrence Josset.
48026: WHATMORE, REVD. L.E. - Recusancy in Kent. Studies and Documents.
8322: WHEDBEE, J.WILLIAM. - Isaiah & Wisdom.
50289: 19TH CENTURY LEGAL DOCUMENT - ISAAC READ ; NATHANIEL BANTUCK ; BENJAMIN CHIPPINGTON; SAMUEL JACKSON; BENJAMIN CARRINGTON; ELIZABETH WHEELER . - Abstract of the title to a Freehold Cottages and Premises at Little Bromley, Essex. 1713 - 1799 .
24846: WHEELER, ANDREW. - Voices from Africa. Transforming Mission in a Context of Marginalization: An Anthology.
16387: WHEELER, FRANCIS L. - Written in Red: Thoughts for the Principal Feasts of the Christian Year.
13879: WHEELER, TONY. - Papua New Guinea. A Travel Survival Kit.
44854: WHEELER, ANTHONY / HERBERT, VALERIE (EDITOR). - What's in a Name? Origins of Sudbury Street Names.
15821: WHETTON, RONALD. - Looking for a King. An Anthology for Christmas.
1826: WHIMSTER, D.C. - A Century of Lyrics. 1550-1650.
1687: WHIMSTER, D.C. - A Century of Lyrics. 1550-1650.
25309: WHINNEY, MICHAEL. - Episcopacy Today and Tomorrow (Illustrated by Ray Price).
49268: WHISHAW, CONSTANCE M. - Being and Doing : A Selection of Helpful Thoughts from Various Authors Arranged for Daily Reading By Constance M. Whishaw. Fifteenth Issue (Pocket Edition) .
38302: WHISTLER, HUMPHREY. - False Alternatives at the Reformation.
26282: WHISTLER, HUMPHREY. - False Alternatives at the Reformation.
10261: WHISTON, WILLIAM . - The Works Of Flavius Josephus. translated by William Whiston, A.M. Professor Of Mathematics In The University Of Cambridge.
50878: WHITAKER, DAVID. - Doctor Who and the Crusaders.
49486: WHITAKER, ALAN AND MYLAND, BRIAN. - Bradford. (Railway Memories No.4).
18320: WHITBREAD. - The Overlord Embroidery. The Story of the Normandy Landings. D-Day 6th June 1944.
47314: WHITBY, LIGHT & LANE. - Bridgwater Directory, Almanack and Tide Table.
25539: WHITCOMB, LUKE AND WILLIAMS, NIGEL. - Stand Up and be Counted.
27122: WHITE, JAMES F. - Introduction to Christian Worship.
38416: WHITE, WILLIAM HENRY. - Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. Containing the Charges, Regulations, etc.
13619: WHITE, JOHN. - People in Prayer. Portraits from the Bible.
25031: WHITE, RICHARD AND OWEN, DAI (ILLUSTRATOR). - Abbeys. A Cartoon Guide.
22817: WHITE, R.E.O. - The Answer is the Spirit.
19905: WHITE, ALISON AND WILLIAMS, DI. - Deacons at Your Service (Grove Pastoral No.33).
48460: WHITE, JOHN S. (EDITOR). - The Boys' and Girls' Pliny. Being Parts of Pliny's "Natural History" Edited for Boys and Girls, with an Introduction.
23222: WHITE, MERVYN. - John Wesley and Lincolnshire Methodist.
27747: WHITE, KENNETH. - The Attractive Church. (Grove Ministry and Worship. No.69).
7106: WHITE, STEPHEN ROSS. - Don Cupitt and the Future of Christian Doctrine.
4929: WHITE, ANTONIA. - The Hound and the Falcon. The Story of a Reconversion to the Catholic Faith.
15079: WHITE, E.G. - America in Prophecy.
22613: WHITE, MICHAEL. - Leonardo. The First Scientist.
6580: WHITE, JAMES F. - Intoduction to Christian Worship.
32339: WHITE, PAUL. - Jungle Doctor's Rhino Rumblings.
19082: WHITE, MICHAEL M. - Opportunity in Crisis. Money & Power in World Politics 1986-88. (Foreword by Sir William Rees-Mogg.)
25606: WHITE, MICHAEL, & GRIBBIN, JOHN. - Einstein. A Life in Science.
20903: WHITE, JOHN. - Excellence in Leadership. The pattern of Nehemiah.
13880: WHITE, JOHN. - The Fight. A Practical Handbook of Christian Living.
22394: WHITE, R.E.O. - A Relevant Salvation. (Preaching for Today).
49646: WHITE, ERNEST G. - Science and Singing.
16104: WHITE, JOHN. - The Cost of Commitment.
24395: WHITE, R.E.O. - Matthew Lays it on the Line.
7527: WHITE, E.G. - Steps to Christ.
50398: WHITE, NEWMAN IVEY. - Shelley. A Biography in Two Volumes.
43784: WHITE, CONSTANCE M. - Sandra Takes Command.
51012: WHITE, PAUL. - Jungle Doctor's Monkey Tales.
32540: WHITE, PAUL. - Jungle Doctor Sees Red.
51011: WHITE, PAUL. - Jungle Doctor's Fables.
49711: WHITE, HENRY ALEXANDER. - Southern Presbyterian Leaders 1683-1911.
50234: WHITE & DALTON, ARTISTS' COLORMEN. - Potichomanie.
42383: WHITE, WILLIAM HENRY (SIGNED COPY) . - Constitutions Of The Antient Fraternity Of Free And Accepted Masons : Containing The Charges, Regulations, &c. &c. Published, By The Authority Of The United Grand Lodge, By William Henry White, as Grand Secretary .
39985: WHITE, NICK. - Home Visiting. Opening Doors to Children's Evangelism. (Grove Evangelism 81).
4376: WHITE, ELLEN. G. - Confrontation.
40539: WHITE, DR A.J.MONTY. - What About Origins?
8434: WHITE, R.E.O. - A Christian Handbook to the Psalms.
51021: WHITE, PAUL. - Jungle Doctor's Tug-of-War.
35037: WHITEBROOK, J.C./ KITCHEN, RT.REV. ANTHONY. - The Consecration of the Most Reverend Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury.
49713: WHITEFIELD, GEORGE. - Select Sermons of George Whitefield. (With an account of his life by J.C.Ryle).
18048: WHITEHEAD, MARY BETH (WITH SCHWARTZ-NOBEL, LORETTA). - A Mother's Story. The Truth about the Baby M. Case.
23224: WHITEHEAD, MALCOLM AND GODFREE, VAL. - Hormone Replacement Therapy. Your Questions Answered.
12344: WHITEHEAD, EVELYN EATON & WHITEHEAD, JAMES D. - Seasons of Strength. New Vision of Adult Christian Maturing.
16243: WHITEHEAD, JAN. - Business Skills for Secretaries.
44817: WHITEHEAD, SHEILA. - St Anselm's and the Catholic Life of Dartford.
43627: WHITEHEAD, GEORGE. - A Brief Account of the Illegal Proceedings and Sinful Doctrines of James Bedford, Priest of Blunsome and Earith in Huntington Shire
41413: WHITEHEAD, R.A. - The Beloved Coast and Suffolk Sandlings.
30908: WHITEHEAD, BRIAR. - God Speaks from a Little Box.
47772: WHITEHORN, KATHARINE. - Selective Memory. An Autobiography.
13302: WHITEHOUSE, MARY. - Mighter than the Sword.
9206: WHITEHOUSE, MARY. - "Who does she think she is?"
11939: WHITELAW, STELLA. - More Cat Stories. (Illustrated by Marilyn Day).
33803: WHITELAW, REV. THOMAS. - The Patriarchal Times.
42689: WHITELEY, JOHN SCOTT. - Joseph Jongen and His Organ Music. (The Complete Organ No.2).
9638: WHITELEY, PETER. - Frontier Mission.
15327: WHITEMAN, YVONNE. (EDITOR). - A Treasury of Psalms.
17917: WHITEN, GEOFF AND FAITH. - Enjoy Gardening with the Whitens.
25541: WHITFIELD, RICHARD. - Families Matter. Towards a Programme of Action.
49555: WHITFIELD, CHRISTOPHER (1902-1967) . - Mr. Chambers and Persephone, a tale by Christopher Whitfield, printed, with wood-engravings by Dorothea Braby, at the Golden Cockerel Press, 1937
45276: WHITHAM, A.R. - Holy Orders.
18237: WHITING, CHARLES. - Massacre at Malmedy. The story of Jochen Peiper's Battle Group Ardennes,December,1944.
26284: WHITING, REV. CANON. E. - The Ordination of Women. Examined in the light of History and Theology.
25854: WHITLOCK, RALPH. - The English Farm.
18366: WHITLOCK, RALPH. - Historic Forests of England.
39792: WHITMAN, CEDRIC H. - Euripides and the Full Circle of Myth.
48503: WHITMORE JONES, MISS. - Games of Patience for One or More Players. (Second Series).
1691: WHITNEY, J.P. - Reformation Essays.
13398: WHITNEY, BEN. - Through Darkened Glass. Thoughts on the possibility of prayer.
41421: WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF. - Miriam and Other Poems.
1692: WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF. - The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. With Memoir, notes, etc.
48932: WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF / WILLIAM FINGLAND BOOKPLATE . - The King's Missive, Mabel Martin and Later Poems. By John Greenleaf Whittier .
27382: WHITTLE, MAJOR AND GUEST, REV. W.(EDITORS). - P.P.Bliss: His Life and Life Work.
2964: WHITWELL-WILSON, P. - The Christ We Forget. A Life of Our Lord for men of to-day.
37924: WHITWORTH, PATRICK. - Becoming Fully Human.
48893: WHYMAN, HERBERT FRANCIS. - History of the "Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity". No. 20, Chatham / by W. Bro. Herbert Francis Whyman ; with an introduction by W. Bro. William James Hughan.
5642: WHYTE, ALEXANDER. - Bunyan Characters. Lectures delivered in St George's Free Church Edinburgh.
3130: WICKENDEN, ARTHUR C. - The Concerns of Religion.
34119: WICKENS, DAVID C. - The Instruments of Samuel Green.
6658: WICKHAM, E.R. (BISHOP OF MIDDLETON). - Encounter with Modern Society.
22614: WICKS, BEN. - The Day They Took the Children.
27166: WICKS, ROBERT J. - Seeds of Sensitivity: Deepening Your Spiritual Life.
46164: WICKSTEED, JOSEPH H. - Blake's Innocence and Experience.
43452: WIDDOWSON, PETER.(EDITOR). - Thomas Hardy: Selected Poetry and Non-Fictional Prose.
8137: WIDYAPRANAWA, S.H. - The Lord is Savior. Faith in National Crisis. Isaiah 1-39.
31227: WIEBRACHT, DEAN. - The World Beyond Your Walls: A Manual for Mobilizing Your Church in Missions.
22818: WIEDERKEHR, MACRINA. - Seasons of your Heart. Prayers and Reflections (Revised and Expanded).
14065: WIEDRICH, WILLIAM W. - Not Simply Simon. Meditations on St. Peter.
6814: WIEMAN, HENRY N ET AL. - Religious Liberals Reply. By Henry N.Wieman; Arthur E.Murphy; Gardner Williams; Jay William Hudson; M.C.Otto; James Bissett Pratt; and Roy Wood Sellars.
10240: WIERSBE, WARREN W. - The Bumps are what You Climb On. Encouragement for difficult days.
8138: WIESER, THOMAS. - Planning for Mission.
3825: WIESNER, ELIZABETH P. - Pilgrim and Pioneer. A Journey with God.
36968: WIEWIÓRA, BOLESLAW. - The Polish-German Frontier in the Light of International Law.
35097: WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS. - The Story of Patsy. (Illustrated by Cecil W. Quinnell).
40480: WIGGLESWORTH, V.B. - The Physiology of Insect Metamorphosisi.
25793: WIGLEY, JUDITH. - Out of Bounds. The Story of Malcolm Worsley Prisoner to Probation Officer.
31316: WIGMORE, ELIZABETH. (EDITOR). - Long Melford: The Last 2000 Years.
38776: WIGNALL, MARY. - Intentions.
41848: WIGNALL, PAUL. - Taking Custody of the Future.
45888: WIGNER, J.H. - Soap Manufacture. The Chemical Processes.
12772: WIJNGAARDS, JOHN. - Did Christ Rule Out Women Priests.
8295: WIJNGAARDS, JOHN, M.H.M. - Inheriting the Master's Cloak. Creative Biblical Spirituality.
19907: WILBOURNE, EDMUND. - Healing - Its Place in Evangelism (Grove Evangelism No.2).
46688: WILBY, NOEL MACDONALD. - Alexander Tomlyn. A Tale of Old Cambridge.
25542: WILCOCK, MICHAEL. - The Message of Chronicles. One Church, One Faith, One Lord.
35093: WILCOX, COLLIN. - Long Way Down.
17421: WILCOX, ROBERT K. - Shroud.
18049: WILD, RAY. - Production and Operations Management.
15630: WILDE, FRED. - The Music in the Streets. (Prefatory Note by Sir John Betjeman).
49420: WILDEBLOOD, PETER. - Against the Law.
3729: WILDER, AMOS N. - Early Christian Rhetoric. The Language of the Gospel.
30265: WILDISH, HAROLD. - The Glorious Secret (A 'One Evening' Condensed Book).
31005: WILES, MAURICE. - A Shared Search. Doing Theology in Conversation with One's Friends.
27547: WILES, MAURICE. - Explorations in Theology 4.
12508: WILES, MAURICE. - Working Papers in Doctrine.
4931: WILES, MAURICE. - The Remaking of Christian Doctrine. The Hulsean Lectures. 1973.
33975: WILES, MAURICE. - Reason to Believe.
41555: WILK, CHRISTOPHER. - Frank Lloyd Wright: The Kaufmann Office.
23979: WILKERSON, DAVID & DON. - The Untapped Generation.
25310: WILKERSON, DAVID. - Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately?
29182: WILKES, PAUL. - Fitzgo: The Wild Dog of Central Park.
14081: WILKINS,V.E. - Research and the Land. An Account of Recent Progress in Agricultural and Horticultural Science in the United Kingdom.
50981: WILKINS, H. PERCY. - Our Moon.
50838: WILKINS, BRIAN. - The Bowler's Art. Understanding Spin, Swing and Swerve.
46160: WILKINS, AUGUSTUS S. [ AUGUSTUS SAMUEL WILKINS 1843-1905 ] . - National Education In Greece In The Fourth Century before Christ. By Augustus S. Wilkins, M.A.
28792: WILKINSON, ALAN, & COCKSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER. - An Anglican Companion. Words from the Heart of Faith.
21842: WILKINSON, HELEN AND MULGAN, GEOFF. - Freedom's Children: Work, relationships and politics for 18-34 year olds in Britain today.
7877: WILKINSON, JOHN. - Your Life is Theirs. The USPG Review of the Year.
7771: WILKINSON, PETER. - Belief in Joy. The Creed Not Dogma but Prayer.
48216: WILKINSON, PETER. - Msasa.
29009: WILKINSON, ALAN. - More Ready to Hear. (Than we to Pray). Parish Group Study Guides: 2. Prayer and Worship.
27748: WILKINSON, ALAN. - Christian Choices. Parish Group Study Guides 3. Moral Issues.
15283: WILKINSON, R.S. - My Confirmation Search-Book.
14159: WILKINSON, ANDREW. - Language and Education.
21464: WILKINSON, DAVID. - God. The Big Band and Stephen Hawking. An Exploration into Origins.
6175: WILKINSON, RAYMOND. (CANON). - An Adult Confirmation. Candidate's Handbook.
18586: WILKINSON, ALAN, & COCKSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER. - An Anglican Companion. Words from The Heart of Faith.
10962: WILKINSON, JOHN. - The Supper and the Eucharist. A layman's guide to Anglican revision.
44444: WILKINSON, THOMAS . - A Suffolk Boy in East Africa .
7528: WILKINSON, WILF. - To Me Personally. Based on the broadcasts ''What the Bible Says.'
21613: WILKINSON, JOHN T. (EDITOR). - Arthur Samuel Peake (1865-1929). Essays in Commemoration and Selections from his Writings.
38133: WILKINSON, GEORGE HOWARD. - Practical Counsels To Working Christians and Communicants.
44726: WILKINSON, THOMAS / SPEARE, WILLIAM (PREVIOUS OWNER !) - A Suffolk Boy in East Africa .
34010: WILKINSON, DAVID. - A Holiness of the Heart.
45549: WILKINSON, NEVILE. - The Guards' Chapel. (Centenary edition).
41947: WILKINSON, J. - Why, When, and Where. The Consecration of Samuel Seabury.
29186: WILKINSON, W. CAMAC. - The Tuberculin Dispensary for the Poor.
33107: WILKINSON, RT. REV. G.H. - Lent Lectures.
48574: WILL, IAN. - The Big Brother Society.
28794: WILLCOCKS, DAVID. - Messiah. Highlights from Handel's Oratorio and other Christmas Music.
7825: BISHOP OF WILLESDEN. - New Dimensions. Report.
50297: WILLETTS, PAUL. - Fear and Loathing in Fitzrovia. The Bizarre Life of Writer, Actor, Soho Dandy Julian Maclaren-Ross.
46378: WILLEY, BEE. (ILLUSTRATOR). - The Dragon and the Magic Key.
27388: WILLEY, DAVID. - God's Politician. John Paul at the Vatican.
18949: WILLEY, BASIL. - Religion Today.
11705: WILLEY, BASIL. - Nineteenth Century Studies. Coleridge to Matthew Arnold.
27974: WILLEY, ELDRED. - First Light. Prayers from New Christian Communities.
21321: WILLEY, BASIL. - Richard Crashaw. A Memorial Lecture (1612/3-1649).
36928: WILLEY, T. (1847-1930) - Melodies & Chants adapted to "Hymns for the Little Flock." Compiled by T. Willey. "And at Midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God, and the prisoners heard them." - Acts xvi. 25.
4215: MARXSEN WILLI. - The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
6593: BARCLAY. WILLIAM. - A Beginner's Guide to the New Testament.
35540: WILLIAMS, PETER. (EDITOR). - Anvil: An Anglican Evangelical Journal for Theology and Mission. Vol.1. No.1.
5460: WILLIAMS, R.R. BISHOP OF LEICESTER. - I Believe - And Why.
27615: WILLIAMS, DUNCAN. - Trousered Apes. A study in the influence of literature on contemporary society.
27123: WILLIAMS, ROWAN. - The Truce of God.
13133: WILLIAMS, GLANMOR. - Owen Glendower.
28795: WILLIAMS, ALBERT N. - John Mark: First Gospel Writer. (Heroes of God Series.)
27550: WILLIAMS, REV. JOHN G. - Where Do I Begin? A Simple Introduction to Prayer.
5459: WILLIAMS, DICK. - God thoughts.
11339: WILLIAMS, LOAN M. - Thackeray. Literature in Perspective.
5792: WILLIAMS, COLIN. - Faith in a Secular Age.
5793: WILLIAMS, JOHN G. - God and the Human Family.
10449: WILLIAMS, SHIRLEY. - Politics is for People.
35630: WILLIAMS, CHARLES. - The Forgiveness of Sins.
14394: WILLIAMS, R. GLYNDWR. - Agoriadau.
31254: WILLIAMS, CHARLES. - The Forgiveness of Sins.
22820: WILLIAMS, DEREK. - About People. What the Bible says.
20799: WILLIAMS, R.R. (BISHOP OF LEICESTER). - What's Right with the Church of England.
15822: WILLIAMS, COLIN W. - What in the World?
15823: WILLIAMS, COLIN W. - Where in the World? Changing Forms of the Church's Witness.
27749: WILLIAMS, R.R. - The Well is Deep. Aspects of the Biblical Heritage.
11128: WILLIAMS, CAROLINE. - Saints. Their Cults and Origins.
27800: WILLIAMS, CLAYTON E. - The Dark Road to Triumph. Passion Week sermons from a Paris pulpit including meditations on The Seven Words from the Cross.
51217: WILLIAMS, ALFRED. - Nature and Other Poems.
6479: WILLIAMS, W.S. - The History of Acolytes and Servers and of What They Have Done for the Church Down the Centuries.
6581: WILLIAMS, JOHN G. - Worship and the Modern Child.
27356: WILLIAMS, JOHN R. - God and Ourselves: The Old Covenant. (Illustrated from Photographs.)
14749: WILLIAMS, GERTRUDE. - Apprenticeship in Europe. The Lesson for Britain. Foreword by The Rt. Hon. John Hare.
5881: WILLIAMS, JOHN G. - God and the human family. Foreword by Rt. Rev. Stephen F. Bayne.
48390: WILLIAMS, RICHARD G. - Mannock Strickland 1683-1744. Agent to English Convents in Flanders. Letters and Accounts from Exile.
11563: WILLIAMS, HOWARD. - Noughts & Crosses.
17025: WILLIAMS, G. PRYS. - Patterns of Teenage Delinquency, England and Wales 1946-61.
3134: WILLIAMS, HOWARD. - Down to Earth. An Interpretation of Christ.
14066: WILLIAMS, SUSAN. - Lord of our World. Modern collects from the gospels.
25795: WILLIAMS, ROWAN AND COLLIER, MARK. - Beginning Now. Part One. Peacemaking Theology. A Study Book for Individuals and Groups.
24161: WILLIAMS, GWYNN. - Winning the Day.
24162: WILLIAMS, THEODORE. - Living Without Regret. Practical, Biblical Answers to Encourage a Lifestyle of Faith, Sacrifice and Commitment.
25608: WILLIAMS, GUY. - Model Locomotive Construction in 4mm Scale.
18421: WILLIAMS, DICK. - Stuart Blanch: A Life.
26712: WILLIAMS, JOHN G. - What Next? A Book About Further Steps in Prayer.
21981: WILLIAMS, DICK. - Godfacts.
17422: WILLIAMS, MARY. - A Comprehensive Guide to Deep Freezing.
17423: WILLIAMS, RAYMOND. - Drama in Performance.
1932: WILLIAMS, H.A. - The Joy of God. Variations on a theme.
45961: WILLIAMS, THE REV. CANON JOHN. - Letters on Anglican Orders and Other Matters.
50520: WILLIAMS, CHARLES. - The House of the Octopus. A Play in Three Acts.
43068: WILLIAMS, S. T. - The Martyrs Of Braintree & Bocking. A Lecture. By S. T. Williams. Price Sixpence.
36148: WILLIAMS, RICHARD - The Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem - St, John's Gate Picture Book - Fist Edition .
6033: WILLIAMS, C.S.C. - The Acts of the Apostles.
49109: WILLIAMS, PETER (PHOTOS) / WALPOLE, JOSEPHINE (TEXT). - Woodbridge Then & Now.
31755: WILLIAMS, JANE. - Approaching Christmas.
42409: WILLIAMS, DAVID. - Animal Rights, Human Responsibilities? (Grove Ethics E151).
40818: WILLIAMS, VALENTINE. - Clubfoot The Avenger.
5992: WILLIAMS, A.T.P. - The Anglican Tradition in the Life of England.
44528: WILLIAMS, K. MARY. - The Doctrine of the Church in the Writings of Isaac Wiliams 1802-1865.
3260: WILLIAMS, STEPHEN.(COMPILER). - Woman: An Anthology for Men.
47171: WILLIAMS,NORMAN POWELL. - The Ideas of the Fall and of Original Sin. A Historical and Critical Study.
30787: WILLIAMS, MERRYN. - A Preface to Hardy.
9821: WILLIAMS, GEOFFREY AINSWORTH. - Who Was John? A Study of the 5 Documents in the New Testament Ascribed to Someone Called John.
49054: WILLIAMS, MICHAEL. - Point-to-Pointing. In Our Time.
37849: WILLIAMS, H.A. - True to Experience. (edited by Eileen Mable).
7772: WILLIAMS, R.R. (BISHOP OF LEICESTER). - Faith and The Faith.
29933: WILLIAMS, ARCHBISHOP ROWAN. - Lost Icons. Reflections on Cultural Bereavement.
34537: WILLIAMS, A.E. - West Anglican Way: The Growth of the Anglican Church in Western Australia From Its Early Beginnings.
7773: WILLIAMS, RHEINALLT NANTLAIS. - Faith Facing Facts. Pantyfedwen Trust Lectures.
49776: WILLIAMS, FREDERICK S. - Williams's Midland Railway : Its Rise and Progress. A Narrative of Modern Enterprise.
44607: WILLIAMS, ROWAN. - Christian Imagination in Poetry and Polity. Some Anglican Voices from Temple to Herbert.
45958: WILLIAMS, JANE. (YSGAFELL). (EDITOR). - An Autobiography of Elizabeth Davis. Betsy Cadwaladyr: A Balaclava Nurse.
37140: WILLIAMS, RAY. - Son of Encouragement.
31305: WILLIAMS, CHARLES. - Bradman: An Australian Hero.
41704: WILLIAMS, HUGO. - Freelancing. Adventures of a Poet.
31722: WILLIAMS, WATKIN W. - The Moral Theology of the Sacrament of Penance.
41440: WILLIAMS, ISAAC/ PREVOST, THE VEN. SIR GEORGE.(EDITOR). - The Autobiography of Isaac Williams, BD...As Throwing Further Light on the History of the Oxford Movement.
8139: WILLIAMS, J. G. - God and His World.
9208: WILLIAMS, HOWARD. - My Word.
9472: WILLIAMS, HOWARD. - My Word.
9643: WILLIAMS, JOHN G. - Hungry World. The Call for Christian Literature.
2835: WILLIAMSON, HUGH ROSS. - Sixty Saints of Christendom. (Illustrated by Sheila Connelly).
26571: WILLIAMSON, GEORGE. - Seventeenth Century Contexts.
13090: WILLIAMSON, HUGH ROSS. - A Children's Book of Saints. Illustrated by Sheila Connelly.
6872: WILLIAMSON, ROY. - Can You Spare a Minute.
29010: WILLIAMSON, ROY. - Not Least in the Kingdom.
48703: WILLIAMSON, TOM AND TAIGEL, ANTHEA. - Gardens in Norfolk. 1550-1900.
14750: WILLIAMSON, MYRTLE. - One Out of Four. A personal experience with cancer.
44418: WILLIAMSON, JOSEPH. - Josephine Butler - The Forgotten Saint. (Signed).
25796: WILLIAMSON, HELEN J. - I Belong. Eight Lessons on Church Membership for Juniors.
15631: WILLIAMSON, HUGH ROSS. - Paul, A Bondslave. A Radio Play.
22280: WILLIAMSON, HELEN J. - Introducing Holy Communion. Ten lessons for Juniors.
45027: WILLIAMSON, JOSEPH. - Father Joe. The Autobiography of Joseph Williamson of Poplar and Stepney. (Signed).
47433: WILLIAMSON, GEORGE E. - Opening the Door.
49966: SOCIETY OF ST WILLIBRORD. - Old Catholic Worship In The Netherlands.
29183: WILLIS, TED. - Evening All. 50 Years over a Hot Typewriter.
25797: WILLMOTT, REV. OLIVER. - The Parson Knows from the Parish Notes 1953-1968.
15328: WILLS, GARRY. - Saint Augustine.
49391: WILLS, MAUREEN JUNE. - Chronicles of Ringshall.
39776: WILLS, E.F. - Egypt in Bristol. A Prehistoric Study Embracing the Mendips, South Gloucestershire and Bristol.
48748: WILMSHURST, W.L. - The Meaning of Masonry.
45335: WILSING, H.S. - True Love Guide.
30007: WILSON, JACQUELINE. - Lola Rose. (Illustrated by Nick Sharratt).
26537: WILSON, R. MCL. - Gnosis and the New Testament.
19301: WILSON, MICHAEL. - Health is for People.
15471: WILSON, ROBERT R. - The Sign Book of Crosswords.
13705: WILSON, KENNETH. (ED). - The Experience of Ordination. A symposium.
22112: WILSON, DOROTHY CLARKE. - Handicap Race. The Inspiring Story of Roger Arnett.
40905: WILSON, REV. LEONARD C. - Spiritual Warfare. (A Crowhurst Occasional Paper).
13622: WILSON, GEOFFREY B. - Hebrews. A Digest of Reformed Comment.
6225: WILSON, A.N. (EDITOR). - The Faber Book of Church and Clergy.
19195: WILSON, JOHN. - Reason and Morals.
23228: WILSON, GEOFFREY B. - 1. Corinthians. A Digest of Reformed Comment.
19911: WILSON, SIMON. - Pop. (64 pages in colour).
18051: WILSON , JOHN G. - Language of Maps, Certificate Geography.
18052: WILSON, MICHAEL. - Dear Bryony. An Exploration of a Christian way of life in the Modern World.
12469: WILSON, DOROTHY F. - Child Psychology and Religious Education.
5010: WILSON, IAN. - Are These The Words of Jesus? Dramatic evidence from beyond the New Testament.
12346: WILSON, DAMON. - Strange But True. Aliens. Are we Surrounded by Aliens?
27801: WILSON, MARY. - New Poems.
2739: WILSON,COLIN. - The Outsider.
28192: WILSON, JOHN HAROLD. (EDITOR). - Six Restoration Plays.
20380: WILSON, BRYAN. - Magic and the Millennium. Religious Movements of Protest among Tribal and Third- World Peoples.
43563: WILSON, GRAHAM. - The Time Has Come. Ancient Egypt, Israel and Finis.
43564: WILSON, GRAHAM. - Running Out of Time. A Critical Review of Evolution, Creation & Consummation.
7776: WILSON, MARY, BLAKE, ROBERT, HORNE, DONALD, ET AL. - The Queen. A Penguin Special.
7799: WILSON, IAN. - The After Death Experience.
12828: WILSON, REV. H.A. (BISHOP OF CHELMSFORD). - Your Faith - or your life!
17501: WILSON, GEOFFREY B. - 2 Corinthians. A Digest of Reformed Comment.
11010: WILSON, COLIN & EVANS, CHRISTOPHER. ( EDS ). - The Giant Book of the Unknown.
47783: WILSON, JOHN (1785-1854) / CHAMBERS, ROBERT (1802-1871) / HILL, DAVID OCTAVIUS (1802-1870) . - The Land Of Burns, A Series Of Landscapes And Portraits, Illustrative Of The Life And Writings Of The Scottish Poet. The Landscapes From Paintings Made Expressly For The Work, By D. O .Hill, R.S.A.The Literary Department, By Professor Wilson...
15021: WILSON, ANGUS. - The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot.
13882: WILSON, FRANK. - Counselling the Drug Abuser.
10833: WILSON, A.N. - Tolstoy.
2885: WILSON, MERVYN. - The Rural Spirit. Language of the Earth and Sky.
24398: WILSON, GEOFFREY B. - Ephesians.
47148: WILSON, R.N.D. - Sculpture. (Shown to the Children Series).
44597: WILSON, ANGUS. (EDITOR). - East Anglia in Verse and Prose.
41007: WILSON, HARRY LEON. - Ruggles of Red Gap. (Illustrated by F.R.Gruger).
39198: WILSON, PAUL R. AND WESTERN, JOHN S. - The Policeman's Position Today and Tomorrow. An Examination of the Victoria Police Force.
38453: WILSON, T.(THEODORE)P.(PERCIVAL). - Frank Oldfield. Or Lost and Found.
39193: WILSON, B. KNYVET. - More Norfolk Tales.
38528: WILSON, LESLIE AND LYLE, STANLEY. - Masonic Lodges of Middlesex. Their Origins and Names.
49707: WILSON, NANCY. - Building Her House. Commonsensical Wisdom for Christian Women.
1702: WILSON, AUGUSTA J. EVANS. - Infelice.
45777: WILSON, A.N. - My Name is Legion. (Signed).
7775: WILSON, KENNETH. - Living it Out. A discussion on Christian behaviour.
40210: WILSON, ANGUS. - Anglo-Saxon Attitudes.
45322: WILSON, DR C.J. - Before the Dawn in Kenya.
8934: WILSON, DOROTHY CLARKE. - Twelve Who Cared. My Adventures with Christian Courage.
9001: WILSON, D.M. - Triumph Over Fear.
9473: WILSON, MICHAEL. - The Church is Healing.
39549: WILT, G.MARIE; BANNON, JAMES D:(DETROIT). BREEDLOVE, RONALD K; KENNISH, JOHN W; SANDKER, DONALD M; SAWTELL, ROBERT(KANSAS CITY). - Domestic Violence and the Police: Studies in Detroit and Kansas City.
21982: WILTON, DOROTHY R, RENOUF, ROSEMARY AND MURRAY, JOAN. - Prayers to Use with 5 - 8s.
13399: WILTSHER, CHRIS. - Everyday Science, Everyday God.
9923: WINBOLT, S.E. - Britain under the Romans.
21465: WINCLE, GEOFF. - Management in Action. People in Organisations.
14977: WIND, JAMES P., BURCK, RUSSELL, CAMENISCH, PAUL F., & MC CANN, DENNIS P. (EDITORS). - Clergy Ethics in a Changing Society.
23229: WINDROW, MARTIN AND MASON, FRANCIS K. - The Wordsworth Dictionary of Military Biography.
29923: WINDSOR, DAVID BURNS. - The Quaker Enterprise. Friends in Business.
49064: WING, K.R. - A History of Bancroft's School 1737-1987.
29924: WING, LORNA. - Autistic Children: A Guide for Parents.
25312: WINGATE, ANDREW. - Encounter in the Spirit. Muslim-Christian Meetings in Birmingham.
10897: WINGATE, PETER. - The Penguin Medical Encyclopedia.
34795: WINGATE, SIR ANDREW. - Palestine, Mesopotamia and the Jews.
15994: WINGREN, GUSTAF. - Gospel and Church. (Translated by Ross Mackenzie).
30989: WINKLER, REV. JUDE. - The Gift of Christmas.
34929: WINKS, J. [JOSEPH] F, EDITOR. - The Children's Magazine, and Missionary Repository. A Reward Book For Sabbath Schools, Day Schools, And Families. Edited by J. F. Winks. - Vol. IX. - 1846.
27976: WINN, ARTHUR T. - Records of the Borough of Aldeburgh: The Church.
50915: WINN, ARTHUR T. - Records of the Borough of Aldeburgh: The Church.
32422: WINN, DENISE. - The Hospice Way.
30957: WINNAIL, DOUGLAS S. - The Real God: Proofs and Promises.
5208: WINNINGTON INGRAM, ARTHUR F. - Friends of the Master.
1705: WINNINGTON INGRAM, ARTHUR F. - The Spirit of Jesus.
9334: WINNINGTON INGRAM, ARTHUR F. - Under the Dome.
17111: WINSLOW, JACK C. - The Christian Approach to the Hindu.
11220: WINSTANLEY, MICHAEL T. - Come and See. An Exploration into Christian Discipleship.
18646: WINSTEN, JOSEPH. - Moses Meets Israel. The Origins of One God.
49895: WINSTON, CHARLES 1814-1864. - Memoirs Illustrative Of The Art Of Glass-painting. By The Late Charles Winston, Of The Inner Temple. Illustrative With Engravings, From The Author's Original Drawings By Philip H. Delamotte, F.S.A.
10242: WINSTONE, HAROLD. (EDITOR). - Pastoral Liturgy. A Symposium.
39569: WINSTONE, JANE AND PAKES, FRANCIS.(EDITORS). - Community Justice: Issues for Probation and Criminal Justice.
6693: WINTER, DAVID. - Battered Bride? The Body of Faith in an Age of Doubt.
13134: WINTER, DAVID. - After the Gospels. Readings from great Christians of the earlt Church.
5979: WINTER, DAVID. (EDITED BY.) - Matthew Henry's Commentary. The Four Gospels.
5980: WINTER, DAVID. (EDITED BY.) - Matthew Henry's Commentary. Acts to Revelation.
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