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15210: POWLES, L.V. - The Christian Faith.
47265: POWNALL, GOVERNOR T. - A Letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith...
13937: POYNTER, J.W. - The Popes and Social Problems. An Impartial Account of the Teaching Contained in their Encyclical Letters.
43444: VAN PRAET, JULES. - Essays on the Political History of the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries.
7221: PRAWER JHABVALA, RUTH. - Heat and Dust.
6389: PREECE, RON. - Mainsprings for Action.
11257: PREECE, MAUD. - Solo Cooking. A book of recipes and practical hints for those living on their own.
29164: PREMINGER, ERIK LEE. - Gypsy and Me: At Home and On the Road with Gypsy Rose Lee.
1317: PRENTICE, SARTELL . - The Voices Of The Cathedral. Tales In Stone And Legends In Glass .
46561: PRENTICE, ROB. - The Captive Free Men: The Plowman's Tale.
10502: PRESCOTT, D.M. - Poems. For The School Assembly and other occasions.
17406: PRESCOTT, D.M. - Senior Teacher's Assembly Book.
9434: PRESCOTT, D.M. (EDITOR). - More Readings for the Senior Assembly. Meaning in Life.
49427: PRESSEY, REV. W.J. (EDITOR). - The Second Book of the Churchwardens' Accounts of Heybridge, Essex.
39043: PRESSEY, REV.W.J. - Some Notes on the Elizabethan Communion Cups of Essex.
2541: PRESTIGE, LEONARD. - Christian Verity.
2917: PRESTIGE, G.L. - Fathers and Heretics. Six studies in Dogmatic Faith with Prologue and Epilogue. Being the Bampton Lectures for 1940.
21517: PRESTON, RONALD H. (EDITOR). - Theology and Change. Essays in Memory of Alan Richardson.
11083: PRESTON, RONALD H. - Religion and the Persistence of Capitalism. The Maurice Lectures for 1977 and other studies in Christianity and Social Change.
11084: PRESTON, RONALD H. (EDITOR). - Perspectives on Strikes. Manchester Consultation No.1.
7078: PRESTON, RONALD H. - Church and Society in the Late 20th Century: The Economic & Political Task.
50810: PRESTON, WILLIAM / JONES, STEPHEN . - Illustrations Of Masonry. By The Late William Preston, Past Master Of The Lodge Of Antiquity, Acting By Immemorial Constitution. The Thirteenth Edition. With Corrections And Additions, By Stephen Jones, Past Master Of the Same Lodge.
44044: PRESTON, REV. THOMAS S. - Sermons for the Principal Seasons of the Sacred Year.
50789: PRESTON, WILLIAM (1742-1818) / OLIVER, GEORGE (1782-1867) . - Illustrations Of Masonry, By The Late William Preston, Esq. Past Master Of The Lodge Of Antiquity, Acting By Immemorial Constitution. With Additions And Copious Notes By George Oliver. Sixteenth Edition.
29609: PRESTON, SIR JACOB. - Peace and Victory.
9813: PRESTON, RONALD H. - Explorations in Theology 9.
25268: PRICE, EUGENIA. - Getting Through the Night. Strength for Those Who Grieve.
25746: PRICE, SIDNEY H. - The Whispering Gallery and Other Talks to Girls and Boys.
45493: PRICE, NANCY. - Ta-Mera. (signed).
12423: PRICE, EUGENIA. - Discoveries made from living my new life.
12424: PRICE, EUGENIA. - The Burden is Light! The Autobiography of a Transformed Pagan who took God at His Word.
18094: PRICE, GREG. - Latin America. The Writer's Journey.
20518: PRICE, SIMON & KEARNS, EMILY. - The Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion.
21442: PRICE, PETER B. - Seeds of the World. Biblical Reflection for Small Church Communities.
33210: PRICE, DEREK W. - Unity in Itself? The Stevenage Experiment in Group Ministry.
49974: PRICE, J.H. (INTRODUCTION). - Cook's Continental Timetable August 1939.
30967: PRICE, EUGENIA. - Discoveries: Made From Living My New Life. (New revised edition).
45503: PRICE, NANCY. - Each In His Own Way. (signed).
45559: PRICE, NANCY. - The Gull's Way.
28961: PRICE, CHARLES P AND WEIL, LOUIS. - Liturgy for Living.
45556: PRICE, NANCY. - A Vagabond's Way. Haphazard Wanderings on the Fells.
48071: PRICE, HARRY . - "The Most Haunted House In England" Ten Years' Investigation Of Borley Rectory.
45557: PRICE, NANCY. - I Watch and Listen. A Book About Birds.
45555: PRICE, NANCY. - The Heart of a Vagabond.
45558: PRICE, NANCY. - Shadows on the Hills.
45541: PRICHARD, H. HESKETH. - Hunting Camps in Wood and Wilderness.
21194: PRICKETT, JOHN. (EDITOR). - Living Faiths: Initiation Rites.
3321: PRIDE, NIGEL. - A Butterfly Sings to Pacaya. Travels in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize.
47663: PRIEST'S PUBLICATIONS. - Fakenham Almanack and Directory 1962.
7860: PRIESTLAND, GERALD. - Priestland Right and Wrong.
6072: PRIESTLAND, GERALD. - The Case Against God.
3430: PRIESTLAND, GERALD. - Priestland's Progress - One man's search for Christianity now.
9191: PRIESTLAND, GERALD. - Yours Faithfully. (Volume 2).
9435: PRIESTLAND, GERALD. - Gerald Priestland At Large. Volume Three of the 'Yours Faithfully' collected Radio Talks.
17086: PRIESTLEY, JACK AND SMITH, HARRY. - Harvest and Thanksgiving. (The Living Festivals Series).
36143: PRIESTLEY, URSULA - EDITOR . - The Letters of Philip Stannard, Norwich Textile Manufacturer (1751-1763) Norfolk Record Society , Volume LVII .
39437: PRIESTLEY, H. E. [ HAROLD EDFORD PRIESTLEY ] . - A History Of Benfleet by H. E. Priestley M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Part IV. The Doomsday Survey A.D. 1086 .
32476: A GROUP OF PRIESTS. - Methods of Self-Examination.
37908: PRIMACK, JOEL AND ABRAMS, NANCY ELLEN. - The View from the Centre of the Universe.
23933: PRIME, DEREK. - Communicating the Gospel. Some Contemporary Issues.
22756: PRIME, DEREK. - Created to Praise.
22757: PRIME, DEREK. - This Way to Life. (Drawings by Lorna Lattimore).
16222: PRIME, DEREK. - Questions on the Christian Faith Answered from the Bible.
23662: PRIME, DEREK. - Practical Prayer. The Way and How of Prayer.
23661: PRIME, DEREK. - A Christian Guide to Prayer.
20869: PRIME, DEREK. - Drawing Power.
42218: PRIMMER, BRIAN. - The Berlioz Style.
18014: PRINCE, ALISON. - How's Business.
12159: PRINDLE, WILLIAM D. - Bible Word Comparison. Traditional Bibles Compared with Contemporary Bibles.
41679: PRINGLE, NIK AND TREVERSH, JIM. - 150 Years Policing in Watford District & Hertfordshire County.
4081: PRINGLE-PATTISON, A. SETH. - The Idea of Immortality. The Gifford Lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh in the year 1922.
20762: PRIOR, KENNETH F W. - The Gospel in a Pagan Society. The Relevance for Today of Paul's Ministry in Athens.
15167: PRIOR, K. F. W. - God and Mammon. The Christian Mastery of Money.
41726: PRIOR, MICHAEL AND TAYLOR, WILLIAM. - Christians in the Holy Land.
17572: PRIOR, DAVID. - Sharing Pastoral Care in the Parish (Grove Pastoral Series No.3).
15692: PRIOR, ALLAN. - Theatre.
13858: PRIOR, DAVID. - Bedrock. A Vision for the Local Church.
42769: PRIOR, E.S. - Eight Chapters on English Medieval Art. A Study in English Economics.
46699: PRIOR, W. H. - Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi Consociatarum Academiarum Auspiciis Conditum. Notes on the weights and measures of medieval England by W. H. Prior.
1320: PRITCHARD, F.H. - Essays of To-Day. An Anthology.
17007: PRITCHARD, F.H. - The Children's Aladdin. (Illustrated by Honor C. Appleton).
47329: PROCTER, FRANCES AND MILLER, PHILIPPA. - Village and Town Signs in Norfolk.
47330: PROCTER, FRANCES AND MILLER, PHILIPPA. - 100 More Village and Town Signs in the County of Norfolk.
27524: PROCTOR, J.M. - East Anglian Cottages. With Illustrations and Photographs by the Author.
31040: PROCTOR, FRANCES AND MILLER, PHILIPPA. - Village Signs in Norfolk. Book 3.
21091: PROCTOR, JOHN. - The Christmas Stories in Faith and Preaching. (Grove Biblical 9).
17008: PROCTOR, MICHAEL. - Live it up. A Christian approach to experience.
16074: PROCTOR, MICHAEL. - First......The Good News. 30 Assemblies for Middle School.
29166: PRONIN, ALEXANDER & BARBARA. - Russian Folk Arts.
49857: PROOT, CATHERINE AND YORKE, MICHAEL. - Life to be Lived. Challenges and Choices for Patients and Carers in Life-Threatening Illnesses.
36812: PROPHET, REVD. CANON J. R. H. - Masonic Orations by W.Bro. Revd. Canon J. R. H. Prophet, Provincial Grand Chaplain Leicestshire And Rutland. 1966 - 1972 .
20134: PROTHERO, ROWLAND E. - The Pioneers And Progress Of English Farming .
28163: PROTO, LOUIS. - Self-Healing. Use Your Mind to Heal Your Body.
42420: PROVAN, IAIN. - Tenants in God's Land. Earth-keeping and People-keeping in the Old Testament. (grove Ethics E148).
23452: PROWLING, MICHAEL AND TOOLEY, WILFRED. - Peter and Paula at a Communion Service.
16460: PROYSEN, ALF. - Mrs Pepperpot's Christmas.
7079: PROZESKY, MARTIN. - A New Guide to the Debate about God.
25586: PRUCHA, JAROSLAV. - A Concise Guide in Colour: Flowers from Seed. (Illustrated by Frantisek Severa.) Translated by O. Kuthanova
49735: DR. JACOBUS X ... PSEUD.[ LOUIS JACOLLIOT ] . - Arcana Anthropologica - The Ethnology of the Sixth Sense. Studies and Researches into Its Abuses, Pervasions, Follies, Anomalies, and Crimes. By Dr. Jacobus X....French Army Surgeon .
47241: WIT PUBLICATIONS. - WIT (No.1). Modern Mirth and Mysterry.
47242: WIT PUBLICATIONS. - WIT (No.2). Modern Mirth and Mysterry.
38733: REDEMPTORIST PUBLICATIONS. - The Essential Advent and Christmas Handbook. A Daily Companion with a Glossary of Key Terms.
6213: CHURCH HOUSE PUBLISHING. - Patterns for Worship.
24779: METHODIST PUBLISHING. - An Anglican-Methodist Covenant. Common Statement of the Formal Conversations between the Methodist Church of Great Britain and the Church of England.
10561: CHURCH HOUSE PUBLISHING. - The Church of England Year Book 1997.
15360: PUDNEY, JOHN. - South of Forty. Poems.
13939: PUDNEY, JOHN. - Beyond This Disregard. Poems.
29167: PUDNEY, JOHN. - Dispersal Point and other Air Poems.
46771: PUGH, GILLIAN. - London's Forgotten Children. Thomas Coram and the Foundling Hospital.
46237: PUGH, JANE. - Welsh Ghosts, Poltergeists & Demons.
28667: PUGSLEY, CLEMENT H. - A Prayer Book for Women.
45197: PULCI, LUIGI 1431-1487. - Il Morgante Maggiore Di Luigi Pulci.
6392: PULKINGHAM, GRAHAM. - Gathered for Power. Illustrated by Cathleen. Foreword by Michael Harper.
18518: PULKINGHAM, W. GRAHAM. - They Left Their Nets. A Vision for Community Ministry.
17088: PULKINGHAM, BETTY AND HARPER, JEANNE. - Fresh Sounds. A Companion Volume to Sound of Living Waters (Words and Music).
2048: PULLAN, LEIGHTON. - Religion Since the Reformation. Eight Lectures. Preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1922, on the Foundation of the Rev, John Bampton, M.A., Canon of Salsibury.
31749: PULLER, REV. F.W. - The Anointing of the Sick in Scripture and Tradition, with some Considerations on the Numbering of the Sacraments.
26237: PULSFORD, REV. EDWARD J. - The Virgin Birth of Our Lord.
21518: PUNCH. - On the Home Front. In Town.
49913: PUNSHON, E.R. - Crossword Mystery.
46135: PUNSHON, WILLIAM MORLEY. - The Prophet Of Horeb; The Huguenots; John Bunyan; Macaulay; Wilberforce; Prodigal Son.
50370: PUNSHON, E.R. - Crossword Mystery.
25269: PURCELL, WILLIAM. - No Other Gods. A Modern Meditation on the Commandments.
17285: PURCELL, WILLIAM. - A Time to Die.
1328: PURCELL, WILLIAM. - Fisher of Lambeth, A Portrait From Life.
3830: PURCELL, WILLIAM. - The Plain Man Looks at Himself. A Book about self-examination for the ordinary Christian.
32571: PURCELL, WILLIAM. - The Anglican Church Today. Anglican Spirituality: A Continuing Tradition.
44935: PURCELL, VICTOR. - Malaya. Outline of a Colony.
50994: PURDON, CORRAN. - List the Bugle. Reminiscences of an Irish Soldier.
46981: PUREY-CUST, ARTHUR P. (ARTHUR PERCEVAL PUREY-CUST 1828-1916) . - York Corporation Plate: An Historic Collection: Described And Illustrated.
10590: PURNELL, PATRICK. - Which Way Do I Choose?
32701: PURSEHOUSE, E AND DANIELS,G.G. - The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Diss.
32123: PURSER, JAN. - Meditation: Easy techniques to help you relax and focus.
43346: PURTSCHER, ALFONS AND NORA. - The Legends of St Francis. (Retold by Alfons and Nora Purtscher).
45813: PURUCKER, G DE. - Studies in Occult Philosophy.
15362: PURVES, LIBBY. - Holy Smoke. Religion and Roots: A Personal Memoir.
46264: PURVES, DAVID LAING 1838-1873. - The English Circumnavigators: The Most remarkable Voyages Round The World By English Sailors. With A Preliminary Sketch Of Their Lives And Discovories. Edited With Notes Etc. Etc. By Daivd Laing Purves .
50927: PURVIS, J.B. - Through Uganda to Mount Elgon.
36075: PUSEY, REV. E.B. - Penitence(Part II): With Rules for Guidance and Hints for a First Confession Gathered from the Writings of The Reverend Edward Bouverie Pusey.
33253: PUTNAM, VII. - Brothers to the Wind.
51158: PYCROFT, JAMES (1813-1895) . - The Cricket Field: or, The History and the Science of Cricket. By The Rev. James Pycroft, B.A. Fourth Edition .
35282: PYE, DR FAYE. - Aspects of Jewish Prayer: A Personal View. (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture No.193).
14349: PYKE, MAGNUS. - Long Life. Expectations for Old Age.
6393: PYKE, MAGNUS. - What Scientists are up to.
49987: PYM, BARBARA./ HOLT, HAZEL AND PYM, HILARY. (EDITORS). - A Very Private Eye. The Diaries, Letters and Notebooks of Barbara Pym.
27639: PYNE, EDWARD . - Extracts from The Diary Of A Hunting Farmer .
31655: PYTCHES, DAVID. - Church Matters. (A Word to the Wise).
31656: PYTCHES, DAVID. - Family Matters. (A Word to the Wise).
37723: QUAIL, SARAH AND STEDMAN, JOHN. - Images of Portsmouth.
37724: QUAIL, SARAH. - Southsea Past.
50726: QUAILE, EDWARD (1821-1900 ) . - Illuminated Manuscripts : Their Origin, History and Characteristics. A Sketch, By Edward Quaile. With twenty-six examples from books of hours in his possession .
3815: QUAKERS. - The Quaker Tapestry Guide in Colour.
5653: QUANJER, JOHAN H. - One World One Truth.
40139: QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE, NO. 2076 - Q.C. PAMPHLET NO. 5 . - Q.C. Pamphlet No. 5 . The Cooke MS. of c. 1420 : A modernised version with introductory notes.
14049: QUEBEDEAUX, RICHARD. - I Found It. The Story of Bill Bright and Campus Crusade.
1330: QUELL, GOTTFRIED & SCHRENK, GOTTLOB. - Righteousness.
15693: QUENNELL, PETER. (EDITOR). - Vladimir Nabokov. A Tribute.
1331: QUICK, OLIVER CHASE. - Doctrines of the Creed, Their Basis in Scripture and Their Meaning To-day.
38078: QUICK, OLIVER CHASE. - Christian Beliefs and Modern Questions.
2015: QUICK, MURIEL. - African Nights and Days.
42040: QUICK, DIANA. (SIGNED). - A Tug On The Thread. From The British Raj to the British Stage. A Family Memoir. Diana Quick .
26515: QUIGLY, ISABEL. - Pamela Hansford Johnson. (Writers and their Work. No.203).
45677: DE QUINCEY, THOMAS / BAXTER, EDMUND (EDITOR). - The Stranger's Grave.
45329: DE QUINCY, THOMAS. [DE QUINCEY, THOMAS]. - On Murder (Considered as one of the fine arts) & On War.
32236: QUINLAN, DAVID. - Sermon Notes for Various Occasions.
47871: QUINTANA, ANGEL. - Federico Fellini. (Masters of Cinema).
47686: QUINTILIAN / INGRAM, J. (JAMES) 1774-1850 - EDITOR . - De Institutione Oratoria Libri Duodecim: Recisis quae minus necessaria videbantur. Editio nova studiosorum usibus accommodata et in plurimis locis optimorum librorum fide emendata. Curante Jacobo Ingram., S.T.B. Coll. Trin. Oxon. Soc.
50243: QUINTON, ANN. - A Little Grave.
50276: QUINTON, ANN. - Storm Islands.
10504: QUOIST, MICHEL. - Christ is Alive!
28963: QUOIST, MICHEL. - Living Words.
28965: QUOIST, MICHEL. - With Open Heart.
8706: QUOIST, MICHEL. - The Christian Response.
44332: RAAB, FELIX. - The English Face of Machiavelli. A Changing Interpretation 1500-1700.
50392: RABAN, ZEEV. - The Song Of Solomon. In Coloured Plates By Zeev Raban "Bezalel" Jerusalem.
25749: RABBINOWITZ, REV. JOSEPH. - The Prophets of Israel. A Brief Survey of their Times and Teachings.
48946: RABELAIS, FRANCOIS / SIR THOMAS URQUHART OF CROMARTY AND PETER ANTONY MOTTEUX (TRANSLATORS) / ANATOLE DE MONTAIGLON (INTRODUCTION) / LOUIS CHALON (ILLUSTRATOR) . - Five books Of The Lives, Heroic Deeds And Sayings Of Gargantua And His Son Pantagruel. Translated Into English By Sir Thomas Urquhart Of Cromarty And Peter Antony Motteux with an introduction by Anatole De Montaiglon...
8795: RABIN, CHAIM. - The Zadokite Documents. I: The Admonition. II. The Laws.
7939: RABUT, OLIVIER. O.P. - Dialogue with Teilhard De Chardin.
21695: RACE, REVD. ALAN. - World Faith Encounter. Number 7, February 1994.
21697: RACE, REVD. ALAN. - World Faiths Encounter. Number 2, July 1992.
21698: RACE, REVD. ALAN. - World Faiths Encounter. Number 3, November 1992.
21699: RACE, REVD. ALAN. - World Faiths Encounter. Number 4, March 1993.
21700: RACE, REVD. ALAN. - World Faiths Encounter. Number 5, July 1993.
21701: RACE, REVD. ALAN. - World Faiths Encounter. Number 6, November 1993.
21702: RACE, REVD. ALAN. - World Faiths Encounter. Number 8, July 1994.
21445: RACE, ALAN AND WILLIAMSON, ROGER. - True to this Earth. Global Challenges and Transforming Faith.
51130: RACHUM, STEPHANIE AND GAGE, JOHN. - Masters of Colour. Derain to Kandinsky.
6563: RACK, HENRY. - 20th Century Spirituality. New Reformation Series.
3611: RAD, GERHARD VON. - Wisdom in Israel. Translated by James D.Martin.
8275: RAD, GERHARD VON. - The Message of the Prophets.
25002: RADE, L AND NELSON, R.D. - Adventures with Your Computer.
46907: RADFORD, LEWIS BOSTOCK. - Thomas of London Before his Consecration.
24802: RADLEY, CHRIS. - Message on a Shoestring. A Publicity Handbook.
42551: RADLEY, J.A. - Starch and its Derivatives.
31684: RAEBURN, HENZIE. - Beginning Of The Way. A Nativity Play.
50464: RAFFALD, ELIZABETH . - The Experienced English Housekeeper, For The Use And Ease Of Ladies, Housekeepers, Cooks &c. Written purely from Practice: Dedicated to the Hon. Lady Elizabeth Warburton, whom the Author lately served as Housekeeper.
44629: [ RATHBONE, HANNAH MARY 1798-1878.] . - FROM THE LIBRARY OF LORD RAGLAN! - So much of the Diary of Lady Willoughby as relates to her Domestic History, & to the Eventful Period of the Reign of Charles the First. The Fourth Edition.
50940: RAGON, JEAN-MARIE (JEAN-MARIE RAGON DE BETTIGNIES 1781-1862 ) . - Francmaconnerie. Ordre Chapitral; Nouveau Grade de Rose-Croix Et Analyse Des 14 Degres Qui Le Precedent, etc., par J.-M. Ragon .
10431: RAHNER, KARL. - The Religious Life Today. Trans. by V. Green.
4912: RAHNRE, KARL. - I Remember.
50824: GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY. - The Official Guide To The Great Eastern Railway. The Royal Mail Route To Holland, Harwich Route to the Continent, Via The Hook Of Holland. Also To Rotterdam, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, and Esbjerg.
50052: BRITISH RAILWAYS. - British Railways Locomotives & Locoshed Book. 1959.
50053: BRITISH RAILWAYS. - 1948 British Railway Locomotives. (Combined Volume).
29201: RAINE, G.E. AND LUBOFF, E. - Bolshevik Russia.
23149: RAINEY, DENNIS & BARBARA. - Building Your Mate's Self-Esteem.
41372: RAINEY, REV. W.H.T.N. - The Church Impotent Here in Earth.
49765: RAISTRICK, REINHILD. - African Violets. In Search of the Wild Violets. (signed).
48480: RAISTRICK, DR. - Coalbrookdale 1709-1959.
31995: RAISTRICK, ARTHUR. - Buildings in the Yorkshire Dales. Who Built Them, When and How.
18016: RAJ, PRAKASH A. - The Hippocrene Insider's Guide to Nepal.
2551: RALL, HARRIS FRANKLIN. - Religion as Salvation.
17218: RALLS, MICHAEL TONY. - What everyone should know about drugs.
51107: SUDBURY MAMMOTH OLDE TYME RALLYE. - Sudbury Mammoth Olde Tyme Rallye 1979. Souvenir Programme.
49653: SUDBURY MAMMOTH OLDE TYME RALLYE. - Sudbury Mammoth Olde Tyme Rallye 1969.
44707: BERTRAND ROMNEY ROBINSON RAMBAUT. - Stiff Leather Card case.
47775: RAMM, TRUDI. - Arrival Press. East Anglia 1994 Anthology.
23663: RAMM, BERNARD L. - His Way Out. A Fresh Look at Exodus.
13095: BROTHER RAMON. - When they Crucified my Lord. Through Lenten sorrow to Easter Joy.
4709: BROTHER RAMON. - A Hidden Fire. Exploring the deeper reaches of prayer.
41035: RAMSBOTTOM, REV.GEORGE F. - Hymns and Poems.
41869: RAMSDEN, CHARLES. - Leaves From a Notebook.
44536: RAMSEY, MICHAEL AND ALLCHIN, A.M. - Evelyn Underhill: Two Centenary Essays.
25271: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. - Freedom Faith and the Future.
34046: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. - Jesus: The Living Lord.
28778: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. - Jesus and the Living Past. The Hale Lectures 1978.
26982: RAMSEY, GEORGE W. - The Quest for the Historical Israel. Reconstructing Israel's Early History.
11203: RAMSEY, I.T; BOOBYER, G.H; DAVEY, F.N; PERRY, M.C; CADBURY, HENRY J. - The Miracles and the Resurrection.
6155: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. BISHOP. - Holy Spirit. A Biblical Study.
16532: RAMSEY, IAN T. - On Being Sure in Religion.
15533: RAMSEY, IAN T. - Christian Ethics and Contemporary Philosophy (Study Edition).
6662: RAMSEY, A.M. - Sacred and Secular. A study in the otherworldly and this-worldly aspects of Christianity. The Holland Lectures for 1964.
1345: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. - The Resurrection of Christ. An Essay in Biblical Theolgy.
14050: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. - The Narratives of The Passion.
32460: RAMSEY, A.M. - Christianity and the Supernatural.
11388: RAMSEY, ARTHUR MICHAEL, & SUENENS, LEON-JOSEPH. - The Future of the Christian Church.
1342: RAMSEY, A.M. ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. - The Resurrection of Christ. A study of the Event and its meaning for the Christian Faith.
50287: RAMSEY, ARTHUR MICHAEL. - God, Christ and the World. A Study of Contemporary Theology. (signed).
13076: RAMSEY, IAN T. - Models for Divine Activity.
5767: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. - Be Still and Know. A Study in the Life of Prayer.
44859: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. - Sacrifice and Spirit.
2573: RAMSEY, MICHAEL. - Canterbury Pilgrim.
32909: RAMSEY, PAUL. - The Limits of Nuclear War: Thinking about the Do-Able and the Un-Do-Able.
44565: RAMSEY, A.M AND ALLCHIN, A.M. - Evelyn Underhill - Anglican Mystic.
3817: RAMSEY, A.M. - Introducing the Christian Faith.
9963: RAMSEY, PAUL. - Basic Christian Ethics.
42002: RAND, EDWARD A. - A Knight that Smote the Dragon or The Young People's Gough.
45227: RAND, REV. EDWARD A. - A Candle in the Sea. or Winter at Seal's Head.
26842: RANDALL, NEVILLE AND KEANE, GARY (ILLUSTRATOR). - Focus on Facts. No.4. The Story of Christmas.
18356: RANDALL, RONA. - Jordan and the Holy Land. (With a Foreword by His Majesty King Hussein of Jordan).
49398: RANDALL, IAN. - What a Friend We Have in Jesus. The Evangelical Tradition.
47472: RANDEL, WILLIAM PEIRCE. - The Ku Klux Klan. A Century of Infamy.
29102: RANDOLPH, FRANCIS. - Know Him in the Breaking of the Bread. A Guide to the Mass.
40597: RANDOLPH, B.W. - Confession in the Church of England Since the Reformation.
29895: RANGER, T.O. (EDITOR.). - Aspects of Central African History.
48255: RANGER, T.O. - The African Voice in Southern Rhodesa. 1898-1930.
48261: RANGER, T.O. - Revolt in Southern Rhodesia 1896-7.
51300: RANKIN, NIALL. - Haunts of British Divers.
42550: RANKIN, MARGARET CUTHBERT. - A Manual Of The Science of Laundry Work. (For Students and Teachers).
43463: RANKIN, KENNETH. - Top-Hats in Tobruk.
8983: RANKIN, O.S. - Israel's Wisdom Literature. Its Bearing on Theology and The History of Religion.
50918: RANSFORD, ERNEST MERRILL. - One Man's Tide.
48139: RANSFORD, OLIVER. (TEXT). - Rhodesian Tapestry. A History in Needlework.
6035: RANSFORD, OLIVER. - The Slave Trade. The Story of Transatlantic Slavery.
50700: ROBT. RANSOM - Entire letter: Rober Ransom, Sudbury, to Messrs. Jarvis, Solicitors, Lynn, Norfolk.
48693: RANSOME, ARTHUR. - Peter Duck.
14737: RANSOME, ELEANOR. (EDITOR). - The Terrific Kemble. A Victorian Self-Portrait from the writings of Fanny Kemble.
32932: RANSON, CHARLES W. - A Missionary Pilgrimage.
34549: RANSON, SUSAN. - John Hopkins: Metrical Psalmist and Rector of Great Waldingfield.
23693: RANTZEN, M.J. - Coastal Navigation Wrinkles.
24529: RAPER, MARK AND VALCARCEL, AMAYA. - Refugees and Forcibly Displacede People.
31268: RAPHAEL, BEVERLEY. - The Anatomy of Bereavement: A Handbook for the Caring Professions.
3511: GUILD OF S.RAPHAEL. - S. Raphael Prayer Book For The Use Of The Sick.
39931: RAPHAEL, CHAIM. - The Road From Babylon. The Story of Sephardi and Oriental Jews. (Signed).
48247: RASHIDI, RUNOKO. - Black Star : The African Presence in Early Europe.
7740: RATCLIFF, NORA. - Nativity. Sheldon Plays.
15169: RATCLIFF, NORA. - Nelson's Theatrecraft. Plays Book one.
2822: RATCLIFFE, WILLIAM(WORDS) AND VITTORIA(MUSIC) - The Gospel for Good Friday. Arranged according to the Ancient Plain Song.
11258: RATTENBURY, J. ERNEST. - The Throne, The Cradle & The Star.
11259: RATTENBURY, J. ERNEST. - O'er Every Foe Victorious. Studies from Easter to Trinity.
22369: RATTENBURY, J. ERNEST. - Thoughts on Holy Communion.
8707: RATTENBURY, J. ERNEST. - The Spirit and the Bride. Whitsun Meditations.
7741: RATTRAY, BRENDA, & THOMAS, KATHLEEN. - Giving a Party. Illustrated by Brian Walker, costumes designed by B.Rattray.
29372: RATTRAY, ALEXANDER . - Divine Hygiene : Sanitary Science and Sanitarians of the Sacred Scriptures and Mosaic Code by Alexander Rattray
26983: RAUSCH, D.A AND VOSS, C.H. - World Religions. A Simple Guide.
27525: RAVEN, CHARLES E. - Synthetic Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. A Study of Early Science.
50171: RAVEN, SIMON. - Alms for Oblivion. (3 Volume set).
1354: RAVEN, CHARLES & RAVEN, ELEANOR. - The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ.
5921: RAVEN, CHARLES E. - The Gospel and the Church. A Study of Distortion and its Remedy.
33696: RAVEN, REV. C.E. - Looking Forward. (Towards 1940).
2574: RAVEN, E.E. - The Heart of Christ's Religion.
50439: RAWCLIFFE, CAROLE / VIRGOE, ROGER AND WILSON, RICHARD. - Counties and Communities. Essays on East Anglian History. Presented to Hassell Smith.
47053: RAWES, REV. FATHER. - Homeward.
2863: RAWLINSON, A.E.J. - Authority & Freedom. The Bishop Paddock Lectures for 1923.
46091: RAWLINSON, GEORGE. - History of Phoenicia.
45117: RAWLINSON, PROF.H.G. (EDITOR). - Captain Basil Hall. R.N. F.R.S. Travels in India Ceylon and Borneo.
4258: RAWLINSON, REV. A.E.J. - The New Testament Doctrine of the Christ. The Bampton Lectures for 1926.
47401: RAY, RENE. - A Man Named Seraphin.
17409: RAYGOR, ALTON L. AND WARK, DAVID M. - Systems for Study.
22899: RAYMOND, FRANK; SHEPPERSON, GORDON, & WALTHAM, RICHARD. - Forage Conservation and Feeding. (Illustrations by Christopher Raymond.)
3911: RAYMOND, ERNEST. - Good Morning, Good People. An Autobiography - Past and Present.
4692: WILKINSON RAYMOND. - Preaching at the Parish Communion. ASB Gospels - Sundays: Year Two.
24218: RAYNER, WILLIAM. - Big Mister.
44681: RAYNER, RONALD. - Joseph Escapes to Glastonbury.
15615: RAYNES, RAYMOND. - Darkness No Darkness.
30802: RAYSON, D.C. - Memories of a Suffolk Childhood.
24803: READ, DAVID H. - Holy Common Sense. The Lord's Prayer for Today.
24367: READ, TOM (PSEUDONYM OF ROWLAND C. STRATFORD). - Dreams of Success.
48191: READ, CHARLES . - Illuminated Biblical Verse: "Cast thy burden upon the Lord". ( 55 Ps 22v ) .
18097: READ, MISS. - The Howards of Caxley. Drawings by Harry Grimley.
24124: READ, PETER. - Unlikely Heroes. How God uses Imperfect People.
13860: READ, SYLVIA AND FRY, WILLIAM. - Christian Theatre. A Handbook for Church Groups.
20426: READ, HERBERT. - Kropotkin. Selections from his Writings. (Edited with an Introduction by Herbert Read).
46770: READ, HERBERT. - Existentialism, Marxism and Anarchism. Chains of Freedom.
30860: READ, SYLVIA AND FRY, WILLIAM. - Christian Theatre. A Handbook for Church Groups.
44776: READE, BRIAN. - Aubrey Beardsley.
31092: READER, W.J. - Unilever: A Short History.
30043: READING, PHILIP. - Common Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat.
46646: MINIATURE BOOK - BIBLE READINGS . - Children's Bread; Or Daily Texts For The Young. Second Edition.
51281: MINIATURE BOOK - BIBLE READINGS . - The Epistles Of Paul The Apostle To The Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, And Thessalonians.
39116: 18TH CENTURY LEGAL DOCUMENT - URIAH CROSS; CHARLES HICKS; EDWARD EPHRAIM READY . - Agreement for sale & purchase eight cottages in Ballingdon Street, Essex.
28063: REANEY, P.H. - The Origin of English Surnames.
45315: REANEY, P.H. - Essex. (The Borzoi County Histories series).
27105: REANNEY, DARRYL. - The Death of Forever. A New Future for Human Consciousness.
44721: REAR, MICHAEL. - One Step More Between Rome and Canterbury.
14542: REARDON, BERNARD M.G. - Liberal Protestantism.
49155: REBANKS, JAMES. - The Illustrated Herdwick Shepherd.
12741: REBERA, RANJINI. - We Cannot Dream Alone. A Story of women in development.
9437: RECKER, COLANE. - All the Days of Lent.
24898: RECKITT, MAURICE B. - Militant Here in Earth. Considerations on the prophetic function of the Church in the 20th century.
14352: RECKITT, MAURICE B. - The Christian in Politics.
49888: RECKORD, BARRY. - Does Fidel Eat More Than Your Father? Cuban Opinion.
49145: JAMES EMSLIE TORBIT (1916 - 1980) - MASONIC RECORD - Leather Wallet containing 5 folded certificates.
27257: METHODIST RECORDER. - Unity: A Discussion by Church Leaders.
46913: REDDICK, ALLEN. - The Making of Johnson's Dictionary 1746-1773.
9054: REDFERN, MARTIN. - Edward Schillebeeckx, OP.
19622: REDFIELD, JAMES AND ADRIENNE, CAROL. - The Celestine Prophecy. An Experiential Guide.
16533: REDGRAVE, LYNN. - Diet for Life. How I Lost Weight and Learned to Stay Slim.
14760: REDGRAVE, MICHAEL. - Mask or Face. Reflections in an Actors Mirror.
7366: REDHEAD, BRIAN & GUMLEY, FRANCES. - The Good Book. An Introduction to the Bible.
18681: REDITT, JAQUELINE. - Nigeria: A Photo-Guide.
28166: REDMOND, STEPHEN. - Where Glory Dwells. Sanctuaries I Remember.
26241: REDPATH, LUCY. - Dante and the Present War. (Dacre Paper 5).
25962: REDPATH, ALAN. - Law and Liberty. A New Look at the Ten Commandments in the Light of Contemporary Society.
25963: REDPATH, ALAN. - The Life of Victory. (Daily Readings compiled by Marjorie Redpath).
42358: REDPATH, ALAN. - The Royal Route to Heaven. Studies in First Corinthians.
11924: REDWOOD, HUGH. - Residue of Days. A Confession of Faith.
42657: REDWOOD, CHRISTOPHER. (EDITOR). - A Delius Companion. A 70th Birthday Tribute to Eric Fenby.
31869: REED, MICHAEL. - The Ipswich Probate Inventories. 1583-1631. (Suffolk Records Society Vol.XXII).
22900: REED, W.L. (EDITOR.) - The Treasury of Easter Music and Music for Passiontide.
46531: REED, DOUGLAS. - The Controversy of Zion.
46532: REED, DOUGLAS. - The Controversy of Zion.
48170: REEDER, TONY. - The Sad Joker Waves Goodbye.
2578: REES, R. MONTGOMERY. - Aspects of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
18901: REES, MICHAEL. - Celebrating the Millennium in the Local Church. (Grove Evangelism Series No.39).
31686: REES, CHRISTINA.(EDITOR). - Voices Of This Calling: Experiences of the First Generation of Women Priests.
22371: REES, PAUL STROMBERG. - Stand Up in Praise to God. (Preaching for Today.)
30139: REES, JENNIFER. - The Broken Stone.
37873: REEVES, MARJORIE. - Christian Thinking and Social Order: Conviction Politics from the 1930's to the Present Day.
2326: REEVES, JAMES. - Quest and Conquest. Pilgrim's Progress Retold. (Illustrated by Joanna Troughton).
11542: REEVES, JAMES. - Georgian Poetry.
19071: REEVES, DONALD. - Down to Earth. A New Vision for the Church.
50195: REEVES, J. SIMS. - My Jubilee or Fifty Years of Artistic Life.
51070: REGENCY. - The Colchester Book.
49222: ARMY. INFANTRY. REGIMENTS. SUFFOLK REGIMENT. - A Short History of The Suffolk Regiment - The Suffolk Regiment XII Foot .
11757: REICHMANN, W.J. - Use and Abuse of Statistics.
25273: REID, GAVIN. - Beyond Aids. The Real Crisis.......and the Only Hope.
13124: REID, GAVIN. - The Gagging of God. The failure of the church to communicate in the television age.
22200: REID, GAVIN. (ED). - The Empty Cross. Ten Leading Christians Speak about the Cross and Resurrection of Christ.
22761: REID, J.K.S. - Christian Apologetics.
24370: REID, J.M. - Wake up to God.
18521: REID, GAVIN. - Hope for the Church of England?.
18309: REID, GAVIN. - To Reach a Nation. The Challenge of Evangelism in a Mass-Media Age.
37369: REID, WILLIAM. - Plymouth Brethren Unveiled and Refuted.
29728: REID, GAVIN, & BROWN, SHELAGH. - Confirmed for Life.
29729: REID, GAVIN. - Starting Out Together: A book for those considering marriage.
8356: REID, ROBERT. - Microbes and Men.
9814: REID, IAN. - Meditations from the Iona Community. Illustd. by Annie Vallotton.
9055: REIDY, MAURICE. - Foundations for a Medical Ethic.
6869: REINDORP, GEORGE. - Putting it Over. Ten points for preachers.
11573: REINDROP, GEORGE. - Preaching Through the Christian Year. Sermon Outline for the Seasons of the Church's Year 3.
17746: REINFELD, FRED. - How to Play Chess.
21340: REINGOLD, NATHAN. - Science in Nineteenth-Century America. A Documentary History.
46908: REISS, LUDWIG / WOOD-LEGH, K.L. (TRANSLATOR). - The History of the English Electoral Law in the Middle Ages.
7742: REITH, MARTIN. - God in our Midst. Prayers and Devotions Chiefly from Northern Scotland.
39810: REITH, MARTIN. - Beyond the Mountains. Some Scottish Studies in Prayer and the Church.
28967: REJENDRA, CECIL. - Dove on Fire. Poems on Peace, Justice and Ecology.
46961: A RELIGIOUS. - Meditations and Considerations for a Retreat of One Day in Each Month.
2581: RELTON, H. MAURICE. - Religion and the State. A Study of the problem of Church and State in the Modern World.
1366: RENAN, E. (TRANSLATED BY WILLIAM G. HUTCHISON). - Renan's Life of Jesus.
45882: RENAN, ERNEST. - Recollections of my Youth.
17011: RENAULD, RON. - Table For Five. (Based on the Screenplay by David Seltzer).
6441: RENAULT, MARY. - The Mask of Apollo.
48048: RENDELL, RUTH,& BOWDEN, PAUL. (PHOTOGRAPHS). - Ruth Rendell's Suffolk.
28167: RENDLER, ELAINE. - This Is The Day.
5189: VOILLAUME RENE. - Christian Vocation. Trans. by Elizabeth Hamilton.
38931: RENNICK, JENNIFER. - Country Affairs. (Signed).
23454: RENSBURG, PATRICK VAN. - Guilty Land.
26519: RENWICK, W.L AND ORTON, HAROLD. - The Beginnings of English Literature to Skelton 1509. (Introduction's to English Literature Vol.1)
50469: REPTON, JOHN ADEY ( 1775-1860 ) / WILKINS, WILLIAM (1778-1839 ) / PIERCE, S. ROWLAND (STEPHEN ROWLAND PIERCE) . - John Adey Repton. Norwich Cathedral at the end of the eighteenth century with descriptive notes by Wiliiam Wilkins. Introduced and edited by S. Rowland Pierce.
44884: SPRING PARK RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION. - War-time Memoirs of Shirley Residents 1939 to 1945.
41601: RESNIKOFF, H.L. & WELLS,JR., R.O. - Mathematics in Civilization.
51060: GENERAL SYNOD BOARD OF SOICIAL RESPONSIBILITIES. - Crime, Justice and the Demands of the Gospel.
25161: BOARD OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. - Prosecution of Alleged War Criminals.
25647: BOARD FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. - From Power to Partnership. Britain in the Commonwealth. The Church of England in the Anglican Communion.
21744: BOARD FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. - Church and Economy. Effective Industrial Mission for the 1990's.
21745: BOARD FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. - Ministry and Mission Examined. Stories and Reflections on Industrial Mission Today.
3653: MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY OF THE RESURRECTION. - Mirfield Essays in Christian Belief.
51284: RETZ, CARDINAL DE [ JEAN FRANçOIS PAUL DE GONDI DE RETZ 1613-1679 ] . - Mémoires du Cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli et de la Duchesse de Nemours; contenant ce qui s'est passé de remarquable en France pendant les premières années du règne de Louis XIV. Nouvelle édition, augmentée, ornée du portrait du Cardinal de Retz...
29932: REUMANN, JOHN. - Variety and Unity in New Testament Thought.
47940: THE POLICE REVIEW. - The Wording of Police Charges.
34993: REVILLE, JEAN. - Liberal Christianity: Its Origin, Nature and Mission. (Translated and edited by Victor Leuliette).
45279: REW, HAROLD. - At One. Tower Hill and its Questions.
47043: REYNOLDS, E.E. - The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales. A Short History.
41780: REYNOLDS, E.M. - Passages from Writers of Early Christian Times.
36609: RHAM, REV.W.L. / RAYNBIRD, WILLIAM & HUGH. - The Dictionary of the Farm.
21095: RHINE, J.B. - New Frontiers of the Mind. (A scientist's report on telepathy and psychic powers and phenomena).
21341: RHODES, ANTHONY. - The Dalmatian Coast.
22762: RHODES, DAVID. - Lenten Adventure. Daily Reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day.
35954: RHODES, J. A. / BONFIELD, CHARLES - ODD-FELLOWS - Chapters And Ceremonies In Connection With The Ancient Order of Odd-Fellows ( Leeds Unity ) .
16535: RHODES, LORNA, & VALENTINE, CLAIRE. - Tesco Cookery Collection: Dairy Cooking. A Healthy Approach.
15101: RHODES, PAM. - Living and Loved. A Celebration of Churches. (Photos by John Rogers).
31754: RHODES, JOHN. - Christmas: A Celebration.
32385: RHODES, HENRY T.F. - Genius & Criminal: A Study in Rebellion.
35582: RHODES, MARGARET G. - Another Little Book of Saints. A First Introduction.
12910: RHOTON, DICK AND ELAINE. - Can we Know? An examination of the claims of Christianity.
11758: RHYMES, DOUGLAS. - Time Past to Time Future (The Church - my past experience and future hopes).
33961: RHYMES, DOUGLAS A. - Through Prayer to Reality.
23937: RIBES, P. - Parables and Fables for Modern Man.
24219: RICE, JOSEPH P. - The Gifted. Developing Total Talent. (Foreword by Max Rafferty.)
27275: RICE, BRIAN. - Stewardship and Evangelism. After Toronto - a Fresh Look.
17340: RICE, HUGH A.L. - Thomas Ken. Bishop and Non-juror.
26689: RICE, DAVID TALBOT. - Masterpieces of Byzantine Art.
8125: RICE, GENE. - Nations under God. 1 Kings.
5108: GARRARD RICHARD. - Love on the Cross.Reflective Services for Lent, based on Matthew's Gospel.
5443: MORE RICHARD. - Growing in Faith. The Lee Abbey Story. Foreword by Stuart Blanch.
28289: RICHARD, ROBERT L. - Secularization Theology.
27108: RICHARD, CLIFF. - Mine to Share.
7861: RICHARD, CLIFF. - Jesus - me and you -.
15755: RICHARD, CLIFF. - Which One's Cliff?
15756: RICHARD, CLIFF. - Questions?
5124: HOLLOWAY RICHARD. - The Sidelong Glance. Conflict and Commitment in Christianity Today.
4483: RICHARD, CLIFF. - Jesus, Me and You. Living as a Christian in the Modern World.
31018: RICHARDS, LAWRENCE O. - 99 Ways to Start a Study Group and Keep it Growing.
5770: RICHARDS, HUBERT. - St. Paul & His Epistles. A New Introduction.
24805: RICHARDS, ANNE. - Transparencies. Pictures of Mission Through Prayer and Reflection - An Accompaniment to Presence and Prophecy.
27276: RICHARDS, H.W. - Church Choir Training.
47756: RICHARDS, SUSAN. - Lost and Found in Russia. Encounters in a Deep Heartland.
20871: RICHARDS, NORMAN. (ED). - Pointers to Jesus. A Bible commentary for young people based on passages from Psalms, Isaiah and Mark.
26772: RICHARDS, MRS. WALDO. - High Tide. Songs of Joy and Vision from the Present-day Poets of Great Britain and America.
19365: RICHARDS, G.A. - The Teaching of Christian Doctrine in Schools and Colleges. A Scheme for Secondary Schools and Training Colleges, etc.
10591: RICHARDS, MICHAEL. - The Church of Christ.
28415: RICHARDS, CLARE AND HUBERT. - Advent Adventure. A Stimulating Study Course for Advent.
28416: RICHARDS, NORMAN. - Aims in Religious Education.
29560: RICHARDS, WILLIAM N., & RICHARDSON, JAMES. - Prayers for Today.
30574: RICHARDS, ELIZABETH. - Rescue. A Novel.
50176: RICHARDS, HUBERT. - The Gospel According to St. Paul.
49955: RICHARDS, FRANK. - Old Soldier Sahib.
37683: RICHARDS, C. - Songs and Rhymes.
7941: RICHARDSON, ALAN. - Religion in Contemporary Debate.
14555: RICHARDSON, BRADLEY M AND UEDA, TAIZO.(EDITORS). - Business and Society in Japan. Fundamentals for Businessmen.
7085: RICHARDSON, ALAN. - The Miracle Stories of the Gospels.
24806: RICHARDSON, ALAN. - The Political Christ.
26984: RICHARDSON, NEIL. - Was Jesus Divine?
25369: RICHARDSON, R.C., & JAMES, T.B. - The Urban Experience A Sourcebook: English, Scottish and Welsh Towns, 1450-1700.
33734: RICHARDSON, ERNEST. - Marsh Gardens: Their Construction & Maintenance.
50962: RICHARDSON, JAMES & RICHARDSON, PAT. - A History of St John's Community Centre, Pumwani.
39612: RICHARDSON, MARK. (EDITOR). - Mini Sagas: Swashbuckling Stories. South Eastern Adventures.
13585: RICHARDSON, JEAN. - A Death in the Family.
16644: RICHARDSON, ALAN. - Genesis 1-11.
13372: RICHARDSON, NEIL. - Preaching from Scripture.
11539: RICHARDSON, ALAN. - Four Anchors from the Stern. Nottingham Reactions to Recent Cambridge Essays.
2584: RICHARDSON, R.D. - The Gospel of Modernism. New Edition with Appendices.
6677: RICHARDSON, ALAN. - History Sacred and Profane. Bampton Lectures for 1962.
10928: RICHARDSON, STANLEY A. - Protecting Buildings.
19283: RICHARDSON, JOHN. - Ten Rural Churches.
19284: RICHARDSON, M.K. - Children's Mass Book.
18523: RICHARDSON, NIGEL. - The Lake District in a Week.
43544: RICHARDSON, SAMUEL / KEYMER, THOMAS. (EDITOR). - Samuel Richardson's Published Commentary on Clarissa 1747-65. Volume 1. Only. Prefaces, Postscripts and Related Writings.
31049: RICHARDSON, ALAN. - The Bible in the Age of Science.
50258: RICHARDSON, JABEZ [ PSEUDONYM OF BENJAMIN HENRY DAY ] . - Richardson's Monitor Of Free-Masonry : Being a practical guide to the ceremonies in all the degrees conferred in Masonic Lodges, Chapters, Encampments, &c., Explaining the signs, tokens and grips, and giving all the words, passwords, sacred words...
43545: RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. - Samuel Richardson's Published Commentary on Clarissa 1747-65. Volume 3 Only.
39875: RICHARDSON, JOHN DUNCAN. - Reveries in Rhyme: Being A Medley of Musings for the Million. Grave, Gay, and Grotesque.
42886: RICHARDSON, J. S. / WOOD, MARGUERITE . - Ancient Monuments & Historic Buildings. Ministry of Works - Edinburgh Castle. Official Guide Description By J. S. Richardson. History By The Late Marguerite Wood. Price One Shilling & Sixpence .
49648: RICHES, ANNE. - Victorian Church Building and Restoration in Suffolk. (A Supplement to H.Munro Cautley's 'Suffolk Churches')
3603: RICHES, JOHN. - Jesus and the Transformation of Judaism.
10540: RICHMOND, OLIFFE. - Challenge to Faith.
31321: RICHTHOFEN, MANFRED VON. - The Red Air Fighter. (With preface and explanatory notes by C.G.Grey - editor of 'The Aeroplane' ).
36604: RICKARD, COLONEL F. M. (EDITOR) . - New Series Vol. XXXI, No. 1 - Miscellanea Latomorum or Masonic Notes and Queries . A Serial intended to facilitate Intercommunication between Masonic Students on matters of interest in connection with Freemasonry. July, 1946 .
36466: RICKARD, COLONEL F. M. (EDITOR) . - New Series Vol. XXXI, No. 5 - Miscellanea Latomorum or Masonic Notes and Queries . A Serial intended to facilitate Intercommunication between Masonic Students on matters of interest in connection with Freemasonry. January, 1947 .
36467: RICKARD, COLONEL F. M. (EDITOR) / PICK, FRED L. - New Series Vol. XXXI, No. 8 - Miscellanea Latomorum or Masonic Notes and Queries . A Serial intended to facilitate Intercommunication between Masonic Students on matters of interest in connection with Freemasonry. May, 1947 .
36587: RICKARD, COLONEL F. M. (EDITOR) . - New Series Vol. XXX, No. 9 - Miscellanea Latomorum or Masonic Notes and Queries . A Serial intended to facilitate Intercommunication between Masonic Students on matters of interest in connection with Freemasonry. June, 1946 .
36588: RICKARD, COLONEL F. M. (EDITOR) . - New Series Vol. XXXI, No. 2 - Miscellanea Latomorum or Masonic Notes and Queries . A Serial intended to facilitate Intercommunication between Masonic Students on matters of interest in connection with Freemasonry. September, 1946 .
36635: RICKARD, COLONEL F. M. (EDITOR) . - New Series Vol. XXX, No. 2 - Miscellanea Latomorum or Masonic Notes and Queries . A Serial intended to facilitate Intercommunication between Masonic Students on matters of interest in connection with Freemasonry. September, 1945 .
36727: RICKARD, COLONEL F. M. (EDITOR) . - New Series Vol. XXIX, No. 7 - Miscellanea Latomorum or Masonic Notes and Queries . A Serial intended to facilitate Intercommunication between Masonic Students on matters of interest in connection with Freemasonry. April, 1945 .
49489: RICKWOOD, KEN. - Stour Odyssey.
47777: RICKWOOD, KEN. - Stour Secrets. An Exploration of the Estuary Between Essex & Suffolk.
2591: RIDDELL, J.G. - What We Believe.
1375: RIDDELL, J.G. - Why Did Jesus Die?
41359: RIDDING, GEORGE/ RIDDING, LAURA(EDITOR). - The Church and Commonwealth. The Visitation Charges of The Right Rev. George Ridding, D.D. First Bishop of Southwell. Collected and Edited by his wife.
12499: RIDDLE, K. WILKINSON. - A Popular Dictionary of Protestantism. Preface by The Rev. A. Leonard Griffith.
18524: RIDENOUR, FRITZ. - How to Be a Christian Without Being Religious. The Book of Romans in Living Letters Paraphrase combined with illustrated contemporary comment.
28968: RIDENOUR, FRITZ. - How Do You Handle Life?
51280: JOHN PIERSON AND EDWARD RIDGE. - 18th Century Handwritten Indenture on paper between John Pierson and Edward Ridge.
27385: RIDGEWAY, C.J. - The Mountain of Blessedness. A Course of Addresses on the Beatitudes,(S.Matt. v. 1-10) preached at Christ Church, Lancaster Gate, during the Spring of 1887.
17093: RIDGWAY, JUDY. - The Little Red Wine Book.
31167: RIDGWAY, JUDY. - Wining and Dining at Home.
23938: RIDLER, ANNE. - Some Time After and Other Poems.
41722: RIDLEY, NICHOLAS / MOULE, H.C.G.(EDITOR). - A Brief Declaration of the Lord's Supper.
40271: RIDLEY, JASPER. - The Freemasons.
17220: RIFFEL, HERMAN H. - Christian Maturity and the Spirit's Power.
6156: RIGBY, F.F. - Anglicanism for Parents.
11529: RIGBY, F.F. - Can we Imitate Jesus Christ.
32667: RILEY, JOHN ATHELSTAN LAWRIE. - A guide to High Mass abroad : being a manual for the use of English Churchmen attending the celebration of the Eucharist in Catholic countries by Athelstan Riley.
50762: RILEY, J. RAMSDEN ( JOHN RAMSDEN RILEY ) . - History of the Royal Yorkshire Lodge, No.265, Keighley, (constituted as no. 530 in 1788,) of Free & Accepted Masons of England. Including an account of the proceedings connected with the Celebration of the Centenary in 1888 .
40485: RILEY, ATHELSTAN. - A Guide to the Divine Liturgy in the East.
35076: RILKE, RAINER MARIA. - Rodin. (Translated by Jessie Lemont and Hans Trausil).
50481: RIMMER, MICHAEL . - The Angel Roofs of East Anglia: Unseen Masterpieces of the Middle Ages .Foreword by Loyd Grossman .
10381: RINALDI, PETER M. - The Man in the Shroud. A Study of the Shroud of Christ.
48956: RINCHEN, GESHE SONAM / SONAM, RUTH (TRANSLATOR & EDITOR). - The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas. An Oral Teaching.
22763: RINGGREN, H. - Sacrifice in the Bible.
23939: RINGGREN, HELMER. - The Messiah in the Old Testament.
13746: RINGGREN, HELMER. - Israelite Religion. (Translated by David Green).
17221: RINKER, ROSALIND. - Communicating Love Through Prayer.
17222: RINKER, ROSALIND. - You Can Witness with Confidence.
10883: RIOLS, NOREEN. - Eye of the Storm.
48889: RIORDAN, FRANCIS SYDNEY . - A Résumé Of The First Thirty Years Of St. George's Lodge No. 4387. Written and compiled by Francis S. Riordan .
36732: RIPLEY, HOWARD. - Police Forces of Great Britain and Ireland: Their Amalgamations and Their Buttons.
32409: RIPLEY, CANON FRANCIS J. - 201 New Prayers.
18020: RIPPIN, BRYAN. - The Christian Juggler.
27938: RIPPON, ANGELA. - Stay Active, Stay Supple, Stay Healthy
47511: RISTAD, ELOISE. - A Soprano on Her Head.
13289: SNOWDEN RITA. - Further Good News.
51250: RITSON, JOSEPH. (EDITOR). - Robin Hood. A Collection of Poems, Songs, and Ballads Relative to that Celebrated Outlaw.
42029: RITTERSHAUSEN, BRIAN & WILMA . - Popular Orchids. Brian and Wilma Rittershausen.
40855: RIVIERE, B.B. - Retrievers: Some Hints on Breaking and Handling for Amateurs.
30688: RIVIERE, WILLIAM. - Borneo Fire.
25505: RIVKIN, ELLIS. - What Crucified Jesus?
11390: RIX, WILTON. - Private and Public Prayers.
46582: ROACH, HAL. - We Irish talk Like That. (signed).
20370: ROADLEY, K. P. - Questing: Symbol in World Religions. (Drawings by Trevor Stubley).
28169: ROBB, PETER. - M.
16462: ROBB, TOM. - Pack up and Paint with Watercolour.
34994: ROBBINS, WILFORD L. - A Christian Apologetic.
36468: ROBBINS, SIR ALFRED - AUTHORS' LODGE OF FREEMASONS . - Problems For Grand Lodge - R. W. Bro. Sir Alfred Robbins, P.G.W. President of the Board of general Purposes. (Reprinted from the Authors' Lodge Transactions) .
47082: ROBBINS, PETER. - The British Hegelians 1875-1925.
5606: ARVILL ROBERT. - Man and Environment. Crisis and the Strategy of Choice.
5147: MARTIN ROBERT. - Accuracy of Translation and the New International Version.
4613: LLEWELYN ROBERT. (EDITOR). - Circles of Silence. Explorations in Prayer with Julian Meetings.
37869: ROBERTS, ELIZABETH AND SHUKMAN, ANN. (EDITORS). - Christianity for the Twenty-First Century: The Life and Work of Alexander Men.
21300: ROBERTS, J.D. - Your Application for a Teaching Post.
21301: ROBERTS, J.D. - Your Curriculum Vitae in Teaching.
21302: ROBERTS, J.D. - Your Interview in Teaching (revised ed).
24807: ROBERTS, PETER. - G.M. Hopkins: This World of Wales.
11925: ROBERTS, JOHN S. - The Bible The Lord Jesus and You.
10691: ROBERTS, VAUGHAN. - Turning Points.
20872: ROBERTS, DON. - Notes from my Bible. (New Testament).
1385: ROBERTS, S.C. (EDITOR). - Samuel Johnson: Writer. A Selection edited, with an introduction.
1382: ROBERTS, HAROLD. - Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
10800: ROBERTS, BOB. - A Slice of Suffolk.
37093: ROBERTS, ALLEN E. - Brother Truman: The Masonic Life and Philosophy of Harry S. Truman By Allen E. Roberts A Special Missouri Lodge Of Research Edition .
37274: ROBERTS, KENNETH. - Rabble in Arms. A Chronicle of Arundel and the Burgoyne Invasion.
44137: ROBERTS, MICHAEL. - T.E. Hulme. ( with an introduction by Anthony Quinton).
45221: ROBERTS, ELLEN. - New Zealand. Land of My Choice.
38110: ROBERTS, EILEEN. - A School of Masons in 15th Century North Hertfordshire.
46301: ROBERTS, T.A. (EDITOR). - Butler's Fifteen Sermons. Preached at the Rolls Chapel and a Dissertation of the Nature of Virtue by Joseph Butler.
32172: ROBERTS, PAUL; STANCLIFFE, DAVID AND STEVENSON, KENNETH.(EDITORS). - Something Understood. A Companion to Celebrating Common Prayer.
25506: ROBERTSON, E.H. - The J.B. Phillip's Commentaries. Corinthians One and Two.
2834: ROBERTSON SMITH, W. - The Prophets of Israel and Their Place in History to the close of the eighth century BC. (With introduction and additional notes by Rev.T.K.Cheyne).
19867: ROBERTSON, IAN. HODGSON, RAY. ORFORD, JIM AND MCKECHNIE, RON. - Psychology and Problem Drinking. Report of a Working Party convened by The British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology.
11443: ROBERTSON, ALEC. - Chamber Music.
16226: ROBERTSON, IAN. - Loire Valley Normandy Brittany.
41721: ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD THOMAS. - John The Loyal. Studies in the Ministry of the Baptist.
6565: ROBERTSON, E. H. - Take and Read.
17012: ROBERTSON, ROLAND. - Sociology of Religion. (Penguin Modern Sociology Readings).
19286: ROBERTSON, ROLAND. - The Sociological Interpretation of Religion.
33173: ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD. - Regnum Dei: Eight Lectures on the Kingdom of God in the History of Christian Thought.
1387: ROBERTSON, JAMES ALEX. - Who was Jesus of Nazareth? And other studies.
12216: ROBERTSON, ALEC. - More Than Music.
40793: ROBERTSON, COLIN. - Explosion! A Peter Gayleigh Story.
29562: ROBERTSON, JOHN. - Effective Classroom Control.
2592: ROBERTSON, E.H. - Man's Estimate of Man.
7293: ROBERTSON, ALEC, & STEVENS, DENIS. (EDITORS). - The Pelican History of Music. 1: Ancient forms to polyphony.
41640: ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. - Hymnal Echoes of the Collects, Epistles, and Gospels of the Book of Common Prayer.
34916: ROBERTSON, ERIC S. - The Human Bible. A Study in the Divine.
41968: ROBERTSON, ERIC S. - The Limits of Unbelief or Faith Without Miracles.
50973: ROBERTSON, MARGARET. - Grangemouth ; Two Towns.
49869: ROBERTSON, DOREEN. - What Colour was The Cross? A Play.
34955: ROBERTSON, E.H. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer. (Makers of Contemporary Theology series).
8280: ROBERTSON, JENNY. - Praying with The English Mystics.
8417: ROBERTSON, E.H. - Take And Read.
3734: ROBIN, A DE Q. - Charles Perry. Bishop of Melbourne. The Challenges of a Colonial Episcopate, 1847-76.
2858: ROBINS, H.C. - A Guide to Spiritual Healing.
5771: ROBINSON, RACHEL. - Set Free to Serve. "A powerful story of one women's walk of faith.
15458: ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - The Roots of a Radical.
7639: ROBINSON, ARTHUR W. - The Personal Life of the Christian.
13688: ROBINSON, GODFREY. AND WINWARD, STEPHEN. - Prayers. For Schools, Youth Groups, Church Services and Personal Use.
13690: ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - The Difference in Being a Christian Today.
13691: ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - Can We Trust the New Testament?.
25751: ROBINSON, WENDY. - Exploring Silence. (Fairacres Publication 36).
10383: ROBINSON, ALAN. - The Treasures of St Paul. Selected Themes from Paul's Theology and Ethics.
6395: ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - Christian Freedom in a Permissive Society.
19868: ROBINSON, EDWARD. (ED). - This Time - Bound Ladder. Ten Dialogues on Religious Experience.
2596: ROBINSON, N.H.G. - Faith and Duty. (With an introduction by Dr John Baillie).
51230: ROBINSON, HAROLD. - Some More Suffolk Tales.
12460: ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - Honest to God.
23156: ROBINSON, WILLIAM EASON. - Tutors Unto Christ. Spiritual Readings from Great Tractarians.
11926: ROBINSON, GODFREY. & WINWARD, STEPHEN. - The King's Business.
37331: ROBINSON, JOSEPHINE. - The Inner Goddess. Feminist Theology in the Light of Catholic Teaching.
12108: ROBINSON, J.A.T. (ET AL). - Layman's Church.
24372: ROBINSON, GODFREY AND WINWARD, STEPHEN. - Our Returning King. The Message of 1 & 2 Thessalonians for Today.
11205: ROBINSON, JAMES M. - The Problem of History in Mark.
6320: ROBINSON, GODFREY. AND WINWARD, STEPHEN. - The Christians Conduct. Practical Answers to Modern Problems.
2064: ROBINSON, THEODORE H. - The Poetry of the Old Testament.
49484: ROBINSON, MARY. / MOLLOY, J. FITZGERALD.(INTRODUCTION AND NOTES). - Memoirs of Mary Robinson. "Perdita".
11085: ROBINSON, J.A.T. - Jesus and His Coming. The Emergence of a Doctrine.
13588: ROBINSON, GODFREY AND WINWARD, STEPHEN. - Colony of Heaven. A Guide Book for Church Members.
18022: ROBINSON, CHRIS WITH BOOT, ANDY. - Dream Detective.
18409: ROBINSON, J.A.T. (BISHOP OF WOOLWICH). - Liturgy Coming to Life.
18410: ROBINSON, JOHN J. - Dungeon, Fire and Sword. The Knights Templar in the Crusades.
12911: ROBINSON, GODFREY AND WINWARD, STEPHEN. - Colony of Heaven. A Guide-Book for Church Members.
4946: ROBINSON, N.H.G. - Christ & Conscience.
31868: ROBINSON, C.E. - The Gospel According to St Mark with a Commentary. (With 3 plans).
50516: ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - The Priority of John.
50904: ROBINSON, F.S. - Brackensea. The Rise of a Watering Place.
10753: ROBINSON, GODFREY. AND WINWARD, STEPHEN. - Companions of the Way.
10776: ROBINSON, MAIRI. (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF). - The Concise Scots Dictionary. A new comprehensive one-volume dictionary of the Scots language.
14088: ROBINSON, D.H. - Leguminous Forage Plants.
14052: ROBINSON, J.A.T. - Christ Comes In. Four Advent Addresses.
12744: ROBINSON, GODFREY. & WINWARD, STEPHEN. - Here is the Answer.
47757: ROBINSON, MARY. - The Poetical Works of the Late Mrs Mary Robinson. (One Volume edition)..
20947: ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - On Being the Church in the World.
1391: ROBINSON, NORMAN L. - How Jesus Christ Saves Men. A study of the Atonement.
1388: ROBINSON, CHARLES HENRY. - Studies in the Passion of Jesus Christ.
47243: ROBINSON, JOHN A.T. - Honest to God.
3884: ROBINSON, EDWARD. - The Language of Mystery.
4661: ROBINSON WILLIAM. M.A., D.D. - The Shattered Cross. The Many Churches and the One Church.
2595: ROBINSON, J. ARMITAGE. - Some Thoughts on the Athanasian Creed.
4157: ROBINSON, JAMES M. - A New Quest of the Historical Jesus. Studies in Biblical Theology. No. 25.
33035: ROBINSON, JEFFREY. - The Ginger Jar.
35507: ROBINSON, ARTHUR W. - The Holy Spirit and the Individual: An Appeal to Experience.
32937: ROBINSON, ALAN. - The Treasures of Jesus: A Meditation on the Sermon on the Mount.
47585: J. D. ROBINSON . - Robinson's Directory of the Borough of Pudsey and the Surrounding Districts, Including Stanningley, Farsley, Calverley, Fulneck, Birkenshaw, &c
29563: ROBINSON, MARION. - Only One Doctor. (Drawings by Rosemary Lee.)
29564: ROBINSON, W. GORDON. - Jesus, Lord and Saviour. (Basics of the Christian Faith 1.)
28969: ROBINSON, W. GORDON. - Jesus, Lord and Saviour. (Basics of the Christian Faith. 1).
8317: ROBINSON, H.WHEELER. - The Cross in the Old Testament.
9439: ROBINSON, H. WHEELER. - The Cross in the Old Testament.
18102: ROBSON, MIKE. - The Journey to Excellence.
1393: ROBSON, G.B. - The Mind of Jesus Christ.
48331: ROCHE, ALOYSIUS. - In the Track of the Gospel. An Outline of the Christian Apostolate from Pentecost to the Present..
9758: ROCHE,ALOYSIUS. - The First Monks and Nuns.
18902: ROCHEFOUCAULD, DUC DE LA./ FITZGIBBON, CONSTANTINE. (TRANSLATOR). - The Maxims of the Duc de la Rouchefoucauld.
49922: LA ROCHEFOUCAULT, FRANCOIS DUC DE 1613-1680. - The Memoirs of the Duke de La Rochefoucault : Containing the private intrigues for obtaining the regency after the death of Louis the Thirteenth, King of France, the wars of Paris and Guienne, the imprisonment of the princes...
8878: BISHOP OF ROCHESTER'S COMMISSION. - Christ in the Community.
32981: ROCHFORD, T. - House Plants.
32049: ROCK, DANIEL / WEALE, W. H. JAMES [ EDITOR ]. - Catholic Standard Library - Hierurgia; Or, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. With Notes and Dissertations Elucidating Its Doctrines and Ceremonies and Numerous Illustrations. Volumes I. & II .
3793: GARNER ROD. - The Big Questions. Believing with heart and mind. Foreword by W.H.Vanstone.
24809: RODD, CYRIL. - The Pastor's Problems.
11927: RODGER, T. FERGUSON, INGRAM, I.M, TIMBURY, G.C. & MOWBRAY, R.M. - Lectures Notes on Psychological Medicine.
18903: RODGERS, MICHAEL AND LOSACK, MARCUS. - Glendalough. A Celtic Pilgrimmage. (Illustrated by Natalie Connolly).
50596: RODGERS, W.R. - Essex Roundabout. (with drawings by Meg Stevens).
8856: RODGERSON, THOMAS E. - Spirituality, Stress & You. Illustd. by Nicholas T. Markell.
4508: WILLIAMS J. RODMAN. - The Era of the Spirit.
17287: RODRIGUEZ, K.S. - Dawson's Creek. Long Hot Summer.
45369: ROE, FRED. - Essex Survivals with Special Attention to Essex Smugglers.
24810: ROEBUCK, STUART. BINNEY, ESTHER AND HODSON, NEVILLE. - Time and Again. East Anglian Reflections on the Christian Life.
49346: ROEDE, MACHTELD ET AL. - The Aquatic Ape: Fact or Fiction?
12818: ROEDER, BERNHARD. - Katorga. An aspect of Modern Slavery. Trans. by Lionel Kochan.
43852: CONVENT OF THE SACRED HEART ROEHAMPTON. - Life of Blessed Madeleine Sophie Barat. Foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart 1779-1865.
43140: ROESSLER, ERNEST P. - An Anglo-French Description of Holy Trinity Church, Southchurch, Essex. By Ernest P. Roessler .
14142: ROETZEL, CALVIN. J. - The Letters of Paul: Conversations in context.
5112: GRAINGER ROGER. - Any Ward, Any Hospital. Practical and personal reflections.
7491: MOTHER TERESA & BROTHER ROGER. - Meditations on The Way of the Cross.
46352: ROGERS, N.G. - The Valley of the Stour from Weston Green to Harwich.
48245: ROGERS, REV. EDGAR. - S. Winifred's Troop. (A Story of Boy Scouts).
12385: ROGERS, JENNIFER. - Adults Learning.
29565: ROGERS, MRS. GUY. - The Ministry of Women. (The Church and Modern Problems. No. 11.)
49631: ROGERS, REV. CLEMENT F. - Matins and Evensong.
5664: ROGERS, NEVILLE.(COMPILER). - Keats Shelley & Rome. An Illustrated Miscellany. (postscript by Field Marshall Earl Wavell).
2590: ROGERS, CLEMENT F. - The Case for Miracle.
17095: ROGERS, EDWARD. - The Christian Approach to the Communist.
13941: ROGERS, CLEMENT F. - A Church Genuinely Catholic.
21448: ROGERS, ALAN. - Teaching Adults.
22902: ROGERS, CLEMENT F. - Astrology and Prediction in the Light of History, Science and Religion.
15617: ROGERS, P.H. (EDITOR). - A Guide to Divinity Teaching.
2597: ROGERS, CLEMENT F. - The Case for Christianity. An Outline of Popular Apologetics.
21449: ROGERS, DAVID. - Politics, Prayer and Parliament.
39912: ROGERS, COLIN. - Crime Reduction Partnerships.
51238: ROGERS, MARK. - Down Thames Street. A Pilgrimage Among its Remaining Churches.
13079: ROGERS, DALE EVANS. - Angel Unaware. Foreword by Dr. W.E. Sangster.
9441: ROGERS, EDWARD. - Living Standards. A Christian Looks at the World's Poverty.
27735: ROGERSON, JOHN AND ROWLAND, CHRIS. - Guidelines to the Bible. (May-August 1991). Volume 7. Part 2.
46669: ROGERSON, COLONEL W. - Historical Records of the 53rd (Shropshire) Regiment, now the 1st Battalion The King's (Shropshire L.I.), from the Formation of the Regiment in 1755, down to 1889. Compiled and Edited by Colonel W. Rogerson, from the Orderly Room Records.
11345: ROHDE, ELEANOUR SINCLAIR. - Culinary and Salad Herbs. Their Cultivation and Food Values with Recipies. (Drawings by Hilda M.Coley).
12819: ROLAND, NICHOLAS. - Who Came by Night. A Novel.
46697: ROLAND . - Quelques Genealogies Annotees : Noailles, Colbert, Talleyrand, Albert De Luynes, Rohan, Rohan-Chabot, Bautre, Furstenberg, Arnauld, Phelypeaux, Navarre-Foix, Savoie, Longueville, Gontaut-Biron... Etc. - 2 Volume Set .
33735: ROLLINGS, ALANE. - The Struggle to Adore.
12217: ROLLS, F., & HEPPENSTALL, P.G. - Studies in the Appreciation of Art.
13692: ROLSTON, H. - Thessalonians to Philemon.
40774: ROLT, MARY F. - The Castle of Himself. (Illustrated by Constance Symonds).
35031: ROMAIN, JONATHAN A. - Your God Shall Be My God: Religious Conversion in Britain Today.
11837: ROMAN, HOWARD. - Pitfall in August.
8331: ROMER, JOHN. - Testament. The Bible and History.
18525: RON. - Lord Have Mercy. It's Another Year at St. Gargoyle's.
28066: RONAN, COLIN A., & DUNLOP, STORM. - The Skywatcher's Handbook. Night and Day, what to look for in the Heavens above.
11271: ROOK,ALAN. - We Who Are Fortunate.
28067: ROOM, ADRIAN. - Dictionary of Place-names in the British Isles.
17575: ROOT, JOHN. - Encountering West Indian Pentecostalism: its Ministry and Worship. (Grove Booklet on Ministry and Worship No.66).
11262: ROOTES, NICHOLAS. - The Drinker's Companion.
45868: ROOZEMEIJER, J.H.L. - The Great Foundation.
11101: ROPER, NANCY. - Churchill Livingstone Nurses Dictionary.
51291: ROPER, D.H. AND HARRISON, JOHN. - The First Hundred Years 1868-1968. The Story of the National Deposit Friendly Society.
20765: ROSA, PETER DE. - Come Holy Spirit. The life of God in the life of Men.
10434: ROSA, PETER DE. - Jesus who became Christ.
43859: ROSATI, JOSEPH / SEMERIA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. - Sketches of the Life of the Very Rev. Felix De Andreis, First Superior of the Congregation of the Mission in the United States and Vicar-General of the Diocese of New Orleans...
28290: ROSE, STEVEN. - Lifelines: Biology, Freedom, Determinism.
19515: ROSE, MARGARET E. (EDITOR). - The Problem of Suffering. A collection of essays based on a series of broadcast talks for 6th forms, provided by the BBC under the general title 'The Christian Religion and its Philosophy.'
35713: ROSE, DOROTHY. - Bus From Bangkok. An Astonishing True Story.
49899: ROSE, BERNICE B AND PICASSO, BERNARD RUIZ. (EDITORS). - Picasso : 200 Masterworks from 1898 to 1972.
49403: ROSE, NORMAN. - History of Bentwaters & Woodbridge. Twin Bases Remembered.
41895: ROSE, MICHAEL. - Curator of the Dead. Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866). Doctor and Campaigner for Human Rights.
42987: ROSE, CLIVE . - Fanfare For Lavenham. By Clive Rose.
30355: ROSE, SUSAN. - The Navy of the Lancastrian Kings. Accounts and Inventories of William Soper, Keeper of the King's Ships, 1422-1427.
30311: ROSE, GRAHAM. - The Romantic Garden. (Illustrations by Paul Cox.)
50364: ROSEBERY, ARCHIBALD PHILIP PRIMROSE EARL OF 1847-1929 [AUTHOR] . - Lord Randolph Churchill By Lord Rosebery.
24811: ROSEN, MOISHE AND CEIL. - Share the New Life with a Jew
37351: ROSENTHAL, JAMES M. AND ERDEY, SUSAN T. - Living Communion. The Official Report of the 13th Meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council, Nottingham 2005.
25277: ROSENTHAL, JAMES M AND RODGERS, MARGARET. - The Communion We Share. The Official Report of the 11th Meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council Scotland 1999.
21824: ROSENTHAL, JAMES M. AND CURRIE, NICOLA. - Being Anglican in the Third Millennium.
37456: ROSENTHAL, JAMES M. - For the Life of the World. Anglican Consultative Council XII, Hong Kong.
51233: ROSEVEAR, ELIZABETH. - A Text Book of Needlework, Knitting, and Cutting Out. With Methods of Teaching.
21602: ROSHWALD, M. - Humanism in Practice. A Blue-Print for a Better World.
16704: ROSMINI, ANTONIO. - Principles of Ethics.
12389: ROSMINI, ANTONIO. - The Philosophy of Politics. Vol. 2. Society and its Purpose.
12387: ROSMINI, ANTONIO. - Certainty. (Translated by Denis Cleary & Terence Watson).
41423: ROSS, ALAN S.C. - Etymology with Especial Reference to English.
28670: ROSS, JR., FRANK. - Space Ships and Space Travel.
29957: ROSS, SHEILA. - Five Days Till Noon.
16879: ROSS, CHARLES. - Edward IV.
46494: ROSS, MALCOLM. - Christianity vs Judeo-Christianity. (The Battle for Truth).
16230: ROSS, DAVID. - Scotland: History of a Nation.
20873: ROSS, CHARLES. - The Inner Sanctuary. An exposition of John 13-17.
31355: ROSS, KENNETH N. - A Lenten Anthology. Daily Readings.
44944: ROSS, CASTLETON. - Tingle Tangle. A Collection of Light Verse.
3088: ROSS WALLACE, REV. A. - The Three Pillars.
1399: ROSS, G.A. JOHNSTON. - The Universality of Jesus.
15618: ROSS, J. ELLIOT. - John Henry Newman. Anglican Minister: Catholic Priest: Roman Cardinal.
32499: ROSS, K.N. - Spiritualism.
30512: ROSS, K.N. - Astrology.
30513: ROSS, K.N. - Christian Science.
39870: ROSS, JOHN D. (COMPILER). - The Burns Rosary.
42941: ROSS, JAMES (1886-1953) . - The Cathedral Church of Bristol: Historical and Descriptive Handbook By Jmes Ross (City Librarian, Bristol). Third Edition 1935 .
44014: ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL. - Dante and His Circle: With the Italian Poets Preceding Him. (1100-1200-1300).
44736: ROSSETTI, WILLIAM MICHAEL. - The Poetical Works of William Cowper. (Illustrated by Thomas Seccombe).
48301: ROSSI, ANTHONY . - Norwich Roman Catholic Cathedral. A Buiding History .
29170: ROSSI, PETER H. - Down and Out in America: The Origins of Homelessness.
47715: ROSSINGTON, JANE. - Jane Rossington's The Crossroads Years. (The Official Album).
14855: ROSSNER, JUDITH. - Emmeline.
30324: ROTH, CECIL. - A Jewish Printer in Naples, 1477.
48145: ROTH, ARNOLD. - Pick a Peck of Puzzles. (Abridged Edition).
46660: ROTHBLATT, SHELDON. - The Revolution of the Dons. Cambridge and Society in Victorian England.
23160: ROTHMANS. - 1967 Cricket Almanack. England v India and England v Parkistan.
42377: ROTTENBURY, RICHARD H.S. - The Pre-Eminence of The Great Architect in Freemasonry. (Prestonian Lecture 1983).
49599: ROUGHTON, EVELYN. - The Crown of Southern Cooking.
45551: ROUND, J. HORACE. - History and Antiquities of Colchester Castle.
24130: ROUNDHILL, KENNETH S. - Prescription for Today's Missionary.
14039: O'ROURKE, DAVID K. - The Holy Land as Jesus Knew It. Its People, Customs, and Religion.
31420: O'ROURKE, MARY-JO AND SHRESTHA, BIMAL. - Nepali Phrasebook.
28555: ROUSE, MICHAEL. - Coastal Resorts of East Anglia. The Early Days.
32861: ROUTLEY, ERIK. - The Church and Music. An Enquiry into the History, the Nature, and the Scope of Christian Judgment on Music.
32862: ROUTLEY, ERIK. - Music, Sacred and Profane. Occasional Writings on Music, 1950-58.
41683: ROUTLEY, ERIK. - Hymns and the Faith.
22513: ROUTLEY, ERIK. - Saul Among the Prophets. (Sermons for Today No.9).
22373: ROUTLEY, ERIK. - The Story of Congregationalism Briefly Told.
26690: ROUTLEY, ERIK. - Ecumenical Hymnody.
44499: ROUTLEY, ERIK. - Martin Shaw. A Centenary Appreciation.
48306: ROW, C. J. N - Two 19th Century Half Penny Post Cards with postmarks for Sudbury and Lowestoft .
22514: ROWAN, STEPHEN C. - The Parables of Calvary. Reflections on the Seven Last Words of Jesus.
25006: ROWATT, G.WADE AND ROWATT, MARY JO. - The Two-Career Marriage. (Christian Care No.5).
24534: ROWDON, HAROLD H. - Bible Characters and Doctrines. Vol.6. Jeroboam 1 to Hosea and Law and Grace.
50650: ROWE, MRS. [ ELIZABETH SINGER ROWE 1674-1737 ] . - Devout Exercises Of The Heart In Meditation and Soliloquy, Prayer and Praise. By the late Pious and Ingenious Mrs. Rowe. Review'd and Published at her Request, By I. Watts, D.D.
24813: ROWE, TREVOR. - An Easier Yoke? A Perspective on Christian Ministry.
24814: ROWE, TREVOR. - The Communication Process.
48485: ROWE, VIOLET A. - The First Hertford Quakers.
48117: ROWE, JOY . - The Story of Catholic Bury St. Edmunds, Coldham And the Surrounding District By Joy Rowe .
11125: ROWE, TREVOR. - Queen's Sermons.
38978: ROWE, PHILIP 'TULIP' / ROWE, ROBIN.(EDITOR). - Pollards & People: A Landscape History of Bulmer, Essex. Extracts from the Writings of Philip 'Tulip' Rowe.
13376: ROWE, TREVOR. - Wholeness. Body, mind and spirit - one man.
40076: ROWELL, GEOFFREY. - "Anointed with Fresh Oil" (Annual Derek Allen Lecture).
3386: ROWELL, GEOFFREY (EDITOR). - Tradition Renewed. The Oxford Movement Conference Papers.
8479: ROWELL, GEOFFREY. - The English Religious Tradition and the Genius of Anglicanism.
10329: ROWLAND, CHRIS. & VINCENT, JOHN. - Gospel From the City.
27736: ROWLAND, E.J. - To Be or Not to Be. Talks about the Christian Religion.
37820: ROWLANDS, JOHN J. - Cache Lake Country. Life in the Canadian North Woods. (Illustrated by Henry B. Kane).
28972: ROWLANDS, AVRIL. - The Animals' Christmas and Other Stories.
3588: ROWLES,ROSEMARY.(EDITOR). - Housing Management. Edited for the Society of Housing Managers.
32798: ROWLEY, CHRISTOPHER. - The Black Ship.
6760: ROWLEY, H.H. - The Faith of Israel. Aspects of Old Testament Thought.
28224: ROWLEY, H.H. - The Biblical Doctrine of Election.
14353: ROWLEY, H.M. - The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament.
7295: ROWLEY, H.H. - The Unity of the Bible. Lectures.
3575: ROWLEY, H.H.(EDITOR). - The Old Testament and Modern Study. A Generation of Discovery and Research. Essays by members of the Society for Old Testament Studies.
8336: ROWLEY, H.H. - From Joseph to Joshua. Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology. The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1948.
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