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log163j: WHITING, MARVIN C; RICHMOND, WALT & LEIGH; CAMPBELL, JOHN W [ED.]; &C - Analog. Science Fiction and Fact. Volume 72, Number 2. October 1963
bcw061: WHITING, DAJMAR L - The Wings of the Sun
taa10: WHITING, C E [ED.] - Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Volume X. [Part III]. 1950
taa09c: WHITING, C E [ED.] - Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Volume IX. [Part III]. 1943
taa09b: WHITING, C E [ED.] - Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Volume IX. [Part II]. 1942
taa09a: WHITING, C E [ED.] - Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Volume IX. [Part I]. 1939
taa08a: WHITING, C E [ED.] - Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Volume VIII. [Part I]. 1937
taa08: WHITING, C E [ED.] - Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Volume VIII. [Part I]
taa07aa: WHITING, C E [ED.] - Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Volume VII. [Part I1] 1934
L1412: WHITLOCKE, BULSTRODE; PENN, WILLAM; WELWOOD, JAMES - Memorials of the English Affairs, from Suppos'd Expedition of Brute to This Island, to the End of the Reign of King James the First
2005: WHITLY, REID - The Boy Chief
r3882b: WHITMAN, SIDNEY - German Memories
k1746: WHITMAN, WALT - Specimen Days in America
bbw206: WHITNELL, BARBARA - A Clear Blue Sky
L0477: WHITNEY, JOHN - The Genteel Recreation: Or, the Pleasure of Angling, a Poem. With Dialogue between Piscator and Corydon
bbw200: WHITNEY, STEVEN - Singled out
d2626: WHITNEY, MRS A D T - A Summer of Leslie Goldthwaite's Life
d0098b: WHITSON, THOMAS B - Lord Provosts of Edinburgh. Signed Limited Edition
d0098a: WHITSON, THOMAS B - Lord Provosts of Edinburgh. Signed Limited Edition
j9112b: WHITTAKER, W G [ED.] - North Countrie Ballads, Songs and Pipe-Tunes for Use in Home and School. Part II
j9112c: WHITTAKER, W GILLIES [ED.] - North Countrie Folk Songs for Schools
h1090: WHITTAKER, FRANCES C - My Lady Came
bbw202: WHITTAKER, OWEN - The House Husband
c3596: WHITTEMORE; C T; ELSLEY, F W H - Practical Pig Nutrition. Signed Copy
e2469a: WHITTEN, WILFRED [ED.] - The World's Library of Best Books. 5 Volume Set
a0742b: WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF [ED.] - Songs of Three Centuries
a0742ae: WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF - The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
a0742ab: WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF - The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
tml48: WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF; HODGKIN, HOWARD [ED.] - Selections from the Poems of John Greenleaf Wittier. The Muses' Library
bbw203: WHITTLE, NORAH - Days and Moments
h0496: WHITTLE, G - The Newcastle & Carlisle Railway
1007: WHITTON, KENNETH; JAMIESON, DAVID A [EDS.] - Fifty Years of Athletics. An Historical Record of the Scottish Amateur Athletic Association 18831933. Signed Copy
k3630: WHITWELL, E R - Through Bosnia and Herzegovina with a Paint Brush
r1790: WHITWORTH, REGINALD - The Electric Organ
r2165: WHITWORTH, ALAN MICHAEL - Hadrian's Wall: Some Aspects of Its Post-Roman Influence on the Landscape
0914d: WHYMPER, EDWARD - Travels Amongst the Great Andes of the Equator
wm-00a: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J; MAXWELL, SIR HERBERT [ED.]; BROCK, H M; ALDEN, CECIL; &C. [ILLUS.] - The Works of G J Whyte-Melville. 24 Volume Limited Edition Set
wm-19ab: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J - The Queen's Maries
wm-02: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J (WALLER, S E [ILLUS.]) - Black But Comely
wm-03: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J; FORESTIER, A [ILLUS.] - Bones and I or the Skeleton at Home
wm-04: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J (WALLER, S E [ILLUS.]) - The Brookes of Bridlemere
wm-04a: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J; WALLER, S E [ILLUS.] - The Brookes of Bridlemere
wm-09: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J - The Gladiators. A Tale of Rome and Judaea
wm-10: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J; JACOMB-HOOD, G P [ILLUS.] - Good for Nothing or All Down Hill
wm-11: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J (KEMP-WELCH, LUCY E [ILLUS.]) - Holmby House. A Tale of Old Northamptonshire
wm-14: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J (KEMP-WELCH, LUCY E [ILLUS.]) - The Interpreter
wm-15: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J (KEMP-WELCH, LUCY E [ILLUS.]) - Kate Coventry. An Autobiography
wm-19: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J - The Queen's Maries
wm-26: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J - Songs and Verses
wm-00: WHYTE-MELVILLE, G J; MAXWELL, HERBERT [ED.] - The Works of G J Whyte-Melville. 24 Volume Limited Edition Set
k2754: WHYTEHEAD, ROBERT - A Key to the Prayer Book or an Account of the Principal Formularies of the Church of England
L1138: WICHERS, MARC - Epidemiology of Cerebral Palsy in the Netherlands
c4408: WICK, BOB; NORDHOFF, ANDY [ED.] - Solid Brass
1277: WICKES, CHARLES - Illustrations of the Spires and Towers of the Mediaeval Churches of England. 3 Volumes in 1
a1429: WICKHAM, PEGGY - The Bandit Chase
bcw068c: WICKLOE, PETER - The Yellow Ship
p0194: WICKS, SUSAN - The Key
d1314: WICKSTEED, EDWARD - Father's Heinkel
bbw211a: WIDDECOMBE, ANN - An Act of Treachery. Signed Copy
bcw069: WIDDEMER, MARGARET - Angela Comes Home
bgw066: WIEGLER, PAUL (VESEY, CONSTANCE (TRANS & ED)) - William the First: His Life and Times
h1402: WIGAN, MICHAEL - The Last of the Hunter Gatherers. Fisheries Crisis at Sea
g9342: WIGGEN, W R - Esh Leaves: Being Drafts Upon the Memory of an Old Parishioner
wig27aa: WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
wig41: WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS; BROCK, C E [ILLUS.] - Penelope's Experiences in England. [Vol. I. ] Penelope's Experiences in Scotland. [Vol. II] Penelope's Experiences in Ireland. [Vol. III] 3 Volume Set. All Signed and Inscribed by Author
wig19: WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS - The Old Peabody Pew
wig27a: WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
p0195: WIGHT, FREDERICK - Verge of Glory
q1220: WILBERFORCE, H W W - Lawn Tennis [the All-England Series]
e5750: WILBERFORCE, WILLIAM - A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Higher and Middle Classes in This Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity
t1292: WILCOCK, PETER - Lives of the First Five Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow: Benedict, Ceolfrid, Eosterwine, Sigfrid and Huetbert
2250: WILCOCKS, JOSEPH - Roman Conversations; or, a Short Description of the Antiquities of Rome, and the Characters of Eminent Romans... . Volume I
g8977: WILCOCKSON, W H [COMP.] - Sections of Strata of the Coal Measures of Yorkshire Together with a Few Sections in the Neighbouring Counties
maa158a: WILCOX, PETER; MCBRIDE, ANGUS [ILLUS.] - Rome's Enemies (2): Gallic and British Celts. Men-at-Arms No. 158
bib60g: WILD - La Sainte Bible, Ou le Vieux Et le Nouveau Testament; Avec Un Commentaire Litteral, Compose de Notes Choisies, & Tirees de Divers Auteurs Anglois. Tome Septieme, Contenant Les Deux Livres Des Croniques,
fol921d: WILDE, OSCAR; MARTIN, FRANK [ILLUS.] - Salome
wld43: WILDE, OSCAR (RENNELL RODD) - Rose-Leaf and Apple-Leaf L'Envoi
wld44: WILDE, OSCAR; BEARDSLEY, AUBREY [ILLUS.] - Salome: A Tragedy in One Act. 1894
wld26: WILDE, OSCAR - Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories
wld19a: WILDE, OSCAR - An Ideal Husband
ppc18: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 18. 1935-36
ppc20: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 20. 1937-38
ppc17: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 17. 1934-35
ppc16: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 16. 1933-34
ppc14: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 14. 1931-32
ppc15: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 15. 1932-33
ppc13: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 13. 1930-31
wdr26: WILDER, THORNTON; LEIGHTON, CLARE - The Woman of Andros. Signed Limited Edition
ppc12: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 12. 1929-30
k4305: WILDER, WILLIAM D - Communication, Social Structure and Development in Rural Malaysia. A Study of Kampung Kuala Bera. Monographs in Social Anthropology 56
wdr22: WILDER, THORNTON - Theophilus North
ppc10: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 10. 1927-28
ppc11: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 11. 1928-29
ppc08: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 8. 1925-26
ppc09: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 9. 1926-27
ppc07: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 7. 1924-25
ppc05: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 5. 1922-23
ppc06: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 6. 1923-24
ppc04: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 4. 1921-22
k4246: WILDER, WILLIAM D [ED.] - Journeys of the Soul. Anthropological Studies of Death, Burial and Reburial Practices in Borneo. Monograph Series No. 7
ppc03: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume III. 1920-21
ppc02: WILDER, F L & E L - Print Prices Current. Volume 2. 1919-20
hercb22a: WILDER, THORNTON - The Ides of March + the Bridge of San Luis Rey. Heron Classics - Brown/Gilt Edition
c2234: WILDISH, GERALD - Preserved Locomotives. Vol 1. The British Isles
c2234b: WILDISH, GERALD - Preserved Locomotives of the World. Volume 1. Britain & Europe
bcw076c: WILDSMITH, ALAN - Ahmed, Prince of Ashira
bbw216: WILES, DOMINI - Death Flight
k4646: WILGUS, NEAL - The Illuminoids. Secret Societies and Political Paranoia
bbw219: WILK, MAX - Don't Raise the Bridge
d1151: WILKES, LYALL - The Aesthetic Obsession. A Portrait of Sir William Eden Bt
j1600ab: WILKES, LYALL; DODDS, GORDON - Tyneside Classical. The Newcastle of Grainger Dobson & Clayton
j8904j: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 5. Why We Had No Bloody Revolution
j8904i: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 4. The Girl with the Windblown Hair
j8904h: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 3. Are There Really Armament Kings?
j8904g: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 8. Bubble and Graft
j8904e: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 11. Illusions of a Generation
j8904d: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 10. What We Owe to Motor Cars
j8904c: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 9. Some More Equal Than Others
j8904b: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 12. But the Greatest of These
j8904a: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 7. The Black Officer
j8904: WILKES, ELIJAH - Passport to Survival. No. 6. The Real Rulers of Our Country
bri13a: WILKES, J J [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XIII. 1982
bri14: WILKES, J J [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XIV. 1983
bri15: WILKES, J J [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XV. 1984
bri13: WILKES, J J [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XIII. 1982
bri12: WILKES, J J [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XII. 1981
bri11a: WILKES, J J [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XI. 1980
bri11: WILKES, J J [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XI. 1980
fg-167aa: WILKES, LYALL - Tyneside Portraits Studies in Art and Life
vau02a: WILKINS, VAUGHAN - Being Met Together
vau09: WILKINS, VAUGHAN - Husband for Victoria [Consort for Victoria]
vau16a: WILKINS, VAUGHAN - And So - Victoria
5434: WILKINS, JOHN - Of the Principles and Duties of Natural Religion. 2 Books in 1 Volume
h0442: WILKINS, FRANCES - Manx Slave Traders. A Social History of the Isle of Man's Involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade
k3739: WILKINS, GEORGE - The Miseries of Enforced Marriage
r3373: WILKINSON, TOBY C; SHERRATT, SUSAN; BENNET, JOHN [EDS.] - Interweaving Worlds. Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to the 1st Millennia Bc
eaa42: WILKINSON, T J - Settlement, Religion & Industry on the Fen-Edge; Three Romano-British Sites in Norfolk. East Anglian Archaeology Report No. 42
g0380: WILKINSON, B J; STOPFORD T P; TAYLOR, D - The a-Z of Royal Naval Ships' Badges 1919-1989. Volume 1.H. M.S. Abdiel - H.M. S Avon Vale
g0380ba: WILKINSON, B J; STOPFORD, T P; TAYLOR, T - The a to Z of Royal Naval Ships Badges 1919-1989. Volume 2 Hms Bacchante - Hms Buzzard
g6961b: WILKINSON, TREVOR [ED.] - Roving Commissions. Number 33
play040: WILKS, THOMAS EGERTON - The Wolf and the Lamb; or, the Twin Brothers
k2440: WILKYN, NEIL R - All Things Forgotten... . Village Life I the 16th and 17th Centuries
g3742: WILLCOX, D - With the British Bowlers in Canada: 1906
wll04: WILLETT, MARCIA - The Christmas Angel [Christmas in Cornwall]. Signed Copy
wll26: WILLETT, MARCIA - The Sea Garden. Signed Copy
j2096dg: PLUTARCH; LANGHORNE JOHN & WILLIAM [TR.] - The Lives of Plutarch. Volume VII. Valpy Edition. 1831
1049b: WILLIAMS, J H; PITZ, HENRY C [ILLUS.] - Bandoola
c1951: WILLIAMS, E S - Soviet Air Power. Prospects for the Future
g9282: WILLIAMS, M B - Guardians of the Wild
2950: WILLIAMS, HOWARD - Paradise Precarious
pwa32: WILLIAMS, L F RUSHBROOK - India. Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs, No. 32
bgw073: WILLIAMS, MONTAGU - Leaves of a Life
q0099g: WILLIAMS, NIGEL - From Wimbledon to Waco
q0099d: WILLIAMS, NIGEL - East of Wimbledon
bgw070: WILLIAMS, ADA (BRETT, BERNARD (ILLUS)) - Between the Lights
p0011: WILLIAMS, ERIC - The Negro in the Caribbean
q0099c: WILLIAMS, NIGEL - East of Wimbledon. Signed Copy
q0099ca: WILLIAMS, NIGEL - East of Wimbledon
tnn75: WILLIAMS, TENNESSEE; WINDHAM, DONALD - You Touched Me! a Romantic Comedy in Three Acts
tnn36: WILLIAMS, TENNESSEE - The Night of the Iguana. Signed Copy
asi932: WILLIAMS, SHEILA [ED.] - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction. Volumes 32 & 33. 2009 Complete (10 Issues)
tnn33: WILLIAMS, TENNESSEE - Moise and the World of Reason
mak17: WILLIAMS, MOELWYN - The South Wales Landscape
q0099aa: WILLIAMS, NIGEL - Stalking Fiona
q0099: WILLIAMS, NIGEL - Stalking Fiona. Signed Copy
q0099a: WILLIAMS, NIGEL - Stalking Fiona
g5447: WILLIAMS, CHARLES - The Alps, Switzerland, and the North of Italy
e2319g: WILLIAMS, GUY C [INTRO.] - History of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Volume VII. Campaigns in Mesopotamia and East Africa, and the Inter-War Period, 1918 - 38
g9404: WILLIAMS, DAVID L - Maritime Heritage. White's of Cowes
h0910: WILLIAMS, HAROLD - Two Centuries of the English Novel
sbl456: WILLIAMS, RICHARD - Hurricane Warning! the Sexton Blake Library No 456
q0805: WILLIAMS, JOHN CALTHROP - Practical Remarks on Palpitation and Other Functional Diseases of the Heart
e9527: WILLIAMS, PHILIP VAUGHAN - Scale Model Steamboats
L0820: WILLIAMS, HUGH - Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian Islands. In a Series of Letters, Descriptive of Manners, Scenery, and the Fine Arts
g8493a: WILLIAMS, DAVE; MUNRO, STEPHANIE - Survival Scrapbook 3. Access to Tools
k3167: WILLIAMS, [WILLIAM FREKE] LIEUT. COL - England's Battles by Sea and Land. Six Volume Set
arc171s: WILLIAMS, HOWARD [ED.] - Franfurt Am Main. The Archaeological Journal Supplement to Volume 171, 2014
bcw082: WILLIAMS, S M - Rival Redskins
bcw080d: WILLIAMS, EVELINE M - The Honourable Upper Fourth
asi936: WILLIAMS, SHEILA [ED.] - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction. Volumes 36. January - July 2012 (6 Issues)
j1025: WILLIAMS, MICHAEL - Film Stardom, Myth and Classicism. The Rise of Hollywood's Gods
c2085: WILLIAMS, EVELYN - Out of the Forest. Works by Evelyn Williams
hah84: WILLIAMS, MICHAEL [ED.] - Horse and Hound Hunter Chasers and Point-to-Pointers 1984
j7747d: WILLIAMS, ALAN; PERCIVAL, DAVID - B.R. Steam Locomotives from Nationalisation to Modernisation. Volume 4. Eastern Region
jls32: WILLIAMS, FREDERICK; RIDLEY, HENRY NICHOLAS; &C - The Journal of the Linnean Society. [Botany] Volume Xxxi1. June 1895 -
bbw252: WILLIAMS, WIRT - Ada Dallas
bbw248: WILLIAMS, ROBERT V - Shake This Town
bbw249: WILLIAMS, SIMON - Talking Oscars
e0547b: WILLIAMS, ROBERT - Elements of Medicine. Volume II. On Morbid Poisons
j7637: WILLIAMS, JOHN H; SHAW, MICHAEL; DENHAM, VARIAN - Middle Saxon Palaces at Northampton. Archaeological Monograph No. 4
bbw240a: WILLIAMS, MAUD E - The Sorrow Stones
bbw238: WILLIAMS, MARGUERITE - A Mother of Men
bbw229: WILLIAMS, DARREN - Angel Rock
bbw236: WILLIAMS, JIM - Recherche
asi935: WILLIAMS, SHEILA [ED.] - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction. Volumes 35. 2011 Complete (10 Issues)
raf960i: WILLIAMS, PETER [ED.] - Royal Air Force Flying Review. September 1960. Farnborough Special
r7143: WILLIAMS, F E - Orokaiva Society
sbl481: WILLIAMS, RICHARD - Vendetta! the Sexton Blake Library No 481
r1322: WILLIAMS, BUTLER - Practical Geodesy: Comprising Chain Surveying and the Use of Surveying Instruments; Together with Trigonometrical, Colonial, Mining, and Maritime Surveying; Also Levelling and Hill Drawing; . .
j4506: WILLIAMS, D H - A Portrait of Achievement. North East England. The Kingdom of Northumberland. Signed Copy
e2128: WILLIAMS, JOSEPH - Treatise on the Ear; Including Its Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology; for Which the Author Obtained a Gold Medal in the University of Edinburgh
0226e: WILLIAMS, ERIC - Complete and Free
0226db: WILLIAMS, ERIC - Dragoman Pass
asi934: WILLIAMS, SHEILA [ED.] - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction. Volumes 34. 2010 Complete (10 Issues)
sbl520: WILLIAMS, RICHARD - Speak ILL of the Dead. The Sexton Blake Library No 520
r2301: WILLIAMS, JOHNNY - Racing for Gold. Signed Copy
r5351: WILLIAMS, ALWYN T P [ED.] - The Wykehamist. October 1929- July 1933. No 718 - 775
fol926g: WILLIAMS, HYWEL - Fifty Days That Changed the World
e4630: WILLIAMS, EMRYS - Sunny Spells
hmy64: WILLIAMS, DORIAN [ED.] - The Horseman's Year 1964
hmy63: WILLIAMS, DORIAN [ED.] - The Horseman's Year 1962
hmy59: WILLIAMS, DORIAN [ED.] - The Horseman's Year 1959
whm78: WILLIAMS, RICHARD - Relentless. Warhammer 40,000
t0153: WILLIAMS, GLADYS - All About Semolina Silkpaws
d0926: WILLIAMSON, A A - Locomotive Drawings. Vulcan Foundry. 1833-1904
wil26: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - Goodbye West Country
0288: WILLIAMSON, GEORGE C - Richard Cosway R. A
L0870: WILLIAMSON, JOHN - The British Angler: Or, a Pocket-Companion for Gentlemen-Fishers. Being a New and Methodical Treatise of the Art of Angling... . Embellished with Copper-Plates Curiously Engraved
g8890: WILLIAMSON, GEORGE C [ED.] - Trade Tokens Issued in the Seventeenth Century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by Corporations, Merchants, Tradesmen, Etc. 2 Volume Set. Signed Copy
wil72a: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - Young Philip Maddison. A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight, Book 3
wil60: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Sun in the Sands
wil67a: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Village Book
wil07a: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Children of Shallowford
c3716: WILLIAMSON, LISA - All About Mia. Signed Copy
wil24a: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Gold Falcon or the Haggard of Love
wil24ab: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Gold Falcon or the Haggard of Love
wil41: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - It Was the Nightingale. A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight, Book 10
wil43ea: WILLIAMSON, HENRY; TUNNICLIFFE, C F [ILLUS.] - The Old Stag and Other Stories
g6427: WILLIAMSON, JAMES - The Clyde Passenger Steamer. Its Rise and Progress During the Nineteenth Century
wil48a: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Phasian Bird
wil48aa: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Phasian Bird
wil50a: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Power of the Dead
r2494: WILLIAMSON, MARGARET [ED.] - Life at the ICI. Memories of Working at ICI Billingham
bcw084e: WILLIAMSON, C N & A M - The Botor Chaperon
bcw084: WILLIAMSON, C N & AM - The Golden Silence
g6427b: WILLIAMSON, JAMES - The Clyde Passenger Steamer. Its Rise and Progress During the Nineteenth Century
bbw255a: WILLIAMSON, TONY - Counterstrike Entebbe
bbw255ab: WILLIAMSON, TONY - The Connector
j9302: WILLIAMSON, A - Sport and Photography in the Rocky Mountains. Presentation Copy
asc3508: WILLIAMSON, JACK; STUART, DON A; SCHACHNER, NAT; VAN LORNE, WARNER - Astounding Stories. Volume XV, Number 6. August 1935
r3004: WILLIAMSON, THOMAS - The Complete Angler's Vade-Mecum. Being a Perfect Code of Instruction on the Above Pleasing Science
wil13ab: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Dark Lantern. A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight, Book 1
bis23: KENNETH WILLIAMSON [ED.] - Bird Study. Volume 23. 1976. 4 Volume Set
bis21: KENNETH WILLIAMSON [ED.] - Bird Study. Volume 21. 1974. 4 Volume Set
bis22: KENNETH WILLIAMSON [ED.] - Bird Study. Volume 22. 1975. 4 Volume Set
ner12: WILLIAMSON, DAVID & CLAIRE - Lner Ne Area: Locomotive Shed Diagrams. Volume 1
hrw35: WILLIAMSON, HUGH ROSS - The Princess a Nun!
wil19a: WILLIAMSON, HENRY - The Flax of Dream. A Novel in Four Books
d3093: WILLICH, A F M - The Domestic Encyclopaedia; or, a Dictionary of Facts and Useful Knowledge, 2 Volumes - Volume I Abd-Cis & Volume II Cit-Jel
r9896a: WILLICH, A F M - Lectures on Diet and Regimen. Being a Systematic Inquiry Into the Most Rational Means of Preserving Health and Prolonging Life
r9896: WILLICH, A F M - Lectures on Diet and Regimen. Being a Systematic Inquiry Into the Most Rational Means of Preserving Health and Prolonging Life
sbl523: WILLIMS, RICHARD - Murder by Proxy. The Sexton Blake Library No 523
f0111: WILLINGHAM, BILL; STURGES, MATTHEW; PEPOY, ANDREW [ILLUS.]; BUCKINGHAM, MARK [ILLUS.] - The Great Fables Crossover. Issues #1 - 9
k4379: WILLINGHAM, BILL; JIMENEZ, PHIL; LANNING, ANDY - Fairest. Issues 1 - 9
4565: WILLIS, TED - Death May Surprise Us
mus094: WILLIS, ALLEE; LIND, JON - Boogie Wonderland (Sheet Music)
d0863b: WILLIS, ROBERT; PETIT, J L; SHARPE, EDMUND - The Architectural History of Chichester Cathedral. The Architectural History of Boxgrove Priory. The Architectural History of S. Mary's Church, New Shoreham. Supplementary Sketch of the Collective Architectural History... .
L0474: WILLIS-BUND, J W - Salmon Problems
r4204: WILLIS, ROBERT [TR. AND ED.] - Facsimile of the Sketch-Book of Wilars de Honecort [Villard Honnecourt], an Architect of the Thirteenth Century; with Commentaries and Descriptions by M.J. B.A. Lassus and by M.J. Quicherat: Translated and Edited with Many Additional Articles & Notes
r9087b: WILLIS, PETER - Capability Brown in Northumberland
bbw257bb: WILLIS, TED - Man Eater
e2255: WILLIS, ROBERT - On the Treatment of Stone in the Bladder, by Medical and Mechanical Means
d0073b: WILLIS, N PARKER - People I Have Met or Pictures of Society and People of Mark, Drawn Under a Thin Veil of Fiction
e5172: WILLIS-BUND, J W [ED.] - A Selection of Cases from the State Trials. Volumr II. Part II. Trials for Treason. The Popish Plot. [1678-1681]
g0181: WILLLIAMS, HENRY - Living As I Do
k1783: WILLMOT, JOYCE R - Lace Flowers and How to Make Them
j5135: WILLMOT, ELIZABETH A - When Any Time Was Train Time
d2527: WILLMOTT, FRANK G - Bricks and 'Brickies'. Signed Copy
bbw259: WILLOCK, COLIN - The Animal Catchers
e6304b: WILLOCK, COLIN - Kenzie. The Wild-Goose Man
bbw260a: WILLOCKS, TIM - Green River Rising
bhd015: WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE, LORD; GALWAY, VISCOUNT; &C - Baily's Hunting Directory. Volume 15 1911 - 1912
bhd015a: WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE, LORD; GALWAY, VISCOUNT; &C - Baily's Hunting Directory. Volume 15 1911 - 1912
w0318a: WILLS, PHILIP - Where No Birds Fly
bcw088b: WILLS, JEAN - The Sawdust Secret
bcw088: WILLS, JEAN - The Hope and Glory Band
r4091b: WILLS, F ALEX - The Official Guide to the County of Northumberland
cigw19: WILLS - The Reign of King George V. 1910- Silver Jubilee -1935. Cigarette Card Album
cigw18: WILLS - Garden Hints
cigw11: WILLS - Flowers, Trees, Household Hints. Wills' Cigarette Card Album
cigw08: WILLS - Garden Flowers. Wills' Cigarette Picture-Card Album for Large Size Cards
cigw02: WILLS - Radio Celebrities
cigw03a: WILLS - An Album of Railway Engines
cigw20: WILLS - Association Footballers 1935-1936. Cigarette Card Album
g0644: WILLS - Tobacco. Its Culture and Manufacture
g7682: WILLS, GEOFFREY - English and Irish Glass. 16 Volume Set
cigw21: WILLS - An Album of Dogs
c2130: WILLSON, W H - Markets of Empire
g4720c: WILLSON, BECKLES - America's Ambassadors to England 1785 - 1928. A Narrative of Anglo-American Diplomatic Relations
bbw262: WILLSON, SARA - Our Heaven Is Now
e5854: WILMER, BRADFORD - Observations on the Poisonous Vegetables Which Are Either Indigenous in Great-Britain, or Cultivated for Ornament
q0840c: WILS, JOHN; NEILSON, EWAN, C [EDS.] - The Technical and Legal Guide to Global Hydrocarbons. Book 3. Climate Change and Emissions, Technology and Regulations
q0840b: WILS, JOHN; NEILSON, EWAN, C [EDS.] - The Technical and Legal Guide to Global Hydrocarbons. Book 2. Unconventional Oil and Gas, Commercial Contracts and Transparency
q0840: WILS, JOHN; NEILSON, EWAN, C [EDS.] - The Technical and Legal Guide to Global Hydrocarbons. Volume 1. Markets, Trading, Refining and Transportation
mna05: WILSON, DALE; JOMONI, GORDON D - Canadian National and Canadian Pacific in Northern Ontario (Volume Three). Brmna
mna03: WILSON, DALE; JOMONI, GORDON D - Canadian National and Canadian Pacific in Northern Ontario (Volume One). Brmna
k2778: WILSON, TIM - Purgatory
c4050: WILSON, B - The Sedbergh School Register. 1546 - 1895
vhc06: WILSON, JAMES; DOUBLEDAY, H ARTHUR [EDS.] - Cumberland. The Victoria History of the Counties of England. Volume One [of 4]
rcs03: WILSON, ERASMUS - Descriptive Catalogue of the of the Dermatological Specimens Contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
tsr017: WILSON, DAN H [ED.] - The Snowdon Ranger. No 17. August 1997
tsr015: WILSON, DAN H [ED.] - The Snowdon Ranger. No 15. February 1997
tsr014: WILSON, DAN H [ED.] - The Snowdon Ranger. No 14. November 1996
h0622a: WILSON, JAMES H - Zalmoxis and Other Poems
tsr013: WILSON, DAN H [ED.] - The Snowdon Ranger. No 13. August 1996
1795b: WILSON, DANIEL; HINDE, JOHN HODGSON; BRUCE, J COLLINGWOOD; &C - Memoirs Chiefly Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Northumberland : Volume I : Miscellaneous Papers
p0196: WILSON, PAUL - Do White Whales Sing at the Edge of the World?
bgc107: WILSON, DAVID ALEC - Carlyle to Threescore-and-Ten (1853-1865)
m0047: WILSON, JAMES - The Rod and the Gun Being Two Treatises on Angling and Shooting, and by the Author of "the Oakleigh Shooting Code. "
tsr012: WILSON, DAN H [ED.] - The Snowdon Ranger. No 12. May 1996
g5399: WILSON, JAMES - The Principles and Practice of the Water Cure: And Household Medical Science: In Conversations on Physiology, on Pathology, or the Nature of Disease and on Digestion, Nutrition, Regimen, & Diet. Signed Copy from the Library of Yehudi & Diana Menuhin
e0409: WILSON, HARRY LEON - Merton of the Movies
tsr011: WILSON, DAN H [ED.] - The Snowdon Ranger. No 11. February 1996
tsr009: WILSON, DAN H [ED.] - The Snowdon Ranger. No 9. August 1995
c0382: WILSON, H SCHUTZ - Studies in History, Legend and Literature
d0719: WILSON, DOROTHY CLARKE - House of Earth
L1100a: WILSON, ROMER - Latterday Symphony
wls13: WILSON, ANGUS - The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot
L0569a: WILSON, JAMES - The Rod and the Gun Being Two Treatises on Angling and Shooting, and by the Author of "the Oakleigh Shooting Code. "
L0569: WILSON, JAMES - The Rod and the Gun Being Two Treatises on Angling and Shooting, and by the Author of "the Oakleigh Shooting Code. "
d0721: WILSON, JOHN M (EDITOR) - The Rural Cyclopedia (4 Volumes)
L0027b: WILSON, STEWART - Combat Aircraft Since 1945
d0637a: WILSON, J OLIVER - Birds of Westmorland and the Northern Pennines
f0071: WILSON, SAM - Zodiac. Signed Limited Edition
wls01ba: WILSON, ANGUS - Anglo-Saxon Attitudes
wls02a: WILSON, ANGUS - A Bit Off the Map
wls11: WILSON, ANGUS - No Laughing Matter
wls13a: WILSON, ANGUS - The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot
wls16: WILSON, ANGUS - The Old Men at the Zoo
j2556a: WILSON, JOHN M [ED.] - The Farmer's Dictionary or a Cyclopaedia of Agriculture. Two Volume Set
bbw281: WILSON, SANDY - This Is Sylvia
k3251: WILSON, RHONA - Old Hamilton
jcq061: WILSON, JACQUELINE; SHARRATT, NICK [ILLUS.] - Love Lessons. Signed Copy
a0728d: WILSON, EDMUND - I Thought of Daisy
k2835b: WILSON, CHRIS - The Wurd
a0728: WILSON, EDMUND - The Thirties
euc21: WILSON, WILLIAM [ED.] - The Edinburgh University Calendar. 1921-1922
wtb02: WILSON, JOHN MACKAY; LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER (REVISED BY ALEXANDER LEIGHTON) - Wilson's Tales of the Borders, and of Scotland. Historical, Traditionary, and Imaginative. 24 Volume Set. Scott Edition
5120b: WILSON, JOE - Tyneside Songs and Drolleries, Readings and Temperance Songs. Facsimile Edition
h1091: WILSON, GUY - The Industrialists
h1091b: WILSON, GUY - A Touch of the Lemming
bsp48a: WILSON, ARTHUR; BODEN, HENRY; MOORE, RICHARD ST LEGER; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume XLVIII. August 1887 - February 1888.
g4319: WILSON, DEREK - The Bear's Whelp. Biography of Robert Dudley Duke of Northumberland, Earl of Warwick and Earl of Leicester in the Holy Roman Empire. Part One, 1574 - 1596
k0817: WILSON, GEORGE - The Life of the Honourable Henry Cavendish Including Abstracts of His More Important Scientific Papers and a Critical Inquiry Into the Claims of All the Alleged Discoverers of the Composition of Water
e5865: WILSON, ALEXANDER PHILIP; FOOT, JESSE - An Inquiry Into the Remote Cause of Urinary Gravel. [Bound with] Cases of the Successful Practice of Vesicae Lotura in the Cure of Diseased Bladders. Two Works in One Volume
e0577: WILSON, S S - A Narrative of the Greek Mission; or, Sixteen Years in Malta and Greece: Including Tours in the Peloponnesus, in the Aegean and Ionian Isles; with Remarks . .
wtb03e: WILSON, JOHN MACKAY - Wilson's Tales of the Borders. Historical Traditional and Imaginative; with an Illustrative Glossary of the Scottish Dialect. 6 Volume Set. Mackenzie Edition
wtb03: WILSON, JOHN MACKAY; LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER [REVISED] - Wilson's Historical, Traditionary, and Imaginative Tales of the Borders and of Scotland. With an Illustrative Glossary of the Scottish Dialect. 6 Volumes Bound in 3. Mackenzie Edition
fol929: WILSON, HARRIETTE - Harriette Wilson's Memoirs. 1964
j9837: WILSON, DANIEL; ATHERSTONE, ANDREW [ED.] - The Journal of Bishop Daniel Wilson of Calcutta, 1845 - 1857. Church of England Record Society 21
wtb03d: WILSON, JOHN MACKAY - Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Historical, Traditionary and Imaginative. With an Illustrative Glossary of the Scottish Dialect. 6 Volumes Bound in 2. Mackenzie Edition
e6086c: WILSON, SLOAN - Janus Island
euc19: WILSON, WILLIAM [ED.] - The Edinburgh University Calendar. 1919-1920
euc20: WILSON, WILLIAM [ED.] - The Edinburgh University Calendar. 1920-1921
c3301: WILSON, LES [INTRO] - Sporting Records and Military Achievements of the Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment and Its Forebears
anw43: WILSON, A N - A Watch in the Night [Lampitt Chronicles 5]
j6922c: WILSON, IAN - Neills of Bangor
k3814: WILSON, DOUGLAS; RUSHBURY, HENRY [ILLUS.]; STEETLEY - Dolomite and Refractions by Steetley
a0728e: WILSON, EDMUND - A Prelude. Landscapes, Characters and Conversations from the Earlier Years of My Life
k2662: WILSON, MARY BADGER - Canon Brett
j6922: WILSON, IAN - The Turin Shroud
j6922b: WILSON, IAN - The Turin Shroud
euc22: WILSON, WILLIAM [ED.] - The Edinburgh University Calendar. 1922-1923
j6530: WILSON, DANIEL - Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time. 2 Volume Set. Signed Limited Edition
e0418b: WILSON, JOHN ROWAN - The Side of the Angels
j6530ac: WILSON, DANIEL - Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time. 2 Volume Set. 1891
wls10ba: WILSON, ANGUS - Late Call
e2964a: WILSON, ERASMUS - On Diseases of the Skin
e0418db: WILSON, JOHN ROWAN - Hall of Mirrors
e2964: WILSON, ERASMUS - On Diseases of the Skin. A System of Cutaneous Medicine
h0622: WILSON, JAMES H - Zalmoxis and Other Poems
fol929aa: WILSON, HARRIETTE - Harriette Wilson's Memoirs. 1964
k4542: WILSON, STEPHEN - The Means of Naming. A Social and Cultural History of Personal Naming in Western Europe
L0590: WILSON, JOYCE - Caresse
e0418c: WILSON, JOHN ROWAN - Barrington
e0418cb: WILSON, JOHN ROWAN - Barrington
e0418d: WILSON, JOHN ROWAN - Hall of Mirrors
r1549: WILSON, ROBERT CHARLES; SAWYER, ROBERT J [INTRO.] - Julian. A Christmas Story. Signed Limited Edition
d3628b: WILSON, JOHN ATKINSON; FORDYCE, T; A LATE COUNCILLOR - 1. Alnwick, and the Changes It Has Undergone Since the Latter Part of the 18th Century. 2. Local Records: Or Historical Register of Remarkable Events. 3. The Corporation Annual; or Recollections [Not Random] of the Reformed Town Council... . 3 Works in One
hww09b: WILSON, HERBERT WRIGLEY - With the Flag to Pretoria. A History of the Boer War of 1899-1900. 2 Volume Set
hww09f: WILSON, HERBERT WRIGLEY - With the Flag to Pretoria. A History of the Boer War of 1899-1900. 2 Volume Set
e2112: WILSON, A PHILIPS - A Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Including the Various Species of Fever and All Diseases Attended with Fever. 3 Volume Set
2977: WILSON, HAROLD - The Governance of Britain. Signed Copy
dsh70: WILSON, W [ED.] - Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders & Marine Engineers. 1970
c4434: WILSON, DAVID - The Domestic Clock Handbook. Signed Copy
e9749a: WILSON, JOHN MARIUS - The Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales; Embracing Recent Changes in Counties, Dioceses, Parishes, and Boroughs: General Statistics: Postal Arrangements: Railway Systems, &C. 2 Volume Set
j4816: WILSON, STEVE; CARD, GEOFF; HAINES, SARAH - Ground Gas Handbook
anw46: WILSON, A N - Wise Virgin
cw-30b: WILSON, COLIN - The Mind Parasites
anw34: WILSON, A N - Scandal, or Priscilla's Kindness
hww15: WILSON, HERBERT WRIGLEY [ED.] - Northcliffe House 1927: New Home of the Daily Mail
t1265: WILSON, T - An Archeological Dictionary; or Classical Antiquities of the Jews, Greeks and Romans Alphabetically Arranged
anw08a: WILSON, A N - Dream Children
hww09g: WILSON, HERBERT WRIGLEY - With the Flag to Pretoria. A History of the Boer War of 1899-1900. 2 Volume Set
aje04aa: WILSON, AUGUSTA JANE EVANS - Infelice
k1220: WILSON, MERNA - Reap the Whirlwind
wtb05d: WILSON, JOHN MACKAY - Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland. Volume 3. Adam Edition
hip11: WILSON, B G - Passenger Trains of the World. Hippo Books No. 11. 1967
hip02n: WILSON, GEOFFREY - Passenger Trains. Hippo Books No. 2. 1971
r2067: WILSON, H F - Reports of H.M. Inspectors of Mines and Quarries for 1962. Northumberland and Cumbria Division
herc34a: WILSON, JOHN ROWAN - Barrington. Heron Collectors' Edition
bbw287: WILTSE, DAVID - Prayer for the Dead
g3047b: WILTSHIRE, STEPHEN - Cities
bbw288: WILTSHIRE, MARY - The Burying Road
ct-01: WILTSHIRE, ANDREW; MCCALL, BERNARD - Bristol Channel Shipping Memories
w0394: WIMMEL, KENNETH - Theodore Roosevelt and the Great White Fleet. American Sea Power Comes of Age
c1017: WIMPERIS, H E - A Primer of the Internal Combustion Engine
k1769: WINANS, WALTER - Automatic Pistol Shooting
g8704: WINANS, WALTER - Hints on Revolver Shooting
g1259: WINBOLT, S E AND GEORGE HERBERT - The Roman Villa at Bignor, Sussex
bbw289: WINCHESTER, KAY - No Other Heart
e9306: WINDER, RICHARD - Reminiscences of an Engineer
1163: WINDSOR, CHARLES; CLOVER, CHARLES - Highgate. Portrait of an Estate. Signed Copy
j2303: WINDSOR, JOYCE - A Mislaid Magic
2358: WING, JOHN [TYCHO] - Olympia Domata, or, an Almanack for the Year of Our Lord God 1708 - 1803. 19 Almanacks Bound Together
tnh202: WINGATE, W J - A Preliminary List of Durham Diptera with Analytical Tables. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Volume II 1906
tnh202a: WINGATE, W J - A Preliminary List of Durham Diptera with Analytical Tables. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Volume II 1906
L1577: WINGROVE, NIGEL; MORRIS, MARC - The Art of the Nasty
winn04: WINN, GODFREY - This Fair Country. Signed Copy
winn04a: WINN, GODFREY - This Fair Country. Signed Copy
winn09a: WINN, GODFREY - Home from Sea
winn09ab: WINN, GODFREY - Home from Sea
g6957: WINNEFELD, JAMES A; JOHNSON, DANA J - Joint Air Operations. Pursuit of Unity in Command and Control, 1942 -1991
g8676: WINNETT, ROBERT; RAYNER, GORDON - No Expenses Spared. Signed Copy
j8521: WINSLOW, FORBES - Light. It's Influence on Life and Health
wins05: WINSOR, KATHLEEN - The Lovers
a0046: WINSTAN, MATT - One-Gun Justice
tat60: WINSTANLEY, BRIDGET [ED.] - Tyne & Tweed. The Journal of the Association of Northumberland Local History Societies. No 60, October 2006
e3646ga: WINSTON, DAOMA - A Sweet Familiarity
e3646i: WINSTON, DAOMA - A Visit After Dark
e3646a: WINSTON, DAOMA - The Death Watch
e3646ba: WINSTON, DAOMA - The Fall River Line
bbw300a: WINTER, JOHN STRANGE - The Strange Story of My Life: A Novel
r6709: WINTER, PETER; MILNE, DAVID; BROWN, JONATHAN; RUSHWORTH, ALAN - Newcastle Upon Tyne. Northern Heritage
k3539: WINTER, H E - Twixt Solway and Pennines. A History Including Penrith
ega47: WINTER, E [ILLUS.] - Every Girl's Annual. 1947
e9020: WINTERBOTTOM, DEREK - T.E. Brown. His Life and Legacy
bbw301: WINTERS, MIKE - Razor Sharp
bbw301q: WINTLE, JUSTIN - Mortadella
g3714baa: WINTON, JOHN [ED.] - The War at Sea 1939-1945. Freedom's Battle Volume I
g3714m: WINTON, JOHN - We Saw the Sea
g3714p: WINTON, JOHN - Never Go to Sea
bgb565: WINWAR, FRANCES - The Immortal Lovers. Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning
rf-59: WISDOM, NORMAN; HILL, BENNY; &C - Radio Fun Annual 1959
e9604: WISE, D R - Diseases of Gamebirds and Wildfowl
k4764: WISE, HERBERT [ED.] - Blood, Sweat and Tears
g2302c: WISE, ARTHUR - The Little Fishes
j2939: WISE, HENRY - An Analysis of One Hundred Voyages to and from India, China, &C. Performed by Ships in the Honble. East India Company's Service; with Remarks on the Advantages of Steam-Power...
e9550: WISEMAN, CAROLINE - Nicholsons: A Vital Simplicity. Four Generations of the Nicholson Family
g1965: WISEMAN, CARDINAL - Points of Contact between Science and Art. A Lecture Delivered at the Royal Institution, January 30, 1863
r6015c: WISHART, GEORGE - Memoirs of the Most Renowned James Graham, Marquis of Montrose
r6015b: WISHART, GEORGE - Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose
r6015a: WISHART, GEORGE; MURDOCH, ALEXANDER [ED. AND TR]; SIMPSON, H F MORLAND [ED. AND TR.] - The Memoirs of James Marquis of Montrose 1639-1650
e8490c: WISTER, OWEN - The Pentecost of Calamity
sc-198b: WITHER, GEORGE - Juvenilia. 1622. Facsimile Edition
5269ba: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TUCKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume I. Crows to Firecrest
5269d: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TICKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume III. Hawks to Ducks
5269daa: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TICKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume III. Hawks to Ducks
5269dd: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TICKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume III. Hawks to Ducks
5269eaa: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TUCKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume IV. Cormorants to Crane
5269fb: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TUCKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume V. Terns to Game Birds
5269eb: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TUCKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume IV. Cormorants to Crane
5269ec: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TUCKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume IV. Cormorants to Crane
5269dc: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TUCKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume III. Hawks to Ducks
5269db: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TICKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume III. Hawks to Ducks
5269e: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TICKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume IV. Cormorants to Crane
5269cb: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TUCKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume II. Warblers to Owls
j7020: WITHERBY, DIANA - Poems
5269c: WITHERBY, H F; JOURDAIN, F C R; TICEHURST, N F; TUCKER, B W - The Handbook of British Birds. Volume II. Warblers to Owls
g4266a: WITHERING, WILLIAM - A Systematic Arrangement of British Plants; with As Easy Introduction to the Study of Botany. Volume II. [of IV]
c3480: WITHERS, WM [WILLIAM] - A Memoir Addressed to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts... On the Planting and Rearing of Forest-Trees
bbw309: WITHERS, E L - Heir Apparent
r0761: WITHINGTON, LEONARD [TR.] - Solomon's Song: Translated and Explained, in Three Parts. I: The Manuduction. II: The Version. III: The Supplement
tsa04f: WITHRINGTON, DONALD J; GRANT, IAN R [EDS.] - Dumfriesshire. The Statistical Account of Scotland. Volume IV
e1151: WITT, A T - Snitteringham: A Visitor's Guide to Snitteringham and District
bcd060a: DE WITTE, YSABEL - The Wolf Cub
e5790a: WITTGENSTEIN, LUDWIG; ANSCOMBE, G E M [TRANSL.] - Philosophical Investigations
j0099: WITWER, H C - The Leather Pushers
wod066ac: WODEHOUSE, P G - Over Seventy. An Autobiography with Digressions
wod069: WODEHOUSE, P G - Piccadilly Jim. 1918
wod011aa: WODEHOUSE, P G - The Clicking of Cuthbert. 1922
wod012aa: WODEHOUSE, P G - Cocktail Time
wod065a: WODEHOUSE, P G - The Old Reliable
wod032a: WODEHOUSE, P G - The Heart of a Goof. 1928
wod034bb: WODEHOUSE, P G - Hot Water. 1941
wod075: WODEHOUSE, P G - Psmith in the City
wod036ab: WODEHOUSE, P G - Indiscretions of Archie. 1937
wod011a: WODEHOUSE, P G - The Clicking of Cuthbert. 1922
wod083aa: WODEHOUSE, P G - The Small Bachelor. 1928
wod026b: WODEHOUSE, P G - The Girl on the Boat. Autograph Edition. 1956
wod022ab: WODEHOUSE, P G - Full Moon. 1947
wod016b: WODEHOUSE, P G - A Damsel in Distress. Autograph Edition. 1956
wod049ab: WODEHOUSE, P G - Love Among the Chickens. 1931
wod056aa: WODEHOUSE, P G - Mike at Wrykyn. 1953
wod070ab: WODEHOUSE, P G - Pigs Have Wings. 1952
wod011c: WODEHOUSE, P G - The Clicking of Cuthbert. Autograph Edition. 1956
wod032ac: WODEHOUSE, P G - The Heart of a Goof. 1939
wod069bb: WODEHOUSE, P G - Piccadilly Jim. 1923
wod057ac: WODEHOUSE, P G - Money in the Bank. 1946
wod081ab: WODEHOUSE, P G - Service with a Smile. 1962
wod048c: WODEHOUSE, P G - Louder and Funnier. Autograph Edition. 1956
r6176: WODHUL, MICHAEL - Poems. With Author's Inscription
phy271: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 27. Number 1. March 1988
phy264: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 26. Number 4. December 1987
phy263: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 26. Number 3. September 1987
phy262: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 26. Number 2. June 1987
phy254: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 25. Number 4. December 1986
phy261: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 26. Number 1. March 1987
phy253: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 25. Number 3. September 1986
phy252: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 25. Number 2. June 1986
phy251: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 25. Number 1. March 1986
phy244: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 24. Number 4. December 1985
phy243: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 24. Number 3. September 1985
phy242: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 24. Number 2. June 1985
phy241: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 24. Number 1. March 1985
phy234: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 23. Number 4. December 1984
phy233: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 23. Number 3. September 1984,
phy232: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 23. Number 2. June 1984
phy224: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 22. Number 4. December 1983
phy231: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 23. Number 1. March 1984
phy223: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 22. Number 3. September 1983
phy222: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 22. Number 2. June 1983
phy221: WOELKERLING, WILLIAM J [ED.] - Phycologia. Volume 22. Number 1. March 1983
r2113a: WOFF, RICHARD - The Armed Forces of the Former Soviet Union. Evolution, Structure and Personalities. Volume 3: Biographies
bbw312: WOIWODE, L - What I'm Going to Do, I Think
c2554: WOLF, A - Higher Education in German-Occupied Countries
bbw315: WOLFE, LINDA - Private Practices
fol936: WOLFE, GENE; WEBER, SAM [ILLUS.]; GAIMAN, NEIL [INTRO.] - The Book of the New Sun. 4 Volume Set. Signed Limited Edition
j8887: WOLFE, TOM; SNYDER, JEFFREY B [PHOTO.] - Power Carving House Spirits
5017: WOLFE, HUMBERT - The Uncelestial City. Signed Limited Edition
h1816a: WOLFE, TOM - Bonfire of the Vanities. Signed Copy
gla03: WOLFENDEN, IAN [ED.] - The Journal of the Glass Association. Volume 3. 1990
gla05: WOLFENDEN, IAN [ED.] - The Journal of the Glass Association. Volume 5. 1997
gla02: WOLFENDEN, IAN [ED.] - The Journal of the Glass Association. Volume 2. 1987
c0634: WOLFF, ANN; ASINGH, PAULINE [ED.] - Betragtninger. Observations
g9201: WOLFFE, MURRY - Memoirs of a Gob
j0115: WOLLASTON, NICHOLAS - Eclipse
j0115cb: WOLLASTON, NICHOLAS - Red Rumba
j0115d: WOLLASTON, NICHOLAS - The Tale Bearer
r9850: WOLLEY-DOD, A H [ED.] - Flora of Sussex
g7886: WOLLIN, NILS G - Modern Swedish Decorative Art
h0280: WOLSELEY, PAT; NEAL, ERNEST - Quantock Wildlife
sbc37: WOLSTENHOLME, KENNETH - Sports Special
j9175: 'A PLAIN WOMAN' - Annora: A Story of the Nineteenth (XIX) Century
r2003b: WOMERSLEY, BARRIE [ED.] - CIVIL Aircraft Registers of France 1994
r2003: WOMERSLEY, BARRIE [ED.] - CIVIL Aircraft Registers of United Kingdom & Ireland 2000
3753: WOOD, MICHAEL - "Have a Nice Weekend". The Story of Mercantile Credit Company Limited
chu935: WOOD, ERIC; HOPE, STANTON; GILSON, CHARLES; &C - Chums Annual 1935-6
d2332: WOOD, HERBERT MAXWELL - A List of Parochial and Non-Parochial Registers Relating to the Counties of Durham and Northumberland
e7595: WOOD, JAMES - The Elements of Optics: Designed for the Use of Students in the University
tls05: WOOD, PETER - The Spanish Main. The Seafarers. Time-Life
d3159: WOOD, CHARLES ERSKINE SCOTT - A Masque of Love
toy28: WOOD, DAVID; RUSKIN, SHEILA; BEAMAN, HULME SG - Larry the Lamb in Toytown. A Musical Play
bbw323b: WOOD, BARI - Lightsource
bbw325: WOOD, CHRISTOPHER - Fire Mountain
bbw330: WOOD, LESLIE - Hardship Our Garment
q0803: WOOD, GEORGE B - A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine. Volume I
r4365: WOOD, ANTHONY - Athenae Oxonienses. An Exact History of All the Writers and Bishops Who Have Had Their Education in the Most Ancient and Famous University of Oxford,... 2 Volume Set
3079b: WOOD, ANDREW - Blackbird Patrol
bcw104: WOOD, CHRISTINE - Johnny's Stolen Pet
bcw103c: WOOD, CHRIS - Michael and the Moonshiners
bcw103b: WOOD, CHRIS - Secret at the MILL
bcw101: WOOD, A - True Blue
nrc08: WOOD, H M [ED.] - Index of Wills, Etc in the Probate Registry, Durham and from Other Sources 1540-1599. Newcastle Upon Tyne Records Series Volume VIII
bsp46a: WOOD, JOHN CARTER; NEVILL, GEORGE; BOLITHO, T ROBINS; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume XLVI. June - December 1886.
e0590: WOOD, ALLAN - Writing on Frosted Glass. Signed Copy
opp068ba: WOOD, LAWSON - Eyemouth in Old Picture Postcards. Volume 2
jl-995: WOOD, IAN - The Most Holy Abbot Ceolfrid. Jarrow Lecture 1995
3079ba: WOOD, ANDREW - Blackbird Patrol
chs159: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 14. No 159. December 1948
chs158: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 14. No 158. November 1948
chs156: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 156. September 1948
chs157: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 14. No 157. October 1948
chs154: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 154. July 1948
chs155: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 155. August 1948
prs31: WOOD, HERBERT MAXWELL; (TRANSCRIBER ) (A. R. GREEN; (INDEXED BY)) - The Registers of Chatton, in the County of Northumberland. Durham and Northumberland Parish Register Society. Volume XXXI
prs31c: WOOD, HERBERT MAXWELL [ED.] (A. R. GREEN; (INDEXED BY)) - The Registers of Chatton, in the County of Northumberland. Durham and Northumberland Parish Register Society. Volume XXXI
chs153: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 153. June 1948
chs151: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 151. April 1948
chs152: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 152. May 1948
prs24: WOOD, HERBERT M; WOOD, REGINALD [EDS.] - The Registers of Corbridge, in the County of Northumberland
chs150: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 150. March 1948
chs149: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 149. February 1948
chs147: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 147. December 1947
chs148: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 148. January 1948
chs146: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 13. No 146. November 1947
chs144: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 144. September 1947
e5686: WOOD-JONES, F - Coral and Atolls. A History and Description of the Keeling-Cocos Islands, with an Account of Their Fauna and Flora, and a Discussion of the Method of Development and Transformation of Coral Structures in General
chs142: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 142. July 1947
chs143: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 143. August 1947
chs137: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 137. February 1947
chs138: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 138. March 1947
chs139: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 139. April 1947
chs140: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 140. May 1947
chs141: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 141. June 1947
chs135: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 135. December 1946
chs136: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 136. January 1947
chs134: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 12. No 134. November 1946
chs131: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 131. August 1946
chs132: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 132. September 1946
chs125: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 125. February 1946
chs126: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 126. March 1946
chs127: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 127. April 1946
chs128: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 128. May 1946
chs129: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 129. June 1946
chs130: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 130. July 1946
chs124: WOOD, B H [ED.] - Chess. Volume 11. No 124. January 1946
d2332a: WOOD, HERBERT MAXWELL - A List of Parochial and Non-Parochial Registers Relating to the Counties of Durham and Northumberland
3079c: WOOD, ANDREW - Enemy in Sight
chu935a: WOOD, ERIC; HOPE, STANTON; GILSON, CHARLES; &C - Chums Annual 1935-6
tam010: WOOD-JONES, RAYMOND B [ED.] - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society. Volume 10. 1962
tam008: WOOD-JONES, RAYMOND B [ED.] - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society. Volume 8. 1960
tam007: WOOD-JONES, RAYMOND B [ED.] - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society. Volume 7. 1959
tam005: WOOD-JONES, RAYMOND B [ED.] - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society. Volume 5. 1957
tam006: WOOD-JONES, RAYMOND B [ED.] - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society. Volume 6. 1958
tam003: WOOD-JONES, RAYMOND B [ED.] - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society. Volume 3. 1955
j6942: WOOD, ROBIN; WALKER, MICHAEL - Claude Chabrol
r9278a: WOOD, H O; HECK, N H - Earthquake History of the United States. Part II. Stronger Earthquakes of California and Western Nevada
chu935aa: WOOD, ERIC; HOPE, STANTON; GILSON, CHARLES; &C - Chums Annual 1935-6
j6400: WOOD, L INGLEBY - Scottish Pewter-Ware and Pewterers
ame09b: WOOD, LORNA; PEARSE, S B [ILLUS.] - Ameliaranne Goes Digging
j5012apa: WOOD, MARYROSE; NORTHUMBERLAND, JANE DUCHESS OF - The Poison Diaries. Signed Copy
g3728: WOOD, CLARE V BOSTOCK; WISE, ROSEMARY [ILLUS] - Trees in Society in Rural Karnataka, India
g7645: WOOD, ROBERTA - A History of the Presbyterian United Reformed Church in Haltwhistle from 1744-2009
g3678c: WOOD, CHRISTOPHER - Dictionary of Victorian Painters
prs12: WOOD, HERBERT MAXWELL; (TRANSCRIBER AND EDITOR AND INDEXED BY) - The Registers of Middleton St. George, Durham. Durham and Northumberland Parish Register Society. Volume XII
j2272: WOOD, W Q - A Text Book of Surgery
edc019: WOOD, MARGUERITE; GRAY, W FORBES; &C - The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club. Volume XIX. 1933
shr151: WOOD, JONATHAN - Classic Motor Cars. Shire Album Series No. 151
g7405: WOOD, BEN - Lancashire Sketches and Recitations
ols220c: WOOD, MICHAEL; PAGE, R I; &C - Saga-Book of the Viking Society. Volume XX Part 3. 1980
fig06: WOOD, ELEANOR; HAYWARD, A [ILLUS.] - Mrs Pennyfig and Mrs Friskybaa. Our Friends on the Farm
fig08: WOOD, ELEANOR; HAYWARD, A [ILLUS.] - Mrs Pennyfig and Mrs Slinkypad. Our Friends on the Farm
k3563: WOOD, WILLIAM - The History and Antiquities of Eyam; with an Account of the Great Plague Which Desolated the Village in the Year 1666
rov1930: WOOD, FOSTER; TOPHAM, FRANK; &C - The Rover Book for Boys 1930
k4834: WOOD, MICKY - Unarmed Action! a Handbook for the Home Guard
g8963: WOOD, KENNETH - Rich Seams. Manchester Geological and Mining Society 1838-1988
f0242: WOODARD, ALLEN; VOHRA, PRAN AND DENTON, VERA - Commercial and Ornamental Game Bird Breeders Handbook
wis118ab: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1981 (118th Edition)
wis122L: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1985. 122nd Edition
yw-53: WOODCOCK, PERCY; COBB, DAVID; HISCOCK, ERIC; &C - Yachting World Annual. Volume 105 1953
wis122: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1985 (122nd Edition)
wis121Lb: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1984. (121st Edition)
wis121La: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1984. (121st Edition)
yw-50: WOODCOCK, PERCY; DAVENPORT, KEITH; TANNER, J A N; &C - Yachting World Annual. Volume 102 1950
yw-51: WOODCOCK, PERCY; TRIPP, ALKER; HISCOCK, ERIC; &C - Yachting World Annual. Volume 103 1951
wis122Lb: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1985 (122nd Edition)
byg42: WOODCOCK, ROGER - Tyne Liners 1900-1962. Looking Back at . .
wis121L: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1984. 121st Edition
wis118L: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1981. 118th Edition
yw-52: WOODCOCK, PERCY; TRIPP, ALKER; COBB, DAVID; HISCOCK, ERIC; &C - Yachting World Annual. Volume 104 1952
wis122a: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1985 (122nd Edition)
wis120ab: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1983. (120th Edition)
wis121a: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1984. (121st Edition)
3319e: WOODCOCK, PERCY - Fitting out
wis120: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1983. (120th Edition)
wis119L: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1982. 119th Edition
wis120a: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1983. (120th Edition)
wis120L: WOODCOCK, JOHN [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1983. 120th Edition
r4893ab: WOODFORD, MICHAEL H - A Manual of Falconry. 1981
fol938: WOODFORDE, JAMES; STEPHENS, IAN [ILLUS.] - The Diary of a Country Parson. 1992
tlh13: WOODHEAD, HENRY [ED.] - The European Emergence. Ad 1500-1600. History of the World. Time-Life. Volume 13
tlh12: WOODHEAD, HENRY [ED.] - Voyages of Discovery. Ad 1400 - 1500. History of the World. Time-Life. Volume 12
tlh11: WOODHEAD, HENRY [ED.] - The Age of Calamity. Ad 1300 - 1400. History of the World. Time-Life. Volume 11
tlh09: WOODHEAD, HENRY [ED.] - The Divine Campaign. Ad 1100 - 1200. History of the World. Time-Life. Volume 9
tlh08: WOODHEAD, HENRY [ED.] - Light in the East. Ad 1000 - 1100. History of the World. Time-Life. Volume 8
tlh05: WOODHEAD, HENRY [ED.] - Empires Besieged. Ad 200 - 600. History of the World. Time-Life. Volume 5
bbw333: WOODHOUSE, MARTIN & ROSS, ROBERT - The Medici Guns
j6850: WOODHOUSE, HENRY - Textbook of Naval Aeronautics
2325a: WOODHOUSE, BARBARA - Zig-Zag: Alnwick I
e5897: WOODHULL, ALFRED A; WOODWARD, J J ; CURTIS, EDWARD - Catalogue of the Surgical Section of the United States Army Medical Museum. [Bound with] Catalogue of the Medical Section [Bound with] Catalogue of the Microscopical Section. 3 Parts in One Volume
bbw335a: WOODMAN, RICHARD - A Private Revenge
j1805ab: WOODMAN, RICHARD - The History of the Ship. The Comprehensive Story of Seafaring from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
q0817: WOODS, KATHERINE - The Other Chateau Country. The Feudal Land of the Dordogne
mus037b: WOODS, HARRY; CAMPBELL, JIMMY; CONNELLY, REG - Try a Little Tenderness (Sheet Music)
bbw338: WOODS, MARGARET L - The Spanish Lady
oph45a: WOODS, ALAN C; SINCLAIR, A H H; &C - Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. Volume XLV (45). Part I. Session 1925
e5307: WOODS, JOSEPH - Letters of an Architect from France, Italy, and Greece. 2 Volume Set
e1660: WOODWARD, JOHN - A Treatise on Ecclesiastical Heraldry
k4023: WOODWARD, EDWARD - Gentlemen at Large
t0550: WOODWARD, B B - Specimens of the Drawings of Ten Masters, from the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle. Michelangelo, Perugino, Raphael, Julio Romano, Leonardo Da Vinci, Giorgione, Paul Veronese, Poussin, Albert Durer, Holbein
bbw344: WOOLCOTT, ALEXANDER - Long, Long Ago
nn-026: WOOLDRIDGE, SW; GOLDRING, FREDERICK - The Weald. New Naturalist No. 26
vw-41: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - Roger Fry. A Biography
vw-02b: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - Between the Acts
j7545b: WOOLF, LEONARD - The War for Peace
vw-17ae: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - Flush. A Biography
r6270e: WOOLFORD, JOHN [ED.] - Sale Catalogues of Libraries of Eminent Persons. Volume 6. Poets and Men of Letters
bbw341: WOOLL, EDWARD - The Lodestar
bbw345: WOOLLCOTT, BARBARA - Sarah
g6764: WOOLLEY, JOHN HENRY; HARRIS, NIGEL [ED.] - Toton Engineman. The Autobipoghraphy of a Railwayman
g7750: WOOLMER, J HOWARD [COMP.] - The Leonard L. Milberg Collection of American Poetry
e6383: WOOLNOTH, W - A Graphical Illustration of the Metropolitical Church of Christ, Canterbury; Accompanied by a History and Description...
e9070: WOOLRICH, A P - Mechanical Arts & Merchandise. Industrial Espionage and Travellers' Accounts As a Source for Technical Historians
tnh205: WOOLSCOTT, D; HULL, J E; &C - Fleas of Northumberland, Lichen-Flora, &C. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Volume V 1918-1921
j3158: WOOTON, DAVID - The Illustrators
ejw17: WORBOISE, EMMA JANE - The Grey House at Endlestone
ejw39a: WORBOISE, EMMA JANE - Overdale; or, the Story of a Pervert
tmm47: WORCESTER, C R G [ED.] - The Mariner's Mirror. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research. Volume Forty-Seven [47] 1961
tmm41d: WORCESTER, C R G [ED.] - The Mariner's Mirror. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research. Volume 41. No 4. November 1955
tmm44c: WORCESTER, C R G [ED.] - The Mariner's Mirror. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research. Volume 44. No 3. August 1958
d4207ca: WORCESTER, G R G - Sail & Sweep in China
r8209: WORDSWORTH, CHARLES - Ecclesiastical Biography; or, Lives of Eminent Men, Connected with the History of Religion in England;... Complete 4 Volume Set
fol944: WORDSWORTH, DOROTHY - Dove Cottage. The Wordsworths' at Grasmere 1799-1803
wmw26a: WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM; HUTCHINSON, THOMAS [ED.]; DE SELINCOURT, ERNEST [REVISED] - The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth Oup Edition
e9980: WORDSWORTH, CHR - Twelve Addresses Delivered at His Visitation of the Cathedral and Diocese of Lincoln in the Year Mdccclxxiii by Chr. Wordsworth, D.D. Bishop of Lincoln
j8673: WORKMAN, B A [ED.] - Picture-Geography of the British Isles
g7920: WORKMAN, HUNTER - Zetland 60degreesnorth. Signed Copy. No. 3 of 5 Copies
r9037: EDINA COPPER WORKS - Some Good Points About Our Copper
r0840: WORMELEY, KATHERINE PRESCOTT [TR.] - Letters of Mlle de Lespinasse
j8618: WORMELL, CHRISTOPHER - An Alphabet of Animals. Signed Copy
frc057: WORMELL, A E [ED.] - The Journal of the Fell & Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District. No 57. (Volume 20 No 1) 1963
j0875a: WORSLEY, FRANK A - Under Sail in the Frozen North
4250a: WORSLEY, JOHN; GIGGAL, KENNETH - John Worsley's War. An Official War Artist in World War 2
c3760: WORSLEY, FRANCIS - Itma [It's That Man Again] 1939 - 1948
t0584: WORTH, H M - Interpretation of Dental Skiagrams
h1539f: WORTHY, W - All About a Jar of Honey. The All About Books No 6
wk-02aa: WOUK, HERMAN - The 'Caine' Mutiny
wk-02a: WOUK, HERMAN - The 'Caine' Mutiny
bbs144a: 'SEA-WRACK' - Six Belles
t0535c: WRAGG, DAVID - Helicopters at War
t0535b: WRAGG, DAVID - The Offensive Weapon. The Strategy of Bombing
whm27: WRAIGHT, CHRIS - Dark Storm Gathering. Warhammer Online
e9944: WRANGHAM, FRANCIS - The Scarborough Guide
r3415c: WRAXALL, NICHOLAS WILLIAM - A Short Review of the Political State of Great-Britain at the Commencement of the Year 1787
bbw349: WREN, M K - A Multitude of Sins
wr-26aa: WREN, PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER - Mysterious Waye: The Story of "the Unsetting Sun"
wr-40: WREN, PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER - Stories of the Foreign Legion [from Stepsons of France]
wr-43aa: WREN, PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER - The Uniform of Glory
wr-43d: WREN, PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER - The Uniform of Glory Being the True Story of a Free Frenchman's Night out
wr-47aa: WREN, PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER - The Young Stagers
wr-17a: WREN, PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER - Father Gregory: A Tale of Hindostan
wr-26a: WREN, PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER - Mysterious Waye: The Story of "the Unsetting Sun"
hor04wa: WRENN, G & R - Wrenn 00 Gauge Trackwork for Permanent Layouts
hor03w: WRENN, G & R - Wrenn Railways 00 Scale Models. Third Edition Handbook. 1977
hor02w: WRENN, G & R - Wrenn Railways 00/Ho Gauge Scale Models. Second Edition Catalogue. 1974
c3074: WREXE, CHARLES [HARDINGE, CHARLES REX] - Marked Bullets. Signed Copy
g9353: WRIGHT, HERBERT; WILLIAMSON, JOHN A [COMPILERS] - Northumberland Anglers' Federation. Handbook and Guide to North-Country Streams
wis127: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1990. 127th Edition
chu901: WRIGHT, WALTER P; HOME, ANDREW; BARROW-NORTH, H; &C - Chums Annual. Volume X. August 1901 to August 1902
1267g: WRIGHT, PATRICK [ED.] - The Standard Cyclopedia of Modern Agriculture. Volume 6
opl036b: WRIGHT, ALAN - The North Sunderland Railway. Oakwood Locomotion Papers No 36. 1988
wis139: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2002 (139th Edition)
0777: WRIGHT, G N R H G S - Archie's Album: Some Humerous Sketches Od A. A, Life
wis127L: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1990 (127th Edition)
c0370: WRIGHT, MARIE ROBINSON - The New Brazil
bbw352: WRIGHT, GLOVER - Blood Enemies
bbw352a: WRIGHT, GLOVER - Whitefire
q0753: WRIGHT, LANCE - Old Bristol: A Description of Old Buildings Illustrated with Photographs Plans and Maps
1267c: WRIGHT, PATRICK [ED.] - The Standard Cyclopedia of Modern Agriculture. Volume 2
c3447a: WRIGHT, E OWEN - Backveld Born
1267i: WRIGHT, PATRICK [ED.] - The Standard Cyclopedia of Modern Agriculture. Volume 8
wis126L: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1989 (126th Edition)
wis128L: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1991 (128th Edition)
j2095: WRIGHT, JAMES; WOOD, DAVID [PHOTOG.] - Two Weeks in June. A Photographic Essay of Honda's 50th Anniversary Celebrations
wis129: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1992. 129th Edition
wis138: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2001 (138th Edition)
fg-216: WRIGHT, A B - History of Hexham
1267k: WRIGHT, PATRICK [ED.] - The Standard Cyclopedia of Modern Agriculture. Volume 10
c3347: WRIGHT, F R ELLISTON - Notes on the North Devon Saginas
wis124L: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1987. 124th Edition
d2771cp: WRIGHT, BILLY - The World's My Football Pitch
g8166: WRIGHT, WILL [ED.] - Avigdor Arikha. Paintings & Works on Paper
j9316: WRIGHT, HAROLD BELL - The Mine with the Iron Door. A Romance
r8444b: WRIGHT, GEOFFREY N - The Northumbrian Uplands. Signed Copy
psn409h: WRIGHT, R P; CHARLTON, OSWIN J; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series. Volume 9. Number 8. May 1941
psn409f: WRIGHT, R P; CHARLTON, OSWIN J; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series. Volume 9. Number 6. September 1940
wis129La: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1992 (129th Edition)
wis124a: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1987 (124th Edition)
wis128: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1991. 128th Edition
r9251: WRIGHT, JOHN - Profitable Fruit-Growing for Cottagers and Small Holders of Land
j3762e: WRIGHT, A B - An Essay Towards a History of Hexham in Three Parts Illustrating Its Ancient and Present State, CIVIL and Ecclesiastical Economy, Antiquities and Statistics
c1034: WRIGHT, ARNOLD; SMITH, PHILIP - Parliament Past and Present. A Popular and Picturesque Account of a Thousand Years in the Palace of Westminster, the Home of the Mother of Parliaments. 2 Volume Set
fol954ac: WRIGHT, ESMOND - The Fire of Liberty
4230: WRIGHT, A B - History of Hexham
1267e: WRIGHT, PATRICK [ED.] - The Standard Cyclopedia of Modern Agriculture. Volume 4
j3762c: WRIGHT, A B - An Essay Towards a History of Hexham in Three Parts Illustrating Its Ancient and Present State, CIVIL and Ecclesiastical Economy, Antiquities and Statistics
j3762d: WRIGHT, A B - An Essay Towards a History of Hexham in Three Parts Illustrating Its Ancient and Present State, CIVIL and Ecclesiastical Economy, Antiquities and Statistics
d2502: WRIGHT, J - Testing, Fault Localization and General Hints for Wiremen
1267h: WRIGHT, PATRICK [ED.] - The Standard Cyclopedia of Modern Agriculture. Volume 7
k4676: WRIGHT, ESTHER CLARK - Saint John Ships and Their Builders
p0201: WRIGHT, RONALD - Henderson's Spear
wis138a: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2001. 138th Edition
wis139a: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2002. 139th Edition
frc072: WRIGHT, C J [ED.] - The Journal of the Fell & Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District. No 72. Volume 25. No. 1 1990
g2593: WRIGHT, R S [ED.] - Seaham Colliery Explosion. Report on the Explosion Which Occured at the Seaham Colliery on the 8th September 1880
wis129L: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1992 (129th Edition)
grv05: WRIGHT, DAVID; SWIFT, OONAGH [SELECTED] - Poems by David Wright
g0126: WRIGHT, ALAN J - British Airports
grv16: WRIGHT, DAVID - Elegies
e9722: WRIGHT, THOMAS [INTRO.]; FAIRHOLT, FREDERICK W [ILLUS.] - Miscellanea Graphica: Representations of Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Remains in Possession of Lord Londesborough
1267d: WRIGHT, PATRICK [ED.] - The Standard Cyclopedia of Modern Agriculture. Volume 3
frc071: WRIGHT, C J [ED.] - The Journal of the Fell & Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District. No 71. Volume 24. No. 3 1988
wis125L: WRIGHT, GRAEME [ED.] - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1988 (125th Edition)
nmm06: WRIGHT, E V; FENWICK, VALERIE; &C - Three Major Ancient Boat Finds in Britain: Maritime Monographs and Reports No. 6 - 1972
j3762: WRIGHT, A B - An Essay Towards a History of Hexham in Three Parts Illustrating Its Ancient and Present State, CIVIL and Ecclesiastical Economy, Antiquities and Statistics
j2494c: WRIGHTSON, BERNIE - Creatures Featured III. The Fantastic Creations of Bernie Wrightson
j2494: WRIGHTSON, BERNIE - Creatures Featured. The Fantastic Creations of Bernie Wrightson. Signed Limited Edition
j2494a: WRIGHTSON, BERNIE - Creatures Featured. The Fantastic Creations of Bernie Wrightson
j2003: WRIGHTSON, W G - John Royston: A Sketch During the CIVIL War in the North of England
j2494b: WRIGHTSON, BERNIE - Creatures Featured II. The Fantastic Creations of Bernie Wrightson
q0795b: WRONG, GEORGE M - A Canadian Manor and Its Seigneurs. The Story of a Hundred Years 1761-1861
k4053: WU, NANCY Y [ED.] - Ad Quadratum. The Practical Application of Geometry in Medieval Architecture
k0860a: WULFF, JOAN - Fly-Casting Accuracy. Signed Copy
grv79: WYATT, THOMAS; ASTBURY, ANTHONY [ED.] - Nine Poems. Signed Copy
h1185a: WYCHERLEY, WILLIAM - The Country Wife. A Comedy
bgm113a: WYDENBRUCK, NORA - Doctor Mesmer
j9255: WYETH, ANDREW; MERYMAN, RICHARD [ED.] - Andrew Wyeth
d4019a: WYKES, ALAN - Air Atlantic. A History of Transatlantic Flying
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4028: WYLIE, J C [ED.] - Naval Review 1991
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r8471: WYNTER-BLYTH, M A - Butterflies of the Indian Region
cnl232: XENOPHON; SOCRATES; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates. Cassell's National Library No 158
e6654: XYDIS, A G [INTRO.] - Twelve Greek Artists. 1960
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mmr15c: YALDEN, D W; ET AL - Mammal Review. Volume 5, Number 3. September 1985
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mmr11a: YALDEN, DEREK; ET AL - Mammal Review. Volume 11, Number 1. March 1981
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k4160: YALDEN, D W - The Identification of British Bats
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hn8010: YAMAHA - Tomos Automatic 3 Workshop Manual
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L0482ea: YARRELL, WILLIAM; SAUNDERS, HOWARD - A History of British Birds. Volume IV
L0482aa: YARRELL, WILLIAM - A History of British Birds. 4 Volume Set
L0482c: YARRELL, WILLIAM; NEWTON, ALFRED [REVISED] - A History of British Birds. Volume II
L0482da: YARRELL, WILLIAM; NEWTON, ALFRED; SAUNDERS, HOWARD - A History of British Birds. Volume III
tat53: YARROW, PHILIP J [ED.] - Tyne & Tweed. The Journal of the Association of Northumberland Local History Societies. No 53 1999
tat51: YARROW, PHILIP J [ED.] - Tyne & Tweed. The Journal of the Association of Northumberland Local History Societies. No 51 1997
tat47: YARROW, PHILIP J [ED.] - Tyne & Tweed. The Journal of the Association of Northumberland Local History Societies. No 47 1992
tat50: YARROW, PHILIP J [ED.] - Tyne & Tweed. The Journal of the Association of Northumberland Local History Societies. No 50 1995
tat46: YARROW, PHILIP J [ED.] - Tyne & Tweed. The Journal of the Association of Northumberland Local History Societies. No 46 1991
0329: YASS, CATHERINE - High Wire
op-129L: YATE, BOB - The Shropshire Union Railway. Oakwood Library of Railway History No 129
bby003: YATES, RENATE - Social Death
yat20ac: YATES, DORNFORD - Jonah and Co
yat20ad: YATES, DORNFORD - Jonah and Co
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yat23: YATES, DORNFORD - Maiden Stakes
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yat10ae: YATES, DORNFORD - The Brother of Daphne
yat03aa: YATES, DORNFORD - As Berry and I Were Saying
g2191: YATES-BENYON, JOHN W - The Sad and the Sinful
yat05a: YATES, DORNFORD - The Berry Scene
yat11: YATES, DORNFORD - Cost Price [the Laughing Bacchante ]
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q0704: YATES, NIGEL - The Oxford Movement and Anglican Ritualism
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avi977: YEALLAND, J J [ED.] - The Avicultural Magazine. Volume 83. 1977
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2877: YEWDALL, JOHN - Illustration of the Operation of Wool Combing by Hand
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yu-14b: YOUNG, ARTHUR - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Lincolnshire
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vmc223: YOUNG, IAN [ED.] - The Official Journal of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club. September 1979. Monthly Issue 223
vmc224: YOUNG, IAN [ED.] - The Official Journal of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club. October 1979. Monthly Issue 224
vmc225: YOUNG, IAN [ED.] - The Official Journal of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club. November 1979. Monthly Issue 225
vmc222: YOUNG, IAN [ED.] - The Official Journal of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club. August 1979. Monthly Issue 222
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you02: YOUNG, FLORENCE ETHEL MILLS - The Almonds of Life
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