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bhr929a: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1929. Signed Copy
bhr928a: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1928. Signed Copy
bhr926a: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1926. Signed Copy
top68: THOMSON - The Topper Book 1968
bhr926: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1926. Signed Copy
j8427b: THOMSON, WILLIAM - On Phthisis and the Supposed Influence of Climate. Being an Analysis of Statistics of Consumption in This Part of Australia with Remarks on the Cause of the Increase of That Disease in Melbourne
j8427c: THOMSON, WILLIAM - A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine
bhr925a: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1925. Signed Copy
bhr925: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1925. Signed Copy
hot978: D C THOMSON - The Hotspur Book for Boys 1978
r9606bd: THOMSON, JAMES - The Works of James Thomson. Volume the Fourth. Containing, Edward and Eleonora, Tancred and Sigismunda, and Coriolanus
r9606a: THOMSON, JAMES - Poems and Ballads
k4857: THOMSON, FRANCES M - Newcastle Chapbooks in Newcastle Upon Tyne University Library
bhr923: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1923. Signed Copy
bhr922a: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1922. Signed Copy
bhr922: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1922. Signed Copy
bhr921: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1921. Signed Copy
bhr920: THOMSON, D CROAL [ED.] - Barbizon House: An Illustrated Record. 1920. Signed Copy
c1981: THOMSON, P - The Cabinet-Maker's Sketch Book. A Series of Original Details, for Modern Furniture
e2365a: THORBURN, ARCHIBALD - A Naturalist's Sketch Book
j6422a: THORBURN, ARCHIBALD - British Mammals. Two Volumes Bound As One
d3600: THORBURN, ARCHIBALD - Game Birds and Wild-Fowl of Great Britain and Ireland
q0887: THORESBY, RALPH; WHITAKER, THOMAS DUNHAM - Ducatus Leodiensis : Or the Topography of the Ancient and Populous Town and Parish of Leedes, and Parts Adjacent in the West-Riding of the County of York... [Leeds and District Volume I]
bbt088: THORN, ALEX - Blackmail for Free
r3375a: THORN, ISMAY; CHITTY, LILY [ILLUS.] - Harlequin Eggs
r3375: THORN, ISMAY; CHITTY, LILY [ILLUS.] - Harlequin Eggs
a0791b: THORNBOROUGH, ANTHONY M - Usaf Phantoms
a0791c: THORNBOROUGH, ANTHONY M - Airborne Weapons of the West
bbt097e: THORNE, NICOLA - A Woman Like Us
d1304db: THORNE, H S - Northumbria in Colour
d1304c: THORNE, H S - Northumbria. A Selection of Photographs of Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire
d1304b: THORNE, H S - Northumbria. A Selection of Photographs of Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire
d1304: THORNE, H S - Northumbria. A Selection of Photographs of Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire. Signed Copy
t0165b: THORNLEY, RICHARD - Zig-Zag
t0165c: THORNLEY, RICHARD - Coyote
t0168c: THORNLEY, THOMAS - Draw Frames and Fly Frames. Being a Practical Treatise on the Above Machines
t0165: THORNLEY, RICHARD - The Dark Clarinet
g6540: THORNTON, COLONEL - A Sporting Tour Through Various Parts of France, in the Year 1802... . . In a Series of Letters to the Earl of Darlington. 2 Volume Set
g5125: THORNTON, R H - British Shipping
w0381: THORNTON, W M - Submarine Insignia & Submarine Services of the World
r9334: THORNTON, T - A Sporting Tour Through the Northern Parts of England and Great Part of the Highlands of Scotland; Including Remarks on English and Scottish Landscape, and General Observations on the State of Society and Manners
e3038a: THORNTON, ROBERT JOHN [A FRIEND TO IMPROVEMENTS] - The Philosophy of Medicine: Or, Medical Extracts on the Nature of Health and Disease, Including the Laws of Animal Oeconomy; and the Doctrines of Pneumatic Medicine. By a Friend to Improvements. Volume IV
e2897: THORNTON, E Q - Dose-Book and Manual of Prescription-Writing with a List of the Official Drugs and Preparations, and Many of the Newer Remedies with Their Doses
4606: THORNTON, NICHOLAS - Sussex Shipwrecks
j4154c: THORNTON, PETER - The Italian Renaissance Interior 1400-1600
j9938: VOSPER THORNYCROFT - Vosper Thornycroft. Fifteen Years of Progress and Achievement 1960-1975
she30: THOROLD, HENRY - Staffordshire. A Shell Guide
e4063: THORP, W - Northumbria's Backbone or the Great Whin Sill Being the Subject -Matter of a Lantern Lecture by Rev. W. Thorp, M.A. , Delivered in Chatton Hall Under the Chairmanship of His Grace the Duke of Northumberland on the 1st February 1923
k3421: THORP, J R - Learwife. Signed Limited Edition
g9297: THORP, JIM - Coal Mining in Morley. British Mining No. 87
r7882: THORPE, ADAM - Nineteen Twenty-One. Signed Copy
r7882a: THORPE, ADAM - Nineteen Twenty-One
r1071: THORPE, BENJAMIN - Diplomatarium Anglicum Aevi Saxonici. A Collection of English Charters, from the Reign of King Aethelberht of Kent, A.D. Dc. V. To That of William the Conqueror
e3389: THORPE, DON - Plan of the Manchester Ship Canal
whm79: THORPE, GAV - Rise of the Ynnari. Ghost Warrior + Wild Rider. Warhammer 40,000
fol815ac: THORPE, LEWIS - The Bayeux Tapestry and the Norman Invasion. 1973
fol815ab: THORPE, LEWIS - The Bayeux Tapestry and the Norman Invasion. 1973
r7882c: THORPE, ADAM - Still
t0299: THORPE, HELEN - Elizabeth, Queen and Woman. Signed Copy
t0298: THORPE, HELEN - Bianca and Napoleon's Sergeant
pit11: THORPE, JOHN - The Book of the Imps
e2588: THORSOE, SOREN; SIMONSEN, PETER; ET AL - Dfds 1866-1991: Ship Development Through 125 Years from Paddle Steamer to Ro/Ro Ship
bct034: THORVALL, KERSTIN - Instead of a Dad
g2097: THRUM, THOMAS, [ED.] - Hawaiian Annual for 1927
tls01: THUBRON, COLIN - The Ancient Mariners. The Seafarers. Time-Life
tls01a: THUBRON, COLIN - The Ancient Mariners. The Seafarers. Time-Life
thb23aa: THUBRON, COLIN - Turning Back the Sun
thb23a: THUBRON, COLIN - Turning Back the Sun
thb08: THUBRON, COLIN - Falling
e4963: THUDICHUM, L L W - A Treatise on the Pathology of the Urine, Including a Complete Guide to Its Analysis
e4864: THUDICHUM, J L W - A Treatise on Gall-Stones: Their Chemistry, Pathology, and Treatment
e4248: THUILE, JEAN - Histoire de L'Orfevrerie Du Languedoc Generalites de Montpellier Et de Toulouse. Repertoire Des Orfevres Depuis le Moyen-Age Jusqu'Au Debut Du XIX Siecle. 2 Volumes. A a C; D a L. Limited Edition
e5320: THUNBERG, CHARLES PETER - Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, Made between the Years 1770 and 1779. 4 Volume Set
fol816: THURBER, JAMES - The Genius of James Thurber. 1997
tsb02: THURMAN, JOHN - The Scouter's Books - No. 2. The Court of Honour
bss56: THURSFIELD, H G [ED] - Brassey's Annual: The Armed Forces Year-Book 1956
bgp020: THURSFIELD, J R - Peel
thu36: THURSTON, E TEMPLE - Richard Furlong
thu12: THURSTON, E TEMPLE - Enchantment
thu15b: THURSTON, E TEMPLE; ROLT, L T C [INTRO.] - The Flower of Gloster
bbt106: TIBBER, ROSEMARY - Practice Makes Perfect
e6181: TIBBITS, HERBERT - A Handbook of Medical Electricity
h1056: TICEHURST, C B [ED.] - The Ibis. A Quarterly Journal of General Ornithology. Series 13. 1931 Complete
e2766: TICHBORNE, C R C; JAMES, PROSSER - The Mineral Waters of Europe: Including a Short Description of Artificial Mineral Waters
h2001eb: TICKELL, JERRARD - Whither Do You Wander?
h2001bba: TICKELL, JERRARD - Appointment with Venus
e3229: TICKLETOOTH, TABITHA [SELBY. CHARLES] - The Dinner Question; or, How to Dine Well and Economically. Combining the Rudiments of Cooking with Useful Hints on Dinner Giving and Serving, and Other Household Words of Advice: . .
j1888: TICKNOR, BENAJAH; HODGES, NAN POWELL [ED.] - The Voyage of the Peacock. A Journal by Benajah Ticknor, Naval Surgeon
j1888a: TICKNOR, BENAJAH; HODGES, NAN POWELL [ED.] - The Voyage of the Peacock. A Journal by Benajah Ticknor, Naval Surgeon
e8468: TIDCOMBE, MARIANNE - The Doves Bindery
tdd60: TIDDEMAN, L E - Two Is Company
tdd06: TIDDEMAN, L E; STACEY, W S [ILLUS.] - Aunt Pen or Roses and Thorns
mbr14: TIDEY, H GORDON - My Best Railway Photographs. No. 14
h2002: TIEDEMANN, FREDERIC; BENNETT, WILLIAM [TRANS.] - The Anatomy of the Foetal Brain; with a Comparative Exposition of Its Structure in Animals
bgt037: TIERNEY, JANE - TōBō: One Woman's Escape
j3010: TIGHE, THOMAS R - Tees Side Bridge. The Rise, Fortunes and Dissolution of a Private Company
k1199: TIJOU, SHIVAUN - The Holly and the Rose. A History of Colchester Hockey Club
e9121: TILE, MARVIN - Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum
k2397: TILLEY - Tilley Storm Lantern & Optimus Paraffin Lamps. Instructions
r0062: TILLEY, FRANK - Teapots and Tea
k1203: TILLEY, BRIAN - Tynedale at War 1939 - 45
g0555: TILLICH, HANNAH - From Time to Time
dtr11: TILLING, HENRY [ED.] - The Double Tressure. No 11. 1989
w0322: TILLMAN, BARRETT - The Dauntless Dive Bombers of World War II
r9311: TILLOTSON, JOHN - The New Waverley Album. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings on Steel, from Designs by Clarkson Stanfield, R.A. , David Roberts, R.A. , W. Daniell, R.A. , Copley Fielding, George Cattermole, S. Prout, S. Austin, &C
vhc36f: TILLOTT, P M [ED.] - Yorkshire. Index. The Victoria History of the Counties of England
vhc36e: TILLOTT, P M [ED.] - Yorkshire. The City of York. The Victoria History of the Counties of England
g9036: TILLY, T C [ED.] - Brett's New Zealand and South Pacific Pilot and Nautical Almanac for 1881,1882, and 1883
fol817: TILLYARD, STELLA - Aristocrats
g2385a: TILMAN, H W - Mischief Among the Penguins
j5384a: TILMAN, H W - The Seven Mountain - Travel Books. Snow on the Equator; the Ascent of Nanda Devi; When Men and Mountains Meet; Everest 1938; Two Mountains and a River; China to Chitral; Nepal Himalaya
e3609ha: TILSLEY, FRANK - Peggy Windsor and the American Soldier
e3609fa: TILSLEY, FRANK - Brother Nap
e3609ca: TILSLEY, FRANK - Heaven and Herbert Common
e3609da: TILSLEY, FRANK AND VINCENT - Seth Makepeace
e4769: TILT, EDWARD JOHN - On Uterine and Ovarian Inflammation; and on the Physiology and Diseases of Menstruation
rna109: TILTMAN, L A [ED.] - Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Volume 109, 1967
ttm51: TIGER TIM - Tiger Tim's Annual 1951
k4314: THE TIMES - Strike Nights in Printing House Square. An Episode in the History of the Times
g0017: TIMKEN - Railway Manual
d0134: TIMMINS, ALAN - Making an Eight Day Longcase Clock. Signed Copy
e2568: TIMMS, C [CHAIR] - Properties and Metrology of Surfaces. (Proceedings 1967-68, International Conference at Oxford)
e0721: TIMMS, E V - Whitehall
e4839: TIMMS, GODWIN - On Consumption: Its True Nature and Successful Treatment
wms084: TIMO, HELEN, [ED.] - The Journal of the William Morris Society. Vol. VIII, No. 4, Spring 1990
d3853: TIMON - Livre Des Orateurs
2058b: TIMPSON, JOHN - Paper Trail
bbt113: TIMS, HILTON - All the Pride of Power. Signed Copy
nmn09a: TINBERGEN, NIKO - The Herring Gull's World. New Naturalist Monograph No 9
bbt116a: TINDALL, GILLIAN - To the City
bbt116b: TINDALL, GILLIAN - The Water and the Sound
tinn12a: TINNISWOOD, PETER - Mog
e1185: TINSLEY, DAVID - Short-Sea Bulk Trades. Dry Cargo Shipping Within European Waters
c3258: TINSLEY, HELEN - Lt. Col. N R Whitaker. His Legacy
r6319: TINTO, ALBERTO - IL Corsivo Nella Tipografia Del Cinquento Dai Caratteri Italiani Ai Modelli Germanici E Francesi
e7067: TIPPING, BRIAN - Family Facts and Fancies. Some Times and Places of the Tipping Family
r4686a: TIPPING, H AVRAY - English Homes. Period IV. Volume I. Late Stuart 1649-1714
r4686aa: TIPPING, H AVRAY - English Homes. Period III. - Vol. I. Late Tudor and Early Stuart 1558-1649
g9203: TIPPING, H AVRAY - Heaton Park, Manchester. The Property of the Manchester Corporation
e4897: TISSOT, SAMUEL-AUGUSTE; KIRKPATRICK, J [TR.] - Advice to the People in General with Regard to Their Health:... A Table of the Most Cheap Yet Effectual Remedies, . .
j8804: TITCOMBE, AUDREY & BILL - Tat the Cat
j7473: TITLEY, JOHN MADDOX - A Practical Treatise on Diseases of Genitals of the Male with a Preliminary Essay on the History, Nature and General Treatment of Lues Venerea
ss-222: TITTLER, ROBERT [ED.] - Two Weather Diaries from Northern England. The Journals of John Chipchase and Elihu Robinson. The Surtees Society Vol. 222
mtd09a: TOBIAS, S A; KOENIGSBERGER, F [EDS.] - Advances in Machine Tool Design and Research 1968. Proceedings of the 9th International M.T. D.R. Conference. The University of Birmingham. September 1968. Part 2
mtd09: TOBIAS, S A; KOENIGSBERGER, F [EDS.] - Advances in Machine Tool Design and Research 1968. Proceedings of the 9th International M.T. D.R. Conference. The University of Birmingham. September 1968. Part 1
him15: TOBIN, H W [ED.] - The Himalayan Journal. Volume XV. 1949
k2875: TOBRELUTS, OLGA (HENRIK IBSEN) - Emperor and Galilean
j1821d: TOD, E M - Wet-Fly Fishing: Treated Methodically
bbt120: TOD, MICHAEL - The Silver Tide
ov-06: TODD, ANN; PORTER, ERIC; MCKENNA, VIRGINIA; BENTHALL, MICHAEL [DIRECTOR] - Macbeth; Richard II; As You Like It; the Taming If the Shrew; Love's Labour's Lost. Five Old VIC Programmes. 1954
a0181b: TODD, JANET - The Treasures of Jane Austen. The Story of Her Life and Work
gnb03: TODD, CAMERON [ILLUS.] - Wild Flowers at Home. Second Series. Gowans Nature Books No. 3
r8441: TODD, EMMANUEL; BOULIND, RICHARD [TR.] - The Causes of Progress: Culture, Authority and Change
r5811a: TODD, RICHARD BENTLEY - Clinical Lectures on Certain Diseases of the of the Urinary Organs, and on Dropsies
j8429a: TODD, ROBERT BENTLEY; BOWMAN, WILLIAM - The Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man. Complete in One Volume
bri21: TODD, M [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XX. 1990
bri20: TODD, M [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XX. 1989
bri19: TODD, M [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XIX. 1988
bri18: TODD, M [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XVIII. 1987
bri17: TODD, M [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XVII. 1986
bri16a: TODD, M [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XVI. 1985
bri16: TODD, M [ED.] - Britannia: A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies. Volume XVI. 1985
e2930: TODD, DANIEL; HUMBLE, RONALD D - World Aerospace: A Statistical Handbook
e2930a: TODD, DANIEL; HUMBLE, RONALD D - World Aerospace: A Statistical Handbook
bbt121: TODD, OLIVER (COBURN, OLIVER (TRANS)) - Year of the Crab
c3668fa: TOIBIN, COLM - The Testament of Mary. Signed Copy
g4954: BANK OF TOKYO - The Old and the New in Japan
bbt129: TOLKIN, MICHAEL - Among the Dead
e1739a: LORD TOLLEMACHE - Croquet [with All Loose Inserts]
k3297: TOLLEY, CYRIL, J H - The Modern Golfer
tol11db: TOLSTOY, LEO - The Death of Ivan Ilych. The Miniature Classics Library
r5543d: TOLSTOY, ALEXEI - The Marie Antoinette Tapestry
tma08: TOMALIN, RUTH - The Garden House. Signed Copy
j7575: TOMBLESON, WILLIAM; FEARNSIDE, W G [ED.] - Tombleson's Views of the Rhine
k4001: TOMES, JOHN - A Course of Lectures on Dental and Physiological Surgery
j7774: TOMES, ROBERT; SMITH, BENJAMIN G - The War with the South. A History of the Late Rebellion. Three Volume Set
e5159b: TOMES, KEVIN [ED.] - The Masonic Philatelic Club Magazine. Issues 124 - 134. 2009 - 2011
e5159: TOMES, KEVIN [ED.] - The Masonic Philatelic Club Magazine. Issues 112 - 122. 2006 - 2008
5038: TOMLINE, GEORGE - Memoirs of the Life of William Pitt. 2 Volumr Set
d3203: TOMLINSON, ROBERT - The Codicil of the Reverend Dr Robert Tomlinson, Rector of Whickam, Bequeathing the St Nicholas' Library; to Which Are Added Copies of Letters, Written in an Attempt to Re-Open the Same to the Public
j9156b: TOMLINSON, M J - Foundation Design and Construction. 1969
1778ae: TOMLINSON, WILLIAM WEAVER - The North Eastern Railway - Its Rise and Development. 1914 Edition
d1646a: TOMLINSON, WILLIAM WEAVER - Denton Hall and Its Associations
cgc920a: TOMLINSON, WILLIAM WEAVER - Comprehensive Guide to the County of Northumberland 10th Edition [1920]
cgc909c: TOMLINSON, WILLIAM WEAVER - Comprehensive Guide to the County of Northumberland [1909]
5116bb: TOMLINSON, WILLIAM WEAVER - Historical Notes on Cullercoats Whitley and Monkseaton
hmt02b: TOMLINSON, H M - All Our Yesterdays
5116aa: TOMLINSON, WILLIAM WEAVER - Historical Notes on Cullercoats Whitley and Monkseaton. Limited Edition
5116b: TOMLINSON, WILLIAM WEAVER - Historical Notes on Cullercoats Whitley and Monkseaton
hmt02: TOMLINSON, H M - All Our Yesterdays. Signed Limited Edition
cgc985bb: TOMLINSON, WILLIAM WEAVER - Comprehensive Guide to the County of Northumberland 1985
hmt34: TOMLINSON, H M - The Trumpet Shall Sound
hmt15a: TOMLINSON, H M - Illusion: 1915
hmt30: TOMLINSON, H M - The Snows of Helicon
hmt15: TOMLINSON, H M - Illusion: 1915
hmt10aa: TOMLINSON, H M - Gallions Reach
hmt01a: TOMLINSON, H M - All Hands!
hmt01: TOMLINSON, H M - All Hands!
h2104: TOMMASINI, G - Dell' Infiammazione E Della Febbre Continua Considerazioni Patologico-Pratiche. Both Volumes
e6540: TOMMASINI, J; LINDEN, P.-L. VANDER [TR. AND INTRO.] - Precis de la Novelle Doctrine Medicale Italienne Ou Introduction Aux Lecons de Clinique Interne de L'Universite de Bologne Pour L'Annee Scolaire 1816-1817
e5317: TOMMASINI, G - Prospetto de' Risultamenti Ottentuti Nella Clinica Medica Di Bologna Dall' Anno 1823 a Tutto IL 1828 Preceduto Da Un Saggio Di Pratiche Considerazioni Sopra I Casi Piu Importanti
mlg27: TOMPKINS, HERBERT W - Hertfordshire. Methuen Little Guides. 1903
mlg27aa: TOMPKINS, HERBERT W - Hertfordshire. Methuen Little Guides. 1936
bbt134: TOMPKINS, WALKER ALLISON - West of the Law
sls947f: TOMSETT, L R [ED.] - The Journal of the Stephenson Locomotive Society. Volume XXIII, No 267. June 1947,
r3993: TOOKE, WILLIAM - History of Russia from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rurik to the Accession of Catharine the Second. 2 Volume Set
r3992: TOOKE, WILLIAM - View of the Russian Empire, During the Reign of Catherine the Second, and to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. 3 Volume Set
e9241: TOOLE-STOTT, RAYMOND - A Bibliography of Books on the Circus in English from 1773 to 1964
d1175ab: TOOLEY, R V - English Books with Coloured Plates. 1790- 1860
c4302: TOOLEY, BERYL - Scribblings of a Yarmouth Naturalist. An Edited Selection from the Writings of Arthur Henry Patterson, A.L. S. (John Knowlittle). Signed Copy
g9401: TOOLEY, MICHAEL AND ROSANNA - The Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll in Northern England
ycc927: TOONE, F C [ED.] - Yorkshire County Cricket Club. Thirtieth Annual Issue. 1927
g8948: TOPFFER, RODOLPHE - Les Amours de Mr Vieux Bois
r2870: TOPFFER, R - Nouveau Voyage en Zigzag a la Grande-Chartreuse, Autour Du Mont-Blanc Dans Les Vallees D'Herens, de Zermatt, Au Grimsel a Genes Et a la Corniche. 2 Volume Set
e2236: TOPINARD, PAUL - De L'Ataxie Locomotrice Et en Particular de la Madadie Appelee Ataxie Locomotrice Progressive
g8938: TOPOLSKI, FELIKS [ILLUS.]; HAYWARD, MAJORIE - Caught in the Rain or How 'Velan' Was Discovered
g6283: TOPPING, GEORGE - Rambles in Borderland with the 'Clan'
r5926: TORDAY, JANE - Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye: A Selection of Northumbrian Memories of World War II
d0969: TORR, CECIL - Small Talk at Wreyland; First, Second and Third Series. 3 Volume Set
g7562: TORRANCE, DUNCAN - The Inquisitive Sausage Dog. Signed Copy
0511: TORRANCE, JAMES - Memorial Exhibition of Pictures and Drawings by the Late James Torrance. May 1917
g5099: TORRENS, H S - Men of Iron. The History of the Mcarthur Group
e2115: TORRES, MELCHOR - Des Calculs Du Rein Et de la Nephrotomie
c4536: TOSELAND, LEN - River Kwai. Yasumee Nai! Signed Copy
rcn68: TOTE - Racing Annual Tote 1968
h2065: TOTH, ANDREW - Recordings of the Traditional Music of Bali and Lambok. Special Series No 4
1169b: TOUCHE, D M [ED.[ - Exhibition of the Historic Plate of the City of London at Goldsmiths' Hall 1951
1169: TOUCHE, D M [ED.[ - Exhibition and Catalogue of the Historic Plate of the City of London at Goldsmiths' Hall 1951. 2 Volume Set
d1666bb: TOUGH, D L W - The Last Years of a Frontier. A History of the Borders During the Reign of Elizabeth I
d1496: TOULMIN, CAMILLA - Lays and Legends Illustrative of Country Life
a1101: IMP. BOB-TOUMA - The Orthodox Patriarcal Convent of Our Lady of Saydanaya. A Historical Glance
j9044a: THE SCOTTISH TOURIST - The Scottish Tourist and Itinerary; or a Guide to the Scenery and Antiquities of Scotland and the Western Islands with a Description of the Principal Steam-Boat Tours
bbt145: TOURNEY, LEONARD - Familiar Spirits
m0188b: TOURNOUR, MARGARET [ILLUS.] - The Great Healer
j1576aa: TOURRET, R - Petroleum Rail Tank Wagons of Britain
rup932: TOURTEL, MARY - Margot the Midget and Little Bear's Christmas. Facsimile Edition
esm382: TOURTELLE, E; HALLE, J N; BAYLE, M [ED.] - Encyclopedie Des Sciences Medicales. Deuxieme Division. Hygiene III
bbd163: DE TOURVILLE, ANNE - Gael the Sailor
j3337b: TOWERS, G H R [ED.] - John Readhead & Sons Limited. 1948
a0106: TOWNEND, JOHN MICHAEL - Overture to Life
k4378: TOWNEND, JACK - A Railway ABC
0318c: TOWNER, DONALD C - Handbook of Leeds Pottery and Catalogue of the Exhibited Material at the Leeds City Art Gallery 1951
j1704b: TOWNES, HENRY & MARJORIE - Ichneumon Flies of America North of Mexico: Volume 2. Ephialtinae, Xoridinae, Acaenitinae
mbr06: TOWNROE, S C - My Best Railway Photographs. No. 6. Sr & Gwr
g5543: TOWNSEND, LEONARD - An Alphabetical Chronology of Remarkable Events the Earliest Authentic Period to the Present Time, with Copious Explanatory Notes
stu182e: TOWNSEND, PETER [ED.] - Studio International, Journal of Modern Art. May/June 1975
g7773: TOWNSEND, CHARLES WENDELL - The Birds of Essex County, Massachusetts [with] Supplement to the Birds of Essex County Massachusetts. 2 Vol Set
chu941: TOWNSEND, ERIC; MCKEAG, ERNEST; POOLE, MICHAEL; &C - Chums Annual 1941
g2923: TOWNSHEND, R. B - Last Memories of a Tenderfoot
bes01: TOWNSIN, ALAN - Leyland Titans 1927-1942. The Best of British Buses No. 1
d1068: TOWNSON, GEORGE - Autogiro: The Story of "the Windmill Plane"
k1363: TOWRY, M H; MORGAN, J [ILLUS.] (SPENSER, EDWARD) - Spenser for Children
4496: TOXOPLEUS, KLAAS - Wild Water
e7642c: TRACY, HONOR - The First Day of Friday
e7642e: TRACY, HONOR - In a Year of Grace
e7642b: TRACY, HONOR - The Butterflies of the Province
nav149: TRACY, NICHOLAS [ED.] - Sea Power and the Control of Trade. Belligerent Rights from the Russian War to the Beira Patrol, 1854-1970. Publications of the Navy Records Society. Volume 149
c2562c: TRACY, FRANK BASIL - Tercentenary History of Canada. Volume III
bbt156b: TRACY, LOUIS - The Silent House
bbt154: TRACY, DON - Carolina Corsair
bsp61a: DE TRAFFORD, H F; GILBEY, WALTER; SHREWSBURY, ARTHUR; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume LXI. January - June 1894
bbt158: TRAILL, PETER - Wings of to-Morrow
phy092: TRAINOR, F R; ABBOTT, I A; &C - Phycologia. Volume 9. Number 2. June 1970
map61b: LONDON TRANSPORT - Bus Map. London Transport. Central Area. Number 4. 1935
j8927: TRANT, GRAHAM; COGGAN, PAUL; &C - Spitfire. Rebuilding & Flying the Supermarine Spitfire in the 1990s
tra036: TRANTER, NIGEL - Flowers of Chivalry
tra026b: TRANTER, NIGEL - Envoy Extraordinary
tra070a: TRANTER, NIGEL - Margaret the Queen
tra019b: TRANTER, NIGEL - Courting Favour
tra025a: TRANTER, NIGEL - Druid Sacrifice
tra002ac: TRANTER, NIGEL - Balefire. Signed Copy
tra014a: TRANTER, NIGEL - The Chosen Course
tra113: TRANTER, NIGEL - Triple Alliance
tra002aa: TRANTER, NIGEL - Balefire
tq-07: TRANTER, NIGEL - The Heartland. The Queen's Scotland. Clannanshire Perthshire and Stirlingshire
tra095: TRANTER, NIGEL - Rum Week
tra069a: TRANTER, NIGEL - The Marchman
tra092aa: TRANTER, NIGEL - The Riven Realm
tra070d: TRANTER, NIGEL - Marie and Mary
tra054: TRANTER, NIGEL - Kettle of Fish
tra057: TRANTER, NIGEL - The Lion's Whelp
tra055: TRANTER, NIGEL - Land of the Scots
tra039bc: TRANTER, NIGEL - The Fortified House in Scotland. Volume 2. Central Scotland
g0607: TRAPP, JOSEPH - The Nature, Folly, sin, and Danger, of Being Righteous over-Much; with a Particular View to the Doctrines and Practices of Certain Modern Enthusiasts. Being the Substance of Four Discourses Lately Pre1ched . .
ics2497b: TRATMAN, E E R - Maintenance of Track, Part 2
ics2496: TRATMAN, E E R - The Section Foreman and His Work
t0529: TRAVELLERS - Traveller Law Reform
j6884: TRAVERS, J L, H G, & C T - Cross Country
e5846: TRAVERS, BENJAMIN - An Inquiry Into the Process of Nature in Repairing Injuries of the Intestines: Illustrating the Treatment of Penetrating Wounds, and Strangulated Hernia
e2866: TRAVERS, BENJAMIN - An Inquiry Concerning That Disturbed State of the Vital Functions Usually Denominated Constitutional Irritation
c4524: TRAYES, F G - Five Months on a German Raider. Being the Adventures of an Englishman Captured by the "Wolf"
mbr13: TREACY, ERIC - Still More of My Best Railway Photographs. No. 13. Lmr
mbr05: TREACY, ERIC - More of My Best Railway Photographs. No. 5. Lms
try03: TREACY, ERIC - Glory of Steam
g6892db: TREADWELL, TERRY C - The Ironworks. A History of Grumman's Fighting Aeroplanes. Signed Copy
g6892a: TREADWELL, TERRY C - America's First Air War. The United States Army, Naval and Marine Air Services in the First World War
g6892: TREADWELL, TERRY C - America's First Air War. The United States Army, Naval and Marine Air Services in the First World War, Signed Copy
g6892dba: TREADWELL, TERRY C - The Ironworks. A History of Grumman's Fighting Aeroplanes
puf0333: TREASE, GEOFFREY - The Crown of Violet. Puffin Story Books No 333
r7673: TREBBI, GIORGI [ED.] - Parametro Mensile Internazionale Di Architettura & Urbanistica. N. 29. Settembre 1974. Bologna/ Centro Storico: Gli Antichi 'Contenitori' Oggi
r8432: TREBUTIEN, F G S [ED.] - Le Livre Des Hirondelles
bbt166: TREFUS, VICTOR - But No Man Seen
j6091ea: TREGARTHEN, J C - Wild Life at the Land's End
bsp21a: TRELAWNY, CHARLES; SCOTT, JOHN; OAKLEY, W E; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume XXI. November 1871 - May 1872
bsp21: TRELAWNY, CHARLES; SCOTT, JOHN; OAKLEY, W E; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume XXI. November 1871 - May 1872
g2489: TRELEAVEN, RICHARD B - Peregrine. The Private Life of the Peregrine Falcon
j4871b: TREMAIN, ROSE - Sacred Country. Signed Limited Edition
L0078cb: TREMAYNE, EILEEN - House Enduring
c0813: TRENCH, CAROLINE - Nurse Trenton
r2905: TRENCHMANN, C T - The British Association for the Suppression of Science or a New Explanation of Mountain Uplift Based on Lunar Gravitation and Oceanic Pressure
m0213: TRENEV, KONSTANTIN (ATKINSON, J. (TRANS)) - In a Cossack Village and Other Stories
bbt165b: TRENHAILE, JOHN - Blood Rules
j9313: TRENT, JEREMY - Black Hills
tr-16: TRENT, PAUL - Eve
j9151: TRENTER, N A - Engineering in Glacial Tills
gmt17a: TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY - Sir George Otto Trevelyan. A Memoir
fol301fa: TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY; FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO, FELIPE [ED.] - England Under the Stuarts. A History of England. Volume 5
fol301fc: TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY; FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO, FELIPE [ED.] - England Under the Stuarts. A History of England. Volume 5
r2459b: TREVELYAN, GEORGE OTTO - The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. 4 Volume Set. Tauchnitz Edition. 1876
t0272c: TREVELYAN, CHARLES - Wallington: Its History and Treasures. 1953
gmt02: TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY - British History in the Nineteenth Century (1782-1919)
fol830a: TREVELYAN, RALEIGH - The Shadow of Vesuvius: Pompeii A.D. 79
fol830: TREVELYAN, RALEIGH - The Shadow of Vesuvius: Pompeii A.D. 79
gmt03ab: TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY - England Under Queen Anne. 3 Volume Set
t0272d: TREVELYAN, CHARLES - Wallington: Its History and Treasures. 1957
t0272bg: TREVELYAN, CHARLES - Wallington: Its History and Treasures. 1951
t0272bf: TREVELYAN, CHARLES - Wallington: Its History and Treasures. 1951
t0272be: TREVELYAN, CHARLES - Wallington: Its History and Treasures. 1939
gmt15a: TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY - The Middle Marches
t0272bc: TREVELYAN, CHARLES - Wallington: Its History and Treasures. 1935
trt01a: TREVENA, ARTHUR - Trains in Trouble. Volume 1
h2195: TREVES, FREDERICK - Intestinal Obstruction: Its Varieties, with Their Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
e4862: TREVES, FREDERICK - Scrofula and Its Gland Diseases. An Introduction to the General Pathology of Scofula, with an Account of the Histology, Diagnosis Amnd Treatment of Its Glandular Affections
e4811: TREVES, FREDERICK - The Surgical Treatment of Perityphlitis
bbt170: TREVES, KATHLEEN - Richer Than Wealth
wtr36: TREVOR, WILLIAM - The Silence in the Garden
5601: TREVOR, P A; BALDWIN, M; &C - Some War Reminiscences of Members of the N.P. I. [National Provident Institution] Staff
trv061b: TREVOR, ELLESTON - The Penthouse
trv008: TREVOR, ELLESTON - The Billboard Madonna
wtr08: TREVOR, WILLIAM - The Children of Dynmouth
fol830b: TREVOR, WILLIAM; HAYES, LYNDON [ILLUS.] - Beyond the Pale & Other Stories
bbt172e: TREW, ANTONY - The Zhukov Briefing
bbt172d: TREW, ANTONY - Yashimoto's Last Dive
bbt172: TREW, ANTONY - The Antonov Project
bbt172aa: TREW, ANTONY - Kleber's Convoy
f0202: TRICKEY, CLIVE - More Mini Tuning
f0203: TRICKEY, CLIVE - Tuning the Mini
r6091: TRIESCH, MANFRED [COMPILER] - The Lillian Hellman Collection at the University of Texas
d3260b: TRIGGS, H INIGO; LE BLOND, MRS AUBREY [PHOTOG.] - The Art of Garden Design in Italy
r5249: TRILCK, SYLVIA [PHOTOG.]; KRULLE, STEFAN - James Last and His Orchestra. Signed Limited Edition
r6413c: TRIMMER, MRS [SARAH] - A New Series of Prints, Accompanied by Easy Lessons... Of Scripture Prints, from the Old Testament
L0902af: TRISTRAM, W OUTRAM; THOMSON, HUGH; RAILTON, HERBERT [ILLUS.] - Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. 1931
L0902ac: TRISTRAM, W OUTRAM; THOMSON, HUGH; RAILTON, HERBERT [ILLUS.] - Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. 1893
L0902a: TRISTRAM, W OUTRAM; THOMSON, HUGH; RAILTON, HERBERT [ILLUS.] - Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. De Luxe Edition 1893
q0666aa: TRITTEN, CHARLES; DOANE, PELAGIE [ILLUS.] - Heidi's Children
a0925d: TRIUMPH - Triumph Vitesse 6. Owners Handbook
j4225i: TRIUMPH - Triumph Slant 4 Engines. 1854cc and 1998cc. Service
e5972: TRNKA DE KR'ZOWITZ, WENCESLAI; SCHRAUD, FRANCISCUS [ED.] - Historia Haemorrhoidum Omnis Aevi Observata Medica Continens. 3 Volumes
e5971: TRNKA DE KR'ZOWITZ, WENCESLAI - Commentarius de Tetano Plus Quam Ducentis Clarissimorum Medicorum Observationibus, Nec Non Omnibus Hactenus Cognitis Adversus Tetanun Remediis Instructus
bbt177a: TROCHECK, KATHY HOGAN - Happy Never After
bbt177aa: TROCHECK, KATHY HOGAN - Happy Never After
q0075: TRODD, PAUL; KRAMER, DAVID - The Birds of Bedfordshire
r8942: TROG; LEE, LAURIE [INTRO.] - Flook. A Flook's - Eye View of the Sixties
tro13d: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - The Christmas Stories. The Complete Short Stories Volume One
tro29d: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - The Journey to Panama. The Complete Short Stories. Volume Five
fol841a: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; THOMAS, LLEWELLYN [ILLUS.] - The Eustace Diamonds. 1993. [Palliser]
fol840aa: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - Doctor Thorne. 1978
fol840ab: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - Doctor Thorne. 1978
fol843ab: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - Framley Parsonage. 1983
herl45b: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - The Last Chronicles of Barset, Volume II. Heron Literary Heritage Collection
fol852b: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; THOMAS, LLEWELLYN [ILLUS.] - Phineas Redux (One Volume) [Palliser]
fol856a: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Small House at Allington. 1979
fol840f: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; THOMAS, LLEWELLYN [ILLUS.] - The Duke's Children. 1991. [Palliser]
fol840a: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - Doctor Thorne. 1980
fol832d: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; GEARY, ROBERT [ILLUS.] - Ayala's Angel
r6398b: TROLLOPE, FRANCES - The Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong, the Factory Boy
j2121: TROLLOPE, EDWARD - Scrap Album. Italian Views in Leather Album. Signed Copy
r6398: TROLLOPE, FRANCES - One Fault
tro48b: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - The New Zealander
tro14d: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - Clergymen of the Church of England
bsp09a: TROLLOPE, JOHN; HAWKE, LORD; POULETT, EARL; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume IX. November 1864 - May 1865
tro20: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - Editors and Writers. The Complete Short Stories. Volume Two
tro15d: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - Courtship and Marriage. The Complete Short Stories Volume Four
fol852aa: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; THOMAS, LLEWELLYN [ILLUS.] - Phineas Finn. The Irish Member. [Palliser]. 1993
fol852bc: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; THOMAS, LLEWELLYN [ILLUS.] - Phineas Redux (One Volume) [Palliser]
fol856aa: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Small House at Allington. 1979
tro76a: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - The West Indies and the Spanish Main
tro80: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY [ED.] - Saint Paul. A Monthly Magazine. 9 Volume Set. October 1867 - 1871
fol833: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - Barchester Towers. 1977
fol843aba: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - Framley Parsonage. 1983
fol858ab: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Warden. 1980
tro65ab: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - The Small House at Allington
tro24d: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - Framley Parsonage. Nelson Edition
g7948: TROLLOPE, ANDREW - An Inventory of the Church Plate of Leicestershire with Some Account of the Donors. 2 Volume Set. Limited Edition
herl44: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - Barchester Towers. Heron Literary Heritage Collection
fol841: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; THOMAS, LLEWELLYN [ILLUS.] - The Eustace Diamonds. 1990. [Palliser]
fol858: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Warden. 1976
fol840: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - Doctor Thorne. 1978
tro60at: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - Is He Popenjoy? Trollope Society Edition
fol858a: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Warden. 1977
fol858aa: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Warden. 1987
fol846: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Last Chronicle of Barset. 1980
fol846a: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Last Chronicle of Barset
asy11b: TROLLOPE, EDWARD [ED.] (ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES' REPORTS) - Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of York, Lincoln, Northampton, Bedford, Worcester, Leicester and Sheffield 1872, Volume XI Part 2
asy13a: TROLLOPE, EDWARD [ED.] (ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES' REPORTS) - Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of York, Lincoln, Northampton, Bedford, Worcester, Leicester and Sheffield 1875, Volume XIII Part 1
asy11a: TROLLOPE, EDWARD [ED.] (ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES' REPORTS) - Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of York, Lincoln, Northampton, Bedford, Worcester, Leicester and Sheffield 1871, Volume XI Part 1
fol856: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - The Small House at Allington. 1979
fol853a: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; THOMAS, LLEWELLYN [ILLUS.] - The Prime Minister. [Palliser]. 1993
fol843: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; REDDICK, PETER [ILLUS.] - Framley Parsonage. 1978
asy10a: TROLLOPE, EDWARD [ED.] (ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES' REPORTS) - Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of York, Lincoln, Northampton, Bedford, Worcester, Leicester and Sheffield 1869, Volume X Part 1
asy10b: TROLLOPE, EDWARD [ED.] (ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES' REPORTS) - Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of York, Lincoln, Northampton, Bedford, Worcester, Leicester and Sheffield 1870, Volume X Part 2
asy06b: TROLLOPE, EDWARD [ED.] (ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES' REPORTS) - Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of York, Lincoln, Northampton, Bedford, Worcester and Leicester, 1862, Volume VI Part 2
asy06ba: TROLLOPE, EDWARD [ED.] (ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES' REPORTS) - Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of York, Lincoln, Northampton, Bedford, Worcester and Leicester, 1862, Volume VI Part 2
fol840fa: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY; THOMAS, LLEWELLYN [ILLUS.] - The Duke's Children. 1993. [Palliser]
trj21ab: TROLLOPE, JOANNA - Other People's Children
trj21: TROLLOPE, JOANNA - Other People's Children. Signed Copy
trj13ab: TROLLOPE, JOANNA - Girl from the South
trj05: TROLLOPE, JOANNA - Brother and Sister. Signed Copy
tro40at: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - The Macdermots of Ballycloran. Trollope Society Edition
g3172: TROTMAN, S R - Leather Trades Chemistry. A Practical Manual on the Analysis of Materials and Finished Products
g0720: TROTT, FREDA - Sedburgh. Signed Copy
g2516b: TROTTER, JANET MACLEOD - The Beltane Fires. Signed Copy
g2516a: TROTTER, JANET MACLEOD - Beatles and Chiefs. Signed Copy
r0353c: TROTTER, LIONEL J - The Bayard of India. A Life of General Sir James Outram, Bart
e4430: TROTTER, JOHN BERNARD - Memoirs of the Latter Years of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox
e4783: TROUP, FRANCIS - Sputum: Its Microscopy and Diagnostic and Prognostic Significations
e6179: TROUSSEAU, A; PIDOUX, H; LINCOLN, D F [TR.] - Treatise on Therapeutics. 3 Volume Set
ffr06: TRPS - Talyllyn Railway Official Guide. 1958
r3482: TRUMAN, I M - "Instead of the Brier - ". Studies in the Story of the East African Church
5777ba: TRUMP, IVANA - Free to Love
5777c: TRUMP, IVANA - For Love Alone
5777b: TRUMP, IVANA - Free to Love
r5074: TRUSLER, REV DR JOHN - The Honours of the Table, or, Rules for Behaviour During Meals: With the Whole Art of Carving Illustrated by a Variety of Cuts
d0805: TRUSLER, JOHN - The Works of William Hogarth, Moralized
d0804a: TRUSLER, JOHN - The Works of William Hogarth, in a Series of One Hundred and Fifty Steel Engravings... . with Descriptions and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency. In Two Volumes
d0804b: TRUSLER, JOHN - The Works of William Hogarth, in a Series of One Hundred and Fifty Steel Engravings... . with Descriptions and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency. Volume I [of II]
bmq037-3: TRUSTEES - The British Museum Quarterly. Volume 37 No 3-4. Autumn 1973
bmq030: TRUSTEES - The British Museum Quarterly. Index: Volumes 21 - 30
bmq026-3: TRUSTEES - The British Museum Quarterly. Volume 26. No 3-4. Spring 1963
bmq025-1: TRUSTEES - The British Museum Quarterly. Volume 25. No 1-2. Mar 1962
bmu091: TRUSTEES - Guide to the Exhibited Manuscripts at the British Museum. 3 Volume Set
bmu091b: TRUSTEES - Guide to the Exhibited Manuscripts Parts II & III [British Museum]
bmu055: TRUSTEES - A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department of Geology and Palaentology on the British Museum
h0492: TRYON, THOMAS - Lady's Pictorial. No 952. March 1902
bbt187b: TRYON, THOMAS - Lady
d4089b: TSE-TUNG, MAO - Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung. Volume II
nws068: TUBB, E C; BULMER, KENNETH; &C. CARNELL, JOHN [ED.] - New Worlds Science Fiction. No 68. February 1958
nws040: TUBB, E C; BARCLAY, ALAN; &C. CARNELL, JOHN [ED.] - New Worlds Science Fiction. No 40. October 1955
nn-073: TUBBS, COLIN R - The New Forest. New Naturalist No 73
k1043: TUBBY, A H - Deformities. A Treatise on Orthopaedic Surgery. Intended for Practitioners and Advanced Students
ft-13: TUCK, RAPHAEL - My Railway. A Tuck Book
g4717: TUCK, BOB - Donald Malcolm. The Driving Force
mfs60k: TUCKER, WILSON; ASIMOV, ISAAC; &C - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Volume I No. 12 (British Edition). November 1960
msh103: TUCKER, ARTHUR L [ED.] - Model Shipwright. Volume I. Number 3. Spring 1973
g8592: TUCKER, RODNEY C [ED.] - Highgate School Register 1838-1950
msh201: TUCKER, ARTHUR L [ED.] - Model Shipwright. Volume II. Number 1. Autumn 1973
msh203: TUCKER, ARTHUR L [ED.] - Model Shipwright. Volume II. Number 3. Spring 1974
fol864b: TUCKER, JAMES - Ralph Rashleigh
msh104: TUCKER, ARTHUR L [ED.] - Model Shipwright. Volume I. Number 4. Summer 1973
msh204: TUCKER, ARTHUR L [ED.] - Model Shipwright. Volume II. Number 4. Summer 1974
fol864: TUCKER, JAMES - Ralph Rashleigh
msh202: TUCKER, ARTHUR L [ED.] - Model Shipwright. Volume II. Number 2 Winter 1973
bbt190: TUCKER, NORMAN - Great Waters
g8613a: TUDOR, C J - The Drift. Signed Copy
g8613b: TUDOR, C J - The Taking of Annie Thorne. Signed Copy
mlg15ab: TUDOR, THOMAS L - Derbyshire. Methuen Little Guides. 1929
g2127: TUDOR-CRAIG, ALGERNON - Armorial Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century
h2266: TUKE, D HACK - Sleep-Walking and Hypnotism
h2152a: TUKE, HACK [ED.] - A Dictionary of Psychological Medicine Giving the Definition, Etymology and Synonyms of the Terms Used in Medical Psychology with the Symptoms, Treatment, and Pathology of Insanity and the Law of Lunacy in Great Britain and Ireland. Volumes I (a-H) Only
rgi037: TULLIS, DAVID [ED.] - Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts. 37th Annual Exhibition 1898
e5760: TUNE'S ENGINEERING - Tune's Catalogue of Tools & Appliances
log175c: TUNING, WILLIAM; EDGAR, EWING; BOVA, BEN [ED.]; &C - Analog. Science Fiction and Fact. Volume 95, Number 3. March 1975
cigb11: TUNNICLIFFE, C F [ILLUS.] - Wild Flowers (Series 2) (Brooke Bond Picture Cards)
nav067a: TUNSTALL, BRIAN [ED.] - The Byng Papers Selected from the Letters and Papers of Admiral Sir George Byng First Viscount Torrington and of His Son Admiral the Hon. John Byng. Three Volume Set
bbt194: TUOHY, FRANK - The Ice Saints
tup05: TUPLIN, W A - Great Western Saints and Sinners
tup09: TUPLIN, W A - North Eastern Steam
k4192: TUPPER, MARTIN F - Select Miscellaneous Poems
fol867a: TURGENEV, IVAN S; JAQUES, FAITH [ILLUS.]; MAGARSHACK, DAVID [TR.] - The Torrents of Spring. 1967
fol867: TURGENEV, IVAN S; JAQUES, FAITH [ILLUS.] - The Torrents of Spring. 1959
g7246a: TURING, H D - Trout Fishing
k2254: TURK, GAVIN; WORTHINGTON, GREVILLE [CURATOR] - Seven Billion Two Hundred and One Million Nine Hundred and Sixty-Four Thousand and Two Hundred and Thirty Eight
bbt197: TURK, FRANCES - Candle Corner
c1081: TURNBULL, ROBERT - The Pulpit Orators of France & Switzerland. Sketches of Their Character, and Specimens of Their Eloquence
e1648: TURNBULL, CUBBS - From Mossilee to the San Siro. The History of Gala Rovers
lt-05: TURNBULL, LES; TYSON, J C - Coals from Newcastle. An Archive Teaching Unit for the Study of the Economic and Social History of the North East Coalfield in the Early Nineteenth Century
lt-12aa: TURNBULL, LES - The History of Lead Mining in the North East of England
k4539: TURNBULL, COLIN M - Wayward Servants. The Two Worlds of the African Pygmies
h2202: TURNBULL, JAMES - A Practical Treatise on Disorders of the Stomach with Fermentation; the Causes and Treatment of Indigestion; and on Diet
g3698: TURNBULL, GAEL - What Makes the Weeds Grow Tall. Limited Edition
shr148b: TURNER, KEITH - Old Trams. Shire Album Series No. 148
a0435hb: TURNER, JOHN FRAYN - The Battle of Britain
a0435i: TURNER, JOHN FRAYN - Service Most Silent
a0435f: TURNER, JOHN FRAYN - Fight for the Air. Air Battles of World War II
a0435: TURNER, JOHN FRAYN - British Aircraft of World War II
a0435c: TURNER, JOHN FRAYN - The Bader Wing
e1515: TURNER, ANTHONY - Early Scientific Instruments. Europe 1400 - 1800
r3581b: TURNER, FRANK MILLER - Contesting Cultural Authority. Essays in Victorian Intellectual Life
d3365c: TURNER, GERARD L'E - The Great Age of the Microscope: The Collection of the Royal Microscopial Society Through 150 Years
g7932: TURNER, WILLIAM; DRANE, ROBERT - The Ceramics of Swansea and Nantgarw: A History of the Factories. With Biographical Notices of the Artists and Others, Notes on the Merits of the Porcelains, the Marks Thereon, Etc. Also an Appendix on the Mannerisms of the Artists
t1402: TURNER, H A ET AL - Labour Relations in the Motor Industry
e4906a: TURNER, DANIEL - A Discourse Concerning Fevers in Two Letters to a Young Physician. The First Dissuading from All Hypotheses and Theories, Whether Physical or Mechanical, As Vain and Delusive. The Second Directing His Regimen for the Cure, and His Conduct. .
e4906: TURNER, DANIEL - A Discourse Concerning Fevers in Two Letters to a Young Physician. The First Dissuading from All Hypotheses and Theories, Whether Physical or Mechanical, As Vain and Delusive. The Second Directing His Regimen for the Cure, and His Conduct. .
e4894a: TURNER, DANIEL - Syphillis. A Practical Dissertation on the Venereal Disease. In Which, After an Account of Its Nature and Original, the Diagnostick and Prognostick Signs, with the Best Ways of Curing That Distemper. .
g9146: TURNER, A LOGAN [ED.] - History of the University of Edinburgh 1883-1933. Signed Limited Edition
ww-015: TURNER, HERBERT - Design for Woodcarvers. The Woodworker Series No 15
k4061: TURNILL, L C - Poultry Keeping. Young Farmers' Club Booklet No. 5
d1622a: TURNOR, HATTON - Astra Castra: Experiments and Adventures in the Atmosphere. [Including Ballooning]
1574f: TURPIN, ERIC W - Grahamstown. Hub of the Eastern Cape
j8104: TURPIN, ANTHONY; SHIPMAN, ROBERT - Wings at the Ready. 75 Years of the Naval Air Rescue
j8104a: TURPIN, ANTHONY; SHIPMAN, ROBERT - Wings at the Ready. 75 Years of the Naval Air Rescue
nn-010af: TURRILL, W B - British Plant Life. New Naturalist No 10
nn-010: TURRILL, W B - British Plant Life. New Naturalist No 10
nn-010b: TURRILL, W B - British Plant Life. New Naturalist No. 10. Readers Union Edition. 1959
r6163: TURVET, SAMUEL T [ED.] - Holocene Extinctions
ols220: TURVILLE-PETRE, JOAN; PAGE, R I; &C - Saga-Book of the Viking Society. Volume XX Parts 1-2. 1978-9
ols219d: TURVILLE-PETRE, JOAN; KARLSSON, GUNNAR; &C - Saga-Book of the Viking Society. Volume XIX Part 4. 1977
e4770: TUSON, E W - The Structure and Functions of the Female Breast, As They Relate to Its Health, Derangement, and Disease
tut09a: TUTE, WARREN - The Deadly Stroke
tut09: TUTE, WARREN - The Deadly Stroke
tut29: TUTE, WARREN - The True Glory
tut29b: TUTE, WARREN - The True Glory
r2001: TUTELIER, CHARLES; GRENAUT, ROGER; PARKER, GLADYS - Les Naturistes. Les Nus de Paris
d4099c: TUTIN, T G, HEYWOOD, V H; BURGES, N A; &C - Flora Europaea. Volume 2. Rosaceae to Umbelliferae
g5189: TUTUOLA, AMOS - The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Dead's Town
g5189p: TUTUOLA, AMOS - The Palm-Wine Drinkard
k3253: TWADDLE, GRAHAM - Old Gourock
fol871ag: TWAIN, MARK; WATERS, ROD [ILLUS.] - A Treasury of Mark Twain. 2012
fol869c: TWAIN, MARK - Life on the Mississippi
twa25c: TWAIN, MARK - Mark Twain's Letters. Volume 3. 1869
k3036: TWEEDALE, GEOFFREY - The Sheffield Knife Book. A History and Collectors' Guide
k4585: TWEEDY, J M - Popish Elvet. The History of St Cuthbert's Durham. Part I
q1171: THE SOCIETY OF TWELVE - The Society of Twelve. Seventh Exhibition: 1912
h1381: TWIGDEN, BLAKE L - The Fifty Rarest Birds of the World. Limited Edition
d4104: TWINING, THOMAS; ARISTOTLE - Treatise on Poetry, Translated: With Notes... And Two Dissertations
r3496b: TWINING, E W - Indoor Model Railways. Ho and Oo Gauges
r8365: TWINN, DORIS - Barlicon Road
g9078: TWOMEY, ARTHUR C - Needle to the North. The Story of an Expedition to Ungava and the Belcher Islands
ggj0019: TYACK, GEOFFREY [ED.] - The Georgian Group Journal. Volume XIX. 2011
ggj0017: TYACK, GEOFFREY [ED.] - The Georgian Group Journal. Volume XVII. 2009
g9368: TYACK, LENA - Greenmeadows
q0790: TYERMAN, DANIEL; BENNET, GEORGE; MONGOMERY, JAMES [COMP.] - Journal of Voyages and Travels. Volume I Only
tyl13: TYLER, IAN - Seathwaite Wad and the Mines of the Borrowdale Valley
irs06: TYLER, J F H - Signalling Relays (British Practice). Signal Engineers Booklet No 6
bbt212: TYLER, W T - The Ants of God
g9450: TYNAN, KENNETH - Show People. Profiles in Entertainment
r9464b: TYNDALE, WALTER - An Artist in the Riviera
r9464aa: TYNDALE, WALTER - An Artist in Italy
ty-06: TYNDALL, JOHN - The Glaciers of the Alps. Being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers, and an Exposition of the Physical Principles to Which They Are Related
psn501c: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 5th Series. Volume 1. Number 3. Summer 1952
sbl339: TYRER, WALTER - The Strange Affair of the Shot-Gun Sniper. The Sexton Blake Library No 339
sbl310: TYRER, WALTER - The Case of the Swindled Guarantor. The Sexton Blake Library No 310
sbl287: TYRER, WALTER - The Case of the Naval Stores Racket. The Sexton Blake Library No 287
e2625: TYRRELL, FREDERICK - A Practical Work on the Diseases of the Eye, and Their Treatment, Medically, Topically, and by Operation. 2 Volume Set
bct077ea: TYRRELL, MABEL L - The Enchanted Camp
bct077e: TYRRELL, MABEL L - The Enchanted Camp
h2185: TYRRELL, JOHN - Consumption, Why So Fatal? What Are the Means by Which It Can Be Prevented in Those Predisposed to, and Its Progress Arrested in Those Already Affected with It? the Above Queries Solved
r1921: TYRWHITT, R ST JOHN - Greek and Gothic. Progress and Decay in the Three Arts of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting
g2779b: TYTLER, PATRICK FRASER; EADIE, JOHN - Tytler's History of Scotland. With Illustrative Notes from Recently Discovered State Documents, and a Continuation of the History, from the Union of the Crowns to the Present Time. 4 Volume Set in 9 Divisions
bct078: TYTLER, SARAH - Girl Neighbours
bgu001: UEBERROTH, PETER (LEVIN, RICHARD & QUINN, AMY) - Made in America: His Own Story
r2845c: UHDE, CONSTANTIN [ED.]; ZETZSCHE, CARL - Die Konstruktionen Und Die Kunstformen Der Architektur. Band IV. II. Halbband. Eisen Und Bronze
r2845b: UHDE, CONSTANTIN [ED.] - Die Konstruktionen Und Die Kunstformen Der Architektur. Band IV. I. Halbband. Der Steinbau in Kunstlichem Stein, Die Geschichtliche Entwickelung Der Gesimse in Den Verschiedenen Baustilen
r2845: UHDE, CONSTANTIN [ED.] - Die Konstruktionen Und Die Kunstformen Der Architektur. Ihre Geschichtliche Systematische Entwickelung, Begrundet Durch Material Und Technik. Band I
j0227: UHLIG, FRANK - How Navies Fight. The Us Navy and Its Allies
bbu002: UHNAK, DOROTHY - False Witness
h0540: UKAS (UNITED KINGDOM ACCREDITATION SERVICE) - Qa Register. The United Kingdom Register of Quality Assessed Companies. 9 Volume Set
ulm21: ULLMAN, JAMES RAMSAY - The White Tower
ulm21ab: ULLMAN, JAMES RAMSAY - The White Tower
ulm22: ULLMAN, JAMES RAMSAY - Windom's Way
rul17: ULLYETT, ROY - Sports Cartoons of the Daily Express [Roy Ullyett Cartoon Annual]. 17th Series
a0918: UMJETNICI - Mladi Slovenski Umjetnici "72
k3962: UND, PETER; STIFTUNG, LUDWIG - [Non Conform]. Russian and Soviet Art 1958-1995. The Ludwig Collection
j2585da: UNDERHILL, HAROLD A - Deep-Water Sail. 1955
j2585ca: UNDERHILL, HAROLD A - Sail Training and Cadet Ships
e5828: UNDERWOOD, MICHAEL; WATHEN, JONATHAN; JEBB, FREDERIC; SMITH, JOHN - A Treatise Upon Ulcers of the Legs + Treating Ulcerated Legs + the Conductor, and Containing Splints + a Physiological Enquiry Into the Process of Labour + Preventing and Curing Many Distempers
und34ba: UNDERWOOD, MICHAEL - Murder on Trial [Simon Manton]
e8888: UNDERWOOD, ARTHUR S; BRAINE, C CARTER - Notes on Anaesthetics in Dental Surgery
e5828b: UNDERWOOD, MICHAEL - Surgical Tracts, Containing a Treatise Upon Ulcers of the Legs; in Which Former Methods of Treatment Are Candidly Examined, and Compared with One More Rational and Safe; Effected without Rest and Confinement... .
mtv34: UNDSET, SIGRID - Jenny. Moderna Masterverk
k4063: UNGELENK, JOHANNES - Touching at a Distance. Shakespeare's Theatre
r1065: THREE TRUE UNIONISTS - The Stud Book of the Bothal Club
e2596: NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY - Proceedings of the of the Fourth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Five Volume Set
k2899: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - Cambridge Problems Being a Collection of the Printed Questions Proposed to the Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts at the General Examinations from 1801 - 1820 Inclusive
4319: ST ANDREWS UNIVERSITY - Votiva Tabella. A Memorial Volume of St. Andrews University . .
r0476: OXFORD UNIVERSITY - Parecbolae Sive Excerpta E Corpore Statutorum Univesitatis Oxoniensis. Accedunt Articlui Religionis XXXIX in Ecclesia Anglicana Recepti: . .
k3441: UNSTEAD, R J; AMBRUS, VICTOR [ILLUS.] - The Story of Britain
uns11a: UNSWORTH, BARRY - Pascali's Island
cga11: UNSWORTH, WALT - Otztal Alps. Climbers Alpine Guide. 1969
bgh250: UNTERMEYER, LOUIS - Heinrich Heine, Paradox and Poet . . the Life
bbu010d: UNWIN, DAVID - The Governor's Wife
fl-437: UPDIKE, JOHN; FOX, BARBARA [ILLUS.] - Marry Me. Franklin Library
upd05: UPDIKE, JOHN - Bech Is Back
upd68: UPDIKE, JOHN - Trust Me
upd19: UPDIKE, JOHN - The Coup
upd10: UPDIKE, JOHN - Buchanan Dying
bbu010: UPSON, DOROTHY B - The Course of True Love
upt01aa: UPTON, FLORENCE K; UPTON, BERTHA [VERSE.] - The Adventures of Two Dutch Dolls
q1026: UPTON, JOE - Amaretto
gnt819: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXIX (89) January to December 1819. 2 Volume Set
gnt844b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine. Volume XXII, New Series. June to December 1844
gnt753: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXIII. January to December 1753
gnt792: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXI (62) Part 1. January to June 1792
gnt818: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXVIII (88) January to December 1818. 2 Volume Set
gnt817: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXVII (87). January to December 1817. 2 Volume Set
gnt844: URBAN, SYLVANUS [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine. Volume XXI & XXII, New Series. January to December 1844. 2 Volume Set,
gnt758: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXVIII (28) January to December 1758
gnt759: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXIX (29) January to December 1759
gnt841: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine. Volumes XV & XVI, New Series. January to December 1841. 2 Volume Set
gnt843: URBAN, SYLVANUS [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine. Volume XIX & XX, New Series. January to December 1843. 2 Volume Set
gnt779: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XLIX (49) January to December 1779
gnt816: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXVI (86). January to December 1816. 2 Volume Set
gnt815: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.]; WELLINGTON; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXV (85). January to December 1815. 2 Volume Set. [Waterloo]
gnt813: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXIII (83). January to December 1813. 2 Volume Set
gnt791: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXI (61) Part 1. January to June 1791
gnt790b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LX (60) Part 2. July to December 1790
gnt789b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LIX (59) Part 2. July to December 1789
gnt756: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXVI (26) January to December 1756
gnt839: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine. Volumes XI & XII, New Series. January to December 1839. 2 Volume Set
gnt812: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXII (82). January to December 1812. 2 Volume Set
gnt838: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine. Volumes IX & X, New Series. January to December 1838. 2 Volume Set
gnt810: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXX (80). January to December 1810. 2 Volume Set
gnt811: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXI (81). January to December 1811. 2 Volume Set
gnt755: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXV (25). January to December 1755
gnt837: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine. Volumes VII & VIII, New Series. January to December 1837. 2 Volume Set
gnt809: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXIX (79). January to December 1809. 2 Volume Set
gnt807: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXVII (77). January to December 1807. 2 Volume Set
gnt808: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXVIII (78). January to December 1808. 2 Volume Set
gnt806: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXVI (76). January to December 1806. 2 Volume Set
gnt746: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XVI. January to December 1746
gnt805: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXV (75). January to December 1805. 2 Volume Set
gnt788b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LVIII (58) Part 2. July to December 1788
gnt789: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LIX (59) Part 1. January to June 1789
gnt804: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXIV (74). January to December 1804. 2 Volume Set
gnt831: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume CI (101) January to December 1831. 2 Volume Set
gnt832: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume CII (102) January to December 1832. 2 Volume Set
gnt787: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LVII (57) Part 1. January to June 1787
gnt786b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LVI (56) Part 2. July to December 1786
gnt778: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XLVIII (48) January to December 1778
gnt830: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume C (100) January to December 1830. 2 Volume Set
gnt785: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LV (55) Part 1. January to June 1785
gnt785b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LV (55) Part 2. July to December 1785
gnt786: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LVI (56) Part 1. January to June 1786
gnt751: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXI. January to December 1751
gnt801: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXI (71). January to December 1801. 2 Volume Set
gnt802: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXII (72). January to December 1802. 2 Volume Set
gnt803: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXIII (73). January to December 1803. 2 Volume Set
gnt784: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LIV (54) Part 1. January to June 1784
gnt749: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XIX. January to December 1749
gnt780a: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] COOK, JAMES; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume L (50) January to December 1780
gnt781: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] COOK, JAMES; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LI (51) January to December 1781
gnt782: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LII (52) January to December 1782
gnt783: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LIII (53) Part 1. January to June 1783
gnt827: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XCVII (97) January to December 1827. 2 Volume Set
gnt828: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XCVIII (98) January to December 1828. 2 Volume Set
gnt829b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XCIX (99) Part the Second. July to December 1829
gnt800a: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXX (70). Part I. 1800
gnt748: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XVIII. January to December 1748
gnt780: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] COOK, JAMES; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume L (50) January to December 1780
gnt825: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XCV (95) January to December 1825. 2 Volume Set
gnt826: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XCVI (96) January to December 1826. 2 Volume Set
gnt800: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume LXX (70). January to December 1800. 2 Volume Set
gnt799b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXIX (69) Part 2. July to December 1799
gnt774: URBAN, SYLVANUS [HENRY, DAVID] [ED.]; GIBSON, JOHN; BOWEN, THOMAS [MAPS] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XLIV (44) January to December 1774
gnt798b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXVIII (68) Part 2. July to December 1798
gnt798: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXVIII (68) Part 1. January to June 1798
gnt745: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.]; JOHNSON, SAMUEL; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XV. January to December 1745
gnt823: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XCIII (93) January to December 1823. 2 Volume Set
gnt797: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXVII (67) Part 1. January to June 1797
gnt822: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XCII (92) January to December 1822. 2 Volume Set
gnt796b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXVI (66) Part 2. July to December 1796
gnt796: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXVI (66) Part 1. January to June 1796
gnt766: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXXVI (36) January to December 1766
gnt771: URBAN, SYLVANUS [HENRY, DAVID] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XLI (41) January to December 1771
gnt772: URBAN, SYLVANUS [HENRY, DAVID] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XLII (42) January to December 1772
gnt744: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.]; JOHNSON, SAMUEL; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XIV. January to December 1744
gnt795b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXV (65) Part 2. July to December 1795
gnt821i: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - General Index to the Gentleman's Magazine from the Year 1787 to 1818, Both Inclusive. Volume the Fourth. Books... Musical... Plates... And to the Names of Persons
gnt769: URBAN, SYLVANUS [HENRY, DAVID] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXXIX (39) January to December 1769
gnt795: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXV (65) Part 1. January to June 1795
gnt743: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.]; JOHNSON, SAMUEL; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XIII. January to December 1743
gnt742: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.]; JOHNSON, SAMUEL; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XII. January to December 1742
gnt818b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXXXVIII (88) Part the Second. July to December 1818
gnt765: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXXV (35) January to December 1765
gnt794: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXIV (64) Part 1. January to June 1794
gnt820: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XC (90). January to December 1820. 2 Volume Set
gnt876: URBAN, SYLVANUS; BUCHANAN, ROBERT; FRANCILLON, R E; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine. Entirely New Series. Vol. XVI. January - June 1876
gnt764: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXXIV (34) January to December 1764
gnt762: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXXII (32) January to December 1762
gnt761: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXXI (31) January to December 1761
gnt739: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, EDWARD] [ED.]; JOHNSON, SAMUEL; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume IX. January to December 1739
gnt792b: URBAN, SYLVANUS [NICHOLS, JOHN] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume LXII (62) Part 2. July to December 1792
gnt874b: URBAN, SYLVANUS; BUCHANAN, ROBERT; FRANCILLON, R E; &C - The Gentleman's Magazine. Entirely New Series. Volume XIII. July - December 1874
gnt760: URBAN, SYLVANUS [CAVE, RICHARD] [ED.] - The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXX (30) January to December 1760
c1892b: PONT; CLEMENTIS; URBANI - Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani. Ex Decreto Ss. Concilii Tridentini Restituti, S. Ph V Ponr. Max. Jussit Editi, Clementis VIII Et Urbani VIII. Auctoritate Recogniti
r6211bc: URE, ANDREW; HUNT, ROBERT [ED.] - Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. Volume III. Macaroni to Zinc
r6211ba: URE, ANDREW; HUNT, ROBERT [ED.] - Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. Volume I. Acetic Acid to Cyder
r6211a: URE, ANDREW - A Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy, with Their Applications
r6211: URE, ANDREW - Dictionary of Chemistry on the Basis of Mr Nicholson's in Which the Principles of the Science Are Investigated Anew and Its Applications to the Phenomena of Nature, Medicine, Mineralogy, Agriculture, and Manufactures, Detailed
bcu013: URE, JEAN - The Fright
r6211b: URE, ANDREW; HUNT, ROBERT; RUDLER, F W [EDS.] - Ure's Dictionary of Arts Manufactures and Mines. Containing a Clear Exposition of Their Principles and Practice. 4 Volume Set
r1761: URIE, A U - Graded Lessons on Cutting out
bbu012: URQUHART, FRED - Proud Lady in a Cage
f0092: URWIN, JOHN - The Sixteen. The Covert Assassination Squad That Went Beyond the Sas. Signed Copy
e8208: USHER, JOHN - Poems and Songs
fol874a: USHERWOOD, STEPHEN [ED.] - The Great Enterprise
fol874: USHERWOOD, STEPHEN [ED.] - The Great Enterprise
j0068: USHERWOOD, MIKE - War Diary of Raf Pocklington
e7548: VON USLAR, M; SCHMEISSER, G [TR.] - Chemico-Physiological Observations on Plants
ust15ab: USTINOV, PETER - The Loser
ust15b: USTINOV, PETER - The Loser
utt052: UTTLEY, ALISON; TEMPEST, MARGARET [ILLUS.] - Little Grey Rabbit Goes to the Sea
r7609: UZANNE, OCTAVE - La Francaise Du Siecle: Modes- Moeurs - Usages
vac68b: VACHELL, HORACE ANNESLEY - Quinneys'
vac20: VACHELL, HORACE ANNESLEY - Eve's Apples
lvh52: VACQUIER, J - Les Anciens Chateux de France. Series 2: L'Ille-de-France, Bevilliers-Breteuil, Champs, Courbevoie, Eaubonne, Montmorency, Rocquencourt
c2746: VACULIK, LUDVIK - The Guinea Pigs
wbo06ab: VADER, JOHN - Spitfire. Weapons Book No 6
wbo14: VADER, JOHN - Pacific Hawk. Weapons Book No 14
wbo06: VADER, JOHN - Spitfire [Weapons Book No 6]
wbo06a: VADER, JOHN - Spitfire, Weapons Book No 6
vag06ac: VAGABOND [WILLS, F ALEX] - The English Gate
vag36: VAGABOND [WILLS, F ALEX] - Yodel Redshank. Nature Snapshots No 6
vag06aa: VAGABOND [WILLS, F ALEX] - The English Gate
g0461: THE VAGABOND - Bird Business
vag05: VAGABOND [WILLS, F ALEX] - Coquetdale
vag07p: VAGABOND [WILLS, F ALEX] - Fifty Week-End Walks Around Newcastle
vag26: VAGABOND [WILLS, F ALEX]; ALDER, J [ILLUS.] - Scribbling Lark
est05: VAHTRA, LAURI - Meenutusi Kadunud Maailmast
est06: VAHTRE, LAURI - Ajaloo Pooripaevad
bbv003: VAIDYA, SURESH - Kailas
L0963: VAILE, WILLIAM N - The Mystery of the Golconda
d1980: VAIZEY, GEORGE - A Lineage and a City. An Essex Family Cycle
dhv31: VAIZEY, MRS GEORGE DE HORNE - Sisters Three
r5471: DU-VAL, P [PIERRE] - Traite de Geographie Qui Donne la Connoisance Et L'Usage Du Globe Et de la Carte Aveque Les Figures Necessaires Pour Ce Sujet. Et Des Tables Pour Connoiste Dans Les Cartes Les Pays Les Provinces Et Les Principles Villes Du Monde
2045: VALE, EDMUND - The Harveys of Hayle. Engine-Builders, Shipwrights and Merchants of Cornwall
bbv008: VALENTI, JUSTINE - Lovesong
bbv008a: VALENTI, JUSTINE - Twin Connections
j7894: VALENTIN, G[ABRIEL] - Uber Den Verlauf Und Die Letzten Enden Der Nerven [on the Course and Final Ending of Nerves]
vad13: VALENTINE [VALENTINE, DOUGLAS] - Leaves of Memory
e7121: VALENTINE, D H [ED.] - The Natural History of Upper Teesdale
g9205: VALENTINI, AGOSTINO - I Freschi Delle Loggie Vaticane Inventati Da Rafaele Sanzio
g9419: VALERY, PAUL; STEWART, WILLIAM MCCAUSLAND [TR.] - Eupalinos or the Architect. Signed Limited Edition
bbv009: VALIN, JONATHAN - Dead Letter
j9081: VALL, NATASHA - Cultural Region. North East England, 1945-2000
e4775: VALLACK, ARTHUR STYLES - The Principles and Practice of Asepsis
2567cc: VALLANCE, H A - The Great North of Scotland Railway
fol876ae: VALLANCE, ROSALIND [ED.]; CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE, [ILLUS] - Dickens' London. 1974
fol876af: VALLANCE, ROSALIND [ED.]; CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE, [ILLUS] - Dickens' London. 2011
trm097: VALLANCE, H A; HOGG, ROBERT M; ALLEN, CECIL J; LEE, ROBBINS, MICHAEL; LASCALLES, T S; &C - The Railway Magazine. Volume 97. 1951
k4274: VALLIERES, PIERRE; PINKHAM, JOAN [TRANSL.] - White Niggers of America
d1793: VALO, PETER - August 68 Na Slovensku. August 68 in Slovakia
c0347: VANBRUGH, JOHN - The City Wives' Confederacy. A Comedy, by Sir John Vanbrugh. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, As Performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, Regulated from the Prompt-Books, by Permission of the Managers
r4570a: VANBRUGH, SIR JOHN; DOBREE, BONAMY; WEBB, GEOFFREY [EDS.] - The Complete Works of Sir John Vanbrugh. 4 Volume Set. Limited Edition
j9434: VANBURGH, JOHN - The Provok'd Wife. A Comedy. Bell's Edition
vnc45: VANCE, JACK - Madouc [Lyonesse III]
j2318: VANCE, W, VAN HAMME, J - XIII. Le Jour Du Soleil Noir
e5290: VANDELLI, DOMENICO - Dominici Vandelli Philosophi Ac Medici Dissertationes Tres. De Aponi Thermis: De Nonnullis Insectis Terrestribus, & Zoophytis Marinis, & de Vermium Terrae Reproductione, Atque Taenia Canis
4922: VANDERHOOGHT - The Psalms of David. Carefully Corrected and Revised, According to the Text of Vanderhooght. Sefer Tehilim Meduyak Betakhlit Hadiyuk Uveotiyot Gdolot Yafot Vekhadashot
h1401: VANDERZWAAG, DAVID L; LAMSON, CYNTHIA [EDS.] - The Challenge of Arctic Shipping. Science, Environmental Assessment, and Human Values
mus078: VANDYKE, LES - Poor Me! (Sheet Music)
d4320: LE VANE, ETHEL; GETTY, J [JOHN] PAUL - Collector's Choice. The Chronicle of an Artistic Odyssey Through Europe
3437: VANN, PETER - Design by Giugiaro
rc-18: VANNS, MICHAEL A - Nottingham. Rail Centres No. 18
r1550: VARESE, CARLO - La Fidanzata Ligure Ossia Usi, Costumanze E Caratteri Dei Popoli Della Riviera Ai Nostri Tempi Opera Dell'Autore Della Sibilla Odaleta Nostri Tempi. Volume Secondo II
g4774: VARGAS, JOSE CARDENAS [ED.] - Geological-Mining Monograph of the State of Guanajuato
t0125: VARINOIS, M - La Soudure Electrique [Electric Welding]
e7616: VARIOUS - Shakespeare's England. An Account of the Life & Manners of His Age. 2 Volume Set
g2533a: VARIOUS - Moments in Time. Volume 1
ybp882: VARIOUS - Year-Book of Pharmacy Comprising Abstracts of Papers Relating to Pharmacy, Materia Medica, and Chemistry... 1882
ybp881: VARIOUS - Year-Book of Pharmacy Comprising Abstracts of Papers Relating to Pharmacy, Materia Medica, and Chemistry... 1881
g4970: VARIOUS - 3 Villes, 3 Collections... . . L'Avant-Garde 1960 - 1976
g4826: VARIOUS - Imperial White Books, Volume II, 1887 Part 1
d2823: VARIOUS - Puck's Yule Faggot. A Selection from Puck's Post-Bag for 1873 & 1874
g2080: VARIOUS - The New Athenian Broadsheet No. 1 August 1947
g2079: VARIOUS - The New Athenian Broadsheet No. 2 Christmas 1947
g4151: VARIOUS - The Encyclopedia of Sports and Games. 4 Volume Set
f0015: VARIOUS - The History of the Tyne Electrical Engineers 1934-1984
bgv006: VARNA, ANDREW - Limpy: The Autobiography of an International Smuggler
fol880: VASARI, GIORGIO - Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti
r6768: VASCHIDE, N; VON BUSCHAN, DR - Index Philosophique. Premiere Annee. 1902
j6518: VASILEVNA, NATALJA [COMP.]; ALEKSEJVSXAVA, M V [ED.] - [Lenin Revolution Art]
fol882aa: VASSILTCHIKOV, MARIE 'MISSIE' - The Berlin Diaries 1940 - 1945. 1994
d1375: VASUDEVA, RAJ BALDEVDAS - Some Properties of a Sequential Method for Estimating Quantial Response Curves
w0464: VAN DER VAT, DAN - Stealth at Sea. The History of the Submarine
bbv030a: VATSEK, JOAN - This Fiery Night
c3526: DE VAUGELAS, LAGIER - Soixante Vues Des Plus Beaux Palais, Monuments Et Eglises de Paris, Cathedrales Et Chateaux de la France. .
bim005: VAUGHAN, N B [ED.] - The Bulletin of the Institute of Metals. Volume 5. 1959-61
bgv007: VAUGHAN-THOMAS, WYNFORD - Trust to Talk
ma-18: VAUGHAN, N B [ED.] - Metallurgical Abstracts (General and Non-Ferrous). Volume 18, 1950-51
ma-19: VAUGHAN, N B [ED.] - Metallurgical Abstracts. General and Non-Ferrous. Volume 19, 1951-52
ma-12: VAUGHAN, N B [ED.] - Metallurgical Abstracts (General and Non-Ferrous). Volume 12, 1945
2380a: VAUGHAN, ADRIAN - Signalman's Morning
bcv009c: VAUGHAN, CAROL; CHARLTON, MICHAEL [ILLUS.] - King of the Castle
pws07: VAUGHAN, JOHN A M - The Power of the 50s
prf09: VAUGHAN, JOHN A M - Profile of the Class 20s
prf10: VAUGHAN, JOHN A M - Profile of the Class 50s
e5107: VAUGHAN, WALTER - An Exposition of the Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Founded on the Discoveries and Improvements of the Latest and Most Approved Writers, and Containing the Praelectiones Anatomicae of Ferdinand Leber. 2 Volume Set
4900: VAUGHAN, THOMAS; CROWNHART-VAUGHAN, E A P; DE IGLESIAS, MECEDES OALAU - Malaspina on the Northwest Coast. Voyages of Enlightenment
bbv031: VAUGHAN, HILDA - Pardon & Peace
prs07: VAUGHAN, A C C; (TRANSCRIBER ) (HERBERT. MAXWELL WOOD; (INDEXED AND EDITED BY)) - The Registers of Ingram, in the County of Northumberland. Durham and Northumberland Parish Register Society. Volume VII
tml45ca: VAUGHAN, HENRY; CHAMBERS, E K [ED.] - The Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist. Volume II Only. The Muses' Library
r0346: VAUGHAN, HENRY - Silurist. Poems from 'Poems, Olor Iscanus, Silex Scintillans, Thalia Redivia', an Essay from 'the Mount of Olives' Two Letters from Mss. In the Bodleian Library
g2140b: VAURIE, CHARLES - Classification of the Ovenbirds (Furnariidae)
g8412: VAUX, C BOWYER - Canoe Handling
g3322: DE VAUX, ROLAND - The Early History of Israel, 2 Volumes
3485ea: VAUXHALL - Bedford Models Hae and Hav. Operation & Maintenance Instructions
om-53: VAUXHALL - Vauxhall Wyvern Owner's Handbook
3485e: VAUXHALL - Bedford Models Hae and Hav. Operation & Maintenance Instructions
r5469s: VAYSSE DE VILLIERS, R- J F - Description Routiere Et Geographique de L'Empire Francais Divise en Quatre Regions + Itineraire Descriptif Ou Description Routiere Geographique Historique Et Pittoresque de la France Et de L'Italie
air201: VEALE, SYDNEY E [ED.] - Air Review. Volume 2 No. 1. January 1935
air202: VEALE, SYDNEY E [ED.] - Air Review. Volume 2 No. 2. February 1935
air206: VEALE, SYDNEY E [ED.] - Air Review. Volume 2 No. 6. June 1935
air207: VEALE, SYDNEY E [ED.] - Air Review. Volume 2 No. 7. July 1935
g4653b: VEALE, SYDNEY E - Warfare in the Air
g4653a: VEALE, SYDNEY E - Aircraft for All
air204: VEALE, SYDNEY E [ED.] - Air Review. Volume 2 No. 4. April 1935
air205: VEALE, SYDNEY E [ED.] - Air Review. Volume 2 No. 5. May 1935
g2192: VEDRENNE, L W - Vanguard
j6423: VEENHOVEN, WILHELM - Case Studies on Fundamental Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. 4 Volume Set
bbv038: VEEVERS, MARIAN - Bloodlines
bbv039: VEHEYNE, CHERRY - According to Their Deserts
bbv040: VEITCH, JAMES - The Kindred Earth
bbv040a: VEITCH, JAMES - The Unknown Quantity
e2628: VELPEAU, ALFRED ARMAND LOUIS MARIE; JEANSELME, GUSTAVE - Manuel Pratique Des Maladies Des Yeux, D'Apres Les Lecons Cliniques de M. Le Professeur Velpeau, Chirurgien de L'Hopital de la Charite; par Gustave Jeanselme
r1865c: VENABLES, ROBERT - The Experienc'd Angler. 1827
r1865: VENABLES, ROBERT - The Experienc'd Angler: Or, Angling Improv'd. Being a General Discourse of Angling. Imparting the Aptest Wayes and Choicest Experiments for the Taking of Most Sorts of Fish in Pond or River. 1668
pufp053: VENABLES, BERNARD - Fish and Fishing. Puffin Picture Book No. 53
bv-08: VENABLES, BERNARD - Fishing for Roach with Mr Cherry and Jim
h0119: VENERONI, GIOVANNI; PLACARDI, CHARLES - Dictionaire Italien Et Francois par le Sieur Veneroni. Nouvelle Edition, Revue Et Corrige Sur le Dictionnaire de la Crusca... 2 Volume Set
ven10: VENIARD, JOHN - One Hundered and One Fly Dressings
ven13: VENIARD, JOHN - Series 'b'. Trout Flies. Dressings of 140 Dry Fly and Wet Fly Patterns, 72 of Them Illustrated in Colour
ven14: VENIARD, JOHN - Still Water Flies and Lures
ven09: VENIARD, JOHN; DOWNS, DONALD [ILLUS.] - Modern Fly-Tying Techniques
g1499: VENTURI, ADOLFO E LIONELLO; BRIZIO, ANNA MARIA [ED.] - L'Arte, Rivista Bimestrale Di Storia Dell'Arte Medievale E Moderna. Volume Terzo, Nuova Serie
bbv043: VERCEL, ROGER - Madman's Memory
e5327: VERCELLONUS, JACOBUS [JACOBI VERCELLONI] - De Pudendorum Morbis Et Lue Venerea Tetrabiblion
bbd169: DE VERE WHITE, TERENCE - The Radish Memoirs
bbd169a: DE VERE WHITE, TERENCE - Tara
j5974: DET NORSKE VERITAS - Register of Vessels Classed with Det Norske Veritas Including List of Other Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish Vessels of 100 Gross Tonnage and over. 1989. No. 117
ri-22: VERMA, NIRMAL - The World Elsewhere and Other Stories
c3300: VERMA, NALINI - Best of Kerala Cuisine
fol883d: VERMES, GEZA - The Authentic Gospel of Jesus
ver62ba: VERNE, JULES - Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers [Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas]
ver03: VERNE, JULES - The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa
ver33: VERNE, JULES - Floating Island or the Pearl of the Pacific
ver50: VERNE, JULES - Mistress Branican
ver11a: VERNE, JULES - Captain Hatteras or the English at the North Pole and the Desert of Ice
ver16: VERNE, JULES - The Clipper of the Clouds
ver49: VERNE, JULES; KINGSTON, W H G [TRANSL.] - Michael Strogoff. Courier of the Czar
j7530c: VERNEDE, R E; CUNEO, CYRUS [ILLUS.] - The Fair Dominion. A Record of Canadian Impressions
j7530: VERNEDE, R E - An Ignorant in India
j7530d: VERNEDE, R E - The Port Allington Stories
vrn06p: VERNEY, JOHN - Friday's Tunnel
h2103: VERNIERE, M A - Memoire Sur Les Fetus Acephales
c1757: VERNON, GRENVILLE - The Image in the Path
rfy10a: VERNON, LESLIE; ROLLIN, JACK [EDS.] - Rothmans Football Yearbook 1979-80
c2965: VERNON, HENRY - Thoughts of Leisure Hours. Poems, Songs, &C, &C
bbv047ab: VERNON, MARJORIE. [SHIRLEY RUSSELL] - Walk in a Golden Dream
bbv047c: VERNON, MARJORIE. [SHIRLEY RUSSELL] - Wild Heritage
e2528: VERRAL, CHARLES - A Practical Treatise on Lateral Curvature of the Spine; with a New Method of Treatment for Securing Its Effectual Removal without the Sad Necessity of Constantly Lying Down. Illustrated with a Series of Cases
g8947: VERRALL, W - The Modern Plasterer. A Practical Work on Plastering, Decorative Plasterwork, Rough-Casting, Cement-Washes, Plastic Floors. , Artificial Marbles, Etc. Vol. I
bcv012aa: VERRIL, A H - Carib Gold
typ32: VERTOT, RENE-AUBERT - Histoire Des Revolutions de Suede. Tome Premier. Edition Stereotype
g3775: VERUSKA (PIPPIT, [ILLUST]) - Miss! You'Ve Dropped Your Briefs
g1135: VERVAET, RYERSON - The Valley of Homes. The Ponds Yaupough Oakland. 1695 - 1952
nn-002ab: VESEY-FITZGERALD, BRIAN - British Game. New Naturalist No 2
nn-002ad: VESEY-FITZGERALD, BRIAN - British Game. New Naturalist No 2
a1180: VESINIER, PIERRE - La Vie Du Nouveau Cesar. Etude Historique. 1ere Partie
k0972: VEUILLOT, LOUIS - Jesus-Christ
wrk10: VEVERS, C C; MARK, H J; MACLEAN, NORMAN; &C - Work. The Illustrated Weekly Journal for Mechanics. Volume X. July 1895 to January 1896
k4012: VICKERS - Instructions for Working the "Vickers" Sewing Machine
hon11ac: VICKERS, KENNETH H (THE NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY HISTORY COMMITTEE) - A History of Northumberland. Volume 11. Wooler, Ford, Kirknewton, Carham, Etc
pen1090: VICKERS, ROY - The Department of Dead Ends. Penguin Fiction No 1090
pen1090a: VICKERS, ROY - The Department of Dead Ends. Penguin Fiction No 1090
hon11a: VICKERS, KENNETH H (THE NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY HISTORY COMMITTEE) - A History of Northumberland. Volume 11. Wooler, Ford, Kirknewton, Carham, Etc
hon11ab: VICKERS, KENNETH H (THE NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY HISTORY COMMITTEE) - A History of Northumberland. Volume 11. Wooler, Ford, Kirknewton, Carham, Etc
hon11aa: VICKERS, KENNETH H (THE NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY HISTORY COMMITTEE) - A History of Northumberland. Volume 11. Wooler, Ford, Kirknewton, Carham, Etc
r4257: VICO, GIAMBATTISTA - Principj Di Scienza Nuova Di Giambattista Vico D'Intorno Alla Comune Natura Della Nazioni Colla Vita Dell'Autore Scritta Da Lui Medesimo. 3 Volume Set
c2413: VICTOR, ISABEL; ET AL - Craftsmen and Handcrafts. Routes on the Costa Azul
e5953: VICTORIUS, BENEDICTUS; UFFENBACH, PETER - Benedicti Victorii Faventini, Medici Olim Ac Philosophi Praestantissimi de Curandis Morbis Ad Tyrones Practica Magna: In Duos Tomos Diuisa. .
bbv049: VIDA, NINA - Flight from Barcelona
vid09: VIDAL, GORE - Dark Green, Bright Red
k1234: HUU NGOC; NGUYEN KHAC VIEN [CHAIR] - Vietnamese Studies. New Series No. 4
e1189: VIGAY, WINIFRED - Six Snappy Black-Outs (Six Short Sketches)
w0291: 'VIGILANT' [SYKES, CLAUD W.] - German War Birds
r7585: VILA, ANTONI; JUNYENT, DR EDUARD [TR.] - Cerimonial de Consellers Del a Ciutat de VIC. Manuscrit Inedit Del Segle XV
j8047: VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON - John Brown 1800 - 1859. A Biography Fifty Years After
d2300: VILLARD, HENRY SERRANO - Blue Ribbon of the Air. The Gordon Bennett Races
k0079: DE LA VILLE, JEAN CLAUDE - Continuation Des Cause Celebres Et Interessantes; Avec Les Jugemens Qui Les Ont Decidees. 4 Volume Set
vil20: VILLIERS, ALAN JOHN - And Not to Yeild. A Story of the Outward Bound
vil33a: VILLIERS, ALAN JOHN - Vanished Fleets
g6644: VILLON, FRANCOIS; WHARTON, LEWIS [TR.] - The Free Meals Francois Villon and His Companions and the Monologue of the Free Archer of Baignollet. Signed Copy
vi-18: VINCENZI, PENNY - Something Dangerous
e9002b: VINE, FRED T - Saleable Shop Goods for Counter-Tray & Window. A Practical Book for Practical Confectioners
r6834: VINES, MIKE - Wind in the Wires. A Golden Era of Flight 1909-1939
ccj065: VINEY, ELLIOTT [ED.] - The Climbers' Club Journal. 1939. Vol. VI. No. 1. Issue 65
log184g: VINGE, VERNOR; CALLIN, GRANT D; SCHMIDT, STANLEY [ED.]; &C - Analog. Science Fiction and Fact. Volume 104, Number 7. July 1984
log184h: VINGE, VERNOR; DELANEY, JOSEPH D; SCHMIDT, STANLEY [ED.]; &C - Analog. Science Fiction and Fact. Volume 104, Number 8. August 1984
4918: VINNIUS, ARNOLDUS - Institutionum, Sive Elementorum, Libri Quatuor, Notis Perpetuis Multo, Quam Hucusque, Diligentius Illustrati
bbv058: VINOGRADOV, ANATOLI (SHELLEY, GERARD (TRANS)) - Three Colours of Time
bsp00: BAILY & VINTON - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. 66 Volume Set. 1860 - 1896
5015: VINTON - Live Stock Journal Almanack 1902
L1327: VIRGIL - Les Bucoliques de Virgile. Traduits en Vers Francais, Precedees de la Vie Du Poete Latin, Et Accompagnees de Remarques Sur le Texte ; Pour Completer Les Livres de Virgile Traduites par J. Delille
j9538: VIRGIL - Virgilii Maronis Opera. Interpretatione Et Notis. [the Works of Virgil with Explanatory Notes]
c2066: VIRGIL; MELMOTH, WILLIAM HENRY [ED.] - The Whole Genuine Works of Virgil, the Famous Roman Poet. Including New and Complete Editions of the Aeneid, Georgics, and Pastorals, Bucolics, or Eclogues, Etc
j2226: VIRTUE - The Quarto. An Artistic, Literary and Musical Illustrated Quarterly for 1896. Volumes I & II
3333: VITONI - Specimen Novi Breviari Recens Editi Ad Usum Congregationis
c4083: VIVEEN, W J A R; RICHTER, C J J; VAN OORDT, P G W J; JANSSEN, J A L; HUISMAN, E A - Practical Manual for the Culture of the African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus)
r0033: VIVIAN, PHELIPS - Christianity's Debt to Earlier Religions
bsp14a: DES VOEUX, HENRY; VIVIAN, LORD; CORBET, REGINALD; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume XIV. October 1867 - April 1868
bsp14: DES VOEUX, HENRY; VIVIAN, LORD; CORBET, REGINALD; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume XIV. October 1867 - April 1868
e8038: VON VOGT, HARALD - Schlachtfeld Luftfahrzeug. Der Einsatz Der Schwarzen Manner IM II. Weltkrieg
asc4004: VAN VOGT, A E; DEL REY, LESTER; JAMESON, MALCOLM; ROCKLYNNE, ROSS; BRACKETT, LEIGH - Astounding Science Fiction. Volume XXV, Number 2. April 1940
bcv019: VOLK, GORDON - The 'Maid of Sussex'. A Romance of the Sea
r7093: VOLNEY, C F - Voyage en Syrie Et en Egypte Pendant Les Annes 1783, 84 Et 85. 2 Volume Set
d1975: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE; BEUCHOT [ED.] - Oeuvres de Voltaire. Avec Prefaces, Avertissements, Notes, Etc. 72 Volume Set
typ33c: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE; CORNEILLE, PIERRE - Heraclius + Don Sanche + Nicomede + Sertorius, &C. Commentaires Sur Corneille. Tome Troisieme. Edition Stereotype
typ33d: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE; CORNEILLE, PIERRE; RACINE, JEAN - Orthon + Berenice, Ariane, &C. Commentaires Sur Corneille. Tome Quatrieme. Edition Stereotype
typ34d: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophique. Tome Quatrieme. Barbe - Chine. Edition Stereotype
typ34f: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophique. Tome Sixieme. Dejection - Eglise. Edition Stereotype
typ34i: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophique. Tome Neuvieme. Geographie - Juifs. Edition Stereotype
typ34k: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophique. Tome Onzieme. Loi Naturelle - Ordination. Edition Stereotype
vlt31: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Philosophie de Newton. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Trente-Unieme
typ34L: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophique. Tome Douzieme. Orgueil - Quete. Edition Stereotype
typ35: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Epitres, Stances, Et Odes. Edition Stereotype
typ36c: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Essai Sur Les Moeurs Et L'Esprit Des Nations. Tome Troisieme. Edition Stereotype
typ40L: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Irene + Agathocle + la Fete de Bellebat + Julius Cesar + la Comedie Fameuse. Theatre de Voltaire. Tome Douzieme. Edition Stereotype
typ36g: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Essai Sur Les Moeurs Et L'Esprit Des Nations. Tome Septieme. Edition Stereotype
typ36h: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Essai Sur Les Moeurs Et L'Esprit Des Nations. Tome Huitieme. Edition Stereotype
typ37: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - La Henriade, Poeme, Avec Les Notes; Suive de L'Essai Sur la Poesie Epique. Edition Stereotype
typ38c: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Les Lettres D'Amabed + Histoire de Jenni + Les Oreilles Du Comte de Chesterfield + le Taureau Blanc &C. Romans de Voltaire. Tome Troisieme. Edition Stereotype
typ39c: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Siecles de Louise XIV, Et de Louis XV. Tome Troisieme. Edition Stereotype
typ40c: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Adelaide Du Guesclin + la Mort de Cesar + Tanis Et Zelide + Alzire + L'Enfant Prodique. Theatre de Voltaire. Tome Troisieme. Edition Stereotype
typ40d: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Zulime + Pandore + le Fanatisme + Merope. Theatre de Voltaire. Tome Quatrieme. Edition Stereotype
typ40g: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Catalina + le Duc de Foix + L'Orphelin de la Chine + Socrate. Theatre de Voltaire. Tome Septieme. Edition Stereotype
typ40i: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Olimpie + le Triumvirat + Les Scythes + Charlot. Theatre de Voltaire. Tome Neuvieme. Edition Stereotype
typ40j: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Le Depositaire + Les Deux Tonneaux + Les Guebres. Theatre de Voltaire. Tome Dixieme. Edition Stereotype
typ40k: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Sophonise + Les Loise de Minos + Les Pelopides + Don Pedre. Theatre de Voltaire. Tome Onzieme. Edition Stereotype
typ36e: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Essai Sur Les Moeurs Et L'Esprit Des Nations. Tome Cinquieme. Edition Stereotype
typ36f: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Essai Sur Les Moeurs Et L'Esprit Des Nations. Tome Sixieme. Edition Stereotype
vlt56: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Recueil Des Lettres de M. De Voltaire. 1758-1760. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Cinquante-Sixieme
vlt52: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Recueil Des Lettres de M. De Voltaire. 1715-1737. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Cinqante-Deuxieme
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vlt37: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophiques, Tome I. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Trente-Septieme
vlt38: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophiques, Tome II. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Trente-Huitieme
vlt39: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophiques, Tome III. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Trente-Neuvieme
vlt40: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophiques, Tome IV. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Quarantieme
vlt42: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophiques, Tome VI. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Quarante-Deuxieme
vlt43: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dictionnaire Philosophiques, Tome VII. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Quarante-Troisieme
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vlt48: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Melanges Litteraires, Tome II. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Quarante-Huitieme
vlt49: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Melanges Litteraires, Tome III. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Quarante-Neuvieme
vlt50: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Commentaires Sur Corneille, Tome I. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Cinqantieme
vlt34: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Philosophie Generale, Tome III: Ancien Testament. La Bible Enfin Explique. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Trente-Quatrieme
vlt35: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Philosophie Generale, Tome IV: Nouveau Testament. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Trente-Cinqieme
vlt36: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Dialogues Et Entretiens Philosophiques. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Trente-Sixieme
vlt54: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Recueil Des Lettres de M. De Voltaire. 1744-1752. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Cinquante-Quatrieme
vlt55: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Recueil Des Lettres de M. De Voltaire. 1753-1757. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Cinquante-Cinquieme
fol889aa: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DEE; WHITE, ANTONIA [TRANS.] - The History of Charles XII King of Sweden
typ36d: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Essai Sur Les Moeurs Et L'Esprit Des Nations. Tome Quatrieme. Edition Stereotype
4130c: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE; SAUVAGE, SYLVAIN [ILLUS.] - Candide, or Optimism. Nonesuch Edition
vlt30: VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE - Politique Et Legislation, Tome II. Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire. Tome Trentieme
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