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d4082: OLSON, CHARLES - The Maximus Poems
e8176: OLSSON, INGA-LISA - Knypplerskan. Del III
oly23e: OLYSLAGER, PIET - Vauxhall Viva Series Ha. Beagle Estate Car. Bedford 6 and 8 Cwt Vans
oly22c: OLYSLAGER, PIET - Handbook for the Triumph 1300 and 1300 Tc from 1965
oly05: OLYSLAGER, PIET - Bmc 1100
oly07: OLYSLAGER, PIET - Ford Corsair. Handbook for the Ford Corsair V4 from 1965
oly03c: OLYSLAGER, PIET - Handbook for the Austin A55 Mark II and Austin A60
oly15: OLYSLAGER, PIET - Peugeot 203 (1956-1960 Models) 403 (1955-1960 Models)
obs21s: OLYSLAGER, PIET [ED.] - The Observer's Book of Automobiles. 1974
obs21q: OLYSLAGER, PIET [ED.] - The Observer's Book of Automobiles. 1972
k2687ce: OMAN, CHARLES W C - A History of the Peninsular War. Volume IV. December 1810 to December 1811
k2687ch: OMAN, CHARLES W C - A History of the Peninsular War. Volume VII. August 1813 to April 1814
k2687cd: OMAN, CHARLES W C - A History of the Peninsular War. Volume III. September 1809 to December 1810
bgm069: OMAN, CAROLA - Henrietta Maria
c2487: OMER-COOPER, WILFRID - The Fishing Village and Other Writings (Literary and Scientific)
bgo010: OMMANNEY, F D - The House in the Park
r6816a: OMMANNEY, C H - The War History of the 1st Northumbrian Brigade R.F. A. [T. F]. August 1914 - July 1919
bbo057: OMMANNEY, F D - Eastern Windows
4609b: OMMANNEY, F D - South Latitude
j8846: BRISTOL OMNIBUS - Bristol Omnibus Services. Time Table 1946
bbo061: ONEAL, ZIBBY - The Language of Goldfish
r5989: ONG, WALTER - Ramus and Talon Inventory: A Short-Title Inventory of the Published Works of Peter Ramus [1515-1572] and Omer Talon [Ca 1510-1562] in Their Original and in Their Variously Altered Forms
r1783: ONGANIA, FERD [ED.] - L'Art de L'Imprimerie a Venise
bbo069: ONIONS, OLIVER - In Accordance with the Evidence
bbo062: ONLEY, MARY - Above the Breakers
r4414: ONTYD, CONRAD GEORGE - A Treatise on Mortal Diseases; Containing a Particicular View of the Different Ways, in Which They Lead to Death, and the Best Means of Preventing Them by Medical Treatment, from Proving Fatal: . .
co-912: CO-OP - The Co-Operative Wholesale Societies Ltd. Annual for 1912
co-901: CO-OP - The Co-Operative Wholesale Societies Ltd. England and Scotland Annual for 1901
shr102: OPIE, JAMES - Toy Soldiers. Shire Album No. 101
bbo072: OPITZ, KARLLUDWIG - The Soldier
opn070: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - The Light Beyond
opn145: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - The Wrath to Come
opn075: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - A Lost Leader
opn103: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - Mysterious Mr. Sabin
opn048ba: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - The Golden Beast
opn033: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - Envoy Extraordinary
opn027: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - The Devil's Paw
opn012: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - The Betrayal
opn018ba: OPPENHEIM, E PHILLIPS - The Channay Syndicate
4410f: OPPENHEIMER, LEHMANN J - The Heart of Lakeland. Facsimile Limited Edition
4410aa: OPPENHEIMER, LEHMANN J - The Heart of Lakeland
r7692: OPPENHEIMER, MICHAEL - The Monuments of Italy. A Regional Survey of Art, Architecture and Archaeology from Classical to Modern Times. 6 Volume Set
g3636: ORAM, W. A.[ED] - Spencer Studies. A Renaissance Poetry Annual, XX
c1558b: ORCUTT, WILLIAM DANA; WEBER, CHARLOTTE [ILLUS.] - The Flower of Destiny
k3912: ORD-HUME, ARTHUR W J G - Pianola. The History of the Self-Playing Piano
g8743: ORD-HUME, ARTHUR W J G - Musical Box. A History and Collector's Guide
g9444: ORD, JOHN - The Story of the Barony of Gorbals
e2905: ORD, WILLIAM MILLER - Notes on Comparative Anatomy: A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures Delivered at St Thomas's Hospital
ss-210a: ORDE, ANNE [ED.] - Matthew and George Culley. Farming Letters 1798-1804. The Surtees Society Volume 210
ss-217: ORDE, ANNE [ED.] - The Letters of John Buddle to Lord Londonderry 1820-1843. The Surtees Society Vol. 217
ss-210: ORDE, ANNE (ED.) - Matthew and George Culley. Farming Letters 1798-1804. The Surtees Society Volume 203
j8459: BOARD OF ORDNANCE - Topographical Map of the County of Essex Constructed from the Trigonometrical Survey of 1804
cpi11: ORFORD, W R [ED.] - The Coloured Pictorial. No 11. August 2 1902
cpi12: ORFORD, W R [ED.] - The Coloured Pictorial. No 12. August 9 1902
cpi10: ORFORD, W R [ED.] - The Coloured Pictorial. No 10. July 26 1902
k4082: ORGANE, GEOFFREY [CHAIR]; HEWER, C LANGTON [ED.] - Anaesthesia [Anaesthesia]. Vol 14. 1959
k4083: ORGANE, GEOFFREY [CHAIR]; HEWER, C LANGTON [ED.] - Anaesthesia [Anaesthesia]. Vol 13. 1958
k3710: THE COMPLETE ORGANIST - The Complete Organist. Book One. One Hundred Pieces from Across the Centuries
bbo075a: ORGILL, DOUGLAS - The Jasius Pursuit
bbo075: ORGILL, DOUGLAS & GRIBBIN, JOHN - Brother Esau
bbo080c: ORMEROD, ROGER - The Seven Razors of Ockam
bbd238: D'ORMESSON, JEAN - Mad About the Girl
d1967: TIGERSTEDT ORNULF - Statspolisen Slar Till. Kampen Mot Sovjetspioaget I Finland 1919 - 1939
k3567: ORR, MONRO S - The Alphabet Set Forth in Six & Twenty Pictures. Signed Copy
d2094: ORR, MRS SUTHERLAND; KENYON, FREDERIC G; BROWNING, ROBERT - Life and Letters of Robert Browning
bbo083: ORTAS, F M (MARTINEZ, ALEX (TRANS)) - The Last Pharaoh
g8667a: ORTENBURGER, RICK - Vienna Regulators and Related Clocks. Book 3
c0338a: ORTON, HAROLD; WRIGHT, NATHALIA - A Word Geography of England
d0309a: OSBALDESTON, GEORGE; CUMING, E D [ED.] - Squire Osbaldeston: His Autobiography
d0309aa: OSBALDESTON, GEORGE; CUMING, E D [ED.] - Squire Osbaldeston: His Autobiography
e6799: OSBORN, SHERARD - A Cruise in Japanese Waters
g2959: OSBORN, GEOFFREY - Naval Officers' Letters
fol617: OSBORNE, DOROTHY - The Letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54
e5762: OSBORNE, CHARLES [DIRECTOR] - The Poetry Book Society Presents Poetry International 74. London 3-7 June
0099: OSBORNE, MAGGIE - Chase the Heart
bgo013: OSBORNE, DOROTHY (PARRY, EDWARD ABBOT (ED)) - The Letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54
r1603c: OSBORNE, JOHN - Almost a Gentleman. An Autobiography. Vol II. 1956 - 1966. Signed Copy
c3183b: OSBORNE, H - British Line Engraved Stamps. Twopence Blue. Studies of Plates 1 - 15
L1775ab: OSBORNE, RICHARD - Basic Instinct
g0836a: OSBOURNE, JOHN - Inadmissible Evidence. Wyndham's Theatre Programme 1965
g9269: OSIPOVA, I [ED.] - The Land of the Vine. Stories by Georgian Writers
g1589: OSLER, A; BARROW, A - Tall Ships Two Rivers. Six Centuries of Sail on the Rivers Tyne and Wear
g1589aa: OSLER, A; BARROW, A - Tall Ships Two Rivers. Six Centuries of Sail on the Rivers Tyne and Wear. Signed Copy
g2013: OSLER, ADRIAN G - Mr Greathead's Lifeboats
k2282ca: OSMAN, RICHARD - The Bullet That Missed. Exclusive Signed Copy
osn1816a: OSSIAN; MCCALLUM, HUGH & JOHN [EDS.] - An Original Collection of the Poems of Ossian, Orrann, Ulin, and Other Bards, Who Flourished in the Same Age Collected and Edited by Hugh and John Mccallum. 1816
osn1762a: OSSIAN; MACPHERSON, JAMES [TR.] - Fingal - an Ancient Epic Poem, in Six Books: Together with Several Other Poems, Composed by Ossian the Son of Fingal. Translated from the Galic Language by James Macpherson
g6534: OSTBERG, ADOLF - Hjulridt. En Bok for Hulryttare Och for Dem Som Amna Bli Det
r1128: OSTENDORF, F W - Identifying Characters for Cacao Clones
d0543a: OSTERWALD, DORIS B - Cinders and Smoke
d0543: OSTERWALD, DORIS B - Cinders and Smoke
k4845: OSTLUND, HILDING; MODIN, INGRID [TRANSL.] - The Poor Miserable Devils
j0533: OTIS, FESSENDEN N - Practical Clinical Lessons on Syphilis and the Genito-Urinary Diseases. 2 Volumes Bound As One
k1995: OTTE, J; SALVERDA, PH F; VAN WILLIGEN, C J [EDS.] - From the Electron to the Superhet. A Simplified Course for the Radio Service Man
e4502: OTTER, WILLIAM - The Life and Remains of Edward Daniel Clarke Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. Volume II
e5927: OTTO, ADOLF WILHELM - Enarratio de Rariori Quodam Plenariae Ossium Pubis Ancyclosis Exemplo
c3151c: OTTOWAY, PATRICK - The Archaeology of York. Volume 3. The Legionary Fortress. Excavations and Observations on the Defences and Adjacent Sites, 1971 - 90. With Plans
g0651: OTWAY, THOMAS (MONTAGUE SUMMERS [ED.]) - The Complete Works of Thomas Otway. 3 Volume Set. Limited Edition
c2838: OULESS, P J - Jersey Illustrated
c3838: OULTON, THERESE; SLYCE, JOHN [INTRO.] - Therese Oulton. Slow Motion. Recent Paintings 1997 - 2000
k4242: OUSEBY, JOHN H - Ouseby's Guide to Coachpainting (Carriages or Cars)
e6989: OUSELEY, WILLIAM GORE - Views in South America from Original Drawings, Made in Brazil, the River Plata, the Parana, &C
c4151b: OVENS, ROBERT; SLEATH, SHEILA [EDS.] - The Heritage of Rutland Water
chu897: OVERTON, ROBERT; DANIELS, ARTHUR; BLYTH, HARRY; HUTCHINSON, J R; &C - Chums Annual. Volume VI. August 1897 to August 1898
j9465h: OVERTON, JOHN H; RELTON, FREDERIC - The English Church from the Accession of George I to the End of the Eighteenth Century (1714-1800). A History of the English Church. Volume VII
fol618b: OVID; BAKER, GRAHAME [ILLUS.] - The Art of Love
fol618aa: OVID - Ars Amatoria [the Art of Love]. 1965
bgg162: OWEN, FRANK - Tempestuous Journey: Lloyd George. His Life and Times. Signed Copy
c0869: OWEN, D GARETH - Clouds Across the Moon
e9302: OWEN, GEORGE A - A Treatise on Weighing Machines. A Guide to the Principles Underlying the Construction of Weighing Instruments
e9302a: OWEN, GEORGE A - A Treatise on Weighing Machines. A Guide to the Principles Underlying the Construction of Weighing Instruments
t0380: OWEN, DAVID - Alfa Romeo Alfetta Gt. All 4-Cylinder and V6 Coupes
tyw928: OWEN, S G [ED.] - The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1928-1931. 3 Volumes Bound As 1
tyw932: OWEN, S G [ED.] - The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1932-1934. 3 Volumes Bound As 1
tyw935: OWEN, S G [ED.] - The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1935-1937. 3 Volumes Bound As 1
tyw938: OWEN, S G; FLETCHER, G B A; PLATNAUER, MAURICE [EDS.] - The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1938-1947. 4 Volumes Bound As 1
par0310: OWEN, FRANK; MAYO, CLAUDE BANKS; ETC - Parade; the British Digest of Good Reading. July 1940
g8526: OWEN, ROBERT - The Life of Robert Owen Written by Himself. With Selection from His Writinggs & Correspondence. Vol. I. [1857] [with] a Supplementary Appendix to the First Volume . . Containing a Series of Reports, Addresses, Memorials & Other Documents. Vol. I A. [1858]
c3804b: OWEN, HUGH - Manual for Overseers, Assistant Overseers, Collectors of Poor Rates, and Vestry Clerks, As to Their Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities
j8151: OWEN, ELIAS - A Selection of Weather Signs Made for the County of Montgomeryshire in the Late 1870s by the Folklorist the Revd Elias Owen. Facsimile Reprint
3315: OWEN, RICHARD - White Slave
bbo097: OWEN, RAY - Flight from Fear
frb29: OWEN, ORVILLE, W [BACON, FRANCIS] - The Tragical Historie of Our Late Brother Robert, Earl of Essex, by the Author of Hamlet, Richard III, Othello, As You Like It, Etc...
owl01d: GREY OWL [WA-SHA-QUON-ASIN] [BELANY, ARCHIBALD] - The Adventures of Sajo and Her Beaver People
owl13aa: GREY OWL [WA-SHA-QUON-ASIN] [BELANY, ARCHIBALD] - The Tree. Signed Copy
owl11ac: GREY OWL [WA-SHA-QUON-ASIN] [BELANY, ARCHIBALD] - Pilgrims of the Wild
g8657: OWL; [POOLE, WILLIAM HOWELL] - A Gilded Shame. 2 Volume Set
psn405h: OXBERRY, JOHN; BREWIS, PARKER; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series. Volume 5; Number 8. December 1932
3407c: OXBERRY, WILLIAM - Oxberry's Dramatic Biography and Histrionic Anecdotes. Volume IV
psn407a: OXBERRY, JOHN; BLAIR, C H HUNTER; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series ; Volume 7 ; Number 1. April 1935
psn407b: OXBERRY, JOHN; HONEYMAN, H L; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series ; Volume 7. Number 2. July 1935
psn408f: OXBERRY, JOHN; HONEYMAN, H L; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series. Volume 8. Number 6. July 1938
psn408h: OXBERRY, JOHN; HUMBLE, GEORGE; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series. Volume 8. Number 8. January 1939
psn409a: OXBERRY, JOHN; HONEYMAN, H L; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series. Volume 9. Number 1. April 1939
psn409b: OXBERRY, JOHN; BLAIR, C H HUNTER; &C - The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne: 4th. Series. Volume 9. Number 2. July 1939
oxe50: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - Rosaly's New School
oxe31a: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - Goblin Island
h1174: OXENHAM, ERICA - Scrap-Book of J o
cjp904: OXENHAM, JOHN; LE QUEUX, WILLIAM; SMITH, ISABEL; &C - Chambers's Journal. December 1903 - November 1904
oxe34: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - Jandy Mac Comes Back. 1948
oxe58a: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - Schoolgirl Jen at the Abbey. 1953
oxe64a: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - Stowaways in the Abbey. 1948
oxe65: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - Strangers at the Abbey. 1951
oxe05: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - The Abbey Girls at Home. 1947
r2976: OXENHAM, REV H N - Memoir of Lieutenant Rudolph de Lisle Rn of the Royal Naval Brigade on the Upper Nile
oxe27b: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - The Girls of Gwynfa
bbo100h: OXENHAM, JOHN - "1914"
bbo100k: OXENHAM, JOHN - Pearl of Pearl Island
bbo100f: OXENHAM, JOHN - The Long Road
bbo100g: OXENHAM, JOHN - A Maid of the Silver Sea
bbo100e: OXENHAM, JOHN - The Hidden Years
bbo100: OXENHAM, JOHN - Barbe of Grand Bayou
bbo100a: OXENHAM, JOHN - Barbe of Grand Bayou
bbo100d: OXENHAM, JOHN - Hearts in Exile
oxe37a: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - Maid of the Abbey. 1949
oxe33: OXENHAM, ELSIE J - A Holiday Queen
e0138a: OXFORD, MARGOT - Octavia
k4501: OXLEY, DEBORAH - Convict Maids. The Forced Migration of Women to Australia
oxl09a: OXLEY, JAMES MACDONALD - Diamond Rock
c1657: OXO - Paint the A.B. C. Of Health & Fitness
e5086: OYEX-DELAFONTAINE, F - L'Instruction de L'Enfant par L'Image Destine a L'Enseignement Elementaire, par Intuition a L'Usage de Familles Et Des Ecoles Enfantines
bbd265b: D'OYLEY, ELIZABETH - The Mired Horse
5711e: OZANAM, JACQUES; HUTTON, CHARLES [TR.]; RIDDLE, EDWARD [REV.] - Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy: Dr Hutton's Translation of Montucla's Edition of Oznam
k3455a: OZEKI, RUTH - The Book of Form and Emptiness. Signed Limited Edition
j8612: PACCO, JOHN - World's Air Forces
ygs92: PACE, PETER G [ED.] - York Georgian Society Annual Report for 1992
bbp001: PACE, ERIC - Saberlegs
K1064: PACEY, PHILIP - Charged Landscapes. Poems
j4258: PACK, WILLIAM - Discovering the Magic City. Early Chicago Amusements 1834 - 1871. Signed Limited Edition
g2799: PACK, S W C - Britannia at Dartmouth
pac12b: PACKER, JOY - The Man in the Mews
pac06b: PACKER, JOY - The Glass Barrier
pac06: PACKER, JOY - The Glass Barrier
bbp003: PACKER, BERNARD - Doctor Caro
pac02: PACKER, JOY - The Blind Spot
pac02b: PACKER, JOY - The Blind Spot
pac04a: PACKER, JOY - The Dark Curtain
c3134: PAGAN, WILLIAM - The Birthplace and Parentage of William Paterson, Founder of the Bank of England, and Projector of the Darien Scheme
pg-10: PAGE, GERTRUDE - The Pathway
e0800: PAGE, D M; PAYNE, N J C; QUEKETT, I P S; COLLINS, M R; DAVIES, G W T; BURDEN, C L; EDWARDS, J E; WILSON, N J [EDS.] - Hms Illustrious. Millennium Commission
cass3424: PAGE, SYDNEY F - The Cassell Book of the Hillman Imp (from 1963)
ra-32: PAGE, COURTNEY [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1932 of the National Rose Society
ra-33: PAGE, COURTNEY [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1933 of the National Rose Society
ra-35: PAGE, COURTNEY [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1935 of the National Rose Society
ra-37: PAGE, COURTNEY [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1937 of the National Rose Society
ra-38: PAGE, COURTNEY [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1938 of the National Rose Society
ra-39: PAGE, COURTNEY [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1939 of the National Rose Society
ra-42: PAGE, COURTNEY [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1942 of the National Rose Society
ra-43: PAGE, COURTNEY [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1943 of the National Rose Society
k2385: PAGE, MICHAEL - Muscle and Pluck Forever! the South Australian Fire Services 1840 - 1982
d2608c: PAGE, L B; HOSKINS, H F A [EDS.] - Great Western Railway. Memorandum of Provisions in Acts of Parliament Relating to Other Companies and Bodies... . Sessions 1915 to 1919
m0227ab: PAGE, THOMAS - The Hephaestus Plague
ss-095: PAGE, WILLIAM [ED.] - Memorials of St. Giles, Durham, Being Grassmen's Accounts and Other Parish Records, Together with Documents Relating to the Hospitals of Kepier and St. Mary Magdalene. The Surtees Society Volume 95
bbp010: PAGE, VICKI - The House of Harron
bbp007: PAGE, KATHY - Back in the First Person
ss-088: PAGE, WILLIAM [ED.] - Three Early Assize Rolls for the County of Northumberland. The Surtees Society Volume 88
tie17: PAGENSTECHER, ARNOLD - Callidulidae. Volume 17 in Das Tierreich Series
tie14: PAGENSTECHER, A - Libytheidae. Volume 14 in Das Tierreich Series
e8527d: PAGET, GUY; IRVINE, LIONEL; SIMPSON, CHARLES [ILLUS.] - The Flying Parson and Dick Chrisyian
bip087c: PAGET, GUY - Sporting Pictures of England Britain in Pictures No 87
bip087: PAGET, GUY - Sporting Pictures of England Britain in Pictures No 87
e8527ca: PAGET, GUY - The Melton Mowbray of John Ferneley (1782-1860)
bbp011: PAIGE, FRANCES - Men Who March Away
pai13a: PAIN, BARRY - The Eliza Stories: Eliza; Eliza's Husband; Eliza Getting on; Exit Eliza; Eliza's Son
pai13: PAIN, BARRY - The Eliza Stories: Eliza; Eliza's Husband; Eliza Getting on; Exit Eliza; Eliza's Son
c0258: PAINE, ALBERT BIGELOW - The Car That Went Abroad
3030: PAINTIN, H J - The League of Nations at the Bar and the Federation of Man
est08: PAJU, IMBI - Torjutud Malestused
r7986b: PAKINGTON, HUMPHREY - Family Album
bbp015: PALA, DOLORES - In Search of Mihailo
r4411: LA CURNE DE SAINTE-PALAYE - Memoires Sur L'Ancienne Chevalerie: Consideree Comme Un Establissement Politique & Militaire. Tome Premiere
d0968ab: PALEY, WILLIAM - A View of the Evidences of Christianity. Volume I
d0967b: PALEY, WILLIAM - The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy
c1425: PALFYN, JEAN - Description Anatomique Des Parties de la Femme, Qui Fervent a la Generation; Avec Un Traite Des Monstres . .
c1159b: PALGRAVE, MARY E - How Dick Found His Sea-Legs
c1159: PALGRAVE, MARY E - Between Two Opinions
k4852: PALGRAVE, FRANCIS TURNER [ED.] - The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language
twr38: PALGRAVE, FRANCIS TURNER; WALPOLE, HORACE; MAIN, JAMES; &C - The Westminster Review. No. XXXVIII [38]. October 1833
cnl117: PALGRAVE, FRANCIS T; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Visions of England. Cassell's National Library No 193
twr44: PALGRAVE, FRANCIS TURNER; FAULKNER, ARTHUR BROOKE; PRYSE, GORDON L; &C - The Westminster Review. No. XLIV [44]. April 1835
bbp020: PALLE, ALBERT (SENHOUSE, ROGER (TRANS)) - Experience
k1114: PALLIS, MARCO - Renaissance Tunes. Ensemble Pieces for String Instruments. Set 7 Violin, Viola, Cello (or Treble Viol, Tenor Viol, Bass Viol)
r0522aa: PALLISER, MRS BURY - A History of Lace
r2782: PALMBERG, JOHANNE; STEINMEJER, J B [APPENDIX] - Serta Florea Svecana Eller Swenske Orte-Krantz
r2781: PALMBERG, JOHANNE - Serta Florea Svecana Eller Swenske Orte-Krantz [Swedish Herbal]
iar221: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XXII. Number 1. May 2000
iar111: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XI. Number 1. Autumn 1988
frc003a: PALMER, WILLIAM T [ED.] - The Journal of the Fell and Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District. Volume 3. 1913 - 1915
frc004: PALMER, WILLIAM T; CHORLEY, R S T [EDS.] - The Journal of the Fell and Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District. Volume 4. 1916 - 1918
iar151: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XV. Number 1. Autumn 1992
see12: PALMER, W T - Things Seen at the English Lakes
c2876: PALMER, W M; FOX, CYRIL - Shudy Camps, Castle Camps and Waltons Park, Ashdon
frc002a: PALMER, WILLIAM T [ED.] - The Journal of the Fell and Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District. Volume 2. No 1. November 1910
iar162: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XVI. Number 2. Spring 1994
wtp03f: PALMER, WILLIAM T; COOPER, A HEATON [ILLUS.] - The English Lakes. Painted by A. Heaton Cooper, Described by Wm T. Palmer. 1949
iar082: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume VIII. Number 2. Spring 1986
e6862: PALMER, RALPH S [ED.] - Handbook of North Americam Birds. Volume 1: Loons Through Flamingos
iar222: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XXII. Number 2. November 2000
e1482: PALMER-COOPER, JOY A [ED.] - Chatton: A Portrait. A Celebration of Life Past and Present in a North Northumberland Village. Signed Copy
k0061: PALMER, DEREK - Fighter Squadron
iar141: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XIV. Number 1. Autumn 1991
c3056: PALMER, HARRIET; ET AL - Trees for Shelter. Forestry Commission Technical Paper 21
iar072: PALMER, MARILYN [ED.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume VII. Number 2. Spring 1985
r3846: PALMER, H A; CALBURN, R C; &C - Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review. Volume CIII. January - December 1939
iar071: PALMER, MARILYN [ED.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume VII. Number 1. Autumn 1984
iar182: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XVIII. Number 2. Spring 1996
wtp03cc: PALMER, WILLIAM T; COOPER, A HEATON [ILLUS.] - The English Lakes. Painted by A. Heaton Cooper, Described by Wm T. Palmer. 1908
iar231: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XXIII. Number 1. May 2001
4212a: PALMER, W J - The Tyne and Its Tributaries
iar211: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XXI. Number 1. June 1999
bbp022a: PALMER, LILLI - Night Music
bbp024a: PALMER, THOMAS - The Transfer
bbp022: PALMER, LILLI - Face Value
k4723: PALMER, ROY - Boxing the Compass. Sea Songs and Shanties
r9665: PALMER, C A - The Time of Their Lives
e1482aa: PALMER-COOPER, JOY A [ED.] - Chatton: A Portrait. A Celebration of Life Past and Present in a North Northumberland Village
g6651: PALMER, HERBERT EDWARD - The Judgment of Francois Villon. A Pageant-Episode Play in Fiver Acts. Limited Edition
e1988b: PALMER, L E SPENCER; RUTHERFORD, STELLA [EDS.] - The Duchess's School Magazine. Summer 1925
iar152: PALMER, MARILYN; NEAVERSON, PETER A [EDS.] - Industrial Archaeology Review. Volume XV. Number 2. Spring 1993
c3171r: PALMIERI, DOMINICO - Tractatus de Romano Pontifice. Cum Prolegomeno de Ecclesia
c0241ba: PAMUK, ORHAN - Nights of Plague
g0626: PANAMA - Souvenir of the Panama Canal
g6802: PANANTI, SIGNOR - Narrative of a Residence in Algiers; Comprising a Geographical and Historical Account of the Regency; Biographical Sketches of the Dey and His Ministers; Anecdotes of the Late War...
bbp026: PANATI, CHARLES - Links
d0626: PANCAKE, F R [ED.] - The Bomb. 1938. Annual Publication of the Corps of Cadets of Virginia Military Institute Lexington, Virginia
r6543: PANDIT, SAVITRI - Indian Embroidery. Its Variegated Charms
e1636: PANOFSKY, ERWIN - Early Netherlandish Painting. Its Origins and Character. Two Volume Set - Text + Plates
g7896: PANOFSKY, ERWIN - Die Deutsche Plastik Des Elften Bis Dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. 2 Volumes
g9392: PANTER, JOHN; DAVIS, RICK - The Art of Taoist Tai Chi. Cultivating Mind and Body. A Reference Guide for the Student of Taoist Tai Chi
bcp011c: PANTING, J HARWOOD - The Two Runaways
g5307: PAOLOZZI, EDUARDO - Metafisikal Translations. Signed Copy
bbp032: PAPAZOGLOU, ORANIA - Sanctity
c4020b: PAPE, MAX; HOLSTEIN, GISELA [ILLUS.]; EDINBURGH, PHILIP DUKE OF [FOREWORD.] - The Art of Driving. According to the Guidelines of Benno Von Achenbach
phy011: PAPENFUSS, GEORGE F; GILBERT, WILLIAMM J; &C - Phycologia. Volume 1. Number 1. March 1961
h1762: PAPWORTH, JOHN - Papworth's Ordinary of British Armorials. Facsimile Edition
mus099: PARAMOR, NORRIE - The Frightened City (Sheet Music)
g1478: PARDON, CHARLES F [ED.] - The Australians in England. A Complete Record of the Cricket Tour of 1884. Batting and Bowling Averages of the Australians and Englishmen Who Played Against Them
e1759: PARFITT,G D - Dispersion of Powders in Liquids
tmm85i: PARGITER, J H - The Mariner's Mirror. The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research. Index to Volumes 81-85
c1045b: PARIS, J A - Pharmacologia. Volume the Second. Comprehending the Medicinal History and Chemical Habitudes of the Different Articles That Constitute the Materia Medica
e5916a: PARIS, J A - A Treatise on Diet: With a View to Establish, on Practical Grounds, a System of Rules for the Prevention and Cure of the Diseases Incident to a Disordered State of the Digestive Functions
q0637: PARIS, MATTHAEI [PARIS, MATTHEW [1200-1259]] - Historia Major. Juxta Exemplar Londinense 1640 Verbatim Recusa... With Additamenta and Glossarium
h2153: PARISET, BALLY FRANCOIS - Histoire Medicale de la Fievre Jaune, Observee en Espagne Et Particulierement en Catalogne, Dans L'Anee 1821
k4168: PARISH, W D; SHW, W F - A Dictionary of Kentish Dialect and Provincialisms in Use in the County of Kent
d2054a: PARISH, CHARLES - The History of the Literary and Philosophical [Lit & Phil] Society of Newcastle Upon Tyne: Volume II. 1896-1989. Signed Copy
k0023: THE MINISTERS OF THE RESPECTIVE PARISHES - The Statistical Account of Renfrewshire
cnl118: PARK, MUNGO; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - Travels in the Interior of Africa, Volume I. Cassell's National Library No 83
cnl119: PARK, MUNGO; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - Travels in the Inerior of Africa, Volume II. Cassell's National Library No 84
fol621aa: PARK, MUNGO - Travels in the Interior of Africa
ra-49: PARK, BERTRAM [ED.] - The Rose Annual for 1949 of the National Rose Society
g1833: PARK, GODFREY RICHARD [COMPILER] - Parliamentary Representation of Yorkshire, from the Earliest Representative Parliament on Record, in the Reign of King Edward I. To the Dissolution of the Twenty-Second Parliament in the Reign of Queen Victoria. Author's Inscription
e4921: PARK, H; MOREAU, P F; JEFFRAY, JAMES [OBSERVATIONS] - Cases of the Excision of Carious Joints
bbp035: PARK, CHRISTINE - Joining the Grown-Ups
bi-187: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 187. October 1970
bi-188: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 188. November 1970
bi-189: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 189. December 1970
bi-185: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 185. August 1970
bi-186: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 186. September 1970
bi-181: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 181. April 1970
bi-182: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 182. May 1970
bi-178: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 178. January 1970
bi-180: PARKE, JOHN F [ED.] - Buses. No 180. March 1970
bbp040: PARKE, GORDON - Coffins for Traitors
e2694: PARKER, W KITCHEN - On Mammalian Descent: The Hunterian Lectures for 1884. Being Nine Lectures Delivered in the Theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons During February, 1884
mus074: PARKER, ROSS; CHARLES, HUGHIE - There'LL Always Be an England (Sheet Music)
fol622ag: PARKER, DOROTHY; SMITHSON, HELEN [ILLUS.] - The Best of Dorothy Parker. 2019
g5437a: PARKER, HARRY - Anatomy of a Soldier. Signed Copy
lon03cb: PARKER, ERIC - Shooting by Moor Field & Shore. The Lonsdale Library. Volume III. 1934
esc053: PARKER, EDWARD H [ED.] - Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Volume LIII. 1909-1910
cnv41a: PARKER, WILLIAM HAWAR - Recollections of a Naval Officer 1841-1865. Classics of Naval Literature
cnv41: PARKER, WILLIAM HAWAR - Recollections of a Naval Officer 1841-1865. Classics of Naval Literature
hb-35aa: PARKER, ERIC (THOMSON, HUGH [ILL]) - Highways & Byways in Surrey. 1935
g0729: PARKER, AUDREY - Cottage and Farmhouse Detail in Beatrix Potter's Lake District
e6681: PARKER, WINDER & ACHURCH LTD - Parker, Winder & Achurch Ltd. General Catalogue 'the Keystone of Building Service. ' with 2 Price Revisions
bm-255h: PARKER, W M; WELMAN, JOHN; &C - Blackwood's Magazine. No 1546. August 1944
j7655aa: PARKER, JOSEPH - Tyne Child. My Life and Teaching
k3370: PARKER, V; PARKER N [ILLUS.] - The Hole and Corner Book
h1650c: PARKER, JOHN HENRY - An Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture
e0038b: PARKER, ERIC; RANKIN, NIALL [ILLUS.] - An Alphabet of Shooting
c3868a: PARKER, LOUIS N - Disraeli. The Story of the Play and of the Film
j8902: PARKER, W KITCHEN - A Monograph of the Shoulder-Girdle and Sternum in the Vertebra
pak30: PARKER, ROBERT B - Double Play
bgp007a: PARKER, J OXLEY - The Oxley Parker Papers
j7655a: PARKER, JOSEPH - Tyne Child. My Life and Teaching
j7655: PARKER, JOSEPH - Tyne Child. My Life and Teaching
lon04a: PARKER, ERIC [ED.] - Fine Angling for Coarse Fish. The Lonsdale Library. Volume IV
lon20: PARKER, ERIC - Game Birds, Beasts and Fishes. Natural History for Sportsmen. The Lonsdale Library. Volume XX
bbp047: PARKER, JOHN - First Wicket Down
bbp051c: PARKER, UNA-MARY - Temptations
bbp044i: PARKER, GILBERT - The Judgment House
bbp045b: PARKER, GORDON - Lightning in May. Signed Copy
bbp044h: PARKER, GILBERT - The Weavers
bbp044a: PARKER, GILBERT - The Battle of the Strong
bbp044ca: PARKER, GILBERT - A Ladder of Swords
bbp044e: PARKER, GILBERT - The Power and the Glory
bbp043: PARKER, GERRARD - Prism
bbp044: PARKER, GILBERT - The Adventure of the North
e4809: PARKER, ROBERT WILLIAM - Tracheotomy in Laryngeal Diphtheria [Membranous Croup] with Especial Reference to After-Treatment. To Which Are Added a Few General Remarks on Diphtheria and Its Earlier Treatment
r2207a: PARKER, JOHN [ED.] - Who's Who in the Theatre
0588a: PARKER, JOSEPH - Tyne Folk. Masks, Faces and Shadows
phy042: PARKER, BRUCE C; BENDIX, SELINA; &C - Phycologia. Volume 4. Number 2. December 1964
h1650b: PARKER, JOHN HENRY - Egyptian Obleisks and a Supplement to the First Three Parts Which Form the First Volume. Archaeology of Rome. Chapter IV
j7470: PARKES, EDMUND A - A Manual of Practical Hygiene
k4029: PARKES, A S [ED.] - Marshall's Physiology Reproduction. Three Volume Set in Four Books
e2111: PARKES, E A - Researches Into the Pathology and Treatment of the Asiatic or Algide Cholera
e4944: PARKES, EDMUND A - The Composition of the Urine, in Health and Disease and Under the Action of Remedies
bbp052: PARKES, ROGER - Gamelord
pk-14: PARKIN, MOLLY - Switchback
0846: PARKIN, KEITH - British Railways Magazine. 20 Issues 1961
pk-13: PARKIN, MOLLIE - Stripped for Action
pk-03b: PARKIN, MOLLIE - Bosom Pals
j7768b: PARKIN, CECIL - Parkin Again. More Cricket Reminiscences
bcp016: PARKIN, DOROTHY M - The Rivals of Maidenhurst: A School Story for Girls
k4332: PARKINSON, KEITH; GOODKIND, TERRY [FOREWORD] - The Art of Keith Parkinson
g8248: PARKINSON, R - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Huntingdon. Drawn Up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement
c4554: PARKINSON, EDWARD; PARKINSON, R E [ED.] - The City of Downe. From Its Earliest Days
bbp055: PARKINSON, ETHELYN M (MCPHEETERS, BILL (ILLUS)) - Higgins of the Railroad Museum
prk05a: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War After the Conquest of Canada. 2 Volume Set
prk05: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War After the Conquest of Canada. 2 Volume Set
prk06a: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV
prk08: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - A Half-Century of Conflict. France and England in North America. 2 Volume Set
prk10a: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - Montcalm and Wolfe. France and England in North America. 2 Volume Set
pen0678: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - The Oregon Trail
prk13a: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - Pioneers of France in the New World
prk14a: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West
prk11a: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - The Old Regime in Canada
bbp058b: PARKMAN, SYDNEY - Plunder Bar
bbp058a: PARKMAN, SYDNEY - Captain Bowker
bbp058: PARKMAN, SYDNEY - The Cuban Legacy
prk14aa: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West
prk06: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV
prk09a: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
mus013: PARKS, C CARSON - Somethin' Stupid (Sheet Music)
j6059c: PARKS, MALCOLM G; JEFFERYS, CHARLES W [ILLUS.] - The Rebellion of 1837 in Upper and Lower Canada 1763 - 1911. Portfolio No. III
r6270d: PARKS, STEPHEN [ED.] - Sale Catalogues of Libraries of Eminent Persons. Volume 5. Poets and Men of Letters
bbp059a: PARKS, TIM - The Mestizo
rbc947: PARKYN, H G [ED.] - The Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1947 [Royal Green Jackets]
rbc951: PARKYN, H G [ED.] - The Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1951 [Royal Green Jackets]
rbc953: PARKYN, H G [ED.] - The Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1953 [Royal Green Jackets]
j9199b: PARLEY, PETER - Tales of Animals. Comprising Quadrapeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles and Insects
0804a: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Vicesimo Quinto
0804c: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Vicesimo Quinto
0804e: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Vicesimo Secundo
e9192: ACT OF PARLIAMENT - Anno Georgii III. Regis. Sexto. An Act for Taking Down and Removing Certain Light-Houses Now Standing Near Spurn Point, at the Mouth of the Humber, and for Erecting Other Fit and Convenient Light-Houses Instead Thereof
L1352a: PARLIAMENT - The Public General Acts Passed in the 60th and 62st Years of the Reign of Queen Victoria 1897
0804p: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Decimo Octavo
0804o: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Vicesimo Octavo
j0916: PARLIAMENT - The Parliamentary Register 1660-1741
0804f: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Vicesimo Quarto.
0804g: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Vicesimo Sexto
0804j: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Tricesimo Nono
0804n: PARLIAMENT - Magnae Britanniae. Franciae & Hiberniae. Decimo Nono
j8189a: PARNELL, THOMAS - Poetical Works
j8189: PARNELL, THOMAS - Poetical Works
e0530: PARR, OLIVE KATHARINE - Robert Hugh Benson. An Appreciation
e5800b: PARRHASE, THEODORE [LE CLERC, JEAN] - Parrhasiana Ou Pensees Diverses Sur Des Matieres de Critique, D'Histoire de Morale Et de Politique. Tome Premier
bbp061: PARRIS. P B - Waltzing in the Attic
e5893: PARRISH, JOSEPH - Practical Observations on Strangulated Hernia and Some of the Diseases of the Urinary Organs
bbp062: PARRISH, FRANK - Fly in the Cobweb
bbp062a: PARRISH, FRANK - Fly in the Cobweb
k0731c: PARRY-JONES, JEMIMA - Falconry. Care, Captive Breeding and Conservation. Signed Copy
r0694: PARRY, R ST JOHN - The Pastoral Epistles with Introduction, Text and Commentary
d0822: PARRY, EDWARD - The Railway Companion from Chester to Holyhead; Containing a Descriptive and Historical Account of All Objects of Interest That Present Themselves on This Beautifully Picturesque Line: . .
L1717b: PARRY, WILLIAM EDWARD - Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; Performed in the Years 1819-20, in His Majesty's Ships Hecla and Griper, Under the Orders of William Edward Parry, R.N. , Commander of the Expedition
k0731b: PARRY-JONES, JEMIMA - Training Birds of Prey
j7481: PARRY, H LLOYD - The History of Exeter Guildhall and the Life Within
k0731bp: PARRY-JONES, JEMIMA - Training Birds of Prey
bbp063: PARRY, D H - The Sunken Million
g3010c: PARRY, R E [ROY EGARDO] - Geography. The Scientific Study of Human Settlement. Book III. Africa and Australasia
bih21a: PARSLOE, GUY [ED.] - Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research. Supplements 7-13 1936 - 1948
0047c: PARSON, WILLIAM; WHITE, WILLIAM - History, Directory and Gazetteer of the Counties of Durham and Northumberland. Volume II
0047ca: PARSON, WILLIAM; WHITE, WILLIAM - History, Directory and Gazetteer of the Counties of Durham and Northumberland. Volume II
d1262: PARSONAGE, M J [ED.] - Aspects of Epilepsy
5458a: PARSONS, R H - The Development of the Parsons Steam Turbine
g5176: PARSONS - Surface Condensing Plant
nec53a: PARSONS - Catalogue of Parsons Exhibition, November 1936 - January 1937
oph61: PARSONS, JOHN; BUTLER, T HARRISON; &C - Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. Volume LXI (61). Session 1941
jl-987: PARSONS, DAVID - Books and Buildings: Architectural Description Before and After Bede. Jarrow Lecture 1987
sbl337: PARSONS, ANTHONY - The Secret of the Roman Temple. The Sexton Blake Library No 337
sbl329: PARSONS, ANTHONY - The Case of the Indian Watcher. The Sexton Blake Library No 329
m0176: PARSONS, JULIE - The Courtship Gift
bcp018: PARSONS, ANTHONY - The Secret of the Ten Bales
bbp066: PARSONS, TONY - The Family Way
bbp066a: PARSONS, TONY - Man and Wife
bbp066b: PARSONS, TONY - One for My Baby
m0176a: PARSONS, JULIE - The Courtship Gift
m0176b: PARSONS, JULIE - The Courtship Gift
3143c: PARTINGTON, CHARLES FREDERICK - The British Cyclopaedia of the Arts and Sciences. 2 Volume Set. [Cyclopaedia; Cyclopedia]
3143b: PARTINGTON, CHARLES FREDERICK - The British Cyclopaedia of Natural History. 3 Volume Set. [Cyclopaedia; Cyclopedia]
bj-04: PARTINGTON, WILFRED [ED.] - The Bookman's Journal and Print Collector. Volume 4. (Issues 79 - 94. ). April 1921 - August 1921
bj-05: PARTINGTON, WILFRED [ED.] - The Bookman's Journal and Print Collector. Volume 5 & 6. (Issues 1 - 12. ). October 1921 - September 1922
bj-09: PARTINGTON, WILFRED [ED.] - The Bookman's Journal and Print Collector. Volume 9 & 10. (Issues 25 - 36). October 1923 - September 1924
bj-13: PARTINGTON, WILFRED [ED.] - The Bookman's Journal and Print Collector. Volume 13 & 14. (Issues 49 - 59. ). October 1925 - September 1926
bj-03: PARTINGTON, WILFRED [ED.] - The Bookman's Journal and Print Collector. Volume 3. (Issues 53 - 78. ). October 1920 - April 1921
h0200b: PARTON, JAMES [ED.] - Impact. Taking the War to the Foe
h0200: PARTON, JAMES [ED.] - Impact. Destruction from the Air
c3073: PARTRIDGE - Ella's Rose-Bud [It Will Live Again]
e9455: PARTRIDGE, S W [ED.] - The British Workman. Second Series 1860-64
j8087: NORTHERN TECHNICAL WORKING PARTY - Water Resources in the North. Northern Technical Working Party Report. Text + Maps
j6823: THE COMMUNIST PARTY - Men & Motors. A Policy for the Industry
grv62: PASTERNAK, BORIS; HARARI, MICHAEL [TR.] - Boris Pasternak. Late Poems
bbp067: PATCHETT, M E (PAYNE, ROGER (ILLUS)) - Warrimoo
h1890: PATEL, MAURICE - Les Tuberculoses Chirugicales de L'Intestine Grele. Leur Therapeutique
a1384a: PATEL, SHEENA - I'm a Fan. Signed Copy
L0608bb: PATER, WALTER - Marius the Epicurean, His Sensations and Ideas. 2 Volume Set
L0608bd: PATER, WALTER - Marius the Epicurean, His Sensations and Ideas. 2 Volume Set
L0608ba: PATER, WALTER - Marius the Epicurean, His Sensations and Ideas. 2 Volume Set
r5159: PATERSON, WALTER - The Legend of Iona with Other Poems
g0852a: PATERSON, DANIEL - A New and Accurate Description of All the Direct and Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales
c0794: PATERSON, JOHN - Memoir of Robert Paterson, D.D. Kirkwall
k1964c: PATERSON, A B 'BANJO' - The Song of the Pen Complete Works 1901-1941
k1964: PATERSON, A B 'BANJO' - A Collection from the Works of Banjo Paterson
k0694a: PATERSON, WILLIAM G R [ED.] - Farm Crops. Four Volume Set
j9428: PATERSON, ALAN, J S - The Victorian Summer of the Clyde Steamers (1864-1888)
bbp069a: PATERSON, NEIL - Behold Thy Daughter
k1964da: PATERSON, A B 'BANJO' - Rio Grande's Last Race and Other Verses
e5936: PATIN, GUY - Lettres Choisies de Feu Mr Guy Patin. Plusiers Particularites Historiques, Sur la Vie & Mort Des Scavans de Ce Siecle, Sur Leurs Ecrits & Plusiers Autres Choses Curicuses Depuis L'an 1645 Jusqu'en 1672. 2 Volume Set
cnl122: PATMORE, COVENTRY; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Victories of Love and Other Poems. Cassell's National Library No 122
t0940: PATON, HUGH - Anecdotes of Scottish Characters. Signed Copy
edc023: PATON, HENRY M; WOOD, MARGUERITE; &C - The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club. Volume XXIII. 1940
dfc95: PATON, BERT; &C - Dunfermline Athletic Football Programmes. The Pars. 1995-96 Season. 12 Issues
dfc98: PATON, BERT; CAMPBELL, RICHARD; &C - Dunfermline Athletic Football Programmes. The Pars. 1998-2000 Seasons. 19 Issues
r4430: PATON, J NOEL [ILLUS.] - The Dowie Dens o' Yarrow
dfc93: PATON, BERT; &C - Dunfermline Athletic Football Programmes. The Pars. 1993-94 Season. 8 Issues
dfc94: PATON, BERT; &C - Dunfermline Athletic Football Programmes. The Pars. 1994-95 Season. 17 Issues
L0746: PATON, THOMAS S - Treatise on the Law of Stoppage in Transitu
c4406: PATON, HENRY [ED.] - Papers About the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745
edc024: PATON, HENRY M; WOOD, MARGUERITE; &C - The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club. Volume XXIV. 1942
dfc97: PATON, BERT; &C - Dunfermline Athletic Football Programmes. The Pars. 1997-98 Season. 10 Issues
dfc96: PATON, BERT; &C - Dunfermline Athletic Football Programmes. The Pars. 1996-97 Season. 15 Issues
e6495: PATRICK, WILLIAM - A Popular Description of the Indigenous Plants of Lanarkshire with an Introduction to Botany, and a Glossary of Botanical Terms
d3626: PATRICK, S - Terence's Comedies. Volume II
pat56d: PATTEN, MARGUERITE - Microwave-Cookery with Marguerite Patten
bbp073: PATTEN, LEWIS B - Hangman's Country
map22b: PATTENDEN, D W [ED.] - The River Tees. Two Centuries of Change
d4079: PATTERSON, A - Man and Nature on the Broads
k4054: PATTERSON, I J - The Shelduck. A Study in Behavioural Ecology
k2703: PATTERSON, SIMON - Simon Patterson
ptt144: PATTERSON, JAMES; ROUGHAN, HOWARD - You'Ve Been Warned
ptt089a: PATTERSON, JAMES - Mary, Mary [Alex Cross]
ptt042b: PATTERSON, JAMES - Cross Country [Alex Cross]
bgp010a: PATTERSON, J E; WITHYCOMBE, J GIDLEY [ILLUS.] - Sea-Pie. Being Some Minor Reminiscences, and Tales of Other Men
bbp075g: PATTERSON, RICHARD NORTH - Silent Witness
bbp074: PATTERSON, GLENN - Burning Your Own
hig77b: PATTERSON, HARRY [JACK HIGGINS] - The Valhalla Exchange
2556: PATTESON, BARBE - Chips from Tunis. A Glimpse of Arab Life
j6520: PATTINSON, TOM - Saint Leonard's Hospital Alnwick. Outline History & Excavation Report
L0921: PATTINSON, LEE - Winds of Change
bbp081: PATTISON, IAN - A Stranger Here Myself
4731: PATTON, JIM - The Shake
r2525: PATZERT, RUDOLPH W - Running the Palestine Blockade. The Last Voyage of the Paducah
a0596a: PAUL, ELIOT - A Narrow Street
0593b: PAUL, LOUIS - Dara the Cypriot
j6516: PAUL, JAMES BALFOUR - An Ordinary of Arms Contained in the Public Register of Arms and Bearings in Scotland
bbp091: PAUL, WILLIAM - The Hindmost
bbp091b: PAUL, WILLIAM - Seasons of Revenge
bbp082: PAUL, BARBARA - The Renewable Virgin
bbp083: PAUL, BETTY - Lucky Star
e4569: PAUL, NALINI - Skirlags
k3891: PAUL, CELIA - Celia Paul. Recent Prints (2000-2002)
h1749: PAULEY, ART - Henry Plummer Lawman and Outlaw. Signed Copy
d0443: PAULI, GUSTAV [ED.] - Zeichnungen Alter Meister in Der Kunsthalle Zu Hamburg Niederlander [Drawings by the Old Masters]. Limited Edition. 2 Volume Set
c2837: PAULL, M A [RIPLEY, MRS JOHN] - Rhoda's Reform
e2061a: PAULSON-ELLIS, MARY - The Inheritance of Solomon Farthing. Signed Limited Edition
gt-05: PAVER, RICHARD; DUMINY, A H [ED.] - The Reminiscences of Richard Paver. The Graham's Town Series No 5
j9887: PAVEY, L A - Lost Survivor
e9616: PAVLOV, G - Soviet Political Poster
e4911: PAVY, F W - The Croonian Lectures on Certain Points Connected with Diabetes Delivered at the Royal College of Physicians
4766: PAXSON, DIANA L - The Lord of Horses
j9888: PAXTON, PETER - Living in sin
g0846: PAXTON, MIKE - How to Restore Volkswagen Bus. Your Step-by-Step Illustrated Giude to Body and Interior Restoration
d0409a: PAXTON, M B - Mirren, the Gipsy Girl
r5447j: PAYE, PETER - The Waveney Valley Railway. Tivetshall to Beccles
opl136: PAYE, PETER - The Ely & St. Ives Railway. Locomotion Papers No. 136
r5914a: PAYN, JAMES - Notes from the "News"
r2832b: PAYNE, ROBERT - Harvest
r2832d: PAYNE, ROBERT - The Royal Players
bbp095: PAYNE, DOUGLAS - Masterstroke
e8056a: PAYNE-GALLWEY, RALPH - The Fowler in Ireland or Notes on the Haunts and Habits of Wildfowl and Seafowl Including Instructions in the Art of Shooting and Capturing Them
r2832: PAYNE, ROBERT - The Lion Roars
cor985: PAYNTER, BOB [ED.] - Cor!! Comic Annual 1985
cor984a: PAYNTER, BOB [ED.] - Cor!! Comic Annual 1984
cor984: PAYNTER, BOB [ED.] - Cor!! Comic Annual 1984
cor982: PAYNTER, BOB [ED.] - Cor!! Comic Annual 1982
e7623: PEABODY, A E - Control of Pipeline Corrosion
g8987: PEACE, MASKELL W - The Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1872, Being the Act Regulating Mines of Coal, Stratified Ironstone, Shale, and Fireclay
bbp101: PEACH, CINDY - Diary of a Virgin
fol624: PEACOCK, THOMAS LOVE - Crotchet Castle
fol624a: PEACOCK, THOMAS LOVE - Crotchet Castle
comb07: PEACOCK, LINDAY - B-52 Stratofortress. Osprey Combat Aircraft Series No. 7
cnl123: PEACOCK, THOMAS LOVE; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - Crotchet Castle. Cassell's National Library No 57
j1568e: PEACOCK, LINDSAY - Aerial Firepower
j1568d: PEACOCK, LINDSAY - Strike Aces
j1568c: PEACOCK, LINDSAY - On Falcon Wings. The F-16 Story
j3796b: BEYER PEACOCK - Beyer, Peacock & Co Ltd. Facsimile 1 to 5000 Souvenir 1907
j3533b: PEACOCKE, ISABEL MAUD - Shadow Valley
r0699: PEAKE, SAMUEL ARTHUR - The Servant of Yahweh
vyn037: PEAKE, DON [MUSIC]; CRAVEN, WES; LOCKE, PETER; BERRYMAN, MICHAEL; LANIER, SUSAN; HOUSTON, ROBERT ET AL - Wes Craven's the Hills Have Eyes. Original 1977 Motion Picture Soundtrack. Ows02. Signed Copy
bsl006: PEAKE, HAROLD - The Origins of Agriculture. Benn's Sixpenny Library No. 6
j6014: PEAKE, TIM H - William Brownfield and Son(S): 1837 - 1900. A Most Prolific Staffordshire Pottery. An Illustrated Guide to Brownfield Wares 1837-1900. Signed Limited Edition
r2939: PEAKE, R B [SEYMOUR, ROBERT] - Seymour's Humorous Sketches Comprising Ninety-Two Caricature Etchings Illustrated in Prose by R B Peake
t0216: PEAKE, FELICITY - Pure Chance
j9967: PEAKMAN, JULIE [ED.] - Whore Biographies 1700 - 1825. Volume 6
e2966: PEALL, THOMAS - Observations, Chiefly Practical, on Some of the More Common Diseases of the Horse, Together with Remarks Upon the General Articles of Diet, and the Ordinary Stable Management of That Animal
h0544c: PEARCE, KENN - Broken Journeys. Volume II
j3249: PEARCE, R O; BYROM, JAMES - Barrier of Spears. Drama of the Drakensberg
k1226: PEARCE, A J - Dear Mrs Bird
1730aa: PEARCE, THOMAS - The Locomotive. Its Failures and Remedies
k4702: PEARCE, ROGER - Once a Happy Valley. Memoirs of an Ics Officer in Sindh 1938-1948
L1722ca: PEARCY, ARTHUR - U.S. Coast Guard Aircraft Since 1916
L1722d: PEARCY, ARTHUR - A History of U.S. Coast Guard Aviation
L1722b: PEARCY, ARTHUR - Lend-Lease Aircraft in World War II
L1722a: PEARCY, ARTHUR - Fifty Glorious Years: A Pictorial Tribute to the Douglas Dc-3 1935-1985
bgw016a: PEARL, CYRIL - The Girl with the Swansdown Seat
rev53: PEARS, EDWN; JOHNSTON, HARRY H; SAROLEA, CHARLES; &C - The Review of Reviews. Volume 53. January-June 1916
t1011ib: PEARS, TIM - Wake Up
t1011da: PEARS, TIM - In the Land of Plenty
nn-011: PEARSALL, W H - Mountains and Moorlands. New Naturalist No. 11. 1950
f0040: PEARSE, ARNO S - The Cotton Industry of India. Being the Report of the Journey to India
c1485: PEARSON, JOHN; HEY WILLIAM - The Life of William Hey, Esq. F.R. S
rcm21b: PEARSON, SARAH; BARNWELL, P S; ADAMS, A T - A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses of Kent
rcm21: PEARSON, SARAH - The Medieval Houses of Kent: An Historical Analysis
f0229: PEARSON, DAVID [ED.] - For the Love of the Binding. Studies in Bookbinding History Presented to Mirjam Foot
bgh292: PEARSON, HESKETH - Henry of Navarre: His Life
j8709: PEARSON, HARRY - Housekeepers Shortlegs and Flemish String. Three Village Sports Clubs in Northumberland
j3006: PEARSON, PETER - Dun Laoghaire Kingstown
e5089: PEARSON, ANDY [ED.] - 21st Century Modeller. Issue #1
bbp115: PEARSON, NANCY - Mademoiselle B-
bbp116: PEARSON, RIDLEY - Undercurrents
bbp112: PEARSON, EDWARD - With Love from R
fol627: PEARSON, HESKETH - The Smith of Smiths. Being the Life, Wit and Humour of Sydney Smith
e4675: PEARSON, GEORGE - Arranged Catalogues of the Articles of Food, Seasonings and Drinks; for the Use of Lectures on Therapeutics with Materia Medica
d3000ab: PEARY, ROBERT E - The North Pole. Signed Copy
d3000b: PEARY, ROBERT E - Nearest the Pole. A Narrative of the Polar Expedition of the Peary Arctic Club in the S.S. Roosevelt, 1905 - 1906
mus072: PEASE, HARRY; HAID, BILLY; STOCK, LARRY - Silvery Moon and Golden Sands (Sheet Music)
c2687: PEASE, EDWARD; ET AL - The Darlington Saturday Half-Holiday Guide
pes11: PEASE, HOWARD (ED.) - The Northern Counties Magazine. Volume I. October 1900 - March 1901
pes11ac: PEASE, HOWARD [ED.] - The Northern Counties Magazine. June 1901
pes02aa: PEASE, HOWARD - Borderland Studies
pes04: PEASE, HOWARD [ED.] - The History of the Northumberland (Hussars) Yeomanry 1819-1923
pes06aa: PEASE, HOWARD - The Lord Wardens of the Marches of England and Scotland
e7224: PECK, ARTHUR - The Morris and Sword Dances of England
g9283: PEDERSEN, POUL P M [ED.] - Levende Dansk Lyrik Fra Folkevisen Til Drachmann
ped24a: PEDLER, MARGARET - The Shining Cloud
ped16: PEDLER, MARGARET - The Hermit of Far End
ped14: PEDLER, MARGARET - The Guarded Halo
ped09: PEDLER, MARGARET - Fire of Youth
ped03: PEDLER, MARGARET - Bitter Heritage
ped04: PEDLER, MARGARET - Blind Loyalty
ped30: PEDLER, MARGARET - Yesterday's Harvest
ped26: PEDLER, MARGARET - To-Morrow's Tangle
L0331: PEDRICK, GALE - Monastic Seals of the Xiiith Century
sbc28: PEEBLES, IAN - Batter's Castle. A Ramble Round the Ream of Cricket
c1898: PEEL, SIDNEY - The Binding of the Nile and the New Soudan [Sudan]
j8548: PEEL, DAVE - British CIVIL Aircraft Registers Since 1919
5021: PEEL, KENDAL J - The Twelfth Night of Ramadan
bbp122: PEEL, DORIS - Children of the Wind
t0019a: PEELLAERT, GUY; HERR, MICHAEL - The Big Room
d0895a: PEERS, CHARLES E [ILLUS.]; PAPE, S W - Natal. A Series of Pencil Sketches by Charles E Peers
g9367: PEGG, ELEANOR - Star Maiden. A Tale of Southern India
wha01: PEHERVARI, PETER; ANNANDALE, DAVID; CLULEY, RAY; &C - The Accursed. Warhammer Horror
c3112: PEILE, S C F - Lawn Tennis As a Game of Skill. With the Latest Revised Laws As Played by the Best Clubs
q0470: PEILE, KINSEY; PLAYFAIR, NIGEL [PREFACE] - Candid Peel: Tales without Prejudice
bbp123a: PELECANOS, GEORGE P - Soul Circus
fks031: PELHAM, CECIL A [ED.] - The Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. Volume XXXI. 1945. Comprising Entries from 169 Packs of Foxhounds
fks030: PELHAM, CECIL A [ED.] - The Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. Volume the Thirtieth [XXX]. Comprising Entries for 1942, 1943, and 1944
fks029: PELHAM, CECIL A [ED.] - The Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. Volume the Twenty-Ninth [XXIX]. 1941. Comprising Entries from One Hundred and Fifty-Six Packs of Foxhounds
fks027: PELHAM, CECIL A [ED.] - The Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. Volume the Twenty-Seventh [XXVII]. 1939. Comprising Entries from One Hundred and Eighty-Five Packs of Foxhounds
fks028: PELHAM, CECIL A [ED.] - The Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. Volume the Twenty-Eighth [XXVIII]. 1940. Comprising Entries from One Hundred and Ninety-One Packs of Foxhounds
fks026: PELHAM, CECIL A [ED.] - The Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. Volume the Twenty-Sixth [XXVI]. 1938. Comprising Entries from One Hundred and Eighty-Two Packs of Foxhounds
fks025: PELHAM, CECIL A [ED.] - The Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. Volume the Twenty-Fifth [XXV]. 1937. Comprising Entries from One Hundred and Seventy-Eight Packs of Foxhounds
fks024: PELHAM, CECIL A [ED.] - The Foxhound Kennel Stud Book. Volume the Twenty-Fourth [XXIV]. 1936. Comprising Entries from One Hundred and Eighty Two Packs of Foxhounds
j4989ac: PELLAPRAT, HENRI-PAUL - Modern French Culinary Art. 1978
j7968: PELTIER, JOHN; ADAMS [TRANSCRIBED] - The Trial of John Peltier Esq. For a Libel Against Buonaparte at the King's Bench Middlesex on Monday 21st February 1803
bgp022c: PELZER, DAVID - The Privilege of Youth
bgp022b: PELZER, DAVID - A Man Named Dave
bgp022bb: PELZER, DAVID - A Man Named Dave
bgp022ab: PELZER, DAVID - The Lost Boy
bbp125: PEMBER-HILLER, GUY - Run Corpse Run
m0212: PEMBERTON, VICTOR - Leo's Girl
m0212a: PEMBERTON, VICTOR - Leo's Girl
m0211: PEMBERTON, LYNNE - Sleeping with Ghosts
bbp128e: PEMBERTON, MAX - The Sea Wolves
bbp128f: PEMBERTON, MAX - White Walls
bbp128b: PEMBERTON, MAX - The Giant's Gate
thk41f: PENDENNIS, ARTHUR [THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE]; DOYLE, RICHARD [ILLUS.] - The Newcomes: Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family. Edited by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. 2 Volume Set
thk41ab: PENDENNIS, ARTHUR [THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE]; DOYLE, RICHARD [ILLUS.] - The Newcomes: Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family. Edited by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. 2 Volume Set
r5652: PENDRED, JOHN; POLLARD, GRAHAM [ED.] - The Earliest Directory of the Book Trade
g7491: PENLEY, AARON - Sketching from Nature in Water-Colours
j2852: PENN, DAVID - Vauxhall Cavalier / Opel Ascona & Manta 1975 - 1982
pnn14: PENNANT, THOMAS - Some Account of London. 1813
pnn14aa: PENNANT, THOMAS - Some Account of London. 1813
g8993: PENNELL, JOSEPH - Etchers and Etching. Chapters in the History of the Art Together with Technical Explanations of Modern Artistic Methods
d0736a: PENNELL, JOSEPH - Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen. Their Work and and Their Methods. A Study of the Art to-Day. With Technical Suggestions
g1784: PENNELL, ELIZABETH ROBINS; PENNELL, JOSEPH - Lithography and Lithographers
inc39: PENNEY, DEREK - Gwr 4-6-0s in Colour
g8752: PENNEY, NORMAN - My Ancestors. Limited Edition
fg-031: PENNON, EDRIC - The Smuggler's Pixie. A Story of Cornwall
obs13k: PENOYRE, JOHN; RYAN, MICHAEL - The Observer's Book of Architecture. 1965
bsp50a: PENRHYN, LORD; BRADBURNE, F A; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume L. October - December 1888
bsp51a: PENRHYN, LORD; BRADBURNE, F A; &C - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Volume LI. January - June 1889
h1431d: PENROSE, HARALD - An Ancient Air. A Biography of John Stringfellow of Chard. The Victorian Aeronautical Pioneer
bbp140: PENZLER, OTTO (ED) - Murder for Revenge
cnl133: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1668. Cassell's National Library No 120
cnl126: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1662-1663. Cassell's National Library No 41
cnl125: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1660-1661. Cassell's National Library No 33
cnl131: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1667. Cassell's National Library No 102
cnl129: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1666. Cassell's National Library No 86
cnl132: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1667 - 1668. Cassell's National Library No 111
cnl134: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1668 to End. Cassell's National Library No 126
cnl130: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1666-1667. Cassell's National Library No 94
cnl128: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1664-1666. Cassell's National Library No 74
cnl127: PEPYS, SAMUEL; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - The Diary of Samuel Pepys 1663-1664. Cassell's National Library No 61
r4006: PERCEAU, LOUIS - Bibliographie Du Roman Erotique Au XIX Siecle. 2 Volume Set. Limited Edition
d4391h: PERCIVAL, MILTON [ED.] - Oxford Historical and Literary Studies. Volume 8. Political Ballads Illustrating the Administration of Sir Robert Walpole
r2004a: PERCY, THOMAS - The Regulations and Establishment of the Household of Henry Algernon Percy, the Fifth Earl of Northumberland at His Castles of Wresil and Leckinfield in Yorkshire. Begun Anno Domini Mdxii
d0617c: PERCY, ALAN IAN (EIGHTH DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND) - La Salamandre. The Story of a Vivandiere
d0617a: PERCY, ALAN IAN (EIGHTH DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND) - La Salamandre. The Story of a Vivandiere
d0617: PERCY, ALAN IAN (EIGHTH DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND) - La Salamandre. The Story of a Vivandiere
e6016: PERCY, LE BARON P; COMET, C.-J.-B - Opuscules de Medecine, de Chirurgie, D'Hygiene, Et Critiques Medico-Litteraires, Publies Dans L'Hygie
d0420: PERCY, ALAN IAN (EIGHTH DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND); WATKINS-PITCHFORD, DENNIS ['B.B'] [ILLUS.] - The Shadow on the Moor. Signed Limited Edition Copy
d0420a: PERCY, ALAN IAN (EIGHTH DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND); WATKINS-PITCHFORD, DENNIS ['B.B'] [ILLUS.] - The Shadow on the Moor. Signed Limited Edition
d1226c: PERCY, THOMAS - Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of Our Earlier Poets; Together with Some Few of Later Date. 3 Volume Set. Washbourne Edition
pcy02t: PERCY, SHOLTO & REUBEN - The Percy Anecdotes Original and Select. Volume XX. Women and Domestic Life
pcy02p: PERCY, SHOLTO & REUBEN - The Percy Anecdotes Original and Select. Volume XVI. The Pulpit and Integrity
pcy02L: PERCY, SHOLTO & REUBEN - The Percy Anecdotes Original and Select. Volume XII. Fidelity and Honour
bbp146: PERCY, H R - The Timeless Island and Other Stories
e8093b: PEREIRA, MICHAEL - An Angel Came Down
e8093c: PEREIRA, MICHAEL - Second Cousin Twice Removed
e8093: PEREIRA, MICHAEL - An Echo from Silence
j5590ac: PEREIRA, JONATHAN; FARRE, FREDERICK JOHN; BENTLEY, ROBERT - Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics
bbp147: PERETZ, I L - Selected Stories
5381: PERHAM, MARGERY - Major Dane's Garden
g7736: PERINN, VINCENT L [COMP.] - Ayn Rand: First Descriptive Bibliography
e7198: PERISTIANY, JEAN G - La Vie Et le Droit Coutumier Des Kipsigis Du Kenya
r2798: PERIZONIUS, JAC (DUKERUS, CAROLUS ANDREAS [PREFACE]) - Jac. Perizonii Origines Babylonicae Et Aegypticae. Tomis II. Quorum Prior Bablylonica, & Turris
r5617: PERKIN, MICHAEL - A Directory of the Parochial Libraries of the Church of England and the Church in Wales
d4403e: PERKINS, RICHARD - British Warship Recognition. The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume V. Destroyers, Torpedo Boats and Coastal Forces, 1876 - 1939
d4403b: PERKINS, RICHARD - British Warship Recognition. The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume II. Armoured Ships 1860 - 1895, Monitors and Aviation Ships
d4403c: PERKINS, RICHARD - British Warship Recognition. The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume III. Cruisers 1865 - 1939, Part 1
r1843: PERKINS, CHARLES C - Tuscan Sculptors: Their Lives, Works, and Times. Volume I
d4403g: PERKINS, RICHARD - British Warship Recognition. The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume VII. Convoy Escorts, Mine Warfare Vessels and Naval Auxiliaries, 1860 - 1939
d4403: PERKINS, RICHARD - British Warship Recognition. The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume I. Capital Ships 1895 - 1939
d4403d: PERKINS, RICHARD - British Warship Recognition. The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume IV. Cruisers 1865 - 1939, Part 2
bcp040: PERKINS, J R - The Emperors Physician
d4403f: PERKINS, RICHARD - British Warship Recognition. The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume VI. Submarines, Gunboats, Gun Vessels and Sloops, 1860 - 1939
bbp143: PERKINS, J R - The Emperors Physician
2190: PERKINS, E J - The Marine Fauna and Flora of the Solway Firth
og-20: PERKS, JOHN CLIFFORD - Chepstow Castle, Monmouthshire. Official Guidebook
d4292f: PERRET, JACQUES - Des Fortifications Et Artifices Architecture Et Perspective
g8792: PERRET, ROBERT - Les Panoramas Du Mont Blanc
psn411k: PERRETT, M C; HEDLEY, E; BULMER, W; &C - List the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne on 31st January 1950
bbp148e: PERRIAM, WENDY - The Stillness the Dancing
bbp148d: PERRIAM, WENDY - Sin City
bbp148a: PERRIAM, WENDY - Bird Inside
bbp148: PERRIAM, WENDY - After Purple
bbp149: PERRICK, PENNY - Evermore
r1750: PERRING, F H [ED.] - Critical Supplement to the Atlas of the British Flora
r1749c: PERRING, F H; WALTERS, S M [EDS.] - Atlas of the British Flora
r1749b: PERRING, F H; WALTERS, S M [EDS.] - Atlas of the British Flora
r1749: PERRING, F H; WALTERS, S M [EDS.] - Atlas of the British Flora
r1749a: PERRING, F H; WALTERS, S M [EDS.] - Atlas of the British Flora
nn-062ab: PERRINS, CHRISTOPHER M - British Tits. New Naturalist No 62
clg34: PERRIOT, F; ROZIER, A [EDS.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Revue de Toutes Les Questions Ecclesiastiques. Dogme, Morale, Liturgie, Droit Canon, Ecriture Sainte, Patrologie, Histoire Sacree, Predication Jurisprudence Civile-Ecclesiastque. Tome Trente-Quatrieme. Janvier a Decembre 1912
clg35p: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Paroissial. Tome Vingt-Cinquieme. Janvier a Decembre 1913
clg33: PERRIOT, F; ROZIER, A [EDS.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Revue de Toutes Les Questions Ecclesiastiques. Dogme, Morale, Liturgie, Droit Canon, Ecriture Sainte, Patrologie, Histoire Sacree, Predication Jurisprudence Civile-Ecclesiastque. Tome Trente-Troisieme. Janvier a Decembre 1911
clg32: PERRIOT, F; ROZIER, A [EDS.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Revue de Toutes Les Questions Ecclesiastiques. Dogme, Morale, Liturgie, Droit Canon, Ecriture Sainte, Patrologie, Histoire Sacree, Predication Jurisprudence Civile-Ecclesiastque. Tome Trente-Deuxieme. Janvier a Decembre 1910
clg31p: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Paroissial. Tome Dix-Septieme. Janvier a Decembre 1909
clg29p: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Paroissial. Tome Dix-Septieme. Janvier a Decembre 1907
clg24p: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Paroissial. Tome Quatorzieme. Janvier a Decembre 1902
clg27p: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Paroissial. Tome Dix-Septieme. Janvier a Decembre 1905
clg23p: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Paroissial. Tome Treizieme. Janvier a Decembre 1901
clg22p: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Paroissial. Tome Douzieme. Janvier a Decembre 1900
clg22: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Revue de Toutes Les Questions Ecclesiastiques. Dogme, Morale, Liturgie, Droit Canon, Ecriture Sainte, Patrologie, Histoire Sacree, Predication Jurisprudence Civile-Ecclesiastque. Tome Vingt-Deuxieme. Janvier a Decembre 1900
clg21: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Revue de Toutes Les Questions Ecclesiastiques. Dogme, Morale, Liturgie, Droit Canon, Ecriture Sainte, Patrologie, Histoire Sacree, Predication Jurisprudence Civile-Ecclesiastque. Tome Vingt-Uniieme. Janvier a Decembre 1899
clg19: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Revue de Toutes Les Questions Ecclesiastiques. Dogme, Morale, Liturgie, Droit Canon, Ecriture Sainte, Patrologie, Histoire Sacree, Predication Jurisprudence Civile-Ecclesiastque. Tome Dix-Neuvieme. Janvier a Decembre 1897
clg20: PERRIOT, F [ED.] - L'Ami Du Clerge. Revue de Toutes Les Questions Ecclesiastiques. Dogme, Morale, Liturgie, Droit Canon, Ecriture Sainte, Patrologie, Histoire Sacree, Predication Jurisprudence Civile-Ecclesiastque. Tome Vingtieme. Janvier a Decembre 1898
k4558: PERRY, LEE SCRATCH - 144000 Saints
k4801: PERRY, WILLIAM - The Royal Standard English Dictionary
d0498: PERRY, GEORGE [ED.] - The Book of the Great Western. Limited Edition
fol631aa: PERRY, MARIA - Elizabeth I. The Word of a Prince. A Life from Contemporary Documents. 1991
bbp151: PERRY, ROLAND - Programme for a Puppet
5151: PERTH, JOHN - Sons of Arcturus
bbp153: PERTWEE, ROLAND - The Romance of Nikko Cheyne
bbp154a: PESEK, LUDEK - An Island for Two
bbp154: PESEK, LUDEK - An Island for Two
g0619: PESTALOZZI - Almanach Pestalozzi
k4459: PETER, BRUCE - Knud E Hansen a/S. 75 Years of Ship Design
bp-18: BLUE PETER - Blue Peter No. 18. Eighteenth Book
bp-15: BLUE PETER - Blue Peter No. 15. Fifteenth Book
bp-16: BLUE PETER - Blue Peter No. 16. Sixteenth Book
j6570: PETERKIN, ALEXANDER - Rentals of the Ancient Earldom and Bishoprick of Orkney; with Some Other Explanatory and Relative Documents
gga73: PETERS, VALERIE; MOORE, KENNETH; TAYLOR, RIKKI; &C - The Girl Guide Annual 1973
k2022: PETERS, ARNO & ANNAELIESE - Synchronoptische Weltgeschichte [Synchronous World History]
d4009a: PETERS, IVO - The Somerset and Dorset in the Fifties. Volume One 1950 - 1954
pe-82: PETERS, MAUREEN - Song for a Strolling Player
pe-21: PETERS, MAUREEN - So Fair and Foul a Queen
d4009ba: PETERS, IVO - The Somerset and Dorset in the Fifties. Volume Two 1955 - 1959
d4009ca: PETERS, IVO - The Somerset and Dorset in the Sixties. Volume Three 1960 - 1962
pet58: PETERS, ELLIS - The Potter's Field. The 17th Cadfael Chronicle
pet39a: PETERS, ELLIS - The Knocker on Death's Door
j5080b: PETERS, JOHN; NICHOL, JOHN - Team Tornado
j5080ab: PETERS, JOHN; NICHOL, JOHN - Tornado Down
g7497: PETERS, HARRY T - Currier & Ives. Printmakers to the American People
d4009db: PETERS, IVO - The Somerset and Dorset in the Sixties. Volume Four 1963 - 1966
j4896: PETERSEN, WILLIAM F - Protein Therapy and Nonspecific Resistance
mus007: PETERSON, BETTY; BERGANTINE, BORNEY - My Happiness (Sheet Music)
k4705: PETERSON, WILLIAM S - The Kelmscott Press. A History of William Morris's Typographical Adventure
c4620: PETERSON, ROGER TORY - Birds over America
bbp161a: PETERSON, RALPH W - Greater the Truth
bbp161: PETERSON, RALPH W - Greater the Truth
bbp159: PETERSON, MICHAEL - The Time of War
pem33: PETERSON, MARGARET - Tony Bellew
pem31a: PETERSON, MARGARET - The Scent of the Rose
pem17: PETERSON, MARGARET - Like a Rose
pem31: PETERSON, MARGARET - The Scent of the Rose
pem01: PETERSON, MARGARET - Adventurous Youth
k4681: PETHERICK, ROSA [ILLUS.] - Mother Hubbard's Cupboard of Nursery Rhymes
c3501: PETO, RALPH - Ambling Down to Fez
e8722: PETRARCA, M FRANCESCO - Le Rime Di M. Francesco Petrarca Illustrate con Note Dal P. Francesco Soave C.R. S. 2 Volume Set
g8524: PETRAS, JAMES F; MORLEY, MORRIS H - How Allende Fell. A Study in U.S. - Chilean Relations
je-75: PETREE, J FOSTER [ED.] - The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Volume LXXV, 1964 - 65
je-74: PETREE, J FOSTER [ED.] - The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Volume LXXIV, 1963 - 64
je-69: PETREE, J FOSTER [ED.] - The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Volume LXIX, 1958 - 59
je-72: PETREE, J FOSTER [ED.] - The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Volume LXXII, 1961 - 62
je-73: PETREE, J FOSTER [ED.] - The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Volume LXXIII, 1962 - 63
je-68: PETREE, J FOSTER [ED.] - The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Volume LXVIII, 1957 - 58
je-67: PETREE, J FOSTER [ED.] - The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Volume LXVII, 1956 - 57
je-66: PETREE, J FOSTER [ED.] - The Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and Record of Transactions. Volume LXVI, 1955 - 56
e9360: PETRESCU, STELIAN - Odoarele Dela Neamţu Şi Secu
g6616: PETRIE, GEORGE - The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, Anterior to the Anglo-Norman Invasion; Comprising an Essay on the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland, Which Obtained the Gold Medal and Prize of the Royal Irish Academy
d0421: PETRIE, FLINDERS - Report of the Cricklade Case; Comprehending the Whole of the Proceedings, in the Courts of Law, Before the Select Committee of the Commons, and in Both Houses of Parliament
k0090: PETTIT, STEPHEN LEWIS INGHAM (BRITTEN, BENJAMIN, [WITH AN APPRECIATION BY]) - A Collection of Poems and Verses Written in My Land of Shining the Waters
fg-281: PETTIT, SHEILA - The Collection of Dolls' Houses at Wallington Hall, Northumberland
e1308: PETTUS, SIR JOHN - Fodinae Regales or the History, Laws and Places of the Chief Mines and Minerals Works in England, Wales, and the English Pale in Ireland. As Also of the Mint and Mony. With a Clavis Explaining Some Difficult Words Relating to Mines, &C
cnl135: PETTY, WILLIAM; MORLEY, HENRY [ED.] - Essays on Mankind. Cassell's National Library No 142
bbp167: PETTY, ELIZABETH - Nurse at Whispering Pines
pev09e: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS; ROBERTS, MARTIN; WILLIAMSON, ELIZABETH [REV.] - County Durham. The Buildings of England. Be 9. 2021
pev23c: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - North-East Norfolk and Norwich. The Buildings of England. Be 23. 1988
pev30b: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - Berkshire. The Buildings of England. Be 30. 1975
pev22b: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS; CHERRY, BRIDGET [REV.] - Northamptonshire. The Buildings of England. Be 22. 1973
pev01f: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - Cornwall. The Buildings of England. Be 1. 2000
pev22ba: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - Northamptonshire. The Buildings of England. Be 22. 1973
pev36ba: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - South Lancashire. The Buildings of England. Be 36. 1989
pev29c: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - Yorkshire. The North Riding. The Buildings of England. Be 29. 1978
fol632: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS; METCALF, PRICILLA - The Cathedrals of England. The West and Midlands. The North and East Anglia. The South East. 3 Volume Set
pev10b: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - Cambridgeshire. The Buildings of England. Be 10. 1970
pev25k: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - Herefordshire. The Buildings of England. Be 25. 2012
bgp033: PEYTON, JOHN - Without Benefit of Laundry
gir09aa: PEYTON, KATHLEEN; BROWNE, MURRAY; &C. MAKINS, CLIFFORD [ED.] - Girl Annual No. 9. 1961
f0027: PFEIFFER, RONALD, F; BODIS-WOLLNER, IVAN. [EDITORS] - Parkinson's Disease and Nonmotor Dysfunction
4711: PFITZER, GREGORY M - Samuel Eliot Morison's Historical World
r3947: PFLEIDERER, OTTO; MONTGOMERY, W [TR.]; MORRISON, W D [ED.] - Primitive Christianity: Its Writings and Teachings in Their Historical Connections. 3 Volumes
g5975a: PHELAN, KEIRAN; BRICE, MARTIN H - Fast Attack Craft
bbp172: PHELAN, NANCY - Serpents in Paradise
bbp172a: PHELAN, NANCY - The Voice Beyond the Trees
j2851a: PHILIDOR, FRANCOIS-ANDRE DANICAN; KENNY, W S [TR.] - Analysis of the Game of Chess. Illustrated by Diagrams, on Which Are Marked the Situation of the Party for the Back-Games and Ends of Parties. : With Critical Remarks and Notes. (1824)
j2851: PHILIDOR, FRANCOIS-ANDRE DANICAN - Analysis of the Game of Chess; a New Edition Greatly Enlarged. (1777)
map62c: PHILIP, GEORGE - Philips' Plan of Central London for Visitors
e2524: PHILIP, A P W - An Experimental Inquiry Into the Laws of the Vital Functions... With the Report of the Institute of France on the Experiments of M. Le Gallois; and Observations on That Report
map62: PHILIP, GEORGE - Persia. Philips' Travelling Map
e2190: PHILIP, A P W - A Treatise on Indigestion and Its Consequences, Called Nervous and Bilious Complaints; with Observations on the Organic Diseases in Which They Sometimes Terminate
j7142: PHILIP, A P W - On the Treatment of the More Protracted Cases of Indigestion. Being an Appendix to His Treatise on Indigestion
bcp051: PHILIP, ALEX J - Complete Change
bcp051b: PHILIP, ALEX J - Small Change: Being More "Complete Change"
csb44: PHILIP, W W [ED.] CLYDESDALE HORSE SOCIETY - The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 44. 1922
h2184: PHILIP, A P W - A Treatise on Protracted Indigestion and Its Consequences; Being the Application to the Practical Department of Medicine of the Results of an Inquiry Into the Laws of the Vital Functions
e3629: PHILIPPART, JOHN - Memoires and Campaigns of Charles John, Prince Royal of Sweden
bbp176b: PHILIPS, JUDSON - A Murder Arranged
bbp176a: PHILIPS, JUDSON - Five Roads to Death
bbp176: PHILIPS, JUDSON - The Dead Can't Love
d3589b: PHILIPS, JOHN - Poems Viz 'an Ode to Lord Bolinbroke', 'the Splendid Shilling', 'Bleinheim', and 'Cyder, in Two Books'
e4542: PHILIPS, MR [AMBROSE] - Pastorals
r1933: PHILIPSON, JOHN - Remains of Illicit Distilleries in Upper Coquetdale + the Distillation of Spirits in the Eighteenth Century
aae502p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume II. 1974
c4015p: PHILIPSON, J; CLARK, W A; GILBERT, O; ET AL; LAWSON, ERIC [ILLUS.] - Harbottle Crags. A Guide to Harbottle Crags Nature Reserve
aae524p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 24. 1996
aae522p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 22. 1994
aae520p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 20. 1992
aae521p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 21. 1993
aae523p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 23. 1995
aae517p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 17. 1989
aae516p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 16. 1988
aae515p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 15. 1987
aae513p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 13. 1985
aae515: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 15. 1987
aae512p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 12. 1984
aae511p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 11. 1983
aae508p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 8. 1980
aae509p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 9. 1981
aae510: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th Series. Volume 10. 1982
aae510p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 10. 1982
aae514p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 14. 1986
aae507p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 7. 1979
aae508: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 8. 1980
aae506p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 6. 1978
aae507: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 7. 1979
aae505p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 5. 1977
aae506: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 6. 1978
aae504p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 4. 1976
aae505: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 5. 1977
aae504a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 4. 1976
aae504: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 4. 1976
aae501p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 1. 1973
aae501pa: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 1. 1973
aae503p: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 5th. Series. Volume 3. 1975
aae450a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume L [50]. 1972
aae450: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume L [50]. 1972
aae448a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLVIII [48]. 1970
aae449: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLIX [49]. 1971
aae449a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLIX [49]. 1971
aae448: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLVIII [48]. 1970
aae446a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLVI [46]. 1968
aae447: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLVII [47]. 1969
aae447a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLVII [47]. 1969
aae445a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLV [45]. 1967
aae446: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLVI [46]. 1968
aae444a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLIV [44]. 1966
aae445: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLV [45]. 1967
aae443a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLIII 43. 1965
aae444: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLIV [44]. 1966
aae442a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLII [42]. 1964
aae443: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLIII [43]. 1965
aae441: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLI [41]. 1963
aae441a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLI [41]. 1963
aae442: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XLII [42]. 1964
aae440a: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XL [40]. 1962
aae440: PHILIPSON, JOHN [ED.] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 4th. Series. Volume XL [40]. 1962
bbp178: PHILIPSON, MORRIS - Secret Understandings
bbp177: PHILLIFENT, JOHN T - The Lonely Man
log171j: PHILLIFENT, JOHN T; HENRY, JOHN PAUL; CAMPBELL, JOHN W [ED.]; &C - Analog. Science Fiction and Fact. Volume 88, Number 2. October 1971
1800: PHILLIMORE, R C - Poems. Signed Copy
sprs0404: PHILLIMORE, W P W [ED.] - St. Asaph Oswestry Parish Registers. Shropshire Parish Register Society. Volume 4, Part 4. 1907
t0041a: PHILLIPS, PHILIP [ED.] - The Forth Bridge in Its Various Stages of Construction and Compared with the Most Notable Bridges of the World
yw-65: PHILLIPS-BIRT, D [ED.] - Yachting World Annual 1965
yw-66: PHILLIPS-BIRT, D [ED.] - Yachting World Annual 1966
k2025: PHILLIPS, JAMES - The Moral and Physical Condition of the Working Classes Employed in the Cotton Manufacture in Manchester
asc4011: PHILLIPS, VIC; SPRAGUE DE CAMP, L; SIMAK, CLIFFORD; LA FAYETTE, RENE - Astounding Science Fiction. Volume XXVI, Number 3. November 1940
L1625: PHILLIPS, NIGEL - Sijobang: Sung Narrative Poetry of West Sumatra. [Cambridge Studies in Oral and Literate Culture]
g7452c: PHILLIPS-BIRT, DOUGLAS - Reflections in the Sea
g7452ca: PHILLIPS-BIRT, DOUGLAS - Reflections in the Sea
3365: PHILLIPS, A V - War Sonnets and Others
k1716: PHILLIPS, HUBERT [COMP.] - "Quiz". Nos. 5-8. [News Chronicle]
0533g: PHILLIPS, GEOFF - Tyneside: Past and Present. A Journey Through Time & Tyneside
d2934: PHILLIPS, HENRY - Sylva Florifera: The Shrubbery Historically and Botanically Treated; with Observations on the Formation of Ornamental Plantations, and Picturesque Scenery. 2 Volume Set
r5273: PHILLIPS, JAYNE ANNE - Shelter
asc6008: PHILLIPS, MARK; HARRISON, HARRY; CAMPBELL, JOHN W [ED.]; &C - Astounding Science. Fact & Fiction. Volume 16, Number 6. August 1960. British Edition
5380: PHILLIPS, ELIZABETH - Conquering Heroes
5295: PHILLIPS, LEON - Ritual Fire Dance
j7994: PHILLIPS, EDMUND RAGLAND - Hints on Shooting
bbp184: PHILLIPS, JOHN - The Second Happiest Day
bbp185: PHILLIPS, MICKEY - A Good Fat Hen
bbp186: PHILLIPS, MIKE - Point of Darkness
bbp179: PHILLIPS, CARYL - Crossing the River
bbp179a: PHILLIPS, CARYL - The Nature of Blood
bbp180: PHILLIPS, CONRAD - Escape to Nowhere
0533da: PHILLIPS, GEOFF - Newcastle Past & Present. Special Edition
0533h: PHILLIPS, GEOFF - Tyneside. Then and Now
e2584b: PHILLIPS, SCOTT - The Walkaway
sfe95: PHILLIPSON, CHARLES - Letters to Michael. A Father Writes to His Son 1945-1947
g3487b: PHILLIPSON, DAVID - All Her Glories Past. The Zetland Lifeboat
phl162: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN - Quartet
phl170: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN - The Secret Woman
phl221: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN & ADELAIDE - Yellow Sands
phl091: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN - The Girl and the Faun, Illustrated by Frank Brangwyn. Signed Limited de Luxe Edition
phl137: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN; BROCK, C E [ILLUS.] - Nancy Owlett
phl052: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN - Dark Horses
phl065: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN - The Drums of Dombali
phl069: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN - Eudocia. A Comedy Royal
phl024a: PHILLPOTTS, EDEN - The Broom Squires
r4099: PHILLPOTTS, HENRY - A Letter to the Right Honourable George Canning on the Bill of 1825, for Removing the Disqualifications of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects, and on His Speech in Support of the Same
bbp191: PHIPPS, CONSTANTINE - Careful with the Sharks
g1147: PHO, ROBERT W H - Microsurgical Technique in Orthopedics
j6322: QUANG PHONG [FOREWORD] - Tranh Khac Go Vietnam. Vietnamese Contemporary Wood Engraving
e2736: A PHYSICIAN - Conversations on the Animal Economy. 2 Volume Set
d4396: PICARD - Henri Picard & Frere Catalogue 1955
r8130: PICK, FRANK - Doors, Windows and Chimneys
d3037: PICKARD, NANCY - Marriage Is Murder
d3037ba: PICKARD, NANCY - But I Wouldn't Want to Die There
r5315: PICKEN, ANDREW - Picken's Sketches of Napoleon. Being a Series of Thirteen Highly-Finished Lithographic Drawings of the Late Emperor, in Eight Plates
bbp196: PICKERING, R E - The Word Game
bbp195: PICKERING, PAUL - The Blue Gate of Babylon
bbp195b: PICKERING, PAUL - Wild About Harry
r2445: PICKERING, GRAEME & BRIAN - Air Forces Uk
opp182c: PICKERSGILL, ALTON - Sunderland in Old Picture Postcards Volume 2
j3634b: PICKFORD, IAN - Silver Flatware. English Irish and Scottish 1660-1980
r6575: PICKFORD, ELIZABETH; M'OWAN, PETER [ED.] - Love Made Perfect: Illustrated in the Life and Diary of Mrs Elizabeth Pickford, Late of Salisbury
j3634: PICKFORD, IAN - Silver Flatware. English Irish and Scottish 1660-1980. Signed Edition
g8899: PICKFORD, DOUG - Old Macclesfield
r7349: PICKL, JOSEF - Jesus Messiah King: The View of His Contemporaries
rf-49: PICKLES, WILFRED; BONN, ISSY; ETC - Radio Fun Annual 1949
k4854: PICKLES, CHRISTOPHER - Texts and Monuments. A Study of Ten Anglo-Saxon Churches of the Pre-Viking Period. Bar British Series 277
g1854: PICTON, J A - Memorials of Liverpool Historical and Topographical Including a History of the Dock Estate. 2 Volume Set
e5670: PIEPENBRINK, KAREN [ED.] - Philosophie Und Lebenswelt in Der Antike
a1365: PIERCE, TAMORA - Tempests and Slaughter. Signed Copy
bbp199: PIERCE, DAVID M - Write Me a Letter
g5352: PIERREFEUX, GUY DE - Guide Terre D'Amour - Arcachon Et la Cote D'Argent
g0452: PIGNON - Pignon. Les Nus Rouges
j3713cf: PIGOT - Pigot's Directory for Norfolk & Suffolk 1830. Limited Facsimile Edition
j3713bfc: PIGOT - Pigot's Directory for Northumberland 1822. Limited Facsimile Edition
j3713f: PIGOT - Pigot and Co's Directory of Essex. 1839
j3713: PIGOT - Pigot and Co's Royal National and Commercial Directory and Topography of the Counties of York, Leicester, Rutland, Lincoln, Northampton, and Nottingham. 1841
j3713bfb: PIGOT - Pigot's Directory for Northumberland 1822. Limited Facsimile Edition
j3713ef: PIGOT - Pigot and Co's National Commercial Directory for 1834. Durham, Northumberland, and Yorkshire. Limited Facsimile Edition
g5925c: PIGOTT, NICK [ED.] - Steam Railway 1990. Signed Limited Edition
g5925b: PIGOTT, NICK [ED.] - Steam Railway 1989. Signed Limited Edition
r6323: PIGOTT, MOSTYN; REED, E T [ILLUS.] - The Beauties of Home Rule
a0680da: PIKE, STUART N - Travelling on the Southern Railway. Waterloo Edition. The Journey Mile by Mile
1291c: PIKE, W T [ED] - Contemporary Biographies [Northumberland]. Pike's New Century Series No 14
j6886: PIKE, WILLIAM THOMAS [ED.] - A Dictionary of Edwardian Biography. Northumberland
bbp202: PIKE, GEOFF - Golightly Adrift
g1688: PIKE, E J [ED.] - The Journal of the CIVIL Service Motoring Association. July 1952
g1687: PIKE, E J [ED.] - The Journal of the CIVIL Service Motoring Association. June 1952
g8663: PILBEAM, JOHN - Echinocereus
bbp203: PILCHER, ROBIN - An Ocean Apart
e4773: PILCHER, GEORGE - A Treatise on the Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Ear; Being the Essay for Which the Fothergillian Gold Medal Was Awarded by the Medical Society of London
bf-11b: PILGRIM, JANE; MAY, F STOCKS [ILLUS.] - Ernest Owl Starts a School
bbp205: PILGRIM, DAVID - The Grand Design
bbp205b: PILGRIM, DAVID - So Great a Man
bbp205ba: PILGRIM, DAVID - So Great a Man
f0266: AN PILIBIN [HACKETT POLLOCK, JOHN] - Grass of Parnassus. Limited Edition
g8310: PILKINGTON, CATHY; CARPENTER, BENEDICT [INTRO.] - Cathy Pilkington. Thing-Soul
g2125: PILKINGTON, M - The Gentleman's and Connoisseur's Dictionary of Painters. Pilkingtons Painters
cha921a: PILLEAU, O M; HOBART-HAMPDEN, MRS; &C - Chatterbox 1921
5654: PIMLOTT, JOHN - World War II in Photographs
gip110: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Histoire Des Controverses Et Des Matiers Ecclesiastiques Trate'Es Dans le Treizieme Siecle de L'Eglise
gip109a: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Histoire Des Controverses Et Des Matiers Ecclesiastiques Trate'Es Dans le Douzieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Seconde Partie
gip108: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Histoire Des Controverses Et Des Matiers Ecclesiastiques Trate'Es Dans L'Onzieme Siecle de L'Eglise
gip107: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Histoire Des Controverses Et Des Matiers Ecclesiastiques Trate'Es Dans le Dixieme Siecle de L'Eglise
gip106: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Histoire Des Controverses Et Des Matiers Ecclesiastiques Trate'Es Dans le Neuvieme Siecle de L'Eglise
gip105: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteurs Du Septieme & Du Huitieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Tome V
gip104: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteurs Du Sixieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Tome IV
gip103b: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteurs Du Cinquieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Tome IV. Partie III
gip103a: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteurs Du Cinquieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Tome III. Seconde Partie
gip103: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteurs Du Cinquieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Tome III. Premiere Partie
gip102b: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteurs Du Quatrieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Tome II. Troisieme Partie
gip102a: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteurs Du Quatrieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Tome II. Seconde Partie
gip102: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteurs Du Quatrieme Siecle de L'Eglise. Tome II. Premiere Partie
gip101a: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Les Trois Premiers Siecles de L'Eglise. Tome Premier. Seconde Partie
gip122: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Table Universelle Des Auteurs Heretiques Du XVI Et Du XVII Siecle. Tome IV
gip121: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Heretiques. Des Auteurs Separes de la Communion de L'Eglise Romaine Du XVI Et Du XVII Siecle. Tome I
gip120: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Table Universelle Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques Dispose par Order Chronologique. Tome I. I - XVI Siecles
gip119a: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteur Ecclesiastique Du Dix-Huitieme Siecle. Des Ouvrages Publiex Depuis 1700 Jusqu'a la Fin de 1710. Tome II
gip119b: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteur Ecclesiastiques Supplement. IV - VIII Siecles
gip119: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteur Ecclesiastique Du Dix-Huitieme Siecle. Des Ouvrages Publiex Depuis 1700 Jusqu'a la Fin de 1710. Tome Premier
gip117a: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Table Universelle Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques Dispose par Order Chronologique. Tome II
gip116: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteur Ecclesiastique Du Dix-Septieme Siecle. Suite de la Cinquieme Partie. Part I
gip115b: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteur Ecclesiastique Du Dix-Septieme Siecle. Partie Troisieme
gip115c: DU PIN, L ELLIES - Nouvelle Bibliotheque Des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Des Auteur Ecclesiastique Du Dix-Septieme Siecle. Partie Quatrieme
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