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24067: LYMAN, DARRYL - Great Jews on Stage and Screen
23285: LYON, REID & G. REID LYON - Frames of Reference for the Assessment of Learning Disabilities: New Views on Measurement Issues
9345: LYONS, JOHN - New Horizons in Linguistics
26873: MABIE, HAMILTON WRIGHT (EDITED BY) - Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know: A Selection of the Best Fairy Tales of All Time and of All Authors
19471: MACCOBY, MICHAEL - The Gamesman
3443: MACDONALD, H. MALCOLM; WILFRED D. WEBB, EDWARD G. LEWIS, WILLIAM L. STRAUSS - Outside Readings in American Government
16472: MACDOUGALL, JAMES M; EDWARD STEVENS - Stat-Star Workbook & Laboratory Manual
11081: MACGOWAN, KENNETH; JOSEPH HESTER - Early Man in the New World
21966: MACGOWAN, KENNETH; WILLIAM MEINITZ - The Living Stage. A History of the World Theater
13473: MACHTEI, MAX - This Is My God: A Primer for an Abiding and Sustaining Faith
2634: MACINNES, HELEN - Ride a Pale Horse
26350: MACK, STAN - The Story of the Jews: A 4,000-Year Adventure
22364: MACKAY, HARVEY - Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt
19281: MACKEY, JOSEPH - The Froth Estate
9399: MACKLER, CAROLYN - The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things
24730: MACLAREN, IAN - A Doctor of the Old School
26234: MACLAUGHLIN, NINA - Wake, Siren : Ovid Resung
25344: MACY, JOHN ALBERT - The Story of the World's Literature
26041: MACY, GEORGE (EDITOR) - A Soldier's Reader
14920: MADDEN, CARL HALFORD - The Money Side of "the Street"
18232: MADSEN, ROY - The Impact of Film: How Ideas Are Communicated Through Cinema and Television (Review Copy)
28641: MAGAZINE, CREEM - Creem Magazine April 1977-Jimmy Page, Cover
22109: MAGER, N. H - Encyclopedic Dictionary of English Usage
15274: MAGID, JOSEPH MOSES - Sefer Hanah David : Kolel Hidushim U-Biurim Al Masehet Hulin
22274: MAGNES, RHEA - The Hills of Galilee
11008: MAGNUS - Robot Fighter Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. #38
27365: MAGSAMEN, SANDRA - Dear Mom, Thank You with All of My Heart
23446: MAGUIRE, JACK - Hopscotch, Hangman, Hot Potato, & Ha Ha Ha: A Rulebook of Children's Games
11858: MAGUIRE, MICHAEL - Scratchproof
25839: MAHFOUZ, NAGUIB - Miramar
21492: SELECTED FROM THE COMPLETE ARTSCROLL SUCCOS MAHZOR - Hakafos: The Complete Simchas Torah Hakafos Service with a New Translation, Commentary and Overview
13673: MAILER, NORMAN - Miami and the Siege of Chicago
24186: MAILER, NORMAN - The Armies of the Night
24898: MAIMONIDES - Mishnah Torah: Sefer Kinyon
27387: MAISEL, EDWARD - Tai Chi for Health
27250: MAJESKI, SHLOMA - Simchah Ke-Etgar : Ha-Gishah Ha-Hasidit
23718: MAJOR, RALPH H. - Physical Diagnosis
24457: MAKOVSKY, ALAN & SABRI SAYARI (EDITORS) - Turkey's New World: Changing Dynamics in Turkish Foreign Policy
27023: MALACHOWSKI, HILLEL - Kitve Hilel Ben Ze'ev Malakhovski
15603: MALAMUD, BERNARD - Idiots First
27173: MALIN, IRVING; IRWIN STARK (EDITORS) - Breakthrough: A Treasury of Contemporary American-Jewish Literature
23488: MALKA, YAFFA - Makalah Mitbach
13807: MALKI, DAVID - Le Talmud Et Ses Personnalites: Tome 1
21106: MALRAUX, A - La Voie Royale
27740: MALTER, HENRY (EDITOR, WITH NOTES AND INTRODUCTION) - The Treatise Ta'anit of the Babylonian Talmud
20076: MANATT, CHARLES T (CHAIRMAN) - The Report of the Platform Committee to the 1984 Democratic National Convention
25184: MANDELL, SHERRI - The Blessing of a Broken Heart
27006: MANGAL, RABBI NISSEN - The Rambam: A Brief Biography
25451: MANGO, ANDREW - The Turks Today
25051: MANGUM, CHARLES S - Osteology: A Syllabus
24767: MANKOFF, ROBERT; LEO LORENZ, INTRODUCTION - The New Yorker Book of Teacher Cartoons
24273: MANKOFF, ROBERT - The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons
15366: MANLY, JOHN MATTHEWS - Specimens of the Pre-Shakespearean Drama
23604: MANN, SYLVIA - Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria
27588: MANN, THOMAS - Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man (the Early Years)
27903: MANN, SYLVIA - Atare Yerushalayim
7629: MANN, THOMAS (TOMAC MAHH) - Briefe
23894: MANN, THOMAS & H. T. LOWE-PORTER - The Tables of the Law
27691: MANN, THOMAS - Doctor Fautus
28232: MANNERS, ANDE. - Poor Cousins.
19441: MANNING, PAUL; BRONNER, MILTON - Mr. England: The Life Story of Winston Churchill - the Fighting Briton
27470: MANTER, JOHN T. & ARTHUR J. GATZ - Essentials of Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology
19293: MANVELL, ROGER - Chaplin
11890: MARCEL COUTURE, PRESIDENT - Forces: Numero 64 1983
21935: MARCHANT, CATHERINE; JOSEPH P. BLANK; JAMES HOUSTON; DICK FRANCIS - The Slow Awakening/19 Steps Up the Mountain/Ghost Fox/in the Frame
28517: MARCUS, JACOB RADER (EDITED BY) - The Jew in the American World: A Source Book
14947: MARCUS, JACOB R. - Communal Sick-Care in the German Ghetto
25813: MARGARET MARTIGNONI, SR EDITOR; CHARLEMAE ROLLINS, VOLUME EDITOR - Call of Adventure: Collier's Junior Classics Vol. 9
21403: MARGARET MICHEL, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Teacher's Helper - Grades 4-5 - Reproducibles for Your Classroom September-October 1995
15254: MARGARET E. DOUGHERTY, EDITOR - Maryland Magazine: Volume 5, Number 4, Summer 1973
25104: MARGARET MICHEL, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Teacher's Helper - Grades 4-5 - Reproducibles for Your Classroom Feb/March 1995
28261: MARGOLIS, SIMEON, MD PHD: HAMILTON MOSES III, MD, MEDICAL EDITORS - The Johns Hopkins Medical Handbook: The 100 Major Medical Disorders of People over the Age of 50
24533: MARIE BENNINGSEN BROXUP, EDITOR - Central Asian Survey: Volume 23, Number 1, March 2004
26377: MARION, JOHN FRANCIS - The Charleston Story: Scenes from a City's History
23704: MARKHAM, EDWIN - The Man with the Hoe and Other Poems
25943: MARKOPOLOS, HARRY - No One Would Listen - a True Financial Thriller
23603: MARRUS, MICHAEL R. - The Holocaust in History
27368: MARSH, DOROTHY B. - The New Good Housekeeping Cookbook
21441: MARSHALL, LT. COL. S. L. A. - Island Victory: The Battle of Kwajalein Atoll
23623: MARSHALL, SKLARE - America's Jews
3126: MARSTON, ELSA - Cynthia and the Runaway Gazebo
23726: MARTI-IBANEZ, FELIX (EDITOR) - The Epic of Medicine
21234: MARTIN MD, RONALD F; EDWARD LIVINGSTON MD - Bariatric Surgery: Surgical Clinics of North America
25738: MARTIN, DAVE - The 12 Traits of the Greats (Autographed)
10962: MARTIN-GAY, K. ELAYN - Instructor's Solutions: Basic Math - Review, Reference and Practice
14643: MARTIN, EDGAR - Boots and the Mystery of the Unlucky Vase
17354: MARTIN, DENNIS - Bad Apples: A Novel
26446: MARTIN, JOHN (SELECTED FROM JOHN MARTIN'S BOOK) - Tell Me a Story: Good Stories for Mothers to Read at Bedtime
27926: MARTIN, MARCIA & JOHN NIELSEN - Donna Parker, Special Agent
27977: MARTIN, SAM - How to Mow the Lawn
11085: MARTIN-GAY, K. ELAYN - Introductory Algebra: Annotated Instructor's Edition
28277: MARTIN, DR FRANKLIN H; WILLIAM J. MAYO, M.D. AND GEORGE W. CRILE, MD, FOREWORDS - Fifty Years of Medicine and Surgery: An Autobiographical Sketch
16118: MARTIN-GAY, K. ELAYN - Basic Math: Review, Reference, and Practice
8485: MARTIN, ELIZA - Going Home
20072: MARTIN, MARVIN D. & LESLIE C. WILBUR - Handbook of Energy Systems Engineering: Production and Utilization
21992: MARTINEK, FRANK V. & F. WARREN - Don Winslow Saves the Secret Formula
22888: MARVIN A. SWEENEY, EDITOR - Hebrew Studies: A Journal Devoted to Hebrew Language and Literature
26524: MARY COLLINS, PREPARED AND TESTED BY - Spices of the World Cookbook By Mccormick
15442: UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND - University of Maryland Medical System - Yesterday and Today: An Historic Timeline
15481: HOTSA'AT MASADAH - Aviv : Entsiklopedia Kelalit Li-Tse-Irim
24353: MASEFIELD, JOHN - A King's Daughter : A Tragedy in Verse
15703: MASEFIELD, JOHN - The Poems and Plays of John Masefield -- Volume One
18093: MASI, DOROTHY - Discard Crafts: Tin Cans
22282: MASK, CLATE ; SCOTT MARTINEAU; MICHAEL E. GERBER (FOREWORD) - Conquer the Chaos: How to Grow a Successful Small Business without Going Crazy
18082: MASKE, MARK - War without Death: A Year of Extreme Competition in Pro Football
17151: MASON, VAN WYCK - Rivers of Glory
28012: MASON, ALPHEUS THOMAS - Brandeis: A Free Man’S Life
3451: MASON, EVAN WYCK - Trumpets Sound No More
18877: MASON, FRANKLIN - Four Roses in Three Acts (Signed By Author)
23747: MASSEY, BRANDON - Dark Corner (Autographed)
23792: MASSIE, ELIZABETH - The Sineater (Signed)
25927: MASTERSON, MICHAEL - Power and Persuasion: How to Command Success in Business and Your Personal Life
23383: MASTNY, VOJTECH [ED] - East European Dissent, Volume 2, 1965- 70
17967: MASTROSIMONE, WILLIAM - The Woolgatherer: A Play in Two Acts
21154: MATELA, BOBBIE (EITOR) - Family Album of Knits
22287: MATHEWS, DUSTIN - How to Get Rich Working for Free: Discover How You Can Make More Money Than You Ever Imagine By Gaining Acccess to the Inner Circle
28362: MATTHEWS, CHRIS - Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero
27547: MATTHEWS, CHRIS - This Country: My Life in Politics and History
27852: MAUGHAM, W SOMERSET - Of Human Bondage
18472: MAUGHAM, W SOMERSET - The Painted Veil
17161: DE MAUPASSANT - Short Stories of de Maupassant
23317: DU MAURIER, DAPHNE - Mary Anne
18910: MAURIER, DAPHNE DU - The Infernal World of Branwell Bronte
4128: MAUROIS, ANDRE - Disraeli: A Picture of the Victorian Age
12508: MAURY (ILLUSTRATOR) - At the Zoo: A Sticker Fun Book
25116: MAXIMON, SAADYAH (TRANSLATION) - The Passover Haggadah - Haggadah Shel Pesach
24125: MAXWELL, THOMAS - Kiss Me Once
28670: M. MAYER - Hours of Devotion: A Book of Prayers and Meditations for the Use of the Daughters of Israel, During Public Service and at Home, for All Conditions of Woman's Life
18770: MAYER, PAUL - The Fresh Vegetable Cookbook
14353: MAYER-SKUMANZ, LENE - The Tower
19482: MAYERSBERG, PAUL - Hollywood: The Haunted House
27385: MAYNARD PARKER, EDITOR - Newsweek Magazine - September 28, 1992 - Schwarzkopf
10571: MAYNE, WILLIAM - The Mouse and the Egg
27285: MAYOUX, HENRI - Practical Course in French
16712: MAYS, ARTHUR B; CARL CASBERG - School Shop Administration
23484: MAZA, ROV DOV - Sefer Kitsur Mishnah Berurah
18291: MAZAR, AMIHAY & ALEXANDRA TRONE - Voices from the Past (Masada)
17962: MCAULIFFE, CHARLES ANDREW - Hydrogen and Energy
20564: MCBAIN, ED - Heat
19191: MCBAIN, ED - Long Time No See: An 87th Precinct Mystery
12768: MCBETH, TOM - Home Place Tales & Trails
22160: MCBRATNEY, SAM - Guess How Much I Love You
21651: MCCALLUM, JAMES DOW (EDITOR) - The College Omnibus
20660: MCCARRY, CHARLES - The Last Supper
24527: MCCARTHY, JUSTIN; CAROLYN MCCARTHY - Who Are the Turks? a Manual for Teachers
25388: MCCLELLAN, JOHN L. - Crime without Punishment (Signed)
22958: MCCLURE, F. DANIEL & JERRY B. SAFFER - Wednesday Evenings and Every Other Weekend : From Divorced Dad to Competent Co-Parent. A Guide for the Noncustodial Father
21916: MCCLURE, JAMES - Imago: A Comic Love Story with Interludes of Suspense
20936: MCCLURE, JAMES - The Sunday Hangman
20258: MCCORMICK, RICHARD P - The Second American Party System; Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era
11339: MCCORMICK, MONA - Who - What - When - Where - How - Why - Made Easy: A Guide to the Practical Use of Reference Books
26045: MCCOURT, FRANK - 'tis: A Memoir
9272: MCCRADY, ELIZABETH F. - Maria and Carlos of Spain
7289: MCCUTHEON, GEORGE BARR - The Day of the Dog, the Flyers; the Purple Parasol; Her Weight in Gold;
24157: MCEWAN, IAN - The Innocent
12053: MCGINLEY, PHYLLIS - Sixpence in Her Shoe
19126: MCGINNIS, JOE - Heroes
16256: MCGIVERN, WILLIAM P - Caprifoil
11621: MCGREGOR, DON; GENE COLAN - Nathaniel Dusk Private Investigator #1
14500: MCKELDIN, THEODORE R - Hats on for General Washington
26458: MCKELDIN, THEODORE R AND JOHN C. KRANTZ, JR. - The Art of Eloquence How to Speak Effectively in Public
19542: MCKUEN, ROD. - Caught in the Quiet
16267: MCLANATHAN, RICHARD - National Gallery of Art: East Building, a Portrait (Gicometti, Picasso, Miro, Etc)
13306: MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERT AND TIME-LIFE EDITORS; EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, INTRO - The Heartland: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin
23394: MCLEAN, IAIN - Bradshaw's Ghost
19381: MCMANUS, JASON - Life Magazine - November, 1989
4390: MCMILLAN, CLAUDE AND RICHARD F. GONZALEZ - Systems Analysis : A Computer Approach to Decision Models
28620: MCMORRIS, KRISTINA - Bridge of Scarlet Leaves
28600: MCMORRIS, KRISTINA - The Ways We Hide - a Novel
25626: MCMURRY, RICHARD - The Road Past Kennesaw: The Atlanta Campaign of 1864
3160: MCMURTRY, LARRY - Buffalo Girls: A Novel
20750: MCNAMARA, JOHN - Revenge of the Nerd
22561: MCNAMARA, BROOKS (EDITOR) - Plays from the Contemporary American Theater
20669: MCNEER, MAY - Profile of American History
17486: MCNEILL, WILLIAM H. AND JEAN W. SEDLAR - Classical India
21761: MCWILLIAMS, PETER - The Hard Stuff : Love
27191: MEAD, MARGARET - Male & Female: A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World
16181: MEADOW, CHARLES T - The Analysis of Information Systems
26291: EDITORS OF SCIENCE & MECHANICS - Complete Handyman Do It Yourself Encyclopedia: Volume 16
24085: POPULAR MECHANICS - Shelves, Cabinets and Brackets for Your Walls
24086: POPULAR MECHANICS - Famous Model Planes: Number 129
25986: MEDIO, DOLORES - Bibiana
20551: SID MEIER - Sid Meier's Civilization Iv : Warlords
20266: MEIER-GRAEFE, JULIUS (TRANSLATED) - Vincent Van Gogh: A Biographical Study
18994: MEIJER, ANTON; PAUL PEETERS - Computer Network Architectures
28581: MEISELMAN, RABBI MOSHE - Oraisa a Journal of Contemporary Jewish Issues Vol. 1
7674: MEITES, IRVING - The Marriage Broker:
28666: MELAMED, EZRA ZION - Aramaic-Hebrew-English Dictionary
25963: MELANIE TREDE & LORENZ BICHLTER, TEXTS - Hiroshige. One Hundred Famous Views of Edo
23835: MELLOR, ENID B (EDITED BY: PETER B. ACKROYD (COMMENTARY) ; ANTHONY PHILLIPS (COMMENTARY) - 3 Books: The Making of the Old Testament; the First Book of Samuel; Deutronomy
22964: MELMAN, PETER CHARLES - Landsman -- a Novel
27290: MELVILLE, HERMAN & GEORGE THOMAS TANSELLE - Herman Melville: Redburn, White-Jacket, Moby-Dick
10929: MELZER, MILTON (EDITOR) - Thoreau: People, Principles and Politics
10984: MENCKEN. H. L. (INTRODUCTION) - Eleven Plays of Henrik Ibsen
25646: MENDEL, MENACHEM; NAFTALI ZVI (EDITORS) - An Anthology of Short Stories for the Festivals, Vol. 1 Passover Pessach
23635: MENDELSOHN, EZRA - The Jews of East Central Europe between the World Wars
10813: MENDELSOHN, JACK - Why I Am Unitarian
23634: MENDES-FLOHR, PAUL R; JEHUDA REINHARZ (EDITORS) - The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History
13179: MENEN, AUBREY - The Fig Tree
26506: MENSH, SHULI - Brain Waves
17071: MENUT, ALBERT DOUGLAS - Jules Romains Knock Or Ou le Trionphe de la Medecine
26407: MEOTTI, GIULIO - A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel's Victims of Terrorism
27598: MERRICK, LEONARD - The Quaint Companions: With an Introduction By H.G. Wells (Collectible - Read Notes)
24425: MERRIDALE, CATHERINE - Ha-Milhamah Shel Ivan : Ha-Tsava Ha-Adom 1939-1945 Ivan's War
14131: MERRILL, JOHN C. - The Elite Press: Great Newpapers of the World
20922: MESSIAH, ALBERT - Quantum Mechanics Vol 1 and 2 Mecanique Quantique (Original Title)
24989: MESTERHAZI, LAJOS - Budapest
22556: MEYER, NICHOLAS (EDITED BY) - The West End Horror: A Posthumous Memoir of John H. Watson, M.D.
27540: MEYERS M. D., MORTON - Prize Fight: The Race and the Rivalry to Be the First in Science
27656: MEYERSTEIN, ISRAELA - Miracle Nation: Seventy Stories About the Spirit of Israel: A Tribute to Rebirth in the Land of Our Ancestors (Signed)
7564: MICHAEL I. RODDIN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Army Al & T, Acquisition, Logistics & Technology: Nov - Dec 2003 Objective Force Warrior (Cover)
25014: MICHAEL, RABBI MICHAEL - Adoption and the Jewish Couple
12555: MICHAEL STEINBERG, EDITOR - Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction: Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2001
16035: MICHEL, MARGARET - Teacher's Helper Reproducibles for Your Classroom Grades 4-5
24277: MICHEL, ERNEST W - Promises Kept: One Man's Journey Against Incredible Odds
24729: MICHENER, JAMES A - The Quality of Life (in Slipcase)
22549: MIDDLETON, CHRISTOPHER, EDITOR - German Writing Today
19930: MIDDLETON, JOHN - The Lugbara of Uganda
21058: MIERS, EARL SCHENCK - The Web of Victory: Grant at Vicksburg
23499: MIERS, EARL SCHENCK - The Age of Revolution from 1774 to 1783
25555: MIKE CARLSON, EDITOR - Nmra [National Model Railroad Association] Bulletin, Vol. 60, Number 2 - October 1993
25559: MIKE CARLSON, EDITOR - Nmra [National Model Railroad Association] Bulletin, Vol 59, No 11 July 1993 1992 Periodical Index
25558: MIKE CARLSON, EDITOR - Nmra [National Model Railroad Association] Bulletin, Vol. 59, Number 10, June 1993
18481: MIKES, STEVEN - Unix for Ms-Dos Programmers
20014: MIKES, GEORGE - Milk and Honey: Israel Explored
27833: MIKES, GEORGE - The Prophet Motive: Israel Today and Tomorrow
5525: MIKLOWITZ, GLORIA D. - Love Story, Take Three
15951: MILES, ALEXANDER - The Edinburgh School of Surgery Before Lister
26611: DE MILLE, A. B. - American Poetry
28582: MILLER, MERLE - Lyndon: An Oral Autobiography
25515: MILLER, ARTHUR - Death of a Salesman: Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts and a Requiem
24119: MILLER, SUE - The World Below
26504: MILLER, DONALD - Legacies of the Ten Found Tribes of Israel
22093: MILLER, DENA - Praying for a Miracle
17119: MILLER, STEVE - How to Get the Most out of Trade Shows
24103: MILLER, DAWN - The Journal of Callie Wade
23272: MILLER, AVIGDOR - Rejoice O Youth! an Integrated Jewish Ideology
15344: MILLER, NEIL - Out in the World - Gay and Lesbian Life from Buenos Aires to Bangkok
24697: MILLER, YISROEL - A Gift for Yom Tov: Provocative and Penetrating Insights on the Festivals - Pesach, Shavuos, Succos, Purim and Chanukah
16467: MILLER, KENNETH L. (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Health Physics: The Radiation Protection Journal Vol 69, No 5, November 1995
14976: MILLER, JOHN C. - Origins of the American Revolution
25155: MILLGRAM, ABRAHAM E. - Sabbath, the Day of Delight
25280: MILLIGAN, JAMES - Swiss Ball for Total Fitness: A Step-By-Step Guide, Improve Strength & Stability, 20-Minute Workouts
28671: MILLS, CLAUDIA - The Secret Life of Bethany Barrett
26280: MILLS, JOHN - Painting Made Easy
13314: MILLS, PAT (SCRIPT) - Judge Dredd #6
27223: MILLS, BARBARA - And Justice for All: The Double Life of Fred Weisgal, Attorney and Musician
14039: MILTON ESTEROW, EDITOR - Artnews December 1979: Vol 78, No10
24705: MIMS, CEDRIC - The Patogenesis of Infectious Disease
28508: MINDEL, NISSAN - As for Me - My Prayer: A Commentary on the Daily Prayers
23986: MINDEL, NISSAN - Complete Festival Series: Chanukah Purim Passover Shovuoth
10605: MINDSCAPE - Chessmaster 6000 User's Guide
26696: MINNIGH, L. W. - Gettysburg - What They Did There
19205: MINU - Arthur Cohn: Der Mann Mit Den Traumen
8495: MIRIAM AROND, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Child Magazine : March 2005 Jada Pinkett Smith
27062: MIRKIN, MARSHA - The Women Who Danced By the Sea: Finding Ourselves in the Stories of Our Biblical Foremothers
26546: MISHELL, DR. JUDITH; DR. SHALOM SREBRENIK (BASED UPON INSIGHTS OF) - Reaching Beyond Your Ego: A Torah Approach to Self Knowledge, Emotional Health & Inner Peace
25903: MISHKOWSKY, NOACH - Mayn Lebn Un Mayn Raizes - Volume 1 (Signed)
22321: MISNER, IVAN R. - The World's Best Known Marketing Secret: Building Your Business with Word-of-Mouth Marketing (Signed)
14010: MISNER, IVAN R. & DON MORGAN - Masters of Success: Proven Techniques for Achieving Success in Business and Life (Signed)
17388: MISNER, IVAN; DON MORGAN - Masters of Networking: Building Relationships for Your Pocketbook and Soul (Signed)
3444: MISSENARD, ANDRE - In Search of Man
8327: MITCH GALLAGHER, EDITOR - Eq Magazine: September 2004 Features: Full Plans for an Extreme Studio Makeover
27268: MITCHELL, MARGARET; PAT CONROY (PREFACE) - Gone with the Wind
23325: MITCHELL, MARGARET - Gone with the Wind
26243: MITCHELL, ALEXANDER D. IV - Baltimore Then and Now
28541: MITCHELL, PAIGE - The Covenant
24111: MITTMAN, STEPHANIE - Head over Heels
20984: MODESITT, L. E. - Darknesses and Legacies (2 Books)
23454: G. MARTIN MOELLER JR. - Aia Guide to the Architecture of Washington, D.C.
24113: MOGGACH, DEBORAH - To Have and to Hold
19497: MOGGRIDGE, D. E. - John Maynard Keynes
20506: MOKGATLE, NABOTH - The Autobiography of an Unknown South African
9383: MOKRY, ADOLF - Prvni Kroky
21699: MOLIERE - The Miser: L'avare
18675: MOLLOY, PAUL (EDITOR) - Poetry U.S. A: 105 American Poems
6901: MOLLOY, ANNE - The Mystery of the Pilgrim Trading Post
22553: MONAGHAN, FRANK - Heritage of Freedom: The History & Significance of the Basic Documents of American Liberty
26634: MONCREIFFE, IAIN - Royal Highness: Ancestry of the Royal Child
11226: MONETTE, PAUL - Last Watch of the Night: Essays Too Personal and Otherwise
26891: MONTEFIORE, JUDITH & CHAIM RAPHAEL - The Jewish Manual Or Practical Information in Jewish and Modern Cookery
8627: MOORE, KENNETH - Concepts Manual for Structured Analysis and Structured Design
28701: MOORE, LILIAN & LEONE ADELSON & LEONARD SHORTALL - The Terrible Mr. Twitmeyer
4244: MOORE, PROFESSOR CECIL A. (INTRODUCTION) - Twelve Famous Plays of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century
20705: MOORE, ROBIN - The Fifth Estate
26552: MOORE, FRANK - The Civil War in Song and Story 1861-1865
15299: MOORE, D. BETLER (PREPARED BY) - More Oz: Australian Stories, Humour and Poetry
26339: MOORE, R. LAURENCE - Selling God: American Religion in the Marketplace of Culture
23668: MOORE, JAMES & WAYNE SLATER - The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power
18217: MOORE, ROBIN - The Green Berets
26482: MOORE, N. HUDSON - Old Glass European and American
26009: MORAN, ELIZABETH; MASTER JOSEPH YU; MASTER VAL BIKTASHEV - The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui
13085: MORAVIA, ALBERTO - The Fancy Dress Party
13392: MORAVIA, ALBERTO - Two Adolescents: The Stories of Agostino and Luca
19768: MORDELL, ALBERT - The Erotic Motive in Literature
2658: MOREY, WALT - Gentle Ben
27875: MORGENSTERN, ERIN - The Night Circus
18899: MORHOLT, EVELYN; PAUL BRANDWEIN; ALEXANDER JOSEPH - Teaching High School Science: A Sourcebook for the Biological Sciences
24385: MORIARTY, CHRIS & MARK EDWARD GEYER - The Inquisitor's Apprentice
28082: MORIARTY, LIANE - Nine Perfect Strangers
9157: MORICE, ANNE - Design for Dying
17977: MORIKE, EDUARD - Mozart's Journey to Prague
27796: MORRIS, HEATHER - The Tattooist of Auschwitz a Novel
15642: MORSE, NATHAN CLARK - Postoperative Treatment: An Epitome of the General Management of Postoperative Care and Treatment of Surgical Cases As Practised By Prominent American and European Surgeons
23658: MORTENSON, GREG & DAVID OLIVER RELIN - Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace - One School at a Time
27145: MORTIMER, JOHN - 3 Books: Rumpole and the Angel of Death; Rumpole and the Primrose Path; Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders
12326: MOSHE GREENBERG, JONAS C. GREENBILED, NAHUM M. SARNA; CHAIM POTOK, SECRETARY - The Writings: Kethubim: A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Hebrew Text
17217: MOSHONE, LEVANA - A Journey with the State of Israel: From Its Establishment to the Present
16459: MOSLEY, LEONARD AND THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Battle of Britain: Time-Life World War Ii
20519: TOYOTA MOTORS - The Wheel Extended: A Toyota Quartlery Review - Special 10th Anniversary Issue
20283: GENERAL MOTORS - General Motors Futurama - New York World's Fair - 1965 - If You've Only Seen It Once, You Haven't Seen It All
23565: GENERAL MOTORS - Putting Progress Through Its Paces: The Story of the General Motors Proving Ground
18282: MOULIERE - L'avare
21383: MOULT, THOMAS (SELECTED BY) - The Best Poems of 1936
26382: MOUNTFORD, WILLIAM - Euthansy: Or Happy Talk Towards the End of Life
20390: MOUTLON, FOREST RAY - An Introduction to Astronomy
23675: MOYERS, BILL (INTRODUCTION) - Talking About Genesis
20900: MOYNIHAN, BERKELEY - Abdominal Operations (2 Volumes)
15962: MOYNIHAN, BERKELEY GEORGE ANDREW - Gall-Stones and Their Surgical Treatment
21171: MPHAHLELE, EZEKIEL - Voices in the Whirlwind and Other Essays
8146: MUHLBACH, L - The Merchant of Berlin
19789: MUIRHEAD, L RUSSELL (EDITOR) - Devon - the Penguin Guides Devon By F.L. And E. A Loverridge
19544: MUIRHEAD, L RUSSELL (EDITOR) - Lake District
27456: MUKHERJEE, SIDDHARTHA - The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
26266: MULL, BRANDON - Sky Raiders
10957: MULLER, HERBERT J - Freedom in the Modern World
24903: MULLER, ALEXANDER (EDITOR) - Seder Haggadah Shel Pesach: First Printed Edition of a Haggadah from a Parchment Manuscript of the Early Eighteenth Century - Vol Ii
27970: MüLLER, HERTA & MICHAEL HOFMANN - The Land of Green Plums - a Novel
12733: MULLER, INES - A Rumbach Sebestyen Utcai Zsinagoga: Otto Wagner Fiatalkori Fomuve Budapesten
8274: MULLIGAN, TIM - The Hudson River Valley: A History and Guide from Saratoga Springs to New York City
23915: MISS MULOCK - Miss Mulock's Poems
24564: MUNK, ELIE - The Call of the Torah: An Anthology of Interpretation and Commentary on the Five Books of Moses Volume Ii: Genesis Part 2
26893: MUNK, MEIR - Searching for Comfort: Coping with Grief-- Insights, Inspirational Stories and Letters of Consolation
20535: MUNSEY, CECIL - The Illustrated Guide to the Collectibles of Coca-Cola
23856: MURPHY, ROBERT CUSHMAN (FOREWORD) - Larousse Encyclopedia of Animal Life
25751: MURPHY, GLENN - Mechanics of Fluids
21129: MURRAY, LON W (EDITOR) - The Journal of the American Dental Association: April 1962
20613: MURRAY, LON W (EDITOR) - Jada: The Journal of the American Dental Association: August 1962
19200: MURRAY, MARIA D - The Art of Tray Painting
19148: JOHN MURRAY - The Bearing of Coat-Armour By Ladies: A Guide to the Bearing of Arms By Ladies of All Ranks, Whether Maid, Wife, Or Widow, in England, Scotland, & Ireland
22635: MUZE'ON YISRAEL - THE ISRAEL MUSEUM - Ketuvot Mesuparot Yame Hab-Bet Ha-Rishon Ve-Has-Seni U-Tequfa Ham-Mishna Ve-Ha-Talmud Inscriptions Reveal
25093: MUSEUM, BRITISH - British Museum Guide
28424: MUSSELMAN - Musselman's - Homemade Recipes Fresh from the Musselman's Family
27913: MUTH, JON J (STORY) ; JAMES O'BARR (CREATED BY) - The Crow, Book 1 Vengeance
10376: MYER, JOHN N. - Accounting for Non-Accountants
28655: MYER, STEPHANIE - Twilight (Lot of 4 Books) - Breaking Dawn; Eclipse; New Moon, Twilight
28548: MYERS, EDWARD - When Parents Die: A Guide for Adults
22941: MYERS, ROBERT MANSON (EDITOR) - God of Battles: A True Story of Georgia and the Civil War
21141: OLIVER BEAHRS; MAX H. MYERS - Data Forms for Cancer Staging - Ajcc Cancer Staging
23508: MYKEL, A.W. - The Windchime Legacy
28358: C. LEVIN AND M. MYKOFF (ADAPTED BY) - The Reward for Loyalty
21394: MYRUS, DONALD - I Like Jazz: A First Book About Jazz for Swinging People
14425: MYSKI, HIRSH - Sefer Sha'are Ha-Halakhah: Tahorat Bet Yisra'el Chelek Rishon
23808: MYSKI, HIRSH (COMMENTARY) - Passover Hagadah
24449: NACHMANI, AMIKAM - Europe and Its Muslim Minorities: Aspects of Conflict, Attempts at Accord
28527: NAGORSKI, ANDREW - The Greatest Battle: Stalin, Hitler, and the Desperate Struggle for Moscow That Changed the Course of World War Ii
1209: NARAYAN, R. K. - The Financial Expert
19970: NASH, WILLIAM A. - Theory and Problems of Strength of Materials Including 430 Solved Problems Completely Solved in Detail
21344: NASHE, THOMAS & MICHAEL AYRTON - U.T. The Unfortunate Traveler / Or the Life of Jack Wilton
14463: N. NATANELLI - Safa Ehat
20757: NATENBERG, MAURICE - Freudian Psycho-Antics: Fact and Fiction in Psycho-Analysis
15850: NATHAN, ROBERT - The Summer Meadows: A Fictional Memoir
23470: NAULT, WILLIAM H (EDITOR IN CHIEF) - 1984 the World Book Year Book 1984
8066: UNITED STATES NAVY - All Hands: Featuring "Any Day in the Navy" Antwone Fisher Interview
19406: U. S. NAVY - All Hands: Welcome to the Jungle
19404: U. S. NAVY - All Hands: Restoring Law & Order in Baghdad
5107: NEAL, HELEN K. - Low Vision What You Can Do to Preserve, and Even Enhance Your Usable Sight
26793: NEAL, FRED WARNER - U.S. Foreign Policy and the Soviet Union
14853: NEEDLEMAN, RAPHAEL (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Byte Magazine March 1995, Volume 20, No 3
20812: RAPHAEL NEEDLEMAN (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Byte Magazine - September 1995: 20th Anniversary Special Issue
16851: RAPHAEL NEEDLEMAN (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Byte Magazine March 1996 Web Pc, Web Servers, Multimedia, Bill Gates; Jerry Pournelle
17267: NEEDLEMAN, RAPHAEL (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Byte Magazine February 1996: Toss Your Tv - How Internet Will Replace Broadcasting
17368: NEEDLEMAN, RALPH (EDITOR) - Byte Magazine April 1996
22085: NEFF, DONALD - Warriors for Jerusalem: The Six Days That Changed the Middle East
26077: NEGEV, AVRAHAM (EDITED BY) - Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land
24094: NEIL, BARBARA - The Possession of Delia Sutherland
26912: O'NEILL, EUGENE; DUDLEY NICHOLS (INTRODUCTION) - The Emperor Jones / the Straw
7386: O'NEILL, EUGENE - Representative Plays of Eugene O'neill
27856: NEILL, A. S. - Freedom-- Not License!
1791: O'NEILL, NENA AND GEORGE O'NEILL - Open Marriage: A New Life Style for Couples
20858: MIKE MARTIN; RICK NEILSEN - The Adventures of Buddy Mcnutty
17835: NELSON, JACK; MERRIE BERGMANN, JAMES MOOR - An Introduction to Symbolic Logic: Volumes 1 and 2
16438: NELSON, JAMES H; HERVY AVERETTE; RALPH RICHART - Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Dysplasia and Carcinoma in Situ) and Early Invasive Cervical Carcinoma
28434: NEMOY, LEON (NOTES BY) - Karaite Anthology: Excerpts from the Early Literature
28540: NEMOY, LEON (EDITOR) SAUL LIBERMAN; HARRY A. WOLFSON - The Tractate "Mourning" : Regulations Relating to Death, Burial and Mourning
22110: NEUER, RONI & SUSUGU YOSHIDA - Ukiyo-E; 250 Years of Japanese Art
24864: NEUSNER, JACOB (EDITOR) - Understanding Jewish Theology: Classical Issues and Modern Perspectives
14990: NEVINS, ALLAN; HENRY STEELE COMMAGER - A Pocket History of the United States
11220: NEVINS, ELLEN - Real Bosses Don't Say Thank You a Guide to Being the Perfect Boss
18316: NEWBOLD, ELISABETH - The City Within
15932: NEWKIRK, INGRID E - Let's Have a Dog Party! 20 Tailwagging Celebrations to Share with Your Best Friend
24374: NEWMAN, LELEA & DAVID SLONIM - A Sweet Passover
19237: NEWMAN, LOUIS I - Joyful Jeremiads: A Collection of Legends, Folktales, Children's Poems, and Other Light Verse
14038: NEWMAN, AMY; (ED) - Artnews: September 1979 Vol 78, No 7 Washington Dc Art (Feature)
23763: NEWMAN, JAMES - Animosity (Special Edition)
19856: NEWMAN, ERNEST - Stories of the Great Operas and Their Composers: 3 Volumes in One
18776: NEWMAN, LESLEA - Good Enough to Eat
21315: NEWMAN, CHARLES - Salmagundi #63-64 Spring-Summer 1984 the Post-Modern Aura : The Act of Fiction in an Age of Inflation
10783: NEWNAM, C. DEAN - Engineer-in-Training License Review: Review for the National Engineering Fundamentals Exam Used By 47 States
28027: NG, CELESTE - Little Fires Everywhere
27126: NGUYET, TUYET (EDITOR) - Arts of Asia [Israeli Artifacts / Jewish Ceremonial Art + Jade] / July-August 1975 / Volume V, Number 4
16921: NICHOLAS, H. G. - The Nature of Politics
7587: NICHOLSON, MEREDITH - A Hoosier Chronicle
10981: NIKOLAYEVA, B. C - English Through Reading: For Upper-Intermediate Students Russian and English Version
24021: NISHRI, AVRAHAM TSEVI BEN YITSHAK AYZIK - Sefer Otsrot Ha-Tefilah: 2 Volumes
22366: NITOBE, INAZO - Bushido: The Soul of Japan
24718: NITTI, JOHN J. & MICHAEL J. FERREIRA - 501 Portuguese Verbs
28163: NITZAN, SHLOMO - Tzel Shel Safek (a Reasonable Doubt)
28668: NIXON, JOAN LOWERY - Land of Hope
22347: PETER N CARROLL & DAVID W NOBLE - The Free and the Unfree a New History of the United States
19128: NORD, MELVIN; DONALD NORD - Georgia Nord Bar Review Course
22735: NORFOLK, LAWRENCE - In the Shape of a Boar
23716: NORRIS, GEORGE W; H. RM. M. LANDIS - Diseases of the Chest and the Principles of Physical Diagnosis
23777: NORRIS, CHARLES C. - Gynecological and Obstetrical Tuberculosis
10718: NORTHROP, F. S. C - Philosophical Anthropology and Practical Politics: A Prelude to War Or to Just Law
6851: NORTON, LAURA P. - Peter Cottontail and the Great Mitten Hunt (Limited Edition)
26487: NORTON, HERMAN - Rebel Religion: The Story of Confederate Chaplains
26490: NOURSE, ALAN EDWARD - Inside the Mayo Clinic Plus Ephemera
9840: NOURSE, J. E - The Maritime Canal of Suez
20753: NUDELMAN, M. (MOYSHE) - Shept Nakhes : Humor Fun Idishn Lebn in Amerike
26483: NUTTING, WALLACE - Virginia Beautiful
26047: ODOM, WENDELL - Ccnp Route 642-902 - Official Certification Guide
15070: OE, KENZABURO - Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness - Four Short Novels Author Photo Included
17263: OESTREICH, ALAN E - Pediatric Radiology
18789: OFEK, URIEL - Yom Ba-Mishpahah ( a Day with the Family)
26244: U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE - A Pictorial History of the Capitol and of the Congress (Signed) Paul Sarbanes (Signed)
13944: OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL, WAR DEPARTMENT - A Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocates General of the Army 1912
25522: OFFIT, SIDNEY - Cadet Attack (Signed)
14942: OFFIT, SIDNEY - Not All Girls Have Million Dollar Smiles and Other Tales from Sam Orlinski's Scene (Signed By Author)
19132: OJEMANN, ROBERT G - A Glimpse of the Brain: The Acoustic Neuroma Connection
9403: OLDRIDZH, R (RAY ALDRIDGE) - Mekhanicheskii Orfei
18615: OLLIVER, JANE - A Treasury of Spooky Stories
21734: OLMSTEAD, ROGER (EDITOR) - The American West May 1968, Vol. 5, No. 3 the Republic of Texas (Special Issue)
19775: OLSON, PAUL RICHARD - Circle of Paradox: Time and Essence in the Poetry of Juan Ramón Jimenez
21208: OLSON, ROBERT G - An Introduction to Existentialism
23246: OLSON, JAMES - Clinical Pharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple
27615: OLSON, SIGURD F - Runes of the North
22365: OLSON, HARRY A. - The New Way to Compete: How to Be a Winner in Your Career and in Your Life
23340: HADASSAH BIRIVIS; MOSHE DAFNA; EMANUEL AMIRAN V'AVRAHAM OMAR - Zemer Hen: Shiron le-Gane Ha-Yeladim Ule-Kitot Ha-Yeshod 1-2
26700: OMER, DEVORAH - Pegishah Al Anan
24220: ONDERWYZER, JOSEPH - Mavoch: The Hebrew Word for Labyrinth. Orbit Flight Around a Rediscovered Commentary on the Entire Tosefta
20507: ONIEVA, ANTONIO J: MYRIAM FINKELMAN (A NEW EDITION REVISED BY) - A New Complete Guide to the Prado Gallery
27869: ONO, YOKO - Grapefruit
27663: OPERATORS, SAYERET MATKAL - Entebbe Declassified: The Untold First-Hand Stories of the Legendary Rescue Operation
28613: OPHIR, ARYEH (EDITOR) - The Kibbutz
20084: OPOCHINSKY, PERETZ (PETER OPOCHINSKY) - Gezamelte Shriften: Mit a Biografye Fun Rina Oper-Opatshinski
27148: OPOCZYNSKI, PERETZ & JOSEF - In Those Nightmarish Days: The Ghetto Reportage of Peretz Opoczynski and Josef Zelkowicz
22837: OPPEN, MENACHEM MOSHE - A Twist of the Tongue: Insights and Stories About the Power of Words Based on the Parshah of the Week
26639: OPTIC, OLIVER - The Picnic Party: A Story for Little Folks
25150: ORANGE, RABBI CHAIM - Set of Books: A Collector's Collection Vol 1 and 2
18133: ORENSTEIN, WALTER - Letters to My Daughter: A Father Writes About Torah and the Jewish Woman
14790: PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION - Biomedical Challenges Presented By the American Indian; Proceedings of the Special Session Held During the Seventh Meeting of the Paho Advisory Committee on Medical Research, 25 June 1968
20536: ORIENTI, SANDRA - Florence and Its Beauty: A Practical Guide-Book to the Town and Its Monuments with 350 Illustrations and a Plan of the Principal Places of Interest
28265: ORLANDI, DR ENZO, GENERAL EDITOR; MARIO LEPORE, TEXT - The Life, Times and Art of Rembrandt
17110: ORLEV, URI - Hafifiat Rosh
23864: ORLINSKY, HARRY MEYER - Ancient Israel (Signed)
28526: ORLOFSKY, RABBI DOVID; AVRAHAM GINDI (ADAPTED BY) - Everyone's Entitled to My Opinion: The Wisdom and Wit of Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky
21710: ORNI, EFRAIM; ELISHA EFRAT - Geography of Israel
26022: ORRINGER, JULIE - The Invisible Bridge
18055: ORSBORN, CAROL - How Would Confucius Ask for a Raise? 100 Enlightened Solutions for Tough Business Problems
20581: ORTIZ, ANTONIO DOMINGUEZ - The Golden Age of Spain, 1516-1659
20954: OSBORN ELLIOTT, EDITOR - Newsweek, October 22, 1973
26968: OSBORN ELLIOTT, EDITOR - Newsweek Magazine - September 11, 1967 - Middle East, Vietnam
27026: OSBORN ELLIOTT, EDITOR - Newsweek Magazine June 19, 1967 Moshe Dayan, Cover
28034: OSLER, SIR WILLIAM, EDITOR; THOMAS MCCRAE, MD, RE-EDITED BY - Modern Medicine- Its Theory and Practice Volume I
27596: OSLER, SIR WILLIAM; (THOMAS MCCRAE; EDITOR) - Modern Medicine- Its Theory and Practice Volume V
8341: OSMOND, ANDREW - Saladin
28676: OSTROSKE, WALTER & JOHN DEVANEY & AMY LA MONTAGNE - Break 100 in 21 Days Plus Bedroom Golf Rules
28433: OSTROVSKY, VICTOR & CLAIRE HOY - By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer
6941: OSTROVSKY, EVERETT S - Children without Men Originally Published As "Father to the Child"
20366: OTIS, JAMES - Capture of the Laughing Mary: A Story of Three New York Boys in 1776
24704: OUAKNIN, MARC-ALAIN - Symbols of Judaism
27690: OUFKIR, MALIKA & MICHELE FITOUSSI - Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail
27316: OVERBERG, JO ANN - Workbook to Accompany Who Can? Lost and Found and Hats and Bears
21594: OVIATT, MARK D. & RICHARD KENDALL MILLER - Industrial Pneumatic Systems Control and Energy Conservation: Noise Control and Energy Conservation
28259: OWEN, JONES - The Psalms of David
17076: OWENS, ROCHELLE (EDITOR) - Spontaneous Combustion: 8 New American Plays (Amira Baraka)
20662: OZ, AMOS - Black Box. Roman (German Text)
18699: OZ, AMOS - Be-Or Ha-Tekhelet Ha-Azah Ma-Amarim U-Reshimot
21421: OZERI, ERAN - Jerusalem Map
20943: NADEZHDA OZHIGINA - Put' Mezhdu
28414: PACE, REBEKAH & TRACY LAWSON - The Red Thread
23403: MARC PACHTER (DIRECTOR) - Portrait of a Nation: Highlights from the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
24363: PACK, ROBERT & JAY PARINI - The Bread Loaf Anthology of Contemporary American Short Stories
26637: PAGE, THOMAS NELSON - Gordon Keith
22470: PAGE RENSE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Architectural Digest August 2005 Exotic Locations - Special Issue
26540: PAGE, THOMAS NELSON - Two Little Confederates
19228: PAIGE RENSE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Architectural Digest April 2007
22474: PAIGE RENSE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Architectural Digest - February 2006 Vol. 63 #2
23901: PAIGE RENSE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Architectural Digest 2007 August - Exotic Homes Around the World
22481: PAIGE RENSE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Architectural Digest 2006 December - Vol 63, No. 12
22657: PAIGE RENSE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Architectural Digest, March 2001
23677: PAIGE RENSE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Architectural Digest 2004 February - Before & After
16732: PAINE, ALBERT BIGELOW - Th. Nast: His Period and His Pictures
9512: PALACIOS, ARGENTIAN - Two More Weeks
16736: PALAZZOLI, DANIELA (EDITOR) - Photography, Venice '79
28512: PALMER, WILLARD A; MORTON MANUS; AMANDA VICK LETHCO - Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course - Level 3
26752: PALMER, ALAN (EDITOR) - Age of Optimism 1803-1896
27937: PALMER, MICHELE & MALKA PENN - Ghosts and Golems
25446: PALMER, WILLARD A. & MORTON MANUS & AMANDA VICK LETHCO - Piano Lesson Book: Complete Level 1, for the Later Beginner
20007: PANHUYSEN, C - Genetics and Natural History of Asthma
25580: PAPE, DAVID S. - The Wise Little Judge and Other Stories
22871: PAPO, JOSEPH M. - Sephardim in 20th Century America: In Search of Unity
22823: PARISH, STEVE - Melbourne Victoria Australia
4371: PARK, BARBARA - Don't Make Me Smile
23899: PARK, EDWARDS - Treasures of the Smithsonian
9859: PARKER, DAVID; BURT BECK (EDITOR) - A Union Ahead of Its Time: A Brief History of the Amalgated
19551: PARKER, ELINOR MILNOR - Cooking for One
14334: PARKER, SUE - I Can Follow Directions: 5-6
14974: PARKES, JAMES - An Enemy of the People - Antisemitism
15081: PARKINSON, ROGER - Zapata - a Biography
28380: PASCAL, FRANCINE - Heat
18882: PASCALL, JEREMY - Paul Mccartney & Wings
26087: PASCHEN, ELISE & DOMINIQUE RACCAH - Poetry Speaks to Children (a Poetry Speaks Experience)
21712: PASSOS, JOHN DOS - Manhattan Transfer
22809: RICHARD NEUMANN; VELVEL PASTERNACK (PRODUCTION) - High Holy Days and Sukkot Melodies
26851: PASTERNAK, BORIS - Doctor Zhivago
24035: PASTERNAK, VELVEL - Rejoice! Songs in Modern Hassidic Style
27044: PATAI, JOSZEF - Souls and Secrets: Hasidic Stories
25311: PATCHETT, ANN - The Patron Saint of Liars
28070: PATCHETT, ANN - Bel Canto (Hebrew Edition)
25932: PATCHIN, FRANK GEE - The Pony Rider Boys in the Ozarks Or the Secret of Ruby Mountain
28494: PATENT, GREG - Food Processor Cooking Quick and Easy
10197: PATER, WALTER - Imaginare Portrats: Vllstandige Ausgabe
8093: PATERSON, KATHERINE - Preacher's Boy
23443: PATNEAUDE, DAVID - Haunting at Home Plate
19450: PATON, H. J - The Categorical Imperative: A Study in Kant's Moral Philosophy
26734: PATT, EMANUEL - In Gerangl : Yaakkov Pat Un Zayn Dor
24386: PATTERSON, JAMES; CHRIS GRABENSTEIN - Pottymouth and Stoopid
18590: PATTERSON, CHARLES H. - Plato's the Republic Notes
28186: PATTERSON, JOSE - Angels, Prophets, Rabbis & Kings from the Stories of the Jewish People
25170: PATTERSON, JAMES & CHRIS GRABENSTEIN - Treasure Hunters: Danger Down the Nile
21275: PATTERSON, EDWIN W. AND WILLIAM F. YOUNG, JR - Cases and Materials on the Law of Insurance
28448: PAULSEN, G & G. PAULSEN - The Winter Room
28257: PAVLOV, HOLLY; SARAH GRANOVETTER, EDITED BY - Mirrors of Our Lives: Reflections of Women in Tanach
27549: PAVLOV, REBBETZIN HOLLY; BLUMA TRAPP (EDITED BY) - Water from the Well: Reflections on Being a Jews at the End of History
26762: PAYNTER, WILLIAM K. - St. Anne's Annapolis: History and Times
25417: PAZ, OCTAVIO - The Labyrinth of Solitude: The Other Mexico, Return to the Labyrinth of Solitude, Mexico and the United States, the Philanthropic Ogre
20144: PAZ, OCTAVIO; HELEN R. LANE (TRANSLATOR) - Conjunctions and Disjunctions (Review Copy) Octavio Paz Photo Included
21902: CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - Andrew Carnegie's Endowment for International Peace, the Nineteen-Eighties
17156: PEARCE, MARY EMILY - Cast a Long Shadow
26737: PEARCE, MRS JOHN; WILLIAM V. ELDER AND JAMES R. KETCHUM (ENLARGED BY) - The White House - an Historical Guide Plus Ephemera
24610: PEARL, MATTHEW - The Poe Shadow
21314: PEARLMAN, MOSHE - The Zealots of Masada: Story of a Dig
25333: PEARLMUTTER, JACOB - Ways of Pleasantness (Darchei Noam) Volumes 1 and 2
26399: PEARLMUTTER, JACOB - Ways of Pleasantness (Darchei Noam) Volumes 1
20549: PEARSON, JON - Energy Conservation in Small Business
25843: PEARSON, HESKETH - Johnson and Boswell: The Story of Their Lives
8719: PEASE, R - Children Only
7167: PEDAHZUR, DAVID (EDITOR) - Israel Land and People
4361: PEIRCE, HAYFORD - Phylum Monsters: Ben Bova Presents
28435: PELCOVITZ, RABBI RAPHAEL (TRANSLATIONS AND NOTES) - Sforno: Commentary on Pirkei Avos
27409: PELCOVITZ, RAPHAEL - Table Talk: Shabbos and Yom Tov Divrei Torah
3800: PELLETIER, KENNETH R - Longevity, Fulfilling Our Biological Potential
6860: PELTA, KATHY - The Parrot Man Mystery
28533: PEN, SAUL (EDITOR) - Lightning out of Israel: The Six-Day War in the Middle East
28476: PENDLETON, DON - Silent Threat
24003: PENNELL, ROBERT F - Ancient Greece: From the Earliest Times Down to 140 B.C. (Signed) Frederick W. Dallinger (Signed)
19324: J. C. PENNEY - Bicycle Owner's Handbook for 5- and 10- Speed Models with Guide to Safe Cycling
8314: PENTACON - Pentacon Praktica Super Tl: Instructions for Use (Kombinat Veb Pnetacon Dresden)
26816: PEPPER, GEORGE WHARTON - The Evolution of the Book of Common Prayer
27635: PEPYS, SAMUEL AND WHEATLEY, HENRY - The Diary of Samuel Pepys: Vol 1 - Vol Viii (Eight Volumes Bound in 3 Books)
24158: PERCY, WALKER - Lancelot
22739: PEREIRA, WININ & JEREMY SEABROOK - Asking the Earth: The Spread of Unsustainable Development
11216: PERES, SHIMON; ARYE NAOR - The New Middle East
26931: PERES, SHIMON & DAVID LANDAU - Ben-Gurion: A Political Life
25832: PERICH, JAUME - Nacional Ii
27573: PERKINS, LUCY FITCH - The Puritan Twins
18582: PERLMAN, HELEN HARRIS - Social Casework
25312: PERLMAN, SAMUEL - Students Versus Parents: Problems and Conflicts
11420: PERLOW, YITZCHOK - The Partizaner
27185: PERR, JANET - Yiddish for Babies
24863: PERRAULT, CHARLES - Les Contes de Perrault
17660: PERRIN, PORTER G - Writers Guide and Index to English Instructor's Manual Included
18355: PERRY, WILLIAM E - A Structured Approach to Systems Testing
26949: PERRY, THOMAS - Blood Money, a Jane Whitefield Novel
26780: PESACHSON, RAFI; ELYAGON, TALMA - 1000 Zemer Ve-Od Zemer : Shirim She-Sharim Be-Tsavta (3 Volumes) (the Israeli Sing Along, 200 Best Loved Israeli Songs in Hebrew)
27911: PETER F. FLEISCHMANN, CHAIRMAN - The New Yorker Magazine: May 24, 1976
11778: PETER FLEISCHMANN, CHAIRMAN - The New Yorker Magazine: Mar 1, 1976
20595: PETER A. HARKNESS, EXECUTIVE EDITIOR - Congressional Quarterly's Guide to the 1984 Democratic National Convention San Francisco July 16 to 19, 1984
7898: PETERS, MADISON C - The Jew As a Patriot
18398: PETERS, LAWRENCE J - Software Design: Methods & Techniques
19145: PETERSHAM, MAUD & MISKA - The Story Book of Coal
25261: PETTITE, SUE SHELLABARGER - Coming Home: A Collection (Signed)
26397: PEWDIEPIE, EDGAR (GHOSTWRITER) - This Book Loves You
9487: PFEIFFER, SUSAN BETH - Devil's Den
9861: PFEIFFER, JOHN - The Emergence of Man
7168: PHILIP, PETER - Furniture of the World
24292: PHILIPS, DR. A. TH. (REVISED AND EDITED BY) ; HENRY A. RUSSOTTO (MUSIC COMPOSED, SELECTED, ARRANGED BY) - Seder Hagadah Shel Pesah : Form of Services for the First Two Nights of Passover
27003: PHILIPS, DR. A. TH (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) - Prayer Book for the Day of Atonement
5196: PHILLIPS - Hornby Trains, Die Cast Tin Plate and Clockwork Toys, Lead Soldiers, Postcards, Cameras, Textiles, Militaria, and Collectors' Items
14128: PHILLIPS, WILLIAM - A Sense of the Present
1376: PHILLIPS, DAVID ATLEE - The Great Texas Murder Trials: A Compelling Account of the Sensational T. Cullen Davis Case
27866: PHILLIPS, CHARLES & MICHAEL KERRIGAN - Forests of the Vampire
14302: PHIPSON, JOAN - The Boundary Riders
5047: PHLOYPHROM, PLANG - Hand-Book for Spoken Thai for Foreigners
22669: SERVEL & DRAWINGS PHOTOS - Making the Most of Your Servel Electrolux
21292: PICK, ALBERT - Catalogue of European Paper Money Since 1900
25265: PIERCE, R. V. , M. D. - Chronic Diseases of the Digestive Organs: Part Ii
14111: PIGOLKIN, ALBERT, KOROLYOV, YURI; ET AL. - What the Soviet Constitution Guarantees
22679: PILCH, JUDAH (EDITOR) - The Jewish Catastrophe in Europe
24391: PILKEY, DAV - Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-a-Lot
19931: PILLING, HART; ARNOLD R. PILLING - The Tiwi of North Australia
26012: PINDYCK, ROBERT S; DANIEL L. RUBINFELD - Microeconomics
26745: PINSKI, DAVID - Ven Vegn Tzegeyen Zich When the Roads Part
28369: AKBAR DEL PIOMBO - The Boilermaker
27200: PIPES, DANIEL - In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power
21301: PIPES, R. B (EDITOR) - Nondestructive Evaluation and Flaw Criticality for Composite Materials
21531: PIRANDELLO, LUIGI; BENTLEY, ERIC (EDITOR) - Naked Masks : Five Plays
18118: PITROF, LARRY; KRIEGER, M.D. MORTON M. - University of Maryland School of Medicine: The First Two Centuries 1807-2007 (Signed)
16457: PITT, BARRIE; TIME-LIFE EDITORS - The Battle of the Atlantic
28552: PITTS, SAMUEL LEE - Change Your Life: Give Yourself Credit!
20602: PLACE, MARIAN T - The Boy Who Saw Bigfoot
19588: PLAID - Painted Pots
18553: ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN PEACE PLAN - Jews and Arabs : Their Contacts Through the Ages
22517: PLAUT, MORDECAI - At the Center of the Universe: Essays on Western Intellectual Space (Signed - See Description)
21321: CHESS PLAYER - 40th Ussr Championship : 40 Ussr Final 1972
27959: PLISKIN, ZELIG - Marriage
26867: PLISKIN, RABBI ZELIG - Upgrade Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life - Daily Upgrades for Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions
26862: PLUMB, J. H. - Royal Heritage: The Treasures of the British Crown: The Treasures of the British Crown
25357: PLUMLY, STANLEY - Now That My Father Lies Down Beside Me - New and Selected Poems, 1970-2000
10504: POE, EDGAR ALLAN - Unheimliche Geschichten
24734: POELZL, VOLKER - Culture Shock! Brazil: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette
12041: POERTNER, HERBERT; RONALD ROSSMILLER - Stormwater Detention and Flow Attenuation
17865: POHL, FREDERIK (EDITOR) - The Science Fiction Roll of Honor: An Anthology of Fiction and Nonfiction By Guests of Honor at World Science Fiction Conventions
9831: POHL, IRA - Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ Russian Language Version
27819: POLACCO, PATRICIA - The Trees of the Dancing Goats
26926: POLAK-SAHM, VARDA - The House of Secrets: The Hidden World of the Mikveh
18587: POLITT, KATHA - Antarctic Traveller
21993: POLL, SOLOMON - The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg: A Study in the Sociology of Religion
17418: POLLACK, I (ISRAEL HAYYIM POLLACK) - Humashenu: Sipure Ha-Torah Bi-Leshon Ha-Makor la-Talmidim Mathilim Bereshit
27692: POLLAK, RABBI AHARON - How to Love Your Child - Vol 1 - Establishing Parental Status
26636: POLLARD, E. A. - Southern History of the War - Two Volumes in One
5059: POLLARD, ANNA - Kittens in Color
16573: POLLOCK, DALE - Skywalking: The Life and Films of George Lucas
24507: POLONSKY, PINCHAS - Religious Zionism of Rav Kook
12184: POMERANCE, SUSAN - For Women : Monologues They Haven't Heard
27581: POMERANTZ, RACHEL - Wings Above the Flames - Stories of Flight, Escape & Divine Providence During the Holocaust
27400: POMERANTZ, BARBARA - Bubby, Me and Memories
28364: POMERANTZ, RACHEL - The World in Flames: A Short History of the Holocaust
27195: DAVID DE SOLA POOL - Why I Am a Jew
26742: POOL, DAVID DE SOLA (EDITED BY) - Prayers for the Festivals According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews
28530: DAVID DE SOLA POOL - The Traditional Prayer Book for Sabbath and Festivals
10998: POOLE, GARY - Flash Gordon #26: The Land of Serpents
28647: POPOVA, NATALIA - Saint Petersburg & Its Environs 2002
21432: PORAT, DAN - The Boy: A Holocaust Story
23645: PORATH, ZIPPORAH - Letters from Jerusalem 1947-1948
12477: PORTER, KATHERINE ANN - The Never-Ending Wrong
28124: PORTER, DARWIN & DANFORTH PRINCE - Frommer's France 2007
26048: PORTIS, CHARLES; JENNINGS, JAY (EDITED BY) - Escape Velocity: A Charles Portis Miscellany
19199: POSNER, DONALD (EDITOR) - The Art Bulletin: June 1968, Volume L, Number Two
27451: THE JERUSALEM POST - Anatoly and Avital Shcaransky: The Journey Home
20845: WASHINGTON POST - 1972: Book World: The Washington Post - May 14, 1972
14753: WASHINGTON POST - 1973 - Book World: The Washington Post - April 8, 1973
16326: POST, EMILY - The New Emily Post's Etiquette
731: POST, CARL - Turn Your Back on Heaven
14381: WASHINGTON POST - Book World: The Washington Post : September 3, 1972 a E Hotchner
18325: WASHINGTON POST - 1972 - Book World: The Washington Post - December 10, 1972
28420: POTOK, CHAIM - The Chosen
28375: POTOK, CHAIM - Wanderings: Chaim Potok's History of the Jews
12612: POTRC, IVAN - The Land and the Flesh
27190: POTTER, STEPHEN - Lifemanship, Or, the Art of Getting Away with It without Being an Absolute Plonk
14613: POTTLE, FREDERICK (EDITED BY) - Boswell in Holland 1763-1764: Including His Correspondence with Belle de Zuylen (Zelide)
23569: POUND, ARTHUR - Transportation Progress: The History of Self-Propelled Vehicles from Earliest Times Down to the the Modern Motor Car
13566: POURTALES, GUY DE - Amor Fati: Nietzsche in Italien
15492: POWER, D'ARCY - William Harvey
25821: POWERS, RICHARD - Orfeo: A Novel
12654: A. C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA - The Science of Self Realization
23427: PRAGER, MOSHE - Sparks of Glory
3633: PRAGER, DENNIS AND JOSEPH TELUSHKIN - Vosem Voprosov Ob Iudaizme Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism (Russian Version)
28147: PRAGER, DENNIS AND JOSEPH TELUSHKIN - Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism
6812: PRATHER, HUGH - Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person
26486: PRATT, FLETCHER - Civil War in Pictures
25885: PRELUTSKY, JACK - My Parents Think I'm Sleeping
26784: PRENTIS, JR; H. W. - Thomas Morton Armstrong (1836-1908) Pioneer in Cork 90th Anniversary Address
17221: PRESCHEL, TOVIA - The Wandsbek Haggadah of 1733
23208: PRESS, WILLIAM H; SAUL A. TEUKOLSKY; WILLIAM T. VETTERLING; BRIAN P. FLANNERY - Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
12728: CHECKERBOARD PRESS - The Real Mother Goose Clock Book
23395: PRESS, BRIGHT SKY - Portraits of the Nation Address Book: Selected Treasures from the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery
18163: DRAYD PRESS - Rag-Bag Toys
27367: PRESSMAN, HYMAN AARON - Watchdog of Baltimore (Signed)
16913: PRESSMAN, ARON - Common Usage Dictionary: Russian-English, English-Russian
19255: PRESSMAN, ROGER S. - Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach
18210: PRESTON, RICHARD J - North American Trees (Exclusive of Mexico and Tropical United States)
23939: PRESWORSKY, PINCHUS - My Torah Pictures for Learning and Teaching
17109: PRICE, REYNOLDS - A Long and Happy Life
26678: PRICE, WILLIAM H. - The Civil War Handbook (Plus Ephemera)
11837: PRIESTLEY, J. B - Thomas Love Peacock
27877: PRIGYES, KARINTHY - Tanár úr Kérem (Tanar Ur Kerem)
13978: PRITCHARD, WILLIAM - Wyndham Lewis
21599: PRITCHETT, V S - The Gentle Barbarian: The Life and Work of Turganev
10027: PRITCHETT, V. S - Collected Stories
8410: PRITSKER, ANATOLY - Variety
22252: PROCTOR, REBECCA - 1000 New Eco Designs and Where to Find Them
27925: PRODUCTIONS, MIRISCH - Fiddler on the Roof
22752: DE PROFT, MELANIE (DIRECTOR) - Entertaining Six Or Eight
27982: PROUST, MARCEL - Swann's Way
26553: PROVENZO, EUGENE F. JR. ; PROVENZO, ASTERIE BAKER; ZORN, PETER A. JR. - Pursuing the Past: Oral History, Photographs, Family History, Cemeteries
26550: PRUZANSKY, RABBI BINYOMIN - Night of Emunah Stories and Insights on the Haggadah
21818: PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD - B&O, Baltimore and Ohio Transportation Museum, Baltimore, Maryland
6152: NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATION - Ncr - Data Processing: Fundamentals of Data Processing
25675: CIS PUBLICATIONS - Pesach Is Coming
17794: SHILO PUBLICATIONS - Sefer Ha-Kriah: Al Pi Ha-Shitah Ha-Kolit
21120: PUBLICATIONS, WARRIOR - Cards Illustrated No. 8 Aug 1994 Slammin' Walt Simonson Talks Cards!
13577: BLOCK PUBLISHERS - Primary Bible History for Young Israel
14417: BLOCH PUBLISHERS - Evening Service for the Sabbath: Arranged with Responsive Readings, Anthems, Hymns 22 Books
20523: CLOVER PUBLISHERS - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
17571: MACMILLIAN PUBLISHERS - World Neighbors: Teacher's Editon Workbook
18843: PUBLISHING, MODERN - Giant Basic Skills: 2nd Grade Workbook
23785: PUBLISHING, HAVOC - Millennium: A Record Book About the Turn of the Millennium
17365: PUIG, MANUEL - Kiss of the Spider Women Includes a Separate Photo of Manuel Puig By J.E. Lamarca
15662: PULDA, JAROSLAV - Tri Detektivove a Buffalo Bill (3 Detektivove & Buffalo Bill)
21422: PULLMAN, PHILIP - The Amber Spyglass
16637: PULTE, J. H (JOSEPH HIPPOLYT) - Homoeopathic Domestic Physician: Containing the Treatment of Diseases with Popular Explanation of Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene and Hydropathy
16264: PURINA - Purina Celebrity and Dog Calendar Year 2001
10236: PUSCHKIN, ALEXANDER - Die Erzählungen Bjelkins
21682: PUSHKIN, ALEXANDER - Amateur Peasant Girl
25134: PYRON, DARDEN ASBURY - Southern Daughter: The Life of Margaret Mitchell
25385: A. SPIERS; G. P. QUACKENBOS - Spiers and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary and English and French Pronouncing Dictionary (Two Volumes in One)
23664: QUANDT, WILLIAM B. - Decade of Decisions: American Policy Toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1967-1976
21212: QUEIROZ, ECA DE - Cousin Bazilio
14685: RAABE, WILHELM - Unseres Herrgotts Kanzlei
27963: RABBI ABRAHAM J. TWERSKI, M. D. - The First Years of Marriage: Enhancing the Success of Your Marriage Right from the Start- and Even Before It Begins
26167: RABBI MENACHEM MENDEL SCHNEERSON, THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE; LEVI GRONER - Stories That the Rebbe Told Us - Adapted for Children
9183: THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS - The Union Prayer Book for Jewish Worship: Revised Edition, Part Ii
28592: CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS (EDITED BY) - The Union Haggadah: Home Service for the Passover Eve
19371: RABELAIS, FRANCOIS - Pantagruel: Extraits
22052: RABIN, CHAIM - Qumran Studies
25999: RABINOVICH, ABRAHAM - Jerusalem on Earth: People, Passions, and Politics in the Holy City
25303: RABINOVITCH, RABBI MORDECHAI - Biblical Questions, Spiritual Journeys
19078: RABINOVITZ, CHARLES D - Collecting Seals and Labels
24901: RABINOWITZ, MORDECHAI DOV - Igrot Ha-Rambam - Volume Yud Tes
28621: RADDALL, THOMAS HEAD - Hangman's Beach
18992: RADER, ROBERT J. - Advanced Software Design Techniques
20071: RADIGUET, RAYMOND (VOILET SCHIFF, TRANS.) - Count D'orgel - le Bal Du Compte D'orgel
24886: RADNER, GILDA - It's Always Something
18157: RAGAZ, JOSEPH & IRVING M. ARIEL (EDITORS) - High-Risk Breast Cancer: Diagnosis
25848: RAGEN, NAOMI - The Covenant
26878: RAGEN, NAOMI - An Observant Wife: A Novel
26988: RAIZEN, ESTHER - Modern Hebrew for Beginners: A Multimedia Program for Students at the Beginning and Intermediate Levels
25653: RAM, SURESH - Towards a Revolution (a Documentary of Vinobaji's Toofan Yatra in Bihar)
25142: RAMBAM; FINKEL, AVRAHAM YAAKOV (ANNOTATIONS, TRANSLATIONS) - Rambam-Mishneh Torah Yad Hachzakah: The Book of Women; the Book of Seasons Ii
26599: RAMBAM; FINKEL, AVRAHAM YAAKOV (TRANSLATOR AND ANNOTATOR) - Rambam; Mishneh Torah Yad Hachazakah: Ethical and Practical Halachos from the Book of Love; the Book of Seasons
13163: RAMSLAND, KATHERINE - Piercing the Darkness: Undercover with Vampires in America Today
7567: RANDALL, JAMES RYDER - Maryland My Maryland and Other Poems
16607: RANES C. CHAKRAVORTY, INTRODUCTION - American Association for the History of Medicine: Research in Progress List #10
15619: RAPHAEL NEEDLEMAN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Byte Magazine December 1995
27001: RAPHAEL, CHAIM (NEW TRANSLATION BY) - A Feast of History: Passover Through the Ages As a Key to Jewish Experience
11423: RAPHAELY, ZVI - The Pessach Haggadah
19069: RAPOPORT, JUDITH L. - The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Washing: The Experience and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
21391: RAPPAPORT, DOREEN - Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust
26586: RAPPEL, YOEL - The International Competition on Jewish Identity for Jewish Youth
24485: RASHID, AHMED - The Resurgence of Central Asia: Islam Or Nationalism
25713: RASKIN, URI - Cracks in the Wall
27395: RASKIN, SAUL - Hagadah for Passover
21091: RATHBONE, JULIAN - A Raving Monarchist
20619: RATHER, DAN & GARY PAUL GATES - The Palace Guard
22543: RAVER, MIKI - Listen to Her Voice: Women of the Hebrew Bible
28467: RAZ, SIMCHA; ELI WIESEL, INTRODUCTION - This World and the World to Come
24821: RAZ, SIMCHA - Olam-Ha-Zeh, Olam-Ha-Ba : Sipure Asidim
21873: READ, ANTHONY & DAVID FISHER - The Fall of Berlin
26817: READER'S DIGEST - Army, Navy, Marine Corps Insignia: A Pocket Reference Guide
6918: READER'S DIGEST - Living with Metrics: How to Feel at Home with the Metric System
7264: READER'S DIGEST - Marvels and Mysteries of the World Around Us
15440: REAVY, GEORGE (EDITED BY) - 14 Great Short Stories By Soviet Authors
24481: REAY SMITH, JOHN (EDITOR) - Lawyers Quotation Book a Legal Companion
18863: RECKORD, BARRY - Does Fidel Eat More Than Your Father? Conversations in Cuba
21704: LONDON RECORDS - Puccini : La Boheme
18222: REDCLIFFE-MAUD, JOHN - Support for the Arts in England and Wales
21899: REDMOND, FIONA - Turn and Learn - Brimax Interactive
23542: REEDS, CHESTER A. - Earthquakes
18831: REGEV, NOAM - Tik Penelopeh (the Penelope File)
23963: REIFF, HIRSH - Lechayim Yidn : Humor on Gal (Cheer Up Folks)
18243: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS (ED) - Films in Review - April 1974 (Lucille Ball, Cover)
17380: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS (ED) - Films in Review: January, 1974 Katharine Hepburn (Cover)
22143: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS (ED.) - Films in Review / Vol. Xxvi, No. 1 / January 1975 Valerie Perrine (Cover)
19982: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS (ED.) - Films in Review / Vol. Xxv, No. 3 / March 1974 Shelley Duvall and Keith Carridine (Cover)
17659: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS (ED) - Films in Review: March 1977 (Entebbe Review0 Ellen Burstyn and John Gielgud (Cover)
18430: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS (ED) - Films in Review - March, 1975
19984: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS - Films in Review: October 1974 Liv Ullmann and Erland Josephson (Cover)
22050: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS - Films in Review : August-September, 1975 Woody Allen, Cover
28699: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS (ED) - Films in Review: Volume Xxvii No 5 Sissy Spacek and Shelley Duvall (Cover)
18458: REILLY, CHARLES PHILLIPS (ED) - Films in Review April, 1976 (Sean Connery, Cover) Women Movie Directors
27369: REINER, ELCHANAN - The Yochanan Ben Zakkai Four Sephardi Synagogues
28558: REINFELD, FRED - Complete Chess Course
28395: REINMAN, YAAKOV YOSEF - Psalms for All Seasons
26802: REINMAN, YAAKOV YOSEF - Destiny: The Story of the Jewish People and the Western World
12194: REISCH, EDWARD C; WILLIAM A. BURTON - Lead: A New & Real Epidemic
13007: REISEN, AVRAHAM - Ale Verk: Vol Vii-Viii
17930: REISH, DONALD; - Biology of the Oceans
23866: REMENIH, MAURINE - Enameling: A Step-By-Step Guide
19223: REMINGTON, FREDERIC; MCCRACKEN, HAROLD (EDITOR) - Frederic Remington's Own West
15430: RENNER, ERIC - Pinhole Photography: Rediscovering a Historic Technique - Bonus Includes a Separate Booklet Construction and Use of a 6x9 Pinhole Camera for 120 Rollfilm
19940: RESLING, DARLENE E.R. - Golda Meir: A Play
27565: RESNICK, RABBI LEIBEL - A Time to Weep: The Fall of Jerusalem and Beitar
28576: RETNAM, BOZENA - Rozmowki Angielskie
6153: REVEL, JEAN PAUL, EDITOR IN CHIEF - Jmsa: Journal of the Microscopy Society of America: Vol 2, #3, 1996
25791: REVICH, S. J. - The Prince and the Scholar
17949: REYNOLDS, GEORGE FULLMER. GREEVER, GARLAND - The Facts and Backgrounds of Literature, English and American
15328: RHEE, JHOON - Chon-Ji of Tae Kwon Do Hyung English/Spanish Edition
9595: RHODIN, ERIC - The Scar
24045: VAN DER RHOER, EDWARD - Master Spy: A True Story of Allied Espionage in Bolshevik Russia
12864: RIBALOW, HAROLD - What's Your Jewish I.Q. ?
19678: RIBEIRO, LAIR; THALITA RIBEIRO - Melhor Do Que Bom (Better Than Good)
18916: RICE, TONY HILLERMAN, GREG ILIES, DICK FRANCES LUANNE; KELLY, LAURA E. - Reader's Digest Select Editions: Follow the Stars Home, Hunting Badger, the Quiet Game, Second Wind, 248
20031: RICE, JOHN GORDON - Build Program Technique: A Practical Approach for the Development of Automatic Software Generation Systems
9842: GEORGE RICE - Facing the Dawn: The Paul Rice Story
20813: RICH FRIEDMAN, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - Byte Magazine - July 1994; Vol 19, No 7
20773: RICH FRIEDMAN, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - Byte Magazine: August 1994
20771: RICH FRIEDMAN, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - Byte Magazine: December 1993
27784: W. RICHARD DELL, EDITOR IN CHIEF PLUS THE STAFF - The World Book Year Book 1996 - Events of 1995
28022: W. RICHARD DELL, EDITOR IN CHIEF PLUS THE STAFF - The World Book Year Book 1997
11761: RICHARD GOLDWATER, EDITOR - Blue Ribbon Comics, Volume 2, #2
27337: RICHARDS, STANLEY - Ten Great Musicals of the American Theatre
16449: RICHARDSON, ROBERT - The Surgeon's Tale: A Story of Modern Surgery
7483: RICHARDSON, KEITH - Illustrations of Light Microscopical Preparations from Various Tissues and Organs
20864: RICHARDSON, JOANNA - Enid Starkie: A Biography (Advanced Reading Copy)
23550: RALPH A. RICHARDSON - Optics and Wheels: A Story of Lighting from the Primitive Torch to the Sealed Beam Headlamp
17767: RICHERT, E. SUSANNE - Equal Justice Under Law: John Marshall, Chief Justice
14543: RIENOW, ROBERT - American Government in Today's World
20582: RIESE, HANS-PETER - Since the Prague Spring: The Continuing Struggle for Human Rights in Czechoslovakia Advanced Reading Copy
19277: RIESTER, PETER P - Egyptian Museum Cairo / Musee Egyptien le Caire / Agyptisches Museum Kairo
23311: RIETTA, JONATHAN - The Art of Healthy Living
12905: RIGOLI, DAVID; ROBERTO RIGOLI - Montepescali : Tra Storia E Leggenda
23775: RILKE, RAINER MARIA & LESLIE P. GARTNER - Duino Elegies and Other Selected Poems
28597: RIMMER, KELLY - The German Wife - a Novel
28367: RINGELLBUM, EMANUEL - Notatki Z Getta Warszawskiego
14229: RIORDON, WILLIAM L - Plunkitt of Tammany Hall (Signed -See Description)
20191: RIPKEN, CAL JR; MIKE BRYAN - The Only Way I Know (Card Included)
26671: RIPLEY, ALEXANDRA - Scarlett, the Sequel to Gone with the Wind
17216: RIPPE, JAMES M - Manual of Intensive Care Medicine with Annotated Key References
26134: RISKIN, RABBI SHLOMO - Listening to God: Inspirational Stories for My Grandchildren
10287: RITTNER, STEPHEN - Jewish Ethics for the 21st Century
27269: RIVERS, LUCILLE; EDITORS OF BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS - Better Homes and Garden Sewing Book
25855: RIVIN, JOSHUA - Mein Taten's Brocho (My Father's Blessing) Signed
28242: RIVKIN, ELLIS - The Shaping of Jewish History: A Radical New Interpretation
28665: RIVLIN, ALICE M. - Reviving the American Dream: The Economy, the States, and the Federal Government
24926: RIVLIN, AVRAHAM - Lyune Parashah: Shemot
15111: ROBACK, A. A - The Story of Yiddish Literature
21804: ROBB, DAVID M., AND J. J. GARRISON - Art in the Western World
17276: ROBBINS, STANLEY; RAMZI COTRAN; VINAY KUMAR - Pocket Companion to Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease
16666: (EDITOR) , GOLD ROBERT S. - Child Therapy Today : Volume I of the Child Therapy News
11361: ROBERT BOYERS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Salmagundi: No. 61: Fall 1983
18388: (EDITOR) , GOLD ROBERT S. - Operating Systems: A Systematic View
26624: ROBERT, GENERAL HENRY M - Robert's Rules of Order Revised
17600: (EDITOR), GOLD ROBERT S. - Point of Departure. 19 Stories of Youth and Discovery
16776: (EDITOR) , GOLD ROBERT S. - The Swimmers and Other Selected Poems
28468: ROBERT K. BROWN, EDITOR - Soldier of Fortune Magazine: June 2002
26110: ROBERTS, LES - Snake Oil (Signed)
6051: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - Merry Christmas! Christmas Card Book
16420: ROBERTS, WESS - Straight a's Never Made Anybody Rich: Lessons in Personal Achievement
5864: ROBERTS, NORA; GREG ILES; ANNE RIVERS SIDDONS; JAMES THAYER - The Villa, 24 Hours, Nora, Nora, Force 12
26822: ROBERTS, HENRY C (TRANSLATED, EDITED AND INTERPRETED BY) - The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus
8305: ROBERTS, JAMES L. - Death of a Salesman (Cliffs Notes)
14915: ROBERTS, KENNETH - Nordwest-Passage: Roman
12309: ROBERTS, WILLO DAVIS - Didn't Anybody Know My Wife?
8430: ROBERTS, DEREK - Vom Drahtesel Zur Rennmaschine
12313: ROBERTSON, E. ARNOT - The Signpost
14899: ROBIN RASKIN, EDITOR; MICHAEL J. MILLER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Pc Magazine: Vol 13, No. 19, November 8, 1994 the Making of Doom
26917: ROBINS, SALLY NELSON - Love Stories of Famous Virginians
28397: ROBINSON, RAY - Greatest World Series Thrillers
17180: ROBINSON, B. W. - Persian Miniatures
19585: ROBINSON, CHARLES ALEXANDER, JR. - EDITOR, WITH AN INTRODUCTION - An Anthology of Greek Drama, First Series
21905: ROBINSON, C. E - Hellas: A Short History of Ancient Greece
24102: ROBINSON, CYNTHIA - The Dog Park Club
21946: ROBINZON, MORDEKHAI; HAIM TOREN - Sifrutenu Ha Yafah: Mi-Bialik : Volume 1
7299: ROCHE, PAUL - The Oedipus Play of Sophocles: Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone
16570: ROCHESTER, THOMAS F - Medical Men and Medical Matters of 1776
26000: ROCKEFELLER, DAVID - David Rockefeller: Memoirs
4312: ROCKWELL, ANNE - The Acorn Tree and Other Folktales
9587: RODDIN, MICHAEL I (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Army Al & T - January - February 2004 Future Combat Systems (Cover Story)
26097: RODKEY, GEOFF - The Tapper Twins Go to War (with Each Other)
13798: RODMAN, SELDEN - Tongues of Fallen Angels
4211: RODOWSKY, COLBY - H, My Name Is Henley
13533: ROGER D. COLOMBE, DIRECTOR; MARILYN LINDGREN, EDITOR - Exploring Spanish: Student Activity Book
8577: ROGER, H - La Medecine: Methodes, Resultats, Hypotheses
11016: ROGERS, MARSHALL; CHRIS GOLDBERG - Eclipse Monthly #4
25859: ROGOFF, HILLEL - Vi Azoy Amerike Vert Regyert
26725: ROGOV, DANIEL & DAVID GERSHON & DAVID LOUISON - Rogue's Guide to the Jewish Kitchen - a Feast of Yiddish Foods for Thought and Eating
27167: ROGOYSKA, JANE - Surviving Katyn: Stalin's Polish Massacre and the Search for Truth
19092: ROLAND, PAUL - Explore Your Past Lives
27650: ROLL, RABBI YISROEL - Inner Peace
20392: ROMER, ALFRED - The Restless Atom: The Awakening of Nuclear Physics
10470: ROMERO, CESAR (NARRATOR) ; DARLENE GEIS, EDITOR - A Colorslide Tour of Mexico: Land of Sun and Laughter: South of the Border
24851: ROONEY, KATHLEEN - Reading with Oprah: The Book Club That Changed America
15045: ROPER, DEREK (EDITOR) - Wordsworth and Coleridge Lyrical Ballads
28286: ROSE, WEILERSTEIN SADIE - Jewish Heroes: Book Two
27482: ROSE, DR. DANIEL AND MS. DEBBIE STONE; RABBI TZVI HERSH WEINREB, INTRODUCTION - Koren Aviv Weekday Siddur, Ashkenaz, Hebrew/English
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19250: ROSENTHAL, GERTRUDE (EDITOR) - From El Greco to Pollock: Early and Late Works By European and American Artists. Oct. -Dec. 1968
20786: ROSENZWEIG, LEO - Bris Mile (Jewish Circumcision)
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22372: ROSTEN, LEO CALVIN - Leo Rosten's Treasury of Jewish Quotations
26373: ROTBERG, TZVI Y - Sfiras Haomer
14065: ROTBLATT, H. M - Ha-Sifrut Veha-Hayim: Anthology of Hebrew Literature Sefer Rishon
5641: AIR FORCE JUNIOR ROTC - Aerospace Science: History of Air Power
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24630: ROTENBERG, ABIE - The Season of Pepsi Meyers (Autographed)
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22760: ROTHSTEIN D. O. , BINYAMIN - Brain Fog: Solve the Mysteries of Decreased Mental Capacity and Keep Your Brain Fit and Functional Throughout Your Life
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21877: ROURKE, FRANCIS E. - Bureaucratic Power in National Policy Making - Readings
24524: ROUSSEAU JR, THEODORE - Paul Cezanne (1839-1906)
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23076: ROY F. WESTON, INC; L. M. PRESLO, PROJECT MANAGER; J. B. ROBERTSON, PROJECT DIRECTOR; D. DWORKIN, PROJECT ENGINEER - Remedial Technologies for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
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