Austin's Antiquarian Books 123 West Main Street VT 05363 Wilmington Vermont USA. +1 802 464 84 38 Email: | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
14822: - Mother Goose's Melodies for Children, or Songs for the Nursery; with Notes, Music, and an Account of the Goose or Vergoose Family and with Illustrations by Henry L. Stephens and Gaston Fay
13279: - Roosevelt Hotel Stationery
14918: - In Memoriam; Citizens Memorial Meeting in Honor of Theodore Roosevelt; Auditorium, Chicago, February 9, 1919
15804: - La Voute de la Chapelle Sixtine
12591: - Richters Reisefuher Hamburg Altona (Hamburg and Environs)
14054: - Where to Hunt American Game
16623: - In Memoriam; Citizens' Memorial Meeting in Honor of Theodore Roosevelt, Auditorium, Chicago February 9, 1919
13104: - Report of the Commission on Country Life ; with an Introduction by Theodore Roosevelt
16652: - Tableaux, Objets D'Art D'Extreme-Orient Sieges Et Meubles Tapisseries - Tapis;
17355: - (Cookery) the New Home Cook Book
13758: - Visit of the Honorable Theodore Roosevelt Ex President of the United States of America to the Guildhall Tuesday May 31st 1910
17615: - Die Psalmen Und Fest-Lieder Für Den öffentlichen Gottesdienst Der Stadt Und Landschaft Bern; (the Psalms and Festival Songs for the Public Worship of the City and Landscape of Bern
15207: - Theodore Roosevelt's Labor Record; Does Labor Get a Square Deal? It Has from Roosevelt. .
15563: - Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards, Guide Specifications and Quality Certification Program
15564: - The Rainy Day Story Book; with Six Plates in Colour
16575: - Souvenir Views of Hartford Conn
16918: - Annual Reference Book of the National (Boston) Association of Shoe Factory Buyers, Superintendents and Foremen
13603: - Typography 5; the Annual of the Type Directors Club
18182: - 21 Views of Niagara Falls. Detroit: Art Process Company
18393: - In the Philippines a Part of Greater America; Selections from the Youth's Companion
18501: - The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night; Rendered Into English from the Literal and Complete French Translation of Dr. J.C. Mardrus by Powys Mather
18402: - Historic Tours in Soconyland
16884: - Prospectus; U.S. School of Music
14344: - Manual of Gurley Hydraulic Engineering Instruments
18739: - (Modele Depose) Plan - Guide de Paris (Removing Model, Map & Guide to Paris) Index to Streets - Metros - Bus
18949: - The Youth's Companion; Front Cover Illustration Shows Nicholas Longworth & Alice Roosevelt, the White House Wedding
18528: - Advantages of the City of San Jose California As a Manufacturing Center Published by the Society for the Promotion of Manufactures
17640: - Contractor's Equipment Register 1917-18 Edition: A Complete Classified and Indexed Buying Reference for Contractors
16679: - Theodore Roosevelt in Silouette
18137: - Saratoga Spa
12891: - The Chinese Bronzes of Yunnan; Foreword by Jessica Rawson
17085: - A Taste of the Valley the People, the Vinyards, the Wineries and the Recipes of the Alexander Valley; the People, the Vinyards, the Wineries and the Recipes of the Alexander Valley
16481: - (Theatrical) Proem Walter Hampden
15122: - The American Educational Monthly for the School and the Family. Volume 1, No. 1
19235: - (Cookery) Ceresota Cook Book
19228: - American Wool and Cotton Reporter
16892: - The Boy's Club of the First Congregational Church, Newbury, Vermont 1905
17379: - (Printing Arts) Graphic Arts Magazine
17367: - (Menu) Colonial Line; Aboard the Yankee Flagships Arrow Comet and Meteor
17365: - (Menu) Harvard University Class of 1876 Decennial June 29, 1886 Dinner at Beckman & Punchard at the Parker House, Boston
17363: - (Menu) National Exchange Bank of Providence, One Hundredth Anniversary Dinner, Trocadero, April 18, 1901; Menu
17356: - (Culinary) Rowsley. The Peacock Hotel, the Menu, 1953
17097: - Private Spaces a Tribute to Sandra A. Wadsworth A.I. A.
18955: - Collier's Illustrated Weekly; on the Cover; Tr at the Graduating Exercises at West Point; Panama Canal Controversy
18956: - The Youth's Companion; Front Cover Illustration Shows the New Arctic Ship "Roosevelt", Admiral Peary's Ship
18950: - The Youth's Companion; Front Cover Illustration Shows President Roosevelt & His Cabinet
18951: - The Youth's Companion; Front Cover Illustration Shows Scenes President Roosevelt's Trip, Porto Rico
18952: - The Youth's Companion; Front Cover Illustration Shows First Meeting of the Japanese & Russian Peace Commissioners at a Reception by President Roosevelt
18953: - The Youth's Companion; Front Cover Illustration Shows Tr's Nobel Peace Prize in Actual Size
13781: - Theodore Roosevelt Photograph / Campaigning in 1912. Somewhere Along the Bull Moose Campaign Trail
17735: - The Maine Register and Business Directory for the Year 1856; Embracing the State and County Officers, and the Titles of Laws and Resolves of 1855 Together with the Mercantile, Professional, Manufacturing and Mechanical Departments. .
18684: - Nouvelle Carte de France. Carte Taride, No. 14
18135: - Where Vermont Comes in
16990: - A Copy of the Poll List of the Election for Representatives for the City and County of New-York; Which Election Began on Tuesday the 17th Day of February, and Ended on Thursday the 19th of the Same Month, in the Year of Our Lord Mdcclxi (1761) Alphabetically Made
13878: - Connecticut Delegation and Guests to Republican National Convention, at the Chicago, ILL. June 21, 22, 23, 1904. And Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, Mo. June 24 and 25, 1904
13881: - The Plattsburger; a Record of the Second Camp
19451: - Outing: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Recreation. Vol. VI; April 1885- September 1885
13369: - Horst Portraits 60 Years of Style; Selected with an Essay by Terrance Pepper. Notes on the Plates and Chronology by Robin Muir
15284: - Washington, the Nation's Pride
19251: - Have You Read 100 Great Books?; Dedicated to the Public Libraries of America... .
13074: - Theodore Roosevelt Calendar, 1921
16492: - Report from Select Committee of the House of Lords Appointed to Consider of the Petition of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of Glasgow Taking Notice of the Bill Intituled "an Act for Ascertaining and Establishing Uniformity of Weights and Measures. .
15866: - Ricordo Di Pisa; Postcards
15358: - The History of the Celebrated Nanny Goose and the History of the Prince Renardo and the Lady Goosiana; Afterword by Judith St John
17141: - Twenty-Fifth Annual Catalogue State Normal School Fitchburg Massachusetts
13771: - Theodore Roosevelt Scholar, Citizen and Statesman
13774: - Heroes of the Spanish American War
16479: - (Theatrical) Balieff's Chauve-Souris of Moscow
16678: - Lacy's Threepenney Guide to Warwick and the Neighbourhood, Illustrated with Engravings; Including the Castle
17403: - (Petroliana) Colonial Auto Tours; Free Map of Boston. .
17409: - (Education) Smith College 1890-1891
17411: - (Broadside) to the Parents, Guardians, Masters and Others of School District No. 8 in Salem N.H. August 18, 1873; (Mandatory School Attendance)
17414: - (Industry Newspaper) the Fruit Recorder & Cottage Gardener, October 1, 1885
17401: - The Jubilee Year Book of the New-York Observer. 1873. With Portraits of the Founders
17398: - (Science) Boston Journal of Chemistry; Devoted to the Science of Home Life, the Arts, Agriculture and Medicine Two Issues!
17394: - Seating List, Testamonial Dinner to the Honoarable A.E. Giegengack, Public Printer of the United States at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, Friday Evening October 26, 1934
13757: - Theodore Roosevelt Abroad
13884: - President Mckinley's Share in the War with Spain; and William Mckinley, a Typical American of Wide Experience Who Has Become a Masterful President
17000: A New York Detective - The Haunted Churchyard or Old King Brady, the Detective, and the Mystery of the Iron Vault
13858: Abbot, Willis J. - The Panama Canal in Picture and Prose; a Complete Story of Panama, As Well As the History, Purpose, and Promise of Its World-Famous Canal - the Most Gigantic Engineering Undertaking Since the Dawn of Time
15241: Abbott, Edward - Long Look House; a Book for Boys and Girls
17266: Abbott, Lyman - Impressions of a Careless Traveler
13968: Abernathy, Louie - Meeting Roosevelt
12994: Adams, Alexander B. - John James Audubon, a Biography
17422: Adams, John - The Works of John Adams: Second President of the United States with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations by His Grandson Charles Francis Adams, Volumes I & II
16174: Adams, Daniel - The Scholar's Arithmetic: Or, Federal Accountant
16176: Adams, Daniel - The Scholar's Arithmetic: Or, Federal Accountant
13521: Adams, David K. and others - The Roosevelts: Nationalism, Democracy & Internationalism; Lectures by David K. Adams, Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich, Edmund Morris, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
14590: Adams, Rev. Joseph - Fifty Years Angling in England, Scotland, the Hebrides, Ireland, Holland; Switzerland and Canada
19323: Addington, Bruce H. - Above the Clouds and Old New York. An Historical Sketch of the Site and a Description of the Many Wonders of the Woolworth Buuilding
15890: Adler, Elmer & others, Editors - The Colophon; a Book Collector' Quarterly, Part Eight, 1931
15892: Adler, Elmer & others, Editors - The New Colophon; a Book Collector' Quarterly, Volume 1 Part 2, April 1948
15893: Adler, Elmer & others, Editors - The New Colophon; a Book Collector' Quarterly, Volume 1 Part 3, July 1948
15888: Adler, Elmer & others, Editors - The Colophon; a Book Collector' Quarterly, Part Six, 1931
17380: Advertising Typographers of America - Advertising Typographers of America Code of Ethics
16187: Adye Maj-Gen. Sir John - Soldiers and Others I Have Known; a Volume of Recollections
14259: Aiken George D. - Aiken: Senate Diary January 1972 - January 1975
14592: Aitkin, Russell Barnett - Great Game Animals
16967: Alger, Russell Alexander; United States Secretary of War - A Typed Letter, Signed
18958: (Alice Roosevelt) - The Mail & Express, March 1, 1902. Cover of Alice Roosevelt Launching Emperor William's Yacht Meteor; Price Henry in New York & Washington
18147: Allain, Marie Francoise - The Other Man, Conversations with Graham Greene; Translated from the French by Guido Waldman
17410: Alleyne, Margaret - The Pig That Was Too Thin
15657: Allodi, Mary - Printmaking in Canada the Earliest Views and Portraits / Les Debuts de L'Estampe Imprimee Au Canada
16049: Almy, Gerald - Tying and Fishing Terrestrials; Introduction by Charles K. Fox
16850: American Antiquarian Society - Proceedings. Annual Meeting of the Society, April 10, 1918. At the Hall of the Society, Worcester
15789: Amiranashvili, S. (Compiler and Essayist) - Nico Piromanashvili
18701: Amster, Linda, editor - New York Times Country Weekend Cookbook
16101: Anderson, Gary - Atlantic Salmon, Fact & Fantasy
17839: Anderson, Sparky with Dan Ewald - Sparky
13763: Andrews, Bryon - The Facts About the Candidate
17649: Andrews, General Avery D. - An Address
13886: Angelo, Bonnie - First Families: The Impact of the White House on Their Lives
12175: (Anonymous) - Noyon & la Region Apres the Depart Des Boches
19055: Anonymous - Jute, an Account of Its Growth and Manufacture
16887: Anonymous - Arbor Day, Manuscript Student Work
16169: (Anonymous) By A Pilot - War Flying; the Letters of "Theta" to His Home People Written in Training and in War
17255: Anonymous, (Philander C. Johnson) - The Bull Moose Fight
13916: Anthracite Coal Strike Commission - Report to the President on the Anthracite Coal Strike of May-October, 1902, by the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission Contained in State Documents No. 1 Nos. 1-12, Except Nos. 3, 11, Miscellaneous, 58th Congress, Special Session
13960: Anthracite Coal Strike Commission - Report to the President on the Anthracite Coal Strike of May-October, 1902, by the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission
16928: (Arabel) - Letters from a Young Lady in 'Scarbro' to Her Cousin in London
18253: Archibald (Archie) Roosevelt - Original Wire Service News Photograph, Archibald Roosevelt, Returns from France, 1918
17148: Armstrong, David M. - Distribution of Mammals in Colorado
15247: Asch, Frank and ted Levin - Sawgrass Poems: A View of the Everglades
16190: Ashley, Maurice - Cromwell's Generals
19461: Audubon, John J. - Bullock's Troopial: Plate #218 from Birds of America
19462: Audubon, John J. - Orchard Oriole, or Hang Nest: Plate #219 from Birds of America
19463: Audubon, John J. - Clarke's Nutcracker: Plate #235 from Birds of America
19464: Audubon, John J. - Bartrams Vireo or Greenlet: Plate #242 from Birds of America
10089: Auerbach, Joseph S. - Theodore Roosevelt; an Appreciation
11635: Auerbach, Joseph S. - Theodore Roosevelt, an Appreciation
11636: Auerbach, Joseph S. T. - Theodore Roosevelt; an Appreciation
16180: Austin, A. B. - Birth of an Army
13510: Auton, C. (Augustis Hoppin) - Recollections of Auton House
17798: Aveni, Anthony - Conversing with the Planets: How Science and Myth Invented the Cosmos
13856: Avery, Ralph Emmett, Edited by William C. Haskins - America's Triumph at Panama; Panorama and Story of the Construction and Operation of the World's Giant Waterway from Ocean to Ocean
17292: Baedeker, Karl - Northern Germany As Far As the Bavarian Frontiers Handbook for Travellers
12399: Baike, James - A History of Egypt. .
18525: Bailey, L. Scott, Editor - Automobile Quarterly Spring 1963
18521: Bailey, L. Scott, Editor - Automobile Quarterly Fall 1968
18527: Bailey, L. Scott, Editor - Automobile Quarterly Winter 1962-1963
15918: Bailey, Lee - Lee Bailey's Good Parties Favorite Food, Tableware, Kitchen Equipment and More. .
15920: Bailey, Lee - Lee Bailey's City Food: Recipes for Good Food and Easy Living
16629: Baker, Gertrude E. - History Harkness Airport Springfileld Vermont
12917: Baker, Will - Mountain Blood
16151: Balfour, Michael - The Classic Watch -the Great Watches and Their Makers, from the First Wristwatch to the Present Day
19410: Ball, Robert W. D. - Springfield Armory Shoulder Weapons 1795-1968
15348: Ballantyne, R. M. - Three Little Kittens
19178: Ballentine, George, Edited by William H. Goetzmann - Autobiography of an English Soldier in the United States Army
15378: Bangs, John Kendrick - Paste Jewels: Being Seven Tales of Domestic Woe
13583: Banks, Russell - The Darling
13748: Banks, Charles Eugene and Leroy Armstrong - Theodore Roosevelt Twenty-Sixth President of the United States, a Typical American; Introductory Chapters by Gen. Joseph Wheeler and Opie Read
13749: Banks, Charles Eugene and Leroy Armstrong - Theodore Roosevelt Twenty-Sixth President of the United States, a Typical American; Introductory Chapters by Gen. Joseph Wheeler and Opie Read
13849: Barker, Roger G. and others, Steffen, Jerome O. (Editor) - The American West: New Perspectives, New Dimensions; Edited and with an Introduction by Jerome O. Steffen
13846: Barnaby, Joseph T. - Fluctuations in Abundance of Red Salmon, Oncorhynchus Nerka (Walbaum), of the Karluk River, Alaska
16859: Barnes, James - The Mentor; the Story of the American Navy; Department of History
19490: Barr, John S. - Barr Flies: How to Tie and Fish the Copper John, the Barr Emerger and Dozens of Other Patterns, Variations, and Rigs
15246: Barrie, J. M. - A Window in Thrums
18518: Bartlett, John Henry and Gifford, John Pearl - Dartmouth Athletics: A Complete History of All Kinds of Sports at the College
14182: Barzman, Sol - The First Ladies
18687: Bassett, John T. - War Journal of an Innocent Soldier
19154: Batchelor, Julie Forsyth - Tim and the Purple Whistle
19392: Bayard Taylor, Compiled & Arranged, Editor - Travels in South Africa
19391: Bayard Taylor, Compiled & Arranged, Editor - The Lake Regions of Central Africa
18585: Bayard Taylor, Compiled & Arranged, Editor - The Lake Regions of Central Africa
18586: Bayard Taylor, Compiled & Arranged, Editor - Travels in South Africa
18582: Bayard Taylor, Editor - Japan in Our Day
17416: (Beatrix Potter) - Peter Rabbit and Tales of Beatrix Potter
14018: Beauclerk, Helen - The Green Lacquer Pavillion
17777: Beecher, Henry Ward - Star Papers; or, Experiences of Art and Nature
13768: Beer, Thomas - Hanna
14374: Bell, Bob - Hunting the Long-Tailed Bird
18617: Bendavid-Val, Leah - Song without Words, the Photographs & Diaries of Countess Sophia Tolstoy
16370: (Benjamin Franklin) - The Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Benjamin Franklin Celebration by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the City of Boston in Symphony Hall, Boston January 17, 1906
14205: Bennett, William J. - The Death of Outrage; Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals
12915: Benvenisti, Meron - City of Stone; the Hidden History of Jerusalem
11140: Beny, Roloff - Odyssey: Mirror of the Mediterranean
17342: Berger, Terry and Roberta Gardner - Mcclane's Great Fishing and Hunting Lodges of North America; Edited with an Introduction by A.J. Mcclane
19438: Bernheim, H. - Suggestive Therapeutics: A Treatise on the Nature and Uses of Hypnotism
19447: (Bewick, Thomas) - A History of British Birds
19429: Bierbaum, Otto Julius - Das Schoene Maedchenvon Pao: Ein Chinesischer Roman... ; Prachtausgabe Mit Bildern Von Bayros
15307: Bingham, Edfrid A. - The Heart of Thunder Mountain
12817: Birnbaum, Martin - Vanishing Eden; Wanderings in the Tropics
18508: Birney, Hoffman - Zealots of Zion
17858: Bischof, Joy - Terse Verse from Vermont
15690: Bishop, Jack - Pasta E Verdura: ; 140 Vegetable Sauces for Spaghetti, Fusilli, Rigatoni, and All Other Noodles
14143: Black, Joh - Release the Lark; a Book of Verse
13323: Bloch, E. Maurice - George Caleb Bingham; Volume I; the Evolution of an Artist; Volume II; George Caleb Bingham a Catalogue Raisonne
16355: Bloch, Dr. Joshua - An Early Spanish Mahzor
7347: Blythe, LeGette - William Henry Belk, Merchant of the South
17463: Bohjalian, Chris - Skeletons at the Feast
15810: Bok, Curtis - Maria: A Tale of the Norhtheast Coast and of the North Atlantic
15292: Bolenius, Dr. R. M. - Papers Read Before the Lancaster County Historical Society, October 5, 1906; Germans in Pennsylvania
16847: Bonsal, Stephen - The Mentor; the Panama Canal; Department of Science
17388: (Books / Publishing) - The Book Buyer; a Summary of American & Foreign Literature
17800: Borland, Maureen - Wilde's Devoted Friend: A Life of Robert Ross 1869-1918
17868: Borup, George - A Tenderfoot with Peary; with a Preface by G.W. Melville, Rear Admiral U.S. N. Ret
17166: Bosi, Enrico & Fabrizio Favi - The Francois at Querceto-a Century of History
13953: Bowers, Claude G. - Beveridge and the Progressive Era
18639: Bowles, Chester - Ambassador's Report
19167: Bowles, Chester - The New Dimensions of Peace
17959: Boy Scouts Of America - Give Him Cub Scout Gifts... Christmas 1955
15394: Boyd W H. - The Niagara Falls Survey of 1927, Memoir 164
13151: Boyer, Charles S. - The Diatomaceae of Philadelphia and Vicinity
19297: Boyes, Rev. J. - The Englishman's Bible: How He Got It and Why He Keeps It
18039: Bradbury, J. C. - The Baseball Economist, the Real Game Exposed
18740: Bradford, Roark - The Green Roller
19334: Bradley, Miss Alice, Principal - Miss Farmer's School of Cookery: Established 1902
13429: Brady, Cyrus Townsend - The Man Who Won
15311: Brewerton, George Douglas - Overland with Kit Carson; a Narrative of the Old Spanish Trail in '48
16418: Brinlley, Alan - Liberalism and Its Discontents
14177: Brodie, Fawn M. - Richard Nixon; the Shaping of His Character
17742: Bronson, Walter C. - The History of Brown University 1764-1914
19412: Brother Thomas (Thomas Bezanson) - The Porcelain of Brother Thomas: The Path to the Beautiful
12900: Brough, James - Princess Alice, a Biography of Alice Roosevelt Longworth
12563: Brouwer, H. A. (Editor) - Practical Hints to Scientific Travellers
15646: Browne, J. Ross, (Lina Fergusson Browne, Editor) - J. Ross Browne His Letters, Journals, & Writings; Edited, with an Introduction and Commentary by Lina Fergusson Browne
17437: Brubaker, III, John H. - Hullabaloo Nevonia: An Anecdotal History of Student Life at Franklin and Marshall College
18437: Brumbaugh, M. G. - The Story of Roosevelt
19416: Brusic, Lucy McTeer - Amidst Cultivated and Pleasant Fields: A Bicentennial History of North Haven Connecticut
13772: Brusse, M. J. - With Roosevelt Through Holland; Decorated and Illustrated with Pen and Ink Sketches by J.G. Veldheer
19198: Bryant, Billy, Edited By Martin Ridge - Children of Ol' Man River, the Life and Times of a Showboat Trouper
16036: Brykczynski, Terry and David Reuther, Editors - The Armchair Angler
15904: Bugialli, Giuliano - The Best of Bugialli
1375: Bullard, F. Lauriston - Lincoln in Marble and Bronze
13226: Bunau-Varilla, Philippe - The Great Adventure of Panama; Wherein Are Exposed Its Relation to the Great War and Also the Luminous Traces of the German Conspiracies Against France and the United States
18964: Burgess, Thornton W. - Tommy's Wishes Come True; with Illustrations by Harrison Cady, a Volume of the Wishing Stone Series
18489: Burnett, Frances Hodgson - Two Little Pilgrims' Progress : A Story of the City Beautiful
15071: Burnett, Frances Hodgson - The Pretty Sister of Jose
14232: Burns, James MacGregor - Edward Kennedy and the Camelot Legacy
17317: Burrill, Ellen Mudge - The State House, Boston, Massachusetts
19443: Burroughs, John - Under the Maples
17341: Burton, Mallory - Green River Virgins and Other Passionate Anglers
14492: Burton, Asa - Essays on Some of the First Principles of Metaphysicks, Ethicks and Theology
19241: Burton, Richard - The Collected Poems of Richard Burton; with an Introduction by Alfred Kreymborg
15286: Busch, Wilhelm - Mar Und Moritz Eine Bubengelchichte in Lieben Streichen
16701: Bushell, S. W. Text & notes - Oriental Ceramic Art Illustrated by Examples from the Collection of W.T. Walters
13385: By Contributors to the "Garden World", edited by B. Wynne - The Tuberous Begonia; Its History and Cultivation
17278: By The Editor Of Cook's Illustrated - Cover and Bake; Cassaroles, Pot Roasts, Skillet Dinners and Slow-Cooker Favorites
17279: By The Editors Of Saveur Magazine - Saveur Cooks, Authentic Italian; Savoring the Recipes and Traditions of the World's Favorite Cuisine
19181: Byrd, Richard Evelyn, Edited by William R. Anderson - Skyward
19237: C. I. Hood & Co. Apothecaries - Hood's Cook Book Number One
16551: Cady, Daniel L. - Champlain and Lake Champlain. A Poem. From the Programme of the Champlain Tercentenery Celebration of 1909
19135: Cafardo, Nick - 100 Things Red Sox Fans Should & Do Know Before They Die
12204: Caine, Hall - The Drama of 365 Days
17942: Callaghan, Morley - It's Never over
14949: Camuto, Christopher - A Fly Fishernman's Blue Ridge
19139: Canseco, Jose - Juiced, Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big
18001: Cantacuzene, Princess Julia, Edited by Terence Emmons - Revolutionary Days Including Passages from, My Life Here and There 1876-1917
19006: Carola, Leslie Conron - The Irish a Treasury of Art and Literature
17555: Caroli, Betty Boyd - The Roosevelt Women
13795: Carpenter, William B. - Nature and Man; Essays Scientific and Philosophical
16351: Carrington, Gen. Henry B. - The New Center of Gravity; the World-Reapers of the Grand Army Harvest; Seventy Years of Reminiscence, Memorial Day Address of Gen. Henry B. Carrington, U.S. A. (Retired) Before E.W. Pierce Post, No. 8. Dept. Of Mass. , at Middleboro, Mass. , May 30, 1905
16666: Chadwick, H. A. (Editor) - The Argus Christmas Number
12850: Chaffers, William - The Collector's Handbook to Keramics of the Renaissance and Modern Periods,; Selected from His Larger Work, Entitled "the Keramic Gallery
15652: Chakravorty, P. M. - Caste System in India
17606: Chalmers, George - An Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain; and of the Losses of Her Trade from Every War Since the Revolution; with an Introduction of Previous History. A New Edition, Corrected and Continued to 1801. To Which Is Now Annexed Gregory King's Celebrated State of England
16428: Chapel, Charles Edward - Guns of the Old West
14358: Chapple, Steve - Kayaking the Full Moon: A Journey Down the Yellowstone River to the Soul of Montana
17413: Charles Parkhurst (Editor), George E. Whitaker (Publisher) - (Two Issues) Zion's Herald: Wednesday, Volume XCV Number 41, October 10, 1917 and Zion's Herald: Wednesday, Volume XCV Number 46, November 14, 1917
10223: Charnwood, Lord - Theodore Roosevelt
19346: Charnwood, Lord - Theodore Roosevelt
19436: Chase Brothers Company - Chase Fruit and Flowers in Natural Color
17865: Cheever, Susan - Louisa May Alcott, a Personal Biography
15280: Cheney, David MacGregor - The Golden Goblin; an Uncle David Story
15281: Cheney, David MacGregor - The Golden Goblin; an Uncle David Story
18428: Chessman, G. Wallace - Theodore Roosevelt and the Politics of Power; Edited by Oscar Handlin
13632: Chinard, Gilbert, Editor - Houdon in America a Collection of Documents in the Jefferson Papers in the Library of Congress; with an Introduction by Francis Henry Taylor
12429: Chivers, Thomas Holley - Virginalia; Songs of My Summer Nights
19080: Christensen, Clyde M. - The Molds and Man, an Introduction to the Fungi
13932: Church, Bob - Le Choix de la Mouche; Traduction Adaptation Bertrand Kron, Robert Taillandier, Gunther Klein. Preface by Bernard Audouys
17114: City Of Boston, (Dever, John F.) - A Memorial of William Mckinley from the City of Boston
5015: Clark, Roland - Gunner's Dawn
16135: Clarke, John M. - Memoir of the New York State Museum. Volume 3, Number 3. October 1900; the Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia County New York
19301: Claudy, Carl H. - The Mystery Men of Mars, Adventures in the Unknown
15773: Clayton, Henry Helm - Solar Activity and Long-Period Weather Changes
14207: Clinton, President Bill - Between Hope and History; Meeting America's Challenges for the 21st Century
15821: Clippinger, Frances - The Satellite
18163: Cobb, Irwin S. - Speaking of Operations
17637: Cobb, Gov. William T. & others - Report of the Maine Commissioners on the Monument Erected at Salisbury, N.C. 1908
19312: Colby, Lt. Col. Newton T., William E. Hughes, ed - The CIVIL War Papers of Lt. Colonel Newton T. Colby, New York Infantry
16668: Coleride, Samuel Taylor and others - Mother's Calendar 1917
19186: Collins, John S., Edited By Colton Storm - My Experiences in the West
19408: Colton, G. Woolworth - J.H. Colton's School Atlas, Designed to Accompany Colton's American School Geography. Comprising Upwards of One Hundred Steel Plate Maps, Profiles and Plans, on Thirty-Seven Large Sheets, Drawn on a New System of Scales
19065: Conant, James Bryant - Our Fighting Faith, Five Addresses to College Students
16559: Cook, James M. - Annual Report of the Comptroller of the State of New York; Transmitted to the Legislature January 1, 1861 [ State of New York No. 4 in Assembly]
14464: Cook, Joel - A Holiday Tour in Europe
18439: Cook, Fred J. - Rallying a Free People, Theodore Roosevelt
19057: Cooke, John Esten - Outlines from the Outpost; Edited by Richard Harwell
14522: Cooke, Grace MacGowan - Their First Formal Call
17854: Cooley, Elizabeth F. - Vermont Imprints Before Eighteen Hundred : An Introductory Essay on the History of Printing in Vermont, with a List of Imprints 1779-1799
16286: Coolidge, W.A.B., and H. Dübi - Hochgebirgsführer Durch Die Berner Alpen (Guide to the Bernese Alps) Volume II; Gemmi Bis Petersgrat; Volume III; Bietschhorn-Und Aletschhorn - Gruppen
13118: Coolidge, Louis A. - An Old Fashioned Senator: Orville H. Platt of Connecticut; the Story of a Life Unselfishly Devoted to Public Service
14037: Cooper, Elizabeth - The Heart of O Sono San
18355: Cooper, Helen A. - Winslow Homer Watercolors
12841: Cooper, James Fenimore - Lionel Lincoln, or, the Leaguer of Boston. By the Author of "the Spy
17561: Corry, John A. - A Rough Ride to Albany, Teddy Runs for Governor
18243: Cortelyou, George B. - George B. Cortelyou As the Postmaster General, Typed Letter, Signed, (Tls) One Page, (Approx. 8. 5" X 5. 5") on U.S. Postmaster General's Stationery to Kenneth Caswell of New York, N.Y. , March 22, 1906
19351: Cotton, Edward H. - Theodore Roosevelt, the American
13179: Cotton, Edward H. - Theodore Roosevelt the American / Teodoro Roosevelt L'Americano
17527: Cotton, Edward H. - Theodore Roosevelt, the American
19344: Cotton, Edward H. - Theodore Roosevelt the American / Teodoro Roosevelt L'Americano
12475: (Cowper and Thomson) - The Works of Cowper and Thomson, Including Many Letters and Poems Never Before Published in This Country. With a New and Interesting Memoir of the Life of Thomson. Complete in One Volume
14373: Coykendall, Ralf - Duck Decoys and How to Rig Them
19465: Cramer, Pierre - Papillons Exotiques Des Trois Parties Du Monde: Plate VIII, Aurota, Doris, Tipha, Laomedia
19466: Cramer, Pierre - Papillons Exotiques Des Trois Parties Du Monde: Plate LXIV, Janus and Egeus
15047: Crane, Stephen - The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky; Introduction by John Jenkins
14353: Cronwright-Schreiner, S. C. - The Migratory Springbucks of South Africa; (the Trekbokke) Also an Essay on the Ostrich and a Letter Descriptive of the Zambesi Falls
12121: Crowe, J. A. and G. B. Cavalcaselle - The Life and Times of Titian with Some Account of His Family
15167: Cruikshank, George - Hop-O' My Thumb and the Seven League Boots
19324: Culpepper, Marilyn Mayer - Women of the CIVIL War South
15631: Cumming, Roualeyn Gordon; with an Introduction by Bayard Taylor - A Hunter's Life Among Lions, Elephants and Other Wild Animals of South Africa. ; Two Volumes in One. Complete
18587: Cumming, Roualeyn Gordon. Bayard Taylor, Editor - Wild Men and Wild Beasts or Scenes in Camp or Jungle
15464: Cunningham, Marion - The Supper Book
18016: Cunningham, Jr., Noble E. - In Pursuit of Reason the Life of Thomas Jefferson
19460: Curtis, William - 1817 Hand-Colored Antique Curtis Botanical Print, Epilobium Hirsutum (Great Hairy Willow-Herb)
19385: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 906; Ziziphora Serpyllacea, or Sweet-Scented Ziziphora
19383: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 749; Scilla Peruviana, or Corymbose Squil
19360: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 617; Ixia Capillaris
19373: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 664; Fritillaria Pyrenaica, or Pyrenean Fritillary
19457: Curtis, William - 1817 Hand-Colored Antique Curtis Botanical Print, Digitalis Purpurea (Fox-Glove)
19381: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 739; Sanseviera Sessiliflora, or Chinese Sanseviera
19379: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 693; Moraea Iridoides, or Perennial-Leaved Moraea
19365: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 431; Linum Quadrifolium, or Four-Leaved Flax
19366: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 398; Agrostemma Flos Jovis, or Umbel'd Rose Campion
19471: Curtis, William - Curtis Botanical Magazine Plate 792: Colutea Galegifolia, Small-Leaved Bladder-Senna
19456: Curtis, William - 1817 Hand-Colored Antique Curtis Botanical Print, Glaucium Luteum (Yellow Horned Poppy)
19363: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 499; Allium Moly, or Yellow Garlic
19474: Curtis, William - Curtis Botanical Magazine Plate 916: Uvularia Chinensis, Brown-Flowered Uvularia
19367: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 353; Mahernia Incisa, or Cut-Leav'd Mahernia
19368: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 191; Primula Marginata, or Silver-Edged Primula
19374: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 658; Menyanthes Indica, or Indian Buck-Bean
19473: Curtis, William - Curtis Botanical Magazine Plate 869: Allium Triquetrum, Three-Edged Garlick
19458: Curtis, William - 1817 Hand-Colored Antique Curtis Botanical Print, Galeopsis Versicolor (Large-Flowered Hemp-Nettle)
19356: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 987; Cortusa Matthioli, or Bear's Ear Sanicle
19361: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 557; Trifolium Spadiceum, or Bay Coloured Trefoil
12845: Curtis, George William - Washington Irving, a Sketch
19472: Curtis, William - Curtis Botanical Magazine Plate 846: Ixia Erecta, V. Lutea, Yellow Upright Ixia
19370: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 370 ; Housstonia Caerulea, or Blue-Flowered Houstonia
19459: Curtis, William - 1817 Hand-Colored Antique Curtis Botanical Print, Epilobium Augustifolium (Rosebay Willow-Herb, Persian or French Willow)
19364: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 505; Dianella Caerulea, or Blue Dianella
19470: Curtis, William - Curtis Botanical Magazine Plate 767: Melanthium Uniflorum, Yellow Melanthium
19362: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 504; Geranium Argenteum, or Silver Leav'd Crane's -Bill
19387: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 1013; Ixia Capillaris, or Rose-Colored Ixia
19469: Curtis, William - Curtis Botanical Magazine Plate 750: Moraea Papilonacea, Dwarf Moraea
19371: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 569; Gladiolus Watsonius, or Dwarf Watson's Corn-Flag
19358: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 511; Chironia Linoides, or Flax-Leaved Chironia
19380: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 737; Cerbera Ahouai, or Oval-Leaved Cerbera
19372: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 601; Watsonia Brevifolia, or Short-Leaved Watsonia
19357: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 912; Campanula Macrophylla, or Large-Leaved Bell-Flower
19369: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 613; Morea Edulis, or Long-Leaved Morea
19376: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 1012; Moraea Ciliata or Ciliate-Leaved Moraea
19454: Curtis, William - 1817 Hand-Colored Antique Curtis Botanical Print, Cynoglossum Officinale (Houndstongue)
19455: Curtis, William - 1817 Hand-Colored Antique Curtis Botanical Print, Helleborus Viridis (Green Hellebore)
19377: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 688; Gladiolus Cuspidatus, or Tall Corn Flag
19388: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 1006; Polygala Alpoecuroides, or Fox-Tail Milk-Wort
19386: Curtis, William - Original Hand Colored Print No. 967; Pultanaea, or Villous Pultenaea
17128: Cushion, John - Continental Porcelain
15801: Dale, Ivan R. and P. J. Greenway - Kenya Trees & Shrubs
13595: Damon, Fannie A. - In the Shadow of the Pines; with an Introduction by Alfred A. Furman
12421: (Daniel, John H.) - Stories by Old Daniel; the Village Story-Teller
18127: Daniels, Josephus - (Salesman's Dummy) the Life of Woodrow Wilson 1856-1924
17727: (Dartmouth College) - Laws of Dartmouth College
17265: Dartmouth Poetry Society - The Scrip, a Magazine of Undergraduate Poetry, Volume 1, Number 1
19325: Darwin, Charles - The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication
17252: Darwin, Bernard and Elinor Darwin - Mr. Tootleoo and Co
19316: Darwin, Francis - The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including a Biographical Chapter, Volume II (of II) Only
14843: Daubler, Theodor and Iwan Goll - Archipenko-Album
12594: Daudet, Alphonse - Tartarin of Tarascon, Traveller, Turk and Lion-Hunter
16664: Dauvillier, A. & others - La Montagne, Club Alpin Francais
17778: Davis, Richard Harding - Her First Appearance
16302: Davis, Richard Harding - The Rulers of the Mediterranean
18447: Davis, Richard Harding - Captain Macklin, His Memoirs with an Introduction by Theodore Roosevelt
13762: Davis, Charle Henry, Compiler - Party Platforms, Progressive Democratic Republican, in Deadly Parallel
19396: Davis, Oscar King - William Howard Taft; the Man of the Hour; His Biography and His Views on the Great Questions of Today... Including a Chapter by Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States
12610: Davis, Richard Harding - Real Soldiers of Fortune
18565: Davis, Richard Harding - Notes of a War Correspondent
17533: Dawson, Warrington - Opportunity and Theodore Roosevelt
13582: De Bosschere, Jean - Marthe and the Madman; with Illustrations by the Author Translated from the French by Pierre Loving
16660: De Golcz, J. & others - La Montagne, Club Alpin Francais
15932: de Moratin, Don Leandro, Fernandez - Comedias... Con El Prologo Y Las Noticias de la Real Academia de la Historia; (El Viejo Y la Nina; la Comedia Nueva; El Baron; la Mojigata; El Si de Las Ninas; la Escuela de Los Maridos; El Medico a Palos;)
19177: de Milford, Louis LeClerc - Memoir or a Cursory Glance at My Different Travels & My Sojourn in the Creek Nation; Translated by Geraldine de Courcy, Edited by John Francis Mcdermott
19172: de Hauranne, Ernest Duvergier - A Frenchman in Lincoln's America; Translated and Edited by Ralph H. Bowen with Introduction and Notes by Ralph H. Bowen and Albert Krebs
13348: De La Fontaine, Jean - Fables de la Fontaine
19319: de Brunhoff, Jean (Merle S. Haas, translator)` - Babar and Father Christmas``
9510: de Lasteyrie, R. - L'Architecture Religieuse En France a L'Epoque Gothique
16718: De La Mare, Water, Compton Mackenzie, Hillaire Belloc & Others - Number Five Joy Street, a Medley of Prose & Verse for Boys and Girls
15852: de Waal Ronald Burt - The World Bibliography of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson: A Classified and Annotated List of Materials Relating to Their Lives and Adventures
17402: De Barthe, Penn - The Story of Dimple Dot
19418: Dean, Leon W. - The Admission of Vermont Into the Union
15993: Deindorfer, Robert G. - The Incompleat Angler: Fishing Izaak Walton's Favorite Rivers; Foreword by Nick Lyons. Drawings by Dorothea Von Elbe
13299: DeMattos, Jack - Masterson and Roosevelt
18420: Dennett, Tyler - Roosevelt and the Russo-Japanese War. A Critical Study of American Policy in Eastern Asia in 1902-05, Based Primarily on the Private Papers of Theodore Roosevelt
13198: Dennett, Tyler - Roosevelt and the Russo-Japanese War. ; a Critical Study of American Policy in Eastern Asia in 1902-05, Based Primarily on the Private Papers of Theodore Roosevelt
17897: Department Of Defense - Emergency Rescue Training Pm-14-1 (Pocket Manual)
15040: Derby, Richard - Valor on the Pacific
19322: Devine, Jason et al. - Amoskeag Auction Company, Inc. Auction No. 92. November 17, 2012
19321: Devine, Jason et al. - Amoskeag Auction Company, Inc. Auction No. 96. August 3, 2013
18700: Devlin, Harry - What Kind of House Is That
16462: Dewar, George A. B. - The Book of the Dry Fly, (Henry Darbee's Copy); with Contributions by the Marquis of Granby and J.E. Booth
17560: Di Silvestro, Roger - Theodore Roosevelt in the Badlands: A Young Politician's Quest for Recovery in the American West
15583: Diamonstein, Barbaralee - Remaking America: New Uses, Old Places
15969: (Dickey Manufacturing Co.) - Dickey Tents, Camping Gear
18509: Dillon, John F. - John Marshall; Life, Character and Judicial Services
18822: Dinesen, Isak - Daguerreotypes and Other Essays; with a Foreword by Hannah Arendt
13172: Dinunzio, Mario R. - Theodore Roosevelt
17730: Doctor E,. White And Lady, Compiled By Miss A. J. Allen - Ten Years in Oregon. Travels and Adventures of Doctor E. White and Lady West of the Rocky Mountains with Incidents of Two Sea Voyages Via Sandwich Islands Around Cape Horn
13637: Dodge, Colonel Richard Irving - The Plains of North America and Their Inhabitants; Edited by Wayne R. Kime
15554: Donald Hoffmann - Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House: The Illustrated Story of an Architectural Masterpiece
13147: Donald, Aida D. - Lion in the White House; a Life of Theodore Roosevelt
17510: Donn, Linda - The Roosevelt Cousins; Growing Up Together, 1882-1924
13072: Donovan, Mike - The Roosevelt That I Know; Ten Years of Boxing - and Other Memories of Famous Fighting Men; Edited by F.N. H.
15098: Donovan, Mike - The Roosevelt That I Know; Ten Years of Boxing - and Other Memories of Famous Fighting Men; Edited by F.N. H.
6737: Doren, Mark Van - Edwin Arlington Robinson
13298: Dorsey, Leroy G. - We Are All Americans Pure and Simple; Theodore Roosevelt and the Myth of Americanism
12368: Dorst, Jean - The Life of Birds
19489: Dortort, Fred - The Timber Press Guide to Succulent Plants of the World; a Comprehensive Reference to More Than 2000 Species
18775: Dos Passos, John - The Grand Design
19476: Doty, Robert M. - Varujan Boghosian: A Retrospective
18377: Doughty, Charles M. (T E Lawrence) - Travels in Arabia Deserta; Introduction by T.E. Lawrence
19339: Douglas, George William - The Many-Sided Roosevelt an Anecdotal Biography
13070: Douglas, George William - The Many-Sided Roosevelt an Anecdotal Biography
6380: Downard, William L. - Dictionary of the History of the American Brewing and Distilling Industries
18059: Drew, Elizabeth - On the Edge, the Clinton Presidency
18688: Drew, William A. - Glimpses and Gatherings, During a Voyage and Visit to London and the Great Exhibition, in the Summer of 1851
17552: Drinker, Frederick E. and Jay Henry Mowbray - Theodore Roosevelt; His Life and Work
16393: Ducasse, Alain - Spoon Food & Wine
14006: Duffy, T. Gavan - Mission Tours - Africa or for Short, Let's Go
13566: Dugger, Ronnie - On Reagan; the Man & His Presidency
12840: Dumas, Alexandre - Les Mohicans de Paris
12800: Duncan-Clark, S. J. - The Progressive Movement. Its Principles and Its Programme
13529: Dupin, Charles - View of the History and Actual State of the Military Force of Great Britain; Translated, with Notes by an Officer
18802: Duranty, Walter - Babies without Tails
19318: Eastern Airlines - Eastern Rb-211 Troubleshooting
18507: Edgington, T. B. - The Monroe Doctrine
13981: Edited and published at Harvard College by Moses King - The Harvard Register; Volumes I & II. A Monthly Periodical, Devoted to the Interests of Higher Education
13940: Edwards, Albert - Panama, the Canal, the Country and the People
17330: Eichler, Lilian - (Prospectus) Back to the Dawn of Love; Prospectus for Lilian Eichler's, the Customs of Mankind
16116: Eisenberg, Lee, and Decourcy Taylor, Editors - The Ultimate Fishing Book; Featuring "a Fisherman's Seasons" by Geoffrey Norman
14001: (Elliot, Maud Howe) - A Newport Aquarelle
17821: Ellis, Richard N. and Duane A. Smith - Colorado, a History in Photographs
12795: Ellis Edward S. - From the Ranch to the White House, Life of Theodore Roosevelt; Author, Legislator, Field Sportsman, Soldier, Reformer, and Executive
12765: Ellis Edward S. - From the Ranch to the White House, Life of Theodore Roosevelt; Author, Legislator, Field Sportsman, Soldier, Reformer, and Executive
14552: Elman, Robert - The Atlantic Flyway
16552: Ely, Ben - Famous Indian Chiefs
17607: Emerson, Charles Franklin - General Catalogue of Dartmouth College and the Associated Schools, 1769-1910 Including a Historical Sketch of the College
12827: Esthus, Raymond A. - Double Eagle and Rising Sun. The Russians and the Japanese at Portsmouth in 1905
12829: Esthus, Raymond A. - Theodore Roosevelt and Japan
16334: Evans, Howard E. - A Taxonomic Study of the Nearctic Spider Wasps Belonging to the Tribe Pompilini (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae); Part I; (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) Part II; Genus Anoplius Dufour; Part III;
15387: Ewing, Juliana Horatia - Dandelion Clocks and Other Tales
15302: Ewing, Juliana Horatia - The Peace Egg and a Christmas Mumming Play
14983: Fairfield, Roy P. - Of Lobstering and Love, Trials and Triumphs
14885: Fallon, Niall, ed - The Irish Game Angler's Anthology
17044: Fance Franck - Fance Franck; the Poetry of Nature
17043: Fance Franck - Fance Franck; Pure Geometry, Natural Grace
17224: Farrington, Harry Webb - Roosevelt the Righteous
18551: Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury
18803: Feikema, Feike (Frederick Manfred) - Boy Almighty
12898: Felsenthal, Carol - Alice Roosevelt Longworth
18838: Fergusson, Harvey - The Blood of the Conquerors
13777: Ferris, Sylvan - Autographed Note, Signed, (Ans)
15318: Fezzi, Elda - Henry Moore
15984: Field, H. M. - Among the Holy Hills
15985: Field, H. M. - From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn
18832: Fielding, Henry - The History and Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of His Friend, Mr. Abraham Adams; Written in the Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes... Introduction by Howard Mumford Jones
18038: Filene, Peter - Home and Away
13704: Filipczak, Zirka Zaremba - Picturing Art in Antwerp 1550-1700
19175: Finerty, John F. - War-Path and Bivouac, the Big Horn and Yellowstone Expeditions
15719: Finley, Gerald - George Heriot: Painter of the Canadas
16206: Finley, (Farquarson), Martha - Elsie's Motherhood
14466: Firestone, Clark B. - Bubbling Waters
14854: Fish, Williston and Harold Darling - Pictures in the Fire
18369: Fisher, Walter K. - Starfishes of the Philippine Seas and Adjacent Waters
13021: Fitch, Asa - An Essay Upon the Wheat-Fly; and Some Species Allied to It
13030: Fitch, Asa - The Most Pernicious Species of United States Insects and the Curculio, Two Addresses Delivered at the Annual Meetings of the New York State Agricultural Society, A.D. 1859 and 1860
13031: Fitch, Asa - First and Second Report on the Noxious, Beneficial, and Other Insects of the State of New York. Made to the State Agricultural Society. .
13025: Fitch, Asa - State of New York No. 151 in Assembly, April 3, 1855, Report of Asa Fitch, M.D. On the Noxious, Beneficial, and Other Insects of the State of New York
14473: (Fitzgerald, Edward) - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
19143: Flanagan, John T. - America Is West: An Anthology of Middlewestern Life and Literature
15327: Flavell, John H. - The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget; Foreword by Jean Piaget
19479: Fletcher, Pamela, Editor - The Porcelains of Brother Thomas: Gifts from the Fire
19336: Flexner, James Thomas - George Washington: Anguish and Farewell (1793-1799)
15381: Flynt, Henry M. and Martha Gady Fales - The Heritage Fondation Collection of Silver: With Biographical Sketches of New England Silversmiths, 1625-1825
13169: Foley, James - The Voices of Song, a Book of Poems
13121: Foley, James - The Voices of Song, a Book of Poems
16477: Foo, Susanna - Chinese Cuisine: The Fabulous Flavors & Innovative Recipes of North America's Finest Chinese Cook
16822: Forbes-Lindsay, C. H. - The Story of Panama and the Canal, a Complete History... The Salesman's Dummy
12160: Forbes, A. C. - English Estate Forestry
18871: Foreman, Grant - Marcy and the Gold Seekers, the Journal of Captain R.B. Marcy, with an Account of the Gold Rush over the Southern Route
15688: Forley, Diane with Catherine Young, Photograsphs by Victor Schrager - The Anatomy of a Dish
18829: Forster, E. M. - The Longest Journey
16344: Fowler, Henry W. - Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum... With a Report of the Crustacea of New Jersey, 1911
13747: Fowler, Charles Henry - Patriotic Orations; Prepared for Publication by His Son, Carl Hitchcock Fowler; with an Introduction by John Wesley Hill
18689: Fox, Jr., James - A Knight of the Cumberland
18686: France, Anatole - The Crime of Syvestre Bonnard; Translated from the French
18596: Francis, Dick - Come to Grief
18597: Francis, Dick - Hot Money
18593: Francis, Dick and Felix Francis - Dead Heat
18594: Francis, Dick - Wild Horses
18595: Francis, Dick - Decider
18589: Francis, Dick - Longshot
18590: Francis, Dick - Driving Force
18591: Francis, Dick - Comeback
13076: Francis, Robert C., Chair - The Bering Sea Ecosystem
16356: Frank, Bernard - Mieux Vivre; No 9; Septembre 1938; la Voile
7408: Franks, Kenny A. and Paul F. Lambert - Early Louisiana and Arkansas Oil: A Photographic History, 1901-1946
14421: Freeman, Dr. Larry, (Compiler) - Victorian Posters; from the Library of Victorian Culture
17815: French, Marilyn - Shakespeare's Division of Experience
15404: Friedenthal, Richard - Letters of the Great Artists; Vol. 1; from Ghiberti to Gainsborough--Vol II; from Blake to Pollock
14840: Friedman, Benamin M. - The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth
13205: Fullerton, James - Autobiography of Roosevelt's Adversary
15013: Furtman, Michael - Trout Country
14607: Fussell, Paul - The Boy Scout Handbook and Other Observations
15971: Gallinger, Jacob H. - Panama Canal Tolls; Speech of Jacob H. Gallager of New Hampshire in the Senate of the United States, March 30, 1914
15963: (Garboden, W. T.) - When Teddy Reigns, More Truth Than Philosophy
18458: Gard, Wayne - The Great Buffalo Hunt
19413: Garden, Maren Lockwood - Oneida: Utopian Community to Modern Corporation
18771: Gardner, Joseph L. - Departing Glory; Theodore Roosevelt As Ex-President
19233: Gardner, Pauline & A. Blake Gardner - Vermont Wilds, a Focus on Preservation; Photographs by A. Blake Gardner, Foreword by Sen. Patrick J. Leahy
12718: Gardner, Percy - Archaeology and the Types of Greek Coins
18717: Garland, Hamlin - Back Trailers from the Middle Border
19452: Garrison, Everett with Hoagy Carmichael - A Master's Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod
17098: (Garth Clark Gallery) - Carlo Zauli
16339: Gaston, A J & D. N. Nettleship - The Thick-Billed Murres of Prince Leopold Island; a Study of the Breeding Ecology of a Colonial High Arctic Seabird
12373: George Willett - Birds of the Pacific Slope of Southern California
13573: George, Edwin S. - A Journey to the Garden of Allah
18375: Gerdts, William H. & Russell Burke - American Still-Life Painting
16612: Gerould, Samuel L. - The Congregational and Presbyterian Churches and Ministers of New Hampshire 1875-1900 Coonected with the General Association. Part I. Churches and Ministers; Part II. Alphabetical List of Ministers
12853: Gershaw, Senator F. W. - A Brief History of Southern Alberta "the Short Grass Area
17797: Gilbert, W. S. - The Bab Ballads with Which Are Included Songs of a Savoyard
12351: Gilbert, W. S. - The "Bab" Ballads. Much Sound and Little Sense
17759: Gilbert, James Stanley - Panama Patchwork, Poems
19197: Gildea, Robert - Marianne in Chains: Daily Life in the Heart of France During the German Occupation
17485: Giles, Henry - Human Life in Shakespeare
16897: Gill, John (editor) - New: American and Canadian Poetry: No 8; December 1968
15958: Gillies, John - The History of Ancient Greece; Its Colonies and Conquests; from the Earliest Accounts Till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East Including the History of Literature, Philosophy and the Fine Arts
18226: Gilman, Bradley - Roosevelt, the Happy Warrior
19337: Gilman, Bradley - Roosevelt, the Happy Warrior
17853: Gilmartin, Gregory F. - Shaping the City, New York and the Municipal Art Society
13619: Gissing, George - By the Ionian Sea; Notes on a Ramble in Southern Italy
18394: Giulio Giannini & Son - Christmas Day Comes Round Again... ; a Greetings Post Card Trade Catalogue
19428: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - The Works of Goethe Illustrated by the Best German Artists
18378: Goldsmith, Oliver - The Deserted Village Illustrated by the Etching Club
13505: Goldsmith, Oliver - Poems, Plays and Essays by Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. With a Critical Dissertation on His Poetry by John Aiken, M.D.
13383: Goodenough, Caroline Leonard - Natal Lilies and Other Poems
18368: Gough, John B.; Introduction by Rev. Lyman Abbott - Platform Echoes: Living Truths for the Head and Heart... . Drawn from the Bright and Shady Sides of Life
13831: Gould, Lewis L. - The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
17227: Graham, Harry & Strothmann, F. (Illustrator) - Misrepresentative Men
5432: Grant, Robert - The Convictions of a Grandfather
12515: Gray, David - Gallops I; Gallops II; Mr. Carteret;
16609: Great Western Railway Of England - Devon, the Shire of the Sea Kings
15114: Green, M.D., Samuel A. - Two Narratives of the Expedition Against Quebec, A.D. 1690, Under Sir William Phips. The One by Rev. John Wise, of Ipswich Mass. ,and the Other by an Unknown Writer. With an Introduction by Samuel A. Green. ; the Struggle of France and England for North America. With Maps and Devices by Samuel H. Bryant
13958: Green, Nathan C. - The War with Spain and Story of Spain and Cuba
17262: Green, M.D., Samuel A. - The Northern Boundary of Massachusetts in Its Relation to New Hampshire; a Part of the Council's Report Made to the American Antiquarian Society, at Worcester on October 21, 1890
13454: Green, Benny - P.G. Wodehouse, a Literary Biography
15285: Greenaway, Kate - Under the Window, Pictures and Rhymes for Children
18198: Greene, Graham - It's a Battlefield
18199: Greene, Graham - A Sense of Reality; New Fiction by Graham Greene
16987: Greene, Graham - The Tenth Man
18131: Greene, Graham - The Man Within
18125: Greene, Graham - The Honorary Consul
18202: Greene, Graham - Yours Etc. Letters to the Press 1945 - 89 Selected & Introduced by Christopher Hawtree
16698: Greenwood, Grace - Stories of Many Lands
19445: (Greg, Mary) - Walter in the Woods
14245: Grey, William Steele - Saludos: Poems by William Steele Grey
14323: Grindon, Leo. H. - Life: Its Nature, Varieties, and Phenomena
19300: Grisewood, R[obert] Norman - Zarlah the Martian
16509: Grogan, John - Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog
16504: (Grolier Club) Greg Kuzma - (Grolier Club) Books, a Poem by Greg Kuzma
19047: Guild, Reuben Aldridge - Footprints of Roger Williams
13128: Gussow, H. T. and W. S. Odell - Mushrooms and Toadstools: An Account of the More Common Edible and Poisonous Fungi of Conada
18711: Guthrie, Jr., A. B. - These Thousand Hills
18788: Haas, Jessie - Uncle Daney's Way
15100: Hagedorn, Hermann - The Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt; Edited for School Use by H.C. Newton
13277: Hagedorn, Hermann - Theodore Roosevelt, a Biographical Sketch and Excerpts from His Writings and Addresses
13963: Hagedorn, Hermann - The Bugle That Woke America; the Saga of Theodore Roosevelt's Last Battle for His Country
18770: Hagedorn, Hermann - The Rough Riders, a Romance
13294: Hagedorn, Hermann - The Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt; Edited for School Use by H.C. Newton
17661: Hagedorn, Hermann - Poems and Ballads
14178: Haldeman, H. R. - The Haldeman Diaries; Inside the Nixon White House; Introduction and Afterword by Stephen E. Ambrose
13998: Hale, Edward Everett - Mrs. Merriam's Scholars: A Story of the "Original Ten. " (Ten Times One Series); Ten Times One Series
13338: Hale, Mrs. Annie Riley - Rooseveltian Fact and Fable
18419: Hale, Mrs. Annie Riley - Rooseveltian Fact and Fable
17229: Hale, William Bayard - A Week in the White House with Theodore Roosevelt; a Study of the President at the Nation's Business
13059: Hale, Mrs. Annie Riley - Excerpts from Rooseveltian Fact and Fable; with Addenda
14015: Hall, Frederick F. - Toggles: An Outdoor Boy
14098: Hall, Henry Marion - Idylls of Fishermen: A History of the Literary Species
17504: Hall, H. Fielding - A People at School
13368: Hall, Josef Washington - Eminent Asians; Six Great Personalities of the New East
13230: Halliwell, James O. and Thomas Wright - A Glossary or Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, Etc. ; Which Have Been Thought to Require Illustration in the Works of English Authors Particularly Shakespere and His Contemporaries
16405: Hallock, Charles - The Fishing Tourist: Angler's Guide and Reference Book
16823: Halstead, Murat, Introduction - Living Issues of the Campaign of 1904 Including Lives of Roosevelt and Fairbanks... . (Title on Cloth Cover; "Roosevelt and the Campaign of 1904") the Salesman's Dummy
12619: Halstead, Murat - Adventurous Life and Heroic Deeds of Theodore Roosevelt Containing a Full Account of His Distinguished Career, His Ancestry and Education, Life on a Western Ranch Among the Cowboys, Governor of New York, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Famous Leader of the Rough Riders Etc; Together with His Remarkable Characteristics. The Achievements of His Administration; His Wise Statesmenship; His Manly Courage, Patriotism, Etc. Etc. Rendering Him a Model for the Young Men of America
16276: Hambrecht, George P. - Abraham Lincoln, His Spirit Lives, an Appreciation
16287: Hamer, Red - Four Seasons of the Chesapeake: Volume II, Fall and Winter
18019: Hamilton, Nigel - Jfk Reckless Youth
13412: Hamiltonian Club of Chicago - Souvenir Convention Number of the Hamiltonian... And the Official Order of Business of the Republican Convention, Held at the Coliseum, Chicago, June 18th, 1912
17290: Hammond, M. M. - Memoir of Capt. M.M. Hammond, Rifle Brigade: Who Fell in the Siege of Sabastopol, at the Age of Thirty-One, Abridged
18618: Hanif, Mohammed - A Case of Exploding Mangoes
18109: Hankins, Maude McGehee - Daddy Gander
19264: Hannaford, Peter and Charles D. Hobbs - Remembering Reagan
12793: Hansbrough, Henry Clay - The Wreck, an Historical and a Critical Study of the Administrations of Theodore Roosevelt and of William Howard Taft
10090: Hard, William - Theodore Roosevelt; a Tribute by William Hard
17515: Hard, William - Theodore Roosevelt; a Tribute by William Hard
15226: Hard, William - Theodore Roosevelt; a Tribute by William Hard
14130: Harper, Henry H. - Bob Hardwick: The Story of His Life and Experiences
15762: Harris, Joel Chandler - Nights with Uncle Remus; Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation
17243: Harrison, Colin - An Atlas of the Birds of the Western Palaearctic; Design and Cartography by Crispin Fisher
18656: Hart, Lilias Macbean, and Preface by David R. Godine - The Four Seasons of Mary Azarian
19200: Hart, William S., Edited by Martin Ridge - My Life East and West
16548: Harts, William Wright - Harbour Improvement on the Pacific Coast of the United States
18219: Hastings, William T., (Editor) (Printed By Updike) - A Century of Scholars, Rhode Island Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa, 1830-1930
16705: Hauge, Victor and Takako Hauge - Folk Traditions in Japanese Art; Introduction & Catalogue by Victor and Takako Hauge
16586: Haxworth, Lily - Cooking Made Easy
19448: Heacox, Cecil - The Compleat Brown Trout: A Special Centennial Edition
14220: Head, Raymond - The Indian Style
19066: Heckmair, Anderl - Die Drei Letzten Probleme Der Alpen. Matterhorn-Nordwand, Grandes Jorasses-Nordwand, Eiger-Nordwand; the Last Three Problems of the Alps. Matterhorn North Face, Grandes Jorasses North Face, Eiger North Face
17334: Hege, Hugo - A Factful and Colorful Guide to Washington, D.C. A Modern Guide to Our the Nation's Capital
15807: Heller, Walter W. - New Dimensions of Political Economy
17375: Hemens, Roland D. & Others - Some Notes on University Press Publishing
13815: Henderson, Daniel - Jungle Roads and Other Trails of Roosevelt; a Book for Boys
16596: Henry, Robert S. - The Railroad Land Grant Legend in American History Texts
15097: Henty, G. A. - Through Three Campaigns; a Story of Chitral, Tirah and Ashanti
19089: Hepburn, Andrew A. - Complete Guide to New York City Including Westchester County and Long Island
17482: Herbert, S. - The First Principles of Evolution
12410: Hergesheimer, Joseph - Swords and Roses
17174: Herman Lundborg & J. Runnstrom - The Swedish Nation in Word and Picture - Together with Short Summaries of the Contributions Made by Swedes Within the Fields of Anthropology, Race-Biology, Genetics and Eugenics. A Jubilee Book Given out, with the Cooperation of Experts Commissioned by the Swedish Society for Race-Hygiene
17429: Herschel, Alexander S. - Observations of the August Meteors in 1871 in "the Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological Society" New Series, Vol. 1 Number 1; January, 1872
14233: Hersh, Burton - The Education of Edward Kennedy, a Family Biography; Foreword by James Macgregor Burns
15803: Herzog, Theodor Carl Julius - Die Bryophyten Meiner Zweiten Reise Durch Bolivia. (the Bryophytes, My Second Trip Through Bolivia)
16300: Hesekiel, John George Louis - The Life of Bismarck, Private and Political; with Descriptive Notes of His Ancestry; Translated and Edited with an Introduction, Explanatory Notes and Appendices by Kenneth R.H. Mackenzie
17016: Hetherington, A. L. - The Early Ceramic Wares of China; with an Introduction by R.L. Hobson
17755: Higgers, Jim - The Adventures of Theodore As Related to One of the Rough Writers; a Humorous Extravaganza As Related by Jim Higgers to One of the Rough Writers
12753: Hill, Howard C. - Roosevelt and the Caribbean
16217: Hill, Les & Graeme Marshall - Stalking Trout, a Serious Fisherman's Guide
13554: Hill, Joseph J. - The History of Warner's Ranch and Its Environs; with a Preface by Herbert E. Bolton and Two Etchings by Loren Barton
18824: Hill, L.L. - Treatise on Heliochromy; or, the Production of Pictures, by Means of Light, in Natural Colors; Facsimile Edition with an Introduction by William B. Becker
19117: Hillenbrand, Laura - Unbroken, an Olympian's Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive
13324: Himmelheber, Georg - Biedermier Furniture; Translated and Edited by Simon Jervis
13069: Hindle, Brooke - The Pursuit of Science in Revolutionary America 1735-1789
17834: Hobson, Charles F. - The Great Chief Justice, John Marshall and the Rule of Law
19021: Hobson, Richard Pearson - Richard Pearson Hobson, (Als) Autographed Letter, Signed
12338: Hodgson, Godfrey - A Great and Godly Adventure: The Pilgrims and the Myth of the First Thanksgiving
17076: Hoffman, Virginia & Robert Hoffman - The Wine-Lover's Holiday Cookbook; Menus, Recipes & Wine Selections for Holiday Entertaining
17077: Hoffman, Virginia & Robert Hoffman - The Great Little Food with Wine Cookbook; 76 Cooking with Wine Recipes, Pairing Food with Wine, How & Where to Buy Wine, Ordering Wine in a Restaurant
17068: Hoffman, Virginia & Robert Hoffman - Great Salsa; 96 Exciting Salsa Recipes
18373: Hoffman, Ernst, (text) - Kranichstein. Renaissanceschlofs Und Jagdmuseum Bei Darmstadt. (Kranichstein, Renaissance Castle and Hunting Museum Near Darmstadt. A Picture Book)
17072: Hoffman, Virginia & Robert Hoffman - Cooking with Wine; 86 Winery Chefs Share 172 of Their Favorite Recipes for Cooking with Wine and Pairing Wine with Food
17837: Hoffmann, Donald - The Architecture of John Wellborn Root
17994: Holmes, S. J. - Life and Evolution, an Introduction to General Biology
15922: Holuigue, Diane - Savoring Provence: Recipes and Reflections on Provencal Cooking
16153: Holz, Irmgard - Hugo Kauffmann 1844 - 1915. Werkverzeichnis Der Gemialde (Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings)
19449: Homel, D. B. - The Quiet Pool: Fly Fishing the Rivers & Still Waters of Washington
12846: Hone, William - The Table Book, of Daily Recreation and Information;; Concerning Remarkable Men, Manners, Times, Seasons, Solemnities, Merry-Makings, Antiquities and Novelties, Forming a Complete History of the Year
16799: Honey, W. B. - Corean Pottery
18157: Hooper, Marion - Life Along the Connecticut River
13561: Hoover, Herbert - The Challenge to Liberty
14520: Hopper, Nora - Under Quicken Boughs
17829: Hough, Jr., John - A Player for a Moment, Notes from Fenway Park
16274: Houser, M. L. - The Education of Abraham Lincoln
16268: Houser, M. L. - Lincoln's Early Political Education
16273: Houser, M. L. - Abraham Lincoln, Student. His Books
15244: Hovenkamp, Jan Willem - Merimee' Et la Couleur Locale. (Merimee' and Local Color - Contribution to the Study of Local Color)
13398: Howells, W. D. - Familiar Spanish Travels
13789: Howells, W. D. - A Counterfeit Presentment. Comedy
13865: Howland, Harold - Theodore Roosevelt and His Times. A Chronicle of the Progressive Movement
19350: Howland, Harold - Theodore Roosevelt and His Times. A Chronicle of the Progressive Movement
19204: Hoyt, Henry F. - A Frontier Doctor; Edited by Doyce B. Nunis Jr.
17188: Hubbard, Elbert - Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists Volume XI
18914: Huberman, Leo - The Labor Spy Racket
16245: Hughes, Dave - The Yellowstone River and Its Angling
16307: Hughes-Parry, J. - Fishing Fantasy. A Salmon Fisherman's Note-Book
15240: Hughes, Edward - Outlines of Physical Geography, Descriptive of the Inorganic Matter of the Globe, and the Distribution of Organized Beings
13574: Hummel, George F. - Summer Lightning
18520: Humphrey, Zephine - Green Mountains to Sierras
14267: Humphrey, Zephine - 'Allo Good-by
16233: Humphrey, William - My Moby Dick
16324: Hunting, Gardner - Barry Dare and the Mysterious Box
17590: Hutchings, W. W. - London Town, Past and Present; with a Chapter on the Future in London by Ford Madox Hueffer
17206: Hutchinson, A.S.M. - The Book of Simon
17478: Huxley, Thomas Henry - Science and Culture and Other Essays
14439: Hyde, Henry M. - Six Possible Presidents. Technical World Magazine, November, 1912
18471: Indiana Botanic Gardens - Cooking with Herbs
14327: Ingalls, Albert G. - Amateur Telescope Making
14456: Inskipp, Carol and Tim - A Guide to the Birds of Nepal
18919: Isherwood, Christopher - The Memorial, Portrait of a Family
18859: Jackson-Stops, Gervase and James Pipkin - The English Country House, a Grand Tour
18690: Jackson, Joseph - Through Glade and Mead: A Contribution to Local Natural History
18837: Jagendorf, M. A. - Merry Men of Gotham
16420: James, Will - All in a Day's Riding
19422: James, Grace - Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales
12226: Jarves, Elsie Deming - War Days in Brittany
15237: (Jarvis, James Jackson) - Parisian Sights and French Principles Seen Through American Spectacles
12132: Jefferies, Richard - The Red Deer
17776: Jenks, Tudor - Making a Start
19205: Jennings, N. A. - A Texas Ranger; Edited by Ben Proctor
18465: Jerrold, Douglas - Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures
14365: Johes, Robert F. - The Hunter in My Heart: A Sportsman's Salmagundi
14235: (John Fitzgerald Kennedy) - Memorial Addresses in the Congress of the United States and Tributes in Eulogy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Late a President of the United States ; Compiled Under Direction of the Joint Committee on Printing
17494: (John Van Court) - Van Court's New Monthly Magazine; the Literary Gem Consisting of Tales, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Poetry, Music & Engravings
13923: Johnsgard, Paul A. - Diving Birds of North America
14198: Johnson, Haynes - The Best of Times; America in the Clinton Years
18224: Johnson, Merle and Frederick M. Hopkins / W. G. Vail, Compiler - American First Editions; B Check-List. Number 7. Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919, Compiled by R.W. G. Vail
14310: Johnson, W. Fletcher - History of the Johnstown Flood. The Salesman's Dummy; "All the Fearful Record; the Breaking of the South Fork Dam; the Sweeping out of Connemaugh Valley; the Overthrow of Johnstown; the Massing of the Wreck at the Railroad Bridge; Escapes, Rescues, Searches for Survivors and the Dead; Relief Organizations, Stupendous Charities, Etc. , Etc. With Full Accounts of the Destruction on the Susquehanna and Juniata Rivers, and the Bald Eagle Creek.
13974: Johnson, Merle and Frederick M. Hopkins - American First Editions Bibliographic Check-List. Number 7. Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919, Compiled by R.W. G. Vail; Reprinted from Publisher's Weekly for October 21, 1922
11567: Johnson, Robert Underwood - Aftermath: Being for the Most Part Poems Written by the Author in His 80th and 81st Years, in Supplement to His Poems of Fifty Years
18502: Johnson, Otto T. - Nineteen-Six in Vermont
17289: Johnson, L. F. - Famous Kentucky Tragedies and Trials. .
15973: (Johnson, Philander Chase) - Songs of the G.O. P. By Phi Chi Illustrated in Caricature by Will H. Chandlee
12550: Johnson, Virginia W. - Genoa the Superb, the City of Columbus
14226: Johnson, Lyndon - No Retreat from Tomorrow; President Lyndon Johnson's 1967 Messages to the 90th Congress
18422: Johnston, William Davison - Tr Champion of the Strenuous Life; a Photographic Biography of Theodore Roosevelt
16335: Jones, A. R. - The Ciliates
18036: Jones, Matthew F. - The Elements of Hitting
13976: Jones, John Price - America Entangled; the Secret Plotting of German Spies in the United States and the Inside Story of the Sinking of the Lusitania. Introduction by Roger B. Wood
15612: Jordan, Bibi - Safari Chic - Wild Exteriors and Polished Interiors of Africa
12916: Jordan, W. K. - Edward VI, the Young King; the Protectorship of the Duke of Somerset
17066: Jordan, Michele Anna - California Home Cooking; American Cooking in the California Style
16093: Jorgensen, Paul - Modern Fly Dressings for the Practical Angler; Photographs by the Author. Introduction by Lefty Kreh. Preface by Art Lee
17937: Judge Magazine - Judge Magazine Cover "Where 'the People' Always Get It". April 21, 1906
12614: Kahn, Otto H. - Le Droit Au-Dessus de la Race (Right Above Race)
19189: Kane, Elisha Kent, Edited By Chauncey Loomis & Constance martin - Arctic Explorations, the Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin 1853, 54, 55
13653: Kar, Chintamoni - Classical Indian Sculpture 300 B.C. To A.D. 500
13654: Kar, Chintamoni - Indian Metal Sculpture
18637: Kataev, Valentine - The Embezzlers
17099: Katsumie Masuru & others - Goto Hide's Graphic Art
19491: Kaufmann, Randall - Tying Dry Flies: Revised Edition; the Complete Dry Fly Instruction and Pattern Manual
18360: Kay, Ross - With Joffre at the Battle Line
18993: Kazeck, Melvin E. - North Dakota a Human and Economic Geography
17036: Keene, Donald - Noriyasu Tsuchiya Beauty and Strength, New Work
17826: Keller, Karl - The Only Kangaroo Among the Beauty, Emily Dickinson and America
17537: Keller, Morton, editor - Theodore Roosevelt a Profile
19196: Kelly, Fanny - Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians; Edited by Clark & Mary Lee Spence
15752: Kelly, Thomas - Kelly's Practical Builder's Price Book, or Safe Guide to the Valuation of All Kinds of Artificer's Work : With the Modern Practice of Measuring, and a Copious Abstract of the New Building Act, for Regulating the Construction of Buildings. ; Revised and Corrected by New Calculations Upon the Present Value of Materials and Labour. And Founded Upon the Most Approved Modes of Measurement. The Whole Arranged by an Architect of Eminence, Assisted by Several Experienced Measuring Surveyors. Illustrated and Exemplified by Steel Engravings and Numerous Wood-Cuts
12362: Kemp, Alan - The Owls of Southern Africa
19136: Kettman, Steve - One Day at Fenway, a Day in the Life of Baseball in America
10661: Kimball, Fiske - Le Style Louis XV: Origine Et Evolution Du Rococo
17049: Kindersley, Dorling - French Cheeses; Visual Guide to More Than 350 Cheeses from Every Region of France
12233: King, Captain Charles - The General's Double
16734: King, Captain Charles - Trials of a Staff Officer
18967: King, Captain Charles - Waring's Peril
12727: King, Jr., C(ardenio) F(lournoy) - A Boy's Vacation Abroad
16384: Kipling, Rudyard - The Fringes of the Fleet; a Companion Volume to "France at War
19260: Kipling, Rudyard - Kipling Stories, Twenty-Eight Exciting Tales by the Master Storyteller
18354: Kipling, Rudyard - Songs for Youth from Collected Verse with Illustrations by Leo Bates
14491: Kirkman, F. B. and F. C. R. Jourdan - British Birds
13894: Klein, Abbe Felix, of the Catholic University of Paris. Authors Translation - In the Land of the Strenuous Life
7416: Klingel, Gilbert C. - The Bay, a Naturalist Discovers a Universe of Life Above and Below the Chesapeake
18216: Knackfuss, Hermann - Durer; Artist Monograph
14879: Knight, John Alden - Black Bass
17239: Knight, David M. - Natural Science Books in English 1600-1900
19284: Knightley, Philip - The First Casualty, from the Crimea to Vietnam: The War Correspondent As Hero, Propagandist, and Myth Maker
18270: Knox Philander C. - A Typed Letter Signed
12506: Koch, Ed - Terrestrial Fishing
14582: Kofler, Oswald - Geformtes Eisen: Schmiedekunst in Sudtirol
17762: Kohn, Edward P. - Hot Time in the Old Town; the Great Heat Wave of 1896 and the Making of Theodore Roosevelt
17808: Kohn, Edward P. - Heir to the Empire City, New York and the Making of Theodore Roosevelt
19162: Kraenzel, Carl Frederick - The Great Plains in Transition
18077: Kulberg, Carl - Stranger Than Man
18413: Kullnick, Dr. Max - From Rough Rider to President
14735: Kylloe, Ralph - Fishing Camps
15867: Kyriakou, Theodore and Charles Campion - The Real Greek at Home: Dishes from the Heart of the Greek Kitchen
16638: Labaree, D. D., Benjamin - Middlebury College; a Baccalaureate Discourse Delivered at Middebury Vermont, August 6, 1865; on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of His Presidency
19192: Labram, Jonas David - Flowers All the Year Round
14060: Lacy, Thomas F. - Kaniksu: Stories of the Northwest
19442: Lacy, Thomas F. - Kaniksu: Stories of the Northwest
16662: Ladd, Wm. S. & others - La Montagne, Club Alpin Francais
12833: Lady Holland - A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith; by His Daughter Lady Holland, with Selections from His Letters, Edited by Mrs. Austin
18799: Lamb, Charles and Mary Lamb - Mrs Leicester's School; Introduction by Richard Chase
13041: Lamb, Dana S. - On Trout Streams and Salmon Rivers
17772: Lampson, Robin - Laughter out of the Ground, a Novel in Cadence
11668: Landis, Frederick - The Angel of Lonesome Hill, a Story of a President
18305: Lange, Willem, Illustrated by Bert Dodson - John and Tom
17506: Langford, George - Stories of the First American Animals
15068: Lapham, William B. - The History of the Town of Bethel Maine; a Facsimile of the 1891 Edition with a New Historical Essay by Stanley Russell Howe
18104: Lardner, Ring W. - Charles Scribner's Sons Present Ring Lardner in the Golden Honeymoon and Haircut. American Booksellers Association
18069: Lash, Joseph P. - Eleanor: The Years Alone; Foreword by Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr.
18881: Lasky, Victor - J.F. K. The Man & the Myth a Critical Portrait
19478: Lathrop, Jun,, John - A Compenious Treatise on the Use of the Globes, and of Maps; Compiled from the Works of Keith, Ferguson, Adams, Hutton, Bryan, Goldsmith and Other Eminent Authors... To the Practical Knowledge of Geography and Astronomy
14286: Lauvriere, Emile - La Tragedie D'Un Peuple Histoire Du Peuple Acadien de Ses Origines a Nos Jours; the Tragedy of a People. History of the Acadian People, Origins and Days
12451: Lavarre, William J. - Up the Mazaruni for Diamonds
14608: Lawson, Robert - Rabbit Hill
17824: Lazarev, Viktor - Old Russian Murals & Mosaics: From the XI to the XVI Century
14838: Le Feuvre, Amy - Teddy's Button
18911: Leamer, Laurence - Playing for Keeps in Washington
16972: Lee, Arthur Hamilton, (Lord Lee) - An Autographed Letter, Signed
16922: Leech, John - Pictures of Life and Character. From the Collection of Mr. Punch
12227: Lefebure, Victor - The Riddle of the Rhine: Chemical Strategy in Peace and War
18047: Lehman, John - On Seas of Glory. Heroic Men, Great Ships, and Epic Battles of the American Navy
19027: Letts, Noah Harris and Thomas Allen Banning, Edited by Paul M. Angle - Pioneers, Narratives of Noah Harris Letts and Thomas Allen Banning, 1825-1865
17436: Leverett, Frederic P. - The New Latin Tutor; or Exercises in Entymology, Syntax and Prosady Compiled in Part from the Best English Works with Additions
17827: Leverich, Lyle - Tom; the Unknown Tennessee Williams
16325: Levey, Michael - The Later Italian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen
18531: Lewis, William S. and Naojiro Murakami, Edited and annotated from the original manuscripts - Ranald Macdonald; the Narrative of His Early Life on the Columbia Under the Hudson's Bay Company's Regime; of His Experiences in the Pacific Whale Fishery; and of His Great Adventure to Japan; with a Sketch of His Later Life on the Western Frontier 1824-1894
13078: Lewis, William Draper - The Life of Theodore Roosevelt; with an Introduction by William Howard Taft, Ex-President of the United States
16326: Librairie Sourget - Librairie Sourget: Manuscrits Enlumines Et Livres Precieux 1470-1956 Catalogue XXX (30)
16327: Librairie Sourget - Librairie Sourget: Manuscrits Enlumines Et Livres Precieux 1280-1930 Catalogue XXI (21)
16328: Librairie Sourget - Librairie Sourget: Six Siecles Patrimoine Bibliophilique 1250-1895 Catalogue XXVII (27)
17165: Lim, William S. W.; & Tan Hock Beng - New Asian Architecture: Vernacular Traditions and Contemporary Style
17519: Lincoln, Charles Z. (Editor) - State of New York; Messages of the Governors. Volume X, Only;
16052: Livingston, A. D. - Fly-Rodding for Bass
18877: Livingston, J. A. - The American Stockholder
12203: Lodge, Sir Oliver - The War and After
15190: Lodge, Henry Cabot - The Compulsory Initiative and Referendum and the Recall of Judges, an Address... March 8, 1912
18902: Loeffler, Jack - Adventures with Ed, a Portrait of Abbey
16382: Logan, Herschel C. - Underhammer Guns; with a Foreword by Major Hugh Smiley
18236: Long, John D. - John D. Long, Secretary of the Navy, Typed Letter, Signed, (Tls) One Page, (Approx. 8. 75" X 5. 5") on Navy Department Stationery to M.D. Phillips, Esq. Of Rochester N.Y. , March 29, 1897
12520: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Courtship of Miles Standish and Other Poems
14531: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Hanging of the Crane
15981: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Golden Legend
15982: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - Poems
17389: Longfellow Statue Association - Unveiling the Statue of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Portland Maine, September 29, 1888
15145: Looker, Earle - Colonel Roosevelt, Private Citizen
19342: Lord, Eliot, John Trenor and Samuel J, Barrows - The Italian in America
16832: Lord, Eliot, John Trenor and Samuel J, Barrows - The Italian in America
13103: Loudon, J. C. - Arboretum Et Fruticetum Britannicum; or, the Trees and Shrubs of Britain... Volume III
13102: Loudon, J. C. - Arboretum Et Fruticetum Britannicum; or, the Trees and Shrubs of Britain... Volume IV
15538: Lowe, David Garrard - Stanford White's New York
14208: Lowry, Rich - Legacy, Paying the Price for the Clinton Years
17817: Lubbers, Klaus - Emily Dickinson: The Critical Revolution
15879: Ludy, Robert B., M.D. - Historic Churches of the World
17771: Lukas, J. Anthony - Big Trouble: A Murder in a Small Western Town Sets Off a Struggle for the Soul of America
13641: Lummis, Charles F. - General Crook and the Apache Wars; Edited by Turbese Lummis Fiske, Foreword by Dudley Gordon
13293: Lummis, Charles F. - Bullying the Moqui; Edited with an Introduction by Robert Easton, Robert and Mackenzie Brown
14162: Lundeberg, Professor Axel - Roosevelts Jagtafventyr I Afrikas Vildmarker. (the Great Roosevelt African Hunt, and the Wild Animals of Africa... Hunters of Big Game in Wildes Africa)
17801: Lutz, Tom - American Nervousness 1903, an Anecdotal History
12972: Lydon, A. F. - British Birds' Eggs
13930: Lyons, Nick - A Flyfisher's World; Drawings by Mari Lyons
12248: Mackowski, Chris and Kristopher D. White - The Last Days of Stonewall Jackson
12428: (Macleod, Anna Mary). Selected and edited by T. M. - The Washington Randolphs and Their Friends; Extracts from the Diary of a Lady of Old Virginia
14016: MacManus, Seumas - Ireland's Case
13802: Maginniss, Jr. Thomas Hobbs - The Irish Contribution to America's Independence
13920: Mahan, Alfred Thayer - Naval Administration and Warfare; Some General Principles with Other Essays
19326: Mahon, Michael G., ed - Winchester Divided: The CIVI War Diaries of Julia Chase & Laura Lee
18061: Malone, Dumas - The Sage of Monticello; Volume Six of Jefferson and His Time
14107: Maloney, John - Let There Be Mercy, the Odyssey of a Red Cross Man; Foreord by Theodore Roosevelt
18707: Malraux, Andre - Man's Hope
19118: Man, John - The Terra Cotta Army
19484: Mann, Chris - The Complete Illustrated Dictionary of Salmon & Steelhead Flies
15614: Mannados Book Shop - Fact and Fiction of the Old West and the Wild West, Catalogue No. 15
13317: Manners, William - Tr & Will, a Friendship That Split the Republican Party
17889: Manning, Richard - One Round River, the Curse of Gold and the Fight for the Big Blackfoot
18685: Manville, Marion - Over the Divide and Other Verses
17702: Marchant, F. M. - Le Nouveau Conducteur de L'Etranger a' Paris En 1829 (the New Guide for the Stranger / Visitor in Paris)
16108: Marriner, Paul - River Journal Mirimachi River; Volume 4, Number 4, 1996
16126: Marriner, Paul - Miramichi River: River Journal; Volume 4, Number 4
16314: Marryat, Captain - Masterman Ready
19193: Marshall, James Wilson Marshall and Edward Gould Buffum - From Mexican Days to the Gold Rush, Memoirs of James Wilson Marshall and Edward Gould Buffum Who Grew Up with California; Edited by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr.
19082: Marshall, Dorothy - The Life and Times of Victoria; Introduction by Antonia Fraser
14352: Marti, Donald B. - Historical Directory of American Agricultural Fairs
18343: Marvel Ik (Donald G. Mitchell) - Reveries of a Bachelor or a Book of the Heart
18344: Marvel Ik (Donald G. Mitchell) - Dream Life
19126: Mason, Nina B. - Deary Dot and the Squee
15118: Massachusetts Historical Society, (Robbins, Chandler) - Report of a Committee Appointed by the Massachusetts Historical Society on Exchanges of Prisoners During the American Revolutionary War. Presented Dec. 19, 1861
17187: Masson, Frederic - Napoleon, Lover and Husband
19275: Mather, Christine and Sharon Woods - Santa Fe Style; with Photographs by Jack Parson, Robert Reck and Others
19168: Matthiessen, F. O. - Theodore Dreiser
15185: Mattison, Ray - Roosevelt's Dakota Ranches
15186: Mattison, Ray - Roosevelt and the Stockman's Association
13647: Maugham, W. Somerset - A Writer's Notebook
17073: May, Jim - Alderbrook, Cooking at the Winery with Jim May; a Collection of His Best Recipes
17157: May, Dick - Le Dernier Songe de Jacques Bonhomme Recit Lu Par Mme Bartet Sur le Theatre de L'Opera- Comique, le 13 Mai 1915
17273: Mayes, Frances with Edward Mayes - Bringing Tuscany Home, Sensuous Style from the Heart of Italy
12745: McCaleb, Walter F. - Theodore Roosevelt
19263: McCall, Rob - Small Misty Mountain, the Awanadjo Almanack, Nature's Year in a Downeast Village
18857: McCarthy, Senator Eugene J. - Frontiers in American Democracy
13532: McCarthy, Justin - The Reign of Queen Anne; in Two Volumes
16258: McClane, A. J. - Mcclane's Angling World; Al Mcclane's Greatest Adventures Game Fishing Across America
16473: McClellan, Gen. George B. (Edwin M. Stanton) - Letter of the Secretary of War, Transmitting Report on the Organization of the Army of the Potomac, and of Its Campaigns in Virginia and Maryland, Under the Command of Maj. Gen. George B. Mcclellan, from July 26, 1861 to November 7, 1862
19022: McConkey, Harriet Bishop. Edited by Dale L. Morgan - Dakota War Whoop; Indian Massacres and War in Minnesota
14480: McCook, Henry C. - The Martial Graves of Our Fallen Heroes in Santago de Cuba
11827: McCracken, Harold - George Catlin and the Old Frontier
18242: McCullough, J. G. - The Spanish War. An Address Before the Reunion Society of Vermont Officers, at Montpelier, October 26, 1898
17424: McCurdy, M.P., Charles A. - A Clean Peace. The War Aims of British Labour. Complete Text of the Official War Aims Memorandum of the Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference, Held in London, February 23, 1918
16197: McCutcheon, George Barr - The Day of the Dog
17982: McFee, William - Sailors of Fortune
14713: McGrail, Joie and Bill - The Catch and the Feast; Photography by Mark Shaw
16383: McHenry, Roy C. & Walter F. Roper - Smith & Wesson Hand Guns
15009: McLachlan, Ian and Russell J. Zorn - Eighth Air Force Bomber Stories; Eye-Witness Accounts from American Airmen and British Civilians of the Perils of War
18064: McLaughlin, Jack - Jefferson and Monticello, the Biography of a Builder
17103: McLean, Genetta - In Black and White: Landscape Prints by Claire Van Vliet
14224: McNamara, Robert S. - Blundering Into History; Surviving the First Century of the Nuclear Age
14338: McPhee, John - Giving Good Weight
14420: Meagher, Mary and Douglas B. Houston - Yellowstone and the Biology of Time: Photographs Across a Century
17167: Meck, Charles R. & Greg Hoover - Great Rivers, Great Hatches
16088: Meck, Charles R. - Fishing Small Streams with a Fly Rod
16891: Mee, Arthur & Others, Editors - (Prospectus) the Book of Knowledge
13290: Meldrum, D.D., A. B. - Theodore Roosevelt, (a Study in Personality), an Address Delivered in the Old Stone Church, Cleveland Ohio, Sunday Evening, January 12, 1919, by the Pastor A.B. Meldrum, D.D.
13274: Meldrum, D.D., A. B. - Theodore Roosevelt, (a Study in Personality), an Address Delivered in the Old Stone Church, Cleveland Ohio, Sunday Evening, January 12, 1919, by the Pastor A.B. Meldrum, D.D.
17070: Melina, Vesanto & Brenda Davis - The New Becoming a Vegetarian; the Essential Guide to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet
16234: Mendoza, George - Secret Places of Trout Fishermen
14080: Menzies, W. J. M. - Salmon Fishing; Ftrqd1
19485: Merkt, Dixon MacD. with Mark H. Lytle - Shang; a Biography of Charles E. Wheeler
13839: Metcalf, Maynard M. - The Salpidae: A Taxonomic Study; Contributions to the Biology of the Philippine Archipelago and Adjacent Regions. United States National Museum Bulletin 100
13854: Metcalf, Keyes Dewitt - Random Recollections of an Anachronism; or Seventy-Five Years of Library Work
16903: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company - The Baby
16904: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company - Your Baby
18400: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company - Metropolitan Cook Book
18318: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company - Metropolitan Cook Book
18319: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company - Metropolitan Cook Book
13475: Meyer, Thomas - At Dusk Iridescent; a Gathering of Poems 1972-1997
15713: Meyer, Danny and Michael Romano, Photographs by Duane Michaels - Second Helpings from Union Square Cafe: 140 New Recipes from New York's Favorite Restaurant
17773: Middlebrook, Diane - Her Husband, Hughes and Plath, a Marriage
13037: Migdalski, Ed - The Inquisitive Angler
18432: Miller, Nathan - Theodore Roosevelt, a Life
13182: Miller, Nathan - The Roosevelt Chronicles; the Story of a Great American Family
11616: Miller, William Lee - The Business of May Next. James Madison and the Founding
14125: Miller & Van Beuren To Captain Samuel Winter - Autographed Letter, Signed (Als) to Captain Samuel Winter of Bath Maine, 1818
11978: Miller, J. Martin - The Martinique Horror and St. Vincent Calamity. .
16134: Milller, Robert Ryan - For Science and National Glory; the Spanish Scientific Expedition to America, 1862-1866
17456: Milne Lorus & Margery Milne - A Time to Be Born: An Almanac of Animal Courtship & Parenting
15343: Milne, A. A., illustrated with decorations by E. H. Shepard, Music by H. Fraser-Simson - Teddy Bear and Other Songs; & Fourteen Songs from When We Were Very Young; & Songs from Now We Are Six; the Three Volumes
18839: Minton, Bruce and John Stuart - Men Who Lead Llabor. With Drawings by Scott Johnston
15469: Mitchell, Don - Living Upcountry, a Pilgrim's Progress
15952: Mizushima, Urara - Japanese Entodontaceae
18879: Moch, Cheryl, Editor - Feels Like Home, Fond Remembrances in Words and Pictures; with an Introduction by Allan Gurgannus
19169: Mohr, Nicolaus - Excursion Through America
19431: Molfino. Alessandra Mottola, Paolo Getrevi, Fritz Saxl, Doretta Davanzo Poli and Alessandra Schiavon - A Tailor's Book from the Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice
14180: Mollenhoff, Clark R. - Game Plan for Disaster, an Ombudsman's Report on the Nixon Years
18041: Moloney, Tim, Editor - The Claret and the Gold, a History of the Tulla Hurling Club Centenary 1887-1987
18042: Momaday, N. Scott - The Ancient Child
17553: Monk, William Everett - Theodore and Alice, a Love Story; the Life and Death of Alice Lee Roosevelt
12842: Montgomery, James - The Poetical Works of James Montgomery with Prefatory Memoir and Explanatory Notes
12775: Moore, George - The Family Life of George Washington
19335: Moore, Clement - The Night Before Christmas
14298: Morgan, James - Theodore Roosevelt, the Boy and the Man
19244: Morgan, Kenneth O. - The People's Peace, British History 1945-1989
17831: Morgan, Joe with Richard Lally - Long Balls, No Strikes; What Baseball Must Do to Keep the Good Times Rolling
17545: Morgan, James - Theodore Roosevelt the Boy and the Man
18867: Morris, Wright - What a Way to Go
13109: Morris, Edmund - Theodore Rex
14187: Morris, Roger - Partners in Power; the Clintons and Their America
13220: Morris, Charles - Theodore Roosevelt and the Presidents of the United States; the Story of Their Lives and How They Reached the White House
11673: Morris, Edmund - Theodore Rex
13565: Morris, Edmund - Dutch; a Memoir of Ronald Reagan
15765: Morris, Edmund - Theodore Rex
14008: Morris, Charles. Editor - Morris's Story of the Great Earthquake of 1908 and Other Historic Disasters; Embracing Two Books in One Volume;...
15181: Morse, James King - Jedidiah Morse: A Champion of New England Orthodoxy
13931: Morwood, William - Traveler in a Vanished Landscape: The Life & Times of David Douglas, Botanical Explorer
19238: Mother Goose - Mary Engelbreit's Mother Goose, One Hundred Best Loved Verses; Introduction by Leonard S. Marcus
18679: Mowbray, Jay Henry - The Intellectual Giant, Roosevelt, the People's Champion for Human Rights, Covering Every Phase of the Most Vital Questions of the Day Including Biographies of Roosevelt and Johnson, Candidates for President and Vice President. .
17791: Mowry, George E. - Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Movement
18676: Mr. Yorick, (Sterne, Laurence) - A Sentimental Journey Through France & Italy
13218: Mulford, Herbert B. and Trumbull White - The "Square Deal" or Flashes from the Business Searchlight, Humanity's Plea for Justice and Protection Against Oppression by the Great Financial and Commercial Powers Whose Marvelous Growth Is the Wonder of the Twentieth Century
13320: Mullins, Linda - The Teddy Bear Men; Theodore Roosevelt & Clifford Berryman
12496: Munro, George C. - Birds of Hawaii
14027: Munroe, Kirk - The Flamingo Feather
13321: Munsey, Frank - Training for the Presidency; an Impression of Theodore Roosevelt
16395: Munson, George A. - Early Years in Smyrna and Our First Old Home Week. Np
14422: (Murray, F. Alister) - The Book of Ted or Roosevelt and the Railroads in Scripture; the Book of Ted Is a Satirical Summary - More or Less Biblical, But Not Bilious - of Recent Large Events in the Financial World, Especially Those Bearing Directly on the Railroad Problem
13419: Murray, F. Alister - The Book of Ted or Roosevelt and the Railroads in Scripture; the Book of Ted Is a Satirical Summary - More or Less Biblical, But Not Bilious - of Recent Large Events in the Financial World, Especially Those Bearing Directly on the Railroad Problem
15938: Nason, Rev. Elias - The Strength and Beauty of the Sanctuary; a Sermon Preached at the Dedication of the First Congregational Church in Natick Massachusetts. November 15, 1854
15914: Naudin, Jean-Bernard, Genevieve Diego-Dortignac and Andre Daguin - Toulouse-Lautrec's Table
15906: Naudin, Jean-Bernard, Jacqueline Saulnier and Gilles Plazy - Cezanne and the Provencal Table
17594: Neely, F. Tennyson - Neely's Panorama of Our New Possessions
18601: Nelson, Bruce - Land of the Dacotahs
14837: Nero, Robert W. - The Great Gray Owl: Phantom of the Northern Forest
16228: Netboy, Anthony - The Salmon, Their Fight for Survival
16544: Newspapers - Newspaper Advertising in the American Newspaper Directory. .
18094: Nichols, John - The Nirvana Blues
18232: Nichols, Bayard Boyd - Theodore Roosevelt, a Political Privilege
19427: Nietzsche, Friedrich - The Antichrist of Nietzsche
17440: Nixon, Oliver W. - How Marcus Whitman Saved Oregon, a True Romance of Patriotic Heroism, Christian Devotion and Final Martyrdom, with Sketches of Life on the Plains and Mountains in Pioneer Days; Introduction by Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus
16239: Norman, Charles - The Magic Maker E.E. Cummings
14409: Norris, Frank - A Deal in Wheat; and Other Stories of the Old and New West
16735: North, Charles J. - By Wireless
18517: Northcote, James, Bewick, Thomas, And Others - Fables Selected from the Works of Northcote, Bewick and Others
17805: Novick, Sheldon M. - Honorable Justice: The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes
12096: Nutter, Waldo E. - Manhattan Firearms
18563: Nutting, Wallace - Massachusetts Beautiful; Illustrated by the Author with Pictures Covering All the Counties of Massachusetts
18869: O'Neill, Eugene - Moon of the Caribbees and Six Other Plays of the Sea
15370: O'Meara, Walter - Guns at the Forks
13123: O'Laughlin, John Callan - From the Jungle Through Europe with Roosevelt
18365: Obermann, Julian - Early Islam Reprinted from the the Idea of History in the Ancient Near East
18366: Obermann, Julian - Discoveries at Karatepe. A Phoenician Royal Inscription from Cilicia with Seven Plates. And New Discoveries at Karatepe. A Complete Text of the Phoenician Royal Inscription from Cilicia with One Plate
18887: Odets, Clifford - Clash by Night
13880: Oglesby O. O. and E. B. Garey - The Plattsburg Manual; a Handbook for Federal Training Camps. Foreword by General Leonard Wood
19231: Okrent, Daniel - Great Fortune, the Epic of Rockefeller Center
18445: Old South (Austin, Benjamin, Jun) - Constitutional Republicanism, in Opposition to Fallacious Federalism; As Published Occasionally in the 'Independent Chronicle', Under the Signature of Old-South. To Which Is Added, a Prefatory Address to the Citizens of the United States, Never Before Published
13270: Oliver, Lawrence J. (Editor) - The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt and Brander Matthews
13237: Olsen, Ernst W. (Editor) in collaboration with Anders Schon and Martin J. Engberg - History of the Swedes of Illinois
19217: Ometev, Boris and John Stuart, (Olga Suslova & Lily Ukhtomskaya compilers) - St. Petersburg: Portrait of an Imperial City
14663: Omland, Erling Omar - Hill Echoes; a Mountain Epic of Friendship, Love and War
15591: Optic, Oliver - The Boat Club or the Bunkers of Rippleton
17966: (Original Photographic Frontispiece) - William Earl Dodge 1858 - 1884
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16940: Osborn, Henry Fairfield - History, Plan, and Design of the New York State Roosevelt Memorial Prepared Under the Direction of the Board of Trustees
18992: Osborne, John - The Nixon Watch; Introduction by Tom Wicker
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18300: Ovington, Ray - A Sportsman-Artist's Game Bag; with Special Preface by Jim Rikhoff
14212: Owen, Thomas M. Director, (compiler) - Revolutionary Soldiers in Alabama; Being a List of Names, Compiled from Authentic Sources, of Soldiers of the American Revolution, Who Resided in the State of Alabama
15703: P. F. O'Brien, Carpenter Builder - P.F. O'Brien, Carpenter Builder 19th Century Bill Head with Revenue Stamps
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14297: Parker, Cornelia Stratton - Ports and Happy Places
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17960: Parsons, Gen. William H. - The Issue of 1880. National Depression - Cause and Remedy Addressed to the Congressional Labor Committee
17716: Patmore, P.G. (Peter George) - Rejected Articles
17641: Patterson, Sterling - Week End Gardening, a Book Designed to Be Useful to Amateur Flower Growers Whose Gardening Time Is Limited
17866: Payne, Harry C. - The Philosophies and the People
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