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Click on booknumber for full information
000674: ENNION, E. A. R. - The British Bird
8058: GOSUDARSTVENNYY ERMITAZH - Gosudarstvennyy Ermitazh
8196: ERNST, MAX - Max Ernst: Écrits & Oeuvre Grave?
8261: ESSEX, LOUISE ET AL - The Schoolgirl
8127: ESTORICK, ERIC - Aspects of Contemporary Soviet Art: paintings, drawings and watercolours
8018: ETKIND, MARK - Boris Mikhaylovich Kustodiev (????? ?????????? ?????????)
002229: PRESENT ETONIANS - The Bubble
001119: BY ETONIANS - Sixpenny. Stories and Poems By Etonians. Number Five
000417: EVANS, GEORGE EWART - Where Beards Wag All: The Relevance Of The Oral Tradition
7793: EVANS, WILLIAM - Traité Théorique et Pratique de L'Agriculture : adapté à la culture et l'économie des productions animales et végétales de cet art en Canada
001347: EVELYN, JOHN - The diary of John Evelyn, Esq., F.R.S. From 1641 to 1705-6 with Memoir.
8641: EVELYN, PRINCESS BLÜCHER - An English Wife in Berlin: a private memoir of events, politic, and daily life in Germany throughout the war and the social revolution of 1918
004553: EVELYN, J. - A Warrior King: The Story of a Boy's Adventure in Africa
004585: EVERITT, WILLIAM LITTELL - Communication Engineering
6050: EWAN, JOSEPH AND NESTA - John Banister and His Natural History of Virginia 1678-1692
7713: EWERS, DR. HANNS HEINZ - The Ant People
7934: EWING, JULIANA HORATIA - Jackanapes And Other Tales
002624: EWING, JULIANA HORATIA - Daddy Darwin's Dovecot
7861: EWING, SAM - You're on the Air
004101: FAISON, S. LANE - A Guide to the Art Museums of New England
8496: FALK, PETER H. - Art Price Index International '96 1994-1995 Auction Season
000967: FANTONI, BARRY (COMPILER AND EDITOR) - Private Eye's Colemanballs
6305: LE FANU, SHERIDAN - The Flying Dragon
005394: FARBRIDGE, MAURICE - English Literature and the Hebrew Renaissance
8394: FARIBAULT, MARCEL AND ROBERT M. FOWLER - The Confederation Wager
7937: FARN, A. B. (REVISED AND EXTENDED BY) - The Insect Hunter's Companion: Instructions For Collecting Butterflies, Moths, Beetles, Bees, Flies, Etc
6789: FAULKNER, R. O. - Egypt From The Inception of the Nineteenth Dynasty to the Death of Ramesses III Volume II, Chapter XXIII
005224: FAWCETT, HENRY - Manual of Political Economy
8223: FEIERABEND, PETER (DESIGNED BY) - Selected from Graphis Annuals: Typography
002085: FEILING, C. E. AND JOHN OXENFORD - Flugel's Dictionary of the German and English Languages.
000447: FELLOWS, MALCOLM STUART - Home Movies
8697: ELSIE FENWICK - Elsie Fenwick in Flanders The Diaries of a Nurse 1915-1918
8248: FERGUSSON, N. D. M. (EDITOR) - Antenna Volume 8 Number 2 April 1984
004836: FERMAN, EDWARD L. (EDITOR) - Fantasy and Science Fiction
003060: FERRAND, HENRI - Grenoble and Thereabouts. Chartreuse, Oisans, Vercors, Belledone, Urage-Les-bains, Allevard, Trieves, Salette, Laffrey
002227: FERRIER, NEIL (EDITOR) - Churchill: The Man of the Century. A Pictorial Biography
6719: FÉVAL, PAUL - Le Capitaine Fantome
8293: FIELDING, HENRY - The Old Debauchees: A Comedy
002438: FILICORI, MARCO (EDITOR) - The Role of Luteinizing Hormone in Folliculogenesis and Ovulation Induction
7678: FINBERG, ALEXANDER J. - The History of Turner's Liber Studiorum with a new catalogue raisonné
002002: FIRTH, J. B. (COMPILER) - Daily Telegraph Second Miscellany
8235: JÜRGEN-FISCHER, KLAUS - Klaus Ju?rgen-Fischer: Bilder und Zeichnungen
7690: FISKOVIC, CVITO - Dubrovnik
004082: FLATTER, RICHARD - Hamlet's Father
003782: FLEMING, LAURENCE AND ALAN GORE - The English Garden
8190: FLETCHER, IFAN KYRLE AND ARNOLD ROOD - Edward Gordon Craig: A Bibliography
004733: FLETCHER, IAN (EDITOR) - Meredith Now: Some Critical Essays
002225: FLEURE, H. J. AND OTHERS - Geography: The World and Its Peoples
6044: FLORIAN, JEAN-PIERRE CLARIS DE - Fables De Florian
001061: FONTAINE - Fables Choisies Mises En Vers
5820: LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE - Fables de La Fontaine, Précédées d'une Notice sur sa vie et son oeuvre par A. Morel, d'après Molière, Boileau, Madame de Sévigné, Fénelon, La Bruyère, Perrault, Mathieu Marais, D'Olivet, Voltaire, Vauvenargues, Diderot, Marmontel, La Harpe, Chamfort, Bern
003959: FONTANE, THEODOR - Wanderungen Durch Die Mark Brandenburg. Vierter Teil: Spreeland. Beeskow-Storkow und Barnim-Teltow
003957: FONTANE, THEODOR - Wanderungen Durch Die Mark Brandenburg. Zweiter Teil: Das Oderland. Barnim-Lebus
003958: FONTANE, THEODOR - Wanderungen Durch Die Mark Brandenburg. Dritter Teil: Havelland. Die Landschaft um Spandau, Potsdam, Brandenburg
5963: FOOTE, EDWARD B. - Plain Home Talk About The Human System - The Habits of Men and Women - The Causes and Prevention of Disease - Our Sexual Relations and Social Natures Embracing Medical Common Sense..
005262: FORSTER, HAROLD - Supplements to Dodsley's Collection of Poems. Occasional Publication No.15
6937: FOULET, LUCIEN - Petite syntaxe de l'ancien Francais
8136: FOX, GERALD B. - Diesel Operation and Fault Diagnosis: A Practical Guide to Diesel Engines and Their Maintenance
7332: FRANCIS, GRANT R. - Old English Drinking Glasses: Their Chronology and Sequence
8519: FRANK, PETER ET AL - Luc Leestemaker: Paintings
000914: FRANKAU, GILBERT - The Poetical Works of Gilbert Frankau Volume I 1901 - 1916
005191: FRANKLAND, SIR THOMAS - Cautions to Young Sportsment
7089: FRASER, MAXWELL - Oxford in Pictures: A descriptive tour of Oxford and the Colleges with sixty-five illustrations and map
8556: FRASER, GEORGE MACDONALD - The World of the Public School
000339: FRASER, MAXWELL - Companion Into Lakeland
7090: FREEMAN, MIKE - A handbook for trade unionists Taking Control
000610: FRENCH, SUSAN (EDITOR) - Daily Mail Annual for Boys and Girls
005102: FREULICH, ROMAN AND JOAN ABRAMSON - Forty Years in Hollywood: Portraits of a Golden Age
003316: FRIEDENTHAL, RICHARD - Georg Friedrich Händel in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumentation
003655: FRIEDENTHAL, RICHARD - Goethe: Sein Leben Und Seine Zeit
004426: FRIEDMAN, BARTON R. - Adventures in the Deeps of the Mind: The Cuchulain Cycle of W. B. Yeats
005094: FROST, LEE - Lee Frost's Landscape Photography: How to Take Spectacular Photographs in All Environments
004131: FRY, GLADYS WINDSOR - Embroidery and Needlework: Being a Textbook on Design and Technique with Numerous Reproductions of Original Drawings and Works by the Author
003403: FRY, CHRISTOPHER - Venus Observed
005190: FULLER, THOMAS - Good Thoughts in Bad Time, Good Thoughts in Worse Times, Mixt Contemplations in Better Times to which is added The Cause and Cure of a Wounded Conscience
004735: FULLER, HARRY J. - The Plant World
001800: FULLER, BARBARA AND TURNER, BETTY - Bygone Uckfield
001473: FURHAMMAR, LEIF AND ISAKSSON, FOLKE - Politics and Film
000954: FURNEAUX, RUPERT - The World's Most Intriguing Mysteries. Enthralling Accounts of Events That Continue to Mystify and Baffle
7878: FURST, JULIUS - Librorum Sacrorum Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae Atque Chaldaicae Quibus Ad Omnia Canonis Sacri Vocabula Tum Hebraica Tum Chaldaica Loci In Quibus Reperiuntur Ad Unum Omnes Certo Ordine Recensentur Addito Lexico Linguae Sacrae Hebraicae et Chaldaicae
6065: FUSSELL, PAUL - Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War
003394: FUTRELLE, MAY & JACQUES - Lieutenant What's-his-name
003109: GA'G, WANDA (NOT GAG) - Millions of Cats
004760: GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH - Ambassador's Journal: A Personal Account of the Kennedy Years
8531: GALE, IAIN - Arthur Melville
8023: GALE, MATTHEW AND NATALIA SIDLINA - Red Star Over Russia: A Revolution in Visual Culture 1905-1955
7640: NATIONAL GALLERY - A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of The Turner Bequest: with which are included the twenty-three drawings bequeathed by Mr. Henry Vaughan
7573: RODNEY GALLOP - Mexican Mosaic: Folklore and Tradition
002172: GALSWORTHY, JOHN - Ex Libris
003294: GAMMOND, PETER AND PETER CLAYTON - Fourteen Miles on a Clear Night. An Irreverent, Sceptical and Affectionate Book About Jazz Records.
7953: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY - The D.A. Breaks An Egg
002292: GARNETT, DAVID - The Grasshoppers Come
000430: GARRATT, COLIN D. - Masterpieces in Steam
6557: GARRAULT, EDITH - Broder l'Asie
005044: GARRETT, GEORGE - Which Ones are the Enemy?
6842: GAUDIN, FELIX - Le Vitrail du XII Siecle au XVIII Siecle en France
7037: GAULD, IAN AND JENNIFER COX (EDITORS) - Systematic Entomology Volume 10, Number 3, January 1985
7023: IAN GAULD & JENNIFER COX (EDITORS) - Systematic Entomology Volume 10, Number 4, October 1985
7022: IAN GAULD & JENNIFER COX (EDITORS) - Systematic Entomology Volume 10, Number 3, July 1985
7021: IAN GAULD & JENNIFER COX (EDITORS) - Systematic Entomology Volume 10, Number 2, April 1985
000894: GAUNT, WILLIAM - The Aesthetic Adventure
8267: LACOUR-GAYET, G - L'Imperatrice Eugenie
003785: GEARY, A., LOWRY, H. V., AND HAYDEN, H. A. - Advanced Mathematics for Technical Students
003433: GEDDIE, JOHN - Edinburgh
005141: GEIST, KENNETH L. - Pictures Will Talk : The Life and Films of Joseph L. Mankiewicz
7262: GELLIUS, AULUS - From Alpine Snows to Volcano Fires
7901: GENDEL, MILTON - Milton Gendel Photographs
7732: LE GENDRE, FRANÇOIS - L'Arithmetique en sa Perfection. Mise en Pratique Selon L'usage des Financiers Banquiers et Marchands
7964: THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL - Historical Record of the Life Guards Containing an Account of the Formation of the Corps in the Year 1660 and of its Subsequent Services to 1835
6251: GENLIS, STÉPHANIE FÉLICITÉ - Les Veillées du Chateau, ou Cours de Morale a L'usage des Enfants. Par l'auteur d'Adèle et Théodore. Tome Premier
5724: GERHARDI, WILLIAM - My Wife's The Least Of It
7488: GERNSHEIM, HELMUT - Creative Photography: Aesthetic Trends 1839-1960
7926: VIPLAVA RACAYITALA SAN?GHAM? - Raging Storm: An Anthology Of R.W.A.
5849: GIBB, D. E. W. - Lloyd's of London: A Study in Individualism
003912: GIBBON, CHARLES (EDITOR) - The Casquet of Literature Being a Selection in Poetry and Prose from the Works of the Most Admired Authors Volume 5
7795: GIBBON, EDWARD - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume I
8199: GIBSON, FRANK - Charles Conder: His Life and Work
7941: GIDDINGS, ROBERT - The Tradition Of Smollett
8747: R. SWAIN GIFFORD - Coal Pockets at New Bedford
5514: GILBERT, W. S. - Original Plays
005322: GILBERT, W. S. - Original Plays: Second Series
002462: GILBERT, W. S. - The Savoy Operas. Being the Complete Text of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas as Originally Produced in the Years 1875-1896
002461: GILBERT, W. S. - The Bab Ballards with which are included Songs of a Savoyard
005280: GILBERT, W. S. - A Colossal Idea: An Original Farce
8510: GILHESPY, F. BRAYSHAW - Derby Porcelain
004322: GILLET, LOUIS - Paris
000703: GITTINGS, CLARE - Brasses and Brass Rubbing
002318: GITTINGS, JOHN - Britain East of Suez
6992: GLAISTER, JOHN - Manual of Hygiene for Students and Nurses
004803: JONATHAN GLANCEY (EDITOR) - World Architecture Volume 1 No.1
003810: GLAZIER, RICHARD - A Manual of Historic Ornament Treating Upon the Evolution, Tradition, and Development of Architecture & the Applied Arts.
8140: GLOAG, JOHN - Guide to Western Architecture
5865: GOERDELER, PEARL POMEROY - Wool Animals: Instructions in the New Art of Wool Sculpture
002339: GOGOL, NICOLAS - Nouvelles (1836-1842)
6549: MONBEIG-GOGUEL, CATHERINE - Inventaire Général Dessins Italiens I Maîtres toscans nés après 1500, morts avant 1600 Vasari Et Son Temps
6877: MONBEIG-GOGUEL, CATHERINE - Dessins Italiens du Musée du Louvre. Vasari et Son Temps
7062: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Pincher Martin
005233: GOLDSMITH, OLIVER; WILLIAM SHENSTONE - Essays by Dr Goldsmith Collecta Revirescunt. With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author / bound with Essays on Men and Manners; with Aphorisms, Criticisms, Impromptus, Fragments &c. by William Shenstone To which are prefixed The Life of the Au
7389: GOLDSMITH, OLIVER - The Vicar of Wakefield, A Tale
005085: GOLDSMITH, ARTHUR - The Camera and Its Images
7662: GOLDSTEIN, S. ET AL (EDITORS) - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Volume II Part 2 June 1949
7193: GOLDSWORTHY, G. J. (EDITOR) - Physiological Entomology Volume 10, Number 3, September 1985
7192: GOLDSWORTHY, G. J. (EDITOR) - Physiological Entomology Volume 10, Number 4, December 1985
6944: GOLDSWORTHY, G. J. AND W. M. BLANEY (EDITORS) - Physiological Entomology Volume 13, Number 2, June 1988
004260: GOLLANCZ, VICTOR - Journey Towards Music: A Memoir
6087: GOOCH, BERNARD - The Strange World of Nature
003236: GOODCHILD, GEORGE (EDITOR) - The Blinded Soldiers and Sailors Gift Book
000906: GOODEN, MONA (COMPILER) - The Poet's Cat
8537: MEL GOODING - Ceri Richards
6196: GOODSPEED, CHARLES E. - Yankee Bookseller
003922: GOODWIN, JOHN (EDITOR) - Peter Hall's Diaries: The Story of a Dramatic Battle
000910: GOODYEAR, R. A. H. - The Greenway Heathens. A Public School Story
003603: GORDON, COLIN - A Richer Dust: Echoes from an Edwardian Album
8360: GORDON, RICHARD - Meta Photographs
8477: GORDON, JAN - Modern French Painters
002495: GORDON, RICHARD - The Captain's Table
003089: GORER, GEOFFREY - The Americans. A Study in National Character
8151: GORVY, BRETT ET AL (TEXT) - Andy Warhol's Mao
003050: GOSCINNY - Une Aventure D'Asterix: Le Domaine Des Dieux
7299: GOSLING, NIGEL - Nadar
7600: GOSS, CHAS. WM. F. - A Descriptive Bibliography of the Writings of George Jacob Holyoake With a Brief Sketch of His Life
002447: GOSWAMI, SATSVARUPA DASA - Let There Be a Temple. India Around the World 1971-1975. A Biography of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Volume 5
8378: GOTT, RICHARD - A Future for the United Nations?
6444: GOULD, STEPHEN JAY - Leonardo's Mountain of Clams and The Diet of Worms
000901: GRACCHUS - Your M.P.
8192: GRAHAM, ROBERT - Robert Graham
000156: GRAHAME, IAIN - Ruffled Feathers
6627: GRANT, LAVINIA - Nyamuluki: A Small Piece of Africa
001846: GRANT, R. M. - Industrial Relations
003268: GRAVES, CHARLES (GENERAL EDITOR) - 100 Facts on the House of Lords
8460: GRAVES, ALGERNON - A Century of Loan Exhibitions 1813-1912
8017: GRAY, CAMILL - The Great Experiment: Russian Art 1863-1922
004428: GREEN, MAURICE B., HARTLEY, G. S., WEST, T. F. - Chemicals for Crop Protection and Pest Control
7710: GREEN, JONATHAN - After Borghese: The Peking to Paris Centenary Raid 1907-2007
7645: GREEN, KENNETH (COMPILER, PHOTOGRAPHER) - Chichester Past and Present
8533: GREENACRE, FRANCIS AND SHEENA STODDARD - William James Muller 1812-45
005245: GREENE, T. WHITCOMBE (EDITOR) - Old Words and Modern Meanings: Being a Collection of Examples from Ancient and Modern English Authors Illustrating Some Changes in the Use of Language
7890: GREENE, JOHN BEASLEY. ESSAY BY EUGENIA PARRY - Sun Pictures: John Beasley Greene
7107: GREENHOWE, JEAN - Dolls in National and Folk Costume
002792: JANE GREENOFF - 55 Country Cross Stitch Charts
6996: GREGH, FERNAND - Mon Amitié avec Marcel Proust (Souvenirs et lettres inédites)
004000: GRENSTED, L. W. - The Psychology of Religion
7344: GREY, FRANK (EDITOR) - B.P.'s Family in Picture and Story
6966: GRIFFITH, J. W. AND ARTHUR HENFREY. EDITED BY J.W. GRIFFITH AND MARTIN DUNCAN, ASSISTED BY M.J. BERKELEY AND T. RUPERT - The Micrographic Dictionary; A Guide to the Examination and Investigation of the Structure and Nature of Microscopic Objects. Vol. II. Plates
003409: GRIFFITHS, DENNIS - A history of the NPA 1906-2006
6647: GRIMARD, ED. - L'Esprit des Plantes Silhouettes Végétales
000582: GRIMSHAWE, THE REV. T. S. (EDITOR) - The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol. II
6878: GRINDEA, MIRON (EDITOR) - Adam International Review Nos. 440-442.
6994: GRINDEA, MIRON (EDITOR) - Adam International Review Nos. 493-497
8607: GRINDEA, MIRON (EDITOR) - Adam International Review Nos. 337-339 Four writers and music
7454: GRINDEA, MIRON (EDITOR) - Adam International Review Nos. 449-455
6756: GRINDEA, MIRON (EDITOR) - Adam International Review Nos. 304-5-6 Sweden in Literature
8652: GRINDEA, MIRON (EDITOR) - Adam International Review Nos. 346-348
8613: GRINDEA, MIRON (EDITOR) - Adam International Review Nos. 468-480 André Gide - pianist
8279: GRINNELL, GEORGE BIRD - The North American Indians of Today
7865: GRISOT, JEAN URBAIN - Projets de Prones pour Tous les Dimanches de L'Année - Tome Quatrième
7864: GRISOT, JEAN URBAIN - Projets de Prones pour Tous les Dimanches de L'Année - Tome Premier
8411: GROPIUS, WALTER - Scope of Total Architecture
7221: GROSVENOR, GILBERT AND ALEXANDER WETMORE (EDITORS) - The Book of Birds: The First Work Presenting in Full Color All the Major Species of the United States s and Canada Volumes 1 and 2
8735: IMAGES PUBLISHING GROUP - Int. Architecture Yearbook No 5
6101: GROVES, ERNEST W. HEY - A Synopsis of Surgery
002539: GRUNDY, FRED - The New Public Health: An Introduction for Midwives, Health Visitors and Social Workers
001033: GRUNER, HALDUR R. - Dansk Handelsbrevbog. En Samling Af Originale Breve Over Alle Mercantile Forretningsbrancher, Tilligemed De Derhen Horende Documenter
6107: GUERDAN, RENE - Byzantium Its Triumph and Tragedy
6734: GUIDOTTI, ALESSANDRO - La Badia Fiorentina
8152: GUILLON, LOUIS (EDITOR) - Horizons du Fantastique 12
8134: GUNN, EDWIN - How to Heat Your House
002082: GUNTSCH, E. AND WHITWORTH, W. W. - Bob Lebt Sich in Deutschland Ein
7724: GUTHRIE, WM. NORMAN - The Christ of the Ages: In Words of Holy Writ
003181: GWYNN, STEPHEN - The Happy Fisherman
003149: HAACK, HERMANN - Oriental Rugs an Illustrated Guide
004189: HADFIELD, MILES & JOHN - Gardens of Delight
001609: HAGEN, GUNTHER - This is Germany
8379: HAGGARD, DENIS - More Rambles in Hampshire and Sussex on Foot and by Car
8354: HAGGARD, DENIS - Rambles in Hampshire and Sussex on Foot and by Car
004929: HAGGART, STANLEY AND DARWIN PORTER - Dollar Wise Guide to Portugal
004896: RENE HAINAUX (EDITOR) - World Theatre Volume II Number I Opera and Musical Comedy
7348: HAKLUYT, RICHARD AND EDITED BY EDMUND GOLDSMID - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation Vol. IV. North-Eastern Europe, and Adjacent Countries Part III. The Muscovy Company and the North-Eastern Passage. Section II
7501: HAKLUYT, RICHARD AND EDITED BY EDMUND GOLDSMID - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation Vol. II North-Eastern Europe, and Adjacent Countries Part I Tartary
7500: HAKLUYT, RICHARD AND EDITED BY EDMUND GOLDSMID - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation Vol. III North-East Europe and Adjacent Countries Part II The Muscovy Company and The North-Eastern Passage
002936: HALL, KATRINA - Moroccan Style. The Mosaic Project Book
003634: HALL, NORMAN (EDITOR) - Gallery One: Some Pictures Which Matter
7922: KING-HALL, MAGDALEN - The Story of the Nursery
001016: HALL, DOUGLAS - Raphael Umbrian School
5583: HALLIWELL, JAMES O. - A Dictionary of Old English Plays Existing Either in Print or on Manuscript, from the Earliest Times to the Close of the Seventeenth Century
002322: HALLIWELL, DAVID - Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the Eunuchs
002244: HALPIN, LAWRENCE M. - Art in the Classroom
8626: HALTER, ARDYN - The Water's Edge: Meetings of Image and Word
003651: HAMEL, FRED AND MARTIN HURLIMANN - Das Atlantisbuch Der Musik
8482: ABDUL WAHID HAMID - Hadith
7997: HAMILTON, G. H. - The Art and Architecture of Russia
6372: HAMMOND, PETER (EDITOR) - Antenna Volume 1 Number 1 July 1977
004730: HAMMOND, P. W. AND HAROLD EGAN - Weighed in the Balance: A History of the Laboratory of the Government Chemist
001684: HAMPTON, FL/LT T. A. - Alone at Sea
7825: HANAUER, JAMES EDWARD - Walks In and Around Jerusalem
003728: HANKINSON, J. T. - Cricket for Schools
7756: HARDING, J. D. - Elementary Art: or, the use of the chalk and lead pencil advocated and explained
7961: HARDY, THOMAS - Under The Greenwood Tree or The Mellstock Quire: A Rural Painting of the Dutch School
004182: HARDY, THOMAS - A Group of Noble Dames
8775: HARINGTON, SIR JOHN - The School of Salernum: Regimen Sanitatis Salerni The English Version
004009: ROBERT HARLING (EDITOR) - House & Garden June 1968
8639: HARMER, MICHAEL - Forgotten Hospital
6365: HARPER, SUSAN BILLINGTON - In the Shadow of the Mahatma: Bishop V. S. Azariah and the Travails of Christianity in British India
004095: HARRIS, FRANK - Frank Harris on Bernard Shaw: An Unauthorised Biography Based on Firsthand Information
001905: HARRISON, JOHN - Secretarial Duties
8320: HARRISON, FRANK R. - Deductive Logic and Descriptive Language
8253: HART, H. G. - The New Army List exhibiting the rank, standing, and various services of every officer in the army on full pay including the Ordnance and Royal Marines. No. LIII 1st January 1852
8254: HART, H. G. - The New Annual Army List for 1849 (Being The Tenth Annual Volume) containing the dates of commissions, and a statement of the war services and wounds of nearly every officer in the army, ordnance, and marines corrected to 28th December 1848
6321: HARTE, BRET - Salomy Jane
8323: HARTER, JIM - Images of World Architecture
004599: HARTLEY, G. C., P. MORNET, F. RALPH, D. J. TARRAN - Techniques of Pulse-code Modulation in Communication Networks
6336: HARTOPP, COLONEL E.C.C. - Sport in England: Past and Present
7523: HARTUNG, LOTHAR - Auszeichnungen 3. Reich Spezial-Katalog 1980/81
003347: HÄRTWIG, DIETER - Carl Maria von Weber
003607: HARVEY, NEIL - My World of Cricket
7202: HARVEY, WILLIAM - The Circulation of The Blood
8671: HASKINS, CARYL P. - Of Ants and Men
003913: HASLUCK, ALICE - Recitations and Monologues
7245: MAURICE HASTINGS - Parliament House: The Chambers of the House of Commons
5921: HASTINGS, ANNA B. - Biology of Water Supply
8125: HAUFF, WILHELM - Lichtenstein. Romantische Sage aus der württembergischen Geschichte.
6629: JAROSLAVA HAUSENBLASOVA AND MICHAL SRONEK - Urbs Aurea: Prague of Emperor Rudolf II
7012: HAVILAND, ALFRED - Scarborough as a Health Resort: Its Physical Geography, Geology, Climate, & Vital Statistics, with Health Guide Map, &c.
005211: HAWKINS, SIR JOHN (PSEUD) - Probationary Odes for the Laureatship: With a Preliminary Discourse by Sir John Hawkins, Second Edition; Criticisms of the Rolliad Part the First, Second Edition
5705: HAWTON, HECTOR - The Men Who Fly
001540: HAY, IAN - The Lighter Side of School Life
003823: HAY, GRAEME - 33 Lunettes
5668: HAYDN, JOSEPH - The Creation. An Oratorio Composed in the Years 1797 and 1798. With an Accompaniment for the Pianoforte or Organ, Arranged by John Bishop of Cheltenham
005304: HAYDN, JOSEPH - Joseph Haydn Trumpet Concerto Concerto pour Trompette et Orchestre
6839: HAYES, WILLIAM C. - Egypt From The Death Of Ammenemes III to Seqenenre II Volume II, Chapter II
004043: HAYWARD, JOHN (EDITOR) - Swift: Gulliver's Travels and Selected Writings in Prose and Verse
8708: HEATH, WENDY Y. (ED) - Book auction records: a priced and annotated annual record of international book auctions volume. 91
8738: HEATH, WENDY Y - Book Auction Records: 1984-85 v. 82
003949: HEATH, EDWARD - Music: A Joy for Life
002508: HEATON, PETER - The Yachtsman's Vade Mecum
001552: HEISE, ULLA - Zu Gast Im Alten Dresden. Erinnerungen an Restaurants, Cafés, Hotels, Tanzsäle Und Ausflugslokale
003314: HELM, EVERETT - Peter I. Tschaikowsky in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
8581: HENDY, PHILIP (EDITOR) - The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum: Catalogue of the Exhibited Paintings and Drawings
002754: HENNEY, E. & J. D. BYETT - Modern Home Laundrywork
6523: HENSLOWE, LEONARD (COMPILER) - Henslowe's Motor Dictionary English-Spanish Spanish-English
003674: HENSON, HERBERT HENSLEY - Christian Morality: Natural, Developing, Final . Being the Gifford Lectures 1935-1936
5617: HEPPENSTALL, RAYNER - Saturnine
000636: HERBERT, JOHN AND MARK WREY - Christie's Review of the Season 1984
002102: HERBERT, A. P. - Laughing Ann and Other Poems
002599: HERBERT, A. P. - The Wherefore and the Why. Some New Rhymes for Old Children
6721: HERRTAGE, SIDNEY J. (EDITOR) - The English Charlemagne Romances, Parts III and IV: The Lyf of the Noble and Crysten Prynce Charles the Grete
8299: HERVEY, LORD JOHN - Ancient and Modern Liberty Stated and Compar'd
004454: HEWLETT, MAURICE (EDITOR) - The Fool Errant. Being the Memoirs of Francis-Antony Strelley, Esq., Citizen of Lucca
7109: HEWLETT, MAURICE - Open Country: A Comedy with a Sting
001861: HEYERDAHL, THOR - Fatu-Hiva. Back to Nature
6037: HIBBERD, SHIRLEY - Brambles and Bay Leaves: Essays on Things Homely and Beautiful
005059: WILSON HICKS WITH R. SMITH SCHUNEMAN (EDITOR) - Photographic Communication. Principles, Problems and Challenges of Photojournalism
001208: HILDRETH, R. - The White Slave: A True Picture of Slave Life
6941: HILL, H. AND E. DODSWORTH - Sanitary Science Notes A Handbook for Students
7843: HILL, DAVID OCTAVIUS - An early Victorian album: The Hill Adamson collection
6337: HINDE, THOMAS - Courtiers: 900 Years of Court Life
003293: HIRD, ANNA L. - Principles and Practice of Needlework and Dressmaking
003633: HITCHCOCK, ALFRED (EDITOR) - Stories That go Bump in the Night
5624: HOBBS, J. S. - The British Channel Pilot, from the Downs to Bristol Etc.
003411: HOBHOUSE, HERMIONE - A History of Regent Street
005342: HOBSON, R. L. - Catalogue of the Frank Lloyd collection of Worcester Porcelain of the Wall period, Presented by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lloyd in 1921 to the Department of Ceramics and Ethnography in the British Museum
002054: HODGSON, LEONARD - And Was Made Man. An Introduction to the Study of the Gospels
8614: HODIN, J.P. - Douglas Portway: A Painter's Life
003952: HOE, SUSANNA - Women at the Siege, Peking 1900
7349: HOLCOMB, ADELE M. - John Sell Cotman
5647: HOLLANDER, JOHN - Figurehead & Other Poems
7736: HOLLEMAN, A. F. - Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie
8500: HOLMAN, BETTY - Memoirs of a Diplomat's Wife
004562: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table
6009: HOLMES, SIR CHARLES - An Introduction to Italian Painting
003309: HOLTHUSEN, HANS EGON - Eduard Mörike in Selbstzeugnissen Und Bilddokumenten
7601: HOLZAPFEL, RUDOLF MELANDER - Shakespeare's Secret: A new & correct interpretation of Shakespeare's Sonnets
000319: DOUGLAS-HOME, HENRY - The Birdman. Memories of birds By
7742: HONAN, PARK - Christopher Marlowe: Poet & Spy
000289: HONDERS, JOHN - The World of Birds
7711: HOOLE, KEN - North-Eastern Branch Lines: Past and Present
7405: HOPE, SANDY - Lammermoor Rhymes
000305: HOPE, ALICE - Princess Margaret
8186: HOPKINS, JUSTINE - Ayrton
002256: HOPKINS, KENNETH - The Corruption of a Poet
002220: SCOTT-HOPPER, QUEENIE - The Story Of Hiawatha Re-Told In Prose By Queenie Scott-Hopper From The Poem By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
001928: HORNIBROOK, ISABEL - Captain Curley's Boy
000137: HOROWITZ, HELEN LEFKOWITZ - Culture and the City: Cultural Philanthropy in Chicago from the 1880s to 1917
000473: HOSKING, ERIC AND CYRIL NEWBERRY - Intimate Sketches from Bird Life
5748: HOUART, VICTOR - Buttons: A Collector's Guide
000929: HOUSMAN, LAURENCE - Back Words and Fore Words. An Author's Year-Book 1893-1945 A Selection in Chronological Order from the Plays, Poems, & Prose Writtings of Laurence Houseman
003808: HOVING, THOMAS - Tutankhamun: The Untold Story
004684: HOWARD, PHILIP - The State of the Language: English Observed
6559: HOWARTH, W. O. AND L. G. G. WARNE - Practical Botany
6630: NEUSSER-HROMATKA, DR MARIA - The Beautiful Vienna
7924: HUBMANN, FRANZ - Dream Of Empire: The World Of Germany In Original Photographs 1840-1914
001908: HUDSON, W. H. - The Book of a Naturalist
7562: HUGHES, PENNETHORNE - The Isle of Wight
8249: HUGO, VICTOR - Notre-Dame de Paris Volume I and II
8645: ACHIM BORCHARDT-HUME - Rothko: The Late Series
8642: HUNDERTWASSER, FRIEDENSREICH - Hundertwasser : 10 October 1973
6352: CHALMERS-HUNT, J. M. (EDITOR) - The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation Vol. 94 Nos 1-12
6047: HUNTER, ARCHIBALD - Hydropathy: Its Principles and Practice. For Home Use. Chiefly Intended for Mothers and Families
000178: HURD, DOUGLAS & OSMOND, ANDREW - Send Him Victorious
8340: HURLBUTT, FRANK - Old Derby Porcelain and its Artist-Workmen
002568: HUTCHINS, W. T. (EDITOR) - Real Adventure
7502: HUTCHISON, ROBERT AND ALAN MONCRIEFF - Lectures on Diseases of Children
7653: HUTCHISSON, ELMER (EDITOR) - Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 18, No. 7 July, 1947
000724: HUXLEY, ALDOUS - Brief Candles
001493: HUXLEY, THOMAS - Lectures & Lay Sermons
5726: HUXLEY, JULIAN (EDITOR) - Evolution in Action: Based on the Patten Foundation Lectures Delivered at Indiana University in 1951
6738: HYDE, LEWIS - Alcohol and Poetry: John Berryman and the Booze Talking
8647: THEKLA BOWSER; F.J.I - The Story of British V.A.D. Work in the Great War
7982: ILYIN, NICHOLAS - Prodannye Sokrovishcha Rossii
8189: INDIANA, ROBERT - Robert Indiana: Early Sculpture 1960-1962
004108: INFANTE, G. CABRERA - Infante's Inferno
5713: MINISTRY OF INFORMATION - Over to You: New Broadcasts by the R.A.F.
005353: INGLIS, BRIAN - The Book of the Back
004441: INGOLDSBY, THOMAS - The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels
8122: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6419 Volume 241 August 11 1962
002075: INGRAM, JIM - The Road to Adventure
8126: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6381 Volume 239 November 18 1961
7994: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6445 Volume 242 February 9, 1963
7989: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6351 Volume 238 April 22 1961
7986: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6342 Volume 238 February 18, 1961
7975: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6363 Volume 239 July 15 1961
7945: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6352 Volume 238 April 29 1961
7942: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6353 Volume 238 May 6 1961
7936: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6349 Volume 238 April 8 1961
7929: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6364 Volume 239 July 22 1961
8057: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6347 Volume 238 March 25, 1961
8038: INGRAM, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Illustrated London News No. 6427 Volume 241 October 6 1962
003222: INNES, MIRANDA - Rags to Rainbows
003280: IRVINE, WILLIAM - Apes Angels & Victorians. A Joint Biography of Darwin & Huxley
005234: IRVING, WASHINGTON - The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
001465: IRWIN, JOHN; HERBERT, JOCELYN (EDITORS) - Sweete Themmes: A Chronicle in Prose and Verse
5695: IWASZKIEWICZ, JAROSLAW (EDITOR) - Twórczosc Rok XXVI, nr 6 (299)
5694: IWASZKIEWICZ, JAROSLAW (EDITOR) - Twórczosc Rok XXVI, nr 5 (298)
8550: BILL. JACKLIN - Bill Jacklin, Silhouettes And Shadows: New York City
8546: JACKLIN, BILL - Bill Jacklin: New York City, the connected image 1997-1999
003992: JACKMAN, G. R. AND F. A. BUSH - Shrubs and Trees
002932: JACKSON, ARNOLD S. - The Answer is ... Your Nerves
6268: HAMPDEN-JACKSON, MARY - Book of Poems
003312: JACOB, J. WALTER - Jacques Offenbach in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
004731: JACOB, NAOMI - Honour Come Back--
8449: JACQUIER, FRANÇOIS - Institutiones Philosophicae ad studia theologica potissimum accomodatae
004162: SHIN-JAE, KANG - The Waves
7200: JAGGARD, WILLIAM - Shakespeare Bibliography: A Dictionary of every known issue of the writings of our national poet and of recorded opinion thereon in the English language
004960: JAKUBOWSKI, JAN ZYGMUNT (EDITOR) - Przeglad Humanistyczny NR1/82 ROK XV
004996: JAKUBOWSKI, JAN ZYGMUNT (EDITOR) - Przeglad Humanistyczny NR1/76 ROK XIV
5533: JAKUBOWSKI, JAN ZYGMUNT (EDITOR) - Przeglad Humanistyczny ROK XI Nr 6 (63)
7007: JAMES, T. G. H. - Egypt: From the Expulsion of the Hyksos to Amenophis I
7737: BRETT-JAMES, ANTONY - The Triple Stream: Four Centuries of English, French and German Literature 1531-1930
003763: JAMES, WILL - Cowboys North and South
000534: JAMES, ROBERT RHODES - Bob Boothby. A Portrait
002688: JANOT, C. - Quasicrystals
003508: JARVIS, H. WOOD - Pharaoh to Farouk
5899: JASPER, DAVID (EDITOR) - Images of Belief in Literature
001116: JAVELET, ROBERT - Épinal en images Noir & Couleur
003717: JEFFERIES, RICHARD (EDITOR LOOKER, SAMUEL J.) - jefferies' England: Nature Essays
8357: JENKINS, DAVID FRASER - Modern British Art
001364: JENKINS, E. H. - The Rock Garden
002823: JENNETT, SEAN - The Cloth of Flesh
7660: JENSEN, JOHANNES V. - Gudrun
7541: JENSEN, OLIVER (EDITOR) - A Treasury of American Heritage
6791: KEN JEPHSON, MICHAEL DEALEY (EDITORS) - Torque Vol. 7 No.3 Jubilee Issue
005201: JERROLD, WALTER - Douglas Jerrold and 'Punch'
7563: JERROME, PETER AND JONATHAN NEWDICK - Petworth: The Winds of Change
7547: JOACHIM, HAROLD - The Helen Regenstein Collection of European Drawings
6409: JOAD, C. E. M. - The Adventures of The Young Soldier in search of The Better World
7177: ST JOHN, BAYLE (TRANSLATOR) - The Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon on the Reign of Louis XIV and the Regency Volume II
8338: JOHN, W. D. - Swansea Porcelain
8563: JOHN, W. D. - Nantgarw Porcelain
8436: JOHN, W. D. AND ANNE SIMCOX - Pontypool and Usk Japanned Wares with the early history of the iron and tinplate industries at Pontypool
003525: JOHN, W. D. AND WARREN BAKER - Old English Lustre Pottery
7015: JOHNSON, EDWARD - The Domestic Practice of Hydropathy
8518: JOHNSON, LEE - Eugene Delacroix 1798-1863: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints from North American Collections
8059: JOHNSON, MARTIN - Art and Scientific Thought: historical studies towards a modern revision of their antagonism
000946: JOHNSON, PAUL - A Place in History
002771: SUSAN JOHNSTON - Early American Patchwork Quilts to Color
003754: JOHNSTON, F. C. - Starting to Paint in Oils: An Introduction to Landscape Painting in Oil Colours
6309: JOHNSTON, JAMES F. W. - The Chemistry of Common Life Volume I
8198: JOHNSTON, DAN - Design Protection: Practical Guide to the Law on Plagiarism for Manufacturers and Designers
7943: JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM - Creative Art In Britain: From The Earliest Times To The Present
8409: GALERIE DE JONCKHEERE - Pieter Brueghel le Jeune et ses contemporains
003012: JONES, H. SPENCER - Worlds Without End
000581: JONES, EDMUND D. (EDITOR) - English Critical Essays (Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries)
7933: DUNCAN-JONES, A. S. - The Story of Chichester Cathedral
004621: JONES, EWART - Germans Under My Bed
8792: JONES, NORA; WARD, LIZ - The Forgotten Army: Women's Poetry of the First World War
004054: JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD - The Age of Energy: Varieties of American Experience 1865-1915
7369: DENNIS-JONES, H. - Your Guide to Morocco
8429: JONGE, C.H. DE (FOREWORD) - Catalogus der Schilderijen
6324: JORDAN, NINA R. - Homemade Dolls in Foreign Dress
002034: JOSEPHY, ALVIN M. JR. - The Indian Heritage of America
8472: WYKES-JOYCE, MAX - Basil Alkazzi
004508: PETIT DE JULLEVILLE, L. (EDITOR) - Theatre Choisi De Corneille - Le Cid, Horace, Cinna, Polyeucte, Le Menteur, Nicomede
005335: KAFTAL, GEORGE - St Dominic in Early Tuscan Painting
5842: KAMATH, M. V. AND V. B. KHER - The Story of Militant But Non-Violent Trade Unionism: A Biographical and Historical Study
6741: KANT, EMMANUEL - La Dissertation de 1770
001310: KARFELD, KURT PETER - Brasil. Album of Coloured Photographs
7993: KARLINGER, HANS - Die Kunst Der Gotik
002345: KARVE, D. D. (SELECTED AND TRANSLATED BY) - The New Brahmans. Five Maharashtrian Families
001420: KASTELAN, JURE - Split
8800: KATZ, MARK N. - Revolutions and Revolutionary Waves
5926: KEATING, JOHN, AND HENRY HAMILTON - Kimpton's Pocket Medical Lexicon: Being a Dictionary of Words and Terms Used in Medicine and Surgery
7457: KEDWARD, H. R. - The Dreyfus Affair: Catalyst for Tensions in French Society
001030: KEITH, GEORGE S. - Fads of an Old Physician. A Sequel to 'Plea for a Simpler life'
7683: KELLY, AMY - Eleanor of Aquitaine and The Four Kings
7944: KELLY, ETHEL BERNARD - The Little White House
005129: KELMAN, JAMES - You Have to be Careful in the Land of the Free
003996: KELTY, MARY ANN - Osmond, a Tale Vol III
003971: KELTY, MARY ANN - Osmond, a Tale Vol I
000717: KEMPE, H. R. - Alternating Currents. Their Elements Explained, and Their Calculations Effected Without the Use of Hyberbolic Functions.
001551: KENNION, CHARLOTTE - Modern Geography Systematically Arranged, and Intended as an Introduction to a More Enlarged Study of the Science.
5997: KENWOOD, HENRY R. - Public Health Laboratory Work
004931: KENYON, RUTH (COMPILER) - Christ Church, St. Leonards-On-sea 1859-1935
5454: KERSHAW, ANDREW (EDITOR) - The First War Planes
002120: KETTRIDGE, J. O. - Dictionary of Technical Terms and Phrases Used in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Mining Engineering, and Allied Sciences and Industries. Volume II English-French
003535: KEYNES, MILO (EDITOR) - Lydia Lopokova
7599: KEYNES, GEOFFREY (EDITOR) - Deaths Duell: A sermon delivered before King Charles I in the beginning of Lent 1630/1 by John Donne late Dean of St Paul's
8227: KEYWORTH, JOHN (TEXT) - Amusing, Shocking, Informing: The Bank of England's Cartoons & Caricatures
8704: KHOROCHE, PETER - Ben Nicholson: Drawings and Painted Reliefs
6922: KIERKEGAARD, SØREN - Kierkegaard's The Concept of Dread.
6100: KINE, JACK - Miniature Scenic Modelling
8290: KING, WILLIAM - The Transactioneer
003813: KINSLEY, JAMES (EDITOR) - Dryden: Selected Poems
000928: KIPLING, RUDYARD - The Day's Work
6722: KISPERT, ROBERT J. - Old English: An Introduction
005425: KISSIN, S. F. - Communists: All Revisionists Now? Fabian Research Series 299
5587: KITCHENER, FRANCES ANNA - A Year's Botany Adapted to Home and School Use
005182: KITCHIN, GEORGE - Sir Roger L'Estrange: A Contribution to the History of the Press in the Seventeenth Century
005123: KLEEBLATT, NORMAN L. WITH ANITA FRIEDMAN - Larry Rivers' History of Matzah: The Story of the Jews
002672: KNEEBONE, PETER - Sexes and Sevens
8132: KNIGHT, RICHARD - Time Present and Time Past: An Exhibition of Contemporary Russian Still-Life Watercolours
003646: KNIGHTLEY, PHILLIP - The First Casualty: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist, and Myth Maker from the Crimea to Vietnam
002601: KNOWLES, SUSANNE - Mediterranean and Other Poems
004940: KOCHANOWSKI, JAN - Dziela Polskie. Tom Drugi (Volume II)
003557: KODICEK, ANN (EDITOR) - Diaghilev: Creator of the Ballets Russes Art, Music, Dance
002756: KOESTLER, ARTHUR - Arrival and Departure
004025: KOHN, HANS - Prophets and Peoples: Studies in Nineteenth Century Nationalism
000518: KOHOUT, PAVEL - Puppen-Menschen
003100: KOIDL, NINA (EDITING), CONCEPT PETER WEIERMAIR - Prospect - Photography in Contemporary Art
5505: KRALIK, HEINRICH - Richard Strauss: Weltbürger der Musik
8386: LEON KREMPEL, EDITOR - Frans Post : 1612-1680: Maler des Verlorenen Paradieses: Painter of Paradise Lost
004662: KRISHNA, GOPI - The Secret of Yoga
8169: KUBASIEWICZ, JAN - The Themersons and the Gaberbocchus Press: An Experiment in Publishing, 1948-1979
003310: KÜHNER, HANS - Giuseppe Verdi in Selbstzeugnissen Und Biddokumenten
004890: STAMPF'L, STANISLAW (EDITOR) - Dialog: Miesiecznik Poswiecony Dramaturgii Wspolczesnej Teatrainej, Filmowej, Radiowej; Bok XIV, Pazdziernik 1969 NR 10
004889: STAMPF'L, STANISLAW (EDITOR) - Dialog: Miesiecznik Poswiecony Dramaturgii Wspolczesnej Teatrainej, Filmowej, Radiowej; Bok XIV, Lipiec 1969 NR 7
004943: STAMPF'L, STANISLAW (EDITOR) - Dialog: Miesiecznik Poswiecony Dramaturgii Wspolczesnej Teatrainej, Filmowej, Radiowej, telewizyjnej; Rok XVI, Styczen 1971 NR 1 (177)
5794: LACROIX, PAUL AND M. FERDINAND SERÉ - Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, Histoire et Description des moeurs et Usages, du Commerce et de L'Industrie, des Sciences, des Arts, des Littératures et des Beaux-Arts en Europe. Tome Cinquième
5798: LACROIX, PAUL AND M. FERDINAND SERÉ - Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, Histoire et Description des moeurs et Usages, du Commerce et de L'Industrie, des Sciences, des Arts, des Littératures et des Beaux-Arts en Europe. Tome Quatrième
005360: LACROIX, PAUL AND M. FERDINAND SERÉ - Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, Histoire et Description des Moeurs et Usages, du Commerce et de L'Industrie, des Sciences, des Arts, des Littératures et des Beaux-Arts en Europe. Tome Troisième
005355: LACROIX, PAUL AND M. FERDINAND SERÉ - Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, Histoire et Description des Moeurs et Usages, du Commerce et de L'Industrie, des Sciences, des Arts, des Littératures et des Beaux-Arts en Europe. Tome Premier
7421: LACROIX, PAUL - The Arts in The Middle Ages and at the Period of The Renaissance
001415: LAHUE, KALTON C. - Riders of the Range: The Sagebrush Heroes of the Sound Screen
001471: JOHNSON-LAIRD, P. N. AND WATSON, P. C. (EDITORS) - Thinking. Readings in Cognitive Science
6940: LAMBERT, SAMUEL W., WILLY WIEGAND & WILLIAM M. IVINS JR. - Three Vesalian Essays to Accompany the Icones Anatomicae of 1934
6150: LAMBERT, GRACE - Bookland and Some People We Meet There
6733: L'ABBE F. DE LAMENNAIS - L'Imitation de Jesus-Christ Traduction Nouvelle avec des réflexions a la fin de chaque Chapitre
8710: LAMPE, ANGELA; CHÉROUX, CLÉMENT - Edvard Munch: The Modern Eye
8024: LANDOLT, HANSPETER (SELECTOR) - 100 Master Drawings of the 15th and 16th Centuries from the Basle Print Room
003350: LANDSBURG, HANS (EDITOR) - Giacomo Casanova Denkwürdigkeiten Volumes 1 & 2
003969: LANG, ANDREW - New & Old Letters to Dead Authors
000767: LANG, ANDREW (EDITOR) - The True Story Book
6860: LANGLAND, WILLIAM - The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet et Dobest, The Crowley Text; or Text B
001167: LARSON, PEGGY P. AND MERVIN W. - Ants Observed
004722: LATHROP, HENRY BURROWES - the Art of the Novelist
5930: LATOUR, DOCTEUR Y. - La Médecine Familiale Traité de Médecine écrit à l'usage de tous Maladies et Traitements Régimes - Hygiène
004831: LAUBOT, MARIE - La Petite Mere
000652: LAVER, JAMES - The Ladies of Hampton Court
6262: LAW, ERNEST - The New Authorised Historical Catalogue of the Pictures and Tapestries in the King's Collection at Hampton Court
5824: LAWRENCE, T. E. - The Mint. A day-book of the R.A.F. Depot between August and December 1922 with later notes by 352087 A/c Ross
8699: MARGOT LAWRENCE - Shadow of swords: A biography of Elsie Inglis
6657: LAWTON, J. H (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 7 Number 1, February 1982
6621: LAWTON, J. H (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 10, Number 2 May 1985
6974: LAWTON, J. H. (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 9, Number 2, May 1984
6391: LAWTON, J. H (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 7 Number 2, May 1982
6946: LAWTON, J. H (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 8, Number 3 August 1983
6933: LAWTON, J. H (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 10, Number 3 August 1985
6932: LAWTON, J. H (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 10, Number 4 November 1985
6931: LAWTON, J. H (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 9, Number 1 November 1984
6927: LAWTON, J. H (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 8, Number 4 November 1983
7211: LAWTON, J. H. (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 10, Number 1 February 1985
004805: LAY, ED. J. S. - The English People
8139: A LAYMAN AND HIS WIFE - Planning a Home: Illustrated with 13 Specimen Plans
8006: LAZAREV, VIKTOR NIKITICH - Andrei Rublev i ego Shkola
7949: LECUYER, MAURICE A. - Etude De La Prose De Paul Valery Dans La Soiree Avec Monsieur Teste
001437: LEE, NORMAN - Money for Film Stories
6121: LEE, BRIAN NORTH - British Royal Bookplates and Ex-Libris of Related Families
7373: LEE, R. W. (EDITOR) - Historical Trials by the late Sir John MacDonell, K.C.B.
7582: LEE, AMICE - Laurels & Rosemary: The Life of William and Mary Howitt
8063: LEEDS, THOMAS OSBORNE, DUKE OF - Copies & Extracts of Some Letters Written to and from The Earl of Danby (now Duke of Leeds) in the Years 1676, 1677, and 1678. With particular Remarks Upon some of them
6687: LEHMANN, JOHN (EDITOR) - The London Magazine Volume 6 No 7
7437: LEITH, WILLIAM FORBES - Memoirs of Scottish Catholics during the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries
005413: LENIN, V. I. - The War and the Second International
003317: LENNIG, WALTER - Gottfried Benn in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
004076: BARNES. LEONARD - The Homecoming
005331: LESLIE, GEORGE CLARK (SUPERVISING EDITOR) - The Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia of Recorded Music
8337: LEVENSON, SAMMY - Meet the Folks: A Session of American-Jewish Humor
7351: LEVEY, MICHAEL - Durer
7106: LEWIS, ROY AND ROSEMARY STEWART - The Boss: The Life and Times of the British Business Man
7357: LEWIS, TREVOR (EDITOR) - Ecological Entomology Volume 1 Number 3, August 1976
6762: LEWIS, TREVOR (EDITOR) - Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London Volume 127 Part 2 31 July 1975 Ecology & Biology
002825: LEWIS, D. B. WYNDHAM (EDITOR) - I Couldn't Help laughing! An Anthology of War-Time Humour
001087: LEWIS, F. (COMPILED BY) - To Fertile Vales and Dewy Meads. An Illustrated Anthology
7428: LEWIS, JUNE (EDITOR) - The Secret Diary of Sarah Thomas 1860-1865
002314: LEWIS, W. H. (EDITOR) - Memoirs of the Duc de Saint-Simon
8728: LEWISON, JEREMY - Ben Nicholson
003691: LEWITT, E. H. - Hydraulics and the Mechanics of Fluids
000132: LEYLAND, ERIC - Boys' Book of the Sea
7959: LIEBER, MAXIM AND BLANCHE COLTON WILLIAMS (SELECTORS) - Great Stories of All Nations: One hundred and fifty-eight complete short stories from all periods and countries
004741: DE LIGUORI, ALFONSO - Le Glorie Di Maria Parte I
5537: LILLY, WILLIAM SAMUEL - India and Its Problems
5861: LINDGREN, ERNEST - The Art of the Film: An Introduction to Film Appreciation
001999: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Raft and Socrates Asks Why. Two Conversations
003850: LIPMAN, JEAN - Techniques in American Folk Decoration
7504: LIPSCOMB, F. W. - Heritage of Sea Power: The Story of Portsmouth
004975: LECONTE DE LISLE - Poemes Barbares
5993: LORD LISTER - Six Papers by Lord Lister with a Short Biography and Explanatory Notes by Sir Rickman J. Godlee, Bt.
7409: LITTLE, R. A. AND K. N. FRAYN (EDITORS) - The Scientific Basis for the Care of the Critically Ill
7053: LITTLE, W. B. - Science and Health
8321: J. F. LIVELY - The Enlightenment
6134: LIVINGSTONE, KAREN - The Bookplates and Badges of C.F.A. Voysey Architect and Designer of the Arts and Crafts Movement
7260: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - English Corsairs on the Barbary Coast
001685: LOCKHART, J. G. - The Sea, Our Heritage
5982: LOCKWOOD, CHARLES BARRETT - Aseptic Surgery
7624: LOFTS, W. O. G. AND DEREK J. ADLEY - Greyfriars Since The Magnet: A Bibliography
004284: LOMAS, HERBERT - Letters in the Dark
5720: LONDON, P. S. (EDITOR) - Transactions of The Medical Society of London Volume the One Hundred and Thirteenth
003098: O'LONDON, JOHN (EDITOR) - Treasure Trove. Being Good Things Lost and Found
003855: LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. - Poems of Henry W. Longfellow Including Evangeline, the Song of Hiawatha, the Courtship of Miles Standish and Tales of a Wayside Inn
004771: LONGLEY, SEAN - The Hartlepool Monkey
004205: LORREQUER, HARRY (EDITOR) - Charles O'Malley, The Irish Dragoon in Two Volumes. Volumes I and II
8222: LOTI, PIERRE - Pêcheur d'Islande
5889: LOUIS, WM. ROGER (EDITOR) - More Adventures with Britannia: Personalities, Politics and Culture in Britain
001265: LOWE, JACQUES (EDITOR) - The City. The Traditions and Powerful Personalities of the World's Greatest Financial Centre
8538: BILL JACKLIN ; MARLBOROUGH FINE ART (LONDON) LTD. - Bill Jacklin : urban portraits, Coney island series 1992 : exhibition held at the Marlborough fine art, London, 28 October-28 November 1992.
8668: LUARD, KATE EVELYN - Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front 1914-1915
8042: LUCAS, E. V. - Highways and Byways in Sussex
8542: LUCKHARDT, ULRICH AND PAUL MELIA - David Hockney: A Drawing Retrospective
005343: LUCKIESH, M. - Light and Shade and Their Applications
8092: LUDENDORFF, ERICH - Meine Kriegserinnerungen 1914-1918
7374: LULLIN, CH. J. M. - Des Prairies Artificielles d'Été et d'Hiver, de la Nourriture des Bribis it de L'Amélioration d'une Ferme, dans les Envions de Genève
002404: LÜÖND, KARL - Inspired By Tomorrow. Zurich - 125 Years. History and Vision of a Global Corportation
8012: LYONS, MARVIN - Nicholas II: The Last Tsar
7443: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER - Ernest Maltravers or The Eleusinia
7442: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER - The Disowned
7441: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER - My Novel or Varieties in English Life by Pisistratus Caxton
7440: LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER - Alice or The Mysteries: A Sequel to Ernest Maltravers
004920: LYTTON, RIGHT HON. LORD - The Last of the Barons
8570: MAAS, JEREMY - The Stuff that Dreams are Made of: Fairy Painting in Britain from 1842 to 1915
8116: MACCARTHY, FIONA - British Design since 1880: A Visual History
002050: MACDONALD, J. F. - Zambesi River
005173: MACDONALD, HUGH - John Dryden: A Bibliography of Early Editions and of Drydeniana
6874: MACDOWELL, EDWARD - Woodland Sketches for Pianoforte.
7391: MACFADDEN, BERNARR - MacFadden's Encyclopedia of Physical Culture Volume IV
000635: MACFALL, HALDANE - Boucher. The Man, His Times, His Art, and His Significance
5572: MACKAY, CHARLES - Lost Beauties of the English Language
5449: MACKENDRICK, PAUL - The Greek Stones Speak: The Story of Archaeology in Greek Lands
004971: MACKENZIE, NORMAN (EDITOR) - The Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb Volume I Apprenticeships 1873-1892
5776: MACLEAN, HUGH - Modern Methods in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Glycosuria and Diabetes
7100: MACNALTY, A. SALUSBURY - A Book of Crimes
8045: MACNEICE, LOUIS - The Dark Tower: a radio parable play
7239: MAETERLINCK, MAURICE - The Life of the White Ant
001947: MAETERLINCK, MAURICE - Morceaux Choisis
8005: MAGEE, DAVID (COMPILER) - Victoria R. I. A collection of books, manuscripts, autograph letters, original drawings, etc., by the lady herself and her loyal subjects, produced during her long and illustrious reign.
5805: MAGIAN, A. C. - The Practitioner's Manual of Gynaecology
002522: MAHOOD, IAN S. - Land of Maquinna
001860: MAINE, BASIL - Basil Maine on Music
001506: MAIS, S.P.B. - I Return to Switzerland
000478: MAIS, S.P.B. - S.O.S. Talks on Unemployment
8798: MALIK, HAFEEZ - Soviet-American Relations with Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan
6928: MALORY, SIR THOMAS - The Tale of The Death of King Arthur
001430: MANCHEL, FRANK - Cameras West
004857: MANDEL, ELI (EDITOR) - Poets of Contemporary Canada 1960-1970
8423: MANDLE, EARL ROGER - Dutch Masterpieces From The Eighteenth Century: Paintings & Drawings, 1700-1800
8291: MANLEY, DELARIVIERE - Lucius, The First Christian King of Britain
004346: MANNERING, DOUGLAS - The Masterworks of Monet
003938: MANNONI, ÉDITH - Mobilier De Basse Bretagne
004550: MANTLE, BURNS AND JOHN GASSNER (EDITORS) - A Treasury of the Theatre: An Anthology of Great Plays from Aeschylus to Eugene O'Neill
003327: MARCEL, LUC-ANDRE - Johann Seastian Bach in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
004935: MARCHANT, J. R. V. - Commercial History. An Introductory Treatise for the Use of Advanced Classes in Schools
6690: MARITAIN, JACQUES - Existence and the Existent
6970: MARPLES, MORRIS - University Slang
7957: MARRYAT, CAPTAIN - Masterman Ready
8433: MARSHALL, H. RISSIK - Coloured Worcester Porcelain of the First Period (1751-1783)
002778: GWEN MARSTON - Twenty Little Pinwheel Quilts with Full-size Templates
002780: JUDY MARTIN - The Rainbow Collection. Quilt Patterns for Rainbow Colors
5892: MARTINEAU, JAMES - In Memoriam John Kenrick [Reprinted from the "Theological Review" of July, 1877]
8681: MARWICK, ARTHUR - Women at War, 1914-18
5689: MASEFIELD, PETER G. - Aircraft Identification, Friend or Foe? Part Four: American Types for the R.A.F.
003539: MASSIE, ROBERT K. - Nicholas and Alexandra
7498: MATHAMS, HAMISH HEMINGTON - Crowns over England
6906: MATIN, E. W. (EDITOR) - The Countryman's Chap Book.
8046: MATTHEW, WILLIAM PERCIVAL (EDITORIAL ADVISER) - Modern Home Painting and Decorating: An Illustrated Room-by-room Guide for Every Handyman
5904: MATTHEWS, DENIS - Beethoven Piano Sonatas
003114: DE MAUPASSANT, GUY - Useless Beauty And Other Stories
7397: ANDRÉE LE MAY - Adult Nursing at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))
003311: MAYER, HANS - Richard Wagner in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
8499: MAYER, ENRIQUE - International Auction Records
8464: MAYER, ENRIQUE - International Auction Records, 1991
8791: MAYER, ENRIQUE - International Auction Records, 1990
003169: MAYER, ADRIAN C. - Caste and Kinship in Central India. a Village and its Region
8374: MAYEUX, HENRI - La Composition Décorative
002240: MAZZUCATO, ALESSANDRO (COMPILED BY) - The Great School and the Church of St. Rocco in Venice
004382: MCCAULEY, DANIEL AND KATHRYN - Decorative Arts of the Amish of Lancaster County
7654: MCCLENAHAN, HOWARD (EDITOR) - Journal of The Franklin Institute devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts Vol. 204 Nos. 1219-1224 July-December 1927
7652: MCCLENAHAN, HOWARD (EDITOR) - Journal of The Franklin Institute devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts Vol. 203 Nos. 1213-1218 January-June 1927
002779: MARTHA MCCLOSKEY - Stars and Stepping Stones
8462: MCCULLIN, DON. - Hearts of darkness
004074: MCEWAN, IAN - The Imitation game and Other Plays
8633: MCLAREN, BARBARA - Women of the War
005116: MCLAREN, MORAY - If Freedom Fail : Bannockburn, Flodden, The Union
7549: MCTAVISH, DAVID - Italian Drawings from the Collection of Duke Roberto Ferretti
002073: MEE, ARTHUR - Sussex. The Garden By the Sea
8624: MEE, ARTHUR - Stratford Upon-Avon
002017: MEE, ARTHUR - Sussex (The King's England)
8578: VANDEN MEERSCH, ELS - Paranoid Obstructions (Lieven Gevaert Series)
5506: MEHL, DIETER - The Elizabethan Dumb Show: The History of Dramatic Convention
002984: MELL, MAX - Briefe Mozarts
8443: MÉNATER, EVELYNE - Chaumet No.12
8774: MENCI, VÁCLAV - Czech Architecture of the Luxemburg Period
8646: MENDELSOHN, LOUISE - Eric Mendelsohn 1887-1953
6600: MENNELL, STEPHEN - Lettre d'un Patissier Anglois - et Autres Contributions a une Polemique Gastronomique du XVIII Siecle
005035: MERCER, J. W. - Numerical Trigonometry
004754: MEREDITH, GEORGE - Vittoria
004753: MEREDITH, GEORGE - Lord Ormont and His Aminta
004752: MEREDITH, GEORGE - One of Our Conquerors
8251: MERIAN, MARIA SIBYLLA - The Wondrous Transformation of Caterpillars
002413: MERIVALE, CHARLES - History of Rome
001608: MERTON, THOMAS - The Waters of Silence
8364: METEYARD, ELIZA - The Wedgwood Handbook. A Manual for Collectors. Treating of the Marks, Monograms, and Other Tests of the Old Period of Manufacture.
8334: METEYARD, ELIZA (EDITOR) - Wedgwood's Catalogue of Cameos, Intaglios, Medals, Bas-Reliefs, Busts, and Small Statues reprinted from the edition of 1787
8387: MEW, EGAN - Chelsea and Chelsea-Derby China
8339: MEW, EGAN - Old Bow China
001767: MEYER, CONRAD FERDINAND - Jürg Jenatsch
5657: MEYER, C. F. - Novellen Zweiter Band: Die Hochzeit des Mönchs
7919: MEYNELL, ESTHER - Sussex
7857: MICHAELSON, KATHERINE - A Centenary Exhibition of the Work of David Octavius Hill 1802-1870 and Robert Adamson 1821-1848
005327: MICHEL, ÉMILE - Rembrandt: His Life, his Work, and his Time
8137: MIDDLETON, G. A. T. - The Principles of Architectural Perspective: Prepared chiefly for The Use of Students with chapters on isometric drawing and the preparation of finished perspectives
5962: MIDGLEY, GRAHAM - University Life in Eighteenth-Century Oxford
003553: MIGEL, PARMENIA - Titania: The Biography of Isak Dinesen
8144: ROGER-MILÈS, L - Les Veillées Noires: Poèmes Tristes, Feuilles D'Album - Mélodies, Au Coin du Feu
8130: MILES, ROY - Russian Paintings: The Winter Show
003390: MILHOFER, STEFAN A. - The Colour Treasury of Oriental Rugs
002696: MILLER, THOMAS H. AND WYATT BRUMMITT - This is Photography. Its Means and Ends
8767: MILLET, F. D. (ARTIST) - A Bashi-Bazouk after F. D. Millet
002666: MILLIS, H. A. - The Japanese Problem in the United States. An Investigation for the Commission on Relations with Japan Appointed By the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
005229: MILNE, A. A. - By Way of Introduction
7395: MILTON, JOHN - The Poetical Works of John Milton
5467: MILTON, JOHN - The Poetical Works of John Milton
8628: MIN, JANICE - The Hollywood Reporter April 8, 2011 No. 13
7862: MITCHELL, S. WEIR - Hugh Wynne Free Quaker: Sometime Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel on the Staff of His Excellency General Washington Volume I
7846: MITCHELL, VIC AND BARBARA - Midhurst Town: Then and Now
6261: MITFORD, MARY RUSSELL - Our Village: Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery. Volume I
8634: MODIGLIANA, JEANNE - Modigliani: Man and Myth
8021: N. MOHANTY (EDITOR) - Poetry 6: Rebel Poets of Andhra Pradesh
003632: MOLIERE - Oeuvres De Moliere Avec Des Notes De Divers Commentateurs
001602: MOLLOY, E. (EDITOR) - Engineering Works Practice Volume II Modern Methods and Materials
7475: MONK, EDWIN - Small Boat Building for the amateur, with sixteen modern small boat designs, rowboats, sailboats, outboards, a 125-class hydroplane and a runabout
8131: MONNINGTON, W. T. - Soviet Paintings for Sale
001492: MONSELL, J. R. - Balderdash Ballads
002032: MONTAGU, IVOR - Land of Blue Sky. A Portrait of Modern Mongolia
6670: MONTESQUIEU - Considérations sur Les Causes de la Grandeur des Romains et de Leur Décadence
003780: MONTGOMERY, JOHN - The World of Cats
8765: MOORE, JOHN - A View of Society and Manners in Italy with anecdotes relating to some Eminent Characters
8215: MOORE, HENRY - Henry Moore: Drawings 1979-1983 from the Henry Moore Foundation : 5 September-19 October 1984
002545: MOOREHEAD, ALAN - The Fatal Impact. An Account of the Invasion of the South Pacific 1767-1840
8232: MOORHOUSE, PAUL - Modern British Art
7786: MORAES, DOM - John Nobody
001126: MORE, JASPER - The Land of Italy
004884: MOREL, J. J. - Progressive Catering: A Comprehensive Treatment of Food, Cookery, Drink, Catering Services and Management Volume II
5681: MORIKE, EDUARD - Gedichte
000282: MORITZ, E - Lehrbuch zum Selbstunterricht in den Grundregeln der Maschinentechnik nebst Anleitung zum richtigen verständnis und zum anfertigung von skizzen und maschinenzeichnungen. II Band: Tafeln
7814: MORLAND, NIGEL - Pattern of Murder
005410: MORLEY, MURIEL E. - Cleft Palate and Speech
004214: MORRIS, JOHN - A Winter in Nepal
004086: MORRIS, ROBERT K. AND IRVING MALIN (EDITORS) - The Achievement of William Styron
003825: MORRIS, JOSEPH E. - Beautiful Britian: The Channel Islands
003833: MORRIS, LEWIS - The Poetical Works of Lewis Morris, Volume Three Gwen the Ode of Life
8705: MORRIS, BARBARA J. - Morris and Company 1861-1940: A Commemorative Centenary Exhibition
6000: MORRIS, E. W. - A History of the London Hospital
5840: MORTIMER, J. E. - A History of the Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen
8796: MOSES, RUSSELL LEIGH - Freeing the Hostages: Reexamining U.S.-Iranian Negotiations and Soviet Policy, 1979-1981 (Pitt Series in Policy and Institutional Studies)
7273: COMPILED AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE STAFF OF THE MOTOR - The Motor Manual: A Practical Handbook dealing with the Working Principles, Construction and Management of all types of Motor Cars. The latest, most complete and up-to-date work on the modern motor vehicle
7874: STAFF OF THE MOTOR - The Motor Repair Manual: A Practical Handbook for Owner-Drivers and Amateur Mechanics
8048: STAFF OF THE MOTOR - The Motor Repair Manual for Owner Driver & Amateur Mechanic
6431: MOUILLEFARINE - Les Cartes Postales brodées : De Agnès et Louis Delage
6406: MOUND, L. A. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Journal of Meetings Vol 39
6760: MOUND, LAURENCE (EDITOR) - Journal of Entomology Volume 44, Part 3, 6 January 1976 Series B Taxonomy & Systematics
001057: MOUNT, FERDINAND - The British Constitution Now: Recovery or Decline?
002193: MOUNTFORD, CHARLES P. - Australian Tree Portraits
7839: MUDIE, ROBERT - The Feathered Tribes of the British Islands Volumes I and II
004058: MUIRHEAD, L. RUSSELL (EDITOR) - The Blue Guides: Denmark
7318: MULLINS, E. L. C. - Texts and Calendars An Analytical Guide to Serial Publications
8790: MUNNINGS, SIR ALFRED J. - Exhibition of Works by Sir Alfred J. Munnings K.C.V.O. P.P.R.A.
7900: MUÑOZ, JOSE LUIS - Las casas colgadas de Cuenca
002025: MUNSON, KENNETH - Aircraft of World War II
7939: MURDOCH, IRIS - A Severed Head
004212: MURPHY, VERONICA AND ROSEMARY CRILL - Tie-dyed Textiles of India: Tradition and Trade
8497: MURPHY, SHIRLEY FORSTER (EDITOR) - Our Homes and How to Make Them Healthy
003298: MURRAY, LINDLEY (SELECTOR) - The English Reader: Or Pieces in Prose and Poetry Selected from the Best Writers. Designed to Assist Young Persons to Read with Propriety and Effect....
005222: MURRAY, LINDLEY - English Grammar, Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners. With an Appendix, Containing Rules and Observations for Assisting the More Advanced Students to Write with Perspicuity and Accuracy.
7666: MURTY, DR. G. SRIRAMA - Monarch of Rhythm (A Biography of A. Narayana Das)
7881: THORVALDENS MUSEUM - Rome in early photographs, the age of Pius IX: Photographs 1846-1878 from Roman and Danish collections
7810: MUSSET, ALFRED DE - Poésies Nouvelles 1836-1852
002611: MYERS, NORMAN (GENERAL EDITOR) - The Gaia Atlas of Planet Management
001992: MYKURA, W. - British Regional Geology. Orkney and Shetland
002631: MYRDAL, JAN AND GUN KESSLE - Gates to Asia. a Diary from a Long Journey
8016: NAKOV, ANDREI B. - Tatlin's Dream: Russian Suprematist and Constructivist Art 1910-1923
8106: NARAYAN, R. K. - The Guide
8236: NARAYAN, R. K. - The Guide
8032: NARLA, V. R. - Poverty of Intellectualism in India
8037: NARLA, V. R. - Indian Culture: Its Caste Complexion
6128: NASH, GEORGE - Edward Gordon Craig 1872-1966
003699: NAUDE, ADELE - Cape Album
003330: NAUMANN, UWE - Klaus Mann in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
001756: NEBLETTE, C. B. - Photography Its Materials and Processes
8040: NEDOSHIVIN, G. - Russian Painting from the 13th to the 20th Century
7883: NÈGRE, CHARLES. TEXT BY JACOB W. LEWIS - Sun Pictures: Charles Nègre
001872: O'NEIL, B. H. ST. J. - Ancient Monuments of the Isles of Scilly
004598: NELKON, M. - Principles of Technical Electricity
8721: NESBITT, ALEXANDER - 200 Decorative Title-Pages
005027: NETTEL - Photography for Profit
002122: NEVINS, ALLAN - A Brief History of the United States
005058: NEWBY, ERIC - What the Traveller Saw
003988: NEWMARCH, ROSA - The Concert-Goer's Library of Descriptive Notes Volume IV
003522: NEWNES, GEORGE (EDITOR) - The Strand Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly Vol. IX January to June 1895
003512: NEWNES, GEORGE (EDITOR) - The Strand Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly Vol. XIV July to December 1897
8530: NEWTON, ERIC - Christopher Wood: His Life and Work
8685: NICHOLSON, VIRGINIA - Singled Out: How Two Million Women Survived without Men After the First World War
6265: NICHOLSON, HUBERT - Ventriloquists and Dolls
8505: NICHOLSON, BEN - Ben Nicholson: Recent Work
8598: NICHOLSON, ANDREW - William Nicholson, Painter
8504: NICHOLSON, BEN - Ben Nicholson
004832: NICKOLLS, L. A. - The Queen's Majesty: A Diary of the Royal Year
002364: NICKS, DEWEY - Kustom
6320: NICOLSON, NIGEL - Portrait of a Marriage
5588: NIGHTINGALE, E. - Heat and Light
7293: NIR, YESHAYAHU - The Bible and The Image: The History of Photography in the Holy Land 1839-1899
000421: NOCK, O. S. - Railways at the Turn of the Century. 1895-1905
7802: NOLAN, MICHAEL - A Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the Poor
000321: NORBU, THUBTEN - Tibet is My Country as told to Heinrich Harrer
8605: NORTH, ROGER - The Autobiography of the Hon. Roger North
005428: NOTESTEIN, WALLACE - Wit and Humor of American Statesmen
002782: PAMELA NOTTINGHAM - The Technique of Bucks Point Lace
8075: NOVICHKOVA, I. (EDITOR) - Mockba Moscow Moscou Moskau
8036: NOVOUSPENSKY, N. N. (EDITOR) - Gosudarstvennyy Russkiy muzey (??????????????? ??????? ?????)
000526: DE-LA-NOY, MICHAEL - The Church of England. A Portrait
7110: NOYES, HERBERT - Man and the Termite
002477: OAKLEY, JOHN - Paintings of Canterbury 1840-1890
004545: OATES, JOYCE CAROL - Unholy Loves
5606: OBERT, M. - Syntaxe Française du XVII Siècle
7099: ODELL, ROBIN - Exhumation of a Murder: The life and trial of Major Armstrong
001788: ODLE, ROSE - Salt of Our Youth
001845: OECD - United Kingdom
7574: ONE OF ITS OFFICERS (H. JOHN BLAMPIED) - With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia 1916-1917
8722: OLDFIELD, SYBIL - Doers of the Word: A Biographical Dictionary of British Women Humanitarians Active Between 1900-1950
000940: OLIPHANT, MRS - Sheridan
003867: OLIVER, LUCILE - Mobilier Auvergnat
003860: OLIVER, LUCILE - Le Mobilier Aquitain, Perigourdin et Landais
003862: OLIVER, LUCILE - Mobilier Alsacien
003864: OLIVER, LUCILE - Mobilier Basque
003865: OLIVER, LUCILE - Mobilier Des Provinces Belges et Des Flanders Françaises
004551: OLIVER, LUCILE - Mobilier Provencal
001577: OLSSON, JAN OLOF - 20e Århundradet. Världshistoria i Vårt Sekel. Del 6 1951-1960
003168: OMAN, C. C. - English Domestic Silver
003586: OPIE, IONA AND PETER (ASSEMBLED BY) - The Oxford Nursery Rhyme Book
004478: OPPÉ, A. P. - English Drawings Stuart and Georgian Periods in the Collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle
8566: OPPÉ, A. P. - The Drawings of Paul and Thomas Sandby in the Collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle
6241: ORMEROD, ELEANOR A. - Flies Injurious to Stock being life-histories and means of prevention of a few kinds commonly injurious with special observation on Ox Warble or Bot Fly
003552: OSBORN, PETER - Exit Praying Part II An Apologia
8561: OSBORNE, PETER - Lynn Chadwick
7368: D'OURCHES, CHARLES - Traité Général des Prairies, et de Leurs Irrigations. Ouvrage orné de planches et de plans de diverses machines pour élever les eaux à peu de frais.
6440: OVENDEN, GRAHAM (EDITOR) - Hill & Adamson Photographers
7915: OVENDEN, GRAHAM (EDITOR) - A Victorian Album: Julia Margaret Cameron and her circle
5616: OVERHOLT, WILLIAM H. - The Rise of China: How Economic Reform is Creating a New Superpower
003737: D'OYLEY, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - Great Travel Stories of All Nations
6616: PAAK, JOE (EDITOR) - Korea Photo News Autumn Issue-Quarterly 1961
7759: PACE, MARIA VITTORIA BRUGNOLI ET AL - Museums in Rome and Sistine Chapel
8749: PACHECO, ANA MARIA - The Hairy Legs of the Queen of Sheba
000456: PAGE, LEO - The Sentence of the Court
7515: PAGET, GUY - Sporting Pictures of England
6732: PAGNOL, MARCEL - Fanny: Pièce en trois actes et quatre Tableaux
000784: PAIN, BARRY - De Omnibus. By The Conductor
5919: PAKES, WALTER C. C. AND A. T. NANKIVELL - The Science of Hygiene: A Text-Book of Laboratory Practice for Public Health Students
8669: PANCINO, MARIA AND GIAN ANTONIO SALANDIN (EDITORS) - Il Teatro di filosofia sperimentale di Giovanni Poleni : `Mostra di strumenti scientifici', Padova, Palazzo della Ragione, 15 marzo - 27 aprile 1986
8194: PANOFSKY, DORA AND ERWIN PANOFSKY - Pandora's Box: The Changing Aspects of a Mythical Symbol
002655: PARKER, ERIC - Surrey Naturalist
001949: PARKER, ERIC - Surrey Naturalist
003417: PARKINSON, A. C. - A First Year Engineering Drawing. Covering the First Year National Certificate Course in Mechanical Engineering
5762: PARSONS, JOHN HERBERT - Diseases of the Eye
005247: PARTRIDGE, A. C. - Tudor to Augustan English: A Study in Syntax and Style from Caxton to Johnson
005244: PARTRIDGE, ERIC, AND JOHN W. CLARK - British and American English Since 1900
5712: PARTRIDGE, ERIC AND BERTRAM RATCLIFFE (EDITORS) - The Window: A Quarterly Magazine Vol. 1 No. 4
7779: PARTRIDGE, ERIC (EDITOR) - A Dictionary of the Forces' Slang 1939-1945
000939: PARTRIDGE, ERIC - Usage and Abusage. A Guide to Good English
8220: RAMESH PATEL - Hriday Ganga
000449: PATON, JAMES - The Story of John G. Paton. Told for Young Folks or Thirty Years Among South Sea Cannibals
003950: PATON, ALAN - Too Late the Phalarope
8541: ALLDERIDGE PATRICIA - Richard Dadd (1817-1886): Dreams of Fancy: A Loan Exhibition
004922: PATRICK, DAVID AND FRANCIS HINDES GROOME (EDITORS) - Chambers's Biographical Dictionary. The Great of All Times and Nations
8732: PAVIÈRE, SYDNEY H. - A Dictionary of Flower, Fruit, and Still Life Painters Vol. III - Part I 19th Century (Artists born 1786-1840)
8158: PAVLIK, MILAN; UHER, VLADIMIR - Dialogue of Forms: Baroque Architecture of Prague
000127: PAWLE, GERALD - The War and Colonel Warden
6104: GRAHAM PAYN & MARTIN TICKNER (EDITORS) - Noël Coward Collected Verse
7559: PAYNE, SHAUN (COMPILER) - A Sussex Christmas
8277: PAYNE, JACK - The Jack Payne Song Book
003804: PEARTON, MAURICE - The LSO at 70: A History of the Orchestra
8452: LOPEZ-PEDRAZA, RAFAEL - Anselm Kiefer: After the Catastrophe
8754: PEIXOTO, TANYA; ETC. - Artist's Book Yearbook
8390: PEIXOTO, TANYA - Artist's Book Yearbook 1994-95
8451: GERHARD RICHTER; BENJAMIN H.D. BUCHLOH; PETER GIDAL; BIRGIT PELZER - Gerhard Richter: Catalogue Raisonné 1962-1993 (3 Volumes) (English, German and French Edition)
004745: PENROSE, BARRIE AND SIMON FREEMAN - Conspiracy of Silence: The Secret Life of Anthony Blunt
8673: MINISTRY OF PENSIONS - Location of Hospitals and Casualty Clearing Stations, British Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919
005197: PERCY, THOMAS - Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of Our Earlier Poets; Together with Some Few of Later Date. Vol. I
8385: PEROWNE, STEWART - The Later Herods: The Political Background of the New Testament
001388: PERRY, FRANCES - The Garden Pool
004491: PERRY, F. M. - The Art of Story-Writing
001859: PETERS, RICHARD - Authority, Responsibility and Education
004014: PETERS, A. W. - The Zoo: A Sketch Book
003117: PETRINOVICH, LEWIS - Darwinian Dominion. Animal Welfare and Human Interests
002053: PETTIGREW, DORA W. - Peasant Costume of the Black Forest
7203: PEYTON, K. M. - North to Adventure
005188: PHILIP, ARNOLD - The Electro-Plating and Electro-Refining of Metals Being a New Edition of Alexander Watt's "Electro-Deposition"
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8053: PHILLIPS, CATHERINE - Yuri Ivanchenko: A Contemplative Life - Recent Watercolours
8729: PHILLIPS, HUBERT - News Chronicle "Quiz" No. 2 London
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5940: PILLEY, JOHN J. - Hygiene: or The Principles of Health, Adapted to the Requirements of The Science and Art Department, South Kensington
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5488: PINERO, ARTHUR W. - Lady Bountiful: A Story of Years
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8135: JEAN FRANÇOIS PAUL DE GONDI DE RETZ - Mémoires du Cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli, et de la Duchesse de Nemours : contenant ce qui s'est passé de remarquable en France pendant les premières années du règne de Louis XIV. Volume V
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8523: BARON RIBEYRE - Collection Ferrand-Eynard
002324: RICARD, CHARLES - Le Puits
003752: RICE, TIM AND WILLIAM RUSHTON (EDITORS) - The Lord's Taverners Sticky Wicket Book
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8586: RICE, DENNIS G. - Derby Porcelain: The Golden Years, 1750-1770
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8271: RICHARDS, HILDA ET AL - The School Friend No.111 April 23 1927
002068: RICHARDSON, E. M. - Landmarks in the History of Europe for Use in Secondary Schools
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8362: DAVID; RICHARDSON (EDITOR) - issue 5 (illustrators: Issue 5)
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8167: RICHARDSON, PETER - Illustrators (Quarterly)
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5937: RICHTER, GISELA M. A. - A Handbook of Greek Art
001554: RICHTER, PETER-CORNELL - Klingender Stein. Das Freiburger Munster
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000110: RIVERS, JAMES AND E.R.H.HARVEY - MacDonald Medley
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