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27759: POGANY, GABOR ODON - Die Ungarische Malerei Des 19 Jahrhunderts (19th Century Painting in Hungary)
22350: POGANY, GABOR O. - Hungarian Painting in the Twentieth Century
26188: POGREBIN, LETTY COTTIN - Among Friends: Who We Like, Why We Like Them, and What We Do with Them
27825: POIRTEIR, CATHAL - Famine Echos
1255: POLANO, H. (TRANS) - The Talmud
29338: POLIAKOV, LEON - The Aryan Myth: A History of Racist and Nationalist Ideas in Europe
18892: POLK, WILLIAM R. - Polk's Folly: An American Family History
18951: POLLACK, KENNETH M. - The Persian Puzzle: The Conflict between Iran and American
16091: POLLAN, STEPHEN. M AND MARK LEVINE - The Total Negotiator
22632: POLLARD, A[LBERT] F[REDERICK] - Factors in Modern History
15428: POLLETTA, GREGORY T. (ED.) - Issues in Contemporary Literary Criticism
12028: POLLEY, ROBERT L. (ED) - America's Folk Art: Treasures of American Folk Arts and Crafts in Distinguished Museums and Collections
23810: POLTARNEES, WELLERAN - A Book of Unicorns
5382: POLTARNEES, WELLERAN - All Mirrors Are Magic Mirrors: Reflections on Pictures Found in Children's Books
4783: POLYBIUS - The Rise of the Roman Empire
2234: POLYBIUS - The Histories (Volume V)
21988: POMERANTZ, SHARON - Rich Boy
13214: POMORSKA, KRYSTYNA (EDITOR) - Fifty Years of Russian Prose: From Pasternak to Solzhenitsyn Volume Two
14897: POMPER, PHILIP - The Russian Revolutionary Intelligentsia
29927: POOLE, ERNEST - His Family
28004: POOLE, ERNEST - His Family
14139: POOLEY, ELSA - The Complete Field Guide to Trees of Natal, Zululand & Transkei
1144: POPA, VASKO (CHARLES SIMIC, TRANS. ) - The Little Box
23940: POPE, ALEXANDER; REV. GEORGE GILFILLAN (ED) - The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope (Two Volumes, Complete) with Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes by the Rev. George Gilfillan
17855: POPE, ANTOINETTE AND FRANCOIS - The New Antoinette Pope School Cook Book
28786: POPES PAUL III, JULIUS III, AND PIUS IV - Sacrosancti Et Oecumenici Concilii Tridentini Paulo III, Julio III Et Pio IV Pontificibus Maximis Celebrati Canonae Et Decreta. Quid in Hac Editione Praestitum Sit Seguens Philippi Chiffletii Abbatis Balernensis Et Ecclesiae Vesontinae Canonici & Vicarij Generalis, Praefatio Indicabit
27099: PORCH, DOUGLAS - The French Foreign Legion: A Complete History of the Legendary Fighting Force
29091: PORTER, GENERAL HORACE; WILLIAM S. MCFEELY (INTRO) - Campaigning with Grant
23914: PORTER, KATHERINE ANNE - Flowering Judas and Other Stories
2999: PORTER, ELIOT; PETER LEVI (TEXT) - The Greek World
26555: PORTER, KATHERINE ANNE - A Christmas Story
17337: PORTER, KATHERINE ANNE - The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter
22092: PORTER, KATHERINE ANNE - Ship of Fools
28238: PORTER, KATHERINE ANNE - The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter
15391: PORTER, FAIRFIELD - Thomas Eakins
9062: PORTER, JANE - The Scottish Chiefs
29491: POSNER, RICHARD A. - The Federal Judiciary: Strengths and Weaknesses
6990: POSPESEL, HOWARD - Introduction to Logic: Propositional Logic
17094: POSTHUMUS, CYRIL - Vintage Cars: Motoring in the 1920s
17321: POSTHUMUS, CYRIL - The Story of Veteran & Vintage Cars
18866: POTOK, CHAIM - The Book of Lights
10870: POTOK, CHAIM - Wanderings Chaim Potok's History of the Jews
15206: POTTER, BEATRIX - The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
20000: POTTER, BEATRIX - The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin
13483: POTTER, GABRIEL - Munch
19171: POUGH, RICHARD H. - Audubon Bird Guide: Small Land Birds of Eastern and Central North America from Southern Texas to Central Greenland
29763: POUGIN, ARTHUR - Verdi: An Anecdotic History of His Life and Work
17215: POUND, EZRA - Personae, a Draft of XXX Cantos
27975: POURTALES, GUY DE - La Vie de Franz Liszt
21772: DE POURTALES, GUY - The Mad King
16267: POWELL, JIM - The Triumph of Liberty a 2,000-Year History, Told Through the Lives of Freedom's Greatest Champions
18801: POWELL, COLIN L. ; JOSEPH E. PERSICO - My American Journey
8372: POWELL, DAWN - Dawn Powell Novels 1944-1962
26476: POWERS, ANN - Weird Like Us: My Bohemian America
29010: POWERS, RICHARD - The Time of Our Singing
20608: POWERS, ALAN - Children's Book Covers: Great Book Jacket and Cover Design
22832: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - Wolf Solent (Two Volumes, Complete)
22862: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - One Hundred Best Books: With Commentary and an Essay on Books and Reading
22873: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - Rodmoor: A Romance
22899: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - The Religion of a Sceptic
22853: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - The Art of Happiness
19050: POWYS, THEODORE FRANCIS - Soliloquies of a Hermit
22900: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - In Spite of: A Philosophy for Everyman
22833: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - Wood and Stone: A Romance
22835: POWYS, JOHN COWPER; LLEWELLYN POWYS - Confessions of Two Brothers
22836: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - A Glastonbury Romance
22876: POWYS, THEODORE FRANCIS - The Soliloquy of a Hermit
22870: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - Maiden Castle
22902: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - The Owl, the Duck, and - Miss Rowe! Miss Rowe!
12388: POZZOLI, MILENA ERCOLE - Castles of the Loire: Past and Present
24152: POZZOLI, MILENA ERCOLE - Paris: Places and History
20703: PRABHUPADA, HIS DIVINE GRACE A. C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAM - Sri Isopanisad: Discovering the Original Person
8599: PRANGE, GORDON W.; DONALD M. GOLDSTEIN; KATHERINE V. DILLON - Target Tokyo: The Story of the Sorge Spy Ring
22454: PRATHER, MARLA; CHARLES F. STUCKEY (EDITORS) - Gaugin: A Retrospective
23623: PRATKANIS, ANTHONY R.; ELLIOT ARONSON - Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion
26781: PRENDERGAST, MAURICE - Large Boston Public Garden Sketchbook
24221: PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. - History of the Conquest of Peru
20153: PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. - Prescott's Works (Complete in 16 Volumes)
22397: PRESCOTT, SAMUEL CATE AND CECIL GORDON DUNN - Industrial Microbiology
28645: PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. - A Finely Bound Collection of the Works of William H. Prescott (15 Volumes)
6497: PRESCOTT, ORVILLE (ED) - History As Literature
29317: EDITORS OF PHAIDON PRESS - The 20th Century Art Book
26774: RUNNING PRESS - World Atlas: The World at Your Fingertips
15693: THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. - Lightning out of Israel the Arab-Israeli Conflict by the Associated Press
25187: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS - The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
24294: PRESS, BILL - Bush Must Go: The Top Ten Reasons Why George Bush Doesn't Deserve a Second Term
18489: EASTON PRESS - The Royal Wedding Photograph Album
25869: PARKSTONE PRESS - Bucharest
26159: RUNNING PRESS - Smile!: Twenty-Five Happy Reminders (a Pop-Up Book)
26766: RUNNING PRESS - The Essence of Roses: A Tribute in Word and Image (Running Press Miniature Editions)
13700: DE PRESSENSE, M. EDMOND - Religion and the Reign of Terror the Church During the French Revolution
10572: PRESSER, ARLYNN LEIBER - Love Changes Everything (Love Stories #6)
10573: PRESSER, ARLYNN LEIBER - The Romantics
23293: PRESSER, ARLYNN LEIBER - Winnetka
23165: PRESSFIELD, STEVEN - The Legend of Bagger Vance
20490: PRESSMAN, THELMA - 365 Quick & Easy Microwave Recipes
10864: PRESTON, CHARLES (ED) - Can Board Chairmen Get Measles? Thirty Years of Great Cartoons from the Wall Street Journal
6506: PREUSS, PAUL - Re-Entry
4585: PREVAS, JOHN - Envy of the Gods: Alexander the Great's ILL-Fated Journey Across Asia
10601: PRICE, EUGENIA - Lighthouse
10486: PRICE, SUSAN - The Sterkarm Handshake
19453: PRICE, GEORGE - Browse at Your Own Risk
24796: PRICE, REYNOLDS - Clear Pictures: First Loves, First Guides
26798: PRICE, REYNOLDS - Noble Norfleet
23814: PRICE, MARY AND VINCENT - A Treasury of Great Recipes: Famous Specialties of the World's Foremost Restaurants Adapted for the American Kitchen
19532: PRICE, PAMELA VANDYKE - The Taste of Wine
2049: PRIDEAUX, COLONEL W. F. - Notes for a Bibliography of Edward Fitzgerald
29111: PRIDEAUX, TOM; THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The World of Delacroix 1798-1863
7638: PRIDEAUX, TOM; THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The World of Delacroix 1798-1863
17778: PRIDMORE, JAY - A View from the River
15030: PRINCE, JAN - Tahiti & French Polynesia Guide
15360: PRINDIVILLE, KATHLEEN - First Ladies
29354: PRINGLE, HEATHER - The Mummy Congress: Science, Obsession, and the Everlasting Dead
13395: PRINZ, WOLFRAM - Durer: The Complete Paintings by the Master of Line
16002: PRITCHARD, ANTHONY - Historic Motor Racing
25014: PROCHNOW, HERBERT V.; HERBERT V. PROCHNOW, JR. - The Toastmaster's Treasure Chest
18631: PROGOFF, IRA - Jung's Psychology and Its Social Meaning
6407: THE PLUTONIUM PROJECT - Nuclei Formed in Fission: Decay Characteristics, Fission Yields, and Chain Relationships
9029: THE PRINT PROJECT - The Wholesale-by-Mail Catalog 1994; How Consumers Can Shop by Mail, Phone, or Online Service and Save 30% to 90% Off List Price
11915: PRONKO, LEONARD C. - Eugene Ionesco
28889: PROPES, RABBI SHLOMO BEN YOSEF PROPES - The Passover Haggadah, Amsterdam, 1712: Printed at the Press of Rabbi Shlomo Ben Yosef Propes with Copper Engravings (Facsimile Edition)
11573: PROSKE, BEATRICE GILMAN - Brookgreen Gardens Sculpture
29857: PROUST, MARCEL - Swann's Way
28545: PROUST, MARCEL - Swann's Way
29340: PRUSSING, EUGENE E. - The Estate of George Washington, Deceased
25958: PILLSBURY PUBLICATIONS - Holiday: Cookies, Candies, Menus and More
25053: EDITORS OF BOTTOM LINE PUBLICATIONS - The World's Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets
26769: BROWNLOW PUBLISHING - 'Tis Christmas Once Again
17204: PUCCI, EUGENIO - All Venice in 140 Color Photographs
16545: PUCCINI, GIACOMO - Manon Lescaut: A Lyric Drama in Four Acts
18175: PUCHNER, WILLY - Joe & Sally a Long Way from Home
24104: PUCK, WOLFGANG - Adventures in the Kitchen
27539: PURDY, LAURA M. - In Their Best Interest? the Case Against Equal Rights for Children
16245: PURDY, SUSAN G. - Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too: 200 Luscious, Low-Fat Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Puddings, and Other Desserts You Thought You Would Never Eat Again
21085: PUTNAM, GEORGE HAVEN - Memories of a Publisher 1865-1915
8848: VAN PUYVELDE, LEO; THIERRY VAN PUYVELDE - Flemish Painting: The Age of Rubens and Van Dyck
18485: PYBUS, CASSANDRA - The Woman Who Walked to Russia a Writer's Search for a Lost Legend
8410: PYLE, HOWARD - The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions
26296: PYLES, STEPHAN; JOHN HARRISON - The New Texas Cuisine
13365: QUAIFE, MILO MILTON (ED); BLACK HAWK - Life of Black Hawk: Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak
12249: QUAIFE, MILO MILTON (ED) - Pictures of Gold Rush California
12220: QUAIFE, MILO MILTON (ED) - The Siege of Detroit in 1763: The Journal of Conspiracy and John Rutherford's Narrative of a Captivity
14742: QUAIFE, MILO MILTON (ED) - Alexander Henry's Travels and Adventures in the Years 1760-1776
20045: J. W. SPENCER; J. M. D. BURROWS; MILO MILTON QUAIFE (ED) - The Early Day of Rock Island and Davenport: The Narratives of J.W. Spencer and J.M. D. Burrows
29698: QUAIFE, MILO M. - Lake Michigan
20895: QUAYLE, DAN - Standing Firm
22656: QUEEN, ELLERY - The King Is Dead
21580: QUEEN, ELLERY - Inspector Queen's Own Case: November Song an Inner Sanctum Mystery
19107: QUEEN, ELLERY (EDITOR) - Masterpieces of Mystery: Amateurs & Professionals
21574: QUEEN, ELLERY - The King Is Dead
19106: QUEEN, ELLERY (EDITOR) - Masterpieces of Mystery: Blue Ribbon Specials
19105: QUEEN, ELLERY (EDITOR) - Masterpieces of Mystery: Stories Not to Be Missed
2218: THE QUEEN'S GALLERY, BUCKINGHAM PALACE - George III, Collector & Patron: An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, Furniture, Clocks, Porcelain, Silver, Scientific Instruments, Books, Miniatures & Gems
4661: THE QUEEN'S GALLERY, BUCKINGHAM PALACEE - Canaletto: Paintings and Drawings
15625: QUENNELL, PETER - The Colosseum
15172: QUENNELL, PETER - The Colosseum
29681: QUILLER-COUCH, SIR ARTHUR (ED) - The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse
29825: QUILLER-COUCH, ARTHUR (ED) - The Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900
10824: DE QUINCEY, THOMAS - De Quincey's Writings Literary Reminiscences; from the Autobiography of an English Opium-Eater
14191: DE QUINCEY, THOMAS - Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
22730: DE QUINCEY, THOMAS - Biographical Essays
15098: DE QUINCEY, THOMAS; R. ADELAIDE WITHAM (ED.) - Joan of Arc and the English Mail-Coach
8117: DE QUINCEY, THOMAS - Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
26474: QUINDLEN, ANNA - Black and Blue
26615: QUINDLEN, ANNA - One True Thing
24234: QUINN, SALLY - The Party: A Guide to Adventurous Entertaining
27021: QUINN, KAREN - The Ivy Chronicles
9025: QUINN, DANIEL - My Ishmael
25606: QUINTANA, RICARDO (INTRODUCTION) - Eighteenth Century Plays
9105: QUONIAM, PIERRE - The Louvre
27916: CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS - A Passover Haggadah: The New Union Haggadah
29183: THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS - The Union Haggadah: Home Service for Passover
17403: RABELAIS, FRANçOIS - The Histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel
24644: RABELAIS, FRANCIS - The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais (Two Volumes in One - Complete)
29850: RABELAIS, FRANCOIS - The Histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel
24218: RABELAIS, FRANCOIS - The Histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel
909: RABELAIS, FRANCIS - The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais (Two Volumes in One, Complete)
21963: DE RACHEWILTZ, MARY - Discretions
21232: RACHMAN, TOM - The Imperfectionaist
29856: RACINE, JEAN - Six Tragedies
23253: RACKHAM, NEIL - Spin Selling
26709: VON RAD, GERHARD - Old Testament Theology
9990: RADCLIFFE, DONNIE - Simply Barbara Bush: A Portrait of America's Candid First Lady
11603: RADFORD, C. A. RALEGH; SWANTON, MICHAEL J. - Arthurian Sites in the West
29037: RADIN, BERYL A. - The Politics of Federal Reorganization: Creating the U.S. Department of Education
26104: RADIN, MAX - The Law and Mr. Smith
29172: RADIN, MAX - The Jews Among the Greeks and Romans
29435: RADWAY, JANICE A. - A Feeling for Books: The Book-of-the-Month Club, Literary Taste, and Middle-Class Desire
10605: RAFTERY, MIRIAM - 100 Books That Shaped World History
29628: RAGAN, H. H.; EMMA C. BUSH (TEXT) - Art Photographs of the World and the Columbian Exposition: An Album of Rare Photographs of the Wonders of the Universe
28903: RAGAN, MARK K. - Union and Confederate Submarine Warfare in the CIVIL War
21224: RAGGHIANTI, CARLO LUDOVICO (EDITOR) - British Museum London
14070: RAI, RAGHU; USHA RAI - Taj Mahal
23188: RAINE, WILLIAM MACLEOD - Beyond the Rio Grande
22232: RAMPERSAD, ARNOLD - Jackie Robinson: A Biography
4177: RAMSEY, L. G. G. - The Complete Encyclopedia of Antiques
3004: RAMSEY, L. G. G. - The Complete Encyclopedia of Antiques: Compiled by the Connoisseur: A Complete and Concise Illustrated Reference Guide for Antique Collectors
20934: RAMUS, CHARLES F. (EDITOR) - Daumier: 120 Great Lithographs
15358: RAN, NACHMAN (ED.) - Journeys to the Promised Land the Land of Israel: Ancient Maps, Prints and Travelogues Through the Centuries
28790: RANBECK, AEGIDIUS; CAROLOMANNO VIERHOLZ - Heiliges Benedictiner-Jahr, Das Ist: Kurtze Lebens-Beschreibung Drey Hundert Fünff Und Sechtzig Heiligen, Aus Dem Orden deß Ertz-Vatters Benedicti. In Das Teutsche übersetzt. Von R.P. Carolomanno Vierholz. Teil 4 (Von 4).
23872: RAND, ROBERT - My Suburban Shtetl
25776: RAND, PETER - China Hands: The Adventures and Ordeals of the American Journalists Who Joined Forces with the Great Chinese Revolution
28562: RAND, AYN - Atlas Shrugged
11194: RANDALL, DAVID A. - Dukedom Large Enough
13163: RANDOLPH, EDMUND - Hell Among the Yearlings
22411: RANDOLPH, EDMUND - Hell Among the Yearlings
8495: RANDOLPH, EDMUND - Hell Among the Yearlings
9100: RANDOLPH, EDMUND - Hell Among the Yearlings
7783: RANK, CLAUDE - Les Lanciers de Bakwanga
2916: RANKIN, HUGH F. (ED) - Narratives of the American Revolution: As Told by a Young Sailor, a Home-Sick Surgeon, a French Volunteer, and a German General's Wife
12229: RANKIN, HUGH F. - Narratives of the American Revolution: As Told by a Young Sailor, a Home-Sick Surgeon, a French Volunteer, and a German General's Wife
10372: RANKIN, HUGH F. (EDITOR) - Narratives of the American Revolution
13166: RANKIN, HUGH F. - Narratives of the American Revolution: As Told by a Young Sailor, a Home-Sick Surgeon, a French Volunteer, and a German General's Wife
28817: RANKIN, HUGH F. - Narratives of the American Revolution: As Told by a Young Sailor, a Home-Sick Surgeon, a French Volunteer, and a German General's Wife
9077: RANKIN, HUGH F. (EDITOR) - Narratives of the American Revolution
10503: RAPHAEL, CHAIM - A Feast of History Passover Through the Ages As a Key to Jewish Experience
26634: RAPHAEL, FREDERIC - Coast to Coast
7471: RASKIN, SAUL (ILLUS); DR. B. HALPER (ENGLISH); YEHOASH (YIDDISH) - Pirke Aboth Sayings of the Fathers in Etchings by Saul Raskin
15402: RASKY, FRANK - The North Pole or Bust : Explorers of the North
22911: RASPE, RUDOLF; ET AL. - The Singular Adventures of Baron Munchausen: A Definitive Text
29766: RASPE, RUDOLF ERICH - The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
8513: RASSEGNA - The Kroller-Muller. Architectures for a Collection
9366: RATTNER, ABRAHAM - Abraham Rattner: Twenty-Four Plates
25990: RAUB, ALBERT N. - The Normal Second Reader
17559: RAVER, MIKI - Listen to Her Voice Women of the Hebrew Bible
22312: RAY, ROBIN - Words on Music
21683: RAYMER, BETH - Lay the Favorite a Memoir of Gambling
10139: RAYMOND, MARGARET THOMSEN - Roberta Goes Adventuring
14853: RAYNAL, MAURICE - Renoir Masterpieces of French Painting
29199: RAYNAL, MAURICE; ET AL. - The History of Modern Painting: Matisse, Munch, Rouault; Fauvism, Expressionism
29200: RAYNAL, MAURICE; HERBERT READ (INTRO); JEAN LEYMARIE (NOTES) - The History of Modern Painting: From Baudelaire to Bonnard: The Birth of a New Vision: The Honfleur School, Impressionism, Neo-Impressionism, Symbolism, Post-Impressionism
28916: RAYNAL, MAURICE: ARNOLD RUDLINGER; HANS BOLLIGER; JACQUES LASSAIGNE - History of Modern Painting: Fauvism, Expressionism: Matisse, Munch, Rouault
29201: RAYNAL, MAURICE, ET AL. - The History of Modern Painting: From Picasso to Surrealism: Cubism, Futurism, the Blue Rider, Metaphysical Painting, Dada, Abstract Art, Purism, the Realist Reaction, the Bauhaus, Poetic Painting, Surrealism
16233: RAYNAL, MAURICE - Modern Painting
23975: READ, CONYERS (ED); HENRY STEELE COMMAGER; ET AL. - The Constitution Reconsidered
22207: READ, HERBERT (ED.) - Encyclopaedia of the Arts
10212: READE, CHARLES - The Cloister and the Hearth
28656: READE, CHARLES - A Good Fight and Other Stories (First Edition)
20041: READER'S DIGEST - America's Historic Places: An Illustrated Guide to Our Country's Past
18984: READER'S DIGEST - Reader's Digest Treasures in Your Home
17463: READER'S DIGEST - 1001 Hints & Tips for Your Garden
21928: READER'S DIGEST - Reader's Digest Illustrated Reverse Dictionary Find the Words on the Tip of Your Tongue
29523: READER'S DIGEST - Illustrated Guide to the Treasures of America
20071: REAGAN, MAUREEN - First Father, First Daughter a Memoir
21281: EDITORS OF REALITES - Impressionism
14643: REALITES - Les Chateaux de L'Ile de France: Collection Realites
28420: REANEY, GILBERT (ED) - Manuscripts of Polyphonic Music: 11th - Early 14th Century
28910: REAU, LOUIS - French Painting in the Xivth, Xvth, and Xvith Centuries
26172: REAVES, SAM (PSEUDONYM OF DOMINIC MARTELL) - A Long Cold Fall (a Cooper Macleish Adventure)
26557: ALL RECIPES - All Recipes: 30 Minutes to Cook
9003: RECKLESS, WALTER C. - Vice in Chicago
29627: THE EDITORS OF ARCHITECTURAL RECORD - A Treasury of Contemporary Houses
26639: REDDING, SAUNDERS - The Lonesome Road: The Story of the Negro's Part in America
13051: REDFERN, RON - Corridors of Time: 1,700,000,000 Years of Earth at Grand Canyon
3886: REDFIELD, JAMES - The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision: Further Adventures of the Celestine Prophecy
28228: REDFORD, BRUCE - Venice & the Grand Tour
18399: REDGRAVE, LYNN - This Is Living How I Found Health and Happiness
14600: REDMAN, DR. JERRY, CHARLIE MCCULLERS, DOUG COULTER, JIM JOHNSON, WILLIAM P. HUNT, REUTERS - Atlanta 96 Games of the XXVI Olympiad: Atlanta, Georgia July 19 - August 4, 1996
28986: REED, THOMAS C.; GEORGE BUSH (INTRO) - At the Abyss : An Insider's History of the Cold War
24337: REED, BEN - Martinis
26748: REED, HENRY HOPE; SOPHIE DUCKWORTH - Central Park: A History and Guide
7098: REED, EVELYN - Sexism and Science
7925: REEDY, GEORGE - From the Ward to the White House the Irish in American Politics
17883: REES, J. ROGERS - The Diversions of a Book-Worm
26646: REES, VYVYAN - South-West Wales
19376: REES, RILEY S. (ED) - Instructional Courses: Volume 6, 1993
19378: REES, RILEY S. (ED) - Instructional Courses: Volume 5, 1992
17625: REEVES, RICHARD - President Kennedy: Profile of Power
9782: REEVES, RICHARD - President Kennedy: Profile of Power
1340: REGAN, GEOFFREY - Lionhearts: Richard I, Saladin, and the Era of the Third Crusade
25806: REGAN, GEOFFREY - Great Military Disasters: A Historical Survey of Incompetence
11693: REICH, CHRISTOPHER - The First Billion: A Novel
9572: REICH, CHRISTOPHER - The Runner
20671: REICHS, KATHY - Deja Dead
22593: REICHS, KATHY - Death Du Jour
8550: REID, WILLIAM - Arms Through the Ages
22581: O'REILLY, BILL - Culture Warrior
20092: REILLY, RICK - Who's Your Caddy? Looping for the Great, Near Great and Reprobates of Golf
19480: O'REILLY, BILL - Who's Looking out for You?
6763: REINIUS, TRISH - The Planet of Tears
10465: REISCHAUER, EDWIN O. - Japan: Past and Present
11932: REISCHAUER, HARU MATSUKATA - Samurai and Silk: A Japanese and American Heritage
29587: REISS, DAVID S.; ALAN ALDA (FOREWORD) - M*a*S*H: The Exclusive Inside Story of Tv's Most Popular Show
28789: RELAND, ADRIAAN - Antiquitates Sacrae Veterum Hebraeorum Delineatae Ab Hadriano Relando, Praefationem Praemisit Johann Franciscus Buddeus. With Diatriba de Anno & Mense Natali Jesu Christi by Petro Allix
23326: REMINGTON, FREDERIC - Frederic Remington's Own West
22290: REMNICK, DAVID (INTRODUCTION BY) - The Complete New Yorker
12406: REMNICK, DAVID - The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama
21693: REMNICK, DAVID (ED) - The Only Game in Town Sportswriting from the New Yorker
16264: RENAULT, MARY - Funeral Games: The Combat of Alexander's Heirs
25601: RENAULT, MARY - Fire from Heaven
8827: RENAULT, MARY - The Mask of Apollo
935: RENAULT, MARY - The Nature of Alexander
11702: RENDELL, RUTH - The Monster in the Box: An Inspector Wexford Novel
15773: RENDELL, RUTH - The Water's Lovely
25582: RENDELL, ED - A Nation of Wusses
8714: RENDELL, RUTH - The Veiled One
8717: RENDELL, RUTH - Going Wrong
8770: RENDELL, RUTH - The Bridesmaid
9187: RENDELL, RUTH - An Unkindness of Ravens
9188: RENDELL, RUTH - Talking to Strange Men
9307: RENDELL, RUTH - The Crocodile Bird
7594: RENFREW, COLIN - Past Worlds Harpercollins Atlas of Archaeology
27214: [TOMI UNGERER]; JACK RENNERT (ED) - The Poster Art of Tomi Ungerer
28908: ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST; PAIGE RENSE (ED) - International Interiors: Architectural Digest Presents a Selection of Distinguished Interior Design from Four Continents
28261: REPPLIER, AGNES - Compromises: A Collection of Essays by Agnes Repplier
28259: REPPLIER, AGNES - Americans and Others: A Collection of Essays by Agnes Repplier
28258: REPPLIER, AGNES - Essays in Miniature: A Collection of Essays by Agnes Repplier
28262: REPPLIER, AGNES - Books and Men: A Collection of Essays by Agnes Repplier
28263: REPPLIER, AGNES - Varia: A Collection of Essays by Agnes Repplier
28256: REPPLIER, AGNES - Points of View: A Collection of Essays by Agnes Repplier
28257: REPPLIER, AGNES - In Our Convent Days
28264: REPPLIER, AGNES - In the Dozy Hours: A Collection of Essays by Agnes Repplier
28260: REPPLIER, AGNES - A Happy Half-Century and Other Essays: A Collection of Essays by Agnes Repplier
22576: RESNICK, MIKE - Purgatory: A Chronicle of a Distant World
9179: RESNICOW, HERBERT - The Gold Frame a Whodunit
12999: RESTON, JAMES, JR. - Warriors of God Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in the Third Crusade
22284: RETI, LADISLAO (EDITOR) - The Unkown Leonardo
21846: THE ENGINEERING BOARD OF REVIEW - Report of the Engineering Board of Review of the Sanitary District of Chicago on the Lake Lowering Controversy and a Program of Remedial Measures; Part II: The Technical Bases for the Recommendations of the Board of Review
28733: REWALD, JOHN - The History of Impressionism
16607: REXROTH, KENNETH - New Poems
20935: REY, JEAN DOMINIQUE - Giotto: Frescoes in the Upper Church, Assisi
17329: REYES, FRANCIS - Fantastic Trucks: Customized Kings of the Road
4305: REYNOLDS, MACK - Lagrange Five
20481: REYNOLDS, ROBERT - Texas
11162: REYNOLDS, SHERI - A Gracious Plenty: A Novel
4316: REYNOLDS, MACK - The Towers of Utopia
6764: REYNOLDS, MACK - After Some Tomorrow
2072: RHEAD, LOUIS - Bold Robin Hood and His Outlaw Band Their Famous Exploits in Sherwood Forest
7509: RHEAD, LOUIS - Bold Robin Hood and His Outlaw Band Their Famous Exploits in Sherwood Forest
8245: RHEAD, LOUIS - Robin Hood
24621: RHEIMS, MAURICE - The Age of Art Nouveau European and American Arts in 1900
12353: RHODEHAMEL, JOHN H. & THOMAS F. SCHWARTZ & JAMES M. MCPHERSON - The Last Best Hope of Earth Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America
29246: RHYS, ERNEST (ED) - Everyman with Other Interludes Including Eight Miracle Plays
20916: RHYS, ERNEST (ED) - Shakespeare's Tragedies
15342: RIBALOW, HAROLD U., (ED.) - Autobiographies of American Jews
6267: RIBALOW, HAROLD U. - What's Your Jewish I.Q.
29818: RICCI, STEFANIA; EDWARD MAEDER - Salvatore Ferragamo: The Art of the Shoe 1898-1960
28746: RICCI, FRANCO MARIA (ED) - Fmr Magazine (English Edition) No. 126, February/March 2004
28568: RICCI, STEFANIA; EDWARD MAEDER - Salvatore Ferragamo: The Art of the Shoe, 1898-1960
26504: RICE, ANNE - Lasher (Lives of the Mayfair Witches)
23801: RICE, WALLACE & FRANCES - To My Dad
26485: RICE, ANNE - Violin
11615: RICE, HELEN STEINER - Just for You a Special Collection of Inspirational Verses
26445: RICE, ANNE - Servant of the Bones
24014: RICE-OXLEY, L. - Oxford Renowned
19728: RICE, ANNE - Blood and Gold the Vampire Chronicles
26503: RICE, ANNE - The Queen of the Damned
6915: RICE, ALICE HEGAN - Lovely Mary
12473: RICH, DANIEL CATTON - Henri Rousseau
24116: RICH, VIRTULON; DWIGHT L. SMITH (EDITED & INTRODUCTION) - Western Life in the Stirrups: A Sketch of a Journey to the West in the Spring & Summer of 1832
25402: RICHARD, WALTER L. - Complete Gin Rummy: How to Play and Laws of Gin-Rummy
16317: RICHARDS, KEITH - Life
9042: RICHARDS, J. M. - Modern Architecture
29352: RICHARDSON, EMELINE - The Etruscans: Their Art and Civilization
21751: RICHARDSON, HENRY HANDEL - Ultima Thule
23390: RICHARDSON, NORMAN - The Religious Education of Adolescents
27109: RICHARDSON, JOHN - A Life of Picasso: Volume 1: The Early Years, 1881-1906
8145: RICHARDSON, PETER - Herod King of the Jews and Friend of the Romans
29548: RICHARDSON, SAMUEL - Clarissa: Or, the History of a Young Lady (Volume Two, Only, of Four)
20067: RICHE, DAVID AND ANNA FRANKLIN - Watercolor Fairies a Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Fairy World
29418: RICHET, CHARLES - The Impotence of Man ("L'Homme Impuissant")
10527: RICHMOND, LEONARD - The Technique of Oil Painting
28003: RICHTER, CONRAD - The Town
21483: RICHTER, GERT - Kitsch-Lexicon Von a Bis Z: Erbauliches, Belehrendes, Wie Auch Vergnügliches
25419: RICHTER, HANS THEO; SEBASTIAN SCHMIDT (ED) - Hans Theo Richter, 1902-1969: Zeichnungen Und Aquarelle
29925: RICHTER, CONRAD - The Town
27637: RICKARD, TRUMAN; HIRAM ORCUTT - Poetical Selections from the Best English and American Authors, Designed As Exercises in Parsing, for the Use of Academies and Common Schools
2479: RICKENBACKER, E. V. - Fighting the Flying Circus
22075: RICKS, THOMAS E. - The Gamble General David Petraeus and the American Military Adventure in Iraq, 2006-2008
22076: RICKS, THOMAS E. - The Gamble General David Petraeus and the American Military Adventure in Iraq, 2006-2008
4320: RIENOW, LEONA TRAIN WITH ROBERT RIENOW - The Year of the Last Eagle
27935: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - An Old Sweetheart of Mine
27850: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - An Old Sweetheart of Mine
29732: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Farm-Rhymes: With Country Pictures by Will Vawter
23983: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Songs o' Cheer
23936: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Green Fields and Running Brooks
22816: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - An Old Sweetheart of Mine
18321: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Riley Child-Rhymes
17936: RILEY, NOEL - World Furniture
17935: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - The Works of James Whitcomb Riley (12 Volumes, Complete)
28196: RILEY, ALICE C. D. (WORDS); JESSIE L. GAYNOR (MUSIC) - Songs of the Child World (Vols 1, 2 & 3, Complete)
29409: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Armazindy
23006: RILEY, PEGGY - Amity & Sorrow
18699: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Sketches in Prose and Occasional Verses
19374: RILEY, WILLIAM B. (ED) - Instructional Courses Volume 1, 1988
16554: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - An Old Sweetheart of Mine
20959: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Armazindy
23863: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - When She Was About Sixteen
19663: RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Pipes o'Pan at Zekesbury
17801: RINALDI, PAOLO - Tuscany Interiors
29370: RINGER, ROBERT J. - Winning Through Intimidation
3652: RINGGOLD, GENE AND DEWITT BODEER - Chevalier: The Films and Career of Maurice Chevalier
24145: RINK, PAUL - John Paul Jones: Conquer or Die
12197: RIPLEY, S. DILLON - Rails of the World: A Monograph of the Family Rallidae
1147: RISTOVIC, ALEKSANDAR (CHARLES SIMIC, TRANS. ) - Some Other Wine and Light
14454: RITCHEY, WENDY; SUSAN ISAACS - "I Think I Can, I Know I Can!": Using Self-Talk to Help Raise Confident, Secure Kids
2192: RITCHIE, WARD - Fine Printing: The Los Angeles Tradition
26563: RITCHIE, TORI - Party Appetizers: Small Bites, Big Flavors
26574: RITCHIE, TORI - Party Appetizers: Small Bites, Big Flavors
2704: RITSON, JOSEPH; JIM LEES (INTRO) - Robin Hood: A Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads
25962: RITSON, JOSEPH - Robin Hood: A Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, Now Extant, Relative to That Celebrated English Outlaw: To Which Are Prefixed Historical Anecdotes of His Life
1988: RITSON, JOSEPH (ED), GOLDSMITH, OLIVER & SCOTT, SIR WALTER - The Poetical Works of Goldsmith and Scott and the Poems, Songs and Ballads Relating to Robin Hood
3166: RITSON, JOSEPH - A Life of King Arthur: From Ancient Historians and Authentic Documents
584: RITSON, JOSEPH (ED) - Robin Hood: A Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, Now Extant, Relative to That Celebrated English Outlaw: To Which Are Prefixed Historical Anecdotes of His Life
29690: RITTENHOUSE, JESSIE B. (ED) - The Little Book of Modern Verse: A Selection from the Work of Contemporaneous American Poets
29691: RITTENHOUSE, JESSIE B. (ED) - The Little Book of Modern British Verse: One Hundred Poets Since Henley
26191: RITTER, BRUCE - Sometimes God Has a Kid's Face: The Story of America's Exploited Street Kids
25905: RITTER, CHARLES C. - Masterpieces of the Theatre
26905: RIVAL, PIERRE; CHRISTIAN SARRAMON (PHOTOGRAPHER) - Gourmet Bistros and Restaurants of Paris
19463: ROACH, MARILYN K. - The Mouse and the Song
25323: ROANE, SUSAN - How to Work a Room: A Guide to Successfully Managing the Mingling
20432: ROBARDS, BROOKS - Historic America the Heartland
10694: ROBB, DAVID M., AND GARRISON, J. J. - Art in the Western World Fourth Edition
12091: ROBB, DAVID M.; J. J. GARRISON - Art in the Western World
11886: ROBB, DAVID M., PH.D.; J. J. GARRISON, M.A. - Art in the Western World
16979: ROBBINS, ALEXANDRA - Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power
4727: ROBBINS, DANIEL AND EUGENIA S. - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: A Selection of Works from the Art Institute of Chicago: A Medaenas Monograph on the Arts
29076: ROBBINS, SARA (ED) - Law: A Treasury of Art and Literature
7125: ROBBINS, HAROLD - The Pirate: A Novel
27023: ROBERTS, NORA - Public Secrets
17101: ROBERTS, PETER - A Pictorial History of the Automobile
26126: ROBERTS, CHARLES G. D. - Neighbors Unknown
22567: ROBERTS, ELIZABETH MADOX - The Great Meadow
17078: ROBERTS, PETER - Collector's History of the Automobile the Development of Man's Greatest Means of Transportation
10856: ROBERTS, ELIZABETH MADOX - The Great Meadow
10391: ROBERTS, KEITH - Bruegel
25584: ROBERTS, ANDREW - Napoleon the Great
21477: ROBERTS, COKIE - We Are Our Mothers' Daughters
16675: ROBERTS, S. C. - British Universities
22114: ROBERTS, ELIZABETH MADOX - The Great Meadow
22483: ROBERTS, NORA - Bed of Roses
22485: ROBERTS, NORA - Vision in White
13501: ROBERTS RINEHART, MARY - The Red Lamp
3707: ROBERTS, DOROTHY JAMES - The Enchanted Cup
12405: ROBERTS, J. M. - A History of Europe
26590: ROBERTS, JOHN C. - Western Journeys: Essays on Books, Travel, and Western History
21987: ROBERTS, JANE (ED) - Royal Treasures: A Golden Jubilee Celebration
29324: ROBERTS, KENNETH - Oliver Wiswell
6141: ROBERTS, COKIE - We Are Our Mothers' Daughters
9017: ROBERTS, KENNETH - Northwest Passage
9058: ROBERTS, KENNETH - Northwest Passage
9410: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - Philly Stakes: An Amanda Pepper Mystery
9517: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - A Hole in Juan; an Amanda Pepper Mystery
9605: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - Claire and Present Danger
9607: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - In the Dead of Summer
9608: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - Bluest Blood
9610: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - Till the End of Tom
9611: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - Helen Hath No Fury: An Amanda Pepper Mystery
9613: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - Adam and Evil
9617: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia
9618: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
9619: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - The Mummers' Curse
9620: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - With Friends Like These... An Amanda Pepper Mystery
18009: ROBERTSON, WILLIAM - The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V: With a View of the Progress of Society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century (Three Volumes, Complete)
22624: ROBERTSON, WILLIAM - The History of the Discovery and Settlement of America (Bound with Additional Material)
23175: ROBERTSON, E. ARNOT - Four Frightened People
13215: ROBERTSON, CONSTANCE - Fire Bell in the Night
7101: ROBERTSON, JAMES - Future Wealth: A New Economics for the 21st Century
6513: ROBESON, KENNETH - The Derrick Devil: A Doc Savage Adventure (Doc Savage No. 74)
13508: ROBINSON, PETER - The Practical Rock & Water Garden
13009: ROBINSON, RAY - Iron Horse Lou Gehrig in His Time
28674: ROBINSON, KENNETH - Wilkie Collins: A Bibliography
18245: ROBINSON, MALCOLM - The American Vision Landscape Paintings of the United States
21155: ROBINSON, LYNDA S. - Murder at the Feast of Rejoicing
24237: ROBINSON, LYNDA S. - Drinker of Blood
19525: ROBINSON, JANCIS - Vintage Timecharts the Pedigree and Performance of Fine Wines to the Year 2000
25660: ROBINSON, JOHN J. - Dungeon, Fire and Sword: The Knights Templar in the Crusades
6260: ROBINSON, EDGAR EUGENE - The Roosevelt Leadership 1933-1945
7362: ROBINSON, JOHN J. - Dungeon, Fire and Sword the Knights Templar in the Crusades
8838: ROBINSON, PATRICK - The Shark Mutiny
9055: ROBOFF, SARI - The North End
19284: ROBSON, GRAHAM - The Encyclopedia of the World's Classic Cars: A Technical Directory of the Most Magnificent Cars from 1900 to the Present Day
11288: ROCHE, GEORGE - The Fall of the Ivory Tower Government Funding, Corruption, and the Bankrupting of American Higher Education
27874: ROCHEFORT, ALFRED; THEODORE WATERS (ED) - Healthful Sports for Boys
21304: ROCKMORE, CYNTHIA & JULIAN - The Room-by-Room Book of American Antiques
29357: ROCKWELL, NORMAN; TOM ROCKWELL - My Adventures As an Illustrator
29393: ROCKWELL, CAREY - Treachery in Outer Space: A Tom Corbett Space Cadet Adventure
25362: RODALE, J. I, (AND STAFF) - The Health Seeker
9019: RODDA, EMILY - Cavern of Fear
27316: RODELL, FRED - 55 Men: The Story of the Constitution - Based on the Day-by-Day Notes of James Madison
11788: RODGERS, DOROTHY - My Favorite Things a Personal Guide to Decorating and Entertaining
26572: RODGERS, RICK (EDITOR) - The Baker's Dozen Cookbook
1149: RODMAN, SELDEN (ED) - A New Anthology of Modern Poetry
21078: ROEDER, RALPH - The Man of the Renaissance Four Lawgivers: Savonarola, Machiavelli, Castiglione, Aretino
15296: ROEDER, RALPH - The Man of the Renaissance
27805: ROETHKE, THEODORE - The Far Field: The Last Poems of a Major American Poet
13708: ROETHLISBERGER, MARCEL - The Claude Lorain Album
5347: ROFHEART, MARTHA - The Alexandrian: A Novel
26049: ROGERS, GINGER - Ginger: My Story
16016: ROGERS, AGNES - I Remember Distinctly a Family Album of the American People 1918-1941
29182: ROGERS, RICHARD; OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II - The King and I: Based on the Novel "Anna and the King of Siam" by Margaret Landon
24897: ROGERS, SAMUEL - Poems
49: ROGERSON, JOHN - Atlas of the Bible
23761: ROGOW, ROBERTA - The Problem of the Missing Miss
19255: ROIZEN, MICHAEL F. , M.D. & OZ, MEHMET C. - You on a Diet the Owner's Manual for Waist Management
8072: ROIZEN, MICHAEL F. , M.D. & OZ, MEHMET C. - You - the Owner's Manual
22469: ROLFE, DOUGLAS; ALEXIS DAWYDOFF AND WILLIAM WINTER - Airplanes of the World 1490-1962
19427: ROLFE, FREDERICK ("BARON CORVO") - Don Renato: An Ideal Content: A Historical Romance (Edited and with an Introduction by Cecil Woolf)
28359: ROLLIN, CHARLES - The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians and Macedonians. Translated from the French. In Eight Volumes (Complete).
9109: ROMDAHL, AXEL (ED) - Anders Zorn Als Radierer
21876: RONDEAU, JAMES; SHEENA WAGSTAFF - Roy Lichtenstein: A Retrospective
15180: ROONEY, ANDY - Sincerely, Andy Rooney
29820: ROONEY, JOHN F., JR.; WILBER ZELINSKY; DEAN R. LOUDER; JOHN D. VITEK (EDS) - This Remarkable Continent: An Atlas of United States and Canadian Society and Cultures
17858: ROONEY, ASHLEY E. - Waterfront Homes from Castles to Cottages
13941: ROONEY, ANDY - Not That You Asked
19091: ROOSEVELT, CURTIS - Too Close to the Sun: Growing Up in the Shadow of My Grandparents, Franklin and Eleanor
23278: ROOSEVELT, DAVID B.; MANUELA DUNN-MASCETTI - Grandmere: A Personal History of Eleanor Roosevelt
26730: ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN D.; DONALD DAY (EDITOR) - Franklin D. Roosevelt's Own Story Told in His Own Words from His Private and Public Papers
22830: ROOSEVELT, CURTIS - Too Close to the Sun: Growing Up in the Shadow of My Grandparents, Franklin and Eleanor
20886: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE - Presidential Addreesses and State Papers
2918: ROSE, ROBERT R.; GENE M. GRESSLEY (ED) - Advocates and Adversaries: The Early Life and Times of Robert R. Rose
24316: ROSE, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - The Travels of Baron Munchausen: Gulliver Revived or the Vice of Lying Properly Exposed
28818: ROSE, ROBERT R. - Advocates and Adversaries: The Early Life and Times of Robert R. Rose
12222: ROSE, ROBERT R. - Advocates and Adversaries: The Early Life and Times of Robert R. Rose
13165: ROSE, ROBERT R. - Advocates and Adversaries: The Early Life and Times of Robert R. Rose
19033: ROSE, PETE; RICK HILL - My Prison without Bars
19418: ROSE, AL - Eubie Blake
8497: ROSE, ROBERT R.; GENE M. GRESSLEY (ED) - Advocates and Adversaries: The Early Life and Times of Robert R. Rose
9946: ROSE, ROBERT R.; GENE M. GRESSLEY (ED) - Advocates and Adversaries: The Early Life and Times of Robert R. Rose
29651: ROSEMAN, MILL - Detectionary: A Biographical Dictionary of Leading Characters in Mystery Fiction
10405: ROSEN, THEODORE, M.D.; MARILYN B. LANNING, R.N., B.S.N.; MARCIA J. HILL, R.N., M.S.N. - The Nurse's Atlas of Dermatology
14810: ROSEN, GEORGE H. - The Immanence of God in the Tropics
14799: ROSEN, GEORGE H. - Black Money: A Novel of Modern Africa
14800: ROSEN, GEORGE H. - Black Money: A Novel of Modern Africa
26819: ROSEN, GEORGE H. - Black Money: A Novel of Modern Africa
21049: ROSEN, GEORGE H. - The Immanence of God in the Tropics
25767: ROSEN, GEORGE H. - Black Money: A Novel of Modern Africa
27199: ROSEN, GEORGE H. - The Immanence of God in the Tropics
22030: ROSENBERG, HAROLD (TEXT BY) - Saul Steinberg
16130: ROSENBERG, STUART E. - America Is Different: The Search for Jewish Identity
27900: ROSENBERG, ALAN; JAMES R. WATSON; DETLEF LINKE - Contemporary Portrayals of Auschwitz: Philosophical Challanges
13492: ROSENBLUM, ROBERT - Ingres
28340: ROSENBLUM, MARTIN J. - Home
28343: ROSENBLUM, MARTIN J. - Settling Attention and Other Poems
28345: ROSENBLUM, MARTIN J. - Father for My Prayer
25705: ROSENBLUM, MORT - Mission to Civilize: The French Way
1152: ROSENBLUM, MARTIN J. - The Werewolf Sequence
28300: ROSENBLUM, MARTIN J. (ED) - Brewing: 20 Milwaukee Poets
24071: ROSENFELD, ISADORE - Doctor, What Should I Eat?: Nutrition Prescriptions for Ailments in Which Diet Can Really Make a Difference
26768: ROSENMAN, SAMUEL AND DOROTHY - Presidential Style: Some Giants and a Pygmy in the White House (a Cass Canfield Book)
28498: ROSENSTONE, STEVEN J.; JOHN MARK HANSEN - Mobilization, Participation, and Democracy in America
17480: ROSENTHAL, HAROLD (ED.) - Opera Annual No. 5
22968: ROSS, CHARLES - Edward IV
29203: ROSS, ALEXANDER; MILO MILTON QUAIFE (ED) - Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River: Being a Narrative of the Expedition Fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to Establish the "Pacific Fur Company" with an Account of Some Indian Tribes on the Coast of the Pacific
6462: ROSS, CHARLES - Edward IV
6466: ROSS, CHARLES - Richard III
7701: ROSS, STEWART - Art and Architecture: Medieval Realms
8459: ROSS, ALEXANDER; MILO MILTON QUAIFE (ED) - The Fur Hunters of the Far West: A Narrative of Adventures in the Oregon and Rocky Mountains
8464: ROSS, ALEXANDER; MILO MILTON QUAIFE (ED) - Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River: Being a Narrative of the Expedition Fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to Establish the "Pacific Fur Company" with an Account of Some Indian Tribes on the Coast of the Pacific
7354: ROSSABI, MORRIS - Khubilai Khan: His Life and Times
27660: ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL - Poems & Translations, 1850-1870; Together with the Prose Story 'Hand and Soul'
17493: ROSSI, PAUL A. AND DAVID C. HUNT - The Art of the Old West from the Collection of the Gilcrease Institute
19330: ROSSI, FRANCESCO; ANTONIO P. GRAZIANO AND FABRIZIO MANCINELLI - Michelangelo and Raphael in the Vatican All the Sistine Chapel, the Stanzas and the Loggias
15225: ROSSNER, JUDITH - August
14775: ROSTAND, EDMOND - Cyrano de Bergerac
11808: ROSTAND, EDMOND - Cyrano de Bergerac ( in French)
6384: ROSTAND, EDMOND - Cyrano de Bergerac
28528: ROTARIO, THOMA FRANCISCO - Apparatus Universae Theologiae Moralis, Pro Examine Ad Audiendas Confessiones a Tyronibus Fustinendo
16266: ROTH, PHILIP - Ma Vie D'Homme
20787: ROTH, JOHN K. - Holocaust Politics
16335: ROTH, PHILIP - The Great American Novel
12479: ROTH, PHILIP - Portnoy's Complaint
16343: ROTH, PHILIP - My Life As a Man
6411: ROTH, PHILIP - The Breast
7172: ROTH, JOHN K. (ED) - Journal of Social Philosophy (Vol. XVIII, No. 2, Summer 1987): Nuclear Violence
20783: ROTHENSTEIN, JOHN (TEXT BY) - The Tate Gallery, London
18092: ROTHENSTEIN, WILLIAM - Men and Memories Recollections of William Rothestein 1872-1900
26119: ROTHENSTEIN, JOHN - An Introduction to English Painting
6703: ROTHMAN, TONY - Instant Physics: From Aristotle to Einstein, and Beyond
6999: ROTHMAN, SHEILA M. - Woman's Proper Place: A History of Changing Ideals and Practices, 1870 to the Present
15284: ROTHSCHILD, ALONZO - Lincoln: Master of Men a Study in Character
28535: ROTHSCHILD, PHILIPPINE DE - Mouton Rothschild: Paintings for the Labels
18130: ROTHSTEIN, MARK A. (ED.) - Pharmacogenomics: Social, Ethical, and Clinical Dimensions
4321: ROTSLER, WILLIAM - The Far Frontier
20181: ROTTENBERG, DAN - Finding Our Fathers a Guidebook to Jewish Genealogy
15949: ROUGHEAD, WILLIAM - The Murderer's Companion
28582: O'ROURKE, P. J. - Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government
29907: ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES - Political Writings
18697: ROUSSEAU, JEAN-JACQUES - The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Anonymous Translation Into English of 1783 & 1790 Revised and Completed by A.S. B. Glover
16974: ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES - The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau
28057: ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES - Political Writings
21028: ROUTH, FRANCIS - Contemporary Music: An Introduction
24386: ROW, ROBERT CAMPBELL - The M. I . Hummel Album Portfolio Press a Robert Campbell Rowe Book
25000: ROWE, W. GLENN; MARY CONWAY BATO-ON (EDITORS) - Introduction to Nonprofit Management: Text and Cases
20202: ROWELL, MARGIT - Miró
28638: ROWELL, GALEN - The Art of Adventure
13300: ROWLANDS, JOHN - German Drawings from a Private Collection
27673: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
27674: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
29095: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
29085: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
23027: ROWLING, J. K. - The Casual Vacancy
29101: ROWLING, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
9765: ROWLING, J. K.; GRANDPRé, MARY - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
29675: ROWSE, A. L. - William Shakespeare: A Biography
28591: ROWSE, A. L. - Christopher Marlowe: His Life and Works
14975: DE ROY, TUI - Galapagos: Islands Born of Fire: 10th Anniversary Edition
26797: ROY, ARUNDHATI - The God of Small Things
19666: ROY, JULES - The Navigator
7173: ROY, RUSTOM (ED); THOMAS W. SIMON, ET AL. - Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society (Vol. 11, No. 3, 1991): Technology and the Political Life
7174: ROY, RUSTOM (ED); THOMAS W. SIMON, ET AL. - Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society (Vol. 11, No. 3, 1991): Technology and the Political Life
9669: ROYCE, KENNETH - No Way Back
12306: ROYCRAFT, ROLAND - Fill Your Watercolors with Light and Color
17507: ROYKO, MIKE - One More Time the Best of Mike Royko
26614: ROYKO, MIKE - Like I Was Sayin'...
19587: ROYKO, MIKE - One More Time the Best of Mike Royko
28945: ROYKO, MIKE; STUDS TERKEL (FOREWORD) - One More Time: The Best of Mike Royko
26478: ROZELLE, CAPTAIN DAVID - Back in Action: An American Soldier's Story of Courage, Faith, and Fortitude
6144: ROZWENC, EDWIN C.; AND JOHN C. MATLON - Myth and Reality in the Populist Revolt
18507: RUBEL, DAVID - Mr. President: The Human Side of America's Chief Executives
26693: RUBIN, THEODORE ISAAC - Through My Own Eyes
20341: RUBIN, WILLIAM (ED) - Pablo Picasso a Retrospective
26613: RUBIN, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - Picasso and Portraiture: Representation and Transformation
27122: RUBIN, WILLIAM (ED) - Picasso and Portraiture: Representation and Transformation
4721: RUBIN, WILLIAM AND ALFRED H. BARR, JR. - Pablo Picasso: A Medaenas Monograph on the Arts
6397: RUBIN, THEODORE ISAAC - The Angry Book
8997: RUBIN, WILLIAM (ED) - Pablo Picasso: A Retrospective
26650: RUBINSTEIN, NICOLAI (ED) - Florentine Studies: Politics and Society in Renaissance Florence
20503: RUBINSTEIN, ARTHUR - My Young Years
22385: RUCHLIS, HY WITH SANDRA ODDO - Clear Thinking a Practical Introduction
17063: HARRY V. K. HENDERSON; DONALD DOUGLAS; ROGER B. WHITMAN; RAYMOND MATTHEWSON HOOD; WILLIAM EDWIN RUDGE - Arcady: A National Playground Where the Leaders of Contemporary Life May Sustain Their Capacity for Work by Bringing to Its Utmost the Art of Rest and Recreation
29255: RUFFER, SIR MARC ARMAND; ROY L. MOODIE (ED) - Studies in the Palaeopathology of Egypt
29384: RUFFIE, JACQUES - The Population Alternative: A New Look at Competition and the Species
11773: RUFFIN, LISA - Leonard Tharp an American Style of Flower Arrangement
18977: RUFFLE, JOHN - The Egyptians: An Introduction to Egyptian Archaeology
29669: RUGOFF, MILTON (ED) - A Harvest of World Folk Tales
17299: RUIZ, MARCO - The History of the Automobile
19302: RUIZ, MARCO - One Hundred Years of the Automobile: 1886-1986
28637: RUNYON, A. MILTON; VILMA F. BERGANE (EDS) - Pictorial Travel Encyclopedia of the World (Two Volumes, Complete)
3931: RUSBRIDGER, JAMES AND ERIC NAVE - Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II
16252: RUSH, BARBARA - The Lights of Hanukkah a Book of Menorahs
5106: RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Haroun and the Sea of Stories
13401: RUSHING, JOSH; SEAN ELDER - Mission Al-Jazeera: Build a Bridge, Seek the Truth, Change the World
27017: RUSHTON, ROSIE - The Dashwood Sisters' Secrets of Love
26604: RUSKIN, ARIANE - The Pantheon Story of Art for Young People
29819: RUSKIN, JOHN - The Stones of Venice: Volume One: The Foundations
28760: RUSKIN, JOHN - Sesame and Lilies: Three Lectures by John Ruskin
28764: RUSKIN, JOHN - The Storm Cloud of the Ninteenth Century - Two Lectures Delivered at the London Institution February 4th and 11th 1884
6344: RUSKIN, JOHN - Mornings in Florence
3968: RUSSELL, ALAN K. (ED) - The Book of the Sleuth: 14 Classic Tales of Mystery and Suspense
29782: RUSSELL, BERTRAND - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 1872-1914
19380: RUSSELL, ROBERT C. (ED) - Instructional Courses: Volume 3, 1990
19868: RUSSELL, VIVIAN - Monet's Garden Through the Seasons at Giverny
19377: RUSSELL, ROBERT C. (ED) - Instructional Courses: Volume 2, 1989
28365: RUSSELL, BERTRAND; PAUL FOULKES (ED) - Wisdom of the West
25966: RUSSELL, JESSE; RONALD COHN - Dexter Gordon
7097: RUSSELL, ALEC - Big Men, Little People: Encounters in Africa
7653: RUSSELL, JOHN - The World of Durer
7690: RUSSELL, WILLIAM F., ED.D. - More Classics to Read Aloud to Your Children
24831: RUSSERT, TIM - Big Russ & Me: Father and Son: Lessons of Life
16503: RUSSMANN, EDNA - Eternal Egypt Masterworks of Ancient Art from the British Museum
1358: RUSSO, GUS - Live by the Sword
10236: RUST, ZAD - Teddy Bare: The Last of the Kennedy Clan
10612: RUTHERFORD, J. F. - Riches
26647: RUTHERFURD, EDWARD - Russka: The Novel of Russia
26892: RUTHERFURD, EDWARD - The Forest: A Novel
26893: RUTHERFURD, EDWARD - London: The Novel
18797: RUTHERFURD, EDWARD - London: The Novel
26969: RUXIN, PAUL T.; GORDON M. PRADL AND SAMUEL B. ELLENPORT (EDS) - The Past As Present: Selected Thoughts & Essays
14047: RYAN, MARK - Everyday Math for Everyday Life: A Handbook for When It Just Doesn't Add Up
6034: RYAN, KEVIN; KAREN E. BOHLIN - Building Character in Schools: Practical Ways to Bring Moral Instruction to Life
22427: RYDER, OLIVER A.; MARY L. BYRD (EDITORS) - One Medicine: A Tribute to Kurt Benirschke, Director Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species Zoological Society of San Diego and Professor of Pathology and Reproductive Medicine University of California San Diego from His Students and Colleagues
23837: SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE CERVANTES - Don Quixote: The Ingenious Gentleman of la Mancha
28687: SABATIER, M. L'ABBE (PSEUDONYM OF ANTIONE SABATIER DE CASTRES) - Journal Politique National Des Etats-Generaux, Et de la Revolution de 1789: Publie D'Abord par M. L'Abbe Sabatier, & Maintenant, par M. Salomon, a Cambrai (Volume Two, Only, of Three)
29404: SABATINI, RAFAEL - The Trampling of the Lilies
14263: SACHS, CURT - World History of the Dance
18812: SACKLER, HOWARD - The Great White Hope: A Play by Howard Sackler
19181: SADLEIR, MICHAEL - Daumier the Man and the Artist
26883: SADLER, JOHN; ROSIE SERDIVILLE - Caesar's Greatest Victory: The Battle of Alesia, 52bc
17833: SAEKS, DIANE DORRANS - Country Interiors Design Ideas for Renovating, Remodeling, and Building New
17781: SAEKS, DIANE DORRANS - San Francisco: A Certain Style
26540: SAFDIE, EDWARD J. - Spa Food
23262: SAFDIE, EDWARD J. - New Spa Food
28900: SAFIRE, WILLIAM (ED.) - Lend Me Your Ears Great Speeches in History
13438: SAFIRE, WILLIAM - Full Disclosure
28926: SAFIRE, WILLIAM - Scandalmonger
8120: SAFIRE, WILLIAM - Full Disclosure
25409: SAGAN, FRANCOISE - Bonjour Tristesse
14225: SAGAN, FRANCOISE - The Unmade Bed
29385: SAGAN, CARL - Cosmos
20621: SAGGS, H. W. F. - Civilization Before Greece and Rome
1154: SAHTOURIS, MILTOS (KIMON FRIAR, TRANS. ) - With Face to the Wall
17813: SAINT-AMAND, IMBERT DE - The Wife of the First Consul
29934: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE - The Little Prince
17814: SAINT-AMAND, IMBERT DE - The Court of the Empress Josephine
29935: SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE DE - Le Petit Prince
28692: SAINTE-BEUVE, M. - Galerie de Portraits Historiques, Souverains - Hommes D'Etat - Militaires: Tiree Des Causeries Du Lundi Et Des Portraits Litteraires
15385: SAINTINE, X, B - Picciola
2080: SAINTONGES, J. C. - Sagas Rhenanes Ou Recueil de Plus Interessantes Traditions Du Rhin Traduites de L'Allemand
29381: SAKAIYA, TAICHI; STEVEN KARPA (TRANS) - What Is Japan? Contradictions and Transformations
26124: SAKI (PSEUDONYM OF H. H. MUNRO) - The Novels and Plays of Saki
15043: SALAMAN, MALCOLM C. - Modern Masters of Etching: Alphonse Legros
20208: SALAMANDER, RACHEL (ED.) - The Jewish World of Yesterday 1860-1938 Texts and Photographs from Central Europe
10646: SALEEBY, C. W. - Woman and Womanhood: A Search for Principles a Search for Principles
5147: SALINGER, MARGARETTA - Art Treasures of the World: Velazquez
19964: SALINGER, J. D. - Nine Stories
29791: SALINGER, PIERRE - With Kennedy
10238: SALINGER, PIERRE; SANDER VANOCUR (EDITORS) - A Tribute to John F. Kennedy: 1917-1963
12261: SALISBURY, HARRISON E. - The Gates of Hell
8860: SALISBURY, HARRISON E. - The Gates of Hell
24842: SALK, DR. LEE - What Every Child Would Like His Parents to Know*: *to Help Him with the Emotional Problems of His Everyday Life
29468: SALLICK, BARBARA; LISA LIGHT - Waterworks: Inventing Bath Style
14385: SALMANSOHN, KAREN; ZINZELL, DON - How to Be Happy, Dammit a Cynic's Guide to Spiritual Happiness
27921: SALNY, DR. ABBIE F. - The Mensa Book of Words, Word Games, Puzzles & Oddities
18785: SALOMON, ERICH - Portrait of an Age
16210: SALTEN, FELIX - Fifteen Rabbits
21549: SALTEN, FELIX - The Hound of Florence
16192: SALTEN, FELIX - Bambi's Children the Story of a Forest Family
29237: SALTER, JAMES - Burning the Days: Recollection
24829: SALTZ, GAIL - Becoming Real: Defeating the Stories We Tell Ourselves That Hold Us Back
21797: SALVATORE, R. A. - Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
20928: SALVINI, ROBERTO - Modern Italian Sculpture
18030: SAMAHA, JOEL - Criminal Law
6905: SAMUEL, MAURICE - The Gentleman and the Jew
17966: SAND, GEORGE - Little Fadette
4154: SANDBURG, CARL - Abraham Lincoln the War Years (Volume 4 Only)
24048: SANDBURG, CARL - Remembrance Rock
11921: SANDBURG, CARL - The Sandburg Range
29189: SANDBURG, CARL - Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (Four Volumes, Complete)
29190: SANDBURG, CARL - Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years (Two Volumes, Complete)
29191: SANDBURG, CARL - Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (Four Volumes, Complete)
23233: SANDBURG, CARL - Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years
15747: SANDBURG, CARL - The Sandburg Range
13042: SANDBURG, CARL - Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (Four Volumes, Complete)
14181: SANDBURG, CARL - Cornhuskers
17335: SANDBURG, CARL - Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years
29365: SANDBURG, CARL - Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (Four Volumes, Complete)
20073: SANDERS, RONALD - Shores of Refuge a Hundred Years of Jewish Emigration
29700: SANDERS, RONALD - The Downtown Jews; Portraits of an Immigrant Generation
22717: SANDERS, LAWRENCE - Mcnally's Risk
23166: SANDERSON, ANNA (EDITOR) - The New Color Book
21575: SANDFORD, JOHN - Hidden Prey
24514: SANDFORD, JOHN - Naked Prey
8951: SANDFORD, JOHN - The Night Crew
9190: SANDFORD, JOHN - The Devil's Code
6162: SANDLIN, TIM - Sex and Sunsets
21052: SANFORD, BRUCE W. - Don't Shoot the Messenger How Are Growing Hatred of the Media Threatens Free Speech for All of Us
17583: SANN, PAUL - Fads, Follies and Delusions of the American People a Pictorial Story of Madnesses, Crazes and Crowd Phenomena
28587: SANTAYANA, GEORGE - The Last Puritan
29075: SANTILLANA, GIORGIO DE - The Origins of Scientific Thought: From Anaximander to Proclus, 600 B.C. To A.D. 500
22502: SARA - Where Mist Clothes Dream and Song Runs Naked
16887: SARAMAGO, JOSE - The Double
7027: SARAT, AUSTIN (ED) - Race, Law, and Culture: Reflections on Brown V. Board of Education
23254: SARGENT, SUSAN; TODD LYON - Susan Sargent's the Comfort of Color: Inspire, Transform, Create
14229: SAROYAN, WILLIAM - Sons Come and Go, Mothers Hang in Forever
29903: SAROYAN, WILLIAM - Sons Come and Go, Mothers Hang in Forever
29560: SARTON, GEORGE - A History of Science
23895: SARTON, MAY - A Reckoning
12428: SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL - Troubled Sleep (Translated from the French by Gerald Hopkins)
7049: SARTRE, JEAN PAUL; CONTAT, MICHEL; ASTRUC, ALEXANDRE - Sartre by Himself: A Film Directed by Alexandre Astruc and Michel Contat with the Participation of Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques-Larent Bost, Andre Gorz, Jean Pouillon
17903: SASSOON, SIEGFRIED - Memoirs of an Infantry Officer
13319: SATRAPI, MARJANE - Persepolis 2 the Story of a Return
21151: SATTERTHWAIT, WALTER - Accustomed to the Dark: A Joshua Croft Mystery
29129: SAULNIER, BETH - Bad Seed an Alex Bernier Mystery
29135: SAULNIER, BETH - Ecstasy an Alex Bernier Mystery
28793: DU SAULT, REVEREND FATHER NICOLAS - Indirizzo Per Cercar Iddio Per le Vie Naturali, E Sopranaturali, Oue L'Anima E Disposta Insensibilmente Alle Più Alte Funtioni Della Vita Spirituale. Scritto in Lingua Francese Dal P. Nicolò de Solt E Tradotto Nell Italiana Da Gabriele Biscola
4667: SAUNDERS, NICHOLAS J. - Alexander's Tomb the Two Thousand Year Obsession to Find the Lost Conqueror
9949: SAVANT, JEAN - Napoleon in His Time
17976: SAVILL, AGNES - Alexander the Great and His Time
18889: SAVOCA, JEAN-MICHEL, BOYCE BRAWLEY AND JUDITH CHOATE - New York Parties the Art of Hosting
11080: SAYE, ALBERT B; MERRITT B. POUND; JOHN F. ALLUMS - Principles of American Government
971: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - The Unpleasentness at the Bellona Club
7184: SCARBOROUGH, ELIZABETH - Song of Sorcery
24077: SCARF, MAGGIE - Intimate Worlds: Life Inside the Family
25839: SCARISBRICK, J. J. - Henry VIII
6467: SCARISBRICK, J. J. - Henry VIII
27605: SCHAEFER, MAXIMILIAN - Tierformen: Ein Atlas Von 64 Tafeln Nebst Erlauterndem Textband (Volume II Only)
6835: SCHAFFNER, KENNETH F. (ED) - Philosophy of Science (Volume 43, Number 3, September 1976)
22521: SCHAMA, SIMON - The American Future a History
25817: SCHAMA, SIMON - The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age
325: SCHAPIRO, MEYER - Vincent Van Gogh
29196: SCHAPIRO, MEYER - Van Gogh: 16 Beautiful Full Color Prints
13535: SCHATZMAN, MORTON M. - Story of Ruth
19138: SCHAUFFLER, ROBERT HAVEN - Beethoven: The Man Who Freed Music
15221: SCHEELE, ADELE M. - Skills for Success a Guide to the Top
27770: SCHEIBER, ALEXANDER (TEXT); THE ORIENTAL LIBRARY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - The Kaufmann Haggadah: Facsimile Edition of Ms 422 of the Kaufmann Collection in the Oriental Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
11223: SCHENKAR, JOAN - The Talented Miss Highsmith the Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith
24844: SCHERMAN, DAVID E.; RICHARD WILCOX - Literary England: Photographs Made of Places Made Memorable in English Literature
27609: SCHERMAN, DAVID E.; RICHARD WILCOX; CHRISTOPHER MORLEY (PREFACE) - Literary England: Photographs of Places Made Memorable in English Literature
22307: SCHERMAN, KATHERINE - The Long White Night
23508: SCHERMAN, DAVID E.; WILCOX, RICHARD - Literary England: Photographs of Places Made Memorable in English Literature
21523: SCHERMAN, DAVID E.; ROSEMARIE REDLICH - Literary America: A Chronicle of American Writers from 1607 to 1952 with 170 Photographs of the American Scene That Inspired Them
7240: SCHERR, GEORGE H. (ED) - Journal of Irreproducible Results II
8555: SCHERR, GEORGE H. - Why Millions Died: Before the War on Infectious Diseases
6138: SCHICKLER, DAVID - Sweet and Vicious
12720: SCHILLER, JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON; EUGENE G. FASNACHT AND C. SHELDON EDS) - Maria Stuart (Mary, Queen of Scots - a Tragedy in Five Acts)
22196: SCHILLER, F. C. S. - Studies in Humanism
21161: SCHILLING, WILFRID - The Fear Makers
20655: SCHINZ, MARINA AND SUSAN LITTLEFIELD - Visions of Paradise Themes and Variations on the Garden
17500: SCHINZ, MARINA AND SUSAN LITTLEFIELD - Visions of Paradise Themes and Variations on the Garden
14156: SCHLESINGER, ARTHUR M. , JR. - Robert Kennedy and His Times, Volume One
28141: SCHLIEMANN, DR. HENRY - Tiryns: The Prehistoric Palace of the Kings of Tiryns; the Results of the Latest Excavations
28157: SCHLIEMANN, HEINRICH - Ilios: The City and Country of the Trojans: The Results of Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Troy and Throughout the Troad in the Years 1871, 72, 73, 78, 79
24663: SCHLIEMANN, HEINRICH - Mycenae: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns
28146: SCHLIEMANN, HEINRICH - Troja: Results of the Latest Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Homer's Troy, 1882
29485: SCHLöGEL, KARL - The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World
20611: SCHLUETER, PAUL - The Novels of Doris Lessing
21039: SCHMIDLE, NICHOLAS - To Live or to Perish Forever Two Tumultuous Years in Pakistan
12366: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); MICHAEL A. BURSTEIN; BEN BOVA; PAUL LEVINSON - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXX, No. 3, March 2000)
12146: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); DEAN ING; TIMOTHY ZAHN; LAURENCE M. JANIFER; GARY ALAN RUSE - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. C, No. 7, July 1980)
12356: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); RICK SHELLEY; BEN BOVA; JOSEPH H. DELANEY - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXVIII, No. 1, January 1998)
12477: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); MICHAEL A. BURSTEIN; SHANE TOURTELLOTTE; BEN BOVA; DEAN MCLAUGHLIN - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXI, No. 7 & 8, July/August 2001)
12327: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); AMY BECHTEL; ROBERT J. SAWYER; ROBERT ZUBRIN - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXII, No. 4, April 2002)
12151: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); DAVID BISCHOFF; THOMAS F. MONTELEONE; JOE HALDEMAN; GARY ALAN RUSE - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CI, No. 10, September 14, 1981)
12084: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); THOMAS R. DULSKI; JOHN GRIBBIN; DAVID BISCHOFF; THOMAS F. MONTELEONE - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CI, No. 13, December 7, 1981)
12474: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); KEVIN J. ANDERSON; SHANE TOURTELLOTTE; MARY A. TURZILLO; POUL ANDERSON - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXI, No. 11, November 2001)
12330: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); ROBERT J. SAWYER; LARRY NIVEN & BRENDAN COOPER; WIL MCCARTHY; JAMES VAN PELT - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXII, No. 1, January 2002)
12369: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); DEAN MCLAUGHLIN; CHAD OLIVER; ROBERT L. FORWARD - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CI, No. 5, April 27, 1981)
12370: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); DAVID BRIN; CHARLES L. HARNESS; DEAN MCLAUGHLIN - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CI, No. 6, May 25, 1981)
12340: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); RAJNAR VAJRA; BRENDA COOPER & LARRY NIVEN; JERRY OLTION - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXII, No. 6, June 2002)
12312: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); MICHAEL SWANWICK; WIL MCCARTHY; STEPHEN BAXTER; BEN BOVA - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXII, No. 12, December 2002)
12289: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); G. DAVID NORDLEY; JACK WILLIAMSON; LAURENCE M. JANIFER - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXI, No. 1, January 2001)
12320: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); EDWARD M. LERNER; MICHAEL A. BURSTEIN; RAJNAR VAJRA; TIMOTHY ZAHN - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXII, No. 10, October 2002)
12321: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); PAT FORDE; LLOYD BIGGLE, JR.; TIMOTHY ZAHN; LARRY NIVEN - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXII, No. 9, September 2002)
12168: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); MICHAEL MCCOLLUM; STEVEN GOULD; G. HARRY STINE - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CI, No. 9, August 17, 1981)
12155: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); JACK WILLIAMSON; STEPHEN L. BURNS; LARRY NIVEN - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXX, No. 12, December 2000)
12147: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); DEAN ING; MILTON ROTHMAN; GORDON R. DICKSON - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. C, No. 8, August 1980)
12149: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); TIMOTHY ZAHN; ARTHUR C. CLARKE; LEE CORREY - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CIII, No. 7, July 1983)
12150: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); JAYGE CARR; DR. ROBERT L. FORWARD; JOE HALDEMAN - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CIII, No. 8, August 1983)
12476: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); LLOYD BIGGLE, JR.; BEN BOVA; BRIAN PLANTE; JEFFERY D. KOOISTRA - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXI, No. 9, September 2001)
12159: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); GEORGE R.R. MARTIN; SPIDER ROBINSON; DAVID BISCHOFF & THOMAS F. MONTELEONE - Analog: Science Fcition/Science Fact (Vol. CI, No. 11, October 12, 1981)
12160: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); STIEGLER; BISCHOFF; MONTELEONE - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CI, No. 12, November 9, 1981)
12350: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); DAVE CREEK; BUD SUPERHAWK; STEPHEN L. BURNS; MIKE MOSCOE - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXII, No. 5, May 2002)
12352: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); GREY ROLLINS; F. ALEXANDER BREJCHA; STEPHEN L. GILLETT - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXVIII, No. 10, October 1998)
12475: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); POUL ANDERSON; RAJNAR VAJRA; KYLE KIRKLAND - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXI, No. 10, October 2001)
12332: SCHMIDT, STANLEY (ED); FRAN VAN CLEAVE; RICK SHELLEY; SEAN MCMULLEN; LINDA J. DUNN - Analog: Science Fiction/Science Fact (Vol. CXXI, No. 12, December 2001)
23504: SCHMITT, GLADYS - The Godforgotten
4681: SCHMITT, GLADYS - Rembrandt
6478: SCHMITT, GLADYS - David the King
928: SCHMITT, GLADYS - Confessors of the Name
17275: SCHMUCKER, SAMUEL - The Life and Times of George Washington
6971: SCHNEEWIND, J. B.;RORTY, RICHARD - Philosophy in History: Essays on the Historiography of Philosophy
18644: SCHNEIDER, BARBARA AND DAVID STEVENSON - The Ambitious Generation America's Teenagers, Motivated But Directionless
19122: BRAUN & SCHNEIDER - Historic Costume in Pictures
2078: SCHNEIDER, PIERRE - The World of Watteau 1684-1721
7642: SCHNEIDER, PIERRE - The World of Watteau 1684-1721
7644: SCHNEIDER, PIERRE - The World of Manet
24233: SCHOLZ, BERNHARD - Kindersang-Heimatklang: Kinder- Und Volkslieder
9824: SCHOM, ALAN - One Hundred Days: Napoleon's Road to Waterloo
24459: SCHONBERGER, ARNO - Deutsches Porzella
26649: NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL - New Trier High School Alumni Directory 1901-1992
24183: KEMPER HALL SCHOOL - Kodak - 1929 (Yearbook of Kemper Hall)
17425: SCHORER, MARK, JOSEPHINE MILES, GORDON MCKENZIE - Criticism the Foundations of Modern Literary Judgement
15867: SCHORER, MARK - Sinclair Lewis: An American Life
8748: SCHORR, MARK - Red Diamond: Private Eye
24743: SCHREINER, JOHN - British Columbia Wine Country
13130: SCHRENK, LISA D. - Building a Century of Progress: The Architecture of Chicago's 1933-34 World's Fair
5243: SCHRODER, WOLF-UDO (ED) - Nuclear Fission and Heavy-Ion-Induced Reactions: Festschrift and Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nuclear Fission and Heavy-Ion-Induced Reactions
21134: SCHROEDER, DORIS - Walt Disney's Annette and the Mystery at Smugglers' Cove
27668: SCHROEDER, JOHN FREDERICK - Life and Times of Washington; Containing a Particular Account of National Principles and Events, and of the Illustrious Men of the Revolution. (Two Volumes, Complete)
19056: SCHROEDER, ALICE - The Snowball Warren Buffett and the Business of Life
29036: SCHUCK, PETER H. - Agent Orange on Trial: Mass Toxic Disasters in the Courts, Enlarged Edition
14259: SCHULER, J.E. - Great Drawings of the Masters
13879: SCHULTHESS, EMIL - Swiss Panorama
5411: SCHULTZ, HERBERT C., NORMA B. CUTHBERT AND HAYDEE NOYA - Ten Centuries of Manuscripts in the Huntington Library
7554: SCHULTZ, CHARLES M. - Peanuts: A Golden Celebration the Art and the Story of the World's Best-Loved Comic Strip
14447: SCHULZ, CHARLES M. - Happy Birthday! (and One to Glow on)
16050: SCHULZ, CHARLES M. - Young Pillars
10120: SCHULZE, FRANZ - Mies Van Der Rohe: A Critical Biography
26166: SCHUMACHER, MICHAEL - Crossroads: The Life and Music of Eric Clapton
25720: SCHUR, NORMAN W. - British English, a to Zed
17666: SCHUTH, KATARINA, O.S.F. - Seminaries, Theologates, and the Future of Church Ministry an Analysis of Trends and Transitions
28649: SCHUYLER, CATHERINE VAN RENSSELAER (MRS. PHILIP SCHUYLER) - Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, between the Years 1773 and 1807 (Volume One, Only, of Two)
29033: SCHWARTZ, THE LATE BERNARD - A History of the Supreme Court
25919: SCHWARTZ, FRED EDWARD - Sheffield Sketches: Chicago Stories of the 1940s
12676: SCHWARTZ, STEPHEN - Wicked a New Musical - Easy Piano Selections
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