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27659: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY - The American Annual Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1867. Embracing Political, CIVIL, Military, and Social Affairs; Public Documents; Biography, Statistics, Commerce, Finance, Literature, Science, Agriculture, and Mechanical Industry.
27657: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY - The American Annual Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1864. Embracing Political, CIVIL, Military, and Social Affairs; Public Documents; Biography, Statistics, Commerce, Finance, Literature, Science, Agriculture, and Mechanical Industry.
23771: VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY - Music Appreciation for Little Children
18701: S. D. WARREN COMPANY (ED) - Capture the Sun: A Collection of Articles, Poems, and Myths About Solar Energy & the Sun
19165: SHINE ADVERTISING COMPANY - Under Construction: Building the Harley-Davidson Museum
27656: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY - The American Annual Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1863. Embracing Political, CIVIL, Military, and Social Affairs; Public Documents; Biography, Statistics, Commerce, Finance, Literature, Science, Agriculture, and Mechanical Industry.
29206: RAND MCNALLY AND COMPANY - The Rand Mcnally Atlas of the Oceans: An Exploration of the World Ocean
22341: ELI LILLY & COMPNAY - Profile of an Antibiotic Keflin : Sodium Cephalothing
11010: COMSTOCK, J. L. , M. D. - A System of Natural Philosophy
21835: COMSTOCK, HELEN - American Furniture Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centure Styles
28586: COMSTOCK, HELEN - 100 Most Beautiful Rooms in America
7043: COMTE, AUGUSTE - The Essential Comte: Selected from Cours de Philosophie Positive
15069: CONAN DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR - The Conan Doyle Stories
24947: CONAN DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR - Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
24944: CONAN DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR - His Last Bow: A Reminiscence of Sherlock Holmes
24943: CONAN DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR - The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes
19932: CONARD, HOWARD LOUIS - Uncle Dick Wootton: The Pioneer Frontiersman of the Rocky Mountain Region
9087: CONARD, HOWARD LOUIS - Uncle Dick Wootton: The Pioneer Frontiersman of the Rocky Mountain Region
11484: CONDON, GERALD M.; JEFFREY L. CONDON - Beyond the Grave; the Right Way and the Wrong Way of Leaving Money to Your Children (and Others)
28483: UNITED STATES CONGRESS - Our American Government
6839: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - Thomas Jefferson: Genius of Liberty
727: CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - The Constitution of the United States of America
14615: CONISBEE, PHILIP - Georges de la Tour and His World
11319: CONKLIN, GROFF (ED) - Science Fiction Omnibus
28268: CONLAN, TIMOTHY - New Federalism Intergovernmental Reform from Nixon to Reagan
25652: CONNELL, EVAN S. - Deus Lo Volt!: Chronicle of the Crusades
28797: O'CONNELL, BILL - Fourteen: The Murder of David Stukel
19712: CONNELL, EVAN S., JR. - The Anatomy Lesson and Other Stories
11700: O'CONNELL, CAROL - Winter House
17753: CONNELL, JOHN - Creating the Inspired House Discovering Your Place Called Home
11703: O'CONNELL, CAROL - Dead Famous a Mallory Novel
8060: O'CONNELL, JEFFREY, KELLY, C. BRIAN - The Blame Game How Shin-Kicking Litigation Is Hurting All of Us
11685: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - The Scarecrow
21795: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - The Lincoln Lawyer
17555: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - The Lincoln Lawyer
11954: CONNELLY, MICHAEL - A Darkness More Than Night
8158: THE CONNOISSEUR - The Connoisseur (Vol. 193, No. 778, December 1976)
12662: CONNOLLY, SHEILA - Red Delicious Death
29551: CONNOLLY, JAMES BRENDAN - Out of Gloucester (Short Story Index Reprint Series)
17831: CONNOLLY, CAREN M.; LOUIS WASSERMAN - Ranches Design Ideas for Renovating, Remodeling, and Building New
23559: CONNOLLY, CAREN M.; LOUIS WASSERMAN - Wisconsin's Own: Twenty Remarkable Homes
12640: CONNOLLY, SHEILA - A Killer Crop
20550: O'CONNOR, FRANCIS V. - Jackson Pollock
14812: O'CONNOR, JOHN S. - Things Being What They Are
24336: O'CONNOR, J. REGIS - The Sacred Seal
16101: CONNOR, RALPH - Glengarry Schooldays
18361: O'CONNOR, ELIZABETH - Eighth Day of Creation Gifts and Creativity
16198: O'CONNOR, FRANK - Domestic Relations
24660: O'CONNOR, FRANK - Traveller's Samples: Stories and Tales
29265: O'CONNOR, FLANNERY; ROBERT ELLSBERG (ED); RICHARD GIANNONE (INTRO) - Flannery o'Connor: Spiritual Writings
16473: O'CONNOR, ULICK - Brendan
5853: O'CONNOR, EDWIN - All in the Family
6085: CONNOR, TODD - Animal Leadership: The 5 Natural Laws of Effectiveness
6507: O'CONNOR, BRIAN - The One Shot War
16870: CONNORS, DORSEY - Helpful Hints for Hurried Homemakers: Time and Money Saving Shortcuts
23904: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim
27482: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim
23398: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Victory
12402: CONRAD, JOSEPH - The Arrow of Gold: A Story between Two Notes
16810: CONRAD, JOSEPH - A Conrad Argosy
12232: CONRAD, HOWARD LOUIS - Uncle Dick Wootton: The Pioneer Frontiersman of the Rocky Mountain Region
17689: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim
16582: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim
25284: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Victory
17457: CONRAD, JOSEPH - The Nigger of the Narcissus
15056: CONRAD, JOSEPH - A Conrad Argosy
28062: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim
28612: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Lord Jim
23897: CONRAD, JOSEPH - A Conrad Argosy
11027: CONRAD, JOSEPH - Victory
14324: CONRAD, JOSEPH - A Conrad Argosy
15301: CONROY, JOHN - Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People the Dynamics of Torture
21036: CONROY, PAT - South of Broad
16251: CONSTANT, FIRST VALET DE CHAMBRE OF THE EMPEROR - Memoirs of Constant, First Valet de Chambre of the Emperor on the Private Life of Napoleon, His Family and His Court (Volume III)
13528: COOK, ROBIN - Mindbend
27042: HOMER; ALBERT COOK (ED AND TRANS) - The Odyssey: A New Verse Translation
13601: COOK, ROBIN - Fever
21802: COOK, CLAIRE - Must Love Dogs
8979: COOK, LELAND A; GILL, BRENDAN & TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE - St. Patrick's Cathedral a Centennial History
9016: COOK, ROBIN - Chromosome 6
26366: COOKE, ALISTAIR - Six Men: Charlie Chaplin, H.L. Mencken, Humphrey Bogart, Adlai Stevenson, Bertrand Russell, Edward VIII,
20695: COOKE, ALISTAIR - Alistair Cooke's America
13913: COOKE, ALISTAIR - Masterpieces: A Decade of Masterpiece Theatre
1415: COOKE, BRIAN KENNEDY (ED) - King Arthur of Britain: From Sir Thomas Malory's Morte D'Arthur
14075: COOKE, ALISTAIR - Alistair Cooke's America
26368: COOKE, ALISTAIR - Alistair Cooke's America
21255: COOKE, DONALD E. - For Conspicuous Gallantry Winners of the Medal of Honor
9094: COOKE, JOHN ESTEN; RICHARD HARWELL (ED) - Outlines from the Outpost
9541: COONTS, STEPHEN (ED) - Combat
29149: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Pathfinder
27549: COOPER, J. FENIMORE - The Leather Stocking Tales (Uncas Edition, Five Volumes)
28671: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Jack o'Lantern (le Feu-Follet;) or, the Privateer
14201: COOPER, SIR ASTLEY - Sir Astley Cooper's Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery (Two Volumes)
14022: COOPER, SUSAN - Victory
15612: COOPER, SHERRY - Ride the Wave Taking Control in a Turbulent Financial Age
29197: COOPER, DOUGLAS - Toulouse-Lautrec: 16 Beautiful Full Color Prints
28160: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Deerslayer, or the First War-Path
21050: COOPER, ANDERSON - Dispatches from the Edge a Memoir of War, Disasters and Survival
20983: COOPER, SAMUEL - A Dictionary of Practical Surgery: Comprehending All the Most Interesting Improvements, from the Earliest Times Down to the Present Period
17294: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757
25721: COOPER, PAULETTE; PAUL NOBLE - 277 Secrets Your Cat Wants You to Know: A Cat-Alog of Unusual and Useful Information
27481: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Last of the Mohicans
28995: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Last of the Mohicans, or a Narrative of 1757
28079: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757
26343: COOPER, ARTEMIS (EDITOR) - The Letters of Evelyn Waugh and Diana Cooper
5150: COOPER, DOUGLAS - Art Treasures of the World: Toulouse-Lautrec
16938: COOPER, KENNETH H. - Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper's Antioxidant Revolution
9673: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - Deerslayer
11160: COOPERSTEIN, CLAIRE - Johanna; a Novel of the Van Gogh Family
18290: COOTE, STEPHEN - William Morris His Life and Work
19219: COOTE, CAPTAIN J.O. - Yacht Navigation-My Way
22086: COPPARD, A. E. - Adam & Eve & Pinch Me
10812: COPPLESTONE, TREWIN (EDITOR) - World Architecture
28471: CORBETT, JIM - Man-Eaters of Kumaon
24278: CORBETT, SIR JULIAN STAFFORD - The League of Peace and a Free Sea
15317: CORDELL, MATTHEW - Trouble Gum
21137: CORMAN, AVERY - 50
28808: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's Company: The Seige of Badajoz, January to April, 1812
28809: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's Gold: Richard Sharpe and the Destruction of Almeida, August 1810
25750: CORNWELL, JOHN - Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII
20536: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - Portrait of a Killer Jack the Ripper Case Closed
28807: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's Sword: Richard Sharp and the Salamanca Campaign, June and July 1812
15711: CORNWELL, JOHN - A Thief in the Night the Mysterious Death of Pope John Paul I
28806: CORNWELL, BERNARD - Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharp and the Talavera Campaign, July 1809
8634: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - The Body Farm
9214: CORNWELL, PATRICIA - All That Remains
28432: GRAPHIC ARTS CORPORATION - Screen Art Studies: Artists Model Poses for the Camera Student (No. 8)
13772: COSBY, BILL - Time Flies
5128: COSELL, HOWARD - Cosell
6773: COSTAIN, THOMAS B. - The Tontine (Volume 2 Only)
8781: COSTAIN, THOMAS B. - The Last Love
28051: COSTANTINO, MARIA - Art Nouveau
26565: COSTNER, SUSAN; CAMILLA TURNBULL - Good Friends, Great Dinners: 32 Glorious Menus for Casual Entertaining
17783: COTNER, JUNE; STEVE MYRVANG - The Home Design Handbook the Essentiel Planning Guide for Building, Buying, or Remodeling a Home
155: COTTERELL, ARTHUR (ED. ) - The Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilizations
488: COTTIN, PAUL AND HENAULT, MAURICE (EDS. ) - The Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne 1812-1813
19619: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The Lost Pharaohs
9995: COTTRELL, LEONARD - Seeing Roman Britain
12354: COUGHLAN, ROBERT AND THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564
21017: COUGHLAN, ROBERT AND THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564
19557: COUGHLAN, ROBERT AND THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564
8548: COUGHLIN, ROBERT AND THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564
6164: COUPLAND, DOUGLAS - Life After God
6706: COUPLAND, DOUGLAS - Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
13507: COURTHION, PIERRE - Impressionism
12106: COURTHION, PIERRE - Impressionism Th Emovement, the Masters, the Precursors and the Followers
11725: COURTHION, PIERRE - Impressionism
20951: COUSINS, NORMAN - Head First: The Biology of Hope
13022: COUSINS, NORMAN - Head First: The Biology of Hope
22146: COUSINS, NORMAN - Dr. Schweitzer of Lambarene
28635: COUSTEAU, JACQUES-YVES (ED.) - The Ocean World
21896: COUTURIE, SYLVIA - No Tears in Ireland
13530: COWAN, CONNELL & MELVYN KINDER - Smart Women Foolish Choices: Finding the Right Men, Avoiding the Wrong Ones
13806: COWART, JACK; JUAN HAMILTON - Georgia o'Keeffe: Art and Letters
17005: COWDERY, RAY R. - Capone's Chicago
11766: COWIN, DANA & KATE HEDDINGS - Food & Wine; an Entire Year of Recipes 2007
16986: COWLEY, ROBERT (ED); STEPHEN AMBROSE; DAVID MCCULLOUGH; JAMES MCPHERSON; JOHN KEEGAN; ET AL. - What If? the World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been.
26385: COWLEY, ROBERT (EDITOR) - The Collected What If?: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
8064: COWPER, WILLIAM - The Poetical Works of William Cowper: With a Life of the Author
11269: COX, HARVEY - The Secular City; Secularization and Urbanization in Theological Perspective
18877: COYNE, JOHN - The Caddie Who Played with Hickory
13514: COYSH, A. W. - Blue and White Transfer Ware 1780-1840
13636: COYSH, A. W. - Blue-Printed Earthenware: 1800-1850
29115: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD - Guard of Honor
29105: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD - Morning Noon and Night
21742: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD - Men and Bretheren
23060: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD - Morning Noon and Night
15966: COZZENS, JAMES GOULD - By Love Possessed
24982: CRABB, GEORGE - Crabb's English Synonymes
17879: QUENTIN CRAFT - Classic Old Car Value Guide: Special 20th Anniversary Edition
10036: CRAIG, GERALD S.; MARGARET G. CONDRY - Learning About Our World: Pathways in Science V: A Course for Elementary Schools
27073: CRAIG, ROBERT C. - The Golden Rule
21640: CRAIGMYLE, MARSHALL - Perennials: The Comprehensive Guide to over 2700 Plants
10248: CRAIK, GEORGE L. - The English of Shakespeare: Illustrated in a Philosophical Commentary on His Julius Caesar
5387: CRAMPTON, W. G. - Webster's Concise Encyclopedia of Flags and Coats of Arms
6351: CRAMTON, ROGER C.; DAVID P. CURRIE; HERMA HILL KAY - Conflict of Laws: Cases-Comments-Questions (American Casebook Series)
28191: CRANE, STEPHEN - The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American CIVIL War
17254: CRANE, STEPHEN - Stories
27438: CRANE, WALTER; W. J. LINTON - The Baby's Own Aesop: Being the Fables Condensed in Rhyme with Portable Morals, Pictorially Pointed by Walter Crane
17919: CRANE, GAIL - Heartland Legacy the Art of Jon Crane
18823: CRANE, R. S. - The Idea of the Humanities and Other Essays Critical and Historical (Complete in Two Volumes)
18732: CRANE, STEPHEN - The Red Badge of Courage
17228: CRANE, STEPHEN - The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American CIVIL War
15819: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - The Shadow of the Winter Palace Russia's Drift to Revolution: 1825-1917
8111: CRANMER, DR. MORRIS F. - Saccharin- a Report
23878: CRAVEN, THOMAS (EDITOR) - A Treasury of Art Masterpieces: From the Renaissance to the Present Day
18815: CRAVEN, THOMAS - Men of Art
12196: CRAVEN, THOMAS (EDITOR) - A Treasury of Art Masterpieces: From the Renaissance to the Present Day
5816: CRAVEN, THOMAS - The Rainbow Book of Art
8834: CRAVEN, WES - Fountain Society a Novel
11062: CRAWFORD, F. MARION - Sant' Ilario
11063: CRAWFORD, F. MARION - Children of the King
22763: CRAWFORD, FRANCIS MARION - The Rulers of the South: Sicily, Calabria, Malta (Volume I Only)
10855: CRAWFORD, FRANCIS MARION - The Rulers of the South: Sicily, Calabria, Malta (Volume II Only)
11086: CRAWFORD, F. MARION - Via Crucis: A Romance of the Second Crusade
18446: CRAWFORD, F. MARION - Pietro Ghisleri
11061: CRAWFORD, F. MARION - A Cigarette Maker's Romance
20678: CRAY, ED - Chrome Colossus: General Motors and Its Times
12929: CREAMER, ROBERT W. - Stengel His Life and Times
12934: CREAMER, ROBERT W. - Baseball in '41 a Celebration of the "Best Baseball Season Ever"
10883: CREECH, SHARON - Absolutely Normal Chaos
18478: CRESWICK, PAUL - Robin Hood
20040: CRIBB, JAMES - Treasures of the Sea: Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest
23056: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - The Lost World
18579: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - State of Fear
18542: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Airframe
11696: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - The Great Train Robbery
24462: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Jasper Johns: A Revised Expanded Edition
8742: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Airframe
9213: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Disclosure
21557: CRIMMINS, JERRY - Fort Dearborn
22199: CRIMMINS, JOHN J. (EDITOR) - Annemann's Practical Mental Effects
20293: CRISPIN, EDMUND - The Long Divorce
20573: CRISSEY, FORREST - Since Forty Years Ago 1875-1915
14081: CRISSEY, FORREST - Since Forty Years Ago an Account of the Origin and Growth of Chicago and Its First Department Store. The Story o. The Story Centralized Shopping Under One Roof. Its Unique Location and Events Connected with Its History
14078: CRISSEY, FORREST - Since Forty Years Ago an Account of the Origin and Growth of Chicago and Its First Department Store. The Story o. The Story Centralized Shopping Under One Roof. Its Unique Location and Events Connected with Its History
25804: CRITCHFIELD, RICHARD - An American Looks at Britain
23079: CRITCHFIELD, RICHARD - Those Days: An American Album
29516: CROCKER, BETTY - Betty Crockers Christmas Cookbook
2113: CROCKETT, S. R. - Red Cap Tales: Told from the Antiquary: Being Part of the First Series of "Red Cap Tales" Stolen from the Treasure Chest of the Wizard of the North
10725: CROCKETT, JAMES UNDERWOOD - Foliage House Plants
11935: CRONIN, TIM; ARNOLD PALMER (FOREWORD) - A Century of Golf: Western Golf Association, 1899-1999
29442: CRONIN, A. J. - The Keys of the Kingdom
14220: CRONKITE, WALTER; RAY ELLIS - South by Southeast
19097: CRONKITE, WALTER - A Reporter's Life
16991: CRONKITE, WALTER - A Reporter's Life.
24576: CRONKITE, WALTER - A Reporter's Life
24282: CROOKS, WILL - The British Workman Defends His Home
17758: CROSBIE, MICHAEL J. - Multi-Family Housing the Art of Sharing
12472: CROSLAND, MARGARET - Colette: The Difficulty of Loving
21407: CROSS, TOM PEETE; CLEMENT TYSON GOODE (SELECTED & EDITED BY) - Heath Readings in the Literature of England
14209: CROSS, MILTON; DAVID EWEN - Milton Cross' Encyclopedia of the Great Composers and Their Music (Two Volumes, Complete, in Slipcase)
17451: CROSS, MILTON - The New Complete Stories of the Great Operas
6936: AMERICAN RED CROSS - First Aid Text-Book
14430: CROSSMAN, EDWARD C. - Military and Sporting Rifle Shooting: A Complete and Practical Treatise Covering the Use of Modern Military, Target and Sporting Rifles
20785: CROTHERS, SAMUEL MCCHORD - The Children of Dickens
12840: CROTHERS, SAMUEL MCCHORD - The Children of Dickens
21202: CROTHERS, TIM; JOHN GARRITY - Sports Illustrated Greatest Athletes of the 20th Century
25934: CROUCH, DAVID - William Marshal: Knighthood, War and Chivalry, 1147-1219
8264: CROWLESMITH, REV. JOHN - Stories of King Arthur and His Knights
14291: CRUMP, DONALD J., EDITOR - America's Wild and Scenic Rivers
10740: CRUSE, HELOISE - Heloise: All Around the House
19535: CRYSTAL, DAVID - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language
16089: CULLUM, ALBERT - The Geranium on the Window Sill Just Died But Teacher You Went Right on
22099: CUMBERLAND, RICHARD - The Observer: Being a Collection of Moral, Literary and Familiar Essays (Four Volumes, Complete)
11476: CUMHAILL, P. W. - Investing in Clocks and Watches
16392: CUMMING, JOHN - Runners& Walkers a Nineteenth Century Sports Chronicle
6159: CUMMINGS, E E - The Enormous Room
4669: CUMMINS, W.A. - King Arthur's Place in Prehistory: The Great Age of Stonehenge
1625: CUMMINS, W. A. - King Arthur's Place in Prehistory the Great Age of Stonehendge
14861: CUNNINGHAM, ANTONIA - Essential Impressionists
22078: CUOMO, KERRY KENNEDY - Speak Truth to Power Human Rights Defenders Who Are Changing Our World
17526: CURNONSKY - Cuisine Et Vins de France Nouvelle Edition Revue Et Corrigee par Robrt J. Courtine Avec 90 Illustrations en Couleurs 80 Recettes en Images Et Un Atlas Des Vignobles de France
15833: INTRODUCTION BY LARRY CURRY - American Paintings from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
18571: CURRY-LINDAHL, KAI - Europe a Natural History
20826: CUSSLER, CLIVE - Atlantis Found a Dirk Pitt Novel
26494: CUSSLER, CLIVE - Inca Gold
5772: CUSSLER, CLIVE - Atlantis Found: A Dirk Pitt Novel
8995: CUSSLER, CLIVE - Valhalla Rising
9210: CUSSLER, CLIVE; JACK DU BRUL - Plague Ship
9227: CUSSLER, CLIVE - Atlantis Found
20031: CUTLER, CARL C. - Greyhounds of the Sea the Story of the American Clipper Ship
27677: CUTLER, IRVING - The Jews of Chicago: From Shtetl to Suburb
18218: CZOBOR, AGNES - Dutch Landscapes
21367: CZOLOWSKI, TED; DONALD STAINSBY - Lure of the Caribbean Virgin Islands to Trinidad
28485: DAHL, ROBERT A. - On Democracy
5628: DAHL, ROALD - Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator: The Further Adventures of Charlie Bucket and Willy Wonka, Chocolate-Maker Extraordinary
8313: DAILEY, PAT; ELEANOR H. HANSON & MARY SUE PETERSON - The Ultimate Guide to Cooking a to Z
20798: DAL MASO, LEONARDO B. - Rome of the Caesars
17818: DAL MASO, LEONARDO B. - Rome of the Caesars
13785: DALE, ALZINA STONE; BARBARA SLOAN HENDERSHOTT - Mystery Reader's Walking Guide: London
23601: DALLEY, TERENCE (EDITOR) - The Complete Guide to Illustration and Design: Techniques and Materials
26762: DALY, AUGUSTIN - Woffington: A Tribute to the Actress and the Woman
27972: TOURIST OFFICE - DAMASCUS - Pictures from Syria
5641: DAMON, WILLIAM - Greater Expectations: Overcoming the Culture of Indulgence in America's Homes and Schools
17281: DANA, RICHARD HENRY, JR. - Two Years Before the Mast
12818: DANA, RICHARD HENRY JR. - Two Years in the Mast (Two Volumes)
28974: DANDO-COLLINS, STEPHEN - Caesar's Legion : The Epic Saga of Julius Caesar's Elite Tenth Legion and the Armies of Rome
18988: DANFORTH, KENNETH C. (EDITOR) - Journey Into China
14295: DANFORTH, KENNETH J., EDITOR - Journey Into China
29371: DANFORTH, WILLIAM H. - I Dare You!: Four-Fold Development: Think Tall, Stand Tall, Smile Tall, Live Tall
22735: DANIEL, CLIFTON - Chronicle of the 20th Century
22732: DANIEL, CLIFTON - Chronicle of the 20th Century
5879: DANIEL, THOMAS M. - Pioneers in Medicine and Their Impact on Tuberculosis
29349: DANIELS, ROBERT V. - Russia: The Roots of Confrontation
15802: DANIELS, JOSEPHUS - The Life of Woodrow Wilson 1856-1924
19342: DARKE, RICK - In Harmony with Nature Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden
4670: DARRAH, JOHN - The Real Camelot: Paganism and the Arthurian Romances
22279: DARTON, WILLIAM, JR. - Map of Spain & Portugal (Framed and Matted)
18695: DARWIN, CHARLES - The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
27534: DARWIN, CHARLES - The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
24636: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Selected Stories of Alphonse Daudet
14400: DAUGHERTY, JAMES - Andy and the Lion a Tale of Kindness Remembered or the Power of Gratitude
23708: DAULTE, FRANCOIS - Renoir
27806: BLUE RING DAVE (PSEUDONYM OF MARTIN DAVID DUBIN) - The Rubaiyat of Four Seasons
27807: BLUE RING DAVE (PSEUDONYM OF MARTIN DAVID DUBIN) - The Rubaiyat of Four Seasons
19115: DAVENPORT, CHRISTIAN - As You Were to War and Back with the Black Hawk Battalion of the Virginia National Guard
19082: DAVENPORT, THOMAS H.; JEANNE G. HARRIS - Competing on Analytics: The New Science on Winning
22091: DAVID, PETE - Mother Nature's Son
21547: DAVID, PETE - Mother Nature's Son
11882: DAVID, JAMES F. - Before the Cradle Falls
28949: DAVID, ROSALIE & RICK ARCHBOLD - Conversations with Mummies: New Light on the Lives of Ancient Egyptians
7897: DAVID, LESTER - Ted Kennedy: Triumphs and Tragedies
22244: DAVIES, ROBERTSON - Murther and Walking Spirits
12545: DAVIES, VALENTINE - Miracle on 34th Street
11928: DAVIES, ROBERTSON - The Lyre of Orpheus
15187: DAVIES, A. MERVYN - Strange Destiny: A Biography of Warren Hastings
23384: DAVIES, DAVID STUART - The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Scroll of the Dead
21007: DAVIS, ELMER - Two Minutes Til Midnight
18581: DAVIS, ROBERT - Plutonium Murders
17498: DAVIS, BECKE - Small Gardens: Inspired Plantings for Diminutive Spaces
13242: DAVIS, CLAIRE - Winter Range
27947: DAVIS, LOYAL - Go in Peace
11103: DAVIS, JAY H; MARYOTT, DONN W. ; STISKA, WARREN C. - In the Driver's Seat
26089: DAVIS, WILLIAM STEARNS - The Friar of Wittenberg
25471: DAVIS, WILLIAM - Wheat Belly
7969: DAVIS, LINDSEY - Shadows in Bronze
8320: DAVIS, HASSOLDT - World without a Roof
8665: DAVIS, DOROTHY SALISBURY - The Habit of Fear; a Julie Hayes Mystery
11811: DAVISON, JAMES JR. - Sweet Release: The Last Step to Black Freedom
24143: DAVYDOFF, MARIAMNA - Memoirs of a Russian Lady: Drawings and Tales of Life Before Revolution
22322: DAWIDOFF, NICHOLAS - The Crowd Sounds Happy a Story of Love, Madness, and Baseball
28831: DAWSON, WILLIAM JAMES - Makers of English Fiction
27555: DAY, HOLMAN - King Spruce
11675: DAY, DIANNE - Beacon Street Mourning a Fremont Jones Mystery
14262: DAY, CLARENCE - The Best of Clarence Day: Including God and My Father, Life with Father, Life with Mother, This Simian World, and Selections from Thoughts without Words
9821: DAY, DAVID - The Quest for King Arthur
16856: DEAKIN, F. W. - The Brutal Friendship: Mussolini, Hitler and the Fall of Italian Fascism
14116: DEAN, LOUISE - Becoming Strangers
23652: DEAVER, JEFFERY - The Stone Monkey: A Lincoln Rhyme Novel
8957: DEAVER, JEFFERY - Speaking in Tongues
17465: DECKER, MAURICE H. - Practical Manual of Guns
29446: DEDERER, CLAIRE - Poser: My Life in Twenty-Three Yoga Poses
5462: DEEPING, WARWICK - Sorrell and Son
7816: DEERE, JACK - Surprised by the Power of the Spirit a Former Dallas Seminary Professor Discovers That God Speaks and Heals Today
28983: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
18968: DEFOE, DANIEL - Moll Flanders
18737: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Life & Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner
16717: DEFOE, DANIEL - Moll Flanders
28918: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Adventures and Misadventures of the Famous Moll Flanders
20188: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
17516: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
28630: DEFOE, DANIEL - The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner
16553: DEGANI, NISSAN - Exodus Calling
14222: DEGENHARDT, RICHARD K. - Belleek: The Complete Collector's Guide and Illustrated Reference
23693: DEIGHTON, LEN - Spy Hook
10240: DEIGHTON, LEN - Winter: A Novel of a Berlin Family
20315: DEIGHTON, LEN - The Ipcress File
10536: DEKAN, JAN - Vel'Ka' Morava: Dobra a Umenie
26381: DEKKER, N. A. DOUWES - Tanah Air Kita
11352: DEL MARTIA, ASTRON - One Against Time
28904: DEL REY, JOSHUA - Banned Book
28541: DEL REY, JOSHUA - Banned Book
11395: DEL REY, LESTER - Badge of Infamy, the Sky Is Falling
10313: DELAND, MARGARET - The Kays
11341: DELANY, SAMUEL R.; KEITH WOODCOTT - Captives of the Flame, the Psionic Menace
738: DELBRUCK, HANS - Warfare in Antiquity
16020: DELDERFIELD, R. F. - Seven Men of Gascony
18392: DELEDDIA, GRAZIA - The Mother
27602: O'DELL, JOHN - The Great American Depression Book of Fun: Growing Up in the 30s; Toys, Games, & High Adventures - a Good-Time Romp Through the Hard Times
13900: DELORME, ELEANOR P. - Josephine: Napoleon's Incomparable Empress
21395: DELPAL, JACQUES-LOUIS - Loire Valley
23570: DELSEMME, ARMAND - Our Cosmic Origins: From the Big Bang to the Emergence of Life and Intelligence
19483: DELVING, MICHAEL - Bored to Death
21125: DEMILLE, NELSON - The Lion
21123: DEMILLE, NELSON - Night Fall
22681: DEMILLE, NELSON - Spencerville
21116: DEMILLE, NELSON - The Gate House
20885: DEMILLE, NELSON - Wild Fire
20880: DEMILLE, NELSON - Night Fall
24813: DEMILLE, NELSON - Night Fall
21084: DEMILLE, NELSON - Wild Fire
8674: DEMILLE, NELSON - The General's Daughter
8706: DEMILLE, NELSON - Three Complete Novels: Word of Honor, Cathedral, by the Rivers of Babylon
10163: DENENBERG, BARRY - When Will This Cruel War Be over: The CIVIL War Diary of Emma Simpson
10253: DENHART, JEFFREY - Just Bones: A Mystery
7217: DENISON, CARA D.; STEPHANIE WILES; MYRA NAN ROSENFELD - Exploring Rome: Piranesi and His Contemporaries
7736: DENISON, CARA D. & JULIA HERD & WILLIAM W. ROBINSON & STEPHANIE WILES - Drawings from the Collection of Mr and Mrs Eugene Victor Thaw Part II
10947: DENNIS, WESLEY - Palomino and Other Horses
23180: DENT, HARRY S. , JR. - The Roaring 2000s: Building the Wealth and Lifestyle You Desire in the Greatest Boom in History
4066: DENT, HARRY S. , JR. - The Roaring 2000s: Building the Wealth and Lifestyle You Desire in the Greatest Boom in History
5209: DENTINGER, JANE - Dead Pan: A Jocelyn o'Roarke Mystery
2876: DENTINGER, JANE - Dead Pan a Jocelyn o'Roarke Mystery
19196: DENVIR, BERNARD - The Chronicle of Impressionism a Timeline History of Impressionist Art
8017: DEPOLNAY, PETER - Into an Old Room a Memoir of Edward Fitzgerald
24735: DERBY, GEORGE HORATIO; JOHN VANCE CHENEY (ED) - Phoenixiana (Two Volumes, Complete)
13805: DERRY, RAMSAY - The World of Robert Bateman
26442: DERSHOWITZ, ALAN M. - Chutzpah
14512: DESAI, ANITA - Baumgartner's Bombay
20856: DESCARGUES, PIERRE - The Hermitage Museum, Leningrad
29388: DESMOND, ADRIAN J. - The Ape's Reflexion
13923: DESROCHES-NOBLECOURT, CHRISTIANE; KENETT, F.L. - Tutankhamen: Life and Death of a Pharaoh
18049: DESTI, MARY - The Untold Story: The Life of Isadora Duncan, 1921-1927
6884: DETLEV, BARON VON HADELN - The Drawings of Antonio Canal Called Canaletto
26846: DEUKER, CARL - Runner
9206: DEUTERMANN, PETER T. - Train Man
28915: DEVENS, HON. R. M. - Our First Century : Being a Popular Descriptive Portraiture of the One Hundred Great Events of Perpetual Interest in the History of Our Country, Political, Military, Mechanical, Social, Scientific and Commercial: Embracing Also Delineations of All the Great Historic Characters Celebrated in the Annals of the Republic; Men of Heroism, Statesmanship, Genius, Oratory, Adventure and Philanthropy.
28034: DHARMA - Heaven Vs Reincarnation
12942: DIAMANT, ANITA - Day After Night: A Novel
11903: DIAMANT, JEFF - The Medici, Michelangelo, and the Art of Late Renaissance Florence
25829: DIAMOND, JARED - Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
13481: DIAMOND, JARED - Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
13468: DIAMOND, JARED M. - Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
6983: DIAMOND, MALCOLM LURIA - Contemporary Philosophy and Religious Thought: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
29522: DIAMONSTEIN, BARBARALEE - Remaking America: New Uses, Old Places
15890: M'DIARMID, J. (ED) - Scrap Book
26520: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - The Dying of the Light
26521: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - Dark Spectre
26523: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - A Long Finish
21133: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - Dark Spectre
26524: DIBDIN, MICHAEL - Medusa: An Aurelio Zen Mystery
19527: DICAMILLO, KATE - Mercy Watson to the Rescue
19195: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
20266: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Mystery of Edwin Drood
19192: DICKENS, CHARLES - Bleak House
23681: DICKENS, CHARLES - Bleak House
19206: DICKENS, CHARLES - Dombey and Son
19203: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
18192: DICKENS, CHARLES - Tale of Two Cities
25940: DICKENS, CHARLES - Charles Dickens: David Copperfield (Volume II Only)
17131: DICKENS, CHARLES - Christmas Books of Charles Dickens
28374: DICKENS, CHARLES - Works of Charles Dickens (28 Volumes) (New Illustrated Library Edition)
17623: DICKENS, CHARLES - David Copperfield
27404: DICKENS, CHARLES - The Old Curiosity Shop
23220: DICKENS, CHARLES - David Copperfield (Two Volumes, Complete)
28881: DICKENS, CHARLES - Harper's New Monthly Magazine (Volume IV, December 1851 - May 1852)
17173: DICKENS, CHARLES - Sketches by Boz (Volume Two, Only, of Two): Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People
16792: DICKENS, CHARLES - Charles Dickens's Works (15 Volume Set)
23081: DICKENS, CHARLES - Edwin Drood and the Old Curiosity Shop
18973: DICKENS, CHARLES - Great Expectations
7091: DICKENS, CHARLES - Great Expectations
13537: DICKEY, GLENN - The History of American League Baseball Since 1901
21747: DICKINSON, THOMAS H. (EDITOR) - Chief Contemporary Dramatists: Twenty Plays from the Recent Drama of England, Ireland, America, Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, and Russia
17909: DICKINSON, THOMAS H. (ED.) - Chief Contemporary Dramatists, Second Series
4409: DICKINSON, PETER - The Weathermonger
25593: DICKSON, PAUL - Toasts: Over 1,500 of the Best Toasts, Sentiments, Blessings, and Graces
4437: DICKSON, GORDON R. - Sleepwalker's World
22386: DICKSON, PAUL - The New Official Rules Maxims for Muddling Through to the Twenty-First Century
15872: DIETRICH, WILLIAM - Blood of the Reich
25546: DIETRICK, LAURABELLE; JOSEPH FRANZ-WALSH - The Merry Ballads of Robin Hood
6477: DIETZ, FREDERICK C. - Political and Social History of England
16199: DIKKERS, SCOTT (EDITOR) - Our Dumb Century: The Onion Presents 100 Years of Headlines from America's Finest News Source
24783: DILLARD, ANNIE - An American Childhood
18451: DIMSDALE, THOMAS JOSIAH - The Vigilantes of Montana, or Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains
20305: VAN DINE, S.S. - The Benson Murder Case
19743: DINESEN, ISAK - Seven Gothic Tales
13263: DINESEN, ISAK - Last Tales
4786: DIO, CASSIUS - The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus
23512: DIRKS, LAURA MCCLURE; SALLY HEWITT DANIEL - A Colorado Kind of Christmas: Treasured Rocky Mountain Yuletide Traditions
3799: DISNEY, MICHAEL - The Hidden Universe
17490: DISNEY, WALT - Walt Disney's Version of Pinocchio
27902: DISRAELI, BENJAMIN - The Young Duke, and Count Alarcos
11432: DIVER, MAUD - The Strong Hours
24582: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - The Secret of Skull Mountain
492: DIXON, PIERSON - Pauline: Napoleon's Favorite Sister
24306: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - What Happened at Midnight
7662: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - Hunting for Hidden Gold
7664: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - The Shore Road Mystery
7665: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - The Twisted Claw
7666: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - The Secret of the Caves
7667: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - The Secret of Pirates' Hill
7853: DIXON, FRANKLIN - The Hidden Harbor Mystery
7890: DIXON, FRANKLIN W. - The Secret of the Lost Tunnel
25509: DOANE, GILBERT H. - Searching for Your Ancestors: The How and Why of Genealogy
24169: DOBAI, PETER - Budapest
20923: DOBIE, J. FRANK - Coronado's Children: Tales of Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the Southwest
13005: DOBZHANSKY, THEODOSIUS - Genetics and the Origin of Species
19128: DOCKSTADER, FREDERICK J. - Indian Art in America the Arts and Crafts of the North American Indian
29232: DOCTOROW, E. L. - Billy Bathgate
18203: DOCTOROW, E. L. - Lives of the Poets: A Novella and Six Stories
15434: DOCTOROW, E. L. - Ragtime
27031: DOCTOROW, E. L. - American Anthem
22850: DOCTOROW, E. L. - The Waterworks
5127: DOCTOROW, E. L. - The Book of Daniel
11984: DODD, CHRISTINA - My Favorite Bride Large Print
17545: DODD, PHILIP - The Book of Rock
25995: DODGE, MARY MAPES - Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates
20939: DOE, JANE - The Story of Jane Doe
23394: DOH, HERMAN - Bluff Point Golf and Country Club 1890-1990: A Pictorial History: 100 Years of Golf at the Third Oldest Golf Course in America
12509: DOHERTY, TERENCE - The Anatomical Works of George Stubbs
18417: DOLCH, EDWARD WILLIAM - Teaching Primary Reading
11423: DOLE, NATHAN HASKELL - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: English, French, and German Translations (Volume Two, Only, of Two)
27623: DOMINGO, PLACIDO - My First Forty Years
18559: DONALD, DAVID HERBERT - Lincoln
28984: DONALDSON, FRANCES - Edward VIII: A Biography of the Duke Od Windsor
4753: DONALDSON, STEPHEN R. - The One Tree Book Two of the Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
26616: DONALDSON, GERALD - Books: Their History, Art, Power, Glory, Infamy and Suffering According to Their Creators, Friends and Enemies
27817: DONINGTON, ROBERT - The Interpretation of Early Music
11922: DONKIN, ANDREW - Zepplin the Age of the Airship
25599: O'DONNELL, JAMES P. - The Bunker
28985: O'DONNELL, JAMES P. - The Bunker
23311: DONNELLY, JACK - International Human Rights
17312: DONOVAN, FRANK - Wheels for a Nation: How America Fell in Love with the Automobile and Lived Happily Ever-After... Well, Almost
29482: DONOVAN, KAREN - V. Goliath: The Trials of David Boies
20441: DOOLEY, DAN (ED) - Better Homes and Gardens Fondue and Tabletop Cooking
7089: DORE, ANITA (ED) - The Premier Book of Major Poets: An Anthology
29156: VAN DOREN, MARK - The Witch of Ramoth and Other Tales
18120: VAN DOREN, CARL - Swift
28787: DORIGNY, JEAN - La Vie Du Pere Antoine Possevin de la Compagnie de Jesus
28857: DORMENT, RICHARD; MARGARET F. MACDONALD - James Mcneill Whistler
11310: DORSETT, LYLE W. - A Passion for Souls: The Life of D.L. Moody
19651: DORSON, RICHARD M. - Patriots of the American Revolution True Accounts by Great Americans from Etahn Allen to George Rogers Clark
14838: DORST, JEAN - South America and Central America a Natural History
14233: DOSCHKA, ROLAND - L'Eternel Feminin: From Renoir to Picasso
6894: DOTHAN, TRUDE; MOSHE DOTHAN - People of the Sea: The Search for the Philistines
22118: DOUGHERTY, JOSEPH M.; ANTHONY J. LAMBERTI - Textbook of Bacteriology
27179: DOUGHERTY, MARTIN J. - Celtic Castles
5497: DOUGHERTY, DON - Croakers
16557: DOUGLAS, CAPTAIN ALAN - Endurance Test: Or, How Clear Grit Won the Day
19148: DOUGLAS, ANN - Terrible Honesty Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s
20014: DOUGLAS, WILLIAM O. - Strange Lands and Friendly People
21196: DOUGLAS, EDWARD - Jack: The Great Seducer the Life and Many Loves of Jack Nicholson
11699: DOUGLAS, NORMAN - Experiments
24984: DOUGLAS, NORMAN - South Wind
29518: DOUGLAS, DAVID C.; GEORGE W. GREENAWAY (EDS) - English Historical Documents 1042-1189 (Volume II)
11759: DOUGLAS, JOHN & MARK OLSHAKER - Broken Wings
8960: DOUGLAS, WILLIAM O. - Go East, Young Man: The Early Years the Autobiography of William o. Douglas
11745: DOUGLASS, THEA C. - Royal Poinciana
29263: DOUGLASS, JAMES W. - Jfk and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
19053: DOWD, MAUREEN - Bushworld Enter at Your Own Risk
18504: DOWD, MAUREEN - Are Men Necessary? When Sexes Collide
8844: DOWELL, FRANCES O'ROARK - The Secret Language of Girls
20500: DOWLING, COLETTE - You Mean I Don't Have to Feeil This Way? New Help for Depression, Anxiety and Addiction
6568: DOWNS, JOSEPH - American Furniture: Queen Anne and Chippendale Period in the Henry Francis Du Pont Winterthur Museum
7106: DOWNS, DONALD ALEXANDER - More Than Victims: Battered Women, the Syndrome Society, and the Law
7201: DOWNS, DONALD ALEXANDER - The New Politics of Pornography
11066: DOYLE, A. CONAN - The Refuges a Tale of Two Continents
28325: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN - The Best of Sherlock Holmes
13853: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN - Tales of Sherlock Holmes
17578: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - The Ultimate Sherlock Holmes Collection
16960: DOYLE, A. CONAN - The Works of A. Conan Doyle: One Volume Edition
17691: DOYLE, A. CONAN - The Return of Sherlock Holmes
14939: DOYLE, A. CONAN - Adventures of Gerard, Volume 1 Reading Dynamics Institute
16474: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
23199: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - Six Notable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
29086: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes / Facsimile Edition
28409: DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN - The White Company
19388: DRABBLE, MARGARET (ED.) - The Oxford Companion to English Literature
7026: DRACHMAN, VIRGINIA G. - Sisters in Law: Women Lawyers in Modern American History
19301: DRACKETT, PHIL - The Classic Mercedes-Benz
7624: DRAGONWAGON, CRESCENT - Brass Button
24180: DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS - Our World's Great Benefactors: Short Biographies of the Men and Women Most Eminent in Philanthropy, Patriotism, Art, Literature, Discovery, Science, Invention
24463: DRANDAKI, ANASTASIA; DEMETRA PAPANIKOLA-BAKIRTZI; ANASTASIA TOURTA (EDS) - Heaven and Earth: Art of Byzantium from Greek Collections
14842: DRAPER, THEODORE - The Six Weeks' War: France, May 10-June 25, 1940
20139: DREISER, THEODORE - Sister Carrie (Limited Editions Club, with a New Introduction by Burton Rascoe, and Illustrated from Crayon Drawings by Reginald Marsh, Complete with Slipcase)
17285: DREISER, THEODORE - Sister Carrie
23322: DREISER, THEODORE - Sister Carrie
11185: DREISER, THEODORE - A Gallery of Women (Two Volumes, Complete)
15256: DREMAN, DAVID N. - The New Contrarian Investment Strategy
14746: DREPPERD, CARL W. - A Dictionary of American Antiques
15965: DREPPERD, CARL W. - First Reader for Antique Collectors
22510: DREW, JOHN; BOOTH TARKINGTON (INTRO) - My Years on the Stage
27537: DRINAN, ROBERT F., S.J. - The Mobilization of Shame: A World View of Human Rights
19878: DRINKWATER, JOHN (EDITOR) - The Outline of Literature: First Volume
16712: DRIVER-THIEL, MARY - The World Undone
25862: DRUCKER, PETER F. - The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing Society
22447: DRUICK, DOUGLAS - Odilon Redon Prince of Dreams 1840-1916
21001: DRUMMOND, CARLOS; WALTER GEYERHAHN (ED.) - Rio Portrait of a City
129: DRUON, MAURICE - Alexander the God
28453: DRURY, ALLEN - Advise and Consent
14052: DRURY, ALLEN - Egypt: The Eternal Smile : Reflections on a Journey
13626: DRURY, ALLEN - Anna Hastings: The Story of a Washington Newspaperperson!
29113: DRURY, ALLEN - A God Against the Gods
939: DRURY, ALLEN - Return to Thebes
29187: VIRGIL (PUBLIUS VERGILIUS MARO); JOHN DRYDEN (TRANS) - The Works of Virgil, Translated by John Dryden, with Memoir, Etc.
23955: DRYDEN, JOHN; REV. GEORGE GILFILLAN (ED) - The Poetical Works of John Dryden (Two Volumes, Complete) with Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes by the Rev. George Gilfillan
16440: DUBOIS, GAYLORD - Don o'Dare Finds War
15344: DUBOS, RENE JULES - A God Within
6402: DUBUS, ANDRE III - House of Sand and Fog (Oprah's Book Club)
28978: DUCHIN, PETER - Ghost of a Chance : A Memoir
6846: DUCKETT, ELEANOR SHIPLEY - Alfred the Great
15706: DUGAN, JAMES - The Great Iron Ship
15304: DUGARD, JAYCEE - A Stolen Life a Memoir
26757: DULLES, ALLEN (ED) - Great True Spy Stories
22253: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - Celebrated Crimes of the Russian Court
12882: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - The Three Musketeers
14616: DUMAS, ALEXANDER, FILS - Camille: La Dame Aux Camelias Translated from the French with an Introduction by Edmund Grosse
23962: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - The Regent's Daughter, the Black Tulip
8086: DUMAS, ALEXANDER - The Three Guardsmen
9146: DUMAS, ALEXANDER - Viscount de Bragelonne
17897: DUNANT, SARAH - Blood & Beauty the Borgias, a Novel
1095: DUNAS, JEFF - Captured Women
11997: DUNBAR, SOPHIE - A Bad Hair Day: A Murder Mystery Set in New Orleans
11999: DUNBAR, SOPHIE - Shiveree: An Eclaire Mystery
11998: DUNBAR, SOPHIE - Fashion Victims a B-Pix Mystery
4964: DUNBAR, FLANDERS - Mind and Body: Psychomatic Medicine
27028: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - The World of Allah
19755: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Prismatics Exploring a New World
17009: DUNCAN, JUDGE RODERIC - A Judge's Guide to Divorce: Uncommon Advice from the Bench
13692: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR - American Art Deco
26843: DUNCAN, ALASTAIR - Fin de Siecle Masterpieces from the Silverman Collection
29195: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Self-Portrait: U.S. A.
13880: DUNCAN, DAVID DOUGLAS - Great Treasures of the Kremlin
11908: DUNCKER, MAX - Geschichte Des Alterthums (the History of Greece, Five Volumes, Complete)
29267: DUNGAN, MYLES - How the Irish Won the West
5240: DUNHAM, WILLIAM - Journey Through Genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics
26203: DUNLOP, SIR JOHN - The Pleasant Town of Sevenoaks: A History
11853: DUNNE, DOMINICK - Justice Crimes, Trials, and Punishments
16398: DUNNING, STEPHEN; M. JOE EATON; MALCOLM GLASS - For Poets: Poetry 2: A Scholastic Literature Unit (Series 4100)
24338: DUNNING, JENNIFER - Alvin Ailey: A Life in Dance
25764: DUNO, STEVE - Kiss Guide to Cat Care
4815: DUPONT, JACQUES AND FRANCOIS MATHEY - The Great Centuries of Painting: The Seventeenth Century: Caravaggio to Vermeer the New Developments in Art from Caravaggio to Vermeer
4814: DUPONT, JACQUES AND FRANCOIS MATHEY - The Great Centuries of Painting: The Seventeenth Century: Caravaggio to Vermeer XVII Century
431: DUPUY, TREVOR NEVITT AND DUPUY, ERNEST R. - The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B.C. To the Present
13778: DUPUYTREN, BARON GUILLAUME - On Lesions of the Vascular System, Diseases of the Rectum, and Other Surgical Complaints
28451: DURANT, WILL & ARIEL - The Age of Napoleon: A History of European Civilization from 1789-1815
13308: DURANT, WILL - The Age of Faith: A History of Medieval Civilization - Christian, Islamic, and Judaic - from Constantine to Dante: A.D. 325-1300
17964: DURANT, WILL; ARIEL DURANT - The Age of Reason Begins: A History of European Civilization in the Period of Shakespeare, Bacon, Montaigne, Rembrandt, Galileo, and Descartes: 1558 - 1648
29534: DURANT, WILL & ARIEL - The Age of Voltaire: A History of in Civilization in Western Europe from 1715 to 1756 with Special Emphasis on the Conflict between Religion and Philosophy
15443: DURANT, WILL - The Renaissance: A History of Civilization in Italy from 1304-1576
14076: DURANT, WILL; ARIEL DURANT - The Age of Reason Begins: A History of European Civilization in the Period of Shakespeare, Bacon, Montaigne, Rembrandt, Galileo, and Descartes: 1558-1648
28376: DURANT, WILL - Heroes of History a Brief History of Civilization from Ancient Times to the Dawn of the Modern Age
13305: DURANT, WILL - The Reformation: A History of European Civilization from Wyclif to Calvin: 1300-1564
7118: DURANT, WILL & ARIEL - The Age of Louis XIV (the Story of Civilization: Part VIII)
11399: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - The Black Book
20344: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - A Key to Modern British Poetry
21840: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Espirit de Corps: Sketches from a Diplomatic Life
568: DURUY, GEORGE (ED) - Memoirs of Barras: Member of the Directorate (Four Volumes, Complete)
5766: DUSSLER, LUITPOLD - Francesco Guardi
2920: DUVERGIER DE HAURANNE, ERNEST - A Frenchman in Lincoln's America (Two Volumes, Complete) Huit Mois en Amerique: Lettres Et Notes de Voyage, 1864-1865
2921: DUVERGIER DE HAURANNE, ERNEST - A Frenchman in Lincoln's America (Two Volumes, Complete) Huit Mois en Amerique: Lettres Et Notes de Voyage, 1864-1865
2557: DUVERGIER DE HAUANNE, ERNEST - A Frenchman in Lincoln's America (Volume II) Huit Mois en Amerique: Lettres Et Notes de Voyage, 1864-1865
13162: DUVERGIER DE HAURANNE, ERNEST - A Frenchman in Lincoln's America (Two Volumes, Complete) Huit Mois en Amerique: Lettres Et Notes de Voyage, 1864-1865
15438: DUVERGIER DE HAURANNE, ERNEST - A Frenchman in Lincoln's America: Huit Mois en Amerique: Lettres Et Notes de Voyage, 1864-1865 (Volume Two, of Two)
2170: DUYCKINCK, E. A. - Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women of Europe and America: Embracing History, Statesmanship, Naval and Militay Life, Philospohy, the Drama, Science, Literature and Art, with Biographies (Complete in Two Volumes)
18541: DWIGGINS, DON - Famous Flyers and the Ships They Flew
28496: DWIGHT F. BURLINGAME, DWIGHT F.; WILLIAM A. DIAZ; WARREN F. ILCHMAN; ET AL. - Capacity for Change?: The Nonprofit World in the Age of Devolution: The New Partnership Conferences - Public Policy, Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector Program, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota
22164: DYBEK, STUART - Paper Lantern Love Stories
1495: VAN DYKE, HENRY - Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things
11251: DYLAN, BOB - The Very Best
13823: DYMMOCH, MICHAEL ALLEN - The Man Who Understood Cats
25718: DYSON, ESTHER - Release 2. 0: A Design for Living in the Digital Age
25723: EAMES, ED; TONI EAMES - Partners in Independence: A Success Story of Dogs and the Disabled
597: EARL, DONALD - The Age of Augustus
22470: EARLE, ALICE MORSE - The Sabbath in Puritan New England
8216: EARLE, SYLVIA A.; AL GIDDINGS - Exploring the Deep Frontier: The Adventure of Man in the Sea
22839: EASTLAND, JONATHAN - Great Yachts and Their Designers
2594: EASTMAN, CHARLES ALEXANDER - From the Deep Woods to Civilization, Including Excerpts from Indian Boyhood
2532: EASTMAN, CHARLES ALEXANDER - From the Deep Woods to Civilization, Including Excerpts from Indian Boyhood
2547: EASTMAN, CHARLES ALEXANDER - From the Deep Woods to Civilization, Including Excerpts from Indian Boyhood
2528: EASTMAN, CHARLES ALEXANDER - From the Deep Woods to Civilization, Including Excerpts from Indian Boyhood
2530: EASTMAN, CHARLES ALEXANDER - From the Deep Woods to Civilization, Including Excerpts from Indian Boyhood
19804: EASTON, RICHARD E. AND ERIC F. FRAZIER - Gps Declassified from Smart Bombs to Smartphones
1433: EATON, ELON HOWARD - Birds of New York (Two Volumes, Complete) New York State Museum Memoir 12
15302: EATON, JOHN P. AND CHARLES A. HAAS - Titanic: Destination Disaster the Legends and the Reality
17842: ECK, JEREMIAH - The Distinctive Home a Vision of Timeless Design
28678: ECKEL, JOHN C. - The First Editions of the Writings of Charles Dickens and Their Values
26453: ECO, UMBERTO - The Island of the Day Before
25655: ECO, UMBERTO - Baudolino
5646: THE ECONOMIST - Pocket World in Figures
19233: EDELSTEIN, DEBRA (ED.) - American Traditions Art from the Collections of Culver Alumni
13247: EDGARIAN, CAROL - Three Stages of Amazement: A Novel a Novel
15277: EDMONDS, WALTER D. - Drums Along the Mohawk
23667: EDSEY, MARY - The Best Christmas Decorations in Chicagoland
26642: EDWARDS, GEORGE WHARTON - Vanished Towers & Chimes of Flanders
2150: EDWARDS, GEORGE WHARTON - A Book of Old English Ballads with an Accompanyment of Decorative Drawings by George Wharton Edwards
4938: EDWARDS, ALLEN L. - Statistical Analysis
5785: EDWARDS, ANNE - A Remarkable Woman: A Biography of Katharine Hepburn
8584: EDWARDS, BERNARD - The Twilight of the U-Boats
14877: EELES, ADRIAN - Canaletto
6873: EELES, ADRIAN - Canaletto
23770: EGGE, RUTH STEARNS - How to Make Something from Nothing
19671: EGGLESTON, EDWARD - The Hoosier School-Master a Novel
10409: EHRLICH, EUGENE - Amo, Amas, Amat and More: How to Use Latin to Your Own Advantage and to the Astonishment of Others
24495: EHRLICH, PAUL; ANNE EHRLICH - One with Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future
19538: EICHENBERG, FRITZ - The Art of the Print: Masterpieces, History, Techniques
23699: EICHENBERG, FRITZ (ED) - Artist's Proof: The Annual of Prints and Printmaking, Volume X
23695: EICHENBERG, FRITZ (ED) - Artist's Proof: The Annual of Prints and Printmaking, Volume XI the Annual of Prints and Printmaking
6567: EICHENBERG, FRITZ - The Art of the Print: Masterpieces, History, Techniques
15873: EICHENWALD, KURT - Conspiracy of Fools a True Story
10941: EIFERT, VIRGINIA S. - Of Men and Rivers: Adventures and Discoveries Along American Waterways
19972: EIMERL, SAREL - The World of Giotto C. 1267-1337
17866: EIMERL, SAREL AND THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The World of Giotto C. 1267-1337
18565: EIMERL, SAREL - The World of Giotto (in Slipcase)
29476: EINSTEIN, ALBERT - Out of My Later Years
19475: EIPPER, PAUL - Human Children
20721: EIPPER, PAUL - Animal Children
17706: EISEN, GUSTAVUS AUGUSTUS - Portraits of Washington (Three Volumes, Complete)
24460: EISENHOWER, DAVID - Eisenhower at War 1943-1945
14820: EISENHOWER, DAVID - Eisenhower at War 1943-1945
19110: EISENHOWER, DWIGHT D. - In Review: Pictures I'Ve Kept
725: EISENHOWER, DAVID - Eisenhower at War 1943-1945
24749: EISENSTAEDT, ALFRED - Witness to Our Time
3434: EISENSTEIN, IRA - Creative Judaism
27719: EISGRUBER, ELSA - Spin Top Spin and Rosmarie and Thyme: Poems and Pictures for Children
24845: EISNER, TOM - Eisner's World: Life Through Many Lenses
21285: EISNER, MICHAEL; TONY SCHWARTZ - Work in Progress
29529: EISNER, THOMAS - Eisner's World: Life Through Many Lenses
6187: EIZENSTAT, STUART E. - Imperfect Justice: Looted Assets, Slave Labor, and the Unfinished Business of World War II
4363: EKLUND, GORDON - The Eclipse of Dawn
16397: ELDER, ART - Spike Kelly of the Commandos
19891: ELDERFIELD, JOHN - Matisse in the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, Including Remainder- Interest and Promised Gifts
25394: ELDREDGE, JOHN - Dare to Desire
19216: ELDREDGE, CHARLES C. - Georgia o'Keeffe
29367: ELGIN, SUZETTE HADEN - The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense
18904: ELIACH, YAFFA - There Once Was a World: A 900-Year Chronicle of the Shtetl of Eishyshok
10982: ELIOT, ALEXANDER (ED) - Three Hundred Years of American Painting
19641: ELIOT, GEORGE - Daniel Deronda
2835: ELIOT, CHARLES W. - Bacon, Milton, Browne
20722: PLUTARCH; CHARLES W. ELIOT (ED.) - Plutarch's Lives
20578: ELIOT, GEORGE - Felix Holt the Radical
27354: ELIOT, T. S. - The Cocktail Party
23222: ELIOT, GEORGE - The MILL on the Floss
21699: ELIOT, GEORGE - Romola (Volumes 1 & 2) and Silas Marner (Two Volumes)
16228: ELIOT, GEORGE - Adam Bede
21784: ELIOT, CHARLES W. (ED) - Prefaces & Prologues to Famous Books
29029: ELIOT, GEORGE - The MILL on the Floss
28098: ELIOT, GEORGE - The MILL on the Floss
24186: ELIOT, GEORGE - The MILL on the Floss
20725: CHARLES W. ELIOT (ED.) - Essays: English and American
17358: ELIOT, GEORGE - The MILL on the Floss
20580: ELIOT, GEORGE - Romola: An Italian Romance
8067: ELIOT, GEORGE - Poems
21725: ELIOT, GEORGE - Adam Bede
21680: ELIOT, GEORGE - Complete Poems
4039: ELIOT, CHARLES W. (ED) - English Poetry: Volume III: From Tennyson to Whitman
21358: ELIOT, ALEXANDER - Three Hundred Years of American Painting
27352: ELIOT, T. S. - Notes Towards the Definition of Culture
21786: ELIOT, CHARLES W. (EDITOR) - Sacred Writings in Two Volumes: Volume I: Confucian; Hebrew; Christian, Part I
28744: ELISSEEFF, SERGE (PREFACE); TAKAAKI MATSUSHITA (INTRO) - Japan: Ancient Buddhist Paintings
7146: ELKIN, STEPHEN L. (ED) - The Good Society: A Pegs Journal (Vol. 13, No. 1, 2004)
7147: ELKIN, STEPHEN L. (ED) - The Good Society: A Pegs Journal (Vol. 13, No. 1, 2004)
7154: ELKIN, STEPHEN L. (ED) - The Good Society: A Pegs Journal (Vol. 13, No. 1, 2004)
27933: ELKINS, AARON - Icy Clutches
7718: ELLIOTT, LAURA MALONE - Hunter & Stripe and the Soccer Showdown
19522: ELLIS, HAVISTOCK - The Dance of Life
13314: ELLIS, RAY; WALTER CRONKITE - North by Northeast
20494: ELLIS, JOSEPH J. - His Excellency: George Washington
16176: ELLIS, C. HAMILTON - The Lore of the Train
130: ELLIS, J. R. - Philip II and Macedonian Imperialism
10872: ELLIS, EDWARD S. - Righting the Wrong
28925: ELLIS, JOSEPH J. - His Excellency: George Washington
16903: ELLIS, JOSEPH ; ROBERT MOORE - School for Soldiers West Point and the Profession of Arms
28756: ELLIS, CHARLES - Richmond and Other Poems
19742: ELLIS, JOSEPH - His Excellency: George Washington
6133: ELLIS, JOSEPH J. - His Excellency: George Washington
17239: ELLISON, RALPH - Invisible Man
25992: ELLROY, JAMES - The Cold Six Thousand
26818: ELLSWORTH, ROBERT HATFIELD - Later Chinese Painting and Calligraphy: 1800-1950 (Three Volumes, Complete)
21904: ELSASSER, WALTER M. - Atom and Organism: A New Approach to Theoretical Biology
15611: ELSON, LOUIS C. - Elson's Music Dictionary
10269: ELSTEIN, ARTHUR S.; LEE S. SHULMAN; SARAH A. SPRAFKA - Medical Problem Solving
21546: ELTING, MARY - Answers and More Answers Answers to Questions That Every Child Asks
15955: ELY, DINSMORE - Dinsmore Ely: One Who Served
29209: EMANUEL, CEDRIC; OLAF RUHEN (TEXT) - Australia: This Changing Land
29210: EMANUEL, CEDRIC - Historic Sydney 1970: Drawings and Notes by Cedric Emanuel
26379: EMERSON, RALPH WALDO - Character and Other Essays
15148: EMERSON, RALPH WALDO - Letters and Social Aims
18080: EMERSON, RALPH WALDO - Essays, First Series
18404: EMERSON, RALPH WALDO - The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson: The First Series and the Second Series
23168: EMPEY, ARTHUR GUY - Over the Top
29289: ENABNIT, MERLIN - How to Use Color in Portraits
24929: ENDORE, GUY - King of Paris, a Novel
17603: ENGEL, LEHMAN - The American Musical Theater: A Consideration
27422: ENGELS, DONALD W. - Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army
15515: ENGER, LEIF - So Brave, Young, and Handsome
16337: ENGER, LEIF - So Brave, Young, and Handsome
11812: ENGH, MARY JANE & M. J. ENGH - In the Name of Heaven 3000 Years of Religious Persecution
28209: L'ENGLE, MADELEINE - A Swiftly Tilting Planet
16476: ENGLE, PAUL; WARREN CARRIER - Reading Modern Poetry
10229: ENGLISH, MARGUERITE (ED) - Food from Famous Kitchens the Brand Names Cook Book
17529: ENGLUND, STEVEN - Grace of Monaco: An Interpretive Biography
16069: N.E.THING ENTERPRISES - Magic Eye II Now You See It...
4220: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - The Tower of London: Department of the Environment Official Guide
24076: EPHRON, DELIA - Hanging Up
10719: EPHRON, NORA - I Feel Bad About My Neck and Other Thoughts on Being a Woman
24650: L'EPINE, ERNEST - The Fortress of Fear
26448: EPSTEIN, LESLIE - Pandaemonium
26349: EPSTEIN, JOSEPH - Snobbery: The American Version
7105: EPSTEIN, CYNTHIA FUCHS - Women in Law
9910: EPSTEIN, JOSEPH - In a Cardboard Belt!: Essays Personal, Literary, and Savage
11093: ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS - The Praise of Folly
26311: ERDMAN, PAUL - The Last Days of America
24918: ERICKSON, CAROLLY - To the Scaffold: The Life of Marie Antoinette
8058: ERICKSON, CAROLLY - To the Scaffold the Life of Marie Antoinette
4779: ERIKSON, CAROLLY - Great Harry: The Extravagant Life of Henry VIII
13574: ERIKSON, ERIK H. & ERIK ERIKSON; COLES, ROBERT - The Erik Erikson Reader
10251: ERKMANN, EMILE; ALEXANDRE CHATRIAN - Waterloo: A Sequel to "the Conscript of 1813"
29288: ERNST, BRUNO - The Magic Mirror of M.C. Escher
20350: ERRINGER, FLORENCE, ZILLIGEN, LOIS ANN - The Pinnywickett and the Mighty Flighty Umbrella
4824: ERSKINE, JOHN - The Private Life of Helen of Troy
10422: ERSKINE, JOHN - Galahad: Enough of His Life to Explain His Reputation
26143: ERWIN, WILLIAM YANCEY - Wanetka and Other Poems
20805: ESCHER, M. C.; J. L. LOCHER - The World of M.C. Escher
11596: ESCHLEMAN, MARIAN MALTESE - Introductory Nutrition and Diet Therapy
16853: ESHLEMAN, LLOYD - A Victorian Rebel: The Life of William Morris
25541: ESPINAR, HAZEL R. - The Last Biome and the Five Clades
25446: ESPINAR, HAZEL R. - The Last Biome and the Five Clades
25447: ESPINAR, HAZEL R. - The Last Biome and the Five Clades
27591: ESPOSITO, JOHN L. (ED) - The Oxford History of Islam
26500: ESQUIVEL, LAURA - The Law of Love
29360: ESSER, K.H.; REBER, H. (EDS) - Hochster Fayencen Und Porzellane
14298: ESSOE, GABE - The Films of Clark Gable
19158: D'ESTE, CARLO - Fatal Decision: Anzio and the Battle for Rome
1117: ESTEBAN, CLAUDE (DAVID CLOUTIER, TRANS. ) - White Road Poems by Claude Esteban
26241: ESTES, WINSTON M. - Another Part of the House
27801: ESTIENNE, CHARLES - Gauguin
24989: ESTLEMAN, LOREN D. - The Plated Spoon and Other Tales of Sherlock Holmes
9176: ESTLEMAN, LOREN D. - Sugartown
12053: ETIEMBLE - The Orion Book of the Written Word
11684: ETZKOWITZ, HENRY; GERALD M. SCHAFLANDER - Ghetto Crisis; Riots or Reconciliation?
14526: EUGENE, TONI (CONTRIBUTING EDITORS-CHRISTINE ECKSTROM LEE ET AL ) - Exploring America's Valleys from the Shenandoah to the Rio Grande
28723: EURIPIDES - Euripides: Nine Plays
18790: EURIPIDES - Medea; Hippolytus; the Bacchae
23835: EURIPIDES - Three Plays: Medea; Hippolytus; the Bacchae
28106: EURIPIDES - Euripides: Nine Plays
8034: EURIPIDES - Medea, Hippolytus, and the Bacchae
29128: EVANOVICH, JANET - To the Nines: A Stephanie Plum Novel
11942: EVANOVICH, JANET - High Five
9279: EVANOVICH, JANET - Visions of Sugar Plums: A Stephanie Plum Holiday Novel
9396: EVANOVICH, JANET - Ten Big Ones: A Stephanie Plum Novel
9401: EVANOVICH, JANET - Hot Six: A Stephanie Plum Novel
9404: EVANOVICH, JANET - To the Nines: A Stephanie Plum Novel
9406: EVANOVICH, JANET - Seven Up: A Stephanie Plum Novel
9412: EVANOVICH, JANET - Twelve Sharp: A Stephanie Plum Novel
9414: EVANOVICH, JANET - Lean Mean Thirteen: A Stephanie Plum Novel
9415: EVANOVICH, JANET - Fearless Fourteen: A Stephanie Plum Novel
9417: EVANOVICH, JANET - Two for the Dough: A Stephanie Plum Novel
9425: EVANOVICH, JANET - Four to Score: A Stephanie Plum Novel
24313: EVANS, MARK; OLIVER FAIRCLOUGH - The National Museum of Wales: A Companion Guide to the National Art Gallery
14768: EVANS, BERGEN - The Spoor of Spooks and Other Nonsense
1247: EVANS-WENTZ, W. Y. (ED. ) - The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
28419: EVANS, RICHARD PAUL - The Mistletoe Promise
12771: EVANS, WALKER: JUDITH KELLER (TEXT) - Walker Evans: The Getty Museum Collection
21794: EVANS, JOB MICHAEL - The Evans Guide for Housetraining Your Dog
6399: EVANS, JONATHAN - Dark Places
9991: EVANS, RICHARD PAUL - The Looking Glass: A Novel
12276: EVENSON, NORMA - Paris a Century of Change, 1878-1978
10641: EVERETT, T. H. (ED) - New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gardening - Unabridged
10360: EVERETT, EDWIN MALLARD (ED) - Masterworks of World Literature
15897: EVERSON, WILLIAM K - A Pictorial History of the Western Film
17330: EVES, EDWARD - Rolls-Royce: 75 Years of Motoring Excellence
23671: EWEN, DAVID - Encyclopedia of the Opera
29527: EWEN, GORDON H. - Indian Hill: The First 75 Years 1914-1989
15614: EWING, DAVID W. - Inside the Harvard Business School: Strategies and Lessons of America's Leading School of Business
13727: EWING, WILLIAM A. - The Body: Photographs of the Human Form (in Slipcase)
12502: THE AMERICAN-SWEDISH NEWS EXCHANGE - Sweden: A Wartime Survey
17793: EYRES, KEVIN - The Secrets of Ireland
10044: FABER, MICHEL - The Crimson Petal and the White
27149: JOSEP PALAU I FABRI - Picasso Cubism 1907-1917
26040: ERLE STANLEY GARDNER; A. A. FAIR - The Case of the Horrified Heirs and Up for Grabs
5277: FAIRBANKS, JONATHAN;BATES, ELIZABETH BIDWELL - American Furniture: 1620 to the Present
9520: FAIRBANKS, NANCY - Chocolate Quake
9550: FAIRBANKS, NANCY - Crime Brulee
26094: FAIRBROTHER, TREVOR J. - The Bostonians: Painters of an Elegant Age, 1870-1930
19217: FAIRBROTHER, TREVOR - John Singer Sargent
29067: FAIRMONT, ETHEL - Rhymes for Kindly Children: Modern Mother Goose Jingles
11821: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - Silent Mercy
9632: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - The Bone Vault - Large Print Edition
9633: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - Lethal Legacy (Alexandra Cooper Novel) a Novel
9635: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - Bad Blood
9636: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - The Deadhouse
9637: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - Death Dance
9642: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - Likely to Die
9645: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - The Kills
9648: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - Cold Hit
11457: FALL, THOMAS - The Ordeal of Running Standing
27019: FALLON, SIOBHAN - You Know When the Men Are Gone
21673: FALLOWS, JAMES - Breaking the News How the Media Undermine American Democracy
26249: FALLS, CYRIL - Tales of Hoffmann
14065: LA FARGE, HENRY A. (EDITOR) - Museums of Egypt
14073: LA FARGE, HENRY A. (EDITOR) - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
14074: LA FARGE, HENRY A. (EDITOR) - Museum of Art, Sao Paulo
29119: LA FARGE, OLIVER - Laughing Boy
11455: LA FARGE, OLIVER - Laughing Boy
2173: FARLEY, JAMES A. - Jim Farley's Story: The Roosevelt Years
15250: FARLEY, JAMES A. - Jim Farley's Story: The Roosevelt Years
16154: FARNDON, JOHN - 1000 Things You Should Know About Human Body
9149: FARR, DENNIS - Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Masterpieces the Courtauld Collection
10770: FARRELL, JAMES T. - My Days of Anger
6844: FARRER, J. A. - Literary Forgeries
8919: FARWELL, BEATRICE - The Charged Image French Lithographic Caricature, 1816-1848
21274: FASSETT, KAFFE - Glorious Needlepoint
24997: FASSNACHT, ERIK - A Good Family
28283: FAST, HOWARD - Spartacus
17202: FAST, HOWARD - The Trial of Abigail Goodman
20712: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Light in August
29152: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Light in August
29122: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Reivers: A Reminiscence
17236: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Sound and the Fury
28143: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Novels 1930-1935: As I Lay Dying; Sanctuary; Light in August; and Pylon
28725: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Sound and the Fury
23304: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Reivers
28113: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Sound and the Fury
22988: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Mansion
27290: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Light in August
29055: FAULKNER, GEORGENE - Little Peachling and Other Tales of Old Japan
29023: FAULKNER, GEORGENE - The White Elephant and Other Tales from Old India
8119: FAULKNER, HAROLD UNDERWOOD - American Economic History
9164: FAULKNER, WILLIAM; EUGENE O'NEILL; JOHN STEINBECK - Nobel Prize Library: William Faulkner, Eugene o'Neill, John Steinbeck
7028: FEAGIN, JOE R.; HERNAN VERA - White Racism: The Basics
8741: FEDDEN, ROBIN; ROSEMARY JOEKES - The National Trust Guide to England, Wales and Northern Ireland
26605: FEDER, THEODORE H. - Great Treasures of Pompeii & Herculaneum
27150: FEDER, NORMAN - American Indian Art
13523: FEILER, BRUCE - Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses
20509: FEILER, BRUCE - Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths
14536: FEINSTEIN, JOHN - The Majors: In Pursuit of Golf's Holy Grail
23038: FEINSTEIN, JOHN - Tales from Q School: Inside Golf's Fifth Major
15297: FEINSTEIN, JOHN - Caddy for Life the Bruce Edwards Story
24534: FELDMAN, MICHAEL - Whad'Ya Know?
29483: FELDMAN, NOAH - Scorpions: The Battles and Triumphs of Fdr's Great Supreme Court Justices
15895: FENIGER, SUSAN - City Cuisine
13586: FENSTERHEIM, HERBERT; JEAN BAER - Don't Say Yes When You Want to Say No: Making Life Right When It Feels All Wrong
15046: FENSTERMAKER, VESLE - Transparencies
18747: FERBER, EDNA - One Basket Thirty-One Short Stories
27515: FERBER, EDNA - Giant
13301: FERBER, EDNA - Giant
17028: FERGUSON, WALLACE K.; GEOFFREY BRUUN; CARL L. BECKER (ED) - A Survey of European Civilization 1500-Present
18842: FERGUSON, ANDREW - Land of Lincoln Adventures in Abe's America
1539: FERGUSON, JOHN - The Heritage of Hellenism the Greek World from 323 Bc to 31 Bc
3755: FERMAN, EDWARD L. (ED) - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Volume 50, No. 3, Whole No. 298, March 1976
10182: FERRARS, E.X - The Decayed Gentlewoman
6423: FERRELL, ROBERT H. (ED) - Dear Bess: The Letters from Harry to Bess Truman - 1910-1959
24907: FERRERO, GUGLIELMO - The Women of the Caesars
604: FERRERO, GUGLIELMO - The Greatness and Decline of Rome Vol. II. Julius Caesar
613: FERRILL, ARTHER - Caligula: Emperor of Rome
21355: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - Galaxies
7366: FERVAL, CLAUDE - Cleopatra
6529: FEUER, LEON I.; AZRIEL EISENBERG - Jewish Literature Since the Bible (Complete in Two Volumes)
4821: FEUILLET, OCTAVE - The Romance of a Poor Young Man
19063: FICK, NATHANIEL - One Bullet Away the Making of a Marine Officer
10835: FICOWSKI, JERZY & BRUNO SCHULZ - The Drawings of Bruno Schulz
27076: FIELD, EUGENE - The House: An Episode in the Lives of Reuben Baker, Astronomer, and His Wife Alice
27080: FIELD, EUGENE - Songs and Other Verse
27075: FIELD, EUGENE - The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
20125: FIELD, D. M. - The Nude in Art
15786: FIELD, EUGENE; C. MERTON BABCOCK (ED.) - A Comic Primer
25351: FIELD, EUGENE - Poems of Childhood
27077: FIELD, EUGENE - Second Book of Tales
27079: FIELD, EUGENE - A Little Book of Profitable Tales
27067: FIELD, EUGENE - Second Book of Verse
27068: FIELD, EUGENE - The Holy Cross and Other Tales
18724: FIELD, RON AND ROBIN SMITH - Uniforms of the CIVIL War
28611: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
28126: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
18477: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
17351: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
22932: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling
5809: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling
6380: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
819: FIELDING, HENRY - The Adventures of Joseph Andrews (Two Volumes, Complete)
820: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones (Four Volumes, Complete)
23446: FIELDS, DEBBI; EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - Mrs. Fields I Love Chocolate Cookbook: 100 Easy & Irresistible Recipes
17436: FIELDS, W. C.; RONALD J. FIELDS (COMMENTARY) - W.C. Fields: By Himself His Intended Autobiography
7308: FIENNES, RANULPH - Agincourt: The Fight for France
13606: FIEVE, RONALD R. - Prozac Questions and Answers for Patients, Family and Physicians
9310: FIFFER, SHARON - The Wrong Stuff
9314: FIFFER, SHARON - Scary Stuff: A Jane Wheel Mystery
9340: FIFFER, SHARON - Dead Guy's Stuff
29480: FIFIELD, ANNA - The Great Successor: The Divinely Perfect Destiny of Brilliant Comrade Kim Jong Un
15735: FILLMORE, JOHN COMFORD - Lessons in Musical History, a Comprehensive Outline of Musical History from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Present Time
23498: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms
23370: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - Norman Rockwell's America
9311: FINE, MORRIS; MILTON HIMMELFARB (EDS) - American Jewish Year Book (Vol. 73, 1972)
9312: FINE, MORRIS; MILTON HIMMELFARB (EDS) - American Jewish Year Book (Vol. 69, 1968)
4974: FINEMAN, IRVING - Jacob
6298: FINEMAN, IRVING - Jacob
16150: FINGER, CHARLES J. - After the Great Companions a Free Fantasia on a Lifetime of Reading
13783: FINK, JOHN - Libel the Dead
23076: FINKELSTEIN, SYDNEY - Jazz: A People's Music
2826: FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS (ED) - The Jews: Their History, Culture and Religion (Three Volumes, Complete)
6300: FINLAYSON, DONALD LORD - Michelangelo the Man
16761: FINLEY, MARTHA - Elsie's Children: A Sequel to " Elsie's Motherhood. "
7280: FINLEY, M. I. - The World of Odysseus
24921: FINNEY, PATRICIA - Firedrake's Eye
29074: FINNIS, JOHN - Aquinas: Moral, Political, and Legal Theory
6046: FIOCCO, GIUSEPPE - Francesco Guardi: L'Angelo Raffaele
14966: FIRESTONE, HARVEY S. - Men and Rubber the Story of Business
20541: FIRMAGE, GEORGE J. (GATHERED & WITH A PREFACE BY) - A Garland for Dylan Thomas
25341: FISCHETTI, LUIGI - Pompeii, Past and Present
20561: FISHER, JAMES - The Birds of Britain
11153: FISHER, RONALD M. - Our Threatened Inheritance Natural Treasures of the U.S.
8862: FISHER, SYDNEY NETTLETON - The Middle East a History
13378: FISHMAN, TED C. - China, Inc. How the Rise of the Next Superpower Challenges America and the World
26760: FISKE, JOHN - Studies in Religion: Being the Destiny of Man; the Idea of God; Through Nature to God; Life Everlasting
26758: FISKE, JOHN - CIVIL Government in the United States Considered with Some Reference to Its Origins

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