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22817: Edwards, I.E.S. - The pyramids of Egypt
33950: Edwards, T.C. - Yr epistol at yr Hebreaid (etc.)
14205: Edwards, S. - Mosses in English literature
25612: Edwards, J.G. (preface) - An inventory of the ancient monuments in Anglesey
31050: Edwards, E.P. - A field guide to the birds of Mexico
31051: Edwards, E.P. - A field guide to the birds of Mexico
31052: Edwards, E.P. - 1976 supplement to Finding Birds in Mexico (1968)
18955: Edwards, S.R. (ed.) - Collections of preserved amphibians and reptiles in the United States
191: Edwards, Denzil - A plant ecological survey of the Tugela river basin
35806: Edwards, K. - A beaudesert legacy: a history of coal mining in Brereton, Rugeley and Longdon
31736: Edwards, N. - Pictorial Rhodesia
29822: Edwards, J.G. (ed.) - The building of Fllint
28631: Edwards, H.T. - Troi'r drol [Flip the cart]
20216: Edworthy, N. - The curious gardener's almanac
13368: Efthimiou, E.M. - Plants of Cyprus: walking around the Cape Greco
31388: Egan, E. - Such a vision of the street: Mother Teresa, the spirit and the work
27243: Egerton, F. - Hewett Cottrell Watson: Victorian plant ecologist and evolutionist
36957: Egerton, J. - Wright of Derby
23601: Egerton, J. - George Stubbs, anatomist and animal painter
32283: Eggeling, W.J.; Dale, I.R. (rev.) - The indigenous trees of the Uganda Protectorate
32269: Eggleston, J.F. - Problems in quantitative biology
14874: Eggleston, J.F. - Problems in quantitative biology
32077: Eggli, U. & Taylor, N. (eds.) - IOS index of names of Cactaceae published 1950-1990
28792: Egorova, T.G., Grozhilova, L.P. et al. (compilers) - _______ ""_______ _____"" __________ ______________ _________ _._. ______ / Katalog osobogo fonda biblioteka Zoologicheskogo _nstituta A.N. Rossii
11091: Ehrendorfer, F. (ed.) - Woody Plants - evolution and distribution since the Tertiary
25163: Ehrenfeld, D. - Beginning again: people and nature in the new millennium
25366: Ehrenhalt, A. - The great inversion and the future of the American city
27677: Ehrlich, P.R. & A.H. - The population explosion
8498: Eibl-Eibelsfeldt, I. - Ethology: the biology of behavior
25866: Eiby, G.A. - Earthquakes: a complete account of their causes, effects and known history
23535: Eich, G. - Ausgewählte Gedichte
23536: Eich, G. - Die Mädchen aus Viterbo
11270: Eiche, V. - Cold damage and plant mortality in experimental provenance plantation with Scots Pine in northern Sweden
9077: Eicher, D.L. - Geologic time
33736: Eichler, A.-F. - Masters of German art: Albrecht Dürer
25139: Eichler, A.W. - Blüthendiagramme (2 v.)
5124: Eijsackers, Herman J.P & Hamers, Timo (eds.) - Integrated soil and sediment research: a basis for proper protection
34523: Einbinder, H. - The myth of the Britannica
11163: Survey of Ireland / Léarscáilíocht Éireann - Map of Dublin
11164: Survey of Ireland / Léarscáilíocht Éireann - Dublin district
19925: Ordnance Survey of Ireland / Léarscáiliocht Éireann - Sheet 155 [Cashel]
16933: Eiseltová, M. (ed.) - Restoration of lake ecosystems: a holistic approach
27932: Ekins, P. - A new world order: grassroots movements for global change
20693: Elder, C. - While flocks last
14529: Eldredge, N. - Darwin: discovering the tree of life
25130: Eldredge, N. - Life in the balance: humanity and the biodiversity crisis
33457: Eleftheriades, O. - Modern Greek: a contemporary grammar
2359: Elena, Alberto - The cinema of Abbas Kiarostami
18051: Elfyn, M. - Eucalyptus: selected poems 1978-1994 / Detholiad o Gerddi
36633: Elgood, J.H. - Birds of the west African town and garden
36632: Elgood, J.H. - Birds of the west African town and garden
17768: Elias-Cesnik, A. - Jojoba: guide to the literature
22436: Eliot, G. - Silas Marner
23269: Eliot, S. & Stern, B. (eds.) - The age of enlightenment (2 v.)
22438: Eliot, G. - Adam Bede
22437: Eliot, G. - The mill on the Floss
30561: Eliot, W.A. - Birds of the Pacific coast
33327: Eliot, T.S. - Four quartets
33841: Eliot, G. - The mill on the Floss
24217: Eliot, G. - Felix Holt
1562: Eliot, T.S. - Murder in the Cathedral
23903: Eliot, G. - The mill on the Floss
23901: Eliot, G. - Scenes of clerical life
23899: Eliot, G. - Silas Marner / The lifted veil / Brother Jacob / Poems
23867: Eliot, T.S. - Collected poems 1909-1935
23902: Eliot, G. - Romola (2 v.)
28667: Eliovson, S. - Flowering shrubs and trees for South African gardens
28715: Elkan, W. - An introduction to development economics
29398: Root O M & Elkins K C - Nuttall Ornithological Club Outline Biographies of Members 1919-1973
34153: Elkins, N. - Weather and bird behaviour
35600: Ellenberger, F. - Recherches et réflexions sur la naissance de la cartographie géologique, en Europe et plus particulièrement en France
37284: Ellenberger, F., Gaudant, J. & Hooykaas, R. - 26è congrès géologique international, section 19: Inhigeo
34739: Ellenberger, F. - Ë l'aube de la géologie moderne: Henri Gautier (1660-1737)
35166: Ellenberger, F. (intro.) - Histoire et nature
35601: Ellenberger, F. (et al.) - Métamorphisme, silicifications et pédogénèsse en Bohême méridionale
28048: Ellerman, J.R. - The fauna of India, including Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon: Mammalia vol. 3, Rodentia (2 parts)
30686: Ellerman, J.R., Morison-Scott, T.C.S. & Hayman, R.W. - Southern African mammals 1758 to 1951: a reclassification
30795: Ellerman, J.R., Morison-Scott, T.C.S. - Checklist of Palaearctic and Indian mammals 1758 to 1946
21965: Ellerman, J.R. - The families and genera of living rodents (vol. 3 part 1)
35555: Ellery, C.S. - The Bath Gas Light and Coke Company: some notes on the history of the company, 1818-1918
6635: Elliman, Sons - Horses, dogs, birds, cattle: accidents and ailments, first aid
28692: Elliot, J. - An unexpected light: travels in Afghanistan
28495: Elliot, R. & Blake, T. - Common native plants of north Sydney
33751: Elliott, A.C.A. - Is that a big number?
11120: Elliott, Roy - Alpine gardening
28674: Elliott, B. (ed.) - Garden History vol. 12 part 2
28675: Elliott, B. (ed.) - Garden History vol. 13 part 1
28676: Elliott, B. (ed.) - Garden History vol. 14 part 1
29018: Elliott, J.M. & Humpesch, U.H. - A key to the adults of the British Ephemeroptera
29016: Elliott, J.M. - Some methods for the statistical analysis of samples of benthic invertebrates
29019: Elliott, J.M., Humpesch, U.H. & Macan, T.T. - Larvae of the British Ephemeroptera
6505: Elliott, Brent et al. (eds.) - The glory of the garden: a loan exhibition in association with the Royal Horticultural Society
37487: Elliott, G.F. - The non-descriptive palaeontology of the Sowerby's Mineral Conchology
32157: Elliott, Roy - Alpine gardening
6997: Elliott, B. (ed.) - Garden History: the journal of the Garden History Society
580: Elliott, Brent - Treasures of the Royal Horticultural Society: 350 years of botanical illustration
20218: Elliott, C. - Treasury of garden writing
20217: Elliott, C. - The transplanted gardener
27254: Elliott, B. - Victoria Medal of Honour 1897-1997
34300: Elliott, J.M. - A key to British freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera
27429: Elliott, Brent - The Royal Horticultural Society: a history 1804-2004
3125: Elliott, Roy - Lewisias
34297: Elliott, J.M. & Tullett, P.A. - A bibliography of samplers for benthic invertebrates
21887: Elliott, R.C. (ed.) - A gardener's guide to the Androsaces
21886: Elliott, J.G. - Bulbs under glass
31645: Ellis, J. - Eye-deep in hell: life in the trenches 1914-1918
33630: Ellis, E.A. - Wild fruits and berries
33119: Ellis, H.D. - A short description of the ancient silver plate belonging to the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors
24537: Ellis, W. - The Oxbridge Conspiracy
6541: Ellis, Alec R. - The greater glory, or collection of essays
15983: Ellis, G. - Plant hunting in Wales
26591: Ellis, A.J. - Speech in song, being the singer's pronouncing primer (etc.)
33040: Ellis, G. - Plant hunting in Wales
37472: Ellis, E.F. - The British Museum in fiction
9139: Ellis, A.E. - Synopses of the British Fauna 4 : Freshwater Bivalves (Mollusca): Corbicula, Sphaerium, Dreissena
19393: Ellis, N.V. (ed.) - An introduction to the geological conservation review
35398: Ellis, Clarence - The pebbles on the beach
35671: Ellis, C.H. - Twenty locomotive men
26265: Ellis, C. & Swaney, M.W. - Soilless growth of plants: use of nutrient solutions, water, sand, cinder, etc.
35693: Ellis, C.H. - Twenty locomotive men
25594: Ellis, G. - Thomas Lloyd Jones (Gwenffrwd), 1810-1834
25872: Ellis, E.A. - Wild flowers of the moors and heaths
25712: Ellis, E.A. - Wild flowers of the coast
29457: Ellis, R.G. - Flowering plants of Wales
22605: Ellis, P.B. - Celt and Saxon: the struggle for Britain AD 410-937
24106: Ellis-Fermor, U. - The Jacobean drama: an interpretation
23557: Ellis, P.B. - Macbeth: high king of Scotland 1040-57 AD
23558: Ellis, P.B. - Macbeth: high king of Scotland 1040-57 AD
25995: Ellis, A.T. - A Welsh childhood
29311: Ellison N - Over the hills with Nomad
32502: Ellison, N.; Tunnicliffe, C.F. (ill.) - Out of doors with Nomad
32501: Ellison, N.; Tunnicliffe, C.F. (ill.) - Northwards with Nomad
25490: Ellison, G. (ill.) - A guide to the common wild mammals of Zambia
32505: Ellison, N.; Tunnicliffe, C.F. (ill.) - Wandering with Nomad
32503: Ellison, N.; Tunnicliffe, C.F. (ill.) - Over the hills with Nomad
32504: Ellison, N.; Tunnicliffe, C.F. (ill.) - Roving with Nomad
35510: Ellison, N. - The Regional Books series: the Wirral Peninsula
32500: Ellison, N.; Tunnicliffe, C.F. (ill.) - Adventuring with Nomad
24084: Ellison, J. (compiler) - A pocketful of Irish ballads, vol. 1
27245: Ellmann, R. - Oscar Wilde
19881: Ellwood, D.C., Melling, J. & Rutter, P. (eds.) - Adhesion of microorganisms to surfaces
37134: Elsas, M. (ed.) - Iron in the making: Dowlais iron company letters 1782-1860
36618: Elsasser, W.M. - The physical foundation of biology
25432: Elsom, D. - Atmospheric pollution
31270: Elton, J.F. & Cotterill, H.B. - Travels and researches among the lakes and mountains of eastern and central Africa
31681: Elton, G.R. - The Fontana History of Europe 1517-1559
25421: Elton, C.S. - The pattern of animal communities
25777: Elton, G.R. (ed.) - The Tudor constitution: documents and commentary
18699: Eltringham, S.K. - Elephants
14991: Eltringham, S.K. - Life in mud and sand
8444: Elvers, Barbara (ed.) - Handbook of fuels
35927: Elvin J.G.D. - British gunfounders 1700-1855
33749: Elwes, R. - Maths 1001
26670: Elwes, H. & Henry, A. - Trees of Great Britain and Ireland (vol. 1-4 text only)
34941: Elwin, M. - The life of Llewelyn Powys
34148: Emanoil, M. (ed.) - Encyclopedia of endangered species
34977: Emblen, D.L. - Peter Mark Roget: the word and the man
31620: Emerson, R.W. - Essays [The works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, vol. 2]
15617: Emerton, J.H. - The common spiders of the United States
34880: Emery, F.V. - Edward Lhuyd and Snowdonia
37207: Emley, D.W. (ed.) - A guide to the grounds of Keele University
34406: Emley, D.W. - Natural history of Keele University
37094: Emley, D.W. (ed.) - A guide to the grounds of Keele
37095: Emley, D.W. (ed.) - Natural History of Keele University
34993: Emmerson, G.S. - John Scott Russell: a great Victorian engineer and naval architect
24641: Emmerson, C. - 1913: the world before the Great War
36013: Emmerson, G.S. - The greatest iron ship: S.S. Eastern
21350: Emmons, K.M. - Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary
22627: Emsley, J. - The consumer's good chemical guide
9507: Emsley, Kenneth - Historic Haworth today
9273: Encke, F., Esenbeck, H.v. & Bechthold, F. - Samentauschliste 1964
32249: Encke, F., Buchheim, G., Seybold, S. - Zander: Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen
4872: Endler, John A. - Geographic variation, speciation, and clines
34455: Energlyn, Lord - Through the crust of the earth
34524: Enfleld, W. - An essay towards the history of Leverpool (etc.)
22154: Engel, F.-M. - Creatures of the earth's crust
14612: Engelhardt, W. - A young specialist looks at pond-life
18956: Engelmann, W.-E. & Obst, F.J. - Snakes: biology, behavior and relationship to man
37208: Engels, F. - The condition of the working class in England
23607: Engels, J.M.M., Hawkes, J.G. & Worede, M. (eds.) - Plant genetic resources of Ethiopia
36498: The engineer - Centenary number 1856-1956
35928: The Engineer - The innovative engineeer
35902: American Engineering - American engineering competition
29118: YEKOM Consulting Engineers - Lake Uromiyeh Environmental Management Project (4 v.)
36912: Institution of Civil Engineers - Catalogue of the library of the Institution of Civil Engineers
36911: Institution of Civil Engineers - Catalogue of the library of the Institution of Civil Engineers
35140: Institution of Municipal and County engineers - The handbook 1938-1939
35141: Institution of Locomotive Engineers - Register of members
36549: Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Brief subject and author index of papers in the Proceedings 1847-1943 and in the Journal March 1939-March 1944
36548: North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers - Centenary brochure
36546: Institution of Mining Engineers - Lists of members (7 parts)
35625: Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers - Indexes to Transactions
35989: Society of Civil Engineers - An[n]o 1771: Society of civil engineeers
35820: Institution of Civil Engineers - A brief history of the Institution of Civil Engineers with an account of the Charter centenary celebration June 1928
36437: Steam Engines - Two boxes of reprints on the subject of steam engines
10513: England, W.A. & Fleet, A.J. (eds.) - Petroleum migration
36146: Royal College of Surgeons of England - Calendar, July 9, 1868
36930: Royal Agricultural Society of England - General index to the first series of the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England
29718: Church of England - The book of common prayer (etc.)
5177: Engler, Adolf; Gilg, Ernst - Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien: eine Übersicht über das gesamte Pflanzensystem (etc.)
11850: Engler, A. & Prantl, K. - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, II. Teil, 5 Abteilung
11854: Engler, A. & Irnscher, E. - Das Pflanzenreich, IV. 117.II Saxifragaceae - Saxifraga II & Pars Generalis.
24880: Engler, A. et al. (eds.) - Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zum Gedächtniss der hundertjährigen Wiederkehr des Antritts von Alexander von Humboldt's Reise nach Amerika am 5 Juni 1799
25201: Engler, A. & Prantl, K. - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Band 17 a IV (Ranunculaceae)
24829: Engler, A. - Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (2 v.)
30311: English, D. - A book of nimble beasts
21966: English, D. - A book of nimble beasts
15806: English, M.P. - Mordecai Cubitt Cooke, Victorian naturalist, mycologist, teacher & eccentric
35807: Englund, P. - The beauty and the sorrow: an intimate history of the first world war
35364: Ennion, E. - The house on the shore
35397: Ennion, E.A.R. & Tinbergen, N. - Tracks
30939: Ennion, E.A.R. - Adventurer's Fen
13678: Ennos, R. & Hollingsworth, P. (eds.) - Plant conservation in Scotland
34584: Enright, B. - Richard Rawlinson and the publication of Aubrey's ""Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey""
8192: D'Entreves, A.P. (ed.) - Aquinas: selected political writings
28380: Entwistle, A. et al. (eds.) - Habitat management for bats
5900: Department of the Environment - This common inheritance: the second year report
12863: Department of the Environment - Diesel vehicle emissions and urban air quality
21138: Philippine Dept. of Environment - Philippine biodiversity
25731: D'Epiro, P. & Pinkowish, M.D. - What are the Seven Wonders of the World?
814: Epstein, June - The friends of Burramys
32270: Erasmus, T. - Hanes o Ddyddiau Victoria Caerwys: a history since Victorian times
24218: Erasmus, D. - The praise of folly
12866: Erdman, J.A., Shacklette, H.T. & Keith, J.R. - Elemental composition of selected native plants and associated soils from Major Vegetation-type areas in Missouri
12867: Erdman, J.A., Shacklette, H.T. & Keith, J.R. - Elemental composition of corn grains (etc.) in Missouri
27308: Von Erhardt, W. et al.; Coombes, A. (ed.) - The Timber Press dictionary of plant names
27224: Erickson, R. - The Drummonds of Hawthornden
27052: Erickson, R.; George, A.S., Marchant, N.G. & Morcombe, M.K. - Flowers and plants of western Australia
27392: Ericultura - Ericultura
24746: Erixon, F. & Weigel, B. - The innovation illusion
27523: Ernst, W.G. - Amphiboles: crystal chemistry, phase relations and occurrence
12599: _erovsky, Jan - _ervená kniha 5: vy__í rostliny
6431: Ershad, D. (editor-in-chief) - Rostaniha (Botanical Journal of Iran) special issue
19838: Erskine, S.E., Killick, H.J., Lambrick, C.R. & Lee, E.M. - Oxfordshire's threatened plants
4055: Erwitt, Elliott - Collezione privata
29452: Erzinçioglu, Z. - Maggots, murder and men
24045: Escher, F. - A brief history of the United States
6928: Escritt, L.B. - Regional planning: an outline of the scientific data relating to planning in Great Britain
5754: Escritt, J.R. (foreword) - Turfgrass diseases
26184: Esdaile, A.; Stokes, R. (rev.) - A student's manual of bibliography
35808: Esden, R.M. - The story of the Knights Bachelor
25454: Esher, L. - The continuing heritage: the story of the Civic Trust awards
27488: Mapa Militar de Espa–a - Oviedo
27486: Cartografia Militar de Espa–a - Valladolid
27489: Mapa Militar de Espa–a - Zaragoza
10364: ESRC - Taxonomy in Europe: interim report
33987: Esser, K. & Kuenen, R - Genetik de Pilze
17564: Esser, K. & Raper, J.R. - Incompatibility in fungi
32086: Estrada, A.E. & Martinez M., A. - Los géneros de leguminosas del Norte de México
16499: Etchécopar, R.D. & Hüe, F. - The Birds of North Africa
31938: Etherington, J.R. - Environment and plant ecology
8992: Ethridge, F.G. - The fluvial system
33475: Eton College; Brown, A. et al .(eds.) - Hymni in usum Collegii Beatae Mariae de Etona
35694: Eton College; Austen-Leigh, R.A. - The Eton College register 1753-1790
35695: Eton College; Stapylton, H.E.C. - The Eton School Lists, from 1791 to 1850 (every third year after 1793), with short notes
18346: Ettinghausen, R. - Arab painting (treasures of Asia)
17131: Ettlinger, L.A.. Et al. - Electrochemistry vol. 6: high-temperature plasma technology applications
36681: Ettlinger, D.M.T. - British & Irish orchids: a field guide
8613: Von Euler, Ulf S. - Release and uptake functions in adrenergic nerve granules
24020: Euripedes - Alcestis and other plays
24019: Euripedes - Three great plays of Euripedes
24108: Euripides - Alcestis and other plays
35136: Éva, V. - Kémikus emlékhelyek budapesti egyetemeken / Memorial sites of Chemists at Budapest universities
22387: Evans, E.H. & Foulkees, M.E. - Analytical chemistry: a practical approach
19154: Evans, G.E. - Acky
35379: Evans, I. (rev.) - Brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable
24347: Evans, D.G. & Hughes, A. - The history of Ruthin / Hanes Rhuthun
19503: Evans, E. et al. - A guide to Gower
35646: Evans, M.M. & Reichenfeld, R. (photos) - Canals of England
490: Evans, A.H. - A flora of Cambridgeshire: with an appendix on the origin and drainage of the fens
28607: Evans, I.O. - The Observer's book of British geology
34304: Evans, J. - Natural regeneration of broadleaves
20882: Evans, J. - Plantation forestry in the tropics
30312: Evans, A.H. - Turner on birds: a short and succinct history (etc.)
26556: Evans, B.I. - A short history of English literature
24346: Evans, D.G. - The buildings of Ruthin
33182: Evans, D. - A history of nature conservation in Britain
21494: Evans, E. - Botany for beginners
31588: Evans, T. - Walks through North Wales: containing a topographical and statistical description of the Principality (etc.)
4702: Evans, Roger - How to read music
23006: Evans, H.M., Williams, S.J. (eds.) - Y geiriadur newydd
33009: Evans, G.E. - The pattern under the plough
29586: Evans, R. - ""Ardal y Cewri"": enwogion plwyf Llangybi, a'r Cylch [""Land of Giants"": the famous parish of Llangybi and district
26555: Evans, B.I. - A short history of English drama
27525: Evans, B.W. - Landmark Papers no. 3: Metamorphic Petrology.
34320: Evans, I.O. - The Observer's book of geology
27315: Evans, I.O. - The observer's book of British geology
13451: Evans, Tony & Lycett Green, Candida - English cottages
31449: Evans, I.O. - The Observer's book of geology
25491: Evans, R. - Nature guide to East Anglia and Lincolnshire
28871: Evans E R G R - South with Scott
12825: Evans, C. - Kangchenjunga: the untrodden peak
21967: Evans, P. - Whales
34525: Evans, D.M. - The history of the commercial crisis 1857-1858 and the stock exchange panic of 11859
17132: Evans, C., Kerpel, S. - Organotin compounds in modern technology
27524: Evans, A.M. - Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals - an introduction.
26477: Evans, D.H.; Knight, J.K. - Valle Crucis Abbey / The pillar of Eliseg
9079: Evans, D.E. - Pembrokeshire coast scenery
15650: Evans, G. - The life of beetles
26600: Evans, H. - The gorse glen
29815: Evans, D.L. (ed.) - Flintshire ministers' accounts 1328-1353
33953: Evans, I. - Hard road to London: a graphic account of the lives of the Welsh Drovers
32493: Evans, A. - Isle of Man coastal path
16833: Evans, J.G. - The environment of early Man in the British Isles
8219: Evans, John G. - The environment of early man in the British Isles
19078: Evans, H.E. - Pioneer naturalists
34321: Evans, I.O. - The Observer's book of geology
29313: Evans H - The Falkland Islands I knew
33501: Evans, H. - Patios pots and tubs
19970: Evans, A.; Barnett, S. (ed.) - New Zealand in flower
18511: Evans, P. - Birds of the eastern Caribbean
19335: Evans, H.M. & Thomas, W.O. - Y geiriadur mawr: the complete Welsh-English English-Welsh Dictionary
23674: Evans, P.G.H. - The natural history of whales and dolphins
4743: Evans, Sian - Field management for horses and ponies
33426: Eveleigh, D.J. - Privies and water closets
33225: Evelyn-White, C.H. - County Churches: Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely
23600: Evening, M. - Adobe Photoshop 5.0 for photographers
32524: Evens, G.B. - Out with Romany once more
32523: Evens, G.B. - Out with Romany: adventures with birds and animals
32522: Evens, G.B. - A Romany on the trail
32521: Evens, GB. - A Romany and Raq
32519: Evens, G.K. - Romany on the farm
32520: Evens, G.B. - A Romany in the fields
32516: Evens, E. - Through the years with Romany
32527: Evens, G.B.; Gee, H.L. (compiler) - The spirit of Romany
32528: Evens, G.K. - Romany turns detective
25889: Evens, G.B. - A Romany in the fields
32525: Evens, G.B. - Out with Romany by meadow and stream
32526: Evens, G.B. - Out with Romany by moor and dale
32518: Evens, G.B. - A Romany in the country
27395: Everett, D. - Everyone can grow heathers!
25303: Everett, J. & Wilson, P.G. (eds.) - Proceedings of the 5th International Flora Malesiana Symposium 2001
12529: Everett, S., Harvey, M. & Corbyn, I. (eds.) - Wildlife under threat: the rare and threatened wildlife of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
30562: Everett, M. - Garden birds of Great Britain
11885: Everist, S.L. - Poisonous plants of Australia
28335: Everitt, N. - Shots from a lawyer's gun
7338: Eversham, B.C. - SSSI boundaries of the Humberhead Peatlands (etc.)
25904: Everybody - Everybody's dog book
17135: Evetts, J. (ed.) - Concise encyclopedia of magnetic and superconducting materials
27936: Evink, G.L., Garrett, P., Zeigler, D. & Berry, J. (eds.) - Trends in addressing transportation related wildlife mortality
20120: Evison, R. - Making the most of Clematis
25109: Ewald, G. - Führer zur biologischen Fachliteratur
27234: Ewan, J. & N. - John Lyon, nurseryman and plant hunter, and his journal, 1799-1814
27430: Ewan, J. (ed.) - A short history of botany in the United States
15834: Ewan, J. (ed.) - A short history of botany in the United States
9167: Ewan, J. (ed.) - A short history of botany in the United States
4157: Ewart, Gavin - Be my guest!
4158: Ewart, Gavin - No fool like an old fool
17472: Ewart, A.J. - On the physics and physiology of protoplasmic streaming in plants
19346: Ewens, W.J. - Population genetics
27678: Ewer, R.F. - The carnivores
30687: Ewer, R.F. - The carnivores
7346: Ewing, Peter (ed.) - The Glasgow catalogue of native and established plants; being a contribution to the topographical botany of the western and central counties of Scotland
33555: Exell, A.W. - Catalogue of the vascular plants of S. Tomé
11122: Exell, A. & Wild, H. - Flora Zambesiaca (vols. 1, 2 and 3(1) only)
26463: Stockport Express - Express Annual: pictorial and topical record of Stockport and district
13893: Eyers, C.E. & Gaskell, S.J. (eds.) - Quantitative proteomics
31580: Eyers, J. (compiler) - Penllergare: echoes from Valley Woods, an anthology
29945: Eyler, B. - Last days of the mighty Mekong
35126: Eyles, V.A. (intro.) - John Woodward's brief instructions for making observations in all parts of the world 1696
31940: Eyre, S.R. (ed.) - Vegetation and soils: a world picture
31939: Eyre, S.R. (ed.) - World vegetation types
13072: Eyres, P. (ed.) - Sons of the Sea: Commerce, Empire and the Landscape Garden part 2
13073: Eyres, P. (ed.) - Arcadian Greens Rural: William Shenstone (etc.)
13075: Eyres, P. (ed.) - Wentworth Woodhouse: a landscape of Georgian monuments
3370: Fabb, John - The British Empire from photographs: Africa
23250: Faber, M. - The hundred and ninety-nine steps
12870: Fabre, J.H. - Social life in the insect world
21351: Facetti, J.F. - Estado ambiental del Paraguay
11178: Fagan, N., Bryson, G. & Elston, C. - A century of Liverpool lawyers
3398: Fagan, B.M. (ed.) - The Victoria Falls
6929: Fagg, C.C. & Hutchings, G.E. - An introduction to regional surveying
11948: Faherty, William B. - Henry Shaw, his life and legacies
24806: Faherty, W.B. - A gift to glory in: the first hundred years of the Missouri Botanical Garden (1859-1959)
2141: Fahn, A., Heller, D., Avishai, M. - The cultivated plants of Israel [in Hebrew]
22179: Fain, A. - Mites of the family Myobiidae (Acarina: Prostigmata) from mammals in the collection of the B.M. (N.H.)
20694: Fairbairn, W.A. - Some common birds of West Africa
11550: Fairbairn, W.A. - Some common birds of West Africa
22023: Fairbairn, W.A. - Some common birds of West Africa
19893: Fairbank, A. - A book of scripts
37040: Fairbanks, H.R. & Berkey, C.P. - Life and letters of R.A.F. Penrose, Jr.
32105: Fairbrother, F. - Roses
11476: Fairbrother, Nan - New lives, new landscapes
35473: Fairchild, D. - Garden islands of the Great East
32285: Fairhurst, A. & Soothill, E. - Trees of the British countryside
6631: Fairs, Jack & Bill - Jack & Bill's war
20956: Falconer, T. - On the discovery of the Mississippi (etc.)
29053: Falconer, W. - The poetical works of William Falconer
31748: Falk, Stadelmann & Co. - Falks decorative lighting fittings
20885: Falkenberg, C.-M. & Sepp, S. - Economic evaluation of the forest sector in Uganda
20144: Falkus, C. - The life and times of Charles II
25680: Falkus, C. (ed.) - The private lives of the Tudor monarchs
16500: Falla, R.A., Sibson, R.B. & Turbott, E.G. - A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand.
28872: Falla R A, Sibson R B &Turbott E G - A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand
28873: Falla R A, Sibson R B &Turbott E G - Collins Guide to the Birds of New Zealand
35231: Grey of Fallodon - The charm of birds
26766: Fallon, M. (ed.) - The sketches of Erinensis: selections of Irish medical satire 1824-1836
21352: Seotaiji Fandom - Seotaiji 20th anniversary
18448: Fanning, E. - Voyages and discoveries in the South Seas 1792-1832
20637: Le Fanu, J. - The rise and fall of modern medicine
20927: Unesco/UNEP/FAO - Tropical forest ecosystems
18908: FAO - Mammals in the seas vols. 1-4
25273: Fara, P. - Sex, botany and empire
35156: Faraday, M. & Bragg, l. - Advice to lecturers: an anthology from the writings of Michael Faraday and Lawrence Bragg
16934: Faragó, S. - Geese in Hungary 1986-1991; numbers, migration and hunting bags
9811: Farber, S.M. & Wilson, R.H.L. (eds.) - The air we breathe
13263: Farjon, Aljos - World checklist and bibliography of conifers
8862: Farley, E.B.; Fogg, J.M. - Checklist of the woody plants at the Arboretum of the Barnes Foundation
33120: Farmer, D.H. - The Oxford dictionary of saints
22229: Farmer, O.G. - Fairford Church and its stained glass windows
9130: Farmer, J., Harris, J. & Carson, R. - The Mt. St. Helens volcanic weatherbook
19310: Farmer, S. - Strange chemistry
34568: Farr, G.E. (ed.) - Records of Bristol ships 1800-1838 (vessels over 150 tons)
36446: Farr, G.E. - West Coast passenger steamers
36442: Farr, G.E. - West Coast passenger steamers
36015: Farr, G. - Shipbuilding in the Port of Bristol
36016: Farr, G. - West country passenger steamers
36014: Farr, G. - West country passenger steamers
31054: Farrand, J. - Western birds
32303: Farrar, L. - Gardens and gardeners of the ancient world
34779: Farrar, W.V. & K., Scott, E.L. - The Henrys of Manchester
29208: Farrar G B - Feathered folk of an Estuary
34952: Farrar, K.R. - Dr Joseph Priestley
35102: Farrer, K.E. (ed.) - Letters of Josiah Wedgwood 1771-1780
35101: Farrer, K.E. (ed.) - Letters of Josiah Wedgwood 1762-1770
20129: Farrer, R. - Among the hills
35096: Farrer, K.E. (ed.) - Correspondence of Josiah Wedgwood 1781-1794 (etc.), vol. 1 only
18449: Farrer, R. - Among the Hills
21856: Farrer, R. - The English rock-garden (2 vols.)
12975: Farrington, K. - The music, songs and instruments of Ireland
16501: Farrington, S.K. Jr. - The Ducks Came Back. The Story of ""Ducks Unlimited""
5804: Farrington, Edward I. - The gardener's travel book
25393: Farthing, F.H. - Saturday in my garden
26266: Farthing, F.H. - Every day in. my garden
15026: Fassett, N.C. - A manual of aquatic plants
23791: Fast, H. - Citizen Tom Paine
33400: Fattorusso, G. - Wonders of Italy: Siena and San Gimignano
33403: Fattorusso, J. - Wonders of Italy
28577: Faubert, J. - Flore des Bryophytes du Québec-Labrador (3 v.)
34456: Faul, H. & C. - It began with a stone: a history of geology from the Stone Age to the age of Plate Tectonics
36509: Faulkner, A.H. - The Wolverton aqueduct: a case study in canal engineering
23215: Fauvel, J. et al. (eds.) - Let Newton be! A new perspective on his life and works
7392: Fawcett, C.B. - General Handbook, British Association Leeds meeting 1927
29699: Fearon, E. - The young stock keepers
33834: Fedden, R. (ed.) - Treasures of the National Trust
30585: Fedducia, A. (ed.) - Catesby's birds of Colonial America
17778: Fedigan, L.M. & Asquith, P.J. - The monkeys of Arashiyama: thirty-five years of research in Japan and the West
11904: Fedorov, An. A., Kirpichnikov, M. Ai. & Artyushenko, Z.T. - _____ __ ____________ __________ ______ ________ [Atlas of comparative morphology of vascular plants]: _______ _ ______ [stem and root]
11901: Fedorov, An. & Kirpichnikov, M.Ai. - __________ _______ __ ___________ ______ ________ [Handbook on taxonomy of vascular plants] T. 1
11903: Fedorov, An. A., Kirpichnikov, M. Ai. & Artyushenko, Z.T. - _____ __ ____________ __________ ______ ________ [Atlas of comparative morphology of vascular plants]: ____ [leaf]
9297: Fedoseeva, G.P. (ed.) - ______ _____ No. 7
27764: Feduccia, A. - The age of birds
30563: Feduccia, A. - The age of birds
32757: Fée, A.L.A. - Flore de Virgile, composée pour la collection des classiques Latins
26767: Feehan, J. et al.; O'Connell, J.W. & Korff, A. (eds.) - The book of the Burren
27028: Feeken, E.H.J. & G.E.E.; Spate, O.H.K. - The discovery and exploration of Australia
34027: Feesey, M.T. - Ornamental grasses and bamboos
33832: Feest, C.F. - Native arts of North America
23418: Fehrenbach, O. & Kustos, N. - Der Bodensee
24937: Fein, E. & Schneider, S. - The rules
25479: Feinberg, J.G. & Smith, I. - Chromatography and electrophoresis on paper
37209: Feinstein, C.H. (ed.) - York 1831-1981: 150 years of scientific endeavour and social change
4311: Fejfer, Jane & Southworth, Edmund; photography by David Flower - The Ince Blundell Collection of Classical Sculpture Volume 1 Part 1: Introduction, the Female Portraits, Concordance
8599: Feldberg, W.S. - Fifty years on: looking back on some developments in neurohumeral physiology
30737: Feliks, J. - The animal world of the bible
10936: Fell, H. Granville - Vermeer
34072: Fellowes, J.R. et al. - Sustaining the pulse: managing for biodiversity conservation in South China's forest nature reserves
22363: Feltwell, J. - The naturalist's garden
33886: Feltwell, J., Morris, P. et al. (eds.) - Britain's wildlife, plants and flowers
25055: Feltwell, J. - The illustrated encyclopedia of butterflies
23660: Feltwell, J. - The natural history of butterflies
13909: Fenaroli, L. - Flora delle Alpi
8710: Fendig, G. & Stewart, E. - Native flora of the golden isles
8650: Fendig, G. & Stewart, E. - Native flora of the golden isles
18035: Fenlon, J., Figgis, N. & Marshall, C. (eds.) - New perspectives: studies in art history in honour of Anne Crookshank
21354: Fennell, D. - Ecotourism
25905: Fenner, P.R.; Lee, M. deV. (ill.) - Dogs, dogs, dogs
28378: Fenton, M. Brock - Bats
29587: Fenton, R.; Fisher, J. (ed.) - Tours in Wales (1804-1813)
35602: Ferbenek, J.J. (ed.) - Ignatz Edler von Born Briefe über mineralogische Gegenstände (etc.)
32359: Fergus, K. - Great Scottish journeys: twelve routes to the heart of Scotland
17537: Fergus, C.L. - Illustrated genera of wood decay fungi
20220: Ferguson, N. - Right plant, right place
34713: Ferguson, E.S. - Oliver Evans, inventive genius of the American industrial revolution
24507: Ferguson, C. - Inside job
7322: Ferguson, D. - The natural history of Redcar and its neighbourhood
24643: Ferguson, N. - The war of the world: history's age of hatred
36550: Ferguson, E.S. - Cassier's Magazine Engineering Monthly 1891 - 1913: subject index
27163: Ferguson, N. - Ferguson's garden plant directory
34063: Ferguson, N. - Double flowers: the remarkable story of extra-petalled blooms
19729: Ferguson, D.K. - Robert Fortune - plant hunter
37210: Ferguson, A. (ed.) - Natural philosophy through the 18th century and allied topics
15557: Ferguson, M. & Saunders, R.M. - Wildflowers through the seasons
18702: Ferguson, W.W. - The mammals of Israel
35929: Ferguson, E.S. - Bibliography of the history of technology
22744: Fergusson, M. - George Mackay Brown: the life
30690: Feriancová-Masárová, Z. & Hanák, V. - Stavovce Slovenska IV: Cicavcce [Vertebrates of Slovakia IV: Mammals]
35603: Fermor, L. Leigh - On the basaltic lavas penetrated by the deep boring for coal at Bhusawal, Bombay Presidency
33383: Fermor, P.L. - Mani: travels in the southern Peloponnese
36171: Fermor, P.L. - The broken road from the Iron Gates to Mount Athos
33081: Fermor, P.L. - The broken road from the Iron Gates to Mount Athos
19971: Fermor, P.L. - Mani: travels in the southern Peloponnese
30783: Fernández-Armesto, F. - Civilizations
10258: Fernández Galiano, Emilio (Introd.) - V Symposio de Flora Europaea
24692: Fernandez-Armesto, F. - Millennium
28765: Fernández-Armesto, F. - Columbus on himself
29458: Ferns, P.N. et al. (eds.) - The birds of Gwent
6545: Ferrand, Henri - From Nice to Evian
24489: Ferrera, M. & Gualmini, E. - Rescued by Europe?
35110: Ferris, P. - Sir Huge: the life of Huw Wheldon
28642: Ferris, P. - Dylan Thomas
35930: Ferrner, B. - Ferrner's journal 1759-60: an industrial spy in Bath and Bristol
32894: Feslikenian, L.M. - Piero della Francesca
27526: Fettes, D. & Desmons, J. - Metamorphic rocks - a classification and glossary of terms.
36411: Fettweis, G.B. & Hamann, G. (ed.) - Über Ignaz von Born und die Societät der Bergbaukunde
32123: Few, R. (ed.) - Caring for the earth: a strategy for survival
13398: Ffoulkes, E.S. (inferred) - A history of the church of S. Mary the Virgin, Oxford (etc.)
16503: ffrench, R. - A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago.
25906: Fidler, K. - Flash the sheep dog
23814: Field, C. - Italy in small bites
32305: Field, G.C. - The philosophy of Plato
17392: Field, X. - The housewife book of house plants
36958: Field, J.V. & James, F.A.J.L. - Science in art: works in the National Gallery that illustrate the history of science and technology
32877: Field, R., Perrin, V., Bacon, L. and Greatorex-Davies, N. - The butterflies of Cambridgeshire
25688: Field, A.E. & Spencer, S. (eds.) - Peaks, passes and glaciers, by members of the Alpine Club: 3rd series
22679: Field, R. - Geometric patterns from Churches and Cathedrals
20362: Braunton Great Field - Braunton Great Field
19538: Field, D.M. - The world's greatest architecture past and present
9882: Fielding, Harold - Jeanette Macdonald
24226: Fielding, H. - Jonathan Wild
29746: Fiennes, R. - Captain Scott
36383: Fiennes, R. - Captain Scott
25220: Fiennes, R. - Mad, bad and dangerous to know
21827: Fieweger, M.E. - A history of Ecuador, unit 2
23540: Figes, O. - Natasha's dance: a cultural history of Russia
14848: Fightelius, K.-E. & Sjolander, S. - Man's place: intelligence in dolphins, whales and humans
646: De Figueiredo, Peter & Treuherz, Jullian - Cheshire country houses
37285: Figueirôa, S. - IUBS INHIGEO XIIIth symposium, Pisa - Padova Abstracts
30313: Figuier, L. - Mammalia, popularly described by typical species, with numerous anecdotes
29315: Figuier L - Reptiles and Birds: Second edition of English version by Parker Gillmore
29485: Figuier, L.; Gillmore, P. (rev.) - Reptiles and birds: Second edition of English version by Parker Gillmore
8087: Figuier, Luigi - I mammiferi (vita e costumi degli animali)
10801: Filho, W.L. (ed.) - Handbook of sustainability research
10796: Filho, W.L. et al. - Communicating environmental risks
10797: Filho, W.L. (ed.) - Environmental education in the Commonwealth
10798: Filho, W.L. (ed.) - Environmental education in small island developing states
10799: Filho, W.L. (ed.) - Prospects of integration and development of R & D and the innovation potential of Black Sea economic cooperation countries
9812: Filho, W.L. & Butorina, I. - Approaches to handling environmental problems in the mining and mettalurgical regions
9813: Filho, W.L., Hale, M. (eds.) - Trends in environmental education worldwide
10800: Filho, W.L. (ed.) - Teaching sustainability at Universities
9814: Filho, W.L., MacDermott, F. & Murphy, Z. (eds.) - Practices in environmental education in Europe
33251: Filotheou, G. - Old Town Nicosia pilgrimage tour
19347: Fincham, J.R.S., Day, P.R. & Radford, A. - Fungal genetics
26445: Findlater, J.H. - The ladder to the stars
22575: Findlay, L.M. - Algernon Charles Swinburne: Selected poems
18433: Findley, J.S. - Bats: a community perspective
25825: Findon, B.W. - Sir Arthur Sullivan, his life and music
17136: Fine, H.A. & Geiger, H.G. - Handbook on material and energy balance calculationsin metallurgical processes
7666: Finer, Ann & Savage, George (eds.) - The selected letters of Josiah Wedgwood
35105: Finer, A. & Savage, G. (ed.) - The selected letters of Josiah Wedgwood
20095: Fingas, M. (ed.) - In-situ burning for oil spill countermeasures
34296: Finlay, B.J. & Ochsenbein-Gattlen, C. - Ecology of free-living protozoa: a bibliography
16504: Finlayson, M. & Moser, M. (eds). - Wetlands
20644: Finlayson, B. & Statham, I. - Hillslope analysis
16935: Finlayson, M., Hollis, T. & Davis, T. (eds.) - Managing Mediterranean wetlands and their birds
16936: Finlayson, C.M., Chuickov, Y.S., Prentice, R.C. & Fischer, W. (eds.) - Biogeography of the Lower Volga, Russia: an overview
29946: Finley, C. - All the boats on the ocean
35216: Finn, F. - Eggs and nests of British birds
16506: Finn, F. - How to know The Indian Waders
11058: Finnegan, R. - Beyond the walls: researchers outside the university
27431: Finney, C.M. - To sail beyond the sunset: natural history in Australia 1699-1829
26491: Firbank, T. - I bought a mountain
35345: Firbank, T. - The Snowdon group
29776: Firbank, T. - I bought a mountain
3076: Firestone - Mapa turistico: Islas Baleares con plano de Palma
31177: Firmin, J. - Popular garden birds
21752: Firouz, E. (preface) - Promotion of the establishment of marine parks and reserves in the northern Indian Ocean including the Red Sea and Persian Gulf
36848: Firstbrook, P. - The search for Mallory and Irvine
2540: Firth, Peter E. - A cool business: the first 75 years of C. Hemmings & Co. Ltd. 1928-2003
35423: Fischer, W. & Whitehead, P.J.P. - Fish species identification sheets for fishery purposes; western Indian Ocean and western Central Pacific (vol. 1)
29947: Fischer, J. - Monkeytalk
34026: Fischer, P. - Variegated foliage plants
36003: Fischer, J.-C.; Enay, R. et al. - Révision critique de la paléontologie française d'Alcide d'Orbigny. Vol. 1: Céphalopodes jurassiques.
5875: Fisher, Stanley W. - British pottery and porcelain
30967: Fisher, J. (ed.) - The natural history of Selborne
28876: Fisher J - Bird recognition (3 v.)
26358: Fisher, P. - 500 recipes for vegetarian cookery
16246: Fisher, H. - A history of the County of Lancaster, part 2: Botany
7057: Fisher, Clemency - A passion for natural history: the life and legacy of the 13th Earl of Derby
7316: Fisher, Robert - The flowering plants of Whitby and district
13778: Fisher, F.H. - Reginald Farrer: author, traveller, botanist and flower painter
35279: Fisher, J. (ed.) - The new naturalist (vol. 1)
29316: Fisher C (Ed) - A passion for natural history: The life and legacy of the 3rd Earl of Derby
26958: Fisher, C. - Pocket guide: flowers and fruit
36385: Fisher, M. & J. - Shackleton
18347: Fisher, S.W. - Fine porcelain and pottery
28874: Fisher J - The birds of Britain
28875: Fisher J - Watching birds
12494: Fisher, J. (ed.) - The New Naturalist: a journal (vol. 1 only)
35809: Fisher, W.G. - The history of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset
33425: Fisher, J.L. - A medieval farming glossary of Latin and English words
5553: Fisher, James (ed.) - The New Naturalist: a journal of British natural history
21071: Fisher, J. & Waterston, G. - The breeding, distribution, history and population of the Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) in the British Isles
200: Fisher, John - A colour guide to rare wild flowers
27223: Fisher, R. & Johnston, H. (eds.) - Captain James Cook and his times
29978: Fisher, J. - A colour guide to rare wild flowers
15756: Fisher, J. & Lockley, R.M. - Sea-birds
15570: Fisher, J. - Wild flowers in danger
29317: Fisher J - Birds of the Field
28877: Fisher J - Bird recognition 1: Sea-birds and waders
21743: Fisher, Clemency (ed.) - A passion for natural history: the life and legacy of the 13th Earl of Derby
23633: Fisher, J. & Lockley, R.M. - Seabirds
35193: Fisher, J. & Lockley, R.M. - Sea-birds
15028: Fisher, J. - Rockall
33951: Fishlock, T. - Talking of Wales: a companion to Wales and the Welsh
16508: Fishpool, L.D.C. & Evans, M.I. (eds.). - Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands: Priority sites for conservation.
34848: Fisk, D. - Doctor Jenner of Berkeley
17410: Fisk, J. - Success with Clematis
31836: Fitch, W.H. & Smith, W.G. - Illustrations of the British flora (etc.)
31225: Fithian, J.R. & Dawson, W.L. (sponsors) - The Journal of the Museum of Comparative Oology (vols.. 1 & 2) bound with The Comparative Oologist and Journal of the International Museum of Comparative Oology vol. 1
25078: Fitschen, J. - Gehölzflora
8217: Fitter, Alastair - An atlas of the wild flowers of Britain and Northern Europe
30496: Fitter, A. - An atlas of the wild flowes of Britain and Northern Europe
16864: Fitter, R.S.R. - Collins guide to bird watching
22024: Fitter, R.S.R. - Collins pocket guide to British birds
16213: Fitter, R.S.R. - Collins' guide to birdwatching
27679: Fitter, R.S.R. - London's natural history
17026: Fitter, R.S.R. - Finding wild flowers
16221: Fitter, R.S.R. - Collins pocket guide to British birds
16207: Fitter, A. - Wild flowers of Britain and northern Europe
22168: Fitter, R.S.R. - Wildlife in Britain
35393: Fitter, A. - Collins new generation guide: wild flowers of Britain and northern Europe
12871: Fitter, A.H. & Hay, R.K.M. - Environmental physiology of plants
30853: Fitter, R.S.R. - London's natural history
31983: Fitter, Alastair - An atlas of the wild flowers of Britain and northern Europe
31057: Fitter, R.S.R. - Collins guide to bird watching
31055: Fitter, R. & Manuel, R. - Collins field guide to freshwater life
28878: Fitter J, Fitter D & Hosking D - Wildlife of the Galapagos
21769: Fitter, Alastair - An atlas of the wild flowers of Britain and northern Europe
36756: Fitter, R. & M. - The Penguin dictionary of British natural history
17025: Fitter, R.S.R. - The ark in our midst
32911: Fitter, Alastair - An atlas of the wild flowers of Britain and northern Europe
18264: Fitter, R. & M. - The Penguin dictionary of British natural history
32057: Fitting, H. et al.; Lang, W.H. (tr.) - Strasburger's text-book of botany
16937: Fittkau, E.J. et al. - Ecological structures and problems of Amazonia
9229: Fitzgerald, C.P. - A concise history of East Asia
32412: Fitzgerald, O. - Irish gardens
23906: Scott Fitzgerald - The Bodley Head Scott Fitzgerald, vol. 4: The beautiful and damned, and two short stories
23868: Fitzgerald, E. (tr.); Khayyam, O.; Pogány, W. (ill.) - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
33905: Fitzgibbon, T. - A taste of Paris in food and pictures
33774: Fitzpatrick, N. - Becoming the supervet: listening to the animals
30511: Fitzpatrick, Sir P. - Jock of the Bushveld
34955: Fitzpatrick, M. & Thomas, D.O. (eds.) - Enlightenment and dissent
18704: Fitzpatrick, F.L. - Our animal resources
855: Fitzwygram, Sir F. - Horses and stables
35217: Flanagan, G.L. & Morris, S. - Window into a nest
28248: Flanagan, M. & Kirkham, T. - Plants from the edge of the world
24731: Flannery, T. - The future eaters
2582: Flannery, Tim - The eternal frontier: an ecological history of North America and its peoples
21130: Flannery, Tim - The eternal frontier: an ecological history of North America and its peoples
25004: Flannery, T. - Throwim way leg: adventures in the jungles of New Guinea
25215: Flannery, T. - The weather makers
36640: Flannery, T. - The weather makers: the history and future impact of climate change
32768: Flatberg, K.I. - Norges torvmoser
32769: Flatberg, K.I. - The Norwegian Sphagna: a field colour guide
15572: Flattely, F.W., Walton, C.L. - The biology of the sea-shore
28649: Flaubert, G. - Madame Bovary
24228: Flaubert, G. - Madame Bovary
18513: Fleay, D. - Nightwatchmen of bush and plain: Australian owls and owl-like birds
22342: Flecker, J.E. - Selected poems
35218: Flegg, J. - In search of birds: their haunts and habitats
35219: Flegg, J. (ed.) - The British Ornithologists' guide to bird life
22026: Flegg, J. et al. - Just a Lark!
23148: Flegg, J. - Birds of the British Isles
13352: Fleischer, M.; Schiffner, V. - Flora von Buitenzorg, t. 1 - 4.
36849: Fleming, F. - Killing dragons: the conquest of the Alps
8054: Fleming, J., Honour, H., and Pevsner, N. - A dictionary of architecture
27091: Fleming, L. & Gore, A. - The English garden
22233: Fletcher, A.W. - The church of Saint Wystan, Repton
11124: Fletcher, H.L.V. - The water garden
27978: Fletcher, H.L.V. - The gardener's pocket companion
27366: Fletcher, H.R. & Brown, W.H. - The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1670-1970
20696: Fletcher, F.D. - Darwin
19400: Fletcher, L. - An introduction to the study of minerals, with a guide to the mineral gallery
29608: Fletcher, L. - An introduction to the study of rocks
34117: Fletcher, H.R. & Brown, W.H. - The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1670-1970
19644: Fletcher, F.D. - Darwin (Lifelines 34); an illustrated life of Charles Darwin, 1809-1882
19718: Fletcher, H.L.V. - North Wales (The Queen's Wales)
11123: Fletcher, Harold R. - The story of the Royal Horticultural Society 1804-1968
25977: Fletcher, H.L.V. - The rose anthology
35511: Fletcher, H.L.V. - The County Books: Herefordshire
27527: Flett, J.S. - Geology of the Lizard and Meneage: explanation of sheet 359
34574: Flett, J.S. - Frank Dawson Adams 1859-1942
13566: Flett, J.S. - Geology of Lizard and Meneage
15752: Fleure, H.J. - A natural history of Man in Britain
30960: Fleure, H.J. & Davies, M. - A natural history of man in Britain
26185: Flexner, J.M. - Circulation work in public libraries
34457: Flindall, R. & Hayes, A. - The caverns and mines of Matlock Bath: 1 the Nestus mines, Rutland and Masson caverns
27854: Flint, J.L.; Pellett, N.E. (rev.) - Landscape plants for Vermont
10302: Flint, R. - Encouraging wildlife in urban parks
20455: Flitcroft, A. - Champ & Co.: six months in the life of a twelve-year-old boy
33763: Flon, C. (ed.) et al.; Norwich, J.J. (foreword) - The world atlas of architecture
33765: Flon, C. (ed.) et al.; Norwich, J.J. (foreword) - The world atlas of architecture
15558: Flora of North America Editorial Committee; Morin, N. (convening editor) - Flora of North America (vol. 1 only)
6430: Florensov, N.A. & Solonenko, V.P. (eds.) - The Gobi-Altai earthquake
8993: Flores, R.M. et al. - Recognition of fluvial depositional systems and their resource potential
25372: Florescu, R. & McNally, R.T. - Dracula: a biography of Vlad the Impaler 1431-1476
24598: Florida, R. - The flight of the creative class
13023: Floris, S. - Scleractinian corals from the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of Nûgssuaq, West Greenland
14824: Florkin, M. & Scheer, B.T. (eds.) - Chemical Zoology, III: Echinodermata, Nematoda and Acanthocephala
8573: Florkin, M. & Stotz, E.H. - Comprehensive biochemistry vol. 16; hydrolytic reactions, cobamide and biotin coenzymes
19658: Florkin, M.; tr. By Morgulis, S. - Biochemical evolution
8372: Florschütz, P.A. - The mosses of Suriname, part 1
20268: Floud, R. & McCLoskey, D. (eds.) - The economic history of Britain since 1700. Vol. 1 1700-1860
30314: Flower, W.H. & Lydekker, R. - An introduction to the study of mammals living and extinct
21556: Flower, W.H., Lydekker, R. - An introduction to the study of mammals, living and extinct
36898: Flower, Sir W.H. - Essays on museums and other subjects connected with natural history
32770: Flowers, S. - Mosses: Utah and the West
29998: Floyd, M. - The face of Ireland
22343: Flynn, K. - The lost sea
22257: Flynn, K. - The book of monsters
24544: Foer, F. - World without mind: the existential threat of big tech
26267: Fogg, H.G.W. - The book of bulbous plants
37135: Fogg, C. - Chains and chainmaking
12143: Fogg, G.E. - Freshwater Biological Association 1929-1979: the first fifty years
22324: Fogg, G.E. - The biology of polar habitats
33543: Foley, M.; Clarke, S. (photos) - Orchids of the British Isles
24457: Foley, M. - Disasters on the Thames
24600: De Folin, J. - Indochine 1940-1955: la fin d'un rêve
30728: Fons, R. et al. - Les mammifères dans le bassin Mediterraneen continental et insulaire
19180: Fonseca, G.A.B. da - Biology and natural history of Brazilian Atlantic forest small mammals
23500: La Fontaine - Fables, livres 1 à 6
35098: Des Fontaines, J. et al. - Josiah Wedgwood: 'the arts and sciences united'
25316: Fontanel, J. & Chantefort, A. - Bioclimats du Monde Indonésien / Bioclimates of the Indonesian archipelago
22232: Foord, E. - Winchester and Salisbury
33639: Foose, T.J. & Strien, N. van (eds.) - Asian Rhinos
26674: Foot, F.J. - On the distribution of plants in Burren, County of Clare
21946: Forbes, H.O. - A hand-book to the Primates (vol. 2 only)
15461: Forbes, E. - A history of British starfishes, and other animals of the class Echinodermata
36899: Forbes, D.; Black, W.T.; Peacock, R.A. - A group of three offprints on volcanos
36900: Forbes-Leslie, W. - Leyli: a romance of the Aegean Sea
7411: Ford, L.T. - A guide to the smaller British Lepidoptera (etc.)
26186: Ford, P. & G. - A guide to Parliamentary papers
20697: Ford, E.B. - Evolution studied by observation and experiment
31165: Ford, R.L.E. - British wild animals
2583: Ford, Brian J. - 101 questions about science
31698: Ford, B. (ed.) - The age of Chaucer
19645: Ford, E.B. - Mendelism and evolution
35095: Ford, T. - White Watson (1760-1835) and his geological sections
14252: Ford, Brian - Sensitive souls: senses and communication in plants, animals and microbes
12111: Ford, R.F. & Hazen, W.E. - Readings in aquatic ecology
27316: Ford, R.L.E. - The observer's book of larger British moths
14875: Ford, B.J. - Genes: the fight for life
20698: Ford, Brian J. (ed.) - Institute of Biology: the first fifty years
15757: Ford, E.B. - Moths
10469: Ford, Michael J. - The changing climate
24110: Ford, J. - The broken heart
24109: Ford, J. - Tis Pity She's a Whore
4229: Ford, Brian J. (ed.) - Institute of Biology: the first fifty years
28474: Forde Johnston, J. - History from the earth
12291: Forder, A. - Petra: Perea Phoenicia
36268: Foreman, A. - Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
25169: Foreman, D.B. - A check list of the vascular plants of Bougainville, with descriptions of some common forest trees
9700: Forestier, F.H. - Les péridotites serpentinisées en France. Groupe 1. Fascicule 4. Massif Central Médian: bassin du Haut-Allier
20935: Uganda Forests - The national forest plan: draft for consultation version 2
13246: Forey, P.L., Humphries, C.J. et al. (eds.) - Cladistics: a practical course in systematics
29279: Bridson D & Forman L - The herbarium handbook
22871: Forman, H.B. (ed.) - The poetical works of John Keats
23847: Forman, M.B. - The letters of John Keats
18404: Formasari, L., Violani, C. & Zava, B. - I chirotteri Italiana
8088: Forrest, H. Edward - The fauna of Shropshire, being an account of all the mammals, birds, reptiles & fishes found in the County of Salop
15783: Forrest, H. Edward - The fauna of Shropshire, being an account of all the mammals, birds, reptiles & fishes found in the County of Salop
37407: Forrest, H.E. - Shrewsbury burgess roll
15963: Forrest, H.E. - The vertebrate fauna of North Wales
26770: Forrest, M.; Nelson, E.C. (ed.) - Trees and shrubs cultivated in Ireland
26771: Forrest, M.; Nelson, E.C. (ed.) - Trees and shrubs cultivated in Ireland
16060: Forrest, H.E. - A handbook to the vertebrate fauna of North Wales
21801: Forrest, G. jnr. - George Forrest centenary
18140: Forsgren, A.J. (ed.) - Wastewater treatment: occurrence and fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
37074: Forster, E. - The pit children
26548: Forster, E.M. - Aspects of the novel
24231: Forster, E.M. - Where angels fear to tread
26675: Forster, T. - The pocket encyclopaedia of natural phenomena (etc.)
24583: Forster, E.M. - A room with a view
24232: Forster, E.M. - Where angels fear to tread
16761: Forsyth, S. - Discover the Botanic Cottage
28249: Forsyth, A.A. - British poisonous plants
36194: Forsyth, M. - Pevsner architectural guides: Bath
11203: Forsyth, William - A treatise on the culture and management of fruit trees (etc.)
29867: Forsyth, I.H. & Chisholm, J.I. - The geology of East Fife
18706: Forsyth, A. - Mammals of the American North
29948: Forterre, P. - Microbes from hell
16135: Fortey, R. - Life: an unauthorised biography
25092: Fortey, R. - Dry store room no. 1: the secret life of the Natural History Museum
34115: Fortey, R. - Dry Store Room no. 1: the secret life of the Natural History Museum
25133: Fortey, Richard - Life: an unauthorised biography
20130: Fortune, R. - Three years' wanderings in the northern provinces of China
35932: Forward, E.A. - Catalogue of the collections in the Science Museum: Land Transport. 2. Mechanical road vehicles, part 2: descriptive catalogue
35933: Forward, E.A. - Catalogue of the collections in the Science Museum: Land Transport. 3.Railway locomotives and rolling stock
35931: Forward, E.A. - Catalogue of the collections in the Science Museum: Land Transport. 1. Road transport.
28496: Fosberg, F.R. - The Forster Pacific islands collections from Captain Cook's Resolution voyage
13914: Foskett, D. - John Harden of Brathay Hall 1772-1847
34354: Foskett, D. - British portrait miniatures: a history
36959: Foskett, D. - British portrait miniatures: a history
25830: Foss, M. - Chivalry
32159: Foster, H.L. - Rock gardening (etc.)
12242: Foster-Smith, J. - The marine fauna and flora of the Cullercoats District (2 vols.)
21114: Foster, D.H.N. - The Argentines: how they live and work
15493: Foster, P.G.M. - Gilbert White and his records: a scientific biography
17542: Foster, R.C., Rovira, A.D. & Cock, T.W. - Ultrastructure of the root-soil interface
6835: Foster, Raymond - Trees & shrubs in garden design
29320: Fothergill A - Life in the freezer: A natural history of the Antarctic
34789: Fothergill, B. - The mitred Earl: an eighteenth-century eccentric [Frederick Hervey, Earl of Bristol]
34772: Fothergill, B. - Sir William Hamilton, envoy extraordinary
24964: Foucault, M. - The archaeology of knowledge & the discourse on language
14305: Fougères, G. - Athènes
7744: Foulds, Elfrida Vipont - The birthplace of Quakerism: a handbook for the 1652 country
4905: CIBA Foundation - Origins and development of adaptation
4376: Fountain, Robert B. - A bibliography of British sporting artists: 2nd supplement 1995-2001
14709: Fountaine, M. - Love among the butterflies
34728: Fountaine, Margaret - Love among the butterflies: the diaries of a wayward, determined and passionate Victorian lady
27908: Fowler, C. & Mooney, P. - The threatened gene: food, politics and the loss of genetic diversity
35386: Fowler, H.W. & F.G. - The King's English
29210: Fowler J, Cohen L - Statistics for Ornithologists
16238: Fowles, A. - Invertebrates of Wales
34526: Fox, C. (ed.) - London: world city 1800-1840
27164: Fox, D. - Growing lilies
22611: Fox, R.L. - Pagans and christians
28530: Fox, C.S. - Civil engineering geology
27260: Fox, Peter (editor) - Treasures of the Library, Trinity College Dublin
24413: Fox, R. & Weisz, G. (eds.) - The organization of science and technology in France 1808-1924
27637: Fox, R.L. (ed.); Sackville-West, V. - The illustrated garden book
32160: Fox, R.L. - Better gardening
33952: Fox, Sir C. - Ancient monuments, Illustrated Regional Guide no. 4: South Wales and Monmouthshire
18960: Fox, W. - Relationships among the garter snakes of the Thamnophis elegans Rassenkreis
21824: Fox, D.J. (Secretario General) - Relaciones interétnicas y adaptación cultural
34603: Fox, R. (ed.) - Thomas Beddoes 1760-1808
28436: Fox, M. & Smith, S. - Rolls-Royce: the complete works
34756: Fox, L. (ed.) - Correspondence of the Reverend Joseph Greene, parson, schoolmaster and antiquary (1712-1790)
34726: Fox, R.H. - Dr. John Fothergill and his friends: chapters in eighteenth century life
18707: Fox, M.W. - The whistling hunters: field studies of the Asiatic Wild Dog (Cuon alpinus)
17734: Fox, F. - England
20700: Frädrich, H. - Guide book to the Berlin Zoological Garden
27393: Fraga Vila, I. - Aportacion al estudio taxonomico de las especies de los generos Erica y Calluna presentes en Galicia
7888: Fragoso, Gerardo, Gillett, Harriet & Bishop, Rachel - Succulent plants in trade from the wild: analysis of conservation status and international trade
32772: Frahm, J.-P., Eggers, J. - Lexikon deutschsprachiger Bryologen
14129: Frahm, J.-P. - Flora Neotropica monograph no. 54: Dicranaceae p.p.
32771: Frahm, J.-P., Frey, W., Kürschner, H. & Menzel, M. - Mosses and liverworts of Mt. Kinabalu
35696: Framlingham College; Booth, J. (ed.) - Framingham College register
23413: Frampton, Chaffey, Hardwick & McNaught - Natural hazards
33295: France - France: the maps that show you more
34610: France, P. (ed.) - Thomas Bentley, journal of a visit to Paris 1776
30738: France, P.; Hosking, E. & D. (photos) - An encyclopedia of bible animals
1117: Francis, Claire - Requiem
33206: Francis, S. - British field crops
20287: Francis, J. - Gardens and gardening in early modern England and Wales 1560-1660
33615: Francis, H. - Language in childhood
33717: Francis, D. - Straight
32319: Francis, G.W. - An analysis of the British ferns and their allies
22325: Francis, G.R. et al. (eds.) - Rehabilitating Great Lakes Ecosystems
8382: Francisco Pando, Jesoes Mu–os - A world synopsis of the genus Grimmia
25209: Francko, D.A. - Palms won't grow here and other myths
20269: Frangopulo, N.J. (ed.) - Rich inheritance: a guide to the history of Manchester
33775: Frank, A. - The diary of a young girl
28659: Einhard the Frank - The life of Charlemagne
5219: Frankel, O.H. - Survey of crop genetic resources in their centres of diversity: first report
5221: Frankel, O.H. & Hawkes, J.G. (eds.) - Crop genetic resources for today and tomorrow
21778: Frankel, O.H. & Hawkes, J.G. - Crop genetic resources for today and tomorrow
34577: Frankenberg, R. - John Aikin (1747-18332): doctor and philosopher
12869: Franklin, J.F. & Dyrness,C.T. - Vegetation of Oregon and Washington
20791: Franklin, B. - The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
13454: Franklin, J.W. - The cathedrals of Italy
31941: Franklin, J.F. & Dyrness, C.T. - Vegetation of Oregon and Washington
34731: Franklin, B. - Benjamin Franklin's autobiography
23094: Franklin, J.W. - The cathedrals of Italy
26503: Franklyn, J. - A dictionary of rhyming slang
16836: Franks, A.W. - Catalogue of British and American book-plates (Ex Libris) collected by the late Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks
20823: Franquinho, L. de O. - Plantas e flores Madeira
33579: Franquinho, L. de O. - Plantas e flores Madeira
27832: Franz, R. (ed.) - Rare and endangered biota of Florida: vol. 6, Invertebrates
25531: Franzisket, L. - Leben und Werk des westfälischen Botanikers Carl Ernst August Weihe (1779-1834)
19504: Fraser, M. - The official guide to the county of Flint
21969: Fraser, F.C. - Report on Cetacea stranded on the British coasts from 1948 to 1966
29777: Fraser, M. - West of Offa's Dyke
32721: Fraser, Antonia - My history: a memoir of growing up
21970: Fraser, F.C. - Report on Cetacea stranded on the British coasts from 1938 to 1947
27286: Fraser, M.; Fraser, L. (ill.) - The smallest kingdom: plants and plant collectors at the Cape of Good Hope
5096: Fraser, Alex S. - Heredity, genes, and chromosomes
17346: Fraser, F.C. - British whales, dolphins and porpoises
21972: Fraser, F.C. - Report on Cetacea stranded on the British coasts from 1927 to 1932
35527: Fraser, M. - The County Books: Wales, vol. 2: the country
34264: Fraser, A. & Ridler, A.M. (eds.) - The red path and the black valley: George Borrow in the Isle of Man, 1855
31204: Fraser, A. - Charles II: his life and times
21971: Fraser, F.C. - Report on Cetacea stranded on the British coasts from 1933 to 1937
20293: Fraser, M. - West of Offa's Dyke: North Wales
36960: Fraser, D. - Joseph Wright of Derby
22216: Frazer, J.G. - The belief in immortality and the worship of the dead, vol. 1 (only)
18961: Frazer, J.F.D. - Amphibians
29070: Frazer, J.G. - Adonis Attis Osiris: studies in the history of ancient religion
16938: Frazier, S. - An overview of the world's Ramsar sites
12923: Free, J.B. - Bees and mankind
13565: Freedland, M. - Jerome Kern: a biography
22518: Freely, J. - The western shores of Turkey
37136: Freeman, M.D. - Funtley Iron Mill, Fareham, Hants.
27501: Freeman-Mitford, A.B. - The bamboo garden
37429: Freeman, R.B. - The works of Charles Darwin: an annotated bibliographical handlist
36263: Freeman, R.B. - Darwin pedigrees
30825: Freeman, RT.W. - The conurbations of Great Britain
36069: Freeman, R.B. & Wertheimer, D. - Philip Henry Gosse; a bibliography
36070: Freeman, R.B. - British natural history books 1495-1900: a handlist
26188: Freer, P. - Bibliography and modern book production
25015: Freer, S. (tr.) - Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica
33147: Freer, S. (tr.) - Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica
28250: Frehner, J.K. - Waldgesellschaften im westlichen Aargauer Mittelland
1202: Freifelder, David - Microbial genetics
17382: Freitag, H. & Schwäble, F. - Wiesenblumen und Ackerblumen
20958: Frémont, J.C. - The exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains
23467: French, Y. - London (Blue Guide)
31699: French, R.D. - A Chaucer handbook
22217: French, W. & Skinner, G. - A translation of the book of Psalms from the original Hebrew with explanatory notes
37067: French, P. - Younghusband: the last great imperial adventurer
23747: Frere, R. - Maxwell's Ghost
26391: Frere, S. - Britannia; a history of Roman Britain
12253: Fretter, V. & Graham, A. - British prosobranch molluscs
4298: Fretter, V. & Graham, A. - British prosobranch molluscs
22166: Freuchen, P. & Salomonsen, F. - The Arctic year
8575: Frey, D.G. - Remains of animals in Quaternary lake and bog sediments and their interpretation
13024: Frey, R. - Paleoecology and depositional environment of Fort Hays limestone member, Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous), West-central Kansas
27528: Frey, M. & Robinson, D. - Low-Grade Metamorphism
13312: Frey, W., Frahm, J.P., Fischer, E. & Lobin, W. - Die Moos- und Farnpflanzen Europas
36341: Freyberg, B. v. - Johann Gottlob Lehmann (1719-1767)
22652: Friar, S. - The Sutton companion to Churches
33000: Friday, L. & Harley, B. - Checklist of the flora and fauna of Wicken Fen
33001: Friday, L. (ed.) - Wicken Fen: the making of a wetland nature reserve
14992: Friedlander, C.P. - Heathland ecology
32885: Friedman, D. (ed.) - La France entre terre et ciel
24480: Friedman, T.L., Mandelbaum, M. - That used to be us
34109: Friedmann, F. - Flore des Seychelles, Dicotylédones
18514: Friedmann, H. - Host relations of the parasitic cowbirds
14993: Friedrich, H.. - Marine biology
30183: Friel, B. - Translations
22028: Frieling, H. - The young specialist looks at birds
14329: Editors of the ""Family Friend"" - The practical housewife
19878: Friend, J. & Threlfall, D.R.(eds.) - Biochemical aspects of plant-parasite relationships
37501: Friend, J.N. - Man and the chemical elements
17139: Friend, J.A. & Gutmann, F. (eds.) - Proceedings of the first Australian Conference on electrochemistry
2361: London Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends - Yearly Meeting 1994: documents in advance - 2
3855: Fries, Rob. E. - Daniel Solander, [born] 19/2 1733, [died] 13/5 1782, invald 5/5 1774: biografi
34458: Frigo, M. & Sorbini, L. - 600 fossili per Napoleone: catalogo del mostra
32287: Friis, I. - Forests and forest trees of northeast Tropical Africa
24889: Friis, I. & Balsev, H. (eds.) - Plant diversity and complexity patterns/
22097: Von Frisch, O. - Animal camouflage
29211: Frisch J D - Aves Brasileiras Volume 1 (including Addendum)
31361: Von Frisch, K. - Animal architecture
35331: Frith, F. - Photographic memories of the Lake District and Cumbria
34174: Fritsch, F.E. - The structure and reproduction of the algae (2 v.)
11467: Fritsch, F.E. (intro.) - Lectures on the practice of botanical and zoological classification
25027: Frodin, D.G. & Govaerts, R. - World checklist and bibliography of Magnoliaceae
34214: Frodin, D.G. - Guide to standard floras of the world
30586: Frohawk, F.W. - British birds
31421: Frohawk, F.W. - The complete book of British butterflies
30504: Frohne, D. & Pfänder, H.J. - Poisonous plants
18708: Froman, R. - The nerve of some animals
22588: Fromentin, E. - The masters of past time
31500: Fronks, D. - Flowers in Appliqué and Reverse Appliqué
15971: Frost, R.A. - Birds of Derbyshire
33764: Frost, B. - Memories of the Midland
31700: Frost, R. - Robert Frost, selected by himself
20701: Frost, J. - The rhinoceros browse survey
30011: Frost, W.E. & Brown, M.E. - The Trout
30466: Frost, S.W. - Insect life and insect natural history
27029: Frost, A. - Arthur Phillip 1738-1814: his voyaging
23869: Frost, R. - The complete poems of Robert Frost
33921: Froud, N. - The world book of hors-d'oeuvre and salads
30316: Froude, J.A. - Oceana: or England and her colonies
10740: Frugoni, C. - Inventions of the Middle Ages
24399: Fry, C. - A sleep of prisoners
6192: Fry, Christopher - Thor, with Angels: a play
34154: Fry, C.H. - The bee-eaters
20465: Fry, B.A. - The nitrogen metabolism of micro-organisms
17140: Fry, A.J. & Britton, W.E. (eds.) - Topics in organic electrochemistry
23961: Frye, C. - The lady's not for burning
28578: Frye, T.C. & Clark, L. - Hepaticae of North America, parts 1-5
34298: Fryer, Geoffrey - The parasitic copepoda and branchiura of British freshwaeter fishes
29748: Fuchs, V. & Hillary, E. - The crossing of Antarctica
29747: Fuchs, V. & Hillary, E. - The crossing of Antarctica
30037: Fuchs V - Of ice and men: the story of theBritish Antarctic Survey 1940-73
27817: Fuhn, I.E. & Vancea, S. - Fauna republicii populare Romîne, Reptilia (vol. XIV fasc. 2)
27053: Fuhrer, B. & Marchant, N. - Wildflowers of the Stirling Range
33812: Fuhrman, K. - Wine aficionado
4359: Fulder, Stephen - Ginger: the ultimate home remedy
13313: Fulford, M. - The genus Bazzania in Central and South America
7168: Fuller, Basil - The Nullarbor story
25155: Fuller, S. - Kuhn vs. Popper
7973: Fuller, Michael J. - The watermills of the East Malling and Wateringbury streams
18175: Fuller, A. - Don't let's go to the dogs tonight
36634: Fuller, Errol - Extinct birds
32355: Fulleylove, J. (ill.); Masson, R. - Edinburgh
34683: Fullmer, J.Z. - Sir Humphry Davy's published works
17560: Fulton, R.H. (ed.) - Coffee rust in the Americas

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