Acanthophyllum Books
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42707: Kluge, A.G. - Cladistic relationships in the Gekkonoidea (Squamata, Sauria)
42709: Kluge, A.G. - Boine Snake phylogeny and research cycles
42706: Kluge, A.G. - A taxonomic revision of the lizard family Pygopodidae
34105: Knapp, S. & Wheeler, Q. (eds.) - Letters to Linnaeus
38519: Knapp, S. & Foster, A. - Serra Do Mar Reserva Ecologica: a checklist to the birds
14342: Knapp, S. - Potted histories: an artistic voyage through plant exploration
37565: Knapp, S. - Footsteps in the forest: Alfred Russel Wallace in the Amazon
20714: Knapp, S. & Wheeler, Q. (eds.) - Letters to Linnaeus
7578: Knebworth, Viscount et al.; edited by Neville Lytton - Winter sports
19406: Knell, Simon J. & Taylor, Michael A. - Geology and the local museum: making the most of your geological collection
3589: Knevitt, Charles; foreword by the Prince of Wales - Shelter: human habitats from around the world
13247: Kniep, H. - Der sexualität der niederen Pflanzen
37238: Knight, R. - Britain against Napoleon: the organization of victory 1793-1815
15537: Knight, D.M. - Natural Science books in English 1600-1900
19744: Knight, M. - Bird gardening
39125: Knight, W.J. & Holloway, J.D. - Insects and the rain forests of South East Asia (Wallacea)
42615: Knight, A. - The liveliest art
35238: Knight, C.W.R. - Aristocrats of the air
36361: Knight, R. - The pursuit of victory: the life and achievement of Horatio Nelson
20229: Knight, M. - Bird gardening: how to attract birds
31230: Knight, C. (inferred) - Pictorial museum of animated nature (Goldsmith)
31624: Knight, W.S.MacB. - The history of the Great European war, its causes and effects (vols. 1, 2 & 3 only)
34427: Knight, D. - Ordering the world
36337: Knightley, P., Simpson, C. - The secret lives of Lawrence of Arabia
20445: Knoch, W.J.D. - Short history of Austria and the Habsburgs
39671: Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge - The Penny Cyclop¾dia (8v.)
1526: Knowles, Loraine, Stammers, Michael and Storer, J.D. - Liverpool on wheels: the land transport collection of NMGM
40934: Knowles, E. (ed.) - The Oxford dictionary of phrase and fable
35950: Knowles, L.C.A. - The industrial and commercial revolutions in Great Britain during the nineteenth century
23756: Knowlton, D. - The naturalist in the Hebrides
13489: Knox, B. - The architecture of Poland
10493: Knox, A.E. - Ornithological rambles in Sussex: with a systematic catalogue of the birds of that county
10808: Knox, E.M. - The spores of Lycopodium , Phylloglossum, Selaginella and Isoetes
34133: Knox, B., Ladiges, P. & Evans, P. - Biology
15041: Knuth, P. - Handbook of flower pollination (vol. 1 only)
26007: Knutsson, R. - Torkel
31080: Knystautas, A. - Birds of Russia
32228: Knystautas, A. - The natural history of the USSR
39102: Knystautas, A. - Birds of Russia
15042: Knystautas, A. - The natural history of the USSR
38886: Kobayashi, S. et al. (eds.) - Rehabilitation of degraded tropical forest ecosystems
42083: Kobbé, G. - The complete opera book
33611: Koch, G. - Kultur der Abelam
42139: Kociejowski, M. (ed.) - Syria: through writers' eyes
33837: Kodak - Make colour work for you
33835: Kodak - Mastering composition and light
33836: Kodak - Capturing the beauty in nature
33838: Kodak - Take better pictures
21295: Kodály, Z. & Laitha, L. - Studia memoriae Belae Bartók sacra
4834: Koerner, Lisbet - Linnaeus: nature and nation
34106: Koerner, Lisbet - Linnaeus: nature and nation
29503: Koers, A.W. - International regulation of marine fisheries
42575: Koestler, A. - The trail of the dinosaur and other essays
26430: Kohler, L. (rev.) - Compositions diverses pour piano de Fr. Chopin
25321: Kohler, R.E. - Landscapes and labscapes: exploring the lab-field border in biology
37329: Kohlstedt, S.G. - The origins of natural science in America
16286: Kohlstedt, S.G. - The origins of natural science in America
25288: Kohlstedt, S.G. - The origins of natural science in America
37507: Kohlstedt, S.G. & Rossiter, M.W. - Historical writing on American science
39733: Kohn, D. (ed.) - The Daarwinian heritage
17186: Kolaczkowski, S.T. & Crittenden, B.D. - Management of hazardous and toxic wastes in the process industries
35028: Kolbert, J.M. - The Sneyds & Keele Hall
35027: Kolbert, J.M. - The Sneyds Squires of Keele
34472: Kölbl-Ebert, M. - From local patriotism to a planetary perspective: impact crater research in Germany, 1930s to 1970s
41800: Kollek, T. & Pearlman, M. - Jerusalem: sacred city of mankind
10957: Kolneder, W. - Anton Webern: Genesis und Metamorphose eines Stils
17534: Koltin, Y. & Leibowitz, M.J. (eds.) - Viruses of fungi and simple eukaryotes
17187: Komarovsky, A.A. - Pysics of strength and fracture control
16957: Komdeur, J., Bertelsen, J. & Cracknell, G. (eds.) - Manual for aeroplane and ship surveys of waterfowl and seabirds
39078: Komroff, M. - The travels of Marco Polo
5307: Kong Guohui, Liang Cun, Wu Huimin & Huang Zhongliang - Dinghushuan biosphere reserve: ecological research history and perspective
31081: König, C. - Mammals (Collins colour guides)
33456: Konstantinpoulos, G.K. (""Divry"") - English-Greek and Greek-English handy dictionary
28921: Konter A - Comparative studies of behaviour in allopatric subsepecies of Grebes, Podicipedidae
28920: Konter A - Colonial nesting in the Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus (Linne 1798)
28919: Konter A - Grebes of our world
23137: Kontorlis, K.P. - Mycenaean civilization: Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos
20646: Van Konynenburg, J. & Lawfield, W.N. - The encyclopaedia of garden pests and diseases
41129: Kooler, D. - 555 fabulous cross-stitch patterns
41160: Koolhoven, H. - Teach yourself Dutch
13880: Koop, K. (ed.) - Ecology of marine aquaculture
39248: Koopowitz, H. & Kaye, H. - Plant extinction: a global crisis
35441: Koorders, S.H. - Exkursionsflora von Java, vol. 4: Atlas, 1. Abteilung
35440: Koorders, S.H. - Exkursionsflora von Java, vols. 2 & 3
28582: Koperski, M., Sauer, M., Braun, W. & Gradstein, S.R. - Referenzliste der Moose Deutschlands
16871: Koponen, T. & Hyvönen, J. (eds.) - Proceedings of the congress of East Asian bryology, Helsinki, August 12-19, 1990
32229: Korabiewicz, W. - Matto Grosso
19992: Korach, K.A. (compiler) - Catalogue, 3rd international exhibition of botanical art & illustration
27141: Korff, A. & O'Connell, J. - Kiltartan Country, south Galway: a rambler's guide and map
27145: Korff, A. & O'Connell, J. - The Burren. Kilfenora: the city of the crosses
27142: Korff, A. & O'Connell, J. - The Burren: O'Brien country: a rambler's guide and map
27143: Korff, A. & O'Connell, J. - The Burren: a rambler's guide and map, Ballyvaughan
23105: Kosch, C. - Kölns Romanische Kirchen
26389: Kosch, A. - The young specialist looks at wild flowers
1131: Koskela, Tauno, Valmunen, Pentti M. (photographer) and Halmeenmäki - Vanha Rauma (Rauma: the past and the present)
35449: Kostermans, A.J.G.H. - The Spondiaceae (Anacardiaceae) in Asia and the Pacific area
23407: Kostof, S. - Caves of God: Cappadocia and its churches
35427: Kottelat, M. - The fishes of the inland waters of southeast Asia
28133: Kottelat, M. & Whitten, T. - Freshwater biodiversity in Asia, with special reference to fish
21389: Kottelat, M. & Whitten, T. - Freshwater biodiversity in Asia, with special reference to fish
16958: Kottelat, M. & Whitten, T. - Freshwater biodiversity in Asia, with special reference to fish
34252: Koutloumousi - Koutloumousi: a ten centuries long vigil
20715: Kovács, Z. - Zoological gardens of Hungary
21749: Kowalska, T., Sajewicz, M. & Sherma, J. (eds.) - Chromatographic techniques in the forensic analysis of designer drugs
42353: Kowalski, S.J. - An introduction to electrotechnology
17189: Koziorowski, B. & Kucharski, J. - Industrial waste disposal
17464: Kozlowski, T.T. - Water metabolism
28879: FjeldsOE J & Krabbe B - Birds of the High Andes
24954: Kraemer, J.H. - Trees of the western Pacific region
28824: Kramer, P.J. - Plant and soil water relationships
17669: Kramer, W. - Tortula Hedw. sect. Rurales De Not. (Pottiaceae, Musci) in der östlichen Holarktis
39001: Krapovickas, A. & Gregory, W.C. - Taxonomy of the genus Arachis (Leguminosae) and two other papers on Arachis
39000: Krapovickas, A. & Gregory, W.C. - Taxonomy of the genus Arachis (Leguminosae)
30788: Krasheninnikov, S.P. - The history of Kamtschatka
39448: Krattiger, A.F. et al. (eds.) - Widening perspectives on biodiversity
23321: Kratzsch, K.; Neumeister, W. (fotos) - Sachsen und seine Geschichte [Saxony and its history]
27828: Kraus, M.; Dulles, F.R. - The United States: a modern history (2 v.)
39210: Krauss, B.H. - Plants in Hawaiian culture
20040: Kraye, J. & Sachet, P. (eds.) - The afterlife of Aldus: posthuous fame, collectors and the book trade
28134: Krebs, C. - The message of ecology
10372: Krebs, C.J. - Ecology: the experimental analysis of distribution and abundance
2602: Anon.; illustrated by Fritz Kredel - Glass flowers from the Ware collection in the Botanical Museum of Harvard University
37801: Kreig, M.B. - Green medicine: the search for plants that heal
11000: J.-H. Krelage - Catalogue genérale pour 1893
38654: Kress, W.J., Sherwood, S. - The art of plant evolution
30570: Kress, S.W. - The Audubon Society guide to attracting birds
38023: Kress, W.J., DeFilipps, R.A., Farr, E. & Daw Yin Yin Kyi - A checklist of the trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers of Myanmar
19510: Kretchmer, R. - St. Myllin's and its town
21133: Kricher, J.C. - A neotropical companion
25066: Kricher, J. - A neotropical companion
37806: Kricher, J. - A neotropical companion
13887: Krishnamurthy, V. (ed.) - Proceedings of the seminar on sea, salt and plants
30631: Kroeber, T. - Ishi in two worlds
39249: Krupiak, G.A. & Kress, W.J. - Plant conservation: a natural history approach
34075: Krupnick, G.A. & Kress, W.J. (eds.) - Plant conservation: a natural history approach
36342: Kruta, V. et al. - Dr John Lhotsky, the turbulent Australian writer naturalist and explorer
15844: Krutch, J.W. - Herbal
16012: Krutch, J.W. - Grand Canyon: today and all its yesterdays
6496: Kuan Ke-chien, Hsio Pei-ken, Pan Kai-yu, Wang Wen-tsai and Wang Shu-hsiou - Zhongguo zhiwu zhi / Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae t. 27 only
33232: Kubach, H.E. - Romanesque architecture
10012: Kubitzki, K. & Green, P.S. (eds.) - The families and genera of vascular plants, vol. 1
27775: Kubler, G. - The art and architecture of ancient America
13034: Kuhn, O. - Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia; no. 101, Ichnia Tetrapodorum
14154: Kühnemann, O. - Generos de briofitas de los alrededores de Buenos Aires
11789: Kuijlen, J., Oldenburger-Ebbers, C.S. & Wijnands, D.O. - Paradisus Batavus
5384: Kuiper, Daan - Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity in Plantago species
36565: Kulik, G. & Malone, P.M. - The Wilkinson mill (1811) Pawtucket, Rhode Island
14461: Kumar, D.S. - Herbal bioactives and food fortification
8377: Kumar, S.S. (ed.) - Recent studies on Indian bryophytes
28263: Kumari, E. (chairman) - Eesti Loodus-Harulduste Kaitseks [The protection of Estonian rarities]
37391: Kunitz, S.J. & Haycraft, H. - British authors before 1800
24960: Kunkel, G. (ed.) - Taxonomic aspects of African economic botany
10661: Kunze, G., Mann, C. & Mikhail, E. - Cucina Mallorquina: Essen und Trinken auf Mallorca
33924: Kunze, G., Mann, C. & Mikhail, E. - Cucina Mallorquina: Essen und Trinken auf Mallorca
8796: Kupper, W. & Linsenmaier, W. - Orchids
39761: Kupsch, W.O., Sargeant, W.A.S. (eds.) - History of concepts in Precambrian geology
30833: Kurlansky, M. - Cod: a biography of the fish that changed the world
24739: Kurlansky, M. - Cod
19119: Kurtén, B. - The Ice Age
30700: Kurtén, B. - The age of mammals
39172: Kurtén, B. - Before the Indians
10611: Kurtto, A., Suominen, J., Uotila, P. & Helyranta, L., Piirainen, M. (eds.) - Lutukka (vols. 8-16 only)
17869: Kutchin, A.V., Shishkina, L.N. & Weisfeld, L.I. (eds.) - Chemistry and technology of plant substances - chemical and biochemical aspects.
20096: Kutner, W. & Sharma, P.S. (eds.) - Molecularly imprinted polymers for analytical chemistry applications
39290: Kuyper, G. & Pp. de Coup (publishers) - Histoire de l'Academie royale des sciences, Année 11700, 1704 (2 v.), 1713, 1729 (5 v.)
39289: Kuyper, G. & Pp. de Coup (publishers) - The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, a tale
35419: Van der Laan, P.A. (rev. & tr.); Kalshoven, L.G.E. - The pests of crops in Indonesia
23397: Labaste, A. - Geographie: France et pays d'expression française
27902: LaBastille, A. - Facets of wildland conservation in Central America
37151: Labhart, W. - Johann Jakob Sulzer-Hirzel (1806-1883), Salomon Sulzer-Sulzer (1809-1869): Gründer dere Gebrüder Sulzer in Winterthur
23255: Labiche, E. - Le voyage de monsieur Perrichon
31375: Labillardière, M. - Voyage in search of La Pérouse, performed by order of the Constituent Assembly, during the years 1791, 1792, 1793, and 1794 (etc.)
5942: Argonne National Laboratory - Land reclamation program, annual report 1978
38988: Lacaze, D., Alexiades, M. - Salud para todos
35347: Lacey, W.S. (ed.) - Welsh wildlife in trust
15943: Lacey, W.S. (ed.) - Welsh wildlife in trust
27177: Lacey, S. - The startling jungle: colour and scent in the romantic garden
27097: Lacey, S. - Gardens of the National Trust
19392: Lacey, W.S. (ed.) - Welsh wildlife in trust
36278: Lacey, R. - Ford
19113: Lacey, R. - Cowpasture: the everyday life of an English allotment
29592: Lacey, W.S. (ed.) - Welsh wildlife in trust
17764: Lacey, W.S. & Morgan, M.J. (eds.) - The nature of North Wales
31897: Lachashvili, J. & N. and Khachidze, M. - Synopsis of flora of the Vashlovani State Reserve
23262: Lachmann, K. (ed.) - Wolfram von Eschenbach [collected works]
16900: Lack, A. - Poppy
38409: Lack, David - The life of the Robin
41023: Lack, P. - The atlas of wintering birds in Britain and Ireland
29201: Campbell B & Lack E - A dictionary of birds
16576: Lack, D. - The natural regulation of animal numbers
16578: Lack, D. - Population studies of birds
16579: Lack, D. - Ecological isolation in birds
16580: Lack, D. - Evolution illustrated by waterfowl
38520: Lack, D.; Darby, H.C. - The birds of Cambridgeshire
24895: Lack, H.W., Grotz, K. (eds.) - Floras Schätze / Flora's treasures
29354: Lack D - Ecological isolation in birds
35268: Lack, David - The life of the Robin
24872: Lack, H.W. - Adolf Engler: die Welt .in einem Garten
24873: Lack, H.W. (ed.) - Botanisches Museum Berlin
36635: Lack D. - The life of the Robin
34121: Lack, Hans Walter - Garden Eden: masterpieces of botanical illustration
38655: Lack, Hans Walter - Garden Eden: masterpieces of botanical illustration
35174: Lack, H.W. - The Flora Graeca story
28923: Lack P - The Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland
38794: Lack, D. - Darwin's finches
24652: Lack, Hans Walter - Garden Eden: masterpieces of botanical illustration
31295: Lack, P. - Birds on lowland farms
15389: Lack, H.W. - Florilegium imperiale
18072: Lack, P. - The atlas of wintering birds in Britain and Ireland
14878: Lackie, J.M. - Cell movement and cell behaviour
33290: Ladurie, E. Le R. - Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French village, 1294-1324
5878: Ladurner, J. & Purtscheller, F. (tr. by E.F. Stumpfl) - An introduction to minerals
28450: Ladybird - [Child's bilingual dictionary]
8099: Laguna, E. et al. - Diversity and conservation of karst landscapes: Valencian and Slovenian examples
25965: Laidlaw, D. - Growing Gladioli for pleasure and profit
7892: Laine, Jukka (ed.) - Peatlands and their utilization in Finland
24773: Laing, A. - In trust for the nation: paintings from National Trust houses
9166: Laing, G. - Kinkell: the reconstruction of a Scottish castle
34417: Laing, A. (ed.) - Clerics and connoisseurs: an Irish art collection through three centuries
13372: Laing, L. - Celtic Britain
6790: Laing, Samuel - Human origins
6791: Laing, Samuel - Modern science and modern thought
29702: Laird, H. & C. - The tree of language
33124: Laird, M. - English misericords
33696: Laithwaite, E., Watson, A. & Whalley, P.E.S. - The dictionary of butterflies and moths in colour
39231: El-Lakany, M. et al. (preface) - Forest genetic resources conservation and management: in plantations and gene banks (ex situ)
29844: Lake, K.R. - Investing in paper money
26510: Lake, C. & Maillard, R. (eds.) - A dictionary of modern painting
29611: Lake, P. & Rastall, R.H. - A text-book of geology
34579: Lake, H. - The Arkwrights and Harlow
17532: Lalithakumari, D. - Fungal protoplast: a biotechnological tool
38656: Lamarck, J.-B. de - Illustrations botaniques de l'encyclopédie methodique
29067: De Lamartine, A. - Nelson
606: Lamb, N.J. - Collins Phrase Books: Portuguese
14572: Lamb, S. & Sington, D. - Earth Story
27386: Lamb, J.G.D. - A record of fifty years of apple growing under the department of agriculture
32871: Lamb, E. - The illustrated reference on cacti & other succulents (5 v.)
18199: Lamb, E. - The illustrated reference on cacti & other succulents (5 v.)
14240: Lamb, K. & Bowe, P. - A history of gardening in Ireland
25105: Lamb, A., Gobilik, J., Ardiyani, M. & Poulsen, A.D. - A guide to Gingers of Borneo
27877: Lamba, B.S. - Status survey of fauna: Nanda Devi national park (mammals and birds)
28135: Lamba, B.S. - Fauna of Nanda Devi national park
38612: Lambert, P. (ed. & prologue) - Viewing Olmsted: photographs by Robert Burley, Lee Friedlander and Geoffrrey James
41005: Lambert, T. (ill.); Mitchell, A. - Lambert's birds of garden and woodland
12117: Lambert, J.M. - The teaching of ecology
33738: Lambert, G. - Caravaggio 1571-1610
41004: Lambert, T. (ill.); Mitchell, A. - Lambert's birds of shore and estuary
38608: Lambert, P. (ed. & prologue) - Viewing Olmsted: photographs by Robert Burley, Lee Friedlander and Geoffrrey James
28246: De Lambertye, L. - Catalogue raisonné des plantes vasculaires qui croissent spontanément dans le Département de la Marne
30044: Lambourne, M. - John Gould Bird Man
30043: Lambourne M - The art of bird illustration
36052: Lambourne, L. - Ernest Griset: fantasies of a Victorian illustrator
13490: Lambton, L. - Vanishing Victoriana
20295: Lambton, L. - Old New World: the old-fashionedness of America
20324: Laming, D.J.C. & Ajakaiye, D.E. - New directions in mineral development policies
20325: Laming, D.J.C. & Gibbs, A.K. (eds.) - Hidden wealth mineral exploration techniques in tropical forest areas
35824: Lamoine, G. - La vie litteraire de Bath et de Bristol 1750-1800 (2 vols.)
33366: Di Lampedusa, G. - The leopard
33367: Di Lampedusa, G. - The leopard
16959: Lampio, T. - Waterfowl hunting in Europe, North America and some African and Asian countries
41801: Lancaster, O. - Pillar to post: or the pocket-lamp of architecture
10442: Lancaster, Roy - Garden plants for connoisseurs
10109: Lancaster, R. - Plant hunting in Nepal
37829: Lancaster, J.B. - Primate behavior and the emergence of human culture
33419: Lancaster, O. - Classical landscape with figures
36541: Lancaster-Jones, E. - Catalogue of the collections in the Science Museum: Geodesy and surveying
27031: Lancaster, R. - Travels in China
19758: Lancaster, M. - Green chemistry: an introductory text
20230: Lancaster, R. - Garden plants for connoisseurs
27178: Lancaster, Roy - Garden plants for connoisseurs
15611: Lancaster, R. - Plant hunting in Nepal
27716: Lancaster, R. & Biggs, M. - What houseplant where
22602: Lancaster, O. - Sailing to Byzantium: an architectural companion
22665: Lancelyn Green, R. - The tale of Thebes
29161: Lancum F H - Wild birds and the land
29355: Lancum F H - Wild birds and the land
28924: Lancum F H - Wild animals and the land
10775: Land, D.H. - Geology of the Tynemouth district
32147: Land, J.B. & Land, R.B. - Food chains to biotechnology
16582: Land, H.C. - Birds of Guatemala.
40935: Landau, S.I. - Dictionaries: the art and craft of lexicography
42065: Landau, L.D. & Rumer, G.B. - What is relativity?
26193: Landau, T. - Encyclopaedia of librarianship
29916: Landell-Mills, N. & Porras, I.T. - Silver bullet or fools' gold?
33925: Lander, Nicholas & Robinson, Jancis - Dinner for a fiver
18174: Lander, C.H. (ed.) - The Lancashire Coalfield: the Burnley, Accrington, Darwen and Bacup area: the Lower Mountain Mine
19759: Landis, W.G., Sofield, R.M. & Yu, Ming-Ho - Introduction to environmental toxicology
33874: Landolt, E. - Plantes protégées de Suisse
41579: Landon, H.C.R. - Haydn symphonies
42448: Landon, H.C.R. - Beethoven
41593: Landon, H.C.R. & Mitchell, D. (eds.) - The Mozart companion
11817: Landrum, L.R. - The life and botanical accomplishments of Boris Alexander Krukoff
17389: Landsberg, S. - The medieval garden
16584: Landsborough Thomson, A. - Bird Migration
36726: Landström, Kerstin & Modin, Lassse - Carl Linnaeus perpetual calendar
27882: Lane, F.W. - The elements rage
41065: Lane, M. - The tale of Beatrix Potter: a biography
41844: Lane, M. - Frances Wright and the 'Great experiment'
41358: Lane, J.H. - A history of Newton-le-Willows
19066: Lane, M. - Flora Thompson
20055: Lane, M. - The tale of Beatrix Potter
17033: Lane, F.W. - Animal wonderland
27165: Lane Fox, Robin - Variations on a garden
32915: Lanfranco, G.G. - Guide to the flora of Malta
40525: Lang, A. (ed.) - The green fairy book
10810: Lang, David - Orchids of Britain: a field guide
16309: Lang, David - A guide to the wild orchids of Great Britain and Ireland
38302: Lang, W.H. (tr.); Strasburger; Fitting, H. et al. (rev.) - Strasburger's text-book of botany
40976: Lang, A. (ed.) - The blue fairy book
11128: Lang, W.D. - Catalogue of the fossil Bryozoa (Polyzoa) of the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History): vol. 3, The Cribrimorphs part 1
40444: Lang, A. - Books and bookmen
31957: Langdale-Brown, I., Osmaston, H.A. & Wilson, J.G. - The vegetation of Uganda and its bearing on land-use
5739: Langdon, Eustella - Pioneer gardens at Black Creek Pioneer Village
11149: Langdon, A.G. - The tuberous Begonia: its development and culture
11140: Langdon, A.G. - The tuberous Begonia: its development and culture
4976: Lange, O.L., Nobel, P.S., Osmond, C.B. & Ziegler, H. (eds.) - Physiological plant ecology III: responses to the chemical and biological environment
42710: Langebartel, D.A. - The hyoid and its associated muscles in snakes
37752: Langenheim, J.H. - The odyssey of a woman field scientist: a story of passion, persistence, and patience
13035: Langenstrassen, F. - Fazies und Stratigraphie der Eifel-Stufe im östlichen Sauerland
19408: Langer, R. - Mount St. Helens erupts
17531: Langeron, M. & Vanbreuseghem, R. - Outline of mycology
28536: Langham, M. & Wells, C. - A history of the baths at Buxton
11876: Langkavel, B. - Botanik der späteren Griechen vom Dritten bis Dreizehnten Jahrhunterte
36915: Langley, S.P., Rathbun, R.; Board of Regents; Merrill, G.P. - Report of the U.S. National Museum for the year ending June 30, 1904
24957: Langman, I.K. - A selected guide to the literature on the flowering plants of Mexico
25196: Langmead, Clive - A passion for plants, from the rainforest of Brazil to Kew Gardens: the life and vision of Ghillean Prance
38521: Langrand, O. - Guide to the birds of Madagascar
19628: Van Langren, A. & H. - Orbis terr¾ compendiosa descriptio (etc.)
37478: Langridge, I. - William Blake
20867: Langton, T. - Amphibians and reptiles: conservation management of species and habitats
31296: Langton, T. - Snakes & llizards
13421: Langwiesche, Karl Robert - Tore/Türme und Brunnen aus deutscher Vergagenheit
631: Lanjouw, J. et al. - International code of botanical nomenclature
24865: Lanjouw, J. & Stafleu, F.A. - Index herbariorum part I
36792: National Zoological Gardens of Sri Lanka - Official guide to Colombo Zoo
11607: Lankester, Sir R. - Some diversions of a naturalist
36581: Lankester, E.R. - Extinct animals
36452: Lankester, R. (preface) - Guide to an exhibition of old natural history books (etc.)
34967: Lankester, E. (ed.) - The correspondence of John Ray
30949: Lankester, Sir R. - Diversions of a naturalist
29902: Lankester, E.R. - The kingdom of man
17191: Lankford, P.W. & Eckenfelder, W.W. (Eds.) - Toxicity reduction in industrial effluents
31689: Lanning, J - Great Danes
31690: Lanning, J - Great Danes
29955: Lannoo, M.J. - This land is your land: the story of field biology in America
30306: De Lanoye, F. - The sublime in nature
19225: Lansdell, J. (designer) - British coloured books 1737-1898
31780: Lansdell, J. - Grapes and how to grow them
14357: Lansdown, R.V. - Water-starworts Callitriche of Europe
35476: Lansing, J.S. - Priests and programmers: technology of power in the engineered landscape of Bali
30138: Lantermann, W. - The new parrot handbook
38522: Lanyon, W.E. - Biology of birds
28336: Lapage, S.P. et al. (eds.) - International Code of nomenclature of bacteria
11946: Lapage, S.P., Sneath, P.H.A. et al. (eds.) - International code of nomenclature of bacteria
38303: Lapage, S.P. et al. (eds.) - International code of nomenclature of bacteria
17193: Lapicque, F., Storck, A. & Wragg, A.A. (eds.) - Electrochemical engineering and energy
2344: Lapin, P.I., Gogina, E.E., Matsenko, A.E., Plotnikova, L.S., Prilipko, L.I. & Skvortsov, A.K. (eds.) - ______ _ __________ ____ _________ _____ ____ [Rare and disappearing species of the native flora of the USSR]
39707: Laporte, L.F. - George Gaylord Simpson : paleontologist and evolutionist
28136: Laptev, I. - The world of man in the world of nature
34675: Lapworth, C. - Dr Crosskey and geology
39495: Lapworth, C. - Geological map of Birmingham country
31958: Larcher, W. - Physiological plant ecology
26672: [Fermanagh] Larcom, Lieut. - Index to the Townland survey of the County of Fermanagh (etc.)
12738: Lardner, D. - The museum of science and art, vol. 1
40284: Larkin, P. - The north ship
41311: Larkin, D. (ed.) - The fantastic creatures of Edward Julius Detmold
37484: Larkin, P. - Required writing: miscellaneous pieces 1955-1982
23299: Larkin, P. - High windows
25775: Larkin, P. (ed.) - The Oxford book of twentieth century English verse
39462: Larousse, A. - Parc national du Mercantour
17858: Larra-aga, M.D., Lewis, R.J. & Lewis, R.A. - Hawley's condensed chemical dictionary
5089: Larsen, C. Syrach - Genetics in Silviculture
41580: Larsen, J.P. - The new Grove: Haydn
3463: Larsen, Torben & Kiki - Butterflies of Oman
30885: Larsen, M. & H. - Black sand: an expedition to the New Hebrides
41861: Larsen, E. - Spotlight on films
25104: Larsen, K., Ibrahim, H., Lkhaw, S.H. & Saw, L.G. - Gingers of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore
42002: Larson, E. - Isaac's storm: the drowning of Galveston
23709: Larsson, T.-B. - Biodiversity evaluation tools for European forests
5363: Larwood, G.P. & Funnell, B.M. (eds.) - The geology of Norfolk
40977: Larwood, J. & Hotten, J.C. - The history of signboards, from the earliest times to the present day
6473: Larwood, G.P. - Extinction and survival in the fossil record
24890: Las, I. et al. - Peta agroekologi utama tanaman pangan di Indonesia
27570: Lasaga, A.C. and R.J. Kirkpatrick (Eds.) - Kinetics of Geochemical Processes
20185: Lasdun, S. - The English park: royal, private and public
13345: Orbán Sándor & Vajda László - Magyarország Mohaflórájának Kézikönyve
28801: Latcham, P. - Bookplates in the trophy style: a supplement
37532: Latham, B. - Upon the supply of water to towns
25565: Latham, J. - All-clear; poems by John Latham
35826: Latimer, J. - The history of the Society of Merchant Venturers of the City of Bristol
35825: Latimer, J. - The annals of Bristol (3 vols.)
9230: Latourette, K.S. - China
17473: Lattimore, C. - Strawberry Leaves
9294: Hortus botanicus academiae scientarum Latviensis - Index Seminum
34473: Laudan, R. - From mineralogy to geology: the foundations of a science, 1650-1830
34868: Laughton, T. - Pavilions by the sea: the memoirs of an hotel keeper
35478: Laumonier, Y. - The vegetation and physiography of Sumatra
37410: Launay, A.J. - Dictionary of contemporaries
26139: Laurence, W.L. - The Hell bomb
18975: Laurent, R.F. - Contribution à l'Herpétologie de la Région des Grands Lacs de l'Afrique centrale (I-III).
4408: Laurie, Ian C. - Parks & Gardens of Cheshire peaks and plains: guide and gazetteer
42711: Laurin, M. & Reisz, R.R. - A reevaluation of early amniote phylogeny
30368: Lavallée, J. (ed.); Filhol (graveur), 10 vols. - Galerie du Musée Napoléon, publiée par Filhol, graveur É dédiée à S.M. l'Empereur Napoléon Ier.
13492: Lavedan, P. - French architecture
1753: Lavedin, Henri - Monsieur Vincent: Aumônier des Galères
41072: Lavelle, D. - Skellig, island outpost of Europe
38270: Lavenu, M. & Mataoouchek, V. - Dictionnaire d'architecture
14787: Laverack, M.S. (ed.) - Physiological adaptations of marine animals
33861: Laverack, M.S. & Blackler, M. (eds.) - Fauna and flora of St Andrews Bay
36020: Lavery, B. - Nelson's fleet at Trafalgar
13182: Lavery, B. - Nelson's navy: the ships, men and organisation, 1793-1815
15515: Lavin, J.C. & Wilmore, G.T.D. (editors) - The West Yorkshire plant atlas
34791: Law, R.J. - Henry Hindley of York 1701-1771
35951: Law, R. J. - James Watt and the separate condenser
28269: Lawalrée, A. - Flore générale de Belgique, vol. 1 fasc. 3: Spermatophytes
28268: Lawalrée, A. - Flore générale de Belgique, vol. 2 fasc. 1: Spermatophytes
28267: Lawalrée, A. - Flore générale de Belgique, vol. 1 fasc. 1: Spermatophytes
28265: Lawalrée, A.; Webb, D.A. - Flore générale de Belgique, vol. 2 fasc. 3: Spermatophytes
28266: Lawalrée, A. - Flore générale de Belgique, vol. 1 fasc. 2: Spermatophytes
14346: Lawes, J.B. & Gilbert, J.H. - The Rothamsted experiments É over a period of fifty years
39063: Van Lawick, H. (photos); Matthiessen, P. - Sand rivers
30247: Lawless, E. - Hurrish: a study
32805: Lawley, M. - The mosses and liverworts of Shropshire
15516: Lawley, Mark - A botanical stroll through North Herefordshire
34410: Lawley, M. - The history of nature
34507: Lawley, M. - Wildlife in the Marches: a history of nature in the Welsh Marches
26928: Lawrence, G.H.M. - 20th century botanical art and illustration
21150: Lawrence, J. - Gardens full of wings
14944: Lawrence, E., Jackson, A.R. & Jackson, J.M. - Dictionary of environmental science
26289: Lawrence, W.J.C. - Science and the glasshouse
34067: Lawrence, G.H.M. - Taxonomy of vascular plants
20407: Lawrence, W.J.C. - Science and the glasshouse
27645: Lawrence, S. - Garlic: a book of recipes
39151: Lawrence, T., Toll, J. & van Sloten, D.H. - Directory of germplasm collections, 1, 2. Food legumes (soyabean)
39150: Lawrence, T., Toll, J. & van Sloten, D.H. - Directory of germplasm collections, 2. Root and tuber crops
26634: Lawrence, D.H. - Selected letters
37024: Lawrence, T.E. - Seven pillars of wisdom: a triumph
26929: Lawrence, G.H.M. - Catalogue of an exhibition of contemporary botanical art and illustration
17467: Lawrence, G.H.M. - Taxonomy of vascular plants
38357: Lawrence, W.J.C. - Plant breeding
33851: Lawrence, D.H. - The woman who rode away and other stories
42184: Lawrence, D.H. - Aaron's rod
14879: Lawrence, E. - A guide to modern biology: genetics, cells & systems
1125: Lawrence, George H.M., Buchheim, A.F.G., Daniels, Gilbert S. & Dolezal, Helmut (eds) - B-P-H: Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum
34537: Lawrence, R. - Southwold River: Georgian life in the Blyth Valley
27436: Lawrence, G.H.M. - America's garden legacy: a taste for pleasure
42110: Lawrence, J. (ill.); Hardy, T. - Our exploits at West Poley
33850: Lawrence, D.H. - Sons and lovers
24268: Lawrence, D.H. - Sons and lovers
24265: Lawrence, D.H. - England, my England
39315: Lawrence, Sandra - Miss Willmott's ghosts; the extraordinary life and gardens of a forgotten genius
23918: Lawrence, D.H. - Two short novels
23915: Lawrence, D.H. - Women in love
22731: Lawrence, D.H. - Mornings in Mexico; Etruscan Places
18074: Lawrence, J. - Nightscapes, North Norfolk
24991: Laws, B. - Fifty plants that changed the course of history
29359: Laws R - Antarctica: The Last Frontier
42434: Laws, G. - The history of the Bartons
12552: Lawson-Hall, T. & Rothera, B. - Hydrangeas - a gardener's guide
34874: Lawson, E.M. - Fifty years of antiquarian bookselling
31181: Lawson, A. - The gardener's book of colour
41616: Lawson, J. & J. - Geology explained around Glasgow and south-west Scotland, including Arran
41617: Lawson, J.D. et al. - Geologists' Association Guide, no. 5: the Silurian inliers of the South-Eastern Welsh Borderland
41689: Lawson, J.D. - Mortimer Forest geological trail
32781: Lawton, E. - Moss flora of the Pacific northwest
36152: Lawton, T. - Walking around the Peak District
8998: Laxton, J.L. & Ross, D.L. - Mineral assessment report 79: the sand and gravel resources of the country west of Stirling, Central Region
31507: Layland, M. - In nature's realm: early naturalists explore Vancouver Island
39551: ""A layman"" [William Falconer] - Dissertation on St. Paul's voyage from Caesarea to Puteoli on the Wind Euroclydon, and on the apostle's shipwreck on the island Melite
40978: Layson, J.F. - Famous engineers of the nineteenth century
36482: Layton, E.T. - The revolt of the engineers: social responsibility and the American engineering profession
35108: Laywood, A. - John, Charles and Samuel Wesley: the Methodists and their associates
25542: _______, _._. / Lazarev, C.N. - ______ ___________ _______ [European Old Masters], 2 v.
12500: Lazaroff, D.W. - Sabino Canyon: the life of a southwestern oasis
34474: Lazzari, C. (ed.) - La scienze della terra nel Veneto dalla caduta della serenissima all'Unità d'Italia
14032: Leach, W. - Plant ecology
26801: Leach, S.J., Page, C.N., Paytoureau, Y. & Sanford, M. (eds.) - Botanical links in the Atlantic Arc
22203: Leach, M. - The secret life of Snowdonia
36529: Lead, L. - ""They flow for country and people"": landowners and early canal development in England
36488: Lead, P. - Mons Meg: a royal cannon
36283: Lead, P. - Agents of revolution: John and Thomas Gilbert, entrepreneurs
34898: Leadbeater, B. - Irene Manton: a biography (1904-1988)
14901: Leadbeater, B. - Irene Manton: a biography (1904-1988)
36348: Leadbeater, B. - Irene Manton: a biography (1904-1988)
28137: Leader-Williams, N., Kayera, J.A. & Overton, G.L. (ed.) - Tourist hunting in Tanzania
28138: Leader-Williams, N. & Tibanyenda, R.K. (eds.) - The live bird trade in Tanzania
38188: Leadlay, E. & Greene, J. (eds.) - The Darwin technical manual for botanic gardens
34076: Leadlay, Etelka and Jury, Stephen (eds.) - Taxonomy and plant conservation: the cornerstone of the conservation and the sustainable use of plants
24833: Leadlay, Etelka and Jury, Stephen (eds.) - Taxonomy and plant conservation: the cornerstone of the conservation and the sustainable use of plants
40452: National Book League - The festival of Britain, exhibition of books
40453: National Book League - British book design and production 1986
39762: Leake, B.E., Bishop, A.C. & Howarth, R.J. - The Wyley history of the Geologists' Association in the 50 years 1958-2008
41237: Leake, B.E., Bishop, A.C. & Howarth, R.J. - The Wyley history of the Geologists' Association in the 50 years 1958-2008
22147: Leakey, R.E. - The making of mankind
29360: Leakey R E - The illustrated Origin of Species
14698: Leakey, R. - The origin of humankind
19643: Leakey, R.E. - The making of mankind
36594: Leakey, R.E. - The making of mankind
18090: Leapman, M. - Inigo: the troubled life of Inigo Jones, architect of the English Renaissance
7255: Leapman, Michael - The ingenious Mr Fairchild: the forgotten father of the flower garden
40717: Lear, E.; Blake, Q. (intro.) - So much nonsense
30192: Lear, E. et al. - A book of nonsense
38930: Lear, B. & M. - Glenkiln garden and art: Sir Henry & Lady Keswick's collection of trees, shrubs and sculpture
27032: Lear, E.; Fowler, R. (ed.) - The Cretan journal
19045: Lear, E. - Complete nonsense
30395: O'Leary, P. - Travels and experiences in Canada, the Red River territory and the United States
28828: Leask, N., Constantine, M.-A. and Edwards, E. - ""Curious travellers"": Dr Johnson and Thomas Pennant on tour
20985: Leather, S. (ed.) - Insect sampling in forest ecosystems
20456: Leaver, T. - Pronouncing Welsh place names
24401: Leavis, F.R. & Q.D. - Revaluation: tradition and development in English poetry
24270: Leavis, F.R. & Q.D. - Dickens the novelist
21086: Lebbin, D.J., Parr, M.J. & Fenwick, G.H. - The American bird conservancy guide to bird conservation
28552: Lebédel, C. - Loving French cuisine
25053: _______, _._. / Lebedev, D.V. - ________ _ ____________ __________ ____ / Vvedenie v botanicheskuyu literaturu SSSR [Introduction to the botanical literature of the USSR]
17744: Lebedev, A. - The itinerants: Society for Circulating Art Exhibitions (1870-1923)
32278: Lebrecht, N. - Maestros, Masterpieces and Madness: the secret life and shameful death of the classical record industry
41491: Lebrecht, N. - Mahler remembered
24883: Lebrun, J.-P. & Stork, A.L. - Enumeration des plantes a fleurs d'Afrique tropicale (4 vols.)
24830: Lebrun, J.-P. - Introduction à la flore d'Afrique
27967: Leclercq, J. - Hyménoptères Sphécides Craboniens d'Australie, due genre Rhopalum Stephens, 1829
14327: Leconte, A. - Album artistique Paris: 45 vues
14326: Leconte, A. - Guide commode pour voir et visiter les Monuments de Paris
39250: Ledek, G. & Goodland, R - Wildlands: their protection and management in economic development
42354: Ledermann, W. - Complex numbers
27958: Lee, R.F. - Family tree of the national park system
33335: Lee, L. - Laurie Lee (The Pocket Poets)
10530: Lee, Brian North - British royal bookplates
25216: Lee, C. - This sceptred Isle 55BC - 1901
33261: Lee, P. - Bruges directions
39582: Lee, W.T. - Stories in stone
34631: Lee, N. - The Brunel collection
10630: Lee, W.A. - Catalogue of the books in the Liverpool Medical Institution library (to the end of the nineteenth century)
31857: Lee Su See, Dan Yit May, Ian D. Gauld & J. Bishop (eds.) - Conservation, management and development of forest resources
38189: Lee Su See, Dan Yit May, Ian D. Gauld and Joshua Bishop - Conservation, management and development of forest resources
508: Lee, John A. - The flora of the Clyde area
36315: Lee, A. - Laurels and rosemary: the life of William and Mary Howitt
30370: Lee, Mrs R. [née Bowdich] - Anecdotes of the habits and instincts of animals
12151: Lee, Simon - Vincent's
39291: Lee, J. - An introduction to botany, containing an explanation of the theory of that science, extracted from the works of Dr. Linnaeus (etc.)
38887: Lee, R. - Forest microclimatology
19845: Lee, B.N. - Some Church of England Parochial Library and Cathedral Ex-Libris
15278: Leeds, R. - Autumn bulbs
35702: University of Leeds - University of Leeds register of graduates 1904-60
11226: Leeming, D. - Stephen Spender: a life in modernism
24877: Leenhouts, P.W. - A guide to the practice of herbarium taxonomy
40769: Lees, H. (photos); Skillern, W.J. (intro.) - A picture of Stockport in Cheshire: a collection of photographs
16763: Lees, A. (et al.) - A representative protected forests system for the Solomon Islands
13036: Lees, A., Buller, A.T. & Scott, J. - Marine carbonate sedimentation processes, Connemara, Ireland
29199: Campbell B & Ferguson-Lees J - Birds of Coast and Sea, Britain and Northern Europe
34812: Lees, F.N. - Gerard Manley Hopkins
39583: Lees, E. - The botanical looker-out among the wild flowers of England and Wales (etc.)
39584: Lees, E. - The botanical looker-out among the wild flowers of England and Wales (etc.)
13099: Lees, E. - Pictures of nature in the Silurian region around the Malvern Hills and Vale of Severn (etc.)
7376: Lees, Frederick Arnold; new foreword by Mark Seaward - The flora of West Yorkshire, with a sketch of the climatology and lithology in connection therewith
29524: Lees, F.R. - An argument for the legislative prohibition of the liquor traffic.
16037: Lees, F. A. - The flora of West Yorkshire, with a sketch of the climatology and lithology in connection therewith
18200: Leese, O. & M. - Desert plants - cacti and succulents in the wild and in cultivation
25644: Leeson, E. (ed. & intro.) - The Folio book of humorous verse
25658: Leeson, E. (intro.) - The Folio book of humorous anecdotes
35477: Van Leeuwen, W.M.D. - Biology of plants and animals occuring in the higher parts of Mount Pangrango-Gedeh in West-Java
25249: Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. - A revision of Tabernaemontana, the Old World species
16961: Leeuwenberg, F. & Hepburn, I. (eds.) - Working group on game statistics: proceedings of the first meeting 20 & 22 May 1981
37699: Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. - A revision of Tabernaemontana: the Old World species &The New World Species and Stemmadenia
34845: LeFanu, W. - A bibliography of Edward Jenner
34664: Lefebure, M. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge: a bondage of opium
38598: Lefevre, G.S. - English commons and forests (etc.)
36449: Lefevre, R. - Rude hand gestures of the world
13974: Leger, M. - Recherches sur la structure des Mucorinées
21392: Leggett, D.M.A. - Facing the future: towards planetary welfare
28139: Leggett, J. (ed.) - Global warming: the Greenpeace report
26636: Legouis, L. & Cazamian, L. - A history of English literature 650-1947
23239: Lehane, B. - The companion guide to Ireland
24271: Lehmann, R. - Invitation to the waltz
21577: Leiber, M. & Williams, B.C. (eds.) - Great stories of all nations
39863: Leicester, H.A. - Worcester remembered
31648: Leichtheim, G. - Europe in the twentieth century
39585: Leifchild, J.R. - On coal at home and abroad, with relation to consumption, cost, demand, and supply (etc.)
41729: Leigh-Pemberton, J. (ill.); Grigson, G. - Shell guide to flowers of the countryside
33384: Leigh-Fermor, P. - Roumeli: travels in northern Greece
33385: Leigh-Fermor, P. - Between the woods and the water
33386: Leigh-Fermor, P. - A time to keep silence
4964: Leigh, R.A. & Johnston, A.E. (eds.) - Long-term experiments in agricultural and ecological sciences
36559: Leigh Fermor, Sir L. - The dependence of human history on geological history
12430: Leigh, A.A. - King's College (University of Cambridge College Histories)
38112: Leigh, E.G., Rand, A.S. & Windsor, D.M. (eds.) - Tropical forest ecology
38111: Leigh, E.G., Rand, A.S. & Windsor, D.M. (eds.) - The ecology of a tropical forest: seasonal rhythms and long-term changes
39211: Leigh, E.G., Ziegler, C. (photos) - A magic web: the tropical forest of Barro Colorado Island
24614: Leighton, R. - Tuva or bust! Richard Feynman's last journey
41758: Leighton, C. - Where land meets sea: the enduring Cape Cod
25919: Leighton, R. - Dogs and all about them
32744: Leighton, W.A. - A flora of Shropshire
16047: Leighton, A. - American gardens of the nineteenth century: ""for comfort and affluence""
16051: Leighton, Ann - Early English gardens in New England
16050: Leighton, A. - American gardens of the eighteenth century: ""for use or for delight""
18619: Leighton, Ann - Early English gardens in New England
37925: Leins, P., Tucker, S.C. & Endress, P. (eds.) - Aspects of floral development
18928: Lekagul, B. & Cronin, E.W. - Bird Guide of Thailand
38444: Lekagul, B., Round, P.D. - A Guide to the Birds of Thailand
25812: Lellák, J. - Shells of Britain and Europe: a concise guide in colour
8764: Lemaire, C. - De genres Camellia, Rhododendrum, Azalea, Acacia, Epacris, Erica et des plantes de serre froide en général
38445: LeMaster, R. - Waterfowl identification
8921: Lembourn, H.J. et al. - The Denmark Book / Das Danemark Buch / Le livre du Danemark / Danmarkbogen
38190: Leme, E.M.C. (ed.) - Vidalia (vol. 1 no. 1 only)
17194: Lemkey, F.D., Fishman, S.G., Evans, A.G. & Strife, J.R. (eds.) - High temperature / high performance composites
22681: Van Lemmen, H. - Victorian tiles
38732: Lemmens, R.H.M.J. & Wulijarni-Soetjipto, N. (eds.) - Plant resources of South-East Asia:no. 3. Dye and tannin-producing plants
29572: Lemmens, R.H.M.J., Soerianegara, I. & Wong, W.C. (eds.) - Plant Resources of South-East Asia no. 5(2): Timber trees: minor commercial timbers
33600: Lemmens, R.H.M.J., Soerianegara, I. & Wong, W.C. (eds.) - Plant resources of South-East Asia: timber trees, minor commercial timbers
32170: Lemmon, K. - Gardening in the north
20231: Lemmon, K. - The covered garden
3105: Lemmon, Kenneth - The gardens of Britain vol. 5: Yorkshire and Humberside
12741: Lemon, H.B. - Cosmic rays thus far
33891: Lemon, C. - A centenary history of the Bront‘ Society
29662: Lengstrand, R. & Rolén, P.L. - The long pony race
26517: Lenman, B.P., Boyd, K. (eds.) - Chambers dictionary of world history
38931: Lennox-Boyd, A.; Miller, J. (photos) - Private gardens of London
38113: Lentz, D.L. (ed.) - Imperfect balance: landscape transformations in the precolumbian Americas
2227: Leon, Harry & Pelosi, Domenic - Vienna in springtime
42511: Leon, D. - The girl of his dreams
21783: León, J. (ed.) - Handbook of plant introduction in tropical crops
2220: Leon, Harry & Connor, Tommie (words and music) - St. James's Park
23921: Leon, D. - Death at la Fenice
24273: Leon, D. - Fatal remedies
31899: Leonard, J. - Contribution a l'étude de la flore et de la végétation des deserts d'Iran, fascicule 9
31484: Leonard, M.D. - Animals always: 100 years at the Saint Louis Zoo
13111: Léonard, J. - Flore et Végétation du Jebel Uweinat, partie 6: étude de la végétation (etc.)
12742: Leonard, J.N. - Flight into space: facts, fancies, philosophy
35450: Leong-Skornickova, J. & Newman, M. - Gingers of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam
28772: Leonowens, A.H. - The English governess at the Siamese court
32041: Leopold, A.C. - Plant growth and development
16769: Leporati, L. (ed.) - Scritti in memoria di Augusto Toschi
38818: Lepper, J.D. - Mediterranean orchids
33912: Leprohon, P. - Paris
24801: Leraut, P. & Mermet, G. - Regard sur les insectes
24703: Lerner, F. - The story of libraries
31169: Lerner, I.M. - Genetic homeostasis
39676: Leschevin, P.X. - Table analytique des matières contenues dans les XXVIII premiers volumes du Journal des Mines
24963: Lesica, P. - Checklist of the vascular plants of Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
36916: Lesley, J.P. - Historical sketch of geological explorations in Pennsylvania and other states
32739: Leslie, A.C. - Flora of Cambridgeshire
32383: Leslie, A. (ed.) - The Rhododendron handbook 1980
33709: Leslie, A.C. - The Rhododendron Handbook 1980: Rhododendron species in cultivation
41586: Lesser, W. - Music for silenced voices: Shostakovich and his fifteen quartets
35827: Lessing, E. - Revolution in Hungary: the 1956 Budapest uprising
27317: Lester, R.M. - The observer's book of weather
13590: Lester-Garland, L.V. - A flora of the island of Jersey
28620: Lester, R.M. - The Observer's book of weather
28372: Letchworth - Letchworth: the well-planned beautiful town
13332: Lett, H.W. - Census report on the mosses of Ireland
31297: Lévèque, C. - Biodiversity dynamics and conservation: the freshwater fish of tropical Africa
16147: Lever, C. - The naturalised animals of the British Isles
29460: Lever, C. - Naturalised birds of the world
30545: Lever, C. - The Mandarin duck
41570: Levey, M. - The life and death of Mozart
30457: Levi, P. - Edward Lear: a biography
23504: Levi, P. - The drowned and the saved
23503: Levi, P. - Other people's trades
41177: Levi, P. - The periodic table
22754: Levi, P. - The hill of Kronos
16158: Levi, H.W. & L.R. - Spiders and their kin
32724: Levin, B. - Speaking up
40288: Levin, P. (ed.) - The Penguin book of the sonnet
41587: Levin, B. - Conducted tour
25052: Levin, C.L., Levina, C.G. & Lebedev, D.V. - ____________ ___ ________ __ _________________ ________ [Guide for biologists to bibliographic editions]
15043: Levin, D.A. - The origin, expansion, and demise of species
30126: Levine, J. - Forgotten voices of the Blitz and the Battle for Britain
4885: Levins, Richard - Evolution in changing environments
28753: Levy, M. (intro.) - Drawings of L.S. Lowry
31900: Levy, B., Berlinger, S. & Silberstein, Z. - Flowers of Israel / Fleurs d'Israel
29682: Levy, Reuben - An introduction to Persian literature
9976: Levy, Mervyn - Painting with sunshine: an introduction to oils for young people
31850: Lewalle, J.; Gilbert, G. - Arbres du Burundi, 1iere serie, 1er fascicule: essences autochtones
11806: Lewes, G.H. - The life of Goethe, parts 1 and 2
19669: Lewin, R. - Human evolution: an illustrated introduction
19668: Lewin, R. - Bones of contention: controversies in the search for human origins
21742: Lewin, T. - The life and epistles of St. Paul (vol. 2 only)
3915: Lewington, Anna - Plants for people
20803: Lewington, A. - Plants for people
38721: Lewington, A. - Plants for people
33581: Lewington, I. (ill.), Alström, P. & Colston, P. - A field guide to the rare birds of Britain and Europe
31082: Lewington, I., Alström, P. & Colston, P. - A field guide to the rare birds of Britain and Europe
39422: Lewis-Jones, H., Herbert, K. - Explorers' sketchbooks: the art of discovery and adventure
35544: Lewis, Sir C. & Campbell, J.D. - The Oxford atlas
37152: Lewis, V. - The iron dale
32079: Lewis, G.P. - Caesalpinia: a revision of the Poincianella - Erythrostemon group
22641: Lewis, D.B.W. - James Boswell, a short life
28461: Lewis, H. (ed.) - Collins-Spurrell Welsh dictionary
40289: Lewis, C. Day - The complete poems
25843: Lewis, M. - Edith Pargeter / Ellis Peters
39188: Lewis, G. - Nations of the modern world: Turkey
15093: Lewis, T. & Taylor, L.R. - Introduction to experimental ecology
23186: Lewis-Williams, J.D. - Discovering southern African rock art
39586: Lewis, T.C. - Heroes of science: mechanicians
35609: Lewis, C. - The dating game: one man's search for the age of the earth
37037: Lewis, C. - The enlightened Mr. Parkinson: the pioneering life of a forgotten English surgeon
27210: Lewis, Gwilym - Postcards from Kew
20964: Lewis, M. & Clark, W. - The history of the Lewis and Clark expedition (3 vols.)
27335: Lewis, D. - We the navigators: the ancient art of landfinding in the Pacific
23021: Lewis, S. - Brad
23022: Lewis, S. - Brad
41635: Lewis, M.J.T. - Llechi slate
37723: Lewis, G.P. - Legumes of Bahia
20718: Lewis, D. - Essentials of employment law
42066: Lewis, G.N. & Randall, M. - Thermodynamics and the free energy of chemical substances
228: Lewis, G.J., Obermeyer, A.A., & Barnard, T.T. - A revision of the South African species of Gladiolus
28724: Lewis, D. - Walks through history: Liverpool
24606: Lewis, M. - The fifth risk
42185: Lewis, C.S. - The magician's nephew
40290: Lewis, C. Day - Poems 1943-1947
6585: Lewis, Ethelreda (ed.); Alfred Aloysius Horn - The life and works of Aloysius Horn: III. The waters of Africa
29794: Lewis, M. - Stained glass in North Wales up to 1850
40032: Lewis, H. (ed.) - Collins-Spurrell Welsh dictionary
38657: Lewis, J. - Walter Hood Fitch: a celebration
22815: Lewis, C.S. - Letters
24276: Lewis, C.D. - The Otterbury incident
24275: Lewis, H. - I, Jacqueline
29363: Lewis E - Trader Horn
12119: Lewis, T. & Taylor, L.R. - Introduction to experimental ecology
25564: Lewis, C.D. - The poetic image
9669: Lewis, B. & Cribb, P. - Orchids of Vanuatu
22348: Lewis, C.D. - Collected poems
41634: Lewis, M.J.T. & Denton, J.H. - Rhosydd slate quarry
22853: Lewis, N. - Delphi and the sacred way
42494: Lewis, R.W.. - Edith Wharton: a biography
40291: Lewis, C. Day - A hope for poetry
32087: Lewis, G.P. - Legumes of Bahia
35895: Lewis, M.J.T. - Llechi slate
25129: Lewis, C. - The dating game: one man's search for the age of the earth
41633: Lewis, C.A. & Richards, A.E. (eds.) - The glaciations of Wales and adjacent areas
23476: Lexer, M. - Mittelhochdeutsches Taschenworterbuch
39079: Ley, C.D. (ed.) - Portuguese voyages 1498-1663
31298: Ley, W. - The lungfish and the unicorn: an excursion into romantic zoology
30886: Ley, C.D. (ed.) - Portuguese voyages 1498-1663
41875: Leyel, C.F. - Elixirs of life
32860: Leyel, C.F. - Elixirs of life
10263: Leyens, P. & Lobin, W. (eds.) - Primeira lista vermelha de Cabo Verde
33474: Lhuyd, E.; Jones, A.,Pryce, H. (eds.) - The Welsh History Review vol. 25 no.1
16962: Li Wenfa, Peng Kemei & Piao Renzhu - Resources and research on wildlife in Xinkai (Khanka) Lake nature reserve
14199: Li Xing-jiang (Lee Shin-chiang), chief editor - Bryoflora of Xizang
32782: Li, Z., Qin, Z. and Hong Pou leng - The miniature angels in the plant kingdom
33173: Li, Wenhua and Zhao, Xiaanying - China's nature reserves
31851: Liao, J.-C. - A list of scientific names of woody plants in Taiwan
17196: Liao, S.Y. - Microwave devices and circuits
17418: Liavas, L. - Music in the Aegean
28493: Librairie du Liban - Spoken Arabic of the Arabian Gulf
37438: Manchester Public Libraries - A short title list of periodical holdings
26590: Liverpool Public Libraries - The piano, its music and literature: catalogue of the Music Library part 1
35665: Shropshire Libraries - Shropshire canals: articles from the Shropshire Magazine 1950-1965
26200: Liverpool Public Libraries - Catalogue of books (fiction excepted) in all the branch libraries
40462: Portico Library - Supplementary catalogue
26198: Library Association, north western group - Newspapers first published before 1900 in Lancashire, Cheshire and the Isle of Man
37431: Guildhall Library - Guide to the archives of city livery companies and related organisations
40464: Portico Library - Supplementary catalogue
35056: Sutro Library - The anatomy of a library
40463: Portico Library - Catalogue of the Portico Library, Manchester (vol. 2)
32194: International Association for Lichenology - Book of abstracts: the 7th symposium of the I.A.L.
27566: Lichtner, P.C. et al. (eds.) - Reactive Transport in Porous Media
11141: Lid, Johannes - Contributions to the flora of the Canary Islands
33255: Liddell, R. - Aegean Greece
28140: Lidicker, W.Z. (ed.) - Rodents: a world survey of species of conservation concern
25920: Liebers, A. - Companion dogs
39587: Liebig, J.; Playfair, L. (ed.) - Chemistry in its applicatiojns to agriculture and physiology
36692: Lieske, E. & Myers, R.F. - Coral reef guide: Red Sea to Gulf of Aden, South Oman
28270: Lieth, H. & Landolt, E. - Contributions to the knowledge of flora and vegetation in the Carolinas
24679: Lieven, A. - America right or wrong: an anatomy of American nationalism
22008: Sporting Life - Your horse: a veterinary book
36701: Water Life - Water Life vols. 3 & 4 and 5 (two parts)
31773: Country Life - The English vegetable garden
28410: Time-Life - The Time-Life book of boating
37508: Lightman, B. (ed.) - Victorian science in context
36430: Lightman, B. (ed.) - The dictionary of nineteenth-century British scientists (4 v.)
27252: Lightner, J. - San Diego County native plants in the 1830s (etc.)
39046: Liittschwager, D. & Middleton, S. - Remains of a rainbow: rare plants and animals of Hawai'i
17529: Lilly, V.G., Barnett, H.L. - Physiology of the fungi
21393: Lillya, D. - Environment funding guide
38191: Lima, I. - Meio ambiente: caminhos para sustentabilidade
7461: Limbert, Martin (ed.) - Thorne Moors papers
25073: Lincoln, R.H., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. - A dictionary of ecology, evolution and systematics
37240: Lincoln, A. - Some political and social ideas of English dissent 1763-1800
24049: Lincoln, A. - The civil war as they knew it
31959: Lind, E.M., Morrison, M.E.S. - East African vegetation
39045: Lind, E.M., Morrison, M.E.S. - East African vegetation
17815: Lind, E.M. & Brook, A.J. - A key to the commoner Desmids of the English Lake District
21394: Lindberg, K. & Hawkins, D.E. - Ecotourism: a guide for planners and managers
21454: Van der Linde, H.A. & Dnskin, M.H. (eds.) - Enhancing sustainability: resources for our future
37880: Lindeman, J.C., Mennega, A.M.W.; Hekking, W.H.A. (ill.) - Bomenboek voor Suriname
17197: Linden, J.H.L. van, Stewart, D.L., jnr., & Yogeshwar Sahai - Recycling of metals and engineered materials
41158: Linder, E. & L. - The art of Beatrix Potter
9731: Linder, Leslie - A history of the writings of Beatrix Potter
41497: Linder, L. (transcribed by) - The journal of Beatrix Potter from 1881 to 1897
41992: Linder, E. & L. - The art of Beatrix Potter
40828: Lindgren, E. - The art of the film: an introduction to film appreciation
33698: Lindgren, E. - Wildlife in Papua New Guinea
31840: Lindley, J. - Elements of botany: structural, physiological, systemical and medical (etc.)
19253: Lindley, J. - The vegetable kingdom
11855: Lindley, John - An introduction to botany
34475: Lindley, J. & Hutton, W.; Newman, A. & Chatt-Ramsey, J. - A catalogue of specimens figured in the fossil flora held by the Hancock Museum, Newcastle upon Tyne
23774: Lindley, J. & Hutton, W. - The fossil flora of Great Britain etc. (3 vols.)
19703: Lindner, G. - Seashells of the world
5250: Lindquist, Bertil - Genetics in Swedish forestry practice
20719: Lindroth, S. - A history of Uppsala University 1477-1977
12432: Lindsay, I.G. - Georgian Edinburgh
37479: Lindsay, J. - William Blake
26480: Lindsay, N. - Age of consent
35654: Lindsay, J. - The Trent and Mersey Canal
31901: Line, L. & Hodge, W.H. - The Audubon Society book of wildflowers
28925: Linklater, E. - The voyage of the Challenger
24713: Linklater, A. - Measuring America
30887: Linklater, E. - The voyage of the Challenger
41759: Linklater, Eric - The voyage of the Challenger
28271: Linkola, K. - Waldtypenstudien in der Schweizer Alpen
30994: Links, J.G. - How to look at furs
30997: Links, J.G. - The book of fur
10306: Linn, I.J. (chairman), G. Ll. Lucas et al. - Wildlife introductions to Great Britain
27400: Linnaeus, C.; Freer, S. (tr.) - Musa cliffortiana, Clifford's banana plant
34883: Linnaeus, C. - Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1977
2701: Linnaeus, Carl (edited by Knut Hagberg) - Iter Dalekarlicum; Iter ad Exteros
3800: Linnaeus, Carl; edited by Andrew Casson and Roger Jacobsson - Dalaresan tillsammans med Bergslagsresan
19818: Linnaeus, C.; Beckman, N. - Karl von Linnés västgötaresa
25213: Linnaeus, C. (Caroli Linnaei) - Bibliotheca botanica
19794: Linné, Carl v. - SkOEnska resa
2108: Linné, Carl v[on]. (Carolus Linnaeus) - SkOEnska (Skanska) Resa, pOE höga öfverhetens befallning förrättad r 1749
39588: Linné, Sir Charles - A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables and minerals (etc.), vol. 4 only (worms)
39589: Linné, Sir Charles - A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables and minerals (etc.), - vol. 7, Mineral Kingdom only
15446: Linssen, E.F. - Beetles of the British Isles (2 vols.)
30774: Linssen, E.F.; Newman, L.H. - The Observer's book of common British insects and spiders
37523: Linton, W.J. - Ferns of the English Lake Country
34476: Linton, D.L. & Beaver, S.H. - Presidential Addressses delivered to the Institute of British Geographers
31523: Linton, W.R. - An account of the British Hieracia
20721: Linzey, A. & Clarke, P.B. - Animal rights: a historical anthology
38851: Liogier, H.A. - Descriptive flora of Puerto Rico and adjacent islands (vols. 1, 2 and 5 only)
27557: Lipin, B.R. - Rare Earth Elements
38989: Lipman, E. (ed.) - Report of a working group on medicinal and aromatic plants
35394: Lippert, W., Podlech, D.; Walters, M. (tr.) - Wild flowers of Britain and Europe
37509: Lippincott, K. - The story of time and space: a guide to the Royal Observatory [Greenwich]
31494: Lippincott, L. & Blühm, A.; foreword by Desmond Morris - Fierce friends: artists and animals, 1750-1900
31902: Lippmann-Pawlowski, M. - The most beautiful alpine flowers
25050: Lipschitz, S. / ______, _._. - Florae URSS Fontes
25336: Lipscomb, B.L., Pipoly III< J.J. & Sanders, R.W. (eds.) - Floristics in the New Millennium
42096: Lipton, J. - An exaltation of larks, or, the venereal game
39126: Lisjak, L. (ed.) - Kras: what is it? / Kras: kay je to?
37437: Lisney, A.A. - A bibliography of British lepidoptera 1608-1799
34413: Lisney, A.A. - A bibliography of British lepidoptera
29264: Lister M - A bird and its bush: A glossary for bird watchers
18363: Lister, E., Wilder, J. - Portal painters: a survey of British idiosyncratic artists
25922: Lister-Kaye, C. - Welsh corgies
34886: Lister, M.; Stearns, R.P. (ed.) - A journey to Paris in the year 1698
28926: Lister M - A glossary for bird watchers
29228: Lister M - A bird and its bush: A glossary for bird watchers
15609: Lister, M. - A glossary for bird watchers
25921: Lister-Kaye, C. - Welsh corgies
15015: Lister, R.E. - Diagnostic testing in advanced biology
2204: Liszt, Franz (edited by Stanley Hawley) - Favourite pieces
21647: Litchfield, F. - How to collect old furniture
38853: Little, E.L., Woodbury, R.O. & Waadsworth, F.H. - Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin islands, second volume
36917: Little, C.E. - Historical lights: six thousand quotations from standard histories and biographies (etc.)
13499: Little, Brian - The building of Bath 47-1947
38888: Little, E.L., Woodbury, R.O. & Waadsworth, F.H. - Common fuelwood crops
25733: Little, B. - Abbeys and priories in England and Wales
40292: Littledale, H. (ed.) - Lyrical ballads 1798
20628: Littlewood, M. - Landscape detailing (3 v.)
14501: Liu, Z. & Kraus, G. (ed.) - Green materials from plant oils
5108: Liu Peitong, Robert B. Wenger (eds.) - Proceedings of the international symposium on environmental impact assessment
20232: Lively, P. - Life in the garden
16252: Livermore, L.A. & P.D. - The flowering plants and ferns of north Lancashire
12747: Livingston, R.B., Imshenetsky, A.A. & Derbyshire,, G.A. (eds.) - Life sciences and space research
33856: Livingston, A.D. & H. - The Wordsworth guide to edible plants and animals
36390: Livingstone, D.N. - Nathaniel Southgate Shaler and the culture of American science
34156: Lloyd, C., Tasker, M.L. & Partridge, K. - The status of seabirds in Britain and Ireland
32479: Lloyd-Jones, D. - The Manx peacocks: a profile of steam on the isle of Man railway
33981: Lloyd-Morgan, C. - Delweddau o'r ymylon Mary Lloyd Jones: bywyd a gwaith [images from the edges: the life and work of Mary Lloyd Jones]
13500: Lloyd, N. - A history of the English house from primitive times to the Victorian period
25398: Lloyd, C. - The adventurous gardener
33077: Lloyd, B. - Handbook of botanical diagrams
36919: Lloyd, J. - The early history of the Old South Wales Iron Works (1760 to 1840)
32962: Lloyd, L.C. & Rutter, E.M. - Handlist of the Shropshire flora
18126: Lloyd, D.M. & E.M. - A book of Wales
31782: Lloyd, C. - The adventurous gardener
31783: Lloyd, C. & Chatto, B. - Dear friend and gardener: letters on life and gardening
31183: Lloyd, C. & Rice, G. - Garden flowers from seed
31182: Lloyd, C. - The well-tempered garden
25924: Lloyd, H.S. - Cocker spaniels
29098: Lloyd, C., Tasker, M.L. & Partridge, K. - The status of seabirds in Britain and Ireland
20236: Lloyd, C. - In my garden
20235: Lloyd, C. - The well-chosen garden
20234: Lloyd, C. - The well-tempered garden
20233: Lloyd, C. - Foliage Plants
19029: Lloyd, C. - William Dampier
25376: Lloyd, C. - Foliage Plants
41040: Lloyd-Jones, T. - Liverpool street names
29044: Lloyd, J.E.; Jenkins, R.T.; Davies, W.Ll. - Y bywgraffiadur Cymreig hyd 1940
31606: Wrexham Maelor Borough Council; H.A. Lloyd - Wrexham and district official guide
27180: Lloyd, C. - The adventurous gardener
31184: Lloyd, C. - Garden flowers
38963: Lloyd, C. - Christopher Lloyd's flower garden
29504: Lloyd, R.E. - The races of Indian rats
40040: Llwyd, R. - Beaumaris Bay, a poem
26290: Loads, F.W. - Vegetables in the small garden
8379: Lobato Lisboa, Regina Célia - Musgos acrocárpicos do Estado de Rondônia
38523: Lobello, M. (ed.) - Aves no Pantanal / Birds in the Pantanal
39590: Lobley, J.L. - Geology for all
28411: Lobley, D. - Ships through the ages
33094: Loch, S. - Athos: the holy mountain
13592: Ward Lock - The Channel islands
29190: Beavan S & Lock M (eds.) - Devon bird Atlas 2007-2013
20830: Lock, R. - Plants of the humid tropics biome
37736: Lock, J.M. & Heald, J. - Legumes of Indo-China: a check-list
37735: Lock, J.M. & Simpson, K. - Legumes of West Asia: a check-list
27960: Locke, G.M.L. - Census of woodlands and trees 1979-82
10716: Lockhart, N., Hodgetts, N. & Holyoak, D. - Rare and threatened bryophytes of Ireland
39998: Lockhart, Sir R.B. - Scotch: the whisky of Scotland in fact and story
39683: Lockhart, J.G. (ed.) - The Quarterly Review vol. 36
39684: Lockhart, J.G. (ed.) - The Quarterly Review vol. 43
39682: Lockhart, J.G. (ed.) - The Quarterly Review vol. 34
35348: Lockley, R.M.; Tunnicliffe, C. (ill.) - Letters from Skokholm
33957: Lockley, R.M. - Wales
35349: Lockley, R.M.; Tunnicliffe, C. (ill.) - The island
35535: Lockley, R.M. - Shearwaters
35269: Lockley, R.M. - Puffins
35270: Lockley, R.M. - Shearwaters
42553: Lockley, R.M. - Islands round Britain
35368: Lockley, R. - Myself when young
35240: Lockley, R.M. - The island farmers
40037: Lockley, R.M. - Letters from Skokholm
41001: Lockley, R.M. - Puffins
29365: Lockley R - Birds & Islands: Travels in wild places
20594: Lockley, R.M.; Tunnicliffe, C.F. (ill.) - The Island
18545: Lockley, R.M. - Puffins
22199: Lockley, R.M. - The naturalist in Wales
23684: Lockley, R. - Birds and islands: travels in wild places
16249: Lockton, A., Whild, S. (eds.) - Rare plants of Shropshire
13830: Lockton, A. & Whild, S. - The flora and vegetation of Shropshire
33405: Lockton, A.J. & Whild, S.J. - Rare plants of Shropshire
33406: Lockton, A.J. & Whild, S.J. - Rare plants of Shropshire: a red data book of vascular plants
32735: Lockton, A. & Whild, S. - The flora and vegetation of Shropshire
12471: Lockton, A.J. & Whild, S.J. - Rare plants of Shropshire
32866: Lockwood, W.B. - The Oxford book of British bird names
29957: Lockwood, J.L., Hoopes, M. & Marchetti, M.P. - Invasion ecology
35241: Lockwood, W.B. - The Oxford book of British bird names
8428: Loconto, Paul R. - Trace environmental quantitative analysis: principles, techniques and applications
806: Lodge, R.B. - The birds and their story
35287: Lodge, G.E. - Memoirs of an artist naturalist
30594: Lodge, R.B. - The birds and their story
34888: Lodge, Sir O. - Modern scientific ideas, especially the idea of discontinuity
34889: Lodge, Sir O. - Past years
42393: Lodge, D. - Evelyn Waugh
42383: Lodge, D. - Graham Greene
35412: Loeb, E.M. - Sumatra, its history and people
33576: Loewenfeld, C. - Britain's wild larder: fungi
39824: Loewinson-Lessing, F.Y.; Tomkieff, S.I. (tr.) - A historical survey of petrology
28216: Löfgren, L. - Ocean birds: their breeding, biology and behaviour
17737: Lofthouse, J. - Lancashire countrygoer
26803: Logan, P. - Irish country cures
37291: Lohman, S.W. - The geologic story of Arches National Park
13556: Lomax, E. & Gunyon, T. (eds.) - A new and improved edition of Nicholson's dictionary of the science and practice of architecture, building, &c.
36642: Lomborg, B. - The skeptical environmentalist: measuring the real state of the world
6485: Royal Society of London - Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 20 only
17441: Linnean Society of London - Lectures on the development of taxonomy
42079: O'London, J. - Is it good English and like matters
30847: London N.H.S. - The birds of the London area
12041: Royal Society of London - Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society
35704: University of London - The calendar for the year 1887-8
28163: Royal Society of London - The greenhouse effect: the scientific basis for policy
39316: London Gardener, The - The London gardener or the gardener's intelligencer
39672: Société Royale de Londres - Abrégé des Transactions Philosophiques, première partie: histoire naturelle (t. 1 & 2 only)
34213: Long, A.G. - Hitherto
29440: Wege D C & Long A J - Key Areas for Threatened birds in the Neotropics
30571: Long, J.L. - Introduced birds of the world
16590: Long, J.L. - Introduced Birds of the World
35173: Long, A. & R. - A shipping venture: Turnbull Scott and company 1872-1972
30373: Long, W.J. - School of the woods
30950: Long, W.J. - Mother nature: a study of animal life and death
27324: Long, D. - Bizarre London
32398: Long, D. - Lost Britain
39173: Long, P. - Guide to rural Wales
26435: Longden, D. - Enough to make a cat laugh
26048: Longden, D. - A play on words
26049: Longden, D. - I'm a stranger here myself
30186: Longden, D. - Lost for words
40293: Longfellow, H.W. - Gems from Longfellow
25597: Longfellow, H.W. - The poetical works of Longfellow, including recent poems
22354: Longfellow; Smeaton, O. - Longfellow and his poetry
22671: Longford, E. - Byron's Greece
14236: Longford, Earl of - The dove in the castle: a collection of poems from the Irish
40295: Longley, M. - Collected poems
40294: Longley, E. (ed.) - The Bloodaxe book of 20th century poetry
21117: Longley, P.A. et al. - Geographic information systems and science
40296: Longley, M. - The ghost orchid
31960: Longman, K.A. & Jeník, J. - Tropical forest and its environment
33598: Longman, K.A. & Jeník, J. - Tropical forest and its environment
35828: Longman, J. - Among the heroes: the story of Flight 93 and the passengers and crew who fought back
8380: Longton, R.E. - Biology of polar bryophytes and lichens
7382: Longton, R.E. & Perry, A.R. (eds.) - British Bryological Society diamond jubilee
23256: Löns, H. - Grün ist die Heide
25936: Spillers; preface by Lord Lonsdale - Spillers dog book
19804: Loos, A. - Kiss Hollywood goodbye
21184: López, L., Cámara, H. - Senderos en la Selva Misionera
4399: Lopez Garcia, Angel - Fundamentos geneticos del lenguaje
23025: Lord, P. - The visual culture of Wales: medieval vision
20453: Lord, Tony - Gardening at Sissinghurst

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