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21302: Bade, T., Schroeff, O. v.d. - Water flows and cash flows
27222: Badger, G.M. (ed.) - Captain Cook, navigator and scientist
40854: Badger, G. - The genius of photography: How photography has changed our lives
24758: Badger, A.J. - Albert Gore, Sr.: a political life
39678: Badger, E.W. & Harrison, W.J. (eds.) - The Midland Naturalist
12299: Badham, C. - The history and antiquities of All Saints Church, Sudbury, and of the parish generally.
41727: Badmin, S.R. (ill.); Grigson, G. - Shell guide to trees and shrubs
32936: Baedeker, K. (ed.) - New York
41954: Baedeker - Baedeker's guide: Great Britain 1890
29696: Baedeker, K. - Great Britain II: Central England, Wales
32930: Baedeker, K. (ed.) - Greece: handbook for travellers
32938: Baedeker, K. (ed.) - United States, with an excursion into Mexico
32939: Baedeker, K. (ed.) - Manual of conversation in four languages (etc.)
13083: Baer, W. & Lack, H.W. - Pflanzen auf Porzellan 1750-1850.
31482: Baetens, R. - The chant of paradise: the Antwerp Zoo, 150 years of history
1363: Baeva, V.M. - _______ __________ ______ ___________ (Medicinal plants: principles of phytotherapy)
34317: Bagenal, T.B. - The Observer's book of freshwater fishes
26236: Bagenal, N.B. (ed.) - Fruit growing: modern cultural methods
22079: Bagenal, T.B. - Identification of British fishes
33423: Bagnall, J.E. - Handbook of mosses
14287: Bagot, R. - The lakes of northern Italy
36035: Bahn, P.G. (ed.) - The story of archaeology
18474: Bahrt, S. (ill.); Jex, H.S. - A wilderness of birds
22382: Baijnath, H. & McCracken, P.A. - Strelitzias of the world: a historical and contemporary exploration
27022: Baijnath, H. & McCracken, P.A. - Strelitzias of the world: a historical and contemporary exploration
25175: Baijnath, H. & Singh, Y. (eds.) - Rebirth of science in Africa
24590: Bail, M. - Eucalyptus
42497: Bail, M. - Eucalyptus
22321: Bailey, R.G. - Description of the ecoregions of the United States
41814: Bailey, A. - A view of Delft: Vermeer then and now
15735: Bailey, L.H. - How plants get their names
14553: Bailey, E. - Charles Lyell (British Men of Science)
27556: Bailey, S.W. - Hydrous phyllosilicates
29267: Bailey J - Collins internet-linked dictionary of botany
17063: Bailey, P.S. - Ozone reactions with organic compounds
41207: Bailey, B. - Stone villages of England
27553: Bailey, S.W. et al. - Micas
661: Bailey, Liberty Hyde - Manual of cultivated plants
31511: Bailey, C. - De Lamarck's Evening Primrose (Oenothera Lamarkiana) on the sandhills of St Annes-on-the-sea, North Lancashire
37003: Bailey, A. - John Constable, a kingdom of his own
32291: Bailey, L.H. & E.Z. - Hortus Third: a concise dictionary of plants cultivated in the United States and Canada
23562: Bailey, K. - Bonnie Prince Charlie
35387: Bailie, J.M. (ed.) - The Hamlyn crossword dictionary
37400: Baillie, G.H.; Loomes, B. - Watchmakers and clockmakers of the world, 2 vols.
27804: Baillie, J.E.M. et al. (eds.) - 2004 IUCN red list of threatened species: a global species assessment
34614: Bain, I. - Thomas Bewick: a memoir
30026: Bain K - St Helena: The island, her people and their ship.
12633: Bain, F.W. - The Descent of the Sun
12632: Bain, F.W. - A Mine of Faults
36228: Bain, I. (ed.) - Thomas Bewick, my life
36227: Bain, I. - Thomas Bewick: an illustrated record of his life and work
33887: Bainbridge, C. - The Bront‘s and their country
29739: Bainbridge, B. - The birthday boys
31241: Baines, C. - How to make a wildlife garden
30809: Baines, C. - How to make a wildlife garden
40909: Baines, E. - History , directory and gazetteer of the county palatine of Lancaster (etc.), 2 v.
31512: Baines, T. - Greenhouse & stove plants (etc.)
14865: Bains, W. - Biotechnology from A to Z
26347: Bajus, M. - Petrochemistry
24727: Bakan, J. - The corporation: the pathological pursuit of profit and power
566: Baker, Margaret - Discovering topiary: the history and cultivation of clipped hedges and trees
32905: Baker, J.F. - Wildflowers of western Australia
30276: Baker, Sir S.W. - The Albert N'yanza great basin of the Nile (etc.)
697: Baker, Ivan - Complete vegetarian recipe book
32139: Baker, H.G. - Plants and civilization
17064: Baker, W.A., Pick, H.J. et al. - Avoidance of failures in fabrication and service
36533: Baker, M.N. - The quest for pure water
10503: Baker, J.R. - Parasitic protozoa
32326: Baker, J.G. & Nowell, John - A supplement to Baines' Flora of Yorkshire, with a map
42283: Baker, R. St. B. - I planted trees
27665: Baker, J.M. - Marine ecology and oil pollution
26987: Baker, H.A. & Oliver, E.G.H. - Ericas in southern Africa
10158: Baker, J.G. - A flora of the English Lake District
30771: Baker, J.R. - Man and animals in the New Hebrides
17596: Baker, K.F., Cook, R.J. - Biological control of plant pathogens
32409: Baker, B., Harpur, J. & M. - Dream gardens of Englan
36953: Baker, C.J. - Catalogue of oil paintings, watercolours, drawings and sculpture in the permanent collection
33681: Baker, H.A. & Oliver, E.G.H. - Ericas in southern Africa
20641: Bakewell, J. - Stop the clocks
36242: Bakewell, M. - Lewis Carroll: a biography
39742: Bakewell, R. - An introduction to geology
39519: Bakewell, R.; Müller, K.H. (tr.) - Einleitung in die Geologie nebst einer Geologie und Mineralgeographie von England
16434: Bakken, Runde & Tjorve. - Norsk Ringmerkings Atlas, Vol. 1. / Norwegian ringing atlas
20093: Bakker, J. & Clarke, R.J. - Wine, flavour chemistry
24394: Balajka, P. - Art Nouveau in Prague
11961: Balance, P.F. & Reading, H.G. (eds.) - Sedimentation in Oblique-slip Mobile Zones
25134: Balandin, S.A. et al. - The Linnaean collection of the herbarium of Moscow State University
11206: Balcarres, Lord - The evolution of Italian sculpture
41625: Balchin, W.G.V. (ed.) - Swansea and its region
34079: Baldacchino, G. (ed.) - A world of islands
34141: Baldacchino, G. (ed.) - Extreme tourism: lessons from the world's cold water islands
29107: Baldock, D., Beaufoy, G., Brouwer, F. & Godeschalk, F. - Farming at the margins: abandonment or redeployment of agricultural land in Europe
38748: Baldock, D.W. - Grasshoppers and crickets of Surrey
38749: Baldock, D.W. - Bees of Surrey
22852: Baldry, H.C. - The Greek tragic theatre
34834: Baldwin, J. - William Hunter, 1718-1783: book collector
28806: Baldwin, J. (compiler) - A guide to the major collections in the department of special collections
33304: Baldwin, S.A. - John Ray (1627-1705) Essex naturalist
40855: Baldwin, G. - Looking at photographs: a guide to technical terms
40856: Baldwin, G. et al. - Masterpieces of the j. Paul Getty Museum: photographs
25204: Baldwin, E. - An introduction to comparative biochemistry
24521: Balen, M. - A very English deceit: the secret history of the South Sea Bubble and the first great financial scandal
21499: Balfour, J.H. - Class book of botany (etc.)
21503: Balfour, J.H. - Class book of botany (etc.)
29268: Balfour A P - Annual and biennial flowers
13394: Balfour, J.H. - Introduction to the study of palaeontological botany
29899: Balfour, J.H. - A manual of botany (etc.)
23581: Balfour, D. - Okavango, an African paradise
26353: Balfour, J. - Good cooking
37944: Van Balgooy, M.M.J. - Plant-geography of the Pacific
35443: Van Balgooy, M.M.J., Low, Y.W., Wong, K.M. - Spot-characters for the identification of Malesian seed plants: a guide
35442: Van Balgooy, M.M.J. - Malesian seed plants, vol. 1: spot-characters
37997: Balick, M.J., Nee, M.H. & Alha, D.E. - Checklist of the vascular plants of Belize, with common names and uses
38803: Balick, M.J. & Henderson, A. - Field guide to the palms of Belize
38703: Balick, M.J. - Rodale's 21st century herbal
39015: Balick, M.J. et al. - Jessenia and Oenocarpus: neotropical oil palms worthy of domestication
12653: Ball, W.V. (ed.) - Reminiscences and letters of Sir Robert Ball
41416: Ball, E. - Slaves in the family
13789: Ball, S. - Wild flowers of eastern Andalucia
31425: Ball, D.F. - The soils and land use of the district around Rhyl and Denbigh
12650: Ball, Sir R.S. - Star-Land
19088: Ball, J.; Valentine-Richards, A.V. (ed.) - The central Alps, part 1
39296: Ball, C. - A splendour of succulents and cacti
18438: Ball, J.; Coolidge, W.A.B. - The western Alps
42071: Ballantyne, R.M. - Martin Rattler
25891: Ballantyne, R.M. - The dog Crusoe; the story of adventure in the Western Prairies
25890: Ballantyne, R.M. - The dog Crusoe
37591: Van Ballgooy, M.M.J. - Vegetation sketch of the Aru islands
35672: Balliol College; Elliott, Sir I. - The Balliol College register, 1833-1933
35673: Balliol College; Elliott, Sir I. - The Balliol College register, 1900-1950
27857: Balls, E.K. - Early uses of California plants
31696: Balmer, E. - Elton John: the illustrated biography
40744: Balshaw, C. - Stranger's guide and complete directory to Altrincham (etc.)
34058: Balslev, H. & Friis, I. (eds.) - Tropical plant collections: legacies from the past? Essential tools for the future?
39027: Balslev, H. & Luteyn, J.L. (eds.) - Paramo: an Andean ecosystem under human influence
24206: De Balzac, H. - Eugénie Grandet
7990: De Balzac, H. (comp.); trl. by Alec Brown, ill. by Mervyn Peake - Droll stories collected in the monasteries of Touraine and given to the light by H. de Balzac
23798: Balzano, R. - Garibaldi: his life, his home
13804: Banacha, J.; photos by A. M_odzianowski, edited by K. Olsza_ski - Kraków: cztery pory roku (Krakow: four seasons)
37892: Bancroft, H. - The arborescent habit in angiosperms: a review
35591: Bancroft, B.B. - Obituary of the author and two papers by him
9385: Bandinelli, R.B., Caffarelli, E.V. & Caputo, G. - The buried city: excavations at Leptis Magna
38952: Banfi, E., Quattrlcchi, U. - Piante rustiche tropicali
31024: Bang, P. - Collins guide to animal tracks and signs
8242: Bangs, Richard & Kallen, Christian - Islands of fire, islands of spice: exploring the wild places of Indonesia
19689: Banister, K. & Campbell, A. (eds.) - The encyclopaedia of underwater life
38236: World Bank - Making development sustainable
21461: World Bank - World Bank participation sourcebook
39697: Bankes, H. - Henry Bankes's treatise on lithography
38616: Banks, R.E.R., Elliott, B., Hawkes, J.G., King-=Hele, D. & Lucas, G. Ll. (eds.) - Sir Joseph Banks: a global perspective
22148: Banks, R.C. et al. - Checklist of vertebrates of the US, the US territories, and Canada
27147: Banks, R. - Old cottage garden flowers
30205: Banks, G.L. - The Manchester man
42563: Banks, L. - The Manchester man
16435: Bannerman, D.A. - The Birds of the British Isles.
9614: Bannerman, D.A. & Lodge, G.E. (illustrator) - The birds of the British Isles vol. 7, Anatidae (conclusion)
18476: Bannerman, D.A. - The birds of west and equatorial Africa (2 v.)
27858: ________, _._. / Bannikov, A.G. - _______ _____ ____ [Red data book of USSR]
16903: Bannikov, A.G. (ed.) - Transactions of the IX international congress of game biologists
42335: Bannister, A. & Raymond, S. - Surveying
24177: Banti, A. - Artemisia
38142: Banuri, T.& Marglin, F.A> - Who will save the forests?
36126: Banyard, P.J. - Natural wonders of the world
21304: Baran, E. & Tous, P. - Artisanal fishing, sustainable development and co-management of resources
21144: Barange, M. et al. (eds.) - Marine ecosystems and global change
38291: _______, _._. _ ______, _._. / Baranov, P.A. & Bobrov, E.G. - __ ____________ _______ __ _____________ _________ / Ot aptekarskogo ogoroda do botanicheskogo instituta (From the apothecaries' garden to the botanical institute)
33281: Barbaut, F. - La route des Abbayes en Normandie
30609: Barbeau, M. - Totem poles: totem poles according to location
35784: Barbeau, A. - Life and letters at Bath in the eighteenth century
27509: Barber, D.J. & Meredith, P.G. (eds.) - Deformation Processes in Minerals, Ceramics & Rocks.
25620: Barber, R. (tr. & intro.); Fuller, T. - Fuller's worthies
31243: Barber, D. - Farming & wildlife: a study in compromise
33402: Barber, D. - Farming & wildlife: a study in compromise
20670: Barber, L. - The heyday of natural history
35363: Barber, Derek (ed.) - Farming and wildlife: a study in compromise
30931: Barber, L. - The heyday of natural history 1820-1870
9656: Barber, L. - The heyday of natural history
10145: Barber, C.T. - A geologist in the service of the Raj
36218: Barber, C.T. - A geologist in the service of the Raj
31547: Barber, R. (ed.) - The Pastons: a family in the Wars of the Roses
31548: Barber, R. (ed.) - The life and campaigns of the Black Prince
25615: Barber, R. (tr. & intro.) - Bestiary: being an English version of the Bodleian Library, Oxford M.S. Bodley 764 with all the original miniatures reproduced in facsimile
34598: Barber, C.T. - A geologist in the service of the Raj
21305: Barber, C.V., Miller, K.R. & Boness, M. - Securing protected areas in the face of global change: issues and strategies
27889: Barbery, J. - Une année de grenouilles
27927: Barbier, E.B., Burgess, J.C. & Folke, C. - Paradise lost? The ecological economics of biodiversity
37706: Barbosa Rodrigues, J. - Sertum Palmarum Brasiliensiium Tomos 1 e 2
15554: Barbour, A. & S. - Wild flora of the northeast
32111: Barbour, T. - Naturalist at large
19058: Barbour, P.L. - Pocahontas and her world
13835: Ajuntament de Barcelona - Barcelona spaces and sculptures (1982-1986)
16771: Barclay-Smith, P.; Gould, J. - British birds on lake, river and stream
33151: Barclay, C. - Crete: Checklist of the vascular plants
35502: Barclay-Smith, P. - A book of ducks
23364: Bárdarson, H.R. - êsland / Iceland / Islande
40802: Bardèche, M. & Brasillach, R. - The history of motion pictures
35407: Bardwell, M. - Amateur cinematography
40101: Barfield, O. - Poetic diction: a study in meaning
41886: Barfield, O. - History in English words
25691: Barfoot, J.R. - The progress of cotton
40102: Baring-Gould, W.S. - The lure of the limerick
8193: Barker, Ernest (tr.) - The politics of Aristotle
4918: Barker, Jerry R. & Tingey, David T. - Air pollution efffects on biodiversity
42498: Barker, P. - Life class
40416: Barker, N. (ed.) - Printing and the mind of man
29269: Barker N - Beyond Endurance: An epic of Whitehall and South Atlantic Conflict
41447: Barker, G. & Hodges, R. - Archaeology in the Peak National Park
40415: Barker, N. - The Oxford University Press and the spread of learning: an illustrated history
17422: Barker, E. - Macedonia: its place in Balkan power politics
37621: Barker, N. (ed.); Besler, B. - Hortus Eystettensis: the Bishop's Garden and Besler's magnificent book
35904: Barker, T.C. - The glassmakers: Pilkington, 1826-1976
41321: Barker, W. (ed.) - Your city: Manchester 1838-1938
41300: Barker, C. - Portraits of poets
26154: Barker, R.E. - Photocopying practices in the United Kingdom
36049: Barker, D.W. - In search of a hidden landscape
23880: Barker, P. - The. Ghost road
13706: Barkham, J.P., Gear, S., Hawksworth, D.L. & Messenger, K.G. - Foula, Shetland, vol. 2: the flora of Foula
19416: Barkley, S. - Trees of Westonbirt School
38312: Barkworth, M.E, Capels, K.M., Long, S. & Piep. M.B. (eds.) - Flora of North America north of Mexico vol. 25: Poaceae part 2
26716: Barlee, A. - On our hill
35205: Barlee, J. - Birds on the wing
41989: Barman, C. - An introduction to railway architecture
9244: Barnard, C.J. (ed.) - Producers and scroungers: strategies of exploitation and parasitism
33397: Barnard, F. Pierrepont, Shepard, T. - Arms & blazons of the colleges of Oxford
38866: Barnard, E.S. - New York City trees: a field guide for the metropolitan area
31636: Barnard, H.C. - A history of English education from 1760
27596: Barnard, C. - Animal behaviour: mechanism, development, function and evolution
39984: Barnard, A. - The whisky distilleries of the United Kingdom
4928: Barnard, C. - Grasses and grasslands
39983: Barnard, A. - The whisky distilleries of Scotland
42220: Barnardo, Dr - Pictures: the new volume of ""Bubbles""
42221: Barnardo, Dr - Bubbles (vol. 2)
21145: Barne, J.H. et al. - Coasts and seas of the United Kingdom, region 5. North-east England, Berwick on Tweed to Filey Bay
37715: Barneby, Rupert C. & Grimes, J.W. - Silk Tree, Guaacaste, Monkey's Earring: a generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas
15241: Barneby, T.P. - European alpine flowers in colour
427: Barneby, Rupert C. - Sensitivae censitae: a description of the genus Mimosa Linnaeus (Mimosaceae) in the New World
37652: Barneby, Rupert C. - Sensitivae censitae: a description of the genus Mimosa Linnaeus (Mimosaceae) in the New World
37721: Barneby, Rupert C. - Daleae imagines
33682: Barneby, T.P. - European alpine flowers in colour
14950: Barnes, R.S.K. & Hughes, R.N. - An introduction to marine ecology
14867: Barnes, C. - Animal science in action
27212: Barnes, J. & T.; Whiting, J. - Misericords in Sussex: a photographic record
14811: Barnes, R.S.K. - The brackish-water fauna of northwestern Europe
39521: Barnes, C.L. - Rock history: a concise note-book of geology
4554: Barnes, Julian - Arthur & George
30733: Barnes, S. - Ten million aliens
41984: Barnes, R. et al. (ill.) - My own picture book
33228: Barnes, J. & T., Whiting, J. - Misericords in Sussex: a photographic record
42564: Barnes, K. - The sense of an ending
23510: Barnes, W. - Selected poems
18477: Barnes, J.A.G. - The titmice of the British Isles
20306: Barnes, J. - Basic geological mapping
33859: Barnes, S. - Flying in the face of nature
14259: Barnett, M.J., Gilpin, H.G. & Metcalf, L.J. (eds.) - A garden century: the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, 1863-1963
24936: Barnett, A. - This time: our constitutional revolution
36587: Barnett, A. - The human species
27749: Barnett. S.A. (ed.) - A century of Darwin
16437: Barnett, J.M. & Pearman, M. - Lista Comentada de las Aves Argentinas / Annotated checklist of the birds of Argentina
12035: Barnett, S.A. - A study in behaviour
21054: Barnett, J.M. - Lista comentada de las Aves Argentinas
14244: Barnett, L.D. - A supplementary catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali, and Prakrit books in the library of the British Museum acquired during the years 1892-1906
8873: Barnewall, Richard Vaughan & Alderson, Edward Hall - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, with tables of the names of the cases and the principal matters: vol. 1
14631: Baron, W.M.M. - Physiological aspects of water and plant life
19014: Barr, P. - A curious life for a lady: the story of Isabella Bird, traveller extraordinary
35538: Barraclough, G. (ed.) - The Times atlas of world history
40520: Barraclough, G.; Stone, N. (editor of 3rd edition) - Atlas of world history
33514: Barraclough, G. (ed.) - The Times concise atlas of world history
25792: Barraclough, G - The crucible of Europe
36795: Fundación Zoologico de Barranquilla - Planet zoo 2009 report
29709: Barrett, J. & Yonge, C.M. - Collins pocket guide to the sea shore
31025: Barrett, John & Yonge, C.M. - Collins pocket guide to the sea shore
42499: Barrett, A. - Servants of the map
28089: Barrett, A. - Non-governmental organisation attitudes to wildlife utilisation in Africa
30277: Barrett-Hamilton, H.E.; Wilson, E.A. (ill.), 3 vols. - A history of British Mammals: vol. 1, Bats; vol. 2, Land Mammals (Insectivora); vol. 3(contents etc.).
38375: Barretto, G., Cribb, P. & Gate, S. - The wild orchids of Hong Kong
20669: Barrie, A. - The professional's book of Koi
30207: Barrie, J.M. - The plays of J.M. Barrie
40950: Barrie, J.M. - George Meredith
35206: Barrington, R. - The bird gardener's book
12988: Barrington, E.J.W. - Invertebrate structure and function
36650: Barrington, E.J.W. - Hormones and evolution
19815: ""A barrister"" - Justice in England
37117: Barron, R.A. - The Finch Foundry Trust and Sticklepath museum of rural industry
24036: Barrow, R.H. - The Romans
28712: Barrow, J.D. - The origin of the universe
25275: Barrow, S. - A revision of Phoenix
23427: Barrow, R. - Athenian democracy
33448: Barruol, G., Rouquette, J.-M. - Itinéraires romans en Provence
38290: ________, _._. / Barsegyan, A.M. (chief editor) et al. - _____, _____________ _ ____________ _______ _________ ___ / Flora, vegetation and plant resources of the Armenian S.S.R.
13409: Bartell, E. - Hints for picturesque improvements in ornamented cottages and their scenery (etc.)
39953: Barth, H., Mack, D. & Voss, E. - Wagner: a documentary study
18252: Barth, A. - Insects and flowers: the biology of a partnership
13008: Barthel, K.W. - Die obertithonische, regressive Flachwasser-Phase der Neuburger Folge in Bayern
32005: Barthélemy, J.-P. & Guénoche, A. - Trees and proximity representations
30278: Barthélemy, J.-J. - Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce vers le lilieu du quatrième siècle avan l'ère vulgaire
35540: Bartholemew - Bartholemew's reference atlas of Greater London
28795: Bartholemew - 1996 map of Ireland
28798: Bartholemew - Handy map of Dublin
11165: Bartholemew - Quarter inch map of Ireland: Belfast and N.E. Counties
27463: Bartholemew - Madeira holiday. Map
11265: Bartholemew - Dublin - Roscommon Quarter Inch contoured
10996: Bartholemew, James - Lake District walking map
27462: Bartholemew - Scotland touring map
36819: Bartholemew, J. - World Atlas
11266: Bartholemew - Cork - Killarney Quarter Inch contoured
21918: Bartholemew - North-East Africa
33542: Bartlett, M. - Gentians
25962: Bartlett, M. - Gentians
30486: Bartlett, M. - Gentians
40915: Bartlett, J.; Beck, E.M. (ed.) - Bartlett's familiar quotations
9448: Bartling, F.T. - Ordines Naturales Plantarum: eorumque characteres et affinitates adjecta generum enumeratione
42046: Bartók, B. - Mikrokosmos (piano solo)
37335: Barton, D.B. - A history of the Cornish china-clay industry
37336: Barton, D.B. - A history of copper mining in Devon and Cornwall
35785: Barton, G. & Babb, J. - ""Who does want to kill anyone?"": the story of conscientious objectors in Mid-Staffordshire and the Black Country during the First World War
22178: Barton, R. - Atlas of the sea
37334: Barton, D.B. - Copper mining in Cornwall
21306: Barton, T., Borrini-Feyerabend, G., Sherbinin, A. de & Warren, P. - Our people, our resources
4316: Barton, Frank Townend - Light horses and light horse keeping
15441: Bartram, J.; Hunt, J.D. (ed.) - Bartram's garden catalogue of North American plants 1783
8363: Bartram, Edwin B. - Mosses of Guatemala
14095: Bartram, E.B. - Mosses of Guatemala
14096: Bartram, E.B. - Manual of Hawaiian mosses
40417: Bartram, A. - Five hundred years of book design
30861: Bartram, W. - Travels
19015: Bartram, J. - An account of the two hundredth anniversary of the first botanic garden in the American colonies
16792: Bartram, E.B. - Mosses of Dominica and Mosses of the Ecuadorian Andes collected by P.R. Bell
17675: Bartram, E.B. - Northwestern Himalayan mosses II.
23528: Bartsch, K.; de Boor, H. (ed.) - Das Nibelungen Lied
35786: Barty-King, H. - New flame: the illustrated history of piped gas (etc.)
29494: Baru_, V. et al. - Fauna _SFR: Oboj_ivelníci (Amphibia)
37633: Barwick, M. - Tropical & subtropical trees: a worldwide encyclopaedic guide
40916: Barzun, J. (ed.); Follett, W. - Modern American usage: a guide
41322: Barzun, J. - From dawn to decadence
41567: Barzun, J. - Berlioz and his century
8983: Basan, P.B. (ed.) - Trace fossil concepts
40418: Basbanes, N.A. - A gentle madness
42424: Basbanes, N.A. - Patience & fortitude
42259: Bascom, W. - A hole in the bottom of the sea
22601: Matsu Bash_ - The narrow road to the deep north and other travel sketches
36518: Baskerville, J. (intro.) Nelson and Norfolk: Norfolk celebrates -
2901: Baskin, Yvonne - A plague of rats and rubber-vines: the growing threat of species invasions
32483: Basnett, S. - Spirit of Mann
32482: Basnett, S. - Visions of Mann
31688: Basquette, L. - How to raise and train a Great Dane
40695: Bassett, T.M. & Davies, B.L. (eds.) - Atlas of Caernarvonshire
9062: Bassett, M., Edwards, D. - Fossil plants from Wales
9063: Bassett, M., Owens, R.M. - Fossil tracks and trails
41644: Bassett, M.G. - Formed stones', folklore and fossils
39868: Bassett, D.A. - A source-book of geological, geomorphological and soil maps for Wales and the Welsh Borders
41208: Bassett, M.G. & Lawson, J.D. (eds.) - Autecology of Silurian organisms
41645: Bassett, M.G. - Formed stones', folklore and fossils
29654: Bastin, S.L. - Flowerless plants: how and where they grow
31833: Bastin, S.L. - How to know the ferns
9280: Hortus Botanicus Lugduno-Batavus - Delectus Seminum
33881: Batchelor, M. (compiled by) - The Lion Christian Poetry Collection
13009: Batchelor, R.A. - Geology at St. Andrews: an historical record
13010: Batchelor, R.A.; Drever, H.I. - Geology at St. Andrews
34652: Bate, J. - John Clare: a biography
25983: Bate, S. & Clarke, G. - Shades from the Sky vol. 1
41471: Bate, J. - John Clare, a biography
36101: Bate, J. - The genius of Shakespeare
35550: Bateman, J.F. La Trobe - History and description of the Manchester waterworks
30280: Bateman, G.C. - Fresh-water aquaria
30027: Bateman R - Birds
14522: Bates, M. & Humphrey, P.S. (eds.) - The Darwin reader
9911: Bates, F.A. - Dingle stalk
28014: Bates, R.S.P. & Lowther, E.H.N. - Breeding birds of Kashmir
34439: Bates, R.L. - Pandora's bauxite: the best of Bates
23390: Bates, D. - The companion guide to Devon & Cornwall
39194: Bates, H.E.; Tunnicliffe, C.F. (ill.) - In the heart of the country
36102: Bates, H.E. - The purple plain
29580: Bates, F.A. - Dingle Stalk
20668: Bateson, W. (ed.) - Pitman's municipal office organisation and management
6965: Batey, Mavis; photographs by Hugh Palmer - The historic gardens of Oxford & Cambridge
22182: Bather, F.A. et mult. al. - Animals of all countries (part 3 only)
39430: Batsford, H. & Fry, C. - The face of Scotland
36703: Battarbee, R.W., Mason, Sir John, Renberg, I & Talling, J.F. (eds.) - Palaeolimnology and lake acidification
24477: Battelle, J. - The search: how google and its rivals rewrote the rules (etc.)
41731: Batten, H.M. (ed.) - W. & A.K. Johnston's tracks of British birds
16438: Batten, L.A., Bibby, C.J., Clement, P., Elliott, G.D. & Porter, R.F. (eds). - Red Data Birds in Britain.
31001: Batten, H.M. - Romances of the wild
35207: Batten, L. et al.; Willis, I. (ill.) - Birdwatchers' year
31498: Battie, D. (intro.) - The antiques handbook
40419: Battles, M. - Library: an unquiet history
35787: Batts, J.S. - British manuscript diaries of the nineteenth century
19211: Batty, J. - Bantams
35905: Batty, F.A. (ed.) - 12th annual conference, Middleton-St.-George, Teeside
22088: Bauer, K. (ed.) - Vögel und Säugetiere Österreichs
40011: Baughan, P.E. - A regional history of the railways of Great Britain, vol. 11: North And Mid Wales
18208: Baumann, H. & Künkele, S. - Die Gattung Serapias: eine taxonomische Übersicht
19886: Baumberg, S., Hunter, I.S. & Rhodes, P.M. (eds.) - Microbial products: new approaches
32081: Bavcon, J. - _afrani (Crocus L.) v Sloveniji / Crocus (Crocus L.) in Slovenia
25882: Bawcutt, N.W. (ed.); Shakespeare, W. - Measure for measure
32189: Bawden, F.C. - Plant diseases
17597: Bawden, F.C. - Plant diseases
24178: Bawden, N. - A woman of my age
26653: Bax, C. - Friendship
555: Baxter, J.D. - The witch of Pendle: a play of Tudor days
13785: Baxter, J.M. & Galbraith, C.A. - Species management: challenges and solutions for the 21st century
32352: Baxter, C. (ill.) - Scotland from the air
27612: Baxter, D.J. - Missions of California
20421: Baxter, J. - The library of agricultural and horticultural knowledge (etc.)
32351: Baxter, C. (ill.) - West Highland landscape
23561: Baxter, C. & Crumley, J. - St. Kilda: a portrait of Britain's remotest island landscape
23739: Baxter, E.V. & Rintoul, L.J. - The birds of Scotland: their history, distribution, and migration (2 vols.)
32907: Bayer, E., Buttler, K.P., Finkenzeller, X. & Grau, J. - Guide de la flora méditerranéenne
37384: Baylen, J.O., Gossman, N.J. - Biographical dictionary of modern British radicals, vol. 1: 1770-1830
39917: Bayles, T. (tr.); Inoue, S. - Yuni Garden
20296: Bayley, P.C. - University College Oxford: a guide and brief history
36224: Bayliffe, D.M. & Harding, J.N. - Starling Benson of Swansea
29909: Baylis, J. & Smith, S. - The globalization of world politics
20636: Bayliss-Smith, T.P. - The ecology of agricultural systems
9352: Bayne, Charles S.; illustrated by C.G. Tunnicliffe - Exploring England: an introduction to nature craft
20105: Baynton-Williams, A. - Town and city maps of the British Isles 1800-1855
36820: Baynton-Williams, A. & M. - New worlds: maps from the age of discovery
11709: Baytop, A. - Istanbul Üniversitesi Eczacilik Fakültesi Herbaryumundaki Türkiye Bitkileri vol. 1: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones
18333: Bazin, G. - A gallery of flowers
28514: Bazin, G. - Paradeisos: the art of the garden
23403: Bazin, J.-F. - Wonderful Burgundy
28995: BB [Watkins-Pitchford, D J] - The idle countryman
28555: BBC - The real food of China
28662: BBC - BBC Year Book 1933
25982: BBC - Improve your Welsh
25981: BBC - Welsh for beginners
39383: Jaramillo A.; Burke P. & Beadle D. (ill.) - Field guide to the birds of Chile including the Antarctic Peninsula, the Falkland Islands and South Georgia
36201: Beadnell, C.M. - Dictionary of scientific terms
18049: Beagan, G. - Vixen
21585: Beale, L.S. - How to work with the microscope
36322: Beale, C.H. (ed.) - Catherine Hutton and her friends
39297: Beale, P. - Classic roses
18478: Beaman, M. - Palearctic birds
25781: Beamish, T. - Battle royal
8251: Beamont, Cyril W. - A short history of ballet
41774: Beamont, W. - Annals of the lords of Warrington and Bewsey
22663: Bean, G.E. - Aegean Turkey
32361: Bean, W.J. - Trees and shrubs hardy in the British Isles (3 vols.)
22662: Bean, G.E. - Turkey beyond the Maeander
31846: Bean, W.J. - Trees & shrubs hardy in the British Isles (4 v.)
10554: Bean, W.J. - Trees and shrubs hardy in the British isles A-E (vol. 1 only)
22604: Bean, G.E. - Turkey's southern shore
39786: Beanland, W.A. - The history of the Royal Institution of South Wales, Swansea 1835-1935
13410: Beard, G. - The work of Robert Adam
13411: Beard, G. - Georgian craftsmen and their work
23083: Beard, G. - The work of Robert Adam
18645: Beard, K.C. & Dawson, M.R. (eds.) - Dawn of the age of mammals in Asia
25651: Beare, G. (ed.) - Short stories from the 'Strand'
39298: Beare, P. O'S.; O'Sullivan, D.C. (tr.) - The natural history of ireland
42540: Beaton, C. - British photographers
39028: Beaton, K. de P. (foreword) - Uganda national parks
33271: Beattie, A. & Pepper, T. - The rough guide to Syria
37894: Beattie, A.J. - The evolutionary ecology of ant-plant mutualisms
37839: Beattie, A.J. - The evolutionary ecology of ant-plant mutualisms
33917: Beattie, C. - The really useful guide to vitamins, minerals, herbs and nutrients
39029: Beattie, A. & Ehrlich, P.R. - Wild solutions
27425: Beatty, B. - Along the great divide
10484: Beaucamp-Markowsky, B. - Collection of 18th century porcelain boxes / Sammlung von Porzellandosen des 18. Jahrhunderts
15831: Beauchamp, W.M. (ed.) - Journal of a botanical excursion É by Frederick Pursh
33974: Beauchamp, W.M. (ed.) - Journal of a botanical excursion É by Frederick Pursh
33883: Beaudelaire, C.; Wagner, C. (tr.) - Selected poems
24912: De Beaufort, L.F. et al.; Rutten, L.M.R. (ed.) - Science in the Netherlands East Indies
36704: De Beaufort, L.F. - Zoogeography of the land and inland waters
26541: Beaumont, W. - Tales of Moortop
39545: De Beaumont, M.L.E. - Rapport sur les progrès de la stratigraphie
30208: Beaumont, F. & Fletcher, J. - Philaster, or love lies a-bleeding
5404: Beazley, F.C. - Notes on Shotwick in the County of Chester
35343: Beazley, E. & Howell, P. - The companion guide to North Wales
41725: Beazley, E. & Brett, L. - North Wales: a Shell guide
34894: Beazley, E. - Madocks and the wonder of Wales
40012: Beazley, E. & Howell, P. - The companion guide to North Wales
41119: Beazley, A. - Next steps in cross stitch
29562: Bec, S.; Sioen, G. (photographs) - Villages in Provence: plural and singular
7367: Becher, Karl; Klebs, Arnold C. (introduction) - A catalogue of early herbals, mostly from the well-known library of Dr Karl Becher, Karlsbad
8791: Bechtel, H., Cribb, P., Launert, E. - The manual of cultivated orchid species
12821: Bechtold, F. (tr. by H.E.G. Tyndale) - Nanga Parbat adventure
41301: Beck, T. - The art of Edward S. Curtis: photographs from The North American Indian
23459: Manfred Becker (ed.) - Stra§e der Romantik
23172: Becker, E. e al. (eds.); Prettejohn, E. et al. - Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
37895: Becker, K.M. - A comparison of Angiosperm classification systems
33220: Beckett, W., Pattison, G. - Pains of glass: the story of the Passion from King's College chapel, Cambridge
27042: Beckett, E. - Illustrated flora of Mallorca
27148: Beckett, K.A. - The concise encyclopedia of garden plants
30209: Beckett, S. - End-game
12376: Beckett, R.B. (ed.) - John Constable's correspondence III: correspondence with C.R. Leslie, R.A.
4528: Beckett, Chris & Inger, Simon - Self-archiving and journal subscriptions: co-existence or competition?
26238: Beckett, K.A. - The complete book of evergreens
24350: Beckett, E. - Wild flowers of Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza
26239: Beckett, K.A. - Growing hardy perennials
12374: Beckett, R.B. (ed.) - John Constable's correspondence: the family at East Bergholt 1807-1837
12375: Beckett, R.B. (ed.) - John Constable's correspondence II: early friends and Maria Bicknell (Mrs. Constable)
37004: Beckett, R.B. (ed.) - John Constable's correspondence: the family at East Bergholt 1807-1837
37102: Beckinsale, R.P. & Chorley, R.J. - The history of the study of landforms (vol. 3 only)
12654: Beckman, J.E. & Phillips, J.P. (eds.) - Submillimetre wave astronomy
36132: Beckmann, J. - A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins (2 v.)
25893: Beddoes, C.E.W. - His excellency the dog
36192: Bedford, L.J.P. (preface) - The city of Bath, Somerset, England, 1961 official guide book
20148: De La Bédoyère, G. (ed.) - The diary of John Evelyn
20159: De La Bédoyère, G. (ed.) - Particular friends: the correspondence of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn
31155: Beebee, T. & Griffiths, R. - Amphibians and reptiles
36220: Beeby-Thompson, A. - Oil pioneer
17616: Beecham, Sir Thomas - A mingled chime
1640: Beeching, H.C. (new edition by W. Skeat) - The poetical works of John Milton
12383: Beedham, G.E. - Identification of the British mollusca
31929: Beeftink, W.G., Rozema, J. & Huiskes, A.H.L. - Ecology of coastal vegetation
16439: Beehler, B.M. - Upland birds of Northeastern New Guinea
35474: Beehler, B.M. - A naturalist in New Guinea
21772: Beek, J. & Frissel, M.J. - Simulation of nitrogen behaviour in soils
24990: Beekman, E.M. (tr.); Rumphius - The poison tree
21307: Beeley, F. - Planet earth: the future
25110: Beentje, H. & Bandeira, S. - Field guide to the mangrove trees of Africa and Madagascar
38410: Beer, S. - An exultation of skylarks in prose and poetry
34146: De Beer, J.H. & McDermott, M.J. - The economic value of non-timber forest products in southeast Asia
35017: De Beer, G.R. - Sir Hans Sloane and the British Museum
19646: De Beer, Sir G. - Charles Darwin
30445: De Beer, G. - Early travellers in the Alps
34422: De Beer, G.R. (intro.) - Lectures on the development of taxonomy
37099: De Beer, G.R. - Early travellers in the Alps
1241: De Beer, Gavin - A handbook on evolution
37098: De Beer, G.R. - Alps and men
36659: De Beer, Sir G. - Embryos and ancestors
23991: Beerbohm, M. - Zuleika Dobson, or an Oxford love story
26718: Beesley, S. & Wilde, J. - Urban flora of Belfast
22304: Beesley, S. & Wilde, J. - Urban flora of Belfast
13719: Beesley, S. & Wilde, J. - Urban flora of Belfast
40857: Beesley, I. (photos); De Figueiredo, P. (intro.) - Victorian Manchester and Salford
42045: Beethoven, L. - Ecossaise in G
2739: Beethoven, Ludwig van - Fidelio (Opera Libretto)
1095: Beethoven, Ludwig van - Sonatas for Pianoforte. No. 25 (Opus 79) in G major (phrasing & fingering by Harold Craxton; commentaries by Donald Francis Tovey)
1096: Beethoven, Ludwig van - Sonatas for Pianoforte. No. 8 (Opus 13) in C minor(Pathetique) (phrasing & fingering by Harold Craxton; commentaries by Donald Francis Tovey)
2216: Beethoven, L. van - Grand Sonata with the Funeral March
1094: Beethoven, Ludwig van - 6 variations on Paisiello's air ""Nel cor piu non mi sento"", edited by E. Pauer
14292: Beeton, I. - Mrs Beeton's cookery
33564: Beeton - Beeton's All about gardening
36882: Beeton, S.O. (compiler) - Dictionary of useful information
15081: Begon, Michael & Mortimer, Martin - Population ecology: a unified study of animals and plants
38095: Behrensmeyer, A.K. et al. (eds.) - Terrestrial ecosystems through time
41854: Beigel, J. - The late bloomer
26976: Beijerinck, W. - Calluna: a monograph on the Scotch Heather
41732: Beijersbergen, J., Doornekamp, H., Vaane, J. (eds.) - Sterna: tidschrift van de Natuur- en Vogelwacht
21751: Beintema, A. & Van Vessem, J. - Strategies for conserving migratory waterbirds
31026: Beirne, B.P. - British pyralid and plume moths
29938: Beissinger, S.R. et al. (eds.) - Science, conservation, and national parks
30129: Beith, J.H. (Ian Hay pseud.) - The right stuff' - somme episodes in the career of a North Briton
10949: Bekker, Paul - Beethoven
8508: Bekker, E.G. (edited by E.S. Smirnov) - Teoriya morfologicheskoi evolyutsii nasekomykh [Theories of the morphological evolution of insects]
33084: Belalidis, A. et al. (eds.); Trito Meros - _ ______ ___ / My language
7471: Belbin, H.L. (ed.) - The Natural History of the Sheffield District
32119: Belcher, R. & Nutten, A.J. - Quantitative inorganic analysis
36586: Belcher, H. & Swale, E. - A beginner's guide to freshwater algae
17706: Beldie, A. & Pridvornic, C. - Flori din mun_ii no_tri
42679: ________, _._. / Belekhova, M.G. - ______-______________ _______ ________ / Talamo-telentsefal'naya sistema reptilii [ Thalamo-telencephalic system of reptiles]
40811: Cinemathèque de Belgique - Presentation of the best films of all time
40812: Cinemathèque de Belgique - Presentation of the best films of all time
40813: Cinemathèque de Belgique - Experimental film competition
29861: Bell, A. - Energy 1: fossil fuels
9429: Bell, Thomas - A history of British reptiles
35322: Bell, A. - The open air: an anthology of English country life
38334: Bell, C.R. - Plant variation and classification
33771: Bell, L. (compiled by) - Popular Irish poetry
31244: Bell, M. (ed.) - Britain's national parks
15591: Bell, Thomas - A history of British reptiles
35026: Bell, A. - Sydney Smith rector of Foston 1806-1829
30282: Bell, T. - A history of British quadrupeds
25482: Bell, H.G., Davidson, J.N. & Scarborough, H. - Textbook of physiology and biochemistry
33364: Bell, L. - The quest
37896: Bell, A.D. - Plant form: an illustrated guide to flowering plant morphology
38296: Bell, P. & Woodcock, C. - The diversity of green plants
40013: Bell, G.H. (ed.) - The ladies of Llangollen and Caroline Hamilton
36883: Bell, R. - The life of the Rt. Hon. George Canning
9784: Bell, P. & Woodcock, C. - The diversity of green plants
20635: Bell, S. - Ball and Bell on environmental law
38096: Bell, S.S., McCoy, E.D. & Mushinsky, H.R. - Habitat structure: the physical arrangement of objects in space
15460: Bell, T. - A history of British quadrupeds
26466: Bell-Jones, W. - The story of the parish church of St. Mary, Mold
41977: Bell, J. (ed.) - Wilfred Owen selected letters
41828: Bell, M. - Scouts in bondage
37069: Bell, P. (compiled by) - A dictionary of Edwardian biography: master index
31615: Bell, J. - A new comprehensive gazetteer of England and Wales (vols. 1, 2 & 3 only)
32013: Bell, C.R. - Plant variation and classification
23623: Bell, T. - A history of British quadrupeds, including the Cetacea
35881: Bell, W.J. - The colonial physician and other essays
2085: Bella, Leslie - Parks for profit
26719: Bellamy, D. - Bellamy's Ireland: the wild boglands
2243: Bellamy, David J. - Jolly Green Giant: the autobiography of David J. Bellamy OBE, Hon. FLS, an Englishman
15133: Bellamy, D.J. - Blooming Bellamy: herbs and herbal healing
23226: Bellamy, L. - The language of fruit
7831: Bellamy, Joyce et al. - Hampstead Heath Flora
15132: Bellamy, D.J. - The Bellamy Herbal
32833: Bellamy, D. - David Bellamy: a natural life
14985: Bellamy, D.J. - The life-giving sea
42154: Bellingham, D. - An introduction to Greek mythology
33354: Bellman, H. - A field guide to the grasshoppers and crickets of Britain and northern Europe
37190: Bellot, H.H. - University College London 1826-1926
28726: Bellot, H.H.L. - The Temple
21308: Beltrán, J. - Pueblos indígenas y tradicionales y çeas Protegidas
18334: Belves, P. & Mathey, F. - Animals in art
31245: Bemert, G., Ormond, R. - Red Sea coral reefs
36833: Bence-Jones, M. - The twilight of the Ascendancy
38978: Benchley, P., Gradwohl, J. - Ocean planet: writing and images of the sea
21056: Bencke, G. et al. (eds.) - Areas importantes para a conservaç‹o das Aves no Brasil
37898: Bendz, G. & Santesson, J. - Chemistry in botanical classification
42013: Benét, R. & S.V. - A book of Americans
35629: Benezit, E. - Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs (etc.), 8 vols.
23370: Benfield, E. - The County books: Dorset
41209: Benfield, E. - Purbeck shop: a stoneworker's story of stone
18335: Beningfield, G. - Gordon Beningfield: the artist and his work
29123: Benjamin, A. & McCallum, B. - A world without bees
40858: Benjamin, B.RW. (intro.) - Impressionist Camera: pictorial photography in Europe, 1888-1918
35124: Benjamin, G. & Grant, G. (eds.) - A Shropshire Squire: letters and diary (1812-1825) of John Clavering Wood, Esquire, Marche Hall near Shrewsbury
27873: Benke, H. (foreword) - Fische und Fischerei in Ost- und Nordsee
10978: Benn, A.W. - History of modern philosophy
19814: Benn, A.W. - History of modern philosophy
23986: Benn, T. - Dare to be a Daniel: then and now
40104: Bennet, P. - The glass swarm
40103: Bennet, P. - Goblin lawn
41972: Bennett, A. - Untold stories
26720: Bennett, D. - Irish silver
7438: Bennett, A. - Supplement to Topographical Botany, ed. 2
10548: Bennett, D.J. & Jennings, R.C. (eds.) - Successful agricultural innovation in emerging economies
14051: Bennett, J.W. & Lasure, L.L. (eds.) - Gene manipulations in fungi
40105: Bennett, A. - Poetry in motion
7475: Bennett, Robert J. - The voice of Liverpool business: the first chamber of commerce and the Atlantic economy 1774-c. 1796
26909: Bennett, E.; Dundas, P.J. (ill.) - The bushland plants of Kings Par, Western Australia
20399: Bennett, R.M. (ed.) - The 'greenhouse effect' and UK agriculture
36222: Bennett, A. - Untold stories
42207: Bennett, A. - Writing home
42206: Bennett, A. - The uncommon reader
31996: Bennett, M.D., Gropp, A., Wolf, U. (eds.) - Chromosomes today, vol. 8
35132: Bennett, J.D. - Leicestershire architects 1700-1850
15821: Bennett, T.P. - A celebration on the 200th anniversary of Bartram's travels
17595: Bennett, J.W. & Lasure, L.L. (eds.) - More gene manipulations in fungi
39351: Bennett, D. - Otter shores
20308: Bennett, M.R., Doyle, P., Larwood, J.G. & Prosser, C.D. (eds.) - Geology on your doorstep
24428: Bennis, W. - Why leaders can't lead
10504: Bennison, G., Olver, P.A. & Moseley, K.A. - An introduction to geological structures and maps
21057: Bennun, L. & Njoroge, P. - Important bird areas in Kenya
38480: Benson, S.V. - Birds at sight: how to know them
28090: Benson, D.A. - Fishing and hunting in Canada
39814: Benson, J. & Neville, R.G. (eds.) - Studies in the Yorkshire coal industry
14484: Benson, C.W. & F.M. - Birds of Malawi
27758: Benson, C.W. - Type specimens of bird skins in the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, U.K.
28841: Benson C W - Type specimens of bird skins in the University Museum of Zoology Cambridge UK
16441: Benson, C.W. & Benson, F.M. - The Birds of Malawi
9785: Benson, L. - Plant taxonomy: methods and principles
11525: Benson, Jane - Quaker pioneers in Russia
37337: Benson, J. (series ed.); Outram, Q. (ed.) - Coal in Victorian Britain (3 v.)
26975: Benson, L. - The cacti of the United States and Canada
35401: Benson, S.V. - The Observer's book of British birds
31616: Benson, A.C. & Viscount Esher (eds.) - The letters of Queen Victoria: a selection of Her Majesty's correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861 (complete in 3 vols.)
42495: Benstock, S. - Edith Wharton, a biography: no gifts from chance
32325: Bent, A.C. - Life histories of North American petrels and pelicans and their allies
14485: Bent, A.C. - Life histories of north American cuckoos, goatsuckers, hummingbirds and their allies (etc.)
29975: Bentham, G.; Fitch, W.H. & Smith, W.G. - Handbook of the British flora; illustrations of the British flora
21504: Bentham, G. - Handbook of the British flora (2 v.)
26654: Bentham, G.; Fitch, W. (ill.) - Handbook of the British flora (etc.), 2 v.
19948: Bentham, G. & Hooker, J.D. - Handbook of the British flora
25674: Bentham, G. & Hooker, J.D. (rev. by A.B. Rendle) - Handbook of the British flora
31981: Bentham, G. & Hooker, J.D. - Handbook of the British flora
11562: Bentham, G. & Hooker, J.D.; Rendle, A.B. (rev.) - Handbook of the British Flora (etc.)
24894: Bentham, G. - Supplemental papers to Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum
14290: Bentley, J. - The Loire
37474: Bentley, G.E. (ed.) - Wiliam Blake: the critical heritage
37899: Bentley, B. & Elias, T. (eds.) - The biology of nectaries
42318: Bentley, J. - The Loire
29163: Bentley T L J - Manual of the Miniature Camera
26485: Bentley, P. - The Bront‘s and their world
29185: Bentley T L J - Manual of the Miniature Camera
11085: Bentley, Robert - A manual of botany
33892: Bentley, P. - The Bront‘ Sisters
9497: Bentley, Phyllis - The Bront‘s
34924: Benton, M.J. - H.A. Nicholson (1844-1899), invertebrate palaeontologist
30024: Benton, T. - Bumblebees
39221: Benton, T.G. & Spencer, T. (eds.) - The Pitcairn Islands: biogeography, ecology and prehistory
19906: Benyon, T. - Howell Harris's visits to London
28742: Mercedes Benz (logo) - Grosser Auto-atlas International 79/80
21773: Benza, J.C. - 143 frutales nativos
17006: ___ / Zou Benzhong - Liaoning niao lei kao cha bao gao / ________
24037: Berardi, G.L. - Città di castello 1940/45: una mutazione genetica
5491: Berce, M.E. - Faune entomologique francaise: Lepidopteres; descriptions de tous les papillons qui se trouvent en France (etc.). Premier volume: Rhopaloceres.
3920: Berchez, Joaquin & Jarque, Francesc - Arquitectura Renacentista / Renaixentista Valenciana (1500-1570)
13586: Bere, R. - The nature of Cornwall
30461: Berenbaum, M.R. - Bugs in the system
13990: Berendsohn, W. (ed.) - Resource identification for a biological collection information service in Europe
9745: Berenson, B. - Lotto
41299: Berenson, B. - The Italian painters of the Renaissance
38838: Berg, R.Y., F¾gri, K. & Gj¾revoll, O. - Maps of distribution of Norwegian vascular plants, vol. 3: the southeastern element
38372: Van den Berg, R.G., Barendse, G.W.M., Van der Weerden, G.M. & Mariani, C. (eds.) - Solanaceae V: advances in taxonomy and utilization
12860: Bergen, J.Y. & Davis, B.M. - Laboratory and field manual of botany
16443: Berger, A.J. - Hawaiian Birdlife.
33597: Berger, R. - Malaysia's forests: a resource without a future?
5018: Berger, John J. (ed.) - Environmental restoration: science and strategies for restoring the earth
29939: Berger, J. - Extreme conservation
12812: Van den Bergh, G. - The universe in space and time
41873: De Bergh, C. & Verdet, J.-P. - Discovering the sky
21309: Bergmans, W. - Small grants for forest conservation: 10 years tropical rainforest programme
38143: Berjak, M. & Grimsdell, J. - Botanical databases for conservation and development
15804: Berkeley, E. & D.S. - John Clayton, pioneer of American botany
32799: Berkeley, M. - Handbook of British mosses: comprising all that are known to be natives of the British Isles
15817: Berkeley, E. & D.S. - Dr Alexander Garden of Charles Town
34718: Berkeley, E. & D.S. - George William Featherstonhaugh: the first U.S. Government Geologist
19025: Berkeley, E. & D.S. - John Clayton, pioneer of American botany
19882: Berkeley, R.C.W., Gooday, G.W. & Ellwood, D.C. (eds.) - Microbial polysaccharides and polysaccharases
11547: Berkenhout, John - Clavis Anglica linguae botanicae, or a botanical lexicon (etc.)
23970: Berlau, R., Brecht, B., Hubalek, C., Politzsch, P. and Rülicke, K. (eds.) - Theaterarbeit: 6 Aufführungen des Berliner Ensembles
24725: Berlin, I. - Against the current: essays in the history of ideas
38766: Berlin, B., Breedlove, D. E. & Raven, P. H. - Principles of Tzeltal plant classification
2228: Berlin, Irving - Cheek to cheek
41563: Berlioz, H. - Evenings in the orchestra
23494: Berlitz - Turkish for travellers
41895: Berlitz - Russian for travellers
23456: Berlitz - Cyprus
37191: Berman, M. - Social change and scientific organisation: the Royal Institution 1799-1844
34513: Berman, M. - Social change and scientific organization: the Royal Institution 1799-1844
25360: Berman, P. - Terror and liberalism
42614: Bermingham, C.O. (ed.) - Stars of the screen 1931
36295: La Bern, A. - Haigh: the mind of a murderer
36757: Bernal, J.D. - Science in history: vol. 3 The natural sciences in our time.
36758: Bernal, J.D. - Science in history: vol. 4. The social sciences; conclusion
16263: Bernard, C. & Dreuilleax, J.-M. - La flore du Larzac
24351: Bernardo, L. - Fiori e piante del Parco del Pollino
6735: Freytag & Berndt - Brixental, Wörgl, Kitzbühel Wander-, Rad- und Schitourenkarte sheet WK 302
39922: Berner, N. & Lowry, S. - Garden guide: New York City
10320: Sotheby Parke Bernet - The Diaghilev-Lifar Library
24207: De Bernières, L. - Captain Corelli's mandolin
30856: Berns, M., Hudson, B.R. - The essential gourd: art and history in northeastern Nigeria
40803: Bernstein, S.L. - The formation and management of a television company
14523: Berra, T.M. - Charles Darwin: the concise story of an extraordinary man
14970: Berra, T.M. - Evolution and the myth of creationism
22270: Berresford, S. - Italian memorial sculpture 1820-1940: a legacy of love
42029: Berrettini, F. et al. - Anthological exhibition of Umbria, a province situated in the heart of Italy
42680: Berridge, W.S. - Marvels of reptile life
31761: Berrisford, J.M. - Irises
21146: Berrisford, J. - The wild garden
31171: Berrisford, J. - Backyards & tiny gardens
34164: Berry, R.J. & Johnston, J.L. - The natural history of Shetland
9963: Berry, W.D. (compiled by Elizabeth Berry) - Bill Berry: from life and memory
16445: Berry, J. (Lowe, P.R. ed.). - Factors affecting the general status of Wild Geese and Wild Ducks
37709: Berry, F. & Kress, W.J. - Heliconia: an identification guide
16151: Berry, R.J. - Adam and the Ape
19741: Berry, J. - The status and distribution of wild geese and wild duck in Scotland
42427: Berry, M. - Favourite microwave recipes
17594: Berry, D.R. - Physiology of industrial fungi
27860: Berry, R.J. (ed.) - Biological survey need and network
41323: Berry, P. - Sutton in old photographs
26649: Berry, R.J. - Islands
38867: Berry, C.; Loutit, B. (ill.) - Trees and shrubs of the Etosha National Park and in northern and central Namibia
3018: Berry, Charles Walter (with introduction by H. Warner Allen) - Viniana
29534: Berry, R.J. - Inheritance and natural history
15769: Berry, R.J. - Inheritance and natural history
17732: Berry, C. - The County Books: Cornwall
40804: Bertholomieu, A. - Essai de grammaire cinématographique
16254: Bertin, L. - Larousse encyclopedia of animal life
36996: Bertin, L. et mult. al. - Buffon
22089: Bertin, L. et al. - Larousse encyclopedia of animal life
1097: Bertini, Henri - Twenty-five preparatory studies for the Pianoforte by Henri Bertini, Opus 29, Book 2. Critically revised and fingered by Matthew Watson
28849: Chebez J C & Bertonatti C C - La avifauna de la isla de los estados, islas de a–o nueve y mar circumdante (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)
32078: Bertrand, A. & Guillaumin, A. - Cacti
27708: Bertrand, A. (tr. V. Higgins) - Indoor plants and how to grow them
5304: Bertrand, Gerard, Lang, Jean and Ross, John - The Green Bay watershed: past/present/future
26240: Bertrand, A. - Indoor plants
14097: Bertsch, K. - Moosflora von Südwestdeutschland
13294: Bertsch, K. - Moosflora von Südwestdeutschland
29152: Berwick, L. & Charmantier, I. (eds.) - L: 50 objects, stories and discovreies from the Linnean Society of London
21572: Besant, W. - Fifty years ago
41982: Besant, A. - The evolution of society
30972: Best, R.H. & Rogers, A.W. - The urban countryside (etc.)
20875: Best, B. (ed.) - The threatened forests of south-west Ecuador
36066: Besterman, T. - A world bibliography of bibliographies (2 v.)
35906: Besterman, T. - Technology, including patents: a bibliography of bibliographies (2 v.)
34336: Betham-Edwards, M. (ed.) - The autobiography of Arthur Young, with selections from his correspondence
23084: Betjeman, J. - A pictorial history of English architecture
40114: Betjeman, J. - My favourite Betjeman
40110: Betjeman, J. - High and low
27601: Betjeman, J. - John Betjeman's collected poems
13415: Betjeman, J. - First and last loves
19470: Betjeman, J. - Summoned by bells
42541: Betjeman, J. - English cities and towns
40111: Betjeman, J. - Uncollected poems
40112: Betjeman, J. - Summoned by bells
40109: Betjeman, J. - A nip in the air
40108: Betjeman, J. - New bats in old belfries
40106: Betjeman, J. - Church poems
28382: Betjeman, J. - An Oxford University chest
40107: Betjeman, J. - Continual dew
40113: Betjeman, J.; Guest, J. (selected by) - The best of Betjeman
41324: Betjeman, J. - An Oxford University chest
41084: Betjeman, J. (ed.) - Collins guide to English parish churches
36226: Betjeman, J.; Green, C.L. (ed.) - Letters, vol. 1: 1926-1951
23513: Betjeman, J. - Collected poems
23514: Betjeman, J. - The best of Betjeman
27410: Betjeman, J. - Summoned by bells
29650: Betjeman, J.; Lycett Green, C. - Betjeman's Britain
41791: Betjeman, J. - Ghastly good taste
19266: Betteridge, H.T. (rev. & ed.); Breul, K. - Cassell's German & English dictionary
29577: Betterton, J., Craig, J., Mendum, J.R, Neller, R. & Tanner, J. (eds.) - Aspects of the life and works of Archibald Geikie
10609: Betts, C.J. - Checklist of protected British species
41832: Betts, P.Y. - People who say goodbye: memories of childhood
42336: Betz, H., Burham, P.B. & Ewing, G.M. - Differential equations with applications
38906: Van Beusekom, C.F., Van Goor, C.P. & Schmidt, P. (eds.) - Wise utilization of tropical rain forest lands
19495: Bevan-Evans, M., Jones, W.H. - Farmhouses and cottages
25584: Bevan, D. - Forest insects
40134: Bevan, A. & Murray, B. (eds.) - The collected poems of George Mackay Brown
41417: Bevan, A. (ed.) - Tracing your ancestors in the Public Record Office
35788: Bevan, A. & Duncan, A. - Tracing your ancestors in the public record office
42587: Bevan, A. & Duncan, A. - Tracing your ancestors in the public record office
30734: Bewick, T. - A general history of quadrupeds
30284: Bewick, T. - A history of British birds, 2 vols.
31549: Bewick,T. - My life
18192: Bews. J.W. - Studies in the ecological evolution of the angiosperms
13416: Beyer, K.G. - Renaissance
20673: Beynon, P.H. & Cooper, J.E. - Manual of exotic pets
33939: BFBS - Yr beibl cysegr-lân sef yr hen destament a'r newydd
34288: BGCI - Conserving biodiversity through the botanic gardens of the world
41650: CADW / BGS - Building stone resources of the United Kingdom
41627: CADW / BGS - Geology and building stones in Wales (north) and (south) (2 v.)
32247: Bharatan, V., Humphries, C.J. & Barnett, J.R. - Plant names in homeopathy
38082: Bhat, P.K. - Ayuda para el estudio de las plantas con flores
28035: Bhattacharya, S.K. (ed.) - Fauna of West Bengal part 1: overview, mammalia, aves and wild life
38092: Bhikhi, C.R., Maas, P.J.M., Koek-Noorman, J. & Van Andel, T.R. - Timber trees of Suriname: an identification guide
16447: Biaggi, V. - Las Aves de Puerto Rico
11323: Bianchini, F., Corbetta, F.; ill. by Pistola, M. - The kindly fruits
38980: Bianchini, F. & Corbetta, F. - The complete book of health plants
30285: Biart, L. - Adventures of a young naturalist
18336: Bibby, N. - Nick Bibby - bronze sculpture
29191: Bibby C J, Burgess N D & Hill D A - Bird Census Techniques
38144: Bibby, C.J. et al. (eds.) - Putting biodiversity on the map: priority areas for global conservation
21310: Bibby, C.J. et al. - Putting biodiversity on the map
39222: Bibby, C.J. et al. (eds.) - Putting biodiversity on the map: priority areas for global conservation (summary)
13582: Bichard, KJ.D. & McClintock, D. - Wild flowers of the Channel Islands
32951: Bichard, J.D. & McClintock, D. - Wild flowers of the Channel Isles
36863: Bick, D. - The old copper mines of Snowdonia
36865: Bick, D. - Waller's description of the mines in Cardiganshire
35637: Bick, D.E. - The Gloucester & Cheltenham tramroad and the Leckhampton quarry lines
36551: Bick, D. - Bronze Age copper mining in mid Wales - fact or fantasy?
35636: Bick, D.E. - The Hereford and Gloucester canal
35635: Bick, D.E. - The Hereford and Gloucester canal and the Gloucester-Ledbury railway
34440: Bick, D. - The mines of Newent and Ross
39878: Bick, D. - A box of c. 14 pamphlets and booklets
34514: Bick, D. - Old Lackhampton
36155: Bickel, L. - Shackleton's forgotten men: the untold tale of an Antarctic tragedy
12510: Bicknell, E.E. - The Channel Islands
22071: Bicknell, P. - British hills and mountains
8271: Biddle, Violet - Small gardens and how to make the most of them
41939: Bidges, R. - The spirit of Man
41887: Bierce, A. - The enlarged Devil's dictionary
22614: Biers, W.R. - The archaeology of Greece
27992: Biffen, RW.H. - The Auricula: the story of a florist's flower
20977: Bigger, M. - The insect pests of forest plantation trees in the Solomon Islands
39176: Biggs, R. et al. - Nature supporting people: the Southern African Millennium ecosystem assessment
32364: Biggs, M. et al. - Gardeners' question time plant chooser
18485: Bijleveld, M. - Birds of prey in Europe
6513: Bikai, Pierre & Sha'er, May (et al.) - Darat al Funun: art, architecture, archaeology
14098: Bilewsky, F. - Moss-flora of Israel
35638: Billingham, N. - The Stratford canal
42656: Billings, W.D. - Plants, man and ecosystem
17458: Billings, W.D. - Plants and the ecosystem
23265: Billings, M. - The cross and the crescent: history of the Crusades
38335: Billings, W.D. - Plants and the ecosystem
20947: Billington, R.A. - The far western frontier
26241: Billitt, A. - The joy of gardening
26242: Billitt, A. - The story of Clack's Farm
41325: Bilsborough, N. - The treasures of Cheshire
15101: Bilsborough, A. - Human evolution
35789: Binfield, C. - So down to prayers: studies in English nonconformity 1780-1920
14354: Bingham, M. - The making of Kew
41326: Bingham, R. - Kendal: a social history
7066: Bingley, William - Useful knowledge: or a familiar and explanatory account of the various productions of nature (etc.)
3526: Bingley, Thomas - Stories illustrative of the instinct of animals, their characters and habits
17067: Binner, J., Hogg, P. & Sweeney, J. (eds.) - Advanced materials 1991-1992
28549: Binns, B.L. - Polenta
31870: Binns, B. - A first check list of the herbaceous flora of Malawi
33004: Binns, J. & Meadows, P. (eds.) - Great St. Mary's: Cambridge's university church
31617: Binns, W.M. - The first century of English porcelain
14813: Binyon, J. - Physiology of Echinoderms
40115: Binyon, L. - The burning of the leaves and other poems
25769: Birchall, E. - Men of Coal
25768: Birchall, E. - Pies, sighs and tries
25767: Birchall, E. - Men of Coal
25697: Birchall, E. - Men of Coal
25698: Birchall, E. - Pies, sighs and tries
12343: Bircham, P.M.M. - The birds of Cambridgeshire
37449: Bird, A. - Roads and vehicles
13856: Bird, C.J. & Ragan, M.A. (eds.) - 11th international seaweed symposium
37338: Bird, R.H. - Britain's old metal mines: a pictorial survey
15246: Bird, R. - Lilies: an illustrated identifier and guide to cultivation
20948: Bird, I. - Six months in Hawaii
38953: Bird, R. (ed.) - A century of Alpines
16905: Birkan, M. (ed.) - Anatidae 2000 (2 vols.)
29674: Birkenhead, Lord (compiled by) - John Betjeman's collected poems
26231: Birkenhead, J.; Parsons, F. (rev.) - Ferns and fern culture
32819: Birkhead, T. - The wisdom of birds: an illustrated history of ornithology
32901: Birkhead, T. (ed.) - Virtuoso by nature: the scientific worlds of Francis Willugughby FRS (1635-1672)
34363: Birkhead, T. - The wisdom of birds
32009: Birks, H.J.B. - Past and present vegetation of the Isle of Skye
37267: University of Birmingham - Historical Journal (vol. 11 no. 1 only)
19244: Birnie, P. - Legal measures for the prevention of ""pirate"" whaling
28240: Birse, E.L. & Robertson, J.S. - Natural and semi-natural vegetation of the Nairn and Cawdor district
36838: Birse, R.M. - Engineering at Edinburgh University: a short history 1673-1983
3793: Birse, E.L. & Robertson, L. - Assessment of climatic conditions in Scotland. 1, 2 and 3. Based on exposure and accumulated frost
35154: Birse, R.M. - Science at the University of Edinburgh 1583-1993
32014: Bisacre, M. et al. (eds.) - The illustrated encyclopedia of plants
5654: Bisby, G.R. - An introduction to the taxonomy and nomenclature of fungi
24794: Bisby, F.A., Russell, G.F. and Pankhurst, R.J. - Designs for a global plant species information system
37900: Bisby, F.A., Russell, G.F. & Pankhurst, R.J. - Designs for a global plant species information system
13399: Bischof, F. - Common weeds from Iran, Turkey, the near east and N. Africa
1428: Bisgrove, Richard; series editor John Sales - The gardens of Britain (vol. 3): Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire
31762: Bisgrove, R. - The flower garden: planting for year-round colour
27085: Bisgrove, R. - The National Trust book of the English garden
34922: Bishop, R.L. - Rainbow over Woolsthorpe Manor
30863: Bishop, G. - Travels in Imperial China: the exploration and discoveries of Père David
26243: Bishop, B.W. - Bishop's concise gardening encyclopedia
31028: Bishop, I. - Mammals of Britain and Europe
40116: Bishop, E. - Complete poems
17618: Bishop, R.W.S. - My moorland patients
38560: Bishop, J. & Scoones, I. - The hidden harvest: the economics of women's livelihoods in Ngamiland, Botswana
20949: Bishop, I.B. - This grand beyond: the travels of Isabella Bird Bishop
17017: Bishop, O.N. - Statistics for biology
21311: Bishop, K. et al. (eds.) - Speaking a common language
33131: Bishop of Tracheia, P. - Practical theology in verse, vol. 1
21734: Bisset, R. - The Spectator, a new edition (8 vols)
38481: Bisson, T. - A list of the birds of Guernsey
29940: Bittelli, M., Campbell, G.S. & Tomei, F. - Soil physics with Python
17703: Bivins, R. & Pickstone, J.V. (eds.) - Medicine, madness and social history
37840: Bizarro, J. & Martin, A. - A guide to the butterflies of the Serra dos Orgaos, south-eastern Brazil
41281: Black, M. - The medieval cookbook
40859: Black, M. - Old New York in early photographs
33918: Black, M. (ed.) - Mrs Beeton's favourite recipes
6409: Black (A. & C.) - Black's picturesque guide to North Wales
33613: Black, M. - Language and philosophy: studies in method
37397: Adam and Charles Black - Who's who 1956
37526: Black, A. & C. - Who was who: a supplement [1897-1915]
6666: Black, D.A.K. (ed.) - Renal disease
31247: Black, P.McK. - Beautiful orchids
24675: Black, A., Muddiman, D. & Plant, H. - The early information society
37498: Black, J.; Cochrane, T. - Notes from Dr Black's lectures on chemistry
13177: Black, A. - Black's guide to Belfast, the Giant's Causeway and the north of Ireland
23804: Black, C. et al. - Atlas of the Renaissance
39505: Black's guides - Black's picturesque tourist guide of Ireland
34672: Blackburne, N. - The restless ocean: the story of George Crabbe, the Aldeburgh poet 1754-1832
38954: Blackburne-Maze, P. - Collins garden guide: pruning
17070: Blackere, J.R. & Pettit, F.S. - High temperature corrosion of ceramics
21745: Blackham, N. - One man and his dog in Wales
26423: Blackie - The boys' budget
29022: Blackie, J.R. et al. - Environmental effects of deforestation: an annotated bibliography
15556: Blacklock, C. & N. - Photographing wildflowers
42130: Blackmore, D.K., Owen, D.G. & Young, C.M. - Some observations on the diseases of Brunus edwardii (species nova)
31248: Blackmore, S. - Buttercups
21030: Blackmore, S. - Buttercups
1193: Blackmore, Stephen & Tootill, Elizabeth (eds.) - The Penguin Dictionary of Botany
37741: Blackmore, S. & Cutler, D. (eds.) - Systematics Agenda 2000: the challenge for Europe
32751: Blackmore, S. - Bee Orchids
33264: Blackmore, r. & McConnachie, J. - The Rough guide to Paris
23882: Blackmore, R.D. - Lorna Doone
23436: Blackstone, B. - Virginia Woolf
24838: Blackwelder, R.E. - Guide to the taxonomic literature of Vertebrates
12074: Blackwelder, R.E. & R.M. - Directory of Zoological taxonomists of the world
26599: Blackwell's - Rare books (1964)
24976: Blagoderov, V. & Smith, V.S. - No Specimen Left Behind: mass digitization of natural history collections
38390: Blaikie, A.H. (il.); Henderson, J.A. - Nests and eggs
28786: Blaine, D. - Mysterious stranger
37546: Blair, L. & L. - Ring of fire: exploring the last remote places of the world
31381: Blair, P.H. - Roman Britain and early England 55BC-871AD.
42285: Blair, S. - Peter Parley's method of telling about the geography of the Bible
22100: Blair, J.L. - British wild flowers
10916: Blair, John (ed.) - The Lake District
21957: Blair, F. & A. et al. - Vertebrates of the United States
40420: Blake, N.F. - Caxton: England's first publisher
29193: Blake E R - Manual of Neotropical Birds: Volume 1: Spheniscidae (penguins) to Laridae (gulls and allies)
25551: Blake, W. - The poetical works of William Blake
16448: Blake, E.R. - Manual of Neotropical Birds. Vol.1: Spheniscidae to Laridae
31029: Blake, E.WR. - Birds of Mexico
38482: Blake, E.R. - Manual of neotropical birds, vol. 1
40117: Blake, W. - Selected poems
39524: Blake, J.F. - Annals of British geology: 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893 (4 v.)
34986: Blake, S. - George Rowe, artist and lithographer 1796-1864
34337: Blake, J.F. - List of the types and figured specimens recognised by C.D. Sherborn, F.G.S., in the collection of the Geological Society of London
25049: Blake, S.F. & Atwood, A.C. - Geographical guide to the floras of the world: part 1.
25047: Blake, S.F. - Geographical guide to the floras of the world: part 2. Western Europe
22887: Blake, W. - Songs of innocence and of experience
16449: Blakers, M., Davies, S.J.J.F. & Reilly, P.N. - The Atlas of Australian Birds
18488: Blakers, M., Davies, S.J.J.F. & Reilly, P.N. - The Atlas of Australian Birds
17593: Blakeslee, A.F. - Sexual reproduction in the Mucorineae
36431: Blanch, L. - The wilder shores of love
29531: Blanckenhorn, M. - Die geognostischen Verhältnisse von Afrika, 1. Teil: Der Atlas, das nordafrikanische Faltengebirge [Geognostic situation of Africa, 1. The Atlas & N. African fold mountains]
29078: Blanckenthorn, M. - Ein geognostischen Verhältnisse von Afrika. I. Teil: Der Atlas, das nordafrikanische Faltengebirge
16906: Blanco, D. & Canevari, P. - Censo neotropical de aves: Acuaticas 1991
35481: Blasco, F., Laumonier, Y. & Purnajaya, - Tropical vegetation mapping: Sumatera
28462: Blashford-Snell, J. & Ballantine, A. (eds.) - Expeditions the experts' way
37401: Blatchford, R. - The family and local history handbook
40118: Blatchford, R. - The Dolly ballads
42397: Blatchford, R. & Heslop, G. - The genealogical services directory 1998
31030: Blatchly, L. & Jens, R. - Naming the birds at a glance
19305: Blatchly, R., Nircan, Z.D. & O'Hara, P. - The chemical story of Olive Oil
36347: Blaukopf, K. (ed.) - Mahler: a documentary study
6104: Blay - Montpellier et son agglomeration
31172: Bleasdale, J.K.A. et al. - Know and grow vegetables
13012: Bless, M.J.M., Bouckaert, J., Paproth, E. - Pre-Permian around the Brabant massif in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany
13014: Blezard, R.G. et al. - Geologists' Association Guides no. 30A: The London Region (N. of the Thames)
40917: Bliss, A.J. - A dictionary of foreign words and phrases in current English
35380: Bliss, A.J. - A dictionary of foreign words and phrases in current English

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