Sam Gatteño Books: Sixteenth Century Books, Religion
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D.N. Jesu Christi Novum Testamentum, sive foedus.
Geneva: ex officina Francisci Stephani, 1567. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. 113ff. Aa8-Rr8, Ss4. With the printer's device on the title-page. In a vellum binding. Illustrated with a woodcut map. Renouard, Annales de l'Imprimerie des Estienne, p. 159; Adams B1075. Some very old staining in the lower outer margin, running through many pages. Additionally, there is a wormhole running through the caption title in leaves 24 through 39 affecting the caption title in those leaves and the text on the first line in three to four leaves. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 553
USD 1850.00 [Appr.: EURO 1655.75 | £UK 1390.5 | JP¥ 266174]

Liber Precum Publicarum, seu Ministerii Ecclesiasticae Administrationis Sacramentorum, aliorumque Rituum, & Caeremoniarum, in Ecclesia Anglica.
London: Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius, 1574. 0. Hardcover. Small octavo. [28], 299ff. a8, b4, c8-d8, A8-Z8, Aa8-Oo8, Pp4 (Pp4 blank? wanting). Title within a pictorial woodcut border. Nineteenth-century calf. Pollard & Redgrave 16427. With a pre-fire London bookplate. On June 19th 1574 Vautrollier was granted letters patent to print certain Latin books including Bezas Novum Testamentum (and presumably the present Latin liturgy). In fact the present work is a reprint of Wolfiums edition of 1572. Title-page mounted, with slight damage to upper part. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2242
USD 2100.00 [Appr.: EURO 1879.5 | £UK 1578.5 | JP¥ 302143]

La Saincte Bible, Contenant Le Vieil Et Novveav Testament: traduicte de Latin en François; Auec les Argvmens sur chacun liure, declarans sommairement tout ce que y est contenu.
Anvers: de l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin, 1578. 0. Hardcover. Folio. [vi]ff. 860 [i.e. 864], 216 pages. [xviii]ff. Bound in two volumes. In seventeenth-century brown calf bindings with the arms of Marquis de Villeneuve-Bargemon, premier marquis de France. Spines gilt. Bound after 1709, since a number of prints are dated 1709. Some repairs to binding. Illustrated with woodcuts in the text and extra-illustrated with almost 400 engravings and etchings. Close to 100 of the engravings and etchings are by Crispin de Passe, Jacques Callot [La Petite Passion], Martinus Heemskerck, Martin de Vos, Philip Galle, Gerard de Jode, Charles le Brun, and Nicolas Poussin. A large number of the engravings are by Matthaeus Merian the Elder. An astounding copy. Very Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 850
USD 32000.00 [Appr.: EURO 28638.25 | £UK 24049.75 | JP¥ 4604085]
Keywords: Bible, Extra-Illustrated, French & Dutch 16th & 17th Century Engravers

Bernard, Claraevallensis, Saint.
Opera Bernardi. Divi Bernardi abbatis Claræuallis, ordinis Cisterciensis, doctoris disertissimi Opera omnia diuinæ institutionis refertissima, iuxta vetus exemplar iam denuo & collata, & postrema manu castigata. Quorum omnnium copiosißimus Index ...
Lvgdvni: Iacobvs Givnti, 1546, 0. Hardcover. Folio. [xxxii], 348, [lxxv]ff. aa8-bb8, cc6, dd10, a8-z8, A8-T8, V6-X6, Aa8-Ee8, Ff6, AA8-CC8, DD6. In two columns. Printer's device on title-page. Title-page in red-and-black. Contemporary blindstamped calf with gilt fleur-de-lys in the corners. Conjoined cherub's heads in gilt above a rectangular block in center; dated 1551 below rectangle. Unidentified scenes on strip all around. All bosses intact. Part of a clasp remains. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2337
USD 1250.00 [Appr.: EURO 1118.75 | £UK 939.5 | JP¥ 179847]

Calvin, Johannes.
A harmonie vpon the three euangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke, with the Commentarie of m. Iohn Caluine, tr. by E.P. Whereunto is also added a commentarie vpon the euangelists. Iohn by the same authour (tr. By C. Fetherstone).
London: T. Dawson for G. Byshop 1584. 0. Hardcover. Quarto. [48], 806, [2]; [8], 464, [22]pp. []3, 5, a8, B6, A8, [3 dots]2, A8-Z8, Aa8-Zz8, Aaa8-Ddd8, Eee4, [dagger]4, A8-Z8, Aa8-Gg8, Hh4 [- Hh4]. Modern half green calf over marbled boards. Yellow stain at top of title-page; couple of marginal wormholes not affecting any text. Stamp of Trinity College Library on verso of title-page. Outer margin of the "A Table of the harmonies" closely shaved, affecting some letters, but very legible. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1634
USD 7000.00 [Appr.: EURO 6264.75 | £UK 5261 | JP¥ 1007144]
Keywords: Calvin

Cavalca, fra Domenico (da Vico Pisano).
Espositione sopra il Credo overo dodeci articoli della Fede.
In Venetia, al Segno della Speranza, 1550. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. [viii], 327ff. Printer's device on title-page. Half vellum over paper boards. Adams C1173. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2299
USD 450.00 [Appr.: EURO 402.75 | £UK 338.25 | JP¥ 64745]

Eterianus, Hugo.
Ein christliche vnd gründliche Vnterricht von Wideraufferstehung der Todten Hugons Eterians, welcher gelbt hat, vnd geschrieben im Jar. M.C.LX.
Gedruckt zu Wittemburg: durch Georgen Rhaw, 1540. 0. Soft cover. Octavo. Boards. Spiral book. Quarto. 21pp. A4-C4 [-C4 blank]. Modern blue stiff paper wrappers. Last leaf mounted; Margins of several leaves stained and repaired. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 133
USD 900.00 [Appr.: EURO 805.5 | £UK 676.5 | JP¥ 129490]

Eusebius, Pamphilius.
Eusebii Pamphili, Ruffini, Socratis, Theodoriti, Sozomeni, Theodori, Evagrii, et Dorothei Ecclesiastica historia, sex propè seculorum res gestas complectens: latinè iam olim à doctissimis viris partim scripta, partim è graeco ...
Basileæ: Ex officina Eusebii Episcopii, & Nic. Fratris Hæredum, 1587. 0. Hardcover. Folio. [viii]ff. 707pp, [xxiv]ff. With the printer's device on the title-page and on the verso of the last leaf. Modern calf, while retaining the original back cover and attempting to match it on the upper cover. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2263
USD 1900.00 [Appr.: EURO 1700.5 | £UK 1428 | JP¥ 273368]

Faustus, Laurentius.
Anatomia statuae Danielis. Kurtze und eigentliche erklerung der grossen Bildnis des Propheten Danielis, darin ein historischer ausszug der vier Monarchien, und aller ihrer Heiupt Regenten, auff die glieder des Bildnis, ...
Leipzig: bey Johann Steinman, 1586. 0. Hardcover. Quarto. [32], 404, [10]pp. A4-Z4, Aa4-Zz4, Aaa4-Kkk4 [-Kkk4 blank (?)]. Nineteenth century vellum over marbled boards. The four folding sheets lacking. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1918
USD 1075.00 [Appr.: EURO 962.25 | £UK 808 | JP¥ 154668]

Flore, Joachim de.
Vaticinia, Sive Prophetiae Abbatis Joachimi, & Anselmi Episcopi Marsicani: Cum imaginibus aere incisis, correctione, et pulcritudine plurium manuscriptorum exemplariu[m] ope, et variaru[m] imaginu[m] tabulis, et delineationibu[s], ...
Venetiis: Apud Ioannem Baptistam Bertonum, sub insigne Peregrini, 1600. 0. Hardcover. Quarto. No pagination. [132]pp. a4-d4, A4-N4, O2. Incomplete, lacks B1 & B4, D3, H1-H4, seven leaves. Eighteenth-century colored paper boards, repaired. Illustrated. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2513
USD 1300.00 [Appr.: EURO 1163.5 | £UK 977.25 | JP¥ 187041]

Antoninus Florentinus.
Prima [-quarta] pars summe reuerendissimi in christo patris ac d[omi]ni: d[omi]ni Antonini archiep[iscop]i floren[tini].
Basileae: p[er] magistros Ioannes: Amorbachiu[m], petri & froben, dilige[n]tissime castigata, explicata est Feliciter, 15011 [= 1511]. 0. Hardcover. Folio. Four volumes. I: [169]ff.; II: [216]ff.; III: [304]ff.; IV: [244]ff.; Index: [83]ff. Volumes I and II only. Title-page to Volume I missing. Woodcut device on each title-page, of Joh. de Amerbach, Joh. Petri, and Joh. Froben working in association. The device includes a shield with the arms of Basel and a Basilisk, or "Amphasies Cockatoo." Printed in two columns; marginal notes. Later calf, rebacked, retaining original spine. Adams A1215; VD16 A2959. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2259
USD 2900.00 [Appr.: EURO 2595.5 | £UK 2179.75 | JP¥ 417245]

Granada, Luis de.
Conciones quæ de Præcipuis Sanctorum Festis in Ecclesia habentur.
Antwerp: Ex Officina Plantiniana, apud Viduam, & Ioannem Moretum, 1593. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. Two volumes bound in one. Each part with its own title-page. I: 527pp.; II: 543pp. A8-Z8, a8-k8. Contemporary blindstamped calf, rebacked. Adams G948 (part I only). Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2264
USD 900.00 [Appr.: EURO 805.5 | £UK 676.5 | JP¥ 129490]

Hemmingssøn, Niels.
Postilla eller Forklaring offuer Euangelia, som almindelige om Søndage oc andre Hellige Dage predickis i den christne Kircke: Udsæt af Rasm. Hansson Kbhn, 1576.
Köpenhagen: Andreas Gutterwitz & Hans Støckel Mand, 1576. 0. Hardcover. Large quarto. First edition. Two parts in one volume. Quarter sheep over marbled boards; very worn. Illustrated. Imperfect. In excess of 400 of the 476 leaves present. Some of the leaves are tatty. Complete copies are almost impossible to find. Fair.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2265
USD 2900.00 [Appr.: EURO 2595.5 | £UK 2179.75 | JP¥ 417245]

Herrey, Robert [+ ONE More Work].
Two Right Profitable & Fruitfull Concordances, or large and ample Tables Alphabeticall. The first conteining the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, ...
London: R. Barker, [1600]. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. A8-K8, L2. In a reversed calf binding. A small piece at the top of spine missing. Some old staining. Bound with: DOWNAME, J. A Briefe Concordance . Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1255
USD 950.00 [Appr.: EURO 850.25 | £UK 714 | JP¥ 136684]

Pius IV, Pope.
Motus Proprius S. D. N. D. Pii PP Quarti super executione Concilii, & Literarum eiusdem Sanctis Contra Archiepiscopos, ... alias ... Ecclesiasticas non Residentes in eorum Ecclesiis.
Rome: Apud Antonium Bladum Impressorem Cameralem, 1566. 0. Soft cover. Folio. 2ff. With the Blado device on the title-page. Disbound. Modern slipcase. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2268
USD 500.00 [Appr.: EURO 447.5 | £UK 376 | JP¥ 71939]

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