Antiquariaat Garcia: Church History
found: 14 books

AUGUSTINUS Aurelius / VIVES Juan Louis
Quintus tomus operum D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi, continens XXII. Libros de Civitate Dei. Cui accesserunt commentarii Io. Ludo. Vivius ab authore recogniti.
Venetiis, ad Signum Spei, 1551. Small quarto, 246 ff. 19th century boards.
¶ Early edition of Augustinus " De Civitate Dei" here with commentaries by the spanish humanist Juan Luis Vives.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 2655
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 502.83 | £UK 378 | JP¥ 72346]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: early church history, church fathers, Vives, kerkvaders, humanist, humanisme,

BOSSUET Jacques-Benigne
Histoire des variations des eglises protestantes suivi de Avertissemens aux protestans sur les lettres du ministre Jurieu, contre l'histoire des variations.
Paris, Guillaume Desprez et Jean Desessarts, 1760. 4 vols in-12°. Plein veau avec dos décorées or. Tomaisons vert et pièces de titre rouge.
¶ Très bon exemplaire de cette ouvrage par Bossuet contre les protestants. Bien complet de la réponse de Bossuet à la réponse de le ministre Jurieu protestant lui même.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 1168
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 139.67 | £UK 105 | JP¥ 20096]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: church history, kerkgeschiedenis, protestantisme, protestanten, protestants,

D.Ioan. Chrysostomi Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, ad populum Antiochenum Homiliae LXXX ...
Antverpiae, in aedib. Joan. Steelsii, 1552. In-8°. [40] 727 pp. Contemporary full leather. Spine partly damaged and covered with cloth.
¶ Bound with: D. Ioannis Chrysostomi Homiliae duae versae quidem primum nunc et per excusionem editae, una cum dramate lepido nec aspernabili Pluchiri Michaelis, Godefrido Tilmanno Cartusiae monacho, interprete. 36 pp , illustrated with 1 full-page wood-engraving. Bound with : B. Nectarii et Joannis Chrysostomi, pontificum orationes, sive conciones ad populum, septem: Nectarii quidem una, Chrysostomi autem sex, nunc primum editae, Joachimo Peronio Benedictino Cormoeriaceno interprete. 35 pp , NOT complete.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 981
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 446.96 | £UK 336 | JP¥ 64307]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: church history, church commentaries, kerkgeschiedenis, histoire ecclesiastique

In omnes D.Pauli epistolas commentarii quotquot apud Graecos extant, Latinitate donati, à multis mendis purgati ...
Parisiis, ex officina Carolae Guillard, 1548. In-12°. [16] 444 pp. Contemporary full leather covered with linnen and paper. Raised spine with loss of leather. Spine worn.
¶ Comments by Chrysostomus on the letters by Paulus, interpreted by Wolfgang Musculus and Franciscus Arentinus.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 977
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 335.22 | £UK 252 | JP¥ 48230]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: church history, letters by Paulus, lettres de Paulus,

GAVANTO Bartholomaeo
Thesaurus sacrorum rituum seu commentaria in rubricas missalis et bravarii romani.
Venetiis, apud Iuntas, 1630. 6 parts in 1 vol in small 4to, [48] 287 pp, 239 pp [108] [24]; [8] 28 pp; [8] 86 pp; [8] 215 pp. Contemporary full leather. Gilt spine on 5 raised bands, top damaged.
¶ First edition of these commentaries on the prayer- book and the roman breviary by the Italian clerical author Barthelemi Gavanti (Monza 1569 - Milan 1638). Bound with: Ordo perpetuus officii divini, De S. Paulo apostolo, Praxis compendiaria visitationis episcopalis, Praxis exactisima Dioecesanae Synodi, Enchiridion seu manuale episcoporum. In fact good complete Opera of the works of Gavanti. Ref: Brunet, 1508. Hoefer 735.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 345
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 223.48 | £UK 168 | JP¥ 32154]
Keywords: church history, church rites, histoire écclésiastique, cérémonies ecclésiastique.

LACTANCE [Lactantius]
Divinarum Institutionum libri VII.
Lugduni, Joannem Tornaesium, 1579. In-16°. 785 pp, [46]. Contemporary full vellum wich is coloured brown. Raised spine with title label (unreadable).
¶ Good copy of this edition of the divine institutions against paganism and idolatry.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 1160
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 335.22 | £UK 252 | JP¥ 48230]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: kerkgeschiedenis, church history,

[MACQUER Philippe]
Abrege chronologique de l histoire ecclesiastique, contenant l histoire des Eglises d Orient & d Occident... .
Paris, Jean-Thomas Herissant, 1751. 2 vols in-8°.[8] 519 pp, [4] 472 pp. Plein veau de l'époque. Filets dorés sur les plats. Dos lisses dorés avec pièce de titre rouge.
¶ Première édition. Vignettes en-tête gravées. Exemplaires avec des notes et des indications. Bien complèt en 2 vols. Ref: Barbier T1, 16.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 1869
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 167.61 | £UK 126 | JP¥ 24115]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: church history, histoire ecclesiastique, kerkelijke geschiedenis, histoire des ordres monastiques, auteurs ecclestiastiques, religieuze ordens, religious ordens

[MERLIN Jacques]
Conciliorum quator generalium. Niceni, Constantinopolitani, Ephesini, et Calcedonensis. Que diuus Gregorius magnus tanq[uam] quatuor evangelia colit ac veneratur.
Paris, apud Franciscum Regnault, 1535. 2 parts in 1 vol in 8vo. [96] CCCXXVI ff, [32] CCXXII ff. 17 th century full leather. Spine on 5 raised bands with gilt decoration and lettering.
¶ The oldest collection of general concils collected by Isidore de Seville and published by Jacques Merlin for the first time in 1524. (in folio !) . This third edition in 8vo is a specimen of extra ordinary printing.Includes an index. Wood- and metalcuts throughout. Rare ! Ref/ Brunet, T2, 211-212. Hoefer, T35, 82-83.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 612
€  1200.00 [Appr.: US$ 1340.87 | £UK 1007.75 | JP¥ 192922]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: conciles, councils, synods, post-icunabel, post-incunable, typography, typographie

Den oprechten schriftuerlycken roomsch-catholycken mondt-stopper. Aen alle tegenwoordige oncatholycke leeraers, en nieuw-ghesinde leeringhen. Bysonderlyck aen Andreas Essenius Calvino Gommarist predicant tot Utrecht.
Antwerpen, Joannes van Soest, 1739. In-12°. 349 pp. Full contemporary leather. Raised gilt spine, little loss at the spine bottom.
¶ Catholic argument against protestantism.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 979
€  115.00 [Appr.: US$ 128.5 | £UK 96.75 | JP¥ 18488]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: anti-protestant, protestantisme, contra-reformatie, Andreas Essenius.

Histoire des Conciles Generaux, et assemblées tenues en Orient & en Occident depuis le temps des Apôtres jusqu'au Conciles de Trente; avec les Dissertations par rapport aux moeurs de l'Eglise Gallicane & du Royaume.
Paris, Maurice Villery, 1699. 2 parties en 1 vol in-12°. [10] 276 pp , [4] 320 pp. Plein veau de l'époque. Dos à nerfs orné. Pièce de titre rouge.
¶ Rare. Ex-libris Hugo o' Neill.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 2602
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 167.61 | £UK 126 | JP¥ 24115]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: church history, concilis, conciles, concillies, hugo o' Neill,

R.P.S. **** [Cornelius Smet]
Remarques sur le systême gallican, ou sur les articles de la déclaration du clergé de France, assemblée en 1682.
Mons, 1803. In-12°. 227 pp, reliure d'attente papier bleu.
¶ Edition originale.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 2700
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 83.8 | £UK 63 | JP¥ 12058]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: church history, histoire de l'église, theologie

Rupert von Deutz
Ruperti abbatis ... In XII prophetas minores commentariorum libri XXXII.
Coloniam, Arnold Birckman, 1534. In-folio.(Bound with 3 other works). (6) 242 ff. Original blind-stamped brown full leather. Amateur restauration on the spine (needs to be redone). Claps missing.
¶ 4 WORKS IN 1. Bound with:1. Ruperti abbatis ... in Cantica Canticorum, de incarnatione Domini, commentariorum libri 7... Coloniam, Arnold Birckman, 1532. (4) 63 pp. 2. Ruperti abbatis ... de Victoria verbi Dei libri tredecim. Coloniam, Arnold Birckman, 1540.(4) 87 ff. 3. Ruperti abbatis ... de Divinis Officiis libri XII. Coloniam, Arnold Birckman, 1543. 1 bl (5) 167 pp. With 4 different wood-cut printer's devices for Arnold Birckman. Many wood-cut initials. Library stamps. Nice original edition of these important bible commentaries. Ref: Graesse, tome sixième, 193.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 257
€  1200.00 [Appr.: US$ 1340.87 | £UK 1007.75 | JP¥ 192922]
Keywords: church history, bible commentaries

Decreta et statuta synodi provincialis Mechliniensis.
Antverpiae, ex officina Plantiniana, 1634. In-12°. 84 pp [4] , 127 pp, 76 pp [4], 30 pp [2], 154 pp [6] [16] 60 pp [2] . Contemporary vellum.
¶ Bound with: Hovius " Decreta et statuta synodi provincialis Mechliniensis " 1633. Hovius " Statuta et synodi dioecesane Mechliniensis " 1634. No title page " Statuta synodalia a' reverendiissimo Domino Episcopo Antverpiensi in Synodo Dioecesana celebrata anno 1576. Miraeus " Decreata Snodi Dioecesanae Antverpiensis, 1610. No title page " Joannis Miraei Episcopi Antverpiensis Oratio, 1610.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 1299
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 335.22 | £UK 252 | JP¥ 48230]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: Synoden, synodii, Miraeus, Gaspar Nemius, Archidiocèse de Malines, aartsbisdom Mechelen, arch-diocese of Mechlin

STADEN Frans van
Hand-en huys-boek der katholijken, waar in de voornaamste geloof-stukken klaar voorgesteld, bondig bewezen en krachtig verdigd worden; inzonderheid tegen de hedendaagse dwalingen der protestanten.
Antwerpen, Pieter vander Meersche, 1705. In-8°. [40] 994 pp. Bruine volleder band. Rug op 5 nerven, met rood titelschild. Leder gedeeltelijk beschadigd door insecten.
¶ 2 delen in 1 band met doorlopende paginatie. Tweede titel is: " Verhandeling der bijzonder geloofszaken tegens de jongste dwalingen der protestanten, bestryders van de oude leere der kerke" . Antwerpen, Pieter vander Meersche, 1705. Zeer mooi geïllustreerd met een frontispice, portret en 9 volbladgravuren door P. Bouttats.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 986
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 223.48 | £UK 168 | JP¥ 32154]
Catalogue: Church History
Keywords: protestanten, contrareformatie , Bouttats, kerkgeschiedenis, anti-protestant

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