Antiquariaat Garcia: Canon Law
found: 3 books

Boniface VIII , Bonifacius VIII
Sextus decretalium liber, per Bonifacium octavum pontificem. In concilio Lugdunensi editus, Iam recèns ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem quàm accuratissimè emendatus.
Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1569. In-8°. [16] 493 pp [3] . Contemporary overlapping vellum. Goldstamped medaillon on the front and back cover .
¶ Rare Plantin edition of the canonical collection of the five books of the decretals of Gregory IX compiled under order of Boniface VIII. Part of the Corpus Juris Canonici. Good copy in its original binding . Ref: L. Voet, Plantin Press 1030.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 2757
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 948.79 | £UK 712.75 | JP¥ 136743]
Catalogue: Canon Law
Keywords: Christoph Plantin, Christoph Plantijn, Plantin impression, Plantijn druk, canon law, kerkelijk recht, christelijke dogmatiek, Christoffel Plantijn,

Les regles du droit canon...
Brusseles, Gilles Stryckwant, Charles de Vos, 1742. In-4°. [8] [7] 468 pp [4][1] [16]. Contemporary brown full-leather. Gilt spine on 5 raised bands with red title label.
¶ Rare work on the rules of church law with explanations and commentaries on each rule. Very good copy.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 315
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 279.05 | £UK 209.75 | JP¥ 40219]
Keywords: church law, droit canon, kerkelijk recht

ZOESIUS Henricus
Commentarius ad digestorum seu pandectarum, seu juris civilis libros L.
Coloniae Agrippinae, Wilhelm Metternich, 1709. Thick in-4°. [8] 1148 pp [40]. Contemporary full leather. Raised spine nicely gilt with red title label.
¶ Some browning throughout and a waterstain still acceptable copy of this book on canon law.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 922
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 502.3 | £UK 377.5 | JP¥ 72393]
Catalogue: Canon Law
Keywords: canon law, droit canonique , jurisprudence, kerkelijk recht

| Pages: 1 |