LOUGHEED, Victor. - Vehicles of the Air. A popular exposition with working drawings.Chicago, Reilly and Britton 1909. Solid octavo publisher's cloth; 479pp and some 269 photo illustrations and diagrams etc through the text. Quite a good copy. ¶ First edition and right up to date; published in November 1909 it covers the Paris Aeronautical Salon which closed in mid October. I hope whoever organised the illustrations for this book was never allowed near the blueprint of a machine. I trust it wasn't Lougheed, who designed motors. Nor his brothers who became Lockheed Aircraft Company. Lougheed anticipates a future with small machines for one or two persons, cheaper than a motorcycle; more or less an evolutionary step from the motor car in terms of individual freedom. So, who was the first personal flyer tease? Leonardo? Or am I missing someone much earlier? AUD 150.00 [Appr.: EURO 92.5 US$ 100.62 | £UK 77.25 | JP¥ 15049] Book number 8750is offered by:
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