Catalogue - hearses. Merts & Riddle, Ravenna, Ohio. - Merts & Riddle, Coach and Hearse Builders.Ravenna, printed by S.D. Harris [188-?]. Oblong octavo publisher's illustrated wrapper; 50pp, full page wood engraved illustrations throughout. A remarkably good copy. ¶ Ravenna was clearly more than a one hearse town in the later 19th and early 20th centuries. Merts and Riddle bought their employer's coach building company in 1861 and expanded into hearses a decade or so later. When Merts left in 1891 the company became Riddle Coach & Hearse Co. This is the earliest catalogue - dated "1880 or so" - in the collection of Thomas Riddle, descendant and company historian. The catalogues at the Huntington with a conjectured date of 1875 aren't. Romaine did not see any Merts & Riddle catalogues. AUD 250.00 [Appr.: EURO 150.5 US$ 166.73 | £UK 127 | JP¥ 23750] Book number 10395is offered by:
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