Kunkel, G. (ed.) - Cuadernos de Botánica Canaria. 1-28. [AND] Supplemento 1-4. [Complete].Las Palmas, El Museo Canarico, 1967-1977. In 28 issues. 8vo (24.0 x 17.0 cm). ca. 2,500 pp.; numerous illustrations. Original uniform printed wrappers. = Complete run of the most important botanical journal dealing with the flora of the Canary Islands. Includes four "double" numbers, viz. 14-15, 18-19, 23-24, 26-27, and the four separately published supplements. As stated by the editor, volume 28 concluded the series. A very good, unmarked set.
EUR 140.00 [Appr.: US$ 155.8 | £UK 118 | JP¥ 21909] Book number 74195
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