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ATKINSON, THOMAS WITLAM - Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of Seven Years' Explorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and Part of Central Asia

Philadelphia, .W. Bradley, 1859. Different. 483+(13) pp. Black & White images. Conditie: Good, Hardcover. Spine renewed with large part of the original spine reused. Inscription on blank end paper. With titleplate and other illustrations. Atkinson was a British architect and artist who travelled through Siberia and adjoining countries between 1847 and 1853, accompanied by his wife. During this time Siberia was largely unknown to Europeans.
EUR 150.00 [Appr.: US$ 165.47 | £UK 126 | JP¥ 24176] Book number 9268

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