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CARDINALL, A.W. - The Gold Coast, 1931. A Review of conditions in the Gold Coast in 1931 as compared with those of 1921, based on figures and facts collected by the Chief Census Officer of 1931, together with a Historical, Ethnographical and Sociological Survey of the People of that Country

Accra, Government Printer, n.d.. Hardcover. ii+(2)+365 pp. Color Illustrations. Conditie: Good, With six maps (four folding) in colour. Top part of binding a bit soiled, contents in good condition. Seven chapters titled Geographical, Historical, Ethnographical, Economic, The Census 1931, Social conditions, Non-African population.
EUR 70.00 [Appr.: US$ 76.9 | £UK 58.75 | JP¥ 11387] Book number 6536

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