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Young, John et al. - Complimentary Dinner to the Honorable John Young, at the Irving House, New York, January 18th, 1851. Correspondence and Speeches

New York, Charles W. Baker, 1851. Pamphlet. Printed wraps (lacking rear wrap). 36 pp. Primarily a lengthy speech by the former governor of New York, John Young, a member of the Whig party. Young addresses the politics and beliefs of the Whig party in America, discussing his endorsement of Zachary Taylor for president over Henry Clay, as well as other political controversies within the party. This includes a somewhat unclear stance on slavery, apparently against it, but seemingly also for the right of the South to adhere to slavery. POOR/FAIR condition. Front wrap DETACHED, with the rear wrap MISSING. Last leaf DETACHED. Vertical fold crease present to the pamphlet. General soiling, minor staining and some wrinkling/creasing to the pamphlet. Offsetting to one page in the interior. Rear page rather soiled and stained. Poor .
USD 22.00 [Appr.: EURO 20 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3099] Book number 008627

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