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Kalocsay, K.; Waringhien, G. - Plena Gramatiko de Esperanto. La Vorto Kaj la Frazo. III. Kompletigita Eldono. 2 Kajero

Milan, Esperanto-Propaganda Centro, 1964. Original Wraps. Pagination runs 187-362. All text in Esperanto. A guide to the grammar and syntax of Esperanto, including verb usage, etc. The second volume of a two volume work according to OCLC records. Kalocsay was an expert in Esperanto, publishing books of poetry and other works in the language. GOOD+ condition. Some browning to the wraps along the extremities. Minor creasing at the corners. Light scuffing and soiling. Interior clean and solid with some browning to the paper. Good .
USD 32.00 [Appr.: EURO 28.75 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4564] Book number 005204

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