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MENCKEN, H.L. - Spiritual Autopsies

[Boston], Houghton Mifflin Company, 1922. 16mo. Leaflet (single 10½" X 6¼" sheet with two vertical folds, making 6 pages). Very good. Four-page review of Gamaliel Bradford's "American Portraits," preceded by title page and followed by one-page ad for Bradford's Houghton Mifflin titles. First separate printing of Mencken's "New York Evening Post" literary review. A superb, tight and clean example of this scarce item. SCHRADER E11. .
USD 75.00 [Appr.: EURO 67.75 | £UK 57.25 | JP¥ 10563] Book number 25930

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Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts
9304 Saturn Lane, Galena, Illinois, IL 61036, USA Tel.: +1 (815) 777-3749
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