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MORTON, Oliver P. - Message of Gov. Oliver P. Morton, Delivered at the Called Session of the Indiana Legislature, April 25th, 1861, Together with the Proclamation of President Jackson

Indianapolis, Berry R. Sulgrove, 1861. Paperback. 8vo. Original green printed wrappers. 25pp. Very good. In this dramatic address, the newly-elected governor, who'd been in office only three months, lectures an often-uncooperative legislature: "You have been summoned together under circumstances of the most grave and important character.." A strong Union man, Morton sums up the righteousness of the Union cause, noting that "The origin of this most wicked rebellion dates back more than thirty years..distinguished Southern Statesmen, as early as 1829, cherished the dream of a vast Southern Slaveholding Confederacy.. The determination was then formed to break our Republic into pieces.. The first one seized upon by South Carolina, was the tariff question.." He concludes, "I therefore recommend that one million of dollars be appropriated for the purchase of arms and munitions of war," among other things such as organizing a volunteer militia. The legislature failed to provide this funding, by the way, forcing Morton to borrow the one million dollars. Andrew Jackson's famed December 10, 1832 address quelling the explosive tariff issue in South Carolina and curbing state's rights, fills pages 9 through 25. First edition. Not in Sabin. .
USD 275.00 [Appr.: EURO 248.25 | £UK 209.75 | JP¥ 38726] Book number 15876

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