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LIVIUS. - Ab urbe condita libri. Wilhelm Weissenborns erklärende Ausgabe. Neubearbeitet von H.J. Müller. Band 2,1: Buch 3. 6. Auflage.

Berlin, Weidmann, 1900. VIII,160 p. Wrappers 20 cm (WmS, last edition) (Cover with transparant foil; traces of sellotape repairs on margins; half the gatherings loose; lacking the 'Anhang')
EUR 6.00 [Appr.: US$ 6.48 | £UK 5.25 | JP¥ 963] Book number 29819

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Antiquariaat Fragmenta Selecta
KNSM-Laan 412, 1019 LN Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 20 4185565

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