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EYCK, CHARLES - JOS POULS. - Charles Eyck 1897 - 1983. Kunstenaar tussen vernieuwing en traditie.

Maastricht (Stichting Historische Reeks Maastricht) 1997; 224 pp.; 1st edition; documentary publication with contributions in Dutch by various authors on diverse aspects of life and work of Charles Eyck and b/w and colour illustrations; published as volume 4 in the series >Limburg Reek. NEAR FINE COPY
EUR 15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.68 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2436] Book number 81568

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Antiquariaat FRANS MELK
Vaartweg 13, 1211 JD Hilversum, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)35 623 23 64

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