Neve, John Le. - FASTI ECCLESIÆ ANGLICANÆ: or, an essay towards deducing a regular succession of all the principal dignitaries in each cathedral, collegiate church or chapel (now in being) in those parts of Great Britain called England and Wales, from the first erection thereof, to this present year 1715. Containing the names, dates of consecration, admission, preferment, removal and death of the archbishops, bishops, deans, præcentors, treasurers, chancellors, and archdeacons, in their several stations and degrees. To which is added, the succession of the prebendaries in each prebendal stall (of most of those erected at the reformation, and) continued down to this time. The whole extracted from the several registers of the respective cathedral or collegiate churches or foundations, as also from other authentick records and valuable collections never before publish’d.In the Savoy, printed by J. Nutt: and sold by Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul’s Church-yard; Charles King, at the Judge’s Head in Westminster-Hall; and Edward Nutt, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-Street,, 1716. 1st Ed. Folio. xii + 535pp. + [iii]. Index. Browned and spotted, modern, rebound in modern period style speckled calf with blind motifs, gilt ruling and gilt lettered label to spine. ¶ Presented to Berkeley Divinity School by Rt. Rev. John Williams Fourth Bishop of Connecticut, founder and Dean for forty years of the School. ESTC T111946. John le Neve (1679-1741 antiquary. D.N.B. ‘... greatest work, [the above] It was a work of immense labour. Le Neve utilised Bishop Kennett’s ‘Collections’, and Browne Willis said the Bishop was its real compiler. But this is an exaggeration. Le Neve chiefly depended on original researches, which he pursued at a time when documentary evidence was difficult to access. The reception of the book did not encourage him to undertake a supplement, but before the end of the century twenty copies, fully annotated and brought up to date by eminent antiquaries were extant ...’ GBP 400.00 [Appr.: EURO 474.25 US$ 526.34 | JP¥ 73760] Book number 287046is offered by:
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