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RELAND, ADRIAAN: - Palaestina, ex monumentis veteribus illustrata, in tres libros distributa, tabulis geographicis necessariis, iisque accuratis exornata, et a multis insuper, quae in primam editionem irrepserant, mendis purgata. Three parts in two volumes, bound in one.Trajeci Batavorum (Utrecht), Guilielmi Broedelet, 1714.

. 4to. Pp. (xii), 512; (ii), 513-1068, (94). With extra engraved title, one large folding engraved portrait, nine engraved maps (three folding), five engraved plates (three folding) and several engraved vignettes and woodcut initials. Two titles are printed in red and black. Contemporary vellum, title in MS on spine, stained and worn, but internally crisp and fine. First edition of this monumental work on the Holy Land. Reland (1676-1718) was a noted Oriental scholar already fluent in Hebrew and Arabic at the age of 25. He was appointed professor of oriental languages and ecclesiastical antiquities at Utrecht. This informative geographical work on the Holy Land is based mainly on ancient sources but with critical reviews of the maps. The third part comprises a topographical dictionary of the Bible. Blackmer 1406. Chadenat 4935. Röhricht 1312. Tobler p. 312.
EUR 1800.00 [Appr.: US$ 1967.1 | £UK 1505.25 | JP¥ 293512] Book number 100783

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