MOLINAEUS, P.?] - Tragicum theatrum actorum, & casuum tragicorum Londini publice celebratorum, quibus Hiberniae proregi, episcopo Cantuariensi, ac tandem regi ipsi, aliisque vita adempta & ad Anglicanam metamorphosin via est aperta. With 1 folding plate & 8 portraits.Amsterdam, J. Janssonius, 1649. Sm. 8vo. 320 pp. 19th century gilt brown morocco, broad floral roll on both covers, spine with 5 artificial ribbons fields filled with fleurons, title and printing date, inside dentelle, edges gilt. (Front joint sl. rubbed; old catalogue description tipped in on upper paste-down; a vey nice copy) ¶ First edition of a detailed account of the trial and execution of king Charles I, Laud, Hamilton, Strafford and Lord Holland, published shortly after the events. Folding plate of the decapitation of Charles I, portraits of Th. Wentwordt, W. Laud, O. Cromwell, Th. Fairfax, C. Stuart, J. Hamilton, C. Stuart & Henry Earl of Holland. Not in Armstrong 'Bibliographia Molinaei'. EUR 450.00 [Appr.: US$ 499.49 | £UK 379.75 | JP¥ 69997] Book number 124275is offered by:
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