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SHAW, George Bernard - Povolání Cashela Byrona. Román.

Prague, Druzstevni Prace, 1929. Leather-backed marbled boards, gilt, 5 ribs. 306 p. Original dust jacket (designed by Josef Hoffmeister) bound in at the end. 1st Czech edition. Ex-library copy with removed stamp. Otherwise very good. Translation into Czech by Karel Musek and Alfred Pflanzer. Attractive book with rare and nice DJ, deluxe bound, in very good condition.
EUR 25.00 Boeknummer 282962

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Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis (ILAB/NVVA)
Daal en Bergselaan 78, 2565 AG Den Haag, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)70 346 60 20
Email: fokas@fokas.nl
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