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SANSONE, Anthony J. - Rhythm.

New York, self-published, 1935. Original boards. 52 p. 1st edition. Spine partly missing. Cover a bit soiled. On the first flyleaf a rubberstamp of Chas. T. Trevor in Camberwell, London ('Everything in Physical Culture!'). Price corrected in ink: not two, but one dollar. Last flyleaf largely missing. Sansone was a bodybuilder who managed to make money during the hard 1930s times with his splendidly developed body. Introductory words by Arthur Lee, and several great authors are cited: Shakespeare, Poe and Keats. Publisher / bookseller Charles T[udor] Trevor was a.o. the author of Muscular Manhood and How to Develop Powerful Arms.
EUR 80.00 [Appr.: US$ 83.7 | £UK 66.75 | JP¥ 12769] Book number 282811

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