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Bosscha, J.; Schmitz, P.J.A. - Chrestomathie Grecque, par J. Bosscha, enttièrement revue accompagnée de notes et arrangée pour l'usage des Provinces Wallonnes par P.J.A. Schmitz. Première partie.

Bruxelles, Brest van Kempen, 1829, leather, title shield on spine, 12mo, 295 pp., chrestomathy (or anthology) is a collection of writings, used for learning a language; text in Greek and French; fair/good condition (binding chaved at edges, book block partly loose, interior clean, no annotations). . .
EUR 25.00 [Appr.: US$ 25.64 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4043] Book number 32486

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Pallas Books - Antiquarian Booksellers
Van 't Hoffstraat 33, 2313 SN Leiden, The Netherlands

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