Deutsch  Français  Nederlands 

- - Privately printed satirical broadsheet on the French in The Neherlands during the War of the First Coalition (1792-1797).

A broadside on the attempted seduction of the Netherlands by France; with an engraving showing an allegory, in the centre an Orange tree guarded by a lion, on the left a mermaid trying to entice the lion, above is an owl carrying a letter, a branch, and a sword, on the R a clergymen and a cock; underneath this image a small engraving with two grotesque faces; with letterpress French and Dutch verses and texts in two columns, and with one vertical segment of type ornament Anonymous, 'Gedrukt voor den auteur', ca. 1747 l Engraving and letterpress on paper; total: 468 x 320 mm; This print has also been dated as 1794 (see Muller), but van Stolk states that this is wrong (see explanations in Stolk) Ref van Stolk 3663; Muller 1863-1882 3858 (date: 1747); Muller 1863-1882 5229
EUR 575.00 [Appr.: US$ 603.8 | £UK 484.5 | JP¥ 94124] Book number 61354

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Antiquariaat Goltzius
Heereweg 341A, 2161 BL Lisse, The Netherlands

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