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After: Panini, Giovanni Paolo (1691-1765) - Vue des Ruines de Rome

Daumont, Paris ca. 1750-1800 353 x 527 mm (plate: 263 x 375 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour Ruinae Romae Veteris; 16e. Vüe d'Optique Representant; Vne (n= misprint) des Ruines de Rome; I.P. Panini Del.; A Paris chez Daumont rue St. Martin. Light staining in the margins and a bit rough around the edges. Print is in good state. l Hand coloured optical view of Roman ruins. In the distance a pyramid like figure towers above the ruins. In front of the Roman structures soldiers sit on remains. The surroundings are coloured in light pastel-like colours, while the figures are depicted i
EUR 138.00 [Appr.: US$ 141.97 | £UK 116.5 | JP¥ 22086] Book number 61217

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Antiquariaat Goltzius
Heereweg 341A, 2161 BL Lisse, The Netherlands

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