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Thompson, S. D. [John Sparrow David] - Discours Sur la Question Riel; Prononcé le 22 Mars, 1886, a la Chambre Des Communes

[Quebec], 1886. Stapled Wraps. pp. 54. 8vo. Sewn wraps. Engraved portraits on last two pages, of Faisan Rouge and Gros Ours. Edges a bit tattered, age-toned and a bit brittle, but complete and internally unmarked. Peel 1550. Transcript. With the signature of Quebec politician Louis-Joseph Riopel above the title.: "L. Riopel M.P. .
USD 100.00 [Appr.: EURO 95.75 | £UK 80.75 | JP¥ 15530] Book number 088054

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