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El-Amir, Mostafa [Mustafa]. - Fouilles de l'Université d'Alexandrie à Gebel Adda (1959). (Fouilles en Nubie 1959-1961).

Le Caire, Organisme Général des Imprimeries Gouvernementales, 1963. 1st Edition. Offprint. ~ [ADDITIONAL ITEMS FROM THIS LIST ARE POST FREE REGARDLESS OF TOTAL AT CHECKOUT] ~. Quarto. Pp. 4. Plus a suite of 20 plates with a total of 38 illustrations bound at end. Original stiff wrappers, cloth spine. In a very good condition. ~ FIRST EDITION thus. Extrait de Fouilles en Nubie (1959-1961). Mustafa el-Amir (1914-1974). Issued as a monograph with its own pagination. Presentation copy, signed and dedicated by the author to Egyptologist Prof. Herman De Meulenaere (1923-2011) from whose library this item comes. Not in AEB. OFP-E .
EUR 80.00 [Appr.: US$ 84.52 | £UK 66.25 | JP¥ 12782] Book number 9999_03028

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