(Turk Dil Kurumu Yayinlarindan; T.D.K.). - Türkiyede Halk Agzindan Söz Derleme Dergisi. Cilt 1: A-D; 2: E-K; 3. L-Z; 4: Ulama A-Z; 5: Indeks A-Z; 6: Folklor Sözleri. [SIX VOLUMES].Istanbul, Maarif Matbaasi; Cumhuriyet Matbaasi; Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1939-57. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Six volumes. Crown quarto. Pp. 1709; 427; 152. First two volumes are HARDCOVER, bound in the original publisher's cloth and printed boards, rest are in the original printed wrappers; spine one volume bit chipped. In a very good condition. Some volumes practically unused, still entirely unopened. ~ FIRST EDITION. Complete set. First volume published 1939; 2nd volume 1940; 3rd volume 1947; 4th volume 1951; 5th volume 1957; 6th volume 1952. 010-8 . EUR 420.00 | CHF 399.5] N°. du livre 9923vous est proposé par:
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