Browne, Edward G. - A Hand-List [Handlist], Arranged Alphabetically under the Titles, of the Turkish and Other Printed and Lithographed Books Presented by Mrs E. J. W. Gibb to the Cambridge University Library. [A Handlist of the Gibb Collection of Turkish and Other Books].Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1906. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. Pp. viii, 87. Bound in full black pebbled cloth, gilt spine, original printed front wrapper preserved, loosely inserted. In fine condition. Excellent copy. ~ FIRST EDITION. Elias John Wilkinson Gibb died on December 1901, at the age of 44. He was considered a great authority on the Ottoman Turkish language and literature. He devoted his life to researching the history, literature, philosophy and religion of the Turks, Persians and Arabs. The present FIRST EDITION of the hand-list of his collection is extremely rare. Besides the main section of Turkish books, it includes sections on Persian and Arabic texts; Catalogues of oriental manuscripts; Philology; Miscellaneous; extended Appendix of Persian, Arabic and Urdú books from the Cowell Collection; and Index of names. TIMO-2 . EUR 420.00 [Appr.: US$ 441.04 | £UK 354 | JP¥ 68752] Book number 4757is offered by:
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