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[Darigrand, Edme-François (Jean-Baptiste?)]; Thomas, [Antoine Léonard]. - L'anti-financier, ou relevé de quelques-unes des malversations dont se rendent journellement coupables les fermiers généraux, & des vexations qu'ils commettent dans les provinces: Servant de réfutation d'un écrit intitulé: Lettre servant de Réponse aux Remontrances du Parlement de Bordeaux; précédée d'une epitre au parlement de France, Accompagnée de Notes Historiques. [TWO PARTS]. [BOUND AFTER:] Oeuvres diverses de Mr. Thomas. Premiere Partie: Poesie. Seconde Partie: . [TWO PARTS]. [TWO WORKS IN FOUR PARTS].

Amsterdam, n.p. 1762. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Two works in 4 parts bound in one. Octavo. Oeuvres diverses: Two parts. Pp. (ii) blank, half-title, (iv), 70; 175, (1) blank. Charming engraved illustration to title, title printed in red and black. [BOUND WITH:] L'anti-financier: Two parts. Pp. (ii) half-title (Explication de l'estampe on verso), 60; 107, (3) blank. Plus handsome allegorical frontispiece. Decorative head-pieces, footnotes. HARDCOVER, bound in full speckled calf, spine gilt extra in compartments between raised band, 2 gilt lettered crimson morocco labels, gilt French fillet to sides, gilt inside dentelles and boards' edges, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers, green ribbon marker; leather bit chafed and blemished in places, corner-tips worn, neat contemporary manuscript inscription to first blank prelim, small old stamp to title-page. Overall a handsome copy in a very good condition. ~ First issue of the FIRST EDITION of "L'anti-financier". It comprises of 2 parts, preceded by the Appeal to the Parliament. Attributed to Edme-François Darigrand (Cf. NUC pre-1956) (ca. 1735-1771). Occassionally attributed to Jean-Baptiste Darigrand (Cf. London School of Economics). "Oeuvres diverses de Mr. Thomas" comprises of 2 parts. The first part is "Poesie," which contains 3 works. The second part, "Eloquence," comprises of Eloge de Maurice Comte de Saxe; Eloge de Henri-François Daguesseau; Eloge de René Duguay-Trouin. It was published in Amsterdam by E. van Harrevelt, in 1762. Antoine Léonard Thomas (1732-1785). A-1 .
EUR 600.00 [Appr.: US$ 618.18 | £UK 500.5 | JP¥ 93932] Book number 3407

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