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Sze, Mai-mai; ChiehTzu Yüan Hua Chuan - The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting. Chieh Tzu Yüan Hua Chuan, 1679-1701 [A facsimile of the 1887-1888 Shanghai edition with the tekst translated from te Chinese and edited by Mai-mai Sze] [Bollingen Series].

Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1978, paperbound, 4to oblong, xvii+624 pp., ills., originally published as the second volume of The Tao of Painting; first translation into English; very good condition (minimal traces of use). . ISBN: 0691018197.
EUR 40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.97 | £UK 33.5 | JP¥ 6395] Book number 32073

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