HUGO, Victor. - Bug-Jargal.Paris, J. Hetzel & Cie, 1876.8vo. Original illustrated wrappers (spine dam.). With 22 woodengravings after Beaucé et Riou by Pannemaker. 84 pp.First published in Paris in 1826. - The story of Bug-Jargal, the mystical leader of the slaves, begins several weeks before the Haitian Revolution, when Toussaint Louverture fights the colonial regime. D'Auverney, the nephew of a landed aristocrat with many slaves, is betrothed to Marie, his cousin. A slave, Pierrot, falls in love with Marie, but can not do anything because of the obvious racial and cultural barriers between them. The novel follows the tumultuous early years of the Haitian Revolution. It is one of the most important works of nineteenth-century colonial fiction, and quite possibly the most sustained novelistic treatment of the Haitian Revolution by a major European author. - (Stained).Cf. Sabin 33613-33615. EUR 82.50 [Appr.: US$ 91.01 | £UK 69.5 | JP¥ 13297] Book number 37669is offered by:
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