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Witkam, Januarius Justus. - De Egyptische arts Ibn al-Akfāni (gest. 749/1348) en zijn indeling van de wetenschappen. Editie van het Kitāb Irsād al-Qāsid ilā Asnā al-Maqāsid'. Met inleiding over het leven en werk van de auteur.

Leiden, Ter Lugt, 1989. 1st Edition. Soft cover. Royal octavo. Pp. 461. Includes a section of 70 pages in Arabic, with title-page and separate pagination. Plates. Original decorative stiff wrappers. In new condition. ~ FIRST EDITION. Doctoral dissertation. [ADDED:] A 4-page leaflet on the typesetting of Islamic calligraphy, with examples, loosely inserted. 010-10 .
EUR 30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.66 | £UK 25.25 | JP„ 4829] Book number 6562

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