(San Giorgio). - Armi antiche, armature e militaria. San Giorgio, Asta 11 Novembre 2007, Palazzo Cattaneo, Genova. Auction sale Catalogue, 2. [WITH PRICES OF SOLD & UNSOLD ITEMS].Genova, San Giorgio, 2007. Soft cover. Crown quarto. Pp. 235. Fully illustrated in colour. Original stiff pictorial wrappers. In fine condition. Excellent copy. ~ The auction sale catalogue lists 560 exquisite lots of antique guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, swords, armour, medals and insignia, military art and memorabilia, etc. Beautifully illustrated. [ADDED:] This copy includes, loosely inserted, 2 lists on 3 pages. One list is of the realized prices of the sold items; the other is with the prices of those unsold. Of much interest for the collector. 009-3 . EUR 120.00 | CHF 113.5] N°. du livre 4674vous est proposé par:
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